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A59194 Daniel Sennertus his meditations setting forth a plain method of living holily and dying happily / written originally in Latin, and now translated into English. Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637. 1694 (1694) Wing S2536; ESTC R19038 74,434 198

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Son of God underwent such Grief and Torments for others Crimes no doubt but such an one will abhor himself and be amazed at the consideration of his own guilt and if he were left to himself to rely upon his own strength and knew no ways of appeasing the wrath of God he must of necessity be driven to despair The Prayer WO is me O Lord who was conceived and born in sin the thoughts of my heart are inclined unto evil from my Youth Wo is me who have sinned against thee my Creatour and bountiful Lord and have done evil in thy sight But I acknowledge mine iniquity and my sins are ever before me Jet 9.1 Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for my sins whereby I have so often offended thee my Lord and Creatour whether shall I fly who will intercede for me who will deliver me in the day of thy fierce anger that I perish not for ever Alas there is none to save but thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ But forasmuch as faith in him is not our own work but thy gift blessed Lord let thy Holy Spirit excite preserve and daily increase in my heart a true and lively faith Mat. 11.27 O Holy Father since no man knoweth the Son but thou only neither knoweth any man thee save thy Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal thee draw me I beseech thee unto him that he may lead me unto thee least I die in my sins Vouchsafe to strengthen my weak Faith and perfect that good Work which thou hast begun in me Establish in me a firm Faith in my Saviour to the last breath of my life that amongst the many various errors and opinions of this World I may not in the least be perverted from the true faith but may always ask and obtain the remission of my sins from thee through the merits and intercession of the same thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ Amen CHAP. XII That we are to fly for refuge to the mercies of God and to believe in Christ BUT the Christian is not to despair altho' he must acknowledge himself to be a sinner John 3.16 but for as much as he knows that God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life he therefore puts his whole trust and confidence in the mercies of God through the merits of Christ For the merciful God hath promised pardon of sins to true Penitents this we find in divers places of Scripture Ezek. 33.12 As for the wickedness of the wicked he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness 2 Pet. 3.9 for God is long-suffering to us ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance As I live saith the Lord God Ezek. 33.11 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live A broken and a contrite heart Psal 51.17 God will not despise Therefore also now saith the Lord turn ye even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping Joel 2.13 and with mourning And rent your heart and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil Zechar. 1.3 Turn ye unto me saith the Lord of Hosts and I will turn unto you Ps 69.33 Mat. 12.20 Seek ye after God and your Soul shall live A bruised reed shall he not break and smoaking flax shall he not quench Act. 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out And therefore the true Penitent may with affiance approach unto God and say Ps 130.3 If thou Lord shouldest mark iniquities O Lord who shall stand Father I have sinned against Heaven Luk. 15.21 and before thee and am no more worthy to be called thy Son Ps 51.1 But have mercy upon me according to thy loving kindness according unto the multitudes of thy tender mercies Lu. 18.13 And God be merciful unto me a sinner Nor let him in the least doubt of the mercy of God whilst he relies on the merits of Christ Mat. 18.11 1 Joh. 1.7 For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin 1 Joh. 2.2 And he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole World Rom. 8.1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus so that he may rest quiet in the mercies of God and in the merits of Christ as knowing that a full ransom was paid for his sins and that a most absolutely perfect righteousness able to stand before the judgment of God was purchased and obtained for sinners by the most holy Obedience of Christ which he performed to his Father both in his life and death and which the Holy Spirit offers to all the World in the Word and Sacraments desiring them to accept of it And to those who do not resist these means he excites increases and confirms their Faith that they may receive the grace of God purchased by Christ's merits and tender'd unto them in the Divine Word and holy Sacraments so that they may be confident that he who hath begun a good work in them will also perfect it and preserve them in grace unto the end of their lives For saith St. Paul I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come Nor height Rom. 8. ult nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The Prayer BEhold O Lord I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me I know that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing and I see another law in my members waring against the law of my mind from this corruption of nature it proceeds that I am so disobedient to to thy Laws and Commandments even from my infancy until now I have infinite ways transgressed them in thought word and deed the good things which I ought I have not done and the evil things which I ought not I have committed so great is the number of my sins that I can no longer remember them all O Heavenly Father I am not worthy to be called thy Son but I acknowledge my transgression and my sin is ever before me Have mercy upon me therefore O God according to thy great goodness and cleanse me from all even my most secret sins enter not into judgment with thy Servant and remember not the sins of my youth Lord despise not a broken and a contrite
heart for with thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption To thee then O thou Son of God and my Saviour I fly for succour Thou camest into the World to save sinners thou hast called unto thee all that are weary and heavy laden and hast promised to give them rest and ease Behold I come unto thee bowed together with the weight of my sins O do thou lift me up for thou art the Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the World thou didest that all that believe in thee should not perish but have everlasting life Lord Jesu I believe in thee O pity and help my infirmities Amen CHAP. XIII That we must live Holily BUT it is not enough barely to know that Christ died for sin Since the Devils are not ignorant of this mere knowledge which puffeth up 1 Cor. 8.1 is one thing and a vain boasting of Faith is another and a true lively Faith is another which as by an inward formal Act it receives and apprehends Christ with all his benefits to Justification Gal. 5.6 so also outwardly it worketh by love And therefore Christ having redeemed us from the hands of our Enemies we ought to serve him in Righteousness and Holiness all the days of our life To this purpose St. Paul exhorts us 2 Cor. 5.15 That Christ died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again For the grace of God that bringeth Salvation Tit. 2.11 hath appeared to all Men Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly Lusts vers 12. we should live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present World vers 13. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Who gave himself for us vers 14. that he might Redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar People zealous of good works All they therefore that think to have their sins remitted whilst they go on in their wickedness deceive themselves and make a mock at the Merits of Christ and may so fall away Heb. 6.6 as even to Crucifie unto themselves the Son of God afresh Heb. 10.29 and put him to an open shame And account the blood of the Covenant wherewith they were Sanctified an unholy thing and do despight unto the spirit of grace For since Christ hath redeemed us from the Slavery of Satan and restored us again to our former liberty it is very fitting that we should lead a new life bid farewel to all iniquity and serve God with a pure heart fervently Now this restoring Man to his pristine state in which God at first created him and from whence by sin he fell is in holy Writ called a Renovation Or a new Creature For so says the Apostle Eph. 4.22 23 c. Put off concerning the former Conversation the old Man which is corrupt according to the deceitful Lusts And be renewed in the Spirit of your mind and put on the new Man which after God is Created in Righteousness in true Holiness Wherefore putting away lying speak every Man truth with his Neighbour for we are members one of another Be ye angry and sin not let not the Sun go down upon your wrath Neither give place to the Devil Let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labour working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth Let no corrupt Communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the Hearers And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of Redemption Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you with all Malice And be ye kind one to another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you And a little after Eph. 5.3 But Fornication and all Vncleanness or Covetousness let it not be once named amongst you Although it plainly appears from this Exhortation of the Apostle what a Regenerate Man whose sins are pardon'd is to do and what he is to avoid yet we may briefly comprize the whole exercise of Godliness under these two Heads viz. the love of God and of our Neighbour This is the Sum of all the Commandments as our Saviour himself teaches us Mat. 22.37 Luke 10.27 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy Strength and with all thy Mind and thy Neighbour as thy self The Prayer O Merciful Father who in thy Son Jesus Christ hast pardoned all my sins what shall I render unto thee for all the Benefits which thou hast bestowed on me Grant that I may delight my self in thy Commandments that I may not love the World nor the things in it but may Crucifie my flesh with its Affections and Lusts guide me with thy Holy Spirit that I may daily persevere in true Repentance may war a good warfare keep Faith and a good Conscience and increase more and more in Righteousness and Holiness working that which is well pleasing in thy sight And for as much as of my self I am not able to do any good thing do thou O Lord who givest both to will and to do perfect that good work which thou hast begun in me and bring it to an Happy Issue and keep me in all my ways that I depart not from thy Statutes Lead me in the paths of thy Commandments Thy word is a Lanthern unto my Feet and a light unto my paths Order my steps in thy word and let not any iniquity have Dominion over me Ps 119.133 CHAP. XIV That God is to be loved above all things FOR as much as God at first created us Christ by his Death redeemed us from eternal Death and the Holy Spirit sanctifies us and leads us to everlasting life therefore are we to love God above all things whatever Love naturally desires what is good and excellent and what any one loves that he always esteems best most profitable and beautiful now there is nothing can be suppos'd better and more beautiful than God and therefore he is to be loved above all things This is the first Commandment Exod. 20.3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before me Deut. Mar. 12.29 And hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy Might He who loves God above all things hath no other Gods but who ever loves any thing more than God he makes that his God for he prefers it before God and sets it up as an Idol in his Heart Therefore a Christian is to despise all things in respect of God how great and profitable how beautiful and
Holy Name The good of my Neighbour and the Eternal Welfare of my own Soul O let me not dare to sin against thee for the sake of any thing in the World but grant that with a constant resolution of serving and pleasing thee and by a lively Faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I may be always provided for an happy departure out of this life Ah! Merciful Lord let not a sudden death overtake me unawares but ●nable me to War a good Warfare to keep Faith and a good Conscience that so wheresoever or whensoever it shall please thee to call for me out of this World I may follow thee chearfully and without delay and joyfully stand before the Tribunal of my Redeemer Jesus Christ and receive that Crown of Righteousness which is laid up for all those that love his appearing O Father of mercies and God of all Consolation let thy Holy Spirit never depart from me especially when I am yielding up the Ghost but vouchsafe me his Divine help and Assistance to vanquish all the difficulties of this World and all the Temptations of the Flesh and the Devil Grant me grace to fix my mind on nothing but thee thy goodness and mercy and to put my Trust and Confidence in the alone Merits of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ to the last breath of my life and then O Lord receive my Soul Into thy hands I commend my Spirit O Father Son and Holy Ghost O Blessed Trinity O Eternal Unity save and defend me in this life and at the hour of Death O do not leave me nor forsake me CHAP. XVIII Of the more special and particular preparation for Death HAving now treated of the general preparation for Death which is to be performed the whole course of our life even whilst we are young and in our greatest health and vigour We now come to that more special and particular preparation which is necessary to be done when we are worn out with old Age or taken with any sudden and dangerous Disease so that we think the time of our departure is at hand For Death when we look on it at a distance only doth not much affect us but when we find it making its approaches near us we are then very pensive and disturb'd with the thoughts of it When ever therefore O Man any Disease seizeth on you think that sickness is the Harbinger of Death and that you are now admonished from Heaven as Hezechiah once was by the Prophet to set thine House in order Isa 38.2 for thou shalt die And rather look for Death than life For the event of sickness is very uncertain though at first it may seem but a light indisposition and it often happens that the Disease gaining more and more strength doth unexpectedly deprive a Man of the use of his Reason and of all serious Thoughts So that as soon as ever you find your self ill prepare your self for Death for if you should soon be well again yet your Care and Labour would not be in vain but if Death should come upon you before you are provided for it you run the hazard of losing your Soul for ever Heb. 9.27 For it is appointed unto Men once to die but after this the Judgment It is a most false and foolish opinion which hath obtained amongst some that the sick person will most certainly die if he makes his Will and receives the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ This hath no doubt been suggested by the Devil and spread abroad by ill Men that by this means they might frighten Men from fitting themselves for an happy Death Now this pre-paration consists in two parts the first thereof respects the dying Man and the other his Neighbour As to the first the dying Man is to take great care to reconcile himself to God whom he hath offended and to arm himself against all those Temptations which usually happen at that time To this end it will be necessary for him to search into his own Heart and examine over his whole life from the beginning to confess and bewail all his sins to God to pour out most Ardent Prayers and Sighs by the Assistance of the Holy Spirit for the obtaining pardon of his sins and Reconciliation with God in Christ our Saviour Examples of such Prayers may be found in the Penitential Psalms the prayer of Manasses and the like And although the sick Man ought chiefly to conless his sins to God against whom they were committed yet it is fit by the advice of the Apostle St. James James 5.16 that he should confess his faults to his Brethren to the Ministers of the Church and word of God to whom Christ hath committed the keys of binding and absolving Of remitting and retaining sins And chiefly let him confess those Crimes which most trouble his mind and with which Satan most disquiets him such let him repose in their Bosoms who are ready to assist him and to Administer suitable Consolations for sick Mens minds are many times not sedate enough for Divine Thoughts and Meditations and the Devil is very ready to divert those that offer themselves 'T is therefore the part of the Minister of Gods Word and his Friends to pray for the sick person that he may obtain pardon of his sins and not be overcome by the Temptations of the Devil It often happens that when Satan cannot drive Men to despair he then puts on another disguise and puffs them up with an opinion of their Merits This Temptation is diligently to be withstood For Satan exalteth those whom before he could not sink down that so he may cast them headlong with a more grievous fall Therefore O Man if ever such thoughts as these flatter thee consider that it is owing to Gods grace and not to your self if you are innocent from such and such offences and remember how many other ways you have offended him Or if you have been diligent in the performance of many good deeds and these come into your mind say with the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.10 By the grace of God I am what I am it was not I but the grace of God which was with me Ps 115.1 And not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give glory Remember that Admonition of our Saviour Luk. 17.10 When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable Servants we we have done that which was our duty to do 1 Eph. 1.8 And that of St. John if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us As also that of St. Vae omni laudabili vitae hominum si remota misericordiâ eam discutias Domine Cons lib. 9. Cap. 13. Augustin Wo to the most perfect life of Man if thou Lord shouldest lay aside thy mercy and examine it If we read the Histories of dying Men or the
Come unto me all ye that labour Joh. 1.29 and I will give you rest Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world And that your sorrow for your sins may not exclude all hopes of mercy call to mind the examples of many grievous sinners who obtain'd pardon from God 2 Sam. 11. 2 King 21. such were David a Murderer and an Adulterer Manasses a very great sinner Matth. 26. the Apostle Peter who denied Christ Luk. 5. Matthew a publican sitting at the receit of custom Zacheus Luk. 19. Joh. 8. which was the chief among the publicans Mary Magdalen a sinner and an adultress the thief on the cross the Apostle Paul a persecutor of Christ who writes thus of himself This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acception that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting But if you should still be tempted to think that you are a grievous sinner and that therefore your sorrow for your sins cannot be sufficient to obtain your pardon against this temptation consider that the greatness of the Divine Mercy is not founded in your sorrow but in the merits of Christ and remember what our Lord saith Mat. 11.28 29. Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will resresh you and ye shall find rest unto your souls and Joh. 9 37. Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out To this purpose St. Chrysostome speaks very well Ne suae confidas paenitenti s●a namque paenitentia tanta●equit peccata delere s● sola foret poenitentia jure timeres Sed postquam cum paenitentia commiscetur Dei misericordia conside quontam vicit tuam nequitiam Multum enim est misericors Deus tantum clemens ut neque filio pepercerit ut ingratos servos reaimeret Hom. 8. ●d Popul Do not rely on your own repentance for alas your repentance can never blot out so many sins if you had nothing to trust to but your own repentance you might well be afraid But for as much as the mercy of God is joyn'd to your repentance be of good courage for that hath overcome your wickedness For God is very gracious and so merciful that he hath not spared his own Son that he might Redeem his ungrateful Servants If any objection should disturb you of a partial Redemption or of Gods absolute Decrees let his universal promises confirmed by an Oath comfort you Isa 53 6. Col. 1.19 20. God hath laid on Christ the iniquities of us a●l It hath pleased the Father by Christ to reconcile all things unto himself T it 2.14 Joh. 3.16 Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity So God loved the World that whosoever believeth in his Son 1 Joh. 2.2 should not perish He is the propitiation for the sins of the whole World 2 Pet. 3.9 The Lord is long suffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance He would have all Men to be saved There is one God and one Mediator between God and Men the Man Christ Jesus who gave himself a Ransom for all Seek then for your Election in Christ and do not frighten your self with any absolute Decrees of Reprobation since the Father with an Oath the Son with Tears and the Holy Ghost by the voice of the Apostles have all testified that they desire the Salvation of all even of those that perish It is your part not to hinder the workings of the Holy Spirit by the Word and Sacraments either by obstinately refusing his grace when it is offer'd you or maliciously casting it away when it is confer'd so shall ye be certain for the future of the love of God towards you through the Merits of Christ received by Faith and cannot doubt of your Election And now do not by any means mistrust the grace of God but confirm and strengthen your Faith by receiving the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ For when you spiritually eat the Body of Christ and drink his Blood you may be assured that you are thereby made a partaker of all the benefits which Christ purchased for you on the Cross by his torn Body and his Blood poured out and that now by the satisfaction of Christ you are in favour with God have your sins pardon'd and have received the earnest of Eternal Life and Salvation This Divine Banquet is the Medicine of Immortality the Antidote against Death the preservative of life in God through Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ep. 11. ad Eph. Isa 42.3 as Ignatius speaks Nor let the sence of your own unworthiness deter you from partaking of so great a Treasure but rather remember that our Saviour hath promised not to break the bruised Reed nor to quench the smoaking flax That he will receive him that is weak in the Faith Rom. 14.1 And pray with Christs Disciples Lord increase my Faith Luk. 17.5 And with the Father of the Lunatick Mar. 9.24 Lord I believe help thou my unbelief And then with a full Trust and Reliance on God say with the Apostle 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day Lastly When the Devil hath tryed all other Temptations in vain he may perhaps raise doubts in your mind concerning the truth of the Christian Religion and so by ruining the Foundation endeavour to overthrow the whole Superstructure of your Faith Which if Satan doth do not enter into a dispute with him but consider well the weakness of Humane understanding and its ignorance even in natural things And on the other hand the infinite Wisdom and Power of God far exceeding our Apprehensions and his Eternal Truth which cannot deceive nor be deceived Call to mind the Sacred Mysteries of our Religion which were revealed unto us by the Prophets and Apostles and confirmed by Miracles more especially in the life of our Blessed Saviour all which receive with a firm Faith without any doubtfulness and pray unto God that he would please to Aid and Assist the Infirmities of your Faith and assure you by the inward Testimony of his Holy Spirit that the Sacred Scriptures are Divinely inspired by his word which with the Sacraments are a means of begetting and confirming this belief in you After the sick Person is thus Reconciled unto God and by a firm trust in the Mercies of God and the Merits of Christ hath arm'd his mind against sin the Devil and other Temptations it will be fitting farther to strengthen himself against some others which often happen to dying Persons Which will be
out all my transgressions O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure If I consider what I have done what I suffer is not so much what I have committed is grievous what I suffer is but light righteous art thou O Lord and upright are thy judgments O Lord deal not with me after my sins neither reward me after mine iniquities but according to the multitude of thy mercies think thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodness Thou God art my strength and the horn of my Salvation thou makest sore and bindest up thou woundest and thy hand make whole thou killest and makest alive thou bringest down to the Grave and bringest up if therefore thou pleasest to permit my Soul to remain any longer in this Earthly Tabernacle for thy Glory and Service O Lord help thy afflicted Servant and give me patience But if thou seest it fit to take away my Life thy Will be done and let thy Servant depart in peace Protect me against all the temptations and assaults of Satan with the Shield of thy mercy Grant that my faith may not fail me nor my hope be shaken nor the weakness of my Nature be cast down by the terrours of Death but after my Eyes are dim my Tongue faulters and my senses have lost their power and faculties grant that my Mind and Soul may be continually fix'd on thee and by the Assistance of thy Holy Spirit may be firmly united to thee and with my last breath I may commend my Soul into thy hands O Lord who livest and reignest for ever and ever Amen II. Blessed Lord forasmuch as I must bid farewel to this World I commend unto Thee all mine Thou who relievest the Fatherless and the Widow be their Father and Protector It is not for me to intermeddle with what is thy prerogative but give me Grace to use all Diligence to make my own calling and election sure before I go hence and be no more seen All my other care I cast upon Thee Be thou pleas'd to provide for all mine Bless them O Lord and replenish their hearts with a godly fear and love of thy holy Name Give them health of body soundness of mind and all good things which thou seest fit for them Keep from them all such things as may alienate their minds from Thee or any ways hinder them from the profession of a true faith or the practice of a Holy Life III. O Eternal Lord I now see all things in the World leave me but do not thou forsake me O my God In thee is my trust leave not my Soul destitute I flee unto thee for succour Make hast to help me O Lord my Salvation O my God be not far from me in this my last hour I confess indeed I am not worthy to be called thy Son or even the meanest of thy Servants but I cast my self at thy feet and fall down before thy Throne of Grace O deal with me according the multitude of thy mercies and enter not into judgment with thy Servant I do not hide my transgressions from thee but humbly confess them before thy Divine Majesty but according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness sake O Lord look upon my affliction and pain and forgive all my sins for the merits and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ Cast me not away from thy thy presence since thou hast redeemed me with the blood of thy Son O keep my Soul and deliver me let me not be ashamed for I put my trust in thee O dear Jesu thou art my Redeemer and my Saviour thou hast overcome the World Sin and Hell it self that they can do me no harm Lord I come unto thee do not reject me O do not leave me in this my hour of Death Into thy hands I commend my Spirit Lord Jesus receive my Spirit Amen Amen O Man remember Death and Eternity and whilst you live here consider where after Death you are to live for ever and ever FINIS Books Printed for and are to be Sold by Sam. Keble at the Great Turks-head in Fleet street MONASTICON ANGLICANUM Or the History of the Ancient Abbies and other Monasteries Hospitals Cathedral and Collegiate Churches in England and Wales with divers French Irish and Scotch Monasteries formerly relating to England Collected and Published in Latin by Sir William Dugdale Knt. late Gartor King of Arms in Three Volums and now epitomiz'd in English Page by Page price 10 s. The Historical Parts of the Old and New Testament in Verse with One Hundred and Twenty Cuts being the best use of Poetry and Sculpture 12o. price 2 s. EPICTETI Enchiridion Or the most Excellent Morals of Epictetus Made English in a Poetical Paraphrase By Ellis Walker M. A. A Collection of Private Forms of Prayers for Morning Noon and Night and other special Occasions by the Author of the Weeks Preparation to the Sacrament Degrees of Marriage that which is ordered to be had in all Churches