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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27981 The Psalms of David translated from the Vulgat. Caryll, John, 1625-1711. 1700 (1700) Wing B2628; ESTC R27753 117,168 369

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have no remembrance of thee and in hell who will praise thy holy name 6 I am tyr'd with sighing every night I will wash my bed and water with my tears the place where I ly 7 My eye is wasted with greif I have grown old in the midst of all my enemies 8 Depart from me all you workers of iniquity for our Lord has heard the voice of my tears 9 Our Lord has heard my supplication he has received my petition 10 Let all my enemies blush and be confounded quickly let them be driven back and be covered with shame PSALME VII Domine Deus meus This Psalm was made by David as most interpreters beleive in the time of his persecution under Saul It contains excellent instructions for repenting sinners 1 O Lord Psalm 7. my God! in thee have I hoped save me from all that persecute me and set me free 2 Least at any time the enemy like a lyon should snatch my soul when there is no body to rescue me and save me 3 O Lord my God! if I have done that thing if there be any iniquity of which my hands are guilty 4 If I have render'd evil for evill let me deservedly fall with disgrace under my enemies 5 Let the adversary seek my life take it let him tread it on the ground let him lay my glory in the dust 6 Rise up o Lord in thy anger and be exalted in the borders of my enemys 7 Rise up o Lord my God! in regard to the precept thou hast given and all the people will come and assemble about thee 8 For their sake re-ascend on high it is our Lord who judges the people 9 Judge me o Lord according to my justice and according to my innocence 10 The malice of sinners will at last have an end and the just will be directed by thee o God! the searcher of hearts and reins 11 Just is my assistance from our Lord who saves the upright of heart 12 God is a just judge powerfull and patient Will his anger always continue 13 Unless you be converted he will brandish his sword he has bent and made ready his bow 14 And prepared in it instruments of death of fiery matter he hath made his arrows 15 Behold the sinner has hatched injustice he conceived sorrow and has brought forth iniquity 16 He has open'd and dig'd a pitt and is fall'n into the ditch which he made 17 His mischeif will return upon his own head and his iniquity will fall heavy upon him 18 I will praise our Lord for his justice and I will celebrate with Canti●les the name of God the most high PSALME VIII Domine Dominus noster According to the opinion of the most learned interpreters which the Scripture seems to confirme this Psalm principally regards the person of Iesus Christ risen from the dead in whom God did manifest his greatest glory and power Tho it may also be apply'd to other men 1 O Lord Psalm 8. our Lord how admirable is thy name over all the earth 2 For thy magnificence is raised above the heavens 3 Out of the mouths of infants sucking babes thou hast accomplish'd praise for the confusion of thy enemys that thou mayst destroy the foe and the revengfull man 4 When I consider thy heavens the works of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast created 5 What is man that thou should'st be mindfull of him Or the son of man that thou should'st visite him 6 Thou hast made him but litle inferiour to the Angels thou hast crown'd him with glory and honour and placed him over the works of thy hands 7 Thou hast made subject to him and put under his feet every Creature the sheep the oxen and all the beasts of the f●ild 8 The birds of the air and the fishes of the sea that walk in the paths of the deep 9 O Lord our Lord how admirable is thy name over all the earth PSALME IX Confitebor tibi Domine This Psalm of David in the figurative sense relates to the Incarnation of the son of God and to the Church planted by him upon earth 1 I wil praise thee Psalm 9. o Lord with my whole heart I will relate all the wonderfull things thou hast done 2 I will rejoyce and be overjoyd in thee I will sing praises to thy holy name o the most high 3 My enemy being driven back They will sink and fall before thee 4 For thou hast undertaken my cause and judged it for me Thou hast sat upon thy throne thou who dost justly judge 5 Thou hast rebuked the Gentils And the wicked one is destroy'd Their name thou hast blotted out to all Eternity 6 The weapons of the Enemy are disabled for ever Thou hast razed their Cities 7 They fell with noise Their memory is extinguish'd And our Lord remains for ever 8 He hath prepared his Throne on which he will give Judgement And he himself will judge the whole earth with equity And all Nations with justice 9 Our Lord is become a Refuge to the poor A helper in necessitys and in tribulation 10 And let all hope in thee who know thy name Because o Lord thou hast not forsaken those who seek thee 11 Sing praises to our Lord you who dwell in Sion Publish amongst the Nations the wisdome of his Counsells 12 For he has remember'd and required the blood of the Just And has not forgott the cry of the poor 13 Have mercy on me o Lord See how low I have been brought by my enemies 14 Thou who hast rais'd me from the gates of death That I might declare all thy praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion 15 I will rejoyce in thy mercy that has saved me The Gentils are stuck fast in the ditch they made for my destruction 16 Their foot is caught in the snare they layd for me 17 Our Lord will make himself known by his judgments whilst the sinner remains caught by the work of his own hands 18 Let the wicked be turn'd over into hell And all the Nations that forget God 19 For the poor wil not allways be forgotten by him The patience of the distressed will at last be remember'd 20 Rise up o Lord Let not man prevaile Bring the Nations to judgement before thee 21 Place over them a Legislator to make them know they are but men * Here ends this Psalm according to the Hebrevv 22 Why o Lord art thou retired so far from us Do'st thou despise us in the time of our tribulations 23 Whilst the Impious swells with pride the poor just man burnes They are deceived in their cogitations 24 For the sinner is applauded in his ways and in the desires of his heart And the wicked man is well spoken of 25 Because the sinner has exasperated our Lord And in the severity of his anger he looks not after him 26 God is quite out of his sight he allways walks in the ways of
iniquity 27 Thy judgments are removed from before his eyes he will have dominion over all his Enemies 28 For he has said in his heart I will stand firm from generation to generation untouched by any evill 29 His mouth is full of malediction of bitterness and of deceit Labour and greif lurk under his tongue 30 He sitts plotting with the rich in privat how he may destroy the innocent 31 He watcheth the poor with his eyes he lyes in ambush like a Lyon in his den 32 He lays snares that he may catch the poor man And carry him off when he has drawn him in 33 Then he will tumble him down in his net he will stoop and fall upon him when he has him fast 34 For he has said in his heart God minds nothing of this he looks another way will he ever take notice of it 35 Rise up o Lord God! Lift up thy hand and forget not the poor 36 For why has the impious man provoked God Is it not because he has said in his heart God will not call me to account 37 This thou seest for thou do'st consider the labour and greif of the Iust That the sinners may be deliverd up to thy justice 38 For the poor are left to thy care Thou art the Gardian of the Orphan 39 Break the arme of the sinner and of the malitious man his sin will be required and will not be found 40 Our Lord will reign from age to age for ever and ever And you Gentils shall be exterminate out of his land 41 Our Lord has heard the desire of the poor Thou hast been attentive to the preparation of their heart 42 To do justice to the pupil and to the humble That Man may no longer presume to magnify himself upon the earth PSALME X. In Domino confido This Psalm contains a Dialogue between David and those who counsell'd him to save himself from the fury of Saul by flying away It is also proper for all those who are under o●pression and put their confidence in God 1 I Confide in our Lord Psalm 10. Why do you say to my soul fly over to the mountains like a sparrow 2 For behold the sinners have bent their bows They have their arrows ready in the quiver That they may shoot in the dark the upright of heart 3 They have destroyd what thou hast made But what has the just man done 4 Our Lord is in his holy Temple our Lords Throne is in heaven 5 His eyes look favorably upon the poor His eyes examine the sons of men 6 Our Lord examines both the just and the Injust But he that loves iniquity hates his own soul. 7 He will rain down snares upon sinners Fire and brimston and tempests will be the portion of their Cup. 8 For our Lord is just and he loves justice Equity is lookd upon by him PSALME XI Salvum me fac Domine In this Psalm the Author describes the corrupt manners of his age He prays that God would purge the land of all wieked and proud men And in the last place he assures that the Impious shall perish and the Iust shall be saved 1 SAve me Psalm 11 o Lord for there is scarce a holy one remaining there is litle truth to be found amongst the sons of men 2 They speak vanitys one to another Their lips are deceitfull and they talk with a double heart 3 May our Lord confound all deceitfull lips And every boasting tongue 4 Who have said our tongues shall magnifie us our lips are our own And who is our Lord 5 In consideration of the misery of the poor And of the sighs of the distressed Now I will rise up saith our Lord. 6 I will provide for their safety And I will do it effectually 7 The words of our Lord are pure and sincere Like silver try'd by the fire purg'd from all drosse and seven times refin'd 8 Thou o Lord wilt preserve us And protect us for ever from this depraved generation 9 The wicked walk in a round In thy deep wisdom thou hast multiply'd the sons of men PSALME XII Usquequo Domine David being in great straits first complaines of his own misery and the rejoycing of his enemies Then he implores the assistance of God which he hopes will suddenly be given him and promises to make gratefull acknowlegments for the mercy which he expects The occasion of writing this Psalm seems rather to be the persecution of Saul then the rebellion of Absalon 1 HOw long Psalm 12 o Lord wilt thou forget me Will it be for ever How long wilt thou turn away thy face from me 2 How long will my thoughts perplex my soul And fill my heart the whole day with greif 3 How long must my enemy be exalted over me Look upon me and heat me o Lord my God! 4 Inlighten mine eyes that I may not sleep the sleep of death Least my enemy should say I have prevaild against him 5 They who persecute me will triumph if I quitt my ground But I have confidence in thy mercy 6 My heart will be ravishd with joy when I am saved by thee In songs I will praise our Lord for the good things he hath bestowd on me In Hymnes I will celebrate the name of our most high Lord. PSALME XIII Dixit insipiens in corde When ever this Psalm was writt or whoever was the writer of it about which Interpreters differ in their opinions yet all agree that the spirituall deliverance from the Captivity of the Devill which Iesus Christ procured for mankind is clearly figur'd in it 1 THe fool said in his heart Psalm 13 There is no God 2 They are corrupted and become abominable in all their ways There is none that do's what is good No not one 3 Our Lord from heaven has lookd down upon the sons of men That he might see if any were to be found that had understanding or sought God 4 They all have gone out of the way They all are become unprofitable There is not any that do's good No not one 5 Their throate is an open sepulcher They have dealt deceitfully with their tongues The poison of aspicks lyes under their lips 6 Their mouth is full of malediction and bitterness Their feet swift towards the shedding of blood 7 In their wayes ther is affliction and desolation They know not the way of peace The fear of our Lord is not before their eyes 8 Will they not one day know me They who work iniquity and devour my people like a morcel of bread 9 They have not called upon our Lord There they trembled with fear where there was no reason to fear 10 For our Lord sides with the generation of the Just But you have put shame on the counsell of the poor because they put their confidence in our Lord. 11 Who is he that out of Sion will bring salvation to Israel When our Lord shall put an end to the Captivity of his people
disorder 12 For my life wast's in sorrow And my years are spent in sighs 13 My naturall strength is weakend by poverty And my bones have lost their vigour 14 More then all my enemys I am very much reproched even by my neighbours my old acquaintance are affraid of me 15 All that see me fly away from me I am blotted out of their memory and their heart like one of the dead 16 I am become like a broken pitcher for I have heard the injurious things said of me by many that dwell about me 17 When they mett together against me they held a Councill for the taking away my life 18 But I have put my trust in thee O Lord I have said thou art my God my destiny is in thy hands 19 Rescue me from the hands of my enemies And my persecutors 20 Let thy countenance shine upon thy servant save me according to thy mercy I will not be confounded O Lord because I have called upon thee 21 Let the wicked be covered with shame let them be brought into their grave let all deceitfull lips be struck dumb 22 That speak injuriously against the just with pride and contempt 23 How great and many are the delights O Lord which thou hast layd up for such as fear thee 24 Thou hast made perfect those who hope in thee even in the sight of the sons of men 25 Thou wilt hide them in the privacy of thy countenance from the disturbance of men 26 Thou wilt protect them in thy Tabernacle from the contradiction of tongues 27 Blessed be our Lord for he has made wonderfull his mercy towards me in a fortified city 28 I said when I was out of my self that thou hadst quite cast me out of thy sight 29 Thou nevertheless hast heard the voice of my prayer when cry'd out to thee 30 Love our Lord all you who are his holy ones for he is a searcher of truth And he will abundantly render to the proud what they deserve 31 Act manfully And strengthen your hearts all you that hope in our Lord. PSALME XXXI Beati quorum remissae David declares those men to be happy whose sins are forgiven He invites all by his own example to have recours to the mercy of God 1 BLessed are they whose sins are forgiven Psalm 31. And whose iniquity is covered 2 Happy is the man to whom our Lord has imputed no sin And in whose soul there is no guile 3 Because I had been silent my bones did wither as it were with old age when aftervvards I cry'd out all the day 4 For thy hand by day and by night has been heavy upon me in my affliction I was converted when the thorn was struck into me 5 I have now confessed to thee my sin And my iniquity I have not conceal'd 6 I sayd I will accuse my self of my iniquity to our Lord And thou hast remitted the impiety of my sin 7 For this every holy one will pray to thee in a seasonable time 8 But in the deluge of many waters they will not approach to him 9 Thou art my refuge in the tribulation which has incompas'd me my only joy rescue me from those who besiege me 10 I will give thee understanding and instruct thee in the way thou must walk I will allways have mine eyes upon thee 11 Become not like the horse and the mule that are voide of understanding 12 With the bitt and the bridle curb them hard who approche not to thee 13 Many are the scourges of sinners but mercy shall incompas him who hopes in our Lord. 14 Rejoyce in our Lord be transported with joy all you that are just glorify him all you who are upright of heart PSALME XXXII Exultate justi in Domino This Psalm invites the just to celebrate the praises of God and sets forth many powerfull motives for the so doing It shews the confidence whi●h the just ought to have in God when they implore his mercy 1 YOu that are just rejoyce in our Lord Psalm 32. it becomes the righteous to celebrate his praises 2 Praise our Lord upon the harp praise him upon the psalter of ten strings 3 Sing to him a new Canticle sing with musick lowd and harmonious 4 For the word of our Lord is sincere And he is faithfull in all his works 5 He loveth mercy and justice the world is replenishd with the mercy of our Lord. 6 By the word of our Lord the heavens were establish'd And from the breath of his mouth came all their perfection 7 Who has gather'd together the waters of the sea as it were in a vessel And layd up the abysses in his store house 8 Let all the earth fear our Lord And let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble before him 9 For he spoke and all things were made he commanded And every thing was created 10 Our Lord brings to nothing the designs of the Nations he makes vain the cogitations of the people And defeates the counsel of Princes 11 But the counsell of our Lord remains for ever the thoughts of his heart subsist from generation to generation 12 Happy is the Nation who hath our Lord for their God happy the people whom he has chosen for his inheritance 13 Our Lord has look'd down from heaven And beheld all the sons of men 14 From his habitation which he prepared for himself he cast his eyes upon all the inhabitants of the earth 15 'T is he who form'd all their hearts And who penetrates into all their actions 16 A King will not be saved by the greatnes of his power nor a giant by his mighty strength 17 Who relys on his horse for safety will be deceived by his great strength speed he will not be saved 18 But our Lord has his eyes upon those who fear him And upon those who confide in his mercy 19 To deliver their souls from death And to nourish them in a time of famine 20 Our soul rests in expectation of our Lord for he is our supporter and protector 21 For in him our heart will rejoyce And in his holy name wee confide 22 Let thy mercy O Lord be bestow'd upon us accordingly as wee have hoped in thee PSALME XXXIII Benedicam Dominum David praiseth God for his late deliverance out of the hands of Achis the King of Geth He exhorts others by his example to hope for safety if they fear God He teaches what the works are of one that fears God 1 I will bless our Lord at all times Psalm 33. his praise shall be continually in my mouth 2 My soul shall have glory in our Lord let the humble and the mild hear this and rejoyce 3 Let them joyn with me to magnify our Lord And let us altogether celebrate the glory of his name 4 I have sought our Lord and he has heard me he has rescued me out of all my afflictions 5 Approach to him and be inlighten'd And your faces shall never
thy justice they will be exalted 17 For the glory of their strength is derived from thee and to thy bounty and goodnes wee owe our elevation 18 For t' is our Lord who has taken us into his protection and the holy one of Israel our king 19 Then didst thou speak in a vision to thy saints saying I have given assistance to a man that hath strength And I have rais'd up one chosen out of my people 20 I have found out David my servant and with my holy oyle I have anointed him 21 My hand shall be assisting to him And my arme shall support him 22 The enemy shall have no advantage over him and the son of iniquity shall have no power to hurt him 23 And I will cut in peeces his enemys before him And I will mak● them fly who hate him 24 My mercy and my truth shall allways be with him and in my name his power shall be exalted 25 And I will lay his hand upon the sea And his right hand upon the rivers 26 He shall call upon me and say Thou art my father my God and the author of my safety 27 And I will constitute him my first begotten and I will raise him aboue all the kings of the earth 28 I will for ever preserve my mercy towards him And my covenant with him shall be inviolable 29 And I will make his race continue all ages And his throne last as long as the heauens 30 But if his sons shall deparr from my Law and shall not walk according to my precepts 31 If they shall violate my ordonances and shall not keep my commandments 32 I will visite with a rod their iniquitys and with stripes I will punish their sins 33 But my mercy I will not wholy withdraw from them Nor will I violate the truth of my promises 34 I will not break my covenant And the words which come from my mouth shall not be made void 35 Once I have sworn by my owne Holines and I will be true to David That his race shall continue for ever 36 And his throne shall allways remain in my sight like the sun And like the moon in perfection a faith full witnes in heaven 37 Thou notwithstanding hast rejected hast despised and layd aside him whom thou hast anointed 38 Thou hast reversed the covenant made with thy servant thou hast thrown down to the ground and profaned the sacred ensigns of his dignity 39 Thou hast destroy'd all his fences all his strong places thou hast fill'd with terror 40 All that pass by the way have pillaged him he is become the reproche of his neighbours 41 Thou hast exalted the right hand of thos who oppresse him and thou hast made joyfull all his enemys 42 Thou hast taken from him the help of his sword And thou hast not succor'd him in war 43 Thou hast depriv'd him of Purification and thou hast dasht in peeces his throne upon the ground 44 Thou hast shortned the number of his days thou hast covered him with ignominy 45 How long O Lord willt thou turn away from me will thy anger always burn on lik a fire 46 Remember how much of my life is consumed Is it in vain that thou hast created the sons of men 47 What man is there alive that must not see death who shall save his life from the power of the grave 48 Wher O Lord are thy former mercys which in thy truth thou hast sworn to David 49 Remember O Lord the reproche of thy servants cast upon t●em by many nations which I have contain'd within my breast 50 Thy Enemys O Lord have reproched us They have reproched us that thou art changed towards thy anointed 51 Let our Lord be eternally blessed so be it so be it PSALME LXXXIX Domine refugium This Psalme containes the prayer of Moses as the title shews to God for the people in which he complains of the miserys and shortnes of life and asks from God happier times 1 O Lord Psalm 89. thou hast been our refuge from generation to generation 2 Before the mountains were made and the earth and the univers were formed From all Eternity thou art God 3 Let not man be cast down by thee thou who hast said Be converted ye sons of men 4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday that is past 5 And as the night watch which is reckon'd for nothing so will their years be 6 Like the grasse which in the space of one morning fades away at break of day it flourishes then decays and in the evening it drops down it hardens and withers 7 For wee have fainted under thy anger And thy indignation has put us into confusion 8 Thou hast lay'd our iniquitys before thy eyes and exposed the whole course of our life to the light of thy countenance 9 Thus all our days are wasted And we ourselves are consumed by the rigour of thy anger 10 Our years pass away like thos of a spider in cobweb designs The number of our days seldome exceeds seaventy years 11 And in the strongest if they arrive to eighty all that is beyond that is pain and sorow 12 But t' is an effect of thy mercy that we are so corrected 13 Who knows the force of thy anger and how much it ought to be feared 14 Shew the power of thy right hand that our heart may be instructed in true wisdome 15 Turn towards us O Lord how long wilt thou neglect us Be exorable towards rhy servants 16 We have been fill'd in the morning with thy mercy And we have rejoiced and have been dilighted all the days of our Life 17 We have rejoiced for the days in which thou didst humble us And for the years in which evills did befall us 18 Look upon thy servants and upon thy own works and be a guide to their children 19 And let the splendor of the Lord our God be upon us direct all the works of our hands Let the work of our hands be directed by thee PSALME LXXXIX Qui habitat This Psalme which most probably is of David's making tho some attribute it to Moses is full of usefull instructions It was upon the occasion of some great danger that David made this Psalme in the manner of a Dialogue ●her the Prophet the just man and our Lord speak by turns 1 HE who dwell's under the shelter of the most high Psalm 90. shall allways be protected by the God of heaven 2 He shall say to our Lord Thou art my deffender and my refuge he is my God and I will hope in him 3 For he has delivered me from the snare of the hunters And from the sharp word 4 Under the shadow of his shoulders he will cover thee and under his wings thou shalt be full of hope 5 His truth will fence thee round like a buckler And all that is frightfull in the night thou shalt not fear 6 Nor the arrow that flys by day
blush for shame 6 The poor man cry'd out and our Lord heard him And deliver'd him from all his tribulations 7 The Angel of our Lord will guard them round who fear him and bring them out of danger 8 Taste and see how sweet our Lord is happy is the man who hopes in him 9 Fear our Lord all you that are his Saints for no want can afflict those who fear him 10 Rich men have fall'n into necessity and have felt hunger but they who seek our Lord shall abound in all that 's good 11 Come children and hear me I will teach you the fear of our Lord. 12 Who is the man that covets to live And desires to see happy days 13 Keep thy tongue from speaking evill And thy lips from being deceitfull 14 Decline from evill and do good seek after peace and persever so to do 15 The eyes of our Lord are upon the just And his ears are open to receive their prayers 16 But the countenance of our Lord is upon the doers of evill to exterminate their memory our of the earth 17 The just have cry'd out and our Lord has heard them from all their tribulations he has deliver'd them 18 Our Lord is allways near to those whose heart is afflicted And the humble of spirit he will save 19 Many are the tribulations of the just but from all these our Lord will deliver them 20 Of every bone of them our Lord takes care not one of them shall be broken 21 The death of a sinner is dismall And they who hate the just will be guilty of sin 22 Our Lord will redeem the soul of his servants And none shall faile who trust in him PSALME XXXIV Judica Domine nocentes David implores the speedy assistance of God both against his open enemys and his calumniators in private whose perfidiousnes he describes and detests This● Psalm he writ● when he was persecuted by Saul and his courtiers 1 JUdge Psalm 34. o Lord those who hurt me vanquish those who set upon me 2 Take thy arms and thy buckler And rise up to help me 3 Draw out thy sword and stop their passage who pursue me say to my soul I am thy safety 4 Let them all be confounded and cover'd with infamie who seek my life 5 Let all that intend evill against me be driven back with shame and confusion 6 Let them be like the dust before the face of the wind And let the Angell of God closely pursue them 7 Let their way be dark and sllippery whilst the Angel of God is in pursuit of them 8 Because unprovoked they have lay'd a hidden snare to destroy me And they have unjustly calumniated me 9 Let him fall into a snare which he do's not foresee even in the snare which he lay'd for me let himself be caught 10 But my soul shall rejoyce in our Lord And be delighted in the salvation which comes from him 11 All my bones shall say Lord who is like to thee 12 Who dost rescue the poor out of hands that are too strong for them the feeble and the indigent from those who prey upon them 13 Corrupt witnesses rising up against me have question'd me for matters I was ignorant of 14 They did render unto me evill for good And put my soul into desolation 15 But I when they afflicted me clothed my self with sackcloth 16 I humbled my soul with fasting And my prayer will return into my owne bosome 17 I behaved my self towards them as to a neighbour and to a brother I humbled myself as a sorrowfull mourner 18 And they rejoyced at my misery they met together and provided scourges for me and I was ignorant of it 19 They are now dissipated but not penitent they still provoke me they insult me with mockerys and gnash their teeth at me 20 Lord when wilt thou look towards me deliver my soul from their malice my only one from these lyons 21 And I will magnify thy name in the great assembly in the multitudes of people I will publish thy praises 22 Let them not triumph over me who unjustly rise up against me and hate me without cause And yet flatter me with their eyes 23 For to me indeed they spoke peaceably but when they spoke in a mutiny of the people they studied to betray me 24 They open'd their mouths wide against me And said let us rejoyce now our eyes have beheld what wee lookd for 25 This O Lord thou hast seen be not therfore silent O Lord depart not from me 26 Rise up and mind the doing me justice my God and my Lord embrace my cause 27 Judge me according to thy justice O Lord my God! And let them not triumph over me 28 Let them not say in their hearts wee have our soul's desire nor let them say wee have devoured him 29 Let all who take joy in my misery blush and be confounded 30 Let all who speak of me with pride and disdain be cover'd with shame and confusion 31 Let those be glad and abound with joy who are well wishers to the justice of my cause 32 Let them allways say glorified be our Lord who desire the peace of his servant 33 And my tongue shall celebrate thy justice And all the day thy praises PSALME XXXV Dixit injustus 'T is believed that David made this Psalm after he had spared Saul who fell into his hands and after that ceased not to persecute him He takes occasion from this obstinacy of Saul in his injustice to shew the guilt of those who persevere in evil And withall he sets forth the providence and mercy of God 1 THe injust man resolves within himself to offend Psalm 35. The fear of God is not before his eyes 2 For in his sight he has acted deceitfully so that his iniquity has made him worthy of hatred 3 The words of his mouth are full of injustice and fraud he would not understand how to do well 4 He meditates mischeif on his bed he follows all bad ways and has no hatred of evill 5 Lord thy mercy is in heaven And thy truth reacheth to the clouds 6 Thy justice like the highest mountans is elevated thy judgments are of a profound depth 7 Thou wilt preserve O Lord both men beasts according to the great extent of thy mercy O God! 8 But the sons of men shall place their hope in their being protected under thy wings 9 They shall be inebriated with the flowing plenty of thy house And thou wilt make them drink in the torrent of thy delights 10 For the fountain of life is in thee And in thy light wee shall see light 11 Hold forth thy mercy to those who know thee And thy justice to the upright of heart 12 Let not the foot of pride come at me nor let me be moved by the hand of the sinner 13 There have they falln ' who work iniquity they are driven out and could not stand their ground PSALME XXXVI
not had God before their eyes 4 But behold God comes to my relief And our Lord is the protector of my soule 5 Turn upon my Enemies the evills they intend me And according to thy verity exterminate them 6 With a willing heart I will offer sacrifice to thee And I will celebrate thy name O Lord because it is all good 7 Because thou hast delivered me from all my afflictions And now my eye can look with assurance upon my ennemys PSALME LIV. Exaudi Deus orationem meam It is believed that David composed this Psalm in the time of Absaloms conspiracy against him It allso perfectly agrees in the spirituall sense with the passion of our Saviour And the prayer which it containes is very proper for all Christians when they find themselves beseiged by the severall temptations of the Ennemies of their salvation 1 HEar my prayer Psalm 54. O God! and do not despise my petition Have regard to me and hear me 2 My meditations fill me with sadnes And I have no rest from the clamour of the enemy and from the persecution of the finner 3 For they have wrongfully layd iniquitys to my charge And in their anger have afflicted me 4 My heart is disturbed within me And the fear of death is fallen upon me 5 Terror and trembling have seized me An darkness has cover'd me round 6 And I have said who will give me the wings of a dove that I may fly away and find a place to rest in 7 Behold I am allready fled a far off And I have remain'd in solitude 8 Still expecting him who has hitherto preserved me from loosing courage And from the storme 9 Tumble them down O Lord and divide their tongues For I have seen nothing but injustice and dissention in the Citty 10 Iniquity surrounds it upon the walls both day and night Oppression and injustice reign within it 11 In the streets therofe there is never wanting usury and fraud 12 The malediction of my enemy I could have born with patience 13 And if he who professed hatred towards me had spoken insultingly against me I might perhaps have Kept out of his sight 14 But t is you who have been all one with me my leader my old acquaintance 15 Who have so often delightfully eaten at my table And walked with me hand in hand in the house of God! 16 May death on the sudden come upon all such And may they alive go down into hell 17 For wickednes dwells in their houses And in the middle of them 18 But I have call'd out to God And our Lord will save me 19 Both evening and morning and at noon day I will tell and set forth my sufferings And he will hear my voice 20 He will redeem my soule in peace from those who come upon me for they amongst many have been with me who are now against me 21 God will hear me and he will humble them He who subsists before all ages 22 For there is no hope of their changing They have no fear of God and he hath stretcht out his hand to give them their due 23 They have contaminated his convenant in his anger he hath dissipated them And he has sett his heart upon it 24 Their speeches are softer then oyl But they peirce like darts 25 Leave the care of thy self to our Lord and he will maintain thee He will not suffer the justman to be allways in a tottering condition 26 But as to the wicked thou wilt cast them O God Into the pitt of destruction 27 The bloody and the deceitfull men shall not live half their days But I will hope in thee O Lord PSALME LV. Miserere mei Deus quoniam David forced to fly and abscond and bes●t● round with enemies prays to God that he may he delivered out of their hands Next he conceives certain hopes that his enemies shall perish and the be saved and therfore vows thanksgiving to God 1 HAve mercy on me Psalm 55. O God! for man has trod me under foot All the day he setts upon me and persecutes me 2 All the day my enemies trample upon me For they are many who make war against me 3 So that I fear the light of the noon day But yet I will hope in thee 4 I will praise God for what he has sayd to me I have put my trust in God I will not fear what flesh can do to me 5 The whole day they execrated all that I said all their thoughts are bent to do me hurt 6 They keep about me and lye in ambush They watch all my steps 7 Whereas they wait to take my life Thou wilt have no regard for saving of them In thy indignation thou wilt break that people in pieces 8 O God! I have layd open my life to thee And my tears thou hast admitted into thy sight 9 According to what thou hast promised my enemies will at that time be overthrown and driven back 10 In what day soever I shall call upon thee Behold I Know that thou art my God 11 I will praise God for the word he has given me I will praise our Lord for what he has said I have hoped in God And I will not fear what men can do against me 12 The vows I have made to thee my God! are still present in my mind I will render praises to thee 13 For thou hast delivered my soule from death and my feet from falling That in the light of the living I may appear acceptable to God PSALME LVI Miserere mei Deus miserere David implores the mercy of God he gives thanks for being delivered out of the hands of his Enemys and he celebrates God's praises 1 HAve mercy on me Psalm 56 O God! have mercy on me for my soule confides in thee 2 And I will rest in hope under the shadow of thy wings Till iniquity shall be quite gone off 3 I will cry out to God the most high To God who has been my benefactor 4 He has sent me succour from heaven and has delivered me He has made infamous all those who trod upon me 5 He has sent forth his mercy and his truth And has rescued my soule from the midst of young Lyons I have slept unquietly 6 The teeth of the sons of men are weapons and arrows Their Tongue is a sharp-edged sword 7 Be exalted O God! above the heavens and let thy glory shine over all the earth 8 They have layd a snare for my feet And they bent down my soule 9 They have digg'd a pit fall in my way But they themselves have fall'n into it 10 My heart is prepared O God! my heart is prepared I will sing and praise thy name in à Psalm 11 Rise up my glory rise up the psalter and the harp And I will rise up early my self 12 I will praise thee O Lord in the midle of the people And I will sing thy glory amongst the nations 13 Because thy mercy
me 5 Wonderfull is thy knowledge concerning me It is above my reach And I can not comprehend it 6 Whither can J go to be concealed from thy spirit And whither shall I fly to be out of thy sight 7 If I go up to heaven thou art ther If I go down into hell ther also thou art 8 If I take wings early in the morning to go and dwell in the extremest parts of the sea 9 Even thither thy hand will conduct me And thou wilt hold me with thy right hand 10 I then said perhaps darknes will cover me But I found that night was not dark to the but discover'd me to thee in my pleasures 11 For darknes hides nothing from thee to whom the night is no lesse illuminated then the day The Darknes of the one and the light of the other are both alike to thee 12 For thou hast possessed my Reins Thou didst receiue me from my Mothers womb 13 I will praise thee because thou hast in a terrible manner shewn thy power Thy works are wonderfull and my soul is penetrated with them 14 Ther is not a bone within me form'd by thee in a secret place that is hid to thee And my whole substance was known to thee when it lay below in the earth 15 Thy eyes beheld me when I was but half finished All will be register'd in thy book They will be form'd from day to day And non of them will be missing 15 But I see my God! how exceedingly thou hast honour'd thy freinds how firmly thou hast established their dominion 17 If I go to reckon them I find they exceed in number the grains of sand I have rose up and J am still with thee 18 O God! since thou wilt destroy sinners Depart from me all you men of blood 19 Because you say within your selves In vain they will take possession of thy Cittys 20 Have I not O Lord hated thos who hate thee And been almost consum'd with Zeal against thy enemies 21 I hated them with a perfect hatred And they became my Enemies 22 Search me O Lord and sound my heart Examine me And look into all my ways 23 And see if J am in any way of iniquity And lead me right in the way of eternity PSALME CXXXIX Eripe me Domine This Psalme seemes to have been made by the holy prophet David when he saw himself beseiged on all sides and persecuted to death by Saul 1 DEliver me Psalm 139. O Lord from the wicked man From the unjust man deliver me 2 They who formed wicked dessigns in their heart have made continuall war against me 3 They have sharpned their tongues like serpents The poison of aspes lyes under their lips 4 Preserve me O Lord from the hand of the sinner Deliver me from unjust men 5 Who have dessign'd to supplant me and make me fall The proud have Lay'd a secret snare for me 6 They have spred their nets and have sett their traps in my way 7 I have sayd to our Lord Thou art my God O Lord hear the voice of my prayer 8 O Lord by whose power I have been saved Who hast covered my head in the day of battell 9 O Lord do not deliver me up against my will to the sinner They have designs against me forsake me not least their pride should triumph over me 10 All their circumventions and studyed Calumnies of their lips will return upon themselves 11 Burning coals will fall upon them Thou wilt cast them into the fire They will sink under their misery 12 The lauish tongue shall not thrive upon the earth And the unjust man will make a wretched end 13 I know that our Lord will do justice to the afflicted And that he will revenge the cause of the poor 14 The just shall praise thy name And the upright of heart shall enjoy thy presence PSALME CXL Domine clamavi It is beleived that this Psalme was made by David upon the same occasion and near the same time with that which went before 1 O Lord Psalm 140. I have cry'd out to thee Vouchafe to hear me Listen to my voice when I call upon thee 2 Let my prayer like incense ascend to thee as an evening sacrifice receive the holding up of my hands 3 Place a watch O Lord upon my mouth and a door to gard my lipps 4 Suffer not my heart to be inclin'd to words of malice to seek excuses for my sins 5 I will have nothing to do with the workers of iniquity nor with any thing that is pleasing to them 6 The just man will admonish me with charity and will reprehend me But let not the sinner grease my head with his oyl of flatery 7 For I will still pray against the things which they delight in Their Judges shall be splitt upon the rock and swallow'd up 8 They will hear my words at last because th●y are powerfull As clods of the earth are borken by the plow and scatter'd about the ground 9 So are our bones dispersed even to the brink of the grave Wherfor to thee O Lord my Lord I lift up my eyes I have putt my hope in thee Let not my life be taken away 10 Preserve me from the snare which they have layd for me And from the trapps of the workers of iniquity 11 Sinners shall fall into their own net stand alone till the time of my passage comes PSALME CXLI Voce mea ad Dominum This Psalme contains Davids prayer ●hen he was in the Cave beseiged by Saul He setts forth the greatnes of the danger he was in he expects and hopes for his deliverance only from God 1 I Have raised my voice Psalm 141. and cry'd out to our Lord I have raised my voice And prayed to our Lord. 2 I powre forth my prayer in his presence And I lay before him all my sufferings 3 Whilst my spirit sinks down within me But thou O Lord knowest all my stepps 4 In the way J used to walk they have layd a hiden snare for me 5 I look'd about on my right hand and I considered And ther was no body that knew me 6 I can not escape by flying away And ther is not any that takes care to save my life 7 O Lord I have cryed out to thee I have sayd thou art my hope Thou art my portion in the land of the living 8 Be attentive to my prayer For J am humbled to the last extremity 9 Deliver me from thos who persecute me Because J am overpower'd by them 10 Deliver my soul out of this prison that J may praise thy name The just wait for me expecting the releif thou wilt give me PSALME CXLII Domine exaudi This Psalme David made when God punished him by the rebellion of his son Absolon for his former sins of adultery and murder He humbles himself before God and begs his pardon and mercy And by his example teaches all sinners how they ought to humble themselves
before God for their sins 1 LOrd Psalm 142. hear my prayer Give eare to my supplication according to thy truth hear me according to thy equity 2 And enter not into judgment with thy servant For no man living can be justified in thy sight 3 For the Enemy has persecuted my soul he has humbled my life even to the earth 4 He has lodged me in a obscure place like the dead And my soul is full of anxiety my heart is disturbed within me 5 I have called to mind the days of old I have considered the great things thou hast done and J have meditated upon the works of thy hands 6 J have stretched forth my hands to thee J present my soul before thee a● earth without water 7 Hear me quickly O Lord my spirit is quite sinking 8 Turn not thy face from me Least J become like thos who descend into the lake 9 Let me speedily find thy timely mercy Because J have hoped in ●hee 10 Make known to me the way in which J am to walk For to thee J have lifted up my soul. 11 Rescue me O Lord from my Enemys to thee J fly for refuge Teach me to do thy will for thou art my God 12 Thy good spirit will lead me into the right way For the glory of thy name O Lord thou wilt give me life according to thy equity 13 Thou wilt bring my soul out of tribulation And in thy mercy thou wilt defeat my enemies 14 And thou wilt destroy all who afflict my soul because J am thy servant PSALME CXLIII Benedictus Dominus David gives thanks to God in this Psalme for the assistance he has allways received from him In the second place he prays that all the Kings and Nations that oppose him may be overthrown 1 BLessed be our Lord Psalm 143. my God who teaches my hands to fight in battell And my fingers to wage war 2 He is mercyfull towards me he is my refuge my defender and my deliverer 3 He is my protector and my hope is in him who makes subject my people to me 4 O Lord what is man that thou shouldst m●ke thy self known to him Or the son of man that he should merite thy consideration 5 Man is become like to nothing his days pass away like a shadow 6 Bow thy heavens O Lord and come down Touch the mountains and they will smoke 7 Dart forth thy lightenning and thou wilt dissipate them Shoot thy arrows and thou wilt confound them 8 Stretch forth thy hand from above and rescue me Deliver me out of the deep waters out of the hands of the sons of strangers * Rebellious children 9 Who 's mouths speak lyes And whos right hand is the right hand of iniquity 10 O God J will sing a new song to thee J will sing it upon the instrument of ten strings 11 Thou who givest safety to Kings who hast redeemed David thy servant from the sword of the Enemy Now also deliver me 12 Deliver me out of the hands of the sons of strangers whos right hands are the right hands of iniquity 13 Who 's children flourish in youth like new plantations 14 Their daughters are finely deck'd And adorned like a Temple 15 Their store houses are full and overflown out of one into the other 16 Their yews are fruitfull and come out of their folds in great flocks Their oxen are fat 17 Ther are no breaches nor open passages in their inclosures Nor any outcrys in their streets 18 Happy they have said are the people to whom thes things befall But happy is the people who have our Lord for their God PSALME CXLIV Exaltabo t● Deus The Title of this Psalme shews that David made it to serve upon occa●ions for praising and thanking our Lord. 1 J will glorify thee Psalm 144. my King and my God J will bless thy name for ever and ever 2 Every day J will bless thee And J will praise thy name eternally 3 Great is our Lord worthy of all praise His greatnes is infinite 4 All ages to come shall praise thy works And shall declare thy power 5 They shall celabrate the magnificent glory of thy holines And shall relate ●hy wonders 6 They shall make known the force of thy terrible judgments And sett forth thy greatnes 7 They will publish the memory of thy abounding sweetnes And they will rejoice in thy justice 8 Our Lord is compassionat and mercifull he is patient and full of mercy 9 Our Lord is Benigne to all And his mercys are above all his works 10 Let all thy works praise thee O Lord And let thy saints bless thee 11 They shall publish the glory of thy Kingdome And shall declare thy power 12 That they may make known to the sons of men thy Allmightynes And the magnificent glory of thy Kingdome 13 Thy Kingdome is a Kigdome of all ages And thy Empire is from generation to generation 14 Our Lord is true in all his words And holy in all his works 15 He lifts up all that fall And raiseth from the ground all that are bruised 16 The eyes of all creatures hope in thee And thou givest them food in seasonable time 17 Thou openest thy hand and fillest every living creature with benediction 18 Our Lord is just in all his ways And holy in all his works 19 Our Lord is near at hand to thos who call upon him And to all that invoke him in truth 20 He will performe the desires of thos who fear him he will hear their prayers and will save them 21 Our Lord takes into his protection thos wholove him And will destroy all sinners 22 My mouth shall speak the praises of our Lord And let all flesh blesse his holy name for ever and ever PSALME CXLV Lauda anima mea In this Psalme are comm●morated the benefites of God bestowed upon men and it declares that wee onght to put our trust in him alone ALLALUIA 1 O My soul Psalm 145. Praise thou our Lord Whilst I live I will praise our Lord I will sing the praises of my God as long as J am in being 2 Confide not in Princes not in the sons of men in whom ther is no safety 3 Their soul will depart and they will return to the earth whence they came In that day all their designs will vanish 4 Blessed is he who has the God of Jacob for his defender whos hope is in the Lord his God who made heaven and earth the sea and all things that are in them 5 Who preserves truth for ever Who does justice to thos who suffer injury and gives food to thee hungry 6 Our Lord loosens the bonds of prisoners Our Lord gives sight to the blind 7 Our Lord lifts up thos who have been bruised Our Lord loveth the just 8 Our Lord will defend the stranger And take into his protection the orphan and the widow And he will confound the ways of sinners 9 Our Lord will