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A49198 A treatise of the souls union with Christ wherein is declared what this union with Jesus Christ is, and many false grounds of union discovered, in which these two weighty guest are largely handled, viz. : how souls do attain the first, certain, infallible evidence of union with Christ : how souls that conceive themselves to have received certain and satisfying evidence of their union with the Lord Jesus may know certainly and infallibly that their evidence of union with Christ received is really from God, and not a diobolical enthusiasm or inspiration, or a delusion from the Devils translastion of himself into angelical glory / J.L. Lougher, John, d. 1686. 1680 (1680) Wing L3094; ESTC R30998 355,595 622

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to make his Love glorious in those objects Therefore the End must in order of Nature according to our conception be before the Means though all things are at once and by one Act done by God so that according to our conceptions the Love must be first fixed and setled upon Souls in order of nature I mean the intention of Love must be first unto Souls before the conveyance of that Gift of Love through Christ Thence 't is that the Scripture speaks of Christ not only as given but also called out to the work of Mediatorship Heb. 5.1 He was ordained to be the High Priest by God the Father to offer Sacrifice for Souls 3. There can be no End of the Lords being at that high charge for the effecting of the Love and Mercy that the Gospel discovers to Souls that will embrace him but his own praise and his peoples comfort Seeing there was no necessity I speak of absolute and indispensable necessity all this while I would not be mistaken in a thing of so high a nature I say seeing there was no absolute simple necessity for the Lord to be at such high cost in respect of himself and in respect of Souls to partake of this Mercy but it is done freely of God according to his own wisdom Thence it appears there can be no higher End than the Lords own praise the manifesting the Beams of the Lords transcendent Glory more abundantly in the Eyes of Saints and Angels And this you shall find to be the very End of it Eph. 1.4.6 Saith the Apostle He hath chosen us in Christ That is He hath chosen us as the Members of Christ the first Elect of God and that Head of the Mystical Body that God hath glorified himself in This he hath done saith he before the foundation of the world and therefore he destinated us to the adoption of Children by Jesus Christ Here is the Fathers Love in the Means and in the End v. 6. To the praise of the Glory of his Grace that is of his own Love wherein that is in which Love he hath made us acccepted in the Beloved that is in Christ Now this may be taken rwo wayes Either for his praise actively to be given to him by the Soul that partakes of that Love and Mercy that the Gospel discovers Or else passively to be manifested through this way unto those that partake of that Love and Mercy that the Gospel discovers In both ways the Lord intended to have his glorious Love admired and adored and himself sanctified in the beholding of it through the effecting and conveying of that his Love and Mercy unto Souls through such cost and charge in giving his dearly beloved Son Now observe it There are especially two wayes how the partaker of that Love and Mercy the Gospel discovers doth actively give the Lord the praise of the glory of his Love 1. In admiring the unmeasurable dimensions of his Love in gazing upon the height and depth and length and breadth of his Love so as to see it unmeasurable and bottomless and to adore God in beholding it 2. In their Souls relying with a fulness of confidence upon God for that his Love in Christ It is alwayes in the same degree wherein a Soul takes up its rest in God for any thing that a Soul sanctifies God in his heart therefore Is 8.13 when the Prophet exhorts them to sanctifie God he saith Fear not their fear but make him your fear and your dread as if he should say therein you shall sanctifie him when your spirits take up their rest in him alone Now as God is thus sanctified in the heart in general so he is sanctified in the heart in respect of every particular Attribute of his in this way only when a Souls confidence is in him alone And thus in particular in respect of his Love God hath the praise of the glory of his Love from the Soul when the Heart takes up its full rest in God with a fulness of confidence for all Love through Christ Now observe these being the two special wayes how the Lord hath the praise of his glorious Love from Souls that partake of the Love that the Gospel discovers and then both these proceeding from a Souls apprehension of the certainty and infallibility of the Lords Love in Christ thence it must needs appear that the Lords being at the high cost to effect all that Love and Mercy discovered in the Gospel for Souls through the death of that dearly beloved of his Soul that this must be on purpose done by God for the making that his Love and Mercy that the Gospel discovers more sure and certain unto Souls embracing it in their own apprehensions Thirdly The Spirit discovers the Lords own Bond given out to the persons themselves that shall embrace the Gospel for their assurance of all that the Gospel discovers All the Promises written in the Lords Blessed Book are but as so many Bonds of Gods own writing by the hand of the great Secretary of Heaven the blessed Spirit of God on purpose to confirm and assure Souls of all that the Gospel discovers The Spirit reveals Promise upon Promise to seal to and confirm the same thing as you may see Heb. 6.12 13 14 15. The Promise is said to be given there as a Discovery of the Immutability of the Lords Counsel that is of the infallible and unchangeable certainty of all that the Gospel discovers Fourthly The Spirit riseth higher he adds the confirmation of his own Oath the highest Oath that was possible for God to swear which was by himself that the Soul might have security upon security to his weak apprehension Fifthly The Spirit reveals the adding of the Blood of Christ as the Seal to the Bond. The Spirit manifests the Lord to have employed Jesus Christ to be the Testator to Souls that by the Death of the Testator the Testament or the Will of God revealed in the Gospel might be made unquestionably certain that the Soul might have fulness of security to his poor scrupulous Spirit now security comes in upon security to a superabuddance of it Sixthly The Spirit reveals the Lord to have engaged the Honour and Credit of his ever-blessed Name for the better securing Souls and fuller assuring them of all that the Gospel discovers to them This you shall see in Exod. 33.19 I will proclaim the Name of the Lord before thee saith God to Moses and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy which doth both include a disposition to be gracious and a free disposition to be gracious and it includeth that Grace of his to be ordered only according to his own will Now did not the Lord freely love loveless sinners upon no other ground but his own will which is the very Sum of all that the Gospel saith then this Title of Gods Honour should be defaced and blemished But God saith
Exod. 3.15 This is my Name for ever and this is my Memorial to all generations That is to say this is the distinction whereby I will be known to all generations that I am the God that send out a Redeemer to lost sinners which implicitly and virtually includeth thus much as if God should say Mine own honour the highest Title of my glory should fail if I fail of embracing every loveless sinner through the Lord Jesus that will accept me And thence you shall observe when the Lord made the clearest Revelation of himself to Moses Exod. 34.6 7. The very Name whereby he calls himself is that which includeth all that the Gospel of Christ reveals to sinners The Lord passed by him and proclaimed The Lord merciful and gracious long-suffering slow to anger and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and sin Here is the whole Mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nothing else but the Mystery of the Gospel that the Lord owns to be the Name of his Honour that the Lord would have to be his Title whereby he would be distinguished from others and whereby he would be known unto Souls Two things must be opened for the clearing of it sufficiently to the satisfaction of Souls First It must be opened that the whole mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is vertually contained in the name of God Secondly That particular Souls may have security unto themselves from that name of God and may safely through believing look upon the honour of his name as engaged to them to fulfil what the Gospel reveals First It must be opened that the whole mystery of the Gospel or whatever the Gospel reveals is included in the name of God We shall open it from that of Exod. 34.6 7. which God owns as his name There are eight titles that the Lord assumes to himself that make up in the Lords account his name wherein he will be known unto Souls I. The first Title of his honour that concurs to the making up of his name is Merciful the Lord Merciful which includes two things 1. That there are bowels of pitty and compassion in the bosom of God that there are pretious dispositions unto infinite compassions naturally dwelling in God The word is the same with that in Jer. 31.21 which may be rendred Bowels 2. It includes that the Lord is ready to act those bowels of compassion towards Souls drowned in the depths of the most extream misery Misery and Mercy are Relatives and according to the depths of Misery so is the height of the working of Mercy Now under that very one title is comprehended the sum and substance of all that the Gospel discovers There is but one voice that the Gospel of Jesus Christ speaks in and that is this that the Lord is full of bowels of pitty and compassion towards every loveless sinner that will accept his compassions tendered II. The second Title of God is Gracious This implies two things 1. The Lords acceptance of loveless sinners into favour 2. The acceptance of miserable ones into favour meerly out of the freedom of the workings of his own favour from motives out of his own bosom without respect to any desert Therefore the whole voice of the Gospel is by Grace ye are saved III. The third Title that concurs to make up the honourable name of God is The Lord long Suffering or as it may be rendred he is Slow to anger Here are two things included 1. It implies a long time of forbearance in God to execute Judgment upon sinners according to their own demerit 2 Pet. 3.9 2. It implies that that forbearance to execute Judgment upon sinners according to their sins is on purpose that sinners might be accepted into love and favour and prevent the execution of Judgment Isa 30.18 IV. The fourth Title of the Lords honour is The Lord abundant in Goodness or excelling in Kindness That implies three things 1. The compleat fulness of all Goodness that can be necessary for a Soul to be treasured up by God in the bosom of Christ for Souls 2. It implies a transcendency of all supply for empty Souls to be in himself through Christ It implies a Superlative Fulness a Fulness that is more then sufficient a Fulness that infinitely exceeds what ever a Soul can want 3. It implies the readiness and facility of God to be dispensing that goodness unto Souls V. The fifth Title of the Lords name is That he is abundant in Truth Truth doth not here imply Justice and Righteousness but it implies Faithfulness in God to be true according to the Revelation of himself So that Truth implies the certainty the infallibility of the Lords fulfilling unto Souls whatever he promised to be treasured up in himself for them VI. There is a sixth Title that concurs to make up the Lords Honour that is his reserving or his Keeping Mercy for thousands This implies two things 1. A large comprehensiveness of love and mercy to be comprehending multitudes of miserable undone sinners Keeping Mercy for Thousands It is a Synechdochical Speech a finite Number is put for an infinite VII There is a seventh Title that concurs to make up the Lords Honour and that is Forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin Here are three several Expressions that in a large sense point at the same thing every iniquity being a transgression and every transgression being a sin yet certainly something is intended by the Blessed God in proclaiming his Name thus Some have conceived by Iniquity to be meant Sins against God himself by Transgression to be meant Sins against our Neighbour and by Sin to be meant Sins against our own Souls Others have made them to be sins of Malice and sins of Infirmity and sins of Ignorance Others conceive by Iniquity because the word comes from a Root in the Original that signifies Crookedness to be meant the Corruption of Nature and by Transgression to be meant the Breach of the Law through infirmity and by Sin to be meant Stubbornness against God However thus much we may affirm to be the meaning of the Holy Ghost that under these three are comprehended all Sins whatever of what nature and degree soever Then this Title of the Lords Honour implies thus much an impossibility for any degree of Sin whatever to hinder the Lord from shewing mercy and being gracious in that way of fulness of Love that he reveals himself to be inclined to and to be his own Nature VIII The eighth Title of the Lords Honour includes a Gospel-Discovery too and that is in those words That will by no means clear the guilty visiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children and upon the Childrens Children unto the third and to the fourth Generation This seems indeed at first view to have little of Gospel in it But I dare not consent here to the Paraphrase the Translators have given upon the words But the words are to
be rendred thus forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin and in purifying he will not purifie or in absolving will not absolve not mentioning either wicked ones or guilty ones or any person whatever For indeed it seems to be a kind of contradiction should the words run thus The Lord forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin and will by no means clear the guilty therefore I shall hold to the words as they may be most nearly rendred that is forgiving sin and cleansing from sin he will not cleanse visiting the Iniquitie of the Fathers upon the Children And then if you observe this title of the Lords Honour is only thus much That he is the Lord forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin and upon whom he will visiting the Iniquities of the Fathers upon the Children including thus much that the Lord doth and will exercise his Mercy his Grace his long-suffering and his abundant goodness unto Souls only upon the motions of his own will upon no other ground but because he will and to no other persons upon no other respect but only to those whom himself freely will And then that includes the last Beam of the Gospel-light after all the other formerly discovered which indeed is the very Mystery of the Gospel it self and that is that all those Gospel-dispensations are only to those persons whom the Lord will and upon no other ground but the Lords Will though they be so tendered to every loveless Soul in general that will embrace him So that thus now you see the first thing cleared That all Gospel-discoveries are at least virtually included in the Lords own Name Secondly It must be cleared That the Soul may behold by believing the Credit and Honour of this blessed Name of God engaged for his security and for the fuller assurance of the Soul of all that the Gospel discovers to it This may be opened two wayes 1. In general 2. More particularly discovering the particular security the Soul may have against all fears and scruples that is possible for the Soul to apprehend in its security First In general it appears That the Soul may behold the Credit of the Lords Name engaged for his security and assurance in regard there is nothing that the Gospel discovers unto Souls but the same is included in the blessed Name of God Two things follow from hence 1. The Soul may be assured that there is an impossibility of the Lords changing that his ever blessed Name The Word is gone out of the mouth of God that that 's his Name for ever and that is his Memorial to all Generations Thence the Soul may assure it self that though Heaven and Earth pass away and melt like wax yet not one Title of what the Gospel discovers can possibly fall to the ground seeing it is impossible that the highest Majesty of Heaven and Earth can change 2. From thence the Soul may conclude That thete is a Necessity for the blessed God to deny himself and to trample under his feet his dearest Glory if the least Title of whatever the Gospel reveals should fail seeing all is included in his Name for ever Secondly The Soul may behold through believing the Credit of the Lords Name to be engaged for his security of what the Gospel discovers in particular against all fears and scruples 1. The Credit and Honour of the Lords Name is engaged That there can be no depth of misery so deep as relief and succour should not be in Christ for the poor perishing sinking Soul That 's the very first Title of the Lords Honour that concurs to make up his Name He is merciful that is he hath bowels of mercy for Souls in the depth of the greatest misery Thence the Soul may conclude that the honour of that blessed Title of the Lords Name must fail that Link in the Golden Chain must be cut asunder should the most unspeakable depth of misery that ever Soul was plunged in be a case hopeless or helpless 2. The Credit and Honour of the Lords ever blessed Mame is engaged that there may be a free receiving of the most loveless Soul into love and favour that hath nothing but what is abominable to the blessed pure eyes of God within him You see the second Title of his Honour is The Lord Gracious that is receiving into favour freely undeserving wretches undesired wretches without respect to any thing in them So that when the poor scrupulous Soul shall begin to fear that there is not ground enough in the Gospel of Jesus Christ for him to roll himself into that blessed open bosom of the Lords love in Christ with a confidence of the willingness of the Lord to accept his loveless Soul into favour then he may behold the Credit and Honour of his Name to be engaged for the Souls security to assure it that the most forlorn Soul that is nothing else but Sin that can do nothing else but sin may be freely admitted into that bosom of his love to be an object of all favour and all kindness whatsoever 3. The Credit and Honour of the Lords blessed Name is engaged for the bearing with the most crooked Soul in his crookedness for a season and his waiting to receive the most crooked Soul into favour and love The Name of the Lord you see is Long-suffering that is he that bears long before he executes any wrath Hence the Credit of the Lords Name is engaged to secure Souls of what the Gospel reveals in three particulars 1. To secure the Sinner of acceptance into favour that hath most desperately and rebelliously for a long time neglected Grace and Mercy 2. Hence the Credit of the Lords Name is engaged for the continuance of his Favour towards the most crooked perverse heart notwithstanding his crookedness So that the Gospel reveals an impossibility for Sin or all the Powers of Hell to force the Soul from the blessed bosom of the Lords love in Christ where it hath once taken up its rest 4. The Credit of the Lords Name is engaged to secure the empty Soul of all fulness of Grace and Mercy that is sutable to his necessity to be contained in the bosom of God in Christ for the Soul embracing him The Gospel saith Eph. 3.8 there is unsearchable riches in Christ and the Lord calls his Name Abundant in goodness what is the difference between these two Riches is nothing but goodness or good things considered as they are in abundance and you see the Lords Name is called Abundant in goodness So that here the Credit of the Lords Name is engaged to secure the Soul against all that can possibly be objected in regard of his own emptiness poverty and nothingness So that 1. In case the Soul fears it hath no strength to yield obedience to what the Lord commands and thereupon begins to fear that all the Gospel discovers to him shall be made of no effect presently through believing the Soul may behold not only that the Gospel hath
reveal'd a fulness of all goodnes and so strength it self to the Soul but he may behold the Lord to have called himself by that Name of Abundant in Goodness 2. The Soul is secured by the Credit of the Lords Name against all fears of his not prevailing with God in Christ to be partaker of that Mercy and Love and Goodness that the Gospel discovers He may behold the Lords Name to be Abundant in Goodness not only goodness but abounding having more than a fulness so that it should run over into empty Souls like Rivers abounding with water freely overflowing his Banks 5. The Credit of the Lords Name is engaged to a compleat perfect fulfilling of his revealing mercy and goodness towards loveless Sinners His Name you see is Abundant in Truth So that God must lose that Beam of the glory of his blessed Name which is Abundant in Truth should the least Tittle the least Iota of any word revealing Mercy and Love to loveless Sinners fall to the ground 6. The Credit of the Lords Name is engaged for the accepting every Soul into grace and favour discovered in the Gospel without making any exception against any one Soul whatever The Lords Name you see is the Lord keeping Mercy for thousands that is for infinite numbers That is to say his Name is he that is ready to shew mercy to every Soul without exception 7. The Credit of the Lords Name is engaged to secure Souls that no kind or degree of wickedness can be a prevention of his acceptance of a Soul into his favour and love His Name you see is the Lord forgiving iniquity transgression and sin that is forgiving all kinds and degrees of sin 8. The Credit and Honour of the Lords Name is engaged that the ground of his receiving Souls into love and favour shall be only his own precious will His Name is He will have mercy upon whom he will have mercy Exod. 33.9 So that when the Souls confidence begins to waver about the Lords willingness to accept him into love and favour because he beholds no ground or argument of love then the Soul may behold the blessed Name of God that hath mercy upon whom he will have mercy looking for no Arguments of his love and mercy but his own Will Thus you see that the Credit of the Lords blessed Name is engaged for assuring Souls of whatever the Gospel discovers And that 's the Sixth Particular Seventhly The Spirit reveals the Lord to have given in his blessed word Presidents Examples and Patterns sutable to the Case and State of every Soul upon whom the Lord hath already effected whatever mercy and love the Gospel discovers to forlorn despicable loveless Sinners The Lord hath so abounded and superabounded in the riches of his own love that out of the bowels of those his compassions towards loveless Sinners he hath condescended beneath himself and his own super-excellent Majesty to give all kind of securities whatever are possible to be given to poor doubting Spirits concerning his Gospel-love There are eight particular Cases wherein the Lord hath given Paterns and Examples unto Souls which Cases comprehend all kinds of Estates and Tempers that it is possible for any Soul to be under I. In the case of the superlative height of Souls wickedness the being plunged into a bottomless Ocean of all kind of abominations and pollutions that are imaginable In this case the Lord hath given eminent patterns First If you look into that place 1 Cor. 6.9 10. and read over the black bill of almost all kind of abominations that are there reckoned up Fornicatours Idolaters Adulterers Effeminate abusers of themselves with mankind Theeves Covetous Drunkards Revilers Extortioners And you shall see v. 11. that some that are contained in the black bill of all pollutions were Washed Sanctified Justified in the name of the Lord Jesus all Gospel mercy and love was discovered unto them for saith the Text Such were some of you Another pattern the Lord left 2 Chron. 33.11 12 13. of Manasseh who heaped up wickedness upon wickedness yet the Lord made him a pattern of Gospel-love and mercy Another you have in Paul in 1 Tim. 1.15 One drinking up the blood of Saints like water one blaspheming Jesus Christ offering all kind of injuries and indignities to the name of Christ and yet the Lord did shew forth all long-suffering that is all kind of love manifested in patience and forbearance and admitted him into union and communion with himself through Christ and this he did on purpose that he might leave it as an experiment of his Love and Mercy to them who should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting So Act. 2.30 those that had washed their malicious and envious Hands in the innocent blood of the Lord Jesus were not excluded from Gospel Mercy and Love So if you look into the doleful story of our first fall by Eve who did first provoke the anger and indignation of God yet she was made a pattern of Gospel Mercy and Love Gen. 3.15 II. The second case wherein God hath given patterns is in the case of unbelief the potency and prevalency of unbelieving dispositions I shall propound but two patterns to you in this case First of David who under the rage of unbelief Psal 116.11 said in his hast all men are liers that those Prophets that had revealed to him from the mouth of God that he should inherit the Kingdom were but dissemblers notwithstanding he had been satisfied of the truth of the message coming from God The second pattern is in unbelieving Thomas John 20.24 25 26. that would not believe the resurrection of Christ except he should see in his Hands the print of the nailes and thrust his Hands into his side yet Gospel Love and Mercy was discovered to him vers 27. under this case come in these two cases of Souls wherein they are much perplexed 1. In case of the Souls not feeling the Lord by his Almighty power drawing their Hearts to believe Saith the poor perplexed Soul surely the Lord draws all that he intends should come to Christ through believing but alas saith the Soul I do not see that God hath drawn my Heart therefore surely God hath not chosen me to be an object of Gospel Grace and Love now the Spirit may witness from hence that there hath been a Soul as much under the dominion of unbelieving dispositions as his unbelieving Spirit yet the bowels of Love and Mercy revealed in the Gospel were not restrained from them 2. Here comes in that case of the weakness of affections and desires towards believing and of the strong inclination of the Spirit to receive security of the Lords willingness to make him the object of Gospel Mercy and Love from something that should be visible and sensible to the Soul That 's also a common case of Souls that they cannot discern any disposition in their Hearts to believe the Lords willingness to receive them into the bosom
himself to be a poor despicable useless wretch a low contemptible worm not having any thing wherein to be serviceable for the Lords honour as others have yea being far deeper drenched into sin than other Souls are Here is a pattern the Lord hath made to stand upon sacred Record of his fulfilling a promise of mercy and love notwithstanding all unlikelihood that can be imagined 2. Under this comes in that particular case of the Souls inability and insufficiency to receive and embrace that mercy and love the Gospel reveals according as the Lord requires That is when the Soul in gazing upon those blessed tenders of love and mercy begins to say within it self I am so dead in sin that I have not the least ability to receive that mercy and love tendered according as God requires and therefore I shall never be the object of Gospel mercy and love seeing I cannot receive it Now in this case also this pretious pattern that the Lord hath given of Abraham may be brought to the Souls remembrance by the Spirit to testifie that the Lords promise of mercy and love to Abraham was fulfilled when he was in the same case when he could do nothing had not the least ability and power to effect what was necessary to be effected by him for the fulfilling of the promise 3. Under this comes in that particular case of the Souls beholding nothing but opposition in his Heart against that mercy and love that the Gospel reveals So that if the Soul should begin to say within it self it cannot be that he should be admitted by God to be an object of that Gospel mercy and love seeing his Heart nothing else but speaks against it Then the Spirit may bring to the Souls remembrance that which the Lord gave as a promise of mercy and love unto Abraham He against hope believed in hope There was not only no hope but all things against hope of that promise being fulfilled to him that he might be a pattern of believing VIII There is an eighth case of wretched treacherous backsliding from God after mutual closures and embraces between God and the Soul In this case the Lord hath given pretious presidents of his Gospel love and mercy that have been communicated unto Souls so backsliding You may first look upon Aaron's case who was none of the least backsliders Exod. 32.2 3 4 5. Aaron that had made choise of God alone to be his God here became a wretched backslider from the pure worship of God according to his own will to an Idolatrous worship to make a graven Image an Idol after the manner of Egypt and to make an Altar too still all contrary to the way of the Lords worship And yet if you look into Exod. 40.12 13. you shall find this very Aaron notwithstanding this backsliding taken to be an object of that love and mercy so as to be chosen Minister of the Lords Sanctuary to be of the very highest office of the Lords worship here below to be made the most immediate type of representing Jesus Christ that blessed true High Priest Another pattern of backsliding you may behold in Solomon in 1 King 7.11 He built an high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab yet this backslider notwithstanding was an object of his special Gospel love and mercy as appears Psal 89.32 33. My love will I never take from him I need not name Peters case and Davids case it is known to you all You see it is apparent the Lord hath given eminent patterns in this case of the Souls backsliding So that herein many particular cases of Souls come in as the case of negligence and slightness of Heart towards God the case of estrangeness from God after it once tasted of communion with him The case of all kind of wretchedness that the Soul can call to remembrance against it self or that possibly the Soul can be guilty of after the injoyment of the discovery of the Lords love and mercy in the Lord Jesus to him So that in case upon any such ground as the Souls wretched wicked dealing with God after union and communion with him and its turning aside from God the Soul should suffer its Confidence to waver concerning the will of God to accept his loveless backsliding Soul into the bosom of his love and mercy then the Spirit may bring to its remembrance those precious parterns that the Lord hath given concerning his acceptance of such backsliding wretches after such discoveries of himself That 's the seventh Particular that the Spirit may reveal and bring to Souls remembrance to shew that the Lord hath given Security upon Security abundance and superabundance of Security to assure Souls of what the Gospel reveals Eighthly The last particular that the Spirit brings to the Souls remembrance or doth or may reveal to it is this That there are peculiar near invaluable Engagements upon God himself in respect of himself to fulfil those precious Gospel-Discoveries to every Soul that shall embrace or accept them The Lord out of his incomprehensible wisdom hath so curiously contrived that Gospel-love to loveless Sinners that he hath sweetly interwoven his own interest with their interest And certainly the Lord hath revealed his own interest thus to be in the compleating of his Gospel-love and mercy to loveless Sinners that shall embrace him on purpose to secure their wavering unstable Spirits and to settle them in a more fulness of confidence in Christ that their Spirits might be filled with joy and peace through believing The engagements that are upon God himself in respect of himself to fulfil Gospel-love and mercy to Sinners that shall embrace him are divers 1. The first Engagement upon God himself in regard of himself from whence Souls may have security is this That the Lord hath chosen every such particular loveless Sinner as shall accept of his Gospel-discovery to be one of his own Family and his own Houshold Hence you shall find in Eph. 3.15 That all Believers are called but one Family And they are called the Houshold of God Eph. 2.19 And in Heb. 3.6 The whole Church is called The House of Christ Now what abundant security may the believing Soul receive concerning fulfilling Gospel-discoveries from the Spirits bringing to remembrance this Engagement of God in respect of himself to fulfil Gospel-discoveries 1. From hence the Soul may behold through believing God himself to be engaged to remove all Jars Differences Breaches and Disagreements from himself and every Soul that shall accept those Gospel-discoveries From thence the Soul may argue sweetly within his own Spirit against all Objections and Scruples concerning its Rebellion and Disobedience and say thus Will not the God of Peace have peace in his own Family in his own Houshold 2. From thence the believing Soul may behold the Lord engaged to compleat and perfect a work of Sanctification in his own Soul if he will embrace the Gospel-discovery though he be altogether unclean though he
them 1. Thereby God is engaged by his dearest love to his own delight and contentment in the ministration of all his holy things here below to make the person of every Soul that shall accept Gospel-discoveries to be compleatly acceptable and well pleasing in his own eyes The delight of the Lord in every act of his own Worship hath its primary dependence upon the delight that the Lord takes in the Worshippers as in Mal. 1.10 Saith the Lord to them I have no pleasure in you neither will I accept an offering at your hand Their persons were not amiable in Gods eyes and therefore their offering could not be acceptable And so it is said The Lord had respect to Abel and to his Offering It was through the respect the Lord had to Abel's person that he had any respect to his Offering So that now seeing the Lord hath predestinated every such Soul accepting Gospel-discoveries to be a Priest to minister to himself in all his holy things should not the Lord make the person of every such Soul compleatly acceptable in his own eyes he must rob himself of all his Contentment and delight he should take in all his holy things here below 2. Hereby the Lord is engaged by his tender care of preserving his holy things from pollution to purifie cleanse and sanctifie the most unclean polluted Soul that shall accept those Gospel-discoveries Every approach to God with an uncircumcised heart was accounted by God a pollution of his own Sanctuary Ezek. 44.7 And likewise the Lord accounts every approach to himself by an unregenerate and unsanctified heart now in Gopel-times to be a pollution of any Ordinance whatever that the soul maketh his approach to God in This the Lord typically signified to his Church in its minority in the manner of the consecrating the Priests to himself that were to offer those Legal Sacrifices Lev. 1.6 When Moses consecrated Aaron and his Sons he washed them which signified the cleansing of them from pollutions the Lord intending to reveal this that they were only sanctified cleansed purified hearts who were sutable to offer any Spiritual Sacrifice that should be acceptable in his eyes Neither must you conceive this to be a bare revelation to Souls of what their hearts ought to be in their approach to God but it is also a revelation what the Lord intended they should be through his mighty power working in their hearts Now hence the Spirit may give the Soul full security concerning the fulfilling Gospel-discoveries to it in its embracing and accepting them 1. When the heart is staggering and wavering in regard of the want of all holy enlivened heavenly dispositions in his Spirit and finding uncleanness and filthiness The Spirit may here reveal the Lord to be engaged that in case the polluted unclean heart of his shall accept Gospel-Discoveries it shall be sanctified cleansed purified 2. When the strength and tyrannizing power of any cursed Lust is causing the Soul to question whether love and mercy revealed for loveless sinners that will accept it should be made out to his Soul in his embracing it The Spirit may here discover the Lord as well to be engaged in the Souls reliance upon him to make him the Object of that love and mercy to cleanse his Soul from that cursed pollution to deliver it from under the tyranny of such a hellish disposition as well as to be engaged to make out love and mercy to the Soul in any other kind whatever 4. A Fourth Engagement the Lord hath laid upon himself for the fulfilling Gospel-discoveries is this That every Soul accepting those Gospel-discoveries is the peculiar chosen Vessel of the Lords most superlative mercies and compassions This you may see in Rom. 9.23 That he might make known the riches of his Glory on the vessels of mercy which he had afore prepared unto Glory You may observe that every called Soul that is every Soul answering those sweet Soul-melting invitations of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus is here affirmed to be a Vessel of mercy prepared by God himself from eternity for that very end Now from hence the Spirit may give abundant security to the questioning scrupulous Soul of the infallible fulfilling of all the Gospel-discoveries to every Soul that shall embrace them 1. Herein the Spirit may manifest the Lord to be engaged by his intire and infinite love to his own glory and mercy to redeem and deliver every Soul that is plunged into the most bottomless depth of sin and misery if he will and shall accept those pretious Gospel-discoveries to it So that the Lord through his own admirable contrivance of his design of love towards loveless forlorn sinners hath so interested himself in the perfecting of that pretious design that he stands engaged as strongly and powerfully to give perfect redemption and deliverance to lost sinners that shall embrace Gospel-discoveries as he stands engaged to maintain and support the honour of those his glorious Attributes of his own mercy and compassion Now there are three things wherein the honour of the Lords mercy consists First In the free workings of it towards the most miserable objects that are the most unworthy of any pitty and compassion that can be imagined Secondly In the transcendency of its operations or motions Thirdly In the infinite Almighty power of its workings towards such unworthy objects of it That 's thus it hath such an Almighty power in it not only to succour and relieve those perishing undone ones in their misery but also to confer the highest degree of all happiness upon them Now the honour of the Lords mercy and compassion consisting in this hence the Lord stands engaged by his dearest love to that honour of this his mercy to give perfect redemption to the Soul that is plunged in the most unfathomed depth of sin and misery if the Soul shall and will embrace those Gospel-discoveries 2. Hence the Spirit may manifest the Lord to be engaged by the inseperable properties of his Divine nature to communicate a fulness of all mercy and compassion to every Soul accepting those Gospel-discoveries The Essential property of the Divine nature is to be issuing forth the bottomless depths of perfection that are included in it into the bosom of poor needy empty penurious ones It is as natural to the Divine nature to be communicating of its own perfections as it is natural for the Sun to send forth its own pretious raies And then this being the very nature of the Essence and being of any good by how much the higher the goodness of any thing is by so much the more strongly is it inclined and disposed to the communicating of himself So that goodness it self in its perfection being in the Divine nature thence it is that it is the inseparable property of the Divine nature to be communicating all its perfections so far as they are communicable Now thence the Spirit may cause the Soul to conclude that seeing it is
near God he calls for a days-man There is no days-man between us that he might lay his hand upon us both that is there is no mediator to mediate between God and me to bring me near to him till Jesus Christ become a days-man between God and the Soul that by vertue of his mediation there is an union made up God and the Soul stand at enmity there is an high wall of partition built up between God and the Soul Now because the Lord from eternity determined to bring some souls into union with himself therefore for the accomplishing his own will he intends the Gospel instrumentally to draw souls into union with the Lord Jesus for the perfecting union with him self Reas 2. The Lord doth it That he might communicate of his own glorious excellencies into souls Now without this union with the Lord Christ there can be no communications of those excellencies into souls though there may be some influences into souls without this yet not in that glorious way of communicating himself whereby the Lord intends to make himself admired 1. Without this union there can be no communication of the Lords life and image unto souls That is no communicating of the divine dispositions of his own understanding and will into the understanding and wills of his people that they should live a sutable life to his life 2. Without this union there can be no communication of the love of God unto their souls There may be influences of God into souls without union but no influences of love without union and that in two respects 1. In regard the displeasure of Justice is only removed through the union of Souls with Christ And before offended Justice is appeased there can be nothing but wrath in the bosom of God against souls 2. In regard the Adoption is onely purchased by the Lord Christ All the love that the Lord communicates unto any soul is fatherly love the love of Adoption Now adoption comes onely by Christ who purchased Adoption for us I mean materially though originally it comes from God 3. Without this union there can be no communication of any mercy Mercy is love respecting an object as miserable Now man as made miserable by Sin cannot expect the least dram of mercy from God but by a Mediator such a Mediator as shall satisfie Justice Now without union with Christ there is no vertue of Mediation conveyed into the soul and thence none of the mercy of God is conveyed into the soul 4. Without this union there could be no full communication of the Lord unto Souls Though indeed the Lord might glorifie himself in communicating some degrees of his excellency in some way as making himself glorious in Justice and though outward mercies be communicated by the influences of his power in protection and of his wisdom and providence in ordering things 5. There could be no everlasting communication of God without union Were it not for the union of Souls with Christ the sentence past upon souls in the loyns of Adam would be a sentence of death upon them Now the Lord intends to have eternal glory by the eternal communication of himself unto the souls of his Saints and therefore he intends to draw them into union with Christ This the Lord intends in two respects 1. In regard the communication of Gods excellencies are essential unto him It is as natural unto God to be pouring out of his excellencies into souls as it is natural for the Sun to infuse beams of light upon the creatures 2. In regard it is the highest delight and contentment of God to be communicating of himself unto his creatures The Lord takes greatest pleasure in pouring forth his own fulness into the bosoms of empty souls in two respects First in regard the communication of his excellencies unto souls is the manifestation of his own glory The excellency of God is made known by communicating of it to others Then the excellency of his holiness appears when it is poured into souls Then love and grace appear when it is fixed upon the soul of a worthless worm Secondly this communicating of himself is the highest delight and contentment of God in regard it is the pouring forth of himself into his own beloved objects It is so Essential to God to communicate of himself that he takes contentment in it be it to what creature soever be it to an enemy the Lord delights in the act of it in regard he attains his own highest end that ever his eye of intention was fixed upon which is the manifestation of his own glory Much more the Lord takes delight in communicating himself to the souls of his Saints in regard those are chosen to that end Now where there is an object beloved there is always delight in doing good to such an object Therefore the Lord draws souls into union with Jesus Christ that they may be sutable subjects to communicate himself to Reas 3. The Lord intends to draw souls into union with the Lord Christ by revealing the truths of the Gospel because he hath purposed and determined to make the mystical body of Christ the object of his own delight and contentment to all eternity 1. The Lord takes pleasure in dwelling among them and manifesting himself to them 2 Cor. 6.16 It is the priviledge of the Saints to have God dwell among them here much more does the Lord intend to dwell among them to eternity 2. The Lord intends they should be his delight in having sweet familiarity and precious converse with them That converse properly consists in two things First in the Lords opening and revealing to their souls all the secrets of his ways and works that ever were manifested in the world and that in their intended issue and effects That manifestation of the beams of his own glory that shined in all his ways is a kind of familiar talk with the souls of his Saints Secondly it consists in the Lords being among them familiarly without terrifying or affrighting them Then Job shall have his desire Chap. 9.34 Let not his face terrifie me c. 3. That their souls might have perfect communion with him constant communion without interruption and intermission Now when there is a sutableness of the object for the perfection of love then there is a sutableness for the perfection of delight it being nothing but love in rest or love injoying the beloved object Reas 4. The Lord intends this by the Gospel to bring souls into union in regard he intends to manifest the glory of the incomprehensible riches of his own love in and through their souls Isa 43.7 Bring forth my Sons and Daughters that I have created for my glory Now the Lord accounts the manifestation of the riches of his love and compassion to poor worthless man to be one of the most precious bright shining beams of his own glory Therefore when Moses desired his glory to pass before him he proclaimed his name the Lord
opened and that is this Que. 3. To what purpose are all the promises made to Qualities inherent in Souls and to the workings of the Spirit of grace in hearts seeing Vnion with Christ cannot be evidenced from them Answ 1. For answer First there is no promise the Lord makes to any quality inherent in a soul as a condition upon which the promise should be fulfilled to the soul That is there is no promise that the Lord hath made to any quality so or in such a manner as upon the Lords beholding that quality in the Soul he should repute himself bound to fulfil that promise or to convey that mercy included in the promise to the Soul Nor doth the being of the quality lay any such engagement upon God to perform it Every promise is a part of the Covenant of grace that the Lord holds forth in Christ for the Covenant of grace is nothing else but a bundle of promises All the promises of God in the word bound up in one is the Covenant of grace so that it is a thing consisting of so many Articles of agreement between God and the Soul Now the Covenant of grace should prove no Covenant of grace if any of those promises were made to a quality as a condition upon which the Lord were bound to perform the promise Ans 2. Secondly the promises of God to qualities inherent in Souls are not made to qualities as qualities That is not as they are good dispositions and good inclinations not as they are works of the Spirit of grace begotten in such Souls All inherent qualities in souls are to be considred under a two-fold notion either as they are qualities that is as they are affections and dispositions in a soul Or they are to be considered as they put a soul into such a state or condition as they make a soul either in a good condition or a bad condition Now no soul may look upon any one promise that God hath made to any one quality and look upon that quality in his heart as that good quality that good disposition to which the Lord hath bound himself by promise to convey such or such mercies or benefits As for example should I name most of the conditional promises in the word you will find none of the promises made to qualities are made to them as qualities but as to a state of Want and Penury and Misery out of which the Lord promiseth Refreshment Ease and Relief out of the Bowels of his own mercy 1. To begin with thirsting ones That notable place in Isa 55.1.2 Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and he that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Come saith he take all sutable refreshment for your poor thirsty souls There is Christ holden forth to thirsty ones in all the precious priviledges tendred to souls in Christ Yet this is not made to thirsty ones as thirsting is a quality or grace flowing from the Spirit of grace in their hearts And that the promise is not made to thirsting Souls as thirsting after Jesus Christ or as thirsting is a quality will appear in three particulars in that the persons to whom those glorious priviledges are tendred in Christ are persons void of any quality or grace proceeding from the Spirit of grace in their Hearts They were so far from any Holy quality as it doth appear from the Text that they had not any one right desire after receiving any Holiness For 1. They are said to be such as are thirsting after false refreshments digging broken Cisterns for their Souls to drink of they spent their Money for that which was no bread that is their desires and endeavours They were the Jews that sought for Justification by the Law and Cerimonies 2. They were such as thirsted to supply their wants in a wrong way and were neglecters of Jesus Christ They spent their labours and desires after wrong objects that which was not Bread things that could not profit And these were the persons to whom the promise was made and therefore it could not be made to any quality 3. The same promise is holden forth to every Soul equally whether thirsting or not thirsting This you may see Rev. 22.17 Let him that is a thirst come there is the same promise yea let whosoever will come and take of the Water of Life freely Every one under Heaven is joyned under as equal a notion as the thirsty ones Therefore the promise cannot be made unto thirsty ones as having such a quality of grace in them but as poor and penurious Souls in a sad condition not knowing how to get their Souls refreshed and their wants relieved So again Mat. 5 6. where the promise seems to have more colour to be made to a quality as a quality Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Righteousness for they shall be filled This promise is not made to Souls as hungering and thirsting after Righteousness as Holy Dispositions in their Souls but the promise is made to them only as being needy and penurious as being in want and extremity Therefore you shall observe in the promise they shall be filled what is promised Nothing to the quality it self but to the supply of the wants of the poor Soul 2. If you observe the promises made to humbled Souls groaning under the burden of Sin they are not made to any Souls as groaning under the burden of Sin or as groaning under the burden of Sin is a quality or grace in the Soul As for example look that promise Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Now saith the Soul I am burdened and therefore I shall have rest And here I am perswaded many a Soul sits down in his being burdened and not in his coming to Christ and so sits down short of Christ Now that this promise is not made to Souls burdened as burdened but as being in a sad condition ready to sink under grievous pressures appears in two things 1. In regard there is nothing promised by God to the Soul remaining in his present estate The promise holds forth rest and ease to the poor burdened Soul but how Not as the Soul remains in his present estate but through his coming unto Jesus Christ Come unto me and ye shall have rest that is receive me as the only refuge of your Souls and by receiving me by Faith your Souls shall have rest 2. In regard there is nothing promised in this promise to be given to the Soul for the future more then to other Souls that are not for the present burdened under Sin Whatever is holden forth in this promise to Souls groaning under their burden is held forth in other Texts to Souls not groaning under their burdens in as equal a manner There can but two things be held forth First An invitation to believe But there is
reason is plain whatever the promise should be made unto that must necessarily be seen in the soul before the promise can be believed But now what a preposterous course were this and what an impossible thing that I should see my faith before I do believe that I should see the habit of faith before there be an act of faith in my soul Nay rather that I should see an act of faith before ever faith did put forth an act 3. Then the Covenant of Grace were no absolute Covenant neither were it a Covenant void of all conditions For should the Lord make a promise to a quality as a quality that quality should be brought in as a condition to which the Lord should bind himself by his own promise Then the foundation of any particular souls interest in the Covenant should not be in the will of God but in the soul it self through the being of the quality in the soul to whom the Covenant is made But you read in Ezek. 36. and Jer. 33. The Covenant is holden forth absolutely the Lord undertaking every article of the Covenant The Lord also makes the foundation of the Covenant to be his own will alone Rom. 9.11 to 15. Answ 4. Fourthly I answer That the promises that are made unto qualities do not promise any mercy or grace or favour unto souls in those qualities to which the promise seems to be made As look over all the promises Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest The Lord doth not speak peace here to the burdened soul nor yet comfort as inviting and exhorting them to take comfort because they are burdened or in their being burdened and groaning under sin but doth direct them unto Jesus Christ for their refreshment Come to me and then you shall have rest So that promise to thirsty ones John 7.37 If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink The Lord speaks no peace to them in their thirsting but sends them to Jesus Christ to receive comfort absolutely as though there were no thirsting in their souls So likewise it is of every such promise Now from this will follow a direct answer to that question The use of conditional promises of what purpose and use these promises are of then First they are of a directive use Of directive use to lead the soul to Christ That the soul finding himself poor and penurious finding himself thirsty and longing after this refreshment or that refreshment after pardon of sin or sanctification or receiving more grace these promises are of use to lead the soul to Jesus Christ to carry the soul beyond broken cisterns that he is apt to run to for refreshment and to open to him the everlasting fountain where only he can have refreshment 2. The promises that seem to be made to such qualities they are of use by way of Support Support to underprop the poor sinking soul The promise to poor burdened souls though it doth not presently evidence to the soul because he is burdened he hath rest yet it opens a possibility or probability of rest and that doth sweetly underprop the poor sinking soul when he is sinking under his burden As it was when the poor blind man was come after Jesus Christ and the Disciples cryed to him to hold his peace yet when they told him that Jesus Christ called for him though he had not his sight from thence yet it could not but be some refreshment to him there was a ground of hope for his soul to rest upon whereas he saw no foo●f hope to stand upon before 3. They are of use for the begetting of those very qualities in the soul To beget the qualities to which the promise seems to be made By hearing the Lord inviting poor thirsty empty souls the eyes of the soul are opened to behold his own emptiness And by discovering of the precious workings of love in the bosom of God to poor souls being ready to communicate himself to poor necessitous souls without any condidition required of them the hearts of poor souls are so allured and sweetly drawn out after God that all those holy dispositions and qualities are begotten in them yea faith it self to which so many promises are made Therefore it is observable Isa 52.20 That what is there promised to them that turn from transgression that the holy Ghost Rom. 11.26 applies unto Jesus Christ as fulfilling that very quality to which the promise seems to be made in souls even making them to turn from their iniquity and ungodliness Christ shall perform the condition As though it were all one to make a promise to a quality in souls or to make an absolute promise for the promise begets the condition 4. They are of use for the revealing unto a soul his union with Christ To reveal to the soul its union when the Spirit of God opens and discovers those promises unto the soul For though the Spirit of God reveals not unto a soul the evidence of his union from any promise made to a quality in this manner that is by shewing the soul the quality in himself to which God hath made a promise and therefore makes the soul to draw this conclusion that God is bound to communicate such Grace or Mercy to me yet the Spirit of God may reveal to the soul his union with Christ in such a promise made unto the qualitie by manifesting the Lords loving kindness and free grace to a soul in that promise absolutely as well to beget the quality to which the promise is made as to fulfill the promise And thus the Spirit of God may make the promise made to a quality all one with an absolute promise Also further The Spirit of God may also through revealing the souls union by such a promise beget that very quality in the heart and cause the soul to apprehend the quality to be begotten in himself though it doth not make the soul claim right to the promise by vertue of the quality Now that which remains is the affirmative part of the answer How a soul may know his union with Christ to answer didirectly How a soul may know his union with the Lord Jesus In the giving this affirmative answer there are divers things also must be premised further Premise 1. First I must premise this That in our ordinary phrase of speech we do make no difference between certainty and assurance of our union with Christ but we call every assurance of our union a knowledg of our union and whatever can make a man infallibly certain he is united unto Christ that we say in our ordinary phrase can give a soul a knowledg of his union And indeed the Scripture doth seem to countenance this our phrase of speaking as in Job 19.25 I know that my Redeemer liveth which could not properly be called knowledg of his union with Christ but only the knowledg
or precious habit of love to Jesus Christ in the soul is an effect of the Covenant of Grace it self Now that the Covenant should be made to that which is the proper effect of the Covenant of Grace it self no man can conceive And that demonstration is sufficient to clear all other promises of this nature So if you examine the promise made to fear Psal 34.7 8. The Angels of the Lord pitch their tents about them that fear him It is taken for a promise but it is only the priviledge of the Saints So likewise look to all the promises of obedience Deut. 5.10 The Lord reserves mercy for a thousand generations of them that love him and keep his commandments There is a large promise that seems to be made to obedience But no soul understanding the absolute decree of God from eternity can conceive the obedience of any soul should be the motive that should move God to shew mercy to the soul or body or that God should bind himself to his own people yielding obedience to him to become a debtor to their posterity in respect of their obedience for then the mercies their posterity should enjoy should owe their immediate being and the glory of their being to their immediate ancestors and not to God as the immediate cause of the being of their mercies Therefore these are only declarations of the priviledges of the people of God and all these promises are only manifestations of his goodness to them for the manifestation of the riches of his Grace for refreshing their spirits and for the causing them to be precious in the esteem of others 3. If those promises that seeem to be made to qualities in the soul as unto conditions be not thus then they are only descriptions of the persons of those that God doth interest in the glorious priviledges of Christ by the special peculiar Graces that God communicates to them Or else 4. They are discoveries of the means through which God doth convey those priviledges of Christ and of the Covenant of Grace unto persons Of this nature is that promise which seems to be made to a condition Isa 57.17 Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity whose name is holy I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit This that seems to be a promise made to a soul indued by the Spirit of God with the Grace of Humility it is but either a description of those persons whom the Lord doth interest in his own special favour out of the riches of his own Grace alone Or else it is a precious Cordial given to a poor drooping Spirit as considered in an estate of penury and poverty as one contrite and ready to give up himself Of this nature are all those promises made to believing and repenting He that believeth and repenteth shall be saved The promise of salvation is not made unto faith as a special grace of God in the soul nor to the person indued with that grace But the thing it self properly is no promise but rather a description of the means through which the Lord makes his people partakers of the special priviledg he conveys through Christ and of the persons he communicates them to by their qualities 5. Those words of God that seem to be promises made unto conditions if none of the four former things contain them then they are descriptions given by the Holy Ghost of the way the Lord requires and inables his people to walk in while he communicates of his own free mercy to them Of this nature is that place so mistaken Ezek 36.27 28 29 30 which is the greatest place conceived to be of weight to prove promises to be made to conditions saith the Lord I will do these and these things for you I will bring you into your Land and make you dwell quietly and safely in your Land and I will save you from your Vncleanness c. But v. 37. Thus saith the Lord God I will yet for this be enquired of by the House of Israel to do it for them Generally the soul conceives here is the promise and the condition of the promise The promise to be the multitude of Mercies And the condition to be the seeking of the face of God But the meaning of the Holy Ghost is nothing else but to describe the way the Lord requires his people to walk in whilst they are in expectation to receive those precious mercies freely promised by God for them Likewise that in 1 Kings 8 47 48. Solomon prays for his people If they bethink themselves in the Land whither they were carried Captives and repent and make Supplication c. Now saith the Soul here is both the promise and the condition of the promise The condition is seeking Gods face humbling themselves for their Sins turning to God with all their hearts And then there is the promise that God will deliver them but they must observe these conditions else God binds not himself to give deliverance Now the true meaning of the Holy Ghost is only this Solomon in praying here at the dedication of his Temple the Typical House of God beseecheth the Lord that the prayers of all his people made towards that Temple that is towards Jesus Christ typified by that Temple and according to the will of God that they might be all acceptable to God Therefore observe Solomon in praying doth only describe the frame of spirit in Gods people when they come to pray which is an humble frame a turning frame from their Sins Neither doth God make the promises in either of both those places to depend upon any of these duties named not so much as prayer it self Therefore for the clearing these Texts I pray consider these things which may be useful for us for the right understanding the Covenant of grace and the nature of it I. That the duties here required by God from his people are the way wherein it is his will his people should walk in receiving mercies They are not precedent in order of time before the Lords intituling the soul to the whole Covenant of grace and every promise contained in it no nor so much as in order of nature That is that it must be presupposed that the soul have performed such and such duties before it can be presupposed the Lord to have interested the soul in every promise of the Covenant of grace And that will appear in these two things First that the act of the Lords will alone before and without any act of the will of man concurring doth fully intitle the soul to every promise of the Covenant of grace Otherwise it should be conceived that there should be some good will in man towards God before there be any good will in God towards man And so some act of good will from man to God should not flow from the acts of Gods good will to the soul Secondly in regard the
performing of that duty by a soul that the Lord requires of it in communicating grace mercies and favours to it is the Lords fulfilling his own Covenant of grace in and to the soul Jer. 31.33 Ezek. 36.27 Now that which is a part of Gods fulfilling the Covenant cannot go before the Covenant it self So that from thence are two things that you must conclude First that the performing those duties that God requires do give no soul any title or interest in any one promise of the Covenant of grace Secondly that the Lords promise to the Soul hath no dependance upon the souls performance of the duty that God requires him to perform in reference to Gods communicating mercy to the soul Yet I pray here be cautelous I do not say that God requires no duty from souls whilest he is thus communicating his free grace and mercy unto them I do not exempt souls from duty but I only exempt Gods promise from a dependence upon the duty and establish Gods own promise upon its right Basis and Foundations which is only his own will and absolute determination II. The second thing you are to observe for the clearing of these Scriptures is this That those duties required by God from souls in communicating mercies must of necessity go before the Lords intituling the soul to many mercies Though they cannot in order of nature go before any promise of the Covenant of grace yet in order of nature at least if not in order of time they go before the Lords intituling the soul to very many mercies mercies almost of all sorts That is till souls have performed those duties God requires they can claim no right nor title nor have any right nor title unto many mercies And all the right their souls enjoy to many mercies may and must be conveyed to them through the performance of these duties As for example in 1. Kings 8.47 48. God promiseth deliverance to them out of captivity and restauration of them into their own land and many priviledges yet those duties there described by the Holy Ghost to be the way of his peoples approach to him and seeking his face for their return out of captivity could not but of necessity go before at least in order of nature to the Lords intituling that people in the mercy of deliverance so that while those duties were not performed by the soul there could be no right nor title claimed of that deliverance by those persons But now there are four or five things to be observed for the clearing of this 1. That the duties here required by God though they do and must go before the Lords intituling the soul to many mercies yet they do not nor cannot go before the Lords intituling the soul to any absolute mercies Those absolute mercies are conveyed to the soul through the Covenant of grace absolutely without any respect or reference to any duty whatever performed by the soul so as the promise of them should have dependence upon the duty in the least degree But these relative mercies are only included in the Covenant of grace with limitation so as they are mercies considered with such circumstances considered as being communicated to such persons in such order in such manner in such degree Now it is of these mercies only that these duties required by God may go before in order of nature to the Lords intitling the soul to the mercy 2. Observe Though these duties may go before and ordinarily must go before the Lords intitling the soul to such mercies yet it is not the duty that gives the soul the right to those mercies thus to be injoyed Suppose those relative mercies to be conveyed to any particular soul at a sutable time in a sutable manner order measure and degree every way sutable so as they are mercies and then all these mercies are as absolutely promised in the Covenant of grace as those absolute eternal mercies that cannot but be mercies however they are communicated 3. It is not the duty nor the performance of it that gives the soul the right and title to the promise So that the duty is neither the immediate ground of the souls right to the mercy nor the remote ground that is the furthest off ground The furthest off ground is the promise The immediate is that which gives them right to the promise Now the soul must be in the Covenant of grace before the duty be performed and being in the Covenant of grace he hath right to the promise through which he partakes of such relative mercies 4. Though there be an ordinary necessity of these duties required by God preceeding or going before the souls injoying such mercies yet it is not the duty simply considered in its own nature as a duty upon which this necessity lies that it should go before the souls injoyment of the mercies I mean thus it is not prayer that God requires of thy soul that waits for the communication of any mercy or grace considered only as prayer which is to be considered as a duty that this of necessity must go before the souls injoyment of the mercy that is as though the Lord would have this necessity to be upon the performing of the duty because he would have something done by the soul before he will make it partake of his mercies Only the performance of the duty so disposeth the heart as a mercy shall be a mercy to the Soul 5. Observe further That the rise and exercise of the duties thus required by God sometimes to go before the Lords vouchsafing such mercies to souls can be only from the vertue of some promise contained in the Covenant of grace which the Lord fulfills in a soul For without influences from the Covenant of grace were there the most exquisit prayers the most continual strong wrastlings of a soul with God the most powerful Mourning and Weepings and Cryings after God all could not dispose a soul rightly for the injoyment of any of those relative mercies so as they should be mercies unto them when they are communicated 3. There is a third thing also to be observed for the clearing of these Scriptures and that is That these duties that are sometimes precedent in souls before their enjoyment of such relative mercies are absolutely promised to those that are in the Covenant of Grace to be effected by God in their souls This you may see apparent Ezek. 36 comparing v. 27. with v. 37. In v. 37. he saith I will be enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them but v. 27. he saith I will put my Spirit in you and cause you to walk in my Statutes and my Judgments to do them And Jer. 31.33 saith the Lord I will write my Law in their hearts and they shall not depart from me The Lord doth even engage himself absolutely to work that in their hearts that he doth require to be done by their souls in his communicating mercies to them Now these
hath any Graces or Holy Habits or Qualities inherent in him But the first sight of the gift of the Lord Christ to the soul formerly dark about his union must have respect and relation to the necessities of the soul to whom the gift is manifested else the gift cannot be closed with as sutable Thence it must be manifested as a gift of a Mediatour to a poor despicable and desperate Rebellious Wretch against the highest Majesty of Heaven to mediate with the great Commander of Heaven for pardon to such a poor despicable Rebel It must be received as a gift of a days man that may lay his hand upon both partaies upon God and the Soul as at difference to make up an union Whence it is that the Apostle in opening the work of receiving the Lord Christ by Faith considers the soul under the notion of an Ungodly one in the receiving of it Rom. 4 5. II. It cannot be that the discovery of graces should be first in order to such a soul in regard the first manifestation of the gift of God to the soul that hath hitherto set in darkness must be a manifestation unto his Faith of the gift of those very graces And the graces themselves considered as given are no proper objects of Faith and therefore can give no assurance unto Faith But it is only the promise wherein the Lord holds forth his free will both to Christ and those Graces that must be the only ground from whence the soul can receive the evidence unto his Faith of his union with Christ Thus you have the first question opened the ground from whence souls receive the evidence of their union The second thing to be opened is the means by which What means the Lord useth to make the promise efficacious for this end to give the soul assurance of his union with Christ But before we come to answer this question there is another question to be opened that arises from the former Quest But saith the Soul can the Lords absolute promise be the ground from whence the Soul can have the first infallible evidence of his union seeing there is no absolute promise of God wherein he discovers his own will to accept any one particular soul into union with the Lord Christ All the absolute promises saith the Soul are made to the Church and people of God But the Lord in those absolute promises doth not reveal the particular Souls that are his own Therefore How can I or any other know that I am the particular soul in the promise there being no particularizing of any soul Answ For Answer to this Question I shall first open what is generally granted by every soul by way of premise for the right understanding of things And then lay down two Conclusions for the full answer of the question Pre. 1. First it is generally granted by all that it is by vertue of the Lords absolute promise of accepting souls into union with Christ that souls are united unto Christ The absolute promise alone is like Jacobs Ladder it is the Heavenly Ladder upon which the Lord Christ alone comes down into any soul It is the absolute promise that is the precious Golden Chain that binds the Lord Christ to the soul and the soul to Christ That the precious Marriage knot of union is only knit by that Chain of the absolute promise This will appear in three things 1. If it were not by vertue of the absolute promise that the soul were united to Jesus Christ then the absolute good will unto souls were not the primary or first ground of union between Jesus Christ and souls For the promises are nothing else but the Revelations or Discoveries of the Lords good will concerning souls Now thence it is if it were not by vertue of the Lords absolute promise that souls were united then it were not primarily and in the first place by vertue of the determination of the Lords will from eternity And so union with Christ should not be a mercy flowing down from the Fountain of the Lords elective love but rather the first and primary cause of the souls union should be from something in the soul it self and so quite contrary to the stream of Scripture truth it should be of him that willeth and runneth and not of him that sheweth mercy 2. If it were not so then there must be some grace acceptable to God presupposed to be in the soul before union with Christ unto which the Lord hath made some promise of union with him It must be either by vertue of a conditional promise or an absolute promise that the soul is united Now if by vertue of any condition or holy quality in the soul then such a holy quality must be conceived to be in the soul as is acceptable unto God Now if it were possible there could be any holy quality conceived to be in the soul acceptable to God before union then either the soul must receive some holy quality that flows not from Jesus Christ and so deny the fulness of Christ which is contrary to that in Col. 1.9 and John 1.16 Or else we should conclude that some graces some holy qualities should be conveyed into the soul that should not be conveyed by vertue of the souls union and so there should be a Communication of the graces of Christ unto the soul when the soul still remains a stranger to God 3. If there were the least quality acceptable unto God before union then the soul should be a beloved one of God out of Jesus Christ and it should not be by his dearly beloved Son alone in whom the Lord is well pleased Pre. 2. That the first proper actings of Faith in union are ever by or in the way of the application of those absolute promises unto their particular souls That will appear in two things 1. If the first actings of Faith in union were not by particular application of those absolute promises then the Devils Faith should hold equal proportion to the Faith of souls united to Jesus Christ The Devils themselves do as fully believe the truth of all those pretious absolute promises as any united soul and do as fully expect the certain accomplishment of them unto the Church of God 2. Then should the souls dependance upon Jesus Christ be without the sight of the sutable ground for the dependance The first act of Faith can have no ground but the absolute promise of God in regard all those graces that are described in any word of God that should seem to be conditional promises those are not discovered at the first actings of Faith and therefore unless the absolute promises prove a particular ground to the souls apprehension that the soul in that absolute promise sees the Lord particularly tendring himself to accept it into union with Jesus Christ there should be no ground for that dependence Prem 3. It is also granted that this particular application of the absolute promise unto Souls
and Afflicted in Conscience but it is only to such as are truly afflicted that is such whose Hearts are truly Broken and truly Contrite Isa 66.2 Now herein are two mistakes to be observed 1. That though it should be true that the promises of Life and Salvation are made only to such as were thus Broken and Contrite the contrary to which you have heard formerly opened yet first the tender of the promise of the gift of Jesus Christ is made to souls that have not the least degree of Contrition nor the least degree of Sorrow That is to say the Lords Declaration of his Will to receive every soul that will into union with Jesus Christ is as well propounded to souls not having the least degree of Contrition in their Hearts as it is to those that are the most Contrite and the most Broken 2. If the promise of Life and Salvation were made only to those that were Contrite yet that Contrition could proceed from nothing else but the particular application of the Lord Jesus to himself All fulness is appointed by the Father to dwell in Christ and whatever grace the soul receives must be an Influence that flows down from the grace of Jesus Christ III. There is a third ground and that is this That it is for the Glory and Honour of God and for the advantage of the soul that it should lie under affliction of Conscience and under the Burden of his Sin some time before he doth apply the Lord Jesus Here I must Premise one thing and that is That the Glory and Honour of God is the result of all his ways to his people The Lord being the Fountain of Wisdom cannot work without an end And his own self alone that is the manifestation of his own Glory is the highest end Therefore of necessity in all the ways of God that end must be attended This Premised I answer That properly and by it self the souls lying under the Spirit of Bondage or affliction of Conscience for Sin is neither for the Glory of God nor for the souls advantage It is ordinarily concluded that the soul lying under the Spirit of Bondage doth make for the manifestation of the Glory of God 1. In the Glory of his Justice to the Soul Saith the soul it makes much for the magnifying the Justice of God in the eye and Heart that the soul hath deserved according to justice to be plunged into the everlasting Pit of Wo that he is liable to all the dreadful Torments that the Wisdom of God can invent against such a cursed Rebel for breaking such a Righteous and Holy Law And it magnifies justice also in the eyes of others when others shall see that those souls do acknowledge themselves that they did expect nothing according to the strictness and of justice but everlasting Wrath and Indignation 2. That it doth make for the magnifying of God in his mercy Say they it makes mercy more sweet to the soul and more highly to be prized by it when the spirit of bondage hath lain upon the soul and afflicted the conscience for a time Now though at first view it should seem thus yet properly the afflicting the soul for sin that is the spirit of bondage working fear and terrour for sin doth not magnifie God neither in his justice nor mercy First It doth not magnifie God in his justice properly And that will appear because the magnifying of the justice of God in the heart of any is only by causing it clearly to apprehend his own infinite worthiness to lie under the wrath and indignation of God to all eternity Now the soul is thus made apprehensive of his worthiness to have the utmost justice of God executed upon him only through receiving the Lord Jesus tendered There are two things that must necessarily concur to make up this apprehension of his worthiness to have justice executed in his utmost indignation upon him and so consequently to make justice to be sanctified in any soul 1. A spiritual discerning to behold the nature of sin Now this must be received from Jesus Christ and that by infusion of influences from Christ to the soul by vertue of union between Christ and the soul A spiritual object cannot be discerned in the spirituality of it but by a spiritual eye Now both the justice of God and sin when looked upon aright it must be by a spiritual eye that is sutable to apprehend such an object 2. There must be a discovery of the dimensions of sin that is the height length and breadth of it before there can be a sanctifying the justice of God in the heart Now the dimensions of sin are only discovered to the soul through the application of the Lord Jesus tendered Till the soul seeth the right object against whom sin is committed he never seeth sin in the heinousness and abominable wickedness of it Now the soul never apprehends God aright till he beholds him in Jesus Christ as the object against whom he hath committed all his wickedness So that the aggravations of a souls sin appearing only from the right apprehension of Jesus Christ thence it appears it doth not make for the glory of the justice of God that the soul should lie a time under affliction of conscience for sin in regard the Justice of God is more exalted and magnified in the heart in one moment in the right application of the Lord Jesus than it can be in twenty years should the soul lie under the affliction of conscience all that time not applying the Lord Jesus to himself Neither can the justice of God be more magnified in the eyes of others in case the spirit of bondage lieth upon it for a season before the tender of Jesus Christ more than it can by the application of that tender immediately as soon as he is tendered The justice of God is magnified before others only by discovering before them his thoughts of himself of his own unworthiness and desert according to justice to be everlastingly tumbling up and down in the gulf of wo and misery Now the clearest apprehension of the unspeakableness of his own unworthiness proceeds only from the tender of Jesus Christ to his soul Secondly Hence also it necessarily follows That the name of God is not properly magnified in his mercy in the soul that partaketh of it by the spirit of bondage working upon the heart for a season before the application of the Lord Jesus to the soul The more clearly the soul apprehends its own wretched rebellion and cursed trechery against the Crown of the Lords glory the more clear is the Lords mercy manifested to the soul Now this is made more apparent by the application of the Lord Jesus to himself than it could be though the soul could discern the dreadfull everlasting burnings Nay if he could discern by a sense and feeling the justice of God reaching of him though he were in hell for a season and should partake of
Principle of Darkness there is first something to be premised First that the soul understand what is meant by comfort Secondly What is meant by applying comfort to the soul By comfort is meant only that strength and that Life and Refreshment that a soul receiveth from the apprehension of the good of any object And to apply the Lord Jesus for comfort the soul is to receive the Lord Jesus with all his Glorious Priviledges that are sutable for the Poor Needy Despicable Loveless soul according as God the Father tenders him to the soul To speak more plainly to receive the Lord Jesus as he is offered freely to be given by God to the Poor Despicable soul to make up a League and Amity and Love between the Father and the soul to break in sunder those Chains wherewith the soul was clogged by Sin to everlasting Destruction and in a word for the perfecting of the souls Happiness both here and for Eternity Now I shall answer directly to that first Foundation upon which this first Principle of Darkness is built And I say it is impossible that the applying of the Lord Jesus for the comforting of the soul should make the soul in danger to miscarry through Presumption but rather the contrary it is the greatest preservative against Presumption And that will appear in three or four particulars I. In regard the more the comforts of the soul are enlarged through the application of Christ the more clear is that cursed Root of Self-Confidence rooted out of the Heart The Comforts of Jesus Christs in their own nature do empty the soul of it self and all Self-Confidence in regard it removes the soul from all imaginary dependance upon its self either for Comfort here or for Mercy and Happiness to Eternity The souls perfect nothingness in it self is only by beholding the Lord Jesus as the Father hath given him to the soul Therefore it is said in 1 John 3.2 3. We know not yet what we shall be but then we shall be like him for we shall know him as he is And Eph. 3.19 The Apostle prays that they may comprehend with all Saints what is the Height and Bredth and Length and Depth of the Love of God which passeth knowledge That is to know this to their own souls And what is the end of all That they may be filled with the fulness of God This fulness of God can be wrought by nothing but by the full comprehension of Jesus Christ and all his Comforts II. In regard it raiseth the souls thoughts of Jesus Christ in a transcendent manner and fills the Heart with a high estimation of him When the soul applies most incomprehensively the Lord Jesus in all his Priviledges for the refreshing of his soul then doth the soul see most largly into the Incomprehensive Gulf of the excellency of Jesus Christ and when the soul seeth Jesus Christ most clearly as altogether incomprehensible then is the Heart filled with the highest thoughts that can be of Jesus Christ III. The application of the Lord Jesus for the comforting of the soul in the largest manner that can be doth beget a more precious fear in the heart than all the Terrours Sights and Visions of the Indignation of God against the soul for Sin can possibly beget All the Reason that can be given why it should endanger the soul to Presume is only this that the applying Christ in two large a measure in his comforts should make the soul without fear Now the soul is never so filled with Holy Fear as when it hath the largest comprehension of Jesus Christ The Reason is plain The larger comprehension the soul hath of Jesus Christ the more natural is the love to Jesus Christ Now love is extended upon Jesus Christ when it rests upon him or fetcheth in Joy through beleiving And according as love is extended so is fear extended Love and Fear go hand in hand you cannot divide them a man of large love is a man of large fear The reason is plain The more dear any object is to the soul the more a man feareth to lose it IIII. When the Lord Christ is applied most for Comfort then doth a Holy Jealousie rise high in the heart When Love rises high Jealousie rises high Jealousie is compounded of Love and Anger or Love and Hatred Where Love runs out largely in Zeal there is a Zeal of Hatred against all that should deprive us of it Put a Fearful man and a Jealous man together to Watch over a Beloved object and you need not fear their Sleeping Thus Fear and Jealosie meeting together in the soul will make it Watchful least there should be the least outgoing of the Heart from Jesus Christ Secondly Neither can it dry up the Repenting or Penitent Tears too soon It is as impossible that the Springs of Godly Sorrow should be sealed up by the application of the Lord Jesus in the largest measure for the comforting of the soul as it is impossible it should make the soul Presume The Foundation of this Principle of Darkness is laid upon a two-fold mistake First that the discerning eye of the soul whereby Sin should be discerned should be closed up with the sight of the apprehension of large comfort from Jesus Christ Secondly that the sight or apprehension of a defect of comfort in the Lord Jesus for his soul for the present should be the Original of true Godly Sorrow and so that Godly Sorrow should Perish when the comforts of the Lord Jesus sutable to his needy soul appear Now it is apparent that the eye of the soul whereby he may see his own Wretchedness Merit and Desert is more clear by the sight of enlarged comfort from Jesus Christ I. The eye of the soul receiveth more Divine light to discover Sin in the nature of it by how much in a greater degree the soul apprehends enlarged comforts through the application of the Lord Jesus This is that precious eye-salve spoken of Rev. 3. that Christ inviteth souls to come and buy of him That 's the reason Mary wept so much and washed the feet of Jesus Christ with her tears Christ tells you it was because she loved much And what was the cause of that love but only the apprehension of the glorious priviledges to her in Jesus Christ 2. The apprehension of a defect of comfort in the Lord Christ sutable to the Soul for the present cannot be a spring or head from whence the stream of Godly sorrow flows Godly sorrow must arise from the clearest most spiritual sin Now you see the clearest discerning of sin in a Spiritual manner doth arise from the clear discerning of those enlarged comforts through the application of the Lord Jesus And indeed as those increase so doth Godly sorrow increase The greatest comforted Soul is the greatest mourning Soul Now you see the foundation is too weak to bear up this principle and also that it will appear to be a principle of darkness
to crediting what God propounds by these means 1. The spirits represents the expressions of the Lords love to the soul in the latitude and fulness of them It makes it appear to be so full so compleat and perfect a love as there is not the least imaginable cause of jealousie And surely this is the very intention of the Spirit of God in so often heaping up expressions upon expressions in setting out the love of God in Christ the Spirit of God doth even rise to the highest kind of expressions that is possible in this way for this end seldom names the grace of God that is to say the love of God but he calls it riches of grace nay abundant riches and the exceeding riches of his grace 2. The Spirit in this case reveals the Lords strong confirmation of all those expressions of his love The Spirit reveals how the Lord hath bound himself to the performance of all those expressions of love in the latitude and fulness of them to every Iota and point to the least tittle 1. The Spirit reveals the Lords promise of faithfulness in the expression of his love Then in Hos 2.19 God tells the Church I will betroth thee unto my self in righteousness and judgment and in loving kindness and in mercies 2. The Spirit reveals the Lords confirmation of it by his own hand writing All the Scriptures are given as the hand writing of himself only for the manifestation of the sincerity and integrity of the heart of God in the love he intends to Souls The very end of writing all the Scriptures is primarily to draw Souls to believe and secondarily to believe gradually more and more to perfection till they come to this full assurance of Faith The whole Scriptures of the Lord and New Testament are but one blessed letter of love sent from heaven by God written by the blessed Secretary of heaven the blessed Spirit of God The Inscription is nothing else but this My love to poor loveless rebellious souls through my dearly beloved Son the Lord Jesus The whole matter is nothing else but this Come in and embrace my love 3. The Spirit reaveals that the Lord hath added his oath to it Heb. 6.17 And this he doth that the soul may receive the strongest consolation from the Lords intentions in the reality of his love 4. The Spirit reveals the Lord hath confirmed it by Witnesses 1 John 5.7 8 9. The glorious Trinity the three persons in one Essence they are Witnesses to it Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are Witnesses in Heaven and the Water and Blood are Witnesses on Earth 5. The Spirit reveals that the Lord hath confirmed it by Seals The common broad Seals I mean the Sacraments that are outward Witnessing signs or Confirming signs of the Lords intentions of love to Souls in the Lord Jesus What is the Lords Supper but a meer confirming sign to confirm the Soul in believing the Faithfulness of God and his loving Souls in Jesus Christ To witness to the Soul thus much that as surely as he seeth the Bread broken as he seeth the Wine poured out so surely did the glorious God of Heaven and Earth send the Dearly Beloved of his own Soul cloathed with an humane nature to have his Body broken and his Blood poured out that thereby there might be an union with himself for such a rebellious Soul Nay the Lord hath given his privy Signet which is the Seal of his own Spirit that his Spirit should assuredly Witness and Seal up unto Souls his love in receiving them into Union with the Lord Jesus 3. The Spirit reveals the nature of God himself to the soul It is not the knowledge of what God hath said but the knowledge of what God is in himself that causeth the soul to trust in him Psal 9.10 They that know thy name will trust in thee That is they that know the Lord indeed while the nature of God is unknown unbelief of necessity bares rule in every Soul 4. The Spirit of God reveals the Lords removal of all causes of suspition or Jealousie whatever concerning the Lords faithfulness and love There are but two general grounds of Jealousie First Some experience of the unfaithfulness of God Now the Spirit hath prevented the least imaginary ground this way in regard the Lord hath never failed in performing to the uttermost all the love he expressed hitherto Secondly The second ground of Jealousie must be some fear of the Lords taking dislike of the Soul because of the Souls unfaithfulness to God Now the Spirit of God reveals to the Soul the Lords removal of all grounds of suspition by shewing the Lord intends not to take any mislike from loving of souls whatever imaginary wickedness the Soul should commit against him That is the Spirit reveals the Lords declaration of passing by the treachery and filthiness of the Soul or remembring its iniquity no more That is the Spirit reveals the Lords constant acceptance of Souls after treachery without respect to the treachery to diminish his love for it Jer. 3.1 5. And lastly The Spirit of God reveals the Lords pressing urgent perswasions invitations and commands to a fulness of confidence of all the love to poor Souls that he hath expressed to them Thereupon the Spirit comes to argue thus Wilt thou not trust the Lord that knows his own love and compassions best of all He alone knows himself and thou art not able to comprehend him The light that thou hast is but a small spark saith the Spirit of God to that great light that dwels in him and wilt thou trust to thine own spark of light rather then to the fountain of light Hereby in all these ways the Spirit of God removes this Jealous Distemper plucks out this Beam from the Souls Eyes and brings the Soul into a precious believing frame This is the First part of the Fourth Distemper that the Spirit of God must remove and that is the Jealousie of God There is a second Branch of this Jealousie or a second way how this Distemper of Jealousie works and that is as it works towards the Souls own heart The Devil endeavours to make the Soul Jealous of his own heart and would have him suspect that his own wicked heart cannot receive the will of God rightly and to make it fear it should close falsly if it should think of receiving the blessed will of God This Distemper of Jealousie is hardly healed because it hath so strong a hold it comes under the shape of Godliness It hath a pretence of the greatest sincerity and integrity that is possible it tells the Soul it is a sign of sincerity to be jealous of its own deceitfulness it tells the Soul it were a sign of presumption if it were not jealous This Distemper we shall endeavour to discover and for the clearing of it you must conceive that I do not condemn all jealousie in a Soul There are divers kindes of Jealousie that the
without it self in any of the motions of his love whatever So that thence the spirit evidenceth to the soul that it were a denying of the glory of the God-head to conceive that God should look out of himself for any argument any motive any incentive that should either excite or incline the divine will to any motions of love whatever to wards any creature II. The spirit evidenceth the absolute will of the Father alone to be the first principle and also the only cause of admission of souls into union and communion with the Lord Jesus So that both the purpose of God to accept souls into union and also the execution of that his purpose do depend only upon the Lords bare will and good pleasure According to that in Eph. 1.5 6 compared with ver 9. III. The spirit evidenceth the Lord Christs willingness to accept of souls into union to be only done through the Commission that he received from the good pleasure of his Fathers will concerning such souls According to that in John 6.37 38. When he saith he would reject no one soul in no wise under no consideration whatever he gives this reason for I came down from Heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me There is a fifth beam of light that the spirit causeth to shine forth from the Gospel and that is Fifth beam of divine light The admirable and incomprehensible fulness of all perfection of love and mercy that is comprehended in this tender of union with the Lord Christ to every particular Soul that will accept it Notwithstanding those former beams of divine light there is a two fold necessity for the Spirit to cause this beam of divine light also to sparkle before the souls eyes I. That there may be a fulness of sufficiency to produce acts of Faith in a soul by way of fulness of confidence and assurance And in this regard there is a necessity of the spirits casting this beam of light also before the souls eyes to open the incomprehensible perfection of all kind of love that the soul soul can imagine he should have the least necessity of II. To excite and quicken the affections to more enlarged operations or workings Though there hath been a former apprehension of the infinite perfection of love in the tender of the union yet there is no answerable working of affection towards the union unless there be that very actual Vision Now when the operation of the affections towards the union tendered are but small then the souls assurance of its acting of Faith by way of fulness of confidence of its union with Christ is but in a small degree Therefore it is in this respect that the spirit doth manifest the absolute compleat incomprehensible perfection of love that is included in the tender of union And this the spirit doth in divers particulars 1. The spirit reveals the Lords tender of passing over himself and all that is in himself wholly unto souls through this union with Christ For the evidencing this the spirit only brings to remembrance the sum of all the promises according to the Lords own abstract and Compendium that he hath made of them And that is this That God hath said he will be the souls God in Christ Here are two particulars included under this one depth First The spirit manifests that the highest interest that is possible to make a soul capable of in the infinite perfection of God himself is offered to be passed over to the soul in the tender of union Secondly The spirit manifests that the Lord offers in this tender of union to interest the soul in himself with such an interest as should be most sutable for the fullest communication of himself to the soul that it shall be as proper and peculiar for God to love the soul as it should be proper to the nature of God to be loving himself 2. The spirit reveals that the Lord hath laid the highest obligation upon himself to be the souls own in all that he is in his passing over himself unto the soul through that union with Christ This the spirit manifests by bringing to remembrance the Lords asseverations and protestations and highest oath that he adds unto that his word that declares him to pass over himself unto souls through their union with Christ Hebr. 6.13 3. The spirit reveals the Lords establishing the transactions of himself and all that is in himself over to the soul through its union with Christ upon his own will alone on purpose that there might be a fulness of all love contained in him Three particular ends the spirit may bring to the Souls remembrance for the clearing of this First That there might be no possibility of an alteration of that perfect love of his to a soul through union with Christ by any Power or Possibility of the soul The Holy Ghost affirms Rom. 11.9 The Lords Election of love to be meerly established upon his own will for that end that the Election might stand being not of Works but of Grace That is that it might be certain being unchangable So as the souls wickedness and wretchedness rising to what height soever yet it might not be able to make an alteration in that perfect love So Rom. 9.16 Secondly That there might be a fulness of love and to make a constant immutable ground for his peoples faith to rest upon him for the perfection of of his love towards them This the spirit may reveal to the soul from that in Hebr. 6.17 18. The Lord is said to add the confirmation of his Oath that there might be two immutable grounds in which it was impossible for God to Lie Thirdly That his people might have a sufficient satisfactory consolation from that fulness of his love in all necessities upon all occasions and at all times That by two immutable things they might have strong consolation 4. The spirit reveals the Lords undertaking to effect in and for the soul the whole transaction of himself over unto the soul through his union with Christ by the Almighty Power of his own love alone Eph. 2.5 The whole work of Salvation is attributed to nothing but love The Spirit reveals this two ways First The spirit reveals that the Lord hath engaged himself by promise to effect the transaction of himself over unto the soul by the Almighty Power of his love Isaiah 41.10 11. Secondly The spirit remembers the soul of the necessity that the Lord hath imposed upon Jesus Christ to effect it John 10.16 5. The spirit reveals that the Lord hath undertaken the sutable tempering and disposing of the soul for all sutable walking in union with the Lord Jesus that is tendered This the spirit may and doth evidence from that in Jer. 31.33 Where the Lord reveals it to be the very Covenant This shall be my Covenant or this shall be the love that I will promise This is part of Gods love to souls
united to him to Write his Law in their Hearts that is to conform their spirits to all his Blessed Will to make their Hearts answerable and sutable to the union with Christ and all the ways of God that they ought to walk in by vertue of that union 6. The Spirit manifests the Lords undertaking the preservation of the Soul by his own power to the full everlasting injoyment of all the fruits of union This the Spirit may and doth reveal it may be from that in Ezek. 36.26 27. when the Lord declares it to be his own resolution concerning those he accepts to be partakers of those promises of Love through union with Christ that his own Spirit shall dwell within them and he will cause them to walk in his Statutes and do them and keep them that they shall not depart from him That it shall not be in the power of the Soul to bereave it self of all those pretious fruits of that blessed union with the Lord Jesus but the Soul must of necessity unless the Almighty power of God should fail injoy the fulness of all love and communion as the consequence of the union with Christ And for the further evidence of this the Spirit may and doth reveal it by two things First The Spirit remembers the Soul that the Lord hath made it his own chosen delight to be carrying on the Soul towards the injoyment of that fulness and perfection of love and through his union even the perfection of communion Secondly The Spirit reveals the Lord to hang the highest manifestation of his glory upon the filllng those with all fulness of love and mercy that are received into that union with the Lord Jesus And hereby the Spirit satisfies the Soul and convinceth it that the Lord himself is so interested in perfecting the fruits and consequences of the Souls union with Christ that unless the Lord should deny himself there is an impossibility of the Lords failing to preserve the Soul by his own power unto the perfect and full injoyment of the perfection of communion as the consequence of the union with Christ The Sixth beam of Light the Spirit manifests from the Gospel is this Sixth beam of Divine Light The Spirit manifests the compleat sufficiency yea the abundancy and superabundancy of security that is given to secure Souls of their injoyment of all the Gospel thus discovers to them Now for the making this beam of light shine forth in its Beauty and Glory the Spirit may and doth evidence many things I. First The Spirit evidenceth the Lords entering into Covenant with Jesus Christ the Mediator and engaging himself in that Covenant to effect the mercy and love that the Gospel discovers for every Soul that shall embrace him Two things are to be opened here First That the Lord did thus enter into Covenant with Christ Secondly What security the believing Soul hath from thence of the Lords effecting of what is so discovered in the Gospel First That the Lord did thus Covenant with Christ himself is apparent 1. In regard all the whole bundle of the promises that make up the whole Covenant of the Gospel they run primarily to Christ and in his name To shew that God and Christ were the Covenanters together that the Covenant was struck up between the Father and the Son from before the foundations of the World were laid If you observe the first promise that ever God the Father gave or the first discovery of Gospel that ever was unto Souls in Gen. 3.15 The seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents head There is the whole Gospel the whole Covenant but observe in whose name it runs in the name of Christ The seed of the Woman that is Christ that is Christ mystically including his Members too but it is Christ primarily He shall break the Serpents head that is shall triumph over Satan shall get the victory over Hell and spoil him that hath formerly taken Souls captive 2. It appears in regard Christ himself takes God the Father as his God John 20.17 I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and your God So that hence it appears that God the Father hath engaged himself in a solemn Covenant unto Jesus Christ as Mediator from before the foundations of the World were laid to effect what ever the Gospel discovers for every Soul that should embrace him And it is from thence that Christ prays in John 17.24 Father I will that those that thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory Secondly We may see what assurance this affords unto Souls of their unquestionable infallible injoyment of all that the Gospel thus discovers There is a two fold security from hence 1. In regard God the Father stands engaged in a solemn Covenant to effect all that the Gospel thus discovers unto those Souls that have in believing received Christ to be their Husband and Head 2. The believing Soul is to know and understand the Lord Christ to have represented every Soul that shall embrace him in entering into Covenant with the Father Though the Covenant runs to Christ it was but as Christ was the first Elect of God representing all the other Elect it was but as Christ was a common person a second Adam that had all that should believe in him in his person as the first Adam had all that were to come out of his loins included in him and bound up in him in the first Covenant II. Secondly The Spirit reveals the Father to have paid the highest and dearest price for the effecting it and for every Souls embracing Christ what the Gospel discovers in the surest way unto Souls apprehensions This the Spirit reveals in discovering God the Father to have given the dearly beloved of his Soul for that end to bring about Gospel mercies to be conveyed to Souls in the surest way to Souls own conceptions and apprehensions According to that in John 3.16 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son c. For the clearing of this there must be two things opened First That the Father was at the highest cost and charge and did pay the greatest price to effect those mercies for Souls Secondly That one intent of the Father in paying so high a price for Souls was to satisfie Souls of the injoyment of them in their own apprehensions First That the Father paid so high a price for the effecting that mercy and love that the Gospel discovers for Souls that will embrace him will appear in three things 1. In that it cost the Father the abasement for a season of his own essential glory I do not mean as if there could have been an extenuation of the essential glory of God but I mean there was a vailing of that essential glory so as those resplendent beams of his glory shined not forth This the Father did in that his dearly beloved his only begotten Son that had but one
and the same essence and so the same essential glory with himself should take upon him that frail vile despicable nature of Man 2. In regard the Father deprived himself for a season of his highest delight his most infinite contentment for the effecting those Gospel mercies The Fathers delight is in Communion and the higher degree of Communion the higher is the delight of God Therefore it is said Prov. 8.31 That he delights in the habitable parts of the Earth and with the Sons of Men that is because there are Creatures capable of Communion with God there are empty Vessels that he may be pouring out of his transcendent fulness into Now God deprived himself of his own highest delight in withdrawing the communications of himself from that his dearly beloved Son that he was forced to complain My God my God why hast thou forsaken me 3. It cost the Father the very death yea the accursed death of the most dearly beloved of his Soul the Lord Jesus He delivered him up to death for us saith the Apostle Yea it cost the Father the suffering the execution of his full wrath and indignation upon the dearly beloved of his Soul Secondly It must be opened that the Father was at the highest cost and charge in effecting that mercy for Souls that shall embrace the Lord Christ tendered on purpose to make it the surer to Souls apprehensions to give them the fuller security of all that the Gospel discovers This will appear in three things I. In regard there was no absolute necessity in respect of God himself to effect that which the Gospel discovers for Souls embracing Christ in that way at such high cost and charge to himself That will appear in two things 1. In regard there was a fulness of power in the Lords mercy to give absolute pardon unto sinners irrespectively to satisfaction The Lord being the high Soveraign of Heaven and Earth whose sole incommunicable property is that his will is the original of all Law the original of the being of all goodness he hath an absolute power in his own mercy to have given an absolute pardon to every transgression committed against his own Law The Lords Will being the only rule that he walks by and that Will of his being altogether independent hath a power within it self to have given an absolute pardon to every transgression against his Will 2. In regard the Lord in the effecting of the love and mercy that the Gospel discovers to Souls did not proceed according to the exactest rule of Justice Do not mistake me I mean not according to the height and rigor of Justice as Justice which of necessity must have been had the Lord been bound to his Justice to proceed that way That appears in two things First The highest exact rule of Justice admits of no surety in capital Crimes It requires the individual person to be the sufferer of the evil threatned for the breach of the Law that was the transgressor of the Law The voice of exact Justice was only in this wise The Soul that sinneth shall die without any admission of any Surety Now it is apparent that the Lord himself in the bringing about or effecting the Love and Mercy that the Gospel discovers unto Souls he propounds this way to admit of a Surety Those that were the offenders of Justice were not sufferers under Justice but another steps in and bears the stroke of Justice that in regard of his own personal transgression was not guilty of the breach of the Law or of the Offence against Justice Secondly Were it possible for exact Justice to admit a Surety yet not possible for exact Justice to find out a Surety working still as Justice Justice never looks further than the Transgressor himself to exact Justice upon unless it be to lay the merit and desert of the transgressor in some degree upon all that have dependance upon him Never came a thought into Justice as Justice of remitting the least degree of punishment of the Transgressor yet you see in the way that he proceeds he casts about in his own thoughts to find out one sufficient to bear all the burden of wrath and indignation that is due to Transgressors themselves The Lord in his design of glorifying his Justice in effecting Love and Mercy for Souls discovered in the Gospel he proceeds only according to Love it self yea according to nothing else but Love in respect of Souls it being an act of simple absolute pure Love to impute the transgression of the poor guilty Spirit to the spotless Lamb the Lord Jesus as if he had been to have pardoned those Transgressors and to have delivered them clearly from Sin without the imputation of those Transgressions to another Therefore observe the whole Work of Salvation though contrived by the infinite Wisdom of God that Mercy and Justice might meet together and kiss each other it is attributed to Love alone Eph. 2.5 By Grace or Love ye are saved So Tit. 3.4 5. Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us Still the whole Work is attributed to the Fathers Love 2. There was no absolute necessity of Gods being at that cost and charge to procure Love and Mercy for Souls that would embrace him in respect of the Souls themselves that were to be partakers of it That will appear in two things 1. In regard Souls partaking of that Love and Mercy that the Gospel discovers were not the Objects of that Love and Mercy primarily by that cost and charge that the Lord was at in the Death of Christ to effect that Love and Mercy If you observe the whole Current of the Scripture it runs thus God so loved the World that he gave Christ To us a Child is born to us a Son is given So that Christ being a Gift of Love unto the Soul it could not be that they should be made objects of Love primarily by that Gift that is originally in the first place Christ was therefore given because they were first beloved not they beloved because Christ given seeing the Love of God was fixed upon all its peculiar objects that ever it should be fixed upon in that Gift and then Christ himself came forth as a Gift of that fixed Love it could not be that they should be primarily made objects of Love by the Lords effecting that Love and Mercy for them through his great Cost of giving the dearly beloved of his Soul for them 2. Those Souls that shall embrace Christ tendered in the Gospel were the Objects of that Gospel-Love and Mercy discovered in order of nature before the Lords intention to effect that Gospel-Love and Mercy for them by that his own cost in giving his own Son The Lord Christ is discovered as the Means by which God brings about the conveyance of his Love unto his beloved ones and the End is discovered in the Gospel to be the Glory of his own Love
of his Mercy and Love revealed in the Gospel from the bare word of God alone but if they could see any fruit of that Love and Mercy in their bosoms then they think they should believe You see the Spirit hath here in this case also evidenced the Lord to have afforded a real experiment of his Mercy and Love to a Soul in the case of unbelieving Thomas who was not only inclined to see ground of believing in a visible way from the sight of his Eyes and the feelings of his Hands but he was resolved to have it that way or no way unless I see thus and thus I will not believe III. A third case wherein the Lord hath given presidents is in the case of loathsom horrible dreadful and most hateful imaginations working in the Heart against God In this case the Lord hath not left himself without some experimental witness of the discovery of his Mercy and Love Now the case being very high I find an experiment of Gospel Mercy and Love discovered in a case that is as high In this case the Lord hath left Jesus Christ himself as a pattern his Heart and Spirit was perplexed and troubled with as hateful horrible imaginations propounded to him as ever were propounded to any Soul in Matth. 4.6 9. the Devil propounded to him that he should murder himself If thou be the Son of God cast thy self down Secondly That he should presume upon his Fathers promise to him and be careless of walking according to his Fathers will saith the Devil He hath said that his Angels should have charge over him least he should dash his foot against a stone There is a third sort of thoughts propounded to his imagination worse then these and that is that he should worship the Devil What more hateful and horrible thoughts could be injected into any bosom than this to worship the Devil himself Now under this general are comprehended these two particular cases 1. There is comprehended the cases of all blasphemous thoughts that are wont to perplex distressed Souls That if a Soul should say within himself sure never any object of the Lords Love ever had such hellish thoughts as are presented to my mind such thoughts as my Heart trembles to name the Spirit may then bring to the Souls remembrance this pretious pattern of Christ the Devil injecting into his pure mind thoughts that were as dreadfully derogatory to the honour of the Lords highest Majesty thoughts that had as much of the poison of Hell in them as ever thought that was injected into thy cursed Heart 2. Under this comes in all kind of Temptations concerning self murder or self destruction In this case the Spirit may bring to remembrance the Lord Christ himself as the Souls president or pattern the Lords letting him be perplexed with temptations of the same kind IV. A fourth case is the want of all sensible manifestations of God to the Soul either in quickning and reviving or in comforting In this case you may take the dearly beloved one of God David Psal 22. wherein indeed he speaks typically relating to Christ especially yet also speaks but the thoughts of his own Spirit at that time too saith he v. 1. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring And v. 14. so Psal 77.3 4. I remembred God and was troubled I complained and my Spirit was overwhelmed c. Another pattern the Lord gives us of the Holy man Job he cries out Chap. 6.4 The arrows of the Almighty are within me the poison whereof drinketh up my Spirit c. So Chap. 13.24 25 26. Wherefore hidest thou thy face and holdest me for thine enemy c. Now under this come in two particular cases of the Soul 1. The case of the defect of all the workings of the quickning Spirit into the Soul 2. Under this comes in the case of the Souls wanting the manifesting light of the Spirit to reveal the Gospel in its beauty and glory to its Soul So that if any Soul wanting this manifesting light of the Spirit should begin to cast off all confidence and to waver and stagger and doubt least the Lord should not be willing to accept it to be an object of Gospel love then the Spirit may and doth sometimes bring to remembrance these eminent patterns of those who were in the very same temper under the same wants and yet they were really the objects of that love and mercy that the Gospel in Christ reveals V. A fifth case is the case of fruitlesness inefficacy of the breathings of the Soul after God in prayer In this case also the Lord hath given eminent patterns Those two forenamed ones both Job and David you shall find to have been in the same case Job 23.8 9. Behold I go forward but he is not there and backward but I cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but I cannot behold him c. His meaning is he used all kind of means the utmost diligence in seeking after God but he would not be found So if you look upon David Psal 22.2 O my God I cry in the day time but thou hearest not and in the night season I am not silent So that here God shews Souls an experiment of some who were in the same case and yet objects of his love and mercy VI. A sixth case is the inability of the Soul to pour out requests That in Isa 63.17 will shew the Lord to have left his whole Church as a pattern in that case Why hast thou made us to err from thy ways and hardned our hearts from thy fear These Souls complain of the Lords suffering such senslesness and blockishness of Spirit to be upon them as made them unsutable for every duty of the Lords worship and yet notwithstanding these were objects of mercy and love VII A seventh case is the beholding all arguments that are possible to be imagined in a Soul against those promises of love and mercy that the Gospel tenders In this case the Lord hath given that pretious pattern of Abraham whom he chose to be the pattern of all believers Rom. 4.18 19. He against hope believed in hope that is against all ground and reason and arguments of hope that could be imagined Though he saw all possibility against that promise of love and mercy that the Lord had given him concerning the Messiah to come through his loins to be his lawful seed by Sarah yet notwithstanding he believed though he saw his own body dead and the deadness of Sarahs womb yet it is said v. 20. he staggered not at the promise through unbelief his Spirit did not so much as waver Under this general may be comprehended these three particular cases of the Soul 1. The case of the Souls thinking himself to be the most unlikely under Heaven to be an object of Gospel mercy and love The Soul considering
be polluted in the most superlative degree The Soul may argue within its own Spirit thus Seeing every Soul that will embrace Gospel-discoveries is chosen to be one of the Lords Houshold his own Family surely the Lords Family shall be all sutable to himself 3. Thence the Soul may discern the Lord to be engaged to communicate all sutable love and mercy to his poor needy Spirit The Soul may say within it self Seeing every Soul that shall embrace or accept Gospel-discoveries is chosen to be one of the Lords Family surely there can be no provision wanting for the Family of God himself 4. Hence the Soul may discern through believing God to be engaged to accomplish perfect and compleat the whole work of Salvation against all impediments whatever if his Soul will embrace those Gospel-discoveries The Soul may say within it self Seeing every Soul that will embrace the Gospel-discoveries is chosen to be of the Family and Houshold of God it is beyond the power of Hell and the corrupt heart to deprive the Lord of any of his own Family 2. A Second Engagement that is laid upon God in respect of himself to fulfil Gospel-discoveries unto loveless Sinners embracing him is That every particular despicable Sinner accepting Gospel-discoveries is chosen by God himself to be one of his peculiar Children According to that in John 1.12 As many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God They are called Christs Brethren John 20.17 Now what full compleat Security may every Soul through believing receive from thence And here first I shall open to you what full Security Souls may have for the fulfilling every Gospel-discovery to them Secondly What security they may have of these Gospel-discoveries being fulfilled to them in every case that it is possible for them to be in when the Gospel-discovery shall come to them First We shall shew you what security Souls may have for the fulfilling every Gospel-discovery to them from the Engagement 1. From hence the Soul through believing may discern the Lord to be engaged to accept every forlorn Sinner that will accept these Gospel-discoveries into the nearest union and conjunction of Love that is possible 2. Hence it may behold the Lord engaged to receive its forlorn Soul into that near union of Love though there is nothing that is amiable in it 3. Hence it may behold the Lord engaged to communicate all fulness of love and mercy that the poor empty Soul shall be capable of if it will accept these Gospel-discoveries If the Soul be chosen to be one of the Lords Children it is chosen to be an Heir Rom. 8.17 4. The Soul may behold the Lord engaged to an everlasting unchangeable continuance of all love and favour to it in its embracing these Gospel-discoveries Secondly Hence the Soul may have a fulness of Security for the fulfilling those precious Gospel-discoveries to it in whatever case it is possible for any Soul to be in to whom these Gospel-discoveries come 1. In case of desperate wickedness and great unworthiness In this case the Soul may have Security and behold the Lord engaged in respect 〈◊〉 himself to fulfil those Gospel-discoveries to it notwithstanding his superlative degree of wickedness and highest unworthiness The Soul may argue thus Will not a tender-hearted Father accept a poor rebellious Child to Amity Love and Agreement with himself though he have been rebellious in the highest degree 2. In the case of the most horrible Temptations The worst the Soul can imagine of it self in this case is this That through some accursed wickedness it should wilfully cast away its own Soul and join in League and Amity with those infernal powers and suppose this yet from hence the Soul may discern the Lord engaged to fulfil all his Gospel-discoveries of love and mercy to his particular Soul in this case if he will accept those Gopel-discoveries 3. Hence it may have Security in the saddest damps straitness and deadness and indisposedness that ever possessed any Soul in Prayer The Soul may say Suppose a tender-hearted Father should have a beloved Child that is sick and distempered that he cannot so much as speak to him for succour but look upon his Fathers face with watery eyes with sighs and groans what thinkest thou O my Soul would not the dearest pangs of compassion in the Father be working towards the Child 4. Hence the Soul may have full Security for fulfilling Gospel-discoveries into his bosom though he be in that doleful state of captivity to an unbelieving heart void of all sensible visible dispositions in his Spirit The Soul in this case may and ought to argue within it self thus O my Soul it is true indeed thou hast neither power nor disposition in thee to yield obedience to the precious Command of the ever blessed God who commands thee to accept of love and mercy tendered to thy loveless Soul in the Lord Jesus but dost thou think it possible that thy want of power to believe should prevent the Lords acceptance of thee into the bosom of his fatherly affection Yea I may add more in this case from this engagement of God to fulfil Gospel-discoveries the Soul may behold him engaged to contribute believing dispositions 5. The Soul may have full Security concerning the fulfilling the Gospel-discoveries to it self though it be in the case of slavery and vassallage to the most crooked untoward perverse heart that ever dwelt in any Son or Daughter of Adam It may thus say O my Soul is it possible for thy crookedness to have an influence upon the heart of the immutable unchangeable God to blot out the Name that is written there from eternity if thou wilt accept Gospel-Discoveries 6. The Soul from hence hath full security of the fulfilling all Gospel-discoveries into his bosom though it be in the saddest backsliding case from what his Spirit was once allured to that ever any was guilty of since the first Apostacy from God in the Loins of Adam Now may it say O my backsliding Soul hath not the blessed Redeemer of poor loveless Sinners said in Luke 15. That the Blessed Father will run to receive such a backsliding wretch as thou art He will fall on his neck and kiss him and call to the Angels to rejoyce at his Return And then may the Soul add and shall not he that dwelt in the bosom of the Father from eternity be credited by thy Soul 3. A third Engagement upon God the Spirit may or doth remember the Soul of is That every Soul that will and shall embrace the precious Gospel-discoveries is chosen from eternity into the Order of Royal Priesthood whereof Jesus Christ himself is Head or High Priest Thence we are said to be Kings and Priests unto God Rev. 16. And to be a Royal Priesthood 1 Pet. 2.9 Now from hence the Soul through believing may discern God engaged to fulfill to the uttermost all the precious Gospel-discoveries to every Soul that shall accept
the property of the Divine nature to communicate all its perfections so far as they can be communicable and also seeing every Soul embracing Gospel-discoveries is the proper object to which that perfection of the Lords mercy and compassion is to be communicated thence the Spirit may cause the Soul to conclude that the Lord stands engaged by the inseparable property of his Divine nature to make every such Soul accepting Gospel discoveries to be the object of the highest mercy and compassion Now from hence the Spirit may give the Soul full security of the fulfilling the Gospel discoveries into his bosom whatever objections it is possible for the wisdom of Hell and the corrupt Heart to make against it All the objections that are possible to be imagined by the extract and quintessence of all Wisdom that is enmity against God say no more but this concerning the Soul that it is a miserable lost undone Soul If the Soul objects the superlative height of his own wickedness if I● object the long continuance in its wickedness if it object the wretched contempt of mercy and love tendered if it object the want of holiness the want of every good disposition imaginable if it object the most cursed crookedness and enmity of Heart against the blessed tenders of love and begin to draw these conclusions from these premises therefore surely Gospel discoveries cannot be fulfilled into my bosom if I should rely upon the Lord for the fulfilling of them yet the Soul in all these objections says but this one thing I am a poor miserable despicable wretch in the depth of misery Now then the Spirit may manifest to the Soul that in its accepting those Gospel discoveries it shall be the proper object of all mercy and compassions So that God shall be engaged by the inseparable property of his own nature to let out his transcendent bowels of mercy and compassion in their freedom of working towards the Soul so as to fill it with the fulness of mercy and compassion And thence the Spirit may convince the Soul that either he must conclude that his finite misery exceeds the infiniteness of the Lords mercies and compassions or else the Soul must conclude that notwithstanding all objections that can be imagined yet in his accepting the Gospel discoveries they shall infallibly be fulfilled to the utmost into his bosom 3. Hereby the Spirit may manifest the Lord to be engaged by all his sweetest contentments his most pleasing delight that he naturally takes in beholding the workings of his own perfections towards poor imperfect creatures to supply every want that can possibly be imagined to be in any Soul As it is the property of the Lords nature to be dispensing of his fulness to empty ones so it is the Lords infinite delight to behold those streams of his fulness running down in a sutable way into their Souls Now the Spirit may manifest the Lord to be engaged by that his own contentment that he naturally takes in beholding his own perfections communicated unto others to communicate all sutable succour relief help and comfort to every such Soul as shall embrace those Gospel discoveries 5. A fifth engagement the Lord hath laid upon himself to fulfill Gospel discoveries is That every particular Soul that shall and will embrace Gospel discoveries is the peculiar chosen object of the Lords highest most unspeakable everlasting delight and contentment Thence it is that the Word reveals that the Lord taketh such infinite pleasure in his own as in Psal 147.11 The Lord taketh pleasure in those that fear him in those that hope in his mercy I pray observe it in this is comprehended every Soul that doth in the lowest degree embrace Gospel discoveries This manifests that the Soul that doth in the most trembling timerous way but reach out a feeble Hand of hope to lay hold upon that rich mercy tendered in the Lord Jesus to it is the object of the Lords pleasure and contentment even those Souls that are far from drawing any conclusion only they cast out the anchor of hope and venture their lost perishing Souls upon the rock of mercy that is discovered in the Lord Jesus 1. The Spirit may reveal them to be the object of the highest most superlative everlasting delight and contentment that is the object of the highest delight that God takes in any object out of himself The same superlative delight that the Father takes in Jesus Christ as Mediator he takes in the Soul united to him 2. Every such Soul is destinated to be the object wherein the Lord would as it were concenter together in one all the blessed motions of his own delight and contentment Jesus Christ mystically considered that is considered with his Body of holy Angels and Souls of those that were lost sinners united to him is the very center wherein all the lines of the Lords delight and contentment meet perfectly together in one Now every Soul embracing Gospel discoveries being taken into the perfect unity of the mystical Body becomes through its union into the mystical Body as it were a part of the center wherein all the lines of the delight of God meet together There are four kinds of the Lords delight that every such Soul that embraceth Gospel discoveries is the chosen object of 1. Every such Soul is the chosen object of all the highest everlasting delight of God that he takes in the letting out his love in its perfection towards any thing without himself The Lords most natural peculiar delight is in love because his Essence and being is love Now every such Soul is the chosen object of the highest perfection of love considered as one of that mystical Body Hence it is said Zeph. 3.17 He will rejoyce over thee with joy he will rest in his love that is to say he will take satisfaction and contentment to his own Soul in loving of thee for indeed delight is nothing else but love in rest as desire is love in motion 2. Every such Soul so considered is the object of all the most superlative delight of God that he takes in the actual communication of his goodness It is so natural for God who is goodness it self to be communicating his goodness to others that his Soul is filled with pleasure and contentment in the letting forth of his goodness 3. Every such Soul embracing Gospel discoveries is the object of all the delights and contentments that the Lord takes in himself in the contemplation of the transcendent glory of his own supereminent excellency Now there are no other objects than that mystical Body of Christ that are the objects of any of the delights of God that he takes from the contemplation of his own superlative glory seeing his own excellencies that he contemplateth upon are no other then he communicateth to that mystical Body So that all the delight pleasure and contentment that the Lord can receive from the pretious views of the brightness of his own glory
sparkling forth of his own Glory through it VI. A sixth Engagement that God hath laid upon himself to fulfil Gospel Discoveries is this That every unlovely Sinner that shall embrace them is prepared from Eternity by the Lords infinite Wisdom to be an Orient bright shining Pearl in the all beautiful Crown of the Lords accidental Glory Mistake me not the mighty Sun of the Lords infinite essential Glory cannot admit either of Augmentation or Diminution I mean either of Lessening or Increasing its Transcendent Brightness But the Lords accidental Glory that is to say the manifestation and Discovery of those precious Beams of his essential Glory may and do admit of Eclipses and Overshadowings and also of an increase and augmentation in their Brightness and Excellency Now every Forlorn Soul that shall embrace Gospel Discoveries is laid as it were as a precious Golden Thred in that rich Broidered Robe of that Glory that the King of Heaven Cloaths himself with to make himself Glorious in the eyes of Saints and Angels This is clearly manifested in Isa 43.6 7 if you compare it with John 1.12 Bring forth my Sons and Daughters saith God whom I have Created for my Glory Now they are only those that receive the Lord Jesus tendred in the Gospel To as many as received him even to them that believe in him to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God And hence you shall observe that the people of God are not only said to be Created for his Glory but they are called his glory Isa 46.13 Nay more they are called the Crown of the Lords Glory Isa 62.3 Nay further the Lord looks upon them as his Ornament Ezek. 7.10 And hence also they are called the Portion of God Jer. 12.10 Yea hence the Scripture declares the Saints in Heaven to shine as the Stars in the Firmament Dan. 12.3 In regard they shall be very Bright Shining Pearls that shall stand in the Crown of the Lords Honour Now there are three respects wherein every such Unlovely Sinner embracing Gospel Discoveries is one of the set Pearls that shine forth in the Crown of the Lords Glory 1. In regard the All beautiful Unparalleld Crown of the super added Honour of the Lord Jesus is Composed of all those Souls that shall embrace those Gospel Discoveries Thence it is that such Gospel Embraces are called the Glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8.23 And thence it is that the Church which is the Company of those is called the fulness of Christ Eph. 1.23 Now the Honour of Jesus Christ through the perfect Unity between the Father and the Son is also the Fathers Honour and so consequently every such Soul being one of those Beautiful Flowers in the Garland of Christs Honour he becomes also one of those rich Diamonds wherewith the Crown of the Fathers Glory is richly beset According to that in 1 Cor. 3.22 23. where the whole Glory that Jesus Christ attains as he is Mediatour is revealed to be Terminated and ended in the Fathers Glory All is yours That is all things are finally for your sakes Or rather all things have a natural tendency through the Everlasting Decree of God unto your good And ye are Christs That is and all you by vertue of the same Decree have a natural tendency to all the good you attain unto the good of Jesus Christ All the Glory that is put upon you hath a natural tendency unto the Glory of Jesus Christ to make up the perfection of his Glory And then observe and saith he Christ is Gods That is all the Good the Glory the Honour that Jesus Christ attains through his being the Center wherein all your good meets all that meets in the Father that is all his Honour tends only to the exalting of the Fathers Honour 2. In regard the brightest Beams of the Fathers essential Glory are manifest in every such Soul The Lord from before the Foundations of the World were laid made choice of those Souls to be as so many Christal Glasses through which the Beams of his Incomprehensible Essential Glory should shine forth First In every such Soul is manifest the infinite Unsearchable depths of the Fathers Divine Wisdom The manner of the Fathers Disposing of those souls to suffer them by the free working of their own Wills to lose themselves and bring themselves under the Power of everlasting Wrath and Indignation and then his Wisdom in contriving a way to save the Honour of his own Justice and the Redemption of those Poor Lost Perishing Souls so wonderfully to make the Honour of Mercy and Love and Justice to meet together in one to make Mercy and Justice kiss each other is that which will be the matter of Admiration to all those Inhabitants of the Sacred Palace of Heaven to all Eternity Secondly The Brightest Beams of his unspeakable unconceivable love appear and are manifested to every such Soul The highest perfection of Love that ever the Lord manifested is in Loving such Unlovely Forlorn Loathsome Souls as these and that also while he Rejected and Disregarded Creatures far more Glorious according to their first Creation Thirdly The Almighty Power of the Lord is also Gloriously manifested in every such Soul in that he should create anew those Loveless Sinners that were opposite to their own new Creation I mean their own Regeneration Therein indeed did Power appear in that the Lord did raise the Soul from the lowest degree of Enmity into the neerest Union with himself and that against all the Oppositions that Hell can make and against all the Powers of the Soul it self when both concur together against God Fourthly The Glorious Independency of the Lords Will in all the Motions and Operations of it is manifested abundantly in every such soul The Freedom of the Lord in all his ways doth not shine forth so clearly in any of the Works of God as in that Pretious Mystery of his Election in making of the same lump one Vessel to Honour and another to Dishonour there being no Engagements no Motives to incline his Pretious Will either this way or that way 3. Every such Soul is a set shining Diamond in the Crown of the Lords Honour In regard it is destinated from Eternity to stand as a constant clear Christal Glass through which the Lord would manifest the Transcendency of his own perfection unto all Eternity And it is through those Communications of the Father unto the Soul that the Fathers Glory is discovered and thence it is that the Brightness of the Fathers Glory shall be shining forth Resplendently unto all Eternity in every such Soul Now we are to consider what full security the Spirit may give from hence to every such Soul concerning the Infallible fulfilling of all Gospel Discoveries to the utmost into its Bosom that shall embrace them 1. From thence the Spirit may reveal to the Soul that the Lord stands engaged by the Inseparable Disposition of his own nature which naturally tends to his
agent an outward agent upon the Soul in the first act of Believing and then take up its Habitation in the Soul through the Souls Believing in the Lord Jesus But reason it self is sufficient Confutation of those Imaginations Reason will tell us of an Impossibility of a man meerly Unregenerate to put forth an act meerly Spiritual Reason will tell us an Habit or Disposition must go before there be an act a Tree there must be before there can be fruit And then also the Spirits Sealing of the Believing Soul being declared to follow at least in order of nature the Souls Believing it cannot be that by the Spirits Sealing spoken of in these Scriptures should be meant the Infusion of the Spirits Graces into the Soul it must be something besides the Graces Infused II. All kind of Holy Habits or Dispositions that are Infused into any one Believing Soul are Infused in order of nature before the Souls Believing Now if the Spirits Sealing were only the Infusion of the Spirits Grace then every Believing Soul should have the same Seal of the Spirit whereas experience brings Testimony enough to the contrary III. The Spirits Sealing mentioned in those former Scriptures is Attributed in a particular manner to the person of the Spirit The Spirit it self beareth Witness with our Spirits It doth not say only the Spirit which might have been meant the Graces of the spirit but the spirit it self even by a personal act the spirit attests to us that we are the Sons of God So it is also in Eph. 1.13 14. In whom also after ye Believed ye were Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise which is the earnest of our Inheritance It is Translated Which but it is most agreeable to the Original to say Who is the earnest of our Inheritance The relative being in the person of the spirit not the Gifts of the spirit So that it stands as an Undoubted Truth that the Lord doth add unto Believing souls for their abundant Consolation even a Witness from his own Blessed spirit of their admittance into Union and Communion with the Lord Jesus in their cleaving to him besides all those other Blessed necessary works of the Blessed spirit upon their souls Now I must further Observe that this Attestation of the spirit doth not pertain peculiarly and solely unto Faith as having reference unto Faith only and to the begetting of assurance of Faith But by Divine Appointment this Witness of the spirit pertains also to sense to spiritual sense or spiritual Knowledge and doth beget assurance of Sence and Feeling as well as it begets assurance of Faith Yet there is such a sweet Mixture in this Blessed work of the Spirits Attestation that it doth at one and the same time raise the soul to assurance of Faith and Assurance of Sense and Feeling And indeed such is the nature of the spirits Attestation that it never bears Witness to the souls Faith in any measure of clearness that the soul in its Cleaving to the Lord Jesus shall be admitted into Union and Communion with Christ but the spirit bears Witness at the same time to the souls sence that it is actually admitted into Union and Communion with Christ Yet because we are speaking at present of the manner how the spirit doth first reveal to the souls Faith certainly and infallibly his Union with Christ and so assure the souls Faith of Union we must first speak of the spirits Attestation unto the soul in reference unto Faith Though we must also for opening the full work of Attestation open the manner of the spirits Attesting to the souls Sence and Feeling For the opening the first the spirits Attestation in Reference unto the souls Faith to assure Faith of its Union The Spirits Attestation unto Faith I shall open to you two things First Those Respects in which the Lord doth appoint the spirits Attestation to be added to all the former works as a Redundancy of his Mercy and Love to the Despicable soul Secondly We shall open what the spirits Attestation to the souls Faith is For the first There are four or five Respects why the Lord adds this work of Attestation to the souls Faith after he hath perswaded the soul to believe thus powerfully with Confidence I. In respect of the Multitude of fears that remain in the Believing Soul after the clearest Evidence of the Gospel unto the soul and the most full perswasion of the soul by the spirit to Believe There are three kinds of fears that still remain in some degree both in the Seed of them and in the Fruit of them though none of them remain in their absolute Dominion 1. There is both the Seed and Fruit of Slavish Fear Though through the Mighty Exciting Power of the spirit following the spirits Irradiation and Manifestation of the Gospel to the soul it is raised to a fulness of Confidence of the Lords Acceptance of his soul into Union and Communion with the Lord Jesus in his Cleaving to him yet there is not a perfection of Confidence And it is only perfect Confidence that begets perfect love and only perfect Love that casts out Slavish Fear 2. There is a pure natural fear that still remains The matter of Believing is of such high concernment that the very remembrance of it strikes the soul with some natural fear It is the venturing the pretious Immortal soul for Eternity and unless there were a Perfection of Confidence a soul cannot be void of fear 3. There is a Spiritual Holy fear that remains also in the Believing soul after the strength of Believing The souls Vision of Union and Communion with Christ Inflames the Believing Souls Heart with Love unto Union and Communion And proportionable to the degree of the Souls Love so is the Souls fear That is to say the Soul fears the loss of Union and Communion in the same degree wherein he loves Union and Communion and this fear is exceeding prone to go beyond its Bounds and to suspect the loss of it where there is no cause of Suspition II. The Lord adds this Attesting work of the spirit to souls In regard there is a natural Distrust that in some degree remains in every Believing soul though raised to a fulness of Confidence There is not only an Indisposition naturally in the soul to give Credit to the Blessed Word of the Majesty of Heaven by reason of its Inability fully to comprehend the reason of the Lords fulfilling such a Word into his Bosom But also there is a natural Disposition in dwelling in every soul that Inclines the Heart strongly to give the Blessed Majesty of Heaven the Lye to distrust that Blessed Record that the Lord bears of his own Son III. There is a Holy Jealousie that possesseth every Believing Soul least his Corrupt Deceitful Heart should Delude him Every Believing soul is so conscious to himself of a Multiplicity and Variety of Couzening Deluding Tricks that his Corrupt Heart hath put upon
for that Believing Soul to question his own Cleaving and Adhering unto Jesus Christ unto all Eternity And that will appear in two things I. In regard there is a sufficient ground revealed to the Soul that hath this Testimony of the Spirit unto his Faith of his Confidence of his Everlasting Cleaving unto Christ as there is of the Lords Acceptance of his Soul into Union and Communion with him in Adhering to him The promises of the Covenant of Grace that are tendred in the Lord Jesus do as perfectly and as clearly contain and include in them strength to inable Souls to Embrace and Accept those Promises as they do contain in them a fulness and alsufficiency of Love and Mercy for those Souls that do Embrace them The Lord that hath said It is my Will that such Perishing Sinking Despicable Souls as will accept my Tender shall be one with me through the Lord Jesus and have Everlasting Communion with me hath also said will Allure and draw your Hearts to Embrace and Accept according to my Will this Union and Communion with me in Christ that I freely tender you According to Jer. 31 32 33. This shall be my Covenant I will put my Law in their inward parts and Write it in their Hearts That is to say I will infuse sutable Dispositions into the Hearts of all the Embracers of the Lord Jesus to Incline Dispose and Inable them to fulfil all my Revealed Will in some Measure and Degree So that the Soul hath as sure a Word Revealed to it to depend upon from whence may arise a Confidence in it that the Lord will Inable him to Cleave and Adhere Everlastingly to Christ as it hath a Word whereupon his Soul may Depend and may be Confident the Lord will accept him into Union and Communion with him in Cleaving unto Christ II. In regard that very Confidence that the Spirit doth produce in the Soul of its Infallible Acceptance into Union and Communion with him is the very act of Cleaving and Adhering unto Christ There are four particular acts of the Soul Included under this Confidence of the Souls Acceptance into Union with Christ in its Cleaving and Adhering to him 1. In this is Included the Election of Union with Christ by the Will of the Soul Now this is but the receiving of Christ that the Gospel requireth To as many as received him to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God John 1.12 Now the consent of the Will to close with Christ in Union and Communion that is tendred to it is the very Receiving of Jesus Christ 2. In that very act of Confidence there is Included the Souls Credence or giving Credit to the Word of God When the Soul is Confident of the Lords Accepting of it into Union and Communion with him in the Souls Cleaving and Adhering to him it is only because of such a Word of Promise from the Mouth of Christ to which the Soul giveth Credit or which the Soul Believeth 3. In this act of Confidence there is a Resignation of the Soul wholly unto Christ Such as that which is spoken of in 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed and I am Perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have Committed unto him That is to say I know whose Word it was that I gave Credit to and that I was so Confident of the Truth of That I leaned my Soul upon the Truth of that Word for its Everlasting Happiness So that then in this act of Confidence there is Included that Mutual Interchangable Covenanting that the Word of the Lord requires from Souls in Accepting the Lord Jesus Tendered 4. In this very act of Confidence there is Included a full Dependance of the Soul upon Christ a hanging the Soul upon the Faithfulness of Jesus Christ and his Word So that indeed all the acts that the Gospel Requires from Souls are Included in this one act of Confidence that is produced by this Testimony of the Spirit to the Souls Faith Now the act of the Souls Confidence being also the act of its Cleaving and Adhering unto the Lord Jesus and the Souls Cleaving and Adhering unto Christ being Gradually as strong as the act of its Confidence of Accepting into Union and Communion with Christ in his Cleaving to him Thence it appears that there can be no solid ground of the souls questioning his own Adherence unto the Lord Jesus when the spirit gives this Testimony forementioned unto the souls Faith and produceth 〈◊〉 Confidence in the soul of his Acceptance into Union and Communion with the Lord Jesus in Adhering to him In this very thing lies the whole Mystery of assurance unto Faith The very Confidence that the spirit begets in the soul of the Lord Jesus his Accepting it into Union and Communion with him in Cleaving to him the very act of Confidence is the act of the souls Cleaving to him Answ 2. Secondly I Answer further that whenever the Spirit by its Testimony to the souls Faith doth beget that Confidence in the soul that the Lord will Accept it into Union with himself in his Adhering to him then the soul cannot question his own Adhering unto Christ any more than he questions the Lords Acceptance of his soul into Union and Communion with him in his Adhering to him The spirits Testimony unto Faith is or such a nature that it doth equally beget a Confidence in the soul of his Everlasting Cleaving unto Christ to the Confidence that it doth beget of the Lords Acceptance of the soul into Union with himself in the souls Adhering to him And that will appear in three things I. In regard the spirits Attestation unto Faith is concerning the truth of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ or of all the promises The spirit in the Irradiation of the Gospel clears that it is the Lords Will to have the whole Glorious work of the Union of Loveless Sinners with the Lord Jesus to have its sole dependance upon himself So that it manifests Believing Strength to inable the soul to Cleave and Adhere to the Lord Jesus fully to be tendered in the Covenant of Grace as well as Union with Christ himself is tendered Now then the spirits Attestation which follows this Irradiation of the Gospel is as large as its Irradiation work I mean the spirit doth in a Judicial Authoritative way Witness the truth of all those Gospel Truths Revealed to the soul So that the soul cannot possibly resist that Determination that the spirit gives into its Bosom Now then there being the same Witness of the spirit unto the souls Faith that the Lord will inable it to Cleave and Adhere to the Lord Jesus that there is unto its Faith that the Lord will Accept into Union and Communion with himself in Christ every soul that will Adhere to him Thence it cannot be that a soul should more question his Adhering unto Christ than he should question the Lords Acceptance of him
mind So that by these two means he doth hold the intention of the mind upon his rotten reasons for the souls union with the Lord Jesus that he prevents the souls looking upon any thing that should discover its deluded estate 7. The seventh act of power upon the understanding is this Satan doth suggest his lying reasons for the Souls union with the Lord Jesus with a superlative insinuating power to take the deluded heart with it Satan doth not only propound the argument and so exercise a meer moral power upon the mind but through his power upon the fancy he doth immediately so insinuate into the soul that the Soul is prevailed withall to accept of the suggestion he propounds Thence you shall observe in 2. Thess 2.10 that those that received not the truth with the love of it were given over to strong delusions not only delusions but such delusions as had a prevailing strength in them to prevail with the mind to believe them 8. There is an eight act of power upon the mind and understanding that Satan exerciseth for this cursed purpose Satan doth suggest his false reasons and lying arguments for Souls union with Christ with an imperious power a kind of commanding authority adding an abstrenuous setled and fixed affirmation that it is so making up what is wanting in the strength of the argument with the boldness and confidence of his affirmation that it is so By this means he bears down the spirits of his deluded ones so as they cannot make resistance you shall observe it a weak spirit is overpoured by a stronger spirit though it be not overpoured by any strength of reason but by the strength of the spirit by the violence and confidence manifested in the reasons and arguments This is the first power of Satan to delude souls a power upon their understandings Satans Power upon the Conscience Secondly the second power Satan exerciseth is upon the Conscience in Reference to the establishing of a poor deluded Soul in a strong self-deluding confidence of his union with the Lord Jesus that causion must be always taken that Satan hath not any immediate power to work any impression upon the conscience that 's one of the incommunicable royal properties of the Majesty of Heaven therefore all the power he exercises upon the conscience is but in the corruption and pollution of conscience his principal power consists in inflaming those cursed sparks that are already kindled in the Soul and indeed he doth make a superaddition of such a vehemence and violence in every such pollution as far as the Lord doth suffer him to exercise his power Now there are five of these corruptions in the Conscience that Satan exerciseth his power upon to delude the poor soul I. The injudiciousness of conscience it 's weakness in judging or its blindess Now this injudiciousness of conscience is also two-fold either the injudiciousness of the conscience in respect of the rule of judgement by which it judgeth its union with the Lord Jesus Or else secondly the injudiciousness of conscience in the application of the rule First the injudiciousness of the conscience about the rule of judgement by which it judgeth of its union with Christ now 1. from this injudiciousness about the rul proceeds those dreadful mis-understandings of the Scripture by deluded souls Hence such strange blind Interpretations of Scripture are given by them as that in Rom. 10.13 who ever call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved they from hence have concluded that it was sufficient for Salvation to some kind of Prayers to the Almighty upon some occasions yea hence some have desperately concluded that the crying Lord have mercy upon them at the last was sufficient for Salvation Yea hence also it is that those deluded ones so dreadfully understood the command of believing conceiving it only to be meant of a speculative faith only a kind of notion that Christ did come down and take flesh upon him and did in the nature of man die the death of the Cross in satisfaction to the Fathers justice for sinners and thence it is so common among them to profess themselves to be Believers 2. From this injudiciousness in the conscience about the rule of judgement proceeds those false apprehensions about the nature of union with Christ or the Souls acceptation of union tendered Conceiving that hearing the word of God and forbearing to make any opposition aganist it is the very acceptance of the Gospel the very embracing that union with Jesus Christ that is tendred to them Secondly The injudiciousness of the conscience consists in its injudiciousness in the application of the rule Sometimes such clear Beams of the Light are darted into a Soul that the conscience cannot pass a false judgement upon the rule it self yet then through the natural corruption of the conscience through its injudiciousness of its prone to apply the rule falsely and this insudicious-doth Satan exercise all his power upon II. The second Corruption in the Conscience is the Laziness or Remisness or Idle Negligence of the Conscience in its restrayning Office whereby it should compel the Soul to fulfil the Will of God that is Revealed to him The Conscience is by Divine Appointment a Task-Master set over the Soul to press the Commands of God upon it and inforce Obedience And through the pollution that overspreads the Conscience it hath been Enclined strongly to a remisness in this its Office to which the Lord hath appointed it Now the Devil Exerciseth all his Power upon this Idleness of Conscience making it to be more strongly disposed to Carelesness and Remisness And from this Remisness of Conscience in this its Office 1. All the Contradictions in the actings of a Deluded Soul to the proper natural effect of receiving true Evidence of a Souls Union with Christ are undiscerned in that Deluded Soul Proportionable to the Negligence of Conscience in constraining the Soul to do the Will of God Revealed is the Negligence of Conscience in receiving an accompt from the Soul of the Obedience that it hath yielded to the Will of God Revealed 2. From hence also proceeds a quietness in the Mind of the Deluded Soul under all those Sins that are inconsistent with Union with the Lord Jesus Were not the Conscience Remiss and Negligent in that his Office in constrayning Souls to Obedience to God there could be no Quiet or Content in the Mind while the Soul walks contrary to the Revealed Will of God especially when his ways are inconsistent with injoying Union with God in Christ 3. From hence the Equity and Rectitude of Satans Application of his Lying Arguments for the Union of their Souls is also Maintained Unblemished The reason that remains even in Unbelieving Souls will not be satisfied without some appearing Equity and Rectitude in Satans Lying Arguments for yielding to it Now a Multitude of Sins contrary to the natural effects of the receiving evidence of Union with the Lord
all his labour will be in Vain by consenting to a doubtful Tryal of his own Evidence of Union with Christ received When the soul staggers and wavers in the confidence of the Truth of the Evidence of his Union which Christ received and proceeds in that timerous trembling wavering manner to an Examination of that his Evidence then the soul either seeks for a higher Evidence than what he received formerly Or else he seeks for Infallible Demonstrations from the effects of the former Evidence of his Union with Christ received that that Evidence that he hath received is really from God Now in case the Evidence of the souls union with Christ that the soul hath received were the Evidence from that pretious Witness of the Blessed Spirit of Jesus Christ the soul seeks all in vain to seek for a higher Evidence Or else in case the soul seeks to prove certainly and infallibly that that Evidence of his union with Christ that he hath received was from God by the effect wrought in his own heart the soul also labours in vain in regard there is a necessity that the soul must be dubious and anxious about the truth of all that he conceives to have received from Jesus Christ while the soul is dubious whether it be united to Jesus Christ III. In regard Satan indiscernably gains these advantages against the believing soul by solliciting the soul to this doubtful tryal of his own Evidence of his union By Satan solliciting the soul to a doubtful tryal of the Evidence of his union with Christ received he doth indeed appear in Angelical Glory Cloathed with a Glittering Garment of Heavenly Light He thus bespeakes the poor believing soul Take heed O Soul thou beest not Deluded in this great matter of Eternity Mens hearts are naturally too ready to presume saith Satan take heed least thou Befool thy self with vain hopes Thus he seemeth to be the Messenger of the blessed God to the believing soul sent on purpose to press one of the blessed commands of God unto the Soul that it should try examine and prove it self only he secretly mixeth a cursed principle of darkness with that precious beam of light he incites the believing Soul to a dubious anxious trial and examination of the evidence of his union and so consequently procures the Soul to reject the blessed evidence of his union that the Lord in the riches of his mercy hath vouchsafed to the believing Soul whereas the Spirit intends a pretious believing trial for the Souls more abundant establishment and consolation that it may be filled with joy and glory Pre. 2. Secondly I shall premise That the believing Soul to whom the Lord hath vouchsafed a clear evidence of his union with the Lord Jesus ought not to diminish in the least degree his confidence of the Lords will to accept even his Soul into union with the Lord Jesus whilst he endeavours to try and examine his evidence of union received whether it be from God or whether it be a diabolical inspiration Sueh is the absolute necessity of the Soul in the trying the evidence of his union with Christ to stand fast in this his confidence that in such a degree and measure as that Soul wavers in this his confidence in the same degree is the Soul uncapable of a right examination of the evidence of his union with Christ received So that in case the confidence should wholly fail the Soul is wholly uncapable of a right examination of the evidence of his union with Christ This will appear in two things 1. In regard it is by the acting of this confidence that the Soul is disposed to receive the clear evidence unto faith of his union with the Lord Jesus The Soul is disposed to this two ways 1. By the acting of this confidence the Eye of the Soul is fixed upon that glass through which the light that evidenceth to the Souls faith the Lords will to admit him into union with the Lord Jesus shines The glass wherein the Lord discovers his will to admit him is his word wherein he declares it is his will to admit every Rebel and Enemy that will into union with the Lord Jesus and into union with himself through him Now the Eye of the believing Soul is only fixed and established upon this blessed word of God through the lively actings of the Souls confidence because this is the object of his confidence and the object is only in them when there is acting of faith upon the object 2. It is by the acting of this confidence that a clearness is maintained in the Soul whereby the Soul is suitable to discern that light that doth evidence unto the Souls faith the Lords will to admit it into union with the Lord Jesus The confidence failing a multitude of objections and reasons this way and that way arise in the soul every one of these objections scruples and reasons is like a Mote in the Eye of the Soul which prevents his clear discerning of what the light of the blessed spirit put upon it Now by the acting of this confidence those objections reasonings and scruplings are silenced and suppressed and so a precious clearness is maintained in the soul a readiness to discern whatever beam of Heavenly light the spirit should cause to shine forth from that pretious word that it is the Lords will to admit it into union with the Lord Jesus 2. When this confidence in the Soul fails it makes the Soul uncapable for a just trial and examination of the evidence of its union with Christ in regard the acting of this very confidence of the Lords will to admit the Soul into union with the Lord Jesus is the very matter of evidence unto the Souls sense that it is united actually to the Lord Jesus Now when the act of the Souls confidence ceaseth then is the very matter from whence the Spirit doth manifest to the Souls sense its union with the Lord Jesus taken away How shall the blessed Spirit cause the believing Soul to see its self believing when there are not the believing actings in the Soul It is not the habit of any kind of holiness that the Spirit doth manifest to any believing Soul to be in it self but it is the acting of any holiness whatever that the Spirit doth cause the Soul to discern in it self from whence it discerns actually its union with the Lord Jesus So that then the confidence of the soul failing or ceasing its actings the very original of the souls evidence unto sense of his union with the Lord Jesus is taken away Secondly The believing Soul ought not only to forbear the diminishing of this his confidence in the Lords will to admit his Soul into union with the Lord Jesus while he proceeds to the trial of his evidence of his union with Christ received But he ought also to forbear the diminishing of his confidence that he is actually united to the Lord Jesus already in case the Lord
satisfying power of the manifesting light unto his faith that he should be accepted into union with Christ doth now again in this renewed act gain a sight and manifestation of that satisfying power in a manifesting truth that his Soul should be acepted into union with the Lord Jesus Now thence the Lord discerns the causelesness of his own prejudicial thoughts and opinions of his former evidences unto faith and so consequently abhor himself in that he dishonoured the blessed work of the Spirit 5. Through the vertue and efficacy of this believing act that decay in holiness which did make the soul unsutable to take a just impartial tryal of the evidences of his union with Christ are repaired that appears in two things 1. The mind of the believing soul is filled with all the notions conceptions and apprehensions from whence Holy Actings do arise are Maintained and Increased and through the defect of which Holiness Decays and Consumes in any Soul These Holy Notions from whence Holiness proceeds are principally these That there is a fulness of all Love and Mercy tendred freely by God to this Poor Unlovely soul that the Lord is so infinitely rich in his love that he doth pass over all that can be sutable for the poor empty Soul freely to it in Christ Now it is impossible there should be a Renewed Believing act without these Notions being brought fresh to the Remembrance of the Believing Soul 2. All the Holy Affections are excited also to a Renewed exercise by vertue of the Renewed Act. All the Affections are under the command of these two Love and Hatred Now both these are excited to a Renewed Exercise and that with a Mighty strength by vertue of the Renewed Act. Love towards God is nothing but the very reflecting of the Lords love cast upon the soul upon God again The actings of love always proceed from the Apprehensions of the Lords love to the Soul Now in the Believing Act there is an actual view of the infinite unspeakable Riches of Love to the Unlovely Forlorn Soul and thence Love is drawn forth in its very strength towards God again Likewise Hatred which command the other part of the Affections is nothing else but the Displicency tha is in the Will against any object whatever which affections do naturally proceed from the souls love Now therefore the hatred of the soul is properly against Sin and whatever is contrary to God and his Will In the same degree that Love acts in the soul towards God in the same degree doth hatred work towards every thing that is contrary to God Now by the stirring up of these two all the other Holy Affections also are excited into their exercise thence the decays of Holiness are sweetly repaired and the soul put into a sutable temper for the tryal of his own Evidence Answ 2. Secondly I answer That all the Lords Ordinances and Appointments for his peoples souls to injoy Communion with himself in are also mediate and second means of the delivery of those souls from the dreadful Tyranny of the Fear and Jealousie that the Evidences of their union are Delusions Thus Prayer Conference Meditation hearing the Word are all secondary means to wait for the spirit to breath in power from the Lord Jesus to enable the soul in this Renewed Believing Act and to continue the Believing Act in the soul So that you see a sufficient means left for these Distempred or Declined souls that are either Uncapable or Unsutable for a just examination of the Evidence of their Union to deliver them from Fear and Terrour that the Evidences of their Union with Christ Received are Delusions Now in Regard the question is about a matter so practical I shall therefore turn the last Answer into a kind of Advise Beseeching and Intreating every Distempered or Declined soul in Holiness to take this course to strive for deliverance of his soul from under the power of his Tormenting Fears that the Evidences of his union with Christ are Delusions And for that end I desire you would take these four Directions Direct 1. First that you forbear for a little season the Trial and Examination of your own Evidence with the Lord cease a little to Plead your Title with the Lord Spend not all your thoughts about what Evidence you have Received as though there were no good to be expected except your former Evidences were real Direct 2. Secondly let me advise you to take a strict accompt of your own hearts of all your fears and all the grounds of your suspitions whereupon you suspect that your evidences where delusions gather together and sum up all hypocrisie and falseness the unconstancy the loosness the vanity the rashness the blindness that 's now brought to your remembrance to prove your evidences received were but meer delusions gather together all the defects of those precious effects of real evidence from God to any soul of its union with Christ that you apprehend your souls want and further suppose them all to be true take all for a little season for granted suppose that your heart was false and that you were wholly and altogether an Hypocrite that all the workings of your spirit were nothing but common workings of the blessed spirit But then Direct 3. Thirdly search the holy records the Lords blessed word for all the discriptions of those to whom union with Jesus Christ is freely tendered and find out whether thy soul supposed to be in the estate fore-named be excluded from the number of those to whom union with Jesus Christ is freely tendred Search from Scripture whether thou canst find any one Hypocrite any one captivated soul by the Devils deluding reasonings any one false hearted treacherous wretch ever excluded from the number of those to whom the Lord freely offers union with the Lord Jesus search whither any lost Soul any Rebel whether any rational Creature to whom the Gospel of Jesus Christ comes be exclured from the number of those to whom the Lord freely offers union with the Lord Jesus strive beseech you now to gain that clear apprehension that so at last thou maist baffle the Devil in all his arguments and silence him in one word saying well though I have been false to the blessed Majesty of Heaven all this time though I be now under thy cursed power O Satan though thou holdst me fast in thy cursed Chains of Darkness yet thou maist say the blessed Majesty of Heaven he that can never lye tells me that union with the Lord Jesus and so Redemption from thy cursed slavery is freely offered to my Soul still the Lord tells me his will admits me to be still one with Christ if I can be contented that he should mediate a reconciliation between the Father and me Direct 4. Fuorthly Plead with thy opposite contrary mind to make thy heart consent to the blessed word of God wherein he doth offer union with Jesus Christ and himself through Christ to every
suitable for believing Souls that there is a Night and a Day as well in the Spiritual life as in the natural life ought to be a ground to maintain a lively hope that when it is Night Day may break and therefore it is his Duty unquestionably to nourish and cherish such a lively hope 3. From the remembrance of its former evidence the Soul ought to obstruct it self in the obscurity darkness and dreadful blindness of his own mind The believing Soul ought to say within himself O when the Spirit of Jesus Christ irradiated the blessed word of God how clear how unquestionable was it to my Soul that it was the Lords blessed will to receive my Soul into union with Jesus Christ if I will embrace him and though I have now the same word to testifie the same thing to my Soul yet how dark is it to my Soul for the present how hard is it for my poor blind Mind to receive and apprehend that the Lords will is to receive this my Soul into union with Jesus Christ 4. From the remembrance of the Souls former evidence the Soul ought to instruct it self in the mystery of the Lords way towards believing Souls From hence the Soul may learn that the Lord carries on the Soul towards full Communion with himself through Christ as well by sensible decays in Communion as by sensible encreases in Communion And from thence the Soul might instruct it self that joy and peace ravishment of Spirit triumphing acts of faith are not so inseparable from believing Souls but that they may be wanting that they are not absolutely necessary to be constant at least to the Souls attaining unto perfection of Communion so that thus the Soul may learn to adore the Lord in apprehending the unsearchableness of his ways even towards believing Souls the unsearchableness of his Wisdom that neither Man nor Angel can measure 5. From the remembrance of the Souls former evidences whose brightness and glory is now ecclipsed the Soul may instruct it self in the absolute necessity of an intire constant uninterrupted dependance upon Jesus Christ for the Spirit of light and manifestation The Soul ought in remembrance of that full satisfaction that it enjoyed when that blessed Spirit of light gave beams of light to his dark mind to clear up the will of God revealed in his precious word to say O how infinite is the necessity of hanging upon Jesus Christ continually for the constant operation of the Spirit of light into this my dark Heart 6. From the remembrance of the Souls former evidence of his union with Jesus Christ the Soul ought to collect holy Pleas and pretious Arguments to intercede with the Majesty of Heaven for the return of the blessed Spirit of light and manifestation unto his Soul This was the constant practice of all the Saints who had enjoyed any experiences of the Lords mercy and kindness they did endeavour to engage the Lord to return when he seemed to be absent Many are the Arguments that a believing soul may collect from the former enjoyment of evidences of union with Christ to plead with the Majesty of Heaven to return with the same spirit of light and manifestation again to his Soul 1. From the remembrance of the Souls former evidence the soul may remember the pretious suitable disposition that possessed his Heart for the worshipping of the Lord in every Ordinance Now from thence the Soul may raise a pretious Argument wherewith he may go boldly to the Throne of Grace and cry to the blessed Majesty of Heaven when shall that blessed Spirit of light return to this darkned Soul of mine 2. The Soul may remember the readiness the quickness the activity of the Heart in all manner of obedience to the Lords blessed will Now from hence the Soul may fetch a strong Argument wherewith to come before the Throne of Grace O my God may the believing Soul say When thy blessed Spirit of light had the pretious operation upon my Heart what a blessed concurrence was there in this my crooked opposite will to this thy holy will O what an union of love was there between this thy Majesty and my opposite Heart how impatient then was my Soul of any disagreement between my will and thy will how readily was my heart disposed for any thing thy blessed Majesty commanded But now alas Lord now the workings of the Spirit of light are suspended what a disagreement is there between thy Majesties will and my will how strait and narrow and weak and feeble are the inclinations of my Heart now to obedience to thy blessed will Lord may the Soul say Have respect to thine own honour send down the Spirit of light into this dark Heart 3. The Soul may remember how highly the blessed Name of God was exalted and magnified in his Heart when that blessed Spirit of light continued its blessed operation to evidence actually its union with the Lord Jesus Now from thence the Soul from whom the lustre and glory of these his former evidences of union with Christ is now Ecclipsed may argue with the blessed Majesty of Heaven to send down the same Spirit of light and manifestation again to his dark Soul 4. Even when the orient brightness and Heavenly lustre of the Souls former evidences is Ecclipsed and darkned yet then the Soul may remember the capaciousness and enlarged openness of his Heart towards communion with God while the orient lustre of the evidences of his union with Christ did actually remain Now from hence the Soul may gather strength of Argument to appear before the Lord to Petition the return of the blessed Spirit of light and manifestation again to his Soul The Soul may plead that the suitableness and right disposition of the Heart for Communion with the Lord depends upon the enjoyment of the Spirit of light and manifestation 5. Even when the orient brightness of the Souls former evidences are ecclipsed and obscured yet then the Soul may remember how gloriously the lovely beauty and Soul enamouring brightness of the way of holiness was transparent through him when the Heavenly lustre of his former evidences did actually remain in the Soul Now from hence the Soul may gather a pretious Argument whereby he may lay an engagement upon the Majesty of Heaven to send down the Spirit of light again Thence the Soul may plead that the lustre and Heavenly beauty of the ways of holiness to be manifested through him depend upon his enjoyment of the Spirit of light and manifestation 6. When the cammanding power of the evidence of a Souls union with Christ is ceased for the present to evidence to the Soul its union yet then the Soul may remember that the tender compassionate bowels of God have moved within him and yearned toward his Soul formerly Now from thence the feeble almost fainting drooping Soul may still gather more strength and lift up its Head again to claim the Spirit of light and manifestation to
be sent from Heaven into his dark Soul 7. When the splendor and beauty and satisfying power of the evidences that the Soul have received of his union with Jesus Christ be decayed yet then the Soul may remember that all his abominable wickedness and most cursed vileness did not formerly prevent some movings of the Bowels of the Lords mercy towards him Now hence may the Soul gather strength to plead for the returns of the●● blessed Spirit of light into his dark Soul Hence the Soul may plead that there is the same reason the same motive to incline the Lords blessed will to send now the Spirit of light and manifestation to it that ever there was to incline his Majesty to the least thought of kindness towards it 8. The Soul from whose Eyes some dark Clouds hath obscured the former lustre of his Evidences yet may remember that some spark of holy confidence in the Lords blessed will to admit the Soul into union with Jesus Christ was formerly infused into his unbelieving Heart Now from thence the Soul may again gather some strength whereby to lay hold upon the Lord and to engage him to give as it were a new Commission to the Spirit of light to come down to his dark Soul Thence the Soul may plead the Lords engagement never to recall the gift once past out of the hand of his pretious love he having declared his Gifts are without Repentance and thence the Soul may plead that the Lord stands engaged to nourish up that confidence so begotten in the Heart by his blessed Spirit 9. When the irresistible commanding power of the evidence that any Soul hath received of his union with Christ be weak yet then the Soul may remember the uselesness the inefficatiousness of all terrors and distractions upon his Spirit and the most blessed efficacy that the least glimpse of light discovering to the Soul the Lords will to admit it into union had upon his Heart Now from hence the Soul may cry to the Lord and complain in the bitterness of his Soul that he understands not what his blessed will concerning him is in terrifying and affrighting suffring his Spirit even to be distracted with terror Lord may the Soul say Hath thy Majesty its honour from me this way Is thy Name exalted in my Heart in this manner Will my Heart ever bow in obedience to thy blessed Will through the power of those terrors and distractions that are upon me This holy arguing and expostulating with the blessed Majesty of Heaven and engaging him by Arguments collected from what the Soul remembers in his former evidences of his union with Christ is the last holy use that the Soul may make of his former evidences of his union when their Heavenly lustre and commanding power and beauty cease And I would perswade every obscure Soul from whose Eyes those sweet Heavenly beams of light are now hidden with which his Eyes were once blessed above all the other uses to have a particular respect to this last use thus to gain upon God to insinuate its self into the love and favour of the Lord again to engage the Majesty of Heaven by this kind of pleading with him to send down the Spirit of light and manifestation afresh This indeed is the very principal use of the former evidence wherefor● present darkness overspread it and that in these Two respects First In regard in this kind of pleading the poor decaying sparks of the Souls confidence is kept in some degree alive Now the stronger the Souls confidence is the more suitable is the Soul to make a righteous examination or just and impartial tryal of those former evidences of his union with the Lord Jesus Secondly In those pleadings the Spirit of light may be again expected to return The blessed Spirit and all the actings of it are reserved in the Golden Closet of the Promises wherein the Lord hath engaged himself to Communicate whatever mercy and love shall be suitable to the poor believing Soul and these holy pleadings are the Key to the Door of the Golden Closet I mean the Key of the Promise to open the Door for the Spirit of lighr to have its free access Questionless by such a holy improvement of former evidences as this believing Souls might be much furthered towards the obtaining of the renewed operations of the spirit of light and manifestation of renewed discoveries from the same Spirit unto the Souls faith of the Lords will to receive him into union with the Lord Jesus Thus now you have the Question also cast in upon this occasion opened It is apparent there is a pretious holy use that Souls may make of all former evidences when their orient brightness is ecclipsed and their commanding power is weakned though the Soul cannot then take an impartial examination of those his evidences or put them upon such a righteous Trial whether they be really from God or no. One consideration also I must add concerning knowledge whether evidences of union received be really from God or whether they be Diabolical inspirations .. The Soul must understand that this knowledge is a collection or gathering of this conclusion that his evidences received are really from God from a certain necessary infallible reason The difference between knowledge of the evidence to be really from God and Opinion and Faith must always be kept clear in the Souls understanding who shall be able to receive a right answer to that grand Question propounded To believe the Souls evidences that he hath received of his union with Jesus Christ to be really from God is an act of the Soul that hath its foundation only upon the authority of him that relates or discovers it to the Soul There are two things whereupon faith is founded First That the thing believed is spoken or declared Secondly That the Speaker or Declarer is true and faithful Now to have an Opinion that the evidences of the Souls union with Christ received are really from God is to collect or gather the conclusion of it from some probable reason as from the adjunct or the consequence that follow in his Soul upon his receiving the evidences of his union with Christ But the knowledge that the evidences of a Souls union with Christ received is really from God is the collection of this conclusion to the Soul from a certain necessary and infallible reason Therefore your Philosophers in distinguishing between knowledge and opinion define knowledge to be a certain true habit of the mind And they define Opinion to be an uncertain habit in the mind So that he that propounds the Question How a Soul that conceiveth he hath received sufficient and satisfying evidence of his union with the Lord Jesus may know certainly and infallibly that the evidence of his union received is really from God he must understand that he asks How a Soul may demonstrate to himself from certain necessary reasons that the evidences of his union with Christ received
cursed dispositions in his own heart more abased thoughts of himself as he is in himself more distrustful of himself and his own heart being less confident in himself and in the strength of the power of holiness as yet communicated to him And thus those very falls or slips of that believing soul shall tend to their last end to make the soul partaker of more holiness causing the soul to hang more intire with a more precious constant dependance upon the Lord Jesus for the constant influences of the sanctified spirit and so shall exalt the name of God more in that heart and so shall cause the soul to grow more into a conformity to that mystical Head of his the Lord Jesus and so through that conformity to his Head and that mystical glory of Christ the glory of the Father shall be exalted Thus likewise you must consider again that the communication of God himself unto believing souls are secret invisible and insensible and also they are visible and sensible Now those communicarions of God himself unto the believing soul that are visible and sensible those do commonly immediately tend to the accomplishment of the believing souls glory that is to the perfection of the likeness of Jesus Christ in the soul and so consequently it tends also to the perfecting of Christs mystical glory and to the manifestation of the Fathers glory But those communications of God unto a believing soul that are invisible secret and insensible those commonly do tend only mediately to the accomplishment of those fore named blessed ends So that hence also you may collect that whenever any communication of God unto a believing soul doth demonstrate it self to come from God when it is sensible communication then it doth immediately tend to the accomplishment of these three ends This then being considered and it being apparent that all the dealings of God with believing souls are for the accomplishment of those his three blessed intendments from before the foundation of the world was laid then it must be through discerning of one of those three intendments of God effected in the soul that the believing soul must prove that such a beam of light as discovers to him his union with Christ did proceed from God himself Now we shall begin with the highest and so proceed to the lowest All are yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods that is for God And from thence we may conclude that the prime and principal reason taken from the effects of a souls union with Christ where by it may be proved that souls evidence proceeds from God is this that the beam of heavenly light that shines into the soul to discover its union with the Lord Jesus doth exalt and magnifie the name of God in the hearts Gods exaltation of himself in the Believers heart was the great design of God from all eternity it was as it were the Alpha and Omega as I may so speak the very beginning and end of the Lords intention only his intention reached further to exalt himself through believing souls before all other Therefore then may the soul prove infallibly the light that discovered to his soul his union with Christ to proceed from God himself when it effects the prime intendment of God from eternity to the believing Soul when it erects a higher Throne from the Majesty of Heaven in its heart when it fills the heart with higher lowder more zealous acclamations of praise and honour and glory and worship to be given for ever to yonder God that the light carries the stamp and impression of Heaven upon it when it begins the work of Heaven in a believing way here then it is an earnest of Heaven when it implys the Soul in the work that it is destinated to from Eternity Pro. 19.6 God hath made all things for himself that is for the manifestation of his own transcendent glory so for the magnifying of his ever blessed name Now when the light that discovers to the soul its union do thus effect Gods general his ultimate end in the believing Soul the Soul may certainly conclude this beam of light did descend down from the Father of Lights Now there are four or five acts in the believing Soul wherein it exalts the name of God 1. Then the Soul exalts the name of God when it is filled with such sensible apprehensions of such transcendent brightness of glory shining sorth from God as the Soul is utterly unable to conceive of or apprehend Now this first act of that believing Soul to exalt God in his heart is the certain and infallible effect of every beam of light that proceeds from God to discover to his Soul his union with the Lord Jesus Indeed every act of the Lords mercy and goodness towards believing Souls is a Precious Christal Glass wherein believing Souls do see an incomprehensibleness of the beauty glory and unspeakable perfection of God and therefore much more unconceivable glory do the believing Soul apprehend in such an high act of the Lords mercy and love as is the discovery of his precious eternal love to the believing Soul through Christ This you shall see apparent in David upon the Lords discovering of his promises made unto his Soul in Christ and made unto his House also in 2 Sam. 7.18 19 20 21. Then went King David in and sat before the Lord then that is after the Prophet had declared the precious promise to his Soul in Christ and he said who am I O Lord God and what is my House that thou hast brought me hitherto Thou art Great O Lord God there is none like thee neither is there any God besides thee ver 22. Mark what sensible high apprehensions of a transcendent glory in God dwelt in Davids heart upon the discovery of such precious promises made to him and his House likewise upon a smaller mercy comparatively though indeed typifying the same mercy upon the deliverance of the Israelites from the hands of Pharoah and drowning their cruel Task-masters in the Red Sea the hearts of the Saints were filled with high apprehensions of the glory of God Exod. 15.11 Who is like unto thee O Lord yea they repeat their admiration twice as if they could not admire him enough who is like unto thee glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders you may behold the same workings of the believing heart 1. John 3.1 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that me should be called the Sons of God There are three or four special beams of the glory of Heaven that a Believer apprehends as unspeakable unconceivable incomprehensible when a beam of light shines from God to discover to the Soul its union with Christ 1. There is then such a glorious brightness of the presence of God appears to the believing Soul as it stands amazed to behold it When the Lord lets such a beam of light shine into the dark Soul that it sees the Lords will
is indeed to be one with him in Christ yea that his Soul is already lodged in that precious bosom of the love of the Lord Jesus then the Soul beholds such an unspeakeable preciousness in the Majesty of Heaven that he waited upon such an unbeliever such a crooked opposite wretch so long that the Soul sets down silently to admire and is swallowed to the depth in admiration 2. There is a Soul amazing brightness appears in the Souls eye in the independance of the Lords love When that bright Beam of light shines from Heaven to discover to the Soul its union with the Lord Jesus the Soul seeth that there was nothing that moved the heart of God to have thoughts of love towards him nothing that enclined his blessed will to admit him into union with Jesus Christ but only his precious disposition only his eternal thoughts of kindness that old loving kindness of his from Eternity then the Soul says as David in 1 Sam. 7.21 for thy words sake and according to thy own heart hast thou done all these great things to make thy Servant know them then the believing Soul says though my wretched unbelieving heart could not trust thee yet for thy words sake thou hast fulfilled it according to thine own heart thou hast done it O Lord what could thy purest eye behold in this forlorn Soul of mine What could have moved the Lord thinks the Soul but his own blessed will to chuse such an useless such an unserviceable such an unprofitable such a barren such a foolish yea such a cross hearted wretch as I 3. The glorious irresistible power of the Lords eternal love in Christ to the loveless Soul shineth gloriously When once the light shineth from Heaven that discovered to the believing Soul his union with Christ how many cursed contradictions thinks a believing Soul did the love of Christ suffer from my Soul How often did my vile believing heart give the Majesty of Heaven the lye How many years did I sleight this I stopped my Ears I hearkned to none of his blessed tenders yet then he bored mine Ear and constrained me to hear O think the Soul what a froward perverse hearted Wretch have I been to this dear God of mine Certainly thinks the Soul if rebellion if enmity if the working of a Devils heart could have opposed it it had been turned away from me Fourthly The orient brightness of the Lords infallible truth shines before the Soul These Beams of the Lords glory shines in a peculiar manner before the Souls Eye but there are multitudes of the 〈◊〉 of the Majesty of Heaven that also with these shine in the same moment into the same Soul when a light proceeds from God to discever to a Soul its union then the wisdom of the Lord in contriving the design of Redemption by Christ appears then do the very beauty of justice it self appear in the Lords contriving the Redemption of loveless Souls in such a way wherein justice and mercy might meet together and kiss each other so that indeed a light shines from Heaven that incompasseth the Soul round about that the Soul stands amazed and astonished gazing upon those beams of glory that appear shining forth from the Majesty of Heaven into his Soul II. A second act of a believing Soul wherein the name of God is exalted in the Soul is a sensible apprehension and estimation of the Lord to be infinitely worthy to receive all prefection of glory and honour and praise for ever Now this precious God sanctifying act is also the infallible necessary effect of such a precious beam of light as doth truly shine from the Father of Lights into any Soul to discover his union with the Lord Jesus This was effected in Davids heart upon the Prophets discovering of the Promises made in Jesus to him in 2. Sam. 7.26 Let thy name be magnified for ever saying the Lord of Hosts is the God over Israel yea this act is infallibly produced in a believing Soul by every visible motion of the Lords mercy or love towards the Soul So you may observe in Exod. 15.20 Miriam cried to the rest of the Daughters of Judah sing ye to the Lord for he hath triumphed gloriously So Rev. 4.10 11. The four and twenty Elders fell down that sat before him upon the Throne saying thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power Now there are two things that follow upon the Souls vision of his union with the Lord Jesus by the light of the Spirit of Christ that do necessarily produce this apprehension or estimation in the believing Soul 1. Upon the Souls discovery its union with the Lord Jesus there are lively enlarged actings of love produced in the Soul Every renewed vision of love inflames the Believers heart with love again correspondently Now from those quickned and enlarged actings of love do arise necessarily high estimations and glorious conceptions of the Majesty God that thence the Soul apprehends him infinitely to receive honour and glory for ever 2. Upon the Souls discerning his union with the Lord Jesus there follows an apprehension of the souls union with the Lord Jesus there follows an apprehension of the Souls owing all that he is and enjoys unto God by way of retribution Now from a Souls apprehension that he ows more then he is or have unto God he conceives him infinitely worthy to receive honour and glory for ever and ever from all the creation he himself can never render glory sufficient therefore he esteems it to be but equal that the whole Creation should joyn together to exalt this blessed Majesty III. The third act in a believing Soul wherein the name of God is exalted is a sensible apprehension of the dispicableness worthlesness and nothingness of the Soul it self and all that the circumference of the earth affords without God and in comparison of God Now this God-exalting act in the believing Soul is also the necessary effect of such a precious beam of light shining from the Father of Lights to discover to a Soul its union with Christ then indeed is the Soul a worm and no man then is he empty and poor yea absolutely nothing without communion with that his God yea then is all the Creation but meer shadows flying vanities without that God in Christ then do the quintessence of all the beauty of the whole Creation if it could be abstracted appear but as the drop of the bucket as the dust of the ballance yea as vanity without that God in Christ Thus in Psal 8.4 upon the Psalmists apprehension of the infinite glory of God he immediately cries out into admiration of the nothingness of man Lord what is man IV. The fourth act of the believing Soul wherein the name of God is exalted is the Souls actual prostration or subjections of all its powers and possibilities at the foot of the Lords glorious Majesty Now this precious God sanctifying act in the believing Soul is the
actings of saith there cannot also but be constant veiws of the Souls most abhorred wickedness the Soul by an act of faith veiwing the reconciliation wrought by Christ for him it cannot also but veiw the enmity of his Soul against God in Christ so that from the constant veiw of the Souls vileness there cannot but be sensible abhorrence of that vileness 5. In regard the admiration of the glory of the Lords love in Christ fills the Soul with a constant sense of its own baseness The Soul cannot be ravished in the admiration of that love but it must sit down and admire and wonder now the Soul can never wonder at that love as it is manifested but it must take in it self as the object of that love whereby it is that the glory of that love shines forth so infinitely the Soul cannot but say who am I what could the Lord discern in me that such riches of love should work towards me So that thence the heart during the continuance of that light that shined from Heaven to discover its union is kept constantly working against his own vileness and from the consideration of his vileness the Soul proceeds to a sensible acknowledgement thereof 6. In regard such a precious beam of light doth necessarily produce a dear tenderness in the heart towards the honour of God yea it produceth an infinite contentment and delight in the Soul to be exalting God Now the Soul cannot be exalting the name of God in that way of his mercy towards him but he must begin with the sense of his own abhorred wretchedness towards whom such mercy hath been discovered he can never speak of the glory of the Lords love in Christ but he must also speak of the wretchedness and wickedness of himself towards whom that love works otherwise the Soul vails the glory of the love of God in Christ So that hence also necessarily proceed sensible acknowledgements of the Souls accursed wretchedness whenever a a beam of light shines from Heaven to discover to a Soul his union with Christ Secondly The second way of manifestation of the perfection of the freedom of the Lords love which is by the Souls manifesting an unwavering confidence in the faithfulness of the Lord to vouchsafe the sweetest embraces of love to the loveless Soul notwithstanding all its wretchedness Even this is the constant certain and infallible effect of a beam of light shining from Heaven to discover to the Soul its union with Christ This you may observe in 2. Cor. 5 6 7 8. The Apostle declares they had received the earnest of the Inheritance they had received a pawn from Heaven a pledge of everlasting communion with God in Christ saith he we are always confident willing rather to be absent from the Body and present with the Lord. So likewise in Rom. 8.23 Those that had received the first fruits of the spirit did groan after the full redemption of their Bodies in the mean time being filled with holy confidence as you may observe ver 33.34 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect speaking in the Persons of those that had received the first fruits of the spirit who is he that condemneth It is Christ thas died who shall separate us from the Love of Christ And indeed this cannot but be the necessary effect of the spirit of light revealing to the Soul its union with Jesus Christ seeing the rock of everlasting certainty whereupon the Soul may build the hopes of the riches of the Lords love in Christ towards him is revealed by the spirit of light revealing to the Soul its union For you know the prime way of the spirt of light revealing to the Soul its union is by revealing to the Souls faith that it is the will of the Lord to admit that particular Soul into union with Jesus Christ yea the spirit of Jesus Christ should not execute its office in revealing to the Soul its union should it not establish the Soul in an unwavering confidence while that light remains of enjoying the sweetest embraces of the Lords love notwithstanding all its vileness Thirdly The third act of the Soul whereby it manifests the perfection of the love of God to unlovely sinners which is by the souls manifesting its stedfastness in the same confidence of the fulness of the Lords love in Christ working towards it under the sense of new infirmitie imperfection crookedness even that is also the certain necessary effect of the spirit of light discovering to the Soul its union with Jesus Christ This you may observe in that 2. Cor. 5. They were sensible of their imperfection while they were in the Body yet they were nevertheless confident having received the earnest of the spirit So Rom. 7.23 compared with Rom. 8.1 Paul though he fought new Combates though he were never led captive by the law of his members yet notwithstanding he was confident that there was no condemnation no sentence of vengeance or dictate of justice that could pass out against his Soul that was now admitted into union with the Lord Jesus And this indeed cannot but be the necessary effect of a beam of light shining from God to manifest unto the Soul its union with Jesus Christ seeing that beam of light first discovers the Lords blessed unchangeable will to be the only foundation of that love of God in Christ Thus when the glory and lustre of the light continues the sense of the Souls weakness sinful disposition imperfection cannot shake the Souls confidence in regard of that clear apprehension that then possesses the Soul that there is nothing in that Soul that is the foundation of that love of God in Jesus Christ that he hopes for and in regard also a dear apprehension possesses the Soul that there are the same motives and arguments in the bosom of that ever blessed God of love yet to love that unlovely Soul notwithstanding his new infirmities his new backsliding disposition or proneness to backsliding Now such a manifestation of the stedfastness in the confidence of the Soul under the sense of new infirmities cannot but be the effect of such a beam of light in regard the unchangeableness of the will of God that is revealed to admit the Soul into union with God in Christ is clearly revealed by the power of that light so that while the beauty and glory of that light continues though new corrupt dispositions arise in the believing Soul yet the confidence of the Soul shakes not because it is built upon the faithfulness of God in fulfilling his blessed will to the Soul which will of his is unchangeable So that then it is apparent that the name of God is exalted through every believing Soul in the glorious freedom of his love that is in Jesus Christ to unlovely sinners by and through the spirits discovery to the Soul certainly his union with Jesus Christ III. A Soul doth manifest the glorious perfection of the Lords love in Christ to
worthless unlovely sinners by manifesting such an absolute perfection of the love of God in Christ to sinful Souls as that love is subject to no variation alteration or shadow change When the Soul so walks as he declares practically that the rich love of God in Christ to his unworthy Soul is the same yesterday and to day and the same for ever the foundation thereof standing firm and unmoveable like Mount Sion that cannot be moved then doth the brightness of the Lords glorious love shine through the Soul so as the name of God is exalted through it Thus God glorified himself before the eyes of Balak through the mouth of the false Prophet Balaam to give testimony to the unchangeableness of the love of God in Christ to his People Israel by sending that message to Balaam Numb 23.19 God is not a man that he should lye neither the son of man that he should repent that is not like the sons of men that his thoughts should change what he hath spoken shall it not come to pass His words concerning his People shall certainly be fulfilled So likewise when the Lord by the mouth of the Prophet Malachie intended to lift up his name in his Peoples hearts Mal. 3.6 he discovers to them his precious thoughts of love concerning them in declaring the coming of Jesus Christ with the blessed effect of it and saith he I am the Lord I change not therefore the Sons of Jacob are not consumed So the Church exalts the name of God by bearing witness to the unchangeableness of his love to her Lament 3.22.22 It is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed because his compassion fail not Now a Soul manifests the unchangeableness of the Lords love in Christ to his unworthy Soul by its constancy and unmoveableness in that precious confidence of his union with the Lord Jesus that was once raised in his heart by the power of that evidence of his union And doubtless it is for that end that believing Souls might thus exalt the name of God in the unchangeableness of his love towards them that the Lord hath prepared unchangeable Grounds unmoveable Rocks for the feet of their Faith to stand upon he hath added his oath to his word Heb. 6.17 18. That by two immutable things by which it is impossible that God should lye they might have strong consolation that receive Jesus Christ tendered It is for this end that he hath given those unchangeable grounds for faith to build upon 1. That those Ecclipses of the glory of Gods love in Christ in its unchangeableness by the constancy of the actings of Faith might be prevented Surely it was the bowels of the compassions of our tender God in Christ that wrought towards the unlovely Soul that caused him to stoop down so low as to add an oath to his word which gives no security in it self to a Soul more but only a fuller security to our unbelieving hearts in our low apprehensions of God that thereby the precious consolations of his People might not change and it was the ultimate end of God in the workings of those compassions that the glory of his own love might not be vailed by the unconstancy and fickleness of the actings of faith so as Souls should declare by believing when their hearts are filled with holy actings that there was a glorious love in God through Christ to unlovely sinners and when the apprehension of the liveliness of those holy actings in their hearts should cease that then they should again declare that the love of God in Christ is withdrawn again from them 2. That the glory of his love in its unchangeableness might shine forth in its brightness with transparent glory so as the Soul under the saddest defect of holy actings and workings in his own heart might still declare the precious love of God in Christ to his unlovely to be the same sounded upon his own will only which can never be moved The constancy and unmoveableness of the Soul in his confidence of his union with Christ that the evidence of union with Christ begets is always the effect of such a beam of light from Heaven to reveal to a Soul his union so long as the light continues shining into the Soul in its lustre and glory This you may observe of Paul in 2 Cor. 5.5 6. Having received the earnest of the spirit what then we are always confident of everlasting communion with God that is we are confident at all times constantly our confidence is unmoveable Yea doubtless seeing the spirit of light from the spirit of light shining into any Soul is but an act of the conforming office of the Spirit of Jesus Christ it cannot be but that light shining from the Spirit of light to evidence to the Soul its union must necessarily establish the heart in that confidence of his union with Jesus Christ that so long as that light remains the confidence must remain also and that in its power and strength Thus you have the first way opened how the name of God is exalted through a Soul which is by the Souls bearing testimony to the truth of the record that the Lord hath given to his love in Jesus Christ by the souls manifesting the same glory of the love of God in Christ to sinful souls that God himself hath revealed to be in him Secondly God is exalted through the Soul by the souls manifestation that an incomprehensible perfection of purity and holiness dwels in God God hath revealed himself in his word not only to be holy but holiness it self Amos 4.2 The Lord hath sworn by his holeness that is he hath sworn by himself He hath discovered such absolute perfection of holiness to be in him that he hath an absolute unspeakable abhorrency of all that is cross and contrary unto holiness in its perfection Hab. 1.13 yea the brightness of the perfection of holiness dwell in him Exod. 15.11 Now then is the name of God exalted through a Soul when the Soul conceives of God as thus excellent and wonderful in holiness when the Soul declares before the world that his God in Christ is purity and holiness it self Hence it is that the holy Angels are said to cry to the Lord Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts Isa 6.3 and also the office of the dispencers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is described Rev. 4.8 9. by their crying Night and Day without ceasing Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty it is for this reason because the name of God is exalted when there are such manifestations and declarations of an absolute perfection of holiness to dwell in God Now a Soul may manifest this absolute perfection of holiness to dwell in God these three or four several ways I. By a precious sensible acknowledgement of an infinite disproportion and disagreement in his most holy exact exquisite actions when the Soul is most mightily assisted by the spirit of God to the Lords blessed holy
will When a Soul freely declares his righteousness and all the actings of holiness in his heart to be but unholiness compared with the exact perfect holy will of God when it acknowledges with the Church Isa 64.16 That its righteousness is but as filthy rags as a menstruous Cloath all pollution and defilement it self in comparison of that most blessed holy will of God then doth the Soul exalt the Lord by declaring an absolute perfection of holiness to dwell in him And thence it is that confession of sin is necessary for believing Souls though sin be pardoned and though there be large manifestations also of the pardon of sin renewed because those confessions of sin and the large acknowledgements of the vile cursed workings of the corrupt heart and the vast disproportion between the Lords blessed holy will and his unholy will the Soul exalts the name of God by bearing testimony to the perfection of holiness that dwells in God II. By declaring the least aberration or deviation from the Lords blessed will to be just matter of infinite wrath to be executed upon the Soul and just matter of endless perplexity trouble and vexation unto the Soul When a Soul manifests the least stragling wandring thought from God the least indisposedness of the heart to comply with the Lords blessed will to be just occasion for the Lord to let his fiery indignation burn for ever against the Soul then doth the Soul bear testimony to that unspeakable perfection of holiness that dwels in God Then doth the Soul say virtually Thy will O Lord is so perfectly holy that it is infinitely equal that thy will should be obeyed in all things in that thou commandest nothing but is so absolutely and perfectly good that he that neglects obedience to that thy blessed will in the least is worthy to have exact vengeance executed upon him for a cross crooked rebellious-hearted wretch Thus the Church Lam. 3.22 acknowledges it is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not Likewise the Psalmist Psal 130.3 O Lord if thou shouldst mark iniquitie who shall stand that is to say Lord the least iniquity if thou dost execute the just desert of it upon any Soul none then should ever stand before thee every Soul should perish to eternity Thus God is exalted through the Soul and mark it this is the use of all those self-judgings that believing Souls are so frequent in the true holy use of it is for this reason that you shall hear believing Souls both publick and private passing the sentence of condemnation against themselves though they know the sentence of condemnation shall not pass against them though their pardon is shared in the Court of their consciences yea when the pardon is most evidently sealed to them then you shall hear them most full of those judgements past against themselves saying we are worthy O Lord to be confounded it were but righteous in our God considered in our selves to make us an everlasting abhorrence to his purest eyes Thus by these self judgings they bear publick testimony to the most exact exquisite perfection of holiness that dwels in God III. By manifesting that the least communion with God in Christ doth necessarily sanctifie any Soul in some degree When a Soul declares practically that it is impossible for any Soul to have communion with God in Christ but he shall participate in some degree of the holiness of God the disposition of his corrupt will shall be changed then doth a Soul manifest a perfection of holiness to dwell in God IV. By declaring that a perfection of conformity to the Lords blessed will ought to be the only satisfying object of the desires of any soul When a Soul manifests practically and apparently that no Soul ought to take up any rest in any degree of holiness less then a perfect conformity to the Lords blessed will Now this perfect conformity to the Lords will consists in three or four particulars 1. When he declares that every Soul ought to will every thing that the Lord himself wills 2. When he declares that every object that the will of the Soul ought to close with ought to be closed with only because God wills it 3. when the Soul wills only that which the blessed Majesty of God wills 4. When the Soul wills every thing in the same manner that God himself wills it Now there are four things to be considered in the manner of the Lords willing any thing 1. Whatever the Lord wills he wills with infinite freedom So that then the perfect conformity of the Souls will consists in the freedom of the Souls compliance with the will of God when he wills what God himself wills and wills it freely according as God wills it 2. Whatever the Lord wills he wills purely he wills it because he wills it 3. Whatever the Lord wills he wills with facilility and easiness 4. In the Lords willing that which is holy his will moves necessarily though yet with infinite freedom It is with infinite freedom that the Lord wills holiness but yet there is such a necessity from the essence and being of God that his will wills holiness only and that he can will nothing else but what is holy Thus when the Soul shall practically manifest that the groanings and thirstings and pantings and breathings of every Soul should never cease till there be this blessed union of wills between God and them that their wills should even move as it were in a circle of holiness as the blessed will of God moves then doth a Soul declare that an infinite perfection of holiness dwells in God and then is God exalted through the Soul Now it remains to be opened that the name of God is exalted through every believing Soul in this transcendent glory of his holiness to whom the spirit doth reveal certainly his union with the Lord Jesus This must appear by the manifesting that the spirit of Jesus Christ in revealing to any Soul his union with Christ doth certainly cause the Soul to walk in those ways through which the name of God is exalted in the brightness and perfection of the glory of his holiness through the Soul I. The Spirit of Christ in evidencing to the Soul his union with Christ doth necessarily draw forth those sensible free acknowledgements from the Soul of an infinite disproportion and disagreement in the most exact exquisite action that ever the Soul performed to the Lords infinite holy will This you may observe in Isa 64. comparing ver 4. and ver 6. saith the Church From the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen O God besides thee what he hath prepared for them that wait for him that is for the believing Soul for waiting is but an extended act of faith And then under those apprehensions of the unspeakeableness of the Lords Love in Christ to every believing Soul she breaks out but
should be broken unless the nature of God can be taken away and the infinite nature of God become finite Answ 2. I shall answer affirmatively The union that the Lord intends by the revelation of the Gospel to bring your souls to in Christ is according as the scriptures name it five-fold 1. There is an union of agreement or an union of peace made up between Christ and the Soul This is called in Scripture the reconciliation of the soul unto God and unto Jesus Christ Then persons are said to be divided when there are jars and quarrels taken up by one person against another but the removing of these quarrels and controversies between those persons is the making those persons one again Now this is the case between God and the soul there was such a blessed harmony and agreement between the Soul and God in Adam as there was not the least jar imaginable in Gods bosom against us nor in our bosom against God but through our cursed transgression in the loyns of Adam we gave God such offence as he hath a quarrel against all the Sons of Adam and our hearts have a cursed quarrel against God whence we are said to be enemies in our minds Now the union God intends to bring the soul to in Christ is an union of agreement that is the removing all those jars and differences between God and the Soul 2. There is an union of Marriage or a Matrimonial union The Lord hath such infinite bowels of mercy in his bosom toward souls that when they had despised that blessed union with himself that he had given them by creation he will make them better again then they were first made by another union he brings them into a marriage union to make the Soul a Spouse to Christ and Christ an Husband to the Soul and that advanceth them in some measure above the Angels They are but ministring spirits to Christ and to the Spouse of Christ they never had such an honour as to be the Spouse of Christ This union you find frequently in Scripture In Eph. 5. speaking of marriage between man and wife saith he I speak concerning Christ and the Church So Rev. 19.7 and Chap. 21.9 3. There is an union of spirit He will communicate of his own spirit to the soul and make his wife partake of the same spirit with himself that the Saints and he shall be one spirit 1 Cor. 6.17 4. There is the union of likeness or similitude between Christ and the Soul That is the Lord by the communication of himself unto the Soul makes it to be a lively patern of himself Thence it is that in Rom. 8.29 he tells us he had predestinated us to be conformable to the Image of his Son Hence he saith 2 Pet. 1.3 We are partakers of the divine nature That is of the same nature that Jesus Christ is partaker of that there should be an union of nature between Christ and the Soul that is an union of holiness That as he did partake of the humane nature he will make his Spouse partake of the divine nature Nay we are said to partake of the life of God Eph. 4 18 that is to live the same life of God 5. There is the union of headship That is to say to have Jesus Christ as his head and to be of the same body with Jesus Christ This is commonly called by men the mystical union because it is an hidden union that Christ and the Soul should be but one Body This union is thus that the soul should be of the number of those Elect that the Lord according to the counsel of his will chose to be vessels to which he would communicate of himself to all eternity Quest 2. How can the revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ bring the Soul thus into union with Jesus Christ How can the manifestation of the mysteries of Gods will effect such a gracious work as this to unite the Soul to Christ in all those ways I answer First negatively Secondly affirmatively Ans 1. We must not conceive that the revelation of Gospel truths are the original principal efficient cause of this union of Souls with Christ as though this union of Souls with Christ did depend onely upon the working of those truths of the Gospel of Christ revealed It is the will of God that is the principal efficient cause of union The Lord hath not left the state of souls to be determined by themselves either by resisting or embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therefore you shall see in the Verse before the Text that the revealing of those truths of the Gospel are said to be according to the purpose of the Lords own will 2. Neither must you conceive that those discoveries of the Gospel do by their own effectual vertue produce this union between the Soul and Christ Faith it self which is the uniting grace by which the union is made up does not produce this union by any vertue or efficacy and proper quality in it self but as God hath determined the revelation of the Gospel and saith wrought by those revelations to bring the soul into union 3. Neither do those revelations of the Gospel to the outward ear work this effect of the Souls union with Christ Thence it is said John 6.45 Every one that hath learned of the Father cometh unto me It is not hearing and learning those truths from the mouth of man that immediately produce those effects but hearing from the Father that is by Gods giving inward beams of light to the understanding whereby he doth discover the mysteries of his will to the soul Ans 2. I answer affirmatively The revelation of the truth of the Gospel doth produce this union three ways 1. By discovering the union with Christ to be attained in the Soul-alluring properties of it It is instrumentally that the Lord useth the revelation of the truths of the Gospel to manifest to the soul that an union is to be obtained and to manifest the excellency beauty necessity and sutableness of that union to the souls present condition whereby the soul is drawn to accept of that union Now in regard union cannot be effected between Christ and the Soul without a discovery that there is such an union to be obtained therefore it is said the Lord by revealing the truths of the Gospel to the Soul does gather the soul into union because this is the onely glass as it were whereby the soul may discover the way of attaining an union between Christ and the Soul 2. By conveying sight to the blinded soul to apprehend that union Though the most Orient bright glistering colours be presented to the eyes of a man covered with darkness they could not take up a mans meditations about them neither could he be affected with them Now the eyes of all men naturally are covered with darkness that though the Gospel hold forth the union yet we cannot be taken up with it nor pass
Christ tendred The Lord Christ is of Holy Pure Undefiled eyes purer than to behold Iniquity Canst think the Lord will accept of such a forlorn Soul as thine that hath so cursedly Rebelled against him O no saith the Soul I dare not conceive God will look upon me who am such a Cursed Wretch Alas poor Soul thou thinkest this to be Poverty of Spirit when indeed it is Cursed Pride Thou wouldest have some ground of Confidence in thy self that the Lord should accept of thee and thou thinkest it great Humility in thy self like another Peter what Jesus Christ Wash my Feet Now what neer likeness is here between this Pride of Spirit and Poverty of Spirit All the difference is here that the Soul that is truly poor desires never to have any thing in himself to rest upon The Soul hath no hope of ever having any thing as it is in itself and alas this difference is hardly discerned Thus also if you go to Sincerity of Obedience Saith the Soul though I do fail in my purposes yet I hope my Heart is sincere towards God in all that I do and that is given as another evidence of the Souls Union I say it is true but the question is how we shall discern it from the meer working of Ignorance Sincerity is a single eye to the Will of God and to his Honour and Glory in what thou dost but according to the Souls Judgment a Soul acted meerly by the principle of Ignorance may have a single eye at Gods Glory Rom. 10.2 3. The Jews had a Zeal for God but not according to knowledge and so they went about to establish their own Righteousness Hence the Soul will say I think I have Sincerity of heart but I do not certainly know I may be deceived Thus in these chief things there is such a neerness that we can scarce discern the Jewel from the Counterfeit II. In regard those holy Dispositions Inclinations and Habits of Grace do properly proceed from some kind of evidence of a Souls Union and according to the clearness of the Souls evidence of Union so do these Graces increase and according as the Souls Union is eclipsed so do they decrease To begin with that which most promises seem to be made to that is to Mourners Whence does true Mourning for Sin in the Soul proceed Is it not from a sight of the Lord Christ Yea from some sight of the Souls propriety in Christ at least thus far from some sight of probable interest in Christ Is it not from thence the Soul beholds first the cursed nature of Sin Indeed the horridness of the nature of Sin never appears but in the precious glass of the Lords Bowels of Mercy to poor Loveless Souls III. In regard the right nature and truth of those Holy Qualities or Habits of Grace in the Soul cannot be discerned but from the sight of the Union of the Soul with Christ And that in these respects 1. In regard there is not a full conformity in those Holy Qualities inherent in thy Heart to the rule of the Word that doth command those Holy Qualities Should I begin at the lowest which is Sincerity of heart in the Souls Obedience unto God The Soul can seldom I might say never see a Conformity in his Obedience to the rule of the word The rule is in Eph. 6.5 6. it is spoken concerning Servants but it holdeth in every duty Servants be Obedient to them that are your Masters according to the Flesh with fear and Trembling in singleness of your Heart as unto Christ not with eye-Service as men-pleasers but as the Servants of Christ doing the Will of God from the Heart True Sincerity in Obedience to any command it is a singleness of Heart unto Jesus Christ a single eye that is having respect to nothing but Christ alone The species of all the vision of that eye with which he respects the duty being taken from Jesus Christ alone Now how far short shall a Soul see it self of a conformity to the rule When can the soul say his heart was single to Christ in prayer or in any Ordinance Now in regard the soul may behold at all times so great a difference in the holy qualities inherent in his heart to the rule that it ought to be brought to a full conformity to those holy qualities in the heart cannot evidence unto the soul the truth of its union with Christ The truth of them cannot appear in themselves without a sight of the souls union in regard of the imperfection of the souls sight to discern the depths of his own heart Any knowing soul judgeth it self to be far unable to search the depths of his own heart Jer. 17 9. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it Thence it is the soul hath never sufficient evidence of the truth of any holy quality in himself from the quality it self to answer all the objections of a carnal heart because that remains unanswered the heart is deceitful 2. In regard the truth of those holy qualities appear only as they do proceed from faith Therefore unless the soul discerns and knows them to be fruits of faith it cannot conclude them to be holy qualities Hebr. 11.6 Without faith it is impossible to please God Now he that discerns faith discerns union with Christ therefore it must needs be that there is a sight of union before a sight of the truth of those holy qualities Answ 3. The third negative answer is this That the union of the soul with Christ cannot be evidenced by any thing done or effected by the soul or that can be effected and done Whether we look upon works internal or works external whether we look upon the inward moving of the affections to to God or whether we look upon the expressions of those affections that is the breaking out of those affections into prayer and constant intercessions with God into reading and hearing and attending upon ordinances into holiness expressed in the conversation by none of these can the union with Jesus Christ be cleared and evidenced Yet for the right understanding of this these three things are to be considered 1. I do not mean that no work of the soul either inward or outward done by the soul is an evidence of the souls union with Christ Though no work of the soul be able to clear the union and evidence it yet the work may be an evidence in it self The inward act of Faith is an infallible evidence of the souls union where the soul is able to understand that act of Faith to be of the right nature the word of God requires Faith to be in the Soul 2. I do not mean neither in this conclusion that the union of the soul with Christ may be evidenced without the souls beholding any work either inward or outward in it self For infallibly and necessarily in the souls beholding its union with the Lord Christ it does
fulfill whatever can intervene Therefore I will not make such a Covenant as I made with your fathers which my Covenant they brake observe that but I will make such a Covenant as they shall not be able to break For saith God I will write my law in their hearts and put my fear in them As if he should say I will do all things for them So that there is not one promise that can properly be called a conditional promise Indeed improperly I grant the promises of the Covenant of Grace may be divided into conditional and absolute promises Some promises of the Covenant of Grace may be called conditional in this respect that there are some limits and bounds set to the promises as these two great bounds his own glory and his peoples good And only in three sorts of promises those limitations hold As 1. In all temporal promises of temporal blessings and favours to his own The Lord hath not absolutely promised riches and honour and prosperity to all the Subjects of the Covenant of Grace though godliness hath the promise of this life and that which is to come And though he hath tyed his own sufficiency to supply them yet not so as it admits of no limitation but these two come in the Lords glory and his peoples own good And likewise in dispensing all blessings privatively that is the freeing the soul from all temporal evils from afflictions distress and burdens this freedom is promised in the Covenant of Grace yet it admits of this limitation so far as it may concern the Lords glory So that so far as the glory of God is advanced in his peoples groaning under burdens and sufferings for a time the Covenant is nevertheless fulfilled 2. The promise of Gods giving the common gifts of the spirit God is not bound to them in the Covenant without limitation Therefore in 1 Cor. 12. Those common gifts of the spirit God dispenseth them variously one he fills with them and leaves another poor and weak void almost of any of those gifts of the spirit that the glory of God may be advanced in that dispensation and certainly every soul is not sutable to manage such a treasury of common gifts therefore the other limitation comes in also the souls own good 3. Those conditions or limitations hold only in the promises concerning the measure and manner and order of Gods dispencing himself to souls in privative or positive things All spiritual mercies privative as well as positive that is the preservation of the soul from all temptations and buffettings of Satan the preservation of the soul from all desertions this is also included in the Covenant of Grace But it is in this sence but a conditional promise a limited promise so far as may be for the Lords own honour the soul shall be free from temptations Yet now though in this sence under all these three heads there be continual promises yet that which is absolutely necessary for the soul cannot be said to come under any of these limitations Life and Salvation and everlasting Communion with the glorious Trinity and with the glorious Saints and Angels are so absolutely promised as they come not under these limitations but that which is absolutely necessary for the soul the Lord hath bound himself absolutely to convey to the soul Yet these limited promises cannot properly be called conditional but are absolute in themselves as will appear in three particulars 1. These limited promises thus bounded are not left in the limitations of them unto the persons to whom they are made So that they are improperly called conditional promises in regard conditional promises do imply some condition to be performed by the parties to whom the promises are made Now these limitations of such promises are not in the power of persons to whom they are made that they should judg and determine when for their own good and for the Lords glory they should have such and such promises made good to them but they depend upon the sole wisdom of God 2. These promises bounded with these extents are simply and absolutely determined by God to be fulfilled according as they are propounded Now then is a promise absolute when without respect to any thing whatever that can possibly intervene or be interposed it is undertaken to be fulfilled to the person to whom it is made according to the full extent wherein it is propounded Now in the full extent of the propounding of those promises wherein God may have glory and the soul advantage the Lord hath as absolutely engaged to give all common gifts of the spirit all outward blessings whatever possibly can intervene as he hath also any part of the Covenant of Grace 3. These promises pertaining to the Covenant of grace bounded with limitations are by the infinite wisdom of God bounded with such limitations only as make them to be absolute love and Grace from God to the soul For indeed those limitations are no other than preventions of what might make such promises to have evil interwoven with them as well as good and then should they not be absolutely love For observe all Gods promises of temporal mercy to the soul therein come to be love to the soul because God hath bounded with that limitation so far as shall be for the souls own good and advantage So that from these considerations even those limited promises prove as absolute as all the other promises of the Covenant of Grace So that you see there are no promises belonging to the Covenant of Grace but what are meerly Grace No condition may come in to challenge any thing in the Covenant of Grace Prem 3. Thirdly I must premise That all those promises that seem to be made to conditions in souls they are included under one of these five heads 1. They are made to persons having such conditions in them as put them into a case of want and poverty and so the Lord propounds refreshment to them sutable to their wants and poverty Of this nature are the promises made to thirsty and burdened souls 2. Those may be no promises but revelations of the glorious priviledges that God doth freely bestow upon his own people As to instance in those promises that seem to be made to love to God and Christ John 14.21 He that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest my self to him Here seems to be a promise made to love whereas it is only a revelation of the precious priviledg that belongs to the people of God and a discovery of the precious purpose of God concerning his own out of the meer disposition of his goodness towards them If any promise should be made to that precious grace of love methinks this should it runs every way in the nature of a promise But yet hence it appears it is no promise made to loving Christ as a condition upon which the promise should be fulfilled in regard that disposition
doth go before the actings of any other holy quality in those Souls Faith being the first habit in order of nature though not in time that 's infused into any Soul It doth also in order of nature work and manifest it self in acting before any other habit whatsoever And therefore the acting of Faith in that particular application of the absolute promise must be before there be a manifestation of any other holy quality to be in the Soul And thence in regard this particular way in applying these absolute promises is without any holy quality in Souls there can be no other word but only the Lords absolute promise to be the ground from whence this faith can arise This is generally granted of all And from thence take notice of these two things 1. That the absolute general promise of God that is holden forth as made unto the people and Church of God alone that is a particular ground of the Souls first confidence or adherence unto Jesus Christ 2. That the general absolute promise of God doth speak particularly to every Soul who attains any right or interest in it Secondly I shall answer affirmatively That it is a particular ground of Faith of assurance or a particular evidence to assure a Souls Faith that he is united unto Jesus Christ And that I shall open in two Conclusions Conclu 1. The absolute promise is sufficient to reveal to a Souls Faith a certainty of his Union in regard there is an equivalency in the absolute promise of God that runs to all Souls to any particular promise that could be made Paul manifested as full a certainty of his acceptance into Union with Christ to be holden forth to him in the absolute promise as if he had had a particular word from heaven saying thou Paul shalt be accepted into union with Christ In 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithfull saying and worthy of all acceptation What is that That Jesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners Here is as far off a remote promise as can be That Jesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners What then Of whom I am chief As if he should have said The Lord Christ came to save me where he makes Christ sent into the world particularly to save his Soul And certainly the same promise were able to give the Soul that particular certainty that Paul did receive did the same light appear from the promise as did to Paul But that there is such an equivalency in what the absolute promise can give to testifie union to what a particular promise gives appear in two things 1. In the latitude or largeness and extensiveness of the promise it self The promises that are of absolute mercies and are declared to be the absolute will of God concerning his peoples Souls they are all propounded as indefinite propositions that is without any certain bounds In that promise Christ came into the World to save Sinners there is no bounds set to it neither this kind of Sinner or that kind of Sinner such as are thus and thus rebellious but Sinners So Mark 16.15 Go Preach the Gospel to every creature Preach the Gospel What is that Preach the glad tydings of Salvation It is as much as if Jesus Christ should have said Go and tell every Soul my Father is willing to accept their rebellious souls into union with my self And unless this be receive tendered the Gospel is not Preached Exclude the declaring of Gods will to every particular Soul to receive him into Union with the Lord Christ and you exclude the Preaching of the Gospel And that 's the reason the Angel Luke 2.10 when he brings the glad tidings of Jesus Christ saith I bring glad tidings To whom To such a Nation or People No I bring glad tidings to all people There is no other bounds set but the World it self If a man comes under the notion of a creature he comes under the notion of the promise he cannot say but it is the will of God to receive his Soul into Union if he will embrace the Lord Christ 2. It appears in regard of the expresness of the command to every Soul particularly to apply the promise 1 John 3.23 This is the command of God that ye believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ And again this is the Word of God that ye believe in the name of Jesus Christ Now believing can contain but two things Either a giving credit to the truth of what the promise holds forth And surely this cannot be meant for the Devils themselves believe as much Or else a receiving unto their particular Souls what the Lord there tenders in Christ Jesus and if you observe it the Scripture phrase generally holds forth believing in this sence Thence it is that believing and receiving in Scripture are put both for one 1 John 1.12 Now that the extent of this command of believing reaches thus far to a particular application of those absolute promises to themselves will be cleared by two particulars 1. In regard all unbelief and the fruits of it is vertually and eminently forbidden in this command of believing When any positive duty is enjoyned by God the contrary must needs be forbidden by the same law vertually and all the evil consequences of whatever is contrary to the duty enjoyned Now believing being enjoyned virtually unbelief and all the fruits of unbelief are forbidden The fruits of unbelief is doubting and so all doubting of the Lords will to fulfill his promise of accepting the soul into union with the Lord Jesus that 's content and willing to receive Christ into Union with him all this doubting of the will of God is there forbidden vertually in regard it is contrary to the duty commanded because it proceeds from the root unbelief which is directly contrary unto faith 2. In regard the strength of Faith must needs be the extent of the command The Soul is to give credit to the Lord as a thing unquestionably certain that the Lord is willing to receive his poor loveless Soul into Union with the Lord Christ So that in effect the Lord doth in that command to the Soul to believe enjoyn the Soul to receive fulness of assurance from the very promise that the Lord is willing to receive his Soul into union with the Lord Christ Yet do not mistake me I do not say the command is of such an extent that it doth expresly command every one to believe that he is one in Christ for then the promise should command him to believe a lye in regard the greatest number are at enmity But the extent of the command is to assure the Soul of the Lords willingness to receive him into union with Jesus Christ if he be willing to receive him And this the Lord enjoyns the most rebellious wretches wherever the Gospel comes the first command to such rebellious Souls is to believe that God is willing to receive their rebellious Souls into union
the evidencing to them from the promises their union with Christ and that is the manifestation or Irradiation of the promise it self or of the Gospel of Jesus Christ There are two ways how the Spirit doth reveal any thing to a Soul The 1. is by infusing of divine light The 2d is by manifesting the object to that divine light It is not sufficient light communicated to the faculty of discerning that inables it to discern a thing presently but there must be also an enlightning and manifesting of the object to be discovered unto that light communicated The most acute Eye that is of the greatest perspicuity and clearness can discern nothing any further then the things themselves are presented to them So that the Spirit in evidencing to the Soul from the promises must cast as it were beams of light some kind of holy rays from the promise it self upon the Eye as well as light into the Eye to discern the light that is cast upon the Eye That 's the reason that a Soul at one time shall discern the very Heart of Christ towards him in the promises or in the Gospel and at another time looking upon the same Word the same promise with the same diligence and yet it not so much as giveth a sufficient ground for an imperfect hope or an act of Faith in way of adherence and this is from a different manifestation of this Irradiation of the Spirit unto the Soul Now this manifestation or Irradiation doth consist in two things 1. The Spirit presents the Gospel or the promises to the Soul We are not sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves 2 Cor. 3.5 There must be as well an application of the object to the Eye as an application of the Eye to the object and yet both must be also by the Spirit of God Therefore John 14.26 it is put as a part of the office of the comforting Spirit or the evidencing Spirit to bring the pretious things that Christ had spoken to his Disciples to their remembrance again 2. The Spirit doth evidence the promise or the Gospel that it hath presented to the Eye It brings it to remembrance and then opens it and reveals the very nature and intent of it You must conceive there is a twofold evidence of things there is an evidence of narration and an evidence of the matter it self Now the Gospel is always evident in matter of narration that is as spoken from the mouth of God in his written Word But the Gospel is very inevident in regard of the matter or of the thing it self it is an hidden mystery so dark a riddle as cannot be found out without the help of the Spirit it self Now though the evidence only of narration of the Gospel be sufficient to excite the Soul to act Faith by way of adherence and recumbency upon God yet it is not sufficient to excite the Soul to act Faith by way of assurance Divers things there are in the promise or in the Gospel that the Spirit doth evidence to the Soul when it is revealing its union with Christ First beam of divine light First It presents and evidenceth to the Soul the Lord Christ fully unquestionably and everlastingly taking away all sin and wickedness from every Soul that shall embrace him You shall observe Rom. 8.33 34. that it was through the knowledge of this that the Faith of Paul took wing first to mount above in a tryumphant way saith he what shall we say to these things What things Things that he had before spoken of in the beginning of the Epistle especially Chap. 5. where he had made it appear clearly That where sin did abound grace did much more abound super-abound abound without measure in that Grace did triumph over sin through Jesus Christ Now saith he what shall we say to these things He stood in admiration at the thoughts of it and then began to say Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect Here Faith began to triumph from the knowledge of Christs compleat removal of all sin from every Soul that did embrace him Now the Spirit evidenceth divers things to the Soul for the clearing of this I. The Spirit makes it evident that the Lord Christ took upon him to be surety for every Soul that would embrace him He became the surety of the new Covenant Heb. 7.22 The Spirit makes the Soul discern that Christ stept into his Father to undertake to be bound to pay all the debts for every Soul that shall hereafter embrace him And herein the Spirit is wont to evidence two things concerning the suretyship of Christ 1. That Christ undertook to be a surety of the whole Covenant for Souls That he undertook to fulfil all that Justice or Mercy it self should require to be fulfilled for those Souls for whom he undertook 2. That he became such a surety as he undertook to pay the debt alone Hence Isa 49.8 he is called the Covenant it self Intimating that the whole Covenant concerning taking away sin is only between God the Father and Jesus Christ Hence it is said 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their trespasses to them II. The Spirit evidenceth that Christ as Mediatour stood in the relation of a common person and took upon him to represent all the persons of those that should hereafter believe on him so that whatever satisfaction he should give to his Fathers justice in regard of sin should be not only in stead of satisfaction to be given to the Father by the Souls themselves but also to be done as it were in their stead to be accounted as if they themselves had given satisfaction This the Spirit may evidence from the promise from some such place as 1 Cor. 15.48 which shews that Jesus Christ stood as a common person in stead of all those that should believe on him as Adam the first man stood as a common person to represent all those that should come out of him Or from such a place as that Rom. 5.14 where the old Adam is called a Type of Jesus Christ that was to come The second thing the Spirit clears is the things themselves done by Jesus Christ in those relations unto Souls as he stood as a common person and as the surety for those that should hereafter believe on him I. Therein the Spirit cometh to clear the effusion of the Blood of Christ the offering himself by death as a sacrifice for sin Thence you shall observe the first thing Paul instanceth in when he lets his Faith look upon the removing of all Sin is Christ dying saith he in a holy Triumph of Faith who shall condemn Why Christ hath dyed As if he should say how shall either carnal reason or conscience or unbelief or Justice or Law or Hell or Devil bring any accusation against our Souls seeing Jesus Christ hath died he hath offered up himself by death as a
Union and Communion with the Father through Christ The Soul doth not only possess Union and Communion but hath the knowledge of it the sweet and comfort of it and that 's the fruition of Union and Communion Now the Union of Souls with the Father through Christ is the most proper object of all the Devils envie and malice 5. The very first-born power of his malice works against the Believers evidence of his Union in regard Believers through their enjoyment of that evidence of their Union with Christ do hold forth the most orient brightness of the Lords grace love in Christ Now the Lords peculiar delight being in receiving the honour of his love from poor despicable worms thence the Devils malice works infinitely against the Souls receiving evidence of his union with the Lord Jesus because it works infinitely against the Lords receiving his own intended glory Secondly I must premise That all the most profound policy subtilty and craft of all the Princes and Rulers of the Region of darkness is employed in that most cursed insinuation to a believing Soul that the evidence of his Union with Christ received either to faith or sense is but a diabolical delusion The policies of Hell all concur together in its strength in this temptation or insinuation to a believing soul that his evidence is but a delusion I. In regard by the Devils prevailing in this temptation he leads the Soul in the most extricable labyrinth that there is no possibility by all the diligence the soul can use to evade or escape and find the way out The Soul once passing a Sentence against his own evidence that it is nothing but a fancy or a hellish delusion he is lost in a wood as it were of fear and perplexity of questions and scruples he is then caught indeed in the Devils thicket in the bryars that are of Hells own planting There is nothing then left to clear the Souls way I mean if the actual evidence of that Souls Union be suspended until a renewed actual evidence of the same Spirit comes to the Soul There is no way left for the Soul wherein it is possible for it to make a tryal of his own estate The Soul can make no proof from the light of his own Grace that light must be supposed to have been discovered to the Soul in its union received that being rejected no other light can manifest Grace to be in the Soul II. In regard the prevailing in this temptation grieves the very Comforter himself it wearies the Spirit of the Lord whose Office is thus To reveal to the Lord its acceptance into union with Christ it causeth the Soul to make a direct opposition against the blessed Comforter So that now in the Devils prevailing in this insinuation he no● only leaves the Soul in a most inextricable labyrinth but provokes the blessed Spirit of the Lord to withdraw himself and to withhold all renewed beams of light from that believing Soul 3. In regard the prevailing of that temptation would bereave the Soul at least of the fruition and benefit of all that 's past over to the Soul in Christ If that temptation take hold upon the Spirit that the Soul draws that conclusion that his evidence is a delusion then all the boldness and freedom of access to the Throne of Grace for supply is vanished in a moment In a word by the prevailing of this the Devil in a manner snatches the believing Soul from among the number of the Friends of the Almighty and sets him among the poor strangers by the prevailing of this he snatches the believing Soul from among the Vessels of honour I mean in the Souls apprehension and in regard of the Souls enjoyment and places it among the Vessels of dishonour it makes the the Soul disclaim all interest right and title to any mercy and love 4. In regard the prevailing of this insinuation with the believing Soul doth reduce or bring back the believing Soul and make it liable and subject to the power and force of all other cursed insinuations from the Devil The prevailing of this suggestion brings the Soul under the force of all those temptations that his Soul was formerly delivered from all the temptations grounded upon the Souls unworthiness all that were grounded upon the Souls long continuance in sin Pre. 3. Thirdly Every believing Soul that hath received the evidence of his union to faith and sense must expect all the rage power and strength that Satan can afford to be employed against the Soul to darken and obscure that evidence 1. All the powet of Hell is employed to suggest false reasonings carnal sensual arguments into the mind of that believing soul 2. All the power in the corrupted Conscience of that believing Soul is and will be employed to accomplish that design to perswade the believing Soul that the evidence of his union received is but a diabolical delusion His power in the corrupted Conscience will be employed to edifie and stir it up to bring in false Accusations against the believing Soul 3. His whole power and strength will be employed in stirring up passions and disordered tumultuous affections in that believing Soul Any believing of fear and terror the Devil will foment and nourish and by his mighty power over those passions and affections make such a confusion and tumult as if the Soul and Hell were to come together immediately The Devil will employ his power over the affections themselves and his power upon the humours of the Body through which those passions and affections work The Devil upon the very suggestion that the Souls evidence of his union is a delusion will exercise his power so upon the humours of the Body as to dispose the Body to a timerous trembling it may be almost every joynt shaking upon the imagination it may be deluded and then nourish and augment by bringing in renewed accusation upon accusation against a believing Soul So that all the false reasonings of the mind and the false accusation of the conscience hath a more power upon the Soul in regard of the disposition of the body and the working of the affections Fourthly I must premise That all the utmost power and possibility of corruption that remains in a true Believer are ready to comply with and second the Devil in the exercise of his malice policie and power against the believing soul to receive that cursed suggestion of Hell that his evidence of his union received is but a delusion Wretched Man in his first transgression joyned a cursed amity with the Devil himself and ever since Mans Heart hath set at the Devils Councel Table joyning all the strength of its policie and power with that infernal Spirit to maintain his tyranny over the poor Soul that whatever Hell-bred design the Devil acts against the believing Soul the Heart doth immediately comply with that hellish design And though indeed Mans corrupt heart be ready to comply with every motion and
in respect of the glory of that his love that he reveals to be in himself to such unlovely sinners when thus the soul shall declare to the everlasting honour of God that true and faithful is his word he loves upon his own will only and shews mercy to whom he will and because he will And thence you may observe that it is a high dishonour to the name of the blessed God for any soul to make any claim to that love of God that is in Jesus Christ by vertue of any quality or disposition whatever that is in their own souls whereby they are differenced as they conceive from other souls and they have right to claim that love of God in Christ when other souls may not claim it this is a pollution of the name of God by its vilifying the absolute perfection of freedom in the love of God in Christ to unlovely sinners 2. The manifestation of the glory of the Lords love to the exaltation of God through the soul is by the souls unwavering unshaken confidence in the truth and faithfulness of the Lord according to his word to admit the soul into the sweetest Bosom of his love in Christ notwithstanding all the loathsomness and forlornness of the worthless soul When the soul manifests his confidence in that faithfulness of God in the highest degree then is the name of God exalted through the soul when the soul says with Paul 2. Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have trusted notwithstanding all this the wretched and most accursed wickedness of my vilest heart I know he is true and faithful he will let his love that is in Jesus work according as he hath discovered it freely from the disposition of his own will only notwithstanding all my wickedness And mark it i● this one of the prime reasons why Jesus Christ in that pattern of all prayer that he hath freely given us commonly called the Lords Prayer hath commanded all souls and so believing souls to pray constantly for forgiveness of their Trespasses for pardon of sin because through that act performed according to the will of Jesus Christ the name of God is constantly exalted through the believing soul I do believe that pleading for pardon of sin by believing souls is much mistaken some souls darkly and blindly I had like to have said superstitiously plead for the use of those very words forgive us our trespasses as though no believinng soul could perform his duty without the repetition of those words and other souls from an abhorrency of the blindness and darkness of those that thus plead for the use of the bare words utterly reject that Petittion that Jesus Christ hath given us as a pattern whereby to frame our Petitions determining it utterly unlawful to make such a Petition or such a Request but certainly were the reason of making the request rightly considered it might give light both to the one and to the other to give them to conceive aright how and why a believing soul may pray and beseech the Lord to pardon his Transgressions though understanding through believing that they are already pardoned There are two things that must concur together for the making of that request The first is a remembring the Lord of his precious promise wherein he offers reconciliation peace and love in Christ to the sinful despicable soul There must be in the thoughts of the believing soul making the request aright an actual apprehension that God hath offered unto his soul reconcliation by Christ and so remission of all his sins freely by Christ and questionless there ought to be some declaring of that promise also before the Lord though sometimes more briefly sometimes more largely sometimes in one manner sometimes in another yet a remembring of the Lord of that his precious word Secondly there must be a sincere desire in the believing soul that his heart and mind might consent to the truth of the Lords word as spoken to his particular soul and consequently a desire to trust to the truth and faithfulness of the Lord to fulfill that his precious word even to his particular soul fully So that the soul that presents the request a right must upon the apprehension of his own most accursed vileness turn his eye to that sweetest tender of reconciliation and peace to his soul in Christ saying secretly at least O Lord thou hast spoken it that thy will is to remit the sins to pass by the enmity of every rebellious soul that will accept the reconciliation thou dost tender in Christ and then the heart must proceed farther saying O Lord seeing thou hast spoken it fulfill that thy word to this rebellious sinful soul of mine my soul desires to trust to thy truth to fulfill it O let it be fulfilled let that enmity be removed and that reconciliation be established between thee and my soul 3. The third way of the souls manifestation of the perfection of freedom that is in the love of God in Christ to despicable sinners by which the name of God is exalted through the soul is by the souls maintaining the same confidence of his in the Lords truth to vouchsafe to be in love with his unlovely soul through Christ notwithstanding all infirmities weakness imperfections and perverse crookedness that his heart shall discern a fresh to be in himself Now when the soul after humble acknowledgement of those cursed dispositions in his corrupt heart shall still act and manifest that precious confidence then doth the soul give glory to the Lord in respect of the freedom that is in his love then doth the soul declare that nothing can turn away or cause to cease the workings o● that infinite free love of God in Christ then the soul declares that the love of God in Christ was built upon no other foundation but his precious will and that it was nothing in the soul that was lovely and amiable in the eyes of God that ever inclined the heart of God to six his love upon the soul And on the contrary thence it is that those souls pollute the name of God in their hearts and before others also whose confidence shake and waver upon the sight of every new infirmity and imperfection whose confidence is cast away upon the sight of every new crooked disposition working in their hearts upon every disposition to deadness vanity loosness by this they vail the absolute perfection of the riches of the freedom of love that is in God through Christ to unlovely sinners and declare in effect the love of the Lord in Christ to be built upon the holy actings of the foul towards God yea the soul declares in effect vertually at least that the riches of the Lords love that is in Christ increase and diminish according to the holiness or unholiness that he discerns in his own heart Hence the Apostle exhorts believing fouls upon the account of Christs intercession to come boldly to the Throne of Grace Heb. 4.15.16 That the
actings till this mortal shall have put on immortality Fourthly There is a want of an absolute nothingness in the Soul in the precious holy actings of the Soul That vile principle of Self-confidence is so firmly rooted in our natures that when the sanctifying Spirit of Jesus Christ hath had a blessed work upon the unholy heart yet then the bitter root of Self-confidence will be sending forth some cursed sprigs be will sprouting forth in some unholy actings even in the midst of the Souls actings the Soul being never perfectly and absolutely nothing in himself in his holy actings Thence you may observe from your experience an infinite difficulty that you find after great enlargements of heart in a holy duty then to think no better of your selves for the duty It must be a mighty power of the spirit that must draw forth from a Soul at such a time that voice in sincerity saying not I but the grace of God that was in me Now that Light that discovers unto a believing Soul those unholinesses of his whereof the believing Soul is constantly guilty in some degree in all his holy actings is an unseparable attendant upon the Spirit of Light evidencing to the Soul its union with the Lord Jesus There is only the light of the Lords Love in Christ to the worthless nothing-like Soul that discovers the want of pure Love in the Souls actings of holiness It is the vision of the Lords Love unto the Soul that excites and stirs up actings of Love in the Soul unto God So likewise the vision of the Lords Love in Christ unto the Soul enables the Soul to discern the want of pure perfect Love in his Soul unto God It is then when a Soul sees that Love of God in Christ unto his unlovely unspeakable soul that he apprehends deeply that the most superlative actings of his Love are due from him unto God again and then doth the Soul discern the great evil of the imperfection of the actings of his own Love so as to answer the actings of the Lords will out of pure Love only Thence it is when the Spirit of Jesus Christ doth evidence unto it his union with Christ then any slavish workings of fear are tedious and burdensom unto the Soul whereas before the Soul thought those actings of fear if they brought sorth but some Tears to be precious actings but now it loaths them So likewise it is only the Light of the Lords Love in Jesus Christ to the worthless soul that discovers clearly the want of freedom and liberty in the heart in its holy actings Then indeed the soul groans not only for the want of his heart answering the Lords will in obedience and so for want of holy actings but he groans under the want of freedom of spirit in those holy actings also So likewise the want of perfect rest and complacency of the Soul in his holy actings is made manifest only through the light of the glorious Love of the Lord in Jesus Christ to the loveless Soul No Soul can discern matter wherein he may take up a fulness of rest only in obedience to the Lords will till he discerns God as he is in Jesus Christ to his unlovely Soul and therefore the want of the Souls fulness of contentment in the actings of holiness can never be made clearly manifest till the light of the Lords love in Jesus Christ shines upon it yea the lively beauty excellency and glory that is in the bare fulfilling of the Lords holy will only shines clearly to the Soul through the light of the Lords love in Jesus Christ Yea the want of an absolute nothingness in himself in his holy actings is made apparent to the Soul through the light of the Lords Love in Jesus Christ shining upon him Never can a Soul apprehend that all that he is and all that the powers and possibilities of his Soul can perform and infinitely more is due from his Soul unto God till the glorious light of the Lords love in Christ shine upon him It is only when the light of that love shines that the heart says in sincerity to it self what thinkest thou O my heart is due to thee though now thou hast been enlarged by the assistance of the Spirit of Christ in this holy duty Art not an unprofitable Servant not having given to the Lord the hundred thousandth part what thou dost owe to him IV. When the Spirit evidenceth unto any Soul his union with the Lord Jesus sensible free acknowledgements of an infinite disproportion in the most holy actings of the Soul to the Lords holy blessed will are necessarily drawn forth in regard the unholiness that constantly attends in some degree the actings of holiness in Souls are at the same time most cross and opposite to the Souls desires The desires of the soul being but the reachings forth of love and the highest actings of love being the necessary effect of those highest discoveries of the Lords love to the soul thence necessarily the highest desires of the soul are raised to a superlative height after fulness of unity and perfect communion with God in Christ when the spirit evidenceth to the soul his union with Jesus Christ V. When the spirit evidenceth to the soul its union with Christ the spiritual sense of the soul is then most lively The spirit of Jesus Christ being constantly a quickening spirit where he is a comforting spirit the soul being filled with comfort cannot but be filled with life and when the soul is filled with life sense is also lively so that thence the soul at that time is most sensible of his own unholiness and thence necessarily is constrained to acknowledge sensibly the disagreement of his will in his most holy actings to the Lords most holy blessed will 2. The spirit evidencing to any soul its union with the Lord Jesus doth certainly draw forth free declarations from the soul that the least transgression of the Lords blessed will is just occasion of incensing the wrath of God infinitely and eternally against the soul and just occasion of unspeakable perplexipy and grief to the soul So that through this a soul declares that blessed will of God to be so absolutely so perfectly holy that the least opposing of that blessed will might justly deprive him of acceptance Thus you may observe when the spirit of Jesus Christ stirred up the heart of the Church to precious believing Acts Lament 3.22 23 24. then did the same spirit draw from their mouths sensible declarations that the least of their transgressions did justly expose them to the everlasting burning to be consumed in the fire of the Lords Indignation then she cries out It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fails not So likewise in Psal 130.3 when the heart of the Psalmist was up in believing actings then saith he If thou shouldest mark iniquity who shall stand The least iniquity that remains in the most sanctified souls
things being thus cleared the question that the soul propounds cannot stand The question was whether it was not from the sight of the condition to which the promise was made and fulfilled in the soul that the soul did conclude his right to the promise and so had his evidence of union with Christ There being no condition in the whole Covenant of Grace to which God hath made any promise it cannot be that it should be from the sight of any such condition that a soul should have his evidence of his union with Christ But then the question will be resolved into this question Quest But saith the soul Doth not the Lord first reveal those graces that he describes his own people by to be in souls and then through the sight of them clear to souls that he hath given them the Lord Christ out of his own good will alone through the promise And so it must be through the sight of such graces as God describes to be in his people that a soul must see himself to be one of Gods people Answ 1. Now to this I answer First That the Lord doth reserve to himself his own liberty concerning his own particular word from whence he doth reveal to souls infallibly their union with Christ The Lord doth not bind himself from a revealing unto souls their union with Christ by some word describing the Graces of the people united unto Christ nor from some word only inviting souls unto Christ Answ 2. Secondly I answer That the Lord doth not evidence unto souls their union with Christ without the sight of those graces in some measure or degree that the holy Ghost describes the Lords own people by When the Lord reveals his own free gift of Christ to the soul he doth reveal to the soul his willing accepting of Christ so given And that 's all one as if I should say the soul sees his own faith and so consequently doth see such graces to be in his soul Answ 3. Thirdly I answer That the Lord doth never reveal any Graces of the Spirit to any Soul as the ground or cause of evidencing unto the soul his union with Christ There are two things intended in this First That the Lord never reveals those graces in souls to be that which gives the soul right to the promise of the gift of Christ The Lord never manifests unto any soul that because there are such and such holy dispositions or precious heavenly qualities that he hath communicated to him that therefore he is enclined towards him and is willing to confer the Lord Jesus upon him or to accept him into union through Christ But the Lord reveals himself willing to accept souls into union with himself in Christ as they are considered under the notion of poor despicable worthless Souls without the least good disposition or holy inclination that can possibly be imagined in their hearts Secondly The Lord never reveals those Graces in the Soul to be the foundation of the Souls assurance That is the Lord doth not manifest to the Soul that because there are such Graces or such precious habits in his Soul therefore upon the sight of those the Soul ought to believe the Lords free sender and free gift of the Lord Christ to it The Lord doth not make those Graces to be the foundation of the Souls faith So that the Souls hope and comfort should rest upon the sight of those Graces that God should discover to be communicated to the Soul And that will appear in two things First If the Lord should cause the Soul by discovering Graces to be in him to bottom its hope upon the sight of those Graces then should the Graces of the Spirit in the Soul be the object of Faith and so Faith should not be the evidence of things not seen but rather the evidence of things seen Now the Scripture never propounds any holy quality in the Soul to be the object of Faith considering the quality as being inherent in the Soul It is out of all question the Scripture propounds believing without the sight of any of those qualities as that which every soul ought to seek after with his greatest strength John 20.29 Secondly Should the Lord manifest Graces to be in Souls first so as to bottom the hopes of their union with Christ upon the sight of those Graces then the Lord should not settle the faith of such Souls upon an immutable unchangable ground The Spirit it self in all its workings both in regard of the person in whom it works in regard of the manner and time of such workings is well compared by Christ to the wind that bloweth where and when it listeth And so all the graces of the Spirit and the workings of those Graces may be said to be changable things and should the Lord ground the Faith of a Soul upon a changable ground he should walk contrary to his revealed will Heb. 6.18 he hath given two immutable grounds his word and oath the Lords will is there should be everlasting constant unchangable grounds upon which every act of Faith should be built in relation to the Lord Christ that there may be unmoveable and unchangable consolation Answ 4. Fourthly I answer That the Lord may and doth to some Souls reveal Graces to be in them before he doth evidence unto their Faith their Union with Christ The Lord may manifest that there is some poverty of Spirit some broken heartedness for Sin some precious change before he doth assure unto their Faith their Union with Christ But then there are two things to be noted for the clearing of this conclusion First That the Lord doth not reveal the truth of such Graces to be in such a Soul unquestionably so as to enable the Soul to conclude from thence the acceptance of his Soul into Union with Christ The dreadfull storm of fear and terrour that may be risen upon the soul may be much alayed but alas there will be many a wave go over the Soul still Secondly That the evidence of the truth of those Graces in the Soul holds equal proportion with that evidence the Lord gives to Faith of the Souls Union with Christ or of the Lords free gift of Christ to him The evidence of the truth of those Graces and the evidence unto Faith runs parallel together They are dark and clear together holding one equal proportion And therefore untill God assure the Faith of the Soul that he is willing to accept him into union with Christ the Soul hath not an unquestionable assurance of the truth of those Graces that are in his Soul Answ 5. It is not the discovery of Grace in a poor doubting Soul but the discovery of the Lords absolute uncontroulable will to receive a Soul into union with the Lord Christ that is the ground from whence the Souls Faith is assured of his Union with Christ that is the ground from whence the Soul is assured of his Union with him Now this
evidence in regard of the subject If a Soul through weakness of light received conclude or determine of any thing concerning his Soul then there must and ought to be a change of these determinations when there is a clearer evidence come into his Soul III. There may lawfully be a suspicion and a jealousie over it self in regard of its own unconstancy A Soul may have a holy fear of his own deceitful Heart when he sees it settled upon a conclusion lest it should not be so rightly settled as God requires There are two acts a Soul may do upon this ground 1. He may be making a continual search into the grounds of those conclusions and determinations that are in his own Spirit 2. A Soul may and ought to draw up his Spirit unto God and to bring his determinations into the presence of God and the ground of his determinations and lay them all open before the Lord. Now it must be opened when a Soul is guilty of this sad distemper of unconstancy in his determinations and resolutions There are three cases wherein the Soul is guilty of this I. When the Soul remains wavering in an unfixed unsettled frame of Spirit upon any determination that it doth draw up within it self When a Soul apprehends reason on both sides and weight in both reasons and thereupon suffers his Soul to stand like Scales with weights in both Scales almost in an equipoise now turning this way then that way and stand steadfast no way Now he conceives it is the will of God to accept his Soul into union with him the next morning he conceives no surely it cannot be that God should have a thought of kindness for such a wretch as he Yet do not mistake here for I must grant there may be such an equipoised Spirit in Souls without sin so it be with these limitations 1. That the truth of Christ concerning which the Soul remains in this wavering state be not a matter of duty that God requires from the Souls hands Some truths are more Theoretical some more Practical now if it be not a practical truth that God requires from the Soul it may not be sin But if it be a practical truth concerning the Souls acting of Faith upon Jesus Christ tendred or the Souls worshipping God in some ordinances of continual use then though it be through weakness and want of light that the Soul is not able to have his Spirit settled upon a conclusion yet I dare not excuse the Soul from sin for I suppose no case can come but the Soul is guilty of too much ignorance that he might have avoided or guilty of unbelief that keeps his Spirit in the present case unswayed 2. Take this limitation That such an unsettledness of Spirit concerning a truth be after a Souls strict endeavouring for a full satisfaction and determination of his Spirit concerning that truth II. The Soul is guilty of this inconstancy when the strength of imagination only doth unsettle the Soul from any determination or conclusion concerning that truth of Christ that he hath formerly drawn up in his own Spirit The Devil hath a secret door into every Heart through the fancy it is as it were the Devils back door it is his secret sally-port door that he comes out of to fight against the Soul The Devil steals into the Heart by the fancy before ever the Soul is aware of it without any alarm and by the working of the fancy he doth suggest strange imaginations in the Soul without suggesting a ground and foundation upon which such imaginations are built III. Then a Soul is guilty of this sad distemper when it is unsettled and removed from its determinations and conclusions with every just objection without a just comparison of the strength of the objection and the reasoning of the objection with the strength of the reasoning of the former perswasion and determination This is that sad distemper the Scripture speaks of To be carried up and down with every wind of Doctrine and to be soon shaken in mind 2 Thes 2.1 2. Now the distemper being thus opened in general you must note that there are three special conclusions in reference to the case in hand concerning which a Soul becomes guilty of this distemper of unconstancy 1. That the tender of union with the Lord Jesus do reach to every particular Soul The Devil and the corrupt Heart strive to maintain a constancy of Spirit in this determination either keeping the Soul wavering here not daring to resolve this blessed Truth to be a Truth or else in suggesting strong imaginations to keep the Soul from giving firm credit to that Truth or by keeping up objection upon objection against that pretious Truth that the Heart may not be settled upon that conclusion but if it be settled upon it in the evening if possible it shall be removed in the morning 2. That no wickedness wretchedness nor desperate vileness that can be imagined is any impediment to the Lords acceptance of the Soul into union with the Lord Jesus All the strength of reasoning that the Machiavilian brains of Hell can produce shall be brought to evade this Truth 3. That it is the duty of every particular Soul immediately and at all times without the least delay to give credit to the Lord and believe that he is willing to accept that particular loveless Soul into union with Christ These pretious Truths being that pretious heavenly Christal glass through which the Spiritual eye comes to discern the very Heart of God towards it in Christ if it be possible that either the power or policy of Hell can foment that distemper in the Heart concerning this principle to prevent the Soul from settling a full conclusion in this particular it shall be effected Now this distemper prevents the Souls evidence of union with Christ from the promises by these five several effects that it hath upon the Heart I. It prevents the Soul of the injoyment of a sufficient time to discern the inward of the Lords promise of accepting a Soul into union with Christ even when he doth behold the promise There are four things that a Soul must discern in a promise in reference to the discerning of his union with Christ from the promise 1. The Soul must discern the largeness of the extent of that promise of acceptance of a Soul into union with Christ He must discern the compass of the promise to be so wide as to take in his own particular Soul 2. A Soul must discern the infinite freedom of God in the tendering of the promise to accept the Soul into union with Christ It must see that God requires nothing either to prepare or dispose the Soul aright for the injoyment of the promise or to give the Soul a right and title to the promise 3. The Soul must see the very bowels of the mercies of Jesus Christ in the promises It is the sight of the readiness of the Heart of Christ to
embrace the loveless Soul that makes the bowels of the Soul yern towards Christ again 4. The Soul must discern the sufficiency of the promise to assure the Soul of what it longs after Now it being of necessity that all these must be discerned in the promises of acceptance of the Soul into union with Christ before the Soul can be satisfied from the promises that he is united to Jesus Christ an hours view or a days view in an ordinary way I mean unless the Spirit cast in superlative light extraordinary will not suffice a Soul to discern all these through the promise II. This inconstancy in the Souls resolutions exposes the Soul to the violence of all temptation This will appear in three things 1. In regard the sword of the Spirit to fight against the Temptations with is made void The sword of the Spirit is the pretious word of God Eph. 6.17 Now the Soul being unsettled in his own determinations concerning the truth of the Word of God to his own Soul in particular he hath no pretious use of that pretious sword the Word of God to resist the tempter with 2. The habit of Faith is weakned I mean the readiness of the disposition of Faith to be in exercise is in a great measure hindred The Heart is more indisposed to the exercise of Faith by how much the seldomer Faith is drawn out to exercise 3. Carnal reasonings of the Heart grow strong The more any corruption prevails the more strength it gets Sin is never decrepit the older it grows the stronger it grows Thus carnal reasoning of the Heart growing old by the constant prevailing over the Soul it grows stronger All these concurring a Soul is in a dreadful measure exposed to the tyranny of all Temptations First Temptations that batter down the hopes of Election Secondly Temptations unto slavish fear and dread and horrour of execution of present vengeance Thirdly A Soul is exposed to the power and violence of that temptation that it is wicked abominable presumption for his wretched Soul to have a thought that God will be willing to accept him in Christ III. Through that inconstancy the Devil himself is provoked to tempt It is observed in Scripture that the rule the Lord gives concerning our fighting with Satan is to resist and the rule concerning fighting with sin is fleeing 1 Pet. 5.9 Now it is thought it is upon this occasion the Lord gives this rule because fleeing gives the Devil advantage and makes him more violent in his temptations There is nothing that gives the Devil discouragement in tempting but a sight of an impossibility of prevailing IV. The inconstancy of the Soul in these resolutions and determinations prevents the increase and growth of all the knowledge of Jesus Christ You shall observe in 2 Pet. 3.18 That the Holy Ghost urging the Saints to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ he gives them an admonition to take heed they fall not from their own steadfastness intimating thus much while their Souls remain unstable in receiving and giving credit to those pretious Truths of Christ that were revealed there could be no growth in the knowledge of Jesus Christ V. This inconstancy of the Soul doth leave it like a lost one in a meer wilderness It leaves it wandering in devious paths it knows not whither When the Judgment of the Soul is thus unstable concerning those pretious principles forenamed the Soul is left without a Pilot without a Compass so that the Soul knows not how to steer its course to the pretious haven of happiness So that this distemper must be healed before the Soul can discern its union with Christ Now the Spirit heals this distemper two ways 1. By vouchsafing a clear and full manifestation to the Soul of those pretious forenamed principles by casting in such a high degree of divine light as makes the truth of those forenamed conclusions out of question It is according to the evidence the Soul receives of a truth that the judgment is settled either more or less firmly upon it Now the Spirit doth so manifest those pretious Truths and so clears the Eye as it seeth them without scruple and then the Judgment begins to be settled with some firmness upon them 2. The Spirit heals it by a continuation of the first manifestation of those Truths So that a fulness of evidence of the Truth that the Soul concludes upon remaining in the Soul the Soul remains in a fixed settled way cleaving and sticking to those Truths so concluded upon Now thus you have the second work of the Spirit in that first general effect of it upon the Heart opened which is the removal of all impediments that hinder divine light and you have seen what beams of the principles of darkness and also what dark distempers are pulled out before the Soul is fit to discern the light of Jesus Christ held forth Now the third work of the Spirit in this illumination is the Spirits acting by its own power the Divine light communicated to the Soul It is necessary not only that a Soul receive a faculty from the Spirit but also the acting of the faculty too Though all acts of the renewed man be firmly the acts of the Mind yet they are originally the acts of the Spirit it self So that also in this case concerning illumination there is a necessity not only that the Soul hath a seeing Eye but that it must also have the seeing of the Eye from the Spirit Though the Soul hath an Eye disposed to see the divine light that the promise discovers yet there must come in a power from the Spirit also whereby the Soul may be inabled to act that very power received As it is in the cleared Eye it hath a fitness to see any colour but it must be acted by the rational Soul otherwise the inward disposition of the Soul effects nothing that 's the reason the Eye sees not in sleep because the rational Soul is bound up as it were in its operations Thus it is with the divine man though influences be communicated from Jesus Christ to the Soul that the Soul hath a spiritual Eye rightly disposed to see spiritual objects yet there must be also the Spirits power to act that very Eye that is so disposed to see the spiritual object So that thus the Spirit comes in by a renewed power and as it were blows up those holy sparks of divine light that are communicated to the Soul and makes them to work in their own proper natural way to make them see that pretious divine light that the promises of the Lord discover to the poor dark Soul Thus you see the first work or the first effect that the Spirit of God hath upon Souls towards the revealing to them from the promise that they are united to the Lord Jesus The Spirits Irradiation II. We are now to proceed to the second work of the Spirit upon Souls in