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A23061 A right Christian treatise, entituled S. Augustines praiers: published in more ample sort than yet it hath bin in the English tong; purged from diuers superstitious points; and adorned with manifold places of the S. Scripture, by Thomas Rogers. Wherevnto is annexed Saint Augustines psalter: translated and quoted by the same T.R.; S. Augustines praiers. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 950; ESTC S100329 79,739 249

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thy sonne whome thou broughtest foorth into this world and respect not so mine euil which I haue done that thou forget the good which thou hast made What father is there but would saue his sonne or what sonne whome the father with the rod of mercie wil not correct Wherefore ô Father and Lord although I be a sinner yet I cannot but be thy sonne because thou hast both made me l Iob. 10 8. Psal 119 75. and renued me m Col. 3 9. 10. As I haue sinned amend me but first deliuer me to thy sonne being reformed with y e scourge Can a woman forget hir child n Esa 49 15 notwithstanding though she should yet thou father hast promised neuer to forget Behold I crie and thou hearest me not I am vexed with sorow and yet find no comfort What shal I saie or what shal I do wretch that I am I destitute of such consolation am cast from the sight of thine eies Wo is me from what felicitie into what miserie am I fallen whether did I bend my selfe and to what passe am I come where am I wretch and where am I not vnto whome did I aspire and wherin do I now sigh I sought after good things but behold vexation Lo I now labor and Iesus is not with me Doubtles better were it for me not to be at al than to be without Iesus Better is it not to liue than to liue without life And now ô Lord Iesus where be thy former mercies o Ps 89 49. wilt thou be angrie with mee for euer p Psa 85 5. Be pacified at the length I beseech thee and haue mercie vppon me neither hide awaie thy face fro me q Psa 27 9. who for my redemption didest not turne thy face from such as reprooued and spat vpon thee r Matt. 27 vers 27 c. 30. I confesse in deede I haue sinned and that my conscience deserueth damnation I acknowledge also that no penance can satisfie for my sinnes but certaine it is that thy mercie is more than al my sinnes O most gratious Lord write not thou bitter things against me ſ Iob. 13 26. neither enter thou into iudgement with thy seruant t Psa 143 2. but according to the multitude of thy compassions put awaie mine iniquities u Psal 51 1. Wo to me wretch when the daie of iudgement shal come and the bookes of each mans conscience be opened x Reu. 20 verse 12. 13. when it shal be said of me Behold the man and his workes What shal I then do ô Lord my God when the verie heauens shal reueale mine iniquitie and the earth rise vp against me Surelie I shal be able to saie nothing but hang-downe mine head for verie griefe of hart and stand trembling and confounded before thy presence Alacke wretch what may I saie shal I crie vnto thee my Lord God wherefore am I consumed saieng naught but though I do speake yet wil not my griefe haue end and if I be stil silent I shal be vexed inwardlie with most bitter sorow O my soule mourne thou like a virgin for the husband of hir youth y Ioël 1 8. howle thou miserable wretch and weepe because thine husband euen Christ z Eph. 5 25. hath forsaken thee O wrath of the almightie fal not thou vpon me for I cannot beare thee because there is not that strength in me that I can endure thee But haue mercie on me ô God that I despaire not but in despaire let me hope againe And although I haue done that which deserueth damnation yet hast not thou forgone that whereby thou art wont to salue O Lord thou wilt not the death of sinners neither doest thou reioice in the destruction a Eze. 18 23. of the dieng but that the dead might liue thou diedst b Rom. 4 25 and thy death hath killed the death of sinners and if they through thy death were againe brought vnto life ô Lord grant I beseech thee that I may not die now thou art aliue Send downe from heauen c Psa 57 3. and saue me from the power of mine enimies least they triumph ouer me and saie We haue deuoured him O good Iesu who at anie time can doubt of thy mercie who euen when we were thine enimies d Rom. 5 10 didst redeeme vs with thy pretious blood and reconcile vs to God! Lo thus protected vnder the shadowe of thy mercie I doe run vnto the throne of grace e Heb. 4 16. requiring mercie crieng and knocking vntil thou take compassion vpon me For if thou calledst vs vnto mercie when we asked none how can we misse of mercie crauing the same O sweete Iesu thinke not vpon thy iustice against a sinner but remember thy goodnes toward thy creature Thinke not vpon thy displeasure against a transgressor but remember thy mercie toward the miserable Forget me when I was proud prouoking thee vnto wrath and regard me now in distresse crieng vnto thee for mercie For what is Iesus but a Sauior f Matt. 1 21. Therefore ô Iesus by thy selfe arise to helpe me and saie vnto my soule g Psa 35 3. I am thy saluation Much doe I presume of thy goodnes ô Lord the rather because thy selfe thou teachest vs to aske to seeke and to knock h Matt. 7 7. And therefore admonished thereby I doe aske seeke and knocke But thou Lord who commandest to aske grant I may receiue who counselest to aske giue grace to find who teachest to knocke open to the knocker and strengthen me a sinner saue me a wretch raise me that am dead and vouchsafe to direct and gouerne al my senses cogitations works after thy good pleasure that hencefoorth I may serue thee liue to thee and be wholie thine I knowe Lord I doe owe my selfe to thee euen because thou hast made me and for that thou hast redeemed me i 1. Pet. 1 18. 19. and taken humane flesh vpon thee for my sake k Matt. 1 21 Luke 1 31. 69. I doe owe so much more beside my selfe as thou art greater than he for whom thou hast giuen thy selfe Lo I haue no more neither can I giue that which I haue too without thee but accept thou me and drawe me vnto thee l Iohn 6 44 that I may be thine by imitation and loue as I am thine by condition and creation who liuest m 1. Tim. 1 17 and rulest n Psal 45 6. now and euermore Amen Chap. 39. A godlie praier vnto the blessed Trinitie meete oftentimes to be repeated O Lord God almightie a Exo. 6 3. Reuel 4 8. three in persons b Math. 3 16 17. Luke 3 21. 22. yet but one God c Deut. 6 4. Mal. 2 10. who both art in al and wart before al d Ecc. 42 21 and wilt be in al things a blessed God for euermore e Reu. 4 11. Now and alwaies
blood wherewith we be redeemed a 1. Pet. 1 18. 19. wound I beseech thee this my sinful soule for which also thou hast vouchsafed to die b 1. Pet. 2 24 wound her by the firie and mightie dart of thine abundant loue c Ioh. 15 12. 13. 1. Iohn 3 16 For the word of God is liueliue d Heb. 4 12. and mightie in operation and sharper than anie two edged sword O thou the elected dart and the most piercing sword who art of power able to pierce the hard buckler of mans hart prick thou mine hart with the dart of thy loue that my soule may saie to thee I am wounded with thy loue so that from that wound of thy loue teares abundantlie may issue daie and night e Psal 42 3. Strike ô Lord strike I beseech thee this mine hard mind with the godlie and mightie speare of thy loue and with a stoute courage pierce thou euen the most secret parts of my soule and there-withal fetch thou a streame of water from out mine head and out of mine eies a true fountane of teares flowing forth continualie from an hartie affection and desire to behold thy beautie that night and daie I may mourne in this present life receauing no comfort vntil in thy celestial bride-chamber I be thought woorthie to see my beloued and beautiful spouse euen my Lord and God that beholding there thy glorious wonderful and most beautiful countenance f 1. Cor. 13 verse 12. Reue. 22 4. ful of al sweetnes I may with those whome thou hast elected g Rom. 8. verse 30. humblie adore thy maiestie and replenished at the length with heauenlie vnspeakeable ioie of euerlasting mirth may with louers and friends crie out saieng Behold I see now what I so desired I enioie now what I so hoped for I haue that which I loued so For I am now ioined to him in heauen whome in earth I loued with al my strength embraced with right good wil claue vnto from my verie hart him I praise him I blesse and I worship him who liueth and ruleth God for euermore Amen Chap. 37. A praier in the time of trouble HAue mercie on me ô Lord haue mercie on me ô gratious God haue mercie on me a most wretched sinner offending hainouslie and suffering iustlie sinning dailie and feeling continualie thy correction If I waigh the euil which dailie I haue committed my punishment is but smal much wickednes haue I done little correction do I feele Righteous art thou ô Lord and iust are thy iudgements a Psal 119 verse 137. Thy iudgements are truth b Psal 19 9. they be righteous altogether O Lord my God thou art righteous c Psa 92 15. neither is there anie iniquitie in thee For neither vniustlie nor cruelie dost thou afflict vs sinners d Dan. 9 4. 5. 6 c. ô almightie merciful Lord e Exo. 34 6. who when we were not didest mightilie make vs f Iob. 10 8. Psal 100 3. and when through our sinnes we were in the state of damnation hast both mercifullie and miraculouslie repared vs g Gal. 3 13. 1. Tim. 2 6. I knowe and am assured how that our life is not gouerned by al aduentures but that it is disposed and ruled by thee h Pro. 16 9. ô Lord our God Whence it is that thou carest for al things i Wis 12 13. but chieflie for thy seruants k 1. Pet. 5 7. who haue put al their cōfidence in thine onlie mercie Wherefore I praie and humblie beseech thee ô Lord deale not with me according to my sinnes whereby I haue deserued thy iust displeasure but according to thy great mercie which is more than al the sinnes euen of the whole world O God who outwardlie dost afflict the bodie grant inwardlie to my mind continual patience so that thy praise at no time depart out of my mouth Haue mercie on me ô Lord haue mercie on me and helpe me according as thou knowest I haue neede both in my bodie and minde thou knowest al things l Eccle. 23 verse 19. 20. and canst do al things m Gen. 35 verse 11. Reue. 15 3. who liuest euerlastinglie n 1. Tim. 1. 17 Amen Chap. 38. A verie godlie praier vnto the Sonne O Lord Iesu Christ a 1. Tim. 1 1. sonne of the liuing God b Matt. 16 verse 16. which vpon the crosse with out-stretched armes drankest the cup of bitter passion for the redemption of al mankinde c 1. Pet. 2 verse 24. vouchsafe to defend me this daie Behold I a poore wretch vnto thee who art rich I miserable vnto thee who art merciful do approch suffer me not to depart emptie and despised I begin hungerlie let me not go from thee fasting I come euen hunger-starued as it were ô let me not depart vnrefreshed And though before I eate I do sigh yet grant that after my sighing I may eate Especialie before thy glorious magnificence ô sweete Iesu I acknowledge to thee my sinnes against my selfe d Psal 32. 5. Behold I was borne in iniquitie e Psal 51 5. but thou didest wash and sanctifie me f Eph. 5 25. 26. yet haue I defiled my selfe sithence with greater sinnes For I was borne in necessarie sinnes but afterward I wallowed in voluntarie wickednes But thou ô Lord not vnmindful of thy woonted mercie tookedst me from out of the house of my carnal father and from the tabernacles of the wicked and gauedst me a mind to follow thee with the generation of them which seeke thy face which treade the right path which abide among the lilies of a chast life and sit with thee in the parlor of greatest pouertie Yet I vngrateful for so manie benefits since mine entrance into thy seruice haue done manie an vnlawful fact and committed manie a foule sinne and where I should haue repented me of my sinnes I added sinnes vnto sinnes These are the euils ô Lord whereby I haue both dishonored thee and stained my selfe whome thou didest create after thine own likenes g Gen. 1 26. 27. 1. Cor. 11 7. Colo. 3 10. with pride vaine glorie and such other manifold sinnes whereby the wretched soule is vexed and afflicted and rent asunder and destroied Behold ô Lord mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head h Psal 38 4. and as a weightie burthen they are too heauie for me and doe not thou whose propertie is to shewe mercie and to spare laie vnder the right hand of thy maiestie I shal be enforced to sinke euen to the verie bottome O Lord my God attend and consider because thou art holie lo mine enimie insulteth against me saieng i Psal 71 1● God hath forsaken him I wil pursue and take him for there is none to deliuer him But Lord how long wilt thou delaie Returne deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercie sake k Psal 61 4. Take mercie vpon
old age Be thou my refuge ô my God the rocke of mine hope z Psa 94 22 for thou Lord art a great God and a great King aboue al Gods a Psal 95 3. When thou wilt iudge the world with righteousnes and thy people in truth b Psa 96 13 I shal enioie light with the righteous c Psal 97 11 and ioie with the vpright in hart Let thy right hand d Psa 98 1. and thine holie arme preserue me Thou which sittest vpon the Cherubims e Psal 99 1. make me to come before thy presence with ioifulnes f Psa 100 2. that I may walke in the vprightnes of mine hart in the mids of mine house g Psa 101 2. 4. 6. 8. Let a froward hart depart fro me but cause mine eies to be turned vnto thy faithful that I may sit with them walking in a perfect waie when through thy iudgement thou shalt cut off al the workers of wickednes from thy Citie O Lord heare my praier h Psa 102 1 2. and let my crie come vnto thee Hide not thy face fro me in the time of trouble incline thine eares vnto me Pardon al my sinnes i Psa 103 3. 4. 5. and redeeme my soule from destruction Satisfie my longing with good things thou which lookest vpon the earth and it trembleth k Ps 104 32 and broughtest foorth thy people with ioie and thy chosen with gladnes l Ps 105 43. Make mee to keepe iudgement and to worke righteousnes at al times m Psa 106 3 Bring me out of darkenes and out of the shadowe of death n Ps 107 14 that with a prepared hart I may sing and giue praise o Psa 108 1. Saue me ô Lord according to thy mercie p Ps 109 26 that in the glorie of Saincts q Psa 110 3. in the assemblie and congregation of the iust r Psa 111 1. 3. my righteousnes may endure for euer and mine horne be exalted with glorie ſ Psa 112 9. that while thou raisest the needie out of the dust and liftest vp the poore out of the dung t Psa 113 7. I may blesse thee ô Lord from hencefoorth and for euer u Psa 115 18 then I shal walke before the Lord in the land of the liuing x Psa 116 9. 16. Breake thou my bonds and confirme thy mercie towards me y Psa 117 2. When I cal vpon thee in my trouble ô Lord heare me z Psa 118 5. and set me at large Teach me ô Lord the waie of thy statutes a Ps 119 33. that I may liue and keepe it vnto the end Giue me vnderstanding both to search thy Lawe 34. and to obserue it also with mine whole hart I haue gone astraie like a lost sheepe 176. ô seeke thy seruant and deliuer my soule b Psa 120 2. Preserue my going out and my comming in c Psa 121 8. that my feete may stand in the courts of Ierusalem d Psa 122 2. I lift vp mine eies vnto thee that dwellest in the heauens e Psa 123 1. Deliuer my soule out of the snare of the foulers f Psa 124 7. least I put forth mine hands vnto wickednes g Psa 125 3. Fil my mouth with laughter and my tongue with ioie h Psa 126 2. replenish my longing with good things and blesse me out of Zion i Psa 128 5. that I may see the wealth of Ierusalem hauing escaped the cords of wickednes k Psa 129 4. Let thine eares attend vnto the voice of my praiers l Psa 130 2. ô Lord. Let not mine hart be hautie nor mine eies loftie m Psa 131 1. but giue me grace to thinke humblie vntil I finde a place for the Lord an habitation for the mightie God of Iaacob n Psa 132 5. There the Lord hath appointed the blessing and life foreuer o Psa 133 3. There wil I lift vp mine hands to the Sanctuarie and praise thee p Psa 134 2. who iudgest thy people q Psal 135 verse 14. and art pacified toward thy seruants O God of Gods r Psa 136 2. 3. and Lord of Lords now weeping ſ Psa 137 1. and worshipping toward thine holie Temple t Psa 138 2. trie me and knowe me u Psal 139 verse 23. 24. marke and consider my pathes and leade mee in thy waie for euer Deliuer me ô Lord from the euil man x Psa 140 1. and preserue mee from the cruel man Let my praier be directed in thy sight as incense y Psa 141 2. Bring my soule out of prison that I may praise thy Name z Psa 142 7. Heare my praier ô Lord in thy righteousnes a Psa 143 1. 2. and enter not into iudgement with thy seruant Heare me speedelie 7. ô Lord least my spirit faile me for thou God art my refuge and my deliuerer b Psa 144 2. And forsomuch as thou art great and most worthie to be praised c Psa 145 3. and thy greatnes is incomprehensible raise vp the crooked d Psa 146 8. loase the shacled and giue sight to the blinde thou which doest build vp Ierusalem e Psa 147 2. And when thou hast made the bars of thy gates strong 13. let me be copled to thy children within As the Angels and al the powers in the kingdome of heauen do praise thee f Psa 148 1. 2. there let me triumphing gloriouslie in the congregation of y e Saincts g Psa 149 1. with the sounding cymbals h Psa 150 5. of my lips praise and magnifie thy Name the which is holie and glorious and raigneth now and euerlastinglie Amen Luke 2 verse 14. GLORIE TO GOD ON HIGH FINIS God tremble thereat pag. 145. 34 A praier verie forceable to moue the mind vnto religion and the loue of God pag. 149. 35 A deuout praier for grace to praise and to thanke the Lord dulie for his benefits pag. 162. 36 A verie effectual praier to the stirring-vp of the mind vnto godlines beeing zealouslie vttered pag. 174. 37 A praier in the time of troble pag. 190. 38 A verie godlie praier vnto the Sonne pag. 192. 39 A godlie praier vnto the Trinitie meete oftentimes to be repeated pag. 204. 40 A deuout praier vpon the recordation of the passion of Christ pag. 212. Afterward foloweth S. Augustine his Psalter FINIS ¶ A TABLE EXPRESSING THE SVNDRIE KINDS OF MEDITATIONS IN THIS BOOKE This booke conteineth special 1. Confessions 2. Thankes-giuings 3. Praiers And therefore Vse if thou wouldest 1. Confesse acknoledge either the omnipotencie wisdome goodnes of God chap. 12 pag. 48 ch 28 pag. 114 ch 31 pag. 132. A sacred Trinitie cha 11 pag. 47 ch 29. pag. 123 ch 30. pag. 129. the blessednes of the life to come chap. 21 pag. 86 ch 22 pag. 90 ch 24 pag. 96 ch 32 pag. 141. the wretchednes of this life chap. 20 pag. 83. the miserie of man before Christ suffered chap. 7 pag. 28. the mercie of God in sauing mankind ch 8 pag. 35 ch 15 pag. 59. 2. giue God hartie thanks for all his benefits in general ch 26 pag. 106 ch 27 pag. 112 ch 32 pag. 136. for thy saluation through Iesus Christ ch 14 p. 55 ch 16 pag. 64 ch 17 pag. 69. 3. Praie vnto God either for grace to praie aright ch 5 pag. 20 ch 33 p. 145. vnfainedlie to repent ch 35 pag. 162. to knowe the diuine mysterie of our redemption c. 16. p. 64. to thanke God duelie for the benefit of thy saluation ch 17 p. 69. to serue God zealouslie chap. 4 pag. 15 chap. 7 pag 28 ch 9 pag. 43 chap. 10 pa. 46 chap. 31 pa. 132 cha 34 pag. 149 ch 36 pag. 174 cha 39 pag. 204. to leade a good life chap. 1 pag. 1 ch 18 pag. 74. for the forgiuenesse of sinnes chap. 6 pag. 24 chap. 8 pag. 35 chap. 13 pag. 51 chap. 37 pag. 190 ch 38 pag. 192 chap. 39 pag. 204. the whole church of Christ chap. 39 pag. 204. helpe in troble ch 23 pag. 93. the attainement of euerlasting happines chap. 21 pag. 86 chap. 25 p. 103 chap. 36 pag. 174 chap. 40 pag. 212. FAVLTS ESCAPED Page Line Fault Correction 26 2 distilling which distilled 31 1 tastest tastedst 88 10 pruning praieng 127 19 the Sonne the holie Spirit 150 23 nectar pleasant nectar more pleasant 1581. OS HOMINI SVBLIME DEDIT Printed by Henrie Denham dwelling in Pater noster Row at the signe of the Starre Cum priuilegie Regiae Maiestatie
horne of my saluation i Ps● and my refuge I wretch that I am I haue prouoked thee I haue done euil in thy sight I haue stirred vp thine anger I haue deserued thy displeasure I haue sinned and thou hast suffered I haue offended yet thou bearest with me If I repent thou sparest k Eze. 18 21. 22. Eze. 33 14. 15. 16. if I returne thou embracest l Luk. 15 20. yea beside al this though I differre thou waitest Thou reclaimest him which wandereth thou inuitest him that resisteth thou lookest for him that sleepeth and him thou embracest which returneth Thou teachest the ignorant thou comfortest the pensiue thou liftest vp from destruction after a fal thou giuest to him that asketh m Matt. 7 7. he that seeketh findeth thee and thou openest to him which knocketh Lo ô Lord God of my saluation n Psa 18 46. Psal 51 14. what I should saie for my selfe I knowe not and how I may answere I am ignorant without thee there is no refuge from thy sight no secret place can hide o Psa 139 7. 8. 9 c. Eccl. 23 19. thou hast showne me a waie to liue wel p Deu. 10 12 Deu. 11 22. 28. and giuen mee knowledge how to walke thou hast threatned me hel fire q Eze. 18 13 Rom. 2 8. 9. Rom. 11 15. and thou hast promised the glorie of Paradise r Rom. 2 10. Reuel 2 7. Reue. 22 14. Now ô Father of mercies and the God of al comfort ſ 2. Cor. 1 3. pearce my flesh with thy feare so that by fearing I may escape such things as thou doest threaten and restore to me the ioie of thy saluation t Psal 51 12. that by louing I may taste the felicitie which thou hast promised u 1. Cor. 2 9. O Lord my rocke and my fortresse x Psal 71 3. my God my refuge and my sauiour y Psal 18 2. put thou into my remembrance the things which I should conceaue of thee teach me by what words I may cal vpon thee instruct me with what good workes I may please thee For I knowe indeede I knowe one good worke wherein thou art much delighted and another which thou doest not despise Thy sacrifice is a contrite spirit z Psal 51 17. a contrite and a broken heart ô God thou doest not despise O my God mine helper a Psal 18 2. enrich me with these thy gifts with these defences arme thou me against the enimie let this be the water to quench the flames of sinne reach out of thy goodnes this refuge against the passions of my desires O Lord God the strength of my saluation b Psa 140 7. let me not be of that number which for a time beleeue but when temptation commeth go backe d Psa 140 7. Couer thou mine head in the daie of battel c Luk. 8 13. ô mine hope in affliction and my saluation in the time of trouble Thus ô Lord my light e Psal 27 1. and my saluation what I neede I haue asked and what I feare thou art priuie of but my conscience gnaweth and the secret cogitations of the heart reprooueth my boldnes and what loue ministreth feare scatreth zeale stirreth vp feare checketh my wicked deedes strike a terror but thy goodnes maketh bold thy mercie encourageth my wickednes keepeth mee backe and to saie more trulie the fantasies of vices come fresh into my remembrance which beate backe the boldnes of presumptuous mindes Chap. 3. A complaint of a sinner whose praier God heareth not in respect of his disobedience FOr he that is worthie hatred how can he require mercie he which hath deserued paine how can he desire glorie He prouoketh the iudge that laieng satisfaction for his offence apart sueth to be honored with rewards Who so is condemned to punishment is too bold with the King if hee seeke to be crowned with an vndeserued garland That foolish child doth prouoke the sweete affection of his louing father vnto wrath that after reproches offered wil vsurpe the dignitie of inheritāce before he haue repented him of his fault O my Father a Mal. 2 10. Math. 5 48. why cal I into mind what I haue done I haue deserued death and I beg life I haue mooued my King b Psalm 5 2. Psal 44 4. whose assistance impudentlie I doe craue I haue despised the iudge c Iob. 9 15. Psalm 50 6. Esai 33 22. and yet rashlie I beseech him to be mine helper Proudlie I haue refused to heare my father whom notwithstanding I presume to haue mine helper Wo is me how late do I come alas alas how slowlie do I hasten wo is me because I runne after woundes refusing being whole to auoide the darts I haue neglected to fore-see the dartes but now am troubled standing at deathes dore I haue encreased my wounds because I haue not feared to adde sinne vnto sinne With a fresh wound I haue embrued my scars because I haue augmented mine olde sinnes by my dailie transgressions what God by his medicines had healed I by my frantike scratching haue opened The skin which going ouer the woundes did hide the disease through y e breaking out of the corruption is become rotten in asmuch as wickednes vsed againe made y e mercie once granted to be of none effect For I knowe it is written At what time soeuer the righteous man shal commit wickednes al his righteousnes which he hath done shal not be mentioned d Ezech. 18 verse 24. Now if the righteousnes of a righteous man through sin shal be forgotten how much more shal the repentance of a sinner turning again vnto wickednes How often haue I a dog returned vnto the vomit e Pro 26 11. and like a sow wallowed in the mire f 2. Pet. 2 verse 22. I acknowledge because for me particularlie to remember al it is impossible I haue taught manie to sin which knew not what sin meant manie that were bent to sin I haue persuaded thervnto such as haue resisted I haue cōpelled haue consented to thē as haue gone about wickednes Snares I haue laid for them which haue kept the right waie and made a pit for such as haue sought the same yea I made no conscience of committing sin feared not to forget thy lawes But thou a righteous iudge g 2. Esdr 14 verse 32. sealing mine iniquitie vp as in a bag h Iob. 14 17. lookest narowlie vnto al my paths and numberest al my steps Thou hast held thy peace thou hast alwaie bin silent i Psa 50 21 thou hast bin patient a long time but out alas one daie thou wilt crie like a woman in trauel k Esa 42 14 Chap. 4. How God the righteous iudge should de feared O Lord God of gods a Deu. 10 17 of great kindnes b Ioël 2 13. I knowe how thou wilt one daie
Iohn 2 verse 3. which was estraied far from thee the merciful pastor fetcheth that to the fold which the greedie deuourer n 1. Pet. 5 8. had hunted awaie He bringeth him into thy presence which fled o Gen. 3 8. out of sight through a guiltie conscience y t by his maker he might obteine pardon p 1. Cor. 1 verse 30. which of himselfe deserued wrath q Eph. 2 3. and that through such a Capitaine he might haue hope to be called home into his countrie to whome nothing was due but hel fire in respect of his sinne I could holie Father r Matt. 6 10. offend thee of my selfe but so could I not of my selfe please thee And therefore thy beloued Sonne ſ Matt. 3 17. 2. Pet. 1 17. my God became mine helper tooke my nature vpon him t Iohn 1 14. Matth. 1 23. thereby to heale mine infirmities u Esai 53 4. 5. that thence he might offer to thee the sacrifice of praise whence the cause of sinne did first spring out and might by that thing bring me into thy fauor whereby sitting now at thy right hand he would show that he is partaker of my substance u Mar. 16 19 Actes 1 9. 10. 11. Rom. 8 34. Lo this is mine hope x Col. 1 27. 1. Tim. 1 1. this is al my confidence Wherefore if you despise me as you may right wel in respect of my sinne yet regard me at the least of thy goodnes in respect of the great loue y Eph. 5 2. 1. Iohn 3 16 of thy beloued Sonne behold that in thy Sonne which may mooue thee to showe mercie vpon thy seruant behold the sacrament of his flesh and remit the sinnes of the flesh As often as thou lookest vpon y e wounds of thy blessed Sonne so often I praie thee let my sins be couered As often as thou remembrest the pretious blood of his holie side so often I beseech thee let the spots of my filthines be washed awaie And because flesh hath prouoked thee vnto anger my humble sute is that flesh also may mooue thee vnto mercie that as flesh seduced man to offend so flesh may bring man to pardon For much it is I grant which my wickednes hath deserued yet far much more is it which the loue of my redeemer may lawfulie chalenge For though great be mine vnrighteousnes yet is the righteousnes of Christ my redeemer much greater z Rom. 5. 15 Because by how much God is better than man by so much is my wickednes inferior to his goodnes both in qualitie and also in quantitie For what hath man cōmitted which the Sonne of God made man a Iohn 1 14. hath not redeemed who in pride can so swel that by his woonderful humilitie may not be ouerthrowne what power of death can there be so great but the passion of y e Sonne of God on the crosse wil destroy y e same Trulie ô my God c Psal 7 1. 3. Iohn 20 17. were both the sinnes of wicked man and the mercie of my redeemer waied together in equal balance surelie neither the east would so differ from the west nor the lower most part of hel from the vppermost top of heauen Now therefore ô most glorious Creator of the light d Gen. 1 3. for the exceeding great paines of thy beloued Sonne forgiue my sins set his godlines against my wickednes his trobles against my crookednes his meekenes against my frowardnes Let his humilitie e Phil. 2 8. for mine hautines his patience f 1. Pet. 2 21 22. 23. for mine impatiencie his gentlenes g Mat. 11 29 for my crueltie his obedience h Phil. 2 8. for my rebellion his quietnes i Esai 53 7. for my crabednes his sweetnes for my bitternes his mildnes for my rage and his loue k Eph. 5 2. 1. Iohn 3. 16 for mine hatred make amends Chap. 9. Vnto the holie Spirit a godlie praier THerefore almightie and holie Ghost which art the loue of the deitie proceeding both frō the almightie Father a Ioh. 20 17 his blessed Sonne b Psal 1 7. Matth. 3 17. Hebr. 1 5. the most gratious comforter c Ioh. 14 16. 17. Iohn 15 26. of the trobled soules slide thou downe into the secret parlor of mine hart by thy mightie power and lighten euery priuie corner of the neglected house by the brightnes of thy glittering light and such places as wither through long drines by visiting with thine abundant showers of raine make thou to spring The priuie places of the inner man heale thou with the dart of thy loue and kindle by piercing with thy healthful flames the intrals of my nummed liuer and with the lightsome fire of thine holie and feruent loue feede thou euerie secrete part both of my mind and bodie Giue me drinke out of the riuer of thy pleasures d Psal 36 8. that I may now couet no more to taste of y e poisoned sweetenes of worldlie things Iudge me ô Lord e Psal 43 1. and defend my cause against the vngodlie people teach me to do thy wil f Psa 143 10 for thou art my God Wherefore I doe verelie beleeue that in whom soeuer thou dwellest thou doest build the house both of the Father and the Sonne Blessed is that man which can get such a guest bicause through thee both the Father and the Son wil dwel with him g Ioh. 14 23 Come then ô thou most gratious comforter of the trobled soule h Ioh. 15 26 which art a protector in due time i Psal 9 9. an helper in affliction come O come thou purger of wickednes curer of wounds Come thou which art the fortitude of the weake and the staie of such as are falling Come thou instructor of the humble k Luk. 12 12 the destroier of the proud Come thou louing father of the fatherles thou merciful iudge of the widowes l Psal 68 5. Come thou hope of the poore and refresher of them which be readie to faint Come thou guide of seafaring men and hauen to auoid shipwrack Thou singular glorie of such as liue thou onelie saluation of them at y e point of death come Come ô most holie spirit come and haue mercie vpon me knit me to thee and mercifulie grant after the multitude of thy mercies that my slendernes may please thy greatnes and my weakenes thy strength through Iesus Christ my Sauior m Ioh. 4 42. Phil. 3 20. 1. Tim. 4 10. 1. Iohn 4 14. who in thy vnitie with the Father liueth and raigneth for euermore Amen Chap. 10. A deuout praier of an humble seruant of God I Knowe LORD I knowe and confes how I am vnwoorthie to be loued of thee yet art not thou vnwoorthie to be loued of me I am vnwoorthie to serue thee yet art not thou vnwoorthie to haue my seruice
Make me therfore woorthie of that which thou art woorthie of so shal I be woorthie of that of which now I am vnwoorthie Make me as thy wil is to cesse from sinne that as my dutie binds I may serue thee Grant that I may so keepe and gouerne and end my life that I may sleepe in peace and rest in thee Sticke to me euen to the end that sleepe with rest and rest with quietnes quietnes with euerlastingnes a Reu. 7 15. 16. 17. Reu. 21 4. 23. 24. may receaue me Amen Chap. 11. A praier vnto the blessed Trinitie BOth with hart and mouth we confesse we praise blesse thee God the Father a Mat. 11 25 Mark 13 32 Iohn 20 17. vnbegotten thee God the Sonne onelie begotten b Iohn 1 14. 18. Iohn 3 16. 18. 1. Iohn 4 9. thee God the holie Ghost the comforter c Ioh. 14 16 17. 26. Iohn 15 26. an holie and inseparable Trinitie to thee be glorie worlds without end d 1. Tim. 1 17 2. Tim. 4 18. Reu. 7 12. Amen Chap. 12. A confession of Gods almightines and maiestie O Our GOD a Psal 90 1. 2. Psal 95 7. ô almightie God b Gen. 35 11 Ezech. 10 5 Eccl. 42 17. Reuel 15 3. ô holie Trinitie one power and vnparted Maiestie I praise thee yea euen I y e basest of thy seruants and a simple member of thy Church I praise thee and with a due sacrifice of praise c Psal 50 14 Psal 116 17. according to the knowledge and power which thou hast vouchsafed to impart vpon me I glorifie thee And because I lacke outward gifts to offer behold that which is in mee euen the vowes of thankesgiuing d Psa 116 14 17. 18. gladlie and ioifulie doe I offer out of a good conscience e 1. Tim. 1 5. and faith vnfained With mine hart therefore I do beleeue f Rom. 10 10 ô King of heauen g Mat. ●1 25 and Lord of the earth and with my mouth I confesse the Father h Mar. 13 32 Iohn 20 17 the Sonne i Iohn 1 18. Rom. 8 3. 17. and the holie Ghost k Mar. 12 36 Actes 1 5. 8. 16. three in persons l Matt. 3 16. 17. Mark 1 10. 11. Luke 3 21. 22. yet but one in substance to be a verie m Ier. 10 10. Iohn 17 3. and almightie n 2. Co. 6 18 Reu. 11 17. God of one simple spiritual o Ioh. 4 24. 2. Cor. 3 17. inuisible p 1. Tim. 1 17 and incomprehensible q Psa 139 7. 8 c. nature in which none is either higher or lower or greater than other but are altogether perfect r Matt. 5 48 without deformitie big without quantitie ſ Iob. 2 3 8. 9. good t Mat. 19 17. without qualitie without anie time euerlasting u Eccl. 18 1 Lamen 5 19 without dieng immortal x 1. Tim. 1 17 strong y Psal 7 10. 12. 13. Esaie 1 24. without faintnes true z Reu. 6 10. without falsehood without anie abode present euerie where a Psa 139 6. 7. 8. without anie place wholie euerie where filling al things without stretching going euerie where without stop or let passing ouer al things and yet moouest not abiding in al places and yet standest not creating al things b Psa 124 8. Psal 134 3. Eccl. 43 1. 2 c. without neede gouerning al things c Mat. 11 25. without labor giuing beginnings to al things d Hab. 1 12. and yet had no beginning e Pro. 8 22. 23 c. changing al things f 2. Pet. 3 10 and yet neuer changed g Mal. 3 6. Dan. 6 26. Rom. 16 26 in greatnes infinit h Iob. 23 8. 9. in power almightie i Psal 115 3 Reuel 1 8. in goodnes soueraigne k Mar. 10 18 Iames. 1 17. in wisedom wonderful l Wisd 9 1. 4. 5 c. Eccles 1 1. 2 c. Iam. 1 17. in counsels terrible m Psal 66 5 in iudgements righteous n Ps 119 137 in cogitations secret o Psal 92 5. in promise true p Psa 86 15. in works holie q Esaie 6 3. Esai 43 15. Reuel 4 8. in mercie rich r Psal 130. vers 7. toward sinners most patient ſ Psal 86 verse 15. toward the penitent most merciful t Ierem. 18 vers 8. Ezec. 18 vers 21. Luk. 13 vers 3 5. Luk. 15 vers 18 19 20. alwaie y e same u Mal. 3 vers 6. eternal x Psal 102 vers 11 12. and euerlasting and immortal y 1. Tim. 1 17. and vnchangeable whom neither widenes of place maketh bigger nor straightnes lesser nor corners wring whose wil doth not varie nor friendship alter whom neither aduersitie maketh out of quiet neither prosperitie ouer iocund nor obliuiō bringeth aught out of thy mind nor memorie into thy remēbrance neither things passed goe awaie nor things to come succeede where thou art with the beginning thou begannest not with times thou encreasest not z Ps 10● 25 26. 27. with the end thou takest not an end but both before al worlds and in the world and worlds without end thou liuest enioiest perpetual praise eternal glorie a 2. Tim. 4 verse 18. Reuel 7 12. soueraigne auctoritie singular honor an euerlasting kingdom infinit power for euer and euer Amen Chap. 13. A Zealous praier wherein is declared how God the Father hath saued mankind and how the Word became flesh with a praier for remission of sinnes HItherto ô GOD almightie a Gen. 35 ●● Eccl. 46 16. which seest and searchest mine hart b 1. Sam. 16 verse 7. Psal 7 9. hitherto I haue confessed the almightines of thy Maiestie the Maiestie of thine almightines but now as I beleeue in mine hart vnto righteousnes c Rom. 10 verse 10. so wil I confesse with mouth vnto saluation how thou hast vouchsafed to helpe mankind in the end of the world Touching thee God the Father thou art neuer read to be sent but of thy Sonne the Apostle writeth on this wise d Gal. 4 4. When the fulnes of time was come God sent forth his Sonne Whē he saith Hee sent he plainlie showeth how hee came being sent into this world when being borne of the virgin Marie e Matt. x 18 19 c. Luke 2 6. 7. he showed himselfe in the flesh to be verie GOD and perfect man f Iohn 1 14. But what meaneth that principal of al the other Euangelists when he saith g Iohn 1 10 He was in the world and the world was made by him Thither truelie he was sent by his humanitie where he was alwaie is by his diuinitie Which ambassage of his I verelie do beleeue with mine hart and acknowledge with my mouth was the worke of the whole sacred
reioice at his abundant loue wherewith he hath loued vs g Eph. 2 4. 5 c. Thou didst send thy Sonne in the similitude of sinful flesh h Rom. 8 3. 4. that of sin he might condemne sinne and that we might be thy righteousnes in him For he is the lambe vndefiled i 1. Pet. 1 19 which hath taken awaie the sins of the world k Ioh. 1 29. abolished death by his death l 2. Tim. 1 10 and brought life againe by his resurrection But what may we render vnto thee our God for these so great benefits m Ps 116 12 of thy mercie What praises what thanks may wee ascribe Surelie had we the knowledge and power of the blessed Angels yet could our amends be nothing correspondent to thy mercie and goodnes And were al our members conuerted into tongues yet should we neuer extol thee sufficientlie enough For thy great loue extended gratiouslie of thy meere goodnes to vs ward reacheth beyond al knowledge For thy Sonne ô our God n Iohn 17 3 tooke in no sort the Angels o Heb. 2 16. but he tooke the seede of Abraham and was like to vs in al things yet without sinne p Heb. 4 15. So that taking mans nature not Angels vpon him and glorifieng it with the robe of holie resurrection and immortalitie q Acts. 1 9. he hath carried the same ouer al heauens ouer al the quires of Angels ouer al Cherubs and Seraphims and placed the same at thy right hand The which both Angels doe praise and dominions worship and al the powers of heauen do bow r Phi. 2 9. 10. 11. at man God ouer them This verelie is al mine hope and mine whole confidence For euerie of vs hath a portion of blood and flesh in the bodie of Iesus Christ our Lord. Therefore where a piece of my selfe is there I trust I do raigne where my flesh is glorified there I knowe I am glorious where my flesh doth rule there I perceaue I haue dominion And although I am yet a sinner yet I doubt not of this participation of grace although my sinnes doe hinder me yet my substance doth require it and although mine offences exclude me yet the communion of nature doth not repel me For God is not so hard harted that he can forget flesh blood which he beareth which for my sake he hath taken which on my behalfe he requireth But the Lord our God is mild and verie gentle ſ Ioēl 2 23. he loueth his owne flesh his members and his bowels In verie God and our sweete gratious and most gentle Lord euen Iesus Christ in whom we haue risen ascended now into heauen and now sit together in the heauenlie places t Eph. 2 5. 6. our flesh doth loue vs. In him we haue the prerogatiue of our blood we are his members and his flesh finalie he is our head u Eph. 4 15. 16. Eph. 5 23. of which the whole bodie dependeth As it is written This now is bone of my bones x Gen. 2 23. 24. and flesh of my flesh and they shal be one flesh And no man euer yet hated his owne flesh y Eph. 5 29. but nourisheth and cherisheth it This is a great secret z Eph. 5 32. but I speake concerning Christ and concerning the Church saith the Apostle Chap. 16. A thankesgiuing vnto God for his mercie extended toward man in the incarnation of his Sonne Iesus Christ I Therefore ô Lord our God a Psal 90 1. 2. with my lips and with mine hart and with al my power do thanke thy mercie for al mercies whereby thou hast miraculouslie redeemed vs thy wretched seruants b Eph. 2 4. 5. and that through the same thy Sonne our Sauior c 1 Pet. 2 24 and redeemer d Gal. 3 13. which was deliuered to death for our sinnes e Rom. 4 25 and is risen againe for our iustification and sitteth liuing without end at thy right hand f Rom. 8 34 making request for vs and showing mercie with thee vpon vs. Because of thee the Father g Ioh. 8 42. Iohn 13 3. he is an eternal God of one substance with thee in al respects Whereby he can saue vs at al times But in that he is a man whereby he is inferior to thee Al power is giuen him in heauen and in earth h Matth. 28 verse 18. that at the Name of Iesus euerie knee should bow i Phil. 2 10. both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth and that euerie tongue should confes that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto thy glorie ô God the Father Him thou hast ordeined a iudge of quicke and dead k Act. 10 42. For thou iudgest no man l Iohn 5 22 but hast committed al iudgement to thy Sonne in whose breast are hid m Col. 2 3. al the treasures of wisedome and knowledge And he is the witnes and the iudge n Act. 10 42 I saie the iudge and the witnes whose presence no guiltie conscience shal escape o 1. Cor. 4 5. For al things are naked and open to his sight p Heb. 4 13. And he which vniustlie was condemned q Matt. 27 verse 24. 25 c. he euen he wil iudge the world with righteousnes r Psa 96 13 and the people in truth Wherefore I blesse thine holie Name for euermore and with mine whole hart ô almightie gratious Lord I glorifie thee for that vnspeakeable and wonderful vniting together of thy Godhead and manhood in one person so that one was not God and another man but one and the same person was both God and man or man and God But although of thy great goodnes the Word was made flesh ſ Iohn 1 14. yet neither of those two natures was conuerted into another substance To the mysterie of the Trinitie there is not a fourth person added For the substance both of the Word of God and of man is vnited but not confounded that vnto the Godhed that thing which was taken of vs might approch and that thing which neuer had bin might remaine the same which alwaie it was O woonderful mysterie t 1. Tim. 3 16 ô vnspeakable felowship ô strange goodnes of Gods mercie euer to be marueled at euer to be loued We were not woorthie to be seruants and lo we are made the sonnes of GOD euen the heires of God u Rom. 8 17 and heires annexed with Christ How came this to passe who hath brought vs here vnto But ô God merciful Father by this thine inestimable goodnes mercie and good wil I beseech thee make vs woorthie so great and so manifold promises of the same thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ x 1. Cor. 1 3. 7. 8 c. Appoint thy strength stablish ô God that which thou hast wrought in vs y Psa 68 28 finish
Chap. 35. A deuout praier for grace to praise and to thanke the Lord dulie for his benefits O Lord Christ word of the Father a Iohn 1 1. 2 c. Heb. 1 1. 2. who camest into this world to saue sinners b 1. Tim. 1 15 through the tender bowels of thy mercie I beseech thee amend my life change my dealings and reforme my maners take-awaie fro me such things as hurt my soule and displease thee and giue me that which thou knowest is pleasing to thee and profitable for my soules health Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthines c Iob. 14 4. but thou alone Thou art God almightie d Gen. 35 verse 11. Reu. 11 17. of infinite mercie e Psa 145 9. which iustifiest the vngodlie f Rom. 4 5. and quickenest the dead in respect of sinne who changest sinners and they are not Remooue therefore fro me whatsoeuer in mee displeaseth thee For thine eies doe behold my manifold imperfections Send thine hand of mercie I praie thee vpon me and take awaie frome whatsoeuer within me doth offend the eies of thy goodnes O Lord thou knowest both how sound and how sicke I am Heale my sickenes and maintaine my health I beseech thee O Lord thou which helpest the weake and preseruest the healthful thou at a becke amendest the things which are broken and decaied heale thou me and I shal be whole g Ier. 17 14. saue me and I shal be saued For do thou vouchsafe in mine hart thy field to sowe the good seede it must needes be that first thou wilt plucke-out the thornes of my wickednes by the hand of thy mercie O most gratious most gentle most louing desired amiable and louelie of al others powre I praie thee vpon mine hart the streames of thy sweetenes and goodwil that I may neither desire nor thinke vpon anie earthlie or fleshlie thing h Matth. 10 verse 37. 1. Iohn 2 15 16. but loue thee alone and haue thee onlie both in mine hart and mouth By thine owne finger write thou within my brest a sweete remembrance of thy comfortable Name neuer to be blot-out by forgetfulnes Write thy wil and thy iustifications also vpon the tables of mine hart that alwaie and euerie-where I may set both thee the Lord of infinite sweetenes and thy lawes before my face Inflame my mind with that thy fire which thou sendest vpon the earth i Luk. 12 49. and wouldest haue increased verie much that daie by daie with abundance of teares I may offer vnto thee the sacrifice of a contrite spirit k Psal 51 17. and of a broken hart According as I desire and as from mine hart I craue ô sweet Christ ô good Iesu giue me thine holie and chast loue that it may replenish and hold and possesse me altogether And giue me too a continual watering streame of teares which is an euident signe of thy loue that they also may testifie to the world thy loue within me that they may declare and tel how greatlie my soule doth loue thee seeing for the exceeding pleasure it receaueth from thy loue it cannot refraine from shedding teares O good Lord sometime I remember that good woman Anna l 1. Sam. 1 verse 18. which came vnto the tabernacle to beg a sonne of God of whome the Scripture testifieth how after her teares and praiers she looked no more sad but when I remember so great virtue and such constancie of that woman I am troubled in mind and do blush againe because I behold how I wretch do grouel too much downeward For if a woman did so weepe and continue in weeping and that for a sonne how should my soule weepe yea and persist in weeping which seeketh and loueth God yea and longeth too for to come vnto him How should the soule both groane and be greeued that seeketh after God night and daie which esteemeth al things as naught beside Christ for it is much maruel if teares be not the meate of such a soule daie and night Regard therefore and shewe mercie vpon me for the dolors of mine hart be increased Giue me thine heauenlie comfort and despise not the sinful soule for which thou diedst m 1. Tim. 1 verse 15. O giue I beseech thee the inward teares of hartie affection which may both lose the fetters of my sinnes and also replenish my soule euermore with thy celestial comfort Gladlie would I atteine some portion in thy kingdome if not among men aforetime whose steps I am vnable to imitate yet at the least among religious women And here commeth into my remembrance the woonderful deuotion of other women that with a godlie affection sought thee in the graue n Matt. 28 verse 1. 5. Mark 16 1. 2 c. that albe thy disciples departed yet went not from the sepulchre that sate there heauie lamenting and weeping much a long while and rising againe with manie teares oftentimes went and peeped into the holes of the sepulchre verie diligentlie sought if anie where they could see thee whome earnestlie they sought for Manie times went they vnto the graue but to the louers too much was not often enough for the virtue of a good worke is perseuerance and because aboue the rest they loued both in louing they wept and in weeping they sought and in seeking they perseuered and therefore they before al did find thee saw thee and talke with thee And not onlie so but also they carried the tidings of your glorious resurrection to y e disciples themselues according as you bad and warned them saieng Go and tel my brethren that they go into Galile and there shal they see me o Matt. 28 verse 10. If then the women so wept and in weeping perseuered that sought the liuing among the dead and by faith touched thee how should the soule bewaile and in bewailing continue which in hart beleeueth and with mouth confesseth how thou her Sauior dost rule in heauen and gouerne euerie-where how should that soule weepe and lament which with her hart loueth and with al her whole desire longeth for thee O thou onlie refuge and hope of the distressed to whome no man sueth without hope of mercie giue me this grace for thine owne sake and for thine holie Name sake that as often as I thinke of thee speake of thee write of thee reade of thee confer of thee as often as I remember thee serue thee offer the sacrifice of praise vnto thee so often I may shed abundance of teares sweetelie before thy face that my teares may become my meate daie night p Psal 42 3. Thou ô king of glorie q Psa 24. 7. 8 c. and maister of al virtues r Matth. 23. 10. hast taught vs both by word and example to weepe to mourne saieng Blessed are they which mourne for they shal be comforted ſ Matth. 5 verse 5. Againe thou didest mourne for thy frend
departed t Iohn 11 verse 33. 34 c. and weepe ouer Ierusalem readie to come vnto desolation u Luk. 19 41 42. O good Iesu by those most pretious teares of thine and by al thy manifold mercies wherewithal thou hast vouchsafed wonderfullie to helpe vs miserable sinners giue me grace to bewaile my transgressions the which my soule doth much long for and desire because without thou giue it I cannot get the same x Iam. 1 17. but euen through the holie Ghost which mollifieth the harts of sinners and prouoketh them vnto the teares of repentance Giue me grace to mourne for my sinnes as our forefathers did whose footesteps I am bound to imitate that I may bewaile mine offences al my life long as they haue mourned daie and night Euen for thine intercession sake and for al thy merits sake haue mercie vpon me thy miserable and vnworthie seruant and giue me grace to bewaile my sinnes Water thou my plants both from aboue and from beneath that my teares may be my meate daie and night y Psal 42 3. and I through the fire of compunction may be made a fat burning sacrifice in thy sight and be killed altogether vpon the altar of mine hart and be taken as a fat burnt sacrifice for a sweete smelling sauor in thy nostrels O sweete Lord giue me a watering fountaine and a cleere fountaine wherin dailie this defiled sacrifice may be clensed For although through the assistance of thy grace I haue offered my selfe wholie to thee yet in manie things for al that I do sinne z Iam. 3 2. by reason of my too too great weakenes Wherefore ô blessed and louing God giue me grace especiallie of the great sweetnes of thy loue and remembrance of thy mercies make readie this table for thy seruant in thy presence and giue me power that when I wil I may be satisfied of it Of thy mercie and goodnes grant that this inebriating and goodlie cup may quench my thirst that my spirit may couet after thee and my mind burne with thy loue forgetting al vanitie and miserie Heare ô my God heare ô light of mine eies heare my petition and grant that I may beg that thing which thou maist grant Gratious and merciful God stop not thine eares against me because of my sinnes but of thy woonted goodnes grant me the effect of my petition and desire Amen Chap. 36. A verie effectual praier to the stirring vp of the mind vnto godlines being zelouslie vttered O Lord Iesus ô pitiful Iesus ô good Iesus who both hast voutsafed to suffer death for our sinnes and art risen againe for our iustification a Rom. 4 25 I humblie beseech thee by thy glorious resurrection raise me out of y e sepulchre of my sinnes and of al my vices and giue me dailie a part in the first resurrection b Reu. 20 6. that trulie I may receaue a portion in the resurrection at the last daie O sweete and most blessed Iesus thou hast ascended into heauen with a glorious triumph and sittest at the right hand of the Father c Rom. 8 verse 34. ô almightie Prince drawe me vpward vnto thee that I may runne after thee d Sal. songs 1 verse 2. 3. through the sauor of thine ointments that I may runne and tire not thou drawing and conducting mee in my race drawe the mouth of my soule thirsting after thee vnto the supernal riuers of eternal satietie yea drawe me vnto thee the wel of life e Psal 36 9. that according to my power I may from thence take my drinke whence I may liue for euermore ô my God my life f Ioh. 14 6. Ioh. 11 25. For thine holie and blessed mouth hath said If anie man thirst g Ioh. 7 37. let him come vnto me and drinke Now grant ô fountaine of life that the thirstie soule may drinke of thee continualie that according to thine holie and true promise out of my belie may flowe euen riuers of water of life h Ioh. 7 38. O fountaine of life replenish my soule with the riuer of thy pleasure make mine hart throughlie drunke with the sober drunkennes of thy loue so that I may vtterlie forget whatsoeuer is vaine and earthlie and euermore haue thee alone in my remembrance as it is written I remembred God mine hart was glad Giue me thine holie spirit signified by those waters which thou promisest to giue to such as thirst O I beseech thee giue me grace with al my desire with al my care to go on toward that place whither we beleeue thou ascendedst the fortie daie after thy resurrection i Acts. 1 3. 4. 9 c. that onlie in the flesh I may be held in this wretched world but in thought and desire may be with thee that there mine hart may be k Matth. 6 verse 21. where thou my desired and incomparable and much louelie treasure art For in the great deluge of this life where we are tossed with raging stormes on al sides and no good footing and hie place can be found where the doue may somewhat rest her selfe l Gen. 8 9. there is no where either sure peace or secure quietnes but wars in al places contention and enimies abrode fightings within feares And forsomuch as one part of vs is heauenlie and the other earthlie the corruptible bodie is heauie vnto the soule m Wi. 9 15. Therefore my mind my friend and companion being wearied comming out of the waie is sicke and lieth al too rent and torne of those vanities which it hath passed-by it is verie hungrie and faine would drinke but I haue nothing to set before it because I am in pouertie and in beggerie But ô Lord my God who aboundest in al good thing n Iam. 1 17. and art a liberal bestower of the dainties of heauenlie satietie giue thou meate to the wearied gather together the dispersed amend that which is torne Lo he standeth at the doore knocketh through the bowels of thy mercie whereby thou the daie spring from on high hath visited vs o Luk. 1 78. I beseech thee open the hand of thy pittie to the distressed which knocketh and gratiouslie command that hee come-in vnto thee rest in thee be refreshed of thy liuelie and heauenlie bread wherewithal being satisfied strengthened he may from this vale of teares mount aloft vnto celestial things and carried on high by the wing of holie desire may flie vnto the kingdome of heauen O Lord let my spirit take let it take I beseech thee wings to it selfe as an Egle that it may flie amaine and faint not that it may ascend euen vnto the glorie of thine house and to the where thine honor dwelleth p Psa 26 8. there at the table where thine heauenlie citizens doe repast themselues to bee refreshed of thy secrets in the places of thy greene pasture nigh the stil waters O my God