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A57421 Mans chief guide to salvation wherein is laid down many good instructions and motives to stir up every poor soul, that he may be able in these sinfull days to withstand Satans assaults / by Thomas Robins. Robins, Thomas. 1666 (1666) Wing R1651; ESTC R29324 11,522 26

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of wars and rumours of wars be not troubled for such things must needs be but the end shall not be yet Mark 13. 5 6. verses Nay if you but please to read the whole Chapter you shall find it altogether to that purpose Therefore in the Name of God I desire you to have a care of those people for you may sée here tha● the Lord gives us fair warning as you ma● sée in the 22 verse of this Chapter For say● he If any man shall say unto you lo here is Chris● or lo there is Christ believe him not and i● the 22 verse of this Chapter you may mor● plainly understand the reason why he give● us so much warning of them for false Christ● and false Prophets shall arise and shall she● signs and wonders to seduce if it were possibl● even the very Elect. And indéed good peopl● you may assure your selves that there are suc● people abroad now therefore have a care o● them truly I do not say this or that is he● for you may know them by their works An● as James saith in the second of James and th● 14 verse What doth it profit my Brethren though a man say he hath Faith and have no● works can Faith save him Now in the following verses you may understand the differenc● betwéen him that hath Faith and no works For if a brother and a sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them depart in peace be you clothed and filled notwithstanding ye give them not these thing● that are néedful So is Faith if it have no● works it is dead being alone yea a man ma● say he hath faith and I have works shew me thy faith without thy works and I will shew the● thy faith by thy works Thou believest there i● one God thou dost well the Devils believe and ●●emble but wilt thou know vain man that faith ●ithout works is dead James 2 beginning at ●he 14 verse and so to the twentieth so may ●●e say unto such people as do call themselves Christ and a man cannot perceive any such ●●orks in them for if a man knows himself to ●ave so much worth in him as to call himself Christ I say I would gladly sée them do such ●iraculous déeds as he did that is to cure the ●ame the blind and the sick and to raise the ●ead as he did Nay his Apostles which call ●im Lord and Master yet they had the same ●ower in themselves to do such things as you ●ay sée in the 28 of the Acts and the 8 verse There you may sée that Paul had power by th●●ealing of a Publican which lay sick of a fever ●nd a bloody flux and he but touched him after ●e had prayed And it came to pass that the ●ather of the Publican lay sick of a Fever and 〈◊〉 Bloody flux to whom Paul entred in and pray●d and laid his hands on him and healed him 〈◊〉 when this was done others also which had ●seases in the Island came and were healed 〈◊〉 you may sée by this that the Apostle had ●me more power then ordinary men yet ●rst not call themselves Christ Nay I desire ●●u to look into the 3 of the Acts and begin●●ng of the 1 verse and so to the 13 verse I ●ay you take notice for it is worth your observation Now Peter and John went up together into the Temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour and a certain man lame from his Mothers womb was carried whom they laid daily at the Temple which is called beautiful to ask alms of them which entred into the Temple he seeing Peter and John about to go into the Temple asking alms of them Peter fastening his eyes upon him with John said Look on us and he gave heed unto them expecting to have received something of them Then Peter said Silver nor Gold have I none but such a● I have I give to thee in the Name of Jesus o● Nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lift him up and immediately his feet and his ancle-bones received strength and he leaped up stood and walked with them into the Temple leaping and praising God An● they knew it was he which sate for alms at the gate of the Temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him And as the lame man whic● was healed beheld Peter and John and a●l th● people ran together unto them in the Porch● which was called Solomons and when Peter sa● it he said unto the people Ye men of Israe● why marvel ye a●●his or why look ye so earnestly on us as if by our own power and godlines● we had made this man to walk Acts th● third and beginning at the first and so to th● twelfth verse So here you may sée that the ●postles had great power from God yet they 〈◊〉 not call themselves Christ as some will 〈◊〉 now for all that you may sée here they but ●●k hold of the mans hand and bid him arise ●●d he arose up from the ground and was ●●aled yet I say for all this they denyed the ●●wer of themselves as you may sée in this ●st verse Then I say how dare any one of 〈◊〉 say they be Christ when they are not able 〈◊〉 do as his Apostles did for certainly if our ●ith be weak and our works so small that ●●e fall short of his Apostles then certainly ●e are not fit to equall our selves so much ●ith the Lord our God as to call us Christ ●ndéed I would desire at the hands of Al●ighty God to guide all such into the way of ●ghteousness and to pardon and forgive both ●●em and us for all our sins and wickedness 〈◊〉 as for all those that doth hear any that calls ●imself Christ despise him not as an enemy ●ut rather exhort him as a brother yet this I ●●y unto you as you may find it written in ●ark 13. and the 23. But take ye heed behold 〈◊〉 have foretold you all these things This is a ●air warning for us to have a care of such ●eople and not to be one of them for if I ●ould hear or sée this man do such acts as our ●aviour Iesus Christ did or as his Apostles ●id then there would be some ground for their professing themselves Christ but truly it 〈◊〉 to be feared that they be as great sinners 〈◊〉 ever if not greater therefore ought more 〈◊〉 be pitied I exbort you therefore in the na● of God to pray for them For as James saith 〈◊〉 the fifth of James and at the thirtéenth vers● and so the latter end of the Chapter and 〈◊〉 I say to you all Is any man among you afflic●ed let him pray is any man merry let him si● Psalms is any man sick among you let him ca●● for the Elders of the Church and let them pra● over him anointing him with the Oyl of the● Lord and the prayer of the faithful shall save th● sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he hav● committed sins they shall be forgiven him b● also in the last verse let him know that h● that converteth a sinner from the error of hi● way shall save a soul from death and hides 〈◊〉 multitude of sins and the Lord give us every one grace to pray one for another an● strive to forsake our wicked sins and flie t● the Lord our God and forsake all other gods And I beséech you brethren suffer this wor● of Exhortation to take impression in you● hearts Let brotherly love continue amon●● you let your conversation be without covetousness that we may all boldly say the Lor● is my help I will not fear what man can d● unto me If any of us lack wisdom let u● ask it of the Lord but let us have a care tha● we ask it with a true and faithful heart look●●g after Iesus Christ the Author and Fi●●her of our faith Love thy Neighbour as 〈◊〉 self and do to all men as you would they ●ould do unto you and in so doing thou mayst ●●me to be one of that blessed company which ●r Lord and our Saviour Iesus Christ ●●th call so loving As come unto me all ye ●●at are weary and heavy laden and I will give ●●u rest And the Lord of his mercy send ●●ery poor soul to that blessed rest which ne●●r will have end and that for thy dear Son ●●r only Lord and Saviours sake to whom given all honour praise power and domi●●on now and for evermore Amen I am yours in Christ Jesus ●HOMAS ROBINS FINIS ●●ese Books following being of a small Price are 〈◊〉 Printed for Thomas Passenger at the three Bibles 〈◊〉 on the middle of London-bridge THe Christians Combate or his true spiritual warfare by C. Love late Preacher of 〈◊〉 Word in the City of London The wise Merchant or the pearl of price 〈◊〉 T. Calvert Minister in York The Book of Graces with Prayers for Mo●●ing and Evening These are all but 3 d a piece The Sinners Warning piece or Heavens M●●senger by T. Robins B of D. The Scholars Winter Garment or the G●●ment of Righteousness by T. R. B. of D. Englands Colden Legacy or a brief Des●●●ption of the manifold mercies the Lord h●● bestowed upon this sinful Nation A Wonder of wonders or Gods people 〈◊〉 worlds wonder by R. H. a Lover of the Tru●● Gods Message from Heaven to Sinners 〈◊〉 Earth by T. R. B. of L. Christ upon the Cross suffering for Sinne● by S. S. A Call to unconverted Sinners to turn to 〈◊〉 Lord a Book seasonable for these Times 〈◊〉 T. P. B. of L. The School of Learning being Prayers 〈◊〉 Morning and Evening for every day in the we● with Graces before and after Meat and a sh● Catechisme for Children Now or never work out your salvation w●●● fear and trembling by R. B. The Vertuous Wife or a good woman in 〈◊〉 proper colors being a new Book setting fo●●● the rare qualities of the truly Vertuous Wi●● by L. P. These ten last are sold for 2 d a pie●● FINIS