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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A38426 England's remembrancer setting forth the beginning of papal tyrannies, bloody persecutions, plots, and inhuman butcheries, exercised on the professors of the Gospel in England dissenting from the Church of Rome : with an account of all, or most of the martyrs that were put to death by the cruel papists in this kingdom, until the Reformation in the reign of King Edw. 6 and Queen Elizabeth : also the first rise of the writ de heretico comburendo, for burning of hereticks ... 1682 (1682) Wing E3036; ESTC R2702 130,582 188

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him coming after him O are you there said he yes said Mr. Latimer I am coming after you as fast as I Can. When they both came to the stake Bishop Ridly holding up both his hands and looking towards heaven prayed and seeing Mr. Latimer come he ran to him and embraced him and Kissed him saying Be of good heart Brother for God will either asswage the fury of the Flame or else stre●gthen us to abide it With that he Kneeled down at the Stake Kissing it and then fell to prayer and Mr. Latimer behind him both earnestly calling upon God After they arose and talked a little while together when Dr. Smith who in King Ed. days had renounced Popery now embracing it preached to the people on this Text Tho I give my Body to be burnt c. inveighing very much against the opinions of the Lutherans after he had done both Dr. Ridly and Mr. Latimer had a desire to have reply'd to what he had said but as soon as they began to open their mouths some ran to them and stop'd them telling them unless they would recant they should not be suffered to speak Gods will be done then said Bishop Ridly but so long as I have breath in my body I will never deny my Lord Christ and his known truth Then he said with a loud voyce I Commit our cause to Almighty God who will indifferently Judg all Then Mr. Latimer said what is hid shall be revealed They were then Commanded to make themselves ready which they did and were both Chained to the Stake and Dr. Rilleys brother-in-law brought each a Bag of Gunpowder to tye about them which they accepted of as sent them from God Dr. Ridley stripped himself and gave away his things among his friends there being great striving to have some remembrance from this good Man but Mr. Latimer suffered himself to be strip'd by the officers haveing nothing worth bestowing Dr. Ridly being now at the stake prayed saying holding up both his hands O heavenly Father I give thee most hearty thanks for that thou hast called me to be a professor of thee even unto Death I beseech the O Lord have mercy upon this Realm of England and deliver the same from all her Enemies Then he made a Request to the Lord Williams to intreat the Queen to be good to several poor people to whom he had let Leases that they mought injoy them which he promised to do but Bishop Bonner like a wretch took them all from them Then fire was put to them when Mr. Latimer said be of good comfort Mr. Ridly and play the Man we shall this day light such a Candle by God's Grace in England as I trust shall never be put out Dr. Ridly when he saw the flame approach him he cryed out In manus tuas Domine commendo Spiritum meum Domine recipe Spiritum meum that is Into thy hands O Lord I commend my Spirit O Lord receive my Spirit which latter part he often repeated in English Mr. Latimer crying as vehemently on the other side O Father of Heaven receive my Soul Who receiving the flame as it were imbracing it soon dyed with little or no Pain But Bishop Ridly by reason of the fire being ill made endured great torment having all his lower parts burnt before his upper were touched so that he was heard to cry to them often for the Lords sake to put the fire to him I cannot burn and then crying out Lord have mercy upon me he Continued a long time and all one side of him remained untouch'd till a●●●●st t●● G●●●owe●cr ●●●k fir● after which he w●● 〈◊〉 se●n to move ●y more And this was the e●●●●th s●● two ●oly Martyrs Blessed Bishops for the Gospel of Christ's sake by the hands of persecuting Papisis and by the Religion ●hen established by Law The Death of p●●se●●ting Gardner Wit in a w●ilt af●●r the B oody persecuting P●●l●● Steph●● G●●d●● dyed for that day the last mentioned M●rty●s were put to death tho the Duke of No ●●hfolk and other persons of Quality came to dine with him he would not go to d●nner till 3 or 4 of the Clock expecting to hear of the Death of these w●m●n and ass●on as his man ri●●●g post had br●●ght him word of it he began to be merry and sat down to dinner but was emmediately struck with the hand of God the first but ●e put ●nto his mouth being carried from the Table Continuing for ●5 days in great Torments nor being able to evacuate Natur● any way and his Tongue that had so often blaspher●ed God swollen and black lolling out of his mouth till he dyed Tho he we●e dead yet persecution Continued and the Devil found Instruments to do his Work For in the Month of November three flour Champions of Jesus Christ suffer'd in one Fire in Canterbury viz J●hn w●bb Gentleman George Ro●er and G●egory Parke being all condemned to the fire by the Bishop of Dover and Nic●o●as Harspfield As they went to the pl●ce of their Martyrdom they sung Psalms two of them were will stri●ken in years but R●per was a younger man of a fresh Complexion going all ●ith whi e Linnen and their gowns upon it They all shew●d great Constancy but R●per especially who coming to the place le●ped for Joy and wh●n fi●e wa● put to h●m he streatched out both his A●ms into ●●e ●l●mes standing like a Cross unmevable and so continued never stirring them till they were both burnt ●ff and afterwards his Body to Ashes Several dyed in Prison in the ●●llards Tower through the b●●●arity of the Papists and were Cast into t he open fields for doggs and swine to tear with command that none 〈…〉 h●m yet by night some were ●ound to be ●o C●●●table as to fling Eart● over th●m Archdeacon Philpot burnt in Smithfield The next 〈…〉 m●●t●●● W●●●●ought to the st●ke by th●se blood s●●k●●● w● Mr J●●●● 〈◊〉 Archdeacon ●f Winc●●●● ●●e w●● t●e 〈…〉 Gent●ema●●f 〈◊〉 go●d f●●m●ly in 〈…〉 brought up in N●●● Co●●cag● in Ox●●●● 〈…〉 died th● Civil ●●ws 6 or 7 yea●s w●● 〈…〉 ●●ral Arts 〈◊〉 ●●ence and ●sp●●●ly 〈…〉 in which he profite● and more 〈…〉 Hebrew He w●s of a pre●an●●●●t 〈…〉 and resolution fervent in Religio● ●ree from 〈◊〉 ●●●tery and hypocrisie and hated ●●ssi●●ulati●n F●●m Oxford he went to travel to improve himself going thorow Italy and other parts where he increa●●d his knowledg and lost nor as many do good m nners and Love to God Returning into England he was made Arc●d●acon of Winchester in King Edw●rds days under the Bishop Dr. Poinet who had succeeded Gardner But ●fter that Queen Mary came in and caused a Convocation of Prelates to Assemble about Religion this good man believing they might there speak freely he manfully maintained the cause of the Gospel against all its Adversaries for which he was afterwards ●●p●●ioned and after a twelve months time or more w s had to be examined before B●shop Gardner
Paul answering in all respects that of the 1 Tim. 3. and that to Titus Chap. 1. A B●shop must be faultless as becometh a Minister of God N●r Stubborn nor ●●gry no drunkard sighter nor given to filthy lucre but Charitable a lover of Goodness sober minded righteous temperate cleaving to the truth and able teach or instruct All this he was and that in an high degree He studied much riseing at 5 of the Clock in the Morning Continuing private till 9. from which time ●o D●nner he spent in hearing suitors or minding the King Affairs I shall not goe about to give you the history of this good man's life which was ex●mpla●● not of ●ll the troubles and persecutions he in●●●ed from his Enemies the chief being Gardner the Bishop of ●enchesie● in this Kings days who alway stood by him and well perceived the Integrity of the Archbishop and the implacable hatred of his Enemies so that in his dayes he was preserved in the King● Favour and afterwards he was dear to 〈◊〉 E●●●rd and one who assisted in the Reformantio● of Religion writing his Faith in 5 books concerning the Sacrament But assoon as Queen Mary c●me to the Crown yo● m●y be sure she would ●emember what he h●d done as to ●e● Mothers divorce and was indeed his bitter Enemy tho he was very ●●rdly brought to subsc●ibe against her for the Lady Ja●● We have ●lready told you how he was had from the Tower with Bishop R●●ley and L●●mer to dispute at O●ford and the issue thereupon that he w●s condemned and where be continu●d a prison●r about 3 years they using all ways an m●nner of means to cause him to recant and sin●ing th●t force and threatning would not do they tryed flattery and fair means but he had resisted all things till a● l●st resolved they were he should be burnt upon which they degraded him and tho he told them they being but Bishops and ●e their superior they could not rightfully degrade ●im their Archbishop however saying as they were the Popes Delegates and Commissionated by the Queen they had power to do it and so they use● all their to●pish Ceremonies Bishop Bonner using him roughly and u●m●nnerly All this needed not said the Archbishop for I had fl●ng off all this gear long agoe Then being stript to his Jacot they put on him a Be●dles old gown and a Townsmans Cap and so delivered ●●m over to the s●cular power Yet for all this being extream desirous to have him recant they afresh set upon him trying all ways to allure him with promise of Life and hopes of Reward and so importunate they were night and day never ceasing to solicit● him that at last human● frailty appeared and he was overcome and they got him to sign a Recantation against his Conscience The Queen received it very gladly but bearing Revenge and malice in her heart she nevertheless resolved he should dye and for that End dispatched away Dr. Cole to preach at St. Maries at Oxford and to declare his Recantation Cranmer was now Miserable being tormented in his Conscience for what he had done and too late began to perceive the Malice of his Enemies who thirsted for his Blood Subtilly and treacherously they dealt with him not giving him any notice of his death but still put him in hopes of his Life urging him publickly to make his Recantation in St. Marys for which end they had prepared a stage in the midst of the Church to which place they led him whilst Dr. Cole mounted the Pulpit to make his Oration The Lord Williams and several other Commissioners were there with a multitude of people thinking to hear the Recantation of the Archbishop But things could not be so closely carried tho they kept all people from the Archbishop that might inform him but he began to surmise they intended to put him to Death and at last plainly perceived it when they gave him mony to distribute to the poor as he passed thorow the streets to the Church It was a lamentable spectable to the people to behold the Metropolitan and Primate of England standing with his bald head and reverend gray beard in an old tattered gown on the stage exposed to the Contempt of all men which sight made many weep especially seeing the Tears running down his Cheeks and beard As he thus stood by a pillar he lifted up his eyes and hands toward heaven and prayed privatly to himself till Dr. Cole began his sermon the first part being passed over he turned his whole discourse upon the Archbishop exhorting him to take his Death pariently and to glorifie God with his Conversion from his heresie since it had pleased God to reclaim him saying that before in his prosperity he was not worthy of Life but now since he could not Live he seemed unworthy of Death But he promised that Masses and Dirges should be said in all the Churches in Oxford for the succor of his soul if he continued to dye a good Catholick Cranmer with extream grief of mind heard out his Sermon showing by his Countenance the agitation of his spirit and when he had done and that all men expected he should have read his recantation he pulled out of his Bosom a writing which he had prepared and began to read Good people I beseech you all to pray to God for me that he may forgive me my sins and especially one which I ●ominate to you by and by then Kneeling down ●e made a most excellent prayer which being not long I shall here recite O Father of Heaven O Son of God Redeemer of the World O holy Ghost three Persons and one God have mercy upon me most wretched Catif and miserable sinner I have offended both against Heaven and Earth more than my tongue can express Whither then may I go or whither shall I fly To Heaven I may be ashamed to lift up mine eyes and in Earth I find no place of refuge or Scucor To thee therefore O Lord do I run to thee do I humble my self saying O Lord my God my sins are great yet have mercy upon me for thy great mercy The great mystery that God became Man was not wrought for little or few offences Thou didst not give thy Son O Heavenly Father unto death for small sins only but for all the greatest sins in the world so that the sinner return to thee with his whole heart as I do here at this present Wherefore have mercy on me O God whose property is always to have Mercy Have mercy upon me O Lord for thy great mercy I crave nothing for mine own merits b●t for thy names sake that it may be hallowed thereby and for thy dear Son Jesus Christ's sake And now therefore our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy name c. Then riseing up he desired he might exhort the people before his death that God might be glorified and they edified He then began an excellent Exhortation pressing them