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A56632 A commentary upon the fourth Book of Moses, called Numbers by ... Symon, Lord Bishop of Ely. Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707. 1699 (1699) Wing P774; ESTC R2078 399,193 690

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one of the First-born to come and put in his Hand and draw out a Schedule And to him that drew out one of the former sort he said a Levite hath redeemed thee but to him that drew out one of the latter he said pay thy Price And thus they tell the Story also in the Gemara Babylon Tit. Sanhedrin Which is probable enough unless we suppose the Congregation to have redeemed the Two hundred seventy three First-born out of a common Stock which was a shorter way but not so Divine as the other Verse 48 Ver. 48. And thou shalt give the Money wherewith the odd number of them is to be redeemed unto Aaron and to his Sons Which was but reasonable because the Levites being given to them by God v. 6 7. the Money that was paid to make up what was wanting in their proportion to the First-born belonged to them likewise Verse 49 Ver. 49. And Moses took the Redemption-Money of them that were over and above To whom the Lot fell having five Shekels written upon it Them that were redeemed by the Levites The First-born were redeemed by the Levites as far as their number would reach the rest who were more than the Levites were redeemed by Money Verse 50 Ver. 50. Of the First-born of the Children of Israel took he the Money a thousand three hundred and threescore and five Shekels Five times two hundred seventy and three make just this number Ver. 51. And Moses gave the Money of them that were redeemed unto Aaron and to his Sons Which was a Rule observed in future Generations XVIII 15 c. According to the Word of the LORD as the LORD commanded Moses This is so oft repeated to show how faithful a Servant Moses was who did nothing but by the Divine order and omitted nothing that was commanded him CHAP. IV. Chapter IV Ver. 1. AND the LORD spake unto Moses and Verse 1 unto Aaron saying They being both of them concerned to see this carefully executed he speaks to both and they took others to their Assistance v. 34 46. Ver. 2. Take the sum of the Sons of Kohath c. Verse 2 They are first mentioned being employed in the most honourable Work as I observed before III. 31. Ver. 3. From thirty years old and upward In this Verse 3 Work to which they are appointed they were not employed till they came to Thirty years of Age But they were admitted to attend at the Tabernacle and do other Service at the Age of Five and twenty as we read VIII 25. Which place the Jews in the Gemara Babylonica upon the Title Cholin reconcile with this after this manner They were admitted to learn their Duty at Five and twenty and to minister at Thirty And so Aben Ezra upon VIII Numb They were probationers and might do some service at Five and twenty years old but not do all For they might wait upon the Tabernacle but not bear the Ark. And that 's the exact truth they were admitted to minister to the Priests at Five and twenty but were not put upon this laborious work here mentioned till they had sufficient strength for it which was at Thirty years of Age when they were able to carry Burdens for by that word their work is described v. 15 19 24 31 47. For though some things which they were charged withal might be put into Waggons yet the Ark and the most holy Things were to be carried upon their Shoulders though they march'd never so far v. 15. and VII 9. When the Ark indeed was settled in the Temple which was a fixed place and therefore was no longer to be carried up and down then as D. Kimchi observes upon 1 Chron. XXIII King David appointed them to enter upon their Office at Twenty years old there being also other great Work to be performed in his time for which they were fit at that Age. And so it continued even after their return from the Captivity of Babylon III Ezra 8. See Selden de Success in Pontificat L. II. cap. 4. and Lightfoot in his Temple Service Chap. VI. Sect. 1. Even until fifty years old Beyond which Age they were not bound to do any Service but only to minister with their Brethren at the Tabernacle VIII 25 26. All that enter into the Host. Or into the Warfare For their watching continually as a Guard about the Tabernacle III. 7 c. made them a sort of Militia who were encamped as appears by the foregoing Chapter about the Tabernacle for its Security Besides which there was other Work which might make their Service as laborious as a Soldier 's Life is and give it the name of entring into the Host which manner of speaking St. Paul uses unto Timothy I. 1 18. where he exhorts him to war a good warfare To do the work of the Tabernacle of the Congregation They did not perform any Work in it but about it such as here follows unless we understand by the Tabernacle the outward Court into which they went to minister unto the Priests Ver. 4. This shall be the Service of the Sons of Kohath Verse 4 in the Tabernacle of the Congregation about the most holy things The next Verses explain what this Service was Or if the word about in the latter end of the Verse were quite left out the sence would be more clear This shall be the Service of the Sons of Kohath c. the most holy Things that is the Ark as Aben Ezra expounds it And his Interpretation may be justified from v. 19 and 20. in the latter of which it is called the holy and in the former the holy of holies as it is here in the Hebrew For it was the most holy of all other holy things in the Tabernacle and gave the Name to the place where it stood of holy of holies or the most holy place And this made the Service of the Kohathites the most honourable of all other and is the reason they are mentioned first Ver. 5. When the Camp setteth forward Which it Verse 5 did not do till the Cloud was taken up and removed from off the Tabernacle XL Exod. 36 37. X Numb 11. Aaron shall come and his Sons While the Cloud rested upon the Tabernacle and the Glory of the LORD filled the House none but Aaron might come into the most Holy Place where the Ark was and that but on one day in the year and then after he had filled it with Incense which made a Cloud before the Mercy Seat which was the Covering of the Ark over which the SCHECHINAH was But that being removed in the Cloud when it was taken up from the Tabernacle not only Aaron but his Sons also might come into the most Holy Place without any Irreverence that which made it so holy viz. the Glory of the LORD being gone out of it for the present so that there was no danger in approaching to the Ark where it was wont to rest And they shall take down
the most convenient Quarters for their Army See I Deut. 33. Verse 34 Ver. 34. And the Cloud of the LORD was upon them by day when they went out of the Camp It seems this Removal of their Camp from Sinai was in the day time as some times they removed in the night IX 21. and the Cloud being taken up from off the Tabernacle so moved over the Ark as to overspread them all by day As the Pillar of Fire was over them by night to give them assurance of the Divine Protection See Note upon XIII Exod. 21. and CV Psal 39. Verse 35 Ver. 35. And when the Ark set forward There being the letter Nun turned the wrong way in the Hebrew word for set forward as there is in the word for complained in the first verse of the next Chapter the Jewish Doctors fancy it denotes here God's gracious converting his Face towards them at the Prayer of Moses and in this following Story the Peoples aversion to God and ungrateful turning away their hearts from him Moses said It was his Custom to pray in this manner upon such occasions as R. Levi ben Gersom expounds it Rose up This is an expression saith Abarbinel like that in XXXIII Isa 10. Now will I rise saith the LORD and will be exalted c. Where his taking vengeance upon his Enemies is called his rising According to XXXI Job 14. What shall I do when God riseth up c. The next words Let thy Enemies be scattered c. justifie this sense LORD It seems very strange to me that any should alledge this place as a proof that the Ark is called JEHOVAH when the Prayer of Moses is so plainly directed to the LORD himself who was there in a glorious Symbol of his Presence and not to the Ark. Considering also that in other places where this very form of Speech is used the LORD and the Ark are most manifestly distinguished the one from the other See 2 Chron. VI. 41. and CXXXII Psal 8. And yet an Anonymus Anti-Trinitarian Writer confuted by Joseph de Voisin fifty Years ago observing that the Chaldee here instead of the LORD hath the WORD of the LORD is so absurd as to say that the Ark is called the WORD Because God saith he p. 234. ante illam responsa vel oracula sua dabat c. before the Ark gave his Answers or Oracles when the Priest in dubious Matters consulted the Mouth of the LORD Which Exposition carries its own Confutation in it for if the High-Priest consulted the Mouth of the LORD as he speaks then by the WORD which gave the Answer must be meant the LORD himself To whom Moses here directs his Prayer as the Hierusalem Targum excellently Paraphrases this verse And it came to pass when the Ark was taken up that Moses lifted up his hands in prayer and said Rise now O WORD of the LORD in the strength of thy Power and scatter the Enemies of thy People c. And let thine Enemies be scattered This is a Prayer that God would put all those to flight as he had done the Amalekites Exod. XVII who opposed their passage to the promised Land As after they came thither they used this Prayer LXVIII Psal 1. for his Aid against all those who sought to disposess them of it And let them that hate thee flee before thee This is a Repetition of the same Prayer as is usual For thy Enemies and those that hate thee signifie the very same XXI Psal 8. IV Daniel 19. I Luke 71. Verse 36 Ver. 36. And when it rested As it did wheresoever the Cloud staid and moved no further He said He prayed again So the Hierusalem Targum understands both this and the former verse Moses lifted up his hand in Prayer and said c. and Jonathan Vzielides Moses stood in Prayer and begged Mercy of God saying c. Return O LORD unto the many Thousands of Israel Which Onkelos thus Paraphrases Come again and dwell with thy Glory in the midst of us And so he did the Cloud wherein the Divine Majesty resided setling upon the Tabernacle over the Ark of the Testimony as soon as it was again pitched Others translate it Give rest O LORD which the Hebrew words will bear secure us that is in Peace against the Incursions of our Enemies and all other Dangers R. Levi ben Gersom expounds it bring back the Israelites into the Land of Promise where their Forefathers dwelt when they were few in number whose Posterity was now increased to ten thousand thousands as the last words are in the Hebrew And there are those who will have this to be a Prayer for their Increase and Multiplication into many more Thousands than they were already And thus the Hierusalem Targum who still by the LORD understands his WORD Return now O WORD of the LORD from the vehemence of thy Anger and come back to us in thy merciful Goodness bless the Myriads and multiply the Thousands of Israelites CHAP. XI Chapter XI Ver. 1. AND when the People complained Or as Verse 1 it is translated in the Margin were as it were Complainers or Mutterers Which words D. Kimchi in his Michol brings as an Instance to prove that the Particle Caph which we translate as doth sometimes serve only to signifie the truth of a thing and to confirm it and imports nothing of likeness For the Discontent of the People did not rest in their Minds but broke out into open Murmurings and undutiful Complaints The like he observes XXV Gen. 31 33. and V Hosea 10. The Princes of Judah were like them that remove the bound Where we make it to signifie a Similitude but should only have taken it as a strong Affirmation of the truth of the thing See Theod. Hackspan Disput IV. de Locutionibus Sacris n. 4. Complained Of their long March for three Days together with their little Children Cattel and all their Baggage So it is commonly thought but I can see no good ground for it For no doubt the Cloud stood still though it did not come down and settle as I said X. 33. that they might make some convenient Rests in their Journey else how should they gather the Manna that fell every Night about their Tents and would keep but one Day as we read XVI Exod. I conclude therefore that this Muttering was the beginning of those loud Complaints which were made a little after v. 4 5 c. because they were not brought by this Removal to a place where they might have had other Food than Manna of which they now grew weary having lived upon it near a whole Year It displeased the LORD In the Hebrew It was Evil in the Ears of the LORD That is though it was only a Muttering which did not come to the Ears of Moses as this Complaint shortly after did yet the LORD took notice of it and was much offended at it as it here follows And the LORD heard it and his Anger
Brook Zered as it is in II Deut. 13 14. And then to the River Arnon v. 13. and thence to Beer where they digged a famous Well XXI 16 17 18. which perhaps they might have done before in other places if they had made Experiment for Kadesh where they now were was in the Border of a Country inhabited And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron Just as their Fathers had many times done particularly upon such an occasion as this XVII Exod. 2 3. Ver. 3. And the People chode with Moses Instead Verse 3 of condoling with him and comforting him for the Death of his Sister and their Prophetess as Abarbinel observes they came in a rude manner to scold at him And spake saying Would God that we had died when our Brethren died before the LORD By a sudden Death rather than linger away by Thirst They allude to the strokes of God upon their Brethren XI 1 33. XIV 37. XVI 32 35 46. Which one would have thought should have affrighted them from uttering such very discontented Language XIX 2. But nothing will alter those who will not lay to heart and preserve in mind God's Mercies and Judgments Verse 4 Ver. 4. And why have ye brought the Congregation of the LORD into this Wildernoss that we and our Cattle should die there The very words of their Fathers presently after they came out of Egypt XVII Exod 3. Verse 5 Ver. 5. And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt They speak as if it had not been their own desire but that they were perswaded to it by Moses to leave Egypt who was sent to tell them God heard their sighing groans and crys and would deliver them II Exod. 23 24. III. 17. But in a discontented fit nothing of this was remembred To bring us unto this evil place They do not speak of returning to Egypt as their Fathers did XIV 3 4. but they repented that they were come out of it So shamefully forgetful they were of all God's benefits who had in a wonderful manner redeemed them from the heaviest Slavery and hitherto provided for them miraculously in the Wilderness which was a better place than such an ungrateful People deserved It is no place of Seed i. e. of Corn. Or of Figs or of Vines or Pomegranates c. Now they complain for want of other things as well as Water wherein they still imitate their unbelieving Fathers XVI 14. Ver. 6. And Moses and Aaron went from the presence Verse 6 of the Assembly unto the Door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation To pray to God to pardon their Sin and to supply their Wants And they fell upon their Faces As they had often done before on other such like occasions particularly XIV 5. And the Glory of the LORD appeared unto them Unto all the People it is likely as it had done several times to silence their Murmurings See XIV 10. XVI 19 42. Ver. 7. And the LORD spake unto Moses From Verse 7 that Glory which appeared upon the Tabernacle Ver. 8. Take the Rod. That famous Rod wherewith Moses had wrought so many Miracles in Egypt and at the Red Sea c. And gather thou the Assembly together This word Edah signifying sometimes only the Assembly of the Elders not of the whole People it would be uncertain which of them he is bid to gather together for it is a different word from that which we translate Assembly v. 6. if the tenth verse had not determined that it was the Kahal or Congregation of the People as the word Edah also signifies just before v. 8. Thou and Aaron thy Brother For the People were gathered together against Aaron in a mutinous manner as well as against Moses v. 2. And speak ye unto the Rock before their eyes To the first Rock you meet withal saith Nachmanides and that is within their sight For this is not the same Verse 9 Rock out of which the former Water flowed as the Jews fancy but quite different Their very Names are different that being called Tzur this Selah That was in Rephidim this is Kadesh two very distant places Thus Chaskuni some think this the same with that in Exodus but it is not the same History For the former was in Horeb this in Kadesh which is in the Extremity of the Land of Edom. But whether God pointed him to a Rock which was then in their sight as he did at Horeb XVII Exod. 5 6. or left him to chuse any stony place is not certain But it is a mere fancy of some of the Jews that because God here bad them speak to the Rock Moses offended God in smiting it For to what purpose should he take the Rod if he was not to smite the Rock with it as he had done formerly Just such another conceit there is in Schalschelet Hakkabala where R. Gedaliah saith That he had given an account of this Sin in another Book which he gathered out of various Writers and found there were XXVIII different Opinions about it But he preferred this before any of them that whereas God bad Moses gather the Edah together that is the Assembly of the People v. 8. he gathered the Kahal i. e. the Congregation of the Princes and Elders as he will have it whose Faith needed no Confirmation See Hottinger in his Smegma Orientale cap. 8. p. 451. And it shall give forth his Water The Jews puzzle themselves about this Expression which sounds they think as if the Water was contained in the Rock and Moses only made a Gap for it to gush out But it seems to be spoken in opposition to the Waters issuing out of the former Rock which had supplyed them hitherto but now ceased to flow It being as much as if he had said This shall give forth Water as that did before now it shall be called the Water of this Rock not that of Horeb. And thou shalt bring forth to them Water out of the Rock Renew the former Miracle So thou shalt give the Congregation and their Beasts drink So that they and their Cattle which they fear will perish v. 4. shall be as plentifully provided for as ever Ver. 9. And Moses took the Rod from before the Verse 9 LORD as he commanded him From hence some conclude that this was the Rod of Aaron which blossomed because he is said to take it from before the LORD where Aaron's Rod was laid up XVII 10. But this Rod is so expresly called Moses his Rod V. 11. which was the Instrument of bringing the former Water out of the Rock in Horeb that I cannot but think this was the very same Rod. Which being there called the Rod of God XVII Exod. 9. as it is at the first mention of it IV Exod. 20. it is very probable that by God's order it was laid up somewhere before him in the Sanctuary though not before the Ark of the Testimony For having been imployed in doing
and our Learned Dr. Lightfoot in his Temple Service chap. 7. sect 3. Ver. 3. And thou shalt say unto them this is the offering Verse 3 made by fire which ye shall offer unto the LORD That Offering which he peculiarly speaks of is the daily Sacrifice which was appointed long ago before the Tabernacle was set up XXIX Exod. 38 39. See my Notes there And add this that God's promise to meet them there v. 42 43. and afterward to dwell among them v. 45. seems to depend upon this constant Service which he expected should be paid to him which if neglected he withdrew himself from them Two Lambs of the first year day by day continually This is expresly required in XXIX Exod. 38. Only here it is added without spot or perfect in its kind which was required in all Sacrifices particularly in the first Lamb which they offered when they came out of Egypt XII Exod 5. See there Ver. 4. The one Lamb shalt thou offer in the Morning and the other Lamb shalt thou offer at Even The very words in XXIX Exod. 39. Verse 4 Ver. 5. A tenth part of an Ephah of Flour for a Verse 5 Meat-offering mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten Oyl This also is there explained XXIX Exod. 40. Verse 6 Ver. 6. It is a continual Burnt-offering To be continued throughout all your Generations every day as it is expressed XXIX Exod. 42. For it was in the nature of a daily Prayer to God that he would graciously continue his Mercy unto Israel as Abarbinel observes and increase their Corn Wine and Oyl which they acknowledged hereby they received from him Which was ordained in Mount Sinai There Moses received both this Law and all the rest which are mentioned in the Book of Exodus concerning the Service of God and the place where it was to be performed and his Ministers c. And this sufficiently shows that he speaks here to those who were so young at the first Institution of these Laws that they gave the less heed to them or had forgotten them And there are those who think that for Eight and thirty years they had difused them which they gather from XII Deut. 8. But I do not take it to be likely that Sacrifices were wholly omitted during that space though perhaps not so regularly performed as when they came to Canaan For to suppose that is to suppose that the Fire from Heaven either went out or burnt continually to no purpose and that the Divine Majesty had no entertainment set upon his Table and consequently did not keep House and dwell among them all that time In short that there was no Worship of God at the Tabernacle All these Arguments may convince any Man there were offered at least the daily Sacrifice Morning and Even and those on the Sabbath For a sweet savour a Sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD See XXIX Exod. 41. Ver. 7. And the Drink-offering thereof shall be the fourth Verse 7 part of a hin for the one Lamb. So it was ordained also in Mount Sinai as appears from the same XXIX Exod. 40. And in this very Book there is a general Rule given to this new Generation that this should be the least quantity of Wine which should be offered with a Burnt-offering or Peace-offering See XV Numb 5. Which was a thing so constantly practised that the Heathen never sacrificed but they poured Wine upon the Flesh as it flamed upon the Altar For though Water was sometimes poured upon the Sacrifices yet Nonnus saith Lib. IV. Dionysiac it was when Men knew not the use of Wine for after that was found out they never sacrificed without it See Fort. Scacchus Myrother 2. cap. 42. In the holy place Upon the Altar of Burnt offerings which stood in the holy place near to the door of the Tabernacle XXIX Exod. 42. Shalt thou cause the strong Wine to be poured out unto the LORD for a Drink-offering The Hebrew word Schecar commonly signifies any sort of strong Drink but here the noblest and most generous Wine for it was not lawful to use any other Liquor in their Sacrifices The Heathens had this Reverence to their Gods that they alway offered to them the most excellent Wine they had Which appears by those words we meet withal so often in Homer both in his Iliads and Odysses of Mens pouring out their Sacrifices 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 black Wine or of the deepest Colour red as Blood which was the richest of all other And Herodian speaking of the vast profuseness of Haliogabalus who offered Hecatombs of Oxen every Morning with great multitudes of Sheep upon which he heaped all manner of Spices adds this also Lib. V. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. pouring out many flaggons of the oldest and most excellent Wine on the Altars So that Rivers of Wine and Blood ran mixed together Verse 8 Ver. 8. And the other Lamb shalt thou offer at Even c. All the foregoing verses relate to the Morning Sacrifice and this only briefly prescribes that the other Lamb should be offered in the same manner at Even with the very same Meat-offering and Drink-offering And as no Sacrifice was to precede the Morning Burnt-offering but it was to be offered first so this at Even was to conclude all the Sacrifices of the Day and none to be offered after it A Sacrifice made by fire a sweet savour unto the LORD As acceptable to him as the Morning Sacrifice Verse 9 Ver. 9. And on the Sabbath day two Lambs of the first year without spot He doth not mean that whereas every Morning and Evening they offered one Lamb on the Sabbath day they should offer two but that there should be two Lambs offered on the Sabbath over and above the daily Offering as appears from verse 10. Whether one of them was to be offered in the Morning and the other added at the Evening Sacrifice it is not said but it is most probable the Sacrifices on the Sabbath were so ordered For the Jews say that at the time of this additional Sacrifice in the Morning of the Sabbath they sang at the Temple the Song of Moses Deut. XXXII dividing it into six parts and singing one part every Sabbath so that in six Weeks they had finished it and then began again And at the Evening Sacrifice they sang that Song of his Exod. XV. at which times the Priest sounded the Trumpets three times more than they did at the ordinary Songs And two tenth deals of flour for a Meat-offering mingled with Oyl and the Drink-offering thereof As the Burnt-offerings were double on this day so a double quantity of Flour is ordered for the Meat-offering that attended the Burnt-offering for only a tenth part of an Ephah v. 5. was offered on other days and consequently there was to be as much more Oyl and Wine than daily And here it may be sit to note that as soon as the Drink-offering was poured out