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A09443 A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. Preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and judicious diuine, maister William Perkins, Ann. Dom. 1595. First published for the benefit of Gods Church, by Robert Hill, Bachelor of Diuinitie; Lectures upon the three first chapters of the Revelation Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1606 (1606) STC 19732; ESTC S114701 362,972 238

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the worke of our redemption for he died for o●r sinnes and rose againe for our iustification Rom. 4.25 III. point Whether may the church of the New testament chaunge this Saboath day to any other day of the week as to tewsday wednesday c. Ans. The church hath no such power for time is the Lords and the disposing thereof is in his hands Therefore Christ saith to his Disciples It is not for you to know the times and seasons which the father hath kept in his owne hands Act. 1.6 As if hee should say The father hath kept times and seasons in hi● owne power and therefore it is not for you to knowe them Now if that were a good reason as no doubt it was then is this also sound and good If God haue the disposing of times in his hands then it belongeth not to the church to dispose of them but God hath the disposing of all times in his hands ergo And it may be otherwise hen●e gathered thus If that which is lesse belong not to the church then that which is more doth not But the knowledge of time and seasons which God hath in his power belongeth not to the church which is lesse than the disposing of times and seasons And therefore the church hath not power to dispose of them and so by consequent may not alter the Saboath day Obiect In the Old testament the Iewes appointed festiuall dayes as the feast of Dedication which Christ kept holy Ioh. 10.22 instituted by the Machabees in token of thankfulnesse for their deliuerance and for restoring of religion and the temple which Antiochus had pulled downe And also Mordichay instituted the feast Purim which was celebrated of the Iewes afterwards Now if they had power to make holidayes then they might alter the Saboath day and so may the church in the New testament Ans. These feasts of the Iewes were no Saboaths set wholly apart for the solemne worship of God but were onely daies of the solemnitie appointed by the church in token of ioy and thankfulnesse for the repairing of the temple deliuerance of Gods people And were onely celebrated as they serued to put the people in mind of these outward benefits So that whereas some hold that the church hath power to alter the Saboath day or to make two more Saboath dayes in a weeke if it were conuenient it hath no ground in Gods word For that authoritie which doth alter this day must not bee lesse than Apostolicall And thus wee see why this day was called the Lords day Now if the first day of the weeke bee the Lords day set apart for his honor in the memorie of so great redemption then here are three sorts of men reprooued First those that make the Lords day a day of vaine pleasure and delight This is the manner of all sorts of men but especially of the yonger sort and seruants who spend this day in carnall reioycing in riot gaming and wantonnesse neuer thinking of the worship of God which is then to bee performed But these sin greatly against the Lord for hereby they peruert the end of the Lords day It should be kept holy and glorious to the Lord but they turne it to the worship and seruice of the diuell The second sort here reprooued are those which liue more ciuilltie than the former but yet they thinke they may do what they will on the Lords day as to take their iourneys thereon and imploy themselues in their ordinarie affaires perswading themselues they may serue God with as good an heart when they are alone about their busines as they do who go to the church But these men sinne grieuously against the fourth commandement for hereby they make that their owne day which is the Lords A third sort here reprooued though not so bad as the former are those who thinke it needfull to serue God at those ordinarie times of the Saboath which the lawes of the land inioyne vnto men and therefore they will come duly to morning and euening prayer thinking that they are not bound besides to heare the word of God preached and that all the rest of the day they may doe what they will pertaining either to their profit or pleasure Of this sort are our ignorant people and a great number euerie where But they sinne grieuously against God for the Saboath day is called the Lords day because it is wholly consecrated to his worship but they part stakes with the Lord and giue him but a part of his owne day and that the lesser taking the rest vnto themselues which thee mispend vpon their lusts Now as these vices must be abhorred so on the contrarie wee must with all conscience keepe the Lords Saboath holy according to th● fourth commandement And therefore we must thereon cease from all workes of sinne and from the workes of our callings and sanctifie this day wholly by applying it all to the honour and worship of God And here we must remember that there is a double sanctification of the Saboath publike and priuate Publicke when men assemble themselues together publickly to heare Gods word for the increase of faith and knowledge and to call on Gods name for further graces as also to giue him thankes for his mercies and to receiue his Sacramens Priuate when men in their priuat places imploy themselues in holy duties of prayer reading and meditation vpon Gods word works whereby God is honoured and their souls edified and both these must bee performed to the Lord euerie Saboath day of euery man For wee may not abridge God of that tim● wherein glorie should be giuen to his name If the officers should take our seruants in the weeke day from our priuat businesse imploy them in publicke affaires wee would thinke much at it though it were for the common good And shall we not thinke that God will take himselfe dishonored of vs when we shall take either whole or part of his holiday and imploy it in our businesse A maine cause why many profit little by the publicke mininisterie is want of priuat sanctification of this day Therefore we must learne to sanctifie the Saboath of the Lord for else we shal neuer increase in faith knowledge or obedience as wee should for the begetting and increase whereof this day hath beene set apart and sanctified from the beginning Obiect 2. Why did the Lord shew this vision vnto Iohn rather on this day then any other Answ. Though Iohn were absent from the church in regard of bodily presence yet hee was present in spirit withall the faithfull and therefore no doubt on this day hee gaue himselfe to prayer and other duties which he could performe for the glorie of God in that solitarie place Now it is the Lords manner when his seruants are thus humbled then to come and reueale himselfe vnto them in speciall manner So he did vnto Daniel Dan. 9. and to Cornelius Act. 10. and to Peter praying
alone on the house toppe Act. 10.11 And so doubtlesse finding Iohn thus imployed this Lords day he reuealed his will vnto him touching the state of the church to the end of the world Hence we learne sundry instructions First whereas Iohn being in a sollitarie Island kept the Saboath wee may obserue that all persons who are seuered from the assemblies of the church as the prisoners and those which are sicke of a dead paluesie or other great diseases As mariners though they bee in the middest of the sea should keepe holie the Lords Saboath by performing such duties as God requireth as prayer confession of sins and thanksgiuing whereby God may be glorified though they cannot come to the publicke ministerie of the word Secondly in that Iohn receiued his vision on the Lords day when hee gaue himselfe to prayer and holie duties Hence ariseth a consolation to Gods church that God draweth neere vnto them that draw neere to him as Iames 4.8 And so let vs humble our selues and draw neere to the Lord by prayer and thanksgiuing and the Lord in mercie will shew himselfe sundry wayes and draw neere vnto vs. The cause why men haue so little tast of Gods mercie and loue towards them is because they do not draw neere vnto him by doing those duties which he requireth at their hands For when men draw backe from God is it not good reason hee should draw backe from them This therfore must stirre vp our harts and moue vs to come often to God by prayer and thanksgiuing for by vse in these duties shall wee get acquaintance with the Lord. Thus much of the circumstances of this vision And I heard behind me a great voyce as it had bene a trumpet First here followeth the parts of this vision which are two The beginning or entrance into it in this verse and part of the twelft Secondly the matter and substance thereof from the twelft verse to the end of the third chapter The entrance into the vision is a preparation whereby the Lord maketh Iohn more fit to apprehend and receiue the things reuealed In which preparation we must obserue first the meanes secondly the parts thereof The meanes whereby God prepareth him is a voyce And I heard a voyce The like manner of preparation hath God vsed in former times when hee intended to make with Adam the couenant of reconciliation in the seed of the woman First he prepared him by a voyce speaking vnto him before he appeared and by this voyce caused him to slie for feare Then hauing rebuked him for his sinnes he made with him this couenant of grace Genes 3. And in mount Synai before the Lord gaue the law hee first came downe in thundering and lightning and with the sound of a trumpet to terrifie the people and then hee vttered his law to Moyses and to his people So when the Lord would instruct Samuel touching the house of Elie he awoke him by a voyce again and againe and then spake plainely vnto him And in all visions vsually and generally the Lord vseth to prepare his seruants by voyces by signes and words that they might bee more fit to receiue such things as hee reuealed This dealing of God with Iohn in preparing him to the worthy receiuing of this vision teacheth vs that wee much more should bee prepared to heare and receiue the will of God for wee come farre short of those excellent gifts of God which were in Iohn who yet must be prepared Our comming to heare Gods word is to learne the same for the increase of knowledge faith and obedience Now the word of God is hard and we dull to learne wee must therefore by all good meanes prepare our selues that our minds and harts may be fit to receiue the same with profit The cause of so little profit after long hearing is want of preparation but hereof we haue entreated alreadie vpon the third verse This voyce is here set out vnto vs three wayes First by the place whence it came Secondly by the qualitie of it Thirdly by the matter and substance which it contained For the place it was vttered from behind him which the Lord obserued to stirre vp ●●re attention in Iohn for vsually men doe more carefully marke those things which come on a sudden behind them than those which are spoken or done directly before their face Secondly for the qualitie of it this voyce was great as is expressed further by a similitude Like the sound of a trumpet that is full of power and maiestie Which also God added vnto it to further attention in Iohn For if it had beene an ordinarie voyce or small hee would not so much haue regarded it but being so sudden so great and full of maiestie it could not but make him verie attentiue Now seeing Christ is so carefull to prepare Iohns mind with attention and diligence to receiue the things which should bee told him This teacheth vs that when we come to heare Gods word we must vse all meanes of attention for if it were needfull to Iohn then is it farre more necessarie for vs who are farre inferiour to him in all gifts of vnderstanding and memorie And here also is another cause of small profit and little liking of Gods word namely want of attention in the heart Wee must therefore like godly Lydia Act. 16. stirre vp our dull and heauie spirits and with all diligence marke the things wee heare And here we must take heed of two enemies to attention the first are by-thoughts as when the body indeed is present but the mind wandereth from the word and is wholly possessed with thoughts of pleasure or other worldly affaires For these bee thornes in the ground of our hearts which choke the good seede of the word Many will complaine they cannot marke and remember that which is taught now the cause is in themselues their wandering thoughts which hinder both vnderstanding and memorie for the mind conceiuing other matters cannot obserue how one point dependeth on another much lesse remember them afterward The second enemie to attention is dulnesse and heauinesse in body soule a common fault in many hearers which sheweth it selfe by drowsinesse and sleepinesse in the time of preaching when they ought to stirre vp their bodies and hearts to all attention If a man should bee dull and heauie when his prince is speaking vnto him of some weightie matter that is for his good it would bee taken for a part of contempt and disloyaltie towards his maiestie What disloyaltie then is this vnto the king of kings that we should bee dull and heauy when himselfe vouchsafeth to speake vnto vs out of his word the mysteries of our saluation And surely among other things this drowsinesse is one cause of small profit by the ministerie of the word And therefore if wee would encrease in knowledge and in the gifts of grace vnto saluation we must prepare our selues before we come and in hearing
people doe not repent the Lord will come vnto them to execute his iudgements vpon them Yea though they haue before repented if for particular sinnes and wants they doe not renew their repentance hee will surely come to punish them This might be proued at large by testimonies of the Prophets Apostles but it is so euident in this text that I omit all further proofe onely I will applie it to this our Church of which this may bee truely sayd Thou doest not repent nor renew thy repentance for thy dayly sinnes For albeit there bee some among vs that by Gods grace repent and set themselues dayly to the exercise thereof yet take the greater part of our congregations and they are so far from renewing their repentance that they doe not repent at all for either they haue no knowledge of Gods will or if they haue knowledge yet they want care and conscience to put the same in practise This being our case and condition what man may not bee a Prophet against our churches and congregations being thus directed by this portion of Scripture to say and that truly That God will come vnto vs in iudgments to plague and punish vs for our sinnes and iniquities Wee may sooth our selues in hope of mercie still but the state of our Church continuing as it is nothing can bee expected but iudgements from the Lord. This then must be a motiue to persuade vs to repent euery person apart and euery family congregation apart we must humble our selues in dust and ashes for our sinnes past entreating the Lord to be reconciled vnto vs and purpose fully in our hearts and striue in our liues to obey God in all his commaundements yea though we can say wee haue repented yet for our dayly wants and sinnes wee must renew our repentance Thus doing we shall stay the Lord when he is comming against vs. But if we goe on in blindnesse ignorance and rebellion following the lusts of our own hearts then nothing but vengeance and iudgements are to bee expected for this conclusion must stand with all churches and people If they repent not God will come in iudgement against them The second threatening or commination is directed vnto the Nicolaitans in these words And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth that is I will bee at emnitie with them and testifie the same by waging battell against those among you that maintaine the lawfulnesse of eating things sacrificed to Idols and of fornication Thus I say will I fight against thē with the sword of my mouth that is with the preaching of my word the law and the gospell In this commination Christ alludeth still to the storie of Balaam for when hee was sent for by Balac to curse the people of God the Lord stood against him in the way with a naked sword to keepe him from going and when his eyes were opened that hee saw the Angell of the Lord withstand him in that sort hee fell downe and adored the Angell for it was the Lord yet because he ceased not from his wicked couetousnesse but gaue bad counsell against the Israelites when he could not curse them to cause them to sinne therefore hee was slaine with the edge of the sword among the Midianites by the children of Israel Num. 31.8 Euen so Christ dealeth with the Nicolaitans because they goe on in their bad counsel persuading the lawfulnesse of eating things sacrificed to Idols also of fornication therfore first he will fight against them with the sword of his mouth the ministery of his word therby to reclaime them from their wicked wayes if it bee possible but if that will not serue hee will still fight against them and with the same sword destroy them for euer First here marke Christ sayth not I will kill them but fight against them for hee intended not at the first to destroy these Nicolaitans but his purpose was to withdraw them from their wicked wayes yet so as afterward if they would not be reclaimed by his word he would therewith destroy them Wherein wee may behold the exceeding patience of Christ Iesus towards leaud and grieuous sinner● that maintained the lawfulnesse of idolatrie and fornication and gaue themselues thereunto So the Lord in spirit stro●e with the old world and spared them 120 yeares to withdraw them from their wickednesse by the preaching of Noe. So likewise hee spared the Ammonites till their sinnes were come to the full and the Egyptians also for many hundred yeares though they were most cruell persecutors of his owne people And though the Iews most maliciously crucified the Lord of life yet he spared them fiftie yeares before hee cut them off from being a people Yea dayly experience teacheth vs this his long suffering we may heare most bloudie and bitter oathes from blasphemers whereby they dayly crucifie Christ with their tongues The like may be said of the adulterers and all cruell persons and yet he forbeares the same yea in our owne selues we dayly tast of this his patience for so soone as we were borne we deserued to be cast into hell and yet in mercie he vouchsafeth vnto vs to some twentie to some thirty and to some moe years for a time of repentance when as euery day hee might in iustice condemne vs. This therefore must admonish vs in the feare of God not to abuse this his long suffering any longer but now while the day of mercie lasteth to humble our selues and turne vnto him by true repentance These are the dayes of grace but how long they will last God onely knoweth For when death once commeth he sheweth no more mercie The old world because they abused the long suffering of God were destroyed and are now in hell in prison for it as Peter teacheth And vndoubtedly the same prison will be our portion if wee take the same course that they did Secondly in this threatening we may obserue that all irrepentant sinners haue God for their enemie to fight against them with a drawn sword For this cause sinne in Scripture is called rebellion and euery sinner is a rebell against God A fearefull thing it is to haue God for an enemie and yet this is the condition not onely of such as did neuer repent but of all those that hold the name of Christ in profession and yet continue in any one sinne without renewing their repētance This also must serue to induce euery man that hath not repented now to begin and if they haue begun to repent more dayly renewing the same for their daily slips and so shal they be the friends of Christ as Abraham was and a● his disciples were Io● 15.15 Thirdly in these two threatening● Christ sheweth himselfe to bee the true Doctor of his Church for he will fight against these Nicolaitans when as hee will onely come vnto his Church Where wee see hee deuideth his word aright wherein consisteth the principall wisedome of a true
seekes anothers good Goe through townes markets and fayres and rare it is to find a man that in his affaires seeketh the common good as well as his owne For this is the common rule May I not make of mine owne what I will But he that hath the grace of loue Seeketh not his owne onely but the good of others also 1. Corinth 13.5 Here then wee must learne to practise this vertue that wee may haue Christs commendations with this church Euery man in the generall calling of a christian will make great shew of loue as when he comes to the Lords table in praier But in their particular affaires few shew forth true loue nay many by lying oppression crueltie Flea the skinne from the flesh and the flesh from the bone of the poore and breake the bones within the flesh and chop them as for the pot as the Prophet speaketh These little consider this rule or that account which the Lord will take of them who hath sworne neuer to forget these works Amos. 8.7 Learne therefore in thy particular calling to shew forth loue and imploy thy commodities not for thy selfe alone but for the good of those with whom thou liuest herein is loue and hereby shalt thou be known to be the seruant of Christ Iohn 13.35 and the child of God Translated from death to life 1. Iohn 3. vers 14. The secōd thing for which this church is cōmended is seruice To omit the diuers significations of the word here it betokeneth a worke of loue whereby a man within the compasse of his calling becomes a seruant vnto euerie man for that mans good Read Heb. 6.10 where this is both commended and described Gal. 5.13 Do seruice one to another in loue 1. Cor. 13.5 Loue seeketh not her owne but maketh her selfe seruant to all to do them good And Christs commaundement is Let him that would be chiefe among you bee as the seruant Luke 22.26 Now the principall part of this seruice is when a man is readie with h●s goods according to his abilitie to helpe the poore especially those that be godly This is a fruit of loue and therefore it is here set after it as also in the places before named Hebr. 6. vers 10. Gal. 5.13 It were to be wished that our church and people might haue the like praise for this vertue But the richer sort spend their substance and wealth vpon haukes and hounds buls and beares vpon costly attire and banqueting so as when the poore that are in need come for releefe they haue nothing to spare and if any thing bee giuen it is drawne as hardly from them as a ribbe out of their side Men wil giue frankly to delight themselues with playes and pastimes and such like vanities but the poore that be their owne flesh may die in the streetes for want of that which men giue to their dogges But if we respect the commendation of Christ Iesus let vs abandon these vanities which hinder vs in the practise of this vertue of seruice for the good of our brethren And to induce all men hereto let them consider I. how the church of the Old testament was charged with giuing the first fruites of their wine corne and oyle and likewise with many sacrifices and ceremonies which belonged to the temple these things indeed be ceased and yet wee may not mispend these good which hereby are spared for in the New testament the poore are in steed of the altar and they must haue that which the altar had among the Iewes Againe Isay. 58.18 He that powreth foorth his soule to the hungrie that is he that seeing the poore in miserie hath the bowels of compassion mooued towards them and from his pitifull hart releeueth their wants according to his abilitie his light shall neuer bee put out but shall spring out of the darknesse and his darknesse shall bee as the noone day This is pure religion and vndefiled before God to visit the fatherlesse and the widdow in their aduersitie Remember this He that hath mercie vpon the poore lendeth vnto the Lord Prou. 19.17 So that when the poore come for releefe God commeth to borrow of vs some of that which he hath giuen vs. The poore are the Lords collectors now when the Lord would borrow of vs shall we make deniall send him emptie away Thirdly consider that Christ himself comes in the persō of the poore that is hungrie sicke naked or in any want and therefore if wee would escape the fearefull sentence of condemnation at the last day Away from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire for I was an hungred and ye gaue me no meate c. then we must haue regard vnto the poore and shew our bountie in their releefe who are our owne flesh so shall wee make God our debtor and bee commended with this church by Christ himselfe in this world and at the day of iudgement heare that blessed voyce of his approbation Come ye blessed Math. 25.34 The third vertue for which this church is commended is their faith By faith here we are to vnderstand Fidelitie which is a vertue whereby a man is faithfull to God in keeping that vow and promise which hee made to him in his baptisme which was to renounce and denie himselfe and wholly to giue vp himselfe to acknowledge one God in three persons and accordingly to beleeue in to worship and obey the same God all his life long In this sence is faith taken of Paule when he sayth That younger widdowes haue damnation because they haue forsaken their first faith And in the former Epistles of Christ vnto these churches where hee commaunds them to be faithfull It were to bee wished that our churches and congregations might in like manner be commended for their fidelitie to God but that cannot truly be done of vs generally It is a common thing for men to sweare by their faith but it is a rare thing to find a man to keepe his faith as will appeare by this short suruey of our people For first the greatest part in all places are ignorant of God of his word and of their vow to him in baptisme and also voide of care to attaine hereto Now all these are vnfaithfull vnto God Others though they haue knowledge yet they haue no loue nor care of good things which concerne the kingdome of heauen but all their delight is in eating drinking gaming and in pastimes and pleasures Herein they spend their time and strength and these also haue denied their first faith their case is dangerous for as yet their belly and their pleasure is their god and their end will be damnation A third sort are termed the wise men of the world but if we regard their fidelitie to God there is nothing in them they are worldly persons and earthly minded such as spend both wit and strength to get wealth like vnto the mole who is alwayes in the earth These also
shew mercie exercise iudgement keepe courts assises begin end and continue warre according to his commaundements And so in euery thing the direction of Christ should be their guide as it was to Dauid Thy lawes O Lord haue beene my counsellours Psal. 119.24 Fourthly if Christ bee soueraigne king then all earthly princes are bound to plant and establish in their kingdomes the religion of Christ else how can they shew themselues his loyall subiects Many imagine That earthly princes may admit vnto their subiects any religion for the peace of the ciuile state but this is against the equitie of Gods word in this place for wherein can earthly princes doe homage vnto Christ if they maintaine not his religion And their dutie in this behalfe is signified plainely in the parable of the mariage For when they that were bidden did not come the king sent forth his seruants which may be vnderstood of Christian magistrats to compell men to come to the mariage for that is the magistrates dutie in respect of the outward profession of true religion Fiftly seeing Christ alone is prince of the kings of the earth hence we learne that kings on earth in their dominions are soueraigne gouernours ouer all persons and in all causes next vnder Christ he is king of kings absolutely and they are vnder him alone and haue no other head but him Whereby wee see the presumption and arrogancie of the Pope and Sea of Rome in claiming supremacie aboue all kings and princes in the whole church vpō earth This is a deuice of the diuell and high treason against Christ for hereby hee is robbed of this royall prerogatiue to be the only prince of the kings of the earth Lastly seeing Christ is king of all kings we must not be discouraged when we be called to suffer any affliction for his truth let the tyrants of the earth rage and bend their force to hurt vs yet wee haue a king aboue them al for whom we suffer he is their king hee can stay and bridle them and if hee please confound and bruise them in peeces They cannot do any thing but that which he permits for hee rules in the middest of all his enemies Psal. 110.2 he can breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Thus much of the offices of Christ. The second part of Christs description is by the execution of his offices which consists in foure works The first contained in these words Vnto him which loued vs the second in these Which washed vs in his bloud the other two in the two verses which follow viz. 6 and 7. For the first which loued vs that is Iohn and the churches of Asia by proportion all other churches being parts of the true church The loue of Christ hath three degrees the first is a generall loue wherby he loues all his creatures approuing the same to be good as they be his by creation The second is the loue of mankind in that he was content to become a redeemer for mankind after their fall and not ●or any other creature no not for the Angels which fell as well as man who therefore remaine without all hope of saluation The third and principall is that wherby he loues his elect and chosen children which is that speciall sauour whereby he accepts of them to life euerlasting This third degree hath two parts First it is taken for his purpose to loue as when he saith I haue loued Iacob and hated Esau Rom. 9.13 Secondly for the act of louing which is the declaration of his purpose by spirituall benefits 1. Iohn 3.1 Behold what singular loue God hath shewed vnto vs that wee should be called the sonnes of God noting the declaration of his loue in the gift of adoption So in this verse by the loue of Christ vnto his church is meant the actuall declaration of his speciall fauour in accepting them for his children and bestowing many singular blessings vpon them Whereas S. Iohn placeth this in the first place of all the benefites of Christ That he loued vs hee would teach vs That this speciall loue is the very ground of mans redemption which excludeth all foreseene faith and workes from being motiues of mans election in Gods eternall councell and so proportionally all foreseene sinnes from being motiues in God of mans reprobation It may be obiected The loue of God as also of man respects a thing as it is good First the thing must be good and then it is loued and so in mans redemption God first foresees their goodnesse and therefore chuseth them Ans. There is great difference betweene the loue of the creature and of the creator The loue of the creature followes the goodnesse of a thing because he seeth it is good therefore he loues it But God the creator first loues the creature before it bee good and hence it comes that it is good because he loues it Secondly whereas Saint Iohn and all the churches of Asia as other true churches do beleeue and are assured that Christ loues them for that Saint Iohn taketh for granted this should moue all men to haue this care to labour aboue all things to be rooted and grounded in the loue of God seeing hee placeth that in the first place This is the principall thing wherein the Apostle would haue the Ephesians rooted and grounded and therefore prayeth That with all Saints they may be able to comprehend what is the breadth and length deapth and height th●●of Ephes. 2. vers 17 18 19. This we doe when we are assured in heart and conscience by the working of Gods spirit that he loues vs in Christ. So that he which denies vnto vs the assurance of Gods loue in Christ takes away the very ground of our saluation Now that we may haue this assurance of Gods loue wee must in all good duties to God and man draw neere to God with our hearts keeping a good conscience in all things and then will God draw neere to vs. If any man loue me saith Christ he will keepe my word and then my father will loue him and we will come in vnto him and dwell with him Iohn 14.23 meaning by the holy ghost which shall shed this loue into our hearts Rom. 5. vers 5. causing vs to increase in the feeling thereof as wee grow in faith and obedience towards him And hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Here is the second benefit and action of Christ to his church Where first of all the very phrase hath washed vs doth import that the sinnes of men are as filthie spots in their soules and that himselfe and this church of God were touched with a serious consideration of their vilenesse by reason of their sinnes for washing presupposeth former filthinesse and pollution Thus did Dauid most sensibly feele his owne filthinesse and see his miserable estate when he desired the Lord to wash him throughly confessing thereby that his soule and body were so foulely stained and
sonne of God which is the friend of friends who shall giue them not onely life and motion but eternall life with his owne maiestie This was Iobs comfort that though he died yet he beleeued he should see his redeemer with his eyes And this should be our comfort against the feare of death and last iudgement Secondly this is a terror to the wicked and to all impenitent sinners that they shall will they nill they be brought to the barre of Christs iudgement seate there looke on him who is their iudge whom they have in their life contemned and despised And this consideration may serue to moue them to repentance which haue no● begunne to repent and to labour to become the members of Christ a● also to increase and further repentance in them who haue by Gods grace begun the same It may be some do thinke when they die all is done and there is no further account to follow but though we lie rotten in our graues a thousand or two thousand yeares yet we shall rise and looke vpon our iudge with our owne eyes And if we haue not in our life time repented we shall heare him with our owne eares giuing the dreadfull sentence against vs Go ye cursed into euerlasting fire And therefore it is best for vs in this day of grace to preuent this danger and now repent and beleeue in Christ that then we may rise with ioy and stand with hol●nesse before Christ Iesus No doubt if we were persuaded that we should thus appeare it would moue vs to repent Thirdly Euerie eye shall see him that is all men with their owne eyes shall looke on him Hence it may bee gathered that those who wanted their fight in this life shall haue it then restored It is granted of all Diuines that the elect shall haue all their senses and other defects restored wherein they were wanting in this life And it may also bee added that the wicked shall then haue some of their senses restored if they wanted the same in this life as hearing and seeing at the least for the deafe shall heare the blind shall see this Iudge And this can be no glorie to them seeing it is to increase their miserie for the more senses they haue the more punishment they shall feele because by sense we apprehend miserie Euen th●se which peirced him Here is added a further euidence of Christs manifestation of his comming and that for three causes First to shewe that no power or wisedome in the world can free any one from his appearance For if any could escape in all likelihod it would be those Iewes and Gentiles who preuailed most against Christ and put him to death But none of those can escape his iudgement for euen they which peirced him they shall see this Iudge and bee summoned before his maiestie For though they had power to kill him yet none of them shall haue power to absent themselues from before his bar of iudgement at the last day Secondly to shew the case of all wicked men namely that such woe and miserie shall befall them as they neuer once thought of The Iewes and Gentiles which crucified Christ neuer dreamed of this that he whom they then put to a temporall death should one day be their Iudge and condemne them to eternall death vnlesse they had repented Thirdly to shew the rufull and wofull estate of all impenitent sinners they shall rise to iudgement and haue the greatest enemie their Iudge who will shew rigor vpon them and iustice without all mercie for this peircing of Christ is meant not onely of the Iew which put him to death but of all vngodly person● because all such do by their sinnes as with swords and speares wound him at the heart as the souldiers did Impenitent sinners be as the Iewes which crucified Christ as Iudas which betrayed him and as the soldiers which goar●● his side and vnlesse they now repent they shall one day be iudged as his enemies Euen they which peirced him Out of these words some gather that the body of Christ hath still the wounds and scarres which were giuen him at his death the print of the nailes in his hands and his feete and that these shall be seene in him at the last day adding withall that it is no blemish to Christ to haue these but rather an increase of his glorie But this cannot be gathered hence for though it be sayd They shall see him whom they peirced yet it followeth not that they shall see him as he was peirced what though they see the person whom they wounded shal they therefore see his wounds Manie shall see kings and queenes whom they crowned in this world but it followeth not that therefore they shall weare their crownes So we shall see our fathers and mothers but not as fathers and mothers IV. point The fruite and effect of his comming especially in the wicked in these words And all tribes of the earth shall waile before him Where S. Iohn speakes of the whole world according to the condition of the land of Canaan for only that part of the world was diuided into tribes As in like case our Sauiour Christ setteth out the iudgement of the whole world according to the state and manner of iudging the visible Church Math. 25. So that his meaning is that they which repented not of what nation soeuer of what state or condition soeuer they haue bene shall wayle and mourne at that day And hee addes a reason of this their mourning in these words for him before him or ouer him That is they shall wayle and lament with exceeding lamentation because they beleeued not his word but contemned him and his doctrine and therefore now they want all help to free them from the punishmēt of their vnbeleefe and contempt of the gospell for this life is the only time of grace and mercie afterward there is no worke nor inuention that can alter mans estate Hence then we are admonished first that in this world we labour aboue all things to be reconciled to God in Christ to get our sinnes pardoned to beleeue and imbrace his holy word and vnlesse we attaine hereunto in this life we shall wayle eternallie for when the last day is co●e there is no hope of help no way to escape no time of grace to repe●● Remember the foolish virgins that sought for oyle when it was too late and knocked when the doores were shut Math. 25. But if by Gods mercie we can in this life get his loue and fauour in Christ then shall we enioy the same eternally yea at this dreadfull day to all the wicked we shall lift vp our heads and our harts when wee shall see Christ comming to our full redemption all teares shall bee wiped from our eyes when the wicked shall crie and houle woe and alas for euermore The diuell knowing the worth of this admonition will labour by all meanes to keepe it from our hearts
of an harlot Fiftly their bodies are temples and dwelling places not for earthly Princes but for the holy Ghost and therefore must be furnished with Gods graces and adorned with chastitie other gifts of Gods spirit that they may be fit mantion places for so worthie a guest But by fornication they are made the s●ies stables of the prince of darknesse Verse 16. Repent thy selfe or else I come vnto thee shortly and will fight against thee with the sword of my mouth Christ hauing layd downe the sinnes of this church and the errors of the Nicholaitans doth here propound vnto this church First a remedie for her recouerie Secondly a reason to inforce the practise of the remedie The remedie is in these words Repent thy selfe In it consider these points First what it is to repent Secondly why Christ so often vrgeth thereunto Thirdly to whome Christ prescribeth this remedie Of the first we haue spoken in the first verse of this chapter Briefly therefore Repentance is a change of the mind from euill to good and a turning from sinne vnto God Here repentance must bee taken more largely for all the duties that accompany repentance in the practise therof as I. Humiliation of a man by confessing of his sins vnto God and condemning of himselfe for the sinne II. Prayer wherby a man doth earnestly intreat the Lord for the pardon of the same sins III. Reformation wherby a man in hart proposeth and in life indeuoureth to leaue all his former sinnes and for euer after to do all things in obedience vnto God vnto all these doth the holy Ghost exhort them in this place II. Point Why doth Christ so often prescribe this duty of repentance and so much vrge it An. Not for that it is a cause or a meritorious means to procure remission of sins life euerlasting as the Papists do falsly and damnably teach for that nothing can do but the obedience passion of Christ but first because it is a token of Gods fauor procured a most excellent fruit of faith such as maketh a man cease to do euill and moueth him to do good Secondly because it is a way wherin mē must walke vnto the end that wold haue remissiō of sins life eternal III. point To whom is this remedie prescribed Answ. First to the church of Pergamus and then to the Nicholaitans in that church though they were most wicked men Touching the church of Pergamus they were before commended for most worthie graces for they had repentance and yet note Christ sayth still vnto them Repent thy selfe Herein teaching vs a most worthie lesson which euery one ought to learne and practise namely that the life of a Christian is a continuall practise of repentance When a man hath once repented that is not sufficient but euery new day must haue a new repentance for his dayly slips Wee are Gods embassadours sayth Paule for Christ beseeching you in Christs steed that you would be reconciled vnto God Now they were reconciled to God before for they are called the Temple of the liuing God His meaning therefore is That they should striue more and more after reconciliation with God both in regard of their further assurance and also for their particular sinnes wherein they dayly offended Euery Christian must dayly wres●●e with his owne corruptions which hee feeleth in himselfe that the longer hee liueth the more hee may grow in dislike with himselfe And in this distast of himselfe hee must dayly proceed that hee may euery day more and more grow vp in Christ. And least any should thinke that this was spoken to this church alone and not to vs consider that wee are in the same case with them their sinnes are our sins as we haue prooued We want zeale and seueritie against sinne and sinners Now being in the same fault with them wee must therefore practise the same remedy and renew our repentance though wee haue repented heretofore Secondly he prescribes this dutie to the Nicolaitans that held two damnable errours and no doubt liued accordingly in those sinnes and yet Christ barres them not from his kingdome but bids them repent Where note that great and grieuous sinners are not barred frō Gods mercie if they will repent Excellent is that saying of Isay God i● much in sparing and that of Dauid also With God is plentifull redemption This point is seriously to bee considered for wee haue in our congregations many that are well spoken of in the world and yet for knowledge of God and practise of life are flat Atheists We haue also among vs epicures blasphemers murtherers and fornicators with these Nicolaitans Now to all these and such like this doctrine appertaines not to embolden them in sinne but to assure them there is mercy in store for them with God if they will truly repent They must not turne the grace of God ●o wantonnesse and make his mercie a bolster to their iniquitie for this is despising of Gods bountie whereby they helpe vp vnto themselues wrath against the day of wrath but if with Iob they humble themselues in dust and ashes and crie to heauen for mercie from a broken heart that carrieth a resolute purpose to leaue all sinne then though their sinnes were neuer so many they shall all be drowned in the bottomelesse sea of Gods mercie though they were as crimson and scarlet which will take no other dye yet in Christs bloud they shall be made as white as wooll snow yea though they haue fallen often into the same sinnes which is most fearefull and dangerous yet vpon this vnfained repentance they shall bee restored to mercie for the fountaine thereof cannot be dried vp but see they doe repent for whosoeuer looketh for Christs merits must know that hee looketh for true repentance Thus much for the remedie II. point The reason wherby Christ would set an edge vpon the former remedie containeth a twofold threatening or commination the first against the whole Church in these words If not I come vnto thee shortly The second against the Nicolaitans in these words And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth For the first If not I will come vnto thee shortly these words were expounded in the fift verse The meaning is this If thou repent not I will come vnto thee testifie my presence by taking punishment vpon thee for thy want of zeale and of seueritie against sinne and sinners To this effect the Prophet Isay sayth Chap. 30.27 The name of the Lord shall come from farre to take punishment vpon the Assyrians In this threatening the phrase is to be noted Christ sayth If not I come vnto thee expressing a thing to come by a word of the time present To giue them to vnderstand that his comming vnto them by iudgements was as certaine as if it were present vnlesse they did repent Where this generall rule is to be obserued of all namely that when a Church or
Prophet giuing comforts to whom comfort belongeth and threatning iudgements to whom iudgement is due and making difference of iudgements according to the state of the persons against whome they are threatened For the heauie iudgements of God must not be threatened against all persons but against the impenitent And because there be degrees of iudgements temporall and eternall therefore temporall iudgements must be threatened to those to whom they belong eternall iudgements denounced against those to whom they belong obseruing the circumstances of time place and persons according to Christs example in this place and else where So likewise the benefites of the Gospell are not to bee propounded to euery person hand ouer head without difference but with restraint to some onely as Gods Prophets haue done It is often a great offence in the Church when the benefits of the Gospell are propounded to all and the threatening of the law denounced against all without limitation or restraint The conditions therefore of repentance impenitencie of faith and vnbeleefe and also the degrees of them all must carefully bee obserued in the dispensation of the Law and the Gospell Fourthly the end of Christs fighting must be considered for first hee intends to reclaime them from their euill wayes but if they will not be reclaimed then to cause the same word to be an occasion of their deeper condemnation This must be deepely weighed of vs all who haue had by Gods mercie for many yeares the plentifull preaching of the gospell by which God hath continually rebuked checked the sinnes that bee among vs as ignorance blaspemie and filthinesse crueltie and all iniquities whatsoeuer and the same thing the Lord yet continues to doe vnto vs. Wee therefore must thinke that all this while the Lord is fighting against vs when ignorance is reprooued in the ministerie of the word the ignorant person must thinke the Lord is fighting against him and so all Atheists blasphemers adulterers oppressers and cruell persons when their sinnes are reprooued they must know that the Lord stands face to face against them with the sword of his mouth seeking to reclaime them from these iniquities as hee did to Balaam in his way And when any mans sinnes be thus touched hee must not rebell but humble himselfe as Balaam fell before the Angell considering it is the Lord that wageth battell against him When wee heare that forraine nations shake their swords against vs how are wee mooued both high and low Shall wee feare the sword of mortall man and shall we not tremble when we heare that the sword of the euerliuing God is shaken against vs Those therefore whose hearts are guiltie of any one sinne must humble themselues by true and speedie repentance there is no withstanding of the Lord if his sword doe not cure vs it will cut vs in pieces if his word doe not conuert vs from our sinnes it will bee an occasion to cast our soules deeper into hell Thus he dealt with Balaam when he would not be restrained from giuing bad counsell he was slaine among the Midianites Few thinke on these things from whence commeth such great contempt of Gods ordinance in the ministerie of the word as we see at this day but they must know that either death or life come by the stroke of this sword and therfore they must repent Fiftly note the title giuen to Gods word it is called The sword of Christs mouth not onely because it was once deliuered by himselfe from his own mouth but because it doth dayly proceed from his mouth for the Ministers of the gospell which bee truely called are the very mouth of Christ from which Gods people receiue his word If thou shalt returne sayth the Lord to Ieremie and shalt separate the precious from the vile then shalt thou stand before me and be according to my word 2. Cor. 5.19 Wee are the embassadors of Christ beseeching you in his steed which is an high and wonderfull honour The consideration whereof is a ground of sundry duties First all students that are in the way of preparation to higher callings must hereby learne to conceiue a good opinion of the Ministerie of the gospell and to affect the same aboue other callings For though the blind world count it a base calling yet Christ wee see maketh the minister his owne mouth which honour is not giuen either to the Lawyer or to the Physition Secondly hereby euery Minister of the Gospell is taught to deliuer nothing in his publicke Ministerie but the pure word of God so farre foorth as Christ shall enable him and that also in so pure a manner as in the persuasion of his owne conscience hee thinkes Christ would speake if he were there present like vnto faithfull embassadours who speake onely the will of their lord and prince and in that manner which their lord and prince doth best approoue If this were well weighed wee should not haue such preaching as is commonly vsed consisting of a mixture of testimonies partly diuine and partly humane considering that neither Christ nor his Apostles preached so Thirdly the people also are hence taught their dutie when they heare a sinfull man like vnto themselues speake vnto them in the Ministerie of the word they must not despise Gods ordinance because it is deliuered by man but receiue the same as from the mouth of Christ and as the pure word of God so far forth as it consenteth with holy scripture In this behalfe Paule blessed God for the Thessalonians That they receiued the word from him not as the word of man but as it is indeed the word of God 1. Thess. 2. vers 13. Sixtly where Christ sayth I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth We may obserue that the kingdom of Christ is spirituall and not of this world for if it were worldly then a ciuile sword wielded by the hand of man should belong vnto him But he hath no such sword he gouernes his church and people by the sword of his mouth his holy word Wherby appeareth that the primacie of the sea of Rome is from hell not from heauen for the Pope sayth he is Christs vicar and yet he will be armed with both swords when as Christ dealeth not with the ciuill sword but onely vseth the sword of his mouth Verse 17. Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirt saith vnto the Churches To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the Manna which is hid and will giue him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth sauing he that receiueth it These words are the conclusion of this Epistle which containeth two parts a commaundement and a promise The commaundement in these words Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches The promise in the words following To him that ouercommeth c. The commandement serueth to stir vp Gods church to attention in marking that which
day for some certaine time carrieth a faggot for his own burning in the end Secondly from this end of life all that haue not repented must learne not to deferre their repentance but now begin while it is called to day and in the exercise thereof spend the whole time of their life The end of all our endeauours while wee liue should be this to get a roome in the kingdome of God which wee can neuer haue without repentance Next consider who it is that giues this time of repentance neither man nor Angell hath this time in his hands but the power of appointing it belongs vnto Christ alone Hereby then all persons whatsoeuer are to bee admonished without delay to repent The young man will take his pleasure in his youth and repent when he is old but hereby he robbeth Christ of his honour who onely hath power to point out the time of repentance Vse therefore the time present while thou hast it and deferre not repentance for how knowest thou that thou shalt liue to bee old And though thou doest yet how canst thou tell whether God will giue thee repentance considering thou diddest refuse while he called for it Men thinke that if they die quietly and peaceably all is well they goe to heauen straight but herewith many are deceiued for vnlesse they haue truely repented they goe straight to the deuill let their manner of dying be what it will A quiet death is a comfortable thing but no sure signe of grace because it may come by reason of some easie lingering sickenesse Considering therefore wee haue no title vnto this grace of repentance to clayme it at our pleasure it being the rare gift of God nor any lea●● of our life but bee meere tenants at will let vs seeke to turne to God with full purpose of heart while 〈◊〉 is called to day and if we haue begun let vs dayly renew this grace to the end of our life Thirdly consider to whome God giues space of repentance namely to a wicked woman as wicked as Iezabell Wherein behold the endlesse mercie of God that vnto such a wicked person who blasphemed God in fathering her sinnes vpon the spirit of grace and dishonoured God by seducing his seruants doth yet vouchsafe a time of repentance This hath beene and is the dealing of God with most grieuous sinners Manasses was one that sold himselfe to worke wickednesse giuing himselfe to sorcerie and idolatrie and yet vpon his heartie repentance God receiued him to mercie And Salomon fell most fearefully but yet before his death wee may persuade our selues hee repented and was receiued to mercie for hee was a penman of Scripture all which were holy men of God as Peter sayth 2. Pet. 1.20 The Israelites were a people of Sodome and of Gomorrha as bad as those who are condemned in hell and yet mercie is offered vnto them vpon their true repentance and conuersion Hereby no man must take occasion to liue in his sinnes but those that feele themselues laden with the huge burden of their transgressions haue here a comfort to keepe them from despaire for if they can humble themselues and turne vnto Christ and pray for the pardon of their sinnes there is yet with the Lord mercie in store that they may bee saued Lastly Christ saith He gaue her space to repent of her fornication No doubt she had many other sinnes whereof shee was to repent for no sinne goeth alone but euery capitall sinne draweth many with it Christ his meaning therefore is not that she should let passe other sins without repentance but he nameth this one sin of fornication because it was a principall sinne in her for she both practised it in her owne bodie and so made her selfe the stable of the diuell who should haue bene the temple of Gods holy spirit and also maintained this sinne and so drew others thereto Now speciall and principall repentance must be of principall sinnes Here then is a patterne for all sinners how to practise repentance They must beginne with their capitall sinnes which burden their conscience and whereto they are most addicted and repent of them For the man that truly repenteth of one sinne repenteth of all for true repentance maketh the heart alike affected to all sinnes And that heart which is brought to hate his speciall sinnes will neuer approue of pettie sinnes This lesson ought carefully to be learned put in practise For the repentance of most men is onely in generall to say wee are all sinners Lord haue mercie vpon me or God forgiue me But this confused repentance is not good it stands with a purpose to sinne againe In particular therefore we must search our consciences and see wherein we haue most dishonored God and what sinne hath neerest plunged our soules to the pit of hell and with that we must beginne to bring our soules to heauen by repenting truly for the same and turning from it with all our hearts Hence the Papists gather that man hath free will to doe that which is truly good before God as namely to repent for say they God gaue Iesabell space of time to repent and therefore shee had power to repent or else the giuing of that time vnto her had bene in vaine Answ. Their reason is nought it followeth not because God gaue her time to repent therefore she had power of her selfe to repent as will easily appeare if wee consider the ends for which God giues men space time of repentance and commandement so to do The ends are two I. That in that time of repentance which hee allotteth to men hee may giue his children grace whereby they may be enabled to obey his commandement and to repent for the Lord vseth the commandements and threatnings of the law and the promises of the gospell as outward meanes of giuing grace vnto men by the worke of his spirit II. He giueth commaundement and time to repent that men may see what they should doe not what they can doe and that the wicked may bee without excuse at the day of iudgement and be ashamed of their slauerie bondage vnto sinne in this life And shee repented not Here the sinne of Iezabell is expressed namely her impenitencie and hardnesse of heart Whereby without remorse shee liued in her fornication and idolatrie For the vnderstanding of this her sinne two points are to bee considered I. Where this sinne of impenitencie is forbidden in Gods word II. What is the greatnesse of this sinne for the first there bee two parts of Gods word the Law and the Gospell which must not be confounded but distinguished or else wee shall ouerturne manie points of Christian religion The law giues commandements touching things that were by nature in Adam before his fall forbidding those things which are contrarie to those vertues which were in his perfect nature But the gospell commands forbids things that are aboue nature and in that part of Gods word is this
Here see the proper ●nd of all reprofes and corrections namely the reformation and amendement of mens faults misdemeanors whatsoeuer that so they may bee more carefull of their wayes and more zealous in good duties then euer they were Whensoeuer therefore wee are reprooued by the word of God or when the Lord shall visite vs in body minde or goods by any kind of crosse wee must remember to take occasion thereby to repent and amend knowing that by all these as by so many Sermons the Lorde calles vs to amendement Nowe come to the remedie of their Luke-warmnesse Be zealous That wee may vnderstand this Commandement we are to handle some points touching Zeale First what is zeale Zeale is a burning affection in regard of Christian Religion and the true worship of God This Zeale is compounded of two affections of loue and anger or indignation so that in this Commandement are two duties enioyned vnto this Church First that they should loue Christ and his Religion aboue all things Secondly that they should be greiued especially for this that Christ was dishonoured his worship prophaned and his doctrine not embraced but insteed thereof false worship and false doctrine entertayned when both these concurre then zeale is in the heart A most notable Example hereof wee haue in Christ Psalm 69.9 where the Prophet Dauid in his person saith The zeale of Gods house had eaten him vp Whereby thus much is signified that the heat of his loue for the maintaining of his Fathers glorie had euen consumed him and that his indignation was so great because his Fathers Name was dishonoured and his worship prophaned that it did euen care him vp This wee shall see to bee true in Christ if wee read the Hystorie of his life Iohn 2.17 Yea hee professeth of himselfe that it was meate and drinke vnto him to doe his Fathers will Ioh. 4.34 That thing he preferred before his owne life or safetie nay for the accomplishment thereof hee was content to suffer the pangs of hell The like zeale was in Elias when all Israel was fallen to Idolatrie his heart was zealous for the Lord of Hosts 1. King 19.14 II. point The kinds of zeale Zeale is either good or bad In good zeale are these things required I. True faith as the roote thereof 1. Tim. 1. vers 5. The end of the commandement is loue 〈◊〉 of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith vnfained Now one apart of zeale is loue and therefore 〈…〉 proceed● from true faith so must true zeale 〈◊〉 and that which is not grounded on faith is rather rashnesse and fiercenesse of nature than true zeale II. Repentance 2. Cor. 7.11 There are seuen 〈◊〉 of repentance recyted whereof zeale is one that is good zeale Euen a burning loue of true Religion and a godly indignation when false religion is embraced There may bee zeale in a man that hath no repentance as was in Iehu 2. King 10.16 Come with mee sayth hee and see the zeale that I haue for the Lord. Yet he wanted repentance for Vers. 29.31 It is said Iehu regarded not to walke in the Law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart for hee departed not from the sinnes of Ieroboam which made Israel to sinne and therefore he had not in him the true zeale that is heere commanded III. Zeale must come from knowledge for without knowledge it is but rashnesse and bold-hardinesse such as the Iewes had Rom. 10.2 whose Zeale was without knowledge And such as Paul had before his conuersion Phil. 3. vers 6. In Zeale hee persecuted Gods Church Knowledge therefore in Gods word must bee the guide and conductor of our zeale III. point The fruites of zeale must be considered for the better discerning of true zeale First true zeale constraineth a man in euery thing to seeke to please God Whether we be out of 〈◊〉 wits we are it vnto God or whether we bee in our right mind we are it vnto you For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs. So wheresoeuer this true zeale is in any measure it offereth violence to the heart so as a man cannot but endeuour to doe his dutie for the loue he beareth vnto Christ. Elihu sayd The grace of God was in his heart as new wine in a vessell which must needs vent out Iob. 32.18.19 Secondly true zeale makes a man indeuour to serue and please God with all his heart power and strength So good king Iosiah hearing the words of the Law read hee turned not slackely or negligently but with all his heart and all his soule and with all his might according to all the Law of Moses so as like him was no King before neither after him arose there any like him Psal. 51 Dauid humbling himselfe for his sinnes prayes for the pardon of them with such maruellous zeale as no tongue can vtter desiring God to remember him according to the multitude of his mercies often repeating the same thing in diuers tearmes that in some sort hee might expresse the earnest desire of his heart And in giuing God thankes for his benefits he putteth all the strength of his heart thereto crying out My soule prayse thou the Lord and all that is within mee Psa. 103.1 And thus we see what a thing it is to be zealous whence true zeale ariseth and what it worketh in mans heart Seeing wee as hath beene shewed are tainted with this sinne of Lukewarmnesse and coldnesse in religion let vs here learne how to redresse this vice Wee must become zealous hauing in our heart a feruent loue of true religion and a vehement indignation when the same is disgraced and false worship takes place Let Religion therefore take place in our hearts and let vs bee feruent and shew that same in our liues by zealous obedience Away with all slacknesse and lukewarmnesse it were better to bee Iewes and Turkes and to hold no Religion then to be luke-warme in the true profession And thus much for zeale The second part of this remedie is to Repent or amend This they are also enioyned because zeale without repentāce is nothing but rashnes Iehues zeale was no true zeale because hee wanted repentance euen then when hee was zealous But wherefore was this Church inioyned to repent Namely for Lukewarmnes not for that she had committed any horrible sinne but because she was slacke in good duties Here then we haue a good Lesson for the ignorant sort that challenge Gods mercie vnto themselues because they are no notorious malefactors as murtherers adulterers they hate no man but do good vnto all but heere they are taught to reforme this their blindnesse and ignorance For repentance must be for want of good duties yea for slacknesse therein therefore let no man sooth himselfe in his ignorance with a false perswasion that all is wel if he liue not in grosse sinnes This is the enchantment of the deuill whereby he rocks many asleepe in
their sinnes till hee carry their soules to hell A good meaning will not serue the turne God requires true zeale in well-doing Vers. 20. Behold I stand at the doore and knocke If any man heare my voyce and open the doore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and hee with me Heere Christ to keepe his Church from despaire ministers vnto them the signes and tokens of his loue and fauour and before the same sets downe this note of attention Beholde hereby intending to make them more attentiuely to marke the tokens of his loue that plainly seeing the same they might not doubt thereof Heereby in generall wee are taught that if wee would arme our selues against desperation and distrust in any distresse wee must both often and seriously consider and marke the tokens of Gods loue vnto vs and that will fortifie our faith Read Psal. 23 In euery Verse saue the last hee sets downe tokens of Gods loue and fauour towards him and then in the last concludeth thus Without doubt kindesse mercie shall follow mee all the dayes of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Our hearts are naturally filled with doubting which will bewray it selfe in any distresse But to preuent and cut off all hurt that may come therby let vs marke the good dealing of our God towards vs and obserue the tokens of his loue and mercie in his ordinarie prouidence and these will notably strengthen vs against distrust And surely no person is so full of despaire but if hee could looke backe into the mercies of God from the beginning of his dayes and lay them to his heart they would minister comfort vnto him in regard of his loue and fauour at that instant More particularly Christ ministring comfort vnto this Church doth expresse his meaning by a borrowed speach comparing euery man vnto an house his heart vnto a doore whereby entrance is made and himselfe vnto a guest or stranger desiring to come and enter in not so much to find courtesie as to shew fauour and kindnesse In the words of this verse there bee two signes of his loue set downe First a heartie desire of their conuersion which hee earnestly seeketh Secondly a promise of mutuall fellowship after their conuersion The first in these wordes Behold I stand at the doore and knock In this desire Christ expresseth two things First that this Church if wee regard the greatest part thereof had no true fellowship with Christ nor Christ with them for hee stands at the doore of their hearts which were closed vp against him This may seeme strange but the case is euident for though they had in them many good things as knowledge of Gods will and did professe the Gospel and were partakers of the signes and seales of the Couenant of grace yet they were tainted with this notorious sinne of Luke-warmnesse which closed vp the doore of their heart against Christ and barred him out Here then we are carefully to obserue that a man may haue in him many good things and yet by liuing in one sin we be quite cut off from all true fellowship with Christ. Iudas had many excellent gifts he forsooke all and folowed Christ he preached the Gospel and administred the Sacraments and yet by couetousnes the doore of his heart was quite barred against Christ. So Herode reuerenced Iohn and heard him gladly and did many things at his instruction Mark 6.20 yet by the sinne of Incest his heart was so closed that he had no fellowship with Christ. And so it is with vs It is good that wee know the will of God and approue the same and professe the Gospel and also receiue the Seales of the Couenant But yet for all these our case may be such as wee shall haue no true fellowshippe with Christ. For if wee nourish though but one sinne and liue therein that will make a separation betweene Christ and vs bee the sinne what it will as couetousnesse adulterie prophanenesse or such like Heereby then all that desire to haue true fellowshippe with Christ are to be warned to purge their liues from all sinne so as their hearts bee not taynted with nourishing any one sinne for euen one sinne w●●●●soeuer it bee is a strong barre 〈◊〉 will keepe Christ from comming into vs. Secondly whereas hee saith I haue stood at the doore for so the wordes are Heere hee speaketh to this Church as hee vsed to speake by his old Prophets As by Ieremie I haue sent vnto you all my Prophets rysing early euery day and sending them And by Esay I haue spread out my handes all the day vnto a rebellious people which walked in a way that was not good euen after their owne imaginations So heere I haue stood at the doore That is long euen till night as the word supping importeth Hereby Christ would signifie his great pacience in waiting for the conuersion of this people of Loadicea In iustice hee might long agone haue cast them to the pit of destruction for their sinnes and yet in mercie he waiteth for their conuersion and complaines that he hath waited long Here then we haue iust occasion to take a view of Gods patience in wayting for the conuersion of a sinner And that which hee saith to this Church hee may as iustly say vnto vs for hee hath stood very long at our doores euen 36. yeares and vpward and yet still continueth knocking so as he may iustly complaine of his long waiting Let vs then here learne to know the day of our visitation which is then to any people when Christ stands at their doores and knockes and vnto vs this day is present Wee haue the ministerie of the Gospell and therefore we must be perswaded that this is the time of our visitation and hereupon learne the dutie which Christ teacheth the Iewes namely Acknowledg the day of our visitation which if we doe not wee must looke for like vengeance which fell vpon the Iewes because they regarded not when God sent his owne Sonne from his bosome to knocke at the dore of their hearts And knocke Heere is a further signification of his desire of their conuersion Wherein we may behold his great vnspeakable mercie towards this Church and in them towards all other his Children This Church had bard out Christ by their sinnes and yet he pursues them he knockes hee vseth meanes to enter for 〈◊〉 good and vouchsafes them mercy 〈◊〉 then when they refuse it Thus when Adam had sinned and fled and hid himselfe did the Lord seek him in the garden make with him the couenant of grace And therefore it is truely sayd in Isay The Lord is found of them that neuer sought him Luk. 15.4.5 Christ fetcheth the lost sheepe that was gone astray All which shew and set out vnto vs the vnspeakable greatnesse of Gods mercie in Christ vnto miserable man who then shewes mercie vnto him when he
from Christ. In Winter time men vse to stand in the sunne to comfort and warme themselues with the heat thereof Behold Christ Iesus is the sunne of righteousnesse to his church which giueth heat and life to all the true members thereof Wee therefore must seeke aboue all things to haue his blessed beames of grace to shine vpon our cold and frozen hearts that by his spirituall heat we may be reuiued vnto euerlasting life In this world nothing is so much regarded as riches honours and pleasures Who will shew vs any good is the worldlings song But with godly Dauid wee must say Psal. 4.4 Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs quicken thou vs with thy spirituall life and comfort vs with the beames of mercy Quest. How may I get the gracious beames of grace and life to come from this Sunne of righteousnesse into my heart Answ. Before a man can liue by Christ hee must bee killed in himselfe Men doe not kill those whom they would restore to temporall life but the Lord taketh that course Thou therefore must suffer his two edged sword to enter into thee yea to bee thrust vp to the hilts into thy heart that so thy vile sinnes and corruptions may be ripped vp and the wrath of God deserued thereby made knowne vnto thee that in thy selfe thou mayest bee out of hope and then and not before art thou fit to receiue comfort and life by Christ as a man that is cold in bodie is most fit to receiue heat by cloathes and other meanes of warmenesse Now being thus humbled in thy selfe thou must vse the meanes which God hath ordained to wit the hearing reading and meditating in his word with earnest prayer for grace and mercie and th●● shalt thou perceiue the ioyfull beames of life shining into thy soule If a man had all the world and wanted this grace of life and comfort by Christ it were but a curse vnto him but though a man want all things els yet by this life of grace in Christ he is blessed for euer and therefore aboue all other things men should labour for it Thirdly the sunne serueth to discouer all things In the night nothing is discerned but al things appear in one form but when the same commeth forth all things are made manifest euen the ●●all motes in the aire Euen so Christ Iesus the sonne of righteousnesse he seeth all things and can discouer the most hidden secrets of men nothing is hid from the light of his countenance so infinit is his diuine wisdome and knowledge In regard whereof we must bee moued to looke vnto all our wayes both thoughts words and actions that they bee such as Christ approueth for though we may deceiue the world by a false glosse yet all that wee do speake or thinke is naked and bare before him he knoweth the same can and will reueale it If this were beleeued and remembred it would be a meanes to suppresse much fraud and iniustice and many grieuous sinnes which is rise in the world Men thinke if they can bleare the eyes of the world all is well they may do what they will but we must thinke vpon the shining face of Christ which discerneth and discouereth all secrets and labour thereupon to make conscience of all our wayes yea of our secret thoughts that God may approoue the same Vers. 17. And when I saw him I fell at his feete as dead then hee laid his right hand on me saying Feare not I am the first and the last Verse 18. And I am aliue but I was dead And behold I am alive for euermore Amen And I haue the keyes of hell and of the earth Here Saint Iohn describeth Christ further by other Arguments namely by sundry actions of his The first whereof is a confirmation of Iohn being sore afraid set downe in this the next verse In which action note two things First the occasion therof Secondly the mean● of his confirmation The occasion was Iohns exceeding feare set downe in these words And when I saw him I fell at his feete as dead The meanes of confirmation as in the words following Then hee layed his hand● vpon me c. For the occasion Iohns feare was exceeding great and that of death as appeareth by Christ his confirmation wherein he telleth Iohn That be liueth and hath power ouer death In this his feare note sundry points The cause the effect and the kind of this feare For the first The cause was Christ his appearancen glo●ry and maiestie vnto Iohn set downe in these words When I saw him Where we learne that sinfull men since Adams fall cannot abide the presence of God Adam before his fall talked face to face with God without feare but so soone as he had sinned bee fled away at the hearing of his voyce and hid himselfe among the trees of the garden This feare commeth by reason of mans guiltinesse before God Hence Manoah sayd vnto his wife Wee shall surely die because wee haue 〈◊〉 seene God First by this That no sinfull man can abide the presence of God we are taught to labour to become new creatures to haue the image of sinne defaced in vs and the image of God restored in righteousnesse and true holinesse True happinesse consisteth in fellowship with God but wee can neuer haue true fellowship with him while wee liue in our sinnes 1. Iohn 1.6 If wee say we haue fellowship with him and walke in darkenesse we lie We therefore must labour to bee purged from our sinnes and so his presence shall bee our ioy Secondly this feare of Iohn at Christs presence in glory teacheth vs. That the sight and presence of Gods maiestie is a most excellent meanes to humble a man and to make him know himselfe to bee nothing in himselfe When Abraham talked with God the more hee beheld the maiestie of God the more hee humbled himselfe confessing at last that he was but dust and ashes Gen. 18.27 And Peter by a great draught of fishes seeing but a glimmering of diuine maiesty in Christ could not abide it but cried out Depart from me for I am a sinfull man Luk. 5.8 And so the holy Angels when they stand before the maiestie of God are sayd to couer their faces and their f●ete with the●● wings to signifie that they are nothing in regard of the exceeding Maiestie of God and in themselues vnable to behould his glorie Thirdly hereby wee are taught to acknowledge Gods great goodnesse towards vs in the ministerie of the word wherein hee vouchsafeth to speake vnto vs not in his owne person as hee did in mount S●rra which would bee so terrible 〈◊〉 none could abide it but fauorably familiarly by the ministerie of men that are like vnto our selues Many abuse this mercy of God and despise the word because of the messenger but wee must learne by this bountie of God to receiue the word with all
reuerence as from the Lord. Lastly in this exceeding feare of Iohn who was an Apostle and a very godly and righteous man wee learne that the most holy man that is will be astonied euen to death with the presence of Gods glorious maiestie And if no man be he neuer so holy can stand before Gods presence much lesse can the most righteous workes of any man endure the triall of his iudgement if his person cannot abide his presence his workes will neuer beare his iudgement For the person must first bee approoued before the workes be accepted Therefore damnable is the doctrine of the church of Rome which teach that such as in themselues are sinfull men must stand before Gods iudgement seate bringing with them works of grace as meanes of their iustification and part of satisfaction to Gods iustice It is a doctrine of desperation for how can our works be perfectly holie seeing our persons are but sanctified here in part And who can thinke that the infinit iustice of God can bee satisfied by the imperfect righteousnesse of man II. point The effect of this feare in his body He fell downe as dead at his feete This was no small feare but exceding great astonishing his senses and laying him downe as dead Physitions say and that truly the mind followeth the temperature of the body But hence we may as truly say That the body followeth the disposition of the mind for the affections of the soule wil worke vpon the body like vnto strong diseases Iohns feare casteth his body into a sound And so horrour of conscience when the heart is cold will make the body hot and the intrals to roule in the body The same may be sayd of anger 1. Reg. 21.4 When Ahab could not obtaine Nabals vineyard he layd him downe on his bed in displeasure and was almost dead Euen so will other affections worke vpon the body Hence wee learne that the bodies of men being diseased must not alwayes be cured by bare physike but somtimes by curing of the mind and ordering of the affections for when the distemper of the body ariseth from the disorder of the mind then till the mind be well composed and setled physicke will little auaile III. point The kind of this feare is insinuated in these words he fell at his feet Wherby the holy Ghost giueth vs to vnderstand that this was a religious reuerent feare which hee bare to Christ For this kind of prostrating the body betokeneth humilitie and argueth a reuerent estimation of the thing feared Hence we are taught when we come into the presence of Christ we must prostrat our selues as Iohn did and looke that we be striken with a religious feare of his maiestie If any shall thinke that Christ is now ascended into heauen and therefore we cannot now fall down at his feet as Iohn did I answer though Christ be now in heauen yet hath he his feet vpon earth at which we must fall downe In the old testament the mercy-seat was the pledge of Gods presence and therefore it is called Gods footestoole Psal. 99.5 before which the Iewes were to fall downe Well though the mercy-seat be now taken away yet some thing is instead thereof For wheresoeuer Gods people assemble themselues in the name of God there is his footstoole and therfore in the assemblies of Gods saints we must cast downe our selues before Christ Iesus and do all duties vnto him with all feare awe and reuerence of his maiestie This feare of Iohn though it was holy yet is it tainted with some sinne and corruption for it was an immoderat feare of death which made him thus astonished and affright Whence wee learne that the most holy affections of righteous men are not per●ectly holy but mixed with imperfection according to the measure of their sanctification which is alwayes in part in this life Whereby it appeares that no man hath in him a filiall feare of God alone but some seruile feare whereby wee feare God for his iudgements is mixed therewith And thus much for Iohns feare which is the occasion of his confirmation Now followeth the meanes of his confirmation in these words Then he layd his right hand vpon me saying feare not I am the first and the last and I am aliue but I was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore Amen and I haue the keyes of hell and death Here note two things first the time when Christ vsed these meanes for Iohns confirmation secondly the means themselues The time is noted in this word then that is after his presence had stroken a feare in my heart which made me as dead then the Lord vsed meanes to comfort me The meanes of comfort and confirmation are then vsed when the party is humbled And thus the Lord dealeth with all his seruants in the matter of their saluation First he bruiseth their stonie hearts and woundeth their sinfull soules before hee powreth in the oyle of grace First a man must bee a lost sheepe and then Christ findeth him and layeth him on his shoulders and bringeth him home And indeed they that would feele sound comfort by Christ must first be humbled in themselues And the reason why men reape so little comfort either by the word or sacraments is the want of true humiliation before they come whereby the soule is fitted for grace and consolation II. point The meanes vsed by Christ to confirme Iohn and they are two First a sensible signe He layd his right hand vpon me Secondly comfortable words Feare not Here first obserue in generall Christs gratious dealing with Iohn he vseth not one meanes apart but in great mercie that he may throughly confirme Iohn he giueth him both a signe and words And so hee hath alwayes dealt with his seruants When he called Moses to bee a deliuerer of his people First hee gaue him his word saying I will be with thee and then a signe saying Vpon this mountaine shal ye serue God Ex●d 3.12 So when he would confirme the heart of Ahaz against his enemies he first giues him a promise of deliuerance verse 7. then biddeth him aske a signe vers 11. And for this cause Christ in the publishing of his Gospell added signes and miracles vnto his word that the truth thereof might be fully confirmed And so in the worke of our saluation besides his mercifull promises which were sufficient in respect of his fidelitie he giueth vs further signes and seales to support our weaknesse and to confirme our faith in the assurance thereof euen the vse of the holy Sacraments This teacheth vs that Christ hath a speciall care ouer his church and people in that he doth so condescend and abase himselfe vnto their weaknesse adding vnto his word which of it selfe were sufficient signes and tokens that by both he might more euidently giue that assurance which by one alone our weaknes would not so well conceiue Againe in this meanes of confirmation note the order which Christ vseth