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A14004 The practise of the faithfull containing many godly praiers both of morning and euening and other necessarie occasions. Whereunto are added diuers profitable and comfortable meditations necessarie to be remembered and practised of euery Christian. Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. 1613 (1613) STC 24314; ESTC S102481 54,477 274

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thou séeest euen the very secrets of our hearts and that nothing can be done be it neuer so secret without thy knowledge these mercies and blessings we pray thée to grant vnto vs for Iesus Christs sake our Lord Amen Another Euening Praier ETernall God and in Iesus Christ our most merciful father thou which art the father of mercies the God of al consolations we thy vnworthy seruants doe héere according to our bounden duties humble our selues before thy maiestie and rendring in that poore measure we are able all praise and thankes for all thy mercies blessings bestowed vpon vs from time to time euer since we were borne vntill this present for our election creation redemption vocation iustification sanctification preseruation and the hope of our glorification herafter as also for al those blessings that concern this life present furnishing vs continually with all good things necessarie that wée stand in néede of More especially O Lord we thank thée y ● thou hast preserued defended vs this day from al perils and dangers both of body and soule wherinto many haue fallen and wée might also had we not béen guided by thy merciful prouidence O Lord we confesse to the shame of our owne selues that wee are not worthy of the least of all these thy mercies but as we were conceiued and borne in sinne so haue wée liued in iniquity and in the transgression of thy lawes not regarding to be gouerned by the holy word and therefore haue iustly deserued that thou shouldest poure vpon vs all shame misery in this life and eternall condemnation in the World to come but O Lord we know that thou art a God full of mercy stow to anger great compassion and wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that we should liue In confidence of this thy mercie we confesse before thy maiestie our manifold sinnes in treating thée to pardon them all for the merits of Christ Iesus séeing thou hast giuen vs so large a time of repentance grant that we may now at length returne vnto thée in sinceritie of heart contrition of spirit And for this night present we beséech thée sanctific our rest vnto vs this night that we may enioy the same as thy blessing that thereby our wearied bodies being refreshed with moderate and quiet sléepe wée may be the better enabled to walke before thée in our callings the day following to thy glorie and our owne comforts throgh Iesus Christ Remember with vs thy Church and children in all places gather together thine elect forgiue the crying sinnes of this land make an end of these daies of sinne and hasten the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ Preserue thine annointed and our dread soueraign King the Quéen and their roiall Progenie defend and kéep them from plots and trecheries both abroad and at home Let thy spirit of wisdome of Councell and of vpright iudgement rest vpon all the Lords of his maiesties honourable Priuie Councell the Nobilitie and magistracie for the best good of this whole Land Blesse y ● painfull preachers of thy holy word giue good successe we pray thée to their studies and labours for the winning of so many soules as thou hast ordained to eternal life comfort all thy afflicted that suffer vnder thy hand and howsoeuer it shall please thée to deale with them yet support them with patience thankfullnesse to vndergoe whatsoeuer it shall please thée to lay vpon them and when thou shalt sée it fit send them deliuerance that either by life or by death Christ may be to them aduantage Lastly we beséech thée good Lord to blesse all our kinsfolkes in the flesh and all others whom thou would est we should pray for heare vs for them and them for vs Christ Iesus for vs all In whose name we shut vp these our imperfect praiers in that perfect forme which he himselfe hath left vs saying Our father c. Morning Praier for a priuate person MOst Glorious God and mercifull father I thy most vnworthy creature doe héere confesse before thy Diuine Maiestie to thy glory though it be to the shame and confusion of mine owne face that I am not worthy to appeare before thée much more vnworthy to offer vp my praiers vnto thée with confidence that thou shouldest heare them and grant my requests by reason of my manifold sinnes and transgressions that I haue heaped vp against thy maiesty ere since I was borne vntill this present day And now O Lord being come before thée I must néedes confesse the vilenesse of my estate I was conceiued bred born in sinne and in sinne haue I continued all my daies I haue drunke Iniquitie like water yea I haue drawne it after me and tied it vnto me as with great ropes yea I haue euē made a mock of sinne and it hath béene a pastime vnto me to doe wickedly Notwithstanding O Lord thou hast called vpon me but still I haue refused thou hast againe and againe stretched out thy hand but I haue not regarded thou hast sought to reclaime me but I haue hated to be reformed thou hast often called vpon mee by thy blessed word yet notwithstanding I haue despised thy patience and abused thy goodnesse so that I haue giuen thée iust cause to heap vpon me all thy seareful plagues and punishments which in the extremity of thy law do belong vnto the wicked It is thy vnspeakeable mercy that thou didst not make my bed my graue neuer to haue risen againe but O Lord I know there is abundance of mercies with thée that thou mayest be feared and excéeding experience haue I had of thy goodnesse long suffering and patience towards me therfore I grow in hope still that thou purposest me good not euill to saue me not to destroy me beséeching thée to accept the death of Christ as a full satisfaction for all my sm●●es to wash them away in his blood and to binds them in one bundle cast them behinde thy backe neuer to be remembred I humbly thank thy maiesty for thy manifold mercies extended towards me this night past al y ● daies of my life for my quiet rest sléep my foode and raiment my health peace and libertie and the hope of a better life in the merits of thy deare sonne Christ Iesus for all these thy mercies O Lord I haue nothing to render vnto thée but thine owne If I could giue thée my bodie and soule they might be saued by it but thou wert neuer the richer for it yea euen since I rose I haue tasted many of thy blessings and thou hast begun to serue me before I haue begun to serue thée I can shew no reason why thou shouldest bestow all these blessings vpon me more than others but that thou art mercifull and if thou shouldest draw all back againe from me as iustly thou maiest I haue nothing to say but that thou art iust and séeing O Lord I am now to enter
forsaketh them shall find mercie Some pray for remission but care not for repentance they desire a blessing but yet absteuie not from that which p●●ureth cursing These pray in vaine because their practise is vaine For God heareth Saints not Sinners and granted his pardon to the penitent onely and not to such as perseuere impenitent He therfore that would obtaine pardon let him abstaine from ssnne which might deteine his pardon He that would not that sinne should damne him must not indure sinne to dominere with in him Though this be true that no man is pardoned because he is penitent yet this is true that No man is pardoned but he that is penitent If thou wilt not mortifie sin sinne shall mortifie thée if thou wilt not dye to it thou shalt dye for it If thou wilt not that it should dye in thee thou shalt dye in it Some seeme to couet nothing more then a ioyfull resurrection after death yet shall they not attaine to a ioyfull resurrection of their bodies after death because they labour not the resurrection of the soul before death There are two resurrections the first of the ssoule from the sléepe of sinne in this life the second of the body from the sleepe of death in the life to come Woe be vnto him that riseth not t●ise for if he rise but once he shal rise but from death to death from sleepe to sorrow his body shall rise from the earth and fall into hell But hee that riseth from the death of sinne in this world shall bee raised vp to the life of happinesse in the world to come I will therefore pray for a ioyfull resurrection of my body to glorie and will not forget whiles I liue the resurrection of my soule to grace as knowing that if I will not study to be gracious I shall not attain to be glorious I haue heard some desire to dye and some desire to liue neither durst I condemne the desires of either I will desire to l●ue till I haue learn'd to dye I will desire to die when I haue learn'd to liue For a bad death cannot follow a good life and hee hath learn'd to dye that hath learned well to liue If I can gain Christ in my life Christ will not loose mee at my death If the loue of Christ liue in mee whiles I liue I cannot but liue in the loue of Christ when I dye There are many that often pray they were in heaued which yet I dare not say they shall go to heauen For he y ● praies for heauē and goes in the way to hel shall not ascend whether he wisheth but descend whether he walketh hee shall gee whether his féet doth lead him not whether his fooilsh fancie slatters him There are some pray for death yet cannot dye others dye and would not And God by crossing both doth punish both For to the one nothing seemes swéeter then death and to the other nothing seemes swéeter then life to the one it séemeth death to liue to the other the very thought of death is a verie death accounting it the only heauen to liue alwaies vpon the earth Some pray they may dye and may dye to their cost if they pray without care and liue without conscience If the heauinesse of crosses and not the hope of a crowne if the losse of libertie and not the lothing of lust if the sustaining of sorrowes and not the wearisomenesse of sin if the feeling of paines and not the fellowship of Christ doth make a man desire to dye his desire is naught and his death not good For those onely desire well and dye well that are mooued more with sinne then sickenesse with heauenly comforts then earthly crosses with Christ then with all calamities Before thou pray to dye first pray for the death of sinne which is the sting of death and when thou dost desire to die let it be rather to be dis●nede●ed of thy sinnes then of thy sorrowes and to liue with Christ rather then to be deliuered of thy crosses I sée much hardnesse of hart amongst men and but a little mercy I suppose such persons impl●re not pray not much for Gods mercy For it cannot bée that any man should bée without mercie to his neighbour who doth truly pray for Gods mercy to himselfe There are in the world which pray God to pardon them yet will they not forgiue their neighbours These are not men but monsters which would receiue mercie of God but wil shew no mercie to men for God which would haue God forgiue them but will not forgiue others Such cannot say the Lords Praier but they pray to the Lord against themselues make their truest friend their greatest for For wrath without pardon belongs to them that wil not pardon I will forgiue and I will pray to be forgiuen I would not that any man should néede my pardon but if he doe desire it God grant I may not denie it The rich and the poore pray together and both do obtain the rich being poore in spirit and the poore being rich in faith Thus would I bée poore that I way be rich thus would I be rich least I should bée poore The rich the poore both pray and neither are heard the rich because he is poore in humilitie the poore because he is rich in pride the rich because he hath no pity the poore because he hath no patience the rich because hée contemnes the poore the poore because he enuies the rich I will labor therefore to be rich in humilitie and poore in hautinesse I wold be pitifull and patient courteous and contented There are many that cry Lord help whom the Lord wil not help Hée that would haue help of God let him not deny his helpe to Man hée that would haue God help him let him not forget to help himselfe For God helpes the helpefull such as are ready to helpe themselues and others to T is pitty but that thou shouldest lie and die in the ditch that saiest Lord help but will vse no meanes if thou maiest to helpe thy selfe I will therefore pray for helpe and yet vse the meanes of helpe and pray that God would help me in those meanes of helpe and blesse them to mée There are many which desire Christ might bée their Sauiour which yet shall not be saued because they would bée saued but will not serue their Sauiour they like his saluation but they loue not his seruice he may suffer or do what he will for them but they will neither suffer nor doe ought for him His merits they pray for but his lawes they care not for Now hée will not bée their Sauiour because they will not be his seruants for hée will saue none but such as will serue him I will therefore suffer him to be my Lord as I doe desire him to be my Sauiour Two graces I desire of him grace to serue him grace to be saued by him Some
into the affaires of this day I beséech thée blesse me in the duties of my calling this day and euer for idlenesse and godlynesse can not stand together and it is thy pleasure that in the sweat of my face I should eat my bread O Lord preserue me from all fraudulent and de●eitfull courses draw my affections more and more from the loue of the World fix my heart vpon those things which are aboue if things succéed according to my mind by thy blessing vpon my labours make me thankefull vnto thée if any crosse come make me patient and carefull to profit by euerie chastisement that it shall please thée to lay vpon me knowing that howsoeuer they are greiuous for the present yet in the end they will bring the quiet fruit of righteousnesse to al them that are thereby exercised which God grant for his Christs sake to whom with the holy spirit bee all praise now and euer Amen Euening Praier for a priuate Person O Eternall God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and in him my most mercifull father I humbly confesse before thy glorious presence that I am altogether a lump of sinne a masse of corruption and therfore haue for feited thy fauour and incurred thy high displeasure both in thought word and deede My sins O Lord are more in number than the haires of my head yea farre more than I can possibly féele or know and if I should goe about to reckon vp my particular offences I know not where to begin or where to make an end It is thou O Lord who knowest my sins to whom the secrets of my heart are manifest and nothing can be hid from thy sight besides my consciense doth accuse me of many greiuous euils and I daily feele by ful experience how fraile I am how prone to euel and backward to all goodnesse my minde my heart and affections and all the faculties both of soule and body are ful of vanitie profanenesse dulnesse deadnesse drow●inesse in matters of thy worship and seruice But O déere father I haue learned from thy mouth that thou art a God full of mercie slow to wrath and of great compassion and kindnesse towards all such as are heauy laden groan vnder the burthen of their sinnes O Lord extend thy great mercy towards mée poore sinner and giue me a general pardon for al mine offences whatsoeuer seale it to my conscience in the blood of thy déere son Christ Iesus assuring me more and more of thy loue an fauour towards me and that thou art a reconciled father vnto me in the same christ O Lord I beséech thée principally giue me victorie ouer those sins thou knowest my nature most prone to commit Mortific in me whatsoeuer is carnall and sanctiffe me by thy good spirit and knit my heart vnthée for euer Lord grant that I may take delight in the reading and hearing of thy holy word that I may loue and reuerence all the faithfull Ministers of the gospell giue O Lord a melting heart that I may tremble at thy worde let not my sinnes holde backe thy mercies from me nor mine vnworthines stop the passage of thy grace I most humbly thank thee for all thy blessings bestowed vpon me necessarie for this life as food raiment health peace liberty c. which many of thy déere children doe want being notwithstanding bought with the pretious blood of Christ Iesus as well as I. Bi●t aboue all deere Father I praise thy name for the blessings of a better life especially for thy holy worde and sacraments and all the good I enioy therby for the continuance of thy gospell the worde of truth the means of our saluation for the death of thy son and all that happinesse I receiue thereby O Lord open my blinde eies euery day more and more to sée and consider of thy great and meruelous loue towards me in all these things that by the dew consideration therof my heart may be drawne néerer vnto thee to loue thée much because thou hast giuen much and as thou dost abound towards me in goodnesse so grant that I may abound towards thée in obedience and thankfulnesse and in these my weak and imperfect praiers O Lord I am not mindeful of my selfe alone but of the whole estate of thy Church wheresoeuer blesse all christian Kings and Princes calling vpon thy name especially our dread Soueraigne the Kings Maiestie the Quéene and their roial Progonie Blesse all the nobilitie the magistrates and ministers of the Land that all their Councels and labours may begin at thy feare and may be referred thy glory Succour and comfort all those that are comfortlesse sanctifie all their afflictions and troubles vnto them that they may tend to thy glory and their owne good Finally O Lord according to my bounden dutie I commend vnto thy Maiestie all my friends and acquaintance beséeching thée for them as for my selfe to blesse vs all in our particular places and grant that we may do those things which may bée to thy glorie and our comforts through Iesus Christ our Lord. In whose name I end as he hath taught me saying Our father which art in heauen hallowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy-will be done in earth as it is in heauen c. A Prayer for a priuate person necessarie at all times ALmightie God and in Iesus Christ my most mercifull and louing Father I doe here in thy presence acknowledge that I am of my selfe a most wretched and miserable sinner both in respect of the corruptions of my heart as also the transgression of my life more particularly I doe acknowledge the infidelitie of my heart wherby I haue not yet learned to depend vpon thy prouidence for the things of this life nor vpon thy mercie for the saluation of my soule I confesse O Lord the Atheisme and profanenesse both of my mind and heart whereby all my thoughts and affections are estranged from thée and so glewed to the things of this life that I can take more ioy and delight in doing mine owne will and in seruing mine owne lusts then euer I would ●● in seruing and obeying thée I acknowledge likewise the pride of mine own heart whereby I doe eralt my selfe in the vanity of my own conceit aboue thy maiestie and aboue my Brethren whom thou hast made farre more excellent then my selfe as also the security of the flesh whereby I put away the day of wrath farre from mee promising to me selfe fréedome from all thy curses and plagues notwithstanding I walke in sinne and in the stubbornnes of mine owne heart my hypocrisie wherby I am content my selfe onely with an outward name and profession of religion and holinesse before men not regarding the truth and power of godlinesse besides O Lord my life abounds in all Actuall transgressions against euery one of thy commandements I haue liued in the abuse of thy mercies and haue not béene drawne néerer vnto thee In neglect of thy
Iudgements and fatherly chastisements both vpon others and vpon my selfe and haue not profited therby to true repentance and reformation of life yea O Lord I haue liued in the pro●anation of thy holy ordinances thy Word Sacraments and this exercise of Prayer neither preparing my selfe hereunto ●right nor being conuersent therin with that care diligence and conscience as I ought and therfore thou maist iustly depriue me of that fruit of edification I might haue reaped by the reuerent and religious vsing of these diuine Ordinances Many other sins O Lord I haue committed the least whereof if thou shouldest lay vnto my charge I were neuer able to appeare in thy sight or to answere thée one of a thousand I beseech thee deale fauourably with me as thou art w●nt to doe with thy children that call vpon thy name and séeke thee in the truth of their hearts In the midst of Iudgement I pray thée remember mercie open my blinde eyes that I may come to a particular knowledge of my sinnes touch my hard and stony heart that I may sigh and grone vnder the burthen of them beeing heartily displeased with my selfe because I haue dishonored thy name stirre vp my heart also that I may hunger and thirst after Christ and his righteausnes and after euery drop of his most precious bloud in him alone to bee well pleased with me and for his sake to pardon and forgiue me all my sinnes wash them all away in his bloud and my heart from the filthinesse and impuritie of them all say vnto my soule I am thy saluation and let me féele thy good spirit perswading my conscience by the inward testimonie of the same that my sinnes are pardoned that I stand discharged of them all before thy Iudgement seate and séeing it is the lot of thy children to be tryed sundry waies O Lord prepare mee to the dayes of tryall Arme mee with spirituall patience to endure thy hand that I may méekely and contentedly submit my will to thy good will and pleasure howsoeuer it shall please thée to deale with me onely teach mee to profit vnder thy rod of correction and grant that I may learne thereby to deny my selfe to forsake this world the pleasures profits and preferments of the same to make vile and base account of them in respect of the heauenly things destring to be dissolued and to be with Christ that sinne and the corruption thereof might bee abolished and I may ●aue neere coniunction ●ith thy Maiestie in thine ●wne Kingdome notwithstanding so long as ●ho● pleasest to hold mee in this earthly Tabernacle increase dayly more and more the graces of thy Holy Spirit in mee as namely Faith Repentance Feare Loue Humilitie and a good Conscience and all other graces whereby thine Image may be renued in me that the longer I liue in this world the neerer I may drawe to thy Kingdome indeauouring to serue and please thée in righteousnes and new obedience all the dayes of my life Be mercifull I beséech thée to all thine afflicted whether with sicknesse vpon their beds or distressed in conscience for sinnes relieue them I beséech thée accorcording to their seueral necessities strengthen them in their weakenes sanctifie all thy corrections vnto them and grant them a speedie issue in thine owne good time as shall seeme best to thy godly wisedome Be mercifull to all my friends in the flesh and acquaintance in the Spirit and all other for whom I am bound by any duty to pray for granting vnto vs all a supply of all graces néedefull for our present state and callings and eternall saluation of our ●oules these mercies I beg ●t thy hands for Iesus Christs sake in that prayer which he hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in heauen c. Morning Prayer for the Sabbath day before hearing of the Word O Most gracious God and mercifull Father wee thy vnworthy seruants do here prostrate our selues our bodies and selues to offer vp to thy maiestie this morning sacrifice of praise and thanksgiuing for all thy mercies and blessings bestowed vpon vs we blesse thy name for the quiet rest and comfortable sléepe this night passed from all perils and dangers of the same wee confesse O Lord if thou shouldest deale with vs according to our deserts thou mightest haue made our beds our graues and our sléepe our death euen for the sins of this night past O Lord we haue done more against thée this wéeke past then wee haue done for thée all the dayes of our life yet notwithstanding O Lord manifold are thy mercies towards vs still and thy goodnes is infinite in euery particular which befalleth vs we haue exceeding experience of thyloue It is thy great mercy that wee which haue so many wayes prouoked thée should be suffered to liue to behold the light comfort of the day but herein thy mercie is much more manifest that hauing béene heretofore profaners of thy Sabbaths barren and hypocriticall professors of thy holy word yea fruitlesse and vnprofitable hearers of the same that-we should yet enioy the blessed opportunitie of another Sabbath O Lord wee confesse thou mightst iustly haue fatted vp our hearts and giuen vs ouer to a Reprobate s●nce and commanded the doores of thy Sanctuarie to be shutte vp against vs and not to suffer vs to tread within thy Courts O Lord grant that we may rate estéeme thy mercy towards vs in this kinde according to the true valew thereof and that wee may not carelessely forget this or any other of thy fauours and as thou hast of thy mercie brought vs to the beginning of this holy Sabbath so we humbly pray thée enable vs to sanctifie the same as thou requirest and our dutie bindes vs Lord make vs to remember that this is not any Commandement or Ordinance of man but that it is thine owne ordinance and one of those lawes which thou wrotest with thine owne hand namely that this day should after a more speciall manner be consecrated to thy seruice Lord giue vs grace that in this thy Sabbath wee may beware of doing our owne works or of séeking our own wils or of speaking vaine and idle words that wee may seriously binde our selues to the performing of such duties as doe belong to this day O Lord we know that herein wee shall méete with many corruptions in this holy seruice our own corrupt nature and affections will thinke it a taske that can not bee endured besides in the world wee shall haue many examples of the wicked to draw and entise vs frō our diligence and constancie in our godly course but wée beseech thée from the bottome of our hearts to strengthen vs that these things preuaile not against vs and grant that wee may more estéeme the performance of our duties to thy maiesty then either the contenting of our owne corrupt natures or wicked persons and séeing O Lord we are now to heare thy holy word we beséech thée poure downe thy blessings
vnworthinesse to inuite me to this blessed banquet which thou hast ordained for the strengthning of my wea●e faith and for the preseruation of the memorie of Christs death O Lord I beséech thée giue me grace to put on the wedding garment and séeing thou hast commanded that I should examine my selfe grant that I may not presume to thrust my self into thy holy presence without a due examination of mine owne estate both how I haue liued and also how I am prepared for so weightie a seruice I desire to do it O Lord help my desire I promise to liue more holy than I haue done giue me power I pray thée to performe my promise O Lord I confesse I am by nature a childe of wrath as well as others giue me a true and liuely faith wherwith as with a spirituall hand I may be spiritually ioined vnto thée that in this outward pledge wherby it hath pleased thée to stoope to my sences by visible signes of bread and wine setting forth thereby inuisible graces so grant good Lord I may wholly rest in thy death and passion which is the matter of both thy Sacraments cleanse mee O Lord that thou maiest enter into me and maiest vouchsafe to take vp thy habitation within me I know O Lord that I am most vnworthy of this excellent mercy but it is thou that for thine own names sake hast shewed vnto me this great saluation not sparing thine only begotten son whom when the fulnesse of time was come thou diddest send into the World made of a woman that in him thou mightest receiue a full satisfaction for my sinnes committed both in body and soule remoue far from me O Lord all swelling disdainefull and vncharitable affections for this is a feast of loue therefore to it a malicious and reuengeful heart cannot be a welcome guest and when I present my self before thée at thy table O Lord I beséech thée restrain wy wandring and idle thoughts and let them bée seriously fixed on that which is the Sacrament namely the death of my sauiour quicken me vp to deuote and consecrate my self for euer vnto his seruice who hath vouchsafed himselfe to be a sacrifice for me and grant that when I sée bread and wine on the table with my bodily eie I may with the eie of my soule behold Christ on the Crosse and when I looke vpon the wine powred out of the vessell I may consider how Christs blood was powred out for my sinnes and as I receiue this bread and wine into my stomack for bodily sustenance so cause me I beséech thée to féede on the body and blood of our Lord and Sauiour Christ that it may be nourishment for my soule Amen A Praier after the Receiuing of the Lords Supper O most louing and mercifull father I cannot giue thée thankes worthy enough according to the desire of my minde for the inestimable treasure of this heauenly foode which thou hast now made me partataker of in this heauenly mysterie to wit the true bread of heauen that euerlasting meat that abideth for eue●● thy blessed sonne pur Sauiour Christ Iesus in whom I haue obtained by the gift of this holy Communion an earnest of an immortall inheritance to come O Lord let not this pretious blood of his be shed in vaine for me but nourish my soule by his flesh and more and more clense it by his blood quicken me O Lord I beséech thée in this life that in the body of his Church I may be partaker of all spirituall blessings through him and as thou hast seperated me O Lord from the wicked in this holy banquet so kéep me I pray thée from their corruptions that I be not as a dog that returneth to his vomit and as a filthy swine that is washed to her wallowing in the mire but good Lord grant that I may seusibly féele the death of Christ to be swéete vnto my soule as I doe now these creatures of bread and wine to afforde a pleasant taste and refreshing to my body O heauenly Father let me not depart hence forgetful of thy kindnesse but grant that I may euen now at this present time euen resolue with mine owne soule to walke in a better course of holy obedience to thy Magesty than heretofore hauing respect vnto all thy Commandements and as I haue béene this day put in minde of the benefit of Christs death so let mée euery day thinke often of his death that thereby I may liue vnto righteousnesse and learne to die vnto sinne and grant that euer heereafter I may so walke before thée that all men may sée that I am become a new creature thus endeuouriug to walke in this life according to thy will expressed in thy holy worde I may heereafter enioy the ioies of thy kingdome in thy presence there to abide for euer euer Amen A P●aier before a man begins the workes of his calling O Almightie and euerliuing God séeing all iust and lawfull vocations and callings grounded vpon thy worde are warranted for vs to liue in and also hast commanded that no man should be idle giue me grace I humbly pray thée that I may walke faithfully before thée as in thy holy presence so that no deceit cunning or guile take any hold of me but that I may labour truly and diligently as doing thine owne work Good Lord I beséech thée so prosper and blesse my godly endeuours that in Iesus Christ they may be a seale of thy fauour towards me to maintaine me and mine and that I may be also helpfull and beneficial vnto others knowing it to be a better thing to giue than to receiue and when it shall please thée O Lord by thy blessing vpon my labours that my basket and my store is increased grant that I may not ascribe to mine owne industry pains but to giue thée the praise of it to whom it wholly belongeth And good father grant that I may not set my heart vpon these outward things but rather as riches encrease so I may be more and more affraid of my selfe least the cares of this World and the deceitfulnesse of riches choake in me the séedes of grace so steale my minde away from better things let me not I beséech thée so eagerly follow the duties of my calling that I should abridge and skant my selfe of conuenient seasons for heauenly and spirituall exercises but alwaies make me behold thy all séeing presence in whose sight all things are naked that so I may approue my selfe vnto thée by a streight vpright cariage and in so doing I shall imitate thy son Christ Iesus who in the daies of his flesh humbled himselfe to liue as a man vpon this earth by following a painfull trade and when the time was come that he was to publish himselfe to the World he was neuer idle but went about doing good yea with that alacritie and chéerefulnesse that it was his meat to do the will of his
father that sent him O Lord grant that I may follow his steps endeuouring to please thée in the whole course of my life through the same Iesus Christ our Lord and only Sauiour Amen A Praier containing humble confession of Sinne and desire of pardon O Eternall God and mercifull father infifinite in iustice and truth taking vengance vpon all disobedient children and yet abundant in goodnesse and mercy towards al such as vnfainedly feare thy name and return vnto thée in sincerity of heart and contrition of spirit prostrating their soules before thée I most vile and wretched sinner doe humbly beséech thée of thy infinite mercy to haue compassion vpon my sinnes which are so grieuous and so vile and loathsome as thy pure eies can not abide to looke vpon them I confesse O Lord that all my life hath béen in sinne our fathers and mothers were sinnefull euen from the s●ock of our great grandfather Adam whose blindnesse should haue béen our light and whose sight was turned to our blindnesse and darkenesse by the deceitfull entisements of that enemy of our saluation that subtill serpent Satan by whose baites our forefather being clothed with innocency and integretie and vnspeakable hapinesse was moued by the desire of the knowledge of that which thou wouldest he should haue béene ignorant of by breaking of which thy commandement he with the woman which thou gauest to bee a help comfort vnto him were according to thy determinate will cast out of Paradice a place of ioy to a place of miserie and labour I beseech thee most gratious God smite my hard and stonie heart and make it euen to melt with in me at the sight of my manifold transgressions settle in it I pray thée that godly sorrow which causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of humble my soule vnder thy mighty hand and suffer it not to fréeze in the dregs of mine owne corruptions and make my head full of water mine eies a fountaine of teares which may run down like a riuer day night and grant O Lord that I may sorrow not so much because of hell and damnation which is due vnto me for my sinnes but that my chiefest sorrow may be this that I haue offended so good and gratious a God as thou art in abusing thy mercies and requiting thy excéeding loue with so greiuous sins O Lord I am bold to come vnto thée at this time not in my owne name for who am I that I should dare to presse into thy presence but in the name and mediation of thy déere and welbeloued son Christ Iesus Let his death passion be a full satisfaction for all my sinnes wash me throughly in his blood from mine iniquities and clense me from my sinnes let not thy hand of iustice destroy me but giue me the comfort of thy help and stablish me with thy truth Most gratious father thou which art the father of mercies and the God of consolations of thée I aske mercy and forgiuenesse of all my sinnes thou wouldest that none should perish but that all should be saued and come to the knowledge of thy truth thou hast commanded me most gratious God in thy holy word to call and knock vnto thée whereupon thou hast gratiousty promised so to finde as to enter into me and to entertaine me I beséech thée make good my promise vnto me at this time and regard my teares my sighes and my groanes which doe knock at the gate of thy mercies I endeuour most gracious God and striue to do thy will Lord make good thy promise I beséech thée in thy word and accept my desire and howsoeuer vilde wretch that I am euer since I Couenanted with thée to doe thée seruice I haue either vngratiously forgotten or vngratefully remembred all thy benefits and haue not so estéemed thée for them as I would haue done a mortall friend for a few common Curtesies yet neuer the lesse haue mercy vpon me I can not excuse my faults and If I should yet my consciense would condemne mée for I had thy expresse word to stay me and mine owne conscience to bridle me yea I would haue allowed those things which I did if any other had done them but my selfe now when my memorie is the handwriting of my debt and my thoughts are willing w●●nesses against me and mine owne knowledge condemneth me what remaineth but that I must néeds fall into thy hands O Lord I beséech thée according to thy wonted mercy and old louing kindnesse haue pity vpon me miserable sinner and grant me a frée remission of all my sinnes and a perfect reconciliation with thée in Christ Iesus this O Lord I earnestly craue at thy hands euen for the same Iesus Christ sake our Lord and sauiour Amen A godly Prayer in time of sicknesse or at the point of Death ALmightie God and in Iesus Christ my most mercifull Father I thy poore wretched seruant which doe here lye vnder thy hand féeling thy punishment of the corruption and transgression that is in me and in all flesh euen this same sicknesse which at this time thou hast sent vnto mee I doe here humble my selfe vnder thy hands and acknowledge against my selfe my heinous sins and corruptions so that I confesse that I haue not only deserued sicknes of body yea the separation of my soule from my body but also the separation both of bodie and soule from thée and thy kingdome for euer but good Father I humbly beseech thee looke vpon me in the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus in whome thou hast loued mee before the foundations of the world were laid though sinne haue brought sicknes and sicknes bee an vndoubted messenger of death at the time thou hast appointed yet grant good Lord that I may be vndoubtedly perswaded in this that death is swallowed vp in victorie and that this death can no more hold me vnder then it hath done Iesus Christ into whom I am translated therefore I beseech thée giue me a swéet féeling of my incorporation into Christ Iesus in whose death though I dye yet I shall liue by y ● vertue of his resurrection eternally O Lord in this my sicknesse giue me I beséech thée a déep touch and a sensible vnderstanding of my sinnes past that I haue not vsed this temporall life which thou didst lend mee more to thy glorie that I did not so watch for death as that I was no better prepared for it that I was no more diligent in my calling to seeke the aduancement of thy glory Now O Lord I pray thee take from me all guile of Spirit all disposition to flatter or to sooth vp my selfe or to lessen either the number or the qualitie of my sinnes cause mee euen to breake vp my hart and to search and trie my waies that so out of the abundance of my feeling I may poure out a most plentifull and sincere confession before thee knowing it to be in vaine to endeuour
grace in the world without the grace of God Some pray for an almes which yet will giue no almes they would receiue good but they will doe no good they would not be denyed in their own desires but they will not sticke to crosse the desires and good déeds of others but doubtlesse hée that will giue no almes to man is vnworthy to receiue an almes of God he that can without pitty sée the wants of christians deserues that his owne wants should be vnpittied of Christ ●ee that crosseth the good desires and good déedes of others deserues a crosse to his owne and a curse to himselfe I will therefore doe good that I may find good I will heare the cry of others that I may be heard my selfe I will not denie my good will to man least God should deny his good will to me I will not crosse men in their lawfull desires least that God should deny me mine Euery man wil pray for his friendes but few for their enemies yet he that will not heartily pray for his enemies as our Lord did and Saint S●euen hee shall not be partaker of the prayer of our Sauiour nor the praise of his Saintes For Christ prayed onely for those that should haue his Spirit and those onely haue the spirit of Christ which doe resemble Christ And indéed it is iust that he that will not pray for his enemies should be debarr'd of Christ who out of his loue did pray for his foes doth make thē his friends The Psalmist saith I● I incline vnto wickednes with my heart the Lord will not heare me For in déed Gods eare inclineth to vs as our hart inclineth to him and if we decline from him and with our hearts incline to wickednes we mooue him to decline from vs and to incline to wrath If we regard not him in our harts why should hée lend vs his eares If we wil listen vn to that which hee would haue vs loath why should not he loath that to which we would haue him listen I will therefore expell my sinnes least God should repell my suites I wil wash mine hands in innocencie O Lord and so will I goe to thine altar Not to pray or to contemne prayer is a certain signe of a wicked man I will therefore prouoke my selfe to pray that I may be assured that the Spirit of God is in me and that the miscrie of the wicked belongs not to me assuring my selfe that they that wil not pray to God make themselues a prey vnto the Diuell It is a rule of wisedome To serue the season and wisely to bee followed of them that delight in prayer For there is a time in which God is neere and ready to bee found Let vs therefore séeke him whiles he may bee found and call vpō him whiles he is near or otherwise we may call and not be heard wee may séeke him and yet not find him There is also a time in which a man may be better disposed to pray then at an other let vs therefore beware we loose it not lest if we will not pray when we may we shall not be able when we would I haue heard some complaine of their dulnes and bewaile their in disposition to pray Let them but lengthen their complaint and lamentation strike their rockie hearts with a serious remembring of their owne miseries and Gods mercies to them and by the grace of God prayers shall gush out of their harts as waters did out of the Rock Neither despair though thou feelst thy selfe as dead for it is a true tokēn of the life of the spirit to séel and lament the deadnesse of spirit Some imagine if God heare them not as soone as they desire that he will not heare them at all and that they are of no reckoning with him in which they are iniurious to thēselues and to God to themselues because this fansie doth quench their feruencie and hinder their perseuerance and to God who doth not alwaies hate when hée makes as though he heares not For by séeming to neglect vs and by denying our suites at the first he● wold rouze vp our spirits he would try our patience and exercise our saith hee would shewe vs that not our merits but his owne mercy moues him to heare vs and finally he would instruct vs to make more account of his benefits when they come For commonly things lightly obtained are lightly estéemed Many men pray for things that are hurtfull to them I will therefore beg temporal blessings as they may be blessings to mee and whatsoeuer I pray for I will submit my selfe to his wisedome and desire him to heare me not to my prayer but to my profit not as I thinke but in what hee knowes to bee fitting for me There are certaine men deuoted to their wicked lusts that stick not sometimes to say that they care not so they may haue halfe an houre before their death to repent them of their sinnes and to pray to God for mercie These men by their presuming of mercy are in great danger to féele the seueritie of iustice They speake as if they had repentance in a string as if they could pray when they listed and as if they could haue God to heare them when they would themselues But I will repent and pray for mercy in my youth least I should be reiected in mine age I wil cry now that I may bée heard now I will not refuse to séeke him now least I should not find him anon I will sue vnto him for his grace whiles I am like to liue that I may not be refused when I am like to die I will die whiles I liue that I may liue when I am dead and I wil pray whiles I may least I cannot when I would I will liue whiles I liue that I may not die when I die I will sue for grace now whiles it is offered least for contemning grace now I should bée denied grace hereafter Because God hath set downe all things in an vnchangeable and eternall decrée and hath determined from eternitie what gifts hee will giue vnto the sonnes of men therefore some imagine that it is to little or no purpose for a man to pray This is a profane and foolish fansie profane because it drawes a side the heart from dutie For the rule of our obedience is not the secret decrées of God but his reuealed pleasure Now his will which he hath disclosed to vs is that wée ought to pray vnto him and that continually I say again it is a foolish fansie for as God hath ordained the end so hée hath appointed meanes vnto it as hée hath ordained to giue men these and these gifts so hée hath ordained commanded that men should aske them And if hée giue temporall things to any man that is not deuout pious and vnderstanding know that such things which should haue béene for his good doe make for his destruction