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A11012 Lectures, vpon the history of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ Beginning at the eighteenth chapter of the Gospell, according to S. Iohn, and from the 16. verse of the 19. chapter thereof, containing a perfect harmonie of all the foure Euangelists, for the better vnderstanding of all the circumstances of the Lords death, and Resurrection. Preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Robert Rollocke, sometime minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge of Edinburgh. Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21283; ESTC S116153 527,260 592

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dash themselues on the sworde to deuoure them It is a miserable thing to want the light of the soule so the Iewes saw not with whome they had to doe they had no conscience as Pilate had and therefore beeing through malice and appetite of reuenge incensed against the Lord Iesus blindfolded they regard not what imprecations they vtter for they saw not Hell or els if these Iewes had a light of conscience they did so rashly against Iesus with knowledge which is most likely thē it followes that they were marueilous malitious as ignorance is hardie so is malitiousnesse more hardie albeit such a man should see yet against the light his malice will make him to runne ouer the bellie of his conscience Yee knowe the voyces of prophane men Ere I were not reuenged of him I had rather be in Hell this commeth of malitiousnesse to get the soule spirit within him satisfied but if thou felt one twitch of Hell thou wouldest recant these wordes for it would cause thee shoute and squeele hiddeously I incline to this judgement that this wicked action is more to be ascribed to malice than ignorance the Iewes and the High Priestes had the word of God and the Prophets whereby they might haue knowne the Messias When I read of the Prophets that speake of induration in the time of Iesus Christ I say it hath come of an hardnesse and induration of heart And when I see the wordes of the Apostles that say O stiffe necked people I thinke that they put their owne fingers in their eyes that they should not see The Lord saue vs from malitiousnesse and namely from such malitiousnesse as is not without knowledge when a man sees and will pull out his eyes Compare the Iewes with Pilate now Pilate sinneth hee k●lled himselfe in the end and the Lord made his owne hands to be his burrio No doubt he sinned who can excuse him he sinned malitiously he had a conscience goes against it malitiously But Brethren to speake the trueth it was not so much malice that pushed him forward as great infirmitie and feare for first he feares to be accused of treason against Cesar it was no maruell to such a man to feare who had no God but Cesar ●hen hee saw appearance of great tumult to rise amongst the Iewes What necessitie was laide on them to haue the blood of the innocent So I see nothing in them but malice if it were but in this respect that the sinne of the Iewes weigheth downe the sinne of Pilate and their damnation is a thousand times greater What had this man He had nothing but nature The contrauension of the light of nature will neuer make vp the sinne against the Holy Ghost which gets no mercie but come to them They had the light of nature and the light that commeth from Heauen they had the worde of GOD amongst them they contraueened an heauenly light that came downe from Heauen and was wrought into their heartes by the Spirit Steuen sayes in the 7. Chapter and 51. verse of the Actes of the Apostles Yee haue alwayes resisted the Holy Ghost as did your fathers so doe you that is not a naturall light but a light that came from aboue There were some of these men who sinned malitiously against the Holy Spirit What maruell was it then that they got no grace to repent for of all sinnes the sinne against the Holy Spirit is the most dangerous they that commit this sinne haue no grace to repent therefore no mercy to them the Lord strikes their soules with impenitencie so that soule is euerlastingly hardened and so beeing strucken with impenitencie they got neuer grace to say God bee mercifull to me Seeing then their sinne against Christ was so great seeing it was not so much of ignorance as of malice it was not only against the light of nature but also against the illumination of the Holy Spirit what maruell was it that such a terrible Iudgement ouertooke them as neuer lighted on any nation The Iewes found this innocent blood in experience laide to their charge Ioseph that saw all these thinges with his eyes writeth what heauie vengeance and judgement fell vpon Jerusalem the Iewes for he testifies that there was slaine at the siege of Ierusalem eleuen hundreth thousand beside ninetie thousand that were tane captiues thereafter the towne was lamentably destroyed and sacked So the blood of the innocent neuer left them these y t remaine yet feele the judgement of the blood of the innocent for according as they desired y t His blood should be vpon them their posteritie so the wrath of God came vpon them to the vttermost 1. Thess 2.16 It is a wonder that a Iew should be safe if ye heare of a Iew to be conuerted thinke it to be a great mercie Now to apply this shortly to vs if it were but this terrible example of vengeance which folowed the Iewes it should terrifie to the end of the world all soules to take on the blood of the innocent take on one take on all if thou takest on the blood of one seruant of God thou shalt take on all the innocent blood from Abel to that man whom thou hast slaine Fye vpon foule butchers who are more meete to be butchers dogges than men What care they to wash their handes in innocent blood But I say to thee if euer thou gettest grace it is a wonder fye vpon the butchers of Scotland No if the Lord would waken thy conscience to torment thee present to thee the sight of Him of whose blood thou hast shed it would bee so terrible that it would make thee to curse the time that euer thou did it one day fearefully without comfort it will torment thee when will these bloodie men leaue off y e sheading of innocent blood in this bloodie barbarous nation o● all nations it is the most barbarous and bloodie Aboue all things dip not thine hands in the blood of Iesus Christ Thou who sheadest innocent blood is a persecuter of the seruants of Iesus Christ and who resistest the trueth thou wilt say If thou hadst bene in Christs dayes thou wouldst not haue cōsented to His death but thou who sayest so if thou hadst fallen in these dayes thou hadst malitiously bene partaker of the death of Christ hadst put handes in Him thou wantest nothing but time I will tell you who is it that sheds the blood of Iesus Christ takes His blood on them what euer he or she be that will resist this knowne trueth of Iesus Christ and persecute the professours thereof I affirme they are as guiltie of the blood of Christ as the Iewes the High Priests were and that same blood shall bee laide to their charge in the great daye of the Lord Read ye not in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Chap. 6. and 10. of them who haue repined haue begun to cast off that
he hath a speciall warrand from the Iudge otherwise hee cannot haue a good conscience in his intimation then how shall the Pastour knowe Gods sentence pronounced in Heauen that hee may haue a good conscience in his proceeding To this I answere It is true indeede the Pastour hath none extraordinarie reuelation of that sentence vvhich is past in Heauen but all the warrand that the Pastour hath is ordinary wrought by the Spirit accompanying His own word vvhich He left in vvrite vnto vs and the Pastour gets this vvarrand out of the vvord by the applying of the generall sentences of the vvorde to particular persons according as they finde their disposition and behauiour and by this meanes gets such a sufficient warrand out of the vvorde as his conscience may rest vpon As for example to speake first of the sentence of the Remission of sinnes Before the Pastour absolue a man and remit his sinnes he lookes first to the generall sentences set downe in the worde that may be his warrand as namely that sentence which the LORD Himselfe vtters Ioh. 3.13 Whosoeuer beleeues in the Sonne of God shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Nowe to Faith in Christ joyne Repentance for the Gospell joynes Repentance and Remission of sinnes together Luke 24.47 and sayes Whosoeuer beleeues and repents shall be safe To this generall proposition the Pastour will assume particularly This sinner repents and beleeues whereupon he concludes declaring the sentence that is alreadie past of Him in the Heauen therefore this sinner hath his sinnes forgiuen him and he shall be saued Againe before the Pastour binde a man and retaine his sinnes hee lookes to this generall sentence of the worde Hee that beleeues not and repents not is alreadie condemned Ioh. 3.18 Then he assumes particularly But this sinner beleeues not neither repents whereupon hee concludes the declaration of the sentence which is alreadie past in Heauen Therefore this sinner is condemned and is bound in Heauen The Lord worke in our heartes true repentance and Faith in the Lorde Iesus that not only wee may heare the voyce of the Pastour absoluing vs but likewise our owne consciences may assure vs of the Remission of our sinnes through the mercie of God in Iesus Christ To whome with the Father and the Holy Spirit bee all praise and honour for euermore AMEN THE XLVI LECTVRE OF THE RESVRRECTION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XX. verse 24 But Thomas one of the twelue called Didimus was not with them when Iesus came verse 25 The other Disciples therefore saide vnto him Wee haue seene the Lord but hee saide vnto them Except I see in His handes the print of the nayles and put my finger into the print of the nayles and put mine hand into His side I will not beleeue it verse 26 And eight dayes after againe His Disciples were within and Thomas with them Then came Iesus when the doores were shut and stood in the middes and saide Peace be vnto you WEE haue heard hitherto Welbeloued in Christ of fiue sundrie appearings of our Lord after His Resurrection The first was to Marie Magdalene The second was to other women The third was to two Disciples as they were going from Jerusalem to Emmaus The fourth was to Simon Peter The fift was to the eleuen assembled together in one place In this fift appearance the Lord hath a Sermon to His Disciples wherein first He lets them see the necessitie that He should suffer and rise againe and that these thinges behooued to be preached to the world and thereafter giues them a direction to goe out to preach Repentance and Remission of sinnes to the worlde in His Name and to the end He may encourage them the more willingly to vndertake this charge Hee promises to giue them the Holy Spirit with His graces y t was promised before for their further assurance He enters them presently in some measure in possession of the Spirit for Iohn sayes Hee breathed vpon them and saide vnto them Receiue the Holy Ghost and then Hee enarmes them with authoritie and power to forgiue and retaine sinnes And Hee sayes Whoso●uer sin●es ye remit they are remitted vnto them and whosoeuer sinnes ye retaine th●y are retained Now in the words that we haue presently read out of the Gospell of Iohn wee haue set downe a particular H●storie concerning Thomas and his incredulitie this Thomas is he who is also called Didymus we read of him first that he was called and receiued to be one of the twelue Apostles Matth. 10 3. Next we ●ead that hee was offended that the Lord purposed to returne againe to Iudea beeing request●d by Martha and Marie to come to Laz●rus their brother and that he burst out in words full of anger a●d i●d●gnation saying Let vs goe also that we may die with Lazarus Ioh 11.16 And last wee haue in this place set downe the Historie not only of his great incredulitie but also of his stubburnesse and wilfulnesse therein for neither did hee beleeue neither had hee a will or purpose to beleeue Of this doing of Thomas we may learne that by nature there was no difference betweene y e Apostles of the Lord Iesus other men albeit moste vile most vnworthie but grace made the difference they were as incredulous as stubburne as hard hearted as any other by nature while it pleased God of His mercie to open their he●rtes to make them to b●leeue And therefore the Lord Iesus when He calles them to be Apostles and ordaines them to preach the exceeding g●eatnesse of His mercy to others He makes them to stand for e●samples of that same mercie that they preach to others that they might y e more easily perswade others make them to come to seeke mercie in Iesus This was the ende why the Apostle Paul sayes The Lord shewed mercy on him who was a m●serable wreth and had called him to bee an Apost Iesus Christ saies he sh●wed on me all long suffe●ing vnto the ensample of them which shall in time to come beleeue in Him vnto eternall life 1 Tim. 1.16 Thus much concerning the person of Thomas we come next to the Historie of his incredulitie first to the occasion of it the rest of y e Apostles Disciples who were assembled together in one to whom the Lord Iesus had manifested Himselfe declares preaches to Thomas y e Resurrectiō of Christ y e cause of their preaching thereof to him was because Thomas was absent when the Lord appeared to the rest What was the cause of his absence it is vncertaine neither will we curiously inquire what it was It may be that after Christ His Master was apprehended he kept himselfe close lurked secretly for feare of danger through the malice of the Iewes and durst not manifest himselfe so soone as the rest or it may be that he was entangled with his owne priuate affaires at that time when the rest met together and were speaking of
he came to himselfe bethought himselfe for it is a wonder to see howe soone the soule of the most obstinate and indured man will be turned when it pleases the Lord to be effectuall in it by His presence The rest of the Apostles beleeued not so soone as they sawe the Lord heard His voyce albeit their incredulitie was not so great as was the incredulitie of Thomas yet when it pleased the Lord to open their eyes and to illuminate their vnderstanding they beleeued And Thomas vvho by many degrees surpassed all the rest in incredulitie after that once he saw the Lord and heard Him incontinently he beleeued and gaue a notable confession of Him Then marke it Brethren Faith dependes not on our selues on the strength of our nature on the free wil of man or vpon such such disposition of the soule but it dependes vpon the free mercie and good pleasure of God It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in GOD that sheweth mercie Rom. Chapter 9. verse 16. Therefore when wee see any beliefe in CHRIST let vs euer giue the praise thereof to GOD and not to the man as if it were of his naturall strength power and inclination But let vs consider this confession of Thomas and the grounds vvhereupon it arises he sayes Thou art my LORD and my GOD. This confession that hee giues of the LORD proceedes from a cleare light whereby his minde was suddenly illuminated and that by the powerfull and effectuall presence of the LORD his minde was first illuminated to see CHRIST to be the LORD as He is man for CHRIST as Hee is man is LORD ouer all thereafter to see Christ as He is GOD for by the vaile of the flesh and of the nature of man Hee is led in and gets accesse to see the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelling in Him bodily Next this confession proceedes frō the apprehension of the heart whereby it felt the Lord and tooke holde of Him for as that cleare light shined in his minde so also the heart of Thomas was opened to embrace the Lord and to draw Him in to himselfe and therefore hee calles Him not simply Lord but my Lord he stiles Him not simply God but my God For no question this plaine and cleare confession testifies that there was a cleare illumination in the minde and a full perswasion in the heart of Thomas of that which he confessed If wee compare Thomas with the rest of the Apostles wee will finde that as he surpassed them farre in vnbeliefe so he surpasses them farre in beleeuing and confessing of the LORD for such a confession hath not beene hitherto vttered by any of the Disciples so that in this example we may see verified that common saying The last shall be first and the first shall be last The rest of the Apostles were before Thomas in Faith they beleeued before him but nowe Thomas by a suddaine change runnes out before them hee hath a clearer sight and a greater measure of Faith than they had The rest of the Apostles had the Holy Spirit giuen them and that strengthened their Faith but Thomas who then was absent after that once hee see and heare the Lord he findes such a cleare and marueilous light in his soule that hee vtters a more glorious and notable confession than any of the rest had done before And this likewise teaches vs to ascribe the praise of all the benefites and graces that is in man to the grace and mercie of GOD who distributes to euery man according to the good pleasure of His will that which Hee thinkes meete for as was said before It is not in him that runneth nor in him that willeth but in God that sheweth mercie This sudden change and notable confession which Thomas giues of the LORD teaches vs yet further that there was some sponkes of grace and of spirituall desire left into the soule of Thomas to see the LORD and to enjoy His presence for except there had bene some piece of desire to haue seene Him how could hee vpon a suddaintie haue embraced Him so willingly and joyfully as one long desired and looked for For the wordes of Thomas importe first that hee had great sorrowe and sadnesse in His soule because as hee thought hee had lost the LORD Next that hee had a desire to finde Him and to see Him againe And thirdly that hee had an exceeding great joy when he found Him and by his expectation saw Him and enjoyed His presence This serues for thy comfort who hast gotten a measure of grace albeit the corruptions and infirmities of the flesh striue to drowne and smoother and suffocate it yet neuer shall it altogether be abolished and extinguished but at last it shall wrestle out and preuaile and ouercome the corruption Now to come forward to the LORDES replie to Thomas Hee answeres him Thomas because thou hast seene thou beleeuest blessed are they which haue not seene and haue beleeued Hee sayes not because thou hast touched Mee but because thou hast seene Me. So in my judgement Thomas touched not the Lord but contented himselfe with the seeing of the LORD and hearing of His voyce Hee acknowledges the Faith of Thomas but Hee extetenuates it in comparison of others Hee praises not Thomas for His Faith because hee tied his faith to his senses Hee beleeued because hee sawe Him but Hee praises and commends the Faith of others who no counting of the outwarde sense should beleeue in Him albeit they saw Him not Albeit Hee acknowledges the Faith of Thomas Hee calles him not blessed for it but Hee pronounces them to be blessed who haue not seene Him and yet doe beleeue These wordes of the LORD to Thomas le ts vs see that the case and condition of them who beleeue without seeing is nothing worse nor inferiour to the case and condition of them who haue not seene the LORD and vpon sight haue beleeued We this day who haue not seene the LORD face to face but only haue heard His worde and beleeue are nothing inferiour to them who sawe Him and beleeued and namely to Thomas who would not beleeue except he saw the LORD and if there were no more to assure thee who hast not seene the LORD IESVS and yet beleeuest that thou art blessed this joy that thou shalt finde in the middes of thy greatest sorrow and affliction might be a sufficient argument to perswade thee for Peter sayes The Godly in the middes of their affliction beleeuing in Christ whome they haue not seene reioyce with a ioy vnspeakable and glorious 1. Pet. Chapter 1. verse 8. Indeede in this life the blessed estate of them who beleeue in Christ is neither clearly seene by others neither is it throughly felt by themselues for it is not seene what wee shall be and heere only haue wee the first fruites of the Spirite and a foretasting of these things that shall bee reueiled but in that
loued Iesus and that exceedingly they would soone haue fainted we want the tenth part of that loue to Iesus that they had alas all is vanished away Would Peter or Paul or any of them haue borne out these things if they had wanted the loue of Christ if it had not constrained them No 2 Cor. 5 14. he sayes We are fooles but for Christs sake for that loue of Christ constraineth me that is the loue of Iesus occcupies so all my senses that it beares mee out thereafter he resolues that loue which he caried to Christ into the owne cause where he subjoynes B●cause we know that if ●ne be dead for all then were we all dead the ground of His loue was because Christ loued him and this loue is the cause that makes His owne to doe all to suffer all for Christs sake to liue to Him to die to Him looke if thou findest that Christ loues thee then thou wilt loue Him so that thou wilt not refuse if it were a thousand deaths for His cause O the loue of Christ is a great gulfe No it will drowne greater persecutions than the Sea will Pray therefore that the loue of the Lord Iesus may be in thine heart that thou mayest loue Him againe Now againe if the faithful discha●ge of the dutie of a Pastor must proceede of necessitie from the loue of Christ as the effect frō the cause Then marke how ye shall know whether a man loue Christ or not a King a Minister euery Professor whosoeuer Would ye haue a token looke if he be faithfull in his calling if this be a necess●ry effect then marke their works by their works thou shalt know them the loue cannot be seene with the eye it is vttered by a marke by the life whē thou seest a man well occupied in his own calling the King ministring Iustice the Pastor feeding his people certainly thou mayest say Yone man loues Christ but if the action be inlacking what warrand haue I that a man loues God I haue none The Apostle Paul by the confusions and perturbations which he saw to be in the Church of Corinthus gathers that the false teachers these deceiuers loue not y e Lord Iesus therefore he denounces a judgment against them saying If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be had in execratiō yea excōmunicated to death 1. Cor. 16.22 I say an vnfaithful Pastor who feedes his own b●lly not Christs sheepe is accu●sed not only because he spoiles y e Church of Christ but also because he loues not y e Lord Iesus Woe shall be to him one day by y e contrarie a faithfull Pastor ô what honour glory shal he be exalted vnto Yet againe these words would be considered the word of feeding would be looked to it is a borrowed word to speake properly a Minister feedes not it is an Heard that feedes neat and sheepe the Scripture applies not this word only to Ministers but to Kings for looke how busie as an Heard is going about feeding his flock as busie should a King be in his calling a King is but an Heard set ouer to feed y e people of God but the Scripture commonly in the New Testament applies it to Ministers because in a Minister there should be as great diligence painfulnes carefulnes toward y e people as in y e Heard toward y e flocke if there were no more to teach this this threefold so earnest cōmendation to Peter the rest were sufficient It is true that y e Lord Iesus Himself is the Prince of y e Pastors yea properly He is only Pastor He is the Heard therefore He clam●s this stile to Him Job 10 1. For why the flock is His not y e Ministers therfore He sayes Feed my lambes then ye are his flocke He is your Pastor properly Againe it is His food that y e flock is fed with all y e store of y e fodder of grace is out of His barne If a Minister minister to you y e smallest portion of food which is not taken out of y e barneyard of Iesus it is poyson he giues you Knaues haue deceiued y e world long the Pope his shauelings haue propined poyson to y e people haue made many thousands goe to Hell giue Christs flocke Christs food But notwithstanding that Christ properly is y e only true Pastor yet louingly he cōmuninicates this His stile to them whō He employes in His seruice of y e Ministerie Thou y t art a Minister He cals thee a Pastor but thou art but as a seruant laid vnder y e chiefe sheph●ard they are not Lords of y e flock No not the best of them No not Lords but dispensators so they are not prope●ly Pastors Seeing then such is the mercy of the Lord that He so honours them that Hee cōmunicates His stile to y e Ministers therfore they should striue to shew thēselues worthy of that stile by y e faithfull discharge of their calling in feeding of y e flock But who are they that should be fed Christ sayes first Feed my lambes then He sayes twise Feed my sheepe all is one for y e Kirke is compared to a folde full of sheepe He sayes not Goe feed tygres lions wolues but lambes sheepe Who are these then By these lambes sheep the Lord vnderstands His Chosen Blessed is hee that is chosen in Christ for great is the number of them that perishes a very hādfull shall be saued they must be more tame ones sillie simple ones like sheep Ye see y e sheep euer receiuing hurt neuer noysom nor hurtfull to any other Any beast will ouercome a sheep but it wil ouercome none so it is silly simple ones y t are Christs sheep Now I mean not y t all th'Elect are at y e first hand as silly as sheepe no but y t they who were before like wolues lions tygres by y e Spirit through the preaching of y e word by processe of time are tamed and made like sheep No no whē Peter went out to feed thē they were like tygres raging in their lusts No the chosen by nature before they be tamed called they are nothing differēt frō y e reprobate they rampe and roare like liōs albeit in y e secret coūsel of God His decree of predestinatiō by His grace there be a great differēce betwixt y e one y e other for God only makes a differēce betwixt His El●ct the reprobate What was Paul himselfe or any other before they were called but wolues tygres Thē y e Pastor albeit he find men as wolues tygers yet he should not stay frō feeding of thē no he must preach y e Gospel y t therby he may make of wolues tygres lambes and sheepe for many of them that were like tygres after they had once hearde the voyce of the Apostles became simple as sheepe Nowe it may bee
curiositie First hee forgets his owne calling Secondly hee is too curious in his brothers calling Lastly hee does an injurie to Christ makes an eruption vpon Christes office to spoyle Him of His authoritie and power to call all and thinke ye not albeit the Lord now adayes as Hee did Peter then but He lookes with an angrie eye vpon curious men This rebuke is registrated to rebuke thee if thou be giuen to curiositie But it would bee marked that albeit the Lord be angrie with Peter yet neuerthelesse He forgets not His mercie When He found him to linger in his course the Lord leaues him not but He puts out His hand and takes holde of him therefore He sayes Follow thou me This is the mercie of the Lord towards His owne that when He rebukes them He leaues them not there but He will put out His hand and pull them in againe to Him No neuer one of vs would goe forward except by a new grace pulled vs forward except the Lord led vs by the hand there could not be such a thing as a man could be saued There is such a stumbling and wauering in our nature therefore Paul saide I striue by all meanes to attaine to the Resurrection of the dead Yea rather sayes he I am comprehended of Christ Jesus Phil. 3.11 12. Therefore ay cry for grace after grace otherwise thou canst not goe one foot right forwarde much lesse perseuere to the end Ye will aske a question Should neuer one of vs be carefull of our brother in his calling Humanitie required that Peter should bee carefull of John is this the thing the Lord reprooues and forbids I answere there is a great difference betweene carefulnesse and curiositie it is not carefulnesse Hee findes fault with Woe to him that cares for himselfe only for why should not euery one of vs be helping one another be carefull to bring forward the stragling body But it is curiositie that the Lord reprooues Then the lesson is this shortly Take heede that by thy doing men should be very wise thou hinderest not thy selfe more by thy curiositie when thou enterest into the affaires of thy brother than thou profitest him by thy care when thou beginnest to care for him beware thou fall not in curiositie passe neuer the bounds of thy calling for there is none that hath a calling but it is joyned with care of his brother the higher calling the greater care The Kings calling requires a great care of others in the Policie Such like the Ministers calling is joyned vvith a care for the people not to feed himself but to feed the people It is joyned with a speciall and wonderfull care so that night and day his eye should not bee off his flocke Yet men should beware that their care turne not to curiositie Curiositie is very dangerous A curious man has no loue to thee for he takes pleasure in the hurt euill that falles to thee and it is his meat drinke hee feedes vpon the euill report of others Iohn subjoynes that when the Disciples hearde of these words of Christ they giue them a strange glosse They say Iohn should not die A faire glosse a faire commentarie Iohn sayes This was not the meaning of the Lord He spake not such a thing He saide not to him hee should not die and that was not His minde Hee tolde not whether hee should liue or die But Hee saide If I will hee tarrie till I come what is that to thee Yee see howe readie men are to misconstrue and peruert the one-folde meaning of the LORD If the Disciples vvho heard His owne liuelie voyce vvere so readie to giue a false and a lying glosse to His vvorde vvhich they hearde Him speake I pray you vvhat maruell is it albeit men daylie misconstrue the vvritten vvorde of GOD and neuer leaue off to father lies vpon the Scriptures Yee vvonder at the Papistes I vvonder not Looke the whole Scriptures these Traitors conclude euer a lye vpon the trueth Looke the Rhemish newe Testament and the rest of their vvrittes I vvonder not at them but I vvonder at this Considering this grossenesse of ignorance and the propension of men naturallie to misconstrue GODS Worde and Will that there is so much as one to open the trueth and to vnderstand the right meaning of the vvorde The cause of this misconstruing is not of the Scripture as if it vvere doubtsome harde obscure or as a nose of vvaxe as they blaspheme but the fault is partlie in the blindnesse of the minde of man and partlie in the peruersitie and frowardnesse of the vvill and malice of the heart for it falles out that either such is the blindnesse of man by nature they knowe not the minde of the LORDE or else if they knowe His minde yet vvillinglie they desire not to knowe it but to remaine ignorant for it is true that the Apostle PETER sayes They that are vnlearned and vnstable wreast the SCRIPTVRES to their owne destruction 2 Pet. Chap. 3. vers 16. And PAVL sayes Jf our GOSPELL bee hidden it is hidden to them who perishes whose eyes the god of this world hath blinded 2. Cor. 4.34 Againe we may perceiue that a lye ran speedily abroad and was easily receiued got soone place in the hearts of th'Apostles wherof we may learn that the multitude commonly drinkes in lyes vanities fables and Heresies very suddenly because naturally they are very bent thereunto Yet this errour remained not long vvith th'Apostles for after that according to the Lordes promise extraordinarily in the day of the PENTECOSTE they vvere illuminated and after the Holie Spirite vvas giuen them vvho called all thinges to remembrance which the Lord had spoken vnto them when Hee was present with them and gaue them the true meaning and vnderstanding of all these thinges as CHRIST sayes Joh. chap. 14. vers 26. This lye concerning IOHN euanished then all the Disciples knewe the LORDES meaning when Hee spake these wordes to Peter of Iohn If I will that hee tarrie till I come what is that to thee But the Papishe Kirke and that Antichristian Kingdome this day makes it plaine enough vnto vs howe bent men are by nature to receiue maintaine and entertaine lyes and vanities for in that Kingdome not onelie is this fable of IOHN retained but also an hudge multitude of lyes and of the vanities and fantasies of the braine of man which were deuised by the GENTILES are allowed and receiued for almoste all the Religion of the Papistes like a Beggers cloake is clouted and patched together partlie of the fables and superstitions of the GENTILES and partlie of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Iewes vvhich vvere abolished by the comming of CHRIST If anie vvould knowe what fables they maintaine and giue out concerning Iohn let them reade their golden Legende Nowe in the last two verses of this Euangell the Apostle concludes his GOSPELL and in the conclusion hee telles vs vvho
and Pastors heere in this vvorld shall bee effectuall either to thy life or to thy death and as certainelie the same vvorde shall haue effect to driue the vvicked men vpon their backes as Zacharie saieth Chap. 1. vers 4.5.6 When the men are dead that haue spoken that vvorde after it hath beene spoken it shall bee founde liuing and that same voyce shall haue effect vvhen vvee are dead It is true sayeth the LORD my Prophets died with your fathers but my voyce which I put into their mouthes died not with them and your fathers knewe that that worde which I did put into their mouthes was liuing and neuer left them vntill it brought on judgement vpon them The LORD graunt that euerie soule may reuerence the vvorde of IESVS CHRIST for it shall bee founde that either it vvas spoken to thy saluation or to thy damnation And Heauen and Earth shall vanishe awaye before one jote of that Worde passe awaye vvithout its owne effect But nowe let vs see vvhat they doe after they are fallen downe vpon the grounde Leaue they off No no they rise againe and the LORD IESVS standeth still and letteth them rise againe and vvhen they are risen they speake nothing but Hee speaketh first and Hee saieth Whome seeke yee and they saye IESVS of NAZARETH And Hee answereth I am hee Nowe this is a strange thing Who can thinke that these men vvho founde so great a power proceeding out of the mouth of the LORD IESVS CHRIST finding such force shoulde haue medled with Him againe But left they Him for all this No but they get vp againe and pursue Him and take Him and binde Him It is an hard matter to bee giuen ouer to a reprobate sense that is to want feeling when the Lord taketh out of the soule in His judgement all sight sense that person is miserable and if thou be once strucken with that senselesnesse of the soule albeit thou be throwne downe vpon thy backe thou shalt get vp againe like a drunken man and fight against the Lord and that man is worse than any beast horse or mule for once strike a Horse downe he hath a feeling therof and he will beware of the like perill againe But a man who should haue reason after that the Lord hath once strucken him with senselessenesse there is no beast so senselesse as he is and as hee is senselesse so he shall not leaue off from euill doing and hee shall compt no more of the power of God than of a flee for they feele not the hand of God they are so astonished and they will vp againe after they are casten downe and they will assaye His power againe and will not leaue off till His wrath destroy him Striue therefore euer to keepe the soule in a sense and feeling and let not that miserable scroofe to goe ouer thy soule but haue still a feeling of the power of God and mercy of God in thy soule and alwayes haue a wakened conscience for if thine heart come to that extreame senselessenesse thy soule shall ouer-grow with such a fatnesse that thou shalt haue no more sense than a dead stocke and thou shalt bee like an Oxe fedde to destruction thou shalt neither haue feeling of mercie nor of judgement To ende with this ye see that Iesus Christ albeit he was but himselfe alone a simple man to looke to and without armour yet Hee prouoketh them and speaketh to them first Hee dischargeth them to stirre Him vntill first they entered into a conditiō with Him That His disciples should passe free there is not such a thing that one of them could haue power to put out their hand to take Him And if there were no more but this that they had no power to stirre him they might see more in Iesus Christ than in a common man they might see power in Him to keepe Himselfe yet their senselessenesse is so great that they cannot see this The Lord keepe vs in sense and feeling of Him that when He hath adoe with vs wee may feele Him and see Him that our conscience may bee wakened and our hearts mollified through Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit be all praise and honour for euermore AMEN THE SECOND LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XVIII verse 7 Then he asked them againe Whom seeke yee And they said IESVS of Nazareth verse 8 IESVS answered I saide vnto you that I am hee therefore if ye seeke me let these goe their way verse 9 This was that the word might bee fulfilled which hee spake Of them which thou gauest mee haue I lost none verse 10 Then Simon Peter hauing a sword drew it and smote the high Priestes seruant and cut off his right eare Now the seruants name was Malchus verse 11 Then saide IESVS vnto Peter Put vp thy sworde into the sheath shall I not drinke of the cuppe which my Father hath giuen mee verse 12 Then the band and the captaine and the officers of the Iewes tooke IESVS and bound him THE last day beloued in the LORD IESVS wee diuided the whole Historie of the Passion and suffering of Iesus Christ which is contained in these two CHAPTERS to wit the XVIII and XIX of this Gospell in these parts First wee haue his suffering in the Garden Then wee haue his suffering in the Hall of the high Priest Thirdly we haue his suffering before the Iudge Pontius Pilate Fourthly wee haue his suffering in the place of Execution in Caluaria otherwise GOLGOTHA And last we haue the last part of his suffering which is his Buriall The last day wee entered into the first part of his suffering which IOHN in this Chapter setteth downe to bee this The Lord Iesus beeing in the Garden is taken captiue and bounde John passeth by all that agonie and conflict that the Lord had before his taking in the Garden with the heauie wrath of his Father for our sinne which hee did beare As concerning his taking we haue first the part of Iesus who of purpose wittingly and willingly came to this Garden to be taken which Garden was knowne to Judas the Traitor Then wee haue the part of Iudas he knowing the Garden commeth forward because the Lord vsed with his Disciples to resort thither accompanied with a band of men of warre with the officers and seruants of the high Priest to take and apprehende the Lord. In the third place wee haue the communing that fell out betwixt Christ and them that came to take him he knowing all things that should come vnto him hee taketh not the flight nor seeketh not to goe his way as he might haue done because it was night but hee commeth out vnsought and beginneth the speach and saieth Whome seeke yee They not knowing him by face answered IESVS of Nazareth He answered againe not denying himselfe I am he as he would say in plaine wordes I am the man whom yee seeke why seeke yee
anie further to let vs see how wittingly and willingly how joyfullie and gladly and howe patiently hee offereth himselfe vnto death for our sinnes Now he hath no sooner spoken this one worde I am he which is a gentle worde but assoone they start backwardes and fall to the grounde whereby the Lord woulde testifie vnto them that they had no power to take his life from him as hee said before himselfe he had both his life and his death in his owne handes all the power in heauen and in earth was not able to cause him to die if he had pleased to haue liued But to come to this Text When hee hath strucken them to the ground they leaue not off but when they are risen they are as bent as they were before It is a marueilous thing for if it had beene his will hee might not onely haue strucken them to the grounde but hee might haue strucken them thorow the earth into hell yet he letteth them rise againe but they are all senselesse of that diuine power wherewith they are strucken The Lord beginneth the speach and he saith Whom seeke ye They answere not knowing him IESVS of Nazareth He replieth againe I said vnto you that I am hee hee denieth not himselfe but in a manner prouoketh them to dispatch that businesse which they were about yet he entereth into a condition with them Take not these that are with mee stirre not my Disciples he giueth them a charge that they stirre them not and indeed none of that whole companie had anie power to lift vp their hand against them The words are plaine ye may easily perceiue the note that riseth of this It is a marueilous thing that a naked and a simple man who was baser than the King of Glorie was in the earth a man naked without armour hee is standing before them who are like as many Tyrants or tygers and yet none of them had power to lay handes vpon him till hee giue them power and more hee will not let them stirre him till hee make a condition with them That they handle not his disciples He imponeth lawes vnto them and without this law that they meddle not with his Disciples he will not yeelde himselfe vnto them So Brethren this is to let you see first that diuine power which was in the Lord Iesus Beholde it for it is a comfortable thing for Christians to knowe that diuine power that is in Iesus Christ for although hee neuer touched one of them yet that diuine power did so binde fast their hands and so restrained that pride of their heartes that they had no power once to moue against him Next behold a miserable senselessenesse in them for it is a wonderfull thing that they cannot perceiue nor feele this power that was in him If they had had anie sight of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily would they not haue ceassed from such a wicked enterprise Brethren it is an hard matter for any man or woman once to bee giuen ouer vnto a reprobate sense and to be strucken with blindnesse and hardnesse of heart And if God in his just judgement giue thee to blindnesse and hardnesse of soule albeit hee woulde make judgement after judgement to ceasse vpon thee and albeit he would strike thee and beate thee vpon thy backe thou wilt not bee the better but thou wilt get vp againe like a drunken man and if thou bee once giuen ouer to thine owne selfe it is as sure a thing as is in the worlde that except the Lord let thee see with his power a sight of mercy thou shalt euer become worse and worse and except the face of Iesus shine into thy soule all afflictions shall harden thee like yron that is often strucken vpon and the greater the afflictions bee except that mercy shine into thine heart thou wilt bee the more indured Paul saieth When the heart is conuerted to the Lord the vaile is taken away 2. Corinth 3.16 Without conuersion of the heart to the face of IESVS that that mercifull face may shine into the heart all the thinges in the world will not be able to mollifie thine heart Therefore whensoeuer the Lord afflicteth thee pray for mercy that as the power striketh thee so the mercie may be powerfull to conuert thee Yea crie aye for the mercy or else the power shall worke a further induration in thee and make thee worse To goe forward Yee see how carefull He is of his disciples men would thinke that He being so hard straited so neare the death should haue forgotten his Disciples for this is our fashion but the Lord doeth not so And Brethren this is a true note and token of a true Shepheard hee will forget himselfe and his life and hee will remember his flocke and when he is adying hee will be carefull of his flocke and when the Wolfe is worrying him yet hee will doe what lyeth in him that his flocke and euery sheepe thereof may escape and he will giue his life for the safetie of his flocke This is a good pastor So wee see the viue image of a faithfull Pastor in the Lord Iesus he will giue his life for his sheepe as hee saith himselfe Hee is but an hyreling that will not for the loue of his sheepe laye downe his life And this is the thing that I note chiefely here When the Lord becommeth weake in himselfe thorow infirmitie yea voluntarie infirmitie hee needed not to bee infirme what need had the God of glorie to bee infirme hee suffereth himselfe to bee bound till he become infirme In the meane time he is strong and powerfull in his Disciples to their safetie for although these that were in the Garden would neuer so faine yet they could not gette their hands laide vpon his Disciples The Lord Iesus when he was hanging vpon the Crosse the Iewes scorned him and tauntinglie saide vnto him Thou who sauedst others come downe and saue thy selfe meaning he could not saue himself because he was crucified as if he had no power but they are deceiued for that same houre that the Lord was vpon the Crosse and that same verie time that thorowe infirmitie he died and when he was hanging dead vpon the Crosse that power went out from him that kept his D●sciples and all the faithfull in the worlde For except that the Lord had kept them then when he was hanging dead they had beene a preye to the Deuill For this is our nature and infirmitie wee cannot stand a moment in this world except it be by the power of Iesus Christ Well then Brethren if Christ Iesus crucified and crucified as the Apostle speaketh 2. Cor. 13.4 thorow infirmitie and so weake in himselfe in his humane nature had so great a power to saue his Church what shall wee say then What a power is that which proceedeth from Iesus Christ glorified and commeth downe nowe from the Heauen and who liueth nowe as the Apostle sayeth there by the
King he should haue asked what a King He was where his kingdome was that He might haue gotten a part of it there is y e cōfessiō that Iesus gaue vnder Pontius Pilate as is saide 1. Tim. 6.13 Pilate should haue bin inquisitiue of these things and followed out that purpose about his kingdome but he breakes off the conference by an accusation of Iesus An earthly hearted man knowes not things heauenly so he cannot speake of them but rather he will stay an heauenly purpose Ye see earthly hearted men when one will begin to speake of heauenly things hath no more pleasure in them than Pilate had begin once to speake of heauenly things to a prophane man then he cannot keepe purpose with thee but hee will breake off purpose speake of earthly things Paul 1. Cor 2. sets down the groūd here The naturall man sayes he knowes not the things of the Spirit of God yea he will wonder what that means when thou speakest of Heauen yea he hath no power nor spirituall sense for they are but foolishnes to him the most wise things of God are but foolishnes to the naturall man he delites not in them because he hath not tasted how sweet the Lord is So Pilate interrupteth Christ Christ answeres He sayes Thou sayest that I am a King In the which answere the Lord denies not that He is a King but He takes the mouth of Pilate to be witnes that He was a King Then he lets vs see for what cause He came into the world not to be an earthly King Came I into the world but that I might beare witnesse of the trueth I came not to be an earthly King as other Kings are but I came from the throne of a King a glorious Kingdome that I may play the part of a seruāt in bearing witnes to the trueth Iesus Christ was God equall with the Father thought it no robberie but He made Himselfe of no reputation by taking on the forme of a servant Phil. 2.6 As though he would say I came into the world tooke on the flesh of man to be a seruant to my Father to be a witnes to the trueth then He subjoynes lest that Pilate should thinke that office of litle effect that He laboured in vaine sayes They who are of veritie to wit begotten of the word the immortal seed of the word of God for by veritie here is meant the word of veritie as Chap 17. vers 17. preceeding They heare my word He draweth ne●re vnto Pilate if thou be such an one as is begotten of the trueth thou wilt heare my word albeit Christ be stayed from speaking Pilate would haue put Him off Hee leaues not but speakes againe to Pilate He would haue winne Pilate it had bene possible Albeit we be interrupted when we speake of heauenlie things to profane men and women wee ought not to leaue off by the example of Christ but howbeit wee bee interrupted wee should returne againe and follow out the thing we haue begun to see if some wordes will sinke in their hearts or if they will not returne that they may be vnexcusable Speake of Christ and of Heauen it shall neuer be in vaine but as Paul saies 2. Corin. 2. it shall bee a sweet odour to God either to their saluation or damnation that God may be glorified either in mercy in winning of them or in justice in their perdition And therfore it is good to speake of things Heauēlie the soule is nourished therby A man that redresses himselfe to a kingdome would euer take delite to speake of it if thou hast no pleasure at no time to speake of Heauenly things it is a sure token that thou hast no part of that kingdom thou hast neuer tasted the sweetnes of it for they who haue tasted thereof will haue somtimes a delite to speake of thinges Heauenly and will desire that sincere milke of the word as Peter speakes So if thou findest the worde of life sweet why shouldst thou not desire it continually for it is that only food by the which y e life of God is nourished within thee here and one day it shall present vnto thee such satiety of all pleasure and joy in the face of God as the heart cannot thinke of now howbeit thou gettest but scant in this world Alas that we should let such a joy passe away for fault of feeling tasting What is the veritie saies Pilate he askes this not with pleasure but loathing disdaining taries no answere but goes his way His stomack loathes Christ Then in Pilate we haue an example of naturall men if any will speake of things Heauenly vnto them of Christ and of His benefits they will stay the speach so farre as they can and if thereafter any will insist and yet speake on then at the last if thou wilt vrge them they must speake something but they will speake as Pilate did lightly and disdainfully and when they haue asked they will leaue off and will not care for an answere but askes for the fashions cause when they are constrained thereunto We are by nature like to Pilate either we will not speake one word of things Heauenly or else if wee bee compelled to speake and wordes bee throwne out of vs wee will speake with a loathing and disdaining of the heart There vvas neuer any thing in the world that could moue the naturall man more to loathing than y e word of God he will heare it with such disdain that when one thing is saide in word hee will say another in heart and he vvill thinke him vvho teaches him the most foolish man in the vvorld And he vvho is vvisest if he be not regenerated and renewed hee shall count Christ and things Heauenly most foolish A simple bodie is sooner vvonne than hee vvho is vvise in his owne conceit in the vvorld If thou vvouldest be an hearer or speaker of Heauenly things striue alwayes to get a reformation of thine own corrupt nature and let thy meditation and prayer be thus Lord reforme mine heart that thy vvord maye bee fruitfull in mee so that both I may heare vvith pleasure and also that the vvords come not from the teeth forward but from the deepnes of mine heart when I speake of Thee and things Heauenly that so thy vvord may edifie both mee and others It is a more dangerous thing to come to heare if vve be not duely prepared than to tarrie away and better not to speake at all than to speake of thinges Heauenly vvithout the inward sense of the heart Now the Lord grant vs grace that in hearing speaking of things Heauenly vve may haue this Heauenly disposition in some measure for Christes sake To vvhom vvith the Father and Holy Spirit be all Praise Honour and Glory both now and euermore Amen THE SEVENTH LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XVIII verse 38 Pilate said vnto him What
bid thee doe thou shalt haue the world By worldly things hee will allure the naturall man and by the losse of them he will terrifie him and make him to yeeld This is our lesson Let neuer any man againe after Pilate trust to a naturall conscience except hee finde the conscience propped vp by faith and with better thinges and higher things than the things of this world and if this conscience be backed with hope of that life it will bee a wonder to see howe a man will stand to the ende No Crowne but to him vvho standes to the ende Hee vvho is so backed hee vvill stand against the Deuill and hee vvill saye I care not for this life vvhen the Deuill tempts him if I loose this life I shall get a better if I loose the king I shall see a more glorious king if I loose this vvorld I shall find a better happie is that man vvho hath his conscience backed vvith faith in Iesus Christ and hath a sight of Heauen and of God It is onely this man and vvoman that can stand in temptations against the Deuill and the vvorld Now let vs see the effect Alas this assault vvas sore to Pilate we shall see how by little little he looses his conscience inclines to pronounce y e sentence of damnation against the innocent assoone as he heares these vvords he is astonished and in all hast he brings foorth Iesus and comes out in sight of the vvhole people and sits downe in his tribunall he calles it The Pauement in Hebrew GABBATHA we call it an high seate or loft vvhere the Iudge sate The time is noted when he goes to that vvoefull judgement to wit when as the Jewes were in a preparation to the Passeouer the houre is noted The sixt houre which in our account is the twelft houre the Lord Iesus was condemned and deliuered to the men of warre I neede not to speake of the calculation of the Iewes they diuide the day and the night into twelue houres sixe houres before noone and sixe after noone The time and the place is so particularly noted that vvee should giue greater credite to the Historie But to come to y e matter Ye see clearly that this last temptation had the greatest force astonished Pilate and that conscience that had stood so long it began to saile him and he begins to decline Then Brethren note the force of such temptations what force they haue in respect of naturall men It is impossible for a man who hath nothing but nature without anie portion of grace in him to abide the force of such a temptation When hee is straited with these either to loose conscience or els to loose honour riches life c. so to die the death it is impossible for him to keep a naturall cōscience he will think that man to be a wise man who will redeame his life by the losse of his conscience will think him a foole who will lay down his life ere he want his conscience Whereto should we insist in this point O foole what is thy life when thou hast lost sense conscience the senses wherby men properly liue are not so much these outwarde senses as tasting touching seeing hearing smelling as the fealing of that inward cōscience So if once thou loose that inward feeling thou art no better than a beast for they haue all these outward senses What better art thou than dead No the carion is not so dead as thou whē thou art past feeling but yet there is worse well were it for a senseles man to liue in securitie that that cōscience should sleep but marke that same cōsciēce y t before was a coūseller telling thee what was right wrong vvhat thou shouldest doe and what thou shouldest not doe it is the faithfullest counseller that a man can haue for it will counsell thee night day to doe good leaue euill after once thou hast hardened thine heart against cōscience suppose thou lay it asleepe and passe thy time yet it will not sleepe for euer I forewarne all that haue a sleeping cōscience that it shall not sleepe aye but it shall come with the terriblest face that euer was ere all be done The face of the Burrio was neuer so terrible as thy conscience when it comes againe to teare thee rent thee and draw in pieces thy miserable soule Howbeit wicked mē for a while will be busie playing riding and running to get the tormenter at rest yet I tell thee that if the LORD haue not mercie vpon thee it shall vvaken so that it shall neuer sleepe againe neuer let thee rest Of all the torments in the world the worst is the torment of the conscience driuing thee before the terrible tribunall to cling in thy soule and drie it vp with the fire of the wrath of God No peace for the wicked sleepe on as they will they shall be wakened Now Brethren beside the force of this tentation there is an inward malice of the heart against the conscience Certainely a conscience in a naturall man is good and it is a remnent of grace after the fall but there is as euill a thing that dwelleth in thine heart since that fall that is a bitternesse malice of thine heart there is such a gall of bitternesse that if there were no more to slay them it is enough It is not this outwarde tentation onely that drawes Pilate so farre backe but also the malice of the heart when the conscience sounded in his eare and said Pilate doe not this the malice of the heart caried him against conscience I say againe albeit that there were nothing without thee to moue thee there is too much within thee These men who runne headlong vnto blood to wracke religion and their countrey thinke yee not but they haue aduertisment in the meane time by their conscience and they know that they doe wrong But alas such is the gall of bitternesse such is the malice of their heart against conscience that it caries them as mad men with a furie ouer the belly of their conscience Nowe Brethren this is well to be marked When Pilate is set downe in His tribunall albeit he be caried away by his conscience will yee looke yee shall see a priuie battell betweene the spunke of the conscience he had and the malice of the heart When hee sits downe he hath a doubt in his heart that conscience drawes him backe that hee dare not at the first pronounce the sentence but hee sayes Behold your King He sayes scornefully of His Kingdome yet hee meaneth in his heart to haue Him loose as if he had saide Is this the man Alas hee is little likely to bee a King a poore miserable sillie poore man this is his meaning that he might moue them to let Him liue So as I marked before the force of the tentation outwarde and of the inward malice of the heart against
Wherin stands y e knowledge of the resurrection of Christ It is not eneugh to know it only The knowledge stands in a fe●ling of the force of the glorious resurrection in thine heart and thou shalt feele the olde canker of sinne mortified and thee to bee quickned with a new life to liue to God And likewise wherein stands the knowledge of His suffering It stands of the feeling in thine heart of the mortification of sinne Thou must feele a regeneration in thee or else thou feelest nothing and thy soule shall get no life howbeit thou knewest all the Bible All this knowledge of Christ is but a dreame without a feeling and thou art but sleeping except thou findest a vertue proceeding from His suffering to thy soule to reforme it But to speake of that feeling-knowledge of Iesus Christ vvho died for our sinnes Howe shalt thou find and feele in thine heart that Hee suff●red anguishe for thy sinnes not onely in bodie but also in soule I thinke there shoulde bee no bodie but they should bee meditating on an answere I shall tell you how I and thou and euerie one of vs shall feele that curse and malediction that Iesus suffered and that was layde on Him for our sinnes If I finde in my soule in some measure that wrath for my sinnes which Iesus felt in full measure Lord saue vs from that measure if I taste and get a proouing of that bitter cuppe of the wrath of God that Iesus dranke the dregges of and all for my sinnes if I taste of it and put it to my mouth vvhen I feele this vvaye and taste I vvill begin and reason If I finde my sinnes and the burthen thereof so heauie that I can scarcely beare one sinne among a thousand yea though it were but an euill thought If I finde the burthen of my sinnes so heauie who am but a man O howe heauie must all the sinnes of the Elect bee that Iesus bare on His backe Looke how I come to His feeling from the other Then I vvill saye O howe heauie vvere the sinnes that IESVS bare on His backe And then I shall saye If once I can but taste one droppe of that wrath that followes my sinnes and findes it to bee so bitter Let them taste of that cuppe vvho will they neuer tasted of so bitter a thing Then vvill I saye O howe bitter vvas that full cuppe of vvrath vvhereof IESVS dranke out the dregges and all seeing one droppe of it is so bitter in my soule There vvee come in some measure to the feeling of that bitter vvrath that IESVS felt Beholde the dealing of GOD vvith His owne for although He loued them neuer so vvell yet Hee vvill let them feele the burthen of their owne sinnes in some measure He vvill tye the burthen of them on their owne backes whilest they grone and peach and He will touch them with the sense of wrath from heauen and that to let them vnderstand howe sadde and heauie a wrath it was that Iesus suffered for our redemption And when wee feele anie burthen for sinne let vs runne to meditate on the sore burthen of IESVS CHRIST or else thy sicknesse and thy trouble is not sanctified to thee if thou feelest not that Iesus Christ hath borne the burthen of thy sinne Well Brethren this is a vvay vvhereby vvee come to the feeling knowledge of the paine that CHRIST suffered and this is bitter But there is a sweeter manner If I feele that sweete mercie of GOD in mine heart and that peace of conscience in my soule I will beginne and reason with my selfe after this manner This mercie that I taste of this peace of conscience that I haue this joy and gladnesse that I taste it behooued to proceede out of the malediction and out of the wrath that lighted on my Mediator it had beene vnpossible for mee to taste of mercie if my Redeemer had not drunken out that full cuppe of wrath And I saye indeede to thee if the Lord Iesus Christ had not drunken out that cuppe of the wrath of God there had neuer beene such a thing as any joy or any piece of conscience in this worlde nor in the worlde to come if it had not beene ransomed with the precious blood of Iesus Christ there is not one droppe of grace peace or joy but that which is bought and which the blood of Iesus Christ hath payed for Alas if the world could vnderstand howe deare one drop of grace is No ere one drop of grace came it behoued the Lord to be taken put in the winepresse of Hell tread on tramped on with the feete of the wrath of God for this Iustice of God who was offended should neuer haue suffered one droppe of grace to come if it had not beene satisfied by the blood of the mediatour Now to ende this purpose I know perfectly that all this speech of the Crosse is but foolishnesse to the wise of the world These wise Heades who compasse the Worlde with wisdome all is but foolishnesse to them It is foolishnesse to them who perish as Paul sayes 2. Cor. 4.4 If thou findest the Crosse of Iesus but foolishnesse take thee a doome thou shalt perish all the world shall not saue thee againe by the contrary sayes Paul The speech of the Crosse is the wisdome of God the power of God to them who are saued All is but foolishnesse in respect of the Crosse all the strength might of the world things vnder Heauen is but weaknesse in respect of Iesus Christ and His strength If thou countest the speech of the Crosse to be power vvisdome assure thy selfe thou hast an earnest pennie that thou shalt get life blessed is that soule that delites to heare of y e Crosse of Christ counts it to be the povver wisdome of God which shines wonderfully in this base Crosse y e wisdome of GOD shined neuer so in the creation of the Heauens and of the worlde as in the vile and abject Crosse of IESVS CHRIST The power of GOD shined not so much in creating thee of nothing as it shines in thy redemption The more foolishe that this meane is that the LORD vses in redemption to wit a sillie Crosse the more base it appeares to bee the greater is the glorie of the wisedome of GOD who wrought such a great worke of redemption thorow such base meanes I say the more infirme that this meane is for what is more infirme than a sillie poore man or a vile Crosse the power of GOD appeares y e greater who hath wrought such a glorious worke out of such a base meane And I saye if thy redemption had beene wrought with a glorie as the Iewes and the Gentiles imagined if GOD had yeelded to their fantasie and wrought our redemption by a glorious meane that glorie of GOD had beene obscured and the meane had gotten all the glorie But it hath pleased the LORD
suppose thou beleeuedst not at the first and conceiuedst it not yet vvhen thou art at the brinke of desparation that shall holde thee aboue thou gettest further information Nowe goe to the rest Wee haue hearde this preaching of Cleopas to the passenger as he supposed Yee see he was carefull to teach Him and no question all that hee knew of Christ he tolde it Learne this lesson at Cleopas All that knowledge which thou hast of Christ tell it to another and if thou haue little tell it to him that hath nothing and it may be thou shalt get further information as Cleopas did for the stranger instructed him in all thinges Nowe CHRIST speakes and Hee sayes to him not letting him know that He was Christ O fooles Hee that Christ calles a foole is a foole indeede And if Hee call thee a foole thou art one And then Hee sayes Slowe of heart to beleeue concerning Christ the Messias Before I come to the words behold the clemencie mercie of the Lord These two men were rauing like fooles or as men in a feuer suppose they were His Disciples they vtter a plaine distrust and yet the Lord castes them not off Hee saw a little sparke in them Hee sawe a sponke of faith and Hee goes not to put it out So that it is true that is spoken of Him Esay Chap. 42. Hee neuer brake the bruised reede nor yet put out the smoaking slaxe but helde it in and quickened the sponkes thereof where hee founde it till it came to a perfection No Hee vvill neuer cast thee awaye for a little faith but Hee vvill entertaine it and of a sponke Hee vvill make a fire Yet to come to the wordes Hee sayes Fooles madde men vvithout anie minde And then Hee calles them dull hearted There are two thinges in man A minde to see and a vvill to embrace that which he seees As for their minde they vvere bereaued of mind as for their will they haue not a vvill nor an heart to embrace it So marke what misbeliefe is Alas it leaues not one part of the whole all the povvers of the soule are vitiate by misbeliefe Faith goes thorow all the powers of the soule it first stands in an illumination and sight of those things that concernes thy saluation it decernes of thinges heauenly and then goes downe to the heart and makes it to embrace IESVS CHRIST and His benefites euen these heauenly things that thou canst not see with the eyes of the bodie Infidelitie by the contrarie beginnes and blindes the minde of the infidell that hee sees not nor cannot see nor discerne of things heauenly and spirituall Albeit thou canst neuer discerne so vvell of policie as the Heathen could yet in heauenly things thou art but madde and out of their minds Christ would call thee vvood and madde Looke hovv Paul calles all the Philosophers 1. Rom. In a worde hee calles them fooles and then infidelitie goes from the minde and filles the heart and makes the heart astonied if thou be an Infidell thou art dull and senselesse thou mayest lay holde on the worlde but if thou gettest no better thou shalt die in thy dulnesse and senslessenesse So wouldest thou knowe whether thou art quicke or not and of a good conceiuing Trie not thy selfe by earthly things and say not I vnderstand the writing of this man or that man but if thou wouldest know whether thou werest not dull senslesse or not looke if thou seest any thing in Heauen and heauenly things and then thou art not dull and senslesse but if thou feelest not heauenly thinges albeit thou werest a King goe thy way thou art but a dull and senslesse creature the Asse or the Dogge is better than thou there the stile Hee giues them wood men and madde men without a minde These men that can compasse these thinges in the worlde thinke themselues quicke but I saye to thee in the Name of this IESVS if thou knowest not CHRIST and heauenly thinges thou art but a dull and senslesse man and seest not nor vnderstandest no more than an Asse Marke euery word that He speakes whilst He calles them slow to beleeue all that the Prophets had spoken He castes the Prophets in their teeth He calles them slow to beleeue not this thing or that thing not this man or that man but that which the Prophets had spoken It is euill not to beleeue any that speakes the trueth but it is worse not to beleeue a Prophet Any man that is sent or called of God if thou beleeuest Him not that same calling of the man augments thy judgement looke to it If ye beleeue not a man that is called that calling of his shall augment thy judgement Then Hee sayes Beleeue yee not the thinges that they haue spoken to you hearest thou many thinges and is this vvorde oft beaten in thine eares and hearest thou this daye the morne and other morne and yet wilt thou not beleeue the more heauie is thy judgement the more thou hearest if thou purposest not to beleeue the greater is thy judgement I giue thee my counsell if thou purposest not to beleeue heare not a preaching for all the preachings that thou hast heard shal aggrauate thy judgment a thousand times heauier shall thy judgement be better that thou hadst heard neuer a preaching except thou purpose to beleeue Marke this He vses a sharp forme of rebuke before He teach them He telles them not vvhat Hee vvas Hee makes as though Hee vvere a stranger and yet He calles them fooles and slovve to beleeue Take heede to this yee that vvill not suffer your selues to bee called foolish and vvill not suffer your heart to be launced but ay vvouldest haue good vvordes and that vvill not heare your selues to be called fooles there is the vvay to grace there is the order of teaching and hearing and if thou teachest call a foole foole albeit hee we●e a King call him madde or els thou vvilt beguile him call a slow hearted bodie foolish that is the only vvay to come to light and knovvledge Thou that vvouldest preach must doe this and thou that art an hearer First thou must get a sense of thy miserie and that thou art but foolish as euer thou vvouldest see Christ striue to get a sight of the blindnesse of thy soule and the hardnesse of thine heart and if thou seest thy blindnesse and miserie then thy desire will be vvakened and thou vvouldest giue ten thousand Kingdomes to be out of that damnable estate Now I shall bee short When H●e hath begunne thus roughly vvith them and hath prepared their heartes to heare then Hee beginnes to teach Why should I call thee a foole and an hard hearted bodie except it be to teach thee So Hee beginnes and teaches them a faire preaching and no doubt Hee made a large discourse but heere it is summarilie gathered vp Hee layes downe His proposition It behooued him to suffer and to enter into
be ministred by preaching thou who contemnest this preaching I denounce to thee thou shalt neuer taste of that Spirit thou vvho vvilt stand vp and saye I haue the Spirit and then contemnest the Ministerie I say thou liest albeit thou vverest the Emperour of the vvorld Now to goe forwarde there is a great necessitie of preaching But take heede to this preaching He describes this preaching by sundrie circumstances First it must bee in some name and in some authoritie a man that standes vp and preaches to the people hee must preach to the people in some name an Herauld vvill stande vp at the market crosse and make his proclamation it must bee in some name for if hee stande vp and proclame in his owne name he is but a knaue deserues to be hanged So vvhosoeuer stands vp to preach looke that hee preach neuer a vvorde in his owne name CHRIST sayes there must be preaching in my Name Looke that all preaching be in the Name of Iesus Christ Nowe vvhat is the name of CHRIST The Name of CHRIST is His power O that passing power His authoritie What power Euen that power that Hee speakes of in the last Chapter of Matthew All power in Heauen and Earth is Mine Then in the second Chapter to the Philippians and the ninth verse Wherefore GOD also hath highly exalted Him and giuen Him a Name aboue euery name He is exalted in a wonderfull sublimenesse O that high sublimenesse that the Lord hath receiued Hee hath gotten a Name aboue all names and a power aboue all powers and none shall haue such a power then he sets out this power All knees must bowe at the Name of IESVS all powers must bow to that power and all knees must bee folded before it bowe thy knee before that power or els thou shalt be thrust in Hell all knees shall be bowed before that Tribunall that Name vvill cause all the Deuils in Hell bow and stoupe It is written in the 4. Chapter of the Actes There is none other Name vnder Heauen able to saue men but the Name of Iesus Christ thou shalt neuer see life but by this power and this Name Marke it No life I vvill tell againe No saluation to man or vvoman in the vvorld but by the Name of Iesus and His power and therefore how great shall the power of this His Name as yee may well see by the word vvhich sets it out euen the Gospell The Euangel that speakes of the Name of Iesus Paul calles it to the Romanes Chapter 1. verse 16. The power of God vnto saluation Speake of Caesar and this Kingdome or that Kingdome will it be powerfull vnto life Will all the speaking of all the creatures in the world bee powerfull vnto life Speake of the Crosse of CHRIST what seemes to bee more base yet it is the power of God and the vvisdome of God vnto saluation So the power must be wonderfull when a word will haue such a power that it will saue a soule The LORD when Hee was in the worlde Hee preached in His owne Name and the Iewes marked that He preached with authoritie and Hee sayes Amen Amen I say vnto you That is in mine owne Name As for all other teachers all their preaching must be in the Name and authoritie of Iesus and not in a creatures name When a man hath this LORD in His eye without regard of himselfe when hee goes to set out that Name ye will not beleeue how the LORD will be with him and how He will make his authoritie to be seene But by the contrarie if a man haue no sinceritie and haue not the authoritie and Name of IESVS before him but seeke himselfe in his preaching hee will haue no spirit no grace none authoritie his language will be vnsauourie his preaching will be of litle value Paul because He preached Christ and Him crucified therefore sayes Hee that his preaching was with euidencie and demonstration of the Spirit on the other part because the Corinthian Doctours had themselues not Christ before their eyes therefore hee sayes that they preached with ostentation and humane eloquence all their preaching was but winde The Philosophers of old spake much of matters of vertue but because they neuer spake one worde in the Name of Christ therefore all their speaking was but babling neither were they changed themselues nor yet changed they others they might teach men to bee Hypocrites and to couer their vices but they could not bee instruments of Regeneration because they spake not in that powerfull Name of Iesus Christ I put the Papists in this same rancke that vvill speake in the Popes name I say all their doctrine and their speaking of saluation is more in the name of man nor in the Name of Iesus Christe and therefore it may well worke errour and hypocrisie in thee but no saluation thou mayest well thinke that thou hast something but in effect thou hast nothing Then we see of necessitie there must be preaching but whereof must this preaching be The LORD sayes it behooued that preaching bee in my Name Of repentance and remission of sinnes There is the summe of the Gospell Would yee knowe the effect of all preaching The whole Gospell is summed vp in those two Heades Repentance and Remission of sinnes It is not my purpose to insist largely in these pointes but I shall speake of them shortly Repentance is none other thing but a preparation to the soule Whereto To receiue grace to receiue remission of sinnes saluation and life euerlasting It is but a making straight the wayes of the Lord who is comming with grace and mercie to the soule This Repentance is wrought partly by the Law and partly by the Gospell The Law sayes Cursed be he that continueth not in all which is written in the booke of the Law to doe them and because the conscience of all flesh accuses them as guiltie of the transgression of the Lawe therefore there arises in the soule horrours and terrours vnspeakable Then the Gospell comes in to comfort the casten downe soule and it sayes Whosoeuer beleeues in Iesus he shall be saued for this is the summe of the Gospell When the soule heares this it conceiues an vnspeakable sorrowe and sadnesse for the offending of so mercifull and louing a Father and this the Apostle calles a godly sorrow 2. Cor. Chapter 7. verses 9. and 10. Now it is this godly sorrow properly which workes repentance and turnes the heart to God that before was farre away from Him The other sorrow that is by the Lawe properly is not the cause of repentance but it prepares the heart thereunto Therefore seeing this godly sorrowe turnes the heart to God of necessitie it must be accompanied with faith for without Faith there is no conuersion to God The preaching of Iohn Baptist telles vs how necessarie the doctrine of the Gospell is to worke repentance for He sayes Repent for the Kingdome of God is at hande
and how farre his nature is repugnant to that calling wee will thinke that of all things in the world it is most hard and most painefull It is an hard thing indeede to bring a man out of nature and make him a Christian but it is farre harder to make a man a teacher of Christians and a disposer of the treasures of grace and of the secrets of God Nowe when I beginne to consider what should haue mooued the Lord to haue chosen such persons and so vnmeete for such an high calling I thinke this chiefly hath beene it that when the Apostles went out to preach Repentance and Remission of sinnes to others and to exhort all persons howe grieuouslie so euer they had sinned to come and to seeke mercie in Christ they might propone themselues as examples of the superaboundant mercie of God and that they in their Ministerie might declare and make manifest the gentlenesse and long suffering of God towardes all men euen the greatest sinners in the worlde and that by the proofe and experience that they found in their owne person of the mercie of God in calling them and placing them in that high calling who before vvere so miserable wretches and so vpon their owne experience they might the more easily perswade euen the most miserable sinners to seeke for mercie and grace in Christ When Paul preaches Where sinne aboundes there grace and mercie superaboundes if hee had not found this by experience and had not stoode for example hereof hee would not so easily haue perswaded sinners of the exceeding greatnesse of the mercie of God But to goe forward Because this direction that He giues them and this Ministerie He calles them to was very painfull and troublesome and so they might haue taken hardly with it therefore in the words following the Lord goes about to encourage them to vndertake it and to discharge it chearfully the Argument is of great force Beholde sayes He I will send the promise of my Father vpon you that is I will send vnto you the Holy Spirit Himselfe with Him His extraordinarie giftes and graces as the gift of prophecie of working of miracles of tongues and such other that ye may bee the more able to discharge this calling and to performe the worke I send you for Hee calles this the promise of His Father because the Father long before by His Prophetes promised at the comming of the Messias to send His Spirite in great abundance vpon them that beleeue Yee may read this promise in sundrie places of the Olde Testament but chiefly in the 2. Chapter of the prophecie of Ioel and the 28. verse In the last dayes I will powre out my Spirit vpon all flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your young men shall see visions and also vpon the seruants and vpon the maides will I powre my Spirit c. And of the accomplishment of this promise ye may read in the 2. Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles Out of this place wee may marke first That the things which the Father promised of olde to His Church the Sonne in the appointed time accomplished them the Father promised of olde the Spirit and His graces the Sonne in the fulnesse of time sendes the Spirit and His graces and giues them to His Church and for this cause the Spirit and His giftes that is giuen to euery faithfull man is called the measure of the gife of Christ Ephes Chapter 4. verse 7. And thereafter in that same Chapter ver 11. the Apostle sayes That Christ to the end He might fill all things Hee gaue some to bee Apostles some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastours and Teachers that is He gaue all sorts of gifts vnto His Church that He might fulfill the promise of His Father and all these giftes and graces that we see are now in the Church from whome came they but only from the Lord Iesus This leade● vs to an higher ground that the Sonne hath receiued of the Father all graces and all the giftes of the Holy Spirit together with the Holy Spirit Himselfe the Father hath giuen all first to the Sonne and not to vs for the Father loues the Sonne and hath giuen all thinges into His hand Ioh. 3.35 And In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdome knowledge Coloss Chapter 2. verse 3. Yet there is an higher cause of this to wit that the Sonne only hath merited the Holy Spirit with the fulnesse of all His graces No man euer merited any of them for who can merite them but hee who first receiued them The Lord Iesus receiued them first wee haue none but as He giues vs Hee merited and purchased them to vs with no lesse price than with the ransome of His owne blood Now wouldest thou know how all these graces that the Lord hath bough● with such a deare price are communicated to thee and made thine I will tell thee Not by any merite of thine own for thou couldest merite nothing at the Lordes handes but Hell and damnation but it is of the free grace and liberalitie of the Father and the Sonne that they are made thine it is of this grace that out of His fulnesse we receiue grace for grace When the Apostle Coloss Chapter 2. verse 9. hath saide In Him dwelles all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily thereafter he subjoynes And ye are compleete in Him as if hee had saide All this fulnesse is made yours of free grace whilst as by Faith yee take holde of Him Consider the wonderfull bountifulnesse and liberalitie of the Sonne to thee who giues thee these graces freely that Hee bought so dearely and purchased with such a worthie price Yee know sayes the Apostle the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that He beeing rich for your sakes became poore that ye through His pouertie might be made rich 2. Cor. 8.9 Now ere I go forward I marke another lesson that the Spirit of God pointes out clearely in these words for our instruction for when the Lord sayes I will send you the promise of my Father vpon you that is the Holy Spirit with His graces He lets vs see that without His Spirit His presence and assistance a Minister cannot be able to doe any thing well in His calling but that in the discharge of euery part of His calling hee must bee assisted by the Spirit The Apostle Paul when hee is telling what good successe his preaching had among the Gentiles he takes not the praise thereof to himselfe but he ascribes all to the presence of Christ by His Spirit I dare not sayes he speake of any thing which Christe hath not wrought by mee to make the Gentiles obedient in word and deede Rom. 15.18 It is not with a Minister as it is with a man in the ciuile policie No there is a great difference for in the ciuile policie a man by his naturall giftes by his wisdome