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A19234 A dyall of dayly contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind instructing vs to liue vnto God, and to dye vnto the vvorld. First colected & published in Latin, at the request of a godly Bishop, and Reuerent Father, Richard, sometime Byshop of Dirham, and Lorde Priuie Seale. Novv nevvly translated into Englishe, by Richard Robinson, citizen of London. Seene, and allowed.; Contemplacyon of synners. Touris, William, attributed name.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1578 (1578) STC 5644; ESTC S119753 81,912 254

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not as droppes but as flooddes from the fiue partes of his body hath been shedde for the price of my redemption c. Trenorum primo O All you that passe by the way marke well and see yf there be any sorowe like my sorowe BERNARDVS BEhold oh man with the eye of thy mind in what duetifull debt of recompence thou art bound vnto the Lorde suffering death for thee It shall behoue vs to consider well That this was done for our saluation Our vnthankfulnesse let vs then expell And gratefull be for our redemption VVhich to frequent in harty deuotion Aboue all thinges our mind for to remord As mighty medicine and fruitefull confection Doth linck one loue with Christ our soueraigne lord BERNARD Snpee illud canticorum Fasciculus Mirrhe O Howe shewed he mercy more then he ought to haue done howe thankfull and tryed loue dyd he expresse towards vs what vnlooked for woorthynesse bestowed he vpon vs what admirable sweetenesse what inuincible mildnesse and humilitie in that he being the king of glory should geue him selfe to the handes of his enimies for the most vylest person of the world to suffer death ANCELMVS THE symple soule of man shall finde in the death and passion of Christ such foode and repast as shal make the same most healthfull and strong Idem AWake thou oh my soule and more diligently behold with the eyes of thy minde this man as one borne before the time and so conceaued as though no man regarded him and as one in the sight of the world vnwoorthy deformed and leprous Trenorum primo HEare me I beseeche you all you people and behold my sorowe and anguishe 1. GALATHI CAP. 6. GOD forbyd that I shoulde glory but in the death of our Lord Iesus Christe by whom the world is crucified vnto me and I am crucifyed vnto the world BERNARDVS HE that loueth thee from the hart Lord is wounded for thy sake and is content to suffer langwors and as it were a dead man from the woorkes of the worlde is made strange vnto the world for thy loue is strong as death and thy heauy wrath is as the pitte of hell VVherefore sweete Iesu our loue and soueraine Lord Treasure of treasures which may vs most auayle VVith ruthfull repentance nowe wee record Our great vnthanke and blindnesse bestiall Of pitie praying thy power imperiall To multiply thy mercy so vpon vs That of thy merites with cares inspeciall Thankfull to thee wee may be studious BERNARDVS WHO is not caryed perforce vnto hope and confidence of obteyning his desire which geueth due and attentiue regard to the disposing of his body And vouchsafe thou oh Lorde to receaue and accept my spirite commended into thy hands and so strike my body and pearce my hart with the swoord of charitie and print therein the woundes of thy body that after the course of this lyfe I may freely commende into thy handes my soule as banished and mere strange vnto the worlde AVGVSTINVS I Beseeche thee good Lorde so pearce and wounde this my soule with the sharpe point of thy accustomed feruent loue for whom thou hast vouchsafe to dye that with the most mighty weapon of thy loue with the staffe of thy entyre good wyll shee being chastized may more deepely consider of thy mighty vertue and plentifully yeelde foorth her flooddes of brynishe teares both day and night Bernardus super verbo Pater ignoscie VOuchsafe oh Lord and heauenly father to looke downe from out of thy Sanctuarie and from thy heauenly habitation behold the pledge which thy sonne our Lord GOD and high Priest Iesus Christ offereth for the sinnes of his brethren and be fauourable to the multitude of our wickednesse Idem REmember nowe oh Man and although thou knowest thy self to be created of nothing yet notwithstandyng thou hast to acknowledge that thou art not redeemed for or by nothing The Creator Redeemer and Sauiour in sixe dayes made all thinges and thre amongst all thinges but in thirtie yeere space that is to say In his liue time vppon earth dyd he woorke thy saluation Oh what paynes hath he endured then for thy sake Ponishe not thy people Lord God in thy greeuance Thincke why thy sonne Christe suffered his passion The crowne of thorne the crosse and Longeus launce Vouchsafe accept our harty gratulation Rewyng vpon our sinfull conuersation Plant in our hartes such reuerent regard Towardes thy good graces by due consideration In suffring for thy sake may thinke nothing to hard ¶ FINIS Of the Contemplacion for FRYDAY ¶ THE AVCTORS Commemoration for SATVRSDAY Here thinke to eschew the hellishe payn For such as in vyle sinne remayne The Translators Application The same good God now bids the Earth of creatures in eche kinde To yeeld increase as Cattell VVoorme and Beastes by him assnde Man then after his image made him rule he gaue and sway Creating woman a comfort to him with mutuall stay Amids these pleasures mortall man Shun hellysh paynes all that thou can IOHM CAP. 1. ALL thinges are by him made and without him is nothing made 1. IOHN CAP. 3. HEareby knowe wee the loue of God towardes vs because he hath geuen his life for vs. IOHN CAP. 13. NO man hath greater loue in him then he that woulde geue his life for his freendes BERNARDVS OF trueth sweete Iesus thou hast hadde greater loue whiche hast geuen thy lyfe euen for thy persecuting enemies 1. CORINTH CAP. 6. FOR you are bought with a great price TITVS CAP. 3. NOT according to the woorkes of righteousnesse which we haue done but accordyng to his mercie hath he saued vs. APOCALIPS CAP. 11. THY wrath is come and the time of the dead to be iudged and to render a reward aswell vnto thy seruantes the prophetes as to thy holy ones to those that feare thy name small and great and to destroy those whiche haue corrupted thy land PSALM 104. THOV haste made all thinges in wysedome PSALME 7. GOD is a iust Iudge strong and pacient MATTH CAP. 15. DEpart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre whiche is prepared for the deuil and his angels Sequitur AND they shall goe to euerlastyng pounishment IOB CAP. 7. WHo so shall happen to descend vnto hel shall not ascende vnto the heauens AVCTOR Herevpon a certayn Gentile hath this sentence If I had a hundred tongues and as many mouthes and a voyce as strong as Iron I could not comprehend to declare al the kindes of mischeefes and for the pounishmentes thervnto due they are so many that I might rather seeme to passe the names of them with scilence then to resite them at full DEVTERONO CAP. 32. I Wyll heape mischeefes vpon their heades that is to lay all kindes of tormentes and I wyll fulfyll the number of my arrowes of displeasure vpon them ECCLESIASTI CAP. 29. FYre Tempest Famine and Death all these are ordeyned for a reuenge of the Lord against the vngodly PSALME 11. IT raigneth snares vppon sinners
4. THE way of the vngodly is as the darkenesse they knowe not where they fall IEREMI GAP 5. OVR sinnes haue debarred and prohibited the good graces of God from vs. PSALME 10. IN the woorkes of his owne handes is the sinner snared and taken PSALME 31. MANY plagues are there ordeyned for sinners but mercy shall compasse him rounde about that putteth his trust in the Lorde BERNARD BE ashamed oh my Soule and blushe at thy folly thou hast chaunged thy deuine shape and forme into a brutish and beastly forme Idem THERE is nothing more beastly then that man which is endewed with reason and vseth it not Idem HOw much the more a man shall sinne so much the lesse shall he knowe what sinne is and in deede so much the more shall he be delighted therewith Robart Grosthed Lincolniens SInne is the issue or generation of the deuill the parent of death the corruption of nature and the deformation or defilyng of the soule GREGORIVS WHAT greater poynt of madnesse can there be in man then for a very little pleasure of the flesh to make him self a bondman vnto euerlasting punishmentes DEVTERONO CAP. 28. WHAT yf thou wouldest desire of God that thou mightest heare the voyce of this thy Lorde and God speaking vnto thee that thou shouldest obserue and accomplishe all that he commaundeth The Lorde shall strike thee with madnes and with blindnes and with fury of the minde that thou shalt stumble at the noone day as the blind man is woont to stumble in the darknes and thou shalt not guide thy footesteppes but shalt alwaies suffer reproche and be oppressed with violence neyther shall there be any man to deliuer thee free from his fury Sinne is the cause of our perdition Sinne of the Deuill is daughter venemons In soule and body sinne causeth corruption Sinne is a sicknesse right contagious Sinne maketh a man foolishe and furious All in wood rage running without reason His dayes ouerdriuing in state styll daungerous VVith confused course of time and season PSALME 14.53 THEY haue trembled with feare where there was no feare at all LEVITCVS CAP. 26. IF so be that you wyll not heare me neyther doo all that I haue commaunded you but shall despise my lawes and ordinances I wyll set my face agaynst you and you shall perishe before the face of your enimies and you shal be cast vnder foote of those that haue hated you The King shal put them in feare yea the noyse of a leafe blowen from the Tree shall make them afraide they shal fall downe to the earth when there is no man to strike them PROVER CAP. 12. THE way of the vngodly shall deceaue them the deceitfull man shall finde none aduantage APOCAL. CAP. 18. THERE is prepared a dwelling place for all the Deuils and a place of custody for euery vncleane spirite OZEA. CAP. 9. THEY are become abominable euen as those idols that they haue embraced and had in honour PROVERB CIP 18. THE belly of the wicked person is neuer satisfied SOPHONI CAP. 1. THEY haue walked as the blinde that sawe not because they haue sinned against the Lorde IOB CAP. 18. HIS foote path is hidden in the earth feare and trembling shall make him afraide on euery side IOB CAP. 20. THE praise of the vngodly shal be but for a small seazon and the ioy of an hypocrite is like vnto the poynt of a swoord yf his pride shall lift it selfe vp vnto the heauens and that his head doo touche the cloudes yet in the ende it shall be destroyed euen as the filthy dounghil and as a dreame that is vanished shall it not be found The mind of sinners is figured vnto hell VVherein is fyre and feendish cruelty Gods lawes and maners resisting as rebell VVith lothsome stenche of wylful iniquity Committed by the seuen sinnes deadly And he that sinne into his chayne can lincke By subtyll shiftes and shameles impiety T ys a speciall gift yf they twayne euer shrincke ROMANS CAP. 6. THE reward of sinne is death PSALME 146. HIS spirite shall goe foorth and shall returne into his owne land in that day shal all his cogitations perishe PROVERBES CAP. 11. THE wicked man being once dead there resteth no further hope vnto him BERNARDVS O Thou Soule of man not with precious golde or siluer but with the blood of the Lambe of GOD redeemed Why wylt thou deliuer thy selfe into destruction seeing Christe for the loue that he beareth vnto thee hath shed his most precious blood HYLLARIVS THE Soule that sheweth not her selfe nete and clearely shining indewed with the garment or robe of holy life is not the Soule espoused vnto Christe but the Deuils darling AVGVSTINVS HAppy is that Soule which shall so endeuour her selfe to gouerne her life that she may through Christe deserue to receaue and entertaine Christ as her geste and inhabiter within her ECLESIAST CAP. 4. BE sorowfull and heauy for thy Soule PSALME 69. THE zeale of thy house Lorde hath euen as it were eaten me vp 1. REGVM CAP. 22. THERE is none that soroweth for my state ECCLESIAST CAP. 32. THE wicked are hardly chastized to amendment and the number of fooles is infinite PSALME 32. BEcause mercie hath come vppon him he shall with mercie be chastized AMBROSIVS THE lewde and dissolute life of the child shal be imputed the negligence of the parentes PSALME 141. BVT the oyle of a sinner shall not hurt my head TVLLIVS FOR euery pounishment and correction ought to be without reproche neither to the reproche of him whiche so punisheth or chastizeth any person but to be referred only for the commoditie and profite of the weale publique AVGVSTINVS THE wrath of GOD is then greate when the offender is not by due chastisement reclaimed but suffereth him selfe to runne in further offence by taking a wandring libertie Mans soule is a iewell incomperable By Christe his bloodshed dearely bought VVherefore he wyll that we be coumptable To him in good wyll for sauety sought VVhen to captiue vs Satan sought Bereft of all solace then surely were wee Tyll this our champion for vs fought VVe deserued the scourge of his equitee ECCLESIAST CAP. 7 REmember thy last dayes and thou shalt not doo amis for euer ECCLESIAST CAP. 11. IF a man doo liue many yeeres and in all this time shall reioyce and be meery yet he ought to remember the dayes of darknesse and the daies of many which shal then come shal plainely testifie that the dayes past were the dayes of vanitie GREGORIVS THE true and perfect life is to be med●tating howe to dye well Idem HE that considereth with him selfe what maner of person he shal be when death assayleth him is euermore fearefull in his affaires to offend ECCLESIAST CAP. 12. THE Lorde shall bring all thinges to receaue iudgement that are done vnder the heauens ECCLESIAST CAP. 9. REmember the Lorde in thy life time because death detracteth no time HVGO de sancto victore WE
Iudges which were seene to beare rule ouer the people and they haue turned away their vnderstanding and haue withdrawen their eyes from beholding the Heauen neither would they remember the iudgementes of the iust This processe of iudgement is short vvithout tarying VVhen for our sinnes shall serue none excuse But our vnkindnesse to Christe our soueraigne king Our consciences eke vvitnesses shall vs accuse VVhen vve his gracious good fauour abuse God graunt therefore by ages tofore past VVe in this last aige such vvarnyng may take That cleauing in feare to this our God fast VVe may auoyde the danger of the dreadfull lake 2. CORINTH CAP. 6. FOR we all must needes be manifested and openly reuailed before the tribunall seate of Christe that euery man may reape that whiche he hath done in his body be it good or be it bad ESAI CAP. 13. BEhold the day of the Lord shal come that cruell day and full of indignation wrath and furies to put the earth in feare and her sinners to be ouerthrowen by her because the Starres of Heauen and their glit●ering hue shall not geue foorth light vnto them EZECHIEL 6. THE end commeth it shall stand vp as a watchman against the sorowe shal come vpon thee which dwellest vppon the Earth the time is come the day of death is neare at hand and not of the ioyfull sound of the Hils Now euen at hand foorthwith wyll I powre out my indignation vppon thee and wyll accomplishe the desire of my fury vppon thee and wyl iudge thee according to thy wayes and wyll lay vppon thee as a burden all thy wickednesse and my eye shall haue no compassion vpon thee neither wyll I shewe thee any mercy but wyl lay vpon thee thine owne wicked wayes MATTHE 25. THen shall he say to those which shal stand vpon his left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre whiche is prepared for the deuil and his angels ORIGEN SInners doo lincke them selues in amitie with the Deuill as they which are by the prouidence of God saued are made coequals with the holy angels So such as perishe are compared vnto the angels of the Deuil Augustinus 21. de ciuitate dei HEreby also is it manifest that the same fire is geuen by ordinance for a pounishment vnto men and deuils Gregorius 33. cap. mora IT belongeth to the iustice of a straight Iudge neuer to withdrawe pounishment from them whiche of their owne mindes in this life would neuer withdrawe them selues from sinne PSALME 119. VNderstand this you that haue forgotten God least that at any time he take you away by force and then there be no man to take you out of his handes c. Then shall Christe thus pronounce for conclusion From his leaft hand vvhen he the vvicked shal expel Depart yee vvofull vvretches vvith my malediction To the perpetuall fyre and tormentes of hell In dolorous darknesse vvith deuils there to dvvell VVithout recouerie shall be there your residence Fellovved vvith feendes furious and fell And of my person neuer more to haue presence MATTHE 25. COme you the blessed of my Father possesse you the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world ORIGEN FOR the holy ones of God whiche haue wrought the woorkes of righteousnesse haue alredy taken for their hyre the inheritaunce on the right hand of GOD for their woorkes of righteousnesse wherein consistes both rest and glorious triumphe AVGVSTINVS LAbour in worldly matters will discourage thee from comming vnto God but behold the Heauens whiche haue learned the first commaundement they fulfill the same TOBIA 6. THE Lorde GOD of Heauen shall rewarde thee with ioy and comfort for the werisome trauel that thou hast endured 2. CORINTH 1. FOR this ioye and comfort that we haue conceaued is a witnesse of our conscience within vs c. PSALME 100. BE you glad in the Lord and be ioyful you that are iust c. and reioyce you in the lord c. MATTH CAP. 24. WAtche therefore because you know not the houre when the Lord wyll come HIERONIMVS IT was not requisite that the Apostles should haue the day of the foreknowledged comming of Christe reuealed vnto them that by reason of theyr earnest looking for of his comming they not knowing when yet might alwayes beleeue that he would come whom they knewe not howe soone he would come GREGORIVS WHat man seemeth to watche in deede which to beholde the brightnesse of the true light keepeth open the eyes of his mind That man watcheth who obserueth that order of dooing well which he beleeueth is acceptable before god That man watcheth which driueth from him the darknesse of dolour and negligence IOHN CAP. 3. O Ye generacions of Vipers who hath taught you to flee from the wrath to ome Doo you therefore shewe foorth woorthy fruites of repentance PSALME EVen as the wounded bodies sleeping in their graues that is to say The sinners of whom there is no further memory and those are repulsed out of thy handes PSALME 36. DEpart from dooing that is euill and doo good After the first sentence the second folowe shall Full of solace and consolation Saying vnto those on his right hand all Come ye chyldren on my benediction VVhich haue me loued with true intention Receaue you the kingdome of lasting blis Reserued for you from the worldes creation God grannt vs thy grace to labour for this ESAI CAP. 46. REturne and come againe oh you that haue frowardly walked after your owne hart GREGORIVS O How strait shall then be the way for the reprobate aboue in the Heauens shall sitte the Iudge full of displeasure belowe in Hell shal be an horrible confusion vpon the right hande shall stand our sinnes to accuse vs vpon the leaft hand infinite numbers of Deuils which shall drawe vs to the tormenting place within vs the gnawing of our conscience and without vs the Wo●ld burning rounde about Whyther then shall the sinner flee To appeare to iudgement shal be intollerable for him and to hyde him setfe shal be impossible PSALME 138. I Haue remembred these and I haue powred out myne owne soule before me HIERONIMVS BVT thou discreete Reader marke and consider that both the punishments which are ordeyned are eternall and that the euerlasting ioyfull life hath in it no maner of decay or ruine ECCLESIASTI CAP. 7. BE mindfull of the wrath of the Highest because he wyll not long foreslewe the time MATTH CAP. 10. FEare not ye those that haue power to slay the body onely but rather feare you him which is able to destroy both body and soule euen in the very Hell. Augustinus de verbis Domi. BVT we see all such as loue this present life temporall and which is soone ended so to labour for the same that when the passion of death approcheth them they make all the shift they can that they not be taken away with death and by all meanes seeke to prolong their life If then men doo with suche
regard vnto very small thinges They take more care howe to keepe and cherishe their diseased corrupt body then howe to foster and cherish the precious soule Yea they are more carefull howe to batten and ●eede the flesh with fatnesse and good likyng but the kirnell of the soule or the hart of the spirituall man they doo oftentimes destroy Idem super Cantica THey surely that are not diligent in their vocations as men ought to be are partakers of the deuils them selues in their trauayles HIERONIMVS THere can be no labour deemed tedious neither any time seeme long vnto vs wherein the euerlasting glory is obteyned AVGVSTINVS NO doubt sinners doo dayly heare the scriptures promising as well vnto those that loue God the most blessed graces of his good prouidence and contrariwyse they heare the scriptures which doo threaten vnto such as care not for GOD the plagues and pounishmentes by him for them ordeyned And yet geue they no regard therevnto neyther wyllingly do they heare God thus speaking vnto them when he gently entreateth them nor when he seuerely threatneth them but rather doo resist him with their euyll and wicked dooinges PSALME 49. THE wyse man also as well as the foole shall goe to the graue LEOPOLDVS MEN doo more wyllingly toyle them selues for the desire they haue vnto pleasure then for the loue that they beare to vertue Most men are naturally geuen to be feareful and timerus in paines taking in sustayning troubles pouertie and other daungers wherewith humane kind was wonte to be molested But yf they were wyse in deede and vnderstoode the excessiue calamities ordeyne● for sinners without ende they woulde then be farre more fearefull to offend in this lyfe IOB CAP. 6. THey that feare a frost vpon them shall haue a snowe come to them Sythen wee see in sicknesse corporall Health to recouer and death for to decline Men wyll absteyne from lustes sensuall And their desyres submit to medecine All for this frayle flesh that runneth to ruine How much more should eche man with busy cure Seeke for the soules health repentyng in time VVherby he may obteyne such ioyes as shalendure 1. THESSALO CAP. 5. WHen they shall say Peace and security is with vs then by and by shall a sodayne destruction come vppon them as the pange of a woman trauayling with chylde and they shall not escape away ECGLESIASTI CAP. 5. MAke thou no tarying to turne vnto the Lorde and prolong not of from day to day for sodaynely shall his wrath come and in time of reuenge he shall destroy thee ESAI CAP. 18. FOr you haue said We haue made a league with death and with hell we haue made a couenant GALATH. CAP. 6. BE you not deceaued in your owne dooinges God is not mocked withall what thing so euer a man shall sowe the same shall he also reape agayne IEREMI CAP. 8. THey haue rather chosen death then lyfe· PSALME 69. THey haue drawen neare euen vnto the gates of death Idem THere is a most vyle death ordayned for sinners ECCLESIASTI 7. REmember to dye because death wyll not tary long BERNARDVS I Tremble and quake for feare of the iawes of the infernall beast yea tyl● I be deliuered from the body of hell from the roaring feendes prepared to their meate Alacke oh my mother why hast thou conceyued me the child of sorowe the childe of bitter bale indignation eu●rlasting lamentation Why was I l●lled in thy lappe why was I fostered with thy dugges I was borne the meate for woormes and foode of the fyre IACOB CAP. 4. YOur laughter sh●ll turne into mournyng and your ioy into sorowe APOCAL. CAP. 18. SO much as he hath vaunted and reioyced him selfe in his ritches so much torment and mournyng let him haue administred vnto him DEVTERONO CAP. 25. THere shal be a certayne prescribed rate of pounishment according to the measure of the offence that euery man hath done BERNARDVS BReethren let vs be enflamed to repentance let vs examine our consciences and let vs be encouraged to take reuenge of our selus by repentāce to the end we may be able to escape the horrible iudgement of y liuing God. Slombring in sinne some dreame security VVithout feare or forecast of infernall afliction Neglecting repentance in this lyfe transitory That they feare nothing the due correction Ordeyned for sinne by deuine direction As those that are not carefull harmes to eschewe Suche feele the sentence of all malediction VVhen repentance come to late their sorowes to rescewe IEREMI CAP. 3. WHY dooest thou cry out so vppon the contrition of thy soule thy sorowe is incurable by reason of the multitude of thine iniquities and because of thy greeuous sins haue I done this sayth the Lord. HIERONIMVS THE moderacion of Gods displeasure the duetie of godlinesse seeketh onely for our returne and desyreth that we may be sa●ed by this long forbearance of his goodnes If we wyll not be conuerted yf we be stiff● necked and yf we continewe still in our syns vnlawfully euen tyll our death Let vs trust vnto it God wyl not shewe mercie vnto those that continually perseuer in their sinnes BERNARDVS I Tremble to thincke vppon the gnawyng woorme and the death that neuer dyeth I shiuer and quake euery ioynt of me to fall into the handes of that death that endureth and of that l●fe that dyeth GREGORIVS THE w●cked shall dye the death euerlastyng PROSPER IF at that instant when a man purposeth to sinne he would with diligent mind consider what pounishment claymeth to be done towards those that are taken in trappe for their mischeefts what torment shoulde vexe the conuict soules what feare would shake their members and ioynts in euery part and what wanne and pale colour would dumpe theyr hauty countenances and finally how execrable reproche and ignominie it selfe the sentence denounced vnto suche sinners woulde duely re●der I knowe not whether he would take any such delight or frame him selfe vnto such vices and wickednes yea or no. MATTH CAP. 21. BEholde the Bridegrome commeth and they that were prepared to wayte vppon the Bridegrome went in with him vnto the wedding Vnde Gregorius IF thou oh wicked man wert wyse and diddest vnderstand what ioye this were thou wouldest oftentimes consider herevpon and speedely run to repentance neither wouldest thou lose or forgoe the acceptable time and the dayes of thy saluation through thy banquetting dayly ryot and idlenesse without profiting body or soule IEREMI CAP. 9. WHO shall geue water vnto my head a fountaine of teares vnto my eyes that I may weepe night and day when I behold the children of the people committed to my charge IVDITH CAP. 8. LET vs craue his pardon with teares AVGVSTINVS THE iustice of the Omnipotent hauing foreknowledge of thinges to come let ordeyne to be made the fyre of hell euen from the first creation of the world He whiche is of his owne mercifull goodnes contrary to this fire who is enflamed with loue of