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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11395 Du Bartas his deuine weekes and workes translated: and dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie by Iosuah Syluester; Sepmaine. English Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur, 1544-1590.; Sylvester, Josuah, 1563-1618.; Pibrac, Guy du Faur, seigneur de, 1529-1584. Quatrains. English.; La Noue, Odet de, seigneur de Téligny, d. 1618. Paradoxe que les adversitez sont plus necessaires que les prosperités. English.; Hudson, Thomas, 16th/17th cent.; Hole, William, d. 1624, engraver. 1611 (1611) STC 21651; ESTC S110823 556,900 1,016

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whom he hath erected aboue vs and aboue all things not to abuse the law of humane hospitality and other holy bands for to giue place to these frenetike opinions so to abolish a pretended tyranny I haue also to warne thee of two different sorts of men of the which one sort is so depraued that they can heare nothing but that which is altogether prophane and the other is so supersticious that they make conscience not onely to write but also to read of holy things in verse as though that the measure and iointure of syllabes were so constrained as it were vnpossible to keepe the sense vnperuerted or at least not excessiuely obscured Now if I perceiue that this my first assay may bee to thee agreeable I shall continue more gladly my newe commenced race in such sort that thou shalt not repent thine indulgence nor I my passed pains But if contrarie fall in time to come I wil be ware to lày out my smalpack in this ample Theatre of France where there is almost as many Iudgements as beholders A Dieu GSSDB The Argument of the whole Historie of Iudith AFter that the Children of Israel were deliuered from captiuitie and returned to their land the Citty of Ierusalem reedified the Temple builded and prepared to the seruice of the Lord the multitude of the people being scattered in sundry towns and places of the Land where they liued in peaceable rest the Lord knowing man to be negligent of GOD and his saluation chiefly when he liues at ease and all things frames vnto his fraile desire to th' end that his people should not fal in such an inconuenience would exercise them with a feareful affliction and temptation sending vpon their Countrey an army so great in number and puissance that made the whole earth to tremble This expedition was vnder the Persian Monark named in the historie Nebuchadnezar which neuerthelesse is not his right name His chiefe Lieutenant generall and Conducter of the whole Armie was Holophernes who wheresoeuer hee came ouerthrewe all religion permitting none to inuocate or acknowledge any other God but Nebuchadnezar his Maister whome hee enforced to constitute and establish for the onely God So entred hee Iudea with intent to destroy it all which the people perceiuing and that his power was so great that no nation could resist him and also knowing his cruell hatred were sore affraied and almost driuen to extreame desperation seeing none other thing present before them but ruine and destruction And this the Lord suffered to showe in time his worke to bee more wonderfull For the people being humbled and hauing called to the Lord for mercie and succour at his hand hee both heard and succoured them at neede The meane was not through strength or stoutnesse of some worthy Captaine but by the hand of Iudith a tender feeble woman to the shame of this most proud and cruell tyrant and all his heathen hoste For shee cut off his head put all his campe to slight destroyed his men of Armes in such wise that they fled here and there and seeking to saue their liues left all their tentes and baggage Thus the Lorde by the weake and those that are not regarded makes his workes admirable By one selfe meane hee saued his owne and executed his iustice against his enemies In which wee haue to consider his singular ptouidence and goodnesse and the care which he hath in especiall for his faithfull and all his whole Church This Historie is intituled by the name of Iudith because it containes the narration of her great vertues and for that the Lorde vsed her as an instrument for the deliuerance of his people It is not certaine who was the first Author hereof neuerthelesse the reading of it hath beene receiued in the Church for the doctrine and vtility of the same THE SVMMARIE OF The I. BOOKE HOLOPHERN●● Lieutenant generall and chief of the army of Nebuch●dnezza● K o● the Assyrians was in the fielde for to subdue diuers people and amongst others the Iewes All the Nation is seazed with great feare for the cruelties committed by the enemy Then as it fals out ●n bruits of war al the whole people were troubled som sauing themselues in corners for feare others attending in great perplexity some sad and Tragicall ende the last sort calls vpon God This while IOACHIM the chiefe Priest gouerned the people h● by his letters and expresse commandement recalls those that were fled and scattered and made them returne to Ierusalem where in presence of the Le●its hee made sacrifice earnest prayer vnto God to withdrawe his ire and to bee mercifull to his people which done he enters in counsell and requires his Princes to consult vpon the cause and consider what i● most 〈◊〉 and to preferre the loue of Gods law and the count● i● before all priuate things the first that gainstands this exhortation is an hypocrite and fauourer of the enemy who giues coūsell to render them to HOLOPHERNE● calling him a Prince gratious to those that applauds to him and inuincible in battell to those that dare resist him But the second Lord replying ●●alously againe detecteth his false hypocri●ie and carelesse securitie exposing the people to the mercy of a barbarous godless enemy before the duty they ought to their God and their countrey and to establish in place of the true God a wicked N●MROD con●ummat in all impiety and wickednes to abolish all vertue and godlinesse For he proues that if the nations should be rooted out for the right religiō God should be more honored in the death of the Iewes then in their liues and that it is more worthy to die Hebrewes then to liue infidels and free men then slaues Shortly that they ought to prefer honor and duty before feare and a vaine hope to prolong their dolefull dayes This reply encouraged all the a●●ist●ts wherof IOACHIM gaue thankes to God and resoluing himselfe vpon a iust defence for the onseruation of the seruice of God and the freedome of his nation and the liues of the innocent against this villanous inuatision wise by de●a●●ed the regiments of towns to persons conuenient who past to their ●●●igned places each one preparing according to their power vnto the warre with courage paine and diligence The first Booke of Iudith I Sing the vertues of a valiant Dame Propositiō summe of this worke Who in defence of Iacob ouercame Th' Assyria● Prince and slew that Pagan stout Who had beset Bethulia walles about O thou who kept thine Izak from the thrall Inuocation of the true God Of infidels and steeld the courage small Of feeble Iudith with a manly strength With sacred furie fill my heart at length And with thy Holy spirit my spirit enspire For matter so diuine Lord I require No humain stile but that the Reader may Great profit reape I ioy thou praise alway And since in vulgar verse I prease to sing Dedicatiō of the Author altred by the
The Pines and Cedars haue but boughs to showe The shoars do shrink the swelling waters growe Alas so-many Nephews lose I heer Amid these deeps that but for mountains neer Vpon the rising of whoseridges lofty The lusty climbe on every side for safety I should be seed-less but alas the Water Swallows those Hils and all this wide Theater Is all one Pond O children whither fly-you Alas Heav'ns wrath pursues you to destroy-you The stormy waters strangely rage and roar Rivers and Seas haue all one common shoar To wit a sable water-loaden Sky Ready to rain new Oceans instantly O Sonn-less Father O too fruitfull haunches O wretched root O hurtfull hatefull branches O gulfs vnknowen O dungeons deep and black O worlds decay O vniversall wrack O Heav'ns O Seas O Earth now earth no more O flesh O bloud Heer sorrow stopt the door Of his sad voice and almost dead for woe The prophetizing spirit forsook him so NOAH The SECOND DAY Of The SECOND WEEK Containing 1. THE ARK 2. BABYLON 3. THE COLONIES 4. THE COLVMNES Acceptam refero The ARKE THE I. PART OF THE II. DAY OF THE II. WEEK THE ARGVMENT Noah prepares the Ark and thither brings With him a Seed-payr of all liuing things His exercise a ship-board Atheist Cham His holy Fathers humble Zeal doth blame And diversly impugns Gods Prouidence Noah refells his Faith-less arguments The Flood surceast Th' Ark-landed Blood forbid The Rain-bowe bent what it pre-figured Wine drowneth Wit Cham scoffs the Nakednes Of 's sleeping Sire the Map of Drunkennes IF Now no more my sacred rimes distill A Preamble wherin by a modest Complaint the Poet stirs vp the Readers attention and makes himselfe way to the inuocation of the name of God With Art-less ease from my discustom'd quill If now the Laurell that but lately shaded My beating temples be dis-leav'd and vaded And if now banisht from the learned Fount And cast down head-long from the lofty Mount Where sweet Vrania sitteth to indite Mine humbled Muse flag in a lowely flight Blame these sad Times ingratefull cruelty My houshold cares my healths infirmity My drooping sorrows for late grieuous losses My busie suits and other bitter crosses Lo there the clogs that weigh down heavily My best endevours whilom soaring high My harvest's hail the pricking thorns and weeds That in my soule choak those diviner seeds O gracious God! remove my great incumbers Kindle again my faiths neer-dying imbers Asswage thine anger for thine own Sons merit And from me Lord take not thy holy Spirit Comb gild and polish more then ever yet This latter issue of my labouring wit And let not me be like the winde that proudly Begins at first to roar and murmur loudly Against the next hils over-turns the Woods With furious tempest tumbles-vp the floods And fiercely-fell with stormy puffs constrains The sparkling flints to roule about the Plains But flying faints and every league it goes One nimble feather of his wing doth lose But rather like a River poorly-breeding In barren Rocks thence drop by drop proceeding Which toward the Sea the more he flies his source With growing streams strengthens his gliding course Rowles roars and foams raging with rest-less motion And proudly scorns the greatnes of the Ocean THE DOOMS of Adam lackt not long effect For th' angry Heav'ns that can without respect The comming of the Flood and Building of the Ark. Of persons plague the stubborn Reprobate In Waters buried th' Vniuersall-state And never more the nimble painted Legions With hardy wings had cleft the ayrie Regions We all had perisht and the Earth in vain Had brought such store of fruits and grass and grain If Lamechs Son by new-found Art directed That huge vast vessell had not first erected Which sacred refuge kept the parent-payrs Of all things moving in the Earth and Ayrs Now while the Worlds-re-colonizing Boat Noahs exercises aboord the Ark. Doth on the waters over Mountains float Noe passeth not with tales and idle play The tedious length of dayes and nights away But as the Sommers sweet distilling drops Vpon the medowes thirsty yawning chops Re-greens the Greens and doth the flowrs re-flowr All scorcht and burnt with Auster's parching powr So the care-charming hony that distills From his wise lips his house with comfort fils Flatters despair dries tears calms inward smarts And re-aduanceth sorrow-daunted harts Cheer ye my children God doth now retire These murdering Seas which the revenging ire Of his strict Iustice holy indignation Hath brought vpon this wicked generation Arming a season to destroy mankinde The angry Heav'ns the water and the winde As soon again his gracious Mercy will Clear cloudy Heav'ns calm windes and waters still His wrath and mercy follow turn by turn That like the Lightning doth not lightly burn Long in a place and this from age to age Hides with her wings the faithfull heritage Our gracious God makes scant-weight of displeasure And spreads his mercy without weight or measure Somtimes he strikes vs to especiall ends Vpon our selues our Children or our friends In soule or body goods or else good names But soon he casts his rods in burning flames Not with the fist but finger he doth beat vs Nor doth hethrill so oft as he doth threat-vs And prudent Steward giues his faithfull Bees Wine of his wrath to rebell Drones the Lees. And thus the deeds of Heav'ns Iust-gentle King The Second Worlds good Patriarch did sing Cham full of impiety is brought-in answering his Father and diuersly impugning the wisdom irreprohensible Prowidence of God Almighty and All-mercifull and the humble religious Zeal of Noah But brutish Cham that in his brest accurst The secret roots of sinfull Atheisme nurst Wishing already to dis-throne th' Eternall And self-vsurp the Maiesty supernall And to himself by name of Iupiter On Afrik sands a sumptuous Temple rear With bended brows with stout and stern aspect In scornfull tearms his Father thus be-checkt Oh! how it grieves me that these servil terrors The scourge of Cowards and base vulgars errors Haue ta'n such deep root in your feeble brest Why Father alwayes selfly thus deprest Will you thus alwaies make yourself a drudge Fearing the fury of a fained Iudge And will you alwaies forge your self a Censor That weighs your words and doth your silence censure A sly Controuler that doth count your hairs That in his hand your hearts keys ever bears Records your sighes and all your thoughts descries And all your sins present and past espies A barbarous Butcher that with bloudy knife Threats night and day your grieuous-guilty life O! see you not the superstitious heat Of this blinde zeal doth in your minde beget A thousand errors light credulity Doth drive you still to each extreamity Faining a God with thousand storms opprest Fainter then Women fiercer then a Beast Who tender-hearted weeps at others weeping Wails others woes and at the onely peeping Of others bloud in suddain swoun deceases In