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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66950 The Protestant's crums of comfort containing I. Prayers and meditations, with ejaculations for every day in the week, and other occasions. II. Thanksgivings for deliverances from Popery, tyranny, and arbitrary power. III. The rebellion in Ireland, and massacre of Paris. IV. The learned Bishop Usher's prophecy, concerning Ireland, and the downfall of Rome. V. Advice to the late besieged in London-Derry, under that reverend divine and valiant commander, Coll. George Walker. Illustrated with pictures suitable to each particular occasion. Walker, George, of Londonderry. 1690 (1690) Wing W342; ESTC R219333 41,249 189

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Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give the Praise for thy loving Mercy and for thy Truths sake Wherefore shall the Heathen say Where is now their God As for our God he is in Heaven he hath done whatsoever pleaseth him II. Their Idols are Silver and Gold even the Work of Mens hands They have Mouths and speak not eyes have they and see not They have Ears and hear not Noses have they and smell not They have hands and handle not Feet have they and walk not neither speak they through their Throat They that make them are like unto them and so are all such as put their Trust in them III. But thou House of Israel trust thou in the Lord He is ●●eir succour and defender Ye House of Aaron put your Trust in the Lord He is ●heir helper and defender The Lord hath been mind●ull of us and he shall bless ●…s Even he shall bless the ●ouse of Israel he shall bless ●●e House of Aaron He shall bless them that ●…ar the Lord both small and ●…reat The Prayer ALmighty God whose Dwelling is in the highest Heavens and ●st whatsoever pleaseth thee both in heaven and on Earth give Grace 〈…〉 beavenly Father that in all our ●…ubles and calamities we may put 〈…〉 who le Trust in thee who art our ●…y succour defender and deliver II. Let us evermore praise thy holy Name and never ascribe to our selves any Honour and Glory or Thank● of any good Action or prosper o● Success but to thee alone who a●● the Author and Giver of all good things Keep us from Idolatry from worshipping vain Imagination● and any thing which is contrary to t●● Gospel Bless us in all our way● that when we go from hence we 〈…〉 inherit thy Kingdom Amen Meditations for Monday Night I Will lift up mine Eyes un● the Hills from when cometh my Help My Help cometh even from the Lord which hath ma● Heaven and Earth II. He will not suffer thy Fo● to be moved and he th● keepeth thee will not sleep Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor ●●eep III. The Lord himself is thy Keeper The Lord is thy Defence upon the right hand So that the Sun shall not ●urn thee by day nor the Moon by night IV. The Lord shall preserve thee ●●om Evil Yea it is even he ●hat shall keep thy Soul The Lord shall preserve thy ●oing out and thy coming in ●●om this time forth for evermore The Prayer O GOD from whence cometh all our Help and Succour pre●…ve us by thy Power and Providence ●…at nothing either by day or night ●…ay molest our Peace or disturh our ●afety suffer not the Vanities of ●…e one to allure us nor the Terrours 〈…〉 the other to amaze and affright us II. Let our Feet be immoveable an● fixed upon the Rock and Foundation Christ Jesus and so dispose of o● going out and coming in that ● may not swerve from thy Commandments but walk according to t● Holy Rule in all things who art o● Lord and Saviour Meditations for Tuesday Morning THey that put their Tr●… in the Lord shall be ev●… as the Mount Sion which m●… not be removed but stande●… fast for ever The Hills stand about Jerusalem even so standeth t●… Lord round about his Peop●… from this time forth for ev●… more II. For the Rod of the Ungo●… cometh not into the lot of t●… Righteous lest the Righteous out their hands unto Wickedness Do well O Lord unto ●hose that be good and true of Heart As for such as turn back un●o their own wickedness the ●ord shall lead them forth with the Evil-doers but ●eace shall be upon Israel The Prayer MErciful God our only Trust and Confidence and whosoever ●usteth in thee shall not be removed ●●t stand fast for ever let thy Pow●● and Glory stand round about us ●nd all thy Holy People like Hills ●…r our Protection and Safety that ●…e may be sheltered from our Enemies II. Permit us not to put our hands to Wickedness neither let us partake 〈◊〉 the Lot of the Ungodly whom thou or dainest for Destruction B●… let us receive that Blessing which o●… Lord and Saviour hath left 〈…〉 Church even the Peace of God t●… Father Son and Holy Ghost 〈…〉 whom be all Honour and Glory Wor●… without end Amen Meditations for Tuesday Noon WHen the Lord turned again the Captivity 〈…〉 Sion then were we like unt●… them that dream Then was our Mouth fil●…ed with Laughter and o●… Tongue with Joy II. Then said they among th● Heathen the Lord hath do●… great things for them Yea the Lord hath do●… great things for us already whereof we rejoyce III. Turn thou our Captivity O Lord as the Rivers in the South They that sow in Tears shall ●eap in Joy He that now goeth on his way weeping and beareth ●orth good Seed shall doubt●ess come again with Joy and ●ring his Sheaves with him The Prayer GRacious God who hast promised Life and Salvation to thy cho●en Servants and hast wrought ●ighty things for them already ●hereof they rejoyce Deliver us we ●eseech thee from the Slavery and ●etters of Sin and Misery dissipate ●nd scatter all our Enemies which ●ay close Siege to us seeking to destroy us II. Fill our Hearts with Con̄t●ition ●or having trespassed against thee teach us that Divine Art of Self denial to mo●tifie our Affection 〈◊〉 our Lust and extinguish a●●●●shly Temptations that when th● great Harvest shall come ●e may 〈◊〉 admitted as Fellow Labourers 〈◊〉 work in thy Spiritual Kingdom through Jesus Christ. Amen Meditations for Tuesday Night OUT of the Deep have called unto thee O Lord Lord hear my Voice Oh let thine Ears conside● well the Voice of my Complaint II. If thou Lord wilt be extream to mark what is done a● miss O Lord who may a● bide it For there is Mercy with thee therefore snalt thou b● feared I look for the Lord my Soul doth wait for him in his Word is my Trust. III. My Soul flieth unto the Lord before the Morning Watch I say before the Morning Watch. O Israel trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is Mercy and with him is plenteous Redemption And he shall redeem Israel from all his Sins The Prayer O Blessed Lord who with thy most precious Blood didst pay ●ur Ransom to purchase for us Freedom and Salvation With thee ●here is Mercy and plenteous Redemption O let the height of that Mercy ●ake us out of the bottomless Pit of ●in and Misery II. Be not extream O Lord in marking out what we have done amiss in our Life time but rather blot out th● Hand-writing which is against us And as thy boundless Mercy pardon● what is past so let the sweetness of i● create thy Fear in our Hearts that we may never more dare to offend s● gracious and merciful a Saviour a● thou art to us Grant this O Lord I beseech thee for thy alone sake Amen Meditations for
Persecutions that ●…ere coming upon the Chur●…es of Christ which would ●…e so sharp and bitter that ●…e contemplation of them ●…d fetched those Tears from ●…s Eyes and that he hoped ●…e should not live to see it ●…ut possibly she might for it ●…as even at the door Therefore take heed says he that y●… be not found sleeping The same things he also r●…peated to the Lady Bysse 〈…〉 Wife to the Lord Chief B●…ron of Ireland but addin●… this Circumstance That 〈…〉 they brought back the King 〈…〉 might be delayed a little longer but said he it will s●r●… come therefore be sure to look th●… you be not found unprepared for it To conclude in the Wor●… of Dr. Bernard speaking 〈…〉 this excellent Person No●… howsoever I am far fro●… heeding of Prophecies ye●… with me it is not improbabl●… that so great a Prophet s●… sanctified from his Youth 〈…〉 so knowing and emine●… throughout the univers●… Church might have at som●… special times more than o●…dinary Motions and Impu●…ses in doing the Watch-man 〈…〉 part of giving warning o●… Judgments approaching The Spanish Inv●ion 1558. Gun powder Treason Nov 5. 1605. The Arrival of the Prince of Orange Nov. 5. 1688. The Thanksgiving for the Deliverance from the Spanish Ar●ada was August 7. 1558. their Fleet was 150 Ships and 65 Galleons which were to join the Duke of Parma who had 32 Ships of War 70 Flat-bottoms and 2●0 Boats which lay in Newport Haven with 2000 empty Cas●s to cho●k Havens and make Bridges To this Design the Pope contribute● a Million of Gold November the 5 1605. was our great Deliverance from the Hellish Powder-Plot and ●e miraculous finding of it out was by a Letter sent to the Lord Mounteagle to advise him to take care of himself for the Parliame●● should receive such a Blow and not see who hurt them The Con●ir●●ors were Everard Digby Knight Robert Catesby Esq Ambrose Rockwood Esq Francis Tresham Esq Robert VVinter Esq Tho. Piercy Gent. Tho. VVinter Gent. John VVright Gent. Christ. Wright Gent. John Grant Gent. Robert Keys Gent. G●y Fa●x and Bates Catesby's Man Provisions for this horrid Design was 36 Barrels of Powder 500 Faggots and 1900 Billets November the 5. 1688 was our happy Deliverance from Popery Slavery and Arbitrary Power by the Arrival of the Prince of Orange who landed with a considerable Army at Brixam Key in Devonshire where the whole Country congratulated him and brought Plenty of Provisions and Necessaries for the S●diers Thanksgivings for God's wonderful Deliverances From the Spanish Invasion WE laud and magnifie thy holy Name for this wonderfull Deliverance wrought for our Ancestors which were surrounded with fear of Roman Slavery and Popish Usurpation which would have destroyed both Queen and Kingdom when their Gallies and Ships came to assault us with murthering Pieces and Instruments of Cruelty which none but Satan and themselves could invent as Whips to scourge us Seals to mark us and Fetters to manacle us II. They were full of Pride calling themselves Invincible and had hemm'd us in on every side trusting in their own Arm of Flesh and pursuing our ruine and destruction then O Lord thou didst awake as one out of sleep and as a Giant refreshed with Wine and smotest our Enemies in the hinder parts putting them all to confusion Blessed be thy Name for this and all other Mercies bestowed upon us and grant that we may never want thankfull Hearts to praise thee From the Gun-Powder Treason November 5th 1605. Blessed Lord whose Eye of Providence watched over us and didst discover to us those hellish Contrivances which were laid in the dark but not hid from thine All-seeing eye Rome's Factors were then busie in contriving to blow up the Bodies of our King and Nobles with a most barbarous and unnatural invention II. What had they done to them to be adjudged to so strange a Death and what had they done for thee to be so graciously preserved as we consider their inhumanity in laying their cruel project so we must acknowledge thy Goodness in revealing the same to whom be glory now and for ever Amen For our Deliverance from Popery Tyranny and Arbitrary Power O Eternal God who hast wrought so great a Deliverance to all thy People by raising up happy Instruments for thy Glory and our Peace and Safety even thy Servants our dear and dread Soveraign Lord and Lady K. William and Q. Mary who like Moses stood in the Gap between us and Pharaoh's Cruelties II. Thou hast delivered us O Lord thou God of Mercy when we were even ready for destruction Tyranny and what else their Roman Malice could invent or slavish yoke have imposed upon us but blessed be thy holy Name that thou hast snatched us as a Brand out of the Burning and hast restored those good Laws and Liberties which our Forefathers l●ave enjoyed teach us to prize value this great Mercy that all Nations may say happy are the people that are in such a Case yea happy is the People whose God is their Lord. For the Relief of London-Derry in Ireland O Lord of Heaven and Earth who didst in thy great Mercy remember thy poor Servants when they were in trouble and besieged round about being in great necessity s ●race the Duke of Sc●●mberg The Valiant Governour Walker The Siege of London-derry 1688. The Irish and French Forces being leaded by the late King James laid close Siege to London-derry at which time Collonel Lundy and others 〈◊〉 driven away by fear they were destitute of a Governour the Town then consisting of about Nine thousand Fighting men they 〈◊〉 chose Col. VValker their Governour and preserved the Place couragiously enduring great extremity but at last they were supplie● with Provisions by way of the River and the Besiegers after great loss sustained drew off and left them August the 13th His Grace 〈◊〉 Duke of Schombergh l●nded his Forces in Ireland near Carrickfergus and reduced divers Places to obedience causing the French and Irish Army to retrea● Not long after Governour Walker safely arrived in England and waited upon their Majesties at Hampton-Court with an humble Address from the Governours Officers Clergy and Gentlemen in the City and Garison of London-Derry at which time His Majesty was pleased as a Mark of his Royal ●ounty to order him Five thousand Pounds with this Assurance That it should not at all lessen his Kindness to him and his Family for want of Food and other Necessaries thou didst in thy due time send them Relief and Succour else they had perished in their Affliction II. And what can we render O Lord sufficient for these things our best thanks we can pay O God are less than the least of all thy Mercies yet in the mean time we desire to acknowledge thine abundant Goodness and loving Kindness to us and to praise thy Name for evermore For the Gifts of God I yield thee all humble and hearty Thanks O mercifull God that by the
Life may be lost or be in danger therefore it behoves us to lay hold on that Advice which St. Paul gave the Ephesians Ephes. 6. 10 11. Be ye strong in the Lord and in the Power of his Might Put on the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to stand So shall we be fortified with that Courage which is mentioned here in my Text of being not afraid or dismaied by reason of this great multitude for the Battel is not ours but God's Be not afraid or dismaied by reason of this great multitude is the Command of God and therefore in obedience to his Command let us humbly obey his Divine Order and valiantly fight under his Protection A multitude there is and very great what then the Battel is God's and David tells us 1 Chron. 16. 5. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised he is also to be feared above all Gods The multitude here in my Text were Moabites and Ammonites but the multitude which layeth close Siege to us are Jesuits and bloudy Papists whose damnable Principles and hellish Doctrines are to quench the light of the Gospel to root and destroy all Christianity who blasphemously think to gain Heaven by Massacring God ' People and triumph in the effussion of shedding innocent Bloud it is their Glory to lay Kingdoms wast and Countries desolate reduce Cities to Ashes and ruine Families those which will not fall down to worship their Idols false Gods of Wood and Stone are fit objects of their Fury their Cruelty is beyond what Malice can invent or Hell imagine and Solomon gives a true Character of them Prov. 27. 4. Wrath is cruel and Anger is outragious but who is able to stand before Envy But God will pour out his Wrath upon them and shoot at them with his Arrows that they shall be wounded his Vengeance will speedily overtake and drown them like harden'd Pharaob in the red Sea of Perdition let him who hath provoked God to Anger lay his hand on his Heart and now say with Nehemiah Shall such an one as I flie Shall I whom God hath honoured so much dishonour him by Oaths so greatly who am placed in an higher Sphere than others be either a dim or a wandering Star Shall I who am most obliged to God by the Bonds of Wealth and Power exceed the bounds of Truth and Justice whom he hath made a Ruler of the People not rule my self and my own Kingdoms according to his Golden Rule God forbid God will not permit their Romish policy to overthrow our Christian Piety he will not suffer them to break the bruised Reed of the Distressed nor quench the smoaking Flax of their Necessities he will be a Lamp unto our Feet and a Light unto our Path in this Extremity therefore be not afraid or dismaied by reason of this great multitude c. We must every one of us look upon this great Affliction as sent from God for he knows what is better for us than we do for our selves and that which seems most evil at present may turn at last to our greatest benefit None of us ought to despair of God's Mercy for when our weak Apprehensions of God are such as drive us from him we overthrow the main end of Religion which is to bring God and our selves nearer together None ought to exclude themselves from God's Mercy whom he excludes not from it and God excludes none whom he invites to repent with a promise of forgiveness if they do it and the goodness and long suffering and forbearance of us Sinners is on purpose design'd to lead us to Repentance so that after all this to despair and fail in our Courage is only to reject the Mercy which God offers but to question his truth and sincerity to slight his Patience to disparage his Goodness and to look upon him as a most revengeful and implacable Being is to admit and entertain most dishonourable and unworthy Thoughts of the Best the Wisest the most merciful and compassionate Being in the World who hath proclaim'd himself Exod. 34. 6 7. To be a God merciful and gracious long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for thousands for giving Iniquity Transgresson and Sin that is to all that truly repent So that when we consider we have no reason to despair of his Mercy to us but readily and willingly to obey his Command and not shrink from those principles which prompt us to his Honour and Glory in whose Service is perfect freedom but to rouse up our selves like Men stand upon our Guard fortifie our selves and be vigilant not being afraid or dismaied by reason of this great multitude for it is God's cause which we fight for and our Lives cannot be better imployed than in his Service from whom we received all we have or can pretend to therefore let us press forwards in obedience to his Command for the Battel is not yours but God's When the Lord's Battel is to be fought we must endeavour to follow his holy Order and Discipline and not our own sinfull Lusts and Appetires like brute Beasts which have no understanding Let us seriously consider I beseech you what it is we fight for it is to defend our Religion and oppose Idolatry to maintain Truth and beat down Falshood to exalt Glory and decry Shame and to enjoy our Freedom and not espouse Slavery Let happy England now be our pattern for Loyalty Magnanimity Courage then shall we arrive at that serene State which holy David expresses Psal. 85. 10. where Mercy and Truth are met together Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other if on the contrary we revolt nothing can be expected but Parisian Slavery to ●●thrall us and Romish Idolatry to attend us Have we not felt the smarting Rod of Popery for many years yea within a few years when Legality was changed into Arbitrary Government Orthodox Religion grosly invaded and innovated Popish Doctrines publickly preached Crucifixes erected Adoration to Saints and Altars practised and Ten Ave Maria's said for one Pater Nesler The same may be said of Ireland as once a Reverend Divine wittily said of England Though it was but a little Place yet there was a great deal of ROME in it And shall not I visit for these things saith the Lord shall not my Soul be a●enged on such a Nation as this Jer. 5. 9. yes surely God will avenge himself and defeat all their Policies he will laugh a● their Galamity and meek when the ●●●● cometh when their fear come as desolation and destruction as Whirlwind Prov. 1. 25 26 27. he is able and will deliver us if we trust in him he has promised us who will not break his Word Psal. 50. 15. Call upon me in the time of trouble I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie me Therefore let us be all of one mind and not halt between Two Opinions but stand fast Fear not nor be dismayed for the Battel is not