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B00400 An exercise for a Christian familie; contayning a short sum of certayne poyntes of Christian religion, with certaine godly prayers, psalmes, & thanksgiuings, both before and after meales. Very necessary to be vsed in euery Christian familie. / By R.M.. R. M. 1585 (1585) STC 17145.7; ESTC S94072 37,971 246

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death And finally we most humbly thanke thee for that it hath pleased thee to keepe vs this daye and all the dayes and times of our liues beseeching thee that thou wouldst receiue vs this night in to thy holye keeping that we may haue quiet rest not of bodies alone but of our soules also restinge from all those thinges that are contrarye to thy most holy wil atēding while thou raisest vs vp in the morning to do al those thinges that thou hast appointed vs. These thinges wee desire of thee all other things which thou knowest to bee more needfull for vs and thy whole Church better then we ourselues do know for Iesus Christes sake saiing the same praier that hee hym selfe hath taught vs. Our father c. A forme of euening prayer necessary to be vsed of all christians in their houses and families Psal 55. vers 16. I vvill call vnto GOD and the Lord vvill saue me Euening Morning and at noone will I pray make a noise and hee vvill he are my voice VVE mostehumblye beseeche thee O gratious God and heauenlye Father euen for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake to pardon and forgiue vs all our sinnes in thought worde and deede committed against thy holy lawes and commandementes to tourne away from vs gratiouslye all those plagues which we most iustlye haue deserued for them both in this lyfe and in the lyfe to come working in our harts euery day by the holye spirite more true and vnfayned sorrow for thē with greater care euer hereafter to know thy blessed wil reuealed in thy worde and to order all our opinions and doings according to the same so much the rather O Lorde because of thy manyfolde blessinges wherby thou dost dayly mooue vs herevnto for the which O heauenlye father make vs more hartely thankfull specially for our recreation at the firste after thine owne holinesse righteousnesse for our redemption by IESVS CHRIST when wee were vtterly loste for that knowledge of our Sauiour which by the preaching of thy blessed Gospell thorough thy holye Spirite thou haste wrought in oure heartes for true repentaunce for fayth hope and loue for watchfulnesse in oure dooinges and all other gyftes of thy grace pertayninge to oure saluation all which graces O Lord are verye weake in vs because of the greate wickednesse of oure heartes striuing against thy holy spirite so as in thy wrath thou mightest iustlye forsake vs vtterly yet O Lorde let it bee thy grations pleasure to increase them in oure heartes euerye daye euen so long as we lyue in this worlde as of thy goodnesse thou haste begun that thereby the assuraunce of oure saluation maye be more certaynelye sealed vppe vnto oure owne consciences that so wee maye also learne to bee more truelye thankfull vnto thy MAIESTIE for the benefites of this lyfe Namelye that thou hast hitherto euer since wee were borne giuen vs those thinges that were needfull for oure bodies as health foode apparrell and such like that thou hast kept vs from many daungers comfort vs in all our troubles and strengthen vs in all our weaknesse and giuing vs grace this daye to labour faithfully truelye in our callinges hauing brought vs safelye paste all the daungers thereof vnto this present howre O Lorde forgiue vs the sinnes of this daye and of oure whole life and speciallye our great vnthankfulnesse for these thy manifold blessings and in IESVS CHRIST thy deare sonne continue them towardes vs euer hereafter both in soules and bodies and speciallye this night receiue vs into thy blessed keeping preserue vs from all daungers from sin frō al vngodly dreames and fansies graunting vnto vs cōfortable rest so as wee maye bee the better strengthened to serue thee faithfully in our calling and giuing vs grace alwayes both sleeping and waking to bee readye when thou shalt call vs out of this miserable worlde Last of all because thou hast commanded vs to pray for others also wee beseech thee good Lorde be mercifull to all Nations specially to those Churches where thy Gospell is truely preached continue thy mercy towards this realme preserue oure Queene blesse her Counsell and all in aucthoritye with necessarye graces increase the number of faythfull Preachers strengthen the Godly lighten the ignoraunt conuert the wicked be merciful vnto al scholes and places of learning to all our friendes and kinsfolkes and others afflicted in bodye or in soule graunting to euerye one of them as to oure selues those necessarye graces whiche thou knoweste to bee needfull for euery one of vs in oure seuerall estates and callinges to the glorye of thy name and the better assurance of our saluation through CHRIST IESVS in whose name we aske of thy maiesty as hee hath taught vs. Our Father c. Euening prayer for priuate houses and families O Gratious God and louing Father according to thy cōmandement wee doe heere presente our selues before thy maiesty humbly prostrating our selues before the throne of mercy acknowledging and confessing frō the bottome of oure heartes that we be miserable sinners daylye breaking thy commandementes bothe in thought word deed wherein wee iustly deserue euerlasting damnation and to be vtterly thrown from thy presence yet O Lorde we see thy goodnes again towardes vs who not suffering vs thus to perish in our sinnes haste sent thine owne deare son Iesus Christ to take vppon him whatsoeuer is due to reconcile and make vs at owne with thee agayne In hym therefore good Lorde through him do wee come vnto the beseching the for his sake that wee feeling the greeuousnesse of our sinnes and groning vnder the burthen of them maye feele the release ease of them in that wee be through thy holy spirit assured and steadfastly beleeue that Christe hath born the burthen of them eaueu for vs. Graunte O Lorde that we beeing assured hereof in our consciences maye through thy holy Spirit bee renuee in the inner man to hate detest and abhorre sinne and to studie to liue accordinge to thy blessed will duringe our whole life Wee do not onelye pray for our selues but also for all thy whole Churche especiallye such as bee persecuted for thy worde graunt vnto them that whether it bee thy death or life they may glorify thy name to their liues end Be merciful to this Church of England Irelande wee beseeche thee good Lorde to preserue euery part and member of the same especially thy seruant ELIZABETH our queen graunt her all such gifts as bee needefull for so high a calling to the aduauncement of thy glory and benefite of this common wealth to the establishishing of a perfect gouerment of thy Church according to the prescript rule of thy blessed word to the rooting out of al superstition and reliques of Antichriste to the gouerning of her subiects in al peace and tranquility Defende her O Lorde from all conspiracies treasons and rebellions and so worke in the heartes of all her subiectes that knowing her authoritye
the ende and in the end so be it O Lord increase our fayth A PRAIER TO BE sayde of the childe before he study his lesson PSALME 119. Wherein shall the childe addresse his way In guiding him selfe according to thy Worde Open myne eyes I shall knowe the maruails of thy Lawe Giue me vnderstanding and I shall keepe thy Lawe yea I shall keepe it with mine whole heart LOrde which art the fountain of all wisdome and knowledge seeing it hath pleased thee to giue mee the meane to bee taught in my youth for to learne to guide me godly and honestly all the course of my life it maye also please thee to lighten myne vnderstandinge the which of it selfe is blind that it may comprehende and receiue that doctrine and learning which shall bee taught me it may please thee to strengthen my memory to keep it wel it maye please thee also to dispose my hart willingly to receiue it with such desire as appertayneth so that by my ingratitude the occasion which thou giuest me be not lost That I may thus do it maye please thee to powre vpon me thine holy spirit the spirite I say of al vnderstāding truth iudgement wisdom learning the which maye make mee able so to profite that the paines that shall be taken in teaching me be not in vaine And to what study soeuer I applye my selfe make me O lord to addres it vnto the right end that is to know thee in oure Lord Iesus Christ that I may haue full trust of saluation in thy grace and to serue thee vprightly according to thy pleasure so that whatso euer I learne it may be vnto me as an instrumēt to helpe me therevnto and seing thou dost promise to giue wisdom to the little and humble ones and to confound the proude in the vanity of their wits likewise to make thy selfe knowne to them that be of an vpright heart and also to blinde the vngodly and wicked I beseech thee to fashion me vnto true humility so that I may be taught first to be obedient vnto thee and next vnto my superiors that thou haste appoynted ouer me Further that it may please thee to dispose mine heart vnfaynedly to seek thee and to forsake all euill and filthye lusts of the flesh that in this sort I may nowe prepare my self to serue thee once in that estate which it shalplease thee to appoint for me whē I shall come to age A PRAIER TO BE sayde before a man begin his worke PSALME 25. The Lorde reuealeth his secretes vnto them that fear him and maketh them to knowe his alliance O Lorde God moste mercifull Father sauiour seeing it hath pleased thee to commaunde vs to trauaile that we may relieue our neede we beseech thee of thy grace so to blesse our labor that thy blessing may extende vnto vs without the which we are not able to continue that this great fauour may be a witnes vnto vs of thy boūtifulnes assistance so that thereby we may know the fatherlye care that thou hast ouer vs. Moreouer O Lorde wee beseech thee that thou wouldest strengthen vs with thy holye spirit that we may faith fullye trauaile in our estate vocation without fraud or deceit and that we maye indeuour oure selues to followe thine holy ordināce rather thē to seek to satisfy our greedy affections or desire to gaine And if it please our labour giue vs a minde also to help thē that haue need according to that ability that thou of thy mercye shalt giue vs and knowing that all good thinges come of thee graunt that wee maye humble oure selues to our neighbours not by any meanes lift our selues vp aboue them which haue not receiued so liberal a portion as of thy mercye thou hast giuē vnto vs. And if it please thee to trye exercise vs by greter pouerty and need then our flesh would desire that thou wouldst yet O Lorde grant vs grace to know that thou wilt nourish vs continually through thy bountifull liberality that wee bee not so tempted that we fall not into distrust but that wee may patiently waite till thou fill vs not onely with corporall graces and benefites but cheefely with thine heauenly spirituall treasures to the intent that wee may alwayes haue more ample occasiō to giue thee thankes and so wholly to rest vppon thy mercyes Heare vs O Lorde of mercy through Iesus Christe thy sonne our Lorde Amen APR AIER FOR the Morning O Gratious God and louing Father according to thy cōmandement we do here present our selues before thy maiestye humblye prostrating our selues before the throne of mercy acknowledging and confessing from the bottome of our heartes that wee bee miserable sinners dayly breaking thy commandementes both in thought word and deede wherein we iustlye deserue euerlasting damnatiō to be vtterly throwne frō thy presence yet O lord we see thy goodnes againe towardes vs who not suffering vs thus to perish in our sins hast sent thine owne deare Son Iesus Christ to take vppon him whatsoeuer is due to reconcile and make vs at one with thee again in him therfore good Lorde and throgh him do we com vnto thee beseeching thee for his sake that we feeling the greeuosnes of our sins and groning vnder the burden of them may feele the release ease of them in that we be thorough thy holy spirit assured and stedfastly beleeue that Christ hath borne the burden of them euen for vs. Graunt O Lorde that wee being assured hereof in oure consciences may thorough thy holye spirite be renued in the inner man to hate detest and abhorre sinne and to study to liue according to thy blessed will during our whole life We do not only pray for our selues but also for all thy whol church especially such as bee persecuted for thi word graunt vnto them that whether it be by death or life they may glorifye thy name to theire liues end Bee mercifull to this Church of England and Irelande wee besech thee good lord and preserue euery part member of the same especially thy seruaunt ELIZABETH oure Queene graunt her all such giftes as be needeful for so high a calling to the aduancement of thy glory and benefite of this commō wealth to the establishing of a perfect gouernment of thy Church according to the prescript rule of thy blessed word to the rooting out of al superstition and reliques of Antichrist to the gouerning of her subiectes in all peace and traquillitie Defend her O lord from all conspiracies treasons rebellions and so woorke in the harts of all her subiects that knowing her authorise doth come frō thy heauenly maiestie they may with obediēt harts humbly obey her in thee for thee Preserue the whol counsell the. Magistrats of the realme that being lightened through thy holy spirite they maye defend thy truth suppresse wickednes maintain equity Beholde all the Pastors Preachers of the worde blesse their labours
beloued of the Lorde and that thy graces may abound as the waters of the sea in the Prince and in the people in the Church and in the Common wealth from day to day till the day of our translation into the kingdō where iustice inhabiteth where we also shal inhabite and raign with thee according to thy promise for euer Grant vs these things O mercifull Father for thy deare sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ his sake in whose name we craue them at thy mercifull hande praying furthermore for them as hee hath taught vs to pray Our father which art in heauen c. A PRAYER TO be sayd in visiting of the sicke O Our good GOD Lord Father the Creator and conseruer of all thinges the fountaine of all goodnes benignitye like as among other thine infinite benefites whiche thou of thy great goodnesse and grace doest distribute ordinarilye vnto all men thou giuest them health of body to the end that they should the better know thy great liberalitye so that they might be the more readye to serue glorifye thee with the same so contrarywise when we haue ill behaued our selues in offending thy maiestye thou hast accustomed to admonishe vs and call vs vnto thee by diuers and sundry chastisementes thorough the which it hath pleased thy goodnes to subdue and tame our fraile flesh but especiallye by thy grieuous plagues of sicknesse and diseases vsing the same as a meane to awake stir vp the great dulnes and negligence that is in vs all and aduertising vs of oure euill life by such infirmities dangers especially when as they threaten the verye death which as assured messengers of the same are all to the flesh full of extreame anguishe and torments althogh they be notwithstanding to the spirit of the elect as medicines both good wholsom For by thē thou dost mooue vs to retourne vnto thee for our saluation and to cal vpon thee in our afflictions to haue thine helpe which art oure dear and louing father In consideration wherof wee most earnestlye praye vnto thee oure good God that it wold please thine infinite goodnes to haue pitty on this thy poore creature whome thou hast as it were bounde and tied to the bed by most grieuous sicknesse and brought to great extremitie by the heauinesse of thine hand O Lorde enter not into a count with him to render the rewarde due vnto his workes but through thine infinite mercye remitte all his faults for the which thou hast chastised him so gently and beholde rather the obedience which thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde hath rendred vnto thee to witte the sacrifice which it hath pleased thee to accept as a full recompence for all the iniquities of thē that receiue him for their iustice sanctificatiō yea for their onely sauiour Let it please thee O GOD to gyue him a true zeale and affection to receiue and acknowledge him for his onely redeemer to the end also that thou maist receiue this sicke person to thy mercy qualifiyng all the troubles which his sins the horror of death and dreadfull feare of the same may bring to his weake conscience neither suffer thou O Lord the assaults of the mighty aduersary to preuaile or to take from him the comfortable hope of saluation which thou giuest to thy dearely beloued children And for as much as we are all subiect to the like state condition and to bee visited with like battel when it shal please thee to call vs vn to the same we beseech thee moste humblye O Lorde with this thy poore Creature whom thou now presently chastisest that thou wilt not extende thy rigorous iudgement against him but that thou wouldest vouchsafe to shew him thy mercye for the loue of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde who hauing suffered the most shamefull and extreame death of the Crosse bare willinglye the fault of this poore patient to the end that thou mightest acknowledge him as one redemed with his precious bloud and receiued into the communion of his body to be participant of eternall felicity in the companye of thy blessed Aungels wherfore O Lord dispose moue his hart to recieu by thy grace with all meekenesse this gentle and fatherly correction which thou haste layde vpon him that he maye indure it patientlye and with willing obediēce submitting himself with heart and minde to thy blessed will and fauourable mercye wherein thou now visitest him after this sort for his profit and saluation It may please thy goodnesse O Lord to assist him in all his anguishes and troubles And although the tongue and voyce bee not able to execute their office in this behalf to set forth thy glorye that yet at the least thou wilt stirre vp his hart to aspire vnto thee only which art the onlye fountaine of goodnesse thou wilt roote and settle in his hart the sweet promises which thou hast made vnto vs in Christe Iesus thy sonne our Sauiour to the intent he may remaine constant against all the assaultes and tumult which the enemy of our saluation maye raise vp to trouble his conscience And seeyng it hath pleased thee that by the death of thy dear Son life eternall shoulde be cōmunicated vnto vs and by the shedding of his bloud the washing of our sinnes should be declared and that by his resurrediō also both iustice and immortality shoulde bee giuen vs it may please thee to apply this holy and wholsome medicine to this thy poore Creature in such extremitie taking from him all trembling dreadfull feare to giue him a stout courage in the middes of all his present aduersityes And for as much as all thinges O heauenly father be knowne vnto thee and thou canst according to thy good pleasure minister vnto him all such thinges as shall be necessarye and expedient let it please thee O Lord so to satisfie him by thy grace as may seeme most meete vnto thy diuine maiesty Receiue him Lorde into thy protection for he hath his recourse accesse to thee alone make him constant and firme in thy commaundements and promises and also pardon all his sinnes both secreat and those which are manyfest by the which hee hath moste grieuouslye prouoked thy wrath seuere iudgementes against him so as in place of death the whiche both he and al we haue iustlye merited thou wilt graunt vnto him that blessed life whiche we also attend looke for by thy grace and mercy Neuerthelesse O heauenlye Father if thy good pleasure bee that hee shall yet lyue longer in this worlde it may then please thee to augment in him thy graces so as the same maye serue vnto thy glorye yea Lord to the intent he may conforme himselfe the more diligentlye and with more carefulnes to the example of thy sonne Christ Iesus and that in renouncing him selfe he maye cleaue fullye vnto him who to gyue consolation and hope vnto all sinners to obtaine remission of all their sins
vs but mercifullye chastice vs with a fatherly affection that all the worlde may know that at what time soeuer a sinner doth repēt him of his sinn frō the bottō of his hart thou wilt put away his wickednes out of thy remembrance Finally for as much as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to reste in as thou haste ordayned him the daye to trauaile graunt O deare Father that wee may so take our bodely rest that our soules may continuallly watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shal appear for our deliuerance out of this mortall life and in the mean season that we not ouercome by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vppon thee loue thee fear thee rest in thee Furthermore that our sleep be not excessiue or ouer much after the vnsatiable desires of the fleshe but only sufficiēt to cōtent oure weake nature that we may be the better disposed in all godly cōuersation to the glory of thy holy name profite of our brethren So be it ¶ A Prayer for all times O Lord God Father of mercy and God of al consolation without whome wee haue neither hope nor comfort we pore wretches miserable sinners beseech thee of thy fatherly goodnes to look vpō vs and so make vs partakers of thy gratious goodnes that we may stil increase in all goodnesse so that euermore we may set forth thine honor glory let our conuersation bee such that a great mani beholding our good workes may glorify thee oure heauenly father so direct our ways that we may hold forth the professiō of thy gospel as a lanthorn to lighten the steps of a greate many that they may turne to thee praise thy name in their visitation Thus O Lord we beseeche thee to deale with vs that in deed we may be vessels of honour vnto thee now to set foorth the praise of thy name and after this transitory life to behold thy glory who haste immortality alone and dwellest in lighte that no man hath approched vnto remoue far from vs our sinns iniquities that they may not seperate betweene vs and thee blot out all our offences and make our prayers righteous that thou mayst fauourably grant our requests looke vpō vs with thy fauourable mercie that thou mayst haue pitty vpon vs and beholde in the righteousnesse of thy beloued Sonne Christ Iesu and that wee may bee presented faultlesse in thy sight and thou accepting vs as only we may finde the Grace euermore to set foorth thy honour and glory and to speake of thy prayses in the middes of all thy people Let vs loue O Lord the thinges that thee good and hate the things that are euill let vs delight in all things that may please thee let vs bee greeued with whatsoeuer is displeasant in thy sight And to the intent wee may haue true vnderstāding and be able to discerne betweene things what is good or euill we beseech thee let thy word dwell plentifully in vs which may guide oure vnderstandings so that we may abound in all knowledge and do according to that which is righteous And in this estate of the true Christianity being instructed in minde and ready in body to all holy obedience wee beseeche thee make vs to growe and encrease frō grace to grace frō fayth to fayth vntill we come vnto the fulnesse of age to be perfect members of the body of Christe waiting for the blessed hope of thine elect and sighing in spirite vntill that thy children shal be reuealed In the meane season let vs sigh withal those that haue receiued the first fruits of thi spirit that these days of sinne may cease that satan be trodē down vnder feet that Antichrist may be reuealed yet to many thousandes that be in ignoraunce that the number of thine elect may be full the body of thy saintes made perfect all teares wiped from oure eyes euen then when thy sonne shal appear again the second time to iudge the quicke and the deade which time O Lorde send quickly according to thy good will and teache vs to pray with all thy Sayntes Come Lord Iesu come quickly graunt this O Father for thy Sonnes sake in whose name we pray vnto thee And although wee bee but Earth and Ashes yet are we bolde to say vnto thee the GOD of all glory euen as hee hath taught vs. Our Father whiche art in Heauen hallowed bee thy name c. A Prayer for the estate of the whole church O Lorde our God heauenlye Father forasmuche as by thy holy word we are commaunded in our prayprayers not only to be mindfull of our selues but also of al others thy children yea euen of our enimies wee commend vnto thy Maiesty all thy whole true and Catholique Church euery member thereof that as it hath pleased thy goodnesse by the bright beams of thy holy worde to shine ouer the whol world wherbi thou hast expelled driuen away caused to vanish the dark misty clouds of ignorance superstitiō so thou woldest vouchesafe by thy holy spirit to touch the hearts of men that thei may ioyfullye embrace that thine so high treasure sent amongest vs that thorough our vnthākfulnes we prouoke not thy maiesty in anger to take it from vs. Crush bruse destroy with the breath of thy mouth the mighty power of that man of sin which so proudly exalteth him selfe aboue all that is called God Let not thy simple flocke deare father in whose consciences he of long time hath and yet doth sit as God be any longer poisoned with his sweet enticing poisons but so lightē their harts that they may perceiue his iuglinges and embrace the sweet comfortable doctrine of life euerlasting reuealed in thy glorious Gospell And for asmuch as it hath pleased thee in mercy aboue all natiōs in the earth to powre down the sweet showers of thy Heauenlye Graces vppon this our English nation aboundantlie in more plentifull wise watering the same with the giftes of the holy spirite in promoting thy Gospell ouerthrowing Idolatri we besech thee cōtinue thy fauour toward the same vtterly root out al remnants reliques Monumentes of Idolatry that thy glorious name may be throughlye exalted in sincere pure and holy worship And as thou haste in mercy from amongst vs in this thy Church vtterly banished all false venemous and poysonfull doctrine wherwith the soules of thy Children heeretofore haue bene woūded to death and in place therof hast placed the true comfortable doctrine of life euerlasting wherewith the soules of thy Children be fedde and nourished to euerlastinge ioy so in like mercy fauour we beseech thee deere father establishe in the same thy church a true perfect and sincere regiment thereof according to the prescript rule of thy blessed worde all fantasies of mans brayne and Dreames of humane policy vtterlye abolished that thy glorious Maiestye onelye maye bee exalted in