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A80737 Knovvledge & practice, or, a plain discourse of the chief things necessary to be known, believ'd, and practised in order to salvation. Drawn up, and principally intended for the use and benefit of North-Cadbury in Somersetshire, / by Samuel Cradock, B.D. & Pastor there: sometime fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Cradock, Samuel, 1621?-1706. 1659 (1659) Wing C6751; Thomason E1724_1; ESTC R209799 322,548 715

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his benefits Psal 47.7 For God is the King of all the Earth Sing ye praises with understanding Col. 4.2 Continue in praier and watch in the same with Thanksgiving Psal 116.12 What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me V. 13. I will take the Cup of salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord. Psal 115.1 Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give Glory for thy mercy and for thy Truths sake Psal 106.21 They forgat God their Saviour which had done great things in Egypt Psal 66.16 Come and hear all ye that fear God and I will declare what he hath done for my Soul Psal 105.2 Sing unto him Sing Psalmes unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Psal 22.10 I was cast upon thee from the womb thou art my God from my mothers belly Luke 17.17 And Jesus answered and said were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine V. 18. There are not found that returned to give Glory to God save this stranger Psal 69.30 I will praise the Name of God with a Song and will magnifie him with Thanksgiving V. 31. This also shall please the Lord better than an Oxe or Bullock that hath hornes and hoofes Psal 50.13 Will I eat the flesh of Buls or drink the blood of Goats V. 14. Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the most High Eph. 5.20 Giving thanks alwaies for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 5.17 Pray without ceasing V. 18. In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you Eph. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Psal 57.7 My heart is fixed O God my heart is fixed I will sing and give praise Psal 146.2 While I live I will praise the Lord I will sing praises to my God while I have my being Isa 1.3 The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Ass his masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not Consider Psal 147.19 He sheweth his word unto Jacob his statutes and his Judgments unto Israel V. 20 He hath not dealt so with any Nation and as for his Judgments they have not known them Praise ye the Lord. Gen. 32.10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed unto thy Servant for with my staffe I passed over this Jordan and now am become two bands 1 Chron. 29.14 But who am I and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort for all things come of thee and of thine own have we given thee Rev. 7.9 After this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all Nations and Kindreds and People and Tongues stood before the Throne and before the Lamb cloathed with white robes and palmes in their hands V. 10. And Cried with a loud voice saying Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb. V. 11. And all the Angels stood round about the Throne and about the Elders and four beasts and fell before the Throne on their faces and worshipped God V. 12. Saying Amen Blessing and Glory and Wisdome and Thanksgiving and Honour and Power and Might be unto our God for ever and ever Amen Rev. 19.1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in Heaven saying Alleluja Salvation and Glory and Honour and Power unto the Lord our God V. 3. And again they said Alleluja V. 4. And the four and twenty Elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sate on the Throne saying Amen Alleluja V. 5. And a voice came out of the Throne saying Praise our God all ye his Servants and ye that fear him both small and great Thirdly Be frequent and diligent in reading the holy Scriptures When thou readest the Commands the Promises the Threatnings therein contained think God speaks to thee in them And God must needs be true he cannot lie nor deceive Now there is sufficient evidence that the Scripture is his Word and written by the especial inspiration of his holy Spirit and that will appear if we consider these three things 1. The internal Light of its own perfection The holinesse and heavenlinesse of the matter the Majesty of the Stile the Consent of all the Parts the Scope of the whole which is to give all Glory to God and the full discovery therein made of the only way of mans salvation and reconciliation with God Which is a suitable way both to Gods Glory and mans Necessity 2. The many providential attestations and confirmations of the Truth of the things therein contained by real and undeniable miracles such as could not be wrought but by the power of God And surely if the Scripture had been only the device of men God would some way or other have disowned it ere this as a notorious abuse put upon him and not so constantly have preserved it in spight of the Devil and all his instruments who have laboured to banish it out of the world and to weaken the authority of it 3. The great and wonderful efficacy of the doctrine therein delivered to enlighten convince and humble sinners to drive them out of themselves and to draw them to Christ to conform them to the Image of God to subdue them to his will to strengthen them against temptations and corruptions to build them up in Grace to establish their hearts in holinesse and lastly to comfort them through Faith unto salvation As therefore the holy Ghost by special inspiration was the author of the Scripture and by extraordinary endowments was the author of the miracles wrought for its confirmation so also he is the author of the Faith of him that truly and unfeignedly believes it Yet he doth not cause us to believe by Enthusiasm without any reason or evidence but he enlightens the understanding removing the blindnesse and depravednesse thereof and shews us the credibility of the thing and the evidence of the truth that is to be believed and so perswades the heart to a belief thereof Indeed an historical belief of the Scripture which is true in its kind we may come to by rational perswasions without the special Grace or illumination of the Spirit of God but not that deep and firm belief which shall carry over the will effectually to God in Christ and captivate the whole man to the obedience of the Truth And when such a Faith and belief of the Scripture as this attended with sanctification is wrought in the soul the effect is a good argument to confirm the truth and excellency of such a Faith and belief 1. Labour therefore to work thy heart to a high and reverent esteem of the Word when thou goest to read it We should read it
his appearing CHAP. XIX Directions to the Healthy and to the Sick LET such as enjoy health of body the right use of their understandings entirenesse of limbs and senses humbly blesse God for so great a mercy Few people value their health enough 'T is an ancient saying He that is in health is rich and knowes it not Want would teach us the worth of mercies Let such therefore often call to mind and consider how many distracted diseased maimed deformed people there are in the world and 't is Gods peculiar mercy that they are not such or worse Let this consideration make them very humble and thankful Let them be often lifting up their hearts to the Lord and saying with holy David What shall I render to the Lord for all his Benefits towards me Psal 116.12 Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me blesse his holy Name Blesse the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits Psal 103.1 2. Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give glory Psal 115.1 And let their main care be in time of health to work out their Salvation to secure their state in Grace and their title to Glory and to lay a good foundation against the time of sickness 'T is sad exceeding sad when a dying person is then to be instructed in those Graces he should now exercise He that prepares not for death before his last sickness as one saies well is like him that begins to study Philosophy when he is going to dispute publickly in the faculty In health while a man has a right and steady use of his reason before the Acts of his understanding are disturbed with pain or his mind clouded or his heart annoyed with fear and amazement he should apply himself to learn this great Art and Skill how to die well Let the following Directions therefore that are given to the sick be carefully minded and regarded by them that are in health To turn to God in health to seek reconciliation with him in and through Christ to devote and consecrate our hearts then to him to walk in a steady course of sincere obedience before him and to do all this out of judgment and choice out of love to God and a desire to please him before death seem to make any neer approach unto us will be a huge argument of sincerity and a great foundation of comfort when sickness attaches us Whereas they that are negligent and carelesse of these things must needs run themselves upon such desperate hazards and such great incertainties that a wise and considering man would not for all the world be in their condition Directions to the Sick There is hardly any thing wherein a Minister is at a greater losse than what to say to sick persons the condition of most being such that they need a serious awakening and rouzing out of the deep sleep of carnal security and to be made sensible of the great danger they are in as to their everlasting state But while we do this the sick party and those that attend are apt to think we go about to drive them to despair not understanding the true nature thereof For to despair I mean utterly and finally is this when a man shall conclude that his sins are greater than cna be forgiven that God is irreconcileable to him and therefore 't is in vain to set himself to repent or humble his soul or turn from his sins but seeing his condition is desperate resolves to go on in his former course to enjoy the pleasures of sin here while he may have them seeing when this life is done nothing remaines for him but certain damnation Such a man as this may be truly said to despair But for any person to be so awakened as to see himself for the present in a lost condition and under the wrath and curse of God by reason of his sins to see his own utter inability to help himself to be enquiring and earnestly sollicitous what he must do to be saved to have his heart full of doubts and fears and troubles concerning the state of his soul this is such a despair as is usually the forerunner of a saving conversion And therefore for people that have spent their time in sin and vanity in ignorance and worldlinesse in living to themselves and to the flesh and have never felt any work of Grace upon their hearts nor ever have been truly humbled under an apprehension of the evil and danger of their sins to expect a Minister should speak comfort to them is to desire to be sooth'd and flattered to their own destruction The Directions therefore I think needful for sick persons are these following I. Let them consider that no sicknesse disease or distemper of body comes by chance but by the wise and orderly guidance of the hand of God that 't is his messenger and sent by him unto them And therefore let them hear the rod and who hath appointed it Micah 6.9 II. Let them set themselves before the Tribunal of Christ before whom they may for ought they know shortly appear And let them consider he is a Judge that cannot be deceived nor will be mocked That he is just as well as merciful righteous as well as gracious and all their sins original and actual of omission of commission against the Law and against the Gospel against mercies against judgments against promises and vowes of better obedience all their sinfull thoughts and sinfull affections and motions of their hearts all their sinful words and sinfull actions with the several aggravations of all these are known unto him yea their secretest sins are set in the light of his countenance III. Let them seriously examine themselves and put these six questions home to their Consciences First What abiding sense they have had upon their hearts in the whole course of their lives of their own vilenesse and wretchednesse by nature the odiousnesse and defilement of their sins their just desert of wrath their natural impotency and inability to good their pronenesse to evil Whether they have ever been deeply sensible of the darknesse of their minds stubbornnesse of their wils deceitfulnesse of their hearts inordinatenesse of their affections sinfulnesse of their practise If they have what effects has the consideration of these things produced what sorrow what fear has been stirred in them What course has it put them upon for remedy What industry have they used what pains have they taken to be delivered out of this miserable estate Let their Consciences have liberty to speak freely to them and to tell them the truth whether ever they have been affected in any considerable degree with these things or no. Secondly Whether they ever rightly apprehended what are the conditions of the new Covenant the Covenant of Grace Most will grant Repentance towards God and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ are necessary to salvation but then their apprehensions and conceptions are different
is a Lyar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ He is Anti-Christ that denieth the Father and the Son V. 23. Whosoever denieth the Son the same hath not the Father but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also Rom. 9.5 Whose are the Fathers And of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen Phil. 2.6 Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God Acts 7.59 And they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit V. 60. And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice Lord lay not this sin to their Charge 2 Thess 2.16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himselfe and God even our Father which hath loved us and hath given us everlasting Consolation and good hope through Grace V. 17. Comfort your hearts and stablish you in every good word and work Concerning God the Holy Ghost Acts 5.3 But Peter said Ananias why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost V. 4. Thou hast not lied unto men but unto God John 14.16 I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever V. 26. But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you John 15.26 But when the Comforter is come whom I will send to you from the Father even the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me Gal. 4.6 And because ye are sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father Phil. 1.19 For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ Rom. 8.9 But ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his Eph. 4.30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed to the day of Redemption 1 Cor. 2.13 Which things also we speak not in the words which mans wisdome teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual Acts 7.51 Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears ye do alwaies resist the Holy Ghost As your Fathers did so do ye 2 Pet. 1.21 For the Prophecy came not in old time by the will of Man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Rom 8.26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered V. 27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Acts 13.2 As they ministred to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have Called them Titus 3.5 Not by works of righteousnesse which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 3.6 Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 1 Cor. 6.19 What know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own Rom. 5.5 And hope maketh not ashamed because the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us Mat. 12.31 Wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men V. 32. And whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh a word against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come Secondly His PROPERTIES or ATTRIBUTES God is Eternal or without any Beginning or End Omnipotent or Almighty Omnipresent or every where present Omniscient or All-knowing Infinitely Wise Holy Just Mercifull Eternall Psal 90.2 Before the Mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth or the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God Deut. 33.27 The Eternal God is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting armes Omnipotent Gen. 17.1 And when Abram was Ninety years old and nine the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him I am the Almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect Isa 40.17 All Nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him lesse than nothing and vanity Rev. 1.8 I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty Rev. 19.6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thunderings saying Allelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth Omnipresent 1 Kings 8.27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth behold the Heaven and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee how much lesse this house that I have builded Jer. 23.24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him saith the Lord do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord Psal 139.7 Whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence V. 8. If I ascend up into Heaven thou art there If I make my bed in Hell behold thou art there V. 11. If I say surely the darknesse shall cover me even the night shall be Light about me V. 12. Yea the darknesse hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to thee Omniscient 1 Chron. 28.9 And thou Solomon my Son know thou the God of thy Father and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts understandeth all the Imaginations of the thoughts if thou seek him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for ever 1 King 8.39 Then hear thou in Heaven thy dwelling place and forgive and do and give to every man according to his ways whose heart thou knowest for thou even thou knowest the hearts of all the children of men Heb. 4.13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do Psal 139.2 Thou knowest my down-sitting and my up-rising thou understandest my thoughts afar off V. 3. Thou compassest my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all my waies V. 4. For
prepared for them that love him Mark 9.43 And if thy hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into Hell into the fire that never shall be quenched V. 44. Where their worm dieth not and their fire is not quenched V. 45. And if thy foot offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter halt into life than having two feet to be cast into Hell into the fire that never shall be quenched Mark 9.46 Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched V. 48. Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched Jude 21. Keep your selves in the love of God looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal Life 1 Tim. 1.19 Holding Faith and a good Conscience which some having put away concerning Faith have made shipwrack THE Second PART Concerning PRACTICE OR A DISCOURSE containing several usefull Directions to be Practised by those who seriously desire to save their SOULES CHAP. I. Of Consideration 1. AT convenient times use to be alone and laying aside all worldly cares businesses spend now and then a secret hour in strict Self-examining and Considering how the case stands between God and thy soul Ask thy self these two serious Questions First What is it thy heart is most set upon What is thy great care thy main designe What is it that doth most deeply and most frequently possesse thy thoughts What is it that thou dost most love and prize and most desire to enjoy Is thy mind so spiritually inlightened as to see the lovelinesse of God and the greatnesse and excellency of that Glory that is to be had with him so as the main drift and bent of thy heart is after the enjoyment of God and to be happy with him forever Or dost thou find that the main bent of thy heart is to the things of this World to the Profits the Pleasures the sensual satisfactions of this life and these things thou most mindest regardest and labourest for these thy thoughts and heart most run upon Secondly Ask thy self whether ever thou didst feel and apprehend thy self in a lost and undone condition by reason of thy sins Hast thou not seen thy selfe in danger of everlasting misery Hast thou ever put this serious question to thy selfe what shall I do to be saved Hast thou in this or the like manner ever discoursed with thy self O my soul how stands the case with me What am I Am I a true Convert a real Penitent a new Creature one born again Have I an interest in Christ And is my peace made with God through him or am I as yet in the state of Nature under the guilt of all my sins with the wrath of God abiding on me If so is this a Condition to be rested in Let me advise thee as thou lovest thy soul to deal faithfully and in good sadnesse with thy self Let me advise thee to review and seriously to reflect upon the whole course of thy life past And besides thy natural vilenesse Consider how many actual sins failings miscarriages and violations of Gods righteous Law omissions of good commissions of evil thou hast been guilty of in the several parts of thy life and in the several places where thou hast lived Believe it few people do reckon up one sin of ten that they are guilty of Allow thy Conscience therefore a liberty to speak freely to thee and to set thy sins in order before thee And if thou findest thy self for the present in a bad condition and that the case is not with thee as it should be consider whether it will not be an extream folly and madnesse to go on in that course not minding nor regarding speedily to turn to God and to settle the great affairs of thy soul while thou hast time O Remember remember thou hast a precious and immortal soul that must be shortly either in Heaven or Hell either in unconceiveable Joyes or in endlesse easelesse and remedilesse torments Doth it not therefore concern thee to consider and cast about how to attain the one and escape the other Doth it not behoove thee to look to the securing of the main Chance and to deliver thy self from the wrath to come Believe it nothing undoes mankind more than want of due and serious Consideration than want of frequent examining the state of their Consciences and often pondering and thinking of their everlasting Concernments 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves whether ye be in the Faith prove your owne selves know ye not your owne selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates Psal 119.59 I thought on my waies and turned my feet unto thy Testimonies V. 60. I made hast and delaied not to keep thy Commandements Isa 1.3 The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Ass his masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not Consider Deut. 32.29 O that they were wise that they understood this that they would Consider their latter end Hag. 1.5 Now therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts Consider your waies Lam. 3.40 Let us search and try our waies and turn again to the Lord. Gal. 6.4 Let every man prove his owne work and then shall he have rejoycing in himself and not in another V. 5. For every man shall bear his owne burden Psal 77.6 I call to remembrance my song in the night I commune with mine own heart and my Spirit made diligent search Rom. 14.12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God Ezra 8.22 The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him CHAP. II. Of Repentance HAving seriously examined thy Conscience and impartially considered thy waies and course of life and the state of thy soul towards God The next duty I would advise thee beging the assistance of the Spirit of God to set upon the speedy practise of is true and serious and unfeigned repentance I shall therefore for thy benefit 1. Open the nature of true repentance 2. Give some directions about it 3. Some motives to it Repentance unto life is an Evangelical Grace wrought in the soul by the Spirit of God And the parts of it are these six 1. Conviction 2. Contrition 3. Hating and loathing sin 4. Confession of sin 5. Forsaking sin 6. Conversion and turning the bent of the heart towards God First Conviction The Spirit of God first opens a sinners eies before he breaks a sinners heart The soul of a true penitent is convinced and made apprehensive of these three things 1. The evil odiousnesse and filthiness of sin 2. The danger desert and mischievous effects and consequents of it 3. It s own deep guiltinesse both of Original and Actual sin I. The evil of sin appears in these seven particulars 1. 'T is contrary to Gods holy Nature 2. To his righteous Lawes 3. It
are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your body and in your Spirit which are Gods Rom. 2.6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds V. 7. To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for Glory and Honour and immortality eternal Life V. 8. But unto them that are contentious and do not obey the Truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath V. 9. Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile Mat. 16.24 Then said Jesus unto his Disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Crosse and follow me 1 Sam. 2.30 Them that honour me I will honour and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed 2 Cor. 1.12 For our rejoycing is this the Testimony of our Conscience that in simplicity and Godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the Grace of God we have had our Conversation in the world and more abundantly to you-wards Isa 38.3 And said remember now O Lord I beseech thee how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Acts 24.16 And herein do I exercise my self to have alwaies a Conscience void of offence toward God and toward men Tit. 2.11 For the Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men V. 12. Teaching us that denying ungodlinesse and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world V. 13. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ V 14. Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 3.8 This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works these things are good and profitable unto men Mat. 5.17 Think not that I am come to destroy the Law and the Prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill Mat. 22.36 Master which is the great Commandement of the Law V. 37. Jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all soul and with all thy mind V. 38. This is the first and great Commandement V. 39. And the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self V. 40. On these two Commandements hang all the Law and the Prophets Mark 12.32 And the Scribe said unto him well Master thou hast said the truth for there is one God and there is none other but he V. 33. And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the soul and with all the strength and to love his neighbour as himself is more than all whole burnt offering and sacrifice Rom. 3.31 Do we then make void the Law through Faith God forbid yea we establish the Law CHAP. V. Of Communion with God 5. LAbour to maintain a daily close Communion with God in these particulars following 1. Awake with God in the morning 2. Forget not to poure forth thy soul in secret prayer and praise before him 3. Read the Scriptures 4. Live continually as in the sight and view of God 5. Live by Faith 6. Observe all the passages of his Providence towards thee 7. Be continually watchful First Awake with God in the morning When I awake I am still with thee sais holy David Psal 139.8 The morning is an embleme of the Resurrection when our bodies shall awake from the sleep of death and that long day shall arise upon us that shall never have any night O how shouldst thou then when sleep fals from thine eyes lift up thy soul in praises and thanksgivings to the Lord for his gracious Providence over thee in the night season Had not he been exceeding gracious thou mightst have slept the sleep of death and from the darknesse of the night been sent away into outer darknesse Let not the commonnesse of this mercy diminish but the continualness of it rather encrease thy thankfulnesse O when thy body awakens how shouldst thou awaken and stirre up thy soul also to some holy and pious Ejaculations such as the sweet Singer of Israel used to send up to God O Lord thou art my God early will I seek thee I laid me down and slept and thou hast sustained me I have been safe under the shadow of thy wings thy faithfulnesse and truth have been my shield and buckler And now Lord lift up the Light of thy Countenance upon me instruct me in the way wherein I should go and guid me with thine eye Teach me thy way O Lord and I will walk in thy Truth O knit my heart to thee that I may fear thy Name And hold up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not Let me walk circumspectly this day redeeming the time Let my soul put on the Lord Jesus and be clothed with the white robe of his righteousnesse and adorn me with the saving Graces of thy holy Spirit c. After some such pious ejaculations sent up to the Throne of Grace labour to get thy heart possessed with deep strong and powerful apprehensions and impressions of Gods holinesse Majesty Omni-presence Omniscience Consider with reverence and humbly admire and adore his glorious wisdome his almighty power his gracious Providence his truth and faithfulnesse and especially his tender love and mercy in Christ Jesus And if such thoughts as these make strong and deep impressions in thy mind in the morning thou art the more like to be in the fear of God all the day after and to have thy mind possessed both with reverential and delightful thoughts of his Majesty Psal 139.18 When I awake I am still with thee Job 7.17 What is man that thou shouldest magnifie him and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him V. 18. And that thou shouldst visit him every morning and try him every moment Lam. 3.22 It is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not V. 23. They are new every morning great is thy faithfulnesse V. 24. The Lord is my portion saith my soul therefore I will hope in him V. 25. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him to the soul that seeketh him Psal 73.25 Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none upon the Earth that I desire besides thee Eph. 5.14 Wherefore he saith Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee Light Rom. 13.11 And that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation neerer than when we believed V. 12. The night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darknesse and let us put on the
not hid I said I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin Selah V. 6. For this shall every one that is Godly pray unto thee in a time that thou maist be found surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him Psal 17.1 Hear the Right O Lord attend unto my Cry give ear unto my Prayer that goeth not out of feigned lips Phil. 4.6 Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God Psal 65.2 O thou that hearest Praiers unto thee shall all flesh come Mich. 7.18 Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his Heritage He retaineth not his anger for ever because he delighteth in Mercy Psal 145.18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth V. 19. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him he also will hear their cry and will save them Psal 50.15 And call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie me Dan 9.14 Therefore hath the Lord watched upon the evil and brought it upon us for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works which he doth for we obeyed not his voice Mat. 7.7 Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you V. 21. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of Heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven 1 John 5.13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye have eternall life and that ye may believe on the Name of the Son of God V. 14. And this is the Confidence that we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us V. 15. And if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions we desired of him Psal 10.17 Lord thou hast heard the desire of the humble thou wilt prepare their heart thou wilt cause thine ear to hear Eph. 6.18 Praying alwaies with all praier and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints 1 Tim. 2.1 I exhort therefore that first of all supplications praiers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men V. 2. For Kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godlinesse and Honesty Jam 5.16 Confesse your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent praier of a righteous man availeth much Ma● 5.44 But I say unto you love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you 2 Sam. 7.29 Therefore now let it please thee to blesse the House of thy Servant that it may continue for ever before thee for thou O Lord hast spoken it and with thy blessing let the House of thy servant be blessed for ever 1 John 5.16 If any man see his Brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto unto death there is a sin unto death I do not say he shall pray for it Gen. 18.27 And Abraham answered and said behold now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord which am but dust and ashes Luke 18.13 And the Publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eies unto Heaven but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner V. 14. I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted Psal 51.17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and a contrite heart O God thou wilt not despise Job 22.27 Thou shalt make thy praier unto him and he shall hear thee aad thou shalt pay thy vowes 1 Sam. 1.15 And Hannah answered and said no my Lord I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink but have poured out my soul before the Lord. 1 Cor. 14.15 What is it then I will pray with the Spirit and will pray with understanding also I will sing with the Spirit and I will sing with the understanding also Mark 11.24 Therefore I say unto you what things soever ye desire when ye pray beleeve that ye receive them and ye shall have them Jam. 1.6 But let him ask in Faith nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of the Sea driven with the wind and tossed Psal 145.18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth 1 Tim. 2.8 I will therefore that men pray every where lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting Mat. 26.39 And he went a little farther and fell on his face and praied saying O my Father if it be possible let this Cup passe from me neverthelesse not as I will but as thou wilt Luke 11.13 If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your Children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Rom. 8.15 For ye have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father Acts 12.5 Peter therefore was kept in prison but praier was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him Mat. 6.9 After this manner therefore pray ye Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Luke 11.2 And he said unto them when ye pray say Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done as in Heaven so in earth Thanksgiving Col. 3.17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him Heb. 13.15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his Name Psal 67.2 That thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all Nations V. 3. Let the People praise thee O God let all the People praise thee Psal 86.12 I will praise thee O Lord my God with all my heart and I will glorifie thy Name for evermore V. 13. For great is thy mercy towards me and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest Hell Psal 103.1 Blesse the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name V. 2. Blesse the Lord O my Soul and forget not all
goods liveth still in his sin Restitution being an inseparable fruit of true Repentance 2. If he be at variance with any he will desire and seek reconciliation being willing to forgive injuries done to him and desiring forgivenesse of those he has any way injured 3. In the Government of himself he will endeavour to he sober and temperate and watchful over his heart and waies his words and actions See more concerning watchfulnesse in the fifth Chapter Thus much of the nature of true Repentance I come now to some Directions concerning it I. Remember Repentance though never so serious is not to be rested in as any satisfaction for sin or any cause of the pardon thereof that being the act of Gods free Grace in Christ yet it is of such necessity to sinners that none may expect pardon without it 'T is necessary for these three Reasons 1. Because God hath commanded it and the Gospel enjoynes it as a condition of the new Covenant 2. That we may tast something of the bitternesse of sin that so we may the more carefully avoid it for the time to come 3. To prepare and fit us to receive pardon to dispose us into such a frame as is sutable to such a blessing 4. To make us set a higher value on Gods pardoning Mercy and Christs Merits and Blood How dear and precious is Christ to a soul truly humbled for sin II. Consider As there is no sin so small but it deserves damnation so there is no sin so great that it can bring damnation upon those who truly repent 'T is not the falling into the water drowns a man but continuing in it not getting out again No sin damnes a man but as it is accompanied with finall impenitency and unbelief Therefore the sin against the Holy Ghost is unpardonable because those that commit that sin do never repent or flie to Christ for pardon III. Look to it that thy Repentance and sorrow for thy sins spring from Evangelicall Motives such as are before mentioned and not meerly from shame or fear of Hell wrath IV. Labour that thy sorrow for sin may bear some proportion to the greatnesse of thy sins Every small touch of sorrow may not be sufficient As sin is the greatest of evils so our sorrow for it should be the greatest sorrow Betake thy self therefore to a more solemn mourning and renting of heart for the great sins of thy life refusing to be comforted with any worldly comfort till thou hast obtained thy pardon But remember Godly sorrow is not alwaies to be measured by plenty of tears and vehemency of expressions but by the weight of it on the heart by the deep displeasure of the soul against sin There may be a deep rational sorrow for sin where there is no such outward passionate expressions of it V. Content not thy self with a general repentance but know that it is thy duty to endeavour to repent of thy particular sins particularly Do not slubber over this great duty which so much concerns thee with a slight formal general repentance as too many are apt to do Many sins long ago committed by thee may still lie at thy door if not repented of Review therefore thy life past Suffer thy Conscience to speak freely to thee and to set thy sins in order before thee and labour to be heartily humbled both for the vileness and depravednesse of thy Nature and for all the particular actual sins failings and miscarriages which thou findest thy self any way guilty of Repent of all sin that lies upon thy Conscience VI. Let thy sorrow for sin be accompanied with a real forsaking of all known sins and amendment of life Content not thy self with a partial reformation VII Set upon the practise of this great duty speedily now while thou art in health before sicknesse surprize thee Without repentance no hope of pardon or peace with God here no hope of Glory hereafter Now Consider that by repentance the Scripture does not mean a sudden fit of confession contrition and promising amendment at last cast when a man can live no longer in sin and is now afraid of Judgment but a real change of the mind a turning of the heart from the love of sin to God Take notice that hereby we do not go about to limit the Almighty or drive any to utter final desparation but to shew what is mans duty and what is Gods ordinary way o● working upon the hearts of those whom he does conve●t For God can work a ●eal gracious change upon mens hea●●s at last Though to defer repe●tance up●n that ground i● exceed●ng dangerous a durable state of new obedience and a life of holy walking which takes up some space length and continuation of time giving a sinner thereby competent opportunity to mortifie evil dispositions and habits to break off sinfull courses to set up the dominion of Grace within and by an holy behaviour in his place and condition of life to manifest the sincerity of his repentance and by a steddy course of Godlinesse to give some proof of his real conversion To put off repentance therefore to the death-bed is exceeding dangerous to say no more VIII When thou hast through the assistance of the Spirit of God humbled thy soul and repented seriously of all thy sins do not rest in thy repentance as was said before but go out of thy self to Christ for thy pardon Rest not on this side Christ Not thy tears but his blood only can cleanse thy Conscience from all guilt But of this more in the next Chapter IX After thou hast laboured according to these directions to revoke reverse and undo again all the sins of thy life past by a serious repentance then be very watchful lest thou fall knowingly and deliberatly into any sin again The true penitent allowes not himself in any sinfull course yet through infirmity possibly he may fall Sins of infirmity are such as a man is overtaken with contrary to the purpose of his heart either through ignorance incogitancy violence of temptation or suddennesse of surprizal which when he comes to consider he confesses and bemoans strives and prayes against and by Gods Grace ordinarily gets more and more victory over If therefore contrary to the fixed purpose of thy heart thou dost at any time sin endeavour speedily to recover thy self by a serious repentance and be more watchful over thy heart and waies for time to come Motives to Repentance 1. 'T is highly pleasing to God Ezek. 33.11 Say unto them as I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil waies for why will ye die O House of Israel 2. 'T is the Doctrine Christ himself first preached as we read Mat. 4.17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say repent ye for the kingdome of Heaven is at hand And when he left
or practise These are the Conclusions I come now in the third place to the Motives and Encouragements to believe in Christ 1. Consider for thy encouragement how able Christ is to save thee There is more merit in the Son of God to obtain our pardon than there is guilt of sin in us to merit condemnation For the person suffering being as to his God-head infinite and the merit and value of his sufferings depending on the dignity and worth of his person the satisfaction made must needs be infinite and so abundantly sufficient 2. Consider his willingness and readinesse to accept to mercy all poor humbled sinners that come unto him He never rejected any man that came unto him and acknowledged him for the true Messias and unfeignedly gave up himself to be saved by him His willingnesse to save sinners cannot but appear to thee if thou considerest these three things 1. His gracious words before he came into the world The Prophet in the person of Christ proclaims thus Isa 55.1 Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters c. 2. His free and general invitation when he was in the world John 7.37 In the last day that great day of the Feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any one thirst let him come to me and drink And Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest 3. His great kindnesse to poor sinners expressed after his ascention and leaving the world Rev. 22.17 Let him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him take the waters of life freely That these were the words of Christ appeares v. 20. where 't is said He that testifieth these things saith surely I come quickly 3. Consider that to believe and rest on Christ crucified and to take him for our Lord and Saviour is to perform that act to which justification and remission of sins is promised John 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Christ and all his benefits are promised to a believing soul Wilt thou not therefore give up thy self to him 4. Consider 't is the duty of all truly humbled sinners to go to Christ and believe in him 'T is the duty of a sick man to apply himself to a skilful Physitian and as such an one must not destroy his own life by a wilful refusing the Physick that would cure him so neither must the humbled sinner destroy his own soul by refusing to close with Christ He must not add to all the rest of his sins unbelief and a wilfull neglect of Christ and the salvation by him purchased and so freely offered 5. Consider that the humbled sinner by believing in Christ does not only bring comfort and salvation to his own soul but also in an eminent manner brings Glory to God When thou though discouraged in thy self by reason of thy sins darest venture thy soul in the hands of Christ When thou makest thy way through all doubts scruples and misgivings of heart and takest Gods bare Word because he hath said it thereby setting thy seal to his truth and faithfulnesse and dost resolve to throw thy self on his free Mercy and Christ's Merits for pardon and life to lay thy soul at Christ's feet and to clasp about him though he kill thee This is an excellent and an heroical act of Faith which brings Glory to God as Abrahams Faith did Of whom it is said Rom. 4.20 That he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in Faith giving Glory to God 6. Consider 't is the greatest folly and madnesse in the world for an humbled sinner not to close with Christ and commit his soul unto him What an irrational and unprofitable sin is unbelief If we go not to Christ Where can salvation possibly be had As those lepers reasoned 2 King 7.3 If we sit still we perish That person is sure to be damned that keeps off from Christ There is no way therefore for a poor sinner but to venture himself into the hands of Christ to give up his soul sincerely to him and to resolve with himself if I perish I will perish at his feet 7. Lastly If you think you have cause to fear that Christ is not yet yours and as yet you have no interest in him my advice is that you now go unto him now strike up the Covenant between him and you Defer no longer Let this be the marriage-day Now give up thy self unfeignedly to be pardoned sanctified commanded disposed of and everlastingly saved by him and rest assured he will on no terms cast thee out John 3.14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wildernesse even so must the Son of man be lifted up V. 15. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life V. 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life V. 36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him John 5.40 And ye will not come to me that ye might have life John 6.37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out Phil. 3.8 Yea doubtlesse and I count all things but losse for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the losse of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ. V. 9. And be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law but that which is through the Faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of God by Faith See more Scriptures concerning Faith p. 106. Covenanting with God Deut. 26.17 Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God to walk in his waies and to keep his Statutes and his Commandements and his Judgments and to hearken unto his voice Josh 24.21 And the people said unto Joshua nay but we will serve the Lord. V. 22. And Joshuah said unto the people ye are witnesses against your selves that ye have chosen you the Lord to serve him and they said we are witnesses CHAP. IV. Of the new Nature and reformed Life 4. HAving thus solemnly given up thy self to Christ labour to walk worthy of the Lord to all pleasing being fruitful in every good work Let it be thy daily care begging the assistance of the Spirit to enable thee to mortifie the old man to crucifie the flesh with its affections and lusts to weaken impair and destroy the dominion of the whole body of sin and to put on the new man that thou maist be strengthened furnished with all saving Graces to the practise of true holinesse without which no man shall see the Lord As Christ
nor from the rebukes and scourgings of an awakened Conscience which are no small punishments 3. Let it be thy care to suppresse and crush bad thoughts at the very first rising Do not at all consent or comply with them but abhor and abandon them presently and cry out unto the Lord for help against them Take heed of representing or acting sin in thy thoughts If thou wouldst keep thy soul pure beware of speculative sinfulness 4. Be carefull to have a stock of good materials alwaies in readinesse for thy thoughts to work upon Have some good subjects ready to present and offer to thy mind to entertain thy thoughts with A good man hath a good treasure in his heart out of which he bringeth forth good things Mat. 12.35 Let thy mind therefore have alwaies some good heads to meditate on As the evil and danger of sin the necessity of conversion thy absolute need of Christ the vanity of the creature the shortnesse and uncertainty of this life the everlastingness of thy future state c. 5. Avoid Idlenesse and allow not thy self in melancholy If thou dost not employ thy mind about that which is good it will busie it self about evil The mind of man if it be not well emploied will be ranging and roving all over the world and will be intent on things it should not The spirit of man is active and restlesse 'T is like a mill it will be either grinding of that which is put into it or else working upon it self wearing and wearying it self in foolish fruitless and unconcerning thoughts Idlenesse is a grand occasion of impure and impertinent thoughts 'T is the devils hour in which he takes advantage to fill and defile mans mind with wicked suggestions and melancholy disposeth the mind to strange absurd incoherent unreasonable imaginations to many sad perplexing afflicting thoughts Man disquieteth himself in vain saith the Psalmist Psal 39.6 framing many imaginary evils and grievances to himself which God hath not really laid upon him Let it be thy care therefore to keep thy mind well employed either in the duties of Piety or the works of thy particular calling When thou dost relax thy mind at any time from being intent on serious things for thy necessary refreshment be careful to allow thy self onely in innocent cheerfulnesse When the loines of thy mind are ungirt and thy thoughts let loose to run at random and have not Conscience set over them as a Governour thou art in great danger of sinning against God 6. Do not cumber thy self with too much worldly businesse that will overcharge thy mind with solicitude and force too many earthly thoughts upon it it will fill thee with distracting disturbing thoughts and torturing cares When Martha was careful and troubled about many things she neglected the one thing necessary Luke 10.41 42. 7. Le●rn to spiritualize earthly obj●cts and to raise holy meditations from them This will be an excellent and advantageous employment for thy mind This was our blessed Saviours practise and canst thou follow a better example 8. Learn to divert and put by bad thoughts by introducing and bringing in some good thoughts that are contrary to them into their roomes Thus overcome evil thoughts by good thoughts If self magnifying thoughts come in bring in self abasing If distrustful put thy soul upon thinking of Gods Faithfulness If revengefull think how much thou needest forgivenesse from God Thus let one wedge drive out another 9. Beg of God to new mould thy mind and to put it into such an holy and heavenly frame that it may be fit to produce good thoughts as a good tree doth bring forth good fruit Beg that Grace may be the Law of thy mind Rom. 7.23 Pray earnestly act Faith and put thy trust in the power and promise of God for the casting down of all sinful imaginations in thy soul and subduing thy thoughts to the obedience of Christ 10. If thou wouldst keep bad thoughts out of thy mind be ready to entertain the gracious motions of the blessed Spirit of God Rev. 3.20 Behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me O do not grieve this holy Spirit do not repell so blessed a guest who knocks at thy heart in many a sermon and by many a providence and sues for entrance that he may make thee happy What! shall the devil with his wicked suggestions be let in and shall the King of glory with his train of Graces be shut out O let it not be 11. Remember that if thou willingly entertainest and lodgest in thy mind wicked thoughts now and diest in an impenitent and unconverted state thy thoughts will be thy executioners and tormenters in Hell As light as thou makest of evil thoughts now they will then prey upon thy soul as so many vultures and be a never-dying worm in thy Conscience And the more to quicken thee to practise these directions Consider This will be a great argument of thy sincerity and of the truth of Grace in thee if thou art conscientiously watchfull over thy thoughts Many restraints lie upon the outward man to over-awe it and keep it from evil but the power of Grace does then much appear when it commands the inward man and laies restraints upon our thinking faculty that we dare not allow our selves in any sinful thoughts Psal 119.97 Oh how love I thy Law it is my meditation all the day V. 113. I hate vain thoughts but thy Law do I love Mat. 12.35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things Mat. 15.19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witness blasphemies V. 20. These are the things that defile a man Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Psal 63.5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips V. 6. When I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches Psal 94.11 The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man that they are vanity Jer. 4.14 O Jerusalem wash thine heart from wickednesse that thou maist be saved how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee Psal 49.11 Their inward thought is that their houses shall continue for ever their dwelling places to all generations they call their lands after their own names Psal 119.59 I thought on my waies and turned my feet unto thy testimonies Prov. 16.3 Commit thy workes unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established Prov. 4.23 Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life Secondly Watch over thy
drink nor yet for your body what ye shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment V. 26. Behold the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them Are ye not much better than they V. 27. Which of you by taking thought can add one Cubit unto his stature V. 28. And why take ye thought for raiment consider the Lilies of the field how they grow they toyl not neither do they spin V. 29. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his Glory was not arrayed like one of these V. 30. Wherefore if God so cloath the grasse of the field which to day is and to morrow is cast into the Oven shall he not much more cloath you Oh ye of little Faith V 31. Therefore take no thought saying What shall we eat Or what shall we drink Or wherewithall shall we be cloathed V. 33. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you V. 34. Take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of it self sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof See more Scriptures to this purpose pag. 215. CHAP. XVIII Of the Duties of the Young and Old First Of those that concern the younger sort ALL young persons should consider that it is their duty and high concernment to endeavour to be really good and truly religious betimes In order hereunto I shall 1. Lay down some Reasons and Arguments to presse them to it 2. Answer such Objections and labour to remove such prejudices as are conceiv'd against it 3. Give some Directions to them who are willing to be advis'd herein There are many weighty Reasons and Arguments to perswade them to it I. God now invites them to it Eccles 12.1 Remember now thy Creatour in the daies of thy youth c. And let them consider 1. God hath no need of them but they have need of him and cannot possibly be happy without him 2. He is willing to be reconcil'd to them if they will turn to him though for their sins he might justly destroy them 3. He offers them better terms and conditions if they will serve him then they can possibly have any where else either in the service of sin or Satan Rom. 6.21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed for the end of those things is death The two genuine and natural fruits of sin are shame and death Is it not then an intollerable indignity and affront put upon the great God of Heaven and Earth for any to refuse to serve him who offers them so fair terms and to continue in the Devils slavery who they know intends the ruine both of their souls and bodies II. Delaies are exceeding dangerous 1. Life is uncertain Prov. 27.1 Boast not thy self of to morrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth Young men may reckon upon years when possibly they have not moneths to live Consider how quick God is with some cutting them off in their sins Time is precious Redeem it for on this moment depends Eternity 2. Grace is uncertain 'T is not in mans power to have Grace when he will The Spirit of God will not alwaies strive with the children of men To day and while it is call'd to day hear his voice Psal 95.7 And harden not your hearts Gather the Manna while it fals come in while the door of Grace stands open Take heed of being like Esau coming too late for a blessing 3. The longer thou delayest the more unfit unable and indisposed thou wilt be to return Now thy parts are fresh and thy affections vigorous If thou wilt enter thy self into the School of Christ now what a great deal of knowledge and Grace and spiritual experience maist thou attain unto What a good Scholar a good proficient maist thou be But if thou delayest then consider in what a sad condition thou art 1. Sin will be every day more and more hardning thy heart and stupifying thy Conscience and so will make thy return the more difficult Now may be thou hast some tenderness of Conscience Thou wilt quickly lose it if thou refusest to hearken to Gods call 2. The world and the cares of this life will more and more engage and intangle thy Affections If thou givest not thy self to God while young before thou art much engaged in the cares and businesses of this life 't is very hazardous whether the world will not carry away thy heart and whether thou maist not lose thy soul in an eager pursuit of these outward things 3. The Devil will get stronger possession Every soul is either Gods Temple or the Devils house 'T will be hard to cast Satan out where he hath had many years possession The longer any go on in sin the greater power God permits the Devil to have over them 4. The longer thou delayest the more thou provokest God to give thee up to thy own hearts lusts and to leave thee to thy self 'T was a sad word Isa 6.10 Go and make the heart of this people fat and shut their eies lest they see with their eies and hear with their eares and understand with their heart and convert and be healed God may justly refuse to hearken to thee when thou callest for mercy who wouldst not before hearken to the call of his Grace The Spirit of God after many repulses may go away aggrieved God may smite thee with stupidity and senslessenesse that great Spiritual judgment And then what will become of thee And besides dost thou think that any man whose wise should be false to him and run away from him and follow after strangers in her younger time would receive her at last in her old age Why wilt thou think then to deal so with God Upon the whole matter then if thou art not converted and dost really turn to God when young 't is a hundred to one whether ever thou be converted or no. 'T is rarely seen that men habituated and long accustomed to sin do ever change their black skins as the Reverend Mr. Burgess well observes III. Consider whether there be any part of a mans life wherein he may reasonably think he has a liberty to serve the Devil If not why wilt thou not speedily turn to God Why should not thy youth be consecrated unto him As long as thou remainest unconverted and in the state of Nature thou art doing the Devil service And who would serve such a Master IV. Consider There are many great advantages that will come unto thee by turning to God betimes 1. Multitude of sins and sorrows will be hereby prevented Those that get bruises and strains when young feel them when they grow old O what anguish and pain of Conscience have they that have lived long in sin and committed great ones
also refer this one thing more that at such a serious time no vain idle frothy books should be read to them or by them as is by many used to make them merry but such Treatises as may better them to God-ward and further them in the way to Heaven To meditate and seriously ponder on the four last things treated of in the next Chapter will not be unprofitable for them VII Let them consult with and take the advice of their spiritual guides while they have some strength of body and the right use of their understandings before their Spirits are so spent that there is no conversing with them VIII Let them consider Gods aim and design in sending sicknesse upon them Let them enquire into the meaning of it This Direction is usefull not only for such as are under sicknesse but under any other affliction and consider what God now cals them to let them hearken to the voice of the rod Let them consider what corruptions they are especially to mortifie what sins to leave what duties to perform what Graces to exercise And though they may and ought to use lawful means for the removing of their sicknesse seeking to the Lord for his blessing thereupon yet let them not forget to pray as earnestly to have their sicknesse sanctified as removed Blessed is the man whom thou correctest and teachest Psal 94.12 Afflictions alone are not enough to evidence a man to be blessed and in a happy condition except they prove teaching sanctifyed afflictions Evidences of Grace and the favour of God consist in inward impressions not outward dispensations 'T is not said Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest and deliverest out of trouble but whom thou corectest and teachest When God takes away the disease and does not take away the guilt and dominion of sin does not pardon and sanctifie the sick person 't is not a compleat deliverance but only a reprieval from present execution Bare deliverance is not the blessing thou shouldst desire The blessing of affliction is Divine Instruction Therefore those who are put by God into the School of affliction should seriously apply themselves to learn those lessons which in that School they ought to learn And they are such as these 1. Obediential submission to the will of God We must not dispute our Crosse but take it up Aaron held his peace Lev. 10.3 We may indeed and ought to seek unto the Lord and to use lawful means as I said before for deliverance from a sickness or other affliction but yet with resignation of our selves to his holy will Patience is not a stupidity or insensiblenesse of Gods hand but a calmnesse of mind upon wise and holy grounds And therefore if the sicknesse he sends upon us prove either very long or tedious and painful yet we must take heed of murmuring or repining or charging God foolishly For God is so just he is not to be question'd so good he is not to be suspected and so strong he is not to be resisted Impatience therefore will but augment our pain and encrease our guilt 'T is indeed a hard matter when we are afflicted in patience to possesse our souls But we should consider not so much what we feel as what we deserve Any thing on this side Hell is mercy and will so appear to a truly humbled soul 2. To pray more earnestly and fervently They that were wont before to content themselves with cold short slight sleepy formal devotions will by sanctified afflictions learn to pray better more heartily and fervently and to cry mightily unto God for pardon and Grace for help and relief 3. To be better acquainted with our own hearts Affl●ctions sanctified discover the unknown and secret corruptions of the heart Deut. 8.2 The Lord thy God led thee these fourty years in the wilderness to humble thee and to prove thee to know what was in thine heart 4. To understand these three things more clearly and experimentally 1 The evil and danger of sin 2 The emptinesse of the Creature 3. The preciousnesse of Christ and what a high value we ought to set upon his sufferings 5. To mind and esteem the promises of God more Through distractions without in time of health and corruptions within people many times neglect to study the promises of God But in time of sicknesse or other distress there are no cordials like unto them 6. To enquire into and examine our evidences for Heaven not to venture our soules on general ungrounded hopes and sinking foundations 7. To live by Faith Faith takes the soul off from creature-confidences and teaches it to stay it self on God alone The right course to obtain mercies from God is in the way of an humble trust When we see and apprehend our own insufficiency and Gods All-sufficiency and cast our selves on his wisdom power and goodness then he usually affords help and succour to us 8. To prize communion with God more and to be more Heavenly minded In the glaring of prosperity we are too apt to forget God and to content our selves with Creature-enjoyments But in the night of adversity and in sad dispensations Oh how delightful is a beam of his love and favour 9. To be more humble By afflictions God takes down the pride of the heart and makes it humble and soft and pliable to his will 10. To be more thankful for the mercies we enjoy We seldom are sufficiently sensible of the worth of our mercies till God begin to deprive us of them 11. To set a high value and price upon time Sicknesse cries aloud in our eares redeem time O redeem time for praying for meditating for clearing our evidences for Heaven c. How many are there who when their time is almost done have their great work then to begin O in what a sad condition are they These and such like lessons should be learned in the School of affliction But now they whom God shall please to bring forth out of their troubles to deliver from their sicknesse and renew the lease of their lives should be exhorted to these five things 1. Let them consider what they have learned in the School of affliction What the Spirit of God hath taught them If they find they have learned in some measure those lessons before-mentioned then let them study to be thankful Let them consider God hath done more for them th●n if he had never brought them into affliction He hath given them deliverance and instruction both He hath turned their water into wine 2. Let them take heed of forgetting the lessons they have learned Let them labour to keep alive the teachings of Gods Spirit upon their hearts Let them study to maintain that sweet gracious humble frame of spi●it into which God brought them by their afflictions If they be not exceeding watchful they will quickly find a great deal of difference between their hearts under afflictions and when the affliction is taken off There is much of a Pharaoh-like