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A08335 Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith made in fourme of a confession, vvith a confutation of the papistes obiections and argumentes in sundry pointes of religion, repugnaunt to the Christian faith: made by Iohn Northbrooke, minister and preacher of the worde of God. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Queenes iniunctions.; Breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith Northbrooke, John. 1571 (1571) STC 18663; ESTC S120959 288,552 342

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place For in deede God will not heare them that haue his sacred woorde his holie institutions and ordinaunces in a contempt and dayly deliteth more and more in filthie wickednesse and synne Some againe there bee that synne of frailenesse but yet thei dooe not abide obstinately in their synnes thei feare and dread God thei haue his lawes ordinaunces and institutions in reuerence Therefore ▪ when so euer thei flée vnto the Lorde with true repentaunce vnfe●ned confession of their synnes and amendement of life taking holde by faithe vpon his mercie declared vnto vs in his sonne Iesus Christe thei are heard by and by and receiued into the fauour of God and into the number of his children We haue the Publicane for an example which without all doubt when he did praie was an abhominable sinner But bicause that his praier did proceede from a true repentaunt hearte though he had then no mediatour at all he was hearde and went home againe beyng iustified as the trueth hymselfe doeth testifie Againe the prodigall sonne when he should come home againe to his father whom he had offended so many waies whose substaunce he had wasted amongst whores and harlots he did not come to any of his fathers frendes desiryng them to make intercession for hym neither went he to his eldest brother whom he knewe to be in greate fauour with his father but did straightway come to his father saiyng Father I haue synned against heauen and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Was he put backe bicause of his abhominable offences that hee had committed against his father No suche thyng doe we finde in the Scriptures but rather as soone as his father sawe hym he had cōpassion on him he ranne and fell on his necke and kissed him what shall wee saie of the thief that hong on a Crosse by Christe was he not all laden with synnes when he saide vnto Christe Lorde remember mee when thou commest into thy kyngdome yet his detestable murthers and robberies notwithstandyng hee was heard Christ our Sauiour makyng hym a faithfull promise that he should be with hym that daie in Paradise These examples doe sufficiently teache vs that we ought not to be afrayde by reason of our synnes to come vnto our Sauiour Christ but rather that we ought by reason of them to seeke most earnestly vnto hym who doeth call synners vnto hym saiyng Come vnto mée all ye that labour and are laden and I will refreshe you Doeth not he saie hymselfe that hee came not for the righteous but for the synners sake that hee ●ame not for them that were whole but for them that were sicke They that go aboute to plucke vs awaie from hym are like vnto the Scribes and Pharisées whiche were offended and did grudge and murmure bicause that Christ kepte companie with sinners and Publicanes And they that be afraide or ashamed to come vnto hym are like vnto those sicke persons that be afraide to come vnto the Phisician or ashamed to shewe vnto him their disease and sickenesse Thei are also like vnto Peter who was ashamed that Christe should washe his feete though it was so that without it he could haue no parte in his kyngdome or which did bidde hym to departe from him saiyng Lorde go from mee for I am a synfull man whereas he shoulde rather haue desired him and besought hym to tarie still in his companie that so he might haue been deliuered from his synnes which did then presse his cōscience and made hym to be in suche a feare Lette vs haue still before our eyes the poore seely woman that had the blooddie flixe whiche did spende all her substaunce vpon Phisitions and yet she could not be holpen but rather her disease did waxe worse and worse till she came to our Sauiour Christe the true Phisition both of soules and bodies Chrisostome speakyng of the woman of Cananee writeth on this maner Tell mee O woman sith that thou arte a wicked and a sinfull woman howe durst thou go vnto him I know saieth she what I doe Beholde the wisedome of the woman she praieth not vnto Iames she doth not intreate Iohn she goeth not vnto Peter she did not get hir selfe to the companie of the Apostles she sought for no mediatour but for all these thynges she tooke penaunce for hir companion whiche did fulfill the roome and place of an aduocate and she did goe to the high fountaine Againe if thou wilt pray or intreate man thou doest aske what he doth and it is tolde thée that he is a sléepe or that hée hath no leasure or peraduenture the seruaunt shall disdayne to make thée an aunswere But to God we haue no néede of these thinges but wheresoeuer thou art and doest call vpon him he heareth thée There is no neede of a porter of a mediatour or minister say only Lorde haue mercie vpon me And in another place We haue no néede of Aduocates with God saith he nor of any runnyng or gadding about for to speake faire vnto other For although thou be alone and without an aduocate and pray vnto God by thy selfe thou shalt obteyne thy peticions There doeth this holy doctour and father bryng in the example of the woman of Cananee for to proue that we shall sooner be hearde when we praie our selues then when other doe praie for vs Hereunto may I adde the saiyng of saint Augustine which is this Non enim ad creaturam iubemur tendere vt efficiamur beati sed ad ipsum creatorem de quo si aliud quam oportet ac sese res habet nobis persuadetur perniciosissimo errore decipimur That is to say We are not commaunded to go vnto the creatures that we maie be blessed or obtaine blesfulnes but vnto the creatour of whom if we be otherwise perswaded then the matter is or then it behoueth we are deceaued with a moste pernicious errour These wordes do plainely declare vnto vs that if we will be blessed ▪ that is to saie if we will be iustified before God and obtaine free remission of our synnes we must not go to any creatures but vnto the Creatour hymselfe and that if we be made otherwise to beleeue of hym then it is we are in a pernicious errour But are wee not made to beleeue otherwise of him then it is when we are taught that he is vnmercifull and that he will not heare vs though his sonne maketh intercession for vs excepte we haue other aduocates and intercessours besides hym Uerely if we doe beleue it or seeke to come vnto hym by any other meanes then by his onely begotten sonne Iesu Christe our Sauiour we are wrapped in a most pernicious errour For leauyng the sure waie that God hymselfe hath appointed vnto vs for to come vnto hym and vnto the seate of his mercie wee folowe the perilous waie of our owne inuentions and dreames If
because forsoothe that the kyng is a man and knoweth not vnto whom he maie commit the cōmon weale But for to get the fauour of God from whom nothing is hidden for he knoweth all mens merites we haue no neede of a mediatour or intreatour but of a deuoute mynde But nowe will I bryng in a similitude whiche hath a sure foundation and grounde in the holie Scriptures and sacred woorde of God whiche shall quite ouerthrowe theirs For why It is onely grounded vpon the imaginations and dreames of their owne heades What if there were a kyng benigne gentle mercifull and bounteous that he would make an acte or proclamation whereby he should exhort his subiectes that if any among thē had any matter or suite thei should all boldely without mediatours or meanes come vnto hym promising that he would heare them deliuer them frō their troubles and aduersities and from the handes of them that do oppresse them would not al men by that acte or proclamation take a wonderfull boldenesse to come vnto the king him selfe Who excepte he were starke madde or did mistrust the kynges proclamation would seke for any mediatours or meanes for to haue accesse vnto so bounteous a prince But we haue a moste sure acte and proclamation which is enacted and made in that most holie glorious and sacred counsaile of the blessed trinitie whereby we are exhorted bidden and commaunded to come boldely vnto hym who alone is able to heale all our infirmities and to deliuer vs from all troubles and aduersities be thei neuer so greate and our enemies neuer so mightie Firste the father doeth set forthe this comfortable Proclamation vnto vs saiyng Call vpon me in the daie of trouble so will I heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Here wee are not onely exhorted bidden and commaunded to call vpon God in the daie of trouble but also we haue a promise that if we doe it we shal be heard and deliuered who then beyng in trouble would not come boldely vnto God and call vpon hym with a good and sure confidence sithe that it is his blessed will pleasure biddyng and commaūdement whervnto he hath added so comfortable a promise that wee should doe so In the Prophete Ieremie he crieth out saying Ye shall call vpon me and I shall heare you beyng then so louynglie called let vs come vnto the seate of his mercie with a stedfast truste and hope that we shal be heard But whom I praie you would not that sweete Proclamation which his onely begotten sonne our sauiour Iesus Christe doeth make vnto all repentaunte synners encourage excéedyngly Come vnto me saieth he all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refresh you And in an other place Uerely verely I saie vnto you what soeuer ye shall aske my father in my name he will giue it you Doeth not the eternall and heauenly wisedome of the father speake these woordes Euen he whiche can not lye whiche can not denie him self why should we then be afraied to come vnto hym Or what neede haue wee to seeke for any Mediatours aduocates or intercessours for to make any intercession for vs sithe that he doth call vs so gently vnto him bindyng hym selfe and his promises with an othe which can neuer be broken Also the holie ghoste who procéedyng from them bothe is the thirde persone in the blessed Trinitie doeth set forthe vnto vs a very comfortable edicte or proclamation whē he saith by the mouth of the holie Prophet Dauid The Lorde is nigh vnto all theim that call vpon hym in truthe And in an other place who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lorde he shal bee saued Here haue we the moste sure and infallible proclamations of the father of the sonne and of the holie ghoste whereby wee are moste louyngly and mercifully called vnto the mercie seate of almightie God and also assured that wee shal be hearde when soeuer wee doe call vpon hym in faithe through our onely mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our Lorde Is it not then a manifeste signe and token that we do not stedfastly beléeue the promises of GOD nor trust in his mercie whereof wee are assured in his truthe when wee doe direct our praiers to any other then vnto hym or when wee seeke for other meanes to come vnto hym then he hym selfe hath appoincted in his holie Scriptures Reade all the whole bodie of the scriptures throughout from the one ende to the other and ye shall not finde that euer the Patriarches Prophetes or Apostles did praie to any other Mediatour Intercessour or Aduocate but onely vnto God a lone For there is no other Mediatour that can bee founde and appoincted vnto vs besides that blessed seede of Abraham our sauiour Christe Iesus For whereas thei doe alledge that it is read in the scriptures that the Aungelles doe some tyme praie for the electe people of God and also that thei dooe offer our praiers before the Lorde That same maketh nothyng for their purpose except thei coulde proue that the Sainctes bee ministryng spirites sent to minister for their sakes whiche shal be heires of Saluation or that thei be appoincted to waite vpon vs as the Angels are which haue a charge giuen them ouer vs to keepe vs in all our waies yea and also to encampe rounde aboute theim that feare the Lorde And this ministerie and office of theirs because that thei be immortall shall continue as long as there bee any men abidyng here vpon the earth that is to saie vntill the number of the children of God be fulfilled But as for the sainctes it goeth otherwise with them For as thei are bounde whiles thei be yet in this life to doe those thynges that pertaine to their vocation accordyng to the office that God hath called theim vnto So when thei haue once performed their course and are at rest with God thei haue no more to do with the liuyng their ministerie and office is at an ende and if thei make any praier vnto GOD it is that their bloud maie bee auenged on theim that dwell on the earth desiryng that the number of their felowes and brethren maie be fulfilled and that the glorious kyngdome of God beyng come thei maie receiue their glorified bodies whiche nowe lye in the earth till the generall resurrection of all fleshe I do not doubt but that thei doe wishe vs good and are very desirous to haue vs in their blessed felowship for as muche as thei are members of the same bodie that we are of But to saie that thei knowe our necessities or that thei heare our particuler vowes and praiers and offer theim vnto god It is a méere inuention of men For we haue not one onely iote in holie Scriptures that doeth certifie vs of it And as touchyng their goodly shift whiche beyng wholie destitute of the scriptures and woorde of
crie and craue for mercie but no mercie shal be graunted them No lesse rigour doubtelesse shal be vsed against them if for a smale offence they wil be reuēged to the vttermost For as the scripture testifieth he that seketh vengeaūce shal finde vengeaunce of the Lorde who shall surely kepe vnto him his synnes Which thyng Christe our Sauiour teacheth vs by a a liuely parable or similitude when he bringeth in the kyng that doth call his 〈…〉 and accounte and vnto whom one was brought that did owe hym tenne thousande talente● whiche he forgaue hym ●●ite bicause that he● had besought him But this man was full of mischief would not shewe the like mercie vnto his felowe seruaunts that did owe hym but an hundred pence and therefore his lorde was angrie and deliuered hym vnto the Iailers tyll he had payde the vttermoste farthing Euen so shall my heauenly father do vnto you doeth our Sauiour Christe conclude excepte ye doe from the bottome of your heartes forgiue your brethren their trespasses The thirde sorte of people which shall receaue iudgement without mercie are the iusticiaries worke mongers which seeke to be saued and iustified by their owne workes and merites and which being ignoraunt of the righteousnesse of god doe go aboute to set vp their owne righteousnesse and so wyll in no wise be subiect to the righteousnesse that is auaileable before god They doubtelesse shal be called to a strayte rekcnyng and accounte For why all they that are suche doe remaine styll vnder the curse of the Lawe as sainct Paule wryteth saiyng As many as be of workes that is to say as manie as go aboute to be iustified by the workes of the lawe are vnder the curse For it is written Cursed be euery man that continueth not in all thynges that are written in the booke of the lawe to do them Beyng then vnder the curse and malediction of God bicause that thei did most vnthankefully refuse the mercifull meane that he had of his mere goodnesse appointed vnto them for to be iustified by they muste needes runne into euerlastyng condemnation Doth not the trueth hymself saie that though we did all that he commaundeth vs yet we are vnprofitable seruauntes But who in all the worlde is able to doe the tenth parte of that whiche God doeth require of vs and with that perfection as he will haue it to be doen not one man liuyng in the world What are we then but a thousande tymes worse then vnprofitable seruauntes They therfore that go aboute to be iustified by their owne beggerly workes and stincking righteousnes whiche before God is as the filthie cloutes of a menstru●us woman are most worthy to finde Christe whom they will make but a patched and an vnperfeate Sauiour a moste rigorous and extreme iudge whereas if mistrustyng our owne righteousnes merites and doynges we do flee and appeale to the onely mercie of God takyng a sure holde thereupon through faith in our sauiour Christe and sa●yng vnfeinedly with Dauid and Iob O Lorde enter not into iudgement with thy seruauntes for in thy sight shall no man liuyng bee iustified If I would iustifie my selfe my owne mouth shall condemne mee if I would bee perfect he should iudge me wicked Lo though he slea me y●t wil I trust in him I wil reproue my waies in his sight it is so farre of that we ought to feare the daie of iudgement and commyng of our heauenly and eternall iudge or that those greuous sentences and saynges ought to be dreadfull vnto vs that rather our sauiour and iudge biddeth vs to looke vp and lifte vp our heades assuryng vs that then our saluation is at hande Yea that we might bee the more certaine of it he promiseth that al his commyng he will sende his Aungelles with a greate voice of a Trumpe and that thei shall gather together his chosen and predestinated children frō the foure windes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other Where soeuer wee shall be then I meane when our Sauiour and iudge shall come whether it bee in the bowelles of the earth or any where else here in this vale of miserie wee maie bee sure that wée shal bee gathered together vnto hym there for to receiue our full and perfecte saluation bothe in bodie and soule Let vs not therefore suffer our enemie Sathan to driue vs to any desperation by puttyng vs in remembraunce of the dreadfull daie of iudgemente But rather in the conflict and agonie of our consciences let vs haue alwaies before the eyes of our faithe besides the goodly and comfortable saiynges that haue been brought in alreadie that Christe shall not onely come as a iudge but as a moste benigne and mercifull sauiour of his people And therefore saincte Paule dooeth write that from heauen wee looke for a Sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christe who shall chaunge our vile bodies that thei maie bee fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie In the meane while lette vs take heede to our selues that our hartes bee not ouercome with surfettyng and drunkennesse leaste that daie dooe come vpon vs vnwares For it shall come as a snare on al them that sitte vpon the face of the earth Therefore wee haue neede to watche and praie that wee maie bee readie when he commeth and that wee maie stande before him hauyng and vsyng the weapons that fainct Paule ministereth vnto vs whiles wee are here warryng againste the fierie dartes of the deuill our enemie where he saieth Take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to resist in the euill daie and hauyng finished all thinges stande faste and your loynes girde aboute with veritie and hauyng on the breaste plate of righteousnesse and your feete shodde with the preparation of the Gospell of peace Aboue all take the shield of faithe wherewith ye maie quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked And take the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the spirite whiche is the woorde of God and praie all waies with all maner of praier and supplication in the spirite and watche therevnto with all perseueraunce and supplication for all sainctes And in an other place he saieth Take heede therefore that ye walke circumspectly not as fooles but as wise redeemyng the tyme For the daies are euill Be ye not drunke with wine wherein is excesse but bee ye fulfilled with the spirite speakyng vnto your selues in Psalmes Hymnes and Spirituall songes syngyng and makyng melodie to the lorde in your hartes By Psalmes he vndestandeth complaintes to God narrations and expostulations by Hymnes he properly conteineth thankes giuyng by songes he also conteineth praises and thākes giuyng ▪ but not so largely and amply as Hymnes doe So now we are aliue if we stande faste in the lorde saieth saincte Paule and no damnation nor troubles nor yet the gates of hell
giue eare to Paule and in respecte of this spirite the Prophet saith Erunt omnes docti a Deo Thei shal bee all taught of god Who so euer besides dooeth not beleue that the doctrine of the holie ghoste conteined in the olde and newe Testament is sufficiente vnto saluation But regardeth it as vile and of no force nor yet aucthoritie but calleth nameth and reporteth it with these woordes and suche like blasphemie deade ynke a liuelesse matter a dumbe iudge that can not speake a blacke Gospell Inken diuinitie a nose of ware Doeth deny this article of our beléefe I beleue in the holie ghost that is to saie he doth denye the holie ghoste to be true and naturall God sithe that any insufficiencie or vnperfection is founde in his doctrine For why It is the propertie of God to dooe all thynges with most consummate perfection Whereby it doth folowe that he whiche doeth any thyng with vnperfection is no true and naturall god Thei therefore that deny the doctrine of the holie ghoste and also doe despise mocke scorne and speake vnreuerently of it conteined in the old and newe Testamēt not to be perfect or sufficient to saluation are plaine Macedonians For they deny the holie ghost to bee true and naturall god And all thei that followe this opinion and doctrine not contentyng theim selues with the moste true and infallible worde of God whiche is set foorth vnto vs by the holie ghost are not the true Churche and spouse of christ For the true Churche and spouse of Christe as it is borne of newe not of mortall seede but of immortall by the worde of God whiche liueth and lasteth for euer so is it builded vpon the sure foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles Christe Iesus hymself beyng the chief corner stone Wherefore we must learne firste of all to beleue God secondly to beleue hym as God thirdly to beleue in God wee must beleue GOD that is to saie that he is creatour of all thynges and that he is omnipotente We muste beleue God as God that is wée must beleue hym as he hath declared and opened hym self in his holy and sacred scriptures vnto vs To beleue in God that is to put our whole truste confidence and affiaunce onely in hym and to call vnto and vpon hym in all our troubles miseries and aduersities and vpon none other And also constauntly and assuredly to beleue in hym that by his power he susteineth vs by his prouidence he gouerneth vs by his goodnesse nourisheth vs and by his mercie saueth vs and indueth vs with all kinde of blessynges So that wee must beléeue in none but in God the father that loueth vs in God the sonne that redemeth vs and in God the holie ghoste that sanctifieth vs although three in persones yet one in essence and Godhead Sainct Agustine therefore saieth Credimus Paulo non credimus in Paulum credimus Petro non credimus in Petrum Wee beleue saieth he Paule but we beleue not in Paule we beleue Peter but we beleue not in Peter The .xxxiiij. Chapiter ¶ What is the true Churche of God and where it is THis then shal be my beliefe touchyng the true Catholique and vniuersall Churche All they that are begotten of newe with the immortall séede of Gods worde and are builded vpon the foundation of the prophetes and Apostles hauyng Christe for their chief corner stone by whose only spirite and worde they are guided and ruled in what countrie or nation vnder the heauens so euer then be are the true church of Christe we may also define and set forth the Churche after this maner The Churche of Christ is the holy congregation of the faithfull whiche by a true and liuelie faith are vnited incorporated in our sauiour Christe whose members they are And bicause that sauiour Christ is the true sonne of God all his members by hym are the sonnes of god Iesus Christe is the head and the true Christians are his body He is the Bridegrome and the faithfull are his spouses whiche he doth cleanse with his blood geuyng health and saluation vnto his bodie and sauyng his people from their synnes This Church is affixed or bounde to no seuerall place but wheresoeuer twoo or three are gathered in the name of the Lorde I meane of our sauiour Christ there the true Church is They therefore that doe aligate and bynde the true Catholique Church to this place or that place as though it coulde be no where els as our Papistes doe are in this thyng greately deceiued For though the whole worlde were so ouer whelmed with Idolatrie and superstition that there shoulde séeme to be no Church at all yet God hath alwaies his elect and chosen in one corner or other although they be vnknowen vnto the worlde Yea many tymes the faithfull congregation is vnknowen vnto the true and faithfull seruauntes of God as we maie see by the example of Elias the Prophete who complained that he was lefte alone But the Lorde made hym an aunswere that he had seuen thousandes left in Israell whiche had not bowed their knées vnto Baall Who woulde not then haue thought that the Churche had been at that tyme in Israell or in Samaria where foure hundreth and fiftie false Prophetes were continually which did feede at Iesabelles boorde or that there had been no Church at all yet we sée that God had euen at that tyme his flocke which he did preserue and keepe vnto hymselfe although they were scattered abroad and not scarcely knowen of the true and faithfull Prophetes of God. Therefore it were good to haue alwaies before our eyes the goodly saiyng of Hilary which writeth on this maner One thyng saieth he I warne you of beware of Antichriste It is not well that ye haue suche a pleasure in the walles It is not well that ye honour and reuerence the Church of God in houses and buildings It is not wel that vnder the colour of them ye doe bryng in the name of peace Is it to be doubted that antichriste shall sit in them The Mountaines the Woodes the Lakes the Prisons and mierie Doungeons are more sure for mee For the Prophetes remainyng in them or beyng let downe into them did there prophecie This then is my beliefe that although the true preachyng of Gods word and the right ministration of the sacramentes accordyng to the Lordes institution and ordinaunce are the moste infallible tokens and signes whereby the true Churche of God is knowen here vpon the earth yet many and sundrie tymes by the righteous iudgement of almightie God our sinnes and wickednesse deseruyng the same these signes and tokens are so taken awaie that it is impossible for the worlde to knowe where this true Churche of God is And yet notwithstanding God hath stil his flocke in one place or other he hath still his elect and chosen whom he doeth preserue and keepe in the
if it be iudged mercie being taken away or set a side Barnarde also saieth what can al our righteousnes be before God shall it not accordyng to the prophete be counted as a filthy blooddy cloute And if it bee straightly iudged shall not all our righteousnes be founde vnrighteous and hauyng lesse then it ought to haue What shall then become of our synnes if our righteousnes can not aunswere by it selfe Therfore criyng earnestly with the prophete Enter not into iudgment O lorde with thy seruaunt for in thy sight no man liuyng shal be iustified let vs with all humilitie haue our recourse vnto mercie whiche alone is able to saue our soules What maner of merite is this whiche cannot abyde the censure of Gods iudgement nor be deliuered from condemnation but through mercie onlie Wherefore learne this what soeuer is attributed to workes that same is dooen by reason of faithe which is annexed vnto them Wherefore as in a wall we haue a consideration vnto the foundation and in the fruites of trees to the rootes so whatsoeuer séemeth at the first sight to be adscribed to woorkes is to be assigned to faithe as vnto the mother of al good workes For whensoeuer the scripture séemeth to attribute iustification either vnto hope or vnto charitie or vnto woorkes those places are so to bee vnderstanded that iustification is there taught not by the causes but by the effectes So saieth Augustine vpon the Psalmes Laudo super edificationem operis sed video fidei fundamentum Laudo fructum boni operis sed in fide agnosco radicem vbi fides non erat bonum opus non erat bonum opus enim intentio facit intentionem fides dirigit That is I praise the buildyng of good workes but I sée the foundation is of faith I praise the fruict of good workes but I acknowledge the roote in faithe Where faith is not good workes are not the intention maketh a good worke but yet faithe directeth that intention Let vs therfore rather to confesse our sinnes with the Publicane then to glory and boaste of our merites with the Pharisee Suche are our merites that the confession and acknowledgyng of our synnes ought to bee preferred before the numbryng of them to obtaine life For all our workes must be vtterly excluded and stande a parte that Grace maie appeare frée the Promise simple and that Faith maie stande alone For the lawe condemneth vs wordes doe not auaile vs but faith in Christe onely iustifieth vs For a man may make this argument which is inuincible All that we can doe with god is onely by Christe our workes and merites be not Christe Ergo our workes and merites can doe nothyng with god Therfore sith it is so cleare let vs acknowledge our sickenes which is synne let vs open it by repentaunce and flée by faith to Christe whiche is our onely phisicion and health of our soules let vs all by faith only make our profite of hym and not of our workes and merites For as Augustine speaketh of the woman that was taken in aduoutrie brought to him when her accusers were all gone he saieth Relicti sunt duo misera misericordia There are two left saith he mercie and miserie And therefore God pardoned her in his christ For Christ saieth to her Go synne no more as though Christ woulde saie saieth Augustine in the same place Deleui quod commisisti obserua quod precipi vt inuenias quod promisi That is I haue taken awaie thy synnes that thou hast committed doe and obserue that I commaunde thee that thou maiest finde that I haue promised thee Therefore I beléeue that Christe onely is the lambe of God that taketh awaie all our synnes Here maie one obiect and saie If God only forgeueth synnes what meaneth this that we reade Whose synnes soeuer ye forgeue they bee forgeuen them and whose synnes soeuer ye doe withholde they shal be withholden is it not plaine that not God onely but the Apostles also doe forgeue sinne I aunswere There bee thrée maner of powers to forgeue synnes The first is the same which belongeth vnto God onely for it is proued by the prophetes wordes I am he I am he my selfe whiche d●e wipe awaie thy wickednes for myne owne sake The seconde is the ministers when they declare gods grace to the penitent and that all their synnes are doen awaie only by Christe and contrariwise to preache and pronounce malediction and wrath vpon the vnrepentaunt therefore sainct Hierome saieth The Bishops or Priestes neither bindeth the innocente nor looseth the guiltie but accordyng to his office whē he hath heard the diuersitie of synnes as in publique offences he knoweth who ought to bee bounde who ought to bee loosed Also Peter Lumbard saith God hath giuē to priestes power to bind to loose that is to say to declare vnto men that the penitents bee either bounde or loosed Sainct Augustine hath these wordes Wee speake in your eares but how knowe wee what is wrought in your hartes Howbeit what soeuer is wrought in you it is wrought not by vs but by god Hierome saieth It is not the sentence or absolution of the Prieste but the life of the penitente that is accepted before god So you see how the Churche forgiueth synners that is it pronounceth mercie vnto the repentaunt and wrath vnto the reprobate and vngodly as wee haue sufficiently declared before when wee intreated of the aucthoritie of the Churche And as for their auriculer confession it is a méere deuise and a Popishe lawe good for nothyng but to heape Goddes wrathe and displeasure vppon all the dooers thereof for their owne lawes condempneth their doctrine whiche they teache that we can not be forgiuen of our synnes vnlesse wee number them in a priestes eare for these are the woordes in their owne distinctions Saene dici potest quod sine confessione oris solutione poenae exterioris peccata delentur per contritionem humilitatem cordis That is we may safely say that without confession of the mouthe and absolution of the outwarde paine synnes bee forgiuen by the contrition and humilitie of the harte Againe Gratian saieth one of their owne champions Antequam sacerdoti ora nostra ostendamus id est peccat● nostra con●iteamur a lepta peccati mundamur ▪ Before we open our mouthe vnto the Priest that is to saie before we make confession of our synnes the leprosie of our synne is made cleane Sainct Chrisostome saieth Non dico vt confitearis conseruo tuo peccata tua dicito deo qui curet ea I will thee not to confesse thy synnes vnto the Prieste that is thy fellowe seruaunt Confesse them vnto God that maie heale them Againe Examine thy synnes in thy heart within thee lette this iudgement bee without witnesse let God onely see thee makyng thy confession The
at all Hesichius also saieth The grace of God is giuen onely of mercie and fauour Et fide comprehenditur sola And is embraced and receiued by onely faith Saint Chrisostome saieth Illi dicebant qui sola ●ide nititur execrabilis est hic contrà demonstrat eum qui sola fide nititur benedictum esse They saide who so staied himselfe by only faith is accursed Contrariwise Saint Paul proueth that who so staieth hymselfe by onely faithe he is blessed Hierome also hath these wordes ignorantes speakyng of the Pharisies quod sola fide iustificat deus se ex operibus legis quam nunquam custodierunt iustos esse putantes They not knowing that God iustifieth onely by faith and supposyng themselues to be iuste by the workes of the lawe whiche they neuer obserued they would not submit themselues vnto the remission of synnes least thei should seeme to haue been synners Saint Hilarie hath these wordes in Mathewe and vppon this text R●mittuntur tibi peccata tua thy synnes are forgeuen thee and writeth on this maner Mo●et scribas remissum ab homine peccatum hominem enim tantum in christo Iesu cōtuebantur remissum ab eo quod lex laxare non poterat Fides enim sola iustificat That is to saie It moueth the Scribes that synne was forgiuen by man For they did onely beholde man in Christe Iesu and that to be forgeuen of hym whiche the lawe could not release For faith onely doth iustifie This is the herisie that we teache according to the holy scriptures and learned fathers of the catholique Churche But they obiect againe that good workes deserue bicause it shal be rewarded for saie they S. Iohn saith their workes folowe after them And Christe saieth to his disciples he that geueth a Cup of colde water to any of these little ones for my ●ake shall not loose his rewarde And sainct Paule saieth your worke shall not be in vaine in the Lorde Christ saieth againe Reioyce and be glad for your rewarde is greate in heauen and ●● the Hebrewes it is saide God is not vnrighteous that hee shoulde forget our labour Wee graunt good woorkes haue their rewarde But the same rewarde standeth in mercie fauour and not in duetie Therefore we saie consideryng the weakenesse and synfull corruption of our nature there can be no works in vs so pure and perfect that we may therby of right and of duetie deserue euerlastyng life For God hath a kyngdome an inheritaunce for children and not a rewarde for bounde seruauntes and slaues Therfore Gregorie Nanzianzene saith if thou he a bound seruaunt or a ●laue then feare the whip If thou be a hirelyng then looke onely for thy rewarde but ouer and besides this if thou be a childe then reuerence God as thy father Doe well bicause it is good to obeie thy Father Yea and although thou shalt haue nothing els yet euen this shall be thy rewarde that thou hast been obedient to thy father Therfore we must saie saieth christ when we haue doen whatsoeuer I commaunde you saie ye we are vnprofitable seruauntes Hilarie to this purpose hath these wordes If we fast once saieth he we thinke we haue satisfied If out of the barnes of our householde store wée giue somewhat to the poore wee beleue we haue fulfilled the measure of righteousnesse But the Prophete hopeth all of God and trusteth of his mercie Sainct Basile also saieth He that trusteth not to his owne good deedes nor hopeth to bee iustified by his woorkes hath the onely hope of his saluation the mercies of god Augustine therefore saied verie well Qui diligit aliud preter te Minus diligit te O God he the lesse loueth thee that loueth any other thyng besides thee But before we declare how good déedes are rewarded Let vs see what good woorkes these are that the Papistes doe so muche talke of shall bee rewarded or that deserueth euerlastyng life Firste thei teache vnto the pleople that are ignoraunte to heare Masse euery daie deuoutely to lye prostrat● before deade Images to mumble out a nomber of prayers vnto Sainctes to goe on Pilgrimages to builde vp Chaunteries and Churches and to cause Trentalles of Masses and Diriges and other trumperie to bee saied for the deade Item to giue largely of their substaunce and gooddes to idell Priestes Monkes Friers and Nonnes to giue money gold siluer and silke to make crosses chalices coapes vestementes and other like plaierly garmentes to furnishe out the stinckyng Masses to saie our Ladies Psalter to praie vpon Beades to vse obserue and kepe Pharisaicall fastynges with the Popishe idle holie daies and solempne feastes and to receiue holie breade holie water holie palme holie asshes and holie fire holie creame holie candelles and holie oile c. These are the good woorkes and beste woorkes that they haue set forth to bee doen of all people and who soeuer speaketh againste those woorkes they are taken for enemies to GOD and as rancke heretiques but all those good woorkes of the papistes are not required nor yet commaunded of God to bee dooen therefore thei dooe rather deserue the name of synne and of detestable abhomination before God then of good workes The true good woorkes are voide of all superstition thei are alligated or bounde neither to place nor to the persones nor to tyme for thei are as certaine fruites of our whole life testifiyng of the goodnesse of our harte and expressyng the nature of our heauenly father which not onely of the faithfull but of the very infidelles are rekened and taken for good workes and minister occasion vnto them to glorifie our father whiche is in heauen The workes of faithe workyng through Charitie and loue are good woorkes For GOD doeth worke them in vs and by vs them doeth our sauiour Christe set out saiyng I was an hungred and ye gaue me meate I was thirstie and ye gaue me drincke I was naked and ye clothed me I was harbourlesse and ye harboured me I was sicke and in prison and ye visited me The Apostle also doeth sufficiently teache vs what be the good woorkes that God doeth require of vs but what should I alledge one or twoo textes sithe all the whole Scriptures do euerywhere exhort vs still vnto good workes what those good workes are S. Paul doeth declare when he saith We are the workmanship of god created in christ Iesu vnto those good workes that God hath prepared for vs to walke in If any man should aske me nowe what bee those good woorkes that he hath prepared for vs to walke in I would aunswere that all those woorkes that God doeth bidde and commaunde vs in his holie and sacred worde are those good workes that he hath prepared for vs for to walke in And those I saie and beleue ought onely to be called good workes and none other And therefore
these good workes and deedes shall bee rewarded or crowned because that GOD of his méere mercie hath bounde hym selfe thereto by his promises wherevnto doeth sainct Augustine agree saiyng Fidelis dominus qui se nobis debitorem fecit non aliquid a nobis accipiendo sed omnia nobis promittendo That is to saie The Lorde is faithfull who hath made hym self a debter vnto vs not by receauyng any thyng of vs but by promisyng vnto vs all thynges Againe he saith Non dicimus deo Domine redde quod accepisti sed redde quod promisisti We doe not saie to God saieth he O Lorde giue thou that thou hast receaued of me but geue thou me that thou hast promised Here wee learne how God is become debter vnto vs and hath bounde hymself to crowne or rewarde our good workes not by receiuyng any thyng of vs for what haue we that we haue not receiued and if we haue receiued why doe we boast and glorie as though wee had not receiued Againe who gaue hym firste and he shal bee recompensed But by his faithfull promises whiche he hath made vnto his electe and chosen people And againe saincte Augustine saieth Da veniam Apostole propria tua non noui nisi mala Da veniam Apostole dicimus quia tu docuisti cum ergo deus coronat merita tua nihil coronat nisi dona sua That is pardon vs oh Apostle saith he I knowe nothing of thyne owne but euill Pardone vs oh Apostle wee saie so because thou haste taught vs Therefore when he crowneth thy merites he crowneth nothing but his owne giftes And in another place he hath these wordes Coronaturus est in nobis non merita nostra sed dona sua God doeth crowne in vs not our merites but his giftes Againe he saieth Hoo solùm dico hoc rog● ▪ hoc cupio opera manuum ●uarum n● daspicias Opus 〈…〉 vide ▪ non meum Nam si meum videris damnas Si t●●m videri● 〈◊〉 Nam quecunque mihi sunt opera bona abs te sunt This onely I saie this I praie this I couet despise not the workes of thine handes Sée thyne owne woorke in me and not myne For if thou seeste myne thou doest condempne If thou seeste thyne owne thou crowneste For all the good workes that I haue thei are of thee And therefore it was not without a cause that Barnarde saied that his merite is the mercie of the Lorde which place we haue before alledged Here wee maie see that God doeth onely rewarde or crowne in vs that which is his owne so he doth condemne all that he findeth to be our owne Therefore I would that men puttyng a side all wilfulnes would once consider with them selues that the maiestie of GOD hath neede of none of vs nor of any thyng we haue but rather doeth giue vs all thynges aboundauntly to enioye them What good worke then can we doe whereby wee maie profite hym in any thyng or doe hym any good Bonorum meorum non eges Thou haste no neede of my gooddes saieth Dauid what merite I praie you can bee in that woorke whereof no profite commeth to God Or rather whereof the whole profite if there bee any doeth redounde vpon our selues He that is righteous and doeth good woorkes he doeth it not for any commoditie that God shall haue thereby for what commoditie can God haue by any thing that we can doe But for his owne commoditie as he whiche is wicked and doeth wickedly hurteth hymself and not god He that hath the health of his body and doeth by good diet kepe and preserue it doeth he therefore deserue any rewarde at the Phisitions handes I thinke not For he dooeth it not for the Phisitions profite but for his owne After the same sorte he that by the gifte of God hath obteined the health of his soule and by his grace doeth the thynges that belong to the preseruation of the same shall we saie that he doeth deserue any rewarde at Goddes handes because that he is made suche by his gifte and doeth now through his helpe aide and assistaunce keepe the same grace for his onely profite and commoditie either by earnest beliefe or by vnfeined loue or by assured hope or by well doyng and patience in aduersitie and trouble Who needeth with a rewarde to bee stirred vp to drinke when he is thirstie or to eate when he is hungerie Neither neede men if they hungred and thristed for righteousnesse as thei ought to doe a rewarde to stirre them vp to it A mother vseth not to bee entised with rewardes to giue sucke to feede and care for her owne childe that it perishe not Wherefore Goddes promises are necessarie to men because by reason of synne they haue waxen colde from a vehement affection and zeale towarde godly and holie woorkes Therefore God doeth crowne his giftes in vs so all thinges remaine safe and sounde to the glorie God. Now where all thynges ought to bee attributed vnto the grace of God what is left for the merites of men For where grace is there is no place lefte for merite if we doe consider a right the nature and propertie of merite for the name of merite ought to be abolished the nature of merite is that thereby a iuste proportion and equall consideration ought to be betweene that which is giuen and that which is taken But betweene the good thynges which wée looke for and those thynges whiche we either suffer or dooe there is no proportion or equalitie For so saith S. Paul the passions and afflictions of this life are not worthie of the glorie to come c. Merite hath ioyned vnto it debt as Paul saith Unto him that worketh rewarde is rendered accordyng to debte and is not imputed accordyng to grace whiche he saieth is eternall life Unto the nature of merite there is required that that which is geuen perteine vnto the giuer and be not due vnto hym whiche receiueth it but workes are not of our selues for they are the gifte of God whiche worketh in vs Augustine affirmyng this saieth Ab illo habemus quicquid illi offerimus ex illo fit quicquid boni sumus Whatsoeuer we offer to God we● haue it from hym and whensoeuer we be good it is made and doen of hym But let our good workes be examined after the straightnes of Gods iudgement Who is so ignoraunt of mans imperfection that wyll not acknowledge that we ought rather to feare punishement for the defaultes that be in them then looke for any rewarde or boast I can not tell of what merites Is it for naught thinke ye that the holy prophete doeth liken our righteousnes to so filthy a thing that any man wil abhorre to looke on it Therefore sainct Augustine saieth Ve vniuersae iustitie nostre si remota misericordia indicetur That is wo bee to all our righteousnes