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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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him selfe is iuste he loueth ryghteousnes And with hys countenaunce he wyl loke vpon the gitles The .xij. Psalme O Lorde do thou saue and kepe nowe for frendshyppe ther is none The true and faythfull of promyse are from emonge men gone Wyth his neyghbour eche man speaketh wordes disceytfull and vayne Wyth smoth lyppes but with double hertes they speake to them certayne The Lorde shall cut of al suche lyppes as speake fayre but falsly And the tonge that speaketh greate thinges herselfe to magnifye All suche I say as do saye thus let oure tonges be walkinge Our lyppes are on oure syde and who is our Lorde or our Kynge The Lorde shall saye now wyll I ryse for the destruccyon Of the oppressed and the nedies lamentacyon And them I will restore to healthe they shal not be oppreste I wyl geue them a breathynge tyme eke a quyete reste The Lordes sayinges are pure sayinges as syluer well tryed That in an earthē coffen hath ben seuen tymes wyll fyned O Lorde do thou saue and kepe them kepe backe the flatterar Oute of thys generacyon kepe hym backe for euer For when mē of most wicked lyfe do reigne and rule the route Then do the vngodly wander on eche syde rounde aboute The .xiij. Psalme LOrde howe longe wylt thou forget me what foreuer and aye Lorde how long wylt thou hyde thy face from thy seruaunt I saye How longe shall I consult in mynde and in myne hert trauayle Howe longe shall myne enmies agaynst thy poore seruaunt preuayle Loke backe and answere me O Lorde illumyne thou myne eyes And suffer me not in the death to sleape in any wyse Leste myne enmye shoulde say I haue agaynste him preuayled And suche as vexe me should reioyce yf I were weakened But I truste in thy greate goodnes and bountiful mercy And in thine health mine hert therfore reioyceth certaynely I will synge to the Lorde I saye with hert vnfaynedly Because he doeth requyte to me all thynges aboundantly The .xiiij. Psalme THe folyshe and Insipient whose thoughtes are euer vayne Do in their hert saye folishly there is no God certayne They folowe wayes that are corrupt and ahhomynable There is none that doeth the thinge that is good and laudable The Lorde loked doune from heauen vpon the sonnes of men To se yf there were anye wyse or to seke God geuen But al had fallen and were corrupt together in their waye There was no man that woulde do good no not one man I saye What knewe they nought al are wicked they eate my flocke as breade And on the Lorde they do not call in them there is no dreade There shall they be cast doune with feare the Lorde wyll them affraye For God is in the nacyon of the iuste men for aye Ye do deryde and laugh to scorne the coūsell of the poore Because the Lord is his whole trust his help and his succour Oh woulde to God Israell myghte haue health out of Syon Woulde God I saye the tyme were come of their saluacyon That God myght bryng his flocke againe oute of captyuytie That Iacob myght reioyce and eke Israell be mery The .xv. Psalme LOrde who shall haue hys dwelling place in thy tabernacle Who shall I saye fynde quyete rest in thy most holy hyll That shall the man that walketh ryght and doeth that vpryght is And he that in his hert to speake the trueth do neuer mysse He doeth not slaunder with hys tonge nor do hys neyghbour ylle Neyther doeth suffer him to be reuyled by his wyll The wicked and the reprobate are aye vyle in hys syght But suche as feare the Lorde he doeth honoure both daye and nyght And yf he sweare or make promyse concernynge any thinge Thoughe it shoulde be hys hynderaunce to passe he wyll it brynge He setteth not hys money out to vsury or gayne Nor taketh anye brybe to put the innocent to payne Who so he be that wyll these thinges diligently apply The same shal neuer threat to falle but stādvp styll stoutly The .xvi. Psalme Saue me O God do thou vouchsalfe my defender to be Saue me I say because I haue put my whole trust in the. Vnto the Lorde thus haste thou sayde O my soule within me Thou arte my Lorde and my goodnes nothinge can be lyke the. Wyth the sainctes that dwel in the earth and men of noble fame I am delyted and wyth al myne hert I loue the same Thoughe men do encrease their Idoles multiplye them styl And gredily seke for to haue other mens godes at wyl Yet will I not tast the cup of their bloudy sacryfyce Nor with my mouth reherse the name of thē in any wyse The Lorde is the porcyon of my part and cuppe certayne O Lorde my lot and heritage thou doest alwaye sustayne The coardes that measured my parte in pleasaunt places fell Yea and a noble heritage chaunced to me ryght well The Lorde that hath ben my succour and counsell will I prayse For my verye reynes do enstructe me in the night alwayes I do prepone and set the Lord alwaye before myne eyes He is styll at my right hande leaste I fall in anye wyse Wherfore myne herte shal be ryght glad so shall my tonge reioyce And my fleshe shal reste in safetye wythoute tumult or noyse For thou shalt not forsake my soule at the sepulchersyde Nor suffer that thine holy one do into the pit flyde The path of lyfe thou wylt shewe me and full ioy in thy syght And the pleasures at thy ryght hād for euer daye and nyght The .xvij. Psalme LOrde heare the thynge that rightuouse is geue eare vnto my crye Marcke wel the prayer that I make to the vnfaynedly Let my iudgment procede from the iudge me Lorde in thy syght And let thyne eies consyder well all suche thynges as are ryght Thou hast searched myne hert throughly and visyte me by nyght Thou haste tryed me yet canste thou not blame any thynge by ryght For the secret thoughtes of myne herte my wordes do agre The secrete thoughtes open wordes are all one thinge in me In the affayres of mortall men I haue taken good hede Of the wayes of the destroyer for that thou haste preached Grounde thou my steppes therfore I say Lorde in thy fote pathes all Leste that my fete should slyp and I shoulde be redy to falle On the I call O God for thou arte wout to graunt to me Geue eare to me and heare my worde Lorde God I beseche the. O thou that by thy powr kepeste suche as do trust in the From theyr enmyes make thy mercies wonderfull vpon me Kepe me as the eie apple and vnder thy wynges me hyde From the wicked that vse to waste and my foes on eche syde Wyth theyr fatnes and greate richesse my wayes they haue stopped And wyth theyr mouth presumptuouselye proude wordes they haue framed Euen nowe they do beset our wayes and eke compasse them rounde And ernestly they do seke to
haste oute of the wombe drawne me And in my suckynge dayes I dyd put all my trust in the. From the daye of my byrthe I haue bene lefte to the onlye And from my mothers wombe thou hast ben my God certaynely Do not withdraw thy selfe farre of be not from me absent For there is no man for to helpe and trouble is present Greate bulles haue compassed me rounde wyth an vnruly route And myghtye men of Basan haue beset me round aboute Against me haue they opened their mouth wonderfull wyde Lyke as a lyon that rampeth and roreth in hys pryde I am poured out like water my bones are let aparte And as the wax that is molten so is in me myne herte My strength dryeth vp lyke a shell and my tonge cleaueth faste To my chekes and into the duste of deathe brought me to haste Dogges and ylle men haue me byset and bounde me in their bandes And as a lyon they haue gnawen my fete eke myne handes I myght haue numbred al my bones they were sene so planely But these men loke vpon me and are delyted greatly They haue diuided emonge them all my garmentes I wotte And whyche of them shoulde haue my cote they haue tryed by lotte But thou O Lorde be not farre of O my strength and my powre Make haste O Lorde thy poore seruaunt for to helpe and succoure Delyuer my soule from the sworde and let not me be torne Wyth madde dogges nor with lyons teeth nor wyth vnicornes horne Thyne holy name will I declare to my brethren eche one And prayse the in the middle of the congregacyon All ye that feare the Lorde prayse hym prayse him all Iacobs seede And all the seede of Israel feare ye the Lord in deede For the poore mans afflyctyon he hath not neglected Neyther turned away hys face but hearde when he cryed Beynge in a great concyon I prayse the Lorde onely And in their fyghte that do feare hym my vowes perfourme will I. The poore the abiect shal eate they shal al haue their fyll Suche as seke the Lorde shal prayse hym their herte shall lyue styll And all the quartars of the earth shall haue remors of mynde And shal conuert them to the Lord as reasone doeth them bynde All the housholdes and families that on the earth be founde Shall humble them before hys face and lye flat on the grounde For vnto the Lord only al kingedom doeth appertayne And emonge the heathen people the Lorde hym selfe doeth raygne The fat and welthy of the earth shal eate and do worshype And all mysers shal bowe to hym because he doeth them kepe All such shal bowe their knees to hym as do fall in the duste Because he kept their lyfe when that they sayed nedes dye we muste The ofspringe and posteritie shal him serue and obeye And for euer more vnto him their trybute shal they paye To the people that is not borne they shall resort and tell Hys iustyce and hys equyte because it doeth excell The .xxiij. Psalme THe Lord is my sheperde and I shall neuer stand in nede For in pasture exceadinge good he leadeth me to fede He causeth me to laye me doune in pasture full of grasse And dryueth me to caulme waters that be so cleare as glasse He calleth my soule backe agayn and causeth me to make My iourney in the waye of ryght for his holy names sake Thoughe I shoulde go through the valey of the shadowe of death I wil be withoute feare of yll all the dayes of my breath For thou arte aye present with me thou doest me not forsake Thy rodde and staffe do comforte me and do me merye make Ouer agaynst my foes thou wylt spreade a table for me Annoynte myne heade wyth oyle and fyl my cuppe with greate plentie But let thy mercyfull goodnes folowe me all my lyfe And then shall I dwel in thyne house wythoute debate or stryfe The .xxiiij. Psalme THe earth and al that it holdeth do to the lorde belonge The world and al that dwel therin as wel the olde as yonge For it is he that aboue al the seas hath it founded And that aboue the freshe waters hathe the same prepared Who is it that shal ascend vp into the lordes mountayne And who shal in his holy place abyde styl and remayne That shall the man with giltlesse handes and hert pourged throughly Who doeth not geue his mynde nor swere to fraude nor vanitye The same shall receyue of the Lorde blessinge and al encrease And of hys God and sauyoure he shal haue ryghteousnes This is the nacion of them that seke the Lorde I saye It is the seede of Iacob that seketh his face alwaye Lyfte vp youre heades and ope ye gates and ye dores eternall And then that moste gloriouse kynge shall passe in at you all Who is that kynge so gloryouse the Lorde stronge and myghtye The Lord that is moste noble in the powre of chyualrye Lyfte vp your heades and ope ye gates ye dores eternall And then that moste gloryouse kynge shall passe in at you all Who is that kynge so gloryouse let vs knowe whiche is he The Lorde of Hostes is that same kynge so gloriouse to se The .xxv. Psalme O Lorde to the I lyfte myne herte my God I truste in the Let me not take shame leste my foes shoulde reioyce ouer me Yea Lorde let none that truste in the be put to open shame But let them that do fall from the be put in all the blame O Lorde make thy wayes knowne to me teache me thy lawes I saye Do thou vse me vnto thy pathes and trayne me in thy waye Lorde leade thou me forth in thy trueth and by vse make me stronge For thou arte God my Sauioure whome I seke al daye longe Remember thy mercyes O Lorde eke thy greate goodnes For sence the worlde was fyrste create they dyd yet neuer cease Lorde beare not the synnes of my youthe any longer in mynde But forget al the wickednes that thou doest in me fynde But for thy goodnes sake O Lorde I hūbly beseche the. Accordynge to thy greate mercye be thou myndfull of me The Lorde is good and eke rightwyse no man can this denye And therfore wyll enstruct synners in the waye certaynelye He wil guyde the meke in iudgement they shall do ryght I saye And the lowly in spyryte he wyl accustome to hys waye Al the wayes of the Lorde are founde mercye and trueth certes To them that kepe his couenaunt and hys testymonyes O Lorde forgeue my wyckednes for thine holy names sake For myne iniquitie is greate do not thou me forsake Whoso feareth the Lorde the same he wyl leade in the waye That he hym selfe shall chuse and wylbe his succoure and staye Hys mynd shal tarye in good thinges euer wythoute greuaunce Hys seede also shall haue the earth for their enherytaunce The Lorde shall make hys secrete knowne to them that do him feare In lyke
and wyckednes are pight In it I saye is wyckednes euen in the inner parte At no tyme do gyle and deceyte out of hir stretes departe Of a man that had hated me or that myne enmie were The proude checkes and the reuilynges I could suffer and beare But sence thou art my capitayne my felowe and my frend Thy reuylynges and threatenynge do my mynd sore offende For we haue had swete and secrete communication In the house of the Lord our God and haue togither gone Lorde let death strike them sodenlye let them be buried quicke For in theyr secrete houses Lorde great wickednes doeth sticke As for me I wyll crie to God and will his mercie craue And then the Lord I am right sure wyll his pore seruant saue At euenynge at morne and none tyde I wyll mourne and complayne And then to heare his seruantes voyce the Lorde wyll not disdayne It is he that delyuereth his seruauntes soule in peace From all that lye in wayte for it who are many doubles That God I saye that lyueth aye shall heare his seruauntes prayer And shall plage them of whose mendment men maye iustly dispayer They feare not God but laye handes on such as cleaue vnto hym And so they breake hys couenaunt and do it not esteme Theyr mouthes are softer then butter yet are warres in theyr mynde Their wordes are muche more smoth then oyle yet swerdes ye shall them fynde O caste thy burden on the Lorde and he shall the sustayne For he wyll not suffer the iuste in troubles to remayne In the meane tyme O God thou shalt thrust headlynge in to hell The bloud thyrsty and disceyuers that are fiers and cruell They shall not lyue out halfe theyr tyme nor halfe theyr lyfe dayes see But as for me good Lorde I wyll styll put my trust in the. The .lvj. Psalme BE mercifull to me O God for men wyll treade me downe They fyght agaynste and trouble me dayly in fielde and towne Vnder theyr feete myne enimies do treade me downe dayly For they that proudly fyght agaynst thy seruaunt are many Neuerthelesse at euerie tyde when feare inuadeth me Then do I put my confidēce and trust onely in the. In God I wyll set forth his worde and in hym put my trust And as for men I do not passe let them do what they luste They are offended at my wordes and do them dayly carpe All theyr studye is to hurt me on this one strynge they harpe They cluster renne togither they spye on euerie syde They watch my steppes because my death of them is desyred They haue a trust for to escape but that is all in vayne For God wyll not in his anger whole natiōs refrayne My rennynges from myne enimies in persecution Thou haste by numbre in thy boke and eke my teares eche one So ofte as I call on thy name myne enimies do flye Wherby that thou arte God my Lorde I do knowe certenlye Whatsoeuer God sendeth me I wyl take in good parte And in the worde of God my Lorde I shall conforte myne herte In God my Lorde my confidence onlye trust shal be I wyll not stande in dreade nor feare what man can do to me To the wyll I paye al my vowes O God and wyll be hyght And paye to the boeth laude and prayse with all my mayne and myght For thou sauest my soule from death and my feete from fallynge That I maye walke before the in the lyght of the lyueynge The .lvij. Psalme BE mercifull to me O God be mercifull to me For the soule of thy pore seruant putteth hir trust in the. Vnder the shadowe of thy wynges my hope is pytched faste Where myne onlye refuge shal be tyll wyckednes be paste I shal call crie vnto God that is highest of all To God I saye that doeth helpe me vp agayne when I fall The same shall send from heauen down shall deliuer me From the reprofe of him that would my confusion see He shall I saye send vnto me euen for his mercies sake And for the faythfull promise that it pleased hym to make My soule is set in the myddes of the lions full of Ire And I my selfe am layed amonge men that do flame wyth fyre Theyr teeth are sharpe and persynge speres and sharpe arowes I wene Theyr tonges are swerdes wel made to cute and are excedyng kene Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens that are so hye And aboue all the earth exalte thy prayse thy glorie A net they haue layed for my fete and put my soule to blame They haue dygged a pyt for me are fallen in the same To synge and geue the prayse O God myne hert is euer prest To setforth thy greate prayse I saye my mynd is redye dreste Awake my tonge and strength to speake for thou arte my glorie Awake my lute and eke my harpe for I wyll rise erlye Amonge the people wyll I geue thankes vnto the O Lord And amonge the heathen my tonge shall thy prayses recorde For the greatnes of thy mercie reacheth vp to the skye And thy faythfulnes thy trueth toucheth the starres so hye Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens that are so hye And aboue al the earth exalte thy prayse thy glorie The .lviij. Psalme O Ye the sonnes of mortall men ye goddes and men of myght Do ye geue rightuouse sentences and iudge mens matters right Nay but rather you Imagyne mischiefe wythin your brest And by your violence men are sore laden and oppreste So sone as these vngodly men were borne they went astraye And frō theyr mothers wombe they learned vntrueth for to saye Theyr poysens are lyke the poysens that in fell serpentes are They are lyke the deafe Idder that doth vse to stop hir eare For the adder doeth stop hir eare lest she should heare haply The voyce of the charmar that doeth by charmes worcke skylfully Of these mens mouthes breake thou the teeth O God and smyte in twayne The chafte bones of the lyons whelppes who are cruell certayne That they may fall awaye lyke the water that faste doeth ren And that when they shote theyr arrowes the same may be broken Let them consume as doth a snayle that turneth into slyme And as the fruite that a woman beareth before hir tyme. Yeare that your sharpe and prickynge thornes shall be redie to pricke Gooddes wrath lyke to a stormye wynde shall take you awaye quicke When the rightwise shall se these thynges they shall reioyse greatly And they shal wash theyr feete in the bloude of the vngodly Then shall men saye the rightuouse are certayne to haue rewarde For the Lorde God iudgeth the earth who doeth iustice regarde The .lix. Psalme MY God delyuer me from thē that be myne enimies And defend me from them that do agaynst thy seruant rise Delyuer me O God from them that do worcke wyckedly And saue thy pore seruant from such men as are bloude thristie For
of shype O thou sea what is the bytyd that thou goest backe agayne And thou Iordayne what thynge is it that doeth thy course restrayne And ye mountaynes what causeth you lyke wanton rammes to shyp And you little hylles for to playe as do the lambes of shype And thou earth se thou quake also in the lordes feare alwaye Se that thou tremble in the feare of Iacobs God I saye For he maketh a standynge pole of the rocke that was drye And of the flynt a spryngynge well rennyng out plentuousely The .cxv. Psalme FOr thy mercie Lord and thy trueth vouchsafe to amplifie The glorie of thy blessed name not our vayne glorie For whye should the Heathen saye thus wyth a disdaynefull mynde I praye you where or in what place should we these mens God fynde Whye should they speake such wordes I saye wyth thoughtes excedyng isle Syth our God is in heauen and doeth all thynges that he wyll But these mens Images are made of gould and syluer vayne And are the vayne worckes of mans hande fruites of an idle brayne For they haue a mouth and speake not eies that do not se So haue they eares and do not heare such worthy thynges they be They haue a nose and do not smelle and handes that do not fele So haue they fete do not walke neyther once moue theyr hele And wyth theyr throte they do brynge forth no maner voyce at all And for helpe in theyr daynger they can neither crye nor calle Lyke vnto whome such shall be made as do make them certayne And so shall all that put theyr truste in thynges that are so vayne O Israell trust in the Lorde O faythfull men I saye Truste in the Lorde that is your helpe and your bucklar for aye O ye that be of Aharons house and the hygh priestes kynne Truste in the Lord that is your helpe and targate to truste in All ye that feare the Lorde I saye haue in him confidence For he it is that is your helpe and targate of defence The Lorde that maketh the houshold of Israell happy And eke the houshold of Aharon hath vs in memorie And he maketh all that feare him happie and fortunate Aswell such as are verie smalle as the myghtie and greate He shall also heape vnto you good turne vpon good turne Not only vnto you I saye but eke to your chyldren And you he hath alredie made happy fortunate Euen he I saye that dyd the heauen eke the earth create And the heauen is reserued for the Lord God alone But the earth he hath geuen to men for thē to dwell vpon As for the dead they prayse not God they do no mercie craue No more doeth any emonge them that go downe to the graue But we shall preach and set forth God frō henseforth euer more We shal declare his myghtie worckes prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxvj. Psalme I Loue the Lord because he heard myne humble voyce and crie And because he gaue eare I wyll calle on him tyll I dye The cordes of death had gyrded me eke the straytes of hell Had caught me and I was fallen into daynger cruell But I called on the Lordes name thus I sayde in dede Lorde for thy mercie delyuer thy seruantes soule at nede The Lorde is full of benifites and eke of iustice all And our God is right mercifull when we do on him call The Lorde that vseth to defende the sylley simple sorte Preserued me when I was weake and was all my conforte My soule returne into the place of thy quiete and reste For the Lorde hath done good to the. euen as thou desyreste Thou hast plucked my soule from death Lorde and his cruell stynge So haste thou done myne eyes from teares and my fete from slydynge Wherfore I wyll lyue holyly before the Lorde I saye In the contreys and regions of men that lyue for aye My fayth and promise vnto God I helde most constantly ▪ Euen when I was forced to saye I am decayed greatly Yea when I sayd in my swyfte chase and when I fled in haste All men are false ther is none true or that of trueth doeth taste What worthy thanckes therfore shall I geue to the Lorde saye ye For all the benifites that he hath shewed vnto me The cup wherwyth men vse to geue thanckes for health receyued The same wyll I take call on the Lordes name so blessed And nowe before all his people to the Lord wyll I paye All vowes that I haue made to him or else shall make for aye For wyth the Lorde the death of suche as serue hym loueyngely Is of such price that none of them shal suffer death vaynely Ah Lorde I am thy pore seruant thy pore seruant am I And the sonne of thyne handmayden whoe dydeste my bondes vntie To the therfore I wyll confesse and that wyth sacrifice And wyll call vpon the Lordes name in my most faythfull wise Nowe before all the Lordes people all my vowes wyll I paye In his courtes at Ierusalem prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cxvij. Psalme ALl nations prayse ye the Lorde prayse and extolle his name All people of the worlde preach him let your lyfe do the same For his mercie towardes vs I saye doeth excell euer more And his trueth abydeth for aye praise ye the Lorde therfore The .cxviij. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to hym for hys mercie continueth for aye Nowe let Israell saye that his mercie dureth for aye And let Aharōs house saye that his goodnes doeth not decay Yea let all them that feare the Lorde euē nowe stand forth and saye That his moste mercifull goodnes cōtinueth for aye When I was in affliction on God then called I And he graunted all my requeste and that aboundauntly Wherfore the Lorde takynge my parte I wyll not stand in feare Of any thyng that mans wytte can inuent to do me deare For when the Lorde is one of them that cometh to helpe me Then shall I se all my desyre vpon myne enimie For it is better to trust in the Lorde then in man vayne So is it to truste in the Lorde then in princes certayne If all nations dyd hedge me in compasse rownde about Yet do I trust by the Lordes name to cutte me a waye out If they should compasse me aboute I say and hedge me in I do not doubt by the Lordes name awaye out for to wynne And though they compasse me about lyke bees when they do swarme Yet shall they faynt lyke fyre in thornes and do me little harme And I truste that through the Lordes name wheron I do styll call I shall cutte a waye out and set myselfe fre from them all Oh thou that waste myne enimie thou madest me fall certayne But yet the Lorde hath holpen me and set me vp agayne For God it is that is my strength my salfgard and my wealthe So is