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A08300 A poore mans rest founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of afflication. By Io. Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1620 (1620) STC 18629; ESTC S105984 150,903 437

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wicked innocent but rather to visit their iniquities yet haue wée this comfort that thy mercy to the humble euer rests vnmeasurable and vnmoueable though thou spakest to the Prophet against thine own people being disobedient to thée saying Though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet haue I no heart to this people Driue them away that they may goe out of my sight some vnto death some to the sword and some to captiuity yet we know O our good God that when as Ephraim was heard ●amenting and praying heartily in his distresse thou thoughtest then vpon mercy as a Father pittying his owne children This thy clemency to others incourageth vs to cry for thy mercies in this our misery vpon our repentance both for vs ours and the whole Land Uouchsafe O louing Sauiour to represse the vehement heate of thy fire with godly pitty stay thine hand from our destruction thou art long suffering good gracious and vnwilling sinners should perish Be intreated therefore O Lord most glorious to bid th ne Angels cease from punishing looke forth-with vpon this Land good Father pitty the infected people thereof that wée altogether may say The Lord liueth for euer worthy of praise because hee hath béene mercifull vnto sinners Amen O Lord increase my Faith If not Infected pray thus IT pleased thée O heauenly Father who art Lord of life and death once to plague the Egyptians and yet to spare the Israelites in the borders of Gosen onely because thou plaguest where thou pleasest So with the pestilence now hast thou infected euen from Dan to Beersheba yet my selfe and diuers others in this place rest safe from this so pestilent an Infection protected and kept as yet safe therefrom onely by thy hand onely by thy goodnesse for our sinnes we confesse stand vp as rampired walls against vs and deserue no lesse then theirs whom already thou hast bruised with a iust measure of thy Judgements O gracious Lord God stirre vs vp to ●hew our hearts throughly thankefull vnto thée that in thankesgiuing and praise we may go before others which in paines and plagues doe goe before 〈◊〉 And as in mercy thou hast drawne ●…knesse from our bodies so in lo●e to our soules make vs loath the vaine delights of this life that we may faithfully se●ue and séeke thée in these our dayes of health wherein wée obtaine thy mercy inioy thy fauour and rest preserued from the pestilence wherewith many of our Brethren lie perplexed beside sundry thousands whom the gra●t hath swallowed Blesse vs still O Lord our God blesse vs O Father without within be thou our guard thy Word our guide thy Spirit our comfort and thy Son our Sauiour Lord stand by vs for our good continually that when the world repineth at thy Judgements when the wicked swell in their impatiency when the vnregenerate grudge and murmure at thy plagues and punishments wherewith thou chastisest and correctest thy deare Children that euen then wée may haue and inioy quietnesse of heart and peace of conscience neuer to be dismaied or to distrust thy prouidence ouer vs but still to lea●e stedfastly vnto thée and rest vpon thée and the rock of thy Truth This confidence Lord grant vs and thy protection from this couragious disease that raigneth that wée may chearefully ●ound forth thy diuine praises amongst men vnto the praise of thy grace in Christ Jesus To whom our Sauiour and Redéemer with thée the blessed Father of vs all and the holy Spirit the Sanctifi●r of our soules thrée persons yet one diuine essence be giuen all la●d glory and thankes in this world and in that to come for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer in the time of Tempests and vnseasonable Weather God bringeth vp the cloudes from the ends of the earth and maketh the lightnings with the raine he draweth forth the wind●s out of his treasures Psal. 135. 7. Hee commandeth and raiseth the stormie windes and it lifteth vp the waues of the se● Psal. 107. 25. But he ariseth and rebuketh the windes and the sea and maketh them calme Mat. 8. 26. Marke 4. 39. By his word he stilleth the winde and by his counsell appealeth the deepe Ecclus 43. 23. O Most mighty and mercifull Lord God let all the powers of the earth blesse thée and praise thee their euer-liuing God in thine holy and heauenly habitation for thou O Lord sittest on high in the Throne of thy Maiesty and makest thy strength and might knowne to all Nations thy voyce is vpon the waters From thée O God procéedeth Thunder thy voyce maketh the Wildernesse to tremble yea thou makest the mighty hils to tremble and shake the Earth trembleth and quaketh the foundations also of the Mountaines moue and shake when thou art displeased there commeth out of thy nostrils smoke and out of thy mouth a consuming fire thou makest darkenesse thy secret place and at the glory of thy presence the Clouds passe away thou thunderest from the heauens and giuest out thy voyce thou drawest forth the Windes out of thy treasures and commandest them backe againe to their places all things are in subiection vnto thée thy workes magnifie thée O Lord yea they tremble at thy presence the Mountaines and Hils dread thée when thou art displeased yea the whole world is afraid The Waters O God know thée and are afraid yea the depths tremble thy voyce O Lord diuideth the fiery flames O Lord thy voice maketh the Wildernes to tremble Thou remainest King foreuer thou wilt giue strength vnto thy People and blesse them with peace O most mercifull God shaddow vs from thy displeasure which is too vehement and intollerable let thy countenance shine vpon vs and haue mercy on vs protect thou our houses and vs that we be neither consumed by fire nor drowned by waters send not vpon the earth such vntemperate or vntimely Showres or any other vnseasonable weather whereby the Fruits thereof may be hurt or our soules harmed O God the Father which diddest send thy onely Sonne to die the death of the Crosse for my sake preserue mée and grant vnto me a blessed end O God the Son which didst suffer for my sake the heauy death of the Crosse defend me and O God the holy Ghost comfort mée blesse and kéepe mée from all dangers from this time forth and for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for Peace in true RELIGION Behold saith the Lord I will extend peace vpon my Church like a floud as one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and yee shall be comforted in Ierusalem Esay 66. 12. 13. These things haue I spoken to you saith Christ that yee in mee might haue peace in the world yee shall haue affliction but be of good comfort I haue ouercome the world Iohn 16. 33. O Most high and glorious God who art the Authour of Peace from whom doe procéede holy counsels and righteous destres giue vnto vs thy Seruants that Peace
let him come to this holy Table let him eate the Bread and drinke the Bloud of that Lambe that taketh away his sinnes and will present him pure vnto the Lord. The Lords eye is pure and can abide no wickednesse The Sacrament is holy touch it not rashly If thou haue not on the wedding Garment of sincerity come not the Lord will finde thee out and thrust thee forth of his presence among the vnbeleeuers whose portion shall be with the Diuell and his Angels Let vs therefore search and examine our wayes let vs lift vp our hands with our hearts vnto God in the Heauens and feede on this holy mysterie the life of our soules in remembrance of Christs death vntill his second comming O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer to be said at the receiuing of the holy Communion OH most gracious Lord God mercifull and louing Father in Jesus Christ my Redéemer in whom thou art also my Father by Adoption in and by thy Sonne my soule O Lord which was lost in Adam bought and redéemed by the Death and Passion of Jesus Christ doth earnestly long and entirely desire to be more and more assured that I am fully and really vnited vnto thée againe in him and therefore I doe hunger and thirst to partake of those meanes whereby that sweete and precious vnion may be confirmed in mée Increase my knowledge more and more of thy sauing truth reuealed vnto vs in thy word and increase my faith to beléeue what thou hast taught for our saluation let me take perfect and assured hold of my regeneration wrought in me by Baptisme the seale of thy promise set vpon mée when I knew not thy Law wherein as I promised to forsake sinne and cleaue vnto righteousnesse so Lord let the operation of thy holy Spirit then promised worke in my soule a true detestation of the workes of darknesse and loue vnfained to thy celestiall and diuine light And for that thou in Christ hast left vnto vs a second seale of thy loue and our adoption the Sacrament of the body and bloud of that immaculate Lambe who for a remembrance of his death our frée adoption by him instituted the same at his last supper with his Disciples and commanded thy Saints dispersed through the world through all generations to this day and for euer to the end of the world to communicate of this holy Sacrament in commemoration of that high and most preuailing sacrifice the offering of thy Son vpon the Crosse for our redemption and attonement with thée And therefore most louing Father I come in the name of him thy Son not of my selfe presuming but in all humblenes through his merits vnto this holy Table to partake with the rest of thy Saints by adoption here at this time gathered together of this holy and heauenly banquet humbly begging at thy hands for his sake that it may please thée to prepare my heart which of it selfe is not onely dull but prophane teach me being of my selfe not onely ignorant of this sacred mystery but too much knowing sinne Sanctifie me by thy holy Spirit who of my selfe am not onely corrupt but wholly prone to euill euermore consequently vnworthy to eat at this holy Table to partake of thy loue so vnspeakable Oh forgiue me Father in thy Christ here represented vnto vs ingraft in me a liuely assurance that my sinnes are done away by his bloud giue me faith to beléeue in him who by faith is made ours and we in him thine by adoption elected euen of thy frée mercy and made heires with Christ Jesus of eternall glory whereof this holy mystery is the most assured pledge Oh make me a worthy partaker of so precious a benefit And for that sinners Lord are not admitted to this sacred banquet of sauing foode where shall I appeare whose sinnes drew downe from heauen him whom thou most dearely louedst and betraid him to the Crosse how then shall I presume to appeare in this holy assembly appointed for thy Saints onely a Table of sanctitie whereof none partake but such as are frée from sinne Who then Lord dare presume to eate of this bread or to drinke of this Cup onely those whom thou hast called who though sinners by nature yet are they thy children by grace and so their sinnes are not imputed vnto them for whom Christ by his death hath satisfied apprehended by faith shewed forth in newnesse of life and wrought in vs by his righteousnesse in whose name accept me good Father and let the garment of his innocency couer my sinnes and so let me come to this holy Table And as a new man shaped in holinesse and righteousnesse let mée euermore henceforth walk before thée and more delight in thy Commandements then in any or in all worldly things let me by thy power be powerfull ouer Satan let his instigations neuer preuaile in me and let all corrupt affections die in me and let mee wholly die to sinne and liue to righteousnesse and true holinesse And for that I liue among men of diuers dispositions giue me grace to loue all but to couet to conuerse onely with such as are thine as néere as I may to reuenge me of none but to forgiue all wrongs and iniuries and so farre to forget them as I may studie and endeuour to doe good vnto all especially to such as are of the communion of Saints And enlighten mine vnderstanding more and more that I may seé and consider alwayes mine owne weakenesse wants and imperfections that I may so much the more beare with others by how much I cannot but confesie I come farre short of my duty to theé who so offendeth mee most I offend thée much more And therefore good Father frame in my heart loue vnfained true patience and liuely obedience Leaue me not either to the dulnesse peruersenesse or pride of mine owne nature or to mine owne corrupt will make mée little and lowly in mine owne eyes and giue me humblenesse of spirit and indue me with all heauenly vertues that I may rrsemble my first estate of innocency and let my present estate of grace come neere to resemble thy dearest children yea thy selfe who as thou forgauest vs in him that was Lord of all and for vs became as a seruant by his bloud washed away our sins offering his most innocent body a sacrifice for our sinnes whose rent body and spilt bloud being here represented vnto vs by bread and wine I doe most humbly pray theé that wée may be accepted worthy receiuers of his true body and bloud signified thereby and that we may féele euen instantly a renewing of our mindes our hearts to be changed from all corrupt affections and our soules swallowed vp with the due contemplation of this most sacred mystery wherein thou giuest vs not onely thy visible creatures of bread and wine to refresh our weake bodies but thine owne Sonne to saue our soules and bodies Oh who is worthy to open the
vnlesse thou maiest be pacified with mée I cry in vaine I séeke and finde nothing and knocke and féele no comfort I haue nothing to giue thée to redéeme thy fauour towards mée for if I had Mountaines of gold if I had Riuers of Oyle or ten thousand Sacrifices to bestow vpon thée it booted me nothing they are all thine owne Accept therefore the Calues of mine vn●ained lips and the simple zeale of my sorrowful soule and be at peace with mée in the mediation of thy all-sufficient Peace-maker thy beloued Sonne in whom thou delightest Oh heare mee for him and reléeue me in him without whom there can be no helpe for my soule no case for my heart nor reliefe of mine estate neither can inward comfort nor outward aide appeare vntill thou be appeased with me in him O vnhappy wretch that I am that euer I offended so louing a God that worketh all good for them that feare him so wise a God that can finde man out in his most secret waies so watchfull a God that considereth whatsoeuer man thinketh heareth whatsoeuer man speaketh and séeth whatsoeuer he doth a God most powerfull that for sinne can hurle downe the loftiest and in loue can exalt the lowliest O Lord increase our Faith A fit and comfortable Meditation when God seemeth most angry with vs. ALas that euer I offended this great God this God of all gods this high King of all Kings that God that preuaileth against mightiest mortall men This God alas haue I offended this God haue I stirred vp against me and he in recompence of my sinnes maketh all his Creatures as it were displeased with me also and hardeneth the hearts of men against mee The blessings and good things of the earth he with-holdeth from me and instead thereof he sendeth me a troupe of euils to afflict me Alas what shall I say vnto thée deare Father what course can I take to helpe this by this are my sorrowes encreased and one euill followeth another as waues in the Sea I am weary to beare the burthen of so many calamities and still I cry to mine offended God in hope of helpe but my hope quarleth and I despaire all my comforts are crossed with continuall troubles as if I were onely the man that had deserued to be punished aboue all other men I would yet gladly appeale vnto my God but I feare to be reiected againe But shall I thinke it a fruitlesse worke to repaire vnto my God that of his owne accord calleth sinners to come vnto him Is it bootlesse to fall downe before his Throne of mercy in prayer may not mine vnfained cries at last preuaile with him that is full of pitty I will frame my heart to meditate and my tongue to vtter what may please him though I be a Sinner I will goe vnto him in the Name of him that he dearely loueth that hée may be appeased and looke vpon me againe in loue He is a God all-sufficient and can aswell behold and consider my inward faithfull desires as hée séeth and obserueth what I haue done by ignorance or negligence what I haue done contrary to his will All that I thinke speake or doe amisse hée noteth and writeth it vp in his remembrance as with a Pen of Iron Oh why should he not also mercifully consider what I intend iustly to doe though I cannot doe it who hath promised to accept the Will for the Déede Hée knoweth that I am but flesh and what is flesh but frailty it selfe and what is man but a lumpe of naturall corruption and frailty And wil this high Iehouah this God so strong and powerfull set hisforce so fiercely against a weak Worme What conquest can there be in God against a silly man But why reason I thus with my Maker Why rather doe I not lay my selfe do ●ne vnto his will if hée will afflict mée more let it be so if hée will punish me further let it be so if he will kill me let it be so for I am his and he will doe with mée what hée listeth there is no reasoning against him there is no pacification of his displeasure by Art or Flatterie It is not words that will worke my welfare with him friends cannot defend me from his furie nor take me out of the hands of so powerfull a God no shield nor backler can preuent the stroake of his Rod. I will yéeld me ●…erefore to his wil I will say vnto him Lord doe with me what thou wilt turne me whither thou wilt I will wait thy leasure till the time shall come wherein I may sée the issue of thy determinate purpose with me And in the meane time I will consult with thy Word I will therein exercise my selfe and take comfort through hope I will refresh my dulled spirits with the dew of thy swéete promises and laying aside all vaine expectation of fleshly aide I will onely rest my selfe vpon thy protection and in an assured resolution I will séeke thée being the Way wherein who so walketh shall at length attaine vnto perfect happinesse the Truth which who so imbraceth shall neuer erre and the Life wherein who so liueth shall neuer die eternally O Lord increase our Faith A Prayer against Despaire O God of mercy for as much as many wayes I h●… transgressed thy holy Precepts contemned thée our Lord and maker offended thy diuine Maiestie greatly am I grieued in minde and stand wonderfully in feare of thine euerlasting displeasure And although thine holy Word doth tender vnto mée pardon and remission of my sinnes freely through thy méere grace and mercy yet haue I not grace as yet to apprehend the same for busie is our most cruell and crafty aduersary and doth labour to bring vs from all hope and comfort of saluation The only remedy which wee haue against this our deadly aduersary is that wee neuer doubt of thy grace and readinesse to forgiue our sinnes Comfort vs at all times especially at the houre of death and giue vs grace to fasten all our confidence and trust on thee and neuer to thinke my offence greater then thou canst and wilt pardon O louing and euer-liuing God the liuely Fountaine of all grace ouer-flowing the whole World with the Riuers of thy mercy inlighten mine vnderstanding increase my Faith that I may truly know and assuredly beléeue the Death and Merits of Christ thy Son the least drop of whose most precious bloud shed for me is of more efficacy and power to saue me then all my enormities and hainous sinnes to condemne me Looke vpon me O my Sauiour with those Eyes of pitty and fatherly compassion wherewith thou diddest behold Peter after hee denied thée le●t otherwise I despaire and so commit the sin against the holy Ghost Giue mée Lord the holy helpe of thy sacred Spirit that when Satan doth accuse mée and my Conscience beare witnesse against mée when the cogitations of Hell and Death doe dismay me when the snares of Death
importunate with mee for that which I cannot performe and resting in danger of their cruelties haue no other refuge but to depend on thy mercy and prouidence wherein as in a safe sanctuary I shall rest euermore preserued vntill these dangers be ouerpast Many doe looke vpon me to sée and consider what will become of my miseries and I continually pleade thy frée mercy in Christ wherein thou promisest to couer the multitude of my sins for which I am thus afflicted the righteous thereby take hold of hope and in my behalfe wish a prosperous and happy end of my destres encouraging mee to perseuere for that thy word euer sure warranteth a timely deliuery of all such as are penitent patient and faithfull vnto the end But alas good Father in Christ Jesus I a most sinfull man doe challenge no comfort ease or reliefe in mine owne right but in the merits of him in whom thou art well pleased and in whom thou shewest mercy vnto sinners among whom I am the greatest Yea Lord I am ignorant of good things and wander as a beast by nature in the vast wildernesse of this worlds vanities hauing little or no taste of thy sauing truth or féeling of future dangers but of thée onely I haue knowledge of my selfe I am weake but from thee I haue all strength of my selfe is misery from thée is mercy of my selfe I am altogether vnperfect but from thée is all perfection both inward tending to the consolation of my said soule and outward to the reliefe of my distressed body Therefore teach me O Lord teach me thy truth shew me thy wayes and leade mee in thy pathes continually withhold my heart from euery euill thought my hands that they commit no euill kéepe mine eyes sincere and my tongue that it speake no vnséemely thing and my féet from falling Regard moe not as I am in mine owne selfe nor deale with me as I deserue by mine owne wayes but according to thy tender mercies and louing kindnesse banish my sinnes as a mist driue away my imperfections as a cloud and supply my wants with timely reliefe Thou art righteous and gracious and reformest sinners and forgiuest their sins Be mercifull therefore vnto mine iniquities for they are very great Kéepe my soule and deliuer me let mee not be confounded nor perish vtterly for I trust in thée Thou art the light of my saluation the strength of my life and my refuge and sure defence in trouble In the time of my greatest dangers thou shalt hide mee in thy tabernacle namely in the secret places of thy prouidence which no man can finde out thou shalt kéepe me and hide me from them that couet my destruction thou shalt set me vpon a rock against which man shall not preuaile Harken therefore O Lord harken vnto my voyce when I cry vnto thée haue mercy vpon mee and comfort mee Thou sayest Seeke yee my Face And what is it O Lord but to séeke thy helpe in distresse and danger to craue thy fauour and succor in the time of néede O Father my soule by the priuiledge of thy frée Spirit which teacheth truth in the inner parts is ready my heart also is prepared to séeke thée my tongue speaketh vnto thée as vnto the liuely helper of all that are oppressed Hide not therefore thy face in displeasure which in loue thou willest me to seeke be vnto me as heretofore thou hast béene my succour and shield and leaue me not vnto the end My naturall father indéede that begat me and my mother that bare mee may forget mée my friends that pretend to fauour mee may forsake mee when thou rebukest me but thou canst not forget mée nor forsake mee for thou in thy Word hast promised the contrary and therefore I will not feare to flye vnto thée who giuest what earthly fathers cannot giue and supplyest my wants that neither my most familiar and my dearest friends can supply I should vtterly faint did I not verily trust in thée and assuredly know that thou hast no respect of persons and that thou acceptest not of men as the world doth by the outward habite and externall glory but the inward parts decked with faith feare and obedience thou likest and embracest the poorest for pietie and in the proud whom the world doth reuerence thou hast no delight Frame thou therefore mine inward zeale and let not my outward basenes ouer-much depriue me of some comfort among the children of men and when I cry vnto thée be not as men who regard not the poore but with spéede heare and consider and refuse not to answere me with timely reliefe And let not the vnsauorie miseries of this life accompanied with the naturall we akenesse of my flesh draw me into the way of the wicked but let me rather hold fast by thy promised protection as by the Altar of a liuely ●●fuge ●ow downe thine eare I ●ay O Lord and let me not for euer cry vnto thée in vaine Draw me out of the net that is laid for mée deliuer me from the dangers prepared against me Thou hast séene my troubles and hast knowne my soule in the bitternes of distresse and yet thou hast not vtterly forsaken mée but in mercy hast mightily preserued mee from infinite perils And now Lord euen now séeing my life wasteth in heauinesse and my yéeres consume in forrow sith I am a reproach euen among my neighbours and all my friends faile me and sith I am euen at the point to perish be pleased to thinke of my miseries and send me spéedy reliefe As thy goodnesse O Lord is great which thou hast laid vp as in a treasury for all that feare thee so let thy mercy appeare and thy prouidence and power toward me be séene among such as thinke indéede thou hast forsaken me vtterly O Lord increase my Faith The Motiue to the fift Prayer VVHerein the poore man appealeth vnto God being stricken with a kinde of despaire because there be that say of him There is no helpe for him in God he therefore not onely cryeth vnto God that he will consider it but he himselfe also entreth into the cause why they so say and findeth it to be for that they see his store consumed and his basket emptied and his foes furious against him but hee herewith not dismayed reasoneth against these mens infidelity who in these their allegations seeme to deny that either there is a God or that he careth for or will or can helpe the poore And yet hee presumeth not vpon his owne integrity but confesseth God to be iust and rightly may punish sinners among whom he is the greatest and hee finding this temptation to be very grieuous he prayeth God to second his feeble nature by his free grace and that he will stay him with his staffe while he correcteth him with his rod because he is but a weake man may easily be burdened aboue his owne strength But being assisted by God hee assureth himselfe
thy promise ease my burden giue me quiet and comfortable sléepe and refreshment to my restlesse body and to blesse all those good meanes which shall be prescribed vnto mée that they may tend to my cure and amendment for without thy blessing they are of no force and vertue that I with thy blessed Seruants Iob Lazarus Dauid and others hauing experience of thy might truth and mercy in my reliefe and amendment may with all ioy and loue praise thée truely serue thée and more confidently relye vpon thée all the dayes of my life yea and for the instruction and incouragement of the afflicted publish and declare the infinite and excéeding Power of thy might and compassion Uouchsafe O most gracious Father to incline thine eares to this mine humble Petition and to grant me all other things néedfull and necessary for my soule and body for thy deare Sonne Christ ●esus sake my onely Sauiour and Redéemer to whom with thy Maiesty and thy blessed Spirit thrée persons and one God al-powerfull and sufficient be ascribed and giuen all honour praise and glory now and alwayes Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer to be said at the point of Death O Lord God Almighty I assuring my selfe my time is come my soule waxeth heauy euen vnto death vouchsafe therefore O Lord to cast downe thine eyes vpon mée bedew my heart with the Oyle of thy grace forgiue mée my sinnes confirme my faith shorten my pangs of Death expell Sathan for thine infinite mercy helpe mée in this my last conflict looke vpon Jesus Christ thy Sonne my Sauiour and Redéemer into thy most blessed and gracious hands I commit my soule refuse it not O God but accept me for it is thy owne workemanship and let me depart in thy feare and rise againe in thy mercifull fauour that I may attaine and come to thy eternall and most wished ioyes of heauen for and through the merits of my blessed Sauiour Christ Jesus to whom with thée and the holy Ghost be all glory honour and praise for euermore Amen O Lord increase my Faith and receiue my soule A Confession of sinnes with a very necessary Prayer to be said of poore distressed men Morning and Euening and at all times else as they shall be thereunto moued O Father ful of mercy I yéeld vnto thée all praise and thanks for thy continual most swéet fauors and especiall graces bestowed frankely on me thy vnworthy Creature for Electing me to saluation for Creating me for Redéeming mée for Relieuing mee and for Preseruing me euermore Great is thy loue in Christ my Sauiour infinite thy Power vnspeakeable thy Mercies Relieue me alwayes and direct nice in all things let thy will be a Law vnto my will that my corrupt affections draw me not to consent againe to the vnsauoury lusts of my carnall will which to this day ha●h ouer-much miscarryed mée into the vaine destres of this wicked Worlds pleasures the baits of that mortall aduersary deceiuing Sathan the defiled fruits of my sinnefull flesh and the cords whereby I haue beene drawne from vertue to vice from sanctity to sinne from light to darkenesse from Heauen to dreadfull Hell My sinnes O Lord haue beene many and continuall my seruing of thee cold and seldome O forgiue mee and let not my yeeres consume any longer in vanity let mine hands hate to handle vnholy things let my heart harbour no more the hatefull thoughts of vnrighteousnesse and let my soule be so seasoned with the spirituall dew of thy blessed Word that my Soule and Body being sanctified to euery good work I may cast off the vnprofitable works of darkenesse and onely cleaue to the true seruice of thée who art ful of grace and truth Be vnto me the sweet sauour of life vnto life be vnto me the light of truth that my life be not vnprofitable in good things nor my soule depriued of thy sacred spirit without which man is poore possessing all worldly riches base in most high worldly honour and dead liue he neuer so strongly in the flesh Therefore Father full of mercy be mercifull vnto mée full of power protect mée prouident relieue mee most sacred sanctifie me Let the eyes of thy fauour be alwayes on mée let the relieuing hand of thy helpe be alwayes toward mée be vnto mée a strong Castle a Restfull refuge a Fountaine of reliefe the Supply of my wants my Protector my Sauiour my Guide and my wisedome my will and my zeale Be vnto me my Jesus my Christ my Father my Physition my lot and my portion be vnto me all in all that nothing want in mée which thou likest nor any thing dwell in mée which thou misl●kest that I being a sanctified vessell of heauen may be a fit Mansion for thy sacred Maiesty to abide in by thy blessed Spirit Yéelde me O Lord yéelde me continuall shelter vnder thy relieuing wings foster mée with the hid treasures of thy loue and learne mée so to liue that I may euer liue in thée and thou in me make that vnion betwéene my will and thy Word that I will nothing but as thou hast willed and blot out all mine vnworthinesse and in stead thereof imprint the merits of thy Sonne in whom Lord Almighty let me be also partaker of the good things of this life let not pouerty vtterly depriue me of a competent estate here but blesse thou the workes of my hands prosper thou my endeuours and raise vp gracious meanes for me that I may liue not lack things necessary Thou art all sufficient and in thy gifts manifold thy loue is without limitation and thy will without contradiction what thou decréest shal stand and what thou willest shall come to passe Will thou therefore will thou thy creatures which thou hast ordained for the good and seruice of thy children ●o serue my vse that I and mine may be sustained by thy prouidence for what am I Lord that I should stand vpon mine owne power wit or policy which are weaknesse and foolishnesse before thée Thy Word preuaileth speake and all things in heauen and earth shall obey thée yea thine heauenly Angels shall be ministring Spirits for my good and all the fruits of the earth shall adde comfort to my wretched estate Good Father sanctifie mée within and without and fructifie my calling blesse my endeuours and teach me to vse my function iustly and as I ought that I may so prosper in this present life that I may truly pay all men their due and owe nothing to any man but good will a thing to mee impossible but to thee easie to bring to passe To thee therefore I referre mée wholly blesse me that being blessed I may prosper that prospering I may praise thée and in praising thée please thée and be here comforted of thée and liue righteously in thee through the merits of thy beloued Sonne Christ Jesus who hauing purchased all things for this life and in the life to come for me be with thée and
the holy Ghost praised for euermore Amen O Lord increase my Faith A very comfortable and most patheticall Prayer to be said of such as are in greatest distresse and danger hauing wife and children and in debt not able to maintaine and relieue the one or to satisfie the other O Most mighty mercifull and all-knowing Father the fountaine of all comfort and consolation who findest out in thy déepe and all-searching knowledge all the sinnes that are or can be committed amongst the children of men howsoeuer hidden and secret I doe confesse vnto thée against my selfe that I haue grieuously offended thée by my manifold transgressions and thereby haue drawne vpon mée a most intollerable weight of thy deserued wrath and fearefull indignation insomuch as if thou maist not be pleased to mittigate thy ●ury towards me I shall faint and fall and shall not be able to lift vp my head any more in hope of thy fauour for deare Father in Jesus Christ I am weake and am not able to beare thy heauy displeasure by mine owne power or merit And therefore good Father lay not vpon mée the punishments which I haue deserued take away thy heauy hand of correction and as thou art patient and long in suffering the sinnes of thy weake children he yet patient with mée and send thine holy Spirit to season me anew that I may bring forth now the fruits of amendment of life So shall thy punishment cease and comfort increase though I am heset with no small or few dangers before mée behinde mée on my right hand and on my left I am beset with perils so that which way soeuer I séeme to runne or howsoeuer I couet to escape I fall into dangers What shal I doe Lord in these miseries I stand amazed at the consideration what will become of me languishing in fear while there is none to helpe I liue where none but mortall creatures are and what can they doe to my comfort Lord that haue their breath in their nostrils They mooue and breathe and liue and speake but little auaileth their helpe vnlesse thou that guidest and gouernest the hearts of all vouchsafe to moue them to commiseration and patience with mée I haue sinned Lord against thée and am indebted vnto men and cannot be released and all commeth of my sins Father pardon thou me so shalt thou in thy renewed loue send mée new reliefe Raise me meanes to satisfie men or qualifie their extremities that they may be patient vntill thy helpe come And in the meane time teach mee O teach mée the way that I should chuse Direct mée Lord what course I shall take for thou Lord art wise and prouident and mercifull and all goodnes commeth of thée Therefore O Lord instruct mée by the inward working of thy holy Spirit to doe this or that and make mée obedient vnto thy will so shall all returne to my good Raise vp some gracious meanes Lord for my succor for thou knowest though I be but one man whose ruine can be but as the death of the least creature in the censure of such as feele not nor partake of my griefes neither will my ouerthrow grieue such as haue no share of my miseries Some there be yet deare Father whom thou knowest that shall taste of the bitternesse of my fall and therefore Lord consider in mercy and although none of them Lord that shall féele the smart of my calamities but haue also added sinne vnto my sinne and so aggrauated thy displeasure against vs yet in thy Christ forgiue vs all and reclaime vs all by thy gentle corrections not by thy furious iudgements And as a sparrow Lord lighteth not on the ground nor one haire falleth from our heads without thy prouidedre so I know Lord that nothing shall befall mée but what thou hast decréed euen for my good both in this life and in the life to come Thou hast neuer Lord dealt so sharpely with any but vpon serious repentance they haue receiued comfort they haue tasted of thy loue and of inward peace So worke Lord in these my tryals and by these my crosses and dangers that I be neither inwardly too much afflicted with feare and sorrow nor outwardly too much cast downe with want but as I taste of thy correcting rod so I may also flude thy supporting staffe Lord thou art moued by a better Mediator then are my complaints Oh heare me for him and heare him for mée me Lord for his sake and him for thy promise sake lest I remaining here in this vale of continuall miseries where there is no true or liuely helper I vtterly perish in my troubles It is no true helpe Lord that commeth not of true compassion and there is no true compassion without true féeling of anothers miseries but how far Lord that is from the hearts of many thou knowest and I féele it And therefore euery heart truely moued to true commiseration is first moued by thée Oh moue them therefore moue thou such as thou pleasest to vse as instruments of thy will for my good so shall I vse it and accept it as thy goodnesse to thy glory But Lord the course of thy prouidence teacheth vs that thou wilt not haue thy dearest children to be lifted vp by the fulnesse of earthly things aboue that which becommeth the humble to kéepe them still in awe of thy corrections Forere while O Lord I thought of seife-peace little fearing further perils nor to be thus chased anew as I am by such as séeke to molest mée and to exact that from me by rigour which thou knowest I am not yet able to performe though thou féest the inward destres of my heart willing by my best lawfull endeuours to obtaine the meanes to satisfie al men their due and it grieueth mee that I cannot doe as they require And therefore O louing Father as thou well knowest what is wanting supply it in thy mercies in thy good time before I be confounded altogether and before I goe hence and be no more séene As thou blessest mée O Lord by the labours of my hands so thou knowest I yéelde to them to whom it is due And therefore Lord sith they will not haue patience with mée of their owne accord worke their hearts to be more pliable to my entreates or else which I aske especially if it please thée raise vp meanes for me that I may be enabled to pay them all wherein thy will be done I haue séene thy saluation and deliuery already in great dangers and thy promise and thy power and thy prouidence are still in force and thy mercy is no whit diminished therefore Lord remember thy mercies and looke on mée and as thou saidst vnto the blinde man in the Gospell Receiue thy ●ight and he saw so Lord say to mée Receiue comfort and reliefe and I shall receiue it thy word is thy will and thy will is thy worke therefore speake and thy will shall be done to restore mee to constancy let
not the flouds of these dangerous waters ouer-flow mée quite but when I am ready to sinke yéelde mée thy helping hand and saue me lift me out of the mire and clay of all my miseries and set mée on the relieuing pastures of thy continuall frée fauours let the chearefull dewe of thy blessings and blessed graces showre downe vpon me so shall my little store increase and my empty basket become full And forasmuch as I haue no frée portion in this earth not the breadth of a foote neither haue I of mine owne a house to hide my head in put mée therefore where thou wilt and let mine abode in earth be in what place and how long of short time thou wilt for of my selfe whither to turne mée or what to doe I know not Be thou therefore my guide and direct all my desires of earthly things by thy Word and let my will alwayes follow thy will lest my will led by the blinde affections of corrupt reason bring me mine owne preiudice and shame Thou euermore prouidest for them that aske of thée directest them that take counsell of thée therfore hauing thus weakly laid open my cause before thée consider it and giue me patience in all my trials and let me not so much mourne and hang down my head and be heauy for the want of outward necessaries as at the consideration and looking backe into the vgly gulfe of my former continuing sinnes Oh frée me Lord frée mée from my sinnes and sanctifie me anew that howsoeuer the outward man séeme to be discouraged yet the inward man may be still more and more filled with all spirituall knowledge and consolation and true contentment Thou hearest my reproofes thou knowest my sorrowes and my groanes are not hid from thée put my teares few and weake into thy bottle Remember thy promises and I shall neuer forget thy praises Oh faile me not forsake mée not my God and my Redéemer O Lord increase my Faith A Thankesgiuing and Prayer to be vsed of a sicke man when he is recouered oftentimes I Yéelde and giue vnto thée O mercifull and most deare Father all humble thankes honour glory and praise for thine infinite and excéeding great blessings hauing no way merited the least of them and namely for that it hath pleased thée of late to deliuer mée from the very point of death and as it were raised my féeble body from the graue and redéemed my soule from death that I should walke before thée in the land of the liuing that I might further glorifie thy name doe more good in my calling and be made méete for the inheritance of thy Kingdome This worke O Lord procéeded from thy mercy and no desert at all of mine and for thy grace and not of any goodnesse in mée not vnto mée not vnto mée but vnto thy blessed name be giuen all glory But séeing that I through my sinfull corruption am more ready to bury in the graue of obliuion then to kéepe in thankfull remembrance thy great mercy yea and rather to grow cold backward in all holy exercises and duties then to holinesse of life I therefore beséech thée with all earnestnesse to renew my nature and to ingraue the remembrance of this thy goodnesse in my heart by the illumination of thy holy Spirit and grant that for the residue of my temporall life I may in humility and truth be directed by thy most sacred Word and alwayes submit my selfe to the gouernment of thy blessed Spirit Make me good Father a light and example of vertue and godlinesse vnto others and to grow in grace as I increase in yéeres that so I may liue in thy feare and dye in true peace of conscience and assurance of eternall glory with all the Saints and Angels in heauen vouchsafe O my heauenly Father to grant me all other things conuenient for mée in this life for the onely merits obedience and mediation of Jesus Christ our Mediatour and Redéemer Amen In time of affliction pray thus yea often The Lord shall make the Pestilence cleaue vnto thee vntill hee hath consumed thee the Lord shall smite thee with a consumption and with the feuer and with a burning ague c. vntill thou repent Deut. 28. 21. O Lord most iust and Father most mercifull thou it is that renewest thy plagues against man when hée offendeth thée thy vengeance from heauen is both sudden and fearefull toward the rebellious and disobedient children thou for one sinne in King Dauid destroyedst with the loathsome disease of the Pestilence many thousands of his people cast thine eyes of mercy vpon vs O thou preseruer of men which languish now in this land and in this house with the like disease and sicknes Now deare God hath not Dauid onely offended thée in trusting to his strength and numbring of his people but euen each congregation and euery houshold hath one way or other prouoked thee to plague thy disobedient people now that wée sée thy plagues appearing to the piercing and piercing of our bodies and soules asunder Lord wee stand amazed in our mindes heartily sighing with groanes at the sight of our sinnes Now wee consider wée haue sinned grieuously wee haue done amisse wee haue dealt wickedly we haue liued vngodly we haue iwerued from the way of truth without any godly feare or remorse of conscience thy great benefit of peace and rare blessing of long prosperity vnder so good and gracious a Gouernour haue brought too too many of vs to such security and contempt of Religion that altogether forgetting to be thankefull wée haue abused thy benefits as fast as they came that with a churlish kinde of impiety the thoughts of our harts the words of our mouths and the workes of our hands are vaine carnall and diuellish yea our seruice to thee oftentimes but meere abomination so farre alas haue we erred from the path of thy Commandements As thou didst finde with the Israelites wickednesse in Gilgal sinne in Bethel and iniquity in B●rsheba so in euery Church in euery Court nay in euery concourse or assembly amongst vs thou beholdest how the flesh hath ouer-growne the spirit and how reason is ouer-ruled with affections so many labour in these dayes vnder the displayed Ensigne of Sathan that very few deare Father are found setled in the dutifull forme of vpright and spirituall Obedience which thou requirest Wée confesse thou mightest iustly therefore forsake vs as we haue forsaken thée and not onely procéede to sting the head-Cities and whole body of this Land with sundry plagues and grieuous diseases but for our manifold sinnes and iniquities which we daily commit thou mightest iustly and worthily condemne vs man after man to eternall death all consciences being so guilty that they already condemne themselues Yet who is hée O mercifull Lord that can measure thy goodnesse who by thy word doest oftentimes bring sinners to beliefe repentance and saluation though it be not thy pleasure good Lord to make the
thy promises that in following thy foot-steps there is an inheritance of eternity prepared for vs therefore whilest we are in this iourney be thou a staffe to vs whereby we may be sustained in all our wayes And by the comfort of thy holy Spirit repaire our strengths to the end wée may more willingly come vnto thée and as thou art made a way vnto vs seclude all errour become our ●●uth take away all distrust and confirme our Faith in thée And as thou art made life vnto vs reuiue vs that were dead in sinne by a liuely knowledge of thée For it is eternall life to know thée Father Son and holy Ghost to be one true God Wherefore I humbly beséech thée O most mercifull Father to increase Faith in mee who am thy vnworthy seruant lest at any time I wauer in thy Celestiall doctrine increase obedience in me lest I swerue from thy precepts increase constancy that walking in thy wayes I neuer be allured by the inticements of Satan nor seduced by his terrours but that I may perseuere in thée who art the true way to life eternall increase my Faith that being partaker of thy Promises I may neuer wa●e slow or dull in the study and practise of god●inesse and that I may alwayes striue and endeuour for more and more perfection Increase thy Grace in me that being mortified vnto my selfe I may liue and haue my conuersation with thée in Heauen and be encouraged by thy holy Spirit fearing nothing but thee then whom there is nothing more to be loued or feared glorified or more to be reioyced in who art the true glory of all Saints in whom there is nothing but full and perfect Felicitie A Prayer for the assistance of the holy Ghost No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12. 3. 4. If ye that be euill can giue good gifts vnto your children how much more shall your heauenly father giue the holy Ghost to them that desire him Luke 11. 13. O Gracious Lord God who didst send vpon thy Apostles and others thy holy Spirit filling their hearts with grace and wisedome I humbly beséech thee by thy vnspeakable mercy that thou wilt vouchsafe to fill my soule with thy grace and water my heart with the vnspeakable swéetnesse of thy Loue in the loue of Jesus Christ thy most dearely beloued Send down Lord thy holy Spirit to guide me being ignorant banish by his light the blacknes of sinne through Christ Jesus by him refresh my sad and sorrowfull soule there is neither wisedome nor strength without thée aide me therefore by that holy Spirit and I shall be able to shunne the deceits of Sathan and to withstand his power Thou art not ignorant that I can doe nothing of my selfe extend thy fauourable hand ouer me therefore and grant that I may forsake and vtterly relinquish my selfe and flie vnto thée Mortifie in me whatsoeuer is displeasant vnto thy Maiestie that in all things thou maiest conforme mée vnto thy will by thy holy Spirit that my life may be euer hereafter perfect in thy sight O Lord my God looke vpon me thy miserable Creature whose soule sigheth after thée day and night when shall I come and appeare before thy presence when shall I enter into that admirable place of thy Tabernacle the house of my God O comfort me with thy presence that I may taste here in this my mortall pilgrimage the swéetnesse of thy glory which shall continue for euer O my God I long to be deliuered from all temptations O eternall fountaine of light bring me backe againe to that eternall goodnesse by whom I am created that I may know thine omnipotencie euen as I am knowne of thée and may so loue thée as I am loued by thée that I may sée and inioy thée in the society of all the Elect who liuest and raignest together with the Father and the Sonne a Trinity in Unitie for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for Sunday-Morning Thus saith the Lord take heede to your soules and beare no burdens on the Sabbath day nor bring it into the gates of Ierusalem Neither carry forth burdens out of your houses on the Sabbath day ney doe ye any worke but sanctifie the Sabbath as I commanded your Fathers Ier. 17. 21. 22. He that gathered stickes on the Sabbath day was stoned to death Numb 15. 32 35. 36. O Eternal God and heaùenly Father I extol thine infinite goodnesse and mercy together with thine eternall wisdome and truth who hast protected me this night made me to rest quietly and securely by thy most holy and diuine prouidence I humbly beséech thée of thine infinite goodnesse to protect and gouerne mée this day by thy mighty hand from all dangers both of Body and Soule Giue thy holy Angels charge ouer mee to direct me in all my wayes driue away the deadly enemy remoue all offences of this World mortifie and kill in me all carnall lusts and euill affections that they may haue no dominion ouer mée giue me a sorrowfull heart to bewaile my wicked life and comfort my soule by a liuely assurance that thou hast fréely forgiuen my sinnes Sanctifie me O Father this day I humbly beséech thée with thine especiall grace that I may haue decent carriage in my behauiour true deuotion in prayer and reuerent attention to heare thy heauenly and holy Word and that thou wilt please to giue mee vnderstanding ioyned with true deuotion to obserue learne and imbrace such things as are necessary to me for the confirming of my faith in Christ Jesus raise me O Lord by the power of thy resurrection from sin and giue me spirituall rest in the Communion et Saints that afterward I may kéep the euerlasting Sabbath with thée in the Kingdome of Heauen behold O Lord I knock at the dore of thy mercy with all my power and strength beséeching thée to continue vnto me the right vse of all my senses and limmes and send thy holy Spirit to beare witnesse to my spirit that I am thy childe and shall be heire of thy glorious kingdome through the mirits of Christ Jesus our Lord for whose sake I humbly pray thee to grant all those things that I haue prayed for and haue neede of Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer before the hearing of Gods Word O Eternall most high and mighty God vouchsafe I humbly beséech thée to inlighten my dark dul vnderstanding that thy word may enter into my soule and be so receiued of me as that Ignorance the mother of disobedience being put away heauenly knowledge may enter in and haue perfect rest and abiding in me Giue power O Lord to the séede of Truth that being sowne in my heart it may take deepe root and bringforth to the comfort of my soule sixty an hundred yea a thousand-fold and let thy Spirit so guide the lips of this thy Minister and Preacher as that he deliuer nothing but the Word
made to be due to me but that my chiefe vexation may be to thinke how I haue abused thy mercy and requited thy excéeding loue with so foule a trespesse Withall most mercifull God séeing there is mercy with thée and that thou desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turne from his wickednesse and liue giue me leaue to become a suter vnto thy grace not in mine owne name but in the name of thy dearest Sonne the onely Mediator Intercessor of his chosen I most humbly beséech thée for his sake to haue mercy on me O Lord one drop of his most precious bloud shall be a soueraigne Medicine to cure my running ●ore his stripes and wounds are of an healing nature O then I pray thée purgeme cleane from mine intquitie and according to the multitude of thy mercy wipe away all my vncleannesse let the apprehension of my sinne be tempered with a comfortable application of thy mercy that I may hold an euen course betwixt fearlesse security and faithlesse despaire beholding at once both my vilenesse to humble me and the riches of thy grace to reuiue me And Lord permit me not I humbly pray thee to thinke it sufficient that I haue once made some shew of humiliation and sorrow for my fal● but grant I may endeuor my selfe in the performance of these dueties and may euery day renew and increase my repentance with a déepe detestation of my sinnes and with a feruent desire more and more earnestly striue to be renewed in the spirit of my minde that being so cleansed from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit I may attaine vnto perfect holinesse in thy feare through our Lord Jesus in whose name I commend vnto thée my Petitions and for whose sake thou hast promised to deny nothing to thy Seruant So be it Amen Lord increase my Faith A preparation to the Receiuing of the holy Communion of the Body and Bloud of IESVS CHRIST ADAM the first man was forbidden to eate of one fruit which was fore-shewed to be mortall and hee did hasten to eate thereof Wee the Children of the second Adam are commanded to eate of the liuely and sauing fruit the Body and Bloud of Christ to our saluation yet how slacke are we to prepare vs thereunto and to partake thereof The first step therefore of true preparation thereunto is to search the Scriptures who teach the Mysterie of this holy Communion and the institution of the same as also the signification of the outward signes which are Bread and Wine the things signified the Body and Bloud of Christ shed for all beleeuers the end of the receiuing whereof is to retayne the remembrance of the Death Passion of Christ which he suffered for our sins By the true receiuing of this Sacrament we are vnited vnto the loue of God in and by the death of Christ the second Adam being separated from him by the fall of the first We are made heires by adoption of eternall saluation in by and with Christ which we lost in by Adam The true receiuing of this blessed Sacrament must be in sincerity with a repentant heart and faith vnfained And because it is not prouided for sinners who comming thereunto vnworthily receiue their owne damnation wee must before we repaire thereunto cleanse our soules from all sinne which cannot be done without diuing into our own soules with an impartiall search to finde out our owne corruption and truely to repent our sinnes Therefore saith the Apostle Let a man try and examine himselfe before he presume to come to this holy Table c. It is not fit that wee should come to this holy Banquet abruptly ●s men doe to their ordinary feasts where they Pharisaically and ceremoniously will wash their hands before they eate but to this most holy Supper we are not to come without inward washing of the soule from sinne for if vnwashed hands prophane the meat for the belly how much more an vnwasht heart this sacred Sacrament the foode of the Soule Inward examination impartiall accusation and an absolute condemnation of our selues for sinne is the best preparation to this holy Table For hee that looketh into and examineth the hidden prophanenesse lurking in the heart cannot but vpon due view of the same accuse himselfe of deepe disobedience to God which deserueth death Finding this he cannot but iudge himselfe worthy to be reiected from this communion of Saints and so condemne himselfe that he be not condemned of the Lord for he that confesseth his sinnes to God couereth them and he that coueteth to hide them increaseth them Therefore the Apostle willeth all men to trye and examine themselues which importeth repentance and so to eate This caueat is no inhibition but a terrifying of the soule not to presume to come to this holy Table without purification and sanctification Herein doth the Lord Iesus discouer his wonderfull loue towards vs who before hee inuite vs to come to this Table to eate doth instruct vs how wee should come and how we should feede He layes not this Table to snare vs as Absalom did Amnon and yet forewarnes vs that there is danger in receiuing it namely with polluted hands with hands full of bribery and extortion to take it with lips defiled with blasphemy cursing and lying to put it into a stomacke gorged with drunkennesse and gluttony and with a heart making no difference of the Lords body We must therefore lay aside all our old sinnes and put on the new man a Righteous a Holy and Christian conuersation and disposition Wee must be holy and heauenly minded towards God we must be louing to our Neighbours slow in taking aduantages or reuenging wrongs wee must be lowly and little in our owne eyes meeke and sober in all our actions And because things of so wonderfull value are herein exhibited and offered to the worthy Receiuers wee must consider who wee are how wee are cleansed of our spirituall Leprosie before we presume into the company of the Saints to communicate Wee must consider well whether vpon tryall made as afore is said wee can assure our selues that we are of the number of those to whom these holy things doe appertaine For who so is prophane in his person and an vnsanctified Creature let him forbeare to come to this holy Table and let him first vse the meanes of better assurance namely repentance for his sinnes amendment of his corrupt and sinfull life let him vse often zealous prayer to God for remission of his omissions and transgressions let him craue the assistance of his holy Spirit to assist him in the beating downe and mortifying sinne in him and that his Heart and Conscience may be sanctified And when he is cleansed let him shew himselfe to the Priest his Pastor and let him take knowledge by his outward Confession of his inward Contrition not by particularising of his sinnes but by manifesting his repentance and then in all reuerence
way of their pride fatherly to reclaime them from the way of death the end of Gods corrections The godliest men are many times and by many meanes likewise plunged in dangers but they féele in their sharpest afflictions swéetest comforts for though they féele the rod of Gods correcting hand yet they hold fast by the staffe of his mercy praying vnto God for deliuery not as they will but as the Lord will not for their owne priuate benefit onely but also and especially that his glory and power by their deliuerance might be the more celebrated of all that feare him for there is not a more forcible inducement of imitation then successe when men sée the issue of another mans course they will in discretion follow or forsake as is the profit or danger especially men of one profession obserue time and meane and matter and place and person of precedent good or euill and by the same endeuour to frame and shape vnto themselues a course answerable for their owne priuate commodities this is the manner of worldlings and shall not the children of God make vse of other mens most blessed successe of faithfull prayer for deliuery out of their miseries who being in danger séeing before his eyes the manner how another in like perill was deliuered and will not séeke the same way to be relieued It is the nature of true godlinesse to publish euery benefit receiued at the hands of God as Dauid in many places by his owne example and many other holy men haue done and left their examples for vs to follow to the end that all were it possible might be partakers of the knowledge of Gods prouidence loue towards all that séeke him with a true zeale contrary to the course of worldly men who couet to conceale the meanes whereby they atchieue commodities not willing that any should partake of their gaine The man of God hauing that celestiall Jewel in what measure soeuer willingly and fréely maketh all others that are desirous partakers of it that all may grow likewise rich in the same faith knowledge and vertue with him the godly much reioyce in him that most excelleth in diuine vertues notdisdaining any for his pouerty or basenes of his worldly estate but imbracing the pouerty of the body the estate of outward wants in regard of the inward riches of the minde for as hee that séemeth rich in outward things may be indéede a banckerupt so hee that is poore in carnall things may be rich in heauenly else were the miserable poore man more wretched then any creature that walketh or créepeth vpon the earth flyeth in the ayre or that floateth in the waters of whom all haue a contented being but the poore oppressed man hath no comfort at all if he be not inwardly comforted of God in whom if he be truly comforted his comfort is beyond all that the world can afford The worldly farmer the rich Marchant the gallant Gentleman the honorable person and the greatest Monarch without the same hath no true comfort but earthly and vanishing shaddows of things without true comfort or continuance yet is not this so taken nor so accounted for the glorious hauing onely terrene reuerence receiue their glory from the basest but the poore despised hauing confidence in God haue their glory from aboue whereunto no earthly honor can compare This then may worke in them patience to beare the burthen of misery here for a while and for euery small benefit or blessing which God shall bestow vpon them to be truly thankfull and yet not to deiect themselues and be so carelesse of their estates as to neglect all lawfull meanes of worldly prosperity because pouerty affliction and persecution in the godly séeme to be a glorious title bearing as it were the Crosse of Christ thereby But so farre to endeuour to atchieue necessary ability and outward peace as that ambition may be farre from the thought in desiring and auarice in vsing or repineth against what God sendeth And to be carefull diligent and faithfull in the execution of their callings praying for a blessing at the hands of God and if endeuors prosper alwaies to returne for all things praises vnto God that maketh all things prosper vnto vs and if the industry of our bodies and the continuall care of our hearts cannot attaine to that which we thinke fit wée must rest contented with the portion allotted by him vnto vs who knoweth better what is fit for vs then wée our selues and yet neuer to giue ouer praying vnto the great giuer who will neuer faile to adde more and more comfort as hée séeth most iust occasion best knowne to himselfe can turne all our crosses and deepest afflictions to our greatest consolation when the best and most pleasing earthly delights tend to the euill of such as haue them and either abuse them or be not thankefull for them Such as are ignorant of the discipline which God vseth to instruct and educate his children can conceiue of no comfort in crosses berause as they are strangers from the Schoole of God so learne they not the things belonging to such as are Gods di●ciples but condemne what is to be approued and approue what is to be condemned holding no man happy but he that prospereth in his wayes and he to whom all things succéede according to his hearts desire when indéede nothing is more dangerous then fulnesse of all things which bréedeth security and security killeth all other vertues and reuiueth all vices carnall security plucketh vp faith as it were by the rootes Faith being the trée of all vertues it dying Neglect of God and all goodnesse beginnes to branch and beares Forgetfulnesse of duty to God and men Where then is thankefulnesse Where is giuing Glory to God Where is prayer and séeking to God for blessings when hée findeth no cause to aske for what he supposeth he inioyeth blessing himselfe in his own wretched estate which he foolishly déemeth a most warthy and incomparable portion But he that is godly abandoneth all carnall security acknowledging himselfe euer in so great danger as when hée carnally thinkes himselfe most safe and therefore taketh continuall occasion to flye vnto God for daily supply of daily wants hauing no assurance of the continuance of any earthly thing but from day to day and therefore daily and hourely acknowledgeth the goodnesse of God in giuing him what hee daily enioyeth He forgetteth not that all things that hée hath he hath from God his creation his life the vse of all his limbes his senses his foode his raiment his health his ablenesse to performe the least duty in his calling and whatsoeuer else inward or outward hée holdeth them at the will of the Almighty to whom he prayeth for all graces and diuine vertues that he may be furnished with that riches that none can possesse but such as haue them from that great God who giueth to them that aske and vpbraideth no man neither denyeth he any mans
the Lord will not regard it O Lord thou séest and beholdest thou findest out and considerest all mens wayes mischiefe and wrong equity and iustice are before thée and thou takest the causes of men into thy hands and thou giuest iust iudgement because thou onely knowest the truth of euery mans cause The poore commit themselues to this God that knoweth them to this God that séeth them and to this God that pittieth them and prouideth for them The Lord looketh downe from heauen vpon all men such is the force of his knowledge that hée knoweth in man more then the heart of man it selfe for he fashioneth the heart and vnderstandeth all my thoughts long before they be conceiued within me And therefore my soule prepare thée to patience addresse thée to praise God and continue in prayer be not idle to meditate good things that the Lords goodnes may be thy goodnesse that his loue may be thy life and his prouidence thy protection for as hée knoweth thy going and marketh well thy wandring when thy féele follow value things and fatherly correcteth thée for them so doth hée behold thy teares and heareth thy groanes which thou makest for sinne committed against him and healeth thée and comforteth thée Yet all things are so hidden in the treasure-house of his prouidence that the naturall man séeth not the meanes how to be cured when hée is sicke how to be raised againe being brought low how to be defended hauing many mighty enemies But the Spirit of God discerneth and as he is God knowing all things done so he is a God fore-séeing al things to be done hereafter And hée séeing mée in my mothers wombe before I was any thing or dained for me then what I receiue now therefore my hope must not faile but take hold of his ancient loue wherein hée first created me to liue in him and by him and therfore Oh that I might be able truely to serue him that hée might louingly relieue me still that I might faithfully obey him that hee might fatherly helpe me still He is the good shepheard Oh that I were a good shéepe of his pasture hee féedeth and guideth and holdeth vp and comforteth and maintaineth all that are his hée looseth none that are his he confoundeth none that are his neither doth he forsake any of his vnto the end Within his fold is his fauour and in his fauour is life and in that life is liberty and in that liberty is reliefe and in that reliefe true peace and in that peace the assurance of saluation and in that assurance the ioy and comfort of the Spirit whereby euery outward vnsauory thing is made inwardly swéet euery crosse hath his comfort and euery tryall and temptation and sorrow and griefe is turned to the vnspeakable good of the shéepe of his pasture Therefore O my soule sigh no more sorrow no more be no more pensiue at outward pouerty fret no more at the worlds miseries dismay no more for thy many sinnes but striue to stand in the fauour of this God and he will set thée frée and banish thy feare and fill thy Cup and féede thée with the hid treasures of his neuer-failing loue O Lord increase my Faith God knoweth the hearts of all men Acts 1. 24. 15. 8. The foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his and let euery one that calleth on the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity 2 Tim. 2. vers 19. Thou hast counted my wandrings and put my teares into thy bottle Psal. 56. 8. A Godly Meditation of the Word of God whereby men distressed may be strongly resolued to cast off all feare and to cast all their care on God that careth for them according to his promise in his Word OH what am I that I should conceiue of any happinesse or glory or ioy or comfort to be giuen mee either in this earth below or in the heauens aboue for I am a man of corrupt conuersation my heart is fraught within mée with corruption my soule is defiled and my whole man polluted Is it not therefore my iust portion to haue here misery and calamity and crosses and enemies and euils innumerable to follow me for my sinne and to vexe me for mine iniquities so hath the Lord threatned in his word Most true it is that right it were that I should receiue these vnsauoury things of this life and to be depriued of the Land of them that liue for euer if I should receiue according to my deseruings for death is due for sinne O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this danger of death that shall neuer haue end Surely when I looke into this book of mine owne wayes and workes and wantonnes and wicked life I sée nothing but danger and feare and sorrow and death it selfe written therein how then my poore soule vnhappy soule wretched soule how canst thou escape oh tremble and feare for i● thou finde not fauour thou are fallen for euer and for euer forlorne Where then wilt thou séeke for succour to whom wilt thou flye for grace to the weake and wicked and wofull World or wanton worldlings No my Soule flye from these feeble friends and looke into and consider and beléeue and imbrace the Word of God taste that Bread of life drinke of that Fountaine that floweth from the liuely Spirit of truth thou shalt liue It is a pure Word and will purifie thée it is a liuely Word and will reuiue thée the Word of truth and will teach thée the Word of comfort and will recomfort thée O my soule what thing is so precious as this Word that bringeth the glad tidings of thy saluation thou deseruing damnation of Life thou deseruing death of Comfort thou deseruing confusion and of mercy endlesse thou deseruing miseries infinite It is a Word full of consolation to such as are sorry for their sinnes and séeke after righteousnesse a Word of terror to the obstinate it is a killing sword vnto the wicked and sauing shield vnto Gods children the sauour of Life vnto life to them that are his and the sauour of Death vnto death to the wicked It is more to be desired then the purest gold or swéetest hony Come vnto me saith this Word and I will refresh you Seeke saith this Word and you shall finde rest for your soules O my Soule here then to thy rest here is thy safety and here is thy saciety and here is thy life and liberty and here shalt thou dwell as vpon the Mountaine of Peace vpon the Rocke of Reliefe and Hill of continuall Helpe This is the Staffe to stay thée by this is the Weapon to defend thee with this is the Way to walke in and this is the Foode to relieue thée withall Oh reioyce therefore in the Lord O my soule because of his Word by which he assureth thée of health if thou be sicke of comfort when thou art sad of defence
shalt be fed and shalt haue cause to reioyce in him and to sing praises vnto his name for trusting in him his mercy shall compasse me about and comfort mee with ioyfull deliuerance yea none that trusteth in him shall perish The eyes of the Lord are vpon them that trust in him trust in him O my soule then shalt thou say I sought the Lord and hee heard mee and deliuered mee and relieued mee and defended mee and brought mee out of all my dangers O how good and how gracious is this God who sendeth his Angels to encampe about such as truely trust 〈◊〉 him that no perill or feare or crosse or temptation hurt them Blessed are they that trust in him Feare the Lord O my soule trust in him cry vnto him cease not to doe good be not weary of well doing for nothing wanteth to them that feare him Delight thy selfe in the Lord and he shall giue thee thy hearts desire commit thy vvay vnto the Lord and trust in him and he shall bring all things to good end for thee Waite patiently vpon the Lord hope in him feare not though the earth be moued and though trouble inuiron thée round about for the Lord out of heauen shall send and saue thée and shall not suffer thée to perish altogether O God remember thy promises how thou hast said thou wilt not faile mée I beléeue it Lord Lord helpe mine vnbeliefe Upon thée I haue béene stayed from my youth and it is onely of thy mercy that I had not béene confounded long agone for of my selfe I haue fallen but thou Lord hast raised me of my selfe I perish but through thée I haue béene euer preserued Consider this O my soule and forget not the benefits of the Lord how hée hath made thée as Mount Sion that can neuer be moued Let neither pouerty or sicknesse or losse or enemies or any crosses or whatsoeuer troubles driue thée from trust in this God and assure thée that neither life nor death nor things present nor things to come shall dismay thée his mercies and goodnesse and blessings and fauour loue shall follow thée and féede thée and relieue thée and protect thée and saue thée from all dangers for eue● O Lord increase my Faith Faith is the ground of things which are hoped for the euidence of things that are not seene Heb. 11. 1. Aboue all take the shield of faith wherewith ye may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked Ephes 6. ver 16. I beleeued and therefore I spake Psal. 116. 10. They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Sion that cannot be moued Psal. 125. 1. A necessary Meditation concerning the vncertainty of mans happinesse in this life and the certainty of the endlesse happinesse of the children of God in the life to come notvvithstanding their present miseries here MJne eyes haue séene and mine heart hath duely considered the fickle and fraile and féeble and vncoustant happinesse of man in this life yea I my selfe haue found by experience that this world administreth vnto man no periect comfort while hée liueth vpon the earth Yet flesh bloud the foolish outward man besotted with the vaine delights of sinnes deceits and snared with the baits of vaine hope the pleasures and comforts and glory and ease and fulnes of earthly vanities thinketh himselfe safe and in state of such sure and neuer-failing happinesse that he walloweth in the mire of deceiuing security vntill at vnawares the hand of the liuing God be stretched out against him and either turneth his hope to despaire his glory into shame his ease into trouble his fulnesse into want or all the vaine things wherein he delighteth into griefe and sorrow O my soule trust not therefore in the transitory trash and pelfe wealth of this world for it deceiueth and deuoureth men and as the rust and can●er eateth and wasteth iron so doth the loue thereof deuoure thy trust in God and thy practice of better things Trust not in worldly friends for their words are vaine their promises not performed nor their helpe worth thy hope It is better to put confidence in the Lord then to trust in Princes for they who haue their breath in their nostrels are but men whose power is of the earth and whose hands are féeble and their deuices vaine Some trust in chariots and some in horsemen but O my soule trust thou in the liuing God be doing good and thou shalt remaine when the foolish man that beleeueth in flesh and dependeth on earthly meanes shall fall and perish Be not carried away O my soule therefore with the hope of any mans helpe nor feare what man can doe against thée for suddenly is thy friend taken from thée and he that séeketh thy destruction brought to a fearefull end Thy happinesse is not to haue heapes of gold and siluer many friends and all earthly abundance for the abuse of these are dangerous because they draw thée from séeking God and they are short and bring thée to destruction leauing thy carkase naked in the graue and thy selfe O my soule in the mercilesse pit What auailed the rich mans worldly pleasures when hée went suddenly to hell What hindred the beggers pouerty when hee went immediately to heauen How was Iob impouerished hauing mighty wealth What miseries doe follow the mightest men is daily séene and how terrible the end is of such as haue not the Lord their strength but put their trust in the multitude of their riches Who can say The wealthy man is happy When he sléepeth he sléepeth in feare when he walketh he walketh in danger and when hee is in his best age strongest body and best state hée suddenly dieth and leaueth his wealth he knoweth not to whom And who can say the poore fearing God is vnhappy in his basenesse and want and i●nominy sith hée setteth his hope vpon the neuer-failing God he séeketh his helpe from heauen and is fed as with the dew thereof onely hope sustaineth him and his want is timely supplied with wished necessaries and his heart comforted in his déepest miseries he lieth downe in faith and patience and thankefulnesse and the Lord sustaineth him and when he dieth he liueth and raigneth and reioyceth in God his Sauiour O that I might haue no delight in the vaine things of this world O my soule be at peace within mée when I haue warres without me be contented and grudge not when I want the outward fulnesse of worldly things for I sée and consider that carnall meanes cannot saue me but the mercies of the Lord wherein he affordeth vnto his faithfull ones all things to enioy Though he make me a reproach among my friends and though hée suffer me to stand a gazing stocke before the eies of the wicked who triumph in their owne glory gotten by their owne hands and deuices and the Lord none of their counsell I will not yet be dismayed neither will I be moued at their prosperity for I
it as a great benefit and tooke it as an high blessing and said it was good for him Was it good for him and ill for vs was it profitable to him and hurtfull to vs No and therefore Paul was not ashamed of his crosses for crosses make vs the companions of the blessed Children of God nay they make vs the more like to our elder brother Christ Jesus who finished our Redemptions through the Crosse and made the way to the ioyes of heauen through afflictions and he that is ashamed to follow him that way he cannot come to him at all hée will not know him and therefore he shall neuer enter into that holy place hée shall neuer attaine vnto that rest that shall be endlesse and most ioyfull in the heauens How vnsauory therefore soeuer our troubles séeme wée must be patient and neuer giue ouer to cry vnto our helping Father nor to vse our best endeauours in our callings which God will blesse staying our selues in hope vpon his promises Let vs neuer dismay for God that maketh this little wound without doth it to cure a greater within and while hée séemeth to kill vs it is that wée may liue euer and while hée suffereth vs to be here ignominious it is that wée may become all glorious with him in heauen The poore man cryeth and the Lord heareth him and saueth him out of all his troubles Psal. 34. 6. The Angell of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them Vers. 6. Taste ye and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him Vers. 8. A Prayer to be vsed of a sicke man O Almighty and euerlasting God who although thou art still in thy iudgement yet art thou a mercifull God to the soule that séeketh théeth infinite in thy mercy and plenteous in redemption for though thou send sicknesse yet wilt thou shew pitty according to the multitude of thy compassions for thou dost not willingly chastice and afflict the children of men therefore I poore wretched sinner which am but dust earth and ashes vnworthy the least of thy fauours doe fréely confesse to thy glory and mine owne shame that I am conceiued and borne in sinne that originall corruption stayning and infecting my whole nature hath depriued mée of all holinesse and left in mee an inclination to all euill and that I haue by mine innumerable transgressions in thought word and déede broken all thy holy Commandements and therefore besides all other euils I haue iustly drawne this sickenesse and these diseases vpon me yet not withstand séeing that thou such is thy excéeding great mercy hast no pleasure in the miseries and destruction of thy Children but doest onely by affliction try correct humble and reforme them for there present and euerlasting good I doe therefore most dear and louing Father most humbly beséech thy heauenly Maiesty to pardon my sins the onely causes of my misery and affliction increase and perfect in me all graces that concerne saluation assist mée with the counsell and comfort of thy sacred Spirit and conuert this my visitation to mine amendment and saluation of my soule in Christ. If it be thy good pleasure and will O Lord restore me to my perfect and former health that I may not onely performe my good purposes and pay my vowes which my lips haue promised and my mouth hath spoken in my affliction but also henceforth grow vp in grace in obedience in holinesse vntill I come to the end of mine hope which is the saluation of my Soule But if it be thy will and decrée by this chastisement to finish my dayes I most humbly and earnestly intreat thée O my God as the outward man decaieth to renew in me the inner man and to grant that as the body dyeth so thy grace may liue and reuiue in me Shut not the eies of my mind but open them and make mee vnderstand what the hope of my heauenly calling is and what is the riches of the glorions inheritance that thou hast prepared for me that I may liue in thy faith and obedience and end my life in thy fauour and when this life endeth remaine and raigne with thée in glory for euer Uouchsafe to be a Father to my family kinsfolke and posterity plant thy feare in their hearts confirme them in thy grace and giue them all things competently necessary for the maintenance of this present life Harken O Lord to these my prayers and grant me all other things which thy heauenly wisdome séeth necessary for my soule or body for thy dearly beloued Sons sake To whom with thy Maiesty and God the holy Ghost be rendred and ascribed all honour and glory now and for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for Patience in sicknesse and truely to expresse sorrow for sinne O My most louing and mercifull Father God omnipotent who art nigh vnto all those that call vpon thée in truth thou art a present helpe in time of trouble all powerfull full of wisdome and compassion wonderfully surpassing all earthly Parents I poore miserable wretch long troubled with grieuous sickenesse and so sore vexed with paine and torment that neither my body can take any sleepe or rest nor my Spirit feele any ease or comfort doe here in the onely merit and mediation of Jesus Christ present and humble my selfe before thée humbly begging and intreating for fauour and mercy at thy hands Worke in my heart by thy holy Spirit godly sorrow and repentance for all mine offences impute none of them vnto mée but let mée féele and be assured in my conscience that the guilt and punishment of them are remoued Be thou my Physition to cure and heale mée auert and turne this present sicknesse into a soueraigne medicine and this vehement and grieuous paine into a fatherly and gentle visitation let thy strength appeare in my weakenesse let thy power be perfected in mine infirmity and so arme mée in this my temptation with the gift of Patience and long-suffering that I be not with-drawne from the constant practice of holy dueties neither yéelde vnto mine owne passions and the suggestions of Sathan To this end powre downe thy blessed and sacred Spirit into mine heart ●each assist and direct mée that hée may open to the eyes of my minde the righteousnesse of thy Judgements that I may in all willingnesse a●… knowledge the equity of the same that he may bring to my remembrance the cruell and most bitter paines and torments of my mercifull Lord and Sauiour Jesus who by his death hath swallowed the very dregges of thy wrath and by the merit and vertue of it hath so tempered and swéetned the Cup of affliction vnto ● manifest vnto mée the glorious and heauenly happinesse and holinesse of thy Saints and Seruants in heauen that the certaine assurance hope and expectation thereof may abundantly excéede and take away all my present gri●ie and torment I beséech thée O Lord according to
and horrible tentations would entrap me when the whole World forsakes mée and all things set themselues against mée then strengthen mée I beséech thée that I forsake not thée my Sauiour and fall from hope of thy frée mercy O comfort my heart with an inward assurance and seale of mine Adoption in thy Sonne in whom the forgiuenesse of sinnes is promised vnto all Beléeuers Call to memory thy holy Couenant entered into with vs at our Baptisme and the promise thereunto annexed Hee which beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued and grant that wée may euermore consider the same to our perpetuall comfort Amen A comfortable Prayer against back-sliding in Religion and for increase of Faith most worthy often to be said of euery Christian. O Almighty Eternall God which hast in thy Word commanded that we should beware of falling from thy grace and hast also witnessed that the end of those which goe backe from thy Word after they haue once knowne the way of righteousnesse will be excéeding fearefull Haue mercy therefore on mee O Lord I most humbly pray thée for I finde in my selfe great weakenesse no power haue I of my selfe to perseuere in goodnesse I beginne to wauer in my iudgement and to grow doubtfull euen of those things which I heretofore haue embraced with fulnesse of perswasion The exercises of godlinesse are not so pleasant vnto me as they haue béen a strange kinde of dulnesse stealeth vpon me and I haue no such life and spirit in matters of Religion as in times past I haue had and to what a wofull passe these things may come though I haue much hope when I thinke vpon thy mercy yet well may I feare when I looke into my selfe I confesse that thy goodnes is great in that thou makest my heart within mee to smart for these things and doest not suffer me to run on without stay into that hellish and infernall Pit in which I should be soone plunged if thou shouldest once leaue mée to my owne weakenesse Therefore O Lord I beséech thée to quicken my dull heart kindle those sparkes which are euen vpon quenching and like vtterly to goe out vnlesse it shall please thée to reuiue them make strong my thoughts and conscience make mée able more and more to sée the Truth in cases of Religion and to discerne things that differ from the same Giue mée vnderstanding to know both good and euill giue mée also increase of zeale that I may spring vp in grace and thriue in godlines vntil I come to that measure to which thou hast appointed mee to come in Christ Jesus let ●eé not in these key-colde and decaying times be carried away with euery blast of doctrine through the subtiltie and wil●nesse of those which lie in waite to beguile mée suffer neither the cares of this vaine world to wither and dry vp thy graces in mée nor transitory pleasures to entrap mée nor euill examples to misguide me nor mine owne sloathfull and heauy nature to make mée grow weary of well-doing but make mée so to burne in loue with heauenly things that I may not satisfle myselfe with any measure either of knowledge or practice but may rather still be ashamed of my selfe that I make no better procéedings and so may euer desire and striue to more perfection To this end enkindle in mee affection more and more by the hearing and reading of thy heauenly and holy Word earnest praying intentiue and feruent meditation carefull watching ouer mine owne soule following the example of godly men and imitating their gracious and holy conuersation As thy promises O Lord and most mercifull Father haue encouraged mée thus to pray so I he séech thée let it be thy gracious will to accept of these my humble petitions which procéede from a contrite a sorrowfull heart so shall my soule magnifie thée and my tongue set forth thy praises with ioyfull lips and that in Jesus Christ thy Sonne and my Sauiour Amen A most Christian and comfortable Consultation and sweete resolution what course in time of deepest distresse men ought to take worthy of all men to be considered to their vnspeakable comfort Read and Regard IT is a general complaint among the distressed children of men that great and dangerous is the triall to be long visited with the punishing hand of our high and powerful God especially notwithstanding the many instant cries and humble petitions of the afflicted soule who finding no ease nor feeling any comfort but contrariwise troubles miseries crosses griefes to increase daily thinking himselfe vtterly forgotten of God or méerely to be hated of him the silly afflicted soule thus bewrapped with feare féeling of his miseries many times fainteth and so falleth from faith in God to séek succour at the hands of mortall men and finding that to be a course of cold comfort with whom neither prayers take place nor endeauours preuaile he then pressed downe as vnder the burden of vtter despaire of any succour is moued oftentimes to frame his affections to contriue vnlawfull meanes by his naturall and corrupt conceit that his owne will and wit may shape some course to a hauen of more secure rest and so hoysing the sayles of his owne peruerse imaginations betaketh himselfe to the main sea of his vngodly deuices t●l at the length instead of a happy hoped harbour he suddenly sinketh and is swallowed vp of the ougly deuouring gulfe of irrecuperable confusion For the world as a sea tossing the weake ones that saile therein trieth the inclinations of all and approueth and condemneth but not according to the right rule of Christian reason and godly wisedome but after a sensuall manner of false iudgement affirmeth such as saile with a full fore-winde of prosperity here to be onely blessed happy and beloued of God and such as are becalmed with distresse and miseries with crosses and calamities and kéepe not the glorious way with the worldly-minded to be hated and accursed of him And this wretched and false censure of carnall men driues many weake soules vpon the rocks of bitter ruine euen when they dreame of a course of swéetest happinesse For as Dauid found Psalme 49. 18. much more this age affoordeth the experience that men doe praise them that make much of themselues namely such as wallow in the delights and pleasures of the flesh But them they estéeme mad men and fooles and cast-awayes and accursed that liue in a base and low and poore and ignominious estate though neuer so contented the foolishnesse of worldly men is wisedome and the true wisdome of the poore is foolishnesse with the worlds flatterers And this is that dangerous rocke vpon which oftentimes euen the godly make shipwracke when they consult with flesh and bloud which argueth it the safest course to become licentious to imbrace vanity and to studie the profitable and praised arts of flattery and dissimulation to walke the broad way to preferment to scale the wals of wealth and estimation