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A01200 The chronicle and institution of the Order of the seraphicall father S. Francis conteyning his life, his death, and his miracles, and of all his holie disciples and companions / set foorth first in the Portugall, next in the Spanish, then in the Italian, lastlie in the French, and now in the English tongue. Marcos, de Lisboa, Bishop of Porto, 1511-1591.; Cape, William. 1618 (1618) STC 11314.2; ESTC S4305 734,345 826

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alsowhen we were in the captiuity vanity of the world for after his conuersion not hauing as yet any Brethren or companions being ro repaire the Church of saint Damian where he was visited with diuinecōsolation and cōstrained wholly to abandon the world filled with ioy and illumination of the holy Ghost he prophesied of vs that which our lord hath afterwardes fulfilled standing then on the walles of the said Church he called with a loud voice in the french tongue vnto some poore people dwelling therby saying Come helpe me in this Church of sainct Damian for there shall came women of whose good life and holy conuersation our heauenly Father shal be reioyced in his whole Church In this may we obserue the infinite bounty of God towardes vs who of his aboundāt mercy and charity hath vouchsafed to prophesie those thinges by his seruant of our vocatiō and election not only of vs hath our holy Father prophesied these thinges but also of those who hereafter shal be called vnto that vocation wherto our Lord hath called vs. With what care of soule and body are we then bound to keep the commādements of God of our holy Father saint Francis to the end that with the grace of God we may pay the multiplied talent And our lord hath not only placed vs as an example vnto the seculer but also vnto all our Sisters whome he shall call vnto our vocation that we may be vnto those who conuerse in the world a mirrour and example For our Lord God hath called vs vnto so great thinges that they may take example of vs who are giuen vnto others for an example for which we are bound greatly to blesse the more ought we for this to be strēgthened in our lord to doe well wherfore if we liue according to the forme aboue mentioned we shall leaue good example vnto those which follow vs with short paine we shall receiue the reward of euerlasting life After that our heauenly Father vouchsafed through his great mercy and grace to illuminate my hart in such sort that by the example and touching of our holy Father S. Francis I began to doe penance a litle after my conuersion I with a few Sisters whome our Lord gaue me haue willingly promised vnto him obedience like as our lord through the light of his grace inspired vnto vs by meanes of his merueillous life and holy doctrine Saint Francis then marcking that we were tender and fraile according to the body yet neuerthelesse nothing dismayed with any necessity pouerty paine tribulation or contempt of the world but that we esteemed all those thingees as great pleasure euen as he had experienced by the example of his Brethren he reioyced in our lord and with great charity inclining towardes vs he obliged himselfe his Brethren to haue alwayes ouer vs a speciall and diligent care We also by the will of God of our holy Father saint Frācis repaired to the Church of saint Damiā there to dwell a litle after which time our lord through his great mercy grace multiplyed vs and then was fulfilled that which our lord had foretold by his seruant for we had dwelt before in an other place litle after that he wrote vnto vs this forme of life and principally that we should perseuer in this pouerty and it was not sufficient vnto him to haue admonished vs therunto in his life by many sermons aduertisemētes to the end he might moue vs to the loue and obseruance of this most holy pouerty but he hath also giuen vs many writinges that after his death we should not fall from the same holy pouertye according to the example of the Sonne of God who liuing in this world did neuer leaue the same which holy pouerty our holy Father saint Francis and his Brethrē did honour and obserue during his life Wherfore I Clare seruant and handmayd of Christ and of the poore Sisters of saint Damian although vnworthy and the litle plant of our holy Father saint Francis considering this with my other Sisters as also the highnes of our profession made vnto such a worthy Father and the frailty of vs and others which we feare after the death of our holy Father who next vnto God was our only piller and comfort againe and againe we binde our selues vnto the holy lady pouerty to the end that the Sisters who are or shall come after my death may by no meanes decline from the same This Pouerty I haue alwayes bin carefull with the grace of God to obserue and to cause it to be obserued and for more surety of the same I haue made my Profession therof vnto our holy Father Pope Innocent the fourth in whose time we began and haue confirmed it by his successours that by no meanes in no time we should decline from this holy Pouerty which we haue vowed vnto God and vnto saint Francis Wherfore I bending the knee both of myne inward and outward man in all humility doe commend vnto the church of Rome to our holy Father the Pope and especially vnto the Cardinall to whose protection together wit the Franciscans we are committed that for the loue of God who was layd in the cribbe liued poorly in this world and dyed poorly on the crosse they will keepe the litle flock which God the Father hath gayned in his church through the wordes and examples of our holy Father saint Francis causing it to follow the humility and pouerty of his deerly beloued Sonne the Father of wisdome and of his holy mother and that they will cause the holy pouerty to be obserued which we haue promised vnto God and to sainct Francis as also strengthen thē for to obserue the same And like as God gaue vnto vs our Father saint Francis for our founder and helper in the seruice of God and of those thinges which we haue vowed vnto God and vnto him to obserue and as he was carefull whiles he liued to exercise vs his plantes by word examples so I commend and leaue my Sisters who already are as also those who hereafter shall be vnto the successours of saint Francis and to the whole religion that they wil be alwayes an assistance vnto vs to profitt from better to better to serue God and to accomplish and obserue this holy pouerty If it should happen att any time that the said sisters should leaue their country or citty to goe vnto an other they are firmely bound after my death in what place soeuer they are to obserue the holy pouerty which they haue vowed vnto God and to saint Francis Those which shall be in office as also the other sisters shal be carefull not to receiue more land then extreme necessity doth require as a garden for hearbes vnto their necessity And if for the defence or vse of the cloyster it weere needfull to haue more land they shall take but only to supply the necessity and in this lād they may neither plough
euen the will of his Superiour They vndoubtedly beleeued that whatsoeuer was commanded them was the will of God and by that meanes obedience was easy and pleasing vnto them that they might not be iudged by others they accused and condemned themselues and if any so much forgatt himselfe as to vtter a scandalous word to one of his Brethren he would conceaue such remorce and greife theratt that he was not well nor could repose till he fell att his feet whome he had offended to whome with demaund of pardon he acknowledged his fault and herewith not content he would pray the Brother offended to sett his foot on his mouth and tread hard vpon it In this manner chastissing themselues did they suppresse and trample pride vnder foot This was not practised only among the simple Brethren but among the Superiours themselues For in whatsoeuer place one found himselfe to haue with out reason offended any Brother he commanded the offended to sett his foot on his throat that by this meane the malice and tyrannie of the deuill being suppressed loue and fraternall charity might be conserued among them They also armed themselues against vices and exercised vertues beside this they vsed their habites bookes and other moueables in common that none among them might presume to call any thing mine And albeit they were in deepe degree of pouerty they were neuertheles in their hartes exceeding rich and most liberall and very freely and ioyfully gaue what was demaunded of them for the loue of God fulfilling his word who saith Giue that Gratis which you haue receiued for nothing If any poore people begged the almose which had bin giuen them they gaue it them He that had not what to giue to the poore that asked him an almose would giue them part of the habitt that couered him When the rich of this world came to visitt them to conferre with them of some spirituall matter they ioyfully entertayned them and delighted sometime to frequent their company so to finde occasion to persuade them to leaue their sinnes and to induce and moue them to doe doe pennance When their holy Father was to send them into the world they would instantly and as a singuler father craue of him not to send them into their owne country therby to auoyd the conuersation of their kinred and freindes of this world because this seemed vnto them a certaine kinde of retourne to the world For what soeuer necessity that might befall them in their trauaile they took neither gold siluer nor otherkind of mony because they singulerly contemned it and aboue all thinges did from their hartes tread it vnder foot Being so freed and exempted of all wordly desires they numbred themselues with those of whome Isai said how beautifull and swift are the feete of the Euangelistes and preachers of peace and eternall Saluation Thus did these true Religious circuit the world by the streight and sharpe way of their pouerty surmounting the hard stones of selfe desires and euill inclinations breaking the thicke cloudes of the sinnes and depraued customes of worldly men with great paine of their life walking on the thornes of tribulations and contrarietyes with exāples vertues and doctrine of pennance because such is the path way that leadeth them to liue who with a perfect resolution seek the same The holy Father did also exercise his children in hauing care of leapers so to plant in their soule a firme root of humility and mortification of themselues and therfore ordayned his Brethren to be att the hospitall of leapers when occasion required to serue and minister vnto them If any Gentilman presented himselfe to be receiued into the order among many things propounded vnto him one of the principall was that he should serue leapers and dwell in their house when he should be commanded considered withall that S. Francis himselfe did the same with much contentment of body and spiritt and with him all his beloued and holy Religious And in regard that the holy Father was very zealous of the honour of the most blessed Sacrament he would that not only the altares but euen the churches and house of God were conuenient neat and well ordered and if he found any one vncleane he would sweep it himselfe or if he could not he would commaund some Brethren to make cleane and accommodate the same that by this worck of God they might nourish in themselues humilitie a reuerence to his diuine maiestie and feruonr of spiritt to enrich with him the conscience of all the soules of faithfull Christians which are the true temples of the liuing God Of the doctrine and documents of S. Francis THE XXXI CHAPTER SAinct Francis did often make spirituall lectures to his children in IESVS CHRIST putting them in mind of their profession and the state whervnto God had so graciously called them which he performed by these wordes My welbeloued Brethren lett vs haue alwayes before our eyes the first vocation wherto with so great mercie we haue bin called of God not only to saue our selues but also for the saluation of many And sith it is so lett vs trauaile ouer the world with good example and behoufull wordes exhorting and teaching euery one that sinners may repent their sinnes past and call to minde the diuine preceptes which they seeme to haue already forgotten Now whiles you thus trauaile you ought to haue a firme faith that God will procure you to encounter faithfull men gentle and gracious who will of charity receiue you ioyfully and you shall gaine them When you shall meet with vnfaithfull and proud personnes that shall resist your speeches support them with patience and humilitie for theloue of him who being iniuryed misprised and dishonoured by the Iewes did not answeare them one crosse word nor would reuenge himselfe of the outrages which they had done him but presented himselfe with an extreme charitie to support all in satisfaction of our sinnes When S. Francis sent his brethren to any place he gaue them this document Haue alwayes humility and honestie in your company and in the morning till the third hower keepe silence strictlie and in the meane while offer your deuotion and pray to God in your hart Vtter not wordes that are idle and without fruit neither doe you giue eare vnto them because in whatsoeuer place you walke or be your conuersation ought to be no lesse humble and modest then if you were in your oratory or cell sith that where soeuer we goe or be we haue alwayes with vs our cell which is our body wherof our soule is the hermite which resideth therin to pray vnto God and to meditate on his benefittes And therfore if the soule rest not in peace in this celle that of the monastery will litle auaile vnto a Brother Liue in such sort as no man be scandalized att you but that each one by your sweetnes be induced to peace to benignity and concord considering that
it might not hinder the profitable progresse of the soule He deuided the yeare into diuers Lentes all which he fasted austerelie and first the Lent which our Lord fasted which beginneth from the Epiphanie this great seruant of God fasted it in the honour and example of IESVS CHRIST very secretly with great silence and very strict abstinence of bread and water Then incontinently after Easter he kept an other Lent to solemnise the feast of the holy Ghost in which he prepared himselfe in example of the Apostles for so great a comming An other he made in honour of the Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul an other from the feast of the said Apostles to the assumption of the virgin Mary After this Lent he fasted till the feast of S. Michaell the Archangell Besides the foresaid Lentes he very austerely fasted the Aduent He left it as a precept to all his Brethren to fast it from the day after the feast of Alsaintes according to the same forme of the quality of meat which himselfe vsed Touching the rest of his austere life it may be conceaued by that which he said of himselfe I was neuer theefe in demaunding almose superfluously yea I haue alwayes taken lesse of that which I needed therby not to frustrate other poore because if I should haue done otherwise I should haue condemned my selfe of manifest theft Notwithstanding when he trauailed he did accommodate himselfe to their diett who gaue him entertainement in their house according to the gospell in such sort that both fasting and eating he alwayes edified his neighbour If in his sicknes he were constrayned to eat flesh from the time of his recouery he would for pennance double his ordinarie abstinence In regard wherof Brother Giles would commonly say that if S. Francis had a body sound and stronge as he desired all the world together had not equalised him for sufferance and patience in austerityes But because the merite and noblenesse of vertue consisteth not only in the party of the body but of the spiritt therfore by how much his bodilie force did faile so much were the feruours of his spiritt refortified so that they exceeded without comparison his naturall forces and that was his great crowne And therfore appearing one day to Brother Giles and telling him that he desired to speake foure wordes vnto him he answeared and said learne first with thy selfe that which thou wouldest say to me Besides the bare hard ground was the ordinary bed of this poore wearyed and trauailed body and his pillow was a stone or a peece of wood yet did he oftē sleep sitting in respect wherof his body had very small ease repose in his sleep for he spēt the most part of the night in prayer Wherto he arose whiles the other Br. slept whē he was with thē His habitt was one only coat with the capuce of very rude boysterous cloth and sometimes breeches and the corde As he hated delicate cloathing so did he extremely affect that which was rude and rough saying that S. Iohn was for that exceedingly praysed of God in these wordes that the custome of delicate cloathing is in the Courtes of Princes and not in the houses of the poore If therfore the holy Father felt any complacence in his habitt as being neat or whole he would incontinently quilt it within with grosse threed He affirmed that he knew of certaine that the diuels did admire att the obseruance of a difficult and austere life and that on the contrary they violentlie tempted those that were cloathed delicatelie Being one day demaunded how he could endure the sharpnes of winter in so poore and simple habitt he answeared couragiously If we were cloathed within with the flame of God we should most easily support this cold without and greater then ordinary if it shall happen But because he knew that all his Brethren were not capable of the like sufferance he said that the true seruant of God ought to gouerne himselfe with much discretion in his drincking and eating and in the vse of all other thinges necessarie to the entertainement of the body and in such sort that he gaue it not occasion to murmure that it hath not strength not only to pray and labour with the rest but euen not to stand on foot and when he shall haue done that if the body doe afterward play the iade become lazie and drowsie when it should pray lett him rudelie chastice it and therfore he ought in all his necessities to haue alwayes recourse to his superiours and humbly demand them And if he doe not obtaine them he ought to beare it patiently for the loue of God who also prayed his Father and was not heard and lett him vndoubtedly beleeue that a necessity voluntarily suffered for the loue of God is reputed vnto him as a martyrdome and if his body be therby endomaged the fault is not his but it is the will of God Notwithstanding these so milde documents for others he subdued his one body with an incredible rigour in regard wherof some few dayes before his death he of conscience asked it pardon for hauing so rigourously treated it and alleaged for excuse that he had not done it out of hatred vnto it but for its greater security and for the glorie of God Of preseruing the treasure of chastitie and how he afflicted himselfe and cast himselfe into a pitt full of snow THE XXXIII CHAPTER THe blessed Father liued with an extreame rigour and sharpnes of discipline to conserue the virginall splendor of chastity very diligently enflaming the interiour and exteriour man For this cause in the beginning of his conuersion he often times during the winter season cast himselfe all naked in the middes of snowes or on the ice that he might perfectly subdue his domesticall ennemy the flesh and conserue the shining robe of immaculate virginity from the fire of sensuality not permitting it long residence therin as by this example shall appeare Being one day in the hermitage Lautiauo making his prayer in a celle apart the deuill called him thrise saying Francis Francis Francis to whome thoughe the S. answeared yet knew he not who called him The deuill then said vnto him there is no sinner in the world whome God doth not pardon if he conuert himselfe but he that shall kill himselfe by ouer rigorous pennance shall neuer finde mercie before the face of God The holy Father then knew the deceipt of the wicked ennemye hidden vnder the sweetnes of those wordes and he knew it the more apparantly in that att the same instant by the loathsome breath of that foule dragon which enflameth the coales of hell he had a vehement temtation of the flesh which the louer of chastitie feeling he discloathed himselfe and with his corde very sharpelie beate himselfe saying Goe to Brother asse this kindnes I must shew thee it is requisite that thus I serue
inuited the holy Father who simply promised him his custome being ordinarily to satisfie honest and lawfull requestes He then went with the said gentleman vnto his house which he found sumptuously adorned and being sett at table did according to his custome eat very litle after that att conuenient houre he was brought to a chamber all tapistred where was a right gorgious bed and a great fire conformable to the coldnes of the season the gentleman bidding him good night wished him to sleepe att his ease but the holy Father answeared him that this chamber and bed were not proper for a poore begger as himselfe was for whome the bare ground or a litle chaffe would suffice but the gentleman departed without giuing any reply and subtilly left the chamber dore open wherby he brought in a verie beautifull damosell yong and wittie and a corrupted Courtesane to whome he promised great matters if she could induce this Religious to sinne with her She then permitting him to end his prayers and to couer himselfe att his commoditie the time seeming to her purpose went to his bed side the S. seeing her on the sodaine asked her to what end she came thither wherto she answeared that she came priuarely to lye with him and that she would neuer leaue him till he consented to her desire S. Francis herevpon raysing himselfe said sith thou art therto resolued be it but stay a litle I will prepate our lodging And hauing with a couragious hart made a short prayer vnto God he with the irons that he found one the harth spread and scattered the most burning coales that were in the fire and laid himselfe theron without receauing any detriment then inuited the Courtisane as he had done the More in Egipt Which the woman seeing though she were sinfull began to cry out that she had greiuously offended God and his seruaunt and falling one her knees demaunded pardon of him Wherfore they that attended on the stears without the dore to see the successe of their lewd designe confounded and filled with feare and terrour repenting their peruerse Counsaile did also aske pardon and relating all to the Emperour himselfe sending for the S. did likewise craue his pardon and requested him to be mindfull of him and his in his deuotions thus in one instant he subdued the pleasure of the flesh that was lewdly offered him by the woman and the deuill that had plotted the same remained conquered and the Emperour and his Courtiers clearly assured that the S. his life was conformable to his wordes and finally God was praysed Of the great assaults that the deuils gaue S. Francis in solitary places THE LXXV CHAPTER THese afflictions which the holy Father endured were doubtles very violent but those which the deuils laid on him in solitarie places where he prayed were without comparison much greater for they gaue him a meruailous warre often appearing vnto him in hideous and loathsome shapes yea so horrible that no humane creature had bin able to endure them if God had not giuen him force and assistance and these monsters did sometimes appeare vnto him with such importunity that they seemed to intend a combattt with him Brother Giles that was also exceedingly molested by the deuils did one day demaund of S. Francis if he had seene in the world that which could not be beheld by any whosoeuer the space of a Pater noster who answeared that the deuill was so loathsome and horrible that no man without the help of God could behold him the space only of halfe a Pater noster Notwith standing armed with celestial armure the more they assaulted him the more courage and vallour did he gett saying I will defend me My God from the fury of these wicked spirittes vnder the shadow of thy winges and of thy graces Sometimes euen being in the desert he vrged them by these wordes Ye false and wicked spirittes make boldly what anatomie of me you will for sure I am you shall doe no more then my God will permitt you whose creature I am and for whome I am ready to endure as much tribulation as he will giue me by your meane The deuils no longer able to endure this notable constancie departed vtterly confounded S. Francis remayning one day in a Churche of S. Peter neere to Bolonia desired to repose awhile to make his prayer afterward He had scarcely enclined his head but he began to feele his ennemies wherfore making the signe of the crosse he went out of the Church and said vnto them yee deuils I coniure you in the name of God the Father almighty that to this my body you doe what soeuer my God hath permitted you for I am prepared to endure althinges for his loue and because I haue no greater ennemie then my body reuenge me one it which hauing said they fled vtterlie confounded The rest of this chapter to obserue the Order of the history is put in the end of the thirty seauenth chapter of the second booke How S. Francis deliuered his Brethren from temptations THE LXXVI CHAPTER THus did S. Francis by the helpe of God obtaine so many victories ouer his ennemies whereby he had already so terrified them that he expelled them only by vertue of his name when he knew it to be to the honour of God Besides this auctority which God had giuen him he had also such experience by reason of the continuall combattes which he had with them that he knew how to counsaile comfort and applie remedies to his Religious when they suffered affliction in that kinde as the sequel of this discourse will giue vs to vnderstand A very spirituall Religious and one of the most auncient of the Order very familiar with S. Francis being afflicted with carnall temptations by extrauagant imaginations in such sort as he was almost reduced to a desperate point of power to resist them any longer and one the other side he was exceedingly perplexed to cōfesse himselfe therof so much was shame to expresse such foule and filthy cogitations now encreased in him fastinges abstinences and prayers or other spirituall worckes did profitt him nothing Neuertheles resisting alwayes to his vttmost God sent vnto him his seruant S. Francis who comming to the monasterie where this poore Religious was he priuately called him and said Beloued brother I will not that henceforward you confesse such and such fantasies wherwith the deuill to this day could neuer preuaile against you and therefore hereafter feare not but as often as he shall tempt you say only thrice the Pater noster and by the mercie of God you shal be deliuered The Religious exceedingly amazed att the vertue of S. Francis that knew his very cogitations was very contētedly satisfied with so sweet and gentle a medicine wherof making vse he freed himselfe of the temptations Brother Roger de la Marque a Religious of pious conuersation was by diuine permissiō so tempted of the deuils that he esteemed himselfe forsaken of
which done he retourned and said vnto him Goe to my good freind sith these Religious doe not serue you well I will serue you my selfe The Leaper answeared Tell me I pray what will you doe more then they the S. replyed I will doe whatsoeuer you shall cammand me begin from this instant to tell me what you please to haue and I promise to doe it I will said the leaper that you wash all my body for I cannot endure the filthy sauour therof I will most willingly doe it answeared the S. and sodenly caused to be prepared a bath of veri● pleasing hearbes then discloathed him to his skinne and washed him one of the Religious powring water on his body But there hapened a notable miracle whiles the holy Father with his pitifull handes washed him all the scurfes of his leapry one after an other fell off so that the flesh remayned cleane and neat as of a litle child in fine he was entierly cleansed and cured within and without The diseased person therfore knowing this great miracle began very bitterly to lament saying I am worthy not of one but of a thousand helles as well for hauing blasphemed against God as for the contempts iniuries and buffettes wherby I haue offended your poore Religious that so louingly haue ministred vnto me And after his cure he remayned fifteene dayes in this lamentation then he made a generall confession imploring the ayd of our Lord IESVS CHRIST S. Francis left him not till fearing himselfe for the great concourse of people that repayred to this miracle he was constrayned to depart so leauing the man in the grace of God who shortly after passed from this world into an other And incontinentlie the holie Father being in prayer he appeared vnto him in heauen more bright then the sunne and said Father know you me The S. asked him who are you And he answeared I am the soule of that leaper whome liuing in the world God cured by your prayers and humility I now enter into the kingdome of glory for which I giue thanckes to God and you blessed be your wordes and your actions also whereby many soules in the world are saued Know that there passeth no day but the Angels and SS in heauen giue glorie and prayse to God for the innumerable fruites which by your meane and your Order are procured in the Church and therefore perseuer to the time predestinated to your great crowne hauing said thus much he disappeared leauing the S. exceedingly comforted who gaue thanckes to God for all and particulerly for the sauing of that soule who was in such imminent perill of damnation Of three famous theeues conuerted by the humility and charity of S. Francis the eight chapter of the tenth booke transferred to this place as most proper vnto it THE LXXXVI CHAPTER BRother Angelus being Gardian att Mount Casal three famous theeues haunted that place doeing cruell murders thereabout who being one day oppressed with hungar came to him demaunding somewhat to eat The good Guardian knowing them not only refused to giue them almose but began to check and reprehend them alleadging that they feared not God nor men whome they so miserablie slew liuing by the labours of others and leading a life more diabolicall then humane robbing dishonouring tormenting and cutting the throates of their neighbour as they did and that he admired how the earth did sustaine them that it did not swallow them quick as they were and so bad them hast away and withall rudely shutt the dore against them wherevpon they in extreme choller departed S. Francis a litle after came with one of his companions vnto that place to whome the Guardian recounted the precedent whereto the holy Father answeared that he had done very ill because such sinners retourne to God and are conuerted rather by sweet and pittifull wordes then by such reprehensions which did rather harden them and that therfore God said They that are in health need not a Phisition but they that are ill att ease that he came not to call the iust but sinners to repentance And therefore added he because you haue done against charity the commandemēt of the gospell the example of IESVS CHRIST I command you in vertue of obedience for pennance to cary them to the mountaine where they are this loafe of bread this flagon of wine which was giuen vs by the way when you come in their presence fall one your knees at their feet and aske thē pardō for the wordes you haue spoken when they haue taken the bread entreat them in my behalfe to Ieaue that miserable kinde of life and I will prouide for all their necessities and vse all the art you can deuise to induce them hither The most obedient Guardian presentlie went on and the holy father in the meane while went to the Church to pray for them whence he departed not till God had heard him Brother Angelus comming to the theeues and hauing performed the commandement of S. Francis whiles they did eat the bread one of them said to the others Alas what shall become of vs sottish wretches what must be our lott what horrible torments are prepared for vs in hell for so many theftes and murders as we daylie perpetrat neither yet haue we any scruple much lesse feare of God or repentance for so many enormous sinnes And this Religious who hath brought vs to eat is come thus farre with so great humility to aske vs pardon for one only word iustlie vttered vnto vs admonishing vs according to our desert in the meane while we wretched theeues and detestable robbers neuer demaund pardon of God Besides this he hath sheuen vs charity praying vs to repaire to that holy Father who hath sent vs releefe who for the zeale he hath of our soules doth so freelie offer vs alwayes to prouide vs all our necessities They are true servantes of God who haue already gayned heauen but what shall we doe who being children of the deuill euery day heape sinnes vpon sinnes considering withall that our sinnes are so enormous as deserue of God rather punishment then pardon Myne opinion therfore is that it were very conuenient sith God doth seeme to call vs by this Religious that we make no longer delay nor abuse the patience of his diuine maiesty but that we repaire vnto him and he will instruct vs in the direct way how to free our selues att length from hell and euen to meritt mercy The other two theeues being of the same opinion they went together with the Guardiā to the holy Father in whose presence being com they kneeled att his feete saying Father we haue litle hope by reason of the enormity of our sinnes that God will vse mercie vnto vs but if you assure vs that we may yet finde grace behold vs here ready to doe whatsoeuer you shall command vs. The holy Father receaued them verie amiably cherished and encouraged them affirming withall that they should not
damnation he might manifestest the saluation of the other Whiles he was in the cāp of the Christians vnder Damiette when he wēt to preach to the great Soldā he prophesied to the Christians that if they gaue battell they would loose the feild But they not beleeuing him their fault of incredulity was payed by the losse of the bodie of the army that was putt to flight where of one part was slaine Retourning afterward on this side the sea and arriuing att Celano he was inuited to dinner by a gentleman where being as according to his coustume he prayed before his sitting to the table he saw in his God on whome he had alwayes his eyes eleuated that which he fore told as it afterward arriued for incontinentlie calling vnto him the said gentleman Confesse and prepare your selfe said he for in short time you shall dye and from this time you shall receaue the recompence of all the good worckes you haue done particulerlie in harbouring the seruantes of God Doe then in such sort as without impediment you may goe directlie to God The gentleman therefore who had confidence in the wordes of the holie Father sodenlie taking leaue of him prepared himselfe to confession then calling the companion of sainct Francis who was preist he made an entiere confession vnto him afterwardes he recomended his patrimonie to the diuine prouidence so to auoyd all impediment And so with the greatest deuotion he could possible he expected when God would call and inuite him but he expected not long for whiles his familie were att table without other greife but very well disposed of body and spiritt he rendred his soule to his Creatour according to the prophesie of the holy Father armed by the diuine mercie with armour conuenient and necessarie to a true penitent How S. Francis saw the secrets of mennes consciences THE CXII CHAPTER OVr lord IESVS CHRIST hauing chosen the glorious Father S. Francis for Pastour of his flock he also so illuminated him interiourlie by his diuine vertue that he discouered vnto him the secrettes of the consciences of those that were his and likewise their priuate and hidden necessities so that by the same meane he knew both the grace which they had receaued of God and euē that which they thē receaued By this knowledge he foretold the fall of manie who seemed to haue attayned the state of perfection and on the contrarie the saluatiō of manie wicked prophesying their conuersion He saw what should succeed them for manie yeares after as if it had bin present onlie beholding the vnspotted and cleare mirour of diuine light and his admirable splendour by a diuine prerogatiue and especially the successes and mutatiōs of Religion which he would sometimes with abōdance of teares cōmunicate to his cōpanions Touching that which concerned the consciences of his Religious he both with al possible speed and effect redressed the same and if they were far distant he appeared vnto them in their sleepe and instructed them what they ought to doe and frō what to abstaine as by the sequell shall appeare The holie Father comming from beyond the sea with his companion Brother Leonard a Religious of very worthie familie and being by reason of his infirmities verie wearie and feeble he had for ceraine dayes the vse of an asse But the poore Brother Leonard that followed him a foote being also very weary began to murmure saying to himselfe what doe I poore follow that I am to follow this man a foot Is there not great difference betweene his discent and mine why then contrary to that which should be doe I goe on foot and he on horseback and euen I follow him as a lackye driuing this asse with speed and so wearying my selfe as I can no longer endure The good Brother Leonard went on thus still discoursing with himselfe in his first motions when as the holy Father S. Francis seeing in spiritt the secret murmure of his companion called him and alighting from his asse he said Brother and Freind I confesse I haue litle discretion to see you so wearily to goe a foot and my selfe to ride att mine ease Gett vp therfore on this asse now att least whiles I remember me considering that being in the world you were farre more noble and more honnorable then my selfe Brother Leonard hearing this was vtterly confounded and amazed that the S. so soone knew his euill cogitation Falling therfore at his feet and confessing his vaine ridiculous discourse with a very deep contrition he asked and obtayned pardon Two very spirituall Religious came expresly from Rieta to the Oratory of Grecio to visitt S Francis and to haue his benediction But being there ariued it was told them that there was no hope of speaking with the holy Father by reason that hauing taken his refection he was retourned to his cell where he prayed and slept and came forth but once a day to eat it being lent and that being then so solitary he would not haue his companiō much lesse any other Religious to disturbe him vnles he so commaunded These two poore Religious exceedingly afflicted esteeming themselues by reason of their sinnes vnworthy of such grace not hauing oportunity any longer to expect because their superiour had commaunded them to retourne the same night to their Couent they hastened homeward S. Francis who in spiritt had seen all this contrary to his custome came hastely out of his c●lle and went after the said Religious who by that time were farre gone and so in an instant giuing them consolation together with his benediction which they demaunded he dismissed them doubly satisfied knowing that the holy Father came by diuine inspiration to giue them his benediction Two Religious comming from Naples to visitt him the elder of them on the way committed some fault att which the yonger was extremely scandalized now comming to the presence of S. Francis he giuing them his benediction demaunded of the yonger how his companion had behaued himselfe he esteeming it indecent to discouer the faultes of his Brother answeared well The holy Father replyed My sonne beware that vnder colour of humility you doe not lye for I know what hath passed in your iorney and I would haue you know that you shall shortly see this man to proue worse Which so succeeded for this old man not long after went out of the Order according to that which S. Francis had foretold for the sinne for the scandall and for his neglect of doeing pennance which is the ladder to diuine mercie In the first beginning when none was admitted and receaued into the Order but by S. Francis himselfe a gentleman of Luca came expressy to demaund the habitt of him he had with him some of his cōpanions it being when he lay sicke in the Bishoppes lodgeing of Assisium The said gentleman being conducted to the S. he fell on his knees before him most instantlie beseeching him to admitt him into his Religion
in respect wherof he did euer after so disaffect him that he could not endure to behold him which was not long vnperceaued of Brother Helias and therfore being verie cautelous and subtill he so laboured and wrought by signes of humility and importunity that he gott knowledge of all wherewith he was so terrified and amazed that with abondant effusion of teares demaunding pardon of S. Francis he neuer ceassed to supplicate him that considering he was also by the passion of our lord one of the sheep of his fold he would not abandon him but that like a good Pastour as he was he would please to reduce the strayed sheep vnto the flock and so deliuer him from eternall death alleadgeing that vpon chaunge of the sinners life God could easily reuoke his sentence Father said he such is my confidence and deuotion vnto you that were I in hell it selfe I would hope to come foorth vpon your prayers for me so that I am fully assured that if you please for me to implore the diuine mercie my sentence shall be reuoked The holie Father moued by these prayers could not att lenght denie him so that with a very great feruour he entierly cast himselfe into the armes of God in such sort praying for this lost soule that God answeared him that he should doe penance for his sinnes and should not be damned but for dying out of the Order he could not be otherwise satisfied and so it arriued for he dyed out of the Order with manie signes of contrition according to the opinion of some in the habitt This that folloueth is of the aforesaid 32. chapter of the second booke the better to obserue the Order of all that appartaineth to renountiation of the office of Generall The holy Father S. Francis being by a Religious freind of his entreated to tell him what had moued him to make that renountiation and to committ it to the chardge of an other as if they were not his children who had bin such made nourished and instructed by him he answeared know my child that I loue you all more deerly then any man can imagine and if all would follow my will I would loue them more and would not haue left their administration But I haue bin cōstrayned therevnto because there are many Religious that esteeme more of the aduice of some of their superiours by whome they are drawne to other matters by example of the auncient and which is directly cōtrary to my rule and so they make very litle esteeme of mine aduertismētes but in the end they wil more euidētly find their errour The holy Father being on a time as it were oppressed with his infirmities and hearing some speake of the aforesaid matters and particulerly of the ouer-much indulgence of the superiours and of the euill examples they gaue their subiectes he lifted vp his head and cryed out Ah! ah couer me couer me who are they that withdraw the Religious from mine Order and from my way and my examples If I once goe to the Generall chapter I will shew my Brethren what is my desire and mine intention that they permitt not themselues to be deluded Being also an other time sick a Religious said vnto him O Father it seemed that att the beginning our Religiō we striued to liue in al austerity and pouerty we were poore in our habitt in our diet in our dwelling in our moueables in our bookes and in all our other corporal necessities for which we tooke no care by reasō of this pouerty exteriour the interiour daily proceeded frō good to better because we were al of the same feruour of the same will with one cōsent cōspiring to the entier obseruāce of our rule and alwayes to giue good exāple to our neighbour finally we obserued the gospell the most exactly that we could But of later time it seemeth that the purity of this our first vocatiō is much deminished vpon excuse that it cā no longer be obserued as before by reason of the great multitude of brethren yea there are some that beleeue that the people are much more edified by this theire moderne and new inobseruance and mortification of their proper will and of their sences then they were when they all liued in such deep austerity of life and they thinck it a matter more Religious to liue after this new manner thē according to the ancient and former which they hold for crowned as proceeding of simplicitie and holy pouertie which were the foundations of this our holy Religion Now perceauing this and beleuing that you likewise perceaue it and are therewith exceedingly displeased I meruaile you doe not labour with all speed to hinder the further progresse of this euill nor doe correct it whiles you haue power and meane to doe it S. Francis hauing with great affliction of spiritt heard this long discourse thus answeared Our Lord IESVS CHRIST pardon you that which you suppose I ought to doe which I am not obliged to haue care of neither by chardge nor by office for whiles I was Generall though from the beginning of my conuersion I haue almost continued in sicknes I haue not yet failed either in cogitations or effectes to satisfie my duety both by example and gouernment But hauing well considered that God did daily encrease the nomber of Religious and that they already began to leaue the secure strict and difficult way wherin they first walked and in such sortas you say strayed from it without correcting themselues notwithstanding all my demonstrations predications and good edification that I gaue them I then resolued to leaue the office of Generall as I did and though when I renounced it I failed not att the chapter to excuse my selfe by mine infirmities as was partly true alleadgeing that by meanes therof I could no longer dischardge so burdensome an office Neuertheles my sonne I assure you if the Religious would now liue conformably to my rule and to my pious intentiō I would againe accept the office of Generall and would excute it so long as it should please God to giue me life considering that so the care of that chardge would not be painfull vnto me for certaine it is that whē the faithfull subiect knoweth the good will of his superiour he striueth to obey him in euery thing so that it is no great difficulty to gouerne him yea I should reioyce and be exceedingly comforted in their spirituall progresse and in the honour that therby redoundeth to his diuine Maiesty and though I should be cōtinually sicke on my bed yet should it not be tedious nor troublesome vnto me to giue them content in all thinges but because I see I can no longer dischardge mine office which is spirituall and opposite to vices in correcting them either by loue or by aduertissement I will not retourne to the chardge to be their executioner chasticing them with the rodde of disciplin as the princes of the world doe iustly correct their rebelles
new sainct called Francis and lett vs see if he will diue into the sea to finde our ankors wherto all the rest accorded not in derision as he moued it but heartelie and with great faith reprehending Perfectus for his sottish speech and derision and so praying and making vowes they instantlie saw their ankors miraculously to swimme vpon the waters as if the nature of iron had bin chaunged into that of wood so that by this meane they persisted deuoute and fully comforted A poore pilgrime exceedinglie wearied and afflicted by meanes of a sharpe feuer that had a long time tormented him came by shippe from beyond the sea he had enterprised this iorney to see the body of the glorious Father Sainct Francis to whome he was exceedinglie deuoted and not being entierlie recouered of the ●aid sicknes he was one day extremelie afflicted with thirst but hauing no fresh water in the shippe where he was he began to call with a loud voice and with a strong faith for drinck to be brought him affirming that he well knew that Sainct Francis had filled his barrell with pure water and so in deed the barrell which was knowne to be empty was found full of sweet and cleare water The day following there a rose a very cruell tempest which so raised the waues that they couered all the said shippe which was so beaten with the windes that the mariners expected the breaking of the mastes tacklinge and consequentlie the immediate sincking and drowning of the vessel and themselues by the furious impetuositie of the surges But when the said pilgrime that ceassed not to pray for them all began to cry a loft Brethren arise and come to entertaine Sainct Francis who commeth to assist vs behold him he is come to saue vs. Then did they all kneele downe and with teares and sighes beseech him to voutsafe to make intercession for their deliuery The sea immediatlie became calme the windes and cruell tempeste ceassed and they all gaue thanckes to the almighty and rested obliged to the pilgrime who att the instant was also cured of his feiuer and together they perseuered deuout to the holy Father S. Francis Brother Iames of Ariete passing ouer a riuer in a boat with other of his Brethren and comming to the shoare attempting to land out of the boate as his componions had done the boat was vtterlie ouerturned so that both himselfe and the ferry-man tombled in the water the ferry-man saued himselfe by his dexterity of swiming but the Religious sunck to the bottome The other Religious extremelie afflicted att the mischance of their Brother most instanlie prayed S. Francis that he would voutsafe to assist his deuout child who on his owne part in the best sort he could in the water imployed the helpe of his holy Father who failed not in so vrgent a necessity to relieue this his beloued child for he continually accompanied him in the depth of the water till they ascended to the boat where being taken by the hand he mounted and went afterward to his Brethren who were much amazed not only to see him safe and secure but more to see his garmentes so dry notwithstanding the long time he had bin in the bottome of the riuer in so much that one drop of water could not be perceaued vpon him An other Religious called Bonauenture trauailling with two of his companions in a boat which by the forcible current of the water being splitted on the one side they by that meanes sunck to the bottome of the riuer but they from the lake of miseries inuocating the depth of mercie and in this imminent perill imploring the assistance of their holy Father S. Francis the barke att length was raised without one dropp of water and being conducted by the power of God and the vertue of the glorious S. they all arriued safe and secure to the shoare A Religious of Ascoli being cast into a riuer was deliuered of the danger by the merittes of the sainct Certaine men and women being in manifest perill of drowning in the riuer of Riete they inuocated the helpe of S. Francis and were deliuered from the dangerous shipwrack of their vessell Certaine Mariners of Ancona being in a vehement storme without hope of sauing themselues and as it were assured of their death they humbly inuocated the assistance of S. Francis yea with such faith that there incontinently appeared a great light about their shippe wherby in an instant they found the sea very calme as if the glorious S. by his admirable vertues could att his pleasure commaund the seas and the windes I should in deed esteeme it a matter impossible to vndertake in this behalfe perticulerly to relate the admirable miracles which this holy Father hath caused to appeare so potent by sea as by land where he hath assisted releiued an infinite number of miserable dispayring persons And in truth it is not to be admired that now raigning in heauen he commaund the sea considering that whiles he liued in the world he was obeyed of euery liuing creature yea in admirable manner How diuers haue bin deliuered out of prison by the merittes and intercessions of the sainct THE IX CHAPTER A Grecian seruant of a gentleman in the Romane confines was falsly accused of theft wherevpon his master caused him to be apprehended and cast into an obscure prison with order to be bound and chained but his mistresse knowing it was exceeding sorrowfull because she esteemed him sincere and faithfull therfore often prayd her husband not to condemne him of disloyaulty but to sett him att liberty but her prayers could take no hold in the obstinacie of her husband and therfore she had recourse to the helpe of the glorious Father sainct Francis beseeching him to vndertake the patronage of the truth to her prayers adding vowes This aduocat of the afflicted went att the same time to visitt the prisoner and hauing broaken the walles of the prison and caused the manacles to fall from his handes and the fetters from his feet taking him by the hand led him out saying I am he to whome thy mistresse hath so affectionately recommēded thee And albeit this poore prisoner was in extreme feare and wandered much to find his way being much amazed and labouring to cleare his passadge by the vertue yet of his deliuer he found himselfe in the direct way where he euidently knew the fauour he had receaued whervpon taking courage he went incontinently to his mistresse to whome he recounted the miracle which encreased her feruour and loue towardes our Lord IESVS CHRIST and her deuotion towardes S. Francis In the citty of Massa a poore man was to pay a quantity of siluer to a knight but he was so poore that his goodes being insufficient to dischardge the debt he was att the sute of the knight imprisoned the wretch therfore finding himselfe fast in prison prayed the said knight to haue compassion of him
called Marck for the loue of God entertayned this poore boy of whome he conceaued a great compassion in regard that he found him to be of a good disposition He often said vnto his wife that if the holy Father S. Francis would vouchsafe by his intercession to cure him he would promise for the loue of God to entertayne him all the time of his life The glorious S. lente not a dease eare to this pious intention for the oblation being made the boy began sodenlie to haue his tongue att libertie and to speake saying glory be vnto God and to the glorious Father S. Francis who hath now giuen me my speech and hearing for which the gentleman and his wife no lesse amazed then ioyfull gaue infinite thanckes to God performed the said promise and liued very spiritually being alwayes mindfull of this miracle and had a speciall care of the said child for the loue of God and of his faithfull seruant S. Francis Brother Iames of Iseo in his infancie and whiles he was vnder his fathers protection had a cruell wound in his stomake but being inspired of God with a very feruent deuotion he entred into the Order of this Sainct notwithstanding his tender yeares and the said infirmitie which he neuer discouered till being present art the translation of the glorious Sainct and approaching neere the sepulchre wherein his holie reliques were to be placed he with a feruent deuotion embraced the sepulchre whence that pretious treasure was taken and was instantlie cured of his wound which otherwise was incurable euerie thing disposing it selfe conueniently the very band falling of wherwith it was bound and in that ●ort were manie persons cured of the like infirmities by the merittes of this glorious Sainct as Brother Bartholomew of Agubio Brother Angelus of Todi Syr Nicolas of Stichiam Iohn de la Foye a Pisan gentleman one of the cittie of Ciperne Peter Sicilian a man of Spelle nere vnto Assisium and many others cured of like diseases as also especially Brother Angelus of Tudette and a Preist of Sucane called Sir Nicolas and an other also called Iohn de Fore and a man of the citty of Pise an other of the citty of Cisterne and one of Fspelle one called Peter of Sicily and infinite others that were by the mercie of God and the merittes of blessed S. Francis miraculously deliuered A woman of Maremme had bin about fiue yeares troubled in her spiritt depriued of her sight and hearing yea was come to that point that she rent her garmentes with her teeth and as enraged feared neither fire nor water nor other danger and as besides fallen into that horrible disease of the falling sicknes This miserable wretch it pleased the diuine Maiesty to fauour and first to illuminate her interiourlie for Sainct Francis one night appeared vnto her sitting verie eminentlie eleuated in a Royall seate before whome falling one her knees she humbly prayed him to cure her But the Sainct deferring to graunt her request she redoubled her petition therevnto adding a vow and promised him that in the honour of God and him she would neuer whiles she liued deny an almose to any poore person that should demaund it of her sofar foorth as her ability would stretch which Sainct Francis accepting he made on her the signe of the crosse and she was cured both of body and soule Many others oppressed with like infirmities haue bin cured by this compassionate Sainct and particulerly a yong mayden of Norcia and the sonne of a gentleman of the said citty who were deliuered by almighty God through the merittes and intercession of this his humble seruant Of other like miracles THE XVI CHAPTER PEter of Fullignium goeing as a Pilgrim but with litle deuotion to visitt the church of S. Michael the Archangell and drincking water att a fountaine the diuell entred into his bodie and so tormented him that he was as it were vtterlie grinded broaken crushed and all black he alwayes vttered abhominable matters and vsed certaine gestures that were dreadfull and fearfull to all the beholdeis And being on day lesse tormented then of ordinarie he remembred to haue heard the meruailous worckes of sainct Francis to be exceedinglie recommended and particulerly that he deliuered such as were possessed He went vnto his Church where with a profounde humilitie and deuotion he approached vnto his holie sepulchre which hauing touched he was miraculouslie deliuered of this oppression for which he shewed himselfe thanckfull vnto God and S. Francis A gentlewoman of the citty of Narnie afflicted by the deuill was by the compassion of the sainct deliuered together with diuers others that were tormented by the deuill which would be to long to committ to history A gentleman of Fano called Bon being afflicted with the palsey and leprosie caused himselfe to be conducted to the Church of Sainct Francis where he prayed him for his health with such instancie and faith that by the merittes of the sainct he was heard of almightie God A yong man called Accio of Saint Seuerin being a leaper made a vow to the S. caused himselfe to be carryed vnto his shrine and was incontinentlie by his merittes deliuered This glorious sainct had many excellent vertues touching the dressing and curing of this disease for he had deputed himselfe vnto their seruice for the loue he had to piety and Christian humility A gentlewoman of the citty of Sora called Rogata for foure and twentie yeares endured with extreme affliction the bloudy flux and this infirmitie was occasion of other diseases besides she hauing bin long time tormented by the Phisitians and finding no ease but a continuation of her greife and diuersitie of cruell diseases it reduced her euen to death for when her flux was stayed her her legges and all her body did sweell and whiles her flux continued it did so afflict her that she could not stand on her feet so that this poore woman knew not what to doe other then to expect in short time the end of her life being in this perplexity she one day heard a yong man recoūt the merueilles so admirable which God had wrought and did worck by the merittes of the glorious Eather sainct Francis which so moued her that with abondant effusion of teares replenished with faith and hope she began to say to her selfe O glorious Sainct that art famous by so many miracles if it would please thee to haue compassion of me and to free me of mine insupportable miseryes thou knowest how much the great glory of thy clemencie would therby be augmented for it seemeth thou neuer diddest worck so great a miracle which hauing vttered she had an instant feeling of the diuine operation in her for by the merittes of the Sainct she was cured And together with her a child of hers called Marck maymed in one arme who hauing vowed to the Sainct was presently cured A Sicilian woman hauing bin afflicted with the
Religious began then out of loue to weep bitterlie and affectionatelie recommended themselues to his prayers wherin next vnto God they reposed more confidence then in any other thing saying vnto him Father send vs whither you shall please we are ready to accomplish what soeuer God by you shall command But withall we beseech you to remember that we goe a mong most cruell men whose tongue is vnknowne vnto vs as also are their manners and behauiour besides we know them to be the ennemies of Christians desiring nothing more then to drinck their bloud and ours with so much more fury and passion when they shall know we endeauour to conuert their people for accomplishmēt wherof we acknowledge our forces to be most infirme and our selues very insufficient if the mercy of God doe not by your prayers assist vs and therfore we recommending vs vnto them demaund your holy benediction that we may vndergoe this obedience to the honour of God and the saluation of our owne and the Infidels soules S. Francis then lifting his eyes all bathed with teares towardes heauen blessed them in this manner The benediction of God the Father the loue of the Sonne our Redeemer IESVS and the grace of the holy Ghost discend vpon you as it discended on the Apostles conduct comfort and fortifye you in afflictions that you may valiantly resist couragiously assault and gloriously subdue your ennemies sith God sendeth you for his glory and seruice And feare not for God goeth with you to be your protector So being full of teares he dismissed them and these Apostolicall Religious tooke their iorney conformably to the Rule of the holy Ghospell on foote without mony scrip or staffe bare-foote with one only coate poore course and all patched but yet in exchaunge of all this they had the grace of God that safelie and securely conducted them into Spaine How Brother Vitall fell sicke in Spaine and would that leauing him alone in the hospitall his Companions should proceed on other iourney and of his death THE II. CHAPTER THese good Religious being arriued in Arragon Brother Vital their superiour fell sicke and kept his bedde the others expected there some time to see the issue of this sicknes which daily encreasing Brother Vital said to his companions My beloued Brethre you see my sicknes is violent and what wil be the issue therof I know not wherfore I will no longer detaine you from proceeding about that which hath bin enioyned vs it hauing bin alwayes my desire to accōpany you if it pleased God who I suppose hath ordained that I proceed no farther in respect that being too great a sinner I am not perhapps worthy of your cōpany or to be employed in so worthy an office It is therfore necessary that you leaue me in this hospitall and that you apply your selues to this holy enterprise of the conuersion of this people to God who hath thus farre conducted you by obedience and be not greiued to leaue me here alone for his diuine Maiesty will prouide for me Proceede then on your iourney accomplish the will of God and be mindefull of the admonitions of our holy Father with a speciall care not to transgresse them and pray to God for me constituting Brother Bernard the preacher to be their superiour The poore Religious hauing heard the said proposition with extreme sorowfull and sobbing sighes that sufficiently discouered the bitternes that afflicted their spirit they bowed downe their heades calling God to witnesse of the greife they had to leaue him so alone but because their obediēce vnto S. Francis and him so required they acknowledged themselues ready to obey and so hauing receaued his benediction after they had louingly and charitably embraced each other they departed beseeching him by his prayers to obtaine of God that they might againe see one an other att least in Paradise This poore Religious remayning then alone in affliction dayly weakened till hauing vnderstood the martyrdome of his companions and giuen thanckes to God for it he was so afflicted for not perticipating with them and for hauing lost that crowne that burning with charity towardes God this fire in such sort augmented that by his good will and desire he shortly after receaued the ●ame crowne in his bedd making of himselfe a gratefull and pleasing sacrifice vnto his diuine Maiesty and so hastened to meet them in the other world Thus much for Brother Vitall We must now discourse of the combat of his companions who still ma●ching further on into Spaine euen vnto Portugall neuer ceassed in time and place conuenient to preach vnto both Catholiques and heretiques wherof then the nomber was great in Spaine and euery where produced fruit most pleasing to the almighty whose grace had conioyned them together How the fiue Religious arriued att Conimbria where they prophecied vnto the queene her death and their owne Martyrdome THE VII CHAPTER THe said Religious being arriued at Conimbria a famous citty in regard that it was the vniuersity of the kingdome of Portugall as also being very anncient and right noble there they found the queene Vraca wife of king Alphonsus the secōd who incontinently inuited them vnto her entertayned thē with great deuotiō as exceedingly affected vnto their Order and then very louingly demaūded of thē whence they came whither they intended and withall offered to releiue thē in all their occurrēces They breifely answeared her discouered vnto her their designe to witt that they were sent by their Generall Brother Francis to preach the faith of IESVS CHRIST to Infidels But the queene not cōtent with this slight narratiō putt thē into discourse of diuers spirituall matters as one more thirsty of the word of our lord then a hinde of fresh water With whose discourse finding her selfe exceedingly edifyed and cōforted perceauing their extreme feruour and to what degree of the fauour of God their merittes had raysed thē she drew them a part cōiured them in his name for whose loue they had resolued euen to endure death so much to gratifie her as by prayer to procure reuelation frō God of the time and hower of her death not admitting their excuses which were that it would be a great temerity presūption to seeke to know the secrettes which God for deepe great cōsiderations would not haue knowne vnto mē adding withall that they were not worthy to obtaine the same diuers other such reasons but she so importuned them that they were att lenght cōstraynd to accord vnto her hauing to this end applyed thēselues to prayer they vnderstood frō God that and more then they demaūded whervpō they went vnto the queene and thus spake vnto her Madame lett it not if you please be troublesome vnto you to vnderstād that which you haue so instātly required of vs and so much the lesse because we assure you that no creature loueth you so much as God who will in no sort dispose of you but
boldnes many would withdraw themselues as not able to heare such open and manifest reprehēsions and those that remayned couered their faces Yet these reprehēsions were intermingled with a competent and iust quantitie of salt which is the admirable vertue of discretion according to opportunity of time place and personnes For albeit his discourse att the beginning seemed sharpe yet the conclusion was gracious milde and supportable to all in such sort that without any scandall he terrified sinners comforted the weake encouraged the pusillanimous and made the most obstinate to tremble Preaching one time att Bourges where was held a Synode he addressed his speech to the arch-bishoppe concerning certaine articles of faith wherof he interiourlie doubted and so dextrously accused and reprehended his incredulitie laying open vnto him his errours by many authorities of holy scripture that the arch-bishop was not onlie not scandalized therby though in deed he felt himselfe stung to the quick but euen went directlie at the end of the sermon verie penitent and contrite and freelie discouered his hart vnto him who procured him such remedie as was necessarie for his saluation so that he proued thenceforward verie faithfull vnto his God And this Sainct did not onlie assist the soules of the faithfull Christians by preaching but in diuers other manners God also fauoured and furthered the ardent zeale which his seruant had of the saluation of soules as when in the night he appeared vnto them enforming them of their sinnes and admonishing them to goe to such or such a Confessour telling them how and by whome he was sent vnto them which was a singuler remedie for manie sinners who through feare or shame durst not confesse for feare to manifest their enormous sinnes But by the example following may appeare of what efficacie the wordes of the S. were A cittizen of Padua called Leonard confessing vnto sainct Antony among other sinnes that he confessed he accused himselfe to haue giuen such a blow with his foot on his mothers belly that she fell to the ground The Sainct very sharply reprehending him for it among other speeches tould him that the foot which dared to strike the belly of the Mother whence it proceeded deserued tobe cutt off alleadging that sentence of IESVS CHRIST If thy foot scandalize thee cutt it off and cast it from thee and such other thinges as might induce him to contrition After the said demonstration hauing giuen him absolution the simple man exceedinglie greeued att his offence supposing that the Sainct had enioyned him to cutt off his foot being in his lodgeing tooke a litle hatchett and with a merueillous courage cutt off his foot which done the extremes of death assaulting him the excessiue paine he endured caused him to cry so loud that his mother heard him who with manie of her neighbours came running and seeing the torment which he endured adioyned her cryes with those of her sonne who opening the cause of the disaster vnto her she knowing no other remedie went to sainct Antony and reproached him as hauing slaine her sonne relating vnto him the miserable accident The Saint vtterlie amazed excused himselfe with the truth affirming that he had not bin the cause hauing onlie told him that it deserued to be cutt off but not willed him to cutt or cause it to be cutt off but not content with answearing her he went to see him and being moued with his pious simplicitie after he had first offered his prayers to God he tooke the foot from vnder a bench and ioyned it vnto the legge whervpon he gaue a benediction and so reioyned them that there remayned neither signe nor any pain● So standing vp sound and Iustie on his feet they all together gaue thanckes vnto almighty God How he reprehended the tirant Ezelin THE XVI CHAPTER EZelin a tyrant of Padua hauing by fauour and support of the Emperour Federic the second gotten the dominion of many faire and great citties of Italy he exercised such crueltyes the like wherof haue not bin heard to make himselfe more feared of his subiectes and none durst to reprehend him or demaund him the reason Hauing one time without cause slaine diuers gentlemen of note sainct Antony resolued to goe and performe his office vnto him And comming before him he spake in this manner Cruell tyrant and ennemy of God when wilt thou end thy rage and forbeare to shedde the bloud of faithfull Christians which without cause thou ordinarily spillest Know and assuredly beleeue that the seuere and terrible sentence of the iustice of God doth attend and will fall vpon thee when thou least fearest it To these wordes he added many other like then obiecting vnto him the graces and fauours which he had receaued of God he opposed also the homicides violences robberies murtherous assaultes and insupportable tolles wherwith he afflicted his subiectes and how by his permission they endured the destructions of whole citties As he spake this his guard admiring this free speech expected onlie the Tyrantes commaund to massacre him thincking this his accustomed patience verie strange especially vpon such iniuries but the successe was other then they expected for the Sainct hauing ended his discourse this cruell woulfe att the same instant became a meek lambe and hauing put off his girdle he layd it on his necke and fell at his feet calling for mercie vnto God and him for his misdeedes and promising for satisfaction to his diuine Maistie that he would accept and performe such penance as he should impose vpon him The people present were also in admiration att this Metamorphises of the Tyrant as much as att the raysing of a dead Now the Saint departing vpon asseurance of this good promise Ezelin turning to his people said vnto them Doe not admire to see me for the present thus humbled for I protest I saw to proceeed out of the face of this holie Father a beame of diuine splendour which did so terrefie and quelle me that I seemed to sinck into hell But God minding to chastice his ennemies by the handes of others of his ennemies permitted that this Tyrant kept not long his holy purpose for he began to doubt of the vertue of the Sainct of whome he would make a second triall Knowing that he publikelie preached against his cruelties he sent him a present by some of his people to whome he gaue chardge that if the Sainct accepted the present they should kill him but if he reiected it they should patientlie endure what soeuer he sayd without giuing him any replie and so should retourne They hauing offered vnto the Sainct the present which was of great value with the greatest humilitie they could faine praying him to accept the small charitie which Ezelin had sent him and to pray to God for him therby experienced what he was for he answeared them God preserue me me from receauing this present which is but the bloud of the poore of IESVS CHRIST wherof he must
the violence of the water that it retourned impetuouslie into the chanell where it drowned nine children playing there wherof two being found were presentlie buryed The said gentleman retourning from Padua of his first friendes that he mett he demaunded how his sonne did they vnwilling to deliuer him such vnwelcome newes answeared they thought he was well because it was not long since he played therby with his companions This poore father passed farther and came to his house where he asked for his sonne His seruantes seemed not to heare him and endeauoured to diuert him from such demaund but he said he would neither eat nor drinck till he had seene him Which constrayned them to declare vnto him the infortunate disaster of his sonne which hauing vnderstood he became out of himselfe but afterwardes by litle and litle recouering his spirittes he swoare and very obstinately protested that he would neither eat nor drinck till sainct Antony had restored him his sonne which with a very feruent faith expecting a litle after his sonne entred in where he was with other nine of his companions that by the merittes of sainct Antony had bin saued with him for which they praysed God in his sainct and glorified him with hart and voice It is found to be recorded that the two other children companions of the foresaid which were already buryed were also raysed by the merittes of the S. who had compassion of the clamours that their parentes made vnto him In Apulia in the citty of Monoplia a child did so vndermine a pitt neerevnto the Frere Minors that the earth hauing no support brake downe vpon him where he was buryed without appearance of any reliefe His mother vnderstāding therof ran instantly to the monastery of Frere Minors crying and often reiterating these wordes O S. Antony restore me my child In meane while they were busy in taking vp the earth frō the pitt wherein they found the childe aliue though much troubled who was asked how it was possible that so much earth had not choaked him He answeared that S. Antony had still held his hand vnder his throat to giue him meanes to breath which gaue all those present occasion to praise and thanck God in his sainct Of many miracles wrought against such as would not beleeue the glory of the Sainct THE XXXIV CHAPTER A Chaplain belonging to the Bishop of Padua hearing the first miracles of S. Antony related would not only not belieue them but euen did iest and scoffe att them But he presently felt the diuine reuenge for he was striken with an extreme sharp and pestilencious feauer which did so enfeeble him and brought him to that extremitie that he was in danger of death Wherupon acknowledging his offence and repenting the third day of his sicknesse he called his mother to whome he confessed his fault and protested he was exceedinglie grieued therat then he prayed her to goe to the sepulcher of the S. there to seeke to obtaine mercie and in his name to promise that thenceforward in steed of incredulity and dirision he would firmelie beleeue publikely preach and manifest the glorie of this miracle to all the world It was admirable to consider the mother goeing thither she inuocated the Sainct then made the vow and in that very instant the sick party was cured leaping out of his bed to the great admiration of all that were present A certaine old gentleman that had bin an heretike from his infancie setting one day att table heard many miracles recounted of sainct Antony whereatt gibing and reputing all fabulous he tooke a drincking glasse of crystall and threw it out att the windoe saying If sainct Antonie can preserue that glasse from breaking I will henceforward hold him for a sainct and the glasse being very forciblie cast against the stones was miraculouslie preserued entier This heretike seeing so manifest a miracle was moued not onlie to belieue that Sainct Antonie was truelie and reallie a Sainct but was also induced to forsake his her●sie and abiuring it sincerelie to embrace our faith which he performed Diuers persons eating att table fell into discourse of the miracles of the sainct and after many relations one of them recounted that of the glasse aforesaid exceedinglie admiring and wondring therat an other of them that was a companion and scoffer doubting of this miracle saw withered branches of a vigne wherof he tooke a handfull and in the other hand a glasse saying If Sainct Antony would make grapes to grow out of these branches and that their iuyce and liquor would fill this glasse I would hold it a miracle and then would I beeleue the former miracle you recounted Which he had no sooner spoaken but all the sprigges of the branches which this scoffing fellow held budded forth leaues and then very faire grapes which being crushed together filled the glasse with liquor and by this meane the vertue of S. Antony was acknowledged and confessed by those that formerlie derided him Sainct Antonie was become famous and reuerenced att Padua for the miracles by him there ordinarilie wrought wheratt neuerthelesse some heretiques did ordinarilie scoffe and gibe and one time they purposed publikelie to deride them and to that end presented themselues att the Church dedicated to the sainct and being before the sepulcher they began to cry and lament saying that one of them who had a hand kirchefe before his eyes which they had embrued with bloud that it might be thought his eyes were thrust out according to their crye had in a quarrell vnfortunately lost both his eyes and therfore they exhorted the people to pray for this wretched blind man who of his owne part omitted not to pray to God and fayned to inuocate the sainct cunninglie playing the hypocrite Now after they had spent about an houre vpon this subiect the blinde fellow purposed to take off his handkirchefe to make a shew first that he was cured as he cryed and protested that by this fact he might afterwardes inferre that as often as any miracles were wrought by sainct Antony they were supposed and suborned as that was But they were much amazed when they saw the two prunelles out of the Imposters eyes when as they determined and thought to deride the sainct and therfore changing their laughter into teares and their quibbes and scoffes into prayers they with such a faith humbled themselues that att length they obtayned the recouerie of their imposters sight An hereticall soldier meeting a poore leaper that went to the sepulcher of sainct Antony to be cured sayd vnto him Friend thou loosest they labour and time for I assure thee if sainct Antony euer cure thee of thy leaprosie I am content to haue it The poore Leaper yet omitted not to proceeded in his iorney and being att the sepulcher of S. Antony he fell a sleepe The S. appeared vnto him in a dreame and sayd goe and carry thy clappers to the soldier that thou mettest in the way
nor sowe I admonish you all my Sisters who are shall be that you labour to follow the way of simplicity humility pouerty and also the modesty of holy conuersation as we in the beginning of our conuersion haue bin taught of Christ and of our holy Father saint Francis through which not through our meritt but through the mercy of the liberall giuer the Father of mercies hath spread abroad the sauour of our good name as well vnto those who are far off as to such as are neere And for the charity of our Lord IESVS lett thē keepe the vniō of loue The charity which you haue interiourly shew it exteriourly by worckes to the end that through your exāple the sisters who are called vnto your profession may encrease in the loue of God mutuall charity Also I pray all those who shal be chosen in the offices of the sisters that they study to excell the others rather in vertue and modest conuersation then in their office to the end that by their example the Sisters that were called vnto the religion before them be moued to obey them not only in respect of their office but for loue The Abbesse must be carefull discreet towardes her Sisters as a good mother towardes her children She must also haue a prouident care of euery one according to their necessity of the almose which it shall please God to send her She must withall be so sweet and indifferent vnto all that the sisters may with out feare or doubt declare vnto her their necessity and that they confidently haue recourse vnto her when the Abbesse and the Sisters shall thincke it to be necessary The Sisters that are subiect lett them remember that for the loue of God they haue renounced their owne willes wherfore I will that they obey their mother as they of their one accord promised vnto God to doe to the end that their mother seeing the humility charity vnion which they haue vnto each other may easily beare the chardge with the office shesustaineth and because it is heauy bitter they must through their holy conuersatiō turne it into sweetnes And because the way is narrow the gate streight which leadeth vnto life few there are that walke in it and few that perseuer therin blessed are they that haue receiued the grace to walke in it and to perseuer vnto the end lett vs therfore be carefull if we be entred in the way of our lord that by out fault and negligence we doe not fall from the same to the end that we committ not that iniury vnto our lord to this blessed mother the glorious Virgin Mary to our holy Father sainct Francis and to the triumphant and militant church for it is written accursed are they who decline from your commandement For to obtaine this grace I bend my knee vnto the heauenly Father through the merittes of lord IESVS and of his blessed mother of our holy Father saint Francis and of all the Sainctes that it well please him of his diuine Maiestie who hath giuen a good beginning to graunt grace also that it may augment and perseuer euen vntill death Deerly beloued Sisters present and to come to the end that you may the better perseuer in your vocation I leaue vnto you this writing and in token of our Lordes benediction and of the benedictiction of our holy Father saint Francis and of me your mother and seruant The end of the testament of the glorious Virgin saincte Clare Here ensueth S. Clares Benediction vnto her Sisters present and to come IN the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen My deerly beloued Sisters our lord giue you his holy benedictiō and behold you with his holy eye of mercy giuing you his peace as also to all those that shall enter and perseuer in this our Colledge and monastery and vnto all other of the Order who shall perseuer vnto the end in this holy pouerty I Clare seruant of IESVS CHRIST and litle plante of our holy Father S. Francis your mother Sister though vnworthy doe beseech our lord IESVS CHRIST that by the intercession of his most holy mother of the holy Archangell S. Michaell and of all the holy Angels of our holy Father S. Francis and of al the holy Saintes that it wil please him to giue and confirme vnto you this benediction in heauen and in earth by multiplying in you his holy grace and in heauen by eleuating you into the eternall glory with his saintes And I giue you my benediction in my life and after my death in all that I am able and more then I am able Withall the blessinges wherwith the Father of mercies hath or shall blesse his spirituall children both in heauē and earth or that the spirituall mother doth or shal be able to blesse her spirituall chirldren Amen Be alwayes louers of God of your soule and of your Sisters and be alwayes carefull to keepe that which you haue vowed to God Our lord be alwayes with you and you with him Amē Of the death of the blessed Virgin S. Clare and of a vision which one of her Religious saw THE XXVI CHAPTER THe holy virgin and seruant of IES CH. was many dayes towardes the end of her life afflicted with diuers diseases The faith deuotiō which att that time each one boare her exceedingly encreased yea so far foorth as she was honoured as a S. being ordinarily visited by Cardinals Bishoppes and other Prelates But which is more admirable to heare hauing bin seauenteen dayes without force to receaue any sustenāce that was presented vnto her she was neuertheles so fortified of God and encouraged of his diuine Maiesty that she exhorted all those that would comfort her to be prompt in the seruice of God A Religious mā intending to comfort her and to persuade her to haue patience in so grieuous a sicknesse that procured her so much torment she with a smiling countenance cleare voyce answeared him Brother since the time that I knew the grace of my God by meanes of his seruant saint Francis no paine hath bin troublesome vnto me no penance hath seemed difficult nor no sicknesse ircksome And as almighty God approached neere vnto her her soule being as it were att the dore to goe forth the blessed virgin would haue the most pious and spirituall Frere Minors to be present to discourse vnto her of the passiō of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and by their pious wordes to enflame her more in the loue of God Wherfore some of them who were vnto her true Brethren in our Redeemer CHRIST IESVS were present and amōg others Br. Iuniperus the familier of our Lord IESVS CHRIST who often vttered vnto her such fiery and enflamed wordes of the omnipotēt God that she by his presēce being filled with an extreme ioy one day demaunded of him if he then knew nothing new of almighty God whervpon Br. Iuniperus opening his