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A60170 A new naked truth, or, The sandy foundation of the Sacramental test shaken, by a warning-piece discharged from heaven against all sorts of persecutors wherein you may hold Christ crucified mystically and sacramentally, upon the cross of the sacramental penal test, with all the rest of the penal laws and tests attending thereon, and contributing thereunto / by Giles Shute ... Shute, Giles, b. 1650 or 51. 1688 (1688) Wing S3709; ESTC R11222 67,483 56

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Riches and he shall vomit them up again God shall cast them out of his Belly That which he laboured for shall he Restore that is they laboured for it in a wrong illegal way as we use to say Prank more labour than Thank who required it at their Hands according to his Substance shall the Restitution be and he shall not rejoice therein It may be you will say You had a Law on your side Why So the old Gang of Scribes and Pharisees could boast of a Law they had on their side by which they did literally and wickedly Crucifie our Lord and Saviour We have a Law and by our Law this Man ought to die And here is a Law of the very same Complection of yours if not Prophetically spoken of the same in Isa 10.1 2. With a Wo pronounced against the Legislators thereof Wo unto them that Decree Vnrighteous Decrees and that write Grievousness which they have Prescribed To turn aside the needy from Judgment and to take away the Right from the poor of my People that Widows may be their Prey and that they may Rob the Fatherless Here you see a Law made against God's People And those that make such Laws as these are are Persons that have no Communion or Fellowship with God Psal 94.20 23. Shall the Throne of Iniquity have Fellowship with thee which frameth Mischief by a Law Pray mark What will be the End of such And he shall bring upon them their own Iniquity and shall cut them off in their own Wickedness Yea the Lord our God shall cut them off Psal 7.15 16. He made a Pit and digged it and is fallen into the Ditch which he made His Mischief shall return upon his own Head and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own Pate That is God does bring it down upon them which is a fulfilling the Words of our Saviour who hath said That the same Measure ye make shall be made unto you again O Sirs I beseech ye to take shame to your selves before the Lord for all your Abominations that you may not be put to shame by the Lord Eye the just Hand of God in all these Great Providences Humble your selves in Dust and Ashes Acknowledge and Confess all your Sins and break off from Sin by Righteousness and cry mightily to God for pardoning Mercy in the Blood and Merits of Jesus Christ But it may be or I hope at least-wise that some of ye will say I am guilty of all these Abominations and of Multitudes more I have been a sierce Persecuter a Blasphemer and an Injurious Person I have been a Whoremonger a Drunkard and a Lier and I have often Crucified the Son of God and made his Wounds bleed afresh and put him to an open Shame by Eating and Drinking unworthily at the Lord's Table and I have had a hand in Imprisoning and Impoverishing the Saints and Servants of God by which means some of them have perished in stinking nasty Goals and is there any Hopes of pardoning Mercy for such a horrible Sinner as I am Yes I tell thee in the Name of God who is a God that delighteth in Mercy if thou dost ask this Question in good earnest I tell thee from God's own Word that there is hopes of Mercy for thee Dear Soul if thou do from the bottom of thy Heart confess and forsake thy Sins and turn to God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Kiss the Son least he be angry with ye and ye perish from the Way when his Wrath is kindled but a little And Pray for your Encouragement Read and Consider well of the 1st of Isa 16 17 18 19 20. And Isa 55.6 7 8.9 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near Let the Wicked forsake his way and the Vnrighteout Man his Thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have Mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon For my Thoughts are not your Thoughts neither are your Ways my Ways saith the Lord. For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my Ways higher than your Ways and my Thoughts than your Thoughts With Reverence be it spoken What can the Lord say more unto you for your Encouragement to cast your selves upon his pardoning Mercy and Free Grace For there is more Vertue and Merit in the least drop of Christ's Blood to pardon and save you then there is Malignity in all your Sins to damn and destroy you if you will but believe in Christ and come unto him and resign up the Government and Conduct of your Souls unto him for he calls the weary and heavy-laden Sinners unto him and promises to give them Rest Matth. 11.28 29 30. Nothing but Unbelief and Despair can with-hold God's Merciful Hard from Extending Pardoning Grace unto you It is not the Greatness nor the Hainousness nor the Multitudes of your Sins that can hinder Pardoning Mercy from you if your own Unbelief do not And I will not speak without Book but I will give you several Instances of as Vile Persons as ever you have been if not Viler that have been Pardoned and Saved that are left upon Record in the holy Scripture as Monuments of Gods Infinite Mercy and Free Grace But let me give you this Precaution that you do not presume upon Gods Mercy to go on any longer and further into Sin You must not continue in Sin that Grace may abound God forbid that ever you should make such an evil use of it to turn the Grace of God into Lasciviousness but it is that you may not despair and pine away in your own Iniquity nor go any further on this Black Score And the first Person that I shall Instance in shall be Manasseh who was a Cruel Bloody Idolater as you may read 2 Kings 21. and yet notwithstanding all that Manasseh Repented and was Pardoned and Saved 2 Chron. 33.12 13. And when he was in affliction he besought the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his Fathers and prayed unto him and he was intreated of him and heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem into his Kingdom then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God. He never knew God until he was Converted no nor no other Sinner does neither let him have what Notional Knowledge he will in his Head if he have not Sanctifying Saving Grace in his Heart It is said That Manasseb made the Streets of Jerusalem to run with Blood as Water and caused his own Children to pass through the Fire and was guilty of Witchcraft and Idolatry and other Hainous Sins his Sins reached as high as Heaven yet Gods Mercy being higher than the Heavens that overlooked all his Sins and God cast them behind his Back and blotted them out of his Book and drowned all his Spiritual Aegyptians in the Red-Sea of Christ's Blood and did pardon and save him What dost thou
is an old trick of the Devil And thirdly and lastly binding over Persons for Worshipping God is a very ancient thing also A Persecutor is one that must abandon all moral Honesty he must do as he would not be done by he must sacrifiee his Conscience and pawn his Soul in the Hands of the Devil for he must persecute Christ Acts 9.4 5. and fight against God Acts 5.38 39. A Persecuter is one that bids Defiance to Heaven and is in open Hostility and Rebellion against the Almighty and he is striking at the Apple of God's Eye Zech. 2.8 For thus saith the Lord of Hosts after the Glory hath he sent me unto the Nations which spoised you do you hear you persecuting Spoilers of the Nation for he that toucheth you toucheth the Apple of his Eye that is of God's Eye Again A Persecuter is worse than the Devil in some Respects for the Devil cannot force a man to sin he can but tempt and suggest to Sin but the Persecutor does both he tempts them to conform to a Religion or Worship that they are convinc'd in their Consciences is not right because it has none of the Sanction of God's Authority upon it and if they refuse then he does what he can to force them by Indictments and Fines and Excommunications and Plundering and Imprisoning them and the like Now this the Devil cannot do himself personally therefore they are worse then the Devil Again Fourthly A Persecutor or one that hath this Cain-like Spirit in him every time he saith the Lord's Prayer he speaks Blasphemy for he does blaspheme the Name of God the Father the first Person in order in the Blessed and Glorious Trinity for he begins it in Blasphemy for he saith Our Father which art in Heaven And the holy Word of God saith That no man can call God Father but by his Spirit for let him that taketh the Name of the Lord in his Mouth Depart from Iniquity and the Apostle saith Know ye not that the Spirit of Christ is in ye except ye be Reprobate And our Lord Jesus Christ told the old Sect of Scribes and Pharisees that were Persecuters as our New-Gospel-Sect of the same Leven are in John 8.44 Ye are of your Father the Devil and the Lusts of your Father ye will do He was a Murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth Why So all his Children departs from the Truth when they turn Persecuters they do not do as they would be done by they depart from that Truth which the very light of Nature doth teach us as well as the Word of God. Now can it ever be possible that a Child of the Devil can call God Father without being guilty of Blasphemy at the same time for he saith Our Father which art in Heaven when as his Father is the Devil so that by his Lye he does tacitly and consequentially pull God out of his Throne of Mercy and place his Father the Devil in his room upon the Mercy Seat in Heaven and puts up his Petition to the Devil instead of Praying unto God his Maker And is not this a dreadful Case Nay further in the fifth place for I have not done with ye yet When a Persecuter doth say the Lord's-Prayer he doth say Thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven And no Persons are so great Opposers of Christ's Gospel-Kingdom coming as the Persecuters are and none does oppose the doing of God's Will in Earth as it is in Heaven like them of a persecuting Spirit for in Heaven there God's Will is done uninterruptedly by Angels and all other Glorified Spirits there they Praise God in perfect Peace Love and Union there is no Persecuter there nor none to disturb nor make them afraid for there they are all of one Heart and of one Mind But so it cannot be done in Earth by the Persecuters who cannot sleep unless they do Mischief and they do hinder others from doing the Will of God in Earth as it is done in Heaven therefore a Persecuter cannot be sincere and in good earnest when he saith Thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Therefore all they of a persecuting Spirit do but dissemble and mock God and tell him a parcel of Lies to his very Face for they do say in Words that God's Will must be done in Earth as it is in Heaven but in Works they do utterly deny it for they Dethrone the Almighty who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords as much as in them lyes And the proud Persecuters do mount God's Throne here on Earth namely the Souls and Consciences of men and say to their Souls Bow down that we may go over They do rob God of his Sovereignty and become spiritual Legislators to make Laws and give Laws unto their Fellow-creatures to Worship God by as they pretend and so do wrest the Government out of God's Hand over the Souls and Consciences of men which is peculiarly belonging to the Great and Dread Sovereign Majesty of Heaven and Earth which is to do their Father the Devil's will on Earth as it is done in Hell And not to do God's Will in Earth as it is in Heaven Again Sixthly A Persecuter as often as he saith the Lord's Prayer does in Effect Pray that God would not forgive him his Sins for he saith Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them their Trespasses against us Now a Persecuter cannot say this heartily and sincerely because that instead of praying to God he does imprecate the forest of Judgments upon himself for he saith Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them their Trespasses against us and the Persecuter did not nor yet does not forgive the Dissenters though but pretended Trespasses against them when some Persons have fallen into their hands by their Nonconformity in the matter of Worshipping of God when they have desired them to be favourable unto them and have told them if they did proceed to the Rigour of their Law they would ruine them and their Wife and Children they would not hearken unto them unless they would bow down their Soul unto them that they might go over namely to Conform so that they must Trespass against God or else they would not forgive them their pretended Trespasses against them which made the Remedy infinitely worse than the Disease and so they chose rather to lay their Bodies with the Ground and as the Street for them to go over then that they would sin against God by conforming which was passive Obedience of the right kind therefore the Persecuters do Pray that God would not forgive them their Sins for Christ hath said But if ye forgive not men their Trespasset neither will your Father forgive you your Trespasses Mat. 6.15 Now if the Persecuters did run their Hatred and Malice to the very uttermost Extent of the Persecuting Laws and further too and are now contending to keep the
think now Dear Soul Hast thou any room left to despair of the Mercies of God A second Instance is that of Persecuting Saul whom God in Infinite Mercy Pardoned and made a Preaching and Praying Apostle Paul afterward Acts 9.3 4 5 11. 1 Tim. 1.13.14 14 15. There Paul acknowledged the free Grace of God in Pardoning of him who was before a Blasphemer and a Persecuter and an Injurious Person Acts 22.4 There he confessed himself a Bloody Persecutor yet as Vile as he was all his Sins were pardoned in the Blood of Christ A third Instance of Gods free Grace and Pardoning Mercy in the Blood of Christ was that of the Cruel sturdy Jaylor Acts 16. And a fourth Instance of Gods Pardoning of most notorious Vile Sinners that was found Guilty of that filthy notorious Bed-Roll of the Sin of Sodomy and Idolatry and Whoredom and Drunkenness and Theft is in the 1 Cor. 6.9 10 11. And such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. And there was Mary Magdalen a very hainous Sinner yet she was washed in the Blood of the Lamb of God that taketh away Sin and she was made a precious Saint And there was some of them very Persons that had their Hands Imbrued in Christ's Blood we read on in the Acts of the Apostles yet they were washed in Christs Blood and pardoned in his Merits and saved by his Grace Thus you see here is encouragement enough for the Vilest of Men that have been Sacramental Mystical Crucifiers of Christ and Persecuters and Whoremongers and Drunkards and Thieves and Idolaters to come unto Christ for Pardoning-Grace and Mercy And whosoever doth so come to Christ while he is upon the Mercy-Seat He hath said that He will in no wise cast out Secondly I Exuort all you that were Test Makers and Test Givers and Test Takers in this Sacramental way and manner not to flatter your selves with the hopes of ever getting that Predominating Persecuting Power again But be contented with your share and proportion of the Government with all other free Dennisons of England that have every whit as much and just Right unto it as your selves remember Covetouseess is the Root of all Evil God will not trust you with the sole Management of the Government of the Nation any longer to be a Scourge to your honest peaceable Neighbours Nahum 1.7 8 9. The Lord is good a strong hold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him But with an overflowing flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof and Darkness shall pursue his Enemies What do ye imagine against the Lord He will make an utter end affliction shall not rise up the second time God is speaking this unto us at this time as I Humbly conceive by his Anointed Servant the Kings Majesty for he saith That he is resolved to make an utter end of all Persecuting Penal Laws and Tests whatsoever and that they shall not rise up a second time to afflict his Subjects any more And God is a pursuing his Persecuting Enemies at this time in this dark Providence and Dispensation to them by the Just Proceedings of his Gracious Majesty in calling them to an account for all the Moneys and Goods which they have taken from the Dissenters of all sorts of late years and he is giving them a Purge and a Vomit too which God hath prepared in his Word for all them that have this foul Stomach O! Sirs do not strive to be Rampant and Exalt your selves above your Neighbours and to get the Whip in your hands again for God will not trust such Unjust Stewards as you have been with so great a Betrustment But God is a calling you to an Account for your Stewardship for you may no longer be Stewards for now your Stewardship is ended as to Persecution your Account for Plundering beginneth the Robbery of the Wicked shall destroy them because they refuse to do Judgment O! Sirs do not Delude your selves for it is the Just Lord that loveth Righteousness and that hateth Robbery for Burnt-Offering that does all these things Do you not see that God is calling you to an Account for your Violence done to himself for as he that Persecutes Christ's Flock Persecutes Christ himself so also they that Rob God's People Robs God himself Mal. 3.9 Ye are Cursed with a Curse for ye have Robbed me even this whole Nation This was spoken to the Jews for he that toucheth Gods People by Violence doth touch the Apple of Gods Eye by Wickedness Zech. 2.8 And God hath sent his Servant unto you that spoiled his People to call you to an Account for it O! Friends I beseech ye to Eye the Just Hand of God in all this for until then you cannot make a right Improvement of these great Providences as you ought to do and Justifie God and Condemn your selves and do not entertain hard Thoughts of his Servant which is the Instrument in his Hand by which he doth it for it is God that does all these things it is he that putteth down one and seueth up another These great things does not come by luck or chance Affliction it self does not rise up out of the Dust for if a Sparrow that is but of half a Farthing Price cannot fall to the Ground without Gods Providence Mat. 10.29 30 Much less can such wonderful great Providences and Dispensations as we have seen and yet shall further see come without the Hand of our Heavenly Fathers putting it into the King his Servants Heart to do it among us Psal 75.6 7 8 9 10. For Promotion cometh neither from the East nor from the West nor from the South But God is the Judge he putteth down one and setteth up another for in the Hand of the Lord there is a Cup and the Wine is Red and full of Mixture and he poureth out of the same but the Dregs thereof all the Wicked of the Earth shall wring them out and Drink them But I will dealare for ever I will Sing Praises to the God of Jacob all the Horns of the Wicked also will I cut off That is All their Persecuting Power and Strength But the People of God viz. That is all them that truly feareth God and worketh Righteousness their Horn shall be Exalted O Sirs Do not you that are of a persecuting Spirit imagine that God will ever permit you to get up unto your Old Trade of Plundering and Spoiling and making Havock of the Churches again after so great a Rebuke from Heaven for those many Heaven-daring Abominations that you are and have been Guilty of do but consider well what you have been doing For you have been Plowing Iniquity and sowing Wickedness and therefore now you must Reap Shame and Contempt For the Hand of the Lord is lifted up against the Spirit of Persecution and is falling upon