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A53975 God's call to unconverted sinners to turn to the Lord Plainly shewing every poore sinner the miserableness of his estate, and how great an enermy he is to himself; that though the Lord be daily calling him, to turn and live, and professeth he deights not in the death of a sinner; yet for all this he will go and die. Allso [sic] the happy condition of the people of God, in that they have such a Father that had rather see their conversion, then condemnation. And lastly, to the terror of wicked and ungodly men is set forth: that if they will not turn to God that they may live with him in Heaven, they shall dye, and b: [sic] tormented with the Devil and his angels in hell fire. By T.P. T. P. 1662 (1662) Wing P109B; ESTC R217460 9,539 26

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destruction Consider this all you that forget God That your day of pleasure will last but a little while your Laughing will be turned to Mourning your Ioy to anguish your small and short pleasure here will be turned to eternall pains and torments hereafier 2. Consider this all ye wicked and ungodly sinners that if you will but yet unfainedly turn to God it is his promise that you shall live and not dye The Lord professeth that he takes no delight in the death of a sinner he had rather they would turn and live God doth not shut up the door of mercy against you but you shut it against your selves mercy staies for you patiently waits for you yea Christ himself waits for you Oh how happy might you be if you would but turn to him and if you turn not here is a massenger of wrath death to be pronounced against you there is a wrath that you are already under and a death you are born under and it is you have brought this death upon your selves There is also another death which is a remedilesse death and a much greater torment then the first Death and this death falls on all those that are unconverted God first offers you mercy if you will turn and to those that will not turn he sends this message that they must expect nothing but condemnation If you will come at the call of Christ you shall be converted If you will become new creatures God hath not a word of Damning Wrath or Death to speak to you but on the contrary Life and Iay and Peace Heaven and happiness the oldest sinner the worst sinner of you all if he will but turn he shall have Mercy and Salvation Oh then if you love your Sovles turn build on Christ the Rock and New Foundation Learn to mortifie the flesh and live after the Spirt If you will but turn and come into a way of mercy the Lord will be ready to entertain you If you trust in God for Salvation he is ingaged by his promise to save you The Lord will be a Father to none but his children he will save none but those that forsake the world the flesh and the Divel and that come into his family to be members of his Sonne and have communion with his Saints But if they come not to Christ and are condemned 't is long of themselves for Gods doors are open and he is still ready to receive you if you turn to him with all your heart for his promises are yea and Amen and he will not fail in the least titils of what he hath said if you repent you shall be saved and if he hath said they that repent not shal be damned his word shall be fulfilled For God is truth and in him there is no lye 3. Consider this That God taketh delight in mens Salvation but not in their Damnation He had rather they would turn and live then go on in sin and dye the conversion of sinners is the delight of his soul yet that Iustice might be executed and his Truth fully vindicated God is resolved if you will not be converted you shall be condemned Yet God is so far your friend and against your Condemnation as he beféecheth you to be recontiled warns you of the donger you lye in sets before you Life and Death and destres you to accept of his mercies and not to damn your own souls but if this will not do then he is resolved on your Condemnation and commands his Prophets to say unto you these words O wicked man thou shalt surely dye It is in rain for you to look for heaven or to hope for it for it can never be while you remain in this unconverted dark and dead condition for in this state you are his enemies by nature Yet for all this the Lord taketh pltasure in the conversion of his enemies F●or if God had rather you were Damned then Saved he would not then so much intreat you by his daily kindnesses by giving you all the means of this life to lead you to Repentance he would not set so many Examples before your Eyes no nor wait on you so patiently as he doth from day to day from year to year these be not signes of one that taketh pleasure in your death If it had béen his delight to have séen you go to Hell how easily could he have done it long agoe how eastly before this time could he have catched thée away in thy sins with a Curse or an Oath or a Lye in thy mouth in thy Pride in thy Drunkenness in thy deriding the wayes of God how eastly could he have stopped thy breath or tamed thée with his Plagues and made thée sober in another world how easie a matter is it for God to rule the songue of the Prophanest Rayler tye the hands of the most Malieious persecutor God can make them know that they are but Worms If God should but frown upon any sinner how soon would he drop into the Gave If God should give Commission to Angels to go and destroy ten thousand sinners it would quickly be done how ●astly can God snatch sinners away in a moment and set them before his Dreadful Majesty where he shall sée ten thousand times ten thousand glorious Angels waiting at his Throne and thou at the Bar pleading thy cause Should then a●k thée these words What hast thou now to say against thy Creator his Truth his Servants or his holy wayes now plead thy cause what canst thou say in excuse of thy sins now give an account to thy Maker of thy life of thy time and of all the merci●● thou hast had Oh how would thy stubborn soul have melted thy proud looks have been beaten down thy stont and proud words turned into spéechless silence A word of his mouth would take thée off this present life If he should say unto thée live no longer or l●ve in hell tho● couldst not disobey what canst thou say doth the Lord take pleasure in thy death surely he doth not If he did he would not he could not have given his Son to redeem us from death Ch●ist then would not have sweated crops of blood for us had be taken pleasure in our death he would not have béen so long in fastings praying all night not her would he have suffered his bitter and cursed death upon the Cross pouring out his soul a Sacrifice for our sins if ●e had delighted in our death If you had but heard Christ bemoaning the estate of disobedient and impenitent people in Matth. the 23. and 27 verse Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem how oft would I have gathered thee as a Hen gathereth her Chickens but yee would not If you had heard Christ on the Cross praying for his persecutors Father forgive them they know not what they doe would you thought he had delighted in the death of the wickd If you will not believe this you have the Word and the Oath of the Lord for
it and dare you question the Word of God or the Oath of God for God hath sworn that his pleasure is not in their Death but in their Life as in Hebrews 6.13 16 17 18 verses Be intreated therefore oh thou unconverted sinner that hearest these words to ponder a little with thy self who it is that taketh pleasure in thy damnation Certainly it is not God he hath sworn he takes no pleasure in it You dare not say you swear and curse and lye and blaspheme and drink and d ee all this to please God neither doe any that bare the image of God take pleasure in your death God known it is small pleasure unto his servants the Ministers of the Gospell to sée how madly you venture your Eternall Estate and how wilfully you run into the very flames of Hell ' Its small pleasure for any of the servants of God for to sée your carelesnesse in the wayes of God Who is it than that takes pleasure in your death none but the thrée deadly Enemies of your Soules the World the Flesh and the Devill The Divell takes pleasure in your sinne and death and you cannot please him better then to sée you run into all manner of uncleaunesse to sée you Drunk to hear you Curse and Swear and Lye this is his delight It is the delight also of wicked men and it is pleasing to your flesh It is the flesh that would be pampered that delights in Sports in Lust in Ioleness this is the God you serve Oh wretched Sinners Oh miserable undone Souls should the Flesh be pleased before your Maker will you displease the Lord to please your brut●ish Appetites Is not God worthy to rule the flesh if he shall not rule it he will not save it then what win become of it I fear it is preparing for its own Displeasure Doest thou love strong Drink and swéet Morfels and thy Ease and Sports and to be some body in the World But doe you love the Curse of God with it Do you love to stand trembling at the Bar of God and to be judged to everlasting fire and to be tormented with Devils for over Are thy pleasures here on Earth which endures but for a time worth the suffering of Eternall fire Consider these before you go any further which I am sure every man hath reason to consider that hath a soul to sav● or lose Therefore if you will go on and dye rather then turn and live Remember it was not to please God but the De●ill the World and the Flesh And if men will damn themselves to please themselves and run into endlesse torments for delight and have not thē wit nor grace to bearken unto God or man that would reclaim them what remedy but they must take what they get 4 Consider this also That she Lord hath quit himself of the death of sinners It they are condemned it is long of themselves they dye because they will dye Oh unprofitable rebellions Children that will not bear the voice of their Father May not God say to you as he said concerning his unprofitable Vine-pard Isa 5. Chap. and 1 2 3 4 verses Judge I pray betwixt me and my Vine-yard What could I have done more that I have not done in it I planted it in a fruitfull Soyl I fenced it and gathered out the stones and set the choysest Vines yet it will not grow and bring forth fruit Th●● may God say and lament over England Oh unprofitable England what shall I doe with you I have planted you a glorious Church I have watered you with the dew of the glorious Gospel I have made you Men and enoued you with Reason I have given you a Righteous Perfect Law and you have broken it you have despised my Gospell you have undone your Soules may not God in Iustice take the Light of his Gospell from us and give it unto others that may make better improvement of it to his Honour and their eternall welfare What could God have done more then he hath dohe for us Hath be not waited long on us hath he not intreated us to turn by the mouth of his faithfull Ministers hath not his Holy Spirit béen often stirring with our hearts and saying to our Soules turn turn sinner whether art thou going What art thou doing Doest thou know what will be the end How long wilt thou hate thy friends and love thy Enemies when wilt thou deliver up thy self unto God and give Christ Iesus thy Redéemer full possession of thy Souls When shall that once he Hath not the Spirit thus pleaded with thée hath not Life béen set before you and the Ioyes of Heaven And hath not the certainty of the everlasting torments of the Damned béen declared to you If you dye now it is because you will dye You will not have this Man to raign over you Luke the 19. Chapter and the 14. verse O you foolish people and unwise Why do you requite the Lord thus Isaiah 1.2 3 4. verses Why doe you forsake the Lord for nothing why doe you neglect Eternall Life to hunt after the Chaff and Feathers of this World Wherefore doe you spend your money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which profiteth not Isaiah 55. Chapter 1 2 3. verses Awake now and sée your own folly Seek the Lord while he may be found Call upon him while he is neere It is the Lords promise If the wicked man will forsake his evill way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and turn to the Lord he will have mercy on him and to our God and he will abundantly pardon The Divell cannot pardon sin no it is in Gods power only And as it is in his power only to pardon so he hath a wilt to pardon for oft hath he proclaimed his frée invitations to poor sinners Revelations the 22 Chapter the 17. verse Let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him come and taste of the water of life freely Oh stiff necked and uncircumcised in hearts and ears that thus are willing to ruine themselves when God hath called you would not come How know you how soon you may provols God to resolve you shall not taste of the Wedding Supper If you dye unconverted all the world cannot save you Oh wretched sinners why will you be so cruill to your selves Know you not this which is a reall truth that you must turn or burn If you kéep your sins you must kéep the curse of God with them You love your Lusts your Drunkennesse your Gluttony and will not let them ●o would you have them bring you to Heaven If you expect that it is impossible for there ●ntreth none that is unclean Revelations 21 Chapter 22. verse For what communication hath light with darkness Or what concord hath Christ with Belial You sée then I hope by this time the case to clear that you must resolve to turn or dye Object But you will
ask me how shall we turn we have no power of our selves I will therefore give you a few helps by the way before I conclude A Poor sinfull soul that would be converted and turn to the Lord Consider the necessity and nature of conversion you must h●re consider 1. From what you must turn that is in a word from carnall self from the flesh that would be pleased before God from the World that is the enticing bait to alure your souls from the Divell the secret Angler for your soul● and from all wilfull sins and then you must turn to God the End and to Christ the way to the Father 2. Help is this Attend upon the word of God that is the ordinary meanes to turn souls to God be often in hearing Reading and Meditating upon the holy Scriptures 3. Be srequent in Prayer to God confesse and lament before God your former lives beséech God to pardon what is past and to give you his Spirit to lead you into his wayes and beg of him to be your guide and your kéeper to save you from all the subtile temptations of the Divell who watch th for your souls 4. Give up your self wholly to the Lord Iesus Christ the true Physitian of your souls John 13.6 For there is no other Name under Heaven by which you can be sayed 'T is he is the way the truth and the life there is no coming to the Father but by him 5. If you mean to turn to Christ do it believingly trust God with all you have entertain no low thoughts of God let this be upon you hearts continually That God is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto him by faith 6. And lastly Be sure to neglect no time but do it spéedily To day wh●le it is called to day hear the Lords voice and harden not your hearts If you be not willing to turn to day you will not be willing to turn to morrow call this to mind that as long as you neglect this work you are under the guilt of many thousand sins and under Gods wrath and you stand at the very brink of hell Vp then presently and fly as for your lives for you have staid too long already and wronged God too long For God sake therefore turn it not for his oh for your own precious soule sake resolve to turn and live stand not wavering any longer for it is not a matter of trifling but of Eternall moment for if you dye in your fine you dye eternally and then you are undone for ever Let me add one Vse more which shall be of Terror to affrighten those that are not resolved yet to turn Use You unconverted sinfull wretches that alwayes vex the Holy-Ghost as your Fathers did so do you Know assuredly that the righteous God will not be mocked For if you turn not you shall surely dye and be damned its as sure as if it were already done at the dreadfull day of the Lords appearing the Hills nor the Mourtains shall not hide you from the presence of the living God Are not you one that hath neglected the tender offers of the Gospell have not you turned your backs against God Is it not just then that God should turn his-back against you when you call and cry unto him have you not deserv'd this sentence to be pronounced against you Go ye cursed into everlasting burnings What shall I say to you Oh you carelesse unregarding soules that wilfully run into your own destruction what can you say when you appear before the great God can you lay the blame on him no you cannot he hath left you without excuse for he ●ath done his part as to our salvation if we dy● then it is because we will ●y● and will be damned Had you béen but willing to have béen saved you might have lain with Lazarus in Abrahams bosom but now you must to the grief of all your friends be tormented in hell with Dives and shall not have this request granted you To have one drop of water to cool your tongue Whereas you might have injoyed heaven and happiness after death if converted now you shall injoy nothing but hell and horror because you dye unconderted Therefore he perswaded all ye poor miserable souls that are as slaves of Satan be perswaded while you have a day of grace to turn and live and not to go on in sinne and dye Which shall be the daily prayers of your poor and unworthy Servant for the sake of Christ T. P. The end of all is Sinners turn Lest in hells flames thou ever burn FINIS Courteous Reader these Books following are sold by Charles Tyus at the three Bidles on London Bridge The wise Merchant or the Pearless pearl by T. Calvert Minister of Gods Word in the City of York The Christian Combat or his true spirituall warfare by C. Love L. M. of Gods Word in the City of London The book of Graces with Prayers for morning and Evening all but three pence price The Sinners Warning-piece or Heavens Messenger by Tho. Robins B. of D. Mans chief Guide to Salvation by T.R. B. of D. The Scholars Winter Garment or the the Garment of Righteousnesse by T. R. B. of D. A Wonder of Wonders or Gods people the worlds wonder by K. Hough Englands Golden Legacy or a brief description of the mercies of God bestowed upon England by L. P. Gods Message from Heaven to Sinners on Earth by T. P. B. of D. L. These five last are but pence a piece and very seasonable for these sinfull times in which we live