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A50426 St. Paul's travailing pangs, with his legal-Galatians, or, A treatise of justification wherein these two dissertions are chiefly evinced viz. 1. That justification is not by the law, but by faith, 2. That yet men are generally prone to seek justification by the law : together with several characters assigned of a legal and evangical spirit : to which is added (by way of appendix) the manner of transferring justification from the law to faith / by Zach. Mayne ... Mayne, Zachary, 1631-1694. 1662 (1662) Wing M1485; ESTC R4815 251,017 422

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the Cross and Christ nailed the Law to the Cross and all this without violence or affront offered to the Law it being but naturally consequent upon what the Law did first to Christ for if the Law set upon Christ as our Surety and do the utmost to him that it can it must needs follow that it hath no strength left against those for whom he undertook and so must die and expire by the same death that our Saviour dyed it being nailed to the Cross which is but a sigurative expression And yet I shall carry the Allegory a little further herein still following the Apostle Paul Is it any wonder now is it any unreasonable thing now that the Law is dead and taken out of the way that we should be married to another husband that we should reckon our selves to be no longer under the Law The woman which hath an husband saith the Apostle Rom. 7.23 is bound by the Law to her husband so long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she is loosed from the Law of her husband So then if while her husband liveth she be married to another man she shall be called an adulteress but if her husband be dead she is free from that Law so that she is no adulteress though she be married to another man ver 4. Wherefore my brethren ye also are become dead to the Law or the Law is become dead to you BY THE BODY OF CHRIST that ye should be warried to another even to him that is raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God The Law is every soul's first Husband since the fall so every one's actual sin the Law is an intolerable husband there is no living with it it so sets on guilt presseth the soul w th terrors nay instead of producing good works the natural fruit of this Marriage-relation of the Soul to the Law whilest in innocency it now produceth all manner of lusts according to the 5. ver of that 7. chap. When we were in the flesh the MOTIONS OF SINS WHICH WERE BY THE LAW did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death Now God in much mercy to mankinde finding that if the Law and the conscience or soul of man keep together his creature will be lost and himself lose those fruits of good works which the soul was first created for he provides another husband for the soul which is Jesus Christ only Christ must redeem his Spouse from that tyrannical Husband which now it lives with else the Soul shall be but an Adulteress to pretend marriage to Christ that is the way of grace whilest the Law can make a just claim to her as a wife which it might have done as long as it lived The manner of the rescue I have before declared it was by suffering and yielding to the Law yet so as in it the Law destroyed it self and then is it lawfull for the Soul that was before wife to the Law to be married to another husband and who so fit as he that redeemed her Now the Soul shall have it's forbearance under failings which the Law would not endure and God shall have a kindly and ingenuous Service there will be fruits unto God and this is the passage from Works to Faith from the Law to Grace I though the Law saith the Apostle am dead to the Law that I might live to God Gal. 2.19 that is through what the Law hath done to Christ it hath nothing to do with me But now we are delivered from the Law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the Letter Rom. 7.6 One Scripture more to this purpose it is Rom. 8.1 23.4 There is therefore now no condemnation to ohem which are in Christ Jesus who are married to Christ and have accepted the terms of the Gospel who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit for the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of sin and death this chiefly relates to sanctification that the inward law or power of corruption which was occasionally and accidentally strenghtned by the Law of God was now broken by that inward power spirit and life which is conveyed by the Gospel of Christ and is called the spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus ver 3. for what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh that is it could neither justifie nor sanctifie both these did God bring to pass by sending his Son in the likeness of sinfull flesh when for sin that is Christ's making himself a Sin-offering so answering the Law God condemned Christ in the flesh that is destroyed it both in the guilt and power of it out of us that were sinners so it follows that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit that is that the Law might no longer accuse us being answered by our Saviour and that we might attain to that which is the chief designe of the Law to wit righteousness and holiness which if we had continued under the Law we could never have attained unto What so common now with the Apostle in the Epistle to the Romanes as to tell them that now they are not under the Law but under grace by this means namely the BODY OF CHRIST offered and that therefore there shall be no condemnation and that therefore sin shall not have dominion over them which are the two great effects of the death of Christ though the first chiefly belongs to that subject which I am upon viz. Justification Having given now all these things in an allegorical and mystical dress yet herein only following the Apostle I shall deliver the same thing somewhat plainly and so conclude this first particular The summe of all this is Man was made holy had a Law to live by to which there was a threatning annexed In the day thou eatest thou shalt die the death or shalt surely die * This threatning I take it is due by the Law to intended against all sins according to that of the Apostle The wages of sin is death Ro. 6.23 speaking of sin indefinitly besides wise Adam might have committed any other sin and not have dyed Man did eat and so was to die death accordingly entred by this sin into the world that is a natural death and for eternal death hereafter and the spiritual death of the soul here which consist's in alienations from God both which all men at age are obnoxious unto being sinners as for children I neither affirm nor deny any thing the Lord in mercy designing to deliver men from provided a Saviour who should first live a perfect life that so he might be the more acceptable Sacrifice and his terms of saving men must be these that he must freely offer himself up to
stand firm and unsha●en That the law is no way to sinners for Justification That Faith is a way and the onely way and that God hath set up this way without which all mankind must have perished and that he hath led his people in this way throughout all ages before the law and under the law that as they were all under sin by the law so they were likewise under the discoveries of Grace for their Justification by Faith I come now to some more practical and experimental inquiries which I shall introduce with an use of Conviction and Reprehension from the Doctrinal part of the foregoing Discourse VVE have seen in the foregoing Discourse that there are but two wayes of Justification the one by Works the other by Faith that these two are opposite one to the other that the Law or Works is now no way to fallen man but Faith onely that all that ever were justified were justified by faith even Abraham and David and all the Saints of God under the Old-Testament all the Saints before the giving of the law by Moses and ever after yea the Gentiles themselves if any were saved must be saved this way An use Conviction and Reproof How greatly then are they mistaken that even under the Gospel will needs be justified by Works This falls with clear evidence of conviction and reprehension upon such a generation of men and yet such there are in abundance who would think it even at this day yea the greatest part of professors run this way Although man be turned out of Paradice which was his place of Justification by Works and at the door a Cherubin be set with a flaming Sword to dispute the passage yet they will needs enter again though they venture life and soul and all Though Mount Sinai be covered all over with smoke though they hear the thunderings see the lightnings feel the Earth quake at a distance and be forbid to approach the Mount yet they wi● make up towards a cousuming fire that wil certainly devour them Though one way of Justification be impossible so that the Apostle professeth That if there had been a Law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the Law Gal. 3.21 I say though one be absolute● impossible and the other way easie yet they wi● leave the easie way and take that way which is no passable way at all Yea though after they are entred upon that way they feel themselves lashe● and galled and stung as it were to death with fier● Serpents in a Wilderness and Labyrinth of guilts and pressures of Spirit yet they will not be beaten off from going this way but onely a very few of them They run still upon the Pikes and press upon the thick Bosses of God's Bucklers Yea ● thing stranger yet Though the law it self preach faith yet those that pretend to very great skill it the law and are called great boasters of the law● they will not believe the law in this particular● though the law give witness to the way of believing yet they will understand the law as giving testimony rather to its own way of Justification Now to set home this Conviction and Reprehension Consider that there are these four great iniquities found in a legal Spirit 1. An horrible perversness and self-willednefs When God would have them go one way they will go another 〈◊〉 right cousness of God is revealed in the Gospel from faith to faith as it is written The Just shall live by Faith Rom. 1.17 And they give God the lye and say The Just shall live by Works and will go the quite opposite and contraty way 2. Here we see their intollerable pride which is the root of this self-willedness they will not be justified by Gods Righteousness but by their own Righteousness they prefer their own Way to God's their own dis-approved Works to God's approved Way of Righteousness 3. Here we see the sottish senselesness and brutish fool-hardiness of these men for in doing thus they are as a Ship that runs her self upon a Rock as a Moth that flyes at the Candle they perish every Mothers Child of them that thus steer their course 4. See the high dis-ingenuity that there is in this way of theirs What do they herein but spurn at the very bowels of their Heavenly Father When God had found man fallen by his own voluntary defection he might have left him as he did the fallen Angels to have perished for ever but he was graciously resolved not so to lose his creature but finds out a way how he might recover his creature Man again in which certainly there are most admirable contrivances of Wisdom Power and Mercy and he proposeth terms of Reconciliation he offers his Sons blood bids the sinner but come and humble himself and ask pardon and return to his Allegiance and trust in him for Pardon Grace and Perseverance to Eternal life No saith the Legal self-Justificiary I have never sinned I have deserved no anger no displeasure I need no pardon no mercy I have no need of the blood of Christ I say all this and a great deal more which were not fit to be expressed must lie as in the Seed and in the Root in a Legal Spirit though perhaps it may never come directly to such expressions nor actual imaginations for let any one but imagine what would be the Language of a sinner that seeks not Justification by Faith Grace and Mercy but by the Law which can justifie none but for perfect and unerring obedience and I think I may say it can be no other but such as I have mentioned or fat worse it must be onely a deal of blasphemy against the Grace of God as useless and needless against the person of Christ as coming into the World to save sinners when there was no need o● a Saviour c Now to have these things lye in his heart at the bottom though but as in a spawn not perfected or come to the birth how odious must it needs be in the eyes of God and good men And yet all this lies in a legal-Spirit for which they justly lie under a severe reproof from the foregoing assertions Obj. But surely may some say there are no such men as these you mention there are none that pretend themselves perfectly holy there are none but think they stand in need of pardon we all cry God mercy for our sins and why should you say that men are generally apt to do thus to seek Justification by Works and that most professors run this way I answer Ans 1. That it is true few men profess to go this way amongst us and perhaps few ever except those that do or have held perfection in this life and that as a thing necessary to salvation did profess to expect salvation by the Law as a Covenant of Works in the strict sense of it 2. That yet there are very many and as I
that even in the dayes of the Gospel other acts of faith justifie besides that by which we have immediate respect to the blood of Christ I shall prove this second Assertion by Argument and Scripture 1. By Argument Certainly in the times of the Old Testament though I verily believe that saith in the death and blood of Christ was not necessary to Justification yet they had something in their faith that did answer our faith in the blood of Christ as perhaps a respect to the mercies of God and Gods readiness to be appeased which readiness in God was manifested by the Sacrifices which he had appointed Now I will argue by analogie If the Jewes had some such like object for their faith as the blood of Christ is to us and yet were not justified only by their fixing upon that object but for other acts of faith as is evident in the instances given then nothing hinders but we may be justified by other acts of our faith as well as that in the blood of Christ I will give another argument to prove my Assertion somewhat like this We are commanded in the Gospel John 5.23 That all men should honour the Son as they honour the Father and wherein did Abraham glorifie God so much as by his strong faith Rom. 4.20 If therefore our duty be to honour Christ by believing as ever any of the ancient Saints honoured God the Father why will not the same faith in the power of Christ justifie as did when it was placed in the power of God which yet I have proved that it did justifie Now for Scriptures c. I shall give several instances of faith in the power of Christ or at least in some attribute and excellency of Christ besides his blood which justified Luke 5.18 19 20. There was a great faith of the paralytick man and his friends that if he could but come to Christ he should be healed and therefore they opened the roof of the house and let him down through the tiling in his Couch and when Jesus saw cheir faith that is of the sick man and those that brought him he said unto him Man thy sins are forgiven thee Here is forgiveness of sins which is Justification upon a faith only to be healed whether it were in the goodness or power of Christ it was not faith in his blood for this man was as ignorant of that mystery sure as the Disciples of Christ were who yet understood little or nothing of it Luke 18.33 34. I shall give but two instances more of this and they are expresly of faith in the power of Christ as doubtless the former instance had much of this faith in it it is in Math. 9.28 29 30. There are two blinde men healed and restored to their sight and that purely upon their faith which great mercy coming in upon their faith was certainly a great token of divine approbation though indeed it be not then said that their sins were forgiven them Now what is the proper object of their faith at this time It is the power of Christ to help them Jesus saith unto them Believe yee that I am able to do this They said unto him Yea Lord then touched he their eyes saying According to your faith so be it unto you and their eyes were opened The last instance is of the Centurion's faith which I must needs say I think as pertinent an instance as either of the two former for his faith is highly approved of Christ I have not found so great faith no not in Israel as in this stranger to Israel and upon it speaks of him and others that are none of the children of the Kingdome that is not natural Jewes that yet shall go to heaven before these that are therefore I doubt not but this was a justifying faith in the Centurion Now let us see the compass of this Faith or wherein it chiefly manifested it self Why it was onely in this that Christ was able to cure his servant of the Palsie nay he thought that diseases were as much under the power of Christ to cure as the Centurions servants were under him to command he could make Diseases come and go as his servants would at his command Mat. 8 from the 5. to the 14. Having given instances of Faith in Christ which justifies besides Faith in his blood I shall give one general proof from a most remarkable Scripture out of the New-Testament for faith as justifying which onely carries in it a dependance upon God and Christ in straits and persecutions and distresses And indeed I must confess the former instances are not of so full proof to my particular though they are of good use because til Christ's death faith in his blood was not so necessary if at all necessary to Justification as afterwards but this place which I shall now give wil be beyond all exception it is Heb. 10.36 37 38. For ye have need of patience for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Now the just shall live by faith and if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him The Hebrews here were under great persecutions for the profession of the Gospel and they were somewhat inclined to Apostacy which here the Author of this Epistle endeavours to prevent by promises and threatnings 't is but a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry 't is not long saith he ere deliverance wil come one way or other either by the coming of Christ to judgement or some temporal deliverance In Habbakkuk it is The Vision is yet for an appointed time though it tarry wait for it And in the mean time saith the Author of this Epistle while the Vision tarries whilst he that is coming tarries wait his coming and endeavour to support your selves by faith for the just shall live by faith that is Faith wil keep him alive in straits The life that I live in the stesh saith Paul I live by the faith of the Son of God And saith Habakkuk Although the Fig-Tree should not blossome neither shall fruit be in the Vine c. when he describes a Famine yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation Hab. 3.17 18. This could be done onely by such a Faith as the Hebrews are provoked to live by This faith you see therefore by which the just live may be as wel a dependance upon the goodness and providence and power of God to support us in or deliver us out of straits and difficulties as resting upon the blood of Christ and that this living by Faith upon the Power of God and goodness of God here spoken of is an act of justifying-Faith nothing is plainer for that this is the great sentence the Apostle quotes to prove Justification by Faith out of the Old-Testament Rom 1.17 Gal. 3.11 when yet the occasion upon which it is delivered by Habbakkuk ch
out Rom. 11.33 2. 2 Use of Information of the perversness of man This discourse informs us of the strange unreasonable perversness of the sons of men That when God hath in so much mercy and wisedom found out and appointed such a glorious easie way of saving sinners they should yet generally dislike this way and take to a more ignoble way to wit their own righteousness and an impossible way to wit the keeping of the Law which I have proved above at large that they do and it acquaints us with the strange infatuations which pride leads us into for that is by the Apostle chiefly glanced at as the reason of so many mens adhering to the way of Works because they would establish their own righteousness which they prefer far before the righteousess of God that is that righteousness which he hath sufficiently manifested he will alone accept They that are for the Law are for boasting and glorying this humour of self-confidence and fleshly boasting doth so besot them that they run upon the most absurd and irrational designs in the whole world but of this enough above 3. 3 Use of Consolation There is great matter of consolation which offers it self unto us from what hath been discoursed above Is it so that the Lord hath remitted of the rigour of his Law nay that he hath taken off the Law wholly from requiring an account of those that are married unto Christ as being their Husband no longer Is the condition of Justification altered from unerring obedience to faith and sincerity in obedience then here is comfort for all faithfull sincere hearts Art thou honest to God hast thou no Delilah in thy bosome art thou faithful to the interest of Christ and his Saints thou art safe thou art secure it is not necessary that thou be in the highest form of Christians 't is true it were well if thou wert there and it is thy duty to endeavour it but it is not absolutely necessary to thy being a Saint or in favour with God There are of all sorts and sizes See more of this pag. 202 203. above of all ranks and ages that are accepted with God There are babes and young men and strong men and fathers there are lambs and there are sheep that are with young only without sincerity without a lively faith they cannot be so much as Christ's little ones Now this is a matter of comfort which we may often reflect upon it is ready at hand unto us Art thou in any distress or trouble at any time either from without from men or from within by the bufferings of Satan turn in presently upon thy soul and examine see how thou hast lived and what thy present frame of heart is 2 Cor. 1.12 Our rejoicing is this the testimony of our conscience that IN SIMPLICITY GODLY SINCERITY not with fleshly wisedom but by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world Now if thou hast such a testimony as this from thine own conscience thou maist conclude thou art in the favour of God and that therefore all things shall work together unto thee for good but herein do not deceive thy self with an imagined honesty of heart to God as many do but deal faithfully with thy self in the examination whether thou have a sincerity or no. If I should here give all the marks of sincerity that I could finde throughout the Scripture I should not be impertinent in so doing but yet seeing that hath been done well by many I shall forbear I shall only say this that if thou settest thy self any boundary or stint to thy attainments in holiness short of perfection thou art so far insincere or if thou avoidest any opportunity which thou canst by any means certainly understand to be an opportunity of honouring God thou art so far insincere Lastly if thou givest way to sin in the little degrees or appearances of it thou art so far insincere and if the interest of the flesh or of the world prevail in thy heart above the interest of God and Christ thou art altogether infincere whatever good desire and good affections thou maist have in thy heart I might here mention the other more principal condition of Gospel-justification viz. Faith and bid thee if thou wouldest have comfort enquire if thou have faith this St James tells thee how thou mayest know whether thou hast it o● no even by thy works thou maist discover it both unto thy self and others by these Jam. 2.18 Shew me thy faith without thy works and I will shew thee my faith by my works For though I affirm that the Apostle James doth not speak only in that Chapter of the demonstration of Faith by Works but also of real Justification before God by Works as they are a part of the condition of Gospel-justification according to the 14. ver of that Chap. If a man say he hath faith and not works SHALL FAITH SAVE HIM yet it is certain that he speaks there also of the demonstration of Faith by Works and both these designes I think may be as we understood in that chap. of James as in the 24 of Mat. we may understand our Saviour speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the World But instead of giving marks and signes of true faith I shall rather proceed to an use of Exhortation unto the high and frequent exercise of Faith which when we are engaged in we shall have marks and signes enough to discover our faith by In the next place therefore I come to an use of Exhortation 4 Use of Exhortation Is it so that Faith is made the great and principal condition of our Justification that Faith bears so great a stroke in the business of Gospel-justification that the whole way should receive denomination from it● Rom. 4.14 If they which are of the Law be heires FAITH is made void Is the righteousness of God in the Gospel said to be revealed from faith to faith Is the Gospel-righteousness called the righteousness of faith nay is faith it self accepted as our righteousness then let this provoke us to the constant lively exercise of all the various excellent acts of Faith Let us do as all the Saints of old have done and if it be possible let us out-do them in believing By faith saith saith the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews the Elders obtained a good report so he begins the chap. ver 2. These all saith he obtained a good report through faith so he ends it ver 39. What that great good report which they obtained was he tells you ver 33 34 35. Through faith they subdued Kingdomes wrought righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouthes of Lions quenched the violence of fire c. My first motive that I shall begin with to quicken this Exhortation shall be from the wonderfull things that faith hath wrought and can work 1 M●tive Faith hath a virtue in it