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mercy_n death_n lord_n sinner_n 2,648 5 7.4070 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02757 A godly newe short treatyse instructyng euery parson, howe they shulde trade theyr lyues in ye imytacyon of vertu, and ye shewyng of vyce [et] declaryng also what benefyte man hath receaued by christ, through theiffusyon of hys most precyous blowde. Hart, Henry, fl. 1549. 1548 (1548) STC 12887; ESTC S103825 12,742 36

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do wyth hys owne as he leyst leaste thou be reprouyd and sent awaie with rebuke Be ye therfor dyscret and sobre ▪ settell youre Hartes in the true feare of God and arme youre soules to temptacyon Turne your eares to the truth my bretheren and vse the gyftes that ye haue receaued wyth a lowly ād an obedyent harte faythfully / that your frutes maye appeare and receue not the grace of god in vayn for it is writē I haue hard the in a tyme accepted and in the day of saluatyon haue I succoured the. ij Cor. v. Beholde now in that well accepted tyme / sayth paule / now is the day of health / lett vs geue none occasyon of euyll / that in our mynystryng or offyce ther be found no faulte But in al thynges / let vs behaue oure selfes / as mynysters of God In much pacyence / in afflycyons in necessyties in āguysshes / in stryfes / in labours in watchynges in fastynges / and in purenes c. many do heare rede speak the holye scryptures praysed be God and many desyre to know muche But blessed and happye are ye whych obeye to the truthe / So that ye doo therafter for the kyngdome of God standeth not in words as ye wel know but in powr workynge the wycked synners haue God and hys holy worde many tymes in their mouthes but they walke styll in ther oun corrupt ways ▪ truly they are the bounde seruaunts of synne that be subdued to lustes ouercō of sinne ij Pet. iij. For of whome a manne is ouercomed Saythe Sayncte peter to the same he is in bondage The vngodly manne hath not the feare of God before hys eyes Nether doth he regarde the law of the hyghest Therfore shall he not be preserued for God regardeth hym not neyther wyll he defend him ī the tyme of trouble ▪ can suche prosper / as take parte agaynst the hyghest prouok the lorde to anger Apoca. xix continually with ther vnlawful dedes fyght ageynst the holy spryte of our God ād yet they say in ther hartes Tushe God seeth it not the God of Iacob regardeth it not they do euell / and they say they do wel ye althogh they know / mary tymes the contrary because they delyte in euell theyr folysh hartes are blynded Therfore must they reape the frutes of they re labours when they thynke them selues wyse they become foles bycause theyr vnderstādyng is blynded When they think they knowe God loue hym An ydoll is that whych hathe the loue of the harte and is placed in the towme 〈◊〉 God Euery mā 〈◊〉 treasureis ther which he l●eth beste ▪ and serue hȳ most truly they serue an ydoll and a false God / in hys steade and place / fayned of theyr own fleshly lustes and carnall affectyons and of the eternal God saue the name onely they knowe nothing / for where a mans treasure is sayth Chryste / there wyll hys harte be also In wordes truly many say they know god ▪ but wyth their dedes they shamfullye deny him ▪ in that they refuse to lyue accordyng to hys commaundements wyl they haue forsakē the liuely testamēt of god made in the precyous bloude and death of our sauyoure Chryste Iesu / to all that beleue in hym / that is to say whych wyth a free harte do put themselues vnder the couenaunt of God to do hys wyll And after theyr owne Imagynacyon fayne themselues an other waye to the kyngdome of heauen / as easy and broade to the flesshe as they lust they refused the narrowe waye Thys way is narowe and strayte / to the fleashe / but breade and ca●ye to a wyl●īg mynde● and strayght gate that leadeth vnto lyfe and haue chosen that broode easy waye to lyue after they re lustes whych leadeth al that walke in it into euerlastynge cōdempnacyon on wysely do they forsake the word of the lord whyche he ordeyned a lantern and a sure lyghte vnto theyr fete / to walk in extreme darknes of theyr owne blynd Imagynacyons neuertheles thus sayth the lord our mercyfull God / vnto the vngodly synners Eze. 33. If I saye to the wycked he shall dye sayth the lorde yet yf he turne from his wyckednes and do the thynges which is equall and ryght he shall surelye lyue not dye again O / turnt you turne you sayth the lord / O why wyl ye dye As truly as I lyue sayth the lord I haue no pleasuri● the death of a sīner but wyl rather that he cōuert lyue c. Brethrē / I beseche you for the dere mercy of God esteme your saluatyō and health which is precyous is now so frely offred vnto you in yep̄cious bloud of Iesu haue cōpassiō youre owne soules and shewe loue and charyte to the poure opressed / the lame blynde and nedye loke vpon your selfes wyth an inwarde eye / and see that your soules be refreashed that they may liue O / why wyll ye dye conuerte and turne to the lorde wyth youre whole hartes / from your wycked and synfull wayes trulye your synnes are forgeuen you ▪ whye esteme ye so much the vayne pleasures of thys worlde Whych are the delyghtes of the carnall and earthelye mynd seyng they are so vayne and transytorye Remember Esau Sell not your enheretaunce whyche is precyous for soo vyle 〈◊〉 a pryce / leaste after when ye wolde gladlye obtayne ye be put by Bretheren Consyder ye are not nowe vnder the law / but vnder grace ▪ because ye are grafte / into Iesuchryste by faith O therfore I besy●h you / doo no more wyllfully euyll Soo can fynne nowe doo ye no harme My lytell chyldryne ▪ these ●yre●s w●yt I vnto you saythe Saynct Iohn that ye synne not But if any man synne yet haue we an Aduocate with the father sayth he Iesus christ whych is ryghtuous c. For the lord ordereth a good mans goyng sayth holye Dauyd and hathe pleasure in hys waye Though he fail he shall not be hurt for the lord vpholdeth hym Allthough the rightous happen to fall sometyme into synne yet they haue an aduocate for it with the father bicause thei wolde not synne Psa 36 and .90 with hys hande c. O that ye wolde nowe obeye to the voyce of God conteyned in hys sacred word that ye myght receyue Chryste into your soules Bretheren beloued in our sauyour Chryst Iesu I besech you for the dear loue of Chryst Iesu whyche refused not to suffer reproue of the worldde to geue hys lyfe for oure sakes that we might lyue by hym be warned in time leaste Sathan beguyle you and brynge you a slepe wyth the world through in ordynate desyre of vayne ryches sory ād pleasur therof couetyng after mery and ioyfull dayes here relyghtyng the mynd in wantonnes or worldly lusts whych is the playne waye to vtter destructyon Know ye not how the ennemy seketh busuly by these thynges to betray you