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mercy_n death_n lord_n sinner_n 2,648 5 7.4070 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13646 A treatise of the pestilence vvherein is shewed all the causes thereof, with most assured preseruatiues against all infection: and lastly is taught the true and perfect cure of the pestilence, by most excellent and approued medicines. Composed by Thomas Thayre chirurgian, for the benefite of his countrie, but chiefly for the honorable city of London. Thayre, Thomas. 1603 (1603) STC 23929; ESTC S101271 44,224 74

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he so is it indéed vnto all the godly but vnto the wicked it is an entrance into a continuall and eternall punishment from the which Christ that hath died for vs deliuer vs. Amen Now hauing shewed sin to be one cause of the Pestilence and sometimes the onely cause when it pleaseth God to punish the impietie of his people vsing it as the executioner of his wrath it followeth that I shewe the other causes whereof the Pestilence may arise The second cause is the corruption of the aire Galen the most excellent and famous Physition in his booke de Differentijs Febrium saith there be two causes of the Pestilence Vnam aërem vitiatum ac putridum alterā humores corporis vitio so victu collectos ad putreso endum paratos The one cause is saith he an infected corrupted and putrified aire the other cause is euill and superfluous humors gathered in the body through haughtie and corrupt diet which humours be apt and ready to putrifaction And this is most true and not onely the opinion of Galen and Hippocrates the Fathers and princes of Physicke but of all the learned and iudiciall Physitions of latter time and at this day Now let vs consider how and by what meanes the aire may be corrupted and altered from his wholsom qualitie vnto a venemous dispositiō Entring into due consideration therof I finde many causes that may corrupt the aire all which I will compose or include in these two The first cause whereby the aire may bée corrupted is through the vnholsom influence of that planets who by their malitious disposition qualitie and operations distemper alter and corrupt the aire making it vnholesome vnto humane nature When the temperature of the aire is changed from his naturall estate to immoderate heate and moisture then it corrupteth and putrifieth and ingendreth the Pestilence I emit to write what I haue read concerning the alterations and mutations that are sometimes caused by the superior bodies or planets here below vpon the earth for vnto the learned it were superfluous and vnto the vulgar or common sorte it woulde rather bréede admiration then credite but this euerie man is to vnderstand Deus regit Astra GOD rules the starres and yet I doubt not but through the Eclipses Exaltation Coniunctions and aspectes of the Planets the aire may bée corrupted and made vnholesome sometimes in somuch that diuers griefes are bred thereby The second cause whereby the aire may be corrupted is a venemous euaporation arising from the earth as from fennes moores standing muddie waters and stinking ditches and priuies or from dead bodies vnburied stinking chanels and mixsones and multitudes of people liuing in small and little roome and vncleanlie kept all these are causes and meanes whereby the aire may be corrupted The third cause of the pestilence is the euill disposition of the body which is bred by euill diet the bodie being repleat with corrupt and superfluous humors which humors bereadie to putrifie and rot vpon anie light occasion And when such a person doth but receiue into his bodie by inspiration the corrupted and infections aire he is therewith by and by infected his bodie being disposed thereunto through superfluous and corrupt humors abounding whereas contrarie wise a body of a good disposition I meane a body frée from grosse corrupt and superfluous humors is not castlie or lightlie infected because there is not that matter for the infectious ayre to worke vpon And againe nature is more stronge to repell the infectious or corrupted ayre if it be receiued and this is the cause why one person is rather infected then another namelie the disposition of the bodie Now hauing shewed all the causes of the pestilence I will GOD assisting mée set downe the cure and remedie for euerie cause which causes being taken away the effect which is the sicknesse must néedes cease The first cause I say is sinne and this ought first to be taken awaie and then I dare vndertake by Gods assistance my corporall medicines shall soone staie this furious sicknesse Sinne is a sicknesse of the soule the cure thereof dooth consist in these two points The first is true hartie and faithfull repentance with all contrition of heart confessing thy sinnes vnto the Lorde with faithfull prayer vnto Christ Iesu that it will please him to be an aduocate and mediator vnto the Lorde for the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes Do this and thou shalt find GOD mercifull hee is readier to forgiue then we to aske forgiuenesse of him He would not the death of a sinner but with all mercy patience and long suffering wayteth and expecteth our conuersion vnto him The second point is newnesse of life for what shall it auaile vs to haue forgiuenesse of our sinnes if we fall into the same againe and walke in our former euilnesse of life This will but increase Gods wrath and indignation against vs and exasperate him to punish our impietie of life with all seueritie Therefore I counsell thee as thou tendrest the saluation of thy soule flie from euill and do the thing that is right walke vprightlie before him in newnesse and holinesse of life for the Lord séeth all thy waies and knoweth the thoughts of thy heart long before Remember thy time here is but short and death will sommon thee thou knowest not how soone to giue an account how thou hast spent thy time and vsed the talent that the Lord hath lent thée here on earth Then shalt thou stād before the tribunall seat of the Almightie iust Iudge where all thy whole life shal be laide open and all thy actions and thoughts of thy heart made manifest and knowne Then happy and ten times happie are they vnto whom the Lord shall say Come yee blessed of my Father receiue ye the Kingdome prepared for you before the beginning of the worlde But how vnhappie and in what miserable estate are they vnto whom the Lord shall say Goe you cursed into eternall darknesse a place of punishment appointed for you where there is horror weeping and gnashing of teeth This is the place appointed for the vngodly worldlings that wallow and continue in their sinne neglecting the seruice of the Lord for which end they were created Consider this good Christian Reader and defer no time to turne vnto the Lord for this life of ours is fraile vnconstant and very vncertaine We haue examples daily before our eies of the vncertainty thereof to day a man to morrow none Homo natus Muliere paucorum dierum est repletur inquietudine saith Iob Man that is borne of a woman his daies are fewe and is full of misery For thy further instruction I refer thée vnto the godly and learned Diuines heare them for they are the messengers and ministers of the Lorde appointed to teach his people and in mée it might be noted for presumption to take vpon mée the office of another man hauing in this point more