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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85452 America painted to the life. A true history of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts, with a perfect relation of our English discoveries ... 1628. to 1658. declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customes, military disciplines, warres with the Indians, the commodities of their countries, a description of their townes, and havens, the increase of their trading with the names of their governours and magistrates. More especially an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations of our English in New-England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges .... Publisht ... by his grand-child Ferdinando Gorges Esquire, who hath much enlarged it and added severall accurate descriptions of his owne. Gorges, Ferdinando, Sir, 1556?-1647.; Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. 1658 (1658) Wing G1300; Thomason E969_3 181,058 245

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to cast downe many a strong fort erected by the Sectaries but the Lord Christ would not suffer this blow to be given intending all people by way of restitution for their slanderous reports cast upon his New England Churches as being the inlet to Errours shall honour them with this victorious co●quest given them by Christ herein yet willing they would their brethren in England might win the prize by out-stripping them more abundantly in length bredth and height which the same God is able to performe that hath been thus abundantly good to us About this time the Churches of Christ began to be diligent in their duty and the civil government in looking after such as were like to disturb the peace of this new erected government some persons being so hot headed for maintaining of these sinfull opinions that they feared breach of peace even among the Members of the superiour Court but the Lord blessing them with agreement to prevent the wofull effects of civill broyles those in place of government caused certain persons to be disarmed in the severall Townes as in the Towne of Boston to the number of 58. in the Towne of Salem 6. in the Towne of Newbery 3. in the Towne of Roxbury 5. in the Towne of Ipswitch 2. and Charles Towne 2. others there were that through the help of the faithfull servants of Christ came to see how they had beene m●sled and by the power of Christ in his Word returned againe with an acknowledgement of their sinne but others there were who remained obstinate to the disturbing of the civill power and were banished of whom you shall heare farther hereafter Some of the Churches of Christ being more indulgent waited long ere they fell upon the work and here you must tak notice that the Synod Civil Government and the Churches of Christ kept their proper place each moving in their own sphear and acting by their own light or rather by the revelation of Jesus Christ witnessed by his Word and Spirit yet not refusing the help of eacg other as some would willingly have it some of the Churches prosecuting the Rule of Christ against their hereticall Members were forced to proceed to excommunication of them who when they saw whereto it would come they would have prevented it with lying but the Lord discovered it and so they were justly separated from the Churches of Christ for lying which being done they fell to their old trade againe CHAP. VIII Of the planting the fourth Colonie of New Englands godly Government called New-Haven THe Lord Christ having now in his great mercy taken out of the way these mountains that seemed in the eye of Man to block up his Churches further proceedings they had now leisure to welcome the living stones that the Lord was pleased to adde unto this building and with thankfull acknowledgment to give him of his owne for his mercyes multitude whose was the work in planting not onely more Churches but another Colony also for the honoured Mr Eaton being accompanied with many worthy persons of note whom the Lord had furnished with store of substance for this wildernesse-work although they would willingly have made their abode under the government of the Mattachusets yet could they finde no place upon the Sea-coasts for their settling the Lord intending to enlarge his peoples border caused them after much search to take up a place somewhat more southwardly neare the shalles of Cape-cod where they had very flatt water yet being entred in they found commodious harbour for shipping and a fit place to erect a Towne which they built in very little time with very faire houses and compleat streets but in a little time they overstockt it with Chattell although many of them did follow merchandizing and Maritime affairs but their remotenesse from the Mattachusets Bay where the chiefe traffique lay hindred them much Here did these godly and sincere servants of Christ according to the rule of the Word gather into Church Estate and called to the office of a Pastor the reverend judicious and godly Mr John Davenport of whom the Author is bold to say as followeth WHen Men and Devils 'gainst Christs flock conspire For them prepar'd a deadly trapping net Then Christ to make all men his work admire Davenport he doth thee from thy Country fet To sit in Synod and his folk assist The filthy vomit of Hels Dragon deepe In earths womb drawn blest they this poyson mist And blest the meanes doth us from error keep Thy grave advice and arguments of strength Did much prevaile the Erronist confound Well hast thou warr'd Christ drawes thy dayes in length That thou in learn'd experience maist abound What though thou leave a city stor'd with pleasure Spend thy prime dayes in heathen desart land Thy joy 's in Christ and not in earthly treasure Davenport rejoice Christs Kngdome is at hand Didst ever deem to see such glorious dayes Though thou decrease with age and earths content Thou live'st in Christ needs then must thy joy raise His Kingdome 's thine and that can ne'r be spent This Church and Town soon procur'd some Sisters to take part with her and among them they erected a godly and peaceable Government and called their frontier towne New haven of which the Government is denominated being inhabited by many men eminent in gifts for the populating thereof and managing of affaires both by Sea and Land they have had some shipping built there but by the sad losse of Mr. Lambertons ship and goods also they were much disheartned but the much honoured Mr. Eaton remaines with them to this very day THou noble thus Theophilus before great Kings to stand More noble far for Christ his war thou leav'st thy native land With thy rich store thou cam'st on shore Christs Churches to assist What if it wast thou purchast hast that Pearl that most have mist Nay rather he hath purchast thee and whatsoever thou hast With graces store to govern o're his people he thee plac't Our State affaires thy will repaires assistant thou hast bin Firm league to make for Gospels sake four Colonyes within With Sweads French Dutch and Indians much Gods peoples peace this bred Then Eaton aye remember may the Child that 's yet unfed This government of New-haven although the younger Sister of the foure yet was she as beautifull as any of this broode of travellers most minding the end of her coming hither to keep close to the rule of Christ both in Doctrine and Discipline and it were to be wished her elder Sister would follow her example to nurture up all her children accordingly here is not to be forgotten the honoured Mr Hopkins who came over about this time a man of zeale and courage for the truths of Christ assisting this blessed work both in person and estate for the which the Author cannot forget him being oft in commission for the good of all the united Colonyes HOpkins thou must although weak dust for this great work
of her and he not partakers of her sins now is the time when the Lord hath assembled his Saints together now the Lord will come and not tarry As it was necessary that there should be a Moses and Aaron before the Lord would deliver his people and destroy Pharaoh lest they should be wildred indeed in the Wilderness so now it was needfull that the Churches of Christ should first obtain their purity and the civill government its power to defend them before Antichrist come to his finall ruine and because you shall be sure the day is come indeed behold the Lord Christ marshalling of his invincible Army to the battell some suppose this onely to be mysticall and not literall at all assuredly the spirituall fight is chiefly to be attended and the other not neglected having a neer dependancy one upon the other especially at this time the Ministers of Christ who have cast off all lording power over one another are created field-Officers whose Office is extravagant in this Army chiefly to encourage the fighting Souldiers and to lead them on upon the enemy in the most advantagious places and bring on fresh supplies in all places of danger to put the sword of the spirit in their Souldiers hands but Christ who is their general must onely enable them to use it aright to give every Souldier in charge that they watch over one another to see that none meddle with the execrable things of Antichrist and this to be performed in every Regiment throughout the Army and not one to exercise dominion over the other by way of superiority for Christ hath appointed a parity in all his Regiments c. let them beware that none go apart with rebellious Korah And further behold Kings Rulers or Generals of Earths Armies doth Christ make use of in this day of battell the which he hath brought into the field already also who are appointed to defend uphold and maintain the whole body of his Armies against the insolent beastly and bloody cruelty of their insatiable enemies and to keep order that none do his fellow-Souldier any wrong nor that any should raise a mutiny in the hosts Notwithstanding all this if any shall say they will not believe the day is come till they see them ingage battell with Antichrist Verily if the Lord be pleased to open your eyes you may see the beginning of the fight and what success the Armies of our Lord Christ have hitherto had the Forlorne hopes of Antichrists Army were the proud Prelates of England the Forlorne of Christs Armies were these N. E. people who are the subject of this History which encountring each other for some space of time ours being overpowered with multitude were forced to retreat to a place of greater safety where they waited for a fresh opportunity to ingage with the main battell of Antichrist so soon as the Lord shall be pleased to give a word of Command Immediately upon this success the Lord Christ was pleased to command the right Wing of his Army to advance against the left Wing of Antichrist where in his former forlorn hopes of proud Prelates lay these by our right Wing had their first pay for that they had done to our forlorne before being quite overthrown and cut in peices by the valiant of the Lord in our right Wing who still remain fighting Thus far of the battell of Antichrist and the various success what the issue will be is assuredly known in the generall already Babylon is fallen the God of truth hath said it then who would not be a Souldier on Christs side where is such a certainty of victory nay I can tell you a farther word of encouragement every true-hearted Souldier that falls by the sword in this fight shall not lye dead long but stand upon his feet again and be made partaker of the triumph of this Victory and none can be overcome but by turning his back in fight And for a word of terrour to the enemy let them know Christ will never give over the raising of fresh Forces till they are overthrown root and branch And now you antient people of Israel look out of your Prison grates let these Armies of the Lord Christ Jesus provoke you to acknowledge he is certainly come I and speedily he doth come to put life into your dry bones here is a people not onely praying but fighting for you that the great block may be removed out of the way which hath hindered hitherto that they with you may enjoy that glorious resurrection-day the glorious nuptials of the Lamb when not only the Bridegroom shall appear to his Churches both of Jews and Gentiles which are his spouse in a more brighter aray then ever heretofore but also his Bride shall be clothed by him in the richest garments that ever the Sons of men put on even the glorious graces of Christ Jesus in such a glorious splendor to the eyes of man that they shall see and glorifie the Father of both Bridegroom and Bride OH King of Saints how great 's thy work say we Done and to do poor Captives to redeem Mountaines of mercy makes this work to be Glorious that grace by which thy works are seen Oh Jesu thou a Saviour unto thine Not works but grace makes us this mercy find Of sinners cheife no better men they be Thou by thy work hast made thy work to do Thy Captaines strength weak dust appears in thee While thou art brought such wondrous works unto Then Christ doth all I all is done for his Redeemed ones his onely work it is Doth Christ build Churches who can them deface He purchast them none can his right deny Not all the world ten thousand worlds his grace Caus'd him once them at greater price to buy Nor marvell then if Kings and Kingdomes he Destroy'd when they do cause his folke to flee Christ is come down possession for to take Of his deer purchase who can hinder him Not all the Armies earthly men can make Millions of spirits although Divels grim Can Pope or Turke with all their mortall power Stay Christ from his inheritance one hour All Nations band your selves together now You shall fall down as dust from bellows blown How easie can our King your power bow Though higher you in mens accompt were grown As drop in bucket shall those waters be Whereon that Whore doth sit in high degree Christs wrath is kindled who can stand before His anger that so long hath been provoked In moment perish shall all him before Who touch'd Mount Sinai and it soundly smoaked New-England Churches you are Christs you say So sure are all that walk in Christs way No such need fear fury of men or Divels Why Christ among you takes his dayly walk He made you gold you keeps from rusting evils And hid you here from strife of tongues proud talke Amongst his he for their defence doth bide They need no more that have Christ on their side Man be not