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A61377 The mystical union of believers with Christ, or, A treatise wherein that great mystery and priviledge of the saints union with the Son of God is opened in the nature, properties, and necessity of it, the way how it is wrought, and the principal Scripture-similitudes whereby it is illustrated, together with a practical application of the whole / by Rowland Stedman ... Stedman, Rowland, 1630?-1673. 1668 (1668) Wing S5375; ESTC R22384 295,630 498

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and resolvedly that they would serve the Lord Jos 24.19 And Joshua said unto the people ye cannot serve the Lord for he is an holy God he is a jealous God he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins that is unless you forsake your corruptions you cannot except you detest and cast off your idols you cannot whilst you are in confederacy with sin and before you have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty you cannot be the Lord's servants He is an holy being who will have no communion with the workers of iniquity Perhaps you will walk in sin and hope to make amends for all by crying to God for forgiveness you will swear and curse and ly and defraud and commit adultery and profane the Sabbath and cry God forgive me But Sirs be is a jealous God and will not forgive you as long as you go on in a course of impenitence he will never pardon your transgressions Possibly you will walk as the generality do in the vanity of your minds and wallow in all sorts of uncleanness and filthiness and then call upon God to have mercy on you Alas poor souls be not deceived He will not be merciful to any wicked transgressor Psal 59.5 So that whilst you serve sin you cannot serve the Lord. That 's the third thing to be noted 4. Remember this withal That the state of all persons by nature as they are in themselves and as they came into the world is an accursed estate a state of utter estrangedness from God and of liableness to the indignation of the Almighty Mark I say this is the condition of all persons whether Jews or Gentiles bond or free learned or unlearned whatever priviledges they enjoy and wheresoever their lot is cast this is their state by nature to be under sin Rom. 3.9 What then are we better then they No in no wise for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin q.d. Is this the sad condition of the heathen and of the infidel world only to be under the guilt of sin and the curse of the Law No it is the condition of every Son and daughter of Adam Are the Jews we that are visible members of the Church in a better state than others in this respect No we are all involved in the same wretched condition There is not a person amongst us but may lay his hand upon his heart and appropriate it to himself and say this was my condition and if I have nothing to plead for my exemption besides my birth priviledge the name of Jew or Christian and the like this is my condition to be under sin Not only to betainted with sin but under sin i. e. under the guilt of it and under the condemnation due to it All the posterity of mankind are by nature condemned persons in a damnable estate and if God should take them away in that condition they would be actually damned and perish for ever Sin would lie upon them and they would fall under it and so it would sink them irremediably into destruction O my brethren how infinitely doth it concern us to prove that we are renewed and born again for as we came into the world this is the estate of all of us to be under the curse both of my soul who speak and of thy soul that hearest or readest these things Certainly if any man upon earth could have freed himself from being involved herein it might have been Paul who had as much to plead as any Phil. 3.5 6. He was circumcised the eighth day that is according to the ordinance of God he was solemnly admitted into the visible Church Of the stock of Israel to whom pertained the adoption and the Covenant and the giving of the Law and the promises He was of the tribe of Benjamin not of one of the ten tribes who fell away so grosly to idolatry but of them who retained the true worship of God when the others apostatized An Hebrew of the Hebrews that is both his parents were Israelites he was not descended of Proselytes on either side but of native Jews without any mixture of Gentiles in his linage * He that was born of a Proselyte either by Father or Mothers side was termed Ben-ger the Son of an He-proselyte or Ben-gera the Son of a Sh●proselyte But he who had both parents Israelites was an Hebrew of the Hebrews Godwin Moses and Aaron Touching his profession He was a Pharisee he was of the strictest Sect amongst the people of those who held fast many of the great truth of Religion which the Sadduces and other Sects rejected he was more Orthodox than some others Lastly for his practise he was blameless touching the righteousness of the Law that is in the sight of men they could lay nothing to his charge they could not say black was his eye And yet he includeth himself as wrapped up amongst others in this cursed estate he acknowledgeth himself to be a child of the devil and led captive by him till he got into Christ Eph. 2.1 2 3. Amongst whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature children of wrath even as others This is the fourth thing to be noted That the state of all men by nature is a state of wrath 5. For the conducting of a sinner to everlasting life and glory in the prefence of God and to make him for ever blessed in the enjoyment of God this state must be changed They must be taken out of this condition and put into another namely into the state of grace As there must be a physical change wrought upon the heart so there must be a relative change in the state For indeed Sirs it will be the principal matter of Christ's enquiry at the day of accounts in what state men are He will divide the persons that come before him into companies according to the state they are in ● and pass sentence upon them answerably thereto Mat. 25.31 32 33. When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats And he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left Mark it here is the great matter of enquiry whether they are sheep or goats righteous or wicked in the state of grace or still abiding in the state of nature It is true the Lord Christ will make an exact scrutiny into mens ways and carriage he will bring every work in to judgment and render to every one according to his deeds But those works will be lookt into as an evidence of their state and the nature and quality of the actions do much depend upon
And a stop was immediately put to the further progress of it Correcting providences and gracious deliverances have both of them a Teaching vertue They are the voice of the Lord whereby he crieth aloud unto the children of men Mic. 6.9 Amos 4.10 11. And this dispensation which I am calling back to your remembrance being a Judgment allayed with the mixture of abundant mercy seemed in my apprehension to speak thus much unto you As if the Lord had said This people are in the way of declining apace from me and begin to lose the sense of the Gospel doctrines wherein they have been taught And therefore I might justly break in upon them in wrath and consume them with a sore destruction But how shall I give them up to utter ruine and desolation How shall I lay them waste and make them as Admah and Zeboim My bowels are turned within me my repentings are kindled together I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger I will yet grant them some deliverance I will wait upon them a while further that I may be gracious unto them I will see what their end will be what use they will make of this eminent deliverance My Brethren I question not but there are many amongst you that truly fear the name of the Lord And of the rest I speak not to shame or accuse But as my dearly beloved friends I warn and admonish And I expect your pardon for dealing thus plainly for if you would have me for your Friend you cannot rationally expect that I should be * Idem non potest esse amicus adulator your Flatterer Take heed therefore lest that come upon you which is spoken of by the Prophet Esaias Chap. 5.4 5 6. What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it Wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes brought it forth wilde grapes And now Go to I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it shall be troden down And I will lay it waste it shall not be pruned nor digged but there shall come up bryars and thorns I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it You may now expect to be dismissed But before I conclude this Epistle give me leave to press upon you a few general Scripture rules The Lord cause them to work efficaciously upon your spirits 1. Take heed of resting in a formal course of Religion and of fancying to your selves an easie way to salvation But get through convictions upon your hearts of the necessitie of making it your very business to walk with God and of acting with vigour and industry in laying hold on eternal life Lazy wishes and faint desires an empty name and profession and a bare keeping the round of some outward duties will never bring you into the glorious presence of God Formality and lukewarmness will no sooner get to heaven than downright Atheism and profaness If you will be saved you must not only seek but strive you must put your selves as it were into an Agony with striving * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to enter in at the strait gate Luke 13.24 You may be brought into those streights that if you will keep a good conscience you shall keep nothing but a good conscience And if ye will save your souls you shall save nothing but your souls Mark 8.34 35. And can this be done with a wet finger Is it an easie thing to bring your hearts into a willingness to forsake all that you have for Christ If you will enter into life you must walk in a contradiction to the generality of the world 1 Joh. 5.19 Rom. 12.2 You must watch and stand fast against all sorts of sollicitations unto sin 1 Cor. 16.13 You must not content your selves with the external performance of duties but be spiritual and servent in the performance of them Isa 64.7 Jude 3. The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence Mat. 11.12 And every man presseth into it i.e. Every one that doth savingly close with it every one that gets a real interest therein every one that will not fall short of the grace offered thereby Luke 16.16 So that if you will work out your salvation successfully you must act forcibly The height of security and wickedness in the heart of a sinner usually entereth in at this door of slightness and formality in the service * Nemo repente fit turpissimns of God When persons are negligent and superficial in duty they will quickly make no conscience of duty and at length forget that there is a God to be served or immortal souls to be regarded Prov. 19.15 2 Tim. 3.13 2. If you will act to purpose in working out your salvation you must set upon the prosecution of that design with the full purpose of your hearts If you will follow the Lord fully you must walk resolvedly That 's the way to resist the devil that he may flee from you and to break through all impediments and aversions that they may not turn you aside A double-minded man is both unstable and slothful in all his waies 'T is a setled resolution that strengthens the spirit under pressures fortifieth the soul against difficulties and makes it unmoveable as a Rock that nothing shall prevail to the alteration of his course Let me give you the exhortation of Barnabas Act. 23. That with purpose of heart you cleave unto the Lord. Say every one of you as Joshua Chap. 24.15 As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. The God of heaven we will adore and his Statutes we will keep His Ordinances we will observe and the wayes of holiness we will own whatever cometh of it To this end consider often the absolute necessity of making your peace with God and walking before him in the integrity of your hearts If you trifle in this business you are undone for ever And bethink your selves how obstinately the wicked are bent upon the satisfaction of their lusts and will not you be as peremptorily fixed upon the saving of your souls That 's an excellent Copy to transcribe in your practise Mic. 4.5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his God and we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God for ever and ever 3. Be sure to get your understandings and judgments rightly principled with distinct knowledge of the mysteries of the Gospel As there can be no saving grace in the heart without a competent knowledge of the principles of Religion So it is hardly to be imagined what abundant mischiefs do arise as to errors in the mind disorders in the conversation and deprivement of comfort in the soul for want of a distinct knowledge of those principles Ignorance is vertually any evil whatsoever The understanding is the gate of entrance into the soul and the other
p. 321 Concl. 4. The way of procedure in the business of self-examination is by consulting those marks and signs which are the evidencing properties of union with Christ p. 323 Concl. 5. The marks and signs to be consulted are of three sorts p. 326 1. Exclusive or Negative p. 327 2. Inclusive or Accumulative p. 329 3. Adaequate and proportionate These principally to be minded p. 330 Concl. 6. Such marks and signs of whatever sort whereupon a person may confidently rest in passing judgment upon himself must be clearly deduced from Scripture and bottomed thereon p. 332 Motives to quicken to self-examination as to our union with Christ p. 335 Eight Rules of direction by way of gradation for guidance in this work of self-examination p. 340 Dir. 1. The first and fundamental evidence of union with Christ to be enquired after is whether a sound conversion have been wrought upon us or the grace of regeneration poured forth into our hearts p. 341 Dir. 2. In order hereunto we must be sure to be rightly instructed in the nature of conversion and what a change it makes upon the soul p. 343 Several sorts of counterfeit feigned conversions p. 344 Dir. 3. The grace of conversion is not ever discerned in the first planting of it in the soul and when it is discerned at first it may afterwards be questioned as to the soundness and sincerity of it And therefore enquiry ought to be made into the fruits and effects produced thereby p. 348 Dir. 4. The fruits that will evidence a sound conversion are not some particular duties of Christianity discharged But the main bent of the spirit as to the things of God and the whole tenour of the conversation must be considered on that account p. 351 Dir. 5. That obedience which will prove a sincere conversion must not only be right for the matter what is done But rightly qualified also in respect of the manner how it is done p. 353 Dir. 6. For the right qualifying our obedience that it may be evidential of conversion and union with Christ it must be 1. Spiritual And that in a three fold respect p. 355 2. Universal A threefold universality of obedience p. 358 3. Evangelical Which consists in 4 things p. 363 4. Sincere Wherein sincerity lieth p. 367 5. Of an increasing nature p. 369 6. Stedfast p. 371 Dir. 7. Self-examination if performed successfully must be solemnly undertook with the best intention of the mind and spirit p. 373 Dir. 8. If a person upon most the serious and deliberate examination of himself be still in the dark as to his union with Christ four things to be done in that case p. 374 CHAP. XII Exhortations grounded upon the doctrine of union with Christ 1. To the unregenerate 1. Dare not in any sort to oppose the Saints p. 381 This Exhortation branched into 4 particulars p. 382 Motives to press on this Exhortation p. 388 2. Do not build your hopes of eternal life upon any priviledge or attainment which falleth short of union with the Son p. 393 Exemplified in nine sandy foundations whereupon sinners are apt to build their hopes p. 395 3. With unwearied endeavours labour after this grace of union p. 403 Directions 1. Despair of being saved upon lower terms p. 404 Three cases wherein we must not despair p. 406 Four cases wherein despair is the way to salvation p. 410 Dir. 2. Get the Spirit of Christ What must be done in order to it p. 413 Dir. 3. Endeavor after the uniting grace of faith p. 414 Five encouragements to believing or coming to Christ p. 415 Dir. 4. Lay it seriously to heart That if you perish in a state of separation from Christ you are in the fault and guilty of your own destruction p. 424 2. Exhortations to believers 1. Bless God for this signal grace of your union with Christ p. 425 2. Improve it Six cases wherein it should be improved p. 426 Exhortations to all 1. Learn the Lessons which are from this point to be learnt p. 430 Two spiritual Lessons of a momentous nature instanced in p. 431 2. Discharge the duties that are on this account to be discharged p. 434 1. Bless God for the manifestation of this mystery id 2. Adore the condescension and grace of our Lord Josus Christ p. 435 3. Labour every day more and more to clear it up to your selves that you have the Son by being united to him id Three further evidential properties of this union p. 435 436 437 1 John 5. ver 11 12. And this is the Record that God hath given us eternal Life and this Life is in his Son He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath not the Son hath not Life CHAP. 1. The Context opened the Text explained and the Point of Doctrine deduced IT hath been well observed in the case of Moral Prudence that many never attained to be wise indeed because hindred in the pursuit by an over-weaning conceit of their own Wisdom Multi ad sapientiam pervenissent nisi putâssent se pirvenisse Sen. The like may be truly said of the favor of God and the Kingdom of Heaven Multitudes have fallen short of eternal Life by an over-confident opinion of their interest in it Presumption of finding Mercy with the Lord is one of the principal snares of the. Devil Qui jugum suscipiunt Diaboli Diabolus eos delectat d●ipit ne discedant à malo impii usque ad mortem suam whereby sinners are held fast in their impenitence This presumption for the most part is wont to spring from a twofold Fountain 1. Ignorance and misapprehension of the mercy of God 2. Misapplication of the death and righteousness of Christ. I shall endeavor through Divine assistance to contribute a little help against the spreading of this evil and towards the drying up of these poysonous Fountains which have caused the death and ruine of many thousand Souls This I shall do 1. By Shewing the necessity of the Mediation and Righteousness of Christ Satan is not willing to deal roughly with the unregenerate if he could chuse for he stands ever in most danger of losing them when he carrieth himself towards them in so hard a fashion Wherefore he rather flatters and fawns endeavoring to rock them asleep still if he can in the Cradle of security and presumption Whately's New Birth to procure saving Grace for lost sinners 2. By discovering the like absolute necessity of our Union with Christ in order to partaking of that righteousness and receiving the grace which he hath purchased thereby Both these are fully comprised in the Text. I shall only touch occasionally upon the first as it will fall in the way of my insisting designedly upon the latter This portion of Scripture which I have chosen as the basis or subject of the following Meditations may not unfitly be stiled An Abstractor Epitome of the Gospel of Christ whereby life and immortality is
reward of the Inheritance commonly set forth by this expression eternal Life Rom. 6.22 Galat. 6.8 2. Virtually and secondarily all sorts of spiritual blessings that have a tendency to glory and are required to fit us for the possession thereof that is to say grace and holiness pardon of sin and reconciliation with the Almighty the supplies of the Spirit for doing the will of God and ability to persevere in that way unto the end These are all included in this expression of eternal Life for they are the first fruits and beginnings of it As glory is but grace in its ripeness and perfection so grace is glory in the bud and blossom And therefore our Saviour calleth the knowledge of God eternal Life Joh. 17.2 3. This is life eternal to know thee the only trus God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent that is This is the foretast of eternal Life the way to it an earnest peny in order to the full possession it is none other than the gate of heaven Thus you are to understand it here in the full extent and latitude of the expression as it comprehends the saving mercies conferred upon the Saints on the earth as well as the crown of Righteousness to be enjoyed in heaven For in the covenant of Peace whereof the Text is an abbreviation God hath made provision for the one as well as the other He hath not only given Salvation if men are sanctified and repent but hath provided for the sanctification and repentance of his Elect that they may be saved Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterwards receive me to glory And accordingly Christ the Mediator hath made his purchase he hath not only bought an inheritance to be given to the Saints but for the Elect of God he hath procured Saintship and all the appendices thereof that they may be partakers of that inheritance Tit. 3.5 6 7. That 's the first thing in the Text The mercy provided or the blessing conveyed 2. You have the Original or Well-spring of this mercy the fountain of this Blessing whence it is derived why from the free grace and pleasure of the Lord it is his gift It is not merited and deserved by us but freely and graciously bestowed upon us This is the record that God hath given us eternal Life Herein it differs from the reward of ungodliness that is the natural product of our sins but this is not the purchase of our boliness that is justly merited but this mercifully given as the Apostle observeth Rom. 6.23 The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Wherein the holy Ghost speaketh as if he did plainly intend to obviate and prevent the corrupt reasonings of men Will some be apt to argue If the wicked by their transgressions deserve eternal destruction then a Believer by his holiness doth merit eternal Salvation Nay saith S. Paul here I must have leave to deny the consequence the one indeed is a wages but the other is a gift We may take a view of the blessedness or salvation of the Saints in a fourfold period and in each of them in respect to us it is of grace God hath given us eternal Life In the 1. Purpose of the Father 2. Promise of the Gospel 3. Purchase of the death of Christ 4. Respect of our interest therein 1. In the eternal counsel and purpose of the Father As he determined and fore-ordained to bring sons to glory so it must of necessity be of grace and love Who hath first given to him and it shall be recompensed What could move the Lord to design compassion for some and to pass by others of the same nature with them of greater parts and dignity and in higher place as to worldly honours and accomplishments To appoint an handful in comparison unto bliss and glory to set them apart for himself and to leave the rest of mankind in their undone condition Surely it was only because it seemed good in his sight and therefore it is called election of grace Rom. 11.5 6. There is a remnant according to the election of grace and if by grace then it is no more of works It is ascribed to pure mercy nothing but mercy Rom. 9.15 16. For he saith to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy 2. In the Covenant and Promise which God hath made of eternal Life and whereby it is made over to Believers Pray whence was the Lord induced to make such a gracious Covenant but from his own good pleasure It is given to us 2 Pet. 1.4 It is true the faithfulness and in some sense the righteousness and justice of God oblige him to fulfil the Covenant when it is made Nehem. 9.8 but it was only free love that could incline him to make it or to enter into this Covenant and to make publication thereof to some and not to others Deut. 7.6 7 8. Psal 147.19 20. 3. In the purchase of it by the blood of Christ God sent his Son into the world upon that errand by his obedience and sufferings to become the Author of Salvation And what was the motive that prevailed with the Lord to send him what provocative stirred him up to make this Mission Why God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Joh. 3.16 He shut up the fallen Angels irrecoverably in the chains of darkness he gave not Christ to take their nature upon him but for us men and for our Salvation he came down from heaven and herein God commendeth his love to us Rom. 5.8 4. Lastly eternal Life may be considered in respect of our Title to it and interest therein together with the possession thereof which is accomplished in the work of Regeneration And whence doth this proceed Why it is a gift 2 Cor. 5.5 He that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God who hath also given unto us the earnest of his Spirit 2 Tim. 1.9 Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace It is God that worketh in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure That 's the second branch of the Text. The original of this mercy whence it doth proceed 3. We have the great dispenser of this mercy or blessing into whose hands it is put to be dealt forth unto Believers This is Jesus Christ the Son of God And this life is in his Son It is put into the hands of a Mediator and that Mediator is none else but the eternally and only begotten Son of God It is in him upon a threefold account 1. As in the meritorious
See Rev. 2. ● The Christians were at first reckoned by the Heathen as Jews vid. Suet. in vita Claud. Judaeos imgulsore Christo assidue tumultuantes Roma expulic So that the Christians seem to have go●e under that name and to ha●● been banished with them by the decree mentioned Act. 18.2 though they were no savingly instructed nor taught the truth as it is in Jesus yet they had some knowledge of the mind of God and were convinced of the truth and excellency of the Law of the Lord so as to subscribe to it and to own and approve it as such This made them Christ's people at large by way of profession And this must needs be one of the ligatures of that Union for such as avowedly reject the fundamental doctrines of Christianity are not so much as Christ's seeming friends but open enemies to his crown and dignity 2. There must be an external subjection to the Ordinances of Christ so as to afford their presence at them and outward compliance with them and attendance upon them For Sirs Gospel Ordinances are the badges of Christ's followers Sacramenta ut alia insti uta divina sunt figna piotestativa fidei as well as means to convey his grace into their souls And if a people belong to him at all they must at least wear his livery So that when persons live in the open neglect or contempt of the Ordinances and Institutions of the Lord Jesus or think they are arrived at so high a pitch as to be above Ordinances they do thereby declare themselves to be so far from the truth of grace that they are not arrived to a serious prosession Above Ordinances and below Christianity Such have not so much as Christ's livery upon them for this is one of the bonds of a common union Thus Simon Magus was baptized into Christ and for a while held fellowship with the Disciples and so in a sort did belong to Christ till afterwards he apostatized and discovered his rottenness Act. 8.13 So far the lowest rank of hypocrites ordinarily go It is true they have no spiritual communion or fellowship with Christ in his Ordinances but they are many times pretty-constant in attendance upon Ordinances So those carnal Israelites whom God owneth in this respect to be his people Isa 58 1.2 And therefore the Apostle calls men off from trusting in this to mind the grace of Regeneration and Conversion upon their hearts for these priviledges avail not to a saving union with Christ but a new creature Gal. 6.15 3. There is usually some common workings upon their hearts and spirits as now convictions in the conscience of the evil of sin sometimes an inclination upon their souls to give up themselves to be the Lords only a beloved lust hindereth the performance of it Possibly many common graces of the Spirit are conferred upon them in which respect they are said to be made partakers of the holy Ghost for so far a carnal Professor may arrive Heb. 6.4 5. The holy Ghost may strive with a professed enemy to the Kingdom of Christ There are some Converts external from the world to the Church who yet stick in their naturals and are not in the sense of sin fled unto Christ for refuge nor converted from nature to saving grace Dic●●s but when he shall moreover work some remarkable effects upon a sinner as terrors in apprehension of the wrath of God desires to be sheltered under the wings of Christ that he may escape that wrath so that he joyneth himself outwardly to his people then he becometh a seeming friend though he proceed no further 4. The last bond which I shall mention of this common union with Christ is some degrees of reformation in the life and practise When persons live and lie weltering in gross pollutions of the world they do apparently belong unto the world they do openly proclaim themselves to be the very children of the devil If a man belong to Christ but by profession there must be some measure of reformation wrought there must be an actual abstaining from those wickednesses whereby the name of Christian is openly contradicted As real holiness and closs walking with God is essential to the being of a Disciple indeed so a cleansing of the outside of the cup and platter as our Saviour calleth it is required to make a man a Disciple but in appearance And thus far they commonly go 2 Pet. 2.20 21 22. They retained their doggish and swinish nature still as is evident from their Apostacy v. 12. The dog is turned to his vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire and yet they escaped the pollutions of the world and that through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ v. 20. Although the doctrines of the Gospel had not a saving effect upon their souls yet they had a real effect though their natures were not transformed yet their lives in some particulars were reformed their conversations were cleansed from gross and scandalous abominations That 's the first Position touching this matter 2. Pos 2. It is a very great priviledge and mercy considered in it self for a man or woman to be taken thus neer unto Jesus Christ and in this sense to be united to him namely by way of external adhaesion To be separated from the Heathen to be his people and to be made to differ from the profane world and the notoriously wicked who do avow their sins openly in the face of men and declare themselves subjects unto the prince of darkness Though it be not the best of priviledges yet it is a great priviledge though it be not a mercy to be rested in yet it is a mercy thankfully to be acknowledged it is no way to be slighted and undervalued The Apostle speaketh of it as such Rom. 3.1 2. What advantage hath the Jew or what profit is there of circumcision that is what benefit doth arise by being a member of the Church of Christ what profit is it to be a Jew outwardly a Disciple by profession into which relation circumcision did give them solemn entrance it was the Ordinance for initiation Is this nothing or is it a priviledge of a low nature No in no wise saith the Apostle do not thus esteem it It is an eminent mercy there is much advantage by it every way You will say wherein lieth the advantage of being thus in Christ Answ In four things especially 1. Chiefly and primarily because hereupon they are set under the means of grace and tenders of salvation They have eternal life set before their souls and upon the terms of the Gospel offered unto them Hereby they do enjoy the word of Christ the Oracles of God and the Ordinances which are the places wherein the Lord Jesus himself is to be found of them that seek him and which are the conduit-pipes through which he doth use to convey spiritual grace and blessings to such
as thirst after them The remainders of the light of nature are enough to leave a sinner inexcusable in his condemnation when he doth not live up to that light but they can proceed no further they can make no discoveries of the path of salvation But now persons in the visible Church have these things revealed before their eyes they have Christ set forth that they may know him and his excellencies displayed that they may love him So that it is a merciful priviledge in this respect Nay if the fault be not in themselves it may bring them to Christ in a saving way Psal 147.19 20. He sheweth his word unto Jacob his Statutes and his Judgments unto Israel He hath not dealt so with any Nation and as for his Judgments they have not known them Praise ye the Lord. q. d. Here is matter of praise and abundant thanksgiving See also Rom. 9.4 and Ezek. 20.11 12. 2. Hereby persons do enjoy communion with such as are real Saints and servants of Christ in sincerity which may be of excellent use to provoke them to emulation and so to save their souls They have the benefit of the society of the godly to be an incouragement unto them to serve the Lord indeed and the advantage of their example as a copy for imitation Multum resert quibuscum vixeris They are under their counsel for admonition and many times partakers of their provoking conferences to incite and stir them up to become such as they are They have a share in their inspection and watchfulness over them whereby oftentimes they are restrained and kept in due bounds And so it is a signal mercy in this respect As by fellowship with the wicked and contracting friendship with them men learn their wayes and get a snare unto their souls so by communion with the Saints persons are in a capacity of learning their ways and saving their souls Psal 141.4 5. Let the righteous smite me it shall be a kindness and let him reprove me it shall be an excellent oyl which shall not break my head Nihil tutius amico monitore that is by an usual Mei●sis it will abundantly tend to my spiritual good and to the promoting and carrying on my eternal welfare As coals are kindled by other burning coals so are the ungodly many times by hearty counsel and holy walking and the like made instrumental to quicken and inflame such as have fellowship with them Jam. 5.19 3. From hence it is that they do in a sort partake of that special care which God taketh of his Church and receive some drops of those blessings which Christ doth showr down upon his Church You know that although God by a general providence doth mind and govern the whole creation he feeds the ravens when they cry and gives meat to the beasts of the field yet he hath a special inspection into the affairs of his Church he maketh peculiar provision for them reserving his dainties in store for them Now by this external adhaesion unto Christ and being in the visible Church a person may have a share in those mercies and the out-skirts of those blessings may fall down upon their heads As one that is but a sojourner in a family and no stated fixed member of it may taste of many good things which the good man of the house prepared for his own children And therefore a people are said upon this kind of neerness to have God himself nigh unto them that is to be under his special care even the body of the people though multitudes of them went no further than profession Psal 148.14 The children of Israel a people neer unto him Deut. 4.7 For what Nation is there so great that hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all that we call upon him for And it seemeth to be mentioned as a priviledge of the whole visible Church Isa 4.5 That the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion and upon her assemblies upon the Church of Christ whereof Zion was a type and upon all the particular Congregations thereof a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night The meaning is this God will in a special manner be a guide unto them and undertake for their safeguard and protection He will lead them and preserve them as he did the children of Israel in their travels out of Egypt when he went before them in a cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night So Isa 31.5 As birds flying so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem defending also he will deliver it and passing over he will preserve it As birds flying that is swiftly and speedily at the cry of his people he will come as in an instant before the adversaries are aware Or as a bird doth hover over the nest to preserve her young ones so will the Lord watch over his people to secure and deliver them These and such promises are made to the Church in general and even carnal Professors by vertue of their station in the Church may have a share in this security these deliverances As when the godly joyn in confederacy with the wicked they may be made to smart under the judgments that are sent upon the wicked so Professors by their fellowship with the godly may taste of the blessings imparted unto them 4. It is a great priviledge because hereby men are often restrained from venting many corruptions that otherwise would have prevailed from turning aside into such sins and abominations wherein others wallow And so they are prevented and kept from contracting much guilt which otherwise would be contracted by them And this is no small advantage Restraining grace is a mercy though sanctifying grace is an higher And God doth make use of this neerness to Christ as a restraint or bridle to stop sinners in their carier hereby they are purged from their old sins 2 Pet. 1.9 That 's the second Position 3. Position 3. When men and women are only thus united unto Christ by way of visible profession or external adhaesion though they may abide with him for a time and seemingly cleave unto him yet at last there will be made a separation betwixt them and this union will be dissolved and broken asunder As it is a dissoluble Union for the nature of it Quomodo ergo Zizania sunt in regno Dei Putres pisces in reti Evangelico carena veste nuptiali in nuptiis Christi ita in Chricto est qui non sert fructum nomine tenus stilicer secundam externam 〈◊〉 tantum non antem ver● fi●e Quare telluntur isti tandem velut resecti arefactique pelunites gebennae addiciottur Bucer so in the event it will actually be dissolved sooner or later by one means or another When a soul is in Christ by a spiritual implantation he shall never be parted from Christ but this common union will be
and thou hast corrupted thy self He made man upright but he hath sought out many cursed inventions and made himself achild of the devil Besides this is none other ground than the devils may have to expect salvation Thus they are related to Christ For by him were all things created that are in heaven and in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principal●ties 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist Col. 1.16 17. 2. There is the relation of men to Christ as the Son of man As he humbled himself to take the form of a servant and to assume our nature and not the nature of Angels And indeed such a one it was necessary our Med ator should be As it was requisite he should be God that his obedience and sufferings might be of value sufficient to content and satisfie the demands of the justice of God so likewise that he should be man that he might be capable of subjection unto the Law and undergoing the penalty of the Law Gal. 4.4 Heb. 10.5 As it was necessary he should be God that he might be able to vanquish and subdue our spiritual adversaries so also that he should be man that he might taste death for the children of men which was the way appointed for that conquest to be made Heb. 2.14 As it was needful he should be God that he might be a prevalent high Priest so likewise that he should be man that he might be a merciful high Priest Si enim homo non vicisset inimicum hominis non justè victus esset inimicus Rursus autem nisi Deus donasset salutem non firmiter haberemus eam Et nisi homo con●unctus fuisset Deo nostro non potuisset particeps fleri incorruptibilitatis Opertuer at enim Mediatorem Dei hominum per suam ad utrosque domesticitatem ad amicitiam concordiam utrosque reducer● facere ut Deus assumeret hominem homo se dederet Deo Iraen adv haeres touched with the feeling of our infirmities Heb. 2.17 And from hence doth arise a relation to him a kind of identity or oneness with him as between beings of the same nature Thus the Apostle saith they are one specifically one in respect of his humane nature Heb. 2.11 16. For he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one That is of the same stock and linage the children are partakers of flesh and blood and he took part of the same For v. 16. Verily he took not upon him the nature of Angels but he took upon him the seed of Abrahaem But still this is a relation which is common to the just and the unjust to them that fear the Lord and to them that despise him Indeed the benefit of it redoundeth only to such as are sanctified For what advantage is it to thee that Christ was the Son of man if thou liest still in the gall of bitterness and art a slave to the devil But the relation it self extends to all the generations of mankind They are the children of men and Christ was found in fashion as a man Phil. 2.7 8. they are of the humane nature and so was Christ being the seed of the woman according to the flesh Gen. 3.15 16. 3. There is a peculiar relation of Saints and sincere Christians to Christ as the Mediator and Redeemer God and man in one person as members are related to the Head or the Spouse to the Husband A saving relation to him whereby they have a right and title to what Christ hath done and suffered and an interest in the mercies procured thereby such a relation is this Union we are speaking of The Apostle doth evidently pu● a difference betwixt this and the former Col. 1.16 17.18 By him were all things created c. and in him all things consist And he is the head of the body the Church q. d. It is true Christ is the Lord and Soveraign of the whole Creation men and Angels and devils but his own people have a peculiar neerness unto him he is the head of the body the Church And the beloved Disciple mentioneth it as a differencing priviledg 1 Joh. 5.19.20 We know that we are of God dear children and the whole world lieth in wickedness And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an underst●nding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ Mark it we are in him others are not we who are born of God have a share in this signal mercy whereof the rest of the world are not sharers This leadeth us to the third branch of the description which is 3. The subjects of this Union to whom it doth appertain why to believers It is the special relation which believers have to the Lord Jesus that is sound believers which are made partakers of the faith of God's elect such as are Israelites indeed and Christ's Disciples and followers in good earnest Col. 1.2 To the Saints and faithful brethren in Christ You know there are Disciples of Christ in appearance and others who are such in truth who have not only the shew but the substance of Religion that do not only call themselves servants of Christ but are stedfast and faithful with him Rev. 17.14 And these are the persons who are in him It is for them only he prayeth that they might be one with him and therefore unto them peculiarly doth this priviledge belong Joh. 17.20 21. Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe in me through their word That they all may be one as thou father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us Mark it it is affixed to Believers that they may be one in us How are Believers the subjects of this union I answer on a fourfold account 1. Solely and exclusively 2. Universally and comprehensively 3. Entirely and undividedly 4. Formally under that respect as Believers 1. Believers are the subjects of this Union solely and exclusively It is a part of the hidden Manna which none taste of but Gods hidden ones as believers are called Psal 83.3 Carnal Professors have no lot nor portion in this matter they may enjoy great advantages by having their station in the Church but only real Saints and luch as are regenerate are ingraffed into Christ the head of the Church God doth give forth some spiritual mercies promiscuously indifferently to the good and bad to the righteous and wicked but there are other priviledges peculiar unto the righteous and this of implantation into Christ is one of them whereby he doth manifest himself unto his own and not unto the world How can this be saith Judas not Iscariot How is it that thou wilt manifest thy self to us and not
is gracious and merciful and full of compassion and therefore they hope he will spare them notwithstanding Nay but O vain man If thine heart still goeth after thy detestable things the God of incomprehensible mercy will not shew thee one drop of mercy He that is unspeakable in his compassions will not have one dram of pity or compassion upon thy soul It is true He is gracious and merciful and will not turn away his face from you if ye return unto him 2 Chron. 30.9 But God shall wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his trespasses Psal 68.21 The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting unto everlasting upon them that fear him and unto such as keep his Covenant Psal 103.17 18. But he will not be merciful to any wicked transgressor Psal 59.5 Why Sirs do not you know that he is a God abundant in truth as well as rich in mercy And he will shew no mercy to sinners in a way derogating from his truth Exod. 34.6 It is he that hath said The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the Nations that forget God Psal 9.17 and the Word of the Lord will certainly have its accomplishment When thou presumest of mercy Remember withal that he is a God of truth and as sure as God is true if thou goest on in sin and remainest ununited unto Christ thou wilt perish for ever notwithstanding that God is merciful For all the wayes of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies Psal 25.10 Alas poor deluded wretch dost thou hope for mercy to keep thee from hell whilst thou art in a course of ungodliness Why man The mercy of God will come up in judgment against thee and sink thee deeper into hell * Quos diu ut convertantur tolerat non conversos durius damnat Hier. Tarditatem vindictae compensat gravitate supplicii for by despising the goodness of God thou art treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath Rom 2.4 5. Dost thou presume of mercy in thy state of impenitence Why man This very presumption will add load upon thy back and degrees unto thy torments Read over that Text deliberately and the Lord awaken thy conscience in the perusal of it Deut. 29.19 20 21. And it come to pass that when he heareth the words of this curse he bless himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the imagination of mine heart to add drunkenness to thirst It is to this effect as if the carnal wretch had said God is gracious and merciful and though I have no interest in Christ but take my pleasure in sin and am not so forward in godliness as these precise Ministers would perswade me yet I trust in God that he will shew pity upon me he will not be so severe as these hot-spirited men would bear us in hand God is a God of mercy and delighteth in it and I hope to taste of his compassion and that he will not send me to hell whatever he hath said Well But will such a person find mercy because he hopeth for it Will he meet with peace because he saith in his heart He shall have peace Nothing less This very presumption of mercy whilst in his sins will be a means to bar and bolt the door of mercy against him * Quo diutius expectat eo districtius judicabit For mark what followeth v. 20 21. The Lord will not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoke against that man and all the curses that are written in this book shall lye upon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven And the Lord shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel according to all the curses of the Covenant that are written in this book of the Law c. This is the fourth respect in which a Christless estate is a state of death viz. In point of condemnation or obnoxiousness to eternal death 5. Lastly Unconverted sinners are in a state of death in respect of the abundant evils incident to that condition They are in a perfectly wretched and miserable estate For death comprizeth all sorts of evils As when life is promised to the godly it is a comprehensive term that containeth all sorts of blessings and mercies whatsoever Psal 30.5 Prov. 3.18 So when the wicked on the other hand are said to be dead that is a big-bellyed word that carrieth all kinds of evils in the bowels of it troubles and vexations and perplexities here and at last eternal ruine and desolation Deut. 30.15 19. Now in this sense they are all dead who are not in Christ Destruction and misery is in their wayes and the way of peace they have not known Rom. 3.16 17. To work this upon your hearts study seriously these three Texts of Scripture Job 15. from v. 20. to the 30. Job 18. from v. 5. to the 21. Job 20. from v. 5. to the end of the Chapter And withal observe these four subsequent notes 1. Christless persons are under the guilt of all the sins and transgressions that ever were committed by them since they had a being And God will one day reckon them up in order and lay them in full load upon their shoulders Possibly sinners themselves have forgotten multitudes of them but the God of infinite knowledge hath written them down exactly in his book and at length he will bring them forth into judgment And truly Sirs One would think there needed no more to make them miserable enough One sin if laid to our charge would sink us irrecoverably into perdition Alas How will the sinner stand when all his iniquities shall meet together and be sealed up as in a bag and bound fast upon him If a wicked man should sit down and make a catalogue of the sins of one month or week what a vast heap would they amount to Vain thoughts proud and earthly and unbelieving thoughts inordinate passions and affections unsavoury and rotten communication evil actions done and duties left undone and slightness and superficialness in the discharge of duty and the like Yea but when all the sins of his whole life and the native pravity and wickedness of his heart shall be gathered together into one bundle what a numberless number would they amount to What unconceivable torments would be the wages of them if considered as clothed with all the aggravating circumstances thereof Why Sirs when God enters into judgment with the unregenerate he will not abate them one sin Psal 10.15 Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man Seek out his wickedness till thou find none That is set them down in order till they are all set down Let not one of them remain untaken-notice of Let them be searched out so exactly till there be no more to be found We are
this or the other stone be a true diamond or a counterfeit whether this or the other piece of money be pure gold or adulterate metal I must consider whether it have the properties of pure gold and whether the stone have the properties of a right diamond or not So upon a spiritual account If I would know whether I am one with Christ and in the state of grace I must enquire whether I be made partaker of such things as are the properties and concomitants of that estate and peculiar thereunto These we call marks and signs because they denote and signifie what spiritual condition a person is in * Signum est quod seipsum aliquid praeter se potentiae cognoscenti repraesentat I know there are some who have spoken very slightly and contemptibly of this way of procedure They would have us only depend upon the immediate witness of the Spirit without making use of these marks and signs But my Brethren this is the way which the servants of God have taken in passing a judgment upon themselves who are left upon record in the Scripture as patterns for our imitation And if you would not be deluded you must take this course likewise For else how shall we know that such an immediate testimony as they speak of is from the Spirit of God and not a delusion of Satan or a fond perswasion of our own deceitful spirits but by bringing it to the touchstone of these marks and signs See 1 Joh. 2.3 And hereby we know that we know him if we keep his commandments Mind it saith the Apostle we are acquainted with Christ and interested in him and through grace we may come to the knowledge of it How or by what means Why by this mark or character if we keep his commandments that will be a certain sign or evidence of it 1 Joh 3.14 We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren As if he had said By this mark or character we discern our translation into the state of grace Psal 119.94 I am thine save me for I have sought thy precepts Mark it David had not only a title to the favour of God but he was able to plead that title I am thine How do you prove it Why by this mark or evidence Because I have sought thy precepts My brethren the soul of a man is not acted in this work by way of Enthusiasme nor are we to depend upon a special revelation but the work is to be carried on by way of spiritual reasoning or argumentation Thus he who hath respect to all the commandments of God hath the Son and is united unto the Son Now saith the soul through grace I find upon a diligent search of my self that I bear a respect to all Gods commmandments and from thence I conclude that I have the Son of God and am ingraffed into him Again He that loveth the Brethren is in the state of grace translated from death to life And through mercy saith the soul I find this property in my self So that hence I gather that I am in the state of grace Take an instance on the other hand Whosoever walketh in darkness hath no fellowship with Christ My conscience tells me saith the sinner that I walk in darkness Hence it evidently followeth that whilst I remain in this condition I have no fellowship with Christ So that the convictions of conscience on the one hand as to the sad estate of a sinner are rational convictions and the witness of conscience on the other hand in behalf of the Saints that they are in Christ is a rational witness and the Spirit of God doth joyn in a concurrent testimony therewith Rom. 8.16 The Spirit it self beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God Mark it not only to our spirits but with our spirit They joyn together in giving evidence of a Believers union with Christ This is the fourth conclusion That the way of procedure in this business of self-examination is by marks and signs For my part I do not question but the holy Ghost may please at some peculiar seasons to dart comfort as it were into the heart of a Believer and in a kind of immediate way to signifie to him that he is in favour with God and in a state of reconciliation without any express or sensible reflection at that instant of time upon the gracious qualifications which are the marks of that estate But then remember that in the conclusion it must be reduced to marks and signs For else how shall a Christian be satisfied that it was indeed from the Spirit of God unless he prove it by such evidencing properties as are given to that end Concl. 5. The special marks and signs or evidential properties and characters by which we should examine our selves touching our union with Christ and from which we may be able to judge most clearly whether we are in him are such as are adaequate and proportionate to that estate Such marks of union as are appropriate thereunto and run exactly parallel therewith that are of the same ex●ent and latitude as union with Christ is and in no wise appertain or belong to any other whomsoever Such marks as these Logicians call properties in the strictest acception that belong only to such as are in Christ and are to be found in all that are in him at all times and seasons * Proprium quarto modo quod omni soli semper convenit speciei cum eâ reciprocatur This will be cleared up to the apprehensions of the meanest capacity by giving you a distinction of three sorts of marks and signes as to a mans spiritual state or relation to Christ and by shewing you the several use that is to be made of each of them in the business of self-examination or trial of our union with Christ There are 1. Exclusive or Negative markes and properties 2. Inclusive or Accumulative markes and properties 3. Adaequate and proportionate markes and properties 1. There are exclusive or negative marks and signs as to union with Christ Properties of the first rank as they are commonly stiled that is such as belong to all who are ingraffed into the Lord Jesus but do not solely or peculiarly appertain to them They are of a greater extent and latitude than union with Christ is To make it plain by instances These are properties of the first rank viz. To have an enlightened understanding and competent knowledge of the mysteries of godliness To be convinced of the evil of sin and to have the conscience awakened in the sense of it To believe the word of God to be true To perform external duties and to carry on a reformation in the life and practise and the like These are properties to be found in all who are knit unto Christ but not in them only An unregenerate person may partake of them likewise And what is the use
under this use of Trial viz. to shew you what this self-examination is and wherein consisteth your work in the performance of it 2. By way of motive and prove●ative to quicken and stir you up to the discharge of it It is a duty whereunto the heart of a man is hardly brought as indeed all spiritual work is untastful and unpleasing to flesh and bloud So that as we need line upon line and precept upon pracept to dispel the mists of ignorance whereby our minds are blinded and to prevent the mistakes whereupon we are apt to proceed in this work so we need motive upon motive and one spiritual argument upon the neck of another to cure the backwardness of our hearts whereby we are commonly averse to the performance of this work I will not be large under this head but only press upon you these four moving considerations or incentives Mot. 1. If you be loath to enter throughly into the disquisition of this matter and to debate the case with your selves whether you are one with Christ or not That very thing will be a shrewd argument against you that you are utter strangers unto Christ and in no wise partakers of salvation through him It will be a sign that your profession is unsound and your hearts rotten when you are unwilling to search into your spiritual condition As when a Tradesman will not suffer his wares to be throughly viewed it ministers ground of suspition that they are not right and good So it is in these spiritual affairs If you are hardly brought to make enquiry into your selves it will yield matter of suspition that you are conscious of some wickedness allowed in your selves and that your hearts are not right in the sight of the Lord. For my brethren It is not truth but falshood that hateth the light and will not come to the light lest it should be discovered A person that is indeed in Covenant with God and dealeth faithfully with him in living up to the terms of that Covenant is willing to be searched to the uttermost Psal 26.2 3. Examine me O Lord and prove me trie me and know my heart For thy loving kindness is before mine eyes and I have walked in thy truth I have not sate with vain persons c. Mot. 2. It concerns you to examine diligently whether you be united unto Christ Because it is an ordinary thing for men and women to be mistaken in this respect to think that they have the Son and are in a state of salvation when as in truth they lie still in the gall of bitterness And this mistake is the cause of their eternal ruine From hence it is that they neglect to seek after a remedy because in their own apprehensions they are safe already For as our Saviour saith They that be whole need not a Physician but they that are sick Mat. 9.12 Whilst men have good conceits of their own condition they rest secure therein and are not sensible of the need of having it changed * Immittit Diabolus securitatem ut inferat perditionem Neque dinumerari possunt quantos hac inanis spei umbra deceperit Aug. And there are multitudes of this sort who say they are Jews when they are the Synagogue of Satan as it is expressed Rev. 3.9 That is they imagine themselves to be and would have others esteem them as living members of the body of Christ when as in reality they are nothing else but the children of the devil You find it was the house of Jacob that is the generality of the people who were thus deceived Isa 48.1 2 3 4. They were obstinate and obdurate sinners their neck was an iron sinew and their brow as brass and yet they called themselves of the holy City and stayed themselves upon the God of Israel And Rev. 3.1 it is mentioned of the Church of Sardis that is the body of the people for unto them Christ speaketh by his Spirit Although the Epistle was directed to the Angel yet it was to be communicated to the Church v. 6. That they had a name to live whereas indeed they were dead Mot. 3. If upon the examination of your selves you shall find that through grace you are indeed united to Christ and make it sure to your selves that you have the Son the sweetness of that knowledge or assurance will abundantly recompense you for all the pains you were at in the search of it and the travel you took in pursuance after it O what an excellent priviledge will this be to be able to say that Christ is yours that his death is a satisfaction for your sins and the salvation he purchased is your inheritance and that he is now at the right hand of the Father interceding on your behalf With what inexpressible joy will this fill your spirits How will it sweeten your enjoyments and ease your burdens and bring a vein of consolation and gladness into every condition that you are in and under every providence that befalleth you Yo● will then be able to read the Scriptures with delight when you can say This promise conveyeth mercy to my soul and this is a blessing wherein I am a sharter And as for the threatnings of judgment they speak not a word of terror to my soul for I am not under the Law but under grace being united unto Jesus the head of the Covenant o● grace This will inable you to walk cheerfully throughout your pilgrimage and to meditate up on the excellencies of God with an holy exultation when you can say This God is my God upon the account of Christ unto whom I am knit in separably This infinite power is ingaged for m● protection and safeguard this incomprehensib● wisdom is at work for my direction and guidanc● this alsufficiency is for my satisfaction and blessedness and the like Then you may say with th● Prophet Hab. 3.19 The Lord God is my streng● and he will make my feet like Hinds feet and he will make me to walk upon my high places Then you may appropriate the Lord and his attributes unto your sel●es and be assured he will make haste for your preservation and deliverance as speedily and swiftly as the Hind runneth into her covert and that he will set you on high in the munitions of rocks I might thus expatiate abundantly in setting forth the sweetness of this knowledge of your union with Christ Then you would taste real comfort in the accomodations of this life and be no way terrified or dismayed at the apprehensions of death for it will but translate you hence into a paradise of bliss and glory Mot. 4. Consider seriously in the last place That although upon the examination of your selves it should appear that you are still in the state of wrath ●nd condemnation without a saving interest in ●he Son of God yet the finding it to be so would ●e one good step towards your restauration and re●overy out of that estate and make
you bring forth the fruits of righteousness here and endeavour to be holy in all manner of conversation If you live in any course of sin or in the neglect of observing any of God's commandments it is not possible you should come to the enjoyment of God whilst you abide in that estate Never dream of being saved without holiness for such imaginations are but dreams and fancies Heb. 12.14 Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. 1 Cor. 6.9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Be not deceived c. q. d. It is a plain case that the unrighteous will perish unavoidably it is a token of gross ignorance to think otherwise Do not hope for or expect salvation without righteousness for by such hopes and expectations you will but cheat your own souls Gal. 5.19 20 21. Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulation wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness revellings and such like Of the which I tell you before as I have told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Mark it if a man live in any of these sins or in any other sin like unto these whether it be filthiness of the flesh or of the spirit open or secret though not here particularly enumerated he cannot enter into eternal life It is a matter as if the Apostle had said which I have studied and the more I think of it the more I am confirmed in it I have preached this doctrine to you formerly and I am still of the same mind and therefore warn you of it again that if you be such persons you cannot be saved 2. Although I counsel you to be much in the works of righteousness yet you must despair of ever being justified or saved upon the account of your righteousness For alas what are the best of our righteousnesses to give satisfaction to the justice of God for the wrong that we have done him If you be pardoned and accepted of the Lord it must be for the sake of the righteousness of Jesus Christ and not by virtue of any thing of your own For the Seripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe Gal. 3.22 3. Although you must be active and diligent in the service of God and labour to walk in uprightness before him yet you are utterly to despair of doing this in your own strength It is only strength and aflistance from Jesus Christ that will inable you to be faithful unto Christ If you trust in your own hearts they will deceive you 2 Cor. 3.5 Psal 71.15 16. * Ad evulsionem hominis à statu peccati requiritur 3. ut ex evictione conscientiae desperatiosalutis consequatur respectu nostrarum virium omnis etiam auxilii quod à creaturis haberi potest Ames de cons 4. I would counsel you to work up your hearts to an utter despair of receiving either righteousness or strength from Christ except you get into him Sit down and rest in this conclusion that unless you be united to the Son of God you cannot dwell in the presence of God There is no salvation to be had upon other terms And thus to despair of deliverance in a state of separation from Christ is an excellent means or inducement to drive you unto him Thus the Law is our School-master to lead us unto Christ i. e. by convincing us of our undone condition without him * Lex in vero suo officio est ad gratiam ministra praeparatrix prodest ad justificationem non quod justificat sed quia urgeat ad promissionem gratiae cam facit dulcem desiderabilem Luth. It pursueth us with wrath as the avenger of bloud that we may be forced to hasten into the City of refuge Gal. 3.24 This is the first Direction I intended in order to the attainment of this grace of union Direct 2. If you would be united unto the Son Get the Spirit of the Lord Jesus into your hearts It is only the holy Ghost who is sent in his name that can lead you unto him and ingraff you in him and form Christ within you And if you have not the Spirit of Christ you cannot be his Rom. 8.9 And therefore to this end 1. Be much in prayer to God for this very mercy that he would graciously send the Spirit of his Son into your souls There is an encouraging word to draw forth your fervent supplications in this behalf Luke 11.13 If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him It is the mercy which he delights to be sought unto for and to be dealing forth in return to the prayers of his Servants 2. Be much conversant with the word of Christ and constant in your attendance upon the Ordinances of the Gospel Be frequent in reading and studying the Scriptures make them the matter of your daily meditations lose no opportunity to acquaint your selves therewith or to wait upon Christ in the wayes of his appointment Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom Col. 3.16 For it is the word and institutions of Jesus Christ which are designed as conduit-pipes to convey the spirit of sanctification into mens hearts And therefore the word hath the promise of conversion annexed unto it because the spirit of conversion worketh in and with and by the word Psal 19.7 The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul Jam. 1.18 Of his own will he begat us with the word of truth As the word cannot work savingly without the concurrent operation of the holy Ghost So the holy Ghost doth not ordinarily work without the word For the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth Rom. 1.16 And when our Saviour prayeth for them that should be gathered unto him it is under this expression For them that shall believe on me through their word Joh. 17.20.3 Take heed that you resist not the Spirit by quenching his motions or rising up in contradiction against the convictions that he is pleased to work upon your hearts Readily hearken to his call and comply with him in the tenders of grace If you repel him by the frowardness and perverseness of your sp●rits you know not when he will return Joh. 3.8 Take therefore the Apostles advice Eph. 4.30 Grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption Direct 3. If you would be knit unto Jesus and so have an interest in him endeavour after the uniting grace of faith in his bloud cast your selves upon his righteousness for salvation according to the proposals
say I have backsliden from Christ I have made many promises and faultered in the performance of them I have deeply revolted after frequent vows and protestations of obedience and shall such a wretch as I am find favour Observe the words of invitation and promise Jer. 3.12 Return thou backsliding Israel saith the Lord and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you for I am merciful saith the Lord and will not keep anger for ever Only acknowledge thine iniquity c. Hos 14.4 I will heal their backslidings I will love them freely I might be very copious upon this particular but must forbear Get a catalogue of these rich and gracious promises often read them and study them pray them over to God and have them alwayes in readiness to produce in answer to all the suggestions of Satan and the fears and despondencies of your own unbelieving hearts 4. There are sundry examples in the Scripture of the most heinous transgressors who upon their believing on the Son of God and returning by repentance unto the most high have found grace in his sight and they are recorded unto this purpose that they may be incouragements for us to be believe also Our first parents were the most wilful offenders that sinned against the greatest light and the clearest manifestation of the will of God who by one sinful act were guilty of the murder of all the generations to come The sin of our first parents and our sin in them Rom. 5.12 was not one single act of disobedience but a twisted complicated or compounded sin that carried many horrid offences in the bowels of it There was cursed blasphemy and unbelief a giving God the lye and not crediting his word monstrous idolatry in believing the suggestions of the devil and hearkening to the instigations of the Prince of darkness devilish pride and discontent with that blessed condition wherein the Lord had placed man upon the earth and affecting to be equal unto God himself unparallel'd cruelty as before venturing upon the insupportable wrath of God to the destruction of themselves and all their off-spring It was a sin committed in a most presumptuous manner and had abundance of ingratitude wrapt up in the nature of it And yet the Lord was pleased to preach the Gospel unto them and it is charitably supposed that they found grace and forgiveness upon the terms of the Gospel However it is plain in the case of the woman who was first in the transgression so much may be collected from the enmity put in her heart against the devil Gen. 3.15 Take the example of Manasseth King of Israel who was a gross Idolater and a witch and a conjurer and shed innocent bloud without measure till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to the other and his wickedness was not confined to his own person but he made Judah to sin 2 King 21.3 6 16. And yet when he humbled himself and sought the Lord and prayed he was intreated of him and heard his supplication 2 Chron. 33.12 13. The Apostle Peter directed the offers of salvation upon repentance unto the crucifiers of the Lord Christ who denied the holy one and the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto them and killed the Prince of life Act. 3.14 15 16 19 26. Not to multiply instances of this nature Take only further that of Saul who was a persecutor and a blasphemer and injurious who compelled others to blaspheme and was exceedingly mad against the Church and yet upon his application to Christ he obtained mercy 1 Tim. 1.13 But what are these things to me will the drooping soul say How shall I be assured to find the like grace and compassion Why mind it These examples are recorded for thy sake and to this very intent that thou mayest take incouragement to cast thy burden upon the Lord and expect to find the same abundant grace as others have found before thee See what the Apostle saith of himself 1 Tim. 1.16 For this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting q. d. It was the design of Christ in shewing mercy upon me to make it appear that he is ready to save others also even the greatest sinners if they will come unto him that they may be saved * Significat statim ab initio Deum proposuisse tale exemplar quod tanquam ex illustri excelsoque theatro conspici posset ne quis diffideret paratam sibi fore ven●am modo fide accederet ad Christum Et certe praevenitur nostra omnium diffidentia dum ejus quam qu●remus grattae typum in Paulo sic videmus expressum Calv. in loc To prove that we are thus to make use of these examples of mercy consult that passage of David Psal 32.5 Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin And then it followeth ver 6. For this shall every one that is Godly pray unto thee c. See also Psal 34.6 8. 5. The last incouragement to faith which I shall mention to be considered is this That God is more eminently and more abundantly glorified in the salvation of such as believe in the Lord Jesus than in the condemnation of the impenitent and unbelievers And therefore without dispute he is willing that sinners should come unto the Son that they may have life through his bloud for it tends to the eminent advancement of his glory which is the principal end which he aimeth at in all his dispensations and undertakings Can you be so sottish as to entertain a thought in your hearts that God is not willing to have his name glorified Why this is specially brought to pass by our believing in Christ and salvation upon his account above what is wrought in the destruction of the wicked God is really glorified in the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction but he doth make known the riches of his glory in the vessels of mercy which he before prepareth unto glory Rom. 9 22 23. A little to make it appear that it is so in very deed because it is a comfortable point and may be improved as a wonderful incouragement to strengthen the hands of faith in taking hold of Christ I will open it in three particulars God is glorified in the salvation of such as believe above what he is in the condemnation of unbelievers 1. More wayes 2. In more of his attributes and excellencies 3. In some of his attributes more transcendently 1. He is glorified more wayes that is both actively and passively passively on Christ their surety and actively in themselves and him God is glorified upon the ungodly in their eternal desolation and ruine i. e. they are subjects upon whom he doth shew forth his power justice and severity and the like out of whom he doth fetch glory to his name Ezek. 28.22 But believers are active instruments to render glory unto
the God of heaven Their tongues will make mention of the praises of his name and sing aloud of his righteousness Psal 149.6 Their hearts will be filled with an holy admiration of his greatness and majesty and wonderful goodness in their redemption 2 Thes 1.10 He will be glorified in his Saints and admired in them that do believe Their lives also will be filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God Phil. 1.11 2. God is glorified upon believers in more of his attributes and excellencies Peculiarly in his free grace and tender mercy which is the attribute that he delighteth to magnifie and taketh singular pleasure in the exercise of Mic. 7.18 God doth shew forth his truth and justice and declare his power and holiness in the ruine of the ungodly but there are no prints or footsteps of his free grace and compassion Their portion is wrath without mixture Rev. 14.10 But what saith the Prophet of them that are saved Mark that notable Text Isa 63.7 8. I will mention the loving kindnesses of the Lord and the praises of the Lord according to all that the Lord hath bestowed upon us and the great goodness towards the house of Israel which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his loving kindnesses For he said surely they are my people children that will not lye So he was their Saviour Here is a discovery of grace rich inexpressible grace herein is manifest the goodness of God nay the great goodnesses of the Lord here is mercy and loving-kindness yea a multitude of mercies loving-kindnesses 3. In some of his attributes God is more transcendently glorified viz. in his wisdom and power It was a work of infinite skill and wisdom to find out a way to redeem lost sinners from the jaws of eternal death to execute vengeance upon the transgression and yet to save the transgressors O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! Rom. 11.33 It is a work of greater power to pull a soul out of the hands of the Devil than to give him over to the will of Satan Eph. 1.19 20. Nay the very justice of God is better satisfied by believers through their surety than in the damnation of such as perish in their unbelief Here the price paid is the death of a creature but there the precious bloud of the Son of God as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot 1 Pet. 1.18 The wicked that perish are ever satisfying and have never given full satisfaction for the wrong which they have done their debt is paying as it were by driblets But in the behalf of believers the work is compleated and finished the utmost farthing was paid together upon the nail and there is nothing further to be demanded For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Heb. 10.14 Now if God be more glorified in the salvation of such as are in Christ undoubtedly he is willing that you should come unto Christ and is ready to receive you when ye come So much for the third direction Direct 4. To stir you up to a closure with this advice and diligent prosecution of this work of getting into Christ Often revolve in your thoughts and lay seriously to heart this following consideration viz. That if you perish for ever in a separation from the Lord Jesus and for want of being in him that you may partake of his righteousness it will wholly proceed from your own default and your bloud will be upon your own heads And what anguish and horror will this bring to thy conscience in the day of accounts to bethink thy self thus I might have been saved by the bloud of the covenant but I would not and now I must lie bound for ever in the chains of darkness For it is a sinners willful rejecting of the tenders of mercy upon the terms of the Gospel which is the cause of his falling short of the mercy tendred Although it is Gods free grace and not mans free will that doth conduct believers un o the kingdom of heaven yet it is the perverseness and obstinacy of the will of unbelievers which hindereth their deliverance from the damnation of hell Jo. 5.40 Ye will not come unto me that ye might have life Hos 5.4 They will not frame their doings to turn unto the Lord Ezek. 18.31 Why will ye die O house of Israel q. d. If you are destroyed for ever you may thank your selves you are the blame-worthy cause of your own eternal ruine by refusing the terms on which salvation is offered And I pray think of it often what an unspeakable torment it will be to thy spirit for ever to reflect upon this very thing I have been wooed and intreated to lay down the arms of my rebellion and to submit to the government of Christ that I might be saved and I would not How often hath the spirit of God strived with me and I still resisted the Holy Ghost The word of God hath called upon me and I have broken through the convictions of the word With what confusion wilt thou be filled when the Lord Jesus shall say unto thee how often would I have gathered thee into the number of my servants and thou wouldest not be gathered and now depart from me thou accursed wretch into everlasting fire Mat. 23 37. Thus I have ended the first head of exhortations directed unto the wicked who are yet strangers unto Christ 2. Let me speak unto the godly who are through rich mercy and grace ingraffed into Christ and made partakers of this priviledge of union with the Son Be exhorted 1. To be much in blessing the name of God for his signal saving and differencing mercy Adore him for advancing you to this high dignity Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon you that you should be called the sons of God! Nay that he should take you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ and intimately knit you unto him 1 Jo. 3.1 Will you bless God for temporal mercies and not be ravished with the contemplation of this super-eminent blessing Certainly my brethren eternity itself will be little enough to admire the wonderful and unsearchable grace of the Lord. 2. Be exhorted moreover rightly to improve the consideration of this unspeakable gift And that especially in these six cases 1. Improve it in case of transgressions to humble you and to fill you with an holy shame and self-abhorrence in the sense of your miscarriages Not only to fill you with hatred against sin but with a loathing and detestation of your selves because of sin Let your thoughts be set on work in this Evangelical manner Hath God advanced me to this high dignity and shall I be so unworthy as to rise up against him Am I a person closely joyned unto Christ and in covenant with God through Christ