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A06698 A Christmas bankette garnyshed with many pleasaunt and deynty disshes, newely prepared by Theodore Basille Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1715; ESTC S101287 37,712 114

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him For yf when we were enemies we were reconcyled ●o God by the deathe of his sonne much more s●ynge we are reconcyled we shall be preserued by his lyfe Not only so but we also ioy in god by the meanes of our LORD● Iesus Christ by whome we haue receyued this attonemente Also S. Iohn sayeth For this purpose appered the sonne of God for to loose the workes of the euel Agayne t● this appeared y ● loue of God to vswar● ▪ bycause that God sent his onlye begottē sonne into the world that we myghte lyue thorowe hym Thus se you y t whan ther was no hope of saluaciō●or vs in ony creature God of his owne free goodness sēt d●wne h●s only begotten sonne to be a Sauyour vnto vs. EVSE This do we perceyue right wel PHIL. Nowe mark● agayne howe that by him alone we are saued His name is IESVS that is to saye a sauyour for he it is that saueth his people frō theyr synnes neyther 〈◊〉 there any other name gyuen vnto men vnder heauē wherin they must be saued but only by this name IESVS To hym geueth all the Prophetes wit●eg ▪ that thorow his name ●ll shall receyue remission of synnes that beleue in hī Be it knowen vnto you ye men brothers y e by this Iesus Christ remissiō of synnes is preached vnto you from al thynges from the whiche ye coulde not be iustified by the law of Moses by him is eueri one that beleueth ●ustified He is y ● Lābe of God whiche taketh awaye the synne of y ● worlde He is our resurreccion lyfe He is the waye trueth lyfe No man commeth to the father but by him He is the good shepeheard by whom we be saued from the wolfe He is the dore by whom we must enter into grace He is the vyne in whome we beyng ingrassed muste nedes brynge forth muche fruyte He is oure wisdome righteousnes sanctificacion redēciō He is our peace He is our mediatour aduocate He is alpha omega that is both the begynnyng and endyng of our saluacion Moreouer by him are we at peace with God By him haue we a waye in thorowe sayth vnto this fauoure wherin we stond reioyce in hope of the prayse that shall be gyuen of God By hym is the fauoure of God plenteous towarde vs. By hym his righteousnes are we made righteous By him hath the lawe of the Spirite of lyfe made vs free from the lawe of ●ynne deth By hym hath god the father blessed vs with all spiritual blessyng in heauenlye thynges By him dyd God chose vs before the foundaciōs of the worlde were layd y t we should be sayntes fautles before hym By hym are we made dere to god the father By hym haue we redempcion by his bloud remission of sinnes By him are all thynges both in heauen earth gathered togyther By him we which in tymes paste were farre of are made nigh thorow his bloud By hym we haue and open waye vnto the father By him are all our sinnes forgyuen vs. By hym are we delyuered from the wrath to come By hym and by his bloude are we made cleane from all synne By hym by the oblacion of his moost blessed body done once for all are we sanctified Yea by that one oblacion hath he made perfecte for eu●rmore thē that are sanctifyed To conclude by hym is euerlastyng lyfe gyuen vnto vs. Thus se you that by Christ all good thynges chaūse vnto vs that god the father is wel pleased set at one w t vs for his sake as he himselfe witnesseth This is my welbeloued sōne in whome I am well pleased or for whose sake I am fully contented w t man Hereto agreeth the sayenge of S. Austen All y ● euer receyue euerlastynge lyfe receyue it not but by Christ. Therfore sayth he in another place All my hope is in the death of my LORDE His death is my meryte my refuge succour health ●ife my resurreccion My merite is the compasssiō of the LORDE I am not w tout meryte so long as y t LORDE of mercies shal not wāt And yf y t mercies of y ● LORD be many I am plenteous in merites The stronger is to saue the more without iopardy am I let vs therfore gyue thākes sayeth he to the LORDE our sauiour whiche no merites goynge before hathe heled vs that were wounded reconcyled vs his enemyes redemed vs frō captiuite brought vs againe out of darkenes into light called vs again from death to lyfe let vs humblye confessyng our fragilite wekenes desyre hys mercy in asmuch as he hath preuented vs as the Psalmographe sayth w t his mercye he maye vouch●a●e not only to preserue and kepe in vs but also to augment and encrese his giftes or benefytes w●iche he hath vouchedsafe to gyue vs. CHRI Amen THEO So be it EVSE LORDE let it so come to passe PHIL. Home dothe this seconde seruyce of your Bācket please you THEO We neuer ī our lyues tasted a dysh more pleasaunt confortable to our soules health EVSE We haue now learned what we are of oureselues and wher remedy is to be gotten but by what meanes shall we come by it What thynge maye be the occasion wherby we maye receyue so many ●o great benefytes at y e hande of god the father for Iesus Christes sake I praye you a good fellowshyppe dec●are this vnto vs. PHIL. I neuer heard a questiōared in better tyme for the answere to it is your thyrde dysshe whiche before you proponed this question I was fullye determined to set before you And now here it is ¶ The thyrde dysshe PHILEMON REpent beleue the gospell These were y e wordes that our sauiour christ as marke testifieth vsed whē be begā to preach In the which he declareth by what meanes we may obtaine remission of our synnes the cel●●ial heritage of gods glorye Repent sateth he beleue the gospell Fryrste he exorteth vs to repentaunce whiche is as Chrisostome sayth not only to cease from the oldewithour euelles but also to folowe better offices such thynges as ought of dutie to be done as Dauid sayeth Declyne frō 〈◊〉 euel do good S. Iohn̄ the Baptys●e in lyke maner in the begynnyng of his preachyng sayd Repēt for the kingdome of heauen is at hand Christ also after his resurreccion commaunded his Apostles to preach repētāce and remission of sinnes in his name vnto al nacions Lykewyse we read in the Actes of y e Apostles then whē Peter preached to the Iewes much of christ shewed that he was the same LORDE Iesus whom they had crucyfied they were prycked in theyr hertes sayd Ye mē bre●●rē what shall we do Peter sayde vnto thē Repent be baptised euery one of you in the name
And in dede synne may well be compared to a thorne or bramble For as the thorne brēble prycketh the body woūdeth it greuouslye yea and bryngeth many tymes destruccion vpō it except other wyse it be holpen so lykewyse synne moost greuously prycketh woūdeth and vtterly destroyeth the soule excepte it be redemed by Gods mercye thorow Iesus Christ. THEO I thīke this to be true PHIL. It therfore foloweth y t ī asmuch as all we are dead in Adam we are not able of oure selues to ryse agayne from death vnto lyfe And seyng that we are synners all that euer we do muste nedes be synne yea it is synne in dede deserueth euerlastynge death For as the scripture sayth The disposiciō and thought of mānes herte is prone to euel from his yonge age We are wicked chyldren a wicked seed We are that seed whiche was cursed frō the begynnyng We are lyke bruyte beastes We are carnall flesshely sould vnder synne We are vnprofitable seruaūtes We all haue gone astray lyke shepe We all are Hypocrites wycked We are all lyers We all are vncleane all our ryghteousnesses as a cloth polluted with mensture All haue synned There is not one y ● dothe good no not one There is no man cleane from fylthynes no not the yonge chylde Ther is no man able to say my hert is cleane I am pure from sinne For our hartes are wicked and in●crutable We are not able to thynke a good thoughte All that euer we bryng forth is thornes brābles that is to saye synne vngodlines all abhominacion What are we nowe of oure selues I praye you tell me CHRI Very synners EVSE Yea and al that euer we do in Adā of our own strēgth is plaine synne and wickedness PHIL. I am glad that we haue learned what ye are of your selues by Adam I pray you what are ye able nowe to do for to saue your selues from this perel wherunto ye are fallen by Adam THEO Verely I can not tell EVSE Forsoth I thynke very lytle PHIL. Ye might right well haue sayde nothinge at all For I ensure you that ye beyng lefte vnto your selues can do none otherwise but synne faull headlyng into all kynde of mischefe Your wytte strength polecy imaginacion reason free wyll auayleth here nothynge to delyuer you from the captiuite of Satan He leadeth you as the mayster dothe his bonde slaue whyther soeuer it pleseth him as Christ witnesseth euery one that doth synne is the seruaūt of synne Ye remember I am sure the storye of the wounded man in the Gospell of Luke which beyng dispoyled and robbed of all his clothes greuously woūded laye styll halfe dead THEO I remēber it very well PHIL. This woūded mā signi●ieth euerye chylde of Adam The clothes signify fayth charïte iustice mercy such other vertues The theues are Satā and his aungels The woundes are synnes Haulfe deade is to be alyue in the flesshe slayne in the soule thorowe synne All this are we by Adā And as this woūded man could not be holpen of the Preste nor Leuyte vntyll the Samarytane came no more can we be holpen by ony creature or worke tyll christ cōmeth the true Samaritane We can not certes we can not helpe our seues but euen lye styll the stynkynge puddle of synne Loke in what case Satan leaueth vs in the verye same do we remayne excepte God of his mercy thorowe Christe helpeth vs. Neyther canfre e wyll nor all the wytte polecye that we haue profyte here any thynge tyll God indueth vs w t strēgth from aboue For as S. Austen sayeth The nature of man all though it dyd remayne cōtinue in that integryte purenes wherin it was made yet could it kepe it selfe by no meanes if the creator maker of it dyd not helpe Therfore seynge that w tout the grace of god it could not kepe the health that it receiued howe is it able to repare and get agayne that which it hath lost without y e grace of God Againe he saith free wyll sufficethe vnto euell but vnto good it auayleth lytle excepte it be holpen of that almyghty God Therfore is it well sayde of the Apostle God worketh in vs ●oth the wil the dede Hereto agreeth the sayēg of ●hrist As the vyne braunche can not beare fruyte excepte it abyde in the vine no more can ye except ye abyde in me I am the vyne ye are y ● braunches He that abideth in me I in him the same bryngethe for the much fruyte For without me ye cā do no●hyng If any mā abydeth not in me he is cast out as a braunche is wythered men gather thē cast thē into y ● fyre there burne Thus se ye what ●e are of youre selues by Adam that no strengthe ye haue ones to aspyre or breath towarde ony goodnes much lesse to do or work any good thynge excepte ye be holpen of God Ye se also howe full of sinnes diseases woundes sores botches canckers al y ● euer nought is ye are Ye se agayne how ye are not able of your selues to recouer youre innocēcy that ye lost by Adā CHRI Alas what is now to be done THEO The rehersyng of these thynges maketh me very sadde PHIL. It shoulde rather make you very glad For as S. Hierome sayeth This is y ● true wysdome of a man to knowe hym selfe to be inperfecte as I maye so speake the perfecciō of all righteous men in the flesshe is imperfecte Agayne he sayeth Than are ye righteous when we confesse oure selues synners our righteousnesse consisteth not of our owne merite but of the mercye of God as the holy scripture sayth the righteous mā is the accuser of himselfe in y ● begynnynge of his spech Therfore must ye cōfesse your selues to be that in dede which ye are y ● is very synners yf ye wyll be set free from this miserable captiuite wher w t ye are nowe to muche wrapped and ouerwhemled EVSE We confesse y e same THEO We nowe knowledge y t of oureselues by Adā we are nothynge but synners all that euer we do without the spiryt● of god is playne sinne as S. Paule sayeth What soeuer is not of fayth is synne PHIL. Well seynge that ye haue so fruytfully digested the fyrst dysshe of your Banket nowe haue I a fyt place a conuenient tyme a good occasion to brynge vnto you the seconde dysshe as it followeth in order CHRI I praye you let vs tast of it THEO That thynge also do I desyre ¶ The seconde dysshe YOur second dysshe is cōtayned in that same chap. wher in the fyrst is recited Therfore deuoure this w t no lesse gredy appetyte than ye haue done y ● other For this dysshe is much delicious very wholsome forthe vertuous preseruaciō of the soule I now brynge it for
this your thyrd seruyce that the onelye meanes to obtayne remission of oure synnes to be made heyres of eternall glorye is vnfaynedly to repent faythfullye to beleue that is to saye to forsake oure olde lyuynge to become newe men garnisshyng our lyues with al the fruites of the spiryte and to beleue earnestly that thorowe this repentaunce and fayth God wyll vndoubtedly for Iesus Christes sake for gyue vs all oure synnes receyue vs agayne into fauour make vs heyres of his eternall glory EVSE This is the moost pleasaunt dysshe that euer I tasted THEO These thi●ges that you haue spoken vnto vs are so confortable y e me thynke I am now enflamed more set on fyre thā euer I was before CHRI As I maye vn●ain●dly reporte vnto you the affect of my herte verely synce that ye declared to vs the goodnes of God y e father toward v● thorow Iesus christ I haue felte in my herte such an earnest fayth burnyng loue towarde God and his worde that me thynke a thousande fyres coulde not plucke me away from the loue of hym I be gynne nowe vtterlye to contemne despyse reiecte cast awaye sette at nought al y e pleasures of this world ●herein I haue ●o greatlye reioyced in tymes past All the thretes of god all the displeasures of God al y e fyres paynes of hell coulde neuer before this daye so allure me to the loue of God as you haue nowe done by expressynge vnto me the excedyng mercye vnspeakable kyndeses of God towarde vs wretched synners insomuch that now from the very herte I desyre to knowe what I maye do that by some meanes I maye shewe agayne my herte to be full fyred on the sekynge of his glory For I nowe desyre nothyng more thē the auaūce mēt of his name PHIL. It reioyceth me to heare these thynges of you Therfore nowe wyll I as due order requireth brynge forth your fourth yea last dyshe that ye may knowe what ye ought to do agayn toward God for his vnmesurable bountie infinite benefites toward you that yelyuynge in this worlde worthy of his kyndnes maye after this lyfe receyue the crowne of glorye THEO I praye you brynge it forth streyghte wayes for we much desyre to tast of it EVSE There is nothynge that I wysshe more than continually to be fedde with the meate of such an heauēly bancket Therfore I praye you go forth to minister vnto vs the residue of oure mooste delicious feaste PHIL. Agreed but marke well for here it is ¶ The fourth dysshe WE are the workemanshyp of God created in christ Iesus vnto good workes whiche God hath prepared that we should walke in them This is y ● say●nge of S. Paule whiche a lytle before this sentence in his Epistle to y e Ephe declareth as I haue hitherto taughte you that by nature we are the chyldrē of wrath are saued only by grace thorow fayth that not of our selues for it is y e gyfte of god commethe not of workes bycause no man shoulde boste hym selfe And whan he hath this done immediately he exorteth vs to good workes saienge that we are the workemanship of God created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes which God hath prepared y e we should walke in them Here maye ye learne what is your duety to do vnto God agayn seing that he frely thorowe sayth hath saued you withoute any merites deseruynges or good dedes on your behalfe Your duty is to lyue wel to practyse good workes to exercyse al godlye actes to lede a vertuous conuersaciō and in all your lyfe thorowe the study of innocency to seke the glory of God Now shall your cōuersacion declare and shewe by externall workes whether your repentaunce be vnfayned or not whether your fayth loue towarde God be syncere true procedyng from a godly herte or not For yf your repentaunce faith loue be christian vnfayned than shal good workes ensue followe agreable to the same For faythe sayeth Chrisostome sheweth that whiche is true And out of syncer fayth cōmeth charite in so much that he whiche beleueth truly in God cā neuer be with out it S. Ambrose also sayth fayth is the mother brynger for the both of good wyll righteous workyng Agayne he sayeth A new creature hath this property by grace y e they which are the workemanshyp of god which are made in Christ by an heauenly natiuite be no more sluggysh nother gyuē to lyue dissolutely but they go forth profyte from vertue to vertue in walkynge by the waye of good workes Also ī another place he sayeth God gyueth to thē whom he choseth without merites whereof they maye be garnysshed with merites also And it is not truely sayde that the entent and determinacion of wel workyng is not in the electe For the gyftes of vertues cā not beydle Thus se you that lynysh fayth whereby ye are ingrassed in Christe brynge the forth good workes Neyther is true repentāce syncer faith vnfayned loue in you yf good christen workes do not followe your conuersion Yea they that bost of fayth and brynge not forth the workes of fayth derogate muche the glorye of fayth cause the true and christian fayth to be slaundered yll reported amonge thē which neuer tasted nor yet at ony tyme in theyr hertes felte what a precious thyng and of howe great strength effycacy power the syncere faythe is Therfore yf youre fayth be not accōpanied wyth good workes youre fayth is dead as S. Ia. fayeth y ● is to saye it is a true christen fayth no more than a deade corse is a man For that faith which is approued before God worketh by charite charite cā not be ydle but brasteth out into good workes wh● so euer it seeth an occasiō gyuē who can loue his neighbour suffer him to perysshe for want of his helpe Therfore is a faythfull man compared in y ● first Psalme to a tree which is planted by the waters syde bringeth forth her fruytes in due tyme. I am the true vyne sayeth Christ ye are the braunches He that abydeth in me I in hī ●●yngeth forth much fruyte Agayne he sayeth He that beleueth ī me floudes of lyuish water should flowe out of his belly Here se you that he which dwelleth ī Christ by fayth beleueth in hī brīgeth for the plenty of good workes He therfore that is an vn●ruytfull tree brīgeth forth no good fruite surelye he beleuethe not arighte in Christ neyther hath he the Christen faythe boste and crake he neuer so much of it EVSE Methinke than by your wordes y ● good workes necessarely follow the christen fayth PHIL. Yea euen as necessarelye as the shadow followeth the body death the lyfe THEO They than whiche lyue dissolute withoute doyng of good workes haue not the christen