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A13221 The Svvedish discipline, religious, civile, and military The first part, in the formes of prayer daily used by those of the Swedish nation, in the armie. Together with two severall prayers, uttered upon severall occasions by that pious King; which God immediately heard and granted him. The second part, in the excellent orders observed in the armie; whereof we here present you the articles, by which the souldiery is governed. The third part, in the Kings commission for levying of a regiment: his order for drawing vp of a private company; of a squadron; and of a brigade: with his manner of enquartering a private regiment; and of an army royall: vnto which is added the best manner of building and fortifying of a towne of warre. All, in fiue severall figures expressed and explained. Last of all, is the famous Battell of Leipsich, in two fayre figures also set forth: and now this second time more fully and particularly described. Watts, William, 1590?-1649, attributed name.; Roe, Thomas, Sir, 1581?-1644, attributed name.; Abelin, Johann Philipp. Arma Suecica. English.; Sweden. Armén. 1632 (1632) STC 23520; ESTC S118094 72,824 144

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us by thy Holy Spirit gather governe and preserue thy Christian Church giue us thy grace that according unto what thou hast in thy holy Word prescribed us we may liue holily and unblamedly in this present world Preserve our Lord the King onr soveraigne Lady the Queene their royall Daughter and all the regall Family unto the glory of thy Name and the generall comfort and protection of us all Grant us a good government in the Common-wealth and whatsoever els is necessary for our wel-being Peace namely a happie government with a good and an honest neighbourhood Blesse finally our counsells our enterprises and that through Iesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Spirit one God true and coequall Amen Another Prayer to the same purpose MOst mercifull God and heavenly Father wee giue unto thee all thankes for those thy benefits which untill this day thou out of thy Fatherly goodnesse hast bestowed upon us And first of all for that thou hast redeemed us by thy Sonne and hast in thy Word revealed him unto us in whom thou offerest remission of sinnes righteousnesse and everlasting life unto all men that with a penitent heart and true faith embrace it Preserue we beseech thee pure and uncorrupt thine owne holy Word Sacraments in these dangerous times against all Pereticks and false Teachers Especially against the Papists who at this present with many bloudy slaughters and inhumane tyranny doe like ravening Wolues roaring Lyons undeservedly scatter and devoure thy poore Christian flocke Looke downe O Lord upon the miserable condition of thy people refraine the insolency of their enemies hinder thou their bloudy purposes that so they may perceiue that thou thy selfe fightest for thy holy Church nor wilt giue it for a prey unto them Next O Lord pray we for all those Deputies of thine to whom thou hast committed the government of the Cōmon-wealth and the sword of justice For our own King first of all whom thou in mercy hast set over us to be our head and protector Preserue his Majestie from all perills as well secret as open grant prosperitie of successe unto him victory and deliverance against the enemies of his person and Kingdome Defend him Lord with the strength of thy right hand in this present and dangerous expedition which for the safetie of his owne Kingdome and for the obteyning of a good Peace he hath undertaken and graunt that the Warres being brought unto a happie end both himselfe and his whole Army may safely returne againe into their owne Countries Nor lesse earnestly doe wee recommend unto thee our Soveraigne Lady the Queenes Majestie with her royall Daughter Blesse Lord both him and her and keepe them both with thy Fatherly goodnesse and mercy Wee recommend unto thee in like manner the Right Honourable the privie Counsellours and chiefe Magistrates of his Kingdome so governe and direct them all with thy Holy Spirit that they may preferre thy glory before all and with an honest and a good heart study the prosperitie both of King and Kingdome Pray we also for his Majesties Army and Navy and for all his Mettall mynes and all things else which may be beneficiall unto the Cōmon-wealth and commodious unto the Subject Turne away for thy Christs sake what ever may eyther destroy or endanger them and giue a blessing unto any thing that may any wayes advance the truth of our Religion and our Country in generall Looke favourably O heavenly Father upon all the Professors of the same true religion with us who being sorely at this present oppressed by the Papists suffer the losse both of their liues and fortunes Succour them Lord that they may bee delivered from these troubles Keepe us in health from the noysome pestilence from sudden and unhappie death from dearth famine scar-fires mutinyes disagreements amongst our selues and from hayle and tempest Infuse into our hearts concord faithfulnesse and mutuall charitie Comfort all those that are afflicted sicke in prison or calamitie Succour and comfort all widowes and fatherlesse women with childe and that giue sucke Be thou guide unto all those that travell eyther by land or by water that they walking in thy right paths and having prosperously dispatched their owne businesse may safely returne at length unto their owne families Deliver us Lord God from all evill and when our fatall houre of death shall come mercifully receiue us into thy Kingdome translate our soules out of this vale of misery into thy heavenly Paradise where we may laud and prayse thee for it world without end Amen II. A Prayer for forgiuenesse of sinnes O Lord God heavenly Father who delightest not in the death of a sinner nor wouldest that he should perish but that he should be converted and liue we humbly entreate of thee mercifully to turne from us those punishments which our sinnes haue deserved and that thou wouldst be pleased in plentifull manner to bestow thy mercy upon us thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another Prayer to the same purpose O Wel-beloved Lord Iesus Christ haue mercy upon us miserable sinners and looke with the eyes of compassion upon us as thou sometimes diddest upō Mary Magdalene that penitent sinner when lying at thy feete shee from the bottome of her heart sincerely bewayled her owne transgressions and the Publican in the Temple when he smote upon his breast and implored thy favour and the Theefe upon the Crosse when he entreated and obteyned thy pardon Lord grant us to receiue the same this day from thee absolue thou us in Heaven forgiue us our sinnes O God thou author of all comfort Cast us not away from thy presence but cause us so to walke in thy feare that in faith and loue wee may serue and please thee thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen III. For Peace and Concord GIue peace in our time O Lord because there is no other that fighteth for us but onely thou O God Giue peace unto our King and all other Princes direct them rightly to govern the Cōmon-wealth and grant that under them wee may liue a quiet and a peaceable life in all pietie and honestie Amen Another O Lord God heavenly Father from whom all courage of minde good counsaylt and just workes doe proceede giue unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot giue that both our hearts may depend vpon thy Commandements and also that being safe under thy protection wee may passe our time in rest and quietnesse thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another O Almightie and eternall God King of glory and Lord of Heaven and Earth by whose Spirit all things are governed and by whose becke and providence all things are directed thou onely art the God of peace from whom all peace and concord doe proceede wee humbly beseech thee to forgiue us our sinnes and to giue us thy holy peace and true concord that in thy feare we may serue thee and for ever laud praise thee who
together with the Sonne and Holy Ghost livest and reignest one true and eternall God Amen IV. For the King ALmightie God heavenly Father for Iesus Christ thy beloved Sonne we beseech thee favourably to looke downe upon our King guide him with thy holy Spirit keepe him with a guard of thine Angels against all dangers both of soule and body keepe him safely from all misfortunes so bring it to passe that by the expedition which he now makes we may be delivered from our enemies and that by his safe returne we being made joyfull may from thenceforth laud honour and prayse thee world without end Amen Another THe King shall rejoyce in thy strength O Lord exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation Thou hast given him his hearts desire● and not denyed him the request of his lippes For thou hast filled him with the best of thy blessings and hast set a Crowne of pure gold upon his head He asked life of thee and thou gavest him a long life even for ever and ever His honour is great in thy salvation glory and great worship hast thou laid upon him For thou hast filled him with all kind o● blessings for ever and thou shale make him glad with the joy of thy countenance Heare him Lord in the time of trouble let thy Name set him in a safe place Send him helpe from the Sanctuary and strengthen him out of 〈◊〉 Remember also all his offerings and accept his burnt Sacrifice Grant him his hearts desire and fulfill all his mind Helpe Lord thine ●nointed and heare him from thy Sanctuary through Iesus Christ Amen Another GRant peace O God unto our King and all his Officers well to governe the Common-wealth that vnder them we may lead a Christian a quiet and a peaceable life in all devotion and in honestie Amen Another O Eternall and mercifull God heavenly Father that hast the hearts of all Kings in thy hands and bowest them which way thou pleasest so bring it to passe that by this troublesome warre the meanes of making a good agreement and of establishing a sure peace may be found out all heart-burning offences and dissention removed Thou from whom all helpe in earth commeth helpe us that so we may liue peaceably and quietly in all devotion and honestie We haue to confesse the truth plucked downe all thy plagues vpon our selues by our sinfulnesse faultinesse and transgressions But rebuke vs not in thine anger neyther chasten vs in thy heavie displeasure Correct vs to amend vs but not vtterly to destroy vs. Enlighten our eyes that we sleepe not in death Returne at length and be gracious vnto vs satisfie vs with thy goodnesse that we may rejoyce be glad all the dayes of our life Comfort vs according to the time thou hast afflicted vs and the yeares wherein we haue suffered adversitie Remember not our former iniquities Haue mercy vpon vs and that soone for wee are brought very low Helpe vs O God our helper for the honour of thy Name Deliver vs and forgiue vs our sinnes for thy Names sake because thou art the Lord the highest aboue all the world thou art long-suffering of great goodnesse and gratious nor art thou prone vnto anger and to vengeance seeing to those that repent thou hast promised remission of all their sinnes So shall we thy people and the sheepe of thy pasture giue thee thankes for ever and will speake of thy praise from generation to generation Amen V. Against all evill O Lord God heavenly Father that despisest not the sighing of the miserable nor the desire of such as be afflicted mercifully heare our prayers which we make before thee in these our necessities and grant that those evills which the Devill or man worketh against vs be brought to nought and that by the providence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we being hurt by no persecution may giue thee thankes in thy holy Church and prayse thee evermore for the same thorough Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lord. Amen Another Prayer O Lord God heavenly Father who well knowest that by reason of our humane frailtie we are not able of our selues to subsist in so many dangers graunt such strength vnto vs both of soule and body that whatsoever doth vexe or trouble vs by reason of our sinnes wee may by thine assistance be able to overcome through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another ALmightie and eternall God which out of thine own meere mercy hast called vs miserable sinners vnto the knowledge of thy selfe in Iesus Christ we from the bottome of our hearts entreate thee to governe vs by thy Holy Spirit and to guard vs by thy holy Angels that neyther the Devill or naughtie people no nor the wickednesse of our own sinfull flesh may thrust vs headlong into securitie or to the leading of a wicked life to the offence of our brethren but that being by thee delivered out of all their snares we may haue thee alwayes before our eyes loue thee aboue all and our neighbour as our selues profiting thereby in faith charitie hope and patience vntill the comming of our blessed Saviour Iesus Christ to deliver vs out of all these evils with which we haue a daily conflict here in this world and to translate vs vnto joyes celestiall To whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end Amen VI. Against our enemies O Lord Iesus Christ Sonne of the living God thou onely art the true Souldier and Captaine the Lord mightie in Battell Behold thine enemies rage mightily and those that hate thee rise vp against vs they take subtle counsell together against thy people and lay their heads together against thy secret ones Goe too say they let vs cut thē off that they be no more a people that the name of Israel may be blotted out For we put not our trust in our owne strength for we know that there is no King that can be saved by the multitude of an Host neyther is any mightie man delivered by much strength An horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neyther shall be deliver any man by his great strength but our trust is in thee that art our refuge and a Tower of defence against our enemies Thou being our Captaine we shall discomfit an Host of men and with the helpe of our God wee shall leape over the wall Thou being our ayde we shall doe famous exployts thou art able to beate our enemies to dust they compasse vs about but in thy name we will destroy them they come about vs like Bees smoake against vs like fire among thornes but in thy Name wee will destroy them Thou overthrewest Pharaoh and his Host in the red Sea thou constreynedst Senacherib to turne againe into his owne Country thou overthrewest proud Haman and threwest owne the haughtie Holofernes So Lord deale with our enemies doe vnto them as thou diddest vnto the Madianites and as
these following Articles vnto which if any vpon presumption doe the contrary he shall be Punished as here after followeth 1 SEing therefore that all our wellfare and prosperity proceedeth from Almighty God and that it is all mens duty to feare and serue him aboue all Wee streightly hereby charge all manner of Persons whatsoeuer that they by no meaues vse any kind of Idolatry Witch-craft or Enchanting of Armes by Devils inchantment any manner of way whatsoeuer And if any herein be found faulty he shall be proceeded against according to Gods law and the Swedens And so much as the law in that case enjoyneth shal be put in execution against them And it is further provided that such manner of Malefactors shall by no meanes be suffered to come in Company with any soldiers whatsoeuer 2 If any shall blaspheme the name of God either drunke or sober and the thing be by 2. or 3. witnesses proued against him he shall be put to death without all mercy 3 If any shall presume to deride or scorne Gods word or Sacraments and be taken in the fault they shall forthwith be convented before the Consistory or Commission Ecclesiasticall to be in presence of the Commissioners examined by whom if he be found guilty and condemned he shall lose his head without all mercy But if the words by him so vttered were spoken out of hast or vnadvisednesse he shall for the first offence be put in Irons for 14. dayes And giue vnto the next hospitall one halfe Months pay After which if he presume againe he shal be shot to death 4 He who in his anger shall sweare by the name of God and be taken therewith whither it were done in hastinesse or not or otherwise in the executing of his office he shall forfeit halfe a Months pay vnto the poore In like manner if any be in time of Prayers found drinking or at any other evill exercise the shall giue one halfe months pay vnto the next Hospitall and at the next Preaching or Prayers that is he shall be brought vpon his knees in the midst of all the Congregation there to craue pardon of Almighty God and so continue the whole time of Diuine service and Sermon This shall the Minister see executed 5 And to the end that Gods word be by no meanes neglected our will is that publick Prayers be euery day said both morning and Euening throughout our whole leaguer For which purpose shall some token or warning be giuen by our Generall and in his absence by our Marshall of the Field or other chiefe officer Which token or warning shall be made by sound of trumpet playing the tune of some Psalme vnto which the other trumpettors shall likewise answer in the tune of a Psalme and so shall the Drummers of euery Regiment Then shall euery Priest or Minister in our Army say Publick Prayers in his owne Quarter 6 Whatsoeuer Minister shall neglect his time of Prayer except by sicknesse or other lawfull occasion he be hindred he shall for euery absence forfeit one halfe moneths pay vnto the next Hospitall 7 Whatsoeuer soldiour shall neglect the time of Prayers is therefore once twice or thrice admonished by his Captaine he shall lye in prison 24. houres except he had a lawful occasion to be absent 8 If any Minister shal be found drunken at such time as he should preach or re●de Prayers he shall for the second offence be grauely advised by 〈◊〉 Consistory or Commission to forsake his sinne but if he be found drunken the third time he shal be put out of the Leaguer 9 Every Holyday or euery Sunday at least shal be kept solemne with Preaching to be holden in the fittest place for such a purpose This also to be done twice every weeke if the time will permit If there be any Holydayes to come in the following weeke the Minister shall after such Sermon or Prayers publickly bid them Who so shall neglect the time appoynted vnlesse he haue some lawfull let or occasion shal be punished as aforesaid 10 All Merchants and Sellers of Commodities whatsoeuer so soone as they heare the token or call to be giuen shall immediately shut vp their doores and so keepe them during the said time of Prayers and of Sermon They that presume in that season to sell any thing shall make forfeit of all things so sold whereof the one halfe to goe to the Generall and the other halfe to the next Hospitall Over and aboue which the offender shall for one whole day be put into prison 11 All drinkings and feastings shall in the time of Prayers be giuen ouer vpon paine of punishment as is before mentioned in the 17. Article If any soldier herein offend he shall forfeite 3. Rusticks to the poore and if he be an officer he shall forfeite what shal be awarded 12 For the explaining of this former Article if there be none to complaine of these abuses then shall the Minister himselfe giue notice thereof vnto the Colonell or Captaine and if he shall suffer such abuses to goe vnpunished then shall he giue the Generall notice thereof who shall doe him right 13 All Priests and Ministers that are to be in our Camp or Leaguer shal be appointed by the Bishop of the same Diocesse or Land from whence the Soldiers come whom he is to be among No Colonell nor Captaine shall take what Minister he shall think good but shal be content with whom the Bishop shall appoint him 14 To the intent that all Church businesse as well in the Field as otherwhere may haue an orderly proceeding wee ordaine that there be one Ecclesiasticall Consistory or Commission in our Leaguer The President or chiefe person whereof shal be our owne Minister when wee our selues are personally present in the field In our absence shall the chiefe Minister to our Generall be the man His fellow Commissioners or ordinary Assessors shal be the chiefe Ministers to every Regiment of Horse and Foote vnto whom wee giue full power and authority to be Iudges in all Church affaires according to the Law of God and the Holy Church What shal be by them decreed shal be of as great force and strength as if it were determined in any other Consistory whatsoeuer 15 No Captaine shall haue liberty to take in any Minister without the consent of his Colonell and of the Consistory neither shall he againe discharge any but by permission of the Consistory he hauing there first shewed that Minister not to be worthy of his charge 16 If any Minister be found ill enclined vnto Drunkennesse or otherwise then may his Colonell or Captaine of Horse or Foote complaine of him in the Consistory and if his fellow-Ministers find him guilty then may they discharge him of his place In such complaints shall the whole Consistory and the President severely also reprehend him that others of the same calling may thereby take example be warned of such grosse errors and giue good example vnto
others 17 And now in like manner as all our soldiers haue made Oath to be vnto vs true and obedient so also shall they obserue this following Article hold vp their hands aud sweare as followeth The Oath of all Vnder-Officers of Horse or Foote I. N. N. Doe here promise and sweare that vnto the High and mighty King Gustavus as also vnto the Crowne of Sweden I will be a true and a faithfull seruant and soldioru every manner of way performing my best endeavour for his Maiesties seruice and the profit of his Kingdome To my power also shall I hinder all actions preiudiciall vnto his Crowne and if I haue tidings of any thing likely to be preiudiciall I shall giue his Maiesty present notice thereof or some one or other of his Councell Moreover I will doe my best endevour to obserue all these his Maiesties Articles of warres Also I shall behaue my selfe manfully in battle skirmishes and entryes of breaches aswell by Water as by Land in all times and places when and where I shall be commanded I shall also keepe watch and ward and doe all other duties willingly vnto the best profit of his Maiesty and his Kingdome wheresoeuer I shall be commanded either by Land or Water Also I shall beare my selfe obediently towards my superiour Officers in all that they command me for his Maiesties seruice In like manner as I shall answer it before God and euery honest man I shall not fly from my Colours or Token whatsoeuer that I am commanded to follow so long as I am able to goe after them and I shall be willing to doe this at all times and by no mea●●● absent my selfe from them at any time I shall lay downe my 〈◊〉 ●nd goods for the advancing of his Maiesties seruice 〈…〉 all miseries that can possibly fall out in the warres 〈…〉 ●●●fully to the very last so farre forth as I am able or that any true soldiour ought to doe Furthermore if hereafter I be put into any place of charged by his Maiesty I shall doe my best endeuour fairely to discharg my duty therein so as I ought to doe according to my place This Oath shall I well and truely keepe as the Lord of Heaven and Earth shall helpe my soule at the last Iudgement 18 All at this time present or hereafter to come into our seruice shal be bound to keepe these following Articles aswell in the Field as in any Fort or Worke whatsoeuer where they shal be commanded 19 For that no Gouerment can stand firmely vnlesse it be first rightly grounded and that the lawes be rightly obserued Wee the King of Sweden doe hereby make knowne vnto all our soldiours and subiects noble and others that in our presence they presume not to doe any vnseemely thing but that euery one giue Vs our due honor as wee ought to receiue Who presumes to doe the contrary shal be punished at our pleasure 20 Next shall our Officers and soldiers be obedient vnto our Generall and Feild-Marshal with other our Officers next vnder them in whatsoeuer they shall command belonging vnto our seruice Vpon paine of punishment as followeth 21 Whosoeuer behaues not himselfe obediently vnto our great Generall or our Ambassador commanding in our abse●ce as well as if wee our selues were there in person present shal be kept in Irons or in prison vntill such time as he shal be b●ought to his answer before a Councell of warre where being found guilty whether it were wilfully done or not he shall stand to the Order of the Court to lay what punishment vpon him they shall thinke convenient according as the person and fact is 22 And if any shall offer to discredit these great office●s by word of mouth or otherwise and not be able by prooses to make it good he shal be put to death without mercy 23 Whosoeuer offers to lift vp any manner of Armes against them whether he does them hurt or not shal be punisht by death 24 If any offers to strike them with his hand whether he hit or misse he shall loose his right hand 25 If it so falls out that our great Generall in any Feast drinking or otherwise does offer iniury to any Knight Gentleman or other which stands not with their honour to put vp then may they complaine to the Commissioners for the Councell of Warre where he shall answer them and be censured by them according to the quality and importancy of the fact 26 As it is here spoken of our Generall so also is it of all other our great officers as Field-Marshall Generall of the Ordnance Generall of the Horse Sergeant Major Generall Quarter-Master Generall and Muster Maister all which if they commit any such offence through Enuie or other by-respect they shall answer it before the Court of Warre as is before mentioned 27 As euery officer and soldiour ought to be obedient vnto our Generall and other Great officers so shall they in the vnder-Regiments be vnto their Colonell Leiftenant-Colonell Sergeant Major and Quartermaister vpon paine of the said punishment aforementioned 28 If any soldiour or officers seruing either on Foote or on Horsebacke shall offer any wrong or abuse vnto his superiour officer either by word or deed or shall refuse any duty commanded him tending vnto our seruice he shal be punisht according to the importancy of the fact 29 If any Colonell Leiftenant-Colonell Sergeant Major or Quarter Maister shall command any thing not belonging vnto our seruice he shall answer to the complaint before the Court. 30 In like manner if any Inferiour officer either of Horse or Foote shall for their owne particular end command any thing that is not right they shall answer the complaint as is aforesaid 31 If any Inferiour officer either of Horse or Foote does challenge anyōmon soldiour to be guilt●y of any dishonest action the soldiour finding himselfe guiltlesse may lawfully call the said officer to make proofe of his words before the Court as his equall 32 If any soldiour either of Horse or Foote shall offer to strike his officer that shall command him any duty for our seruice he shall first loose his hand and be then turned out of the Quarter And if it be done in any Fort or beleaguered place after the watch is set he shall loose his life for it 33 And if he does hurt to any of them whither it be in the field or not he shall be shot to death 34 If any such thing fall out within the compasse of the Leaguer or the place of Garrison in any of the soldiours lodgings where many of them meete together the matter shal be enquired into by the officers of the Regiment that the beginner of the fray may be punisht according to desert 35 He who in the presence of our Generall shall draw his sword with purpose to doe mischiefe with it shall lose his hand for it 36 He who shall in anger draw his sword while his Colours are flying either in
to the importance of the matter And if it be proued to be preiudiciall vnto vs and aduantageous for the enemie he shall suffer death for it 92 No soldier shall pillage any thing from our subiects vpon any march strength leaguer or otherwise howsomeuer vpon paine of death 93 He that beates his Host or his houshold seruants the first and second time he shal be put in Irons and made to fast with bread and water according as the wrong is that he hath done if the harme be great hee shall bee punisht thereafter according to the discretion of the Court. 94 None shall presume to doe wrong to any that bring necessaries into our Leaguer Castle or strength whatsoeuer or to cast their goods downe off their horses and take away their horses perforce which who so does shall die for it 95 They that pillage or steale eyther in our land or in the enemies or from any of them that come to furnish our Leaguer or strength without leaue shal be punisht as for other theft 96 If it so pleases God that we beate the enemy eyther in the field or in his Leaguer then shall euery man follow the chace of the enemies and no man giue himselfe to fall vpon the pillage so long as it is possible to follow the Enemy and vntill such time as he be assuredly beaten Which done then may their quarters befallen vpō euery man taking what he findeth his owne quarter Neyther shall any man fall to plunder one anothers quarters but rest himselfe contented with that which is assigned him 97 If any man giues himselfe to fall vpon the pillage before leaue be giuen him so to doe then may any of his Officers freely kill him Moreouer if any misfortune ensue vpon their greedinesse after the spoyle then shall all of them suffer death for it And notwithstanding there comes no damage thereupon yet shall they lye in Irons for one Moneth liuing all that while vpon bread and water giuing all the pillage so gotten vnto the next hospitall He that plunders another quarter shall also haue the same punishment 98 When any Fort or place of strength is taken in no man shall fall vpon the spoyle before that all the places in which the enemy is there lodged be also taken in and that the soldiers and Burgers haue layd downe their Armes and that the quarters be dealt out and assigned to euery body Who so does the contrary shall be punished as before 99 No man shall presume to pillage any Church or Hospitall although the strength be taken by assault except hee bee first commanded or that the soldiers and Burgers be fled thereinto and doe harme from thence Who does the contrary shall be punished as aforesaid 100 No man shall set fire vpon any Church Hospitall Schoole or Mill or spoyle them any way except hee bee commanded Neyther shall any tyrannize ouer any Churchman or aged people Men or Women Maydes or Children vnlesse they first take Armes against them vnder paine of punishment at the discretion of the Iudges 101 If any soldier happens to get freeboot in any Castle City Towne Fort strength or Leaguer and moreouer whatsoeuer Ordnance Munition for warre victuals is found there shall be left for Our use the rest shall be the Soldiours onely the tenth part therof shall they giue to the sicke and maymed Soldiours in the hospitals All prisoners shall first be presented vnto Vs amongst which if there be any man of note whom We desire to haue vnto Our selues we promise in lieu thereof honestly to recompence the taker of him according to the quality of the person Other prisoners of inferior ranke may the takers keepe vnto themselues whom by O●r leaue or Our Generals they may put to their ransome and take it to themselues but without leaue they may not ransome them vpon paine of death 102 If any be found drunken in the enemies Leaguer Castle or Towne before the enemy hath wholly yeilded himselfe vp to our mercy and laide downe his armes whosoeuer shall kill the said drunken Soldiour shall be free for it alwayes prouided that good proofe be brought that he was drunken And if that soldiour escapes for that time with his life and that it can appeare that some damage or hinderance hath come vnto Our Seruice by his drunkennesse then wheresoeuer he be apprehended he shall die for it But if no hurt ensued thereof yet shall he be put in Irons for the space of one month liuing vpon his pittance of bread and water 103 All Our soldiours shall duely repaire unto the generall Musters vpon the day and houre appointed nor shall any Colonel or Captaine either of horse or foote keepe back his Soldiours from being mustered at the time when Our Muster Masters shall desire to view them if any refuses he shall be taken for a mutinier 104 No Colonell nor Captaine shall lend any of their soldiours one to another vpon the muster-dayes for the making vp of their numbers compleat He that thus makes a false muster shall answere it at a Martiall Court where being found guilty he shal be proclamed Traytor after which being put out of the Quarter his Colours shall flie no more 105 If any soldiour hires out himselfe for money to runne the Gatelope three seuerall times he shall be beheaded And if any Captaine shall so permit or counsel his soldiour to doe the same he shall be actually cashiered 106 If any horsman borrowes eyther Horse Armer Pistoll Sadle Sword or Harnesse to passe the Muster withall so much as is borrowed shall be escheated and himselfe after that turned out of the Leaguer as likewise he shall that lent it him The one halfe of the Armes forfeited shall goe vnto the Captaine and the other halfe vnto the Perforce 107 If it can be proued that any Horseman hath wilfully spoiled his horse he shall be made Traytor loose his horse and be turned out of the Quarter 108 All Soldiours both of horse and foote shall be taken on at a free muster but not by any priuate Captaine neyther shall their pay goe on before they be mustered by Our Muster-masters 109 No Soldiour either of horse or foote shall be cashiered by his Colonell Captaine or other inferiour officer Nor shall they who being taken on at a free Muster haue their men sworne to serue if it please God vntill the next muster except it be vpon afree muster at which time the Muster-masters and his Colonel may freely giue him his passe 110 If any forreigne soldiour shall desire his passe in any towne of garrison after the enemy be retired he may haue it but by no meanes whilest there is any seruice to be done against the enemy 111 If any soldiour Our natiue Subiects desires to be discharged from the warres he shall giue notice therof vnto the Muster-maisters who if they find him to be sicke or maimed or that he hath serued 20. yeares in our warres or hath beene