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A28621 A journal of meditations for every day in the year gathered out of divers authors / written first in Latine by N.B. ; and newly translated into English by E.M. in ... 1669. N. B., 1598-1676.; Mico, Edward, 1628-1678. 1669 (1669) Wing B352; ESTC R3108 325,833 556

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and to escape Purgatory These are Receiving the Sacraments offering the Divine Sacrifice Indulgences Fasting Alms Prayers Tears chastising the body patient suffering of hunger and thirst sicknesse and the like God is content with a little in this life and is soon appeased by means of our poor services but in the other life he will severely exact the whole debt of punishment even to the last farthing Wherefore while you have time Mat. 5.27 Eccli 14.14 do good Be not defrauded of thy good day as Ecclesiasticus admonisheth and let not a little portion of a good gift overpass thee Mat. 5.7 Consider 3. Among other means one of the most efficacious to escape or at least to mitigate our pains in Purgatory is to pray much for the dead while we live for our merciful Lord permitteth that afterwards we receive the same measure that we used to others here And The merciful as he saith himself shall obtain mercy Morn Ent. Behold our Lord is come in his holy thousands to do judgement Jude 14. Luc. 21.25 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as Judge COnsider 1. What is read this day in the Gospel that Christ is to be the Universal Judge of all men whose judgement we ought greatly to stand in fear of 1. By reason of his Supream Authority from whom none can appeal 2. For the rigour of his Justice which no entreaties nor bribes will be able to corrupt 3. For his infinite Wisdom from which nothing can be concealed 4. For that he will be not only Judge but also the plaintiff or party offended Consider 2. What a favour it would be if the Judge himself should in a friendly manner come to some Criminal in prison and teach him a way how he may escape and come off with security of life in his Trial. The same will Christ do to you this day Wherefore receive him at his coming with great love and gratitude and now while you may endeavour by earnest prayers to gain him against that dreadful day when there will be no more place for prayers Ps 142.2 Consider 3. Hence you must have a great care that there be nothing in your Soul that may displease the eyes of your Judge when he cometh He will search the inmost corners of your heart Cleanse therefore diligently all things against his coming Say humbly with the Prophet Enter not into judgement with thy servant O Lord But rather in the bowels of thy mercy visit us now O Orient arising from high Eccl. in Off. Boeth apud S. Tho. Opusc de Sacr. c. 2. c. Wherefore Boethius saith well in these words We have a great necessity of living well seeing we do all things before the eyes of the Judge that seeth all Think well on this and Before judgement prepare thee Justice Of imitating the Life of Christ our Lord. 1. Part. COnsider 1. For two reasons Christ our Lord came from the bosome of his eternal Father into the World as the holy Fathers every where do teach 1. To redeem us from sin 2. To give us example of living by his own manner of life His life therefore ought to be the square pattern and mirrour of ours to the end that squaring our actions conformably to his we may come by his steps to arrive at last also to his glory Eccli 23.38 Consider 2. How glorious a thing it is to follow such an example It is great glory saith Ecclesiasticus to follow our Lord. By following of men whosoever they are you may erre because they are men apt both to be deceived themselves and to deceive others By following Christ you cannot misse because he is the way you cannot be deceived because he is truth you cannot perish because he is life The Way in Example Bern. Ser. 2. de Ascen saith St. Bernard Truth in Promise Life in Reward Lastly he commandeth nothing which he doth not first do himself So that he may say with Gedeon What you shall see me do Jud. 7.17 do ye 1 Cor. 3.19 Consider 3. How foolishly you have hitherto done in directing your actions by any other rule then the life of Christ All other rules are crooked and naught and The wisdom of this world according to which perchance you govern your self is foolishness with God Ask pardon for this folly and beseech our Lord to accept of you and admit you into the number of his followers Of imitating the Life of Christ 2. Part. Tit. 1.16 COnsider 1. The followers of Christ are of three different sorts Some by name onely and from the teeth outwards they say they are Christians and know Christ But in their works they deny him They defile themselves with continual sins and in their works crucifie Christ anew These are but equivocally termed Christians for indeed they follow not Christ but the Devil Think how often you have been such Repent and take heed for the future Mat. 19.21 Consider 2. Others there are who indeed follow Christ but afar off as St. Peter did when Christ was taken who perhaps for that cause as some observe came to fall and deny his Master for any example or pattern that it may have influence must be duly applied and at a right distance So many follow Christ but coldly They purpose to keep the Commandments but care not to extend themselves with the Apostle to things of greater perfection When it is said to such as these Go sell the things that thou hast c. and come follow me They go away sad like the young man in the Gospel See whether you be one of these 2 Cor. 6.8 Phil. 3.8 Consider 3. Others finally there are who with a generous resolution strive to follow Christ even to the Crosse By honour and dishonour by infamy and good fame and with the Apostle do esteem all things as dung that they may gain Christ Lastly they endeavour to conform themselves in all things to the model of his life See among whom you chuse to rank your self and know that in what proportion you are like unto Christ in this life you will also be hereafter in glory Of the divine Decree concerning Christs Incarnation 1. Part. COnsider 1. The state which the whole world was in Part of the Angels had fallen All mankind also had sinned The wicked Angels leaving the Blessed in Heaven were cast into Hell Mankind lived in banishment out of Paradise shut out of Heaven made slave of the Devil and enemy to God and lay wallowing from one sin into another to be cast at length headlong into Hell fire neither did there appear any means possible of appeasing the Divine Justice being no pure creature could make is any satifaction Ps 39.7 8. Contemplate 2. The three divine Persons in Heaven out of commiseration consulting of a remedy See how the Second Person being there could not otherwise any satisfaction be made to the divine Justice freely offered himself to his Eternal Father
after thee in the odour of thine oyntments Cant. 1.4 Jo. 1.19 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Anointed of our Lord. Cant. 1.3 Ps. 44.8 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel How the Pharisees sent to St. John to demand whether he were Christ whereas this name agreeth with none but our Lord Jesus who properly is Christ or the Anointed of our Lord and that by a triple Unction as King as Prophet as High Priest Oyl poured out is thy name saith the Spouse And David Thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladness above thy fellows Where ever he goeth he carrieth with him a most sweet sent of Vertues And who would not run in the odour of his precious oyntments Ps. 44.9 Consider 2. This same Anointed of our Lord will come to day unto you in the Eucharist to make you partaker of his sweet Oyntments for Myrrhe and Aloes and Cassia from thy garments that is from the Sacramental Forms which cover him as garments hence he will anoint you with a threefold Unction 1. With the Unction of Mercy blotting out your sins 2. With the Unction of Fortitude strengthening you against your Spiritual Conflicts 3. With the Unction of Wisdom instructing and enlightening your Understanding For His Vnction teacheth you saith St. John of all things 1 Jo. 2.27 Ps. 131.17 Consider 3. You must prepare your self against Christs coming I have prepared saith David a lamp to my Christ Which the holy Doctours expound of John Baptist for he was the lamp burning and shining Jo. 5.35 Prepare also in the same manner the lamp of your Soul cleansing it from filth of sin and giving it brightnesse and lustre proceeding from good works that you may both burn inwardly with love and shine forth to others by example Of the Visitation of the B. Virgin And first of her Journey to Elizabeth Luc. 1.39 COnsider 1. The Word Incarnate as soon as he was conceived hastened to fanctifie his Precursor that so he might presently begin the Office of a Saviour He could have done this where he was and at that distance but he inspired his Mother to go to Elizabeths house that she who was to be a Mediatrix between us and her Son might in some sort concur to the first Sanctification which he wrought And she now full with God readily followeth the divine impulse and willingly embraceth the occasion of doing a good office Learn of both to be zealous in helping others and not to let slip any occasion of exercising Charity And Mary rising up went unto the hilly countrey with speed Consider the promptnesse of her Obedience to the divine Inspirations Neither the difficulties nor unpleasantnesse of a long journey nor her own tendernesse nor the quality of being now Mother of God could take her off but she presently puts her self upon the way This sudden departure of hers was not out of vain complement or ceremony nor of curiosity nor of doubt in what the Angel had assured her but out of pure zeal of pleasing God and helping her neighbour Observe her singular modesty recollection and devotion wherewith she entertaineth the Son of God whom she carrieth in her womb and learn hence how to demean your self while you yet carry within your breast the same Son of God in the Sacrament Consider 3. It is proper for them that are full of the divine Spirit to tend towards the Mount of Perfection to despise the world and to aspire to things above Gen. 19.17 Ambr. in Luc. and to Heaven it self Save thy self in the mountain said the Angel to Lot Besides they do it with speed and servour for as St. Ambrose saith the Grace of the Holy Ghost knoweth no lingring delays See whether in your thoughts and desires you do not cleave to these inferiour things and whether you do not go slowly and coldly on towards the mount of Perfection Of the Blessed Virgins Entrance into the house of Elizabeth Luc. 1.44 COnsider 1. Mary being entred into the house of Elizabeth saluteth first though greater in dignity So it becometh every one to prevent each other in Civility and Charity Think with what modesty and in what terms she delivered her self happily in those Hail Our Lord With thee There passed no empty Complements nor worldly Ceremonies between them but hearty expressions of mutual ioy At the voice of Mary the Eternal Word sanctifieth his Precursor cleanseth him of Original Sin enricheth him with the gifts of Grace and Sanctity bestoweth upon him the use of reason and makes him sensible even then of the Mystery of the Incarnation and of his own happinesse As the voice of thy Salutation sounded in my ears the Infant in my Womb did leap for joy Consider 2. How Elizabeth also at the voice of Mary was replenished with the Holy Ghost endowed with the gift of Prophesie and cried out with a loud voice and said Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy Womb. Learn hence how beneficial is the Mediation of the Blessed Virgin by whose means the Eternal Word wrought such admirable effects in the Infant and his Mother and that we all partake of the fulnesse of Maries Grace and Blessings Salute her with the Spirit of Elizabeth acknowledge and extoll her Excellency proceeding from the divine Fruit of her Womb For By their fruits you shall know them Mat. 7.16 Consider 3. Those other words of Elizabeth Whence is this to me that the Mother of my Lord doth come to me Humility doth ever accompany the divine Spirit and his gifts Observe how by divine Inspiration she stileth her Mother of God which the Holy Church acknowledgeth as her chief title Happily St. John might use the like expressions towards his Sanctifier and like affections passe between the Infants from Womb to Womb as did between the two Mothers Learn from the Infant and his Mother how to entertain your Lord when he cometh to you in the B. Sacrament Of the Canticle Magnificat COnsider 1. Elizabeth having uttered these great praises the B. Virgin brake ferth into that admirable Canticle Magnificat Observe how she returneth not the like again in complement as is the fashion of the world nor yet out of a dissembling pretence of humility doth she deny them as most do in like occasions but ascribeth all to God nothing to her self Learn hence that it is not the vertue of humility to deny or dissemble the natural of supernatural gifts we have but 1. To acknowledge them as proceeding from the meer goodnesse of God not from our selves or our own deserts 2. To give God all the praise and honour usutping nothing thereof to our selves Prov. 2.14 Consider 2. Two principal documents we are taught in this Canticle First to rejoyce and delight in God alone and in things appertaining to our Salvation not in the vanities and pleasures nor in the praises and favour of the World for God
we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son And which is more he prayed for his own Executioners Rom. 12.21 that you might learn to overcome in good the evill Gal. 2.20 Ps. 115.3 Consider 3. He suffered for all so that he offered to his Eternal Father his Sufferings for every one in particular Wherefore take them to your self and use them as your own saying with S. Paul Who loved me and delivered himself for me Think what return you can make him What shall I render to our Lord for all things that he hath rendred to me I will take the chalice of Salvation Take therefore the chalice of his Passion and drink it up at least spiritually by contemplation and you will thereby have made the most proper and most acceptable return Of Christs Passion in General With what affection he suffereth Luc. 12.50 FIrst with the affection of a most ardent Love most ernestly beforehand wishing the hour of his Passion were come and saying I have to be baptized with a baptisme and how am I straightened till it be dispatched 2. Of most profuse Liberality for whereas the least drop of his bloud would have sufficed to redeem the whole world by reason of the dignity of his person he would notwithstanding powr out all he had Ps. 21.15 Ps. 129.7 1 Pet. 2.23 As water I am powred out Because with him is plenteous Redemption 3. Of the greatest meekness Who when he was reviled did not revile when he suffered he threatned not but delivered himself to him that judged him unjustly Is 53.7 And was led as a sheep to slaughter 4. Of an Insatiable zeal thirsting the salvation of all men which made him cry out on the Cross I thrist Jo. 19.28 Ps. 21.6 5. Of an incomparable Humility making himself the Reproch of men and outcast of the people who notwithstanding was in form of God Of extreme Proverty renouncing all earthly goods whatsoever even his own garments so as to hang naked on the Cross 7. Of Invincible Patience and Fortitude in suffering constantly to the end most grievous torments 8. Of the perfectest Obedience being obedient in a matter of the greatest difficulty unto death Phil. 2.8 even the death of the Cross And that not onely to his Eternall father but also to his bloudy Executioners I have given my body to the strikers Is. 50.6 and my cheeks to the pluckers I have not turned away my face from the rebukers and spitters Looke throughly into this pattern of all Vertue and doe according to what you see therein I will sow her unto me into the Earth and will have mercy on her that was without mercy Osee 2.23 Luc. 8.5 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Seed of Eternall Life Galat. 6.8 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Ghospel The sower went forth to sow his seed c. Christ our Lord is both the sower and seed it self for he soweth his own pretious body under the form of wheat in the hearts of the faithful not unto a corruptible but an incorruptible harvest and unto life everlasting For He that soweth in the Spirit saith S. Paul of the Spirit shall reap life everlasting Think with your self how much this blessed harvest is to be wished for Consider 2. This divine seed although in it self it be most fruitful notwithstanding requireth the concurrence of a good soile to bring forth fruit Wherefore if it fall in the high way it is trampled upon by the passengers as in the Ghospel if upon stones it 's dryed up to nothing if among thorns it is choked up See therefore whither your soule be a fit soile well cleansed supple far from the high way or rather whither it be not thorny stony full of the cares and occupations of this life hard to receive heavenly influences and open to all manner of thoughts and distractions But if it be so see that you mend your self and prepare your Soul to receive this heavenly seed Consider 3. This seed though in a good soile and in the best heart doth not yeild fruit but in patience as Christ saith that you might learn to persever with patience in expectation of the effect Luc. sup 15. and fruit of this divine grain and of whatsoever other Visitation of God and give not over to cultivate your Soul for that perhaps you doe not perceive that fruit which you desire Behold the Husband was expecteth the precious fruit of the Earth patiently bearing J●c 5.7 till he receive the timely and the lateward that is either timely or later fruit Doe you the like and you will bring forth plenty of excellent fruit He fortelleth his Disciples his Passion Mat. 20. Marc. 10. Luc. 18. Mat. 20.18 COnsider 1. Behold we go up to Jerusalem c. The time being now come wherein Christ had decreed from all Eternity to suffer for the redemption of the world he went up with his Disciples to Jerusalem with great cheerfulness and speed for he went before them Mar. 10.32 and they were astonished and following were affraid Thus did he hasten to his death carried on by the force of his love You on the contrary are slow in suffering any thing He also went before leading the way that you might learn to shew first by example what you would persuade by words Mat. sup Consider 2. He revealeth his Passion to his Disciples The son of man shall be delivered to the chiefe Priests He had done this before but now more expressly He maketh this frequent mention of his Passion though most bitter in it self for that he did continually bear it in mind and amidst all his glory in the Transfiguration he treated of his decease that he should accomplish in Jerusalem Luc. 9.31 Doe you endeavour to be piously affected towards the memory of it that you may say with the spouse in the Canticles A bundle of Myrrhs my beloved is to me Cant. 1.13 Luc. 18.34 Consider 3. And they understood none of these things The Apostles were as yet worldly given and bent upon honors and preferments Luc. 22.24 And there fell also a contention between them which of them seemed to be greater Therefore they understood not the Mystery of the Cross and what great good consisted in Humility and suffering of reproch Cast you off all these worldly affections if you will understand the Mystery of the Cross Ponder Christs severe reprehension of S. Peter disswading him from the ignominy of his Passion Go after me sathan Mat. 16.23 thou art a scandal unto me because thou savorest not the things that are of God but the things that are of men Mat. 21. Luc. 19. Of Christs solemn Enterance into Jerusalem before his Passion Part. 1. Zachar. 9.9 COnsider 1. Christ drawing neer to Jerusalem sendeth two of his Disciples to bring unto him an Asse upon which he intended to ride into the
shall not extinguish c. He shall not be sad nor turbulent And S. Peter 1 Pet. 2.23 who when he was reviled did not revile when he suffered he threatned not but delivered himself to him that judged him unjustly And of himself he saith Mat. 11.29 Learn of me because I am meek and humble of heart Think how you may imitate the same Eccli 3.19 Consider 3. The Reward For they shall possess the Land to wit of their own heart being Masters of their own passions and also of the hearts of others according to that Son do thy works in meekness and thou shalt be beloved above the glory of men Lastly they shall possess the Land of Promise Ps 36.11 and Everlasting Inheritance The meek shall inherit the Land and shall be delighted in multitude of peace Procure therefore to have this Meekness in your life and conversation that you may come also to be delighted in multitude of peace as well with God as with your self and with all the world Of the third Beatitude Mat. 5.5 Blessed are they that Mourn c. Ps 119.5 COnsider 1. This Mourning is threesold 1. Of Compunction for our own sins according to the example of David and S. Peter 2. Of Compassion for others 3. Of Devotion for our banishment in this world our separation from God and our longing desire after him Woe is to me that my sejourning is prolonged This Spiritual Mourning doth not wholly consist in afflicting the mind but also in refusing such things as bring pleasure and delight with them Whence the wise man Eccles 2.2 Laughter I have reputed error and to Joy I have said why art thou deceived in vain Think on the contrary how greedily you seek after your own content and satisfaction in all things Prov. 2.14 and perhaps also rejoyce in most wicked things Consider 2. The example of Christ our Lord of whom S. Chrysostome writeth Chrysost Hom. 6. in Mat. Eccles 7.5 You will often find Christ weeping but never laughing And Salomon saith The heart of wise men where sadness is and the heart of fools where mirth Think therefore how reasonable it is you should imitate the example of so great a Master and rank your self with wise men rather then with fools Mat. 5.5 Consider 3. The Reward For they shall be comforted both in this life with Divine Illustrations and with the testimony of a good conscience but more to the full in the life to come where they shall be inebriated with the plenty of Gods House Ps 35.9 and be made drink of the torrent of his pleasure Wherefore lament your own and your Neighbours sins for those that sow in tears shall reap in joy On the contrary Luc. 6.25 Woe to you that do now laugh because you shall mourn and weep And in the Apocalyps it is said Apoc. 18.7 So much as she hath glorified her self and hath been in delicacies so much give her torment and mourning Of the fourth Beatitude Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Justice Mat. 5.6 c. 1 Cor. 1.30 COnsider 1. To hunger and thirst after Justice hath these proper Acts The first is to desire all things without exception to be fulfilled which are of Justice and obligation towards God and our Neighbour The second to desire more and more our Progress in Virtue The third that this same Justice be in all the world and that all may purchase and conserve it The fourth to hunger after Christ our Lord who is our Justice and Sanctification as the Apostle witnesseth both Sacramentally and Spiritually by a lively faith and interiour gust Think how you are in these points and whether you do not rather loath these and thirst only after worldly delights Jo. 4.34 Jo. 19.28 Consider 2. The example of Christ who all his life time sought after nothing else then to do the will of his Father according to that My meat is to do the will of him that sent me And hanging upon the Cross he said I thirst to wit the Salvation of Mankind for whom he shed his blood Such ought to be your hunger and thirst not that of the wicked that serve their bellies Consider 3. The Reward Mat. sup For they shall have their fill God affording them special graces and spiritual comforts in this life and replenishing them to the full with the clear Vision of himself in the suture according to that Ps 16.15 I shall be filled when thy glory shall appear Think how much this heavenly Saturity is to be wished for which never cloyeth though it lasteth for all Eternity See whether you had rather have your fill in this life or in the next it will not be afforded in both in one you must suffer hunger Of Holy Communion Hear me O Lord because thy mercy is benigne Ps 68.17 Luc. 19.41 Consider Christ as a Mercisul Lord. COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel how that Christ wept upon Hierusalem for God is very sensible of our miseries and compassionate and is therefore called by the Apostle The Father of Mercies and often 2 Cor. 1.3 Infra Heb. 4.15 The merciful and pittiful Lord For the Apostle saith speaking of Christ that we have a High-Priest who can have compassion on our infirmities wherefore you may justly comfort your self in this that this same merciful Lord will come to day into your Soul to powre out the riches of his Mercy upon her Ps 110.4 5 Consider 2. The Mercy of God towards men never shewed it self more in any work then in the Eucharist therefore David cryeth out He hath made a memory of his marvellous works a merciful and pittiful Lord he hath given meat to them that fear him Think what a mercy this is to feed us with his own Flesh and make us drink of his Blood Who ever did so much for his greatest friend Lay open therefore confidently the miseties of your Soul when he cometh to you and beseech him to afford redress Consider 3. You must have great care when he comes unto you that you give him not occasion of weeping upon you as he did upon Hierusalem Because thou hast not known the time of thy Visitation Luc. sup 44 He doth often visit us by holy Inspirations by good books c. and thereby incites us to perfection See how you correspond least there may be the same reason to say of you For the daies shall come upon thee and thy Enemies shall compass thee with a Trench V. 43. c. and by Sin beat thee flat to the ground Of the fifth Beatitude Blessed are the Merciful Mat. 5.7 c. COnsider 1. Mercy comprehendeth fourteen sorts of actions which are called Works of Mercy seven Spiritual and seven Corporal The Acts of this Virtue that they may be perfect must 1. Extend themselves to all without exception even our Enemy 2. Lay hold
Num. 11. ●9 Consider 2. The Elder Brother hearing of his Fathers Joy and Feasting murmured for envy Ponder how easie it is even among virtuous persons to be touched with some litt e envy or grudge at anothers commendation or preferment that you may so much the more carefully keep your self from the like Infection You ought rather to wish with Moyses that all might praise and honour God O that all the people might Prophesie and that our Lord would give them his Spirit Consider 3. The Fathers mild answer endeavouring to bring him from his errour Son thou art always with me and all my things are thine O what a happiness it is to the Just to have God always with them How rich must they be that have all things common with God Learn to rejoyce when your Brother is brought back again to Christ and endeavour what you can to bring very many to him Of him that was wounded by the Thieves Luc. 10.30 c. Part 1. A Certain man went down from Hierusalem into Jericho and fell among Thieves c. Consider 1. In this Parable the Fall of Mankind in Adam Man in his first Creation was ordained to take the course of his life from Jericho that is from this Sublunary World for Jericho signifieth the Moon to the Heavenly Hierusalem but he turning his affections which are the feet of the Soul from Hierusalem to Jericho fell among Thieves to wit the Devils who robbed him of Original Justice and giving him wounds left him half dead Consider 2. The many wounds which our Nature received by that first sin they are commonly by Divines accounted to be four in number S. Tho. 1.2 q. 85. a. 3. The first is Ignorance whereby the Understanding is made destitute of that order which it hath to Truth The second is Malice whereby the Will is disordered in the pursuance of good The third is Infirmity whereby the Irascible Power is weakened in order to what is difficult The fourth is Concupiscence whereby the Concupiscible Power is left in disorder as to moderate delight See how you are maimed in all these and have recourse to the Pious Samaritan for remedy saying with the Prophet Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed Jer. 17.14 save we and I shall be saved Consider 3. Neither the Priests nor Levites of the Antient Law could afford any remedy to man thus wounded The Samaritan alone Christ our Lord in form of a Sinner coming near him by his Incarnation bound his wounds and out of the precious Vessels of the Sacraments powred in Oyl and Wine And when he went for Heaven he recommended him to the care of Prelates promising them reward for the care and diligence they should use towards him What will you return to this Samaritan for this so great love and mercy towards you Of him that was wounded by the Thieves Luc. 10. Part 2. COnsider 1. In this Parable your own and every sinners fall They who go down from Hierusalem to Jericho and turn their affections from heavenly things to those of this world do certainly fall into the hands of Thieves but not on the contrary Ponder how this world is like to Jericho that is the Moon for its Inconstancy and think how dangerous it is to travel in a way that is beset with Thieves Such is your journey in this life Because your Adversary 1 Pet. 5.8 Ps 9. apud Heb. 10.9 the Devil as a roaring Lyon goeth about seeking whom he may devour He lyeth in wait in secret as a Lyon in his Den. Consider 2. How the Devil treateth such Passengers as deliver themselves up to him for he can hurt none but such as will themselves he robbeth them of all the Ornaments of Grace he striketh them with desperate wounds of Vicious Habits and so leaveth them half dead he is truly half dead that hath but one half of himself alive who though he be well in body yet is dead in spirit and to God See whether you be such be sorry for having been so at any time and have a care you do not any more put your self into the hands of so cruel a Tyrant Consider 3. The great Mercy of our Saviour who approacheth near the sinner by his holy Inspirations and chiefly by the Eucharist to bind up bis wounds and cure the infirmities of his Soul Our Lord shall bind up the wound of his people Is 30.26 and shall heal the stroke of their wound saith the Prophet Who would not confide in such a Physitian he powreth Wine and Oyl into the wounds to teach us how to cure our Neighbour when he sinneth to wit by tempering Severity with Mildness So that in our Correction there be both love Greg. in Past p. 2. c. 6. without remissuess and vigour without sharpness Of Holy Communion Forgive us our Debts as we also forgive our Debtors Mat. 6.12 Mat. 18.24 c. Consider Christ as a Patient Creditor COnsider 1. And imagine your self to be that Servant of whom is mention in this daies Gospel that owed his Lord ten thousand Talents For the debt of punishment which the Sinner oweth to God for every Mortal sin is in a manner infinit neither is he able to make any satisfaction although he were to be sold and with all that he hath condemned to perpetual Slavery What then would become of you if our Lord should call you to account this very day You are charged with a great Debt and you are not able to pay Ephes 2.4 Eccli 5.4 Ps 144.8 Joel 2.13 Is 1.18 Consider 2. The Depth of Gods Goodness who is ready to forgive more then man can possibly owe whence he is called Rich in Mercy A patient Rewarder Pittiful and Merciful And ready to be gracious upon the malice And by the Prophet he even provokes us Come and accuse me saith our Lord if your sins shall be as Scarlet they shall be made white as Snow c. He will come therefore unto you this day in the Eucharist which he would have to be as a Sanctuary or Refuge to all his Debtors that are not able to pay Therefore David Our Lord is made a Refuge for the Poor O how are you to wish for the coming of so good Ps 9.10 Creditor Luc. 6.37 Consider 3. Out of this Parable what preparation is required 1. He is to be entreated by frequent and earnest prayer I forgave thee all the debt because thou besoughtest me 2. With profound Humility for the servant falling down b●sought him 3. You are firmly to purpose amendment in life and manners Have patience towards me and I will repay thee all 4. You must forgive your Brother if you have any thing against him Oughtest not thou also to have mercy upon thy fellow-servant even as I had mercy upon thee Forgive and you shall be forgiven Of the Workmen in the Vineyard Mat. 20.1 c. Part 1. COnsider 1. The Kingdom of
more excellent then God Man as to his body is no better then dirt and dust a sack of dung and meat for worms As to his Soul he is the very sink of sin an Abyss of ignorance and Myrrour of Inconstancy Think how slender is his ability how little it is he knoweth what miseries he is subject unto so that Job said with reason What is man that thou magnifiest him Job 7.17 or why settest thou thy heart toward him Gen. 41.40 1 Reg. 9. Ps 77.70 Consider 2. On the other side what God is and how great is his Majesty Glory Riches Beauty Power c. and what a dignity it is to be his adoptive Son If it was esteemed a great and wonderful thing in Joseph the Patriarch to be taken out of prison and made Lord of Egypt in Saul from following of Asses to be annointed King and in David from following after the Ewes with young to be assumed to a Kingdome How much more is it to be admired that a lump of earth should be raised to dignity of being the Son of God and that the harbourer of worms should become the companion of Angels Ps 112.7 8 Consider 3. How much you owe to God for having so highly exalted you Raising up the needy from the earth and lifting up the poor out of the dung to place you with the Princes of his heavenly Court O unspeakable honour you deserve not the name of Gods servant Leo Serm. 1. de Nativit and you are made his Son Acknowledge therefore O Christian saith S. Leo your dignity and being made partaker of the Divine Nature do not by unworthy behaviour degenerate to your former baseness Of the benefit of Adoption Part 2. COnsider 1. The admirable effects of this benefit 1. It puts us under Gods special providence and protection so as to bring us up govern maintain and defend us as a loving Father doth his Children Whence David said Ps 102.13 As a father hath compassion of his children so hath our Lord compassion on them that fear him c. And by Isaie he promiseth yet more Why Is 49.15 can a woman forget her Infant that she will not have pity on the son of her womb And if she should forget yet will not I forget thee O what a security it is to be protected by such a Father If God stand for us who will be against us 2 Pet. 1.4 Consider 2. How by this adoption we are made partakers of the Divine Nature and in a manner Gods according to that of the Psalmist I said you are Gods and the sons of the highest all Ps 81. ● for it makes us partakers in some degree of Gods perfections and excellencies as of his Wisdome Fortitude Constancy Justice Charity and other Attributes which in him are by nature and are communicated to us as his children by grace Learn therefore greatly to esteem such a benefit that makes you like to God himself Rom. 8.17 Consider 3. How it makes us also Heirs of the Kingdome of Heaven according to that of the Apostle And if sons heirs also heirs truly of God and co-heirs of Christ O what a happiness Look therefore upon heaven as your own by inheritance Say with that Philosopher Corn. ad Rom. c. 1● 14. I am born to greater things then to make my self a slave to my own flesh Direct your thoughts and cares thither where you are sure to inherit endless treasures contemn all mortal things and give your mind only to such as are truly great and everlasting and as a certain holy man was wont to say In Vita P. Balt Alvarez Do not degenerate from the high thoughts of the sons of God Of the benefit of Adoption Part 3. Deut. 32.6 COnsider the several Obligations we have by reason of this benefit The first is of loving tenderly and from our whole heart so loving a Father For if children of this world do naturally love their Parents of whom they only receive their corporal substance and earthly goods how much more are you bound to love God from whom all proceeds that is good and who hath possessed thee and made and created thee Exod. 20.12 The second Obligation is of honouring him as our Father that is reverencing him with exteriour worship and serving him what we can with all respect and duty Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thou mayst be long lived upon the earth And our Lord himself by Malachy saith And if I be the father Mal. 1.6 where is my honour Mat. 5.48 Ephes 5.1 The third Obligation is of imitating God as children do their Parents Therefore Christ said Be you perfect as also your heavenly father is perfect And S. Paul Be followers of God as most dear children You must therefore imitate his Sanctity and Immunity from sin his Charity Mercy Justice and other Virtues Lev. 11.45 You shall be holy saith our Lord because I am holy Lev. 19.3 The fourth Obligation is of fearing ever to offend our Father according to that of Leviticus Let every one fear his Father and Mother And if children of this world fear to offend their Parents that they may not be disinherited by them how much more ought we to fear God Take heed that it be not ever objected to you Is 1.2 I have brought up children and exalted them but they have despised me You will despise him if you prefer your own will and desires before his Counsels and Commands Of the benefit of the H. Sacraments Is 12.3 COnsider 1. The wonderful care your Heavenly Father hath of you for to conserve you in the grace of his Adoption he hath provided you with many means for which you owe thanks and gratitude the chief of them are the seven Sacraments which as so many Fountains he would have to flow with several gifts of Grace in all abundance according to the diversity of our necessities so as to make good that of the Prophet You shall draw waters in joy out of the Saviours Fountains Ps 83.5 Consider 2. The infinite Wisdome of God in most fitly ordaining each Sacrament for that man might be born into a spiritual life he instituted Baptisme to grow up and be strengthened in the same Confirmation to be nourished Holy Eucharist That he might have a remedy and certain cure against his spiritual diseases Penance That he might be armed for his last Combat Extreme Unction Lastly for the right discharging of several states and duties in his Church he instituted H. Order and Matrimony Truly blessed are they that dwell in thy house O Lord who doest so abundantly provide for them that fear thee Is 55.1 Consider 3. These Fountains of Grace 1. Are open to all none are excluded though never so poor Whence the Prophet cryeth out All ye that thirst come to the waters and you that have no silver make hast buy and eat 2. They are
How few are there that would do so now-a-days But Christ did it to reach us to fly honours as much as lieth in us and to affect humility and lowliness See how you are in this point and whether you do not rather seek after such things as bear a lustre and greatness in the eyes of the world or at least prefer your self before your Companions and Neighbours Mat. 14.23 Consider 3. What our Lord did on the Mountain He ascended saith S. Matthew into a Mountain alone to pray It was his u●ual custome to retire himself far off from the multitudes to pray and this for our example for he stood not in need of prayer for himself but was continually beholding the Face of God by the Beatifical Vision Imitate therefore this example of our Lord and endeavour to joyn the contemplative life with the active Eccli 18.22 Be not hindered saith Ecclesiasticus to pray always Of Holy Communion Our Lord shall bind up the wound of his people and shall heal the stroak of their wound Is 30.26 Consider Christ as the good Samaritan COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel Luc. 10.30 Of a man who fell among Thieves that wounded him and of the Samaritan that bound up his wounds Consider how this man was Adam the Thieves the Devils who by Original Sin dispoiled him and us all in him of all grace and other free gifts and wounded him as Divines teach in his Natural Faculties in the Understanding by Ignorance in the Will by Malice in the Irascible Power by Weakness in the Concupiscible by unlawful Concupiscence and these are the four Wounds of our Nature S. Tho. 1.2 q. 85. ar 3. as S. Thomas teacheth Such therefore is your state and condition Zachar. 9.17 COnsider 2. The Pious Samaritan will come to you this day in the Holy Eucharist to bind your wounds and take care of you He will powre into your Soul Wine springing Virgins and the Oyl of his Mercy wherewith he doth comfort Sinners He will lay a Salve of his own Sacred Flesh to your wounds and unless you put a hinderance he will enlighten your Understanding like to the Honey by which Jonathas his eyes were illuminated 1 Reg. 14.27 Is 6.6 He will refine and rectifie your Will like to the burning hot Coal which cleansed the lips of Isait He will strengthen and enable you to endure hard things like to the Loaf that strengthened Elias Lastly 3 Reg. 19.8 he will temper the heat of Concupiscence like to the Manna which lay upon the ground Exod. 16.14 like unto the hoar frost Is 64.1 Consider 3. How much you ought to wish for that hour wherein this Samaritan is to come to you say with the Prophet Would God thou wouldest break the Heavens in sunder and wouldest descend and with that other Prophet Jer. 17.14 Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed save me and I shall be saved and above all be sure to entertain him with hearty love that cometh so lovingly to you Of Christs allaying the Tempest Mat. 8. Mar. 4. Luc. 8. Marc. 4.38 COnsider 1. Christ went with his Disciples into the Boat to pass over the Lake and while they were sailing he was in the hinder part of the Boat sleeping upon a Pillow Our Lord betakes himself to sleep though but for a while to shew himself subject to humane infirmities In the mean time there ariseth a Tempest the Boat is in danger the Disciples are troubled So Almighty God doth often permit us to be tossed with temptations and almost overwhelmed while he in the mean time in a manner sleepeth that is deferreth his peculiar assistance thereby to humble us and force us the more earnestly to implore his help Consider 2. The Disciples seeing themselves in danger came to him and raised him saying Lord save us Mat. 8.25 Marc. sup we perish And Master doth it not pertain to thee that we perish So ought we with a filial confidence to have recourse to our Lord in our temptations and to say with the Psalmist Arise why sleepest thou O Lord arise and expel us not to the end Ps 43.23 Observe moreover how our Lord being awakened reprehended his Disciples for their little confidence in him See whether he may not justly accuse you for the same Consider 3. How Christ rising up Mat. sup commanded the Winds and the Sea and there ensiled a great Calm So all Creatures even the Irrational obey their Creator Man alone is refractory to his Commands deaf and obstinate to his Councels and hard to be gained by any fair means Be sorry for having often been such and be sure to mend your self for the future Ps 94.9 And even to day if you shall hear his Voice harden not your heart Christ upon the Water Mat. 14.22 c. COnsider 1. Christ commanded his Disciples to go up into the Boat and to go before him over the water while he himself ascended into a Mountain alone to pray In the mean time there arose again a Tempest the Boat was tossed with waves Mar. 6.48 and they labouring in rowing Thus we are to suffer temptations over and over again wherein we must not neglect our selves but take the Oars in our hands use all our endeavours and betake our selves to prayer and the like Our Lord came to his Disciples at last walking upon the Sea to shew his Power He will also be at hand to assist us and be an helper in opportunities Ps 9.10 in tribulation Consider 2. The Disciples seeing our Lord walk upon the Sea said that it is a Ghost Mat. sup So many hold Christ for a Phantasm solid virtue for old Wives devotions interiour inspirations for the effects of a melanchollick humour Others on the contrary take their own Fantasies for Christ their Dreams for Revelations their Passions for Virtues Anger for Zeal and their own Private Interest for Gods greater Honour We must therefore avoid both Extremes and follow that counsel of the Apostle Believe not every spirit 1 Jo. 4.1 but prove the spirits if they be of God Consider 3. Those words of Christ It is I fear ye not Mat. sup It was a sufficient inducement to them of casting off all fear to hear him say It is I that is I who but a little before miraculously sed five thousand I who allayed the like Tempest by commanding the Winds and Sea and do now walk upon the waters c. Rejoyce for having so powerful a Helper and Refuge in your necessities Peter walketh upon the Waters Mat. 14.28 COnsider 1. The fervour of S. Peter who as soon as he understood it was our Lord was presently inflamed with an ardent desire of being with him saying Lord if it be thou bid me come to thee upon the Waters A true Lover knoweth not how to be separated from the Party he loveth and overcometh all
your self first with all humility in the presence of God imagining that Christ expects you there ready to give you audience then kneeling down with profound reverence say that short Preparatory prayer of the Church Prevent we beseech thee O Lord our actions by thy Spirit assisting us and in h●ping forward prosecute them that all our prayer and work may begin always from thee and begun by thee may be ended Through Christ our Lord Amen or some other like Then make use of the first Preamble of Composition of Place and that being done beg of Almighty God grace suitable to the subject of your present Meditation After this enter upon the points or matter of your Meditation which must be prepared before hand and discourse upon them with your understanding examining with your self who what where by what means wherefore in what manner when and other general circumstances that offer themselves and in all of them procure now and then to stir up your will by pious Affections and Colloquies as often as there shall be occasion in which Affections and Colloquies because the chief fruit of prayer doth consist therefore we will treat of them in this place more at large Of Colloquies Colloquies are to be made as well through the whole course as at the end of Meditation to wit as often as the will is stirred up to love or hate to prosecute or to fly what is set before it according as it is informed by the understanding of the goodness or malice of the object And because we may divers ways conceive God in relation to our selves therefore the Colloquies are to be made sometimes as of a Subject to his Prince sometimes as of a Child to his Father at other times again as of the Spouse to her Beloved of Friend to Friend of a Criminal to his Judge c. now begging something now admiring now offering now congratulating now condoling as the present matter shall require And because there are many kinds of these affections it will not be amiss in this place to reherse some of them in particular in an Alphabetical order The Colloquie therefore may be framed by way of I. ACOVSATION Accusing your self for having been cause 1 Paral. 21.17 of Christs sufferings or of other evils saying with David Am not I he that commanded c. It is I that have sinned it is I that have done the evil c. Lord my God let thy hand be turned I beseech thee upon me and the like II. ADMIRATION Wondering at the Goodness Wisdome Power and other like Attributes of God O Lord our Lord Psal 8.2 how marvelous is thy Name O Lord of Hosts who is like to thee Thou art mighty O Lord Psal 88.9 and thy truth round about thee or the like III. AFFIRMATION Affirming for example that God is just great and dreadful that they are happy that serve him and the like Psal 118.137 Psal 46.3 Psa 64. ● Thou art Just O Lord and thy Judgement is right Because our Lord is high terrible a great King over all the earth Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken he shall dwell in thy Courts IV. BENEDICTION Blessing God for hearing our prayers for having redeemed us and for other benefits which he hath bestowed upon us and inviting all creatures to do the same Blessed be God who hath not removed my prayer Ps 65.20 Luc. ●● 66 and his mercy from me c. Blessed be our Lord God of Israel because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people All works of our Lord Dan. 3.57 bless ye our Lord praise and superexalt him for ever V. COMMINATION or threatning woe to your self unless you mend unless you obey Gods call c. Vnless you will be converted Psal 7.13 he shall shake his Sword be hath bent his bow and prepared it c. Vnderstand these things Psa 49.22 you that forget God least sometime he take you violently and there be none to deliver you VI. COMPASSION for Christs labours and sufferings I am sorry for thee my Brother Jonathas 2 Reg. 1.26 2 Reg 18.33 Rod. de Pas c. 8. exceeding beautiful and amiable Who would grant me that I might dye for thee I will not live without wound saith Saint Bonaventure because I see thee full of wound VII COMPLAINT Piously complaining as if God had left you Psal 1.1 How long O Lord wilt thou forget me unto the end how long dost thou turn away thy face from me Where are thine old mercies Ps 8850. Ps 8●15 O Lord c. Why dost thou O Lord reject my prayer VIII COMPVNCTION and GRIEF for that by your sins you have been cause of Christs sufferings and of the scourges wherewith God doth chastize the world J●● 1.12 Psal 50.5 Take me up and east me into the Sea for I know that for me this tempest is upon you I do know mine iniquity and my sin is before me always IX CONFESSION Acknowledging the Benefits of God Eccli 51.1 and your own Infirmity I will confess to thee O Lord King and will praise thee God my Saviour I will confess to thy Name because thou art become my helper Psal 37.4 and protectour There is no health is my flesh c. my bones have no peace at the face of my st●s X. CONGRATVLATION with Christ for his victory over death with the Blessed Virgin for the glory of her Son and for her own Election Let us sing to our Lord Erod 15.1 Judith 15. ●0 Ecclesia in Missa for he is gloriously magnified c. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem thou the joy of Israel thou the honour of our people c. We give thee thanks for thy great glory XI CONSVLTATION Consulting between our Lord and your self what you are to do for him what to return for his beneftis Job 7.20 Ps 115.3 What shall I do to thee O Keeper of men What shall I render to our Lord for all things that he hath rendered to me XII DESIRE of heavenly and everlasting goods How beloved are thy Tabernacles Psal 83.2 O Lord of Hosts My soul coveteth and fainteth unto the Courts of our Lord. Psal 41.2 Even as the Hart defireth after the Fountains of waters so doth my soul desire after thee O God I desire thee a thousand times Bern. 〈◊〉 Jub my Jesus when will you come when will you make me ioyful when will you give me my fill of you XIII DETESTATION Abominating your own sins and sluggishness Psal 118.163 Psal 25.2 Ps 72.25 I have hated iniquity and abhorred it I have hated the Church of the Malignant and with the impious I will not sit What is to me in Heaven and besides thee what would I upon the earth XIV DOVBT Demanding of your self what you ought to do and what will become of you seeing all are to be so rigorously judged Psal 138.7 Psal 88.49
Whither shall I go from thy spirit and whither shall I fly from thy face who is the man that shall live and shall not see death shall deliver his soul from the hand of hell and the like XV. EXHORTATION Exciting your self to delight in God alone to open your self unto him to put your whole trust in him Psal 36.4 5. Be delighted in our Lord and he will give thee the petitions of thy heart Reveal thy way to our Lord and hope in him and he will do it Cast thy care upon our Lord Ps 54.23 and he will nourish thee XVI FAITH and CONFIDENCE in the goodness of God and that by his grace you will overcome all difficulties and temptations c. Our Lord is my Illumination Psal 26.1 Ps 102.9 Ps 17.30 and my Salvation whom shall I fear He will not be angry always neither will he threaten for ever In thee I shall be delivered from temptation and in my God I shall go over the wall XVII GLADNESSE or JOY for the propagation of Gods glory for the greatness of his Majesty and perfections and for the fulfilling of his Divine Will Be joyful in our Lord and rejoyce ye Just Ps 31.11 Isa 61.10 and glory all ye right of heart Rejoycing I will rejoyce in our Lord and my soul shall be joyful in my God because he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation c. XVIII GRATIVDE and THANKSGIVING for benefits received Ps 102.2 Apoc. 11.17 My soul bless thou our Lord and forget not all his retributions We thank thee Lord God Omnipotent which art which wast and which shalt come XIX HVMILIATION Acknowledging your self a sinner a wretch a worm your own infirmity reioycing therein as occasion of merit and humility Psal 21.7 Psal 43.7 Psal 118.17 I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and outcast of the people I will not hope in my Bow and my Sword will not save me c. It is good for me that thou hast humbled me that I may learn thy justifications XX. IMITATION exciting your self to follow our Lord Exo. 25.40 Ephes 5.1 Ro. 13.14 and tread his foot-steps Look and do according to the pattern Be a follower of God as a most dear Child Do you on our Lord Jesus Christ I will follow thee whither soever thou goest Luc. 9.57 XXI INVITATION Inviting our Lord to visit help and save you Ps 43.23 Ps 79.15 Arise why sleepest thou O Lord Arise and expell us not to the end O God of Hosts return regard from Heaven and see and visit this Vineyard XXII LOVE Professing your self to love God above all things Jo. 21.16 Psal 17.2 Ps 30.24 Lord thou knowest that I love thee I will love thee O Lord my strength And exhorting all men to do the same Love our Lord all ye his Saints XXIII NARRATION Recounting what God hath done for you or others or what you have done for him Our Lord ruleth me Psal 22.2 and nothing shall be wanting to me in place of pasture there he hath placed me In thee our Fathers have hoped they hoped Psal 21.5 Ps 39.11 and thou didst deliver them Thy Justice I have not hid in my heart Thy truth and thy salvation I have spoken XXIV OBLATION Offering your self to God to serve him to obey him in all things and to suffer for him O Lord I am thy servant Ps 115.7 Ps 72.23 Ps 37.18 I am thy servant and the Son of thy Handmaid As a Beast I am become with thee and I always with thee I am ready for scourges and my sorrow is in my sight always XXV OBSECRATION Earnestly imploring the Divine Aid and such spiritual graces as you stand most in need of Help us Psal 78.9 O God our Saviour and for the glory of thy Name O Lord deliver us Turn thee O Lord and deliver my Soul Psal 6.5 save me for thy mercy XXVI PETITION Craving to be heard illuminated Ps 38.13 directed preserved and the like Hear my prayer O Lord and my petition with thine ears receive my tears Psal 69.2 Psal 5.9 Psal 24.5 O God intend unto my help Lord make hast to help me Direct my way in thy fight Direct me in thy truth and teach me Keep me O Lord from the hand of the sinner c. Psal 139.5 XXVII PRAISE Extolling the Power Wisdom and Mercy of our Lord and inviting all creatures to do the same Ps 146.5 Great is our Lord and great is his strength and of his wisdom there is no number Luc. 1.46 Ps 148.1 My foul doth magnifie our Lord. Praise ye our Lord from the Heavens Praise ye him in the high places Praise ye him all his Angels XXVIII PREFERRING Having a greater esteem and concern for heavenly and divine objects than for the earthly and trausitory things of this world Psa 83.11 Better is one day in thy Courts above thousands I have chosen to be an object in the house of my God rather than to dwell in the Tabernacles of sinners Psa 36.16 Better is a little to the just above much riches of sinners XXIX PROSOPOPEIA Imagining to your self that God doth speak unto you reproving your negligence Jer. 2.21 Isa 5.2 Thre 4.1 Jer. 3.12 or exhorting you to fervour How art thou turned unto me into that which is depraved O strange Vineyard I looked that it should yeild grape and it yeilded wild grapes How is the gold darkned the best colour changed Return O rebellious Israel soul and I will not turn away my face from you XXX PVRPOSE Purposing to serve God better to resist temptations and to propagate his glory Psal 38.2 I will keep my ways that I offend not in my tongue I will pursue mine enemies Ps 17.38 Ps 21.23 and overtake them and will not return till they fail I will declare thy name to my brethren in the midst of the Church I will praise thee XXXI RENVNCIATION or ABNEGATION Denying your own will and renouncing all honour and glory as due to God alone Luc. 22.42 Ps 113.9 Mat. 8.8 Not my will but thine be done Not to us O Lord not to us but to thy Name give the glory Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof XXXII REPREHENSION Rebuking your self for being slothful irresolute a lover of toyes c. How long wilt thou sleep O sluggard Prov. 6.9 Pro. 1.22 Psal 12.2 When wilt thou rise out of thy sleep How long do you love infancy and as fools covet things which are hurtful to your self How long shall I put counsels in my soul XXXIII RESIGNATION Resigning your self to the will of God Lord not as I will Mat. 26.39 Mat. 6.9 Job 1.21 but as thou Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven As it hath pleased our Lord so is it done The Name of our Lord be blessed XXXIV SOLACE or ENCOVRAGEMENT Animating
1. Hideously obscure without light even above the Egyptian darknesse 2. Excessively strait for the infinite number of bodies that will there be packed together 3. Infinitely loathsome and stinking by reason of the soot smoke stench of brimstone and filthinesse of the bodies 4. Ever shut up without any conveniency of breathing Job 10.22 or air 5. Where as Job saith is the shadow of death and no order but everlasting horrour inhabiteth Apoc. 20.10 Consider 2. The quality of the pains 1. For being continual without intermission for they shall he tormented as St. John saith day and night for ever and ever 2. For the grievousnesse of them being most sharp and vehement without any the least relaxation Whence the rich Glutton in the Gospel could not obtain so much as one drop of water to cool his tongue 3. For the diversity and contrariety of them which makes to their greater torment expressed by that of Job Job 24.19 Let him pass from snow waters to exceeding heat 4. For the company or society which will be with the Devils and cursed Souls that are obdurated in the hatred of God and with serpents vipers and dragons Job 20.16 18. He shall suck the head of asps and the vipers tongue shall kill him c. He shall be punished for all things that he did and yet not be consumed Apoc. 9.6 Marc. 9.43 Consider 3. The everlasting durance of all this which after millions of years shall begin afresh as if nothing had ever been and shall last for ever Because 1. The Soul is immortal They shall desire to dye and death shall flye from them 2. The place never to be destroyed 3. The fire unquenchable 4. Their sin by obstinacy irrevocable and consequently their worm dieth not Ibid. 44. Lastly Gods decree is unchangeable because in Hell there is no redemption Of Hell 2. Part. Sap. 11.17 COnsider 1. That saying of the Wiseman By what things a man sinneth by the same also he is tormented And because we offend God by all the Senses of the body therefore the damned in hell shall be tormented in them all 1. The Sight shall be tormented with hideous shapes of the Devils horrid representations of sins past and with the view of their cursed company which it will detest with mortal hatred 2. The Hearing with continual blasphemies grashing of teeth curses and howlings 3. The Smell with brimstone pitch and intollerable stench of the bodie 4. The Taste with ravenous hunger unquenchable thirst and insufferable bitternesse of the fiery brimstone 5. The Sense of Feeling with most sharp torments all the body over for the Sinner shall be as the Prophet saith as stubble to the fire Malach. 4.1 Is 33.14 Which of you saith another can dwell with devouring fire which of you shall dwell with everlasting heats Imagine the same in proportion of the Understanding Memory Will and other powers Consider 2. Heavier then all this will be the pain of loss as the Divines call it for that the greater the good is that is lost the greater likewise is the grief it causeth And the damned to their greater torment shall know the greatnesse of the Happinesse which they have forfeited by Sin This Happinesse is God himself and the clear sight and enjoyment of him The blessed Company of Saints perpetual Tranquillity and Peace peaceful Delight delightful Satiety and the like And yet we can finde in our hearts to let all this go and besides incur everlasting torments for some short and trifling pleasure Consider 3. What you are to do to escape Hell You must use all your endeavour to avoid Sin which leadeth thither And if you would not for the whole world lie broiling on a gridiron but for an hour how much more ought you to be aversed from sin Let us therefore bewail our sins as a certain holy man said before we come thither where our tears will serve for nothing but to scorch and burn our bodies Of Purgatory 1. Part. COnsider 1. As Hell is ordained for punishment of Mortal Sin so is Purgatory for Venial And here likewise Sinners suffer for a time pain both of Sense and Losse Ponder therefore the grievousnesse of the pains of Sense 1. In regard of the place which is also under ground dark and joyning to Hell 2. For the nature and condition of the Fire which is of the same kind and activity as Divines teach with that of Hell 3. For the excesse of torment for as St. Augustine saith that purging fire is more grievous then what pain soever we can see feel Aug. Ser. 41. de Sanctis or even imagine in this world 4. For the long durance for although those torments be not everlasting yet to very many they last for many years and to some even till the day of Judgement as appeareth by divers very credible and authentick Histories Is 33.14 Who can dwell with devouring fire Prov. 13.12 Consider 2. The pain of Losse which the Souls sustain here for the delay of the Beatifical Vision which they most ardently long for Hope that is deferred afflicteth the soul Much more the hopes of so great a happiness as is the seeing and enjoying of God Think if you were promised a Kingdom what a longing condition you would be in till you were in possession with much greater desire are the Souls there inflamed and they grieve the more for that so great a good is deferred for their own carelesnesse and negligence in this life Aug. sup Consider 3. How much it imports you both to shun to the utmost of your power Venial Sins and withall to satisfie fully for Mortal Sins though confessed and forgiven lest you come to be cast into this purging Fire for as Saint Augustine above cited saith He that will not now put so much as one finger into the fire must necessarily dread to be tormented then whole body and soul though but for a short time Of Purgatory 2. Part. COnsider 1. For how light causes as we read in Histories many have been sent to Purgatory Some for not bowing their head in the Quire at Gloria Patri others for desiring too earnestly holy Orders Some again for Vanity in argumenting Others for curiosity in Apparel S. Severin himself at whose Sepulchre miracles were wrought for not reciting the Divine Office in its due time And Paschasius Deacon for some inordinate affection in the election of the Pope and that out of errour and ignorance Greg. l. 4. Dial. c. 40. as Saint Gregory witnesseth Compare now these small defects with yours and you will finde that you have deserved a much heavier judgement Wherefore humbly ask pardon and say with the Psalmist Ps 6.1 2. Lord rebuke me not in thy fury nor chastise me in thy wrath Have mercy on me Lord because I am weak Consider 2. Our merciful Lord hath afforded us many means to satisfie for our sins in this life
saying those words of David Sacrifice and Oblation thou wouldst not c. Then said I behold I come Admire in the Son this voluntary Oblation of himself admire in the Father his most gracious acceptance O inestimable effect of Charity To redeem his slave he refused not to deliver up his onely Son Give thanks to both with the Holy Ghost and offer what you are able in gratitude Ps 93.17 Consider 3. What would have become of you had not Christ thus interposed himself You would have lain for ever in the filth of sin destinated according to your deserts to the flames of Hell So that you may with all truth say But that our Lord hath holpen me within very little my soul had dwelt in Hell Learn hence to esteem the greatnesse of the Benefit and seeing God hath thus bestowed himself upon you give your self up wholly to him Ps. 107.2 and say My heart is ready O God my heart is ready Of the divine Decree concerning Christs Incarnation 2. Part. Gen. 3.5 Phil. 2.7 COnsider 1. The admirable perfections of God discovered in this Decree And first his infinite Wisdom whereby he would cure our maladies by their contraries Man sinned through Pride vainly coveting a likenesse with God You shall be as Gods God would cure this sore by exinaniting himself taking the form of a servant and made into the similitude of men Detest Pride which hath brought so much evil into the world and imitate the example which Christ hath given you of Humility Jo. 3.16 Consider 2. His unspeakable Charity So God loved the World that he gave his onely begotten Son Even the Son himself so loved it as to give himself for it But Who and for whom The God of Majesty for a most vile and ungrateful Slave Love therefore so loving a Lord with your whole heart with all your soul and with all your strength and seeing you cannot sufficiently love him endeavour according to your state and calling to draw as many as you can into your company in the joynt love and service of him Consider 3. His infinite Goodnesse in communicating himself to man in the highest degree possible His mercy whereby he would take upon him our miseries to relieve us His Justice which that he might satisfie to the utmost rigour he made our whole debt his own Lastly his Power in joyning two extreams of infinite distance from one another God and Man Creatour and Creature O admirable conjunction Ps 97.1 2. Sing ye to our Lord a new song because he hath done marvellous things Our Lord hath made known his salvation in the sight of the Gentiles he hath revealed his Justice Of the Election of the Mother to the Word Incarnate 1. Part. COnsider 1. The Incarnation being decreed as to the substance the Eternal Word might have taken the perfect body of a man such as he framed for Adam without infringing the rigour of Justice which he desired to satisfie Notwithstanding he chose to be born of a Mother 1. So to honour both Sexes Man in his own Person Woman by taking flesh and bloud of Her 2. That in her we might also have a Mother and Advocatrix to her Son our Judge 3. That being thus made a sucking Infant and subject to his Mother he might give us example of humility and subjection Reflect how in all things he chuseth the worst and most repugnant to sense See and imitate Prov. 8.23 Consider 2. How the Word made choice of this individual Mother not for any merits of hers which then were none at all but to the end she might have merits Therefore he bestowed upon her the fulnesse of Grace and Vertue that so she might be made sit to be the Mother of God Congratulate with her for this her Election and Predestination from all Eternity From eternity I was ordained and of old before the earth was made Offer your s●lf to be her Client for ever and with all earnestnesse implore her aid and protection Ps 4.3 Consider 3. The Eternal Word would not have for his Mother any rich Personage or Princesse but one that was poor and of mean condition in the world thereby to confound our pride and vanity that seek and hunt greedily after such things as make a shew and noise in the world Ye sons of men how long are you of heavy heart Why love you vanity and seek lying Learn to contemn the judgements of the world and to esteem those things only great as are such in the sight of God and know that much worth and vertue often lieth under a contemptible disguise Of the Election of the Mother to the Word Incarnate And of her Prerogatives 2. Part. 3 Reg. 10.18 COnsider 1. It was fitting that the Eternal Word should honour his Mother and raise her above the common condition of Mortals by special Priviledges King Salomon made a great Throne of Ivory and covered it with Gold exceeding yellow c. There was not such a work made in all Kingdoms How much more sitting was it that the King of Heaven should adorn his Throne or Bed-chamber where he was to lie for nine moneths together Consider 2. Several of her Priviledges 1. Sanctity and that the greatest of any pure creature communicated unto her from the first moment of her Conception for it was not fit that the Mother of God should ever even for one single moment be under the slavery of the Devil 2. Suppression of Concupiscence 3. Confirmation in Grace so as never to forfeit it by Mortal Sin or even to suffer the least diminution of its fervour by Venial 4. Continual progresse in the same by heroick acts of Vertue whereby it was increased to an infinite proportion 5. The use of reason from the first moment 6. To conceive and remain a Virgin 7. To be in child-birth without pain 8. To be a Mother and delivered of her Son without detriment of her Virginal Integrity 9. To be a Mart a Sea Suar. c. 2.3 p. d. 18. sec 4. and Ocean of all manner of Grace so as to surpasse the perfections of all the Saints put together S. Bern. Consider 3. Her admirable Titles in being after an especial manner Daughter to the Eternal Father Mother to the onely begotten Son Spouse to the Holy Ghost and Soveraign Queen of Men and Angels She is also stiled the Mother of Mercy the Advocatrix of Mankind and Refuge of Sinners Think what a Refuge and Protection you have in such a Mother Commend your self earnestly to her for such is his will who will have us have all by Mary I will look towards our Lord I will expect God my Saviour Mich. 7.7 Mat. 11.3 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the expectation of the Gentiles Gen. 49.10 Agg. 2.8 COnsider 1. What is said to day in the Gospel Art thou he that art to come or look we for another Christ is the expectation of the Gentiles
of Jacob. And see that you be a Jacob Supplant and cast the Devil out of your heart wrestle with your own vicious inclinations and concupiscences Rom. 6.12 Let not sin reign in your mortal body that our Lord Jesus may reign in the house of your Soul and that for ever Say with the same St. Bernard Bern sup I have no other King then my Lord Jesus Luc. 1.34 c. Of the Blessed Virgins Reply 2 Cor. 4.7 HOw shall this be done c. Consider 1. How the Blessed Virgin who had hitherto been silent began at last to speak in defence of her Virginity which she would not forfeit to be Mother of God O admirable Purity In this Vertue she was truly singular and without example Learn hence 1. Both to speak and to be silent in their due times and circumstances 2. Not to be taken off from your good purposes and obligations upon any account without examining well how it may be done 3. To be cautious and nice in point of Chastity and not to cast your self in danger under pretence of what good soever knowing that we have this treasure of Chastity in carthen vessels Consider 2. The Holy Ghost shall come upon the and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee Ponder the excellency of Virginity whereof our Lord was so great a lover that whereas he took upon him all our other miseries yet he would not be conceived but of a Virgin and in favour of her love also to the same the divine Spirit of Purity it self wrought in her this mysterious Conception whereby her Son who as God proceeded wholly from his Father as man became entirely hers receiving from her alone what other children take from both parents Beseech our Lord to come also upon you by his holy Grace and with his shoulders to overshadow you especially in the day of battel Ps 90.4 Ps 139.8 against the heat of Concupiscence and vicious appetites Ps. 112.9 Consider 3. Behold Elizabeth thy couzen c. She who was barren becometh fruitful that you should know there is nothing impossible to God Therefore although you have hitherto been fruitlesse of good works yet by the divine Grace and your own concurrence you may come to be father of many and that not only in your self but also in your neighbour according to the condition and calling you are in Therefore even now begin to cooperate with Gods Grace for he will not be wanting who maketh the barren woman to dwell in a house a joyful mother of children Of the Virgins Consent COnsider 1. How earnestly the Angel and the whole Court of Heaven expected the Virgins consent Ber. hom 4 super missus O Lady saith St. Bernard speak the word which Heaven and Earth and the lower world expect from you At length she giveth her consent Behold the handmaid of our Lord. Admire her singular humility who being saluted Mother of God would still keep the name of handmaid This is that humility which our Lord regarded as she saith in her Canticle Magnificat and loved so much in her Put on the same humility in your life and actions if you desire the Holy Ghost should dwell in you for he sendeth forth fountains in the valleys Ps. 103.10 He watereth the humble with the fountains of his Grace but leaveth the mountains that is the high and proud ones dry Ps. 115.7 Consider 2. The name of handmaid or slave though it be contemptible among men yet in relation to God is honourable for we are truly his by the several titles of Creation Conservation and Redemption To him alone we ought to labour and to direct all things to his glory as did this blessed handmaid of his Offer your self therefore to God as a perpetual bond-slave and say with the Psalmist O Lord because I am thy servant I am thy servant and the son of thy handmaid the B. Virgin Mary Mat. 26.39 Consider 3. The admirable Obedience and Resignation of the B. Virgin in conforming her will to Gods divine pleasure Be it done to me according to thy word c. Think how grateful this answer was to God and to men and Angels Imitate her in resigning your will wholly into the hands of God and say in every thing Be it done to me O Lord according to thy word not to my will And Not as I will but as thou Think how joyful the Angel was for having obtained her consent and for the happy successe of his Embassage and how he returned without delay into Heaven full of admiration of the mystery of the Incarnation and of the Vertues and Excellencies of the Virgin Of the Accomplishment of the Incarnation Ps. 18.6 7 COnsider 1. How the B. Virgin having given her consent immediately the Eternal Word As a Bridegroom coming forth of his bride-chamber to celebrate 〈◊〉 N●pt●●● w●●● humane nature Rejoyced as a giant to 〈◊〉 the way to unite unto himself our flesh and to begin the work of our Redemption Whence having presently framed a perfect body out of the most pure bloud of the B. Virgin and created a rational Soul he vouchsafed to unite his Divinity to them both Jo. 1.14 And thus the word was made flesh and dwelt in us Think with what joy of the Angels in Heaven of the Saints in Limbus of God himself and particularly of the B. Virgin now Mother of God Heb. 2.17 Consider 2. What manner of body the Eternal Word took upon him in the Virgins Womb He might have assumed an Immortal one and a Glorious Body had been but his due in regard of the Beatifical Vision But he took upon him mortal flesh and that of a little infant 1. That he might in all things be like unto his brethren 2. To oblige us to love him the more tenderly 3. To take from us all fear and make us come with confidence unto him 4. To give us example of Humility Patience and Mortification in enduring nine moneths straight imprisonment in his Mothers Womb. And 5. That he might as the Criminal pay in his flesh what were not his but our debts Humble your self you that are dust while you see the Lord of Majesty thus reduced in a manner to nothing for your sake Ps. 39.8 Consider 3. What the divine Infant did in the first instant of his Conception how he offered himself and his whole life and actions to his Eternal Father as a Holocaust and Sacrifice for our sins saying Behold I come and how the Eternal Father was pleased in this his new born Son saying Thou art my Son I this day have begotten thee Ps. 2.7 To day the Heavens did truly flow with honey while true Peace descended upon the Earth Mercy and Truth have met each other Ps. 14.11 c. Justice and Peace have kissed Truth is risen out of the Earth and Justice hath looked down from Heaven Draw me we will run
in a stable upon a bed of straw Consider 3. And falling down adored him 1. They prostrated themselves with most profound humility as well interior as exterior acknowledging their own unworthiness and their subjection and dependance on him 2. They adored him with a most perfect act of Adoration as their Soveraign Lord and God 3. This Adoration was seconded with an entire oblation of themselves and their Kingdoms with sincere expressions of gratitude both for their own particular and for the general benefit of all in his Incarnation and Vocation of the Gentiles together with most ardent affections of love and desires that all the world might come to his knowledge and service Learn hence what admirable effects a lively faith doth work in a devout Soul and with that affections you are to come to the same Lord in the Holy Eucharist Mat. 2.11 Of the Sages Offerings or Gifts ANd opening their treasures they offered to him gifts Gold Frankincense and Myrrhe Consider how with the above-named affections of faith humility reverence devotion and love they offer gifts in homage to their Soveraign Lord and that of the best things they had and out of their treasures that you might learn to give to God and to employ the best not the worst things you have in divine uses Consider the gifts in particular and present yours joyntly with them They offer Gold as Tribute to their Lord and King Offer him also Gold that is 1. a heart full of Charity loving him from your whole heart for as Gold is the chief of Metals so Charity is the Queen of Vertues 2. Exterior worldly goods with an affection and love to Poverty setting them all at naught in respect of his divine service so as to be ready even actually to leave all rather then to offend him only Venially Ps 140.2 Consider 2. They offer Frankincense in acknowledgement of his Divinity Offer also your Frankincense of fervent and frequent Prayer saying with David Let my prayer O Lord be directed as incense in thy sight Offer again to God your Frankincense that is your will as a most sweet perfume and this by Obedience to your Superiours Governours and Directours whom God hath appointed in his place over you For there is no Sacrifice more grateful to him then that of our will by means of Obedience 1 Reg. 15.22 Better is Obedience saith Samuel then Victims Consider 3. They offer Myrrhe as to a mortal man Offer you also the Myrrhe which is of a bitter taste of Mortification chastifing your body with St. Paul and bringing it to subjection so as to obey the Spirit Offer also a special Myrrhe of Chastiry carefully avoiding whatsoever may endamage it for as Myrrhe preserveth dead bodies from corruption S. Greg. Orat. 16. so Chastity doth keep both the bodies and minds of the living undefiled Lastly consecrate your whole self to God and give whatsoever you have to him who hath given you all things Of the Sages Return ¶ If the Octave fall upon Sunday make this Meditation on Saturday and on Sunday of H. Communion as above 1 Jo. 4.1 2 Cor. 11.14 COnsider 1. How the Sages having performed their homage and duty of Adoration having also presented the B. Virgin and St. Joseph with some gifts and taken their leave were now ready for their return full of spiritual joy and zeal of bringing others to Christ and amongst them Herod himself but were admonished in their sleep that they should not go back to him Whence you may learn that God hath a care of them that are his and can easily frustrate the subtile intentions of the wicked And that in the way of Vertue not every motion which seems to be according to zeal ought always to be followed But we must prove the spirits if they be of God for oftentimes as the Apostle witnesseth Satan transfigureth himself into an Angel of light Consider 2. How they presently obeyed and went back another way into their Countrey Mat. 2.12 So ought we to follow the inspirations of God and they that have had more knowledge and experience of Christ should enter into another course of life of greater exactness and perfection in their progress towards their heavenly countrey Greg. hom in Epiph. from which seeing we turned away by pleasures we should return by the contrary way of sorrow and repentance Think how the B. Virgin behaved her self in all these passages and what joy she was in to see her Son thus adored and that of the Prophet fulfilled Ps 71.10 The Kings of Tharsis and the Islands shall offer presents c. Recommend your self earnestly to her saying with S. Bernard Orat. S. Ber. By you Virgin Mother let us have access to your Son 2 Cor. 9.6 Consider 3. The B. Infant did not send the Sages away empty but highly rewarded for their pains and devotion He bestowed upon them supernatural and heavenly gifts in return to theirs for their Gold he gave them the rich treasures of Wisdom and Charity for their Frankincense the gift of Prayer and Devotion for their Myrrhe the Soveraign Balm of his divine Grace against the corruption of Sin We can give nothing to God that returneth not with advantage to our selves the more we give the more we shall receive Be liberal therefore to God that he may be so to you remembring what the Apostle saith He that soweth sparingly sparingly also shall reap and he that soweth in blessings of blessings also shall reap ¶ If there remain any days between the Octave and the 2. Sunday repeat these Meditations according to the number of the days If a whole Week then on Munday take the Meditation of the Purification and go on with them the other days as they follow intermitting that of the second Sunday till it cometh in its course of that year Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye forth to meet him Mat. 25.6 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Spouse of your Soul Ose 2.19 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel There was a Marriage made in Cana of Galilee c. Jo. 2.1 The like Espousals will be made this day between Christ and your Soul if you will but give your consent for he on his part doth earnestly desire it according to that I will despouse thee to me for ever and I will despouse thee to me in Justice and Judgement and in Mercy and in Commiserations Nay although you have often been disloyal unto him by your disordinate affection and adhering to creatures he is notwithstanding ready to pardon all and even invites you again to him by the Prophet Jer. 3.1 Thou hast committed fornication with many lovers nevertheless return unto me saith our Lord and I will receive thee Ps 44.3 Consider 2. How great a dignity it is to be espoused to a King here upon Earth How much greater then to the King of Heaven Think how incomparable is the
in spirit to the Church and not out of meer custom Consider 3. How well the Blessed Infant did recompense the long expectation of this Holy Man not only favouring him with his corporal presence and that in his arms but also working interiourly in his Soul admirable effects of his divine grace and replenishing him with heavenly comfort so to the full as to make him bid adieu to all earthly things and to life it self breaking forth into that sweet Canticle Now thou doest dismisse thy Servant O Lord according to thy word in peace Because mine eyes have seen thy Salvation O that you could likewise bid farewell to all worldly desires and say with the Apostle I have a desire to be dissolved Phil. 1.23 and to be with Christ Luc. 2.34 Of what passed with Holy Simeon and others Part. 2. COnsider 1. What Simeon said of Christ Behold this Infant is set unto the ruine and unto the resurrection of many in Israel Christ will indeed prove to be the ruine both of the unbelievers and of those that work not according to their belief but withall a resurrection and everlasting life to the Just Think how you would have him be to you and take notice how even the holiest things will turn to our ruine and damnation if we make ill use of them Reflect therefore upon your self and examine what use you make of Gods benefits and of the means bestowed upon you to work your Salvation Coloss 2.3 Consider 2. And for a sign which shall be contradicted O wonder He was the Increated Wisdom of God In whom be all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge bid and yet he was contradicted by many His words and actions were commonly calumniated and condemned and thou silly man that thou art doest thou wonder and repine that men sometimes do contradict thee and reprove thy doings and sayings Learn to suffer patiently If you desire to be Christ's Disciple you must be content to be as a set mark for others to aim at in contradiction Mat. 10.24 For the Disciple is not above the Master Eccli 11.27 Consider 3. What the Holy man said to the B. Virgin And thine own Soul shall a sword pierce c. Ponder how God mixeth sorrow with gladness and amidst those excessive joys wherewith her Soul must necessarily be filled to see her Son honoured in that solemn manner he puts her in mind of her future sorrows Ponder the singular modesty of the Virgin and withall her resignation wherewith she accepted at the hands of God the piercing sword Imitate her example and learn not to be overjoy'd in time of Consolation but to think then of the Desolation that may ensue In the day of good things saith Ecclesiasticus be not unmindful of evil Luc. 2.36 Of what passed with Anna and others Part 1. Ps 38.5 COnsider 1. In this Mystery are proposed unto us the Vertues of this Saint for our imitation After seven years of a married life she lived continually in the Temple till the fourscore and fourth year of her age by fasting and prayers serving night and day Ponder her great love of Chastity her continual exercise of Prayer and Mortification and constant perseverance of so many years in the Service of God Compare these Vertues with your Inconstancy and Tepidity That you may know what is lacking to you Consider 2. And she at the same hour suddenly coming in confessed to our Lord. Ponder here 1. Gods sweet Providence in inspiring her to come so opportunely and withall revealing unto her the Mystery of his Sons Incarnation 2. Her concurrence with the divine Inspiration not letting slip one moment of the hour that was alotted her for the obtaining of so great a blessing Who knoweth whether this be not the hour wherein God intends you some special favour if you would make right use of it Learn hence to be ready at all hours and let not any slip from you You may lose many by neglecting one Mat. 20.16 2 Pet. 1.10 Consider 3. Many others there were at that time in the Temple who both saw and heard what passed yet these two alone had their eyes open to know him for that this Blessed Infant in the exteriour made no shew of any thing that was singular or above other children Learn hence to conceal what is in you and withall not to judge of others by their outside Learn also that among so many that come to the Holy Eucharist those alone do truly know him and do taste of his sweetness who come in spirit and devotion to the Church and are rightly disposed Lastly learn hence that many are called but few elect Labour therefore the more as St. Peter admonisheth that by good works you make sure your Vocation and Election Luc. 2.38 Of what passed with Anna and others Part 2. COnsider 1. The Interiour Acts of Vertue this holy Woman exercised when she beheld the Blessed Infant Her Faith Hope Love Joy and Congratulation with her self perfect Resignation c. Observe and imitate as often as you come to the same Christ in the Holy Eucharist If you believe where is your Humility Reverence and Devotion If you hope in him why do you afflict your self for crosses and adversities If you love him why do you set your affection upon creatures If your joy be in him why do you beg content and satisfaction from earthly comforts If lastly you have resigned your self to him why do you so often recall your self and seek your own will Mat. 12.34 Consider 2. Out of the Vehemency of her affection and zeal she brake forth into the praises of God She confessed to our Lord and spake of him to all c. professing him to be the Messias of the world extolling his mercies admiring his humility inviting all to acknowledge reverence and love him as their Lord and Saviour O how true is that Of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh The reason why you are so dumb in the praises of God is because you are cold and tepid in affection Learn of this holy Woman to speak freely of God and of heavenly things in your private discourses and conversation with others Be not content to enjoy God alone but endeavour to bring others to him both by word and example Consider 3. And his Father and Mother were marveling upon those things which were spoken concerning him They admired the divine Providence in revealing these Sublime Mysteries to a few onely and those but obscure persons rather then to the great and wise men of the world And after that they had wholy done all things according to the law of our Lord they returned Learn by this their example eractly to accomplish the will of God in all even the least things Accompany them home Observe their religious comportment on the way See how they being now returned to Bethleem apply themselves each one in their several duties to tend and serve the
divine Infant Of Holy Communion Heal me O Lord and I shal be healed save me and I shall be saved Jer. 17.14 Consider Christ as the Physician of your Soul Is 61.1 COnsider 1. What is read this day in the Ghospel to wit that Christ healed the Leper and after that the Centurions servant Matt. 8. and that he is the general Physician of all our Souls who therefore came into the world That I should heal saith he the contrite of heart And while he was upon earth wheresoever he came Virtue went forth from him Luc. 6.19 and healed all Consider 2. How many diseases Man is subject unto Our feaver saith St. Ambrose is covetousness our feaver is sensuality our feaver is rage and anger c. So many are our diseases as we have vices Ponder what concern and danger they are of as bringing with them everlasting death how hard to be cured being of the nature not of outward diseases that easily discover themselves but of inward malignities that lie hid from the patient himself and are in a manner rooted in the very substance of the Soul What a happiness were it to be cured of all these and to have a Physician at hand who knows how to apply soveraign remedies against them Is 53.4 Consider 3. We ought to put great trust in this our heavenly Physician 1. Because he is most skillful and knowing all things and that he might have a more experimental knowledge of our necessities He hath born our infirmities and our sorrows he hath carried 2. Because he is most compassionate even thirsting after our health and Salvation and therefore of his own accord asked that man in the Ghospel Wilt thou be made whole 3. To the end he might the more effectually cure us Jo. 5.7 he hath made a most admirable Balsom of his most precious Body and Blood for us to take as a most soveraign remedy Cast your self therefore at his feet and say with the Prophet Have mercy on me Lord Ps. 6.2 because I am weak Dispose your self to obey whatsoever this divine Physician shall prescribe Of Christs flying into Egypt Part 1. Mat. 2.13 COnsider 1. How different are the ways of God from those of men Christ as soon as born is sent into banishment God could have taken Herod away or easily have appeased his wrath or have rendered his Son invisible but he would have him fly Think how derogatory this was to the dignity of the Son of God how full of inconvenience Thus God dealeth with them whom he loveth best Are you greater or better then the Son of God why then do you complain when he permits you to suffer some hardships Take these as tokens of his love and you will bear them the better and that with joy and thanks too Consider 2. God would not have him go to the Sages where he would have been held in honor and veneration and could have wanted nothing but into Egypt a barbarous nation and ever averse from the Israelites far from home from his kindred and acquaintance Thus did he take from his Son during his infancy all manner of comfort help and relief which he might otherwise have had from his friends Why then do you so much seek to be respected and served by all and think much if you suffer any incommodity If you did love and serve Christ in earnest you would rather rejoyce and think it honor enough to be neglected despised and afflicted with and for him It sufficeth the disciple that he be as his Master Mat. 10.25 and the servant as his Lord. Heb. 13.14 Consider 3. Christ as he would be born far from home so would he be banished far from his own Countrey 1. That we should both own and carry our selves as strangers and exiled persons not as Citizens or natives of this world knowing that we have not here a permanent City but we seek that which is to come 2. That those who were afterwards to suffer banishment for his sake might find comfort in his example Learn willingly for the love of Christ to be exiled from your native countrey and friends for true is that saying A man of resolution makes every countrey his own Cic. Tusc 5. Of Christs flying into Egypt Part 2. Mat. sup COnsider 1. Behold an Angel of our Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph saying Arise and take the Child and his Mother and fly into Egypt Ponder the particulars 1. The Angel commandeth in the name of God who is our Supreme Lord. 2. He delivereth it not to the Virgin though the more worthy but to Joseph as head of the Family Thus God doth first Illuminate Superiors by himself then us by them 3. He appeareth in sleep recommending thereby Gods care of us who while we are at sleep is watching for our good 4. He bids him take the Child and his Mother without care of any thing else O that Jesus and Mary were your onely care and love 5. He assigneth him the place he is to go to Learn hence ●ot to be your own chuser but to take all from the hand of God place imployment prosperity adversity c. Pro. 20.24 Ps. 90.10 Consider 2. Those words of the Angel Be there until I shall tell thee He could have told him determinately till such or such a time but God would not have them know it that they might the more depend on his providence Be not in your affairs sollicitous for the future as to time place and other circumstances learn to depend in all things on the divine providence for the steps of man are directed of our Lord as the Wiseman saith And He hath given his Angels charge of thee that they keep thee in all thy ways Follow this conduct not your own ways and you will ever live in security Consider 3. Who arose and took the Child and his Mother by night c. Ponder here S. Josephs perfect obedience 1. In submitting his judgement whereas there wanted not many things which he might have objected against so sudden a departure 2. In readily conforming his will notwithstanding the many difficulties that represented themselves 3. In his prompt and exact execution in every particular rising that very time of night with breaking his sleep and rest and leaving all that he had uncertain of returning any more 4. In performing all this with great chearfalness knowing he did therein the will of God Compare and reform your Obedience in all things to this perfect Example Of Christs flying into Egypt Part 3. Matt. 2.14 ANd retired into Egypt Consider 1. How without delay they put themselves upon their journey Ponder the tender affection of the Mother and compassion towards her Child beginning even now from his infancy to train himself up to hardships and how notwithstanding she resigneth her self to the will of God Think also how the divine Infant freely offereth himself to his eternal Father even in these
by the conversation of the talke of our Lord. Be you also much conversant with God in prayer that you may in like manner be transfigured Besides you must make him the only object of your love and affection and perfectly hate whatsoever is displeasing unto him for as S. Augustine saith Every one is such as is his love August Tom. 2. 〈◊〉 Ep. 1. Jo. if you love earth you will be earth if you love God you shall be God love God therefore that you may be one with him Christ is accused before Caiphas c. Mat. 26.59 COnsider 1. Christ being brought before Caiphas The chiefe Priests and the whole Councel sought false witness against Jesus that they might put him to death O Injustice Judges who should punish seek false witness against known innocency and patronize their private unjust en●●● and hatred by the pretence of publick Justice See how the son of God standeth at the barr before his sworn enemies and forsworn witnesses and accusers The innocent lamb who did no sin 1 Pet. 2.22 neither was guile found in his mouth answereth all his accusations with silence Ps. 37.14 But I as one deafe did not heare and as one damb not opening his mouth Learn hence to be deafe and dumb in like occasions and to commit your cause to God Consider 2. So irreprehensible was Christs life that his very enemies even upon false informations could not fasten upon any thing that could make up a crime against him Wherefore the high Priest conjureth him by the living God to say whether he were Christ That he might condemn him of Blasphemy if he affirmed Christ who had been silent before in reverence to the sacred name of God answereth Thou sayest Mat. sup Mar. 14.62 I am and withall giveth them an Item of the later judgement if perhaps for feare thereof they might be moved to desist from their wicked intents But the perverse are hardly corrected Eccle. 1.15 Beseech our Lord you may never come to be one of them Mat. 26.65 Consider 3. The counterfited zeal of the wicked Then the high Priest rent his garments saying He hath blasphemed Doe you rather rend your heart with true contrition for being the cause of all these sufferings of Christ Joel 2.13 Rent your hearts and not your garments sayes our Lord Hear how they all cry out with one voice He is guilty of death Mat. sup O most unjust Sentence Sweet Jesus doe you thus endure to be held a blasphemer and sentenced to death and shall I seek to be thought more of by all and better then I am Of the Injuries which Christ suffered in the House of Caiphas Part 1. Mat. 26.67 COnsider 1. How Christ being sentenced guilty of death Then did they spit on his face and buffeted him and others smote his face with the palmes of their hands saying prophecy unto us c. Ponder five extraordinary kinds of Ignominy which Christ suffered all that night 1. They spit upon him who with spittle had given sight to the blind speech to the dumb and hearing to the deaf and on that face which the Angels adore and just Souls long after saying shew thy face and we shall be saved Ps. 79.20 He was spit on by most lewd miscreants striving to out doe on another so that he was covered all over with filth But he like a meek lamb made good that of the Prophet Is 50.6 I have not turned away my face from the rebukers and spitters but with a peaceable countenance received all But doe not Sinners still to this day spit on thee Are not our Sinnes for which you suffered all this and death it self more loathsome unto you then the Spittle of the Jews Luc. 22.64 Consider 2. The second Ignominy And they did blind fold him No doubt but with some loathsome clout that their sport might be the more compleatly injurious Heb. 4.13 They vaile those eyes to whom all things are naked and open and cover that face whereof all nations stand in love and admiration The same do all Sinners who that they may sin with the greater liberty hide God from themselves and think that he seeth them not They say according to Job For what knoweth God c. The clouds are his covert Job 22.13 neither doth he consider our things Have a care you be not one of these Mat. 26.67 Consider 3. They buffeted him and smote his face with the palmes of their hands Ponder how thick one upon an other with what cruelty and how Ignominiously by those ruffians every one striving to out doe an other in scoffs and blows Then was truly fullfilled that of the Prophet He shall give the cheeke to him that striketh him Thren ● 30 he shall be filled with reproches Admire compassionate Imitate Of the Injuries which Christ suffered in the House of Caiphas Part. 2. COnsider 1. The fourth kind of Ignominy was the insolency they practised upon the Sacred haire and beard of our Lord pulling and tearing both off with violence the which although the Evangelists do not express yet Isaie doth signify as much in those words Is 50.6 Judic 16. I have given my body to the strikers and my cheekes to the pluckers Sampson cut of fond love to Dalils lost his haire but you O Lord out of a better love to mankind suffer your self after a violent and cruel manner to be despoiled of yours so as to become even bald againe O make me suffer the like for love of you that having out of all superfluities I may follow you as naked as you made your self for me Mat. 26.68 Luc. 22.65 Consider 2. The fifth kind of Ignominy of insulting over him with reviling and reprochful language saying Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that strook thee And blaspheming many other things they said against him Here they rip up their old slanders calling him a glutton a drurk●rd a seducer a blasphemer possessed with the Divel and the like so that that of Job was verified in his sacred person Job 16.11 They have opened their monthes upon me and exprobrating have stroken my checke they are ●illed with my paines Consider with what patience Christ endured all this and be confounded at your own impatience who can scarce take a light word at your brothers hands Consider 3. These Indignities lasted the whole night for they of the Court and Councel in all likelyhood repairing home to take rest in their soft beds Christ was delivered up to the guards to be strictly watched and treated at their pleasure and mercy Think what sence and feeling our B. Lord had all that night in the condition of being tired out with ill usage and want of sleep and rest and thence gather what yours ought to be Be ashamed of your little mortification and patience in bearing light affronts and occasions of your own confusion seeing your Lord for your
sake hath endured far greater in all kinds and at the hands of the b●sest sort of people Of S. Peters denying Christ Part 1. Mat. 26.69 COnsider 1. S. Peter having followed our Lord into Caiphas his house and standing with the rest at the fire There came to him one wench saying thou also wast with Jesus the Galilean but he denyed before them all saying I wot not what thou sayest c. He who but some few houres before said Though I should dye with thee I will not deny thee now at the first word and that of a woman Ibid. v. 35. out of shame and fear fouly denyeth that he ever knew him O how many are there now a days who not out of humility but out of a shameful ●ear of what the world would say or think of them Luc. 22.57 dare not own any Christian or Vertuous action nor profess themselves disciples and followers of Christ See you be none of these Mat. 26.74 Consider 2. Peter being still in the same company and ta●ed by divers of being Christs Disciple he persisteth in his denyall the second and third time neither minded he the first cock crowing or at least cared not but Began to curse and to sw●are that he knew not the man Observe the different effects of good and evill company Peter among his fellow disciples was so fervorous as to offer to dye for his Master in this lewd company he disoweneth even to know any such man Learn hence to avoid evill company and conversation for as the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.33 saith Evill communications corrupt good manners Consider 3. Some particular circumstances of S. Peters fall which all the Evangelists doe set down at large to teach us to be warie by others harmes 1. The occasion or cause of this fall was that vaine presumption of himself Mat. 26.33 Allthough all shall be scandalized in thee I will never be scandalized 2. His Negligence in prayer yeelding to sleep when he should have watched in prayer by Christs express command Ibid. v. 41. Watch ye and pray that ye enter not into temptation 3. The instrument of this fall was a Woman as was that of Adams first Sin Admire and tremble to see the pillar of the Church cast down at the voice of a Woman 4. His sin increased by degrees passing from a simple denyall to execration and open Perjury Learn to resist the very beginnings of evill and to be greatly concerned for small defects Eccli 19.1 for he that contemneth small things shall fall by little and little Of S. Peters denying Christ Part 2. COnsider 1. Our Lord turning looked on Peter Lue. 22.61 ●●rad To. 4 l. 6. c. 21. S. Aug. l. 1. de Gratia c. 45. While Peter was actually denying our Lord the third time Jesus happened to be led down from the upper roome where he was condemned to the lower Court where Peter was and gratiously looked upon his sheep that was perishing Or as some doe expound with the interior eyes of his mercy looked vpon him a far of and by his grace moved him to repentance See how in the midst of his own afflictions he forgetteth not his ungrateful Disciple Ps 24.16 With the same eyes O Lord have respect to me and have mercy on me Mat. 26.75 Consider 2. The Conversion and Repentance of S. Peter And going forth he wept bitterly not out of the servile fear of punishment but out of love and sence of his ingratitude in offending so good a Lord Master and Benefactor He rightly understood that of Jeremy Jer. 2.19 That it is an evill and a bitter thing to thee to have left thy Lord thy God Doe you also procure to understand it a right that you may henceforwards keep your self from falling O How often have you not only in bare words but by deeds denyed your Lord and offended him perhaps more then Peter but have not as yet duely lamented your fault as he did Theod. Hist Consider 3. The long Pennance S. Peter performed for this denying his Master He is said to have bewailed it his whole life time breaking forth into teares as often as the Cock-crowing or other occasion refreshed the memory of his sin in so much that his eyes were become as two fountaines of teares and his continual weeping had made furrows in his cheekes Be confounded to see that nothing dryeth up sooner then your teares Persever therefore in works of Pennance and as Ecclesiasticus admonisheth Eccli 5.5 Of sin forgiven be not without feare Of Judas his Despair Mat. 27.3 COnsider 1. Then Judas that betrayed him seeing that he was condemned repenting him returned the thirty silver pieces c. Saying I have sinned betraying just bloud Think what an unquiet mind Judas carried after his treacherous and Sacrilegious fact so that he could take no joy in the money for which he sold his Lord but the worm of his guilty conscience gnawing his heart he brought it back whence you may learn that Sinners reap no so●id content out of their wickedness but much pain Aug. l. 1. Coaf c. 11. disquiet and trouble Lord you have ordained it saith S. Augustine and accordingly it is in are that every disordinat mind is its own punishment Therefore in Job it is said of the Impious Job 15.21 The sound of terrour is allways in his eares Mat. sup Consider 2. The answer of the Wicked Priests What is that to us look thou to it They are little concerned for their Neighbour whether he perish or not and like Cain will not be their brothers guardians Not so the good ones who with all endeavor labour to pull their neighbour out of the depth of sin They doe not say What is it to us look you to it but doe help and asist whom and what they are able some with charitable offices others by their prayers They are tender to all in compassion 1 Cor. 9.22 and with the Apostle To all men become all things that they may save all These you must also procure to imitate Mat. sup Consider 3. He went and hanged himself with an halter See how one sin is the punishment of another despaire of treachery God often permitting us to fall the second time in punishment of the first sin that you may learn to shun all Take notice of the fubtile wiles of the Divel who at first provoketh to sin and afterwards taking away all hopes of pardon casteth the Sinner headlong into damnation by despaire Observe also how desperat and mad are the determinations of a troubled conscience so that the Wise man had reason to say Sap. 17.10 A troubled conscience doth allways presume cruell things Lastly from this final ruine of an Apostle He that thinketh himself to stand let him take heed least he fall 1 Cor. 10.12 I have sinned what shall I doe to thee O Keeper of Men Job 7.20 Of Holy Communion
you with the flowers he delights you and so of the rest Wherefore say with S. Augustine As there is not any hour Lord Aug. in Soliloq c. 18. or moment of all my life wherein I do not enjoy your benefits so ought there not to be any moment wherein I have you not before my eyes by remembrance and love you not with my whole strength Ps 115.3 Consider 3. Other benefits of God appertaining particularly to the mind such as are good Education care of Parents and Superiours counsel and example of the Virtuous the endowments of Knowledge Arts and Sciences together with the conveniences of this life and that perhaps with little care or labour of your own which many others cannot get without sweat of brow and hazard oftentimes of soul Think therefore what you shall render to our Lord for all things that he hath rendered to you Pro. 23.26 He desires nothing but your self My Son saith he give me thy heart● Of the benefit of Redemption Part. 1. COnsider 1. That you may the better understand the greatness of this benefit ponder what a misery it is to live in Slavery under some cruel Tyrant where you are to endure perpetual imprisonment hunger and thirst stripes and other torments Think what the Children of Israel suffered in the bondage of Egypt and Captivity of Babylon and what you were like to suffer if you were condemned perpetually to the Galleys under the Turk and what you would give for your Ransome 2 Tim. 2.26 Consider 2. The Slavery of Sin is incomparably greater then all this which makes us Slaves of the Devil as the Apostle-speaketh and liable to the torments of Hell We were all under this slavery nor was there possible any humane means of escaping when behold the only begotten Son of God came down from heaven and took upon him to satisfie for our sins that so he might deliver us from so cursed a servitude Tit. 2.14 Who gave himself saith the Apostle for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity Ps 15.2 Consider 3. The cause of so great a mercy Christ did it not for any profit of his as if he had need of us Thou art my God saith David because thou needest not my goods Nor for any deserts of ours which then neither were nor could be any but out of his own meer goodness and mercy according to that of Isaie In his love Is 63.9 and in his indulgence he redeemed them and bare them and lifted them up all the daies of the world Who would not love so loving a Lord and give himself up wholly to him without whom he had been lost for ever Of the benefit of Redemption Part 2. Ps 129.7 COnsider 1. The manner wherewith Christ redeemed you from the said slavery With good reason David said With him is plenteous Redemption for he could by his absolute power have remitted all our sins without taking mans flesh upon him He might also have satisfied the rigour of Justice by the least action of his after his Incarnation but would suffer so much that where sin abounded Rom. 5.20 grace might more abound and that he might leave us example according to S. Peter 1 Pet. 2.21 that we may follow his steps Consider 2. More in particular what he suffered In the Manger in his Circumcision in his flight and in Egypt it self by hunger and thirst by cold and nakedness by much travelling and frequent dangers Lastly during the time of his Passion by his scourging at the Pillar by the crowning with Thorns and nailing on the Cross and all this he suffered for his Enemies that is for all sinners Who did ever suffer so much even for his friends Wherefore the Church on Easter Eve breaketh forth into those admirable notes O happy fault which deserved to have such In benedic Cerei and so greet a Redeemer Consider 3. What you ought to do in return and what to offer to such a Redeemer Ask your self that question with S. Bernard If I owe my whole self for being made Bern. de diligendo Deo what more shall I add for being repaired and repaired in such manner for I was not so easily repaired as first made Wherefore behave your self as a Bondslave of Christ as truly you are thank him for so great a favour and give your self wholly to his service Reflect often upon that saying of the Apostle 1 Cor. 6.20 You are bought with a great price glorifie and bear God in your body Of Holy Communion Consider Christ at the Advocate of our Soul Behold the Lord God my helper who is he that shall condemn me Is 50.9 1 Jo. 2.1 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel I go to him that sent me c. And it is expedient for you that I go Jo. 6.5.7 For our Lord went to his Eternal Father to plead for us and that he might be in that Supreme Consistory of Heaven our Patron Advocate Mediator or Intercessor according to that of S. John We have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Just And that of S. Paul 1 Tim. 2.5 There is one Mediator of God and men Man Christ Jesus Therefore it was truly expedient for us that he should go to his Father to intercede in our behalf being guilty of many crimes Apoc. 1.5 Consider 2. What a benefit it were to have for Proctor or Advocate in the Court of some worldly Prince the Kings only Son ready upon all occasions to defend you with his Father and to further and promote you what he could Such an one is Christ our most loving Lord who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood most willing to help us who will all men to be saved And lastly 1 Tim. 2.4 most powerful to obtain what thing soever of his Father Luc. 10.22 All things are delivered to me of my Father Sap. 1.4 Consider 3. How much you are to wish for that hour wherein this Advocate of yours is to come into your Soul in the H. Eucharist for then you may confidently open unto him all your miseries and necessities that he may plead to his Father for officacious redress See therefore that the lodging of your heart be clean for he is wonderfully delighted with cleanliness and as the wise man saith Wisdome will not enter into a malicious Soul nor dwell in a body subject to sins Of the benefit of Adoption Part 1. 1 Jo. 3.1 COnsider 1. That of S. John See what manner of charity the Father hath given us that we should be named and be the Sons of God The Father of Mercies was not satisfied with redeeming us but would also adopt us to be his Children The benefit is the greater in regard of the meanness of the person and the Excellency of the Dignity to which he is raised For what more vile or base then Man What
ever flowing without cessation like that Womans Oyl in the fourth of the Kings which never failed to run 4 Reg. 4. so long as there were any empty Vessels 3. They do infallibly work their effect by force of that virtue which they receive by the Divine Institution unless we put an impediment 4. They are placed in obvious things and easie to be had for our more certain use and benefit Be thankful to God for so great a liberality and endeavour to come ever worthily unto them Of the benefit of the Custody of Angels Ps 90.11 COnsider 1. What David said He hath given his Angels charge of thee that they keep thee in all thy ways Our heavenly Father not content to make us his Sons would also provide us as Princes do their children with Tutors and Guardians This charge he committed to the Angels themselves who should illuminate govern and protect us Heb. 1.14 for they are all ministring spirits saith the Apostle seat to ministen for them which shall receive the inheritance of salvation Eze. 28.12 Consider 2. To whom and of whom he hath committed this charge To the Angels who are most Noble Creatures pure Spirits immortal by nature full of wisdome and perfect of beauty more powerful and strong then whole Armies of men adorned with all manner of grace and glory and ever enjoying the Vision of God To these then he hath committed thee who art but a silly worm and no better then dirt and ashes Ps 90.12 that they should bear thee in their hands lest perhaps thou knock thy foot against a stone O what a care and protection is this of the Angels what a favour Consider 3. How this eare of theirs ought to stir up in us as S. Bernard admonisheth Reverence Devotion Bern. in Ps 90. and Confidence in them Reverence in regard of their presence Devotion for their benevolence Confidence in their sure custod● If I should deliver myself to be thy servant said young Tobias to the Angel Raphael his Guardian I should not deserve thy providence Tob. 9.2 Reverence therefore your Angel-Guardian with affection and do not presume in his sight who is always present to do that which you would be ashamed of before man Observe him Exod. 23.21 22. and hear his voice c. saith our Lord and I will be Enemy to thine Enemies and will afflict them that afflict thee And mine Angel shall go before thee Of the benefit of the Patronage of Saints and chiefly of the Blessed Virgin Job 42.8 COnsider 1. Our heavenly Father hath not only provided us with Guardians but also Patrons and Advocates to wit the Blessed that reign with him in Heaven to the end that in regard he is also our Judge we might have those that would continually intercede for us and move him to mercy Go saith our Lord to my servant Job and offer Holocaust for your selves and my servant Job shall pray for you His face I will receive that the folly be not imputed to you 2 Machab. 15.14 Consider 2. With what care and love the Saints in Heaven perform this Office and with what benefit to us obtaining for us all manner of good as is evident by infinite Miracles and Revelations Of holy Jeremy it is said in the second of the Macha●ces This is a lover of his Brethren and of the people of Israel this is he that prayeth much for the people and for the whole City What confidence therefore may we justly put in the protection of such powerful Advocates If it be a thing of great account to have a powerful friend in some worldly Princes Court how much more to have one in the Court of Heaven Consider 3. How diligent you ought to be in the worship and Invocation of the Saints especially these of your Name and your Patrons that they may obtain of our Lord what you stand in need of But above all you must procure to be fervent in devotion and reverence to the B. Virgin who being Mother of all the living as the Fathers call her she exceeds all others S. Epiph. Serm. 78. both in love to us and in power with her Son Give God thanks therefore for so powerful an Advocate and recommend your self with all earnestness unto her Zach. Ep. Foro. l. 2. to 1. c. 7. for she denieth help to none that doth duely ask it and intercedes not for any in vain to her Son Of Holy Communion Incline thine car O Lord and hear me because I am needy and poor Ps 85.1 Consider Christ as a Liberal bestower of Gifts Eccli 24.26 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel Until now you have not asked any thing in my Name ask and you shall receive c. Jo. 16.24 Imagine your self on the one side as a poor naked beggar and wanting many things necessary for the maintenance of your spiritual life and Christ our Lord on the other infinitely rich infinitely liberal and desirous that all should partake of his plenty Hear his solemn proffer Ask and you shall receive Never did any Prince make so liberal a promise He longeth in a manner to be rid of his gifts Pass to me all ye that desire me and be filled of my Generations He is more ready to give then we to receive Consider 2. This bountiful Lord will come this day unto you in the Eucharist and if you be gracious in his sight will say unto you as Assuerus did to Esther What is thy Petition Esther Esther 7.2 that it may be given thee and what wilt thou have done although thou shalt ask the half part of my Kingdom thou shalt obtain See therefore what you stand most in need of and have ready your Petition and adorn your self as Esther did that you may gain his good will to you when he comes Jo. 9.31 Consider 3. The impediments which will render your prayers of no effect to the end you may take them away 1. Sinners God doth not hear that is as long as they persist in sin without repentance 2. Neither doth he hear those that ask vain and unprofitable things but sends them away with that check and rebuke You know not what you desire Mat. 20.22 3. Nor yet those that pray tepidly and coldly But because thou art lukewarm Apoc. 3.16 c. I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth 4. And lastly he requireth constancy and perseverance in asking So to him that persevered knocking were given Loaves Luc. 11. Even for his importunity as many as he needed Luc. 11.8 Of the benefit of Prayer Part 1. Psa 140. ● COnsider the benefit of Prayer which the Church recommendeth particularly unto us these Rogation daies Consider therefore first the Dignity and Excellency of Prayer 1. It is an act of Religion and divine worship offered to God and accepted by him as Incense and Sacrifice according to that Let my prayer
kind of Fish for our Lord that is use those means which your state of life affordeth for the gaining of Souls Prayer Counsel Example c. Mat. 6.24 Consider 3. But they incontinent leaving the Nets followed him Observe their prompt Obedience they neither excuse themselves nor pretend poverty c. Such ought to be your Obedience to God and his holy Inspirations and to your Superiours whom you have in place of God without making any complaints or excuses Worldly cares and businesses are Nets that intangle and hinder us that we cannot give our selves freely to God Therefore you must leave all if you will follow Christ and lead an Apostolical life For no man can serve two Masters Of S. James and S. Johns Vocation Mat. 4. Mar. 1. Mat. 4.21 COnsider 1. And going forward from thence he saw other two Brethren James of Zebedee and John his Brother c. Observe how Christ first of all calleth two couple of Brethren Peter and Andrew James and John that upon these as so many Pillars he might raise his Church to signifie that all his Disciples ought to be well grounded in Fraternal Charity according to that Jo. 13.36 In this all men shall know that you are my Disciples if you have love one to another See therefore how you are in this point if you intend an Apostolical life Consider 2. Of these it is said that they forthwith left their Nets and Father and followed him Wherefore those that intend to be Apostolical men must leave not only worldly goods but even their Parents also for Christ casting off all humane affection towards them and converting it into a divine one in making it subordinate to the Divine Service Examine your self whether this love to your Parents and Kindred doth not bear too great a sway in you and hinder you from greater perfection Consider 3. And ponder how that word forthwith was not set down here without Mystery They were mending their Nets with their old Father but as soon as our Lord called they left their Nets as they were and objected not their Fathers old Age but followed him without more a do for perfect obedience is to leave their things imperfect Whence the antient Monks as Cassian witnesseth Gloss ibid. l. 4. Instit c. 14. would leave even a single letter unfinished at the sound of the common Bell or other sign See whether you be so ready to comply with the Inspirations of God the duties of the Church and appointment of your Superiours or whether you do not rather seek excuses and pretences contrary to what is required of you Of S. Matthews Vocation Mat. 9. Luc. 5. Mat. 9.9 COnsider 1. Jesus passing through Galilee saw a man sitting in the Custom-House where he received Tolls and he saith to him follow me Great was the force of this Call which was able to take a man off that was glued fast to his riches and yet perhaps the same would not be forcible enough to withdraw you from lesser impediments Who would dispair of Salvation when he seeth publick sinners taken out of a Custom-House and assumed not only to the friendship of God but even to the highest dignity of Apostleship Most true it is Ps 144.9 His commiserations are over all his works Consider 2. How Christ afterward refused not to eat at Table with Matthew and other Publicans that so he might gain them yet the Pharisees mutter at it Whence you may learn that there is nothing so holy that is not lyable to mens censures Wherefore if at any time you chance to suffer reprehension or slander when you have done well remember that the Schollar is not to be above his Master Consider 3. The mild answer of Christ They that are in health need not a Physitian but they that are ill at case And I am not come to call the Just but sinners See how Christ professeth himself a Physitian open therefore your wounds and diseases unto him August in Psal 102. For as S. Augustine saith No disease is incurable to the Omnipotent Physitian only permit your self to be cured by him hinder not his hand he knoweth what he doth and be not only content when be stroaketh you but also patient when he lanceth Of S. Pauls Vocation Act. 9.1 Jer. 29.11 COnsider 1. And Saul as yet breathing forth threatnings and slaughters against the Disciples of our Lord c. Ponder the unspeakable mercy of God Saul persecuted his Church and was in a raging fury to destroy it when as our Lord on the contrary not seeking revenge but intending cogitations of peace prevents him while he is yet contriving his wickedness and casts him off his horse to cure his mind while he graciously calleth upon him saying Saul Saul why persecutest thou me that you might learn to reverence Christ in your Neighbours and esteem their injuries as done to Christ himself Consider 2. Lord what wilt thou have me to do Ponder the admirable resignation of his Will So ought you also to pray and to offer your self ready for whatsoever he shall please to do with you and with much prayer and great fervour to seek after the Divine Will and resolutely to fulfill it when once you know it Consider 3. Arise and go into the City and it shall be told thee what thou must do Our Lord though after a miraculous manner he had prostrated him on the ground yet would not instruct him himself but sent him to Ananias to learn what he would have him to do that you might learn to acknowledge and reverence God in your Superiours and spiritual Directors Observe moreover how Saul spent three whole daies in prayer without taking either meat or drink before he had his sight restored for fasting and prayer are the best disposition for the receiving of spiritual sight Lastly until Ananias had imposed his hands upon him his eyes being opened he saw nothing representing thereby by the state of a sinner Whence it is said Blind the heart of this people Is 6.10 Luc. 8.10 that seeing they may not see and hearing may not understand Of Holy Communion Arise eat for thou hast yet a great way to go 3 Reg. 19.7 Consider the Eucharist as the Viaticum of our Pilgrimage Marc. 8.3 COnsider 1. What is read in this daies Gospel of Christs feeding the multitude lest they should faint in the way If I dismiss them fasting into their home they will fail in the way We are all of us in our way to our heavenly Country While we are in the body 2 Cor. 5.6 we are Pilgrims from God Wherefore we must have necessary provision for our journey that we may not fail in the way and out of weariness take up in the Stable of this contemptible world instead of passing on to our Heavenly Country Therefore as said that man Jud. 19. tast first a little bread Judic 19.5 and strengthen thy stomack
an attentive contemplation of its Excellency and goodness for so it is said of the Appletree above men●ioned Vnder his shadow whom I desired I sate and his fruit was sweet to my throat Prepare your self therefore by holy desires and whet your appetite by prayer and it will be granted you to tast Ps 33.9 and see how sweet our Lord is Of the Marriage Feast of Cana in Galilee Jo. 2.1 Part 1. Ps 67.4 COnsider 1. And there was a Marriage made in Cana of Galilee and the Mother of Jesus was there And Jesus also was called and his Disciples to the Marriage Our most benigne Lord refused not to be present at the Marriage Feast that he might take occasion to do good to many and withall confirm his Disciples in their Faith Think with what gravity and modesty he behaved himself at Table and learn to keep moderation in occasions of your mirth and jollity according to that Let the Just make merry and rejoyce in the sight of God that is as in the sight of God and having him continually before your eyes S. August Consider 2. The Wine failing his Blessed Mother of her own accord without being asked is careful to relieve their necessity in requital of their kind invitation and therefore saith to her Son They have no wine How much more careful will she be in the spiritual necessities of those that are devoted to her For by how much the more holy she is then other Saints so much the more sollicitous she is of our good saith S. Augustine Beseech her to intercede to her B. Son also for you for you are truly in want of the spiritual Wine of Charity and Devotion Judith 8.13 Consider 3. Christs answer which was seemingly harsh What is it to me and thee woman my hour cometh not yet To teach us First that we are not to appoint God any set time of helping us as they did whom Judith reprehendeth in those words You have set a time for the mercy of our Lord and according to your pleasure you have appointed him a day Secondly that in the service of God we must put off all carnal affection for which reason Christ is never read to have called the B. Virgin by the tender name of Mother even upon the Cross whence Moyses speaking of the Levites saith He that said to his Father and to his Mother I know you not Deut. 33.9 and to his Brethren I know you not c. These kept thy word and observed thy Covenant Of the Marriage Feast in Cana of Galilee Jo. 2.5 Part 2. COnsider 1. His Mother saith to the Ministers Whatsoever he shall say to you do ye Admire the admirable confidence of the B. Virgin who nothing dismayed with the seeming rough answer encourageth the Servers as if her request had been granted Observe that the confidence of obtaining what was asked was grounded in the exact performance of what our Lord should enjoyn according to that If my words abide in you you shall ask what thing soever you will Jo. 15.7 and it shall be done to you Be sure therefore to fulfill whatsoever Almighty God saith unto you either by Himself or his Vicars your Superiours and Directors if you desire to be furnished with Spiritual Wine S. Aug. Consider 2. Christs Injunction saying Fill the Water pots with water It was Wine that they wanted and yet he biddeth them powre in water who could without more ado have created Wine in the Vessels as they were without any water But God commandeth sometimes things that seem to stand with little reason to try our obedience Besides he will have us to concur in things appertaining to our own Salvation for as S. Augustine saith He that made you without you will not save you without you Apoc. 3.2 Consider 3. The perfection of Obedience in these Servers they reply not they question not any thing nor ask a reason why but presently fill the Vessels and that to the top so we ought to perform readily entirely and to the full the Commands of God and our Superiours Almighty God would have nothing that was maimed or imperfect offered to him in Sacrifice See whether your works be such and have a care it be not said of you I find not thy works full before my God Of the Marriage Feast in Cana of Galilee Jo. 2.10 Part 3. COnsider 1. The greatness of the Miracle The creature obeyed the will of Christ and the water was presently turned into wine which being powred out and tasted by the chief Steward the Miracle appeared to the singular joy of the B. Virgin confirmation of the Apostles in their Faith and astonishment of all Observe the force of the B. Virgins Intercession by whose means our Lord wrought his Precursors first Sanctification and this first Miracle that you might learn that all temporal and spiritual blessings are to be derived unto us by her Sap. 2.8 Consider 2. Those words of the chief Steward Every man first setteth the good Wine c. and then that which is worse Even so the world dealeth with its customers at first it presents them with the Cup of Joys allurements and pleasures Let there be no medow which our riot shall not pass through but afterwards it plungeth the soul into vexation and trouble of mind and torment Its Wine is such as Salomon speaketh of It goeth in pleasantly Prov. 23.31 32. Deut. 32.32 but in the end it will bite like a Snake and as a Basilisk it will powre abroad poysons Their grape is truly the grape of gall and the clusters most bitter Ps 59.5 Consider 3. God dealeth contrariwise he keepeth his good Wine to the last at the beginning he afflicteth and chastiseth but afterwards comforteth and crowneth Thou hast shewed unto thy people hard things thou hast made us drink the wine of compunction But afterwards They shall be inebriated with the plenty of thy house and with the torrent of thy pleasure thou shalt make them drink Besides Christ did not bring forth his Wine till his Entertainers Wine failed for that spiritual comfort is not afforded but in the absence and contempt of all sensual pleasure So the Manna rained not down till the provision of Meal that was brought out of Egypt was spent and afterwards again Manna failed after they did eat of the Corn of the Land Josue 5.12 Of casting the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple Jo. 2.14 Part 1. Ps 92.5 COnsider 1. Jesus being entered into the Temple he found in it them that sold Oxen and Sheep and Doves c. which though they were sold there for the use of the Sacrifices yet Christ was displeased with worldly Traffick in the House of God that you might learn with what modesty and silence you ought to behave your self in the Church in time of Divine Service for holiness becometh thy House O Lord saith David for length of daies
Ps 68.10 Consider 2. Christ inflamed with zeal for his Fathers House when he had made as it were a whip of little cords cast them all out of the Temple the sheep also and the oxen and the money of the Bankers be powred out and the Tables he overthrew The same he did again afterwards a little before his Passion The most meek Lamb when his Fathers Honour was concerned put on the Lyon fulfilling in himself that of the Prophet The zeal of thy house hath eaten me with such zeal ought all Priests to be inflamed and with their utmost endeavour to hinder the sins of their Neighbour Consider 3. This zeal of the Divine Glory is most grateful to God whence he doth reproach some of his Prophets in those words You have not ascended against nor opposed a wall for the House of Israel Wherefore S. Gregory saith S. Greg. Hom. 17. in Evang. S. Aug. sup Joan. No Sacrifice is more grateful to God then zeal of Souls True zeal of Souls consisteth in this that whatsoever you see amiss in others you endeavour to mend which if you cannot to bear withall and deplore See how cold perhaps you are on this behalf as if like another Cain you were not your Brothers keeper Gen. 4.9 Of casting the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple Jo. 2.16 Part 2. Mat. 21.13 COnsider 1. How Christ casting them out of the Temple saith Make not the House of my Father a house of Merchandise And at another time a little before his Passion My house shall ●e called the House of Prayer but you have made it a Den of Thieves Whereby we are taught to observe due reverence both interiour and exteriout in Gods Church See whether you make it an House of Prayer or not rather of Merchandise thinking of your affairs studies or other trifles 1 Cor. 3.16 17. Consider 2. Your Soul is a Temple of God according to that of the Apostle You are the Temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you Whence followeth that terrible sentence But if any violate the Temple of God God will destroy him Consider therefore whether it be a House of Prayer by frequent lifting up your mind to God or rather of worldly negotiation bending your thoughts upon earthly things your own temporal concerns meat drink and the like wherefore cast out from thence sheep and oxen that is all bruitish and earthly affections even offering violence to your self by whips and cords for that the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence Mat. 11.12 and the violent bear it away Ps 118.61 Consider 3. Christ brought not the scourge into the Temple but made it of the cords he found there So our Lord carrieth not a scourge about him but makes one up of our sins as of so many cords The cords of sinners saith David have wrapped me round about wherefore cast forth all sin out of the Temple of your Soul and you will leave him nothing to make a scourge of Woe to you that draw iniquity in cords of vanity Is 5.18 and sin as the link of a Wayn which those do who add sin to sin and the longer and more grievous the sin is Aug. To. 10 in Joan. the more grievous also will be the scourge Of our Lords discourse with Nicodemus J● 3.1 c. Rom. 1.16 COnsider 1. How Nicodemus being a prime man and well skilled in the Law came to Christ for instruction but in the night time and in private for fear of the Jews and in regard of his worldly reputation being ashamed perhaps to appear amongst the poor and unlearned Disciples Think how many are hindered from their Salvation by these worldly respects but do you rather say with S. Paul I am not ashamed of the Gospel and confess God both confidently and openly For he that shall be ashamed of me and of my words him the son of man shall be ashamed of Luc. 9.26 when he shall come in his Majesty saith our Lord. Consider 2. Christ as a most loving Physitian accommodated himself to the weakness of this Disciple and instructed him in many things 1. Concerning Baptisme 2. Of the causes of his coming into the world 3. Of his Passion that was to ensue 4. Of Faith necessary to salvation Give God thanks for these and ponder in particular the benefit of our Spiritual Generation by Baptisme You must be born again c. Consider also the greatness of that love wherewith God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that every one which believe in him perish not Mat. 10.26 Tonsider 3. Those words The light is come into the world and men have loved the darkness rather then the light O shameful neglect Examine your self whether in your actions you rather love darkness then light for every one that doth ill hateth light See whether you do nothing in private which you would be ashamed of in publick and hereafter desist from it for nothing is hid that shall not be revealed and secret that shall not be known at least by God in whose sight continually you are Of Holy Communion Render account of thy Bailiship Luc. 16.2 Consider Christ as coming to exact an account of your Bailiship Luc. 16.1 COnsider 1. What is said this day in the Gospel There was a certain rich man that had a Bailiff c. Think that you are this Bailiff whom our Lord hath intrusted with several goods Internal External Natural Supernatural but with what fruit 'T is to be feared but little yet Look throughly into your self and perhaps you will find all out of order You have slept out your sleep of tepidity and now you find nothing in your hands and therefore you are in disgrace with your Lord as having squandered away not your own who have nothing of your self but his goods Consider 2. Our Lord will come unto you to day in the Eucharist to exact an account of the goods he hath intrusted you withall but at present he will do it favourably with mercy and commiseration For as Job saith he doth not now infer his fury Job 35.15 neither doth he revenge wickedness exceedingly He will rather supply your defects forgive you your debts and make good unto you again by his holy Grace what you had mis-spent Hereafter he will come with an Iron Rod to do Justice and Judgment and will search you with Lamps Endeavour therefore now to please him by an exact performance of your duties seeing you cannot otherwise make him any recompence Mat. 18.32 Consider 3. These duties are 1. An humble begging of pardon according to that I forgave thee all the debt because thou besoughtest me 2. Frequent and constant love Luc. 7.47 Many sins are forgiven her because she hath loved much 3. A perfect forgiveness of offences and injuries done to you by others Luc. 6.37 Forgive and you shall be forgiven With
these affections bring your Lord into the Closet of your heart Ps 142.2 saying with the Psalmist Enter not into iudgment with thy servant but rather according to the multitude of thy commiserations have respect to me Ps 68.17 Of our Lords Sermon on the Mount Mat. 5. Part 1. Mat. 5.1 COnsider 1. Seeing the multitudes he went up into a Mountain c. and opening his mouth he taught them c. Ponder 1. The place of this famous Sermon which is a high Mountain 2. The Preachers Person which is the increated Wisdom of God 3. His Chair or Pulpit for he taught them upon the bare ground 4. His Auditors which were his Disciples and other unlearned and simple people 5. The subject of his discourse which was of true felicity Go you up in spirit with the people and sitting at the feet of so great a Master give attentive eare to what he saith 1 Reg. 3.10 Say with Samuel Speak Lord for thy servant heareth Consider 2. Christ in this his Sermon performed not only the Office of a Teacher but also of a Lawgiver declaring the Antient Law and proclaiming the New It was said to them of old Thou shalt not kill c. But I say to you Mat. sup v. 22. that whosoever is angry with his Brother shall be in danger of judgment c. and the like Reverence therefore this your Lawgiver and give him thanks for his wholesome precepts Beseech him to print his holy Law in the fleshly Tables of your heart say with David Set me a Law O Lord the way of thy Justifications Ps 118.33 and I will seek after it always Colos 2.3 Is 9.6 Consider 3. He performed also the part of a Councellour exhorting them to points of the greatest perfection even beyond the obligation of the Law as of turning the other cheek to the striker of letting go the Cloak also to him that takes away the Coat of going two other miles with him that will force you one mile and the like Think how just it is to follow his counsel in all things for in him be all the treasures of wisdom and Knowledge hid And by Isaie he is stiled Councellour and the Angel of great Councel Of our Lords Sermon on the Mount Mat. 5. Part 2. COnsider 1. All men have a natural desire of felicity yea even the most wicked of all would be happy but will not seek after true happiness Therefore Christ beginneth with that which all men desire as if he should say You all desire to be happy therefore I will shew you the several ways that lead to true happiness Do you therefore set your affections upon this true Felicity and seek it only by such ways or means as Christ hath pointed out to you Ps 143.15 Consider 2. How contrary are the ways of God from the ways of the world and his judgments from those of men The World placeth its felicity in honours riches pleasures eating and drinking freedom from pain and grief c. They have said that it is a happy people which hath these things On the contrary Christ pronounceth them happy that are poor meek and humble that hunger and thirst after Justice that suffer reproaches and torments c. As the Heavens are exalted above the earth so are my ways exalted above your ways Is 55.9 saith our Lord. See with what Party you side with Christ or with the World Ps 83.6 Consider 3. Eight Virtues contemptible to the world Christ honoured with the title of Beatitudes and of them as so many steps made a Ladder for us to climb up to our last and everlasting Felicity These are 1. Poverty of Spirit 2. Meekness 3. Sorrow for Sins 4. Hunger and thirst after Justice 5. Mercy 6. Purity of Heart 7. Making of peace both with God and with Men. 8. Suffering Persecution for Christ You must also climb this Ladder if you desire to enter into the Joy of our Lord Blessed is the man whose help is from thee he hath disposed Ascension in his heart Of the first Beatitude Blessed are the poor in Spirit Mat. 5.3 c. COnsider 1. More in particular each virtue and in them 1. Their Acts. 2. Christs Example 3. Their reward The proper Acts of Poverty are counted five 1. He is poor in spirit who in affection is ready rather to lose all then offend God 2. Who actually leaveth all for his sake 3. Who aspireth not to things above himself presumeth not of himself nor seeketh the praises of men 4. Who denieth his own judgment and will submitting himself to others 5. Who acknowledgeth whatsoever he hath as a gift of God and rightly understandeth his own nothing My substance is as nothing before thee Ps 38.6 See how you are in each point Phil. 2.7 Consider 2. The admirable Examples which Christ gave us in this kind throughout his whole Life but chiefly in his Crib in Banishment in his Parents House and on the Cross Besides he exinanited himself as the Apostle saith made subject and obedient not only to his Eternal Father and Parents on earth till the thirtieth year of his Age but also to his Tormentors even to death it self And of his Doctrine he publickly professed My Doctrine is not mine but his that sent me Jo. 7.16 Consider 3. The Reward of this Poverty For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. sup Think what a gainful kind of Merchandise this is to get an Everlasting Kingdom by the exchange of some few transitory enjoyments of this life Ponder the excellency of this Kingdom its riches glory beauty and perpetuity That which eye hath not seen 1 Cor. 2.9 nor ear hath heard neither hath it ascended into the heart of man what things God hath prepared for them that love him Wherefore S. Grogory Nazianzen had reason to say Happy is he that buyeth Christ S. Greg. Naz. de Beatitud spiritu vitae Regul though with all his goods and fortunes Of the second Beatitude Blessed are the Meek Mat. 5.4 c. COnsider 1. After Poverty in Spirit that is contempt of the World and its desires followeth Meekness as the Child its Parent The Acts of this are chiefly three The first is to bridle the passions of Anger and Revenge and when zeal is to be shewed to do it without any perturbation either interiour or exteriour The second is to be affable to all and troublesome to none neither in word nor in action The third not to oppose or put off injuries with violence even when you lawfully may but to suffer your own contempt with peace and tranquillity of mind Think how you are in these particulars Mat. 12.19 20. Is 42.2 3 4. Consider 2. Christs example herein of whom Isaie saith He shall not contend nor cry out neither shall any man hear in the streets his voice The reed bruised he shall not break and smoaking flax he
are of God as labours crosses ignominies Examine your self whether you do relish spiritual and divine things and take real g●st in them at leastwise make it your endeavour to procure it Of Holy Communion Go shew thy self to the Priest Mar. 8.4 Consider Christ as a Priest Luc. 17.14 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel of ten Lepers of whom it is said Go shew your selves to the Priests And it came to pass as they went they were made clean As there are several sorts of Lepers in the Body for some are but light and in the skin only others in the flesh and mortal so there are also different kinds of Spiritual Lepers or sins We are all of us leprous in some degree having our swellings and spots rising from the abundance of peccant humours and affections Imagine therefore your Soul all over in a scurf and become a lamentable spectacle in the sight of God and with Naaman the Syrian 4 Reg. 5. be desirous to meet with some Prophet that may cleanse you Levit. 13.9 Consider 2. The Antient Law of God If the Plague of the Leprosie be in a man he shall be brought to the Priest to be condemned as unclean and to be separated in the New Law he is brought to the Priest to be cleansed Our High-Priest is Christ our Lord according to that Ps 109.4 Thou art a Priest for ever according to the Order of Melchisedech How greatly therefore ought you to wish to appear before this Priest in the Eucharist who not with water as Elizeus but with his own precious blood will cleanse our conscience as the Apostle saith from dead works Heb. 9.14 c. Luc. 17.12 c. Consider 3. That you may be perfectly cleansed you must imitate the example of the Lepers in the Gospel 1. You are to go to meet Christ seeking him with all diligence 2. To stand afar off acknowledging your unworthiness 3. To lift up your voice by fervent prayer 4. With all humility to implore mercy Lastly To follow the counsel and admonishments of your Spiritual Fathers and Directors according to that Observe diligently that you incur not the Plague of Leprosie but thou shalt do whatsoever the Priests of the Levitical Stock shall teach thee c. and fulfill thou it carefully Of our Lords Transfiguration Mat. 17. Mar. 9. Luc. 9. Part 1. COnsider 1. Our Lord vouchsafed to manifest his Glory 1. To confirm the Apostles in their Faith 2. To encourage them to carry their Cross which he had lately exhorted them to 3. To give them before-hand a tast of the Heavenly Joys He did it on a high Mountain apart that we should learn to sequester our selves from the cares of this world and climb to the Mountain of Perfection if we desire to contemplate the Face and Glory of our Lord. Thren 1.12 Consider 2. Christ would have few Witnesses of his Glory to wit only three of his Disciples but of his Cross and ignominies all sorts of men Therefore upon the Cross he saith by the mouth of the Prophet O all ye that pass by the way attend and see c. In th●se three Disciples are deciphered unto us three Virtues that accompany Contemplation and concur to our Souls Transfiguration in Peter Faith in James Hope in John Charity See how and in what degree these Virtues are in you Luc. 9.29 Consider 3. And whiles he prayed the shape of his countenance was altered Our Lord was transfigured while he was praying to teach us that prayer doth transform and beautifie mans Soul so as sometimes to have influence also upon the body so Moyses his face was horned with Rays of Glory by the conversation of the talk of our Lord. Exod. 34.29 Beseech our Lord to alter and transfigure you into another man that is to make you holy that having cast off all bad habits you may be made conformable to his Image and likeness Be much in prayer that you may be enlightned according to that Come ye to him Ps 33.6 and be illuminated and your faces shall not be confounded Of our Lords Transfiguration Mat. 17. Part 2. Mat. 17.2 COnsider 1. The manner of this Transfiguration His face did shine as the Sun and his garments became white as snow The Evangelist had nothing better to compare it withall but it did incomparably exceed both Congratulate with your Lord and his Sacred Humanity for this array of glory which ever was his due and wherewith he ought always to have been invested but for our sakes he eclipsed it Rejoyce that your Beloved is thus white and ruddy chosen of thousands Cant. 5.11 Cant. 6.9 c. fair as the Moon elect as the Sun Exod. 4.13 Consider 2. There appeared with him Moyses and Elias two chief Lights of the antient Law to signifie that both the Law and the Prophets gave testimony of Christ Think how great was their joy to see their Redeemer so long wished for by all Nations and whom they themselves had so often foretold Send whom thou wilt send and the like Observe how they were both like to Christ in their fourty daies fast and therefore were also made Companions with him in Glory Luc. 9.31 Consider 3. The Subject of their discourse for they told the decease that he should accomplish in Hierusalem Our Lord in the very height of all his glory discoursed of his ignominious and bitter Passion that you might see how much he made of it and how he bare it in mind and affection above all Glory Galat. 6.14 God forbid that you should glory as the Apostle saith of himself saving in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ And let not your mind ever be so transported with joy in time of prosperity as to put off the thought or memory of death Of our Lords Transfiguration Mat. 17. Mar. 9. Luc. 9. Part 3. Mat. 17.4 COnsider 1. The excess of joy in the Apostles at so glorious a Spectacle Peter said Lord it is good for us to be here and would have fixed his Habitation there and have raised three Tabernacles for Christ and his two Companions Think what will be in Heaven if one single drop of Heavenly Joy could so inebriate the Apostles that forgetful of all other things they would have remained there for ever What will the whole Ocean of Joy do in Heaven Ps 35.9 where they shall be inebriated with the plenty of thy house O Lord and with the torrent of thy pleasure thou shalt make them drink Consider 2. A Voice came from Heaven saying This is my well beloved Son Mat. sup in whom I am well pleased hear ye him Ponder each word and how he is the only begotten Son of the Eternal Father Consubstantial and Coeternal with him and equally Immense and Omnipotent See whether you are wont to hear him exciting you to perfection contempt of the world and
c. he goeth and taketh seven other spirits worse then himself and entring in they dwell there And the last of that man be made worse then the first Doth not the same happen to most men after Baptism by the seven deadly sins which they give way unto Doth it not also happen sometimes after a Conversion from the World that some return back far worse then ever they were before See therefore you keep the Gates of your Senses well shut against the Devil and all sin but be sure what ever you do you let not either dwell in your heart Consider 3. The special Blessings attributed to the Sacred Virgin in this Gospel the one temporal and relating to flesh and blood of which a certain woman lifting up her voice out of the multitude said to him Blessed is the Womb that bare thee and the Paps that thou didst suck The other purely spiritual of which Christ pronounced chiefly in relation to his Blessed Mother Yea rather blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it The first was a singular priviledge of the Virgin alone the other though hers also after a more special manner is common to many and may be yours if you will your self Admire and extol that with the Woman and with the Church that useth the same words to the Virgin and make this other your own by imitation 4. Sunday of Lent Of five thousand fed in the Desart Jo. 6.1 page 187. see page 362 363. Passion Sunday Of Christs arguing with the Jews Jo. 8.46 page 195. Consider 1. Christ by reason of the Beatifical Vision and hypostatical Union was most holy and irreprehensible in himself and irrefragable in his Doctrine and by these two Titles of Sanctity and Veracity deservedly claims belief of his Doctrine and Authority of rebuking sinners saying Which of you shall argue me of sin If I say the Verity why do you not believe me O that you could make the like challenge Think whether you do practically believe Christs Doctrine as to matters of Virtue and Perfection and whether you do willingly hear the Word of God and his holy Inspirations delivered unto you in Sermons Exhortations Pious Books c. and know that as he that is of God heareth the Word of God so he that hears not is not of God 1 Reg. 2.30 Consider 2. The Jews having said Thou art a Samaritan and hast a Devil Christ silently beareth the first as a private injury relating only to his person as he was Man but modestly denieth the other wherein was highly concern'd his Fathers and his own Divine Honor saying I have no Devil but I do honour my Father Well therefore might he say I seek not my own glory there is that seeketh and judgeth Think how contrary you are in this point to Christ Seek in all your actions the greater glory of God and God will honour you Whosoever shall glorifie me I will glorifie him Seek not revenge in affronts and injuries but commit your cause to God who saith Revenge to me I will repay Heb. 10.30 Consider 3 Amen Amen I say to you if any one keep my word he shall not see death for ever What greater happiness and security can there be then this And yet how few are there that are concerned for it How many that regard the Maximes and sayings of the world more then they do the Divine Words Councels and Promises of Christ But see that you stick to Christ and say with S. Peter Lord Jo. 6.68 to whom shall we go thou hast the words of Eternal Life Remember and ponder well what Christ himself said Mat. 4.4 Not in bread alone doth man live but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God Palm-Sunday Of Christs entrance into Jerusalem Mat. 21.1 page 204. see page 146. Easter Sunday Of the Apparition made to the Women Marc. 16.1 page 215. see page 219. Low-Sunday Of Christs Apparition to his Disciples S. Thomas being present Jo. 20.19 page 224. see page 228 229 230 231. 2. Sunday after Easter Of the good Pastor Jo. 10.11 page 233. Consider 1. I am the good Pastor the good Pastor giveth his life for his sheep All that have care of others are Pastors Superiours of their Subjects Parents of their Children House-keepers of their Family c. and every one of his own Powers Senses Members c. We are good Pastors when we rule govern and maintain those that are under us with Counsel Example food corporal and spiritual We are good sheep when we are innocent tractable obedient patient c. We lay down our lives when in opposition to the Wolves the World the Flesh and the Devil we deny our own wills and judgments refrain our senses and chuse rather to die then to offend God mortally in any of them Consider 2. But the Hireling c. seeth the Wolf coming and leaveth the sheep and flieth We are Hirelings 1. When in out good actions as Prayers Sermons c. we seek not Gods-honour but vain glory and esteem of the world 2. When at the Wolfs appearance by some temptation of the Flesh or the World we make no resistance nor chastise our body with Mortification but fly all Penance and by too much indulgence give our sheep over to be devoured by their Enemies whereby we come both to lose our sheep and title of Shepherds and Masters and to fall into the miserable condition of Slaves Jo. 8.34 for every one which committeth sin is the servant or slave of sin S. August Consider 3. I know mine and mine know me It is the property of good sheep and Shepherd to know one another Make it therefore your business 1. As a good sheep to know your Pastor from your Enemy to understand the Voice of God by his Church and your Superiours to hearken to his Inspirations to obey his Counsels and Commands to acknowledge and love his goodness and mercy towards you 2. As a good Pastor rightly to understand your self to know your own weakness infirmities and imperfections to have an eye upon your interiour powers to over-see and rule your exteriour senses say with S. Augustine Lord that I may know thee and know my self 3. Sunday after Easter Christ comforteth his Disciples Jo. 16.16 page 242. Consider 1. A little while and now you shall not see me being taken from you by my Passion and Death And again a little while and you shall see me in my Resurrection though but for a little while because I go to the Father Christ here mingleth sorrow with joys but first sorrow then joys contrariwise the World first proposeth joys pleasures and content but at last bringeth all to sorrow and misery Amen Amen I say unto you that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoyce Observe the different lot of Christs and the Worlds Disciples in this life and chuse which you will have to be yours but know withall that your sorrow shall be turned into joy Consider
of his Passion and Death as to the perfect use and exercise of it Hence it followeth that we have a Triple Obligation of serving him 1. As our God by his Deity 2. As the Sovereign Lord and Head of all Mankind by his Incarnation 3. As our Saviour and Redeemer by his Death and Passion He hath exercised his Power to the full for your good See that you fulfill your duty in serving him Consider 2. Going therefore teach ye all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost By virtue of his Divine Power he doth Authorize and Commission his Disciples 1. To go and teach what he had taught them 2. To Baptize them in the Name of the B. Trinity that by the benefit of Baptism they might obtain Divine Faith Remission of their sins Grace and Everlasting Glory 3. To deliver unto them Christs new Law Precepts and Councels teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you Consider 3. And behold I am with you all daies even to the consummation of the world Christ is with us 1. As God by his Immensity 2. As God and Man by his Presence in the H. Eucharist 3. By Habitual and Actual Grace enabling us to act Supernaturally in order to our End 4. By a special Providence governing and directing every one towards the attaining to the perfection of their Vocation 5. After a special manner he is with the whole Church and principle Members thereof assisting them with his Divine Wisdom and Veracity in their Councels and Definitions Interpretation of Scriptures and Government and arming them with his Omnipotent Power against Persecutions Heresie and Infidelity so that the Gates of Hell shall not be able to prevail against them Be grateful for these benefits and endeavour to be always present with him in mind and affection On the same day as being the 1. Sunday after Pentecost the Gospel is chiefly of Mercy Luc. 6.36 for which see page 344. Corpus Christi day Of the Mystery Jo. 6.55 page 284 285 286 287. Sunday in the Octave of Corp. Chr. Of the great Supper Luc. 14.16 page 288. c. to the page 296. see page 439 440. 3. Sunday after Pentecost Of the lost sheep Luc. 15.1 page 296. see page 459. 4. Sunday after Pentecost Christ teacheth c. out of Peters Ship Luc. 5.1 page 304. Consider 1. The multitudes pressing our Lord went up into Peters Ship and that being brought back a little from the Land sitting be taught the multitudes from the ship Ponder with what fervour the people did run to hear the Word of God be ashamed of your own dulness herein and eagerness of hearing Toys News and Reports of the World Christ teacheth from Peters Boat from which we are all to take the Word of God our Faith and the hopes of our Salvation out of which there is none Observe how the Boat was brought from the Land to teach us that the Preachers Life and Doctrine must not be worldly but Coelestial Consider 2. As he ceased to speak he said to Simon Launch forth into the deep and let loose your Nets to make a draught It is Christ that moves our heart in Sermons but 't is our part to co-operate to launch forth into the deep by proceeding always forwards and raising our intentions and desires to heavenly things and to loose our Nets by a forwardness and endeavour of profiting upon all occasions Peter answered Labouring all night we have taken nothing Such are the fruits of worldly cares and labours and in the Night of Sin nothing is gained in order to Eternal Life We must therefore loose our Nets in Christs Name and upon his Word by a sincere intention of serving and obeying him Consider 3. And when they had done this they inclosed a very great multitude of Fishes and their Net was broken Whereupon Peter fell down at Jesus ka●e● saving Go forth from me for I am a sinful man Ponder here 1. Peter lendeth Christ his empty Boat and receives it full of Fish and is well enough contented to have his Net broken in so profitable a service So ought we in temporal losses that are accompanied with great spiritual gains 2. Peter out of Humility falleth upon his knees and is made the Fisher of men From this time thou shalt be taking men 3. Upon the same account he willeth Christ to go from him and thereby came the nearer unto him for leaving all things they followed him Ponder each particular and gather something for your own profit 5. Sunday after Pentecost Of the observance of the Law Mat. 5.21 page 312. Consider 1. Vales● your Justice abound more then that of the Scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven The Pharisees did often fast they prayed much in the Temple and in the Streets they gave the Tythes of what they had they gave God thanks for his benefits they carried the Law about them in the Hem of their Garments c. Do you do as much Yet all this was nothing but an outward shew of Virtue and only ceremonious observances of their own The Justice of a Christian must be internal and real consisting in a pure intention of Gods Honour in all things in the exercise of Christian Virtue chiefly of Charity Patience Humility c. in subduing our Passions evil Inclinations and Affections and the like Consider 2. It was said to them of old thou shalt not kill c. But I say to you that whosoever is angry with his Brother shall be in danger of judgment c. Ponder the Excellency of the New Law above the Old 1. That which was given to a dull and earthly people prohibited only gross things this forbiddeth even little imperfections 2. That went no further then the outward appearance this passeth to the interiour affections of the mind 3. That proposed no other then temporal reward this everlasting Think what perfection God requireth of you according to your Calling and be su e you come not behind the Pharisees upon peril of your Salvation 1 Cor. 10.17 Consider 3. And imprint in your heart and memory those words of Christ If thou offer thy gift at the Altar and there thou remember that thy Brother hath ought against thee leave there thy Offering before the Altar and go first to be reconciled to thy Brother Fraternal Charity is so necessary that no Sacrifice nor Divine Worship can be acceptable to God without it and if this in the Old Law how much more in the New and in the Sacrifice of Mass and Communion of the H. Eucharist which is the Sacrament of Union for we are one body all that participate of one bread Observe how God vouchsafeth to accept of our poor duties as offerings and gifts whereas they are indeed his own gifts and bringing no good to him from us 6. Sunday after Pentecost Of the seven Loaves Marc. 8.1 page 320. Consider 1.
times c. which done all these things shall be given us besides O that we had courage and resolution to perform the first part and faith enough practically to believe this latter 15. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Widows Son of Naim Luc. 7.11 page 388. see page 423 424. 16. Sunday after Pentecost Of the man cured of the Dropsie Luc. 14.1 page 306. Consider 1. And it came to pass when Jesus entered into the house of a certain Prince of the Pharisees upon the Sabboth to eat bread and they watched him Ponder here the goodness of Christ not refusing to eat and converse familiarly with his Enemies seeking thereby occasion to do them good and the perversness of the Pharisees in observing and watching him not to profit but to calumniate Do you observe our Lord in all his sayings and doings but so as to benefit your self and glorifie him and endeavour to demean your self so in all your exteriour comportment that you need not fear to be observed and taken notice of by all even your Enemies Consider 2. And behold there was a certain man before him that had a Dropsie Behold your self in this man and acknowledge with S. Augustine that you have a Conscience sick of the Dropsie S. Aug. 2. quaest Evang thirsting after terrene things the more you are indulgent to your self the more you nourish this disease Christ feels their pulse and temper before he cures this man saying Is it lawful to cure on the Sabboth but they were ashamed to discover their malignity openly and what e're they thought they held their peace But he taking him healed him and sent him away And to justifie himself appeals to their own Conscience what they would judge lawful in a less concern of their own Oxe or Ass Ps 21.7 Consider 3. When thou art invited to a Marriage sit not down in the first place c. but go sit down in the last place c. This as all other things that he taught Christ exercised himself he descended from the highest Heaven to the Womb of a poor and humble Virgin and all his life long chose for himself in all occasions that which was meanest and became for us the very Out-cast of the people Ponder well that Golden Sentence Every one that exalteth himself shall be humbled and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted First and Last are otherwise taken by God otherwise by the World the lower one is in the Worlds reckoning the higher he is in Gods account and on the contrary Christ was in the last Rank with the World but in the first with God If therefore you desire to be near Christ in Glory you must come close to him in Humility 17. Sunday after Pentecost Of the great Precept of Charity Mat. 22.34 page 403. Consider 1. A Doctor of Law asked of him which is the great Commandment in the Law Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord thy God from thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind We love him with our whole heart soul and mind when we direct our thoughts affections senses and actions to him and when we let no created thing have any place in our heart but in order to him and detest whatsoever is displeasing to him Consider the Motives you have to this love 1. His benefits towards you in your Creation Conservation Redemption Sanctification Gifts of Grace and promise of Glory 2. His own infinite Amiableness his Bounty Riches Power Glory Beauty c. Rom. 8.35 Consider 2. This love must not content it self with bare affections wishes and desires it must pass to action and both do and suffer when occasion is for the service and honour of God that we may be able to say with the Apostle Who shall separate us from the charity of Christ tribulation or distress c. or danger or persecution or sword It is the property of true love to be communicative of it self and what it hath with its Beloved Give therefore freely to God your self and whatsoever you have and because you have nothing that you have not from him return it entire to him again by gratitude and faithful use in his service This is the greatest and first Commandment Consider 3. The second is like to this Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self Our Neighbour is not one but every Child of Adam Friend and Enemy c. The Rule of our love is no other then our selves whatsoever therefore you would have done or not done to your self observe the same towards others out of love and for God and you have observed this Precept Our Motives are for that we are all Created to the same Image of God Redeemed with the same precious Blood of Christ Children of the same Heavenly Father called to the Inheritance of the same Kingdom c. Make it your whole study to have perfect Charity towards God and your Neighbour knowing that On these two Commandments depend the whole Law and Prophets 18. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Bed-rid let down from the Roof Mat. 9.1 page 412. see page 399 400. 19. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Invitement to the Wedding Mat. 22.1 page 419. see page 439 440. 20. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Princes Son restored to health Jo. 4.46 page 427. see page 394 395. 21. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Debtor of ten thousand Talents Mat. 28.23 page 435. Consider 1. There was one presented unto his Lord that owed him ten thousand Talents This is your self and every sinner there is no Debt so great as that of Sin think how great yours i And not having whence to repay it his Lord commanded that he should be sold We have nothing of our own to make satisfaction of and by sin we forfeit Grace Heaven God Soul and Body and inslave our selves to the Devil But that Steward falling down before him said have patience towards me and I will repay thee all Think how often God hath had patience with you you may truly say with the Prophet The Mercies of our Lord Thren 3.22 that I am not consumed Consider 2. And the Lord of that servant moved with pitty dismissed him and forgave him the debt How easily is God satisfied how great is his bounty who giveth more then is asked or could be hoped for He hath done the same and much more for you and hath not only freed you from the slavery of sin but also made you his Adopted Son and Heir of his Kingdom When that servant was gone forth he found one of his fellow servants that did owe him a hundred pence and laying hands upon him thratled him saying Repay what thou owest and notwithstanding the others humble entreaty went his way and cast him into prison till he repayed the debt How often do you the same in the petty injuries done to you Consider 3. Thou ungracious servant c. oughtest not thou also to have mercy upon thy fellow servant even as I had
mercy upon thee Apply these words to your self and take heed of what follows And his Lord being angry delivered him to the Tormentors until he had repaid all the debt Ponder well the final clause So also shall my Father do to you if you forgive not every one his Brother from your hearts Sins once forgiven return not but the succeeding Ingratitude is made the greater and worthy of double punishment by the greatness of the former benefit This forgiveness must not be verbal only but from the heart and without keeping any grudge 22. Sunday after Pentecost Of paying Tribute to Cesar Mat. 22.15 page 443. Consider 1. Master we know that thou art a true speaker and teachest the way of God in truth neither carest thou for any man for thou dost not respect the persons of men Here is delivered a perfect description of an upright man Think how you are in every particular whether you be a true speaker 1. As to your self by a right judgment and estimate of things 2. In relation to others by conformance of your words to Truth and Conscience whether you hold the way of God or not rather the Maximes and Principles of the World whether you care for man so as to fear or love him more then you do God and whether you respect the person of men so as to do or omit any thing for humane respects against your Conscience Ps 4.7 Consider 2. Is it lawful to give tribute to Cesar A pertinent Question but proposed with a wicked intention to intrap him in his speeches But there is no Councel nor Wisdom against our Lord who takes them in their own Traps proposing to them a question about the Tribute Coyn saying whose is this Image and Superscription Look upon your self and ask this question Whose is this Image You cannot say it is Cesars or the Worlds it is Gods The light of thy Countenance O Lord is signed upon us But alas how deformed is it become you have made it the Image of the Terrene Man endeavour to reform your self till Christ be formed again in you Gal. 4.19 1 Cor. 15.49 and as you have born the Image of the Earthly so hereafter bear the Image of the Heavenly Rom. 7.13 Consider 3. Render therefore the things that are Cesars to Cesar and the things that are Gods to God God will have us give every one his due To whom tribute tribute to whom oustom custom to whom fear fear to whom honour honour Owe no man any thing but that you love one another Render your self therefore Body and Soul with all your Powers Senses and Faculties to God whose you are by Creation Redemption c. Render likewise what you owe to your Neighbour to wit Love and Charity who is made to the same Image Created by the same hand and redeemed with the same precious Blood with your self 23. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Princes Daughter and the Hemorroisse Mat. 9.18 page 451. see page 420 421 422. 24. Sunday after Pentecost or the last before Advent Of the Destruction of Jerusalem and of the Latter Judgment Mat. 24.15 Consider 1. When you shall see the Abomination of Desolation c. then they that are in Jewry let them fly to the Mountains c. In the first part of this Gospel Christ treateth of Jerusalems Destruction and Desolation in the second of the latter Judgment Death is the time of mans greatest Desolation and the next passage to his particular Judgment on which depends the General Christ therefore warns us to provide for it in time for when it is once come it will then be too late and we shall be so surprized that we shall not have leisure to dispose of our selves or our goods as we would He that is in the house top let him not come down to take any thing out of his house and he that is in the field let him not go back to take his coat Consider 2. Woe to them that are with-child and that give suck in those daies That last day is always at hand and perhaps this may be it Woe be to you if you labour till now in bare desires and have as yet brought forth no good works to light Pray that your flight be not in the winter Stir your self up to Fervour and have a care Death comes not upon you while you are cold and frozen in Gods service Nor on the Sabboth while you are in your jollines You must be disposed for every hour for no hour is secure from danger Consider 3. There shall be then great tribulation such as hath not been from the beginning of the world Such will Death truly be to tepid and improvident Christians that have put off till then what they should have done before the Body will then be tormented all over with a dreadful Agony but much more the Conscience for then it will have a clearer knowledge of Good and Evil and will find the burden of Sin more heavy and unsupportable then ever before If you be wise seek to avoid this Tribulation do now what you would have done then avoid now what you would wish then to have avoided Faults Escaped in Printing IN the Preface page 14. Margent Psa 118.17 read 71. page 34. line 30. of God read of God page 34. Marg. for the first Citation read Luc. 21.11 p. 35. l. 17. Judge r. Judge p. 44 45. all the Citations lower three lines then ought p. 65. l. 14. Title af r. of p. 66. l. 1. Prophet r. Prophet p. 73. Foxes have holes c. r. in the Marg. Mat. 11.4 p. 80. l. 24. robes r. robes p. 169. Marg. The third Station leave out Page 477. line 29. Virging r. Virgins What other Faults have been over-seen the Courteous Reader may be pleas'd to Correct and excuse
labour in the pursuit and increase of Vertue 1. The will of God This is the will of God your Sanctification And Be you perfect as also your heavenly Father is perfect Mat. 5.48 2. The name of a Christian whose profession is Sanctity and therefore Christians are called by the Apostle An Elect Generation a Kingly Priesthood a Holy Nation 1 Pet. 2.9 c. 3. The Examples of Saints of both Sexes and of all conditions and callings whereby the great St. Augustine encouraged himself saying Cannot you do what such and such to wit young Youths and tender Virgins have done before you 4. The greatnesse of the reward Be glad and rejoyce Matt. 5.12 for your reward is very great in Heaven Consider 3. The many helps which God hath afforded you for your Spiritual Profit 1. His Divine Word declared unto you in Holy Scripture in Sermons in pious Books which inform your Understanding and inflame your Will towards Vertue 2. The assistance of divine Grace always ready at hand to begin prosecute and perfect any good work 3. The holy Sacraments instituted by Christ to beget us to a Spiritual Life and to maintain nourish and strengthen us in the same 4. The Life Merits and Passion of our Saviour Jo. 14.6 Tit. 2.14 who is our way verity and life And who gave himself for us that he might redeem us c. and cleanse to himself a people acceptable a pursuer of good works Of the Impediments of our End Duty Or of SIN and first Of the Sin of Lucifer and his Angels WE must first take away the Impediments which draw us from our End and Duty and then procure the supplies of Vertue to attain it Now the onely let which debarreth us from God is Sin the which how detestable it is unto him and how greatly deserving punishment you may learn by the fall first of Lucifer then of Adam Ezech. 28.12 Consider therefore 1. In what glory Lucifer with the other Angels was created for of him is understood that of Ezechiel Thou the signet of similitude full of wisdom and perfect of beauty thou wast in the delicacies of the Paradise of God Every precious stone thy covering Sardius Topatius c. These precious stones or ornaments were 1. Pure Spirituality without any admixture of a body 2. Immortality 3. Wonderful Subtlety of Wit and Understanding 4. An universal knowledge of all inferiour things 5. Might and power above all other creatures 6. Free-will and command over his own acts 7. Eminent Sanctity proceeding from the gifts of Grace 8. He was an Inhabitant of the Impyreal Heaven 2 Pet. 2.4 Consider 2. How in a moment he lost and obscured all these gifts of Nature and Grace elevating himself by pride above himself and as all Sinners do affecting what was unlawful for him See how he was immediately after his Sin cast down headlong into Hell with his Companions without hopes of mercy Ponder those words of St. Peter If God spared not Angels sinning but with ropes of Hell being drawn into Hell delivered them to be tormented c. how much more us miserable wretches Consider 3. and apply these things to your self See 1. What gifts and benefits you have received of God 2. How you have abused them even against God himself 3. The Angels sin was but one yours innumerable in thought word and deed Admire lament implore mercy c. Of the Sin of our first Parents in Paradise COnsider 1. The most happy state wherein Adam was created by God 1. He was created to the similitude of God himself and endowed with Free-will 2. He was then Immortal and not subject to any miseries 3. He had an infused knowledge of all natural things 4. He was plentifully stored with the gifts of divine Grace 5. His inferiour appetite was perfectly subject to Reason by means of Original Justice 6. Nothing could be added to the delights of Paradise wherein he was placed nothing more could be wished 7. And lastly from a Paradise on earth he was to pass immediately to that of Heaven not by death but by transmigration How happy had his posterity been if they might have continued in that blessed state Gen. 3.19 Consider 2. How being forbidden to eat of one certain tree notwithstanding by the perswasion of the Devil and the enticements of his Wife he transgressed the command of God and was thereupon despoiled of the ornaments of Grace and strucken with that dreadful sentence Dust thou art and into dust thou shalt return What miseries hath this one mans sin brought unto us all and yet this transgression at the first sight seemeth but small and in a light matter Eccli 5.8 9. Consider 3. How much heavier judgement and punishment do you deserve at Gods hands who have so often and for such trifles transgressed his Law You should long since have been cast not as Adam out of Paradise but out of the world who have so often provoked the Lord of the world and yet he hath expected you hitherto to do pennance Do it therefore out of hand and slack not to be converted to our Lord and defer not from day to day for his wrath shall come suddenly saith Ecclesiasticus and in the time of vengeance he will destroy thee Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin For the Punishments due unto it 1. Part. COnsider 1. God is most Just in inflicting punishments which notwithstanding he always doth below our deserts as the Divines speak though on the contrary his rewards are above our merits Ponder therefore the greatnesse of the offence by the grievousnesse of the punishment due to every Sin Enter with your imagination into Hell and consider attentively what God hath prepared there even for one Mortal Sin Contemplate those fiery furnaces those torrents of Sulphure the gnashing of teeth and howling of the damned and the like and reflect that all this is to last for ever without any hopes of releasement And which of you saith Isaie can dwell with everlasting beats Is 33.14 Matt. 10.28 Consider 2. What a folly it were to offend a Prince by whom you knew you were to be most cruelly tortured upon the rack How much more then to offend God that can destroy both soul and body into Hell And if so great punishment be due to one Mortal Sin though even that cometh short of its deserts what an excesse of torments will be due to your many sins Look back upon the days of your youth and think what had become of you if you had died immediately after such or such a Sin and acknowledge so many distinct favours of God towards you as you have committed sins after which you were not cast presently into Hell Say therefore with the Prophet I will confess to thee Ps 85.12 13. O Lord my God c. because thy mercy is great upon me and thou hast delivered my soul out of the lower hell Consider 3. How much
you are bound to so patient a Lord that hath so long expected you to do pennance Take heed lest patience abused turn into fury Wherefore humbly crave pardon for what is past and purpose amendment for the future Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin By reason of the Dignity of the Person offended 2. Part. Job 26.11 COnsider 1. The greater the dignity is of the Person offended the greater is the offence Whence greater is his crime that woundeth his King or Father then his that hurteth only some one of the common sort Wherefore ponder who he is whom you have so often provoked by your sins 1. He is God of infinite Majesty at whose beck the pillars of Heaven tremble and dread 2. He is omnipotent able to destroy you in a moment and chastize you a thousand ways 3. He is every where present Jer. 32.19 Whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the children of Adam And yet you have the impudency to do that before his eyes which you would be ashamed to do in the sight of men Deut. 32.6 18. Consider 2. The many titles of his goodness towards you for these also do aggravate the Sin 1. He hath created you of nothing preserved you hitherto as a Father and governed you as a Tutor 2. He hath drawn you out of the jaws of Hell and redeemed you with his precious Bloud 3. He it is that sanctifies you even to this day strengthening you with the holy Sacraments preventing you with his Inspirations and drawing you on a thousand ways towards the Crown of Glory And could you sind in your heart so often and so fouly to abuse such a Benefactor These things dost thou render to our Lord thou foolish and unwise people Is not he thy Father that hath possessed thee and made and created thee God that begat thee thou hast forsaken and hast forgotten our Lord thy Creator Rom. 2.5 Consider 3. How greatly you ought to be ashamed of such an ingratitude and to be grieved for having offended so great a Majesty Abuse not the treasures of so infinite a goodnesse patience and longanimity but speedily do pennance lest otherwise thou heap to thy self wrath as the Apostle saith in the day of wrath Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin By reason of the baseness of the Offender 3. Part COnsider 1. It would be judged a great offence if one Prince should strike another but much lesse then if a Subject should strike his Soveraign for the offence is proportioned to the Inequality that is between ●he offender and person offended And what greater inequality can there be then between God and you Think therefore what you are that dare reproach the Lord of hosts and in his sight commit enormous crimes as if there were no power in Heaven to punish you As to your body you are a contemptible worm crept out of the slime of the earth Grass flower of the field Ps 102.15 Jac. 4.14 Gen. 3.19 Bern. in for hon vit a vapour appearing for a little while ●ast thou art and into dust thou shalt return And as St. Bernard doth elegantly express You were unclean seed you are a vessel or sack of dung you will be meat for worms Why therefore is earth and ashes proud Consider 2. As to your Soul what are you Created of nothing and to nothing you would return if God did not preserve you without whom you cannot so much as move a finger 2. You are conceived in Sin born and bred in Sin nor is there any Sin so hainous which you would not commit if Gods Grace did not keep you back 3. As to knowledge how little is it that you know and how many things are there that you understand not As to power and ability how little is it that you are able to do and how innumerable are the things above your reach Sap. 11.23 Consider 3. What are you now compared to all men in the world What to the whole multitudes of Angels And what are all these again in respect of Almighty God As the least weight of the balance so is the round world before thee and as a dray of the dew before day that falleth upon the carth And yet vile Miscreant that you are you have had the boldnesse so often most impudently to provoke a Lord of such dread and majesty to indignation against you Do pennance and sin no more Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin By reason of the Vilenesse of the Object 4. Part. Is 40.17 COnsider 1. It would aggravate the fault if one should leave a friend or do him some notorious injury for a slight and frivolous matter For example should cut his brothers throat for a Tennis-ball The whole world in respect of God is as nothing and a vain thing as Isaie saith He would therefore highly injure God who is his Supreme and Everlasting Good that should but once leave him though it were to gain the whole world but much more he that should contemn him for trifles Whence himself as one amazed complaineth of this contempt by his Prophet Jer. 2.12 Be astonied O heavens upon this and O gates thereof be ye desolate exceedingly c. for two evils hath my people done Me they have forsaken the fountain of living water and have digged to themselves cesterns broken cesterns that are not able to hold waters Ponder how fitly God is termed an endlesse Fountain flowing with all manner of good and all things of this world leaking and broken cesterns they seem to have something in them but in truth do not hold water Consider 2. In particular for what trifles you have often forsaken God perhaps that you might please men enjoy some short pleasure satisfie you passion or greedy appetite gain some vain reputation and the like Esau did foolishly in selling his Birth-right for a messe of pottage but Judas did worse in selling Christ for thirty silver pieces Worst of all the Jews in preferring the Miscreant and Murderer Barabbas before Christ Yet these you do imitate as often as you prefer some short pleasure or evil action before God himself and your own right to the Kingdom of Heaven Consider 3. How you ought to be sorry for your sins past and wary for the future St. Cyprian saith well How greatly we have sinned Cypr. Ser. de lap Eccli 2.23 so greatly let us bewail We have a good Lord and according to his greatness as Ecclesiasticus saith so also his mercy is with him Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin For the Damages and bad Consequences it brigheth 5 Part. Prov. 14.34 COnsider 1. All men naturally fly from things that are hurtful Now there is nothing in the whole world so pernicious as Sin Whence Salomon Sin maketh peoples miserable And He that shall offend in one point shall lose many good things Eccles. 9.18 Ponder therefore the damages which it brings with it and first in this life in which