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A14109 The poore mans Pater noster with a preparatiue to praier: wherto are annexed diuers godly psalmes and meditations: collected out of the sacred scriptures, by Thomas Timme minister. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1598 (1598) STC 24419; ESTC S102050 35,056 260

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of the worlde O holie ghost the sweet comforter O the diuine essence thrée persons and one God haue mercie vpon me most vile caitife and miserable sinner I haue offended both against heauen earth more than my toong can expresse Whither then may I go or whither should I flie To heauen I may be ashamed to lift vp mine eies and in earth I finde no place of refuge or succour To thée therfore O Lord do I come to thée doo I humble my selfe saieng O Lord my God my sinnes be great but yet haue mercy vpon me for thy great mercie The great mysterie that God became man was not wrought for little or few offences Thou diddest not giue thy sonne O heauenlie Father vnto death for small sinnes onelie but for all the greatest sinnes of the world so that the sinner returne to thee with his whole heart as by grace first receyued from thée I doo héer at this present Wherefore haue mercie vpon me O God whose propertie is alwaies to haue mercy haue mercie vppon mee O Lorde for thy great mercie I craue nothing O Lord for my owne merits but for thy names sake that it may be hallowed thereby and for thy déere son Iesu Christes sake And therfore I continue forth my crie vnto thee from the bottom of my heart saieng Our father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name c. Our Father TO none doth this name Father more truelie belong then vnto thée O God our father For both they which haue begotten vs fostered vs do bring vs vp and also our spirituall pastors which do instruct vs are called fathers But thou O Lord art the father of all creatures which are vpon the earth whome thou hast made of somewhat as thou madest man but of nothing which none else coulde do These thou dooest féede and preserue which else shoulde returne to their nothing againe These thou dooest gouerne teach and stirre vp to do their seuerall and proper offices Thou hast made all things therefore thou art the father of all but more speciallie man whom thou hast formed after thine owne similitude and image Thou dooest rule and gouerne all thinges as thy seruants but man as thy sonne To other liuing creatures thou hast giuen out of thy plentifull storehouse good giftes but vppon man thou hast powred them forth with full hande and hast adorned him with a liuing soule of all giftes one of greatest excellencie Thou doost driue forward al other creatuers as it were with a certain secret spurre but thou gently teachest and instructest vs. Other creatures thou dooest violentlie draw but vs thou doost fatherly teach and direct In al these fatherlie properties we wonder at thy power and adore and worship thy wisedome But amongst al thy fatherly mercies there is one which with great delectation wee consider as more profitable for vs namely our adoption by which thou hast made vs thy sonnes thorough Iesus Christ the sonne of the omnipotent essence and diuine nature Wonderfull is this goodnes of Christ and most swéet is his loue toward vs who wil not haue vs to be terrified with seruile feare and therefore hath not taught vs to cal thee his father Our lord which is a name of power but Our father which is a name of loue He concealeth thy greatnes and setteth forth thy goodnes the sooner to allure vs. What man considering rightlie his vile nature and corrupt will dare cal thee father except thou command him What vngratious and inferiour seruaunt will presume to call his king father except he be beside himselfe But how much greater difference is there betweene thée and vs then betweene a mortal king and a seruant which do not differ in condition of nature but onely in state of fortune We compared with thee in nature are most far different Thou art the essence and the incompresensible fulnes of all things which art all in all and wee are vtterlie nothing And in condition of worthinesse and excellencie wee being with thée compared are vnhappie and most miserable bondslaues of sin and the diuell which is the most vile and execrable state but thou art the most blessed lord of al. We are ignorance and darknesse but thou art wisedome and light Thy excellencie is infinit our shame and reproch more than can be expressed mans mind is not able to comprehend the difference betwéene thée and vs. But thy onlie sonne hath giuen vs boldnes to call thee Our father that we by adoption might be made partakers of that excellent dignitie to be called sonnes through his fauour and grace which he alone in right of his diuine nature possesseth Nowe howe more néerelie and trulie art thou the father of all those that are baptised in thy name and that are purged and clensed by the bloud of thy sonne Christ to whome beeing reconciled with thee and receiued into thy fauour thou hast giuen the earnest of Euerlasting blisse the loue of thee and an assured faith and confidence in thee and thereby perfect peace and rest of conscience Oh howe often do we féele to our great comfort thy fatherlie goodnesse Thou dooest giue vs light in darkenesse thou holdest vs vp when we stumble and are readie to fall thou turnest from vs manie wicked euils which hang ouer our heades and changest them into good and in all goodnes thou doost establish and preserue vs. What dooe our fathers helpe vs which are onelie fathers in name by whom wee haue nothing but that which hirelings and seruants haue that is to say the necessaries of this present life But this is the true fatherhood wherof we may rightlie reioyce by which we haue an euerlasting inheritance Oh woonderfull clemencie of thy son Christ which vouchsafed on vs the dignitie of his proper inheritance What wilt thou not giue O father vnto thy sons now which thou shalt thinke profitable for them We haue attained the greatest gifte that thou shouldest bee called and be indéed our father how then can we misse and bee destitute of thy fatherlie affection and liberalitie towardes vs And forasmuch as wee all which truelie are called Christians are knit togither in one knot of loue and are therfore members of one bodie and so one thing therefore that which wee aske for our selues wee craue of thee O Father for our brethren also And for this cause wee call thee iointlie togither Our father Beséeching thée that as thou vouchestsafe to be called of vs Our father so thou wilt make vs thy obedient children that not with mouth alone but with heart and mind wee may truelie feare thée serue thee loue thee and call thee our father to the honour and glorie of thy holie name Amen Which art in heauen THou art alone O Lord and we are not That being which we haue is heere in Earth that is to saie in the middest of manie tempestes and floudes of all manner of calamities wherewith we are continuallie turmoiled But thou both art and also
The Poore Mans Pater noster with a preparatiue to praier Wherto are annexed diuers godly Psalmes and Meditations Collected out of the sacred Scriptures by Thomas Timme Minister Newly Imprinted the second time by Peter Short dwelling on Bredstreet hill at the signe of the Starre 1598. The life of a Christian man 1 Remember thy maker 2 Be thankful alwaies to God for his benefits 3 Loue the Lord thy God with al thy soul and all thy strength 4 Beleeue that he is thy heauenly father for his sonne Iesus Christs sake 5 Serue him with feare worship him and call vpon his holy name 6 As thou louest God so loue thy brother also 7 Let the loue of God in thee restraine the concupiscence of the flesh and prouoke thee to good works Let the loue of thy brother hold thee backe from dooing iniurie and pricke thee forward to doo good And remember alwaies that thou art borne to die A Preparatiue to praier PRaier is a talking not of the toong but of a faithfull mind with God by when wee aske of him some good thing either for our selues or for some others or else doe giue him thankes for his benefites 2 When thou commest to pray first prepare thy minde that it may bee free from all worldlie cares and that the affections of thy minde may bee quiet for the place of the Lorde is not in commotions but in quiet and rest Reuerence 3 Remember the maiestie of him beefore whome thou standest whoe as hee is the maker of heauen and earth so also is he the mightie soueraigne ouer the whole world 4 Remember that his eye seeth all things yea euen the actions the secret thoughts of thy heart Deuotion 5 If thou praye with thy mouth not with thy minde thy praier shal be but a tempting of the Lorde and a sacrifice of fooles Humilitie 6 Praye in humilitie of minde shaking off all confidence of thine owne worthynes and say thus O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee and to vs open shame We do not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnes but for thy great tender mercies I haue begun to speake vnto my Lord I am but dust and ashes Father I haue sinned against heauen before thee and am no more worthie to bee called thy son O God be mercifull vnto mee a sinner 7 Pray not hypocriticallie to seeme deuout in the eyes of men but secretly and thy father which seeth in secret will reward thee openly Contrition 8 Pray with a contrite hart and sorrowfull minde when thou crauest of God remission of sinnes Fasting 9 When thou praiest fast and abstaine from carnall delightes for thereby thou shalt bee made more apte and feruent in praier Faith 10 Pray in faith and with a sure trust and confidence in God without the which thou shalt not obtaine For euerie one that commeth vnto God must beleeue that God is and that hee is a rewarder of them that seeke him 11 Lette him that asketh aske in fayth and wauer not for hee that wauereth is like a waue of the Sea tossed with the winde and let not that man thinke that hee shall receyue anie thinge from the Lord. 12 Faith is the gift of God Therefore praye daylie with the disciples of Christ which said Lord increase our faith Lord helpe my vnbeleefe 13 The true knowledge of God learned out of his word will greatlye confirme thy fayth As when thou shalte knowe that he is louing kind mercifull gratious long suffering iust c. Also that hee is most readie to heare vs and to grant our petitions 14 God is omnipotent therefore hee is able to giue whatsoeuer thou askest God is mercifull and therefore hee will giue that which is profitable for thee 15 God giueth liberallie to those that aske of him For Salomon craued but wisdom and had both it and riches and honor in wonderfull measure And Iehosaphat which desired onelye water in his extreame thirst for him and his hoast had both the same granted and victorie also ouer the Moabites 16 God seeth and knoweth thy neede before thou askest yet to shewe thy obedience by this seruice which hee hath commaunded and also to exercise thy fayth thou muste receyue those thinges whereof thou hast neede by inuocating and calling vppon his name New obedience 17 As thou doest professe thy selfe to bee the son of God by praying vnto him and by calling him thy Father so shewe thy selfe an obedient sonne in deed by walking in his commandements 18 Let thy whole cōuersation be agreeing with thy prayers for thy continuall walking in sin will make thy praiers abhominable 19 Pray for nothing contrarie to the will of God reuealed in his holie worde For if thou praye to this ende to haue the desires of thy fleshe fulfilled thou shalte not receyue 20 That thy principal mark may be the glorifieng of God Seeke first the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all other thinges shall be giuen vnto thee Perseuerance in praier 21 Perseuere in prayer and bee not discouraged though at the first thy petition bee not graunted For the Lord dooth sometimes deferre and delaie vs not that hee is vnmindfull of his promises but to trie our faith either els the more to stir vp our godly affections or to make his giftes more sweete and precious vnto vs as appeareth by the woman of Canaan and by Paule himselfe 22 When our Sauior Christ forbiddeth much babling hee meaneth not long prayers but long babling withoute faith and the spirit For length of wordes ioyned with length of earnest affection dooth not displease God 23 Christ himselfe praied all the night vppon the mountaine and before his death hee made long praiers he commandeth vs to pray cōtinually The force of true praier 24 Great is the force of faithfull praier for therby Abraham obteined life for Ismael Lot that Zoar might not be burnt in the destruction of Sodome Moyses victorye agaynste the Amalachites Eliah both drouth and raine Ezechias the prolonging of his life fifteene yeeres and such like 25 Let prayer be thy refuge in all trouble and distresse Call vppon mee in the time of trouble saith the Lord so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me 26 Hannah beeing contumeliously handled by Penninnah betaketh hir selfe to praier Sara the daughter of Raguel beeing reproched entereth into her Chamber and there maketh hir praier Dauid being persecuted saith thus For my friendship they were mine aduersaries but I gaue my selfe to praier 27 Praier thus prepared and practised will bee a gard for children an ornament for yoong men a solace and consolation for olde men and a surpassing beautie for women It will driue away diuels It will procure Angelles of defence from heauen and it will bee a sacrifice of a good sauour vnto God pearcing the heauens and will not returne againe emptie The praier of a penitent sinner O Father of heuen O sonne of God Redéemer
towardes thee wherewith I may come to as great merit in heauen as though I had spent all my life in remembrance of thy blessed passion and gratiouslie deliuer me from all tribulation of bodie and soule captiuitie anguish and perils and all Christian people Amen A Psalme for remission of sinnes HAue mercie vpon me O God after thy great goodnes according to the multitude of thy mercies doo awaie mine offences Wash mee throughly from my wickednesse and cleanse me from my sinne For I acknowledge my faults and my sinne is euer before me Against thee onely haue I sinned and doone this euill in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cléere when thou art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me Who can vnderstande his faultes cleanse me O Lord from secret sinnes For mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head and are as a weightie burthen too heauie for me to beare My sinnes haue taken such hold vpon me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are mo in number than the hairs of my head therfore my hart hath failed me Therefore I say Lord haue mercie vppon mee heale my soul for I haue sinned against thee Returne O Lord deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercies sake Wilt thou Lord absent thy selfe for euer and wilt thou be no more intreated Is thy mercie cleane gone for euer and is thy promise come vtterlie to an ende for euermore Hast thou God forgotten to be gratious and wilt thou shut vp thy louing kindnesse in displeasure O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger nor chastise me in thy heauie displeasure I faint in my mourning euerie night I wash my bed and water my couch with my teares Haue mercie vpon me O Lord for I am weake O lord heale mee for my bones are vexed Lord I power my whole desire before thée and my sighing is not hid from thée Remember not the sins of my youth but according to thy mercie thinke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnes For thy names sake bee mercifull vnto mine iniquitie for it is great Turne thy face from my sinnes and put out all my misdeeds Looke vpon my affliction and trouble and forgiue mee all my sinnes Though I haue gone astray like a shéepe that is lost yet séeke thy seruant for I do not forget thy commandements Kéepe my soule and deliuer mee let mee not bee confounded for I do put my trust in thee A Psalme wherein thou desirest god to heare thy praier HEare mee when I call O God of my righteousnes haue mercie vpon mee and hearken vnto my praier Heare my woordes O Lorde vnsterstande my meditation Hearken vnto the voice of my crie my king my God for vnto thee doo I pray My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee and art so far from my health and from the words of my complaint O my God I crie by day but thou hearest not and by night but I haue no audience Our father 's trusted in thee and thou didst deliuer them They called vpon thee and were not confounded But I am a worme and not a man a shame of men and the outcast of the people Be not far from me because trouble is néere for there is none to helpe me Hide not thy face from me nor cast awaie thy seruant in displeasure thou hast beene my succor leaue mee not neither forsake mee O God of my saluation Let my praier be directed in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be an euening sacrifice I stretch forth my hands vnto thée my foule desireth after thee as the thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirite waxeth faint hide not thy face from me least I bee like vnto them that goe downe into the pit O let mee heare thy louing kindnesse betimes in the morning for in thee is my trust shew thou me the way that I should walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Comfort the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee doo I lift vp my soule For my soule is full of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell My sight fayleth for verie trouble Lord I haue called daylie vpon thee I haue stretched out my hands vnto thée I am wearie of crying my throat is drie whiles I waite for my God My heart trembleth within me and the terrors of death are fallen vpon me Heare me O Lord for thy louing kindnes is comfortable turne thee vnto me according to the multitude of thy mercies And hide not thy face from thy seruant for I am in trouble oh hast thée and heare me Draw nigh vnto my soule and saue it oh deliuer me because I trust in thée A Psalme for Gods grace TEache mee thy waie O God and I will walke in thy truth O knit my heart vnto thée that I may feare thy name Turne vnto mee and haue mercie vppon mee giue thy strength to thy seruant and saue the sonne of thy handemaid O that my waies were directed to kéepe thy statutes Staie my steps in thy paths that my féet do not slide Be gratious vnto thy seruant that I may liue keepe thy worde With my whole heart haue I sought thee let me not wander fro thy commandements Take from me the way of lieng and cause thou mee to make much of thy lawe Incline my heart vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousnesse O turne away mine eies least they behold vanitie and quicken thou me in thy way Let my heart be vpright in thy statutes that I bee not ashamed Direct my steppes in thy word let no iniquitie haue dominion ouer me Kéepe thy seruant from presumptuous sinnes let them not raigne ouer me so shall I be vpright and made cleane from much wickednes Forsake mee not O Lord be not thou farre from me O my God Create in me a clean hart and renue a right spirit within me Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thy holie spirit from me Giue me the comfort of thy helpe againe and stablish mee with thy free spirit Send thy light thy truth let them leade mee and bring mee to thy holie mountaine and to thy tabernacle Teach me to doo thy will for thou art my God let thy good spirit leade mee into the land of righteousnesse Bowe downe thine care to me make haste to helpe mee bee vnto mee a strong rocke and a house of defence to saue me So shall I bee glad and reioyce in thee and I will sing praise vnto thy name O most high A Psalme wherein we pray God to deliuer vs from our enemies DEliuer me O Lord from the euill man and preserue mee from the wicked man Which imagineth mischief in their hearts and stirre vppe strife all the day long They haue sharpened their toongs like a serpent adders poison is vnder their lips This thou hast seene O lord holde not thy tongue then
go not far from me O Lord. Awake and stande vp to iudge my quarrell auenge thou my cause my God and my Lord. Iudge me O Lord my god according to thy righteousnesse and lette them not triumph ouer me Let them not say in their hearts There there so would we haue it neither let them saie we haue deuoured him Deliuer me from mine enimies O god defend me from them that rise vp against me O deliuer me from the wicked dooers and saue me from the bloodthirstie men Which speake euill of mee saying when shall he die and his name perish Yea my familiar friend whome I trusted which did eate of my bread hath lifted vp the heele against me But thou Lord art a buckler for me my glorie and the lifter vp of my head O Lorde in thee I put my trust saue mee from all that persecute mee and deliuer me Thou wilt maintaine my right and my cause for thou art set in the throne that iudgest right Vp Lord let not man preuaile let the wicked bee iudged in thy sight Drawe mee out of the net that they haue laide priuilie for mee for thou art my strength Let not them that are my enimies vniustlie reioice ouer mee neither let them winke with the eie that hate me without a cause Haue mercie vpon me O Lorde consider my trouble which I suffer for them that hate me thou that liftest me vp from the gates of death The Lorde redéemeth the soules of his seruants and none that trust in him shall perish A Psalme of trust and confidence in God HAue mercie vppon mee O God haue mercie vpon mee for my soule trusteth in thee and in the shadowe of thy winges will I trust till these afflictions bee ouerpast Vnto thee O Lorde lift I vp my soule my God I trust in thee let me not be confounded I should haue fainted if I had not beleeued to sée the goodnes of the Lord in the land of the liuing But I trust in thy mercie my heart shall reioyce in thy saluation I will sing to the Lorde because hee hath dealt louinglie with me I haue set thee alwaies before mee for thou art at my right hand therefore I shall not slide Thou Lord art my fortresse my rocke and my deliuerer my God and my strength my shielde the horne also of my saluation Thou Lorde art my light and my sauing health whome then shall I feare Thou lord art the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid In God doo I trust I will not bee afraid what man can doo vnto me Yea though I should walke through the valleie of the shadow of death I will feare no euill for thou art with mee thy rod and thy staffe comfort me Thou wilt send from heauen and saue mee from the reproofe of him that woulde swallow me vp They that know thy name will trust in thee for thou Lord hast not failed them that seeke thée Thy Angell pitcheth round about them that feare thee and deliuereth them Therefore I will laie mee downe and sléepe in peace for thou Lord onelie makest mee dwell in safetie A Psalme wherin we pray for the afflicted Church of Christ O God wherefore art thou absent from vs so long why is thy wrath so hot against the shéep of thy pasture O thinke vpon the congregation whome thou hast purchased and redeemed of old Thinke vpon the tribe of thine inheritance and mount Sion wherin thou hast dwelt Lift vp thy féete that thou maiest vtterlie destroy euerie enemie which hath doone euill in thy sanctuarie Thy aduersaries roare in the middest of thy congregations and set vp their banners for tokens They haue saide in their hearts let vs make hauocke of them altogither and they haue defyled the dwelling place of thy name The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to bee meate vnto the foules of the aire and the flesh of thy saints vnto the beasts of the land Their bloud haue they shed like water on euerie side of Ierusalem and there was no man to burie them Wee are become an open shame to our enimies a verie scorne derision to them that are round about vs. For they haue deuoured Iacob and laid waste his dwelling place The wilde boare out of the wood doth root vp the vineyard and the wilde beastes of the field deuoure it O God howe long shall the aduersarie doo this dishonour howe long shall the enimie blaspheme thy name for euer Why withdrawest thou thy hand why pluckest not thou thy right hande out of thy bosome to consume the enimie Lord how long wilt thou be angrie shall thy iealousie burne like fire for euermore Powre out thine indignation vppon the heathen that haue not knowen thee and vppon the kingdomes that haue not called vppon thy name Do thou vnto them as thou diddest sometime to the Madianites vnto Sisera and vnto Iabin at the brooke of Kison Which perished at Endor and became as the doong of the earth Make them and their princes like Oreb and Zeb yea make all their princes like as Zeba and Salmana O my god make them like a wheele and as the stubble before the winde Persecute them euen so with thy tempest and make them afraid with thy storme Make their faces ashamed O Lord that they may séeke thy name Let them bee confounded and vexed euer more more let them be put to shame and perish That they may know that thou whose name is Iohouah art the onelie most high ouer all the earth O deliuer not the soule of the turtle doue into the hand of the enimies and forgette not the congregation of the poore for euer O let not the simple goe away ashamed but let the poor and néedie giue prayses vnto thy name O let the vengeance of thy seruants bloud that is shed be openly shewed vppon the heathen in our sight O let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come before shee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserue thou those that are appointed to die Helpe vs O god of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and bee mercifull to our sins for thy names sake Saue vs O Lord our god and gather vs from among the heathen So we that bee thy people and sheepe of thy pasture shal giue thée thanks for euer and will alwaie bee shewing foorth thy praise fro generation to generation Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and euer and let all the people say So be it Praise ye the Lord. A Praier for the preseruation of our most gratious Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth O Almightie God King of kinges and gouernor of all things I most humblie beséech thee to continue thy woonted fauour and fatherlie kindnesse towards thy handmaid our most gratious Soueraigne Quéene Elizabeth that as shée hath hitherto aduanced true religion and the glorie of thy name through the preaching of the gospell of thy Sonne Christ so she may still perfect and go
forwarde in that good course like a louing nurse vnto thy church Giue her wisdom vnderstanding to do that thing which is acceptable vnto thee profitable for vs her subiects and hurtfull to none Grant her O Lorde a perpetuall time long life and continuall felicitie Protect her as the apple of thine eie and deliuer thou her not into the handes of her enimies Giue her victorie O God we beséech thée ouer all thine her enimies and blesse all her godlie actions in such wise that all the worlde maie knowe and the posteritie to come may say that thy mightie arme hath raised vp in England a Debora a Iudith an Hester and a nourcing Queene for thy Church Make her to reioyce in thy strength and mightily to triumph in thy saluation Grant her the desires of her heart and denie not the petitions of her lips Let thy heauie hand O Lord light vpon her enemies and thy right hand find out all such as hate her and enuy her prosperitie Saue our Queene O louing father from all her enimies which either secretlie or openlie go about to bring her life to the graue and her glory to the dust Let her finish her course O God in a good age an old woman and of great yeares to the comfort of thy church and the glorie of thy name and to her euerlasting saluation thorough Iesus Christ in thy heauenlie kingdome Amen A Psalme of praises and thanksgiuing to God for his benefites PRaise the lord ye that feare him magnifie him all ye of the séede of Iacob For hee hath not abhorred nor despised the affliction of the poore neither hath hee hidde his face from him but when he called vnto him hee heard him Sing praises vnto the lord all yee his saintes and giue thanks to him for a remembrance of his holinesse For who is God beside the Lord and who is mightie saue our God Praise ye the Lord with me and let vs magnify his name togither Thy mercie O Lord reacheth vnto the heauens and thy faithfulnes to the clouds How excellent is thy mercie O God therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadow of thy wings Thou art the father of the fatherlesse and a iudge of the widowes euen God in his holie habitation Thou art the god which helpest vs and powrest thy benefits vpon vs. Thou art our god of whom commeth saluation God is the Lord by whom we escape death Blessed is the people O lord that can reioyce in thée they shall walke in the light of thy countenance Thou Lord art slew to anger and of great mercie Thou hast not dealt with vs after our sins nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities O speak good of the Lord al ye works of his in all places of his dominion praise thou the Lord O my soule Another MY hart is fixed O God my heart is fixed I will sing and giue praise Vnto thee O my strength will I sing for God is my defence and my mercifull God For thy louing kindnesse is better than life it selfe my lips shall praise thée As long as I liue will I magnifie thee on this maner and lift vp mine hands in thy name My soule shall be satisfied as it were with marrow and fatnesse when my mouth praiseth thée with ioifull lips I will alwaies giue thanks vnto the Lord his praise shall be in my mouth continually I sought the Lord and hee heard me and deliuered mee out of all my feare Praised be God which hath not put backe my praier nor his mercie from me Thou hast deliuered me fro my strong enimie and from them that hate me and hast drawne mee out of manie troubles Thou hast giuen mee the shield of thy saluation thy right hand hath staied me and thy louing kindnes hath caused me to increase What reward shall I giue vnto the Lord for all the bene fits he hath done vnto me I will thanke thée O Lord my God with all my heart and will praise thy name for euermore For great is thy mercie toward me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the nethermost hell Therfore my praise shall be of thée in the great congregation my vowes will I perform in the sight of them that feare thee Thou art my god and I wil thanke thee thou art my God and I will praise thee Blessed be the Lorde God euen the God of Israel which onelie dooeth woonderous things And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer and all the earth shall be filled with his Maiestie Amen A Psalme of blessedfulnesse BLessed is he whom thou O Lorde dooest elect and causest to come vnto thée he shall dwell within thy courts Blessed is he whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie and in whose spirit there is no guile Blessed is the man that putteth his trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and delighteth greatlie in his commandements Blessed are they that dwell in thine house they will euer praise thee Blessed is the man that doth not walke in the counsell of the wicked nor stande in the waie of sinners nor sit in the seate of the scornfull Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee in whose heart are thy wayes Blessed are they that are vpright in their way and walke in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that kéepe iudgement and doo righteousnesse at all times Blessed is he that considereth the poore and néedie the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble Blessed is the man whome thou chastisest O Lorde and teachest him thy law Blessed are they that kéepe his testimonies and seek him with their whole hart Secrete Meditations of the hart to stir vs vp vnto godlinesse BY creation I am a man made of earth therefore transitorie mortall Yet indued with a minde that is to say with vnderstanding reason and iudgement by which I may vnderstand that most excellent goodnesse which is God and may bee ioyned with him in immortalitie and blessednesse But my reason vnderstanding and iudgement beeing by the malice of Sathan corrupted I do neglect this happinesse I rather séeke to enioy the delights and pleasures of my flesh In the most vile transitorie things I occupie my whole minde I ouerwhelme my selfe wholie with earth of heauenlie I make my selfe earthlie and change my selfe from a reasonable man into a brute beast But god who once loued me in his sonne Christ dooth not forsake mee but calleth mee still outwardlie by his word and inwardlie by his holie spirite and knocketh at the doore of my heart and minde that I might loue him feare him and serue him Yet I am deafe and blind and being more stonie hearted than flint dooth féele nothing O vnthankefull wretch that I am which doo neglect and despise so great benefites God gently offereth to lead me by the hande and I stubbornlie turne awaie my face from him Awake my soule lift vp thy selfe and lette vs not thus wallow in our filthines stoutlie striue thou agaynst wicked custome tread vnder thy foote these contemptible and vile delightes and couet after the most excellent things Nowe God calleth I will hearken to him hee leadeth me and I will follow him he offereth himselfe and I will take the oportunitie hee sheweth the waie to euerlasting blessednesse I will not turne away my face but will séeke to attaine ¶ Print these things in thy minde and let them not be in vaine and ineffectuall cogitations but put them in practise and thou shalt receiue the fruit FINIS To Jesus Christ I Iesus my ioy and comfort onlie good E Euer to stand and neuer to decay S Sathan be fel be fierce and furious wood V vorld do thy worst sin do thou not stay S Speed you to spil plie to beare the sway C Crosse be my share carking be my hire H Hartbreak my cōfort sadnes my feast R Railing my recōpence by toongs of fire I Iesus be mine these things are he lest S So art thou mine ful fixed in my thoght T Trusty O Christ O world vile vaine and nought 1598 SVBLIME DEDIT OS HOMINI ¶ Printed at London Peter Short dwellin Bredstreet hill at the signe of the Star
thy grace and mercie may reigne continuallie in our hearts so that we may be worthie to bee partakers of thy realme of glorie and maiestie Grant that vnto the verie death we refuse not to follow thy diuine will and that wee according vnto the example of the celestiall citizens agréeing togither quietlie vnited in spirit all controuersie in opinions set apart the lustes of the flesh being subdued and the flattering assaults of the world and the diuel ouercom neuer wrastle agaynst thy most holie will but obeie it in all things Grant O Lord for our bodie néedfull sustenance that we may the more freely serue thée Giue vs wee beséech thee O mercifull father that heauenlie bread the bodie of thy son Iesus Christ the verie foode and health of our soules giue vs the bread of thy diuine precepts that wee may trulie walke and liue after them Giue vs the bread of thy heauenlie worde which is the strong castle and sure defence of our foules that wee being wel fed filled with this food may worthilie come to the celestiall feast where is no hunger Grant O Lord that we patientlie bear and suffer our enimies and such as hurt vs and willinglie to forgiue the offences committed agaynst vs so that wee may find thee Lorde in forgiuing vs our trespasses milde and mercifull Grant O Lord that we be not vtterlie ledde into temptation that thereby we should bee lost but in all perilles of temptation and in the middest of the stormie tempests of tribulations let vs thy children receyue and féele thy fatherly succor ready to helpe vs least that wee ouercome with the craftie deceiptes of the temptor should be drawn into euerlasting destruction but when we be well assailed approoued and purged with the fire of temptation then let vs finish our course and so well and valiantlie fight that wee maie for euermore liue with thee in that heauenlie citie where agaynst thee no manner of temptation can preuaile Finallie grant most mercifull father that we through thy benigne goodnesse maie bee deliuered from all euils present or to come both of bodie and soule and that at the last the yoke of the foule feend being shaken of we may possesse the heritage of thy heauenlie kingdome which thy sonne with his pretious blood bought for vs thy children and therefore euer to haue the fruition of celestiall delectation accompanied with Angels and blessed Saints thorough the helpe benignitie and grace of our Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome and to thee our Father and to the holie ghost bee glorie and honour nowe and for euer Amen A praier for the morning I Render vnto thée O almightie and most mercifull father most heartie thankes by thy déerelie beloued sonne Iesus Christ for that thou hast vouchsafed of thy fatherlie goodnesse and frée mercie to giue mee this night sweete sleepe quiet and most comfortable rest and for somuch as it hath pleased thee safely to preserue me this night from all perilles hurts and dangers I wretched sinner most humblie beseech thee that thou of thy gratious goodnesse wilt vouchsafe to shewe the like kindenesse towards mee this daie in defending cherishing comforting and gouerning mee and all my counsels studies and labours in such wise that I may neither thinke speake or doo anie thing that may be displeasant to thy fatherlie goodnesse dangerous to my selfe or hurtfull to my neighbour but that I maie euermore by thy gratious gouernance so lead my life that whensoeuer it shall please thée to call mee from this vale of miserie and soile of sorrowe I may receiue the crowne of euerlasting ioy and felicitie which thou hast prepared for thy faithfull seruantes and them that loue thee graunt this mercifull god for thy deer sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another praier to be said in the morning O Almightie most gentle God I most hartilie giue thee thankes for the swéet sléepe and comfortable rest that thou hast giuen me this night And forsomuch as thou hast commanded by thy lie word that no man should be idle but alwayes occupied in vertuous exercises euerie man according to his calling I most humblie beséech thee that thine eyes maie attende vpon me dailie defend me in sorrow succour mee cherish comfort and gouerne all my counsels studies labors in such wise that I may spende this day according to thy wil without hurt that I may eschew al things that should displease set thée alwaies before mine eies liue in thy feare and euer work that that maie bee found acceptable before thy diuine maiestie vnto the praise of thy most holie name through Iesu Christ our lord who liueth and raigneth both now and euer Amen An Euening praier ALmightie God who as thou hast made the daie for labour and trauell so hast thou created the night for rest refreshing our wearied minds and bodies Wee most humbly beséech thée that as the night darkeneth and shadoweth all thinges so thou wouldest for thy deere sonne Iesus Christes sake hide our sinnes remoouing them from thy sight and putting awaie the memorie of them by eternall obliuion that as our bodies shall haue the rest of sléepe so also our mindes by hope of thy mercie maie enioy the rest of a quiet conscience and so being wholie refreshed wee may awake and rise vnto thy seruice the next day and all the dayes of our life as that when death shall come from the which it is as easie for thee to raise vs as from bodilie sleepe wee may rest in hope of the most ioyfull resurrection wherein our bodies shall awake vnto the euerlasting day vnto the which and vnto the kingdome of thy sonne wee beséech thée bring vs for the same our Sauiour Iesus Christs sake Amen An other praier for the Euening THis our mortall bodie which thorow sinne daylie decaieth and diminisheth must at the last altogither perish and become earth whereof it is come and made and then shall our vanitie which wee through our owne ignorance haue made vnto our selues take an end But most mercifull creator maker of all things vouchsafe so to breake diuide and dissolue me thy poore creature who am gathered knit and made of thee and grant that I may alwaies haue in mind thy dissolution and of whome I am knit togither hauing an eye to what place I must go to the intent that I not being prepared be not broght without the nuptiall or bridall garment before thy iudgement seate For like as when the daie is once past we giue our selues to rest euen so must wee this life being ended rest in death Nothing is more like life than the day nor nothing more like death than the night and nothing so like the graue then the couch or bed Thus good God kéepe and defend vs from al euil grant vs now liuing in impotencie and feeblenesse of our selues that through thee we may bee preserued this night and euer Amen The confession of our sinnes vnto God the Father