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A85551 Truths victory against heresie; all sorts comprehended under these ten mentioned: 1. Papists, 2. Familists, 3. Arrians, 4. Arminians, 5. Anabaptists, 6. Separatists, 7. Antinomists, 8. Monarchists. 9. Millenarists, 10. Independents. As also a description of the truth, the Church of Christ, her present suffering estate for a short time yet to come; and the glory that followeth at the generall resurrection. / By I.G. a faithfull lover and obeyer of the truth. Imprimatur, John Downame. Graunt, John, of Bucklersbury. 1645 (1645) Wing G1597; Thomason E277_7; ESTC R200005 70,586 79

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any preparation to justifying faith for by Christs stripes we are healed from the beginning of the world And to prove this truth I argue thus First all the elect of God are justified before God but some of the elect of God doe not yet beleeve therefore some that doe not beleeve are justified before God Secondly he that is in Christ is justified But we must be in Christ before we can beleeve therefore we must be justified before we can beleeve Truth I answer the due observation of terms is the true preservation of proprieties and except you justly distinguish of the terms before God himselfe and Gods grace by which he doth justifie his elect you cannot understand truly but you must confound heaven and earth together and make God Man and Man God concluding such blasphemies as the Familists doe to whom hundreds of you are fallen within this two yeares who affirme of the Trinity that God the Father is the Minde the Sonne is the Word and the Spirit is the Word made knowne And under these termes mistaking the verity of the mystery of the Trinity conclude such gross blasphemies as these conclusions hereafter specified making God the Father the Mind God the Son the Word of that Minde God the holy Spirit the effect or revelation of the Word And as these are three so they are one as you say so it is and was at first in the creation God the Father was the Mind of God God the Son was the Word of that Mind and God the Spirit was the working meaning or manifestation of that Word so that in that which God said Let us make man and he spake and the Heavens and the Earth was made the Firmament the Sun Moon and Starres the Sea and the Fish therein the Aire and the Fowls therein the Earth and the Beasts Herbs and Trees therein as God spake the word and all these were created so that as they were made by the Word so they are the Word and as the Word and the Father are one and as the Father the Word and the revelation of it are one so whatsoever the Word made is one with the Father the Sonne and the Spirit And then the conclusion must be this The whole creation is God himselfe Now to avoid such blasphemous consequences we will distinguish of the terms and therein shew the fallacy of your Arguments and then I will discover and establish the truth against your doctrine which by this means will easily appeare to be false First for the terme that concernes God justified before God you say which if you meane as it concernes God in his infinitenesse it is so farre above our line or the capacity of the elect in point of reconciliation with God as the highest heavens are above the center of the earth for with God himselfe there is nothing before nor after For the Scripture speaks thus of God in this respect that he calleth those things that be not as though they were Rom. 4. 17. And again one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeares and a thousand yeares as one day 2 Pet. 3. 8. Thus you see Gods thoughts are not our thoughts nor his wayes as our wayes saith the Lord but as the heavens are higher then the earth so are his wayes and his thoughts higher then ours Isai. 55. 8 9. But when the Prophet comes to speak of Gods work in the creature to salvation then he speakes in the creatures language and capacitie so that except man obey the voyce of God he is left without excuse in these words Seek the Lord while he may be found call yee upon him while he is neere let the wicked forsake his was and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the Lord God and he will have mercy upon him and abundantly pardon verse 6 7. Thus as the Prophet we must distinguish between Gods eternall purpose and decree which is a secret known to himself only towards his elect before all times and his calling and justifying of them in time which is the effect of his foreknowledge and predestination and that which makes known to the elect Gods secret purpose And although it be said Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect the Apostle there doth not understand the justification of the elect before time as you doe but the justification of his elect in time called and justified And although there can be nothing laid to such an elect justified to his condemnation yet many things may be laid to his charge in regard of his weaknesse and frailty If any brother be fallen through weaknesse you that are spirituall restore such a one by the spirit of meeknesse Thus Nathan charged David and David chargeth himselfe Against thee onely have I sinned So our Lord chargeth his faithfull servant Peter and Paul withstood him to his face and saith He was to be blamed And so that holy Apostle blameth himselfe also Oh wretched man that I am saith he And the Scripture saith There is not a righteous man that liveth and doth good and sinneth not And again If any man say he hath no sinne he deceiveth himselfe and the truth is not in him And the elect of God are renued again after sinning by repentance as the Church of Ephesus is admonished by Christ to repent and do her first works Rev. 2. 5. And however the Saints do daily sin after justification yet through Gods grace they are recovered again daily by repentance and maugre the malice and temptation of Satan the snares of the world and the concupiscence of their own natures yet the Lord that loved them once doth still love them for ever and doth wash off their filthinesse and ownes them so for his own that neither their sins nor any power or any creature whatsoever shall or can condemn them Secondly you say some of the elect of God do not believe and therefore they are justified before they believe I pray where did you finde or learn this Logick which is so contrary to the wisdome of God which teacheth thus by Christ all that believe are justified from all things Act. 13. 39. And again those that he calleth hee justifieth but your doctrine saith they are justified before they are called see in a word how directly your preaching is against truths doctrine And of the same nature with your former is your second Argument which runs thus he that is in Christ is justified but wee must be in Christ before we can believe therefore we must be justified before we believe which in the very terms is another doctrine then St. Paul teacheth us who saith plainly wee are justified by faith Rom. 3. 28. And he justifieth the ungodly but I question your knowledge of justifying faith which if you did truly know you durst not teach that men are justified before they believe it is true hee that is ingraffed into Christ is justified but it doth not follow therefore a man
with him in his throne yea in his owne throne In the second place this Masculine title notes out unto us the birth-right and inheritance that by right belongs unto the Church of God that as the first-born man-child is the heir apparent both by Scripture and nature so the Lords first-born is the apparent heir of the purchased inheritance and to this truth doth the Apostle witnesse in these words Rom. 8. 17. If children then heirs heirs with God and joynt heirs with Christ heirs of salvation Heb. 1. 14. Heirs according to the promise Gal. 3. 29. Heirs according to the hope of eternall life Tit. 3. 7. Heirs of the kingdome which hee hath promised to them that love him James 2. 5. Oh how sweet and comfortable are the words I could alwayes be mindfull of them yea of this word heirs of the kingdome which hee hath promised c. which now calls me to mind of my promise at first to describe in its due place the stone that was cut out without hands which smote the Image upon his feet which became a great mountain and filled the whole earth c. This term Mountain in the Scriptures sets forth unto us often literally the hils or highest parts of the earth but figuratively the greatest powers that are in this world or that to come and sometimes by mountain we are to understand such carnall and naturall men as have high thoughts and great esteem of themselves and therefore as it is prophesied of John the Baptist Isa. 40. 3 4. so it was fulfilled by him Luke 3. 4. who by the great gifts given him of God to work repentance whereby he prepared the Lords way and turned the disobedient to the wisdome of the just and of the operation of his Ministerie it is said Every mountain and hill was brought low c. meaning that the hearts of disobedient naturall men were made penitent and their high thoughts humbled Also by the term mountain wee are to understand all those great powers dignities and authorities that have risen up and born sway in this world ever since the creation thereof and amongst the rest those Monarchies especially at the beginning of our Discourse particularly named and with them all nations and Religions Papists and others as well Christians as Pagans that have at all times hated persecuted and destroyed the Saints the Church of Christ and with this truth the Prophet Jeremiah was well acquainted in saying in the name of the Lord that hee would render unto Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evill that they had done to Sion Behold I am against thee O destroying mountain saith the Lord which destroyedst all the earth c. Jer. 51. 24 25. and again Who art thou O great mountain thou shalt be made a plain Zac. 4 7. And for this cause even for the great oppression of his servants and people will the Lord shortly go forth as a mighty man he shall stir up jealousie like a man of war hee shall cry yea roare hee shall prevail against his enemies mightily and although he have been long silent and held his peace and restrained himself all this world long and hath suffered his own wife and little children to be afflicted with judgement from all the powers and authorities that have ruled in the earth yet now it is neer at hand that he that shall come will come and will not tarry but will destroy and devour at once all the mountains and hils that have desolated his own little holy hill of Sion Isa. 42. 13 14 15. Psal. 2. 6. And this holy hill of Sion which David speaks of is the small stone cut out of the mountain without hands that Daniel so long before saw in a Vision which became so great a mountain that it brake to pieces the gold the silver the brasse the iron the clay that no place was found for them for ever hereafter Now the holy Scribe Ezra is shewed what the mountain cut out without hands is 2 Ezr. 13. 35. that it is Sion the Church of God and her King the Son of God standing on the top of this mount Sion a posture of Majesty belonging only to a King and that this King should without sword or lifting up his hand or any instrument of war destroy the multitudes that came out to fight against him with a blast of fire sent out of his mouth and out of his lips a flaming breath and sparkles and tempest cast out with his tongue vers. 10. and the torments are like to a flame and their destruction shall be with the law that is like unto fire v. 38. And the peaceable multitude are the ten Tribes carried away by Salmaneser king of Assyria now both their carrying into captivity past long ago and their return which is not yet brought to passe are a lively type of the Saints captivity both of Jewes and Gentiles in the Churches pressures and sufferings and of their deliverance and salvation also as likewise the set-time to be in the day of the Lord Jesus his coming and revealing v. 28. to the 50. compared with 2 King 17. And farther it filled the whole earth saith the Text Dan. 2. 34. Observe the Prophets expression that the holy mountain of the Lord at the first was seen to be a stone cut out without hands which cleerly deciphereth unto us the true nature of the Church of Christ in her first and suffering condition the ten Tribes captivity in their estate of regeneration by which shee is made a holy living spirituall stone-house and so made or fashioned not by mans hands or any humane power as all the fleshly Synagogues of this world are but cut out and made without hands as that Tabernacle which God doth build and not man which is the true Church or Tabernacle Heb. 8. 2. And as I have often touched before continually all this life long suffers under those that are evill and malignant truly so called wherefore the Lord by the Prophet comforts this holy Church and mother of truth for a moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath have I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercy on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer And again Oh thou afflicted and tossed with tempest I will speak it again ●ossed with tempest here 's a word that sets out the suffering of truth with her children to the full even so tossed with the storme and tempest of affliction as a ship is tossed with the roaring and raging waves of the seas or as a ball is tossed and beaten up and down both by hand and foot Isa. 54. Now as the Prophet Daniel by the dreame of the King did understand the day of small things concerning the Churches condition in her estate of regeneration so also he saw the great and glorious power and soveraignty its dominion and magnitude in its deliverance
coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame and it contemns all manner of substance to purchase it it is no way to be attained but by the gift of God I will put my lawes in their inward parts and write them in their hearts saith the Lord Jer. 31. 33. This glorious kingdome are all such as are made of God Kings and Priests these are the Levits to whom God hath given the Law and Covenant of life to this commandement of peace and salvation Mal. 2. 4 5 6. which hath comforted his people here and for ever doth guide and regulate them in the perfection the glorious and everlasting kingdome of Christ hereafter Which Law of Gods kingdome is called in Scriptures a holy law a royall law a law of life a law of libertie a perfect law and such like James 1. 25. Chap. 2. 8. 12. The sixt thing considerable is the priviledges of this kingdome of glory which are so great and many that I shall rather obscure then discover them their priviledge of power and Authoritie is exceeding much and abundantly set forth in the Scriptures for when the Lord shall exalt Jerusalem this his own kingdome then shall the Lord breake the staffe of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers Isa. 14. 5. Behold saith the Lord I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan which say they are Jewes and are not but doe lye Behold saith he the second time againe to his Church I will make them come to worship before thy feete and to know that I have loved thee Rev. 3. 9. This is such a dignitie and priviledge as the Lord himselfe with a twofold word of audience affirmeth to take them captives whose captives they were and to rule over their oppressors Isa. 14. 2. with the praises of God in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands to execute vengeance punishment upon heathenish people to binde their Kings with chaines their Nobles with fetters of iron this honour or priviledge have all the Saints Psal. 149. And so saith the Prophet The sonnes of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all that despised thee shall how themselves downe at the soles of thy feete and they shall call thee the Citie of the Lord the Sion of the holy One of Israel whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee or delighted in thy company I will make thee an eternall excellency a joy of many generations Isa. 60. 14 15. So also their priviledge of freedome and libertie doth set forth their glory Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all Gal. 4. 26. They are all free-borne so begotten and born by the Word it selfe for all the whole Kingdome are children of the truth and the truth it was that which made them free Joh. 8. 32. Now the Word and the truth are the Sonne and those that the Sonne makes free are free indeed ver. 36. and from all manner of bondage free from sinne free from death free from sorrow free from the grave free from corruption free from oppression free from suffering inlarged and set at libertie for ever to injoy immortalitie these are the people that possesse and injoy the glorious libertie or freedome of the sonnes or children of God Rom. 8. 21. Also the company and associates that are in this heavenly kingdome doe exceedingly declare the glory of it to have and injoy the presence of God of Christ and the holy Ghost the company of all the holy Angels the company and societie of all the holy Patriarks Prophets and Saints with the comfortable delight and excellency of the restitution and perfection of all creatures both in the heavens the earth and the sea and all that is within them as shall be shewed hereafter in the point of universall subjection In Gods presence saith the Prophet is fulnesse of joy and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore Psal. 16. 11. You saith the Lord speaking to his Saints I appoint unto you a kingdome and yee shall eate and drinke with mee at my table in my kingdome Luk. 22. 30. And as the Angels are ministring spirits here in the Saints sufferings Heb. 1. 7. so in the world to come with the presence of God wee shall have the company presence of the Angels about the throne saith the text Rev. 7. 11. And there shall wee see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the holy Prophets in the kingdome of God and have heavenly sweet societie and company with them Luk. 13. 28. Now as the priviledges of the kingdome excell so also its Officers exceed all others I will saith the Lord make thy Officers peace and thine exactors righteousnesse violence shall no more be heard in thy land wasting and destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise Isa. 60. 18 19. Then shall mercy and truth meet together righteousnesse and peace shall kisse each other Psal. 85. 10. And this is the seventh consideration the eight followeth which are the subjects of this great King and Kingdome And the Apostle is so generall and universall in these that he excepts none neither in heaven nor in earth not sea nor under the earth even none that can be named but God the Father onely that subdued all under his Sons feet which is the King of this Kingdom for so saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. 27. For he hath put all things under his feete for when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is excepted who did put all things under him so then it is cleare that Angels and men and all other creatures are the subjects of this great Kingdome He hath put all things in subjection under his feete saith the Apostle Heb. 2. 8. And this is the Prophets witnesse I have sworne by my selfe saith the Lord the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse and shall not returne that unto me every knee shall how every tongue shall sweare Isa. 45. 23. And againe The nations and kingdomes that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations shall be utterly wasted Chap. 60. 12. And of the Angels saith the Apostle Let all the Angels of God worship him Heb. 1. 6. And the Apostle expounds the Oath of the Lord for this universall subjection and saith It is written as I live saith the Lord every knee shall how to mee and every tongue shall confesse to God Rom. 14. 11. And againe he saith At the name of Jesus every knee shall how of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every tongue shall confesse that Jesus is Lord and King to the glory of God the Father Phil. 2. 10 11. And yet the holy Ghost is more particular to prove that all things in all places are subject to Christ Rev. 5. 13. And every creature saith he which is
is justified before hee believes I will asswage the hardnesse of the question by the mildness of a comparison that which acquits and frees a malefactor is the sealed pardon of the King so likewise that which comforts and assures the penitent heart of mercy and forgiveness is the sealing witness which Gods Spirit beareth to or assureth the humble heart of the free Grace and love of God through Jesus Christ so that justifying faith to the sorrowfull sinner is as the sealed pardon to the malefactor and to this agrees the Scriptures Acts 10. 43. To him that is to Jesus Christ give all the Prophets witnesse that through his Name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins thus speaks Gods Word and not as you speak so that it cannot truly be said neither ought any dare so to preach that a man is justified before he believes nor that he believes before he be justified but that it is the same gift of Gods Spirit at one and the same time even then to believe our justification when he accepts us just in him that justifieth the ungodly and as it is given by the Holy Ghost to believe so it is continued maintained and increased by the same Spirit as the other spirituall gifts as hope love joy and patience are and whosoever doth receive the Spirit of adoption he hath with it the testimony of it which is justifying faith let us take heed wee do not separate that which God hath joyned together for that is directly against the commandment Matth. 9. 6. Let no man put asunder that which God hath joyned together and in vain doth that man argue to prove which is first in the Sun the heat or the light so vain it is in you to argue whether justification or faith be first for when or to whomsover God gives one he gives them both Rom. 3. 26. wherefore I retort your arguments thus If God give remission of sins to the penitent elect then the impenitent elect are not justified but hee gives remission of sins to the penitent elect Acts 2. 38. therefore none of Gods elect are justified before they are called and their sins remitted wherefore never hereafter teach your disciples that the elect of God are justified before they believe but learn to teach them to repent that their sins may be done away as the Apostle teacheth to life and salvation Act. 3. 19. and so St. John saith of the Jewes they did not repent that they might believe and consider our Lords doctrine to Nicodemus hee tells him not of his election although our Lord knew well that secret but hee preaches to him conversion Except a man be borne again he cannot see the kingdome of God Joh. 3. Regeneration must be sought for by the elect and by these effects and operations of the Holy Ghost to make sure to themselves their election this is Gods way prescribed in his Word And lest I fall into your error as I have briefly disproved your doctrine and discovered the falshood and mistie sophistrie of your arguments so now by the help of God I will lay down and confirm the truth it self how the Scriptures do speak of justifying and believing that so you may come to know that which hitherto I perceive you are very ignorant of Wherefore thus saith the Scriptures concerning justification We are justified freely by his grace saith the Apostle Rom. 3 24. Titus 3. 11. likewise that wee are justified by his blood that is by the blood of Christ Rom. 5. 9. and also that wee are justified by saith Rom. 3. 28. so then these three terms are to be considered in our justification the blood of Christ purchasing the grace and favour of God and an assurance of it given to the lost the dead the broken penitent mourning heart whereby though it be dead yet it is made to live the broken is healed the emptinesse is filled the thirstinesse is quenched comforted and refreshed with the favour and love of God in and through Jesus Christ justification then is the imputed righteousnesse of Christ assured and made known to the elect by faith and this doctrine is cleared by the Apostle beyond the least exception speaking of holy Abrahams justification and being fully assured saith hee Rom. 4. 21 24. that what God had promised hee was able to perform therefore it was imputed to him for righteousnesse Now it was not imputed for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if wee believe Observe first that the Apostle affirmeth justifying faith a full assurance for wee shall have occasion by and by to make use of this and secondly that the righteousnesse of Christ which is our justification is not given to us but by faith in these words to whom it shall be imputed if wee believe so that justification and justifying faith can no more be severed parted or divided then the light and the heat from the fire and to this purpose St. Paul calls Christ the just one and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus Rom. 3. 26. so that it is proved against all the Antinomians in the world that then and not before when God justifies his elect then and at that time he gives justifying faith Act. 13. 38 39. And as I promised before so I will here briefly shew the divers acceptations and distinctions of faith and three particulars do comprehend all other sorts and distinctions whatsoever Historicall faith to believe Gods Word the faith of miracles by which it is given to a Saint or a sinner to work this or that miracle so also in the third place the Scriptures speak of justifying faith of which it is said wee live by wee are comforted by through which wee are purified and justified and this sort of faith is called in Scriptures the faith of God the faith of Jesus the faith of Abraham the faith of Gods elect the faith that worketh by love the faith in the blood of Christ the faith accounted for righteousnesse the faith of the operation of God the most holy faith and may be thus defined that it is a full firm and certain trust or confidence written by the power and Spirit of God in the low humble penitent and broken-heart whereby it is given assuredly to believe that all his sins are forgiven and thus he is made one with God by reconciliation and atonement in and through the eternall and everlasting love of Jesus Christ the materiall cause of this justifying faith thus defined is a full sure and undoubted trust or confidence the formall cause is the free grace and favour of God the Father and of his Sonne Jesus Christ the efficient cause is the alone work of the holy Ghost thereby imprinting in and assuring of the hearts of the elect of this confidence of this grace and mercie the principall and finall cause is the glory of God and our Lord Jesus Christ and the end