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A29574 The holy practises of a devine lover, or, The sainctly [sic] Ideots Deuotions the contents of the booke are contained in the ensuinge page. More, Gertrude, 1606-1633.; Baker, Augustine, 1575-1641. 1657 (1657) Wing B479; ESTC R10839 90,605 335

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I haue knowne to haue falne vppon other men and touched not mee beene a sufficient argument to mee that my deliuerie from euerie one of them was a peculiar benefit from thee 19. O most gratious Lord shall I be vngratefull for these Benefits 20. If the fiercenesse and crueltie of Lions and serpents be assuaged with benefits why shall not thy benefits be sufficient to tame and assuage my sinnefull Hart This is continued in the Followinge Exercise THE IV. EXERCISE 1. BVT if soe strict an account shall be demanded for these things which cost thee soe little what accompt wilt thou aske of those which thou hast bought to thy selfe with thy most pretious Blood 2. How haue I peruerted thy Counsells 3. How haue I violated the Mysterie of thyne Incarnation 4. Thou wert made man to make mee a God I haue made my selfe a beast and the slaue of the Diuell 5. Thou hast come downe to the earth to bringe mee to heauen and I haue not harkened to or acknowledged this high Vocation 6. But haue perseuered in wickednesse and in the durt and mire of my basenesse 7. Thou hadst deliuered mee I haue cast my selfe agayne headlonge into my old bondage 8. Thou hadst raised mee I haue agayne embraced death 9. Thou hadst made mee one Bodie with thee and I haue ioyned my selfe agayne with the di●ell 10. Soe many and soe greate Benefits could not doe soe much as make mee know thee 11. Nor soe many tokens of Loue make mee requite thee with Loue. 12. Nor soe many deserts and guifts make mee hope in thee 13. Nor such a strict kind of iustice as appeared in thy Passion make mee feare thee 14. Thou hast humbled thy selfe euen to the dust of the earth I puffe my selfe vp with pride 15. Thou didst hange naked on the Crosse I seeke the world worldlye delights 16. Thou beinge God wert buffeted if any man touch my garment who am onlie a most vile worme I presentlye become colericke 17. What shall I say my sweete Sauuiour behold how greate thy mercie and charitie is towards mee 18. Thou wouldst dye to kill my sinns and ● persuminge in thy said Mercie Goodnesse and Loue haue ●ot feared to sinne against thee what greater impietie can be imagined 19. I haue taken occasion of thy Goodnesse to worke malice and by that meane which thou hast vsed to kill sinne I haue taken occasion to raise agayne sinne in my selfe 20. Because thou wert soe good I thought I might without preiudice be euil 21. And because thy Benefits were soe many I thought I might without punishment render vnto thee as many iniuries This is further continued in the ensuinge Exercise THE V. EXERCISE 1. THVS haue I made thy medecines occasions of sinne● and I haue turned that sword which I receiued of thee to defend my selfe from myne enemyes against my owne bowels and with the same murthered myne owne soule 2. Finally thou diedst as wee are taught by the Apostle that they that now liue may not liue to themselues but vnto thee 3. And I as the child of Iezable haue made thy Death as a meane to depriue my selfe of thy blessings by Flyinge from thy seruice and makinge my selfe the Bondslaue of thyne enemyes 4. Alas what doth hee deserue who committeth such enormities 5. If doggs haue eaten the flesh of Iezable what will become of mee 6. If the Apostle make it soe heinous a matter of the Law itselfe to take an occasion to breake the Law how greate is my malice who of Grace Mercie haue taken an occasion to offend Grace and Mercie itselfe 7. O most Patient Lord who for sinners hast suffered buffetts but farre more patient in sufferinge sinners Will this thy patience ●ndure for euer 8. I remember what thou hast said by the Prophet I haue held my peace I haue kept silence I haue beene Patiint as one that hath beene labouringe with child I will speake 9. I see that the earth that yeldeth not fruict after rayne is reiected and cursed 10. I see that the vineyard which beinge well tilled producinge noe grapes but wild vines by thee is commanded to be destroyed 11. Wherefore ô vnprofitable fruitlesse branch dost thou not feare the voyce of that potent husbandman that dresser of the vineyard who as truth itselfe reporteth taketh away all branches not bearinge fruicte and casteth them into the fire 12. What shall I doe my Lord what shall I doe I confesse I am not worthy to appeare in thy sight nor to behold thee 13. Whither shall I flye from thy Face 14. Art not thou my Father and in verie truth a Father of Mercies which haue noe end or measure 15. For though I haue as much as lay in mee for a longe tyme desisted to be thy child yet thou euen to this present dost not desist to be my Father 16. Although I haue done many things worthy of damnation yet thou hast not desisted to saue mee 17. What then shall I doe but cast my selfe downe at thy Feete and humblie craue Mercie 18. Art not thou My Creator My Preseruer My Redeemer My Deliuerer My Kinge My Pastor My Preist and My Sacrifyce 19. Whither then shall I goe whither then shall ● flye but vnto thee 20. If thou repell mee who will receiue mee 21. If thou reiect mee of whom shall I seeke succour 22. Acknowledge ô Lord and receiue this sheepe that hath runne a stray 23. Behold I come full of wounds thou canst heale mee 24. I come all blind thou canst giue mee sight 25. I come all dead thou canst rayse mee 26. I come all full of leprosie thou canst make mee cleane 27. Thou shalt sprinkle mee ô Lord with I sope with thy pretious blood shed for mee and I shall be made cleane 28. Thou shalt wash mee and I shall be made whiter then snow 29. Thy mercie is greater then my iniquitie thy clemencie exceedeth my malice and thou canst forgiue more then I can sinne 30. Doe not therefore ô Lord doe not repell and reiect mee 31. Doe not consider the multitude of my sinns but thyne infinit mercie 32. I resigne my selfe wholye into thy hands 33. Thou ô God who art able to doe all things conuert mee vnto thee renew my Spiritt 34. Enlighten my vnderstandinge sanctyfie my will increase my strenth of Bodie and soule 35. That I may depend onlie on thee Feare and loue thee aboue all things and serue thee feruentlye 36. And in all my actions hereafter to conforme my selfe to thy blissed will and pleasure 37 I beseech thee finallye to impart vnto mee thyne aboundant effectuall Grace by which I may be able to beginne to lead a perfect and holye life and to serue thee perfectlye and throughlye euen to the end Heere end the 5. Exercises of Contrition THE VI. EXERCISE 1. TAKE pittie ô Lord take pittie ô mercyfull Sauuiour of mee most miserable sinner doinge things worthye of blame and worthylye sufferinge for the same 2. Beinge
by thee daylie afflicted for that I am continuallye found to haue offended 3. If I ponder the euill which I daylie committ that which I endure is nothinge in comparison of it 4. That which I haue done beinge much more greiuous then my Affliction Thou art iust ô Lord and right is thy iudgment All thy iudgements most iust and true 5. Thou ô Lord our God art iust full of goodnesse neither is there in thee any wickednesse 6. Because when wee offend thou dost not vniustlye and cruellye afflict vs who when we were not hast powrefullye made vs and when for our sinns wee were guiltie of damnation thou hast by thy wonderfull Mercye and goodnesse set vs in the state of Saluation 7. I know ô Lord God and am assured that our life is not gouerned by vncertayne chances but wholye disposed and ordered by thy Awfull powre and prouidence 8. Thou therefore takest care of all things but especiallye of such as serue the who put their confidence in thy onlye mercie 9. Wherefore I humblye beseech thee that thou wilt not deale with mee accordinge to myne iniquities by which I haue deserued thyne anger but accordinge to thy manifold mercyes which surmount the sinns of the whole world 10. Thou ô Lord who dost punish mee outwardlye giue always an inuincible Patience inwardlye to the end may neuer cease to prayse thee 11. Take pittye of mee ô Lord and helpe mee both in soule and Bodie 12. Thou I say who knowest all things and art able to doe all things whatsoeuer who liuest and rieguest for euer and euer 13. O Lord Iesus-Christ the Sonne of the liuinge God who with thy hands stretched forth on the Crosse hast drunke the bitter cupp of thy Passion for the Redemption of all mankind succour mee this Day I beseech thee 14. Behold ô Lord that I that am needie doe come to thee who art wealthy I that am full of miserie doe approach to thee replenished with mercye suffer mee not therefore to depart void or as one worthye to be dispised 15. I beginne hungrie let mee not end emptie 16. I approach as one hunger starned lett mee not depart vnfedd 17. And if I sigh before I eate graunt that I may at least eate after I haue sighed 18. First therefore most sneete Iesus before the magnificence of thy sweetnesse I confesse against mee my iniustice 19. Behold ô Lord whereas I was conceiued and borne in sinne thou hast wa●hed and sanctifyed mee frō the same and I after this haue I defiled my selfe with greater offences 20. Those wherin I was borne were of necessitie but those in which I afterwards lay wallowinge were voluntarie This is continued in the followinge Exercise THE VII EXERCISE 1. THIS notwithstandinge thou ô Lord beinge not vnmindfull of thy Mercie and goodnesse hast drawne mee from my Fathers howse and from the tabernacles of sinners 2. And thou inspiredst mee with thy Grace to follow the companie of those who seeke thy Face who walke the direct way that leadeth to felicitie liuinge amongst the Lillies of Chastitie and sittinge at the table with thee in the parlour of most profound pouertie 14. As I haue sinned soe doe thou correct amend mee 15. And beinge by the stripes of thy Fatherlie Pittie ●orrected amended committ mee to the care custodie of thy onlye begotten Sonne Iesus-Christ our Lord. 16. Is it possible for a woemen to forgett the child of her owne wombe 17. And though shee should forgett ô most louinge Father thou hast promised not to be vnmindfull 18. Behold I crie thou dost not heare mee 19. I am afflicted with with greife thou dost not comfort mee 20● O what shall I say or doe in this extreame miserie Alas I am altogether comfortlesse which is worse am chased out of thy presence 21. Wretch that I am from how greate good into how greate euill am I falne 22. Whither did I attempt to goe whither am I come 23. Where am I where am I not 24. How is it that I that did sigh after heauen doe now sigh through soe greate Tribulation 25. I haue sought comfort haue Found affliction 26. And truelie it is better for mee not to be then to be without thee sweet Iesus 27. It is better not to liue then to liue without thee the only true life This Exercise is continued in the Followinge THE VIII EXERCISE WHERE are now ô Lord Iesus thy accustomed Mercies 2. Wilt thou be displeased with mee for euer 3. Be appeased I beseech thee take pittie on mee turne not thy louinge Face away from mee who to redeeme mee hast not turned away thy Face from those who did mocke spitt at thee 4. I confesse that I haue sinned my conscience doth adiudge mee worthye of damnation neither is my pennance sufficient to make satisfaction 5. Nenerthelesse it is most certayne that thy mercie doth surmount all offences whatsoeuer be they neuer soe abominable 6. Wherefore ô most mercifull Lord I beseech thee doe not write downe my malitious bitternesse neither enter into Iudgement with thy seruant 7. But accordinge to the multitude of thy mercies blott out myne iniquities 8. Woe be to mee at the day of Iudgement when the bookes of our consciences shall be opened wherin our Actions are registred when of mee it shall be openlye proclaymed See heere a man and his workes 9. What shall I doe O my Lord a● that dreadfull daye when the Heauens shall reueale myne iniquitie And the earth shall beare wittnesse against mee 10. Verilye I shall be mute and able to say nothinge but holdinge downe my head through shame and confusion I shall stand before thee shakinge and blushingé 11. Alas what shall I say I will call and crie vnto thee ô Lord my God why am I consumed beinge silent 12. Neuerthelesse if I speake my greife will not cease 13. And if I hold my peace I shall interiorlie be tormented with insupportable bitternesse 14. Weepe ô my soule and make lamentation as a younge married weoman for the death of her Husband 15. Weepe and be wayle thy miserie for that thy bridegroome who is Christ hath forsaken thee 16. O Anger of the Almightie rush not vppon mee for I cannot subsist against t●●e 17. Ver●●●e there is nothinge in mee that is able to sustayne thee 18. Take pittie on mee least I dispaire of thy Mercie that by dispairinge of my selfe I may find comfort in confidinge in thee 19. And albeit I haue done that for which thou may iustlye condemne mee yet thou hast not lost thy accustomed propertie of shewinge mercie and pittie 20. Thou ô Lord dost not desire the death of sinners neither doest thou take pleasure in the perdition of those that dye 21. Nay rather that those who were dead might liue thou thy selfe ha●● died and thy death hath beene the death of that death that was due to sinners and they by thy Death are come to life 22. Graunt
to make intercession for mee vnto him who made thee a worthy temple for himselfe to dwell in 17. O S. Michaël O S. Gabriel O S. Raphaël 18. O holie Quires of Angells and Archangells of Patriarchs and Prophets of Apostles and Euangelists O S. Peter and S. Iohn of Martyrs ô blissed S. Thomas of Canterburie of Doctors ô Blissed S. Gregorie our Apostle of Priests and Leuites ô Venerable Bede of Monks Ermites ô Holye Father S. Bennet of Virgins ô Blissed S. Scholastica of all such as haue liued holylye and Religiouslye 19. I presume to beseech you euen for his sake by whom you haue beene elected and by whose contemplation you are extreamelye delighted and fullye satiated 20. That you will be pleased to pray for mee a poore sinner vnto him our God that I maye be deliuered from the furious lawes of the infernall fiend and from that death which neuer shall haue end This is continued in the followinge Exercise THE XII EXERCISE 1. VOuchsafe ô Lord accordinge to thy meeknesse and vnspeakable Mercie to make mee pertaker of eternall felicitie 2. Graunt ô Lord that Priests maye liue in concord that Kings and Princes rulinge as they ought to doe maye be vnited in peace and tranquillitie 3. I humbly craue Grace ô Lord for the whole Catholicke Church for Men and woemen for Religious Persons and for secular people for all Christian Magistrates and for all that beleiue in thee and labour for thy holye Loue that they maye perseuer in doing well all the dayes of their life 4. Graunt ô Lord and kinge eternall● to Virgins Puritie to Religious Persons who haue dedicated themselues vnto thee the guift of Chastitie to married folkes Holinesse of life 5. To such as are trulye sorrowfull for their sinns forgiuenesse to Widowes and Orphans succour 6. Protection to those that are poore to Trauellers a safe returne to their Home comfort to such as mourne 7. To the faithfull departed the present repose of Heauen to mariners and such as saile on the sea their desired Port or Hauen 8. To those who haue attayned to Perfection Grace increase and perseuerance to beginners and proficients in vertue Grace to doe better and better 9. To sinners and to such as offend as to mee poore wretch that they may speedilye Amend 10. O most mild and mercifull Lord and Sauiour sonne of the liuinge God the worlds Redeemer amongst all men and in all things I confesse my selfe to be a miserable sinner 11. Neuerthelesse I beseech thee most sweete and souueraigne father that as an Abiect I may not be cast out of thy Fauour 12. Yea rather ô Lord thou who art Kinge of Kings and hast determined and decreed the lenth of each Mans life graunt mee a deuout desire to amend myne 13. Stire vp my sluggish soule to the end that at all tymes and in all things it may seeke desire loue and feare thee who in all places art three and one and maye put in practice that which is pleasinge to thee 14. Especially I beseech thee ô Holy Father who art blissed and glorious for euer that thou wilt mercifullie preserue all those who in their Prayers are mindfull of mee or haue commended themselues to myne 15. Those likewise who haue shewed towards mee any deed of Charitie or pittie 16. And those alsoe that are ioyned to mee in Blood and affinitie aswell those who are dead as those who yet liue in this mortall Bodie to the end that thou guidinge and assistinge them they may not perish euerlastinglye 17. In generall I beseech thee ô Lord to aid and succour all Christians that are yet liuinge and on those that are dead to bestow pardon and life euerlastinge 18. Finallye ô Lord I most humblye and hartylie beseech thee who art the Alpha Omega the beginninge and endinge that when the tyme is come I must dye thou wilt be a mild and mercifull Iudge and a perpetuall Protector to mee against the Accusations and snares of the Diuel myne old aduersarie 19. Admitt mee for euer into the societie of the Holye Angells 20. And of all thy Saintes in thy Heauenlye cittye where thou art blissed and praysed for all Eternitie Amen THE XIII EXERCISE 1. O Lord Iesus Christ My Redemption My Mercie and my Saluation 2. I prayse thee and giue thee thankes albeit farre short of thy benefits wholy void of Deuotion and Feruour leane and without the desired fattnesse of that most sueete Affection which thou dost require deserue 3. Neuerthelesse my soule doth render thee thankes such as they are not such as I know to be owinge due vnto thee 4. But such as I am able to endeauour such doth my Soule render vnto thee 5. O Hope of my hart ô strenth of my soule maye it please thy omnipotent Worthynesse to accomplish what my wonderfull greate weaknesse doth attempt to performe beinge thou art my life and the scope of my intention sire sigh and couet to come to thee 17. And as a poore distressed child depriued of the presence of his tender harted Father doth with sighs and robbs incessantlye embrace in his hart the Image and semblance of his father Soe fareth it with mee as often as I call to mind thy bitter Passion when I call to mind alsoe the buffetts and whipps by thee susteyned the greiuous wounds by thee endured When I remember in what cruell manner thou hast beene crucifyed and murthered in what manner thou hast by thy deare friends beene enbalmed and buried a● often likewise as thy Glorious Resurrection and admirable Ascension doe occurre to my Memorie All these things I beleiue most firmelye lamentinge with Teares the Calamities of my exile in this vayle of miserie My onlye hope is the comfort of thy comeinge my cheife desire is to behold thee face to face in thy heauenlye habitation 18. I cannot but greiue for that I haue not seene thee ô Lord of Angells debasinge thy selfe to conuerse and liue amongst men that by that meanes thou mightst exalt men to Angelicall conuersation when God did dye who was offended that man might liue who had offended 19. I cannot but greiue that I haue not deserued to be present and to be astonished through admi●ation of a worke soe wonderfull and vnspeakable compassion 20. How is it ô my soule that the sword of most sharpe sorrow doth not peirce thee to the hart seeinge thou couldst not be present to behold the side of thy Sauuiour wounded with a speare 21. Seeinge thou couldst not be present to behold the feete and hands of thy Maker to be fastned with nailes nor the blood of thy Redeemer to be spilt on the ground in that dreadfull manner This is continued in the followinge Exercise THE XIV EXERCISE 1. WHY art thou not drunke with the Bitternesse of teares seeinge hee was made to drinke of the bitternesse of Gall 2. Why dost thou not take compassion of the most chast Virgin Marie his most worthy Mother and
corresponded with my dutye and beene verie vngratefull for thy Benefits 9. For thou hast spent thy whole life for my Aduantage and I haue spent myne in offendinge thee 10. I acknowledge I deserue for my sinns and in punishment of them all the paynes of hel 11. Yea they are all too little for my demeritt 12. I haue sinned I haue sinned I am sorrie I am sorrie and repent from the bottome of my hart This Exercise is continued in the followinge THE XXI EXERCISE 1. I Offer thee a sorrowfull and repentant hart because such an one is acceptable vnto thee and beseeminge mee 2. I assure thee I had rather haue suffered all the torments and trauayles of the world rather then to haue offended thee in the least of my sinns 3. I purpose if please thee to giue mee life to take chastisement and reuenge of my selfe for offending● thee doinge for my sinnes all the pennance I am able 4. And though they be many and greate yet haue I greate hope and confidence thou wilt pardon them 5. For thou art the sea of Mercie that which thou most gloriest in is to be mercifull and forgiue sinns 6. Thou hast promised that in what howre soeuer a sinner should repent him of his sinns thou wouldst pardon him 7. Be mercifull therefore to mee ô Lord be mercifull 8. Pardon and forgiue mee my sinns and offences pardon mee sweete Iesus 9. Be mercifull vnto mee for thy bitter death and Passions sake and for ihy glorious meritts haue mercie vppon mee for in them I trust and confide 10. If thou lookest on mee Alone and naked then maist thou presentlie cast mee into hell 11. But I humblye begge of thee that thou wouldst place thy Death and Passion thy Blood and Crosse betweene thy ●udgement and my soule 12. That by the merits of thy death I may be deliuered from euerlastinge death and admitted to life in thy Glorie 13. And in the blessed societie of thy Saincts I may prayse thee world without end Amen Heere Endeth the Poenitent FINIS CERTAYNE AMOROVS speeches of the so●le to her selfe in Prayer The VVhich are a good forme or matter of Prayer vvhen the soule is not able or apt to speake immediatelye to God THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. O My soule when wilt thou be readie to follow the humilitie of thy Lord Iesus-Christ 2. When wilt thou imitate his mildnesse 3. When shal the example of his Patience shine in thee 4. When wilt thou be better 5. When wilt thou be wholye free from Passions and vicious Affections 6. When shall euill be quite destroyed in thee 7. When shall disordinatenesse be blotted out of thee 8. When wilt thou peaceablye and gentlye endure all tribulation and temptation 9. When wilt thou perfectlye loue thy God 10. When wilt thou most inwardlye embrace Him 11. When wilt thou be wholye swallowed vpp in his Loue 12. When wilt thou be pure simple and resigned before him 13. How longe wil it be ere thou be hindered noe more from his most chast embracings 14. O that thou wert immaculate 15. O that thou dist feruentlye loue God 16. O that thou didst inseparablye cleaue vnto thy cheifest good 17. O my soule where is thy God 18. Where is thy Loue 19. Where is thy Treasure 20. Where is thy Desire 2● Where is all thy Good 22. Where is thy God 23. When shalt thou be with him 24. When shalt thou most happilye enioye him It is continued THE II. EXERCISE 1. WHEN shalt thou freelye prayse him with all the Glorious Citizens of Heauen 2. Dispaire not ô my soule 3. Take comfort daughter and be confident most deare 4. If thou hast sinned and art wounded behold thy God behold thy Physitian is readie to cure thee 5. Hee is most gratious and most mercifull and therefore willinge 〈…〉 tent and therefore 〈…〉 6. Peraduenture thou art afraid because hee is thy Iudge but take ha●● for hee who is thy Iudge is alsoe thy Aduocate 7. Hee is thy Aduocate to defend and excuse thee doinge pennance soe thy ●udge to saue not to condemne thee beinge humbled 8. His mercie is infinitlye greater then is or can be thyne iniquitie 9. Thy God is most gentle most sweet hee is wholye amiable wholye desirable and loueth all things which hee hath created 10. Let not thyne imperfections discourage thee too much for thy God doth not dispise thee because thou art fraile and infirme But loueth thee exceedinglye because thou desirest and labourest to be more perfect 11. Arise my soule arise out of the dust slipp thy head out of the collar thou captiue daughter of Sion 12. Arise forsake the puddle of thy negligent lise 13. How longe must thou take pleasure in perills how longe wilt thou esteemee anxitie and torments to be rest how longe wilt thou securelye sleepe in destruction 14. How longe wilt thou willinglye leaue the right way and wander abroad farre and neere in vncouth and vnknowne Paths 15. Returne vnto our Lord thy God for hee expecteth thee 16. Make hast be not slacke for hee is readie to receiue thee 17. Hee wil meete thee with open armes deferre not to returne 18. Haue accesse vnto Iesus hee will heale and purifye thee 19. Ioyne thy selfe to Iesus hee will illuminate thee 20. Adhere to Iesus hee will blesse and saue thee 21. Alas my soule how vngratefull hast thou beene to thy God It is continued THE III. EXERCISE 1. HEE hath bestowed innumerable and most admirable b●nefits on thee and thou stil repaist euill for good 2. Hee hath adopted thee to be heir of the Kingdome of Heauen 3. Hee hath promised those things vnto thee which neither eye hath seene nor eare hath heard nor the Hart of man can comprehend 4. But thou hast left and contemned Him who hath beene soe many wayes beneficial vnto thee 5. Thou hast cast away the holye feare of Him that loued thee 6. Thou hast shaken of his sweet yoke that hath elected thee 7. Thou art become as One of the daughters of Belial as an impudent harlot void of all shame thou hast worshipped iniquitie 8. Thou hast made a compact with death thou hast giuen thy hand to the diuell 9. Thou hast beene most prompt to all wickednesse thou hast heaped euil vppon euil and hast reioyced to adde sinne to sinne 10. By thy wickednesse thou hast Crucifyed Christ agayne who had chosen thee for his spouse 11. Thou hast renewed his wounds by thy crimes 12. Who will giue groanes and sighs 13. Who wil giue thee a springe of teares that thou maist night and day be wayle thy ingratitude 14. O vnhappie wretch what wilt thou doe 15. O that thou hadst kept thy selfe in the state of Innocencie 16. O that thou hadst remayned immaculate 17. O that thou hadst not miserablye defiled thy selfe with dishonestie 18. O that thou hadst not gone a stray from thy God! 19. Thou hast lost thyne innocencie thou art defiled thou art become dishonest thou
looke to find any Booke for thy turne in this way written by any of the Societie of Iesus whose genius is the actiue way and in that they are excellent and very commendable but in this contemplatiue way few or none hath appeared euer since their first institute aboue these hundred yeares Vanitie of Vanitie and all is Vanitie Eccles. 1. But only to loue to loue and serue God Though thou a faire howse hast and splendid fare What then A spowse or concubine without compare What then And Blist with numerous issue large extents What then Yea faire stronge rich in all accomplishment What then If Prior Abbot Prince or Pope thou be What then Courted by the world and all prosperitie What then Let fortunes wheele aduance thee aboue the skies What then Liue heere ten thowsand yeares in Paradise What then Then virtue only doth remayne by which true Glorie thou shalt gayne The world passes away and the concupiscence thereof 1. Io. 2.17 IESVS sonne of dauid haue mercie on mee GOD be mercieful to mee a sinner Luc● 1● ●● 1● HOLY EXERCISES OR SAINCTLY IDEOTS DEVOTIONS THE POENITENT THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. WHO shall giue to my head water and to mine eyes a fountaine of Teares that I maye bewayle both day and night my sinns and ingratitude towards God my Creator 2. Consider ô my soule the multitude of the Benefits of God bestowed vppon thee and be thou confoun 16. Amongst soe many infidels as are in the world thou hast brought mee to thy Faith and Baptisme 17. There that couenant was made that thou shouldst be mine and I thine thou my Lord and I thy seruant thou my Father and I thy child That thou shouldst behaue thy selfe as a Father towards mee and I as a child towards thee 18. What shall I say of the other Sacraments which thou hast instituted for remedies of my euills makinge a plaister for my sinns of thy owne most pretious Blood 19. Haueinge these helpes yet haue I not remayned in goodnesse but my wickednesse hath beene soe greate that I haue lost my first Innocencie 20. And thy Mercie on the other side soe greate that thou hast patientlie hitherto expected mee 21. O my Hope and Sauuiour how can I without teares call to my remembrance how oftentymes thou mightst iustlye haue bereaued mee of my life 22. How many thowsand soules now peraduenture burne in hell who haue lesse sinned then I and yet I burne not there 23. What had become of mee if thou hadst taken mee away when thou tookst them This is continued in the ensuinge Exercise THE II. EXERCISE WHO then ô Lord bound the hands of thy Iustice 2. Who held the rod of thy iudgements when as I by sinninge prouoked thee 3. What pleased thee in mee that thou didst deale more dearelie with mee then with others 4. My sinns cryed vnto thee and thou stoppedst thyne eares 5. My malice euerie day increased against thee and thy merite euerie day encreased towards mee 6. I sinned and thou expectedst 7. I Fled away and thou Followedst mee 8. I was wearied in sinninge and thou wert not wearied in expectinge 9. In the midst of my sinns I receiued from thee diuers good inspirations 10. What shall I now render ô Lord vnto thee for all these benefitts which I haue receiued of thee 11. Because thou hast created mee I owe thee all that I am 12. Because thou hast preserued mee I owe thee all that I am and my life 13. Because thou hast giuen mee thy selfe what shall I render to thee 14. If all the Liues of Angells and men were mine and that I should offer them all vnto thee as a Sacrifice what were this Oblation if it were compared with one droppe of thy Blood which thou hast shed for mee soe aboundantlie 16. Who therefore will giue Teares to mine eyes that I may bewayle my ingratitude and wicked retribution or requitall of these thy soe many benefits 16. Helpe mee ô Lord and giue mee Grace that I may worthylye bewayle myne iniquities 17. For I am that vnhappie wretch who hath sinned against heauen and before thee 18. I am thy Creature made accordi●ge to thy Image take awaye from mee that which I haue made and know that which thou hast made 19. I haue bent all my forces to doe thee iniurie and haue offended thee by the workes of my hands 20. The things which thou hast giuen and created for mee to be imployed and vsed for thy seruice and Honour I haue wrougfullie and most vnthankfullie conuerted and imployed the same to thy offence and dishonour This is continued in the ensuinge Exercise THE III. EXERCISE 1. MY feete haue bene swift to euil and mine eyes haue beene dissolute to Vanitie myne eares haue beene alwayes open to trifles and toyes 2. My vnderstandinge which should haue contemplated thy Beautie and haue meditated both day and night on thy Commandements hath considered transitorie toyes and meditated day and night how to transgresse thy said Commandements 3. My will was by thee inuited to the Loue of coelestiall delights and delicacies but I preferred the earth before heauen 4. I haue spread my Armes which thou hast consecrated to thy loue to embrace and hugge the filthie Loue of Creatures 5. This is ô Lord the reward this is the Fruite which I thy Creature haue yeilded 6. Alas What can I a wretch answere if thou entrest with mee into Iudgement and wilt say I haue planted thee a chosen vineiard all true seed how then ô strange vineiard art thou turned in my sight into that which is depraued 7. And if I cannot answere to this first question concerninge my Creation how shall I answere the second concerninge my conuersation 8. Thou ô mercifull God hast preserued him by thy prouidence who hath thought of noe other thinge but how to violate thy Commandements and to set vp the Kingdome of sinne against thee 9. Thou hast moued that tongue which dishonored thee thou hast gouerned those members which offended thee 10. In soe much as I haue not onlie beene vngratefull for thy benefits but vsed thy benefits alsoe themselues as weapons against thee 11. Thou hast made all creatures for my vse to allure mee to loue thee I haue abused them and of them haue diuers tymes taken occasion of sinne 12. I haue made choise rather of the guift then the giuer 13. I haue beene blinded by them and haue not lifted vp myne ey●s at the sight of them 14. I haue not considered how much more beautifull the Creator is then the creature 15. Thou hast giuen mee all things that I should giue thee my selfe and all things haue serued mee but I neuer haue giuen thee Glorie or paid thy tributedue 16. Thou hast giuen mee health and the diuell hath gathered the fruits thereof 17. Thou hast giuen mee strenth and I haue spent it in the seruice of Thin● enemye 18. What shall I say wherefore haue not all the calamities and miseries which