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A09593 The perfect path to paradice Contayning diuers most ghostly and wholsome prayers, fruitfull and christian meditations, for the comfort of euery afflicted conscience: published in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, and deliuered to all those that feare God, and hope for saluation in Christ Jesus, as a spirituall weapon to beate downe sinne, sathan, and all the power of hell, &c. By Iohn Phillips. Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1588 (1588) STC 19872; ESTC S106462 55,576 300

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and pitie I knowe that of thine infinite goodnesse onely thou didst make man after thy similitude likenes placing hym in the moste delectable place of Paradice and althoughe he did transgresse thy commaundemente and therby deserue eternal deth damnation yet thou lyke a most louing pitifull Father didst not vtterly reiect him but gently correct him after that thou hast sente hym into the earth cōmanding him there to increase and multiply thou didst instruct his posterity with thy lawe thou didst teach them by the Propehtes and after that sentest down thine only begotten sonne to take vpon him our nature and to suffer death for our sinnes thereby to make a recompence for the offence which man had committed against thée and al this thou didst of thy excéeding great mercye and kindnesse without any deserte of mankinde not being so muche as by any one prayer or yet intreatie thervnto incited Therefore I being boldened with such inestimable benefits so fréely giuen and bestowed doe without any feare at this time appeare before thy diuine maiestye prostrating my selfe before the seate of thy mercye and with al humblenes of hart and minde doe make this my prayer vnto thee Dispise me not O Lorde God being defiled with sin and iniquitie for beholde I present my self before thée not presuming vppon myne owne worthinesse but trusting in thy goodnesse Be mercifull vnto me a sinner light thou the dull sighted eyes of my minde open y u the stopped eares of myne hart y e I may both sée heare and perceiue vnderstande that which thou teachest alwayes do that which thou commandest make me not only a hearer of thy heauenly doctrine but also a perfit follower of the same direct sanctifie gouerne my life be thou alwayes present readie both to heare and to help me Saue defend mée from al shame and reproch be thou my shield and buckler against al temptations clense my minde thought from all vncleannesse kéepe and preserue mée from all danger both of body soule This fraile life is nothing else but a continuall warfare in this worlde our sins most like to cruell enemies assault vs on euery side agayne our dayes are but fewe in number Guide me therefore with thy grace so to spende my small short and transitory time in this worlde the very Fountayne welspring vale of all miserie that I maye be made a member of Christ a partaker of thine eternall felicitie To the which séeing that thorowe mine owne deserte I shall neuer be able to aspire for sin truely so aboundeth in me that ech déede and act of mine is not onely infected but altogether poluted therwith none other remedie haue I to ease my self none other salue to ease my sore but only to take hold of that promise of thine whereas thou sayest Come vnto me all ye that labor be ouerloden I will refresh you this is my holdfaste this is myne Ankor and sure stay for verily swéete Sauiour when I looke vppon myne owne fraylenesse beholde how readie I am to offende thée then I quake for feare then I am almoste in vtter dispaire but assoone as I call to minde thy great loue and kindnesse and how that thou wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that hée should repent and liue and that in what daye soeuer he doth hartily repent and cal vnto thée thou wilte heare him then I am relieued then I am not a little comforted knowing surely that thou wilte performe that whiche thou hast promised In faithful assurance wherof I nowe say vnto thée Tourne thou mée O my God and I shalbe tourned from all my wickednesse deliuer me Heale my soule which is wounded with sin for I doe acknowledge my iniquitie am hartily sory for mine offences Correcte mée O Lorde but yet not in thy furie look not vpon my weakenes but thinke vpon thine owne worthines remember thy louing kindenes and in the aboundance and multitude of thy mercies wipe clene away pardon and forget all my sins throw whiche I haue either in word or déed thought or any other kinde of waye offended thée blot them out of thy remembraunce let the bloude of that Immaculate Lambe Iesus Christ washe them away let mine old offences so decay die in me that I neuer commit them any more or by any meanes renew them in thy sight And in the meane time do not withdraw thy grace frō me but cause me to do all y t which good is O Father remoue thy wrath away from me and restore vnto me thy fauour Turne thou thy louing countenance vnto me and plentifully poure forth thy mercy vpō me Incline my heart to doe that onely whiche is acceptable in thy sight Guide thou my footesteps in thy pathes suffer me not at any time to stray from thy wayes let me alwayes haue the feare of thée in my hart and the remembrance of thy benefits fresh in my memory if at anye time thorow weaknes and frayltie I do transgresse thy commandemēts yet do not therfore reiect cast me out of thy sight but be thou that good Samaritane poure the Oyle and wyne of mercy forgiuenesse into those woundes which sinne shall make in me Disdaine mée not for my reuoulting but haue mercy vpon me according to thy great goodnes according to the multitude of thy mercies wipe awaye mine iniquitie hide me vnder the shadow of thy winges and protection lighten mée with thy holye spirite Make mée thy seruant so indue me with thy grace that I maye vnfaynedlye with hart and voyce serue honor and prayse thee al the dayes of my life Amen A Prayer for patience in trouble and meekely to suffer aduersitie O Gracious Lord Omnipotent whose mercy is euerlasting infinite bow downe thyne eare and harken vnto this my prayer whiche I make before thy diuine Maiestie most humbly beséeching thée of thyne acustomed goodnes to indue me with the works of mercie déedes of charitie and aboue all things to giue me pacience in aduersitie méekly to suffer and pacientlye to take whatsoeuer it shall please thée to laye vpon me and neuer to murmur or to grudge therat but alwaies to thinke thy louing gentle correction to be muche lesse than the desarts of my great manifold offences Againe if I be not vnder correction then am I not thy childe for what father is he who correcteth not his Children whome he moste intyrely beloueth Thys thē is an euident tokē that thou louest vs whē as thou correctest vs for as the scripture sayth Whome God loueth him he chasteneth Thou séest all thinges thou vnderstandest knowest al thinges so that not so much as one little Sparrow lighteth vpon the ground without thy knowledge yea our very thoughts are foreknowen vnto thée thou disposest orderest all things as séemeth best to thy holy will and pleasure by thy helpe I maye doe all thinges wythout
ingrafte in me Unto myne eyes let there be giuen aboundance of weeping And let my handes be occupied With often almes gyuing O thou my king quench out of me all foule fleshly desire And with the loue of thee alone set thou my hart on fire O my Redeemer dryue away the spirite of pride from me And graunt to mee that great treasure of meeke humilitie Take from me O my Sauiour the furious rage of yre The shield of pacience giue to me the which I doe desyre O Creator roote out of mee all spitefulnesse of mynde And graunt in steede thereof agayne meeken●sse that I may fynde O Bountifull father giue me a fayth that shall indure With hope agreeing therevnto and charitie most sure O thou my guyde keepe from my lips all lying vanitie And from my minde driue farre away all vayne vnconstancie All wauering tak● from my heart and from my mouth scoffing With all proud lookes glottony backbiting slandering Couetousnesse wipe cleane away with curiositie The fond desire of vayne glory with all hipocrisie Let me neuer the poore despise nor yet the weake oppresse And let me not blaspheme for then I dye remedilesse O thou which didst mee forme and make take all rashnesse from me And leaue me not such a minde as will not with peace agree Take from me ydlenesse and sloth with heauie lumpishnesse Take from me disobedience and also stubburnnesse O my God for thy deare Sonnes sake I humbly beseeche thee To graunt me the works of mercy aboundance of pitie That I may thee both loue feare and eke pitie the poore Make mee good men alwayes to loue and wicked to abhorre Make me so little to esteeme those thinges that worldly bee With harte and voyce that I maye craue in Heauen to be with thee amen ¶ Beeyng tempted by the ghostly ennemy as all that feare God are to doubt in any article of the Catholike Fayth to dispayre in Gods mercye to yeelde to melancholye fantasies to bee vexed with vnkindnes of friends or the malice of ennemies to bee troubled with sicknesse or any other wayes oppressed with griefe of body and mynde say deuoutly as followeth I Humblye accept moste mercifull Iesus this heauie temptation whiche nowe I suffer at the handes of thy diuine prouydence and would a greater if thou please to laye it on me for thy sake Who hath ordayned this from the beginning for the tender loue thou bearest to the health of my sinfull soule and I most hartily thanke thée for it I confesse I haue deserued worse for my sinne and vnkindenesse towardes thée and I am not worthie to receyue any comfort or consolation at thy handes therefore to the honor of the passion and death whiche thou wyllinglye sufferedst on the Crosse I offer my selfe to sustayne this or any other aduersitie with al my hart not séeking other ways ease or reliefe then in and by thee O Lorde and as thy good will and pleasure shal appoint yet this one thing I craue and beséech thée for the tender loue thou bearest to mée and all mankinde for in mée is no vertue or ought that is good to helpe and assist me with thy holy spirite as my trust is thou wilt who promiseth that no man shall be tempted more than he shalbe able to beare and giue me all what euer shalbe necessary to sustayne with patience this painfull Crosse temptation which thy deuine wisdome hath apointed for me to the intēt that I bearing y e same wyllingly with thée here in this worlde may conceiue assured hope to bée partaker of thy glorye in the worlde to come grant me my request moste mercifull Sauioure not for my merite or deseruing but onely for the merites of thy death and bitter passion I humblye beséeche thée Amen A Prayer for the obtayning of grace and mercy O Moste mercifull Lorde God whose Maiestie is incomprehensible and power infinite whose magnificence is exalted aboue the heauens vouchsafe I beséech thée from thy high Throne to beholde the worke of thy handes Haue pitie on the vnhappy desolate condition of thy creature I am a sinner conceiued in sin of my selfe I haue no good thing wherefore O Lord I cleaue to the Altare of thy mercy Thou art my Ankor my hope my refuge staye Therefore O Lorde haue mercy vpon me for no flesh can be iustified in thy sight Thou knowest the frayltie weakenes of men we are taught by the fall of Peter y t we can doe nothing wythout thée Graunt vs therfore good lord thy grace without which in this world we are lyke by the waues of temptations to be swallowed in the gulph whyrlepoole of sinnes to be drownd as the ship without Ankor Pylate in euerye Tempest to runne on the Rocke and perishe Guide vs therfore by thy grace good Lorde thorow the flouds of this carefull worlde that wee maye rest for euer in the pleasant Porte and happye hauen of euerlasting ioy with thyne elected thorough our blessed Sauiour Iesus Chryst. To whome wyth thée and the holye Ghoste bée all honour and glorye in all worldes Amen A Prayer for the Penitent O Lord I am a sinner my sins are heauy vpon me the burthen of them is intolerable refresh me with thy grace washe away mine offences I shall be whiter than the snow let the chéerfull beames of thy countenance shine vppon mée and giue light to the darknes of my life We can looke for nothing as deserued but punishment due to oure offences Wherfore good lord not according to thy iustice but in the multitude of thy mercies deale with thy seruant Remember not the sinnes of my forefathers think not on the misdemeanor of my youth passed haue pitie on thy creture which acording to the likenesse of thy selfe thou hast made shaped of earth How long wilt thou turne thy face away frō me forsake me not O my God but renewe in me thy holy spirit Pluck away from me all that withdraweth mée from thée Graft in my hart thy grace y t I may loue thée and feare thée and so finallye reioyce in thy goodnesse with thy elected and prayse thée in thy wondrous works for euer Graunt thys most mightie God for our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake To whome with thée and the holye Ghost be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for Fayth O Blessed sauiour Iesus sonne of the euerliuing God the vnspeakeable ioye of thy seruantes moste present cōfort to sinners which camest into y e world to saue offenders whiche so louest the world that thou sparedst not thy most pecious blood to redéeme the losse of oure first father Adam to make vs Coheires of the forfaited inheritance with thy selfe that al which beléeue in thée might be saued good Lorde whiche hast promysed to them that knocke it shal be opened that they whiche seeke shall finde graunt I beséeche thée that I maye search thy holye lawes and finde
thée I can doe nothing When thou powrest vppon vs thy creatures thy good giftes and benefites When thou bestowest vppon vs prosperitie health wealth and such like thou doest it to this intente that we acknowledging the same should thereby be encouraged to serue honoure and humblye obey thée and alwayes prayse and magnifie thy glorious name contrariwise when thou strykest vs with thy rod of correctiō as plaguing vs with great mortalitie suffering our enemies to inuade vs robbers for to spoyle vs pouertie to oppresse vs or fire to consume those thinges which thou hast lent vs for the maynteynaunce of oure bodyes in this mortall life Thou doest it to put vs in mynde that we haue transgressed thy Commaundementes that we haue not harkened vnto thée neyther done that which is acceptable in thy sight but willingly falling into the puddle of sinne and following oure own appetites haue prouoked thy iust wrathe and indignation against vs. Thus thou dealest w t vs O Lord to the intent that we suffering bodily punishment féeling the smart of the same may therby be admonished of our duetie and with true compunction of heart desire to be released frō thy scourges whiche we haue deserued and worthily receaue and then acknowledge our selues to be lost children straying shéepe may bothe see and be ashamed of oure vnbrydled affections wilfulnes which haue brought vs to calamitie misery with y e true penitent to say We are not worthy most mercifull father to lifte vp our eyes or voyce vnto thée for our manifold sinnes and wickednesse neuerthelesse presuming vppon thine aboundaunt mercie who refusest none that doe call vpon thée moste lamentablye we doe cry haue mercy vpō vs O Lorde haue mercye vpon vs miserable sinners being nowe gréeuouslye afflicted with the burthen of punishment and affliction which thou hast layde vpon vs put thou therfore away all displeasure conceiued agaynst vs thy poore creatures and graunt vs that being warned by thys we maye euer hereafter serue thée in newnesse of life and neuer committe anye thing whiche shall displease or offend thée This O heauenly father I acknowledge to bée oure duetie but althoughe I for my parte haue not perfourmed the same as I ought to doe yet I beséeche thine inestimable goodnes not to execute the rigoure of thy iustice vppon me but to staye thine hand and before thou giue me any greter wound to behold my humilitie and repentaunce which beyng not able to recompence and satisfie the trespasses which I agaynst thée haue cōmitted do offer vnto thée according as the poore Widdowe did al that which I am able to giue that is a sorrowfull contrition of hearte for my former offences done and paste Thy Iustice as it is right so is it rigorous to sinners thou art so iealous so much doest detest sinne that thou sparest not to punnishe thy very elect and chosen seruants when as they fall into it Who was more acceptable in thy sighte then that holy Prophet king Dauid of whom thou thy selfe didst say I haue found a man according to mine own heart euen Dauid my seruaunte yet neuerthelesse diuers sundrye wayes didst thou punishe him when that he had swarued from thy testimonies Thou sufferedst him to be molested with the insurrection of hys owne sonne thou didst sende the Prophet vnto him to offer him the choyce of plagues which thou wouldest sende vpon him for his wicked lyuing but when he with sorrowfull sighes trickling teares tourned vnto thée cōfessing his fault crauing pardone and promising amendment of life thou forgatest thine anger and forgauest his offence Other of thy chosen Uessels thou hast permitted to bée gréeuouslye tormented and vexed by sundrye troubles and aduersities onely to trye their faith and stedfastnesse towardes thée as thou didst suffer that pacyent man Iobe for to be most cruelly intreated by that enemie of all mankinde to haue his houses burned and spoyled his cattle taken away his seruauntes driuen into bondage his Children to be slaine his own body to be afflicted with most loathsome diseases plagues and sores and all this thou didst not for any euil déede of his but to shew thine Omnipotencie and power for when thou hadst tride hym to the vtmost and founde that his ennemie the Deuill coulde not preuayle agaynst hym or by any 〈◊〉 and griefe 〈◊〉 him to blaspheme and speak euil of thée thou didst reduce him to health thou didst enriche him agayne thou didst restore vnto hym agayn his children friends familye and all his goodes with muche more than euer he before possessed shewing most manifestlye that thou wilte re warde them moste plenteously which doe loue thée follow and obserue thy commandementes Wherefore I beséech thée to giue me grace that what soeuer waye it shall please thée to visite mée wyth thy punishment I may take it paciently and say Naked came I into this world and naked shall I retourne to the earth agayne the Lorde giueth the Lorde taketh away euen as it pleaseth the Lorde so be it Suffer mée not to dispaire or to thinke that thou dealest vniustlye with me but to say Shall I receiue prosperitie at the Lordes hande and not to be content with aduersitie alwaies to think vpon this Happy are they whom thou dost punish for though thou make a wounde thou also giuest a playster thoughe thou smitest thy hande maketh whole agayne my iniquitie is greate but be thou mercifull vnto my wickednesse O deliuer me from thyne anger and presse mée not farther than I shall be able to beare but now that I acknowledge that what soeuer trouble thou haste sent me or wilt laye vppon me is either for the punishment of mine iniquitie or for the triall of my constancie I maye with repentant Dauid finde remission of my sinnes and with patient Iobe release of my aduersitie and obtayn such fauor in thy sight that thou neuer agayne so gréeuously punishe me but that I may so passe this life that I may afterward liue with thée to whō be honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A prayer agaynst the feare of worldly casualties O Most bountifull and louing Father myne onlye guyder and comforter the Wel of mercie the true light of the worlde take awaye the darkenesse of my mind lighten my heart and sences indue me with thy grace arme me so strongly with sure hope confidence truste in thée that I neuer be driuen into feare eyther by the subtle inuasions of our ghostlye ennemye Sathan or by the craftie wylinesse of the worlde neither yet by losse damage hurte or hindrance of any of those vain and transitory things which we in this world doe possesse But alwaies whatsoeuer shal become of them to thinke that they are but thinges lent and not oure owne that we shall make a streight accompt for the vse or abuse of them Whereby the more wée possesse thereof the greater shall be our payne if we abuse them Wherefore take from me
the trueth of thy holye worde that I may alwayes constantly confesse shewe thée thy goodnesse as well in my words as lyuing Inspire me with thy holye spirite that I may know thée stedfastlye trust in thée and serue thée in prayers well doing all the tyme of my life O most mercifull Lord and sauiour of the world for the glory of thy names sake I beséeche thée to heare my praiers My soule reioyce in God thy sauing healthe for he hath bene good to thée he hath kept thée frō the snare of the hunter blessed thée The lord is a merciful God let all the earth feare him let the mouthes of all men sounde prayses vnto hym God is a good Lord dayly increaseth his good giftes to his seruants the Lord wyll encrease my fayth in hym and I shalbe saued Amen A Prayer for righteous iudgement O Lord God of all iustice whiche in equall Ballance doest weigh the cause of the Prince and of the poorest man whiche despisest not the sutes of the simple whiche deliuerest the Captiue and comfortest the desolate and carefull O Lord whiche hast blessed them that are poore in spirite reléeue thy seruaunt oppressed with griefe remoue from me the clowdes of my sorrowes O Lorde stretche forth thy mightie hand and helpe me let me not sincke in the Seas of slaunder and shame Thou knowest the secretes of my heart defend me in myne innocencie Pleade thou my cause agaynst the vngodly whiche haue layd their nets for me O God thou which hast deliuered Ioseph Danyell Mardocheus and Susanna from captiuitie and instant death and didst cloath them with honoure good Lorde strengthen me and be my defendour against all euils and let not the poysoned arrowes of malicious tongues doe me any harme Graunt these my prayers good Lorde I bseeche thée for our Sauioure Iesus Chryst his sake Amen A Prayer agaynst lying and euill imaginations O Lorde cleanse my heart I beséeche thée from all impure and wicked cogitations and thoughtes and giue me a cléere conscience shamefast eyes innocente handes and a tongue to tell the truth Séeing that there is nothyng hidde that shall not be discouered good lord I beséeche thée to search my thoughtes and renewe in me thy holye spirite directe my féete in thy wayes that walking after thée in the pathe of the righteous I may passe thorow this vale of misery bearing thy banner stowtly in my warfare and obtaine euerlasting ioy the promised hire to such as here haue paciently borne thy crosse and valiauntlye fought with the armoure of fayth against temptations and all euils vouchsafe O Lorde to graunt my peticions I most humbly beséech thée for thy onely begotten sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake Amen A thankesgiuing for the goodnesse of God to vs. O Almightie God and euer ruling King whose infinit power maiesty our wyts cannot comprehende whose glorious brightnesse with our mortall eyes wee cannot behold whose wonderous workes manyfold mercyes the tongues of mē cannot sufficiently declare Good Lord I yéeld thée most humble thankes for thy singuler great gifts and benefites bestowed vppon me a sinner Good Lord thou hast blessed me with knowledge with increase and plenty of all thinges thou hast giuen me friends health and rest That I shoulde eate my meate with ioy and prayse thée in al thy gifts works I know that I haue no good thing but it commeth from thée and onely for thy mercies sake thou hast so regarded me thy seruaunt wherfore good lord I beséech thée to grant me thy grace withall that I maye vse these thy gifts to thy honour and glory the comfort of them that néede that vsing the talent whiche thou hast lente mée I maye become a good seruaunt and obtayne eternal blisse the promised hire to suche as doe well Uouchsafe good Lord for thy sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christe his sake to heare my prayers ALmightie God refreshe me with thy grace I beséech thée comfort me wyth thy mercye and blesse mée that safe from all euils frée from feare of all daungers in peace and quietnesse I may sing prayses to thy holy name and reioice in thée with thine elected for euer and euer Amen A Prayer to liue well GOod Lorde so rule the eyes of my heart that they being kept simple and pure my bodye may bée a cleare and shining temple of thy holy spirite so kindle in vs the loue of thy glorious sonne that we following his steps may doe that which is good and declyne from the euill so that our light shyning before men we may glorifie thée by our good works with thy blessed sonne our Sauiour and the holye Ghost To whose infinite maiestie in trinitie and vnitie be all honour and glory for euer Amen A confession for the penitent O Moste mercifull Lorde God I haue offended against the Throane of thy Maiestye my sinnes are euer before myne eyes I am not worthy to liue or enioy the fruites wherewith thou hast blessed the earth my owne conscience is my tormenter bringing testimonie and witnes against me The Sunne doth hyde hys light agaynst mee and the place is the worse wherein I become O Lorde what shall I doe shal I dispayre No thou art mercifull and more ready to forgiue then we to aske I will confesse my sins to thée I am weary of my sinfull life I am sory in my soule for myne offences wherefore good Lorde thou whiche doest case them that are laden and refreshe them that trauayle thou which hast promised mercy to the penitente looke on thy seruant with thy chearefull countenaunce beholde me with those pittying eies with whiche thou didst Mary Magdalen and the woman taken in Adulterye thou whiche hast shedde thy bloode on the Alter of the Crosse offering thy moste precious bodye an eternall Sacrifice for our sinnes dispyse not that whiche thou hast redéemed Thou which camest into the world to cal sinners to repentaunce and to saue the lost shéepe of Israell haue mercye vppon me leade me by thy grace to the Foulde among thy Sheepe for they go in sweet Pasture are not in daunger of Wolues for thou art their shepheard and kéepest good accounte of euery one of them thoughe I haue gone astray wandring from thy flocke and borne the markes of the worlde yet good Lord disclaime not thy right I beséeche thée but take me vnto thée that I may be safe vnder the shaddow of thy winges He may sléepe soundly whome thou doest kéepe thou arte the watchman of Israell All honour and glorye be vnto thée for euer A Prayer for humilitie O Lorde I am a sinner sorry for mine offences I cannot make satisfaction for my defaultes if I haue any good thing it cōmeth of thée The moste acceptable sacrifice to thée is a contrite and humble hart O God let me not be oppressed with the waues of sinne let mée not sinke into the Whyrlepoole and gulph of dispayre thou which liftest
Aungels in the shyning glorye and Maiestye to iudge the quicke the dead I may be in the number of the blessed ones whom thou shalt call to possesse thy kingdom prepared for them by thy father saying Com ye blessed children of my father receiue y ● kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde Thou whiche didst dye and ryse agayne wilt rayse and bring to life all those that are dead beléeuing in thy faith Comfortable Exhortations against the manifolde assaultes of Sathan IF thou perceyue that the storme of temptation doth verye often and greeuously assault thee dismay not therefore thy selfe neither bee displeased with thy selfe as though almighty God nothing regarded thee but rather thanke him that hee instructeth and teacheth thee as one to bee hys heyre that he punisheth correcteth thee as his most deare sonne that he proueth assayeth thee as his welbeloued friend It is a manyfest and great token that man is reiect from the mercy and fauour God when hee is troubled with no temptation In thy temptatiō remember the holy Apostle S. Paule which being wrapt to the misteries of the thirde heauen was v●xed with the aungel of sathan remember the temptation of the holy man Iob other which were grieuou●ly troubled with their offences O happy fortunate man in whome this earthly Adam is so mortified and subdued that it in no wise resisteth the spirit but whether thys perfit quyetnes may be in any I will not affirme peraduenture it is not necessary to be For Paule in this life notwithstanding his highe perfection and grace had a motion of the flesh to vexe trouble him And when he thrice desyred God to be deliuered from the sayd motion He only had this answer Paul my grace is sufficient for vertue is made perfit by vexatiō Paul was vexed by pride that he should not be proud to be perfite strong in God he was caused to be weak feeble For he carryed the treasure of heauēly reuelation in a frayle britle vessel that the honor victory should only be in God not in himself this one example of Paul is eruditiō lerning in many things when that we be intised moued to sin that we diligently cal to almighti god by prayer Remember that Dauid the Prophet King Salomon Peter the Apostle notwithstanding they were great lightes examples of holynesse yet they fell into grieuous and great sins whom almighty God peraduenture suffred to fall for this cause speciallye that thou shouldest not dispa●re Lyft vp thy selfe therefore vppon thy feete and with high courage bolde stomack returne againe into battayle agaynst thy enemies not onely more fierce and bold but also more ware diligent and think with thy selfe what intollerable and inuincible temptations Christ suffred for thee wherin there appeared no help comfort ayd nor defence anye where wherein God and the whole worlde seemed to be his most cruell and malycious enemyes when that he cryed alowd My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Truely this was a most grieuous paynfull and bitter temptatiō which Christ suffred for vs that he might make the way of the crosse easy for vs. Therefore prepare thou thy ●elf paciently to drink of that Cuppe which Christ Iesu thy head hath so willingly dronke on for the saluation of al mankynd And seeing therefore that Christ so willingly put himselfe in subiection and dipped himselfe in those so horrible and intollerable sorrowes and calamities oure moste louing and heauenly Father willing the same out of doubt he also vnderstandeth and knoweth our infirmitye out of doubt hee taking compassion on vs will not extreamly deale with vs but will rather beare with our imbecillitye and weakenes Doth not he himselfe calling al men vnto him say Come vnto me al yee that labor and are heauy laden and I will refresh you what more greater comfort I pray you can be giuen vs. How could Christ speak more mercifull vnto vs. There bee manye things that greeuously vex trouble man but what thing can more cruelly vex torment his conscience ouerwhelmed with sin then when he doubte●h of the mercy of God when he dreadeth least God be his aduersary and will reiect him when he is not able to conceiue this fayth of his mercy doth imagine himself to be cast away as a dry member that is cut of Be present here O Iesus Christ with thyne ayde help here we haue need of thy comfort let not this blacke violent horrible tēpest of troubls ouerthrow drown wretched man but there is no cause why we should doubt Christ is true he wil make his promises to appear he wil help vs refresh vs. Therfore where as thy faith is not strong ynough wheras thou feelest thy self to doubt of Gods mercy and haste well neare no fayth at all strayght waies cal vpō God bewail tho misery lack of belief before him seek for his aid succour by feruent prayer he wil both help refresh thee he hath taken vpon him thus to do he wil bring it to pas but take heed thou cease not to call vpon god beseech thou without al ceasing the Father of all consolation comfort with sighs from the bottom of thine hart that he turne not his face from thee lay thy weakenes vppon him poure out into his bosom all things which trouble torment thee Crye out with his disciples O Lord increase my fayth Lykewise say thou with the Father of the lunaticke child lord I bele●ue help thou mine vnbeliefe Make hast O lord to help mee before that I oppressed wyth this weight be drowned O moste louing mest merciful Father lord God of my health our only help and refuge Enter not into iudgemente with thy seruauntes Christ is my righteousnes redemption and innocencye whiche suffred most bitter and cruell death for my sake Let those things mooue thee O Father of all compassion haue mercy vpon me for thy sons sake confirme and strengthen my hearte by Faythe in Christ Comforte mee with the consolations of the holy ghoste that I may enioy the true ioyes of euerlasting lyfe through the merites of my Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the holy ghost be all praise and glorye for euer and euer Amen A Psalme to be sayd at all tymes REioyce in GOD my soule for he is my lighte and my defence my helpe the lanterne to my féete he hath heard my prayer when I called on him he hath holpen me in my néede he hath deliuered mee in my daungers The Lorde is the kéeper of my life from whome shall I shrinke whom shall I feare lying prostrate at the féete of my Lorde I bewayled my case and hée heard my complaint he forsaketh not his seruaunts Wherefore if armies of men stoode vp agaynst mée I shoulde not feare for if God be on my syde who can preuayle against mée Hée is
death and destruction and being by the vertue of thy righteousnesse made holy I may triumph with happie victorie ouer sinne death and al the powers of hell and enter with thée the felowship of thy chosen Sayntes into euerlasting rest grant this most louing father for Christ Iesus sake to whom with thée and the holy ghost be rendred al laude glory honour and prayse for euer Amen THe Lorde God bee mercifull vnto me pardon forgiue me my sinnes looke vpon me with thy gratious and blessed countenaunce preserue mee from the second death and euerlasting destruction of body soule The Lord God iustifie me in his death bloode cloath mée with his euerlastinge righteousnes and register my name in the booke of life The Lorde God comfort my guiltie conscience with the euerlasting light of his bountiful fauor lot my place among his saints in his heauenly kingdome The Lord God for his mercies sake after this my bodily death giue me the fruition of his presence in his right palace of endlesse glory to whose mercifull protection I commend with al humilitie and reuerence my soule Lord Iesus preserue me Lord Iesus comfort me Lord Iesus refresh mée Lorde Iesus praye for me for only into thy hands that hast redéemed mee O Lorde God of truth I commend my soule Amen A prayer vnto the holy Ghost against the temptations of Satan the malicious and wicked spirite AH Lord the euerlasting and heauenly spirite which sanctifiest and quicknest the hartes of the faithfull For as much as there is an other spirit which cōtrary to thy heauenly mocions moueth and prouoketh vnto infidelitie malice lying pride wrath whoredome fornication glotonie dronkeship enuy couetousnesse contention errour deceyte hypocrisie straunge religion fayned holinesse impietie desperation c. which is called the Prince of the world the great dragon of Hell the authoritie of all euilles the father of lying and a murtherer from the beginning to whom it is euident that we are poore wretched and miserable fallen away frō God walke in th● lustes of the flesh liue after the trade of the world and doe that that is pleasaunt to the corrupt affections and are far away estraunged from the citie of righteous Israel as straungers partaine nothing vnto the couenaunt and promises of grace Wherefore while we thus consider this our damnation and the word of thy promise and commandement we are earnestly mooued to flie vnto thée humblie to desire and beséech thée trusting that we shal obtayne For thou promisest and also commaundest to trust an looke for this that through the good will of thy spirite thou wilt gather receaue vs into thy people that we may bee made a spirituall Israell renew vs that is to say beget vs a new vnto repentance godly liuing turne vs with an earnest zeale of our heart drawe vs vnto thée that from henceforth we may abstaine from the workes of darkenesse death Destroye in vs the kingdome of sinne that is to say exclude frō vs not onely euill words déeds but also plucke out of our minds all euil thoughts noysome coūcels furious effectes and the stinking course of this flesh Turne vs from euil wayes vnto the right path of repentance Let our members be so addict to righteousnes and sanctification that they may bee made fitte to serue thée Let vs increase and be plenteous in al such works as bee pleasaunt vnto thée Forsake vs not in tentatiō but rather strēgthē vs with that thy secret vertue inward power Bring to passe that we giue no eare to his flattering deceits nor yet to his beautyfull glistering falaces least he corrupt our mindes and abuse our flesh vnto our destruction which at the beginning full craftely hee brought to passe by his subtyle and swéete suggestions but rather throwe downe and treade vnder our féete this our cruel enemie that we being frée frō his deceitfull tyranny may through thy ghostly inspiration obtayne such peace and quietnes in our harts that we may serue thée with a cleane bodie and pure mind through Iesu Christ vnto the laude prayse and glory of God the heauenly father So be it A prayer for true repentaunce and for the comming of the kyngdome of Christ. O Lord and our God Iesu Christ the scripture testifieth of thee that when thou wast in the worlde thou diddest preach repentance and the comming of the kingdome of heauen and after thou wast risen agayne thou saidest that it behoued thée so to suffer on the thirde daye to rise agayne from the deade and that both repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde be preached to euery creature in thy name And that whosoeuer beléeued were baptised shoulde bee saued Agayne than full louingly diddest bid them that labor and are laden to come vnto thée and promised that thou wouldest vnlade refreshe them Uerely it is no small company of wicked spirites cleueth which is also a roring Lyō and earnest accuser of the sons of God yea and such an enemy of God and of thē that pertain vnto him as by no means neither will nor may be reconciled Therefore we all of vs which thorow thy grace are bound and giuen ouer to serue God most humbly beséech thée O holy spirit that thou wilt defend vs against al the wicked temptations and pernicious breathings of the most wicked spirite that all vice excluded all vertue and godlinesse may spring growe increase in vs vntil we be made perfect auncient in Christ Iesu our Lord in his holy law Take away infidelity and engraffe in our brest a true and vnfayned faith Take away pride wrath enuye debate whoredome glotonye dronkeshippe couetousnesse errour hypocrisie with all kinde of vngodlines and print in our hearts humilitie loue chastity and concord purity of life temperance sobriety mercy liberality towarde the poore truth pure holynesse with all kinde of vertue Take awaye from vs all that euer is of Sathan the flesh and the world and giue vs that which onely commeth from the heauenly father and from his onely begotten sonne and from thée that holy spirit Teach vs all trueth enarme vs with the shield of true faith that we may so quench the firie dartes of Sathan Graunt that wee may so watch and shewe such diligence that wee may perceiue his craftie assaultes and daungerous vnto thee that wee liue not heare after in the fleshe but rather that wee abhorre from all filthinesse and impuritie thereof and that we being brought into the kingdome through thy precious bloud may obtayne dayly more more perfect remission of our sinnes So be it A prayer for the knowledge of Gods wyll O Lord God our heauenly father giue vs grace that wee may neuer cease diligently to cal vpon thée with most humble minds to desire thée that through thy great mercies we may be fulfilled with plenteous and rich knowledge of thy diuine will and that wée may encrease dayly more
defend mée vnder the winges of thy cōfortable protection from al errors sismes and detestable heresies make me with out fayning firmely constantly to builde vpon the truth wherein is perfectly set forth thy great mercie diuine iustice Let the zeale of thy promises in al distres be my chiefest ioy and consolation and giue me grace from aboue that as I make my boast of thy mercies and louing kindnes by vertue wherof I am by my Sauiour Christ Iesus quickned from deathe to life in his dearest death and precious bloudsheding regenerated borne a new not of water but of the spirit by fayth so Lorde I maye with thy aboundaunt loue showne to mée warde the whole posteritie of Adam I may bée afrayde wilfully or of a set purpose to transgresse thy commaundementes and so incurre therby thy displeasure that the effectes of thy iustice in the day of thy cōming to iudgement be pronounced against mee to the vtter destruction of bodie soule make me alwais willing good Lord to heare thy worde by the power wherof my faith is increased and therewithall plante in mée perfite loue and obedience and so directe my footsteppes in this vale of miserie that I may treade the pathe that leadeth to thée with whome my soule thirsteth to rest euen as vehementlye as the Hart longeth after the water brookes Graunt this O merciful God for the honor and glorye of thy names sake Amen ¶ A fruitfull Prayer to bee sayde at the g●yng to bedde of euery Christian. MOste mercyfull Father I moste wretched and vnworthye sinner prostrate my selfe before the Throane of thy heauenlye grace yeelding vnto thée moste humble and heartye thankes that hast of thy excéeding loue and fauor preserued mee this day from al perill and daunger humbly beséeching thy diuine maiestie this night to preserue me for the loue of thy onely sonne my sweetest Sauiour Iesus Christ my Mediatour aduocate who continuallye pleadeth and maketh intercession to thée for mée all the rest of thy chosen children presenting hys bloudy wounds and his glorious body al to be scourged in thy diuine presence who thereby doth mittigate thy wrathe indignation iustly conceiued agaynst me a miserable and wretched creature and all mankynde Make me Lord still to confesse myne vnworthynesse and weakenesse to be suche and so great that of my selfe I am not worthye to lift vp myne eyes to heauen much lesse to be called thy sonne such and so great is the burthen of my sinne and iniquitie so that by the meanes of my corruption filthinesse I acknowledge my selfe to be the child of death and destruction yet build I still on thy promises good Lord and in this greate daunger I come vnto thée with teares saying O father I haue sinned agaynst heauen and agaynst thée and am no more worthy to bée called thy sonne of my selfe I haue nothing but by thée I haue al things of my selfe I acknowledge I haue iustly deserued the heauy sentēce of thine yre but by grace of thee O mightie Emanuel I am regenerate and borne agayne from death to life from daunger to ioy from perill to peace from bondage to libertie so in fine from Hell damnation to blisse saluation Such is the effect of thy mercie so abundant is thy loue towardes me and all those that with contrite heartes presente themselues vnto thée Increase my fayth lord that it may abound in good and fruitfull workes so fortifie mée y t I neuer swerue from thy veritie giue mée thy grace from aboue O merciful Iesus that I may neuer shrinke from thy sacred testimonies And more ouer I with all humilitie and reuerence of heart and mynde beséeche thée thys night whiche thou hast ordayned for man to rest in thou wilt gard and protecte mée with thy good guidyng spirite and albeit my sinfull flesh shall sleepe slumber yet graunt good Lorde that my soule may continually kéepe watch and ward let not the enemie finde me slumbering and sléeping as careles in the cradle of sinfull Securitie leaste that whilest I am vnarmed that is naked destitute of thy grace and fauour he enter in and breake vp the house of my sinnefull bodye and make such hauocke spoile that my infected and leaporous soule deformed by meanes of myne iniquitie and wounded with the dangeruos Darts of transgression bée throwne with the body of sinne to the Lake of destruction wherein is continuall wayling and gnashing of téeth Make me stil O good Lorde to consider that the bed is a plaine patterne and similitude of the Graue which continually calleth for me and all other thy Creatures make me to vnderstand that when I am layd of my self without thy heauenly prouidence I can not bée able to ryse agayne make me to acknowledge that sléepe is the very figure of death to whose stroak at thy appoynted pleasure I must submit my selfe Indue me with loue charitie to all men let my Lampe O Lord be garnished with Oyle that whensoeuer or at what tyme soeuer thy messenger death shall drawnie and knock at the gates of my house I maye at hys sommons in the daye of the resurrection of the dead be ready to attend on thée and thy bride with my burning Lampe that is with a stedfast fayth when as by thée I shalbe clothed a newe for my mortall body shall then be couered with immortallitie the corruption of my sinful rebelling flesh shal be changed to incorruption and perfite puritye thy righteousnesse shalbe mine thy merites shal make me perfite holy by vertue wherof hell shal loose his victory death shall loose his sting my fayth and hope shal haue ende and rewarde I wyth thy Saintes continuallye dwell in loue and charitie with thée the Heauenlye Bridegrome Christ Iesus To whome with the father and the holy ghost be ascribed all lawd glory power prayse and dominion for euer Amen A Prayer for the remission of sinne and to obtayne a vertuous life FOr as muche as O Bountifull Lorde it is most méete right and iust that all fleshe shoulde prayse magnifie and worship thée and shoulde without ceasing giue thankes vnto thée who onely art the Creator and maker of all thinges as well visible as inuisible who onely art the Treasure of all goodnesse the Well of life onely God and Lord whom the Heauens and Heauens of Heauens the Sunne the Moone the Starres the earth the Sea with all that mooue therein yea the heauenly companie of martyrs the soules of the Prophets and Apostles Aungels Arckeaungels togither with the soules of al iust righteous persons do lawd glorifie It is moste requisite that ech mortal creature liuing in this worlde shoulde also acknowledge thy magnificence wherefore most mercifull Father I wyth my hart and mouth do acknowledge thée to be my king Lorde the giuer of all goodnesse I confesse thee to bee omnipotent reuerent merciful long suffering God of all consolation comforte mercie
all inwarde heauinesse thought and care for any losse and discommodity receiued by worldly goods and alwayes to thinke that as well pouertie as riches néedinesse as aboundance sicknesse as health aduersity as prosperity come from thée and that it is knowne to thine vnserchable iudgement onely why and wherfore thou sendest eyther of these vpon vs and therefore let not my minde bée troubled with any feare of thinges to chaunce sauing onely to feare to displease thée but alwayes to be merry in thée with sobernesse and to cast all my care of worldlye affayres vppon thée For as much as thou hast commanded that we shoulde not be careful what to eat or what to drink or with what rayment we should be clothed for y u wilte not sée the righteous forsaken or their children begging their breade and that thou tournest all thinges to the best to them that serue thée and flie vnto thée for succour in the tyme of their distresse Let this O Lord be euer more fresh in my memorye grauen in my heart and redy in my mouth so that I leauing all néedlesse feare may alwayes giue thanks vnto thée and prayse thy holye name Amen The prayer vnto God the Father ALmightie God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whome no deserte merite or worthinesse of oures but thyne own great clemencie mercy and pity caused to send downe thyne onely begotten sonne into this world to beare the burthen of our sinnes with the which we moste miserable sinners were ouerladen that he shoulde suffer moste cruell tormentes yea and also most bitter and shamefull death and sanctifie the reprochefull name of the Crosse with the renting of his blessed bodye and shedding his most precious blood thereon Thereby to make attonement betwéene thée vs thereby to pay the ransome for our soules thereby to consumate and finish the perfection of oure redemption and saluation Whiche thing it was thy good will that he should doe not only to aswage thy wrath and indignation but also to bring vs agayn into thy grace and fauour that wée being deliuered out of the bondage of sinne hell might serue thee in righteousnes and holynesse all the dayes of oure life and by thy frée gift and benefite of his deathe and passion be made partakers of his resurrection and of thyne endlesse vnspeakable glory Wherefore my God my maker my Lord my kyng séeyng thou hast so aboundauntly bestowed thy Heauenly giftes vpon me all mankind and hast so plentifully poured out thy grace and fauour on vs that for our sakes thou wouldst not spare thy owne sonne How shal we escape thine indignation whiche for this care and kindnesse of thyne are most carelesse and vnkynd and among all other which way shall I poore creature turne me how shall I who haue bene moste vnthankefull for his benefites and moste vnmindefull of them be so bolde as to lifte vp my hart or hands vnto the heauens and to call vpon thée thou of thy singuler goodnes diddest so prouide that the wickednesse of olde Adam shoulde be purged and washed away with the bloud of Iesus Christe but I haue wilfullye fallen into sinne againe Thou madest me the child of light but I haue made my selfe an inheritor of darknes thou madest mée thyne by creation I haue made my selfe the childe of perdition What shall I now therefore do shall I doubt of anie further mercie and forgiuenesse No no sweet Lord so great is thy mercye whiche surmounteth al thy works so large are thy promises so sure is the perfourmance of them to al such as take hold thereof so deare in thy sight are the merites of thy sonne Iesus so acceptable vnto thée is the harty repentance of a sinner that with the remembrannce thereof I am prouoked to crye vnto thée saying Father I haue sinned agaynst heauen and agaynst thée I am no more worthye to bée called thy childe Neuertheles behold thou me not as I am a gréeuous offendour but as thy creature haue nowe no respect to mine offences but behold my repētance think not vpon my wickednesse but vpon the wounds of my sauiour Iesus looke not vpon my false hart which hath wauered from thy lawes but behold the bléeding hart of thy sonne Iesus Chryst whiche was pierced to release me and set me frée my sinnes I cast vpon his back beséeching thée that hys merites may beare them and thy mercy pardon them Heare me O Lorde my God heare me for I knowe the more earnestlye that I séeke for desire thyne ayd the readier y u art to stretche forth thine hand to help me Heare me therfore O Lord bow downe and incline thy eare vnto my praier inspire me so with thy holy spirite that I may loue thée aboue al things and that I neuer fayle to put my hope trust of saluation in him whome thou wouldest to be my Redéemer and sauiour Make mée by the forsaking of all wickednes so to rise from falling into sinne that I may obtayne the true seruing of thée with innocency and purenesse of life Graunt this O Lorde for Iesus Christes sake to whom with thée and the holye Ghoste be all honor and glory Amen A Prayer vnto God the Sonne O Most sweete Sauiour O moste mercifull Redéemer O bountifull Iesu the sonne of God who although thou art highe yet thou art moste humble although thou arte Omnipotente thou arte also moste méeke and as thou art most mightie so art thou moste merciful To thée O Christ the guyde of al felicitie the Father of heauen hath gyuen all power both in heauen and in earth Thou art the true Pastor of our soules thou art oure Messias y u castest off none that sue vnto thée but as thou hast taken awaye the hande wryting that was agaynst vs and hast fastned it to thy Crosse so art thou ready to imparte the merits of thy Passion vnto all such as with true repentaunce of their sinnes call vppon thée faythfully Wherefore my swéete Iesus I most faythfullye and vnfaynedlye acknowledge y e benefites that thou hast bestowed vpō me and steadfastlye beléeue that thou being an Immaculate Lamb in whose mouth was neuer found guyle didst suffer most cruell torments at the hands of sinners for the loue of vs moste wretched sinners for the which cause I most hartily beséeche thée and most humbly pray thée to accept me into the number of thē whome thou wilt make Coinheritours of thy bitter paynes and although I of my selfe be moste vnworthy thereof yet thy merites can make me worthy to them doe I flye crauing that I may be so armed and defened by them that I maye subdue the world the fleshe and the Deuill euen as thou hast gloriously conquered sin death and Hell Thou seest O my Sauiour how I am daily and howerly beset with these thrée ennemies and so hardly beséeged of them y t without thy help I can by no meanes escape but that I must néedes be a
martyrs giue thée prayse glory and veneration the Sunne the Moone and glistering starres eche one of them in their course and quallitie shewe themselues obedient to thy will in earth y e beasts of the field and the siely fethered fowles of the Ayre in their order séeme to sette forth thy glorye and prayse in the déepe waters the fyshes of the Seas are readye to obserue thy will and in their manner they as thy creatures giue thee due honour and reuerence but amongest these man whome thou by thy diuine will and pleasure haste indued with reason and in his creation cōcerning the inward man hast fashioned hym to thy similitude and lykenesse is nowe moste prone and willing to be by thy ministers of darckenesse seduced and carryed awaye from vertue to vyce from godlinesse to all impietie from obedyence to wilfull breache and contempt of thy precepts so that diligence is banished by negligence and suche is the power of oure flesh that our eyes which should haue their chiefest cōtemplation and delight in perusing and reading thy glorious and sacred Gospell wherein wée maye beholde thee crucified and slayne O swéetest Sauiour Christe Iesus perfite God and perfite manne by whose innocent deathe and bloudy passion the attonement betwixte thy Father and vs are so daseled wyth the dimmy and darke mysts of Sathan that they are occupyed in the beholding of mundane and transitorye pleasures al which in effect vanish weare away euen as the Flower that eyther is parched by the force of Phebus radiant beames or by Winter stormes and horye frostes consumed oure eares whiche thou haste gyuen vnto vs to heare and vnderstande the sacred and deuine misteries contained in thy holy lawe are made deafe of purpose so that they glory more in fables lothsome leasinges then they conceiue delight in the zealous predication of thy Euangelicall and heauenlye doctrine our hartes are hardened like the Adamāt so y t for the greatest parte they cannot brooke thy testymonies they continually luste and desire to bee satisfied with worldly welth honor and dignitie and who beholdeth not in these dayes what cruel conflict and bloody fyght there is betwixte good conscience and filthy auarice the roote of all myschiefe and euill Naye who seeth not in this age playne dealing murthered by deceyte and faythlesse frawd Who nowe beholdeth not true meaning strangled by forged flatterye loathsome leasinges the bowels of cōpassion and pitty are shut vp by vyolent oppression tyranny our féete are willing to tread the pathes of pryde fornication and vncleannesse our hands are ready to offer wrong iniurie to the innocent yea and in fine whatsoeuer thou hast giuen vnto vs to spreade and set forth thy glory and honor is by sinne so corrupted that wee make the members of our bodyes which by grace and of pure loue are ingrafted in the body of Christ the riche and great shepheard of oure soules the verye members of Sathan so that of set purpose our transgression abounding wée flye from Chryst the rocke and strong piller of our saluation and run headlong to deathe and vtter destruction of body and soule yet like a louing God and mercifull Father thou callest vs home agayne by thy word wherin not onely thy mercies but also thy terrible threats are thundered forth agaynst vs for our impenitencye but when neyther thy manifolde mercies fréely of thy aboundant goodnes offred vnto vs in Iesus Christ can moue nor stir vs to handfast contrition neyther yet thy terrible comminations and threatnynges can exclayme nor call vs backe from the daungerous puddle of our sinnes then y u sendest foorth thy plagues and punishmentes as pestilence famyne and bloudye sworde intending thereby to driue vs to amendement of lyfe and to acknowledge thy omnipotency but when thou beholdest oure true repentaunt heartes oure sobs and sighing teares powred foorth before the Throane of thy deuyne Maiestye thou withdrawest from vs the terroure of thyne indignation and vengeaunce the Rodde of thy correction is layde aside thy displeasure iustly conceiued against vs for the continuall exercise of sinne is vtterly forgotten and by the intercession of thy sonne Iesus Chryste that sitteth on thy right hande in glorye permanēt and euerlasting lyke a louyng Father and moste mercyfull GOD thy Syluered Scepter of peace is offered vnto vs wyth al other thy gracyous benefites that thy anger is conuerted to clemencye thy displeasure is tourned to louing kindenes and in fine thy indignation is so calmed by thyne aboundant grace and mercye that lyke a louing and gentle father thyne armes are stretched foorth ioyfullye to imbrace and receiue vs to thy fauoure agayne all thys I knowe to be moste certaine and true for when or at what tyme soeuer wée shall appeare before the gates of thy mercye by the vertue and power of a constant and liuely fayth knock thereat thou art readie to open vnto vs not for any of oure desertes but for the merites of Iesus Christe the fulnesse of thy deuyne misseration compassion and pittye and whensoeuer we shal cal vpon thee with lowlynesse and méekenesse of our harts and myndes bewayling wofully our heynous offences committed against thée thine eares are most attentiue to heare and willyngly doest graunt vs our peticions wherefore O moste gracious and louing father we come vnto thée with sorrowfull and contrite harts beséeching thée for the loue of thine anointed sonne Iesus Christe our Messias sauioure and redeemer beséeching thée to beholde looke vppon vs wyth the eyes of compassion and pitie albeit wee haue worthely deserued this thy plague and punishmēt yet respect thou not our deseruings least in thy furie indignation we be confounded and perishe haue an eye rather to thy sonne Iesus Christ beholde his bloudy woundes which yet are freshe gréene and neuer stint bléeding thinke vpon the bitter and painfull tormentes that hee suffered for vs vppon the Crosse in whose name we beséech thée fauourably to looke vpō our infirmities mercifullye to heare our prayers and peticions offered vnto thée and graciouslye for the glorye of thy names sake to take and withdraw from vs this thy heauie rodde of correction whiche our sinfull liues and contempt of thy preceptes hath heaped heauily in oure necks giue vs pacience to suffer whatsoeuer it shall please thée to lay vppon vs giue vs grace alway to call and cry vpon thy holy blessed name and faythfullye with teares to say vnto thée continually Spare vs good Lord spare thy people whō thou hast redéemed with thy precious bloode neither yet good Lorde be thou angrye with vs for euer Grant this O mercifull father for the loue of thy onely sonne Iesus Christ to whome wyth thée and the holye Ghost bée all honor glorye and prayse ascribed for euer Amen A prayer to be sayd before the receyuing of the Lords supper OMnipotent God and father euerlasting whose mercy is infinite and whose kingdome hathe no ende vouchsafe I beséeche
So now O Lord we beséech thée of thyne aboundaunte goodnesse to increase oure fayth y t it may waxe strong in thée and fruitfully to exercise the workes of Charitie and loue to all menne that thereby as wee haue now bene at the celebration of thy gloryous and blessed Supper so we maye whensoeuer it shall please thee to call vs to thy heauenly banquet be found furnished not emptie not naked but armed couered with fruitful fayth and trueth and so as thy guestes or vesselles of honoure enioye the participation of thy heauenlye and riche pallace wheras ioyes neuer fade but continually indure take from vs the burthen of oure corruption sette vs frée from the cursed clogge of sinne deliuer vs from the snares of death and destruction giue vs willyng myndes to obey heare thy commandementes cleanse thou oure heartes from all iniquitie and giue vs grace henceforth to walk in newnesse of life and godlye conuersation that thy name may be glorified and we saued in the daye of thy comming to iudgemente Grant this for Iesus Chryste hys sake our Mediatour and aduocate Amen A Godly Meditation often to be remembred O GOD my Lorde my harts delight with whō my soule longeth to dwell in that heauenly Ierusalem wherin is continual health eternall felicitie happie libertie and perfite blessednes where men shal be like vnto the Angels of God and iust men shall shyne as the Sunne in the euerlasting kingdome wherein is no heauynesse no sorrowe no griefe no feare no labour no death no disease no lack no hunger no thirst no cold nor heate no wearinesse of fasting nor temptation of the enemy no will to sinne nor power to do euil no old age no lame or deformed person no feare of pouertie or weakenes by disease but a quiet harbor of all ioy and euerlasting happines wher men in the societie of Aungels shal continually dwel wythout anye infirmitie of the fleshe For there is infinite ioye and eternal blisse from whence none shall bée remooued that once by thy prouidence shall enter therin There is rest from labors peace from y e enemy a new kinde of ioy delight such as no hart can cōceyue saue onely by taking a meruaylous delight and excéeding pleasure in the beholding of thée my Lorde God my gloryous redéemer and the heauenlye comforter whiche proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne O heauenly Ierusalem thou art swéete and beautifull in all thy ioyes and delyghtes there are no suche myseries in thée as we féele and suffer in this poore and miserable life There is in thee no darknes nor change of tyme the shyning of the Moone the twinckling brightnes of the starres giueth not light in thée but onely the God of all power glory maiesty the light of lightes for in thée the sonne of Iustice giueth light to those that are adopted in his blood to euer-during blessednesse The bright imaculate Lambe a moste beautifull light is thy light that doth illuminate hys chosen Children The king of kings is in the midst of thée enuironed on eche side with hys beloued Saintes and redy to crown them with euerlasting glorye In thée are Legions of Aungels singing of swéete Hymnes and songs that set forth thy prayse and honour of thy name In thée are the fellowshippe of heauenlye citizens In thée resteth the swéete solemnity of al such as returne from this miserable pylgrimage vnto thy glory the companie of the prophets Apostles victorious armie of Martyrs holy men women which haue vanquished the pleasures of the worlde haue their abyding with thée There are yong children maidēs which haue passed ouer their dayes in holinesse of life publishing thy praise Euery one reioiceth in his degrée though not equall in glory yet like in ioyes gladnesse for there raigneth perfect charitie God is al in all whose maiestie without end they sée continually and still in beholding him their loue increaseth Of this eternall blessednes the holy Apostle Peter had as it were a shadow or a taste vppon the Mount Thabor at the trāsfiguration of Christ from whence he desired he might not depart Paul also had a proofe of it when hee was rapt or takē vp into y e third Heauen where he hearde words and sawe thinges so maruailous secrete so far passing al mans vnderstanding such as were not to be told or reuealed vntomē Moyses his face became so bright through the conuersation that he had with the deuine glory vpon Mounte Sina that the Israelites coulde not abide it what then shall become of vs when perpetuallye with thée which art the Lorde of al glory we shal be conuersaunt after the manner of thy children and famylier friendes Who is he then that will not séeke and desire by all meanes possible to be a dweller there both for the desire of peace ioy and eternitie and for the perfect sight of God Contrariwise who is able to expresse y ● torments appointed for the vngodly and vnrepentant liuers in that deadly place called Hell which Sathan himselfe abhorreth what other thing can be there but continuall paines eternal tribulation infinite calamitie repleate with al euils There dwelleth wicked vgly Aungels whose horrible looks bringeth sodaine feare grieuous paines and fearefull death with continual clouds of euer during darknes There is nothing but howling wayling lamentation and mourning without all ende fearefull ●criches and confused cries are there in all places sodaynly raysed There the worme of conscience neuer dyeth In that damnable dungeon there is fire vnquenchable and perpetual gnashing of toeth The miserable soule findeth there no rest but is afflicted with all kinde of torments and such as can neuer be expressed all which indure for euer Alas little auayle it those that are subiected as fire brandes of bell to crye vnto the Lorde for he will not heare them then shall they know that all things which they had in this life are vaine and such thinges as they thought to be pleasaunte to bee found more bitter then Gall or poyson Then where is the pleasure of the flesh so tearmed falsly for there is none other pleasure but to feare the Lorde Then shall they confesse and saye that the iudgement of God is true and righteous saying did we not heare of this yet woulde not bee conuerted from the wicked déedes but then shall nothinge preuayle No sorrowe canne finde comforte no complaintes no remorce no tormentes nor paynefull passions an ende such and so increasing are the vexations of the seconde death wherewithall the bodyes and soules of the vnrighteous shal for euer be inuironed Sith therefore O heauenly father most gracious God it seemeth good to thy eternal wisdome by the knowledge of thy euerlasting trueth to giue mee knowledge of thyne inestimable mercy offered fréely vnto mée in Iesus Christe my mercifull Sauyour in whose bloody death paynefull passion I am assured of eternal life blessednesse Giue me
grace to printe in my remēbrance thy manifolde mercies that feeding in soule by faith in thée I may attaine vnto those end lesse ioyes that thou haste prepared for thy adopted sonnes and chosen children in thy kingdome of euerlasting righteousnesse And so escape those euerlastinge torments which thou haste prepared for the Diuel and his Angels from the which place of woefull vexation and endlesse miserie deliuer me O heauenly father for the loue of Iesus Christ his sake to whome with thée and the holy Ghost be all lawde and praise for euer Amen A prayer to be sayde at the hower of death MOst mightie art thou O Lorde in all thy déedes and most holy in all thy wayes blessed bee the name of my father my God and glorious creator who by his deuine power and celestiall prouidence of nothing made all things fish fleshe fowles fruits trées herbes all other thinges whatsoeuer are contayned both in Heauen earth Seas and the nethermost partes thereof Man concerning the outward parts thou by thy celestial prouidence and fatherly bounty framedst and createdst of clay but concerning the inward substance of thy creature man thou didst fashion make euen according to thine owne similitude and likenesse Moreouer such and so great was thy loue and good wil towards him that all the Creatures or workes of thy creation serued to his vse In earth thou haste made him Lorde king ouer the fruits therof the beastes of the Field the Foules of the ayre and the fishes of the little floods and great waters In the Firmament thou hast placed the glistering Sunne with his oryent beames to giue him light by day and therewith thou hast giuen him the Moone the stars to gouerne him by night for the which cause aboue all other the workes of thy creation man shoulde and ought of right to giue thée that glory that to thée belongeth But alas such and so great is the corruption of our frayle and sinful flesh that for all these thy graces we are carryed away from thée and enter into contempt of thy precepts for which cause thou oftētimes doest correct and punish vs to the intēt we might therby feeling thy rod of correction bee driuen to imbrace harty and true repentance but when thy threates and the stripes of thy displesure laide vpon vs cannot take place amongest vs thou oftentimes giuest vs vp to follow our lustes and affections but at last when thou doest beholde our inormities thou in a moment by the power of thy deuine iustice restrayned the rope of our disordered libertie and cuttest in sunder the Brydle of our voluptuousnesse eyther by sodayne death sworde fire famine or other thy deuine sentences of thy conceiued yre to the intent that other thy creatures might by the terrour of thy Iustice auoyde sinne and learne to amende their liues least they fall into the like calamitie or daunger True and moste true it is good Lorde that by the exercise of sinne we are the children of death destruction but by grace of the almightie and victorious conqueror swéet Iesus Christ we are the adopted sonnes of thy father and made fellowe heires with thee our perfect Emanuel in whose name with all humilitie lowlinesse of heart mind I come vnto thée in this great extremitie and daunger of death beséeching thée to bée present with mee to forget mine offences to thinke vpon thy mercies and although I haue not deserued so much as the least drop of thy fauor by means of the great burthen of my sins which are in the presence of thy diuine maiesty most vgly and loathsome to behold yet respect thou not O Father mine iniquity but haue an eye I beséech thée to the merits of my sauior Christ Iesus to whom as my mediatour sauiour Redeemer I apeale who hath promised comfort and sweete consolation to all those that in thy name flye vnto thée for reléefe I confesse th●e worthily thou hast visited me and yet not according to the multitude of my sins but in the fulnes of miseration and fatherly pitie giue me grace therefore in these bitter bruntes of death who vehemently at this present beginneth to combat with fainting féeble life constantly to cleue vnto thée let not y e plesures of this wicked worlde bee a let or impediment for mée to come vnto thée let not my fraile feeble flesh subiect to sin which hath thorow my transgression made mee a bondman to death moue me to dispaire in thy great mercy neither yet let that cauilling aduersary y e enemy of mankinde at my last end triumph ouer mée gyue me patience to suffer and gladly to beare abide this thy scourge and visitation and so fortifie mée in soule and body that so long as life shall indure in mée I may neuer cease to call vpon thy holy and blessed name yea and when death is most busiest make thou me most constant yea whē he séeketh most strongly to assayle my féeble body giue mée thy grace good Lorde that I may in spirite hart minde and all the powers of my soule giue praises vnto thée that of thy grace inestimable kindenes hast sent thy sonne Christ Iesus to raunsome me by his blodie death and passion from the power of hell Giue me grace therefore nowe that thou hast appoynted thy messenger death to finishe the days of my pilgrimage and to call me by his sommons from out this vale of misery wrecchednesse to build stedfastly vpon him faithfully to hope for life saluation in and alone thorow him let the remembraunce of my 〈◊〉 wickednes be 〈…〉 vpon 〈…〉 thy glorious ●ight b●h●●de my sorrow●●l true repentant heart which come vnto thee with teares not building on my merites but vppon thy mercies though I be sinful thy son my sauiour is righteous though I be wicked yet he is most holy though I be full of iniquitie yet he full of all goodnes though I haue grieuously offended thee yet he hath fully contented thee though I haue transgressed thy lawe yet he hath fulfilled the same hath promised in his blood to wash away their sinnes that by faith continue in him constant to the ende I therefore in 〈…〉 g●●at and ●aynefull ●●onie beholding Death 〈◊〉 heate at the gates of my body come vnto thee by the vertue of a fruitefull fayth beséeching thée when thou shalt see it méete and conuenient that hee shall dissolue the bandes of this fadyng life which endureth but a whyle for a thousand yeres are as yesterday in thy sight to take my soule into thy glorious and blessed hands and so to confirme mee thy truth that at the last when it shall please thée by the sounde of a trumpe to raise my body from the graue when and in which time body and soule shal vnite come before thy presence I may by faith in thée passe ouer the mount of my corruption shake off the bands of sin be set frée from