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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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confessing thée they maye both in this life and in the life to come be farre more happy and blessed then their enimies bicause they reioyce vaunt themselues aboue measure in their present luckie estate through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme FOr this intent and purpose we nowe pray O most mightie God bicause we nothing at all mistrust but that thou wilt harken and giue eare to our humble petitions which we poure out before thée not of hypocrisie and double dealing but sincerely and from the heart for séeing that we desire to be tryed rather by thy iudgement then mans graunt that when wée are sore tempted and proued by greauous aduersities nothing maye be found in vs whereby we should be condemned and adiudged to perpetuall destruction but forsomuch as we are naturally euill how can this thing come to passe vnlesse thou doe stay and gouerne our steps with thy excellent grace and holy spirite and so vpholde and vndersette vs as thy vnspeakeable mercy may wonderfully vtter and shewe forth it selfe by our saluation defende and keepe vs therefore from all men which resist the force of thy glorious Gospell and striue agaynst thy holy will so much as in them lyeth Thou seest what diligent watch our enimies lay for vs and howe lyke deuouring Lions they couet to praye vpon vs they are as swordes O good God prepared to be the handes and instrumentes of thy indignation defende and kéepe vs neuerthelesse vnder the shadowe and moste sure defence of thy wings that during this wretched life wee may be comforted with thy fauourable countenaunce and in the blessed resurrection haue with an exceding great pleasure the fruition of thy glorious presence through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xviij. Psalme A prayer to be deliuered out of great distresse WE acknowledge and confesse thée O most mightie God to be our onelye health buckler defence strength and sure refuge and therefore do wée both earnestly loue thée and greatly couet to publishe and set forth thy worthy prayse euerlastingly but our extreeme enimies do now thus greauously oppresse vs bicause our sinnes deserue the same so that we being sore discomforted are almost in the straite pangues and anguishes of death wherfore it séemeth that no other helpe and succour remayneth for vs but to make our crye vnto thée and to direct our prayers towardes thy mercies seate vnto whom séeing that the Mountaines the earth the heauens lightnings windes clowdes raynes hayle and tempestes are obedient without any delaye or gainsaying it shall be a thing most easy for thée to rid and deliuer vs from the force of our outragoius enimies although they bée neuer so mightie which we earnestly require O good God that thou wouldest vouchsafe to graunt vnto the feruent praiers of thy sacred Churche hauing no regard at all to our lewde deserts but chiefly to thy exceeding great clemencye and vprightnesse of the cause it selfe so that thou mayst deale holily with the holy and contrariwise vpon the wicked sende trouble and aduersitie preserue thy afflicted people according to thy accustomed maner and in so great darckenesse lighten them with the bright lampe of fayth and perfite wisdome to the intent they may acknowledge none other buckler or defence but thee onely Graunt vs O most deere father so to walk without fal or stumbling as the féete of our fayth may not stacker in such great perilles arme and strengthen thy beloued seruants to battaile and confound them O most mightie God who go about to gainsay and resist thée to the intent thy blessed name may be spoken of and magnified amongst all Nations bycause thou hast giuen great and glorious prosperitie vnto thy renowmed Church through Iesu● Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that we are verye weake by nature an● compassed about on euery side with most thicke clowdes of darknesse we come vnto thée O most mightie God and require at thy handes that the splendent light of thy holy spirite may bée kindled in our heartes for so shall we vnderstand thy vndefiled word and most vncorrupt spéech of thy sacred scriptures wherein it is most cléerely and euidently promised that thou wilt be an excellent strong defence for all such as haue their onely aff●aunce in thée The sinnes truly which we haue committed deserue not that we should obteyne so much fauour and helpe at thy hande but our earnest desire is that these things may happen vnto vs euen for the glory of thy most renowmed and excellent name Forsomuch as therefore none other God is to be sought out or founde who may be compared with thée eyther in power or goodnesse garnishe thou vs with holinesse and gird● vs about with such strength as wee may once be led out and vtterly deliuered from imminent daungers and obteyne full triumphe and conquest ouer the enimies both of thy glorie and our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme WE can not choose O most mightie and mercifull God but earnestlye loue thée séeing that by the fayth whiche thou hast giuen vs wée well perceyue thée to be our onely refuge stay and deliuerer for our sinnes haue oftentymes purchased vnto vs most deadly griefes and mightye and valiaunt enimies who haue like vehement streames of water enuironed and compassed vs aboute with tribulations snares yea and death it selfe but thou O good God who as thou being the souereigne Lord of all thinges art knowne to haue thy throne in heauen euen so for thy infinite mercies sake haue respect vnto vs and when thou hast remitted and pardoned our offences vouchsafe that we maye be deliuered from thy wrath and extréeme punishments which thou art woont to laye vpō the vngodly And graūt that whilest we inuocate cal vpon thée our loud cries and earnest praiers be not poured out in vaine through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THou knowest O mercifull and most mightie God howe many and howe great aduersaries we haue both within and without who as they can not awaye with thy name and glorie so do they also most lewdly wickedly repine at our saluation wherefore we do not without iust cause humbly sue vnto thée that as thou hast often deliuered vs out of the daungerous perilles of damnation and perpetuall destruction so now also notwithstanding the most grieuous and heynous offences which we haue committed against thée and for the which we repent vs at this time of them from the bottome of our heart it would please thée to fortefie and strength vs in such wise with thy assistaunce as we may vanquishe and ouercome what thing soeuer hath set it selfe against thy glorious kingdome whereby we maye at length shewe forth and magnifie thée onely in the chiefest assemblies of men for our alone defender and excellent sauiour throughe Iesus Christ our
countenaunce through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SO long as we liue here O most mightie God all things are so vnquiet and at so small stay vnto vs through the desert of our gréeuous offences that we be on euery side assayled with the deadly assaults of the force of oure aduersaries but vnlesse thou puttest to thy helping hande we shall séeme to be swalowed vppe out of hande Wherefore to the intent we may be defended so oft as our fraile mindes be possest with a vehement feare we poure out our feruent prayers before thy mercie seate which glistereth and shineth most farre abroade that regarding and highlye estéeming thy sacred wordes and louing promises in such sort as being strengthned by them we may with a stout courage ouercome whatsoeuer sorrowfull horrible vnpleasaunt and rough thing setteth it selfe agaynst vs. As our teares O excellent father are gathered and written by thee euen so when thou art called vpon deliuer thy faythfull seruauntes from the Gyues and Fetters of their carefull myndes and thou of thy infinite goodnesse purging our gyltinesse bestow vpō vs so much strength and stedfast hope as we néede nothing at all to feare the violence and power of malicious disposed persons for if thou shalt be our redemer especially from eternal death we will alwayes in oure dayly prayers shew forth the worthie prayses of thy most glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE doe dayly indeuour our selues O moste mightie God lamentably to call vpon thy mercie when as they go about to subuert thy sacred Churche who being not a fewe in number and waxen strong aboue measure do not ceasse by sundrie meanes to assault the same Neyther is there any thing that maketh vs more afrayed then these our owne proper sinnes wherewith we haue moste greeuously offended thée and made our selues vtterlye vnworthy of thy gracious fauour yet notwithstanding of the great and vnspeakeable louing kindnesse that is in thée wée ceasse not to hope but set thy louing promises before our eyes the sayinges and words wherof we commend and approue and also so much as in vs lyeth take holde of them by fayth Graunt therefore O excellent father that we be not more feareful then is decent which the flesh is able to worke agaynst vs. We know assuredly that the wicked do now euery where maliciously rayle vpon vs bending all their deuices agaynst thy most sacred doctrine lying in wayte and séeking occasion by all meanes possible quite to subuert and vtterly ouerthrowe thy sacred Churche Dispise not thou O good God the prayers and sighes of thy faythfull seruauntes so strengthen and confirme our weake consciences that we passe nothing at all what men doe agaynst vs. Deliuer our soules from sliding and destruction so that we may both nowe and also after this life be partakers of thy most commodious and splendent blessed light throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lvij. Psalme SEing that there is no refuge for vs O moste gracious and moste mightie God but to flie vnto thée onely A prayer for the aduaūcement of the Gospell contrary to hir enimies expectation we commit our whole saluation into thy tuition and gouernment to the intent thou shouldest miraculously preserue the same so that thou mayest bée our strong defence vntill this their outragious furie who violently oppresse thy sacred Church be much abated and greatly brought lowe Therefore we incessauntly call vpon thy euerlasting name through whose mightie power and high aucthority all thinges maye for the Godly be surely brought to passe Graunt we humbly beséech thée that our heynous sinnes be not the cause thou withdrawest thy mercifull goodnesse from vs which as we confesse them to be most gréeuous and infinite so are wée nothing doubtfull but that they shall be forgiuen vs for our onely mediator Iesus Christes sake through whose louing fauour thy faythfull seruaunts shal not only be preserued in the glorious kingdome of heauen but for thy excellent promise and goodnesse sake they shall also at length be brought to confusion whosoeuer they are which go aboute to oppresse thy constant and stedfast beleuers Thou thy selfe right well seest O excellent father howe his blessed Church is compelled to haue hir dwelling continually amongest Lyons in the middest of whote burning flames inuironed with moste forceable weapons and tongues chiefly that be very noysome and do excéeding great hurt To the intent therefore thou mayst shew forth and mightily declare thy inuincible power touching hir preseruation graunt that the snares and great layings awayte which be prepared for thy holy ones may in conclusion be onely hurtfull to the Authors and chiefe deuisers thereof but vouchsafe to giue vnto vs a right stedfast heart and excéeding constant minde touching the confession and publishing of thy blessed name For wée heartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse thy vnspeakable goodnesse to be so great as it deserueth high prayse not onely in voyce but with Lute and Harpe and by all wayes and meanes of commendation that possible may be which pearceth the clowdes euen vnto the glorious heauen And for bicause it may dayly increase the better and be more vnderstood lift vp thy selfe in this our age by shewing forth thy right excellent power in being oure shielde of defence and buckler through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THere is nothing that doth more reléeue and comfort our féeble mindes being in great distresse and extréeme calamities O most good and merciful God then the Ancre of fayth which dependeth most stedfastly vpon thy excellent goodnesse Wherfore seing that not without iust cause we burne and frie in our lewde vices we resort vnto thy diuine Maiestie and being marueylous sore burthened with the gréeuous fardell of our most heynous sinnes do dayly call vpon thée for thy assistant and readye helpe Send vs ayde from heauen we humbly beséech thée otherwise we shall not be in safetie from the Lions Speares Darts and deceiptfull tongues wherewith Sathan doth merueylouslye aflict thy holye Church Aduaunce thy selfe and make thy infinite power most manifest in taking vs out of our enimies handes For so thy vnspeakable clemencie and notable faythfulnesse which farre surmount the Clowdes and glorious heauens shall appéere bright in their owne excellent greatnesse and we in giuing due thankes for our deliuerance will ioyfullye sing double prayses to thy glorious name for euermore through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that thy blessed Church O moste mightie God is so vexed with the cruell enimies of thy glorious name and blessed doctrine we repose our whole confidence in thee onely and flie for succor vnder the shadowe of thy wings we acknowledge and confesse that it is our partes to direct oure supplications parpetually vnto thée when thou only and none else art
calamitie and such verily as is euerlasting and hath no end when as the iust men like the Ceder and Palme trée inioy the sincere and euerlasting good things in the blessed habitation of the heauens We humbly beséech thée O excellent father to cherishe and comfort this hope in vs to the intent we maye right well perceyue that thou art both good and iust and also doest publishe vnto all creatures that there is no vnrighteousnesse in thy noble iudgement through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xciij. Psalme WHen as wée right well consider O moste mightie God that the world was made of thee to abide exceeding firme and vnmouable A prayer 〈◊〉 the establi●●mēt of chri●● kingdome who doest gouerne the same with so great constancie and in such perfect order as wée verily know thy excellencie might and noble power thereby Wherefore wée take heart to vs and perswade our selues most assuredly that thy louing promises shall be of no lesse assuraunce to sticke vnto then the nature of things teacheth vs that thy glorious kingdome is both strong and vnmoueable Although therefore the cruell enimies of our saluation doe vaunt themselues agaynst vs fret excéedingly continually dashe vs togither with the sourges of their yrefulnesse and gréeuous temptations and rise vp against vs like huge waters and tempestuous seas yet our assured hope is that thou wilt defende vs wyth thy inuincible power and excéeding great might Vouchsafe therefore that both this fayth maye alwayes bee printed in oure mindes and also that thy good and notable promises which thou hast made vnto thy blessed Churche maye not onely come to passe but also being bestowed vpon it may long tyme be preserued in the same so that thy moste famous goodnesse and vnspeakeable mercie maye be published more and more throughout the vniuersal world by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xciiij. Psalme ● prayer a●aynst our e●●mies de●eyptfull tea●hers cruel ●●raunts THe presumption and statelinesse of sinners O most mightye God is wonderfull for it doth not onely teare in péeces the féeble and grinde to powder the weaklinges but also bringeth them in the end to such madnesse as they iudge their wickednesse and greeuous offences which they haue most lewdly committed to be hid and vnknowne vnto thée Vouchsafe therefore that this kinde of foolishnesse maye b●e farre from oure thoughts and graunt that we may be most assuredly perswaded that thou hauing made the eare fourmed the eye and giuen vnto men the power and habilitie of vnderstanding art ignoraunt of nothing which is done by vs in earth but rule and order vs so in the meane season as we may not only escape and flie from the euerlasting and perpetuall destructions which are prepared for the vngodlye but also inioy the moste high quietnesse perpetuall felicitie which thou hast vouchedsafe to bestow vpon thy faythfull seruaunts If thou verily be not present hauing the helpe alwayes prepared and in a readinesse wherewith thou mayest mightily defend vs we shall easily fall into those mischiefes which hang ouer our heades Be thou we humbly beséech thée our Castle fortresse strong shielde of defence least we séeme to haue vainely reposed our whole trust and confidence in thée onely through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcv. Psalme FOrsomuch as O moste mightie God thou art our saluation and strength A prayer fo● true fayth it is meete wée shoulde prayse thy glorious name to the vttermost of our powers and to the intent we may the more orderly doe the same we first and formost come vnto thée with hartie cōfession of our heinous sinnes Wheras thou hast of thy infinite goodnesse and not for oure merites sake chosen vs to be thy blessed people shéepe of thy pasture as hauing no néede of our seruice at all forsomuche as thou art the great king aboue all Gods in whose hand be not onely the earth and exceeding high Mountaynes but also the heauens and all creatures we haue gréeuously offended thée diuers and sundrie wayes hardning our sinfull hearts at thy fatherly admonicions who haue very readily fainted in temptation our mind hath fowlye erred and we haue alwayes by reason of our lewde sinnes and moste wicked desertes become bourdenous and merueylous troublesome vnto thee For which cause thou hast at this tyme raysed vp so prowd and cruel enimies against vs by whom we are brought into great perill and daunger neuerthelesse acknowledging howe vnrighteouslye we haue dealt wée knowe for a certaintie that besides thy infinite goodnesse and mercy there remayneth none other defence for vs. Wherfore with these our feruent prayers and earnest supplications we prease into thy sight or euer we perishe requiring thée not to grinde vs vnto powder in thy most gréeuous wrath take away the heynous sinnes we humbly beséech thée wherewith we and our fathers haue greatly tempted thée and prouoked thy heauie displeasure agaynst vs. Call to remembraunce that thou art oure mightie God valiaunt king and louing shepherd Therfore mightily preserue valiantly kéepe and noblye defende vs from those that hate thée no lesse then they do vs suffer them not according to the lust of their crueltie vtterly to destroy the worke of thy blessed handes which thou hast begunne passing well in vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THy excellent Maiestie and inuincible power O most good and mercifull god is of such force as euery where it excelleth and beareth dominion moste amplye and without desert but séeing that all thinges as well high as lowe were made by thée there is nothing to be found eyther hidden in the depth of the earth or set vppe in the height of the mountaynes whereof thou wert not the author and first founder for which cause we iustly desire to shewe forth thy worthy prayse To the furtheraunce hereof also maketh this that thou art our onely stay and we as thy blessed flocke and sheepe of thy pasture appertain and belong vnto thée onely Therefore doe we greatly worship humbly reuerence duely honor right earnestly cal vpon thy most fauorable Godbeade requiring this especiallye that thou suffer not our heart which of nature is disposed vnto euill to be hardned at thy friendly admonitions Make the same soft we hartily pray thée with the inspiration of thy good grace and holye spirite neyther suffer vs to striue and struggle against thy blessed commaundementes like vnto the stifnecked Iewes who woulde so often tymes put thée to the tryall of thy mightye power but séeing it was not their hap to inioy the promised land graunt for thy infinite mercies sake that we may at length be permitted to enter into the hauen of eternall felicitie after our long and daylye trauaile through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcvj. Psalme WE are admonished for diuers and sundrie causes O most mightye
may at length bée so knowen and manifested as we may alwayes shew foorth thy worthy prayses and passing wonderous workes through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxij. Psalme A prayer for Gods fauour in distresse THou couldest indure and suffer that our Lorde Iesus Christ thy Sonne O most mightie God should so be tormēted on the crosse for the sinnes of men that he did appeare to be vtterly forsaken of thée and left voide of all helpe Thou which wert woont to ayde and succour thy Saintes at what tyme they called vpon thee séemedst to contemne our Sauiours praiers as though he had béene a worme and no man the verye abiect of all mankinde and the outcast of the people and at length sufferedst him to die a very shamefull death by the hands of the furious raging Iewes who came and fell vpon him as they had béene mad dogs fierce bulles and roaring Lions Whom notwithstanding thou diddest rayse afterwarde from death in suche glorious wise that for the same cause his faythfull members doe alwayes laude and celebrate thy excellent name therefore we heartily pray and humbly beseche thée for that thy most abundant mercye wherewith thou wert moued in such wise to permit so many euils to happen vnto thy onely beloued son for our sakes not to suffer the cause of thy most afflictted Church to come into ruine and decay We acknowledge our sinnes to be passing horrible for the which not onely a temperall but also an immortall death is due yet looke thou not vpon vs O mightie God in respect of that we are our selues but because we be members of thy déere and onely begotten sonne effectually preseruing and mightily defending our cause in the Gospell being also thy case and which the aduersaries of the gospell iudge that thou hast left destitute and vtterly forsaken through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOrsomuch as thy sonne our lord Iesus Christ O most mightie God suffered in such wise for our redemption sake as he might séeme to be cast out of thy sight and vtterly forsaken of thée who being ouerwhelmed on the Crosse with the waues and sourges of a most bitter death at the last dyed and being made a most innocent sacrifice suffered the paynes and torments which we had iustly deserued Then being raysed from death after thrée dayes appeared to his disciples and manifestly shewed forth and published thy excellent name and glorie none otherwise then he accustomablye vsed a little before to doe while he liued among them Séeing that therefore we both acknowledge and also confesse our selues to haue béene abusers of such an vnspeakable mercie and infinite clemencie we humbly flée vnto thée hartily praying that whom thou hast graunted and ordeyned to be ingraffed and to spring a newe in so excellent a Mediator who is the authour and onely preseruer of our saluation thou wouldest graunt the same to be pricked forwarde and stirred vp somuch as in vs lyeth to séeke for all true godlynesse so that not onely the whole number of vs which be now liuing but all mortall men also that shall liue hereafter may be drawne to worship and serue thée alone holily and after a most chaste maner through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme THy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ O most good and mightie God suffered maruelous bitter punishmentes and extreeme painefull torments for the saluatiō of mankinde For when he had layde the sinnes of the worlde vpon himselfe it behoued him to be vexed so fiercely and outragiously as he might suffer the full punishment for them all Finallye being nayled vnto the Crosse he spent his moste swéete life for vs vnto whom he hath by that meanes purchased pardon forgiuenesse of sinnes thy louing friendship and eternall life if we shall faythfully beleue his sacred doctrine and blessed gospell But alas as we be very weake in fayth so are we lightly forgetful of such great and manifolde benefites yea we rather liue as men vnworthye of the redemption that was of so mightie a price vnto our moste innocent lord For which cause we bewail this calamitie in thy presence O heauenly father humbly praying and earnestly beseeching thée not to suffer vs to be vtterly destitute of the fruite of our Lord Iesus Christ his Crosse and death who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore worlde without ende Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxiij. Psalme A praier that God woulde both feede defende vs. AL such as haue thée O most mightie God for their shepherd do leade their life excéeding happily as those who haue alwayes foode abundantly ynough of thy heauenly doctrine and most fruitfull and plenteous watering of the holy Ghost whereby they may be renued and comforted so often as they shall be oppressed with the mishaps of this wretched world or wearied with the afflictions of the persecution thereof Although therefore we acknowledge and confesse our selues vnworthie of thy gouernaunce and shepherdlike care ouer vs who haue verie often dispised thée and thy sacred word and by reason of oure most greauous and innumerable transgressions deserue to bée thrust out of thy blessed shéepefoldes notwithstanding we hauing confidence in thy great mercie and goodnesse which is vnto thée proper and naturall humbly beseeche thy goodnesse that thou wouldest vouchsafe to gather vs home as lost sheepe vnto thy selfe and suffer vs not to wander and stray without thée through the wide desertes and outgrounds of this deceyuable world Thou seest vs nowe to be at deathes doore therefore be so present with vs as we may put away and cast off all feare who nowe stande in néede of thée to strengthen and comfort vs with the staffe and shéepehooke of thy authoritie Thou canst refreshe vs if it please thée with a most exquisite and well furnished banquet of thy sacred doctrine and blessed sacraments and make vs to drinke plentifully of the cup of thy holy spirite and grace the enimies and aduersaryes of thy glorious name beholding the same O let that thy mercy and clemencie alwayes so imbrace vs we humbly beséech thée which thou hast accustomed to bestow vpon thy faythfull seruauntes as in the sacred Church which is thy mansiō house we maye continue stedfastly in fayth and thy most glorious Gospell throughe the merits and loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thée world● without ende Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme THou vsest O most mighty God to preserue those thy children whom thou hast louingly adopted with no lesse care and diligence then if they were shéepe the same alwayes ledde of thée being their most louing shepheard toward their owne health and perfect commoditie who so long as they haue thée for their maister and gouernor they shall be destitute neyther of the meate nor drinke of thy moste wholsome doctrine Wherby it is manifest that if we pine
that great calamitie whereby thy honour is much defiled neyther purely and chastly set forth as it ought to be through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxvj. Psalme A praier tha● we reuolt no● from Christ IF wée had led our lyfe innocently O most mightie God we should not be so striken with feare and terror in these daies as who should know for a certaintie that they cannot wauer nor fall in decaye which surely haue sticked and cleaued to thée yea rather wée should wholy submitte our selues wyth a willing minde to be searched and tried out of thee But forsomuche as we had little and verye small confidence in thy diuine Maiestie we trusted in vaine persons and fleshly helpe neyther haue we forsaken the companie and felowship of verye hurtfull and wicked doers but haue both with our filthy handes and lewde conditions defiled thy most holy Gospell therefore are we at this present in great perill least our lyfe and soule perish after the maner of the mischieuous and bloud thirstie Wherfore we heartily pray thée to bée as nowe mercifull vnto vs and forsomuche as we call vpon thy blessed name that thou wouldest vouchsafe to pardon and remitte whatsoeuer we haue hitherto so wickedlye committed against thee and let the vprightnesse of our cause obteyne that thing at thy handes which we doe not deserue for in this case not onely our saluation is impeached but also thy sincere doctrine and pure religion Suffer not thy sacred church therfore to be in subiection and as an vnderling to the fraudes and decepts of Antichrist Deliuer it from the destruction which the Deuill and his members doe prepare and worke for hir that we may hereafter leade an holy and innocent life and highly extoll thy noble actes and wonderfull workes in the sacred and blessed congregations throughe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme WE are verye desirous O almightie God to lead an innocent and blamelesse life before thée and not to turne from the right waye when thou shalt trie vs with sundrie and manifolde temptations we haue not as yet atteyned thereto bycause we haue reposed small fayth and little hope to speake of in thée Wherefore our humble request is that thou wouldest haue mercye vpon vs and pardon whatsoeuer we haue committed and done amisse for if thou be fauourable and gentle vnto vs we will neuer be vnmindefull of thy louing mercie euerlasting truth Graunt O most benigne father that amongst innocents we may liue innocently and vtterly detest with an extréeme kinde of hatred all maner of decepts and cursed lying that we maye addict our selues wyth all our heartes to laude magnifie and celebrate thy glorious name neither suffer vs to knitte vppe and finishe our last dayes with malefactours and wicked persons but rather let a blessed enteraunce to the house of eternall felicitie whether we haue dayly a feruent desire to come be set open and made as a frée passage vnto vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxvij. Psalme A prayer for comfort in fayth agaynst our enimies FOrsomuch as O heauenly Father we make our accompt of thee onely to be the whole stay and principall defence of our saluation light strength and stedfastnesse it shoulde behoue vs to continue and abide wish a good courage and assured constancie in the studie of godlinesse whatsoeuer the worlde may séeme to attempt agaynst vs what aduersitie soeuer may by the instigation of the deuill hang ouer vs and finally what calamitie so euer men do moue and stirre vp agaynst vs all that we ought boldly to dispise thou being our strong defence and hiding vs in thy blessed Tabernacle But bicause our fayth is verye weake and our confidence in thée doth oftentymes both wauer and stagger hereof it commeth that we are so muche fearefull and timerous Therefore strengthen thou vs O highe and mightie God with thy excellent grace and bounteous spirit that we may liue orderly godly and after an honest sort in the holy congregation which is thy blessed Church in déede Hide not thou thy louing countenaunce still awaye from vs we humbly beséeche thée for that is our sole and onely desire Graunt that we may constantly perseuer and be made strong to abide the comming of thy ready helpe with stedfast and vnappalled courage through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the xxviij Psalme IF thou O most mightie God shouldst dissemble A prayer for comfort in necessitie against doubl● tonged persons and haue little regard to helpe and comfort vs in these oure gréeuous afflictions which happen vnto vs not onely true godlinesse shoulde come to ruyne and decaye but we also might incontinent bée easily compared to those which are put downe and laide at the pittes doore readie to bee burned giue eare therefore vnto our humble prayers and peticions whome thou séest to haue assured confidence in none other then in thy onely sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour For as touching our selues we haue behaued vs so euill and liued so lewdly and vngodly that when we consider and looke vpon our selues we sée nothing due vnto vs but death and endlesse damnation Therfore of thy singuler mercie and goodnesse destroy vs not according to our deserts amongest the vngodly deceptfull and wicked persons but rewarde all thy aduersaries and namely the enimies of thy blessed Church according to their iust desertes so that whatsoeuer the vnfaithful do either inuent imagin against vs may fall vpon their owne head But whensoeuer they begin little to regard thy holy words and wonderous workes bring to nought their crooked and cruell deuises wherby thou thy selfe mayst be exalted and lifted vp with highe prayses bicause thou hast heard the voyces and piteous complaints of thy most humble and lowly seruauntes Be thou O good God our assured strength and shield of defence preserue thy faythfull people in these great daungers and suche as thou hast chosen to bée thy gracious heyres augment and heape vpon them thy sauing health and most noble benefites giue those men sufficient foode so long as they here liue and finally bring them vnto eternall ioy and blessed felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE heartily require thée O heauenly father to be fauourable and mercifull vnto vs that seeing we poure out our humble prayers and earnest petitions vnto thée thou wouldest according to thy excellent goodnesse paciently heare vs. If thou O Lord shouldst accept vs according to the rate and goodnesse of oure desertes we should euery where and in all places suffer an infinite number of greauous miseries and sorowfull calamities And bycause the outragious aduersaries and cruell enimies both of our saluation and also of thy famous honor go about nothing else then to pull thy faythfull seruaunts awaye from true Godlynesse and that stedfast desire they haue to leade a
vertuous life bée thou therefore our assured strength and strong shield of defence agaynst them If we be thy blessed people and chosen heritage as thou hast promised as we faithfully beleue then preserue féede and be fauourable vnto vs and bring vs forth to the chiefe and highest blesse which we haue alwayes an especiall eye and principall regard vnto through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxix. Psalme A praier that we may be obedient to the word of god SO many of vs O heauenly father as are promoted throughe thy vnspeakeable mercy that we both be and also are named the children of God haue no light occasion or small regarde to celebrate thy diuine maiestie by the effect of those things which in the worke of nature we see to procéede frō thée which are so passing excellent and maruelous that they shewe forth themselues to those that behold them as most certaine and manifest tokens of thy vnspeakable glorie and dignitie Thou bringest forth so mightily when thy good pleasure is showers clowdes lightnings earthquakes and ouerflowings of waters that euen the hilles and trées although they be very high and all other liuing things doe both greatly and horribly quake We only O good God are blinde deafe and dull to conceyue these thy moste wonderous workes Wherefore for the loue thou bearest vnto vs hauing compassion vpon so great foolishnesse and vnskilfulnesse which procéedeth of nothing else then of sinne graunt that we being at length exempted from them maye both acknowledge thy excellencie in thy notable workes and sing also perpetuall prayses to thée for thy manifolde benefites extended towarde vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxx. Psalme WE ought O most mercifull god to celebrate and extoll thée with wonderfull and vnspeakeable prayses A praier tha● all our afflictions maye well depart from vs by Gods especiall grace bicause thou art so prone and readie to preserue those that with an vnfeyned heart call diligently vpon thy blessed name We doe plainely acknowledge and openly confesse our sinnes to be innumerable and most heynous for the which right worthy are we to be adiudged of eternal destruction and perpetual death But our earnest request is the thou wouldst shewe the like fauourable mercy towards vs as thou wert accustomed to doe vnto thy elect and chosen seruauntes although thou art woont to chastice them with a short kinde of wrath and such a one as indureth but the turning of a hande which forthwith thou alterest into an excéeding great good will and such a one as lasteth continually Preserue vs therefore from the present euils and iminent perils which hang ouer our heades that we beyng saued and deliuered out of all daunger may confesse thée and be both sure and experienced witnesses touching the truth of thy faythfull promises and also euery where and in all places shewe forth and publishe that thou onely and none other ought to be trusted in through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THy blessed Churche O almightie GOD prayeth thee to relieue hir beeyng sore tossed and oppressed with these stormye tempestes neyther suffer thou the fierce enimyes of thy glorious name to reioyce and triumphe at hir destruction Thou art accustomed O good God both to heare and also to helpe without delay such as earnestly call vpon thée and it is in thy mightie hand power to bring backe againe from the graue and to quicken those which were nowe in a maner fallen into the pitte Wherefore to the intent thou mayest stirre vp an earnest desire feruent affection in our mindes to thy worthy prayse shewe thy selfe to haue bene angry with vs yet let it be but for a moment neyther shall that inestimable loue of thine towardes vs whereby wée liue and shall liue in thée be any thing the more in that respect deminished Bring spéedily to passe we humbly beseeche thée that our sorrowfull teares déepe sighes and piteous grones may shortly be chaunged into godly mirth and ioyful gladnesse Marke thou in no wise our desertes but what beséemeth thée best We truely are worthie of deadly hatred and extréeme punishmentes by reason of our manifolde sinnes who so long as all thinges happened luckely and as we woulde haue it vainely imagined that we could beare out all things of our owne strength power But nowe when thou hast a little turned thy louing countenaunce from vs and present calamities haue appeared we are so astonished and stricken with feare that we can scarcely abide or stande vpright Howbeit haue thou an especiall regard O good God what thy mercifull promises require namely that thou wilte not suffer those to perishe and come to ruine which crie heartily vnto thée For our aduersaries would doe nothing lesse then set forth thy worthie prayses At length therefore make an ende of our sorowfull mourning that the spirite of gladnesse beyng restored to vs againe we maye both nowe and in an other world also render euerlasting prayse and thanks vnto thée through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxxj. Psalme SEing that thou O most mighty God art our assured rocke and strong defence A prayer in distresse and triall of faith it is nowe néedefull for thy names sake that thou shouldest saue and deliuer those which repose their whole trust in thée so that we may be nothing ashamed of the fayth that we haue firmely affixed in thée Thou séest howe they of whome thy sacred doctrine and holy Gospell is had in contempt haue priuily layde snares and nettes to trap vs. We therfore which sée that we can be preserued by none other meane do now commit our selues to be defended by thy onely handes and mightie power For we haue no affiaunce in curious and wicked artes but repose our selues O good God vpon thy goodnesse only and require thée to haue an especiall care and regarde to the afflictions we nowe are in neyther suffer thou vs to be shut vp into the handes of wicked persons We knowe for a certaintie that our sinnes wherewith we are so sore burthened shall make exceedingly agaynst vs in thy iust iudgement that of right we can not escape But beséeche thée of thy infinite goodnesse to haue mercy vpon vs neyther suffer thy blessed Church to be a by word and ieasting stock both to the neighbors and enimies thereof Shew forth thy chearefull countenaunce vpon hir let the wicked be put to vtter shame we humbly pray thee who mayest stop the mouthes of lyars when they most arrogantly imagine very horrible accusations agaynst hir And although as to the iudgement of the flesh we thinke our selues to be thrust downe hedlong and cast vtterly from the sight of thine eyes yet notwithstanding we stil hope in spirite that thou wilt giue attentiue eare vnto our hartie prayers Graunt therefore that the vertuous men which earnestly loue thée may
gréeuous wrath and dreadfull indignation from these present aduersities Surely we féele thy heauy hand and perceyue the great perils we are in who know that it can not be remedyed and amended by mans helpe which thing doth not befall and happen vnto vs without our iust desectes For doubtlesse our heynous sinnes and gréeuous iniquities haue wrapped vs in on al sides wherwith we are sore bourthened and miserably opprest farre aboue our power Herevpon it cōmeth to passe that we go alwayes mourning and are in a maner at deathes doore through great heauinesse and anguishe of heart We sée our neighbors and friendes stand a farre of and our aduersaryes pitch guileful snares who worke all the meanes they can possible deuise vtterly to ouerthrowe vs. Thou therefore O good God for thy louing mercies sake first and formost reconcile vs vnto thée by louinglye forgiuing and fauorably pardoning whatsoeuer we haue most filthily committed against thy diuine Maiestie then make hast and speede to be our readie helpe We abide looking forthee our onely refuge who hast béene accustomed readily to succour those that vnfeynedly call vpon thee and giue eare vnto their lamentable peticions Thou art not ignoraunt howe the Antichristians triumph and rise vp agaynst vs whilest we are so shaken and tossed for they which hate vs verye vniustly increase and waxe dayly stronger and stronger Wherefore we humbly require thée O excellent Father not to forsake vs in so great and gréeuous afflictions séeyng that thou thy selfe art our onelye saluation make haste we hartily beséech thée to helpe and succour thy blessed Church and mightily rescue it being in extréeme perill thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme ALthough O most good and mercifull God we finde the fardell and burthen of wickednesse which we haue committed agaynst thee to be so great as we are not now any lenger able to susteyne and beare them therefore vpon affyaunce of thy vnspeakeable goodnesse we come and call vpon thée with a sorowfull heart not to correct vs for them with yre and wrathfull indignation let thy admonition be fatherly as thou hast béene accustomed of olde to shewe and extende the same towardes thy faithfull seruaunts Behold how through conscience of our heynous sinnes our hartes be altogether amazed all thinges are marueylously putrified and verye corrupt in vs we shall liue excéeding sorowfully in affliction and in a maner quite destitute of light vnlesse thou puttest to thy assistant helping hande Neyther doe we trust any thing at all in our friends neighbors for our gréeuous sinnes purchase vs all thinges frowardly and after an enuious maner Therefore O good God at what time we poure out our wretched iniquities into thy bosome and are so much carefull to procure pardon for them let vs not be vtterly destitute of the louing fauor and riche mercie that is naturally graffed in thée but as thou art alwayes tractable and easie to be intreated so vouchsafe to make haste for to minister spéedie and stedfast helpe in our sorowfull distresses through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxxix. Psalme ● prayer a●●inst vani● and the ●ters of ●ns lyfe ●d safetie SEing that O most mighty God we are vexed with present calamities in this most troublesome time and opprest with so great a storme of afflictions we flie vnto thee for succour humblye requiring that thou wouldest so bridle our mouth and tongue with thy holy spirite as nothing may passe from vs either detestable to thy diuine Maiestie or vnséemely for our profession But séeing we cannot rightfullye complaine that these perplexities and anguishes doe surmount our heynous sinnes or that we be vnworthily punished graunt we maye appease and stay the cursed cryes of such as wrongfully complaine of thée but rather let our bowels be stirred vp with a perfect griefe for the heinous sinnes we haue committed let them waxe whotte with a most inward sorrow and cause our hartes to be kindled and set on fire with a continuall earnest repentaunce Graunt that we may right well vnderstand O most gentle father euery moment and houre the state of our vnripe life forsomuch as it is but méere vanitie howsoeuer we lead it and we are farre wide to thinke that our carefull turmoyle or heaping togither of vncerteine riches are able to profite or auaile vs anye thing at all Therefore it behoueth vs O mightie Lorde to haue a speciall regarde vnto thée onely whom if thou wilt especially reléeue from our gréeuous sinnes and heynous iniquities our assured hope is that we shall be no more a scorne and reproche to the vngodly For thou hast béene accustomed to remoue thy plagues from such as be purged and clensed of their wicked crymes and sinfull déedes least they should be vtterly consumed at the shaking of thy most mightie and inuincible hande which if it should perseuer and go on in continuall vexing men according to their iust deserts it would no lesse consume thē grind them to powder then Mothes fret out clothes Giue eare therefore O good God vnto our humble prayers and séeing thou knowest we cannot haue an assured and perfect rest vpon earth graunt that we maye finallye liue with thy excellent Maiesty by a constant fayth and walke before thée in muche safetie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WHile we féele any tokens of thy rygor and seueritie O most mightye God although we are perswaded in spirit not to speake euill of thy goodnesse or iustice yet through the greatnesse of our extreeme sorrow testimonie of our sinnes we are almost so farre gone brought to such a poynt that our life is very yrkesome vnto vs wherefore seing that we confesse our heynous sinnes vnto thée and haue sundry wayes wickedly offended thy diuine Maiestie bée mercifull fauorable vnto vs for thy louing kindnesse mercies sake Thou seest howe short and vaine a thing our life is beyng lyke vnto shadowes wherein is nothing firme sound or worth the trusting to we fade away in a moment and what tyme soeuer thou giuest vs here to liue we passe ouer all the same through our owne default with most heady troublesome and pernicious affections We require thée therefore that thou wouldest yet at length haue mercy vpon vs let our earnest peticions and sorowfull mourning which thy blessed spirite hath from our hearts wrong out in vs enter into thy mercifull eares and moreouer vouche thou safe to refreshe our distressed mindes with thy louing fauour from time to tyme so long as wee wander lyke pilgrymes in this wretched worlde through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xl. Psalme THose which are susteyned and stayed vp with suche a hope O most mightie God that they looke for thy ready helpe in their present tribulations whē they most charge them A praier th● our sinnes may be pardoned thorow the
and outragious enimies through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxj. Psalme A prayer for constant ●●ith in christ ●esus OVr earnest and feruent desire is O most good and mercifull God that as thou art in déede a singuler good father and wonderfull mercifull vnto vs so thou wouldst heare the lamentable cries which we poure out before thée by reason of the excéeding heauinesse wee are oppressed withall and for the gréeuous temptations we indure suffer not thy beloued seruaunts miserably to perishe in whome the deuill goeth about to quenche and burie thy benigne grace and especiall good giftes Permit vs therefore to haue a fort and strong Tower with thée wherevnto bicause we are not able to clime vp of our owne power breath thou thy louing fauour downe vpon vs in such wise as we may bée lifted vp vnto the Tabernacle of thy glorious sight and vnder the couering of thy glistering winges so that by thys meanes we shall bée deliuered from the thresholde and iawes of death We truely haue transgressed thy holy lawe through our moste heynous sinnes haue defiled the sacred bodie of thy blessed Church How be it whilest wee acknowledge this and lamentably require thy fauourable mercie surely we féele verye great ease comfort neyther are we now afrayed of any bytter mishaps forsomuch as our whole confidēce dependeth vpon thy inestimable goodnesse but rather our heart is inflamed with an ardent loue both in celebrating thy glorious name and also in rendring moste abundant thankes for those thinges which by our profession we owe and thinke to be due vnto thée throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxij Psalme ● prayer for true fayth ●nd contempt ●f mutable ●hinges SEing that we are perswaded O most good and mercifull God that thou art our strong defence inuincible tower sure ayde mightie safegarde we kéepe a quiet and verye peaceable minde euen in the middest of our extréeme miseries and gréeuous calamities For we doubt not but that the deuill and his wicked members shal haue no successe at all in those thinges they enterprise to do agaynst our welfare and whosoeuer they be which thrust forwarde themselues contrary to thy blessed will are in no wise able to stand and abide but are at the ende disappoynted of that they looke for Wherefore we humblye require thee that our offences being done away which by reason of our infirmitie we denie not but are an infinite number thou wouldest still perseuer to be our Buckler and sure defence as thou hast hitherto beene accustomed Forsomuch as through thy especiall helpe wée shake of all worldly mens feare as whom we know to be altogither vaine yea and so foolishe that if they were weyed in a ballance they should be found altogither lighter then vanitie it selfe And as we dreade them nothing at al so likewise our earnest request is that we may haue no affiaunce in euill gotten goodes and flourishing ryches but alwayes well and diligently to set before our eyes that thou art iust mercifull of a wonderfull inuincible power through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxiij Psalme WEe doe in this wretched life O most good and mighty God with great feruencie sighe desire A prayer i● distresse for the comfor● of the gospe● and earnestly thirst for thee onelye when as all thinges are become troublesome horrible and cruell vnto vs. We are greatly desirous cléerely to beholde thy singuler vertue excellent honor for nothing can happē more blessed nothing more ioyful nothing more pleasāt to mortal creatures then the perfect knowledge thereof We may through thy readie helpe O heauēly father exalt thy glorious name continually when as we render due thanks for the excellent benefites thou hast bestowed vpon vs alwayes requiring of thée in our earnest peticions and most ardent prayers those things which may be both to thy glorie and our owne saluation These verily are the meere delites of the godly there is the minde fed with perfect and true gladnesse when as euen at midnight in the bed it is not forgetfull of thy goodnesse and clemencie But our heynous offences are a very great hinderance to this singuler benifite whereinto both our infirmitie and ignoraunce driueth vs which we humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercies sake to wipe away be our ready helper as thou hast begunne hide vs vnder thy fauourable winges and cause our mindes to be linked alwayes vnto thee But as for such as resist thy glorye obstinately and with stubburnesse let them runne hedlong into the déepe gulfe of perdicion and make vs euermore reioyce and be glad in thy comfort and consolation through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxiiij Psalme IF we were not altogither drowsie minded and vtterly dulled O heauenly father we are dayly stirred vp to inuocate and call vpon thée with our feruent prayer For why A prayer agaynst the wicked enimies of the Godly Sathan and his wicked retinue make great haste both day and night to destroy vs and the filthinesse of the flesh striueth continually to driue vs hedlong into the disobedience of thy blessed commaundements Séeyng that therefore our minde is on sides assayled and the strength we haue become féeble and deminished through a false tongue deceiptfull wordes most pearcing stinges and deadly darts we flie vnto thée onely being the true hauen of safegarde and require that sith thou perceiuest vs to be sore and painefully troubled sundrie wayes for the sinnes and gréeuous offences we haue committed thou wouldest for thy tender mercies sake pardon and forgiue what spotte or giltinesse soeuer we are infected with ruling and gouerning vs in suche sort as wée maye laye all the burthens wherwith we are gréeuously oppressed on thée onely So shall we haue iust cause to be excéeding ioyous neyther shall it repent vs any thing at all but contrariwise wée will greatly glorie for that we haue betaken our selues wholy to thy protection and gouernment through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxv. Psalme ● prayer for ●stenaunce ●nd all kinde ●f Gods be●efites SO great and manifold are thy benefites O most good mercifull God towards mākind as al people in euery place ought greatly to land wonderfully to prayse highly to extol thy blessed name for what thing can be more pleasant to men then that thou doest easily heare them at what tyme they call vpon thée for such things as they stande in néede of In what other good thing ought we more to reioyce of then this for that thou yeeldest thy selfe appeased and fauourable to our iniquities Or why be we not right happie and blessed whome thou didst vouchsafe to annix vnto thy selfe in thy sacred cōgregatiō in féeding our hungry stomacks with spirituall good things heauenly dainties Thou dealest fauorably euen with all other creatures for thy elects
in most miserie but deliuer hir from the trappes snares and nettes of the vngodlye and let the wicked fall into theyr owne wiles pittes which they haue made and digged and not thy faythfull people through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WIthdrawe not thy readie helpe from vs we humbly beseech thee O moste good and mercifull God so long as wée lamentably require the same at thy mercifull handes for this is our dayly sacrifice wherwith we do greatly honor and highly reuerence thy glorious name neyther doth it lesse please thée to haue vs taught in thy blessed worde then if we should burne vppon Alters a most swéete odor and pleasant perfume of spices as the vse and custome was in old time our earnest desire is therfore that thou wouldest set a sure watche vppon our tongue and heart that we may not do any thing either in word or thought and much lesse in déedes contrarie to thy blessed lawe Remoue from vs all intercourse of the vngodly but cause vs to take in exceding good worth brotherly admonicions and friendly rebukes hauing no regard at all to highe prayses and pleasant flattering tales For séeing that there be a thousand snares and trappes which our auncient enimie hath layde to snarle vs in let thy gracious fauour at length deliuer vs from the whole number of them through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxlij Psalme WEe crie out dayly in thy sight O most good and mercifull GOD pouring out our feruent prayers and humble supplications A prayer for comfort in persecution that the sorow and heauinesse conceyued in our heart maye be vttered and this wée doe in thy gracious presence who onely knowest the way and meanes howe to deliuer thy faythfull seruaunts in their vttermost troubles Our spirit verily is continually vexed within vs so long as we consider the present state of thinges insomuch as whether we looke on the right hand or towardes the left we sée no man truely which will vnfeynedly take vpon him eyther to defende or acknowledge the cause of thy blessed Church Which euilles in deede happen vnto vs by reason of our heynous sinnes wherewyth thou art thus gréeuously offended agaynst vs as to stirre vp so fierce and slie enimyes against thy chosen people who lay snares almoste in all places and extende violence euery where vpon vs. Bée mercifull nowe therefore vnto vs O God oure deere father at what time we seeme to bée destitute of al succor neither is there any remayning aliue that hath a regard for the preseruation of our soules heare thou thy selfe oure wofull complaints and be a sure refuge for vs and our porcion amongs the liuing by deliuering vs from our malicious persecutors who séeme at this present to haue the vpper hand For if thou wilt mightily deliuer thy sacred Church from this sorowfull calamitie thy excellent name shall be spred abroad in euery place and all men will reioyce with vs vpon whome they shall perceyue that thou hast shewed this vnspeakeable fauour and louing kindnesse through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing that we are perpetually inuironed O most mightie God with an infinite number of perils necessitie it selfe perswadeth vs neuer to desist from prayer but alwayes to poure them out exceeding feruently before thée For to whom may wee better declare our extréeme heauinesse and gréeuous miserie which doth dayly assaile vs then to thée who knowest all thinges right wel neither art ignorant of the crafts and subtilties of the force of our cruell aduersaries Thou onely canst succor and deliuer vs who may not trust in mans ayde either because they will not or else for that they be not able to helpe vs. And therefore do we earnestly crie vnto thée béeing our sanctuarie and lotte in the land of the liuing to the intent thou wouldst set vs frée from the deuill the auncient enimy of mankinde and his cursed garde whose mindes being thus recreated and refreshed shall vncessantly acknowledge thy blessed name and all such as be faithfull louers of vertue will togither with vs publishe and set out thy excellent benefites with condigne and deserued prayses through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxliij Psalme WEe doe earnestly desire thée O most good and mercifull God to accept our common petit●ons A prayer in temptation for the auoyding of desperation and that thou wouldest for thy excellent mercies sake heare the heartie prayers which we poure out before thée neyther denie wée that the heynous sinnes wherwith we dayly prouoke thy heauie wrath hath not deserued the same But if thou wilt enter into iudgement with vs and giue seuere and vpright sentence seing that no man liuing yea no creature at all be it neuer so pure and holy is able to abide the same we also shall without fayle be cast neyther haue any force to stand in thy presence before the tribunall seate Looke thou therefore vppon vs with thy louing fauour and woonted clemencie that as the enimie hath gréedily persecuted our soules so verily wée séeme being sore smitten and greatly forsaken to be in a maner at the poynt of death bicause our spirit is thus vexed within vs and hart made desolate Who are notwithstanding right mindfull of thy old and auncient mercie wherewith thou hast beene accustomed to succor and helpe thy elect people at what tyme they were miserably afflicted Therefore doe we not onely lift vp our sorowfull handes vnto thy diuine Maiestie but indeuour our selues so much as in vs lyeth for to haue thée deliuer thy blessed church from the handes of hir outragious enimies directing vs so with thy good spirite that we maye hereafter execute those things faythfully which are right and holy according to thy diuine will and pleasure being conueyed out of this present distresse by thy good guidaunce and quickned with thy readye helpe throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THe infirmitie of our righteousnesse O most good and mercifull God is of such force as those which be instructed with thy blessed spirite know very well that it is not able to stande before thy iudgement seate when as therefore we do consider our lewd deserts our spirite fadeth awaye and our hart waxeth amazed But we haue recourse out of hand to thy infinite mercie who doe heartily acknowledge and earnestlye confesse that our righteousnesse proceedeth not of our selues but commeth from thee onely so that we being stayed vp and confirmed by this stedfast faith do lamentably require thy fauourable assistaunce in the daungerous perils of this wretched life For vnlesse thou puttest to thy redie helping hand wée doe vtterlye dispaire of our saluation Shew vs the way wherein we may walke without daunger and teach vs after what maner we may accomplish thy blessed will and rule all our thoughts and déedes by