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A44496 The efficacy of the true balme being a true relation of Mrs. Rose Warnes carriage, confession of her sins, and profession of her hope in the mercy of God, so far as it was known to an eye and ear witness of much of it after she was apprehended, and to the time of her death, to which she was adjudged April 1667. At Lin Regis in the county of Norfolk, upon strong presumption of her murther of her infant, and suffered April 14. With some means used for her help in her imprisonment. As also an in perfect [sic] yet pretty full relation of what she spake to the people at her execution. Published by John Horn of Lin Regis with his epistle and some verses on her. Horn, John, 1614-1676. 1669 (1669) Wing H2800; ESTC R215355 31,398 101

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hid nothing but by degrees as she could and had opportunity did declare her ways and backslid ings wherein she had transgressed against the Lord and his people even from the first to the last of these her wandrings that had brought her to this shame and did very much take the shame of all to her self yet still always said that such iniquities of filthyness and uncleanness of the flesh as were now become hers were not so formerly nor had she such natural promptness that way for temptations to work upon but did always detest and abhor it all her young time both single and married and therefere her iniquity was the greater in yeilding and suffering her self to be over come as she had done but having once given way to and dallied with temptations thinking her self strong enough to resist them when she would sin got dominion over her and it became more then her own iniquity and then still desirous to keep a name Among her friends was unwilling to reveal her temptations snares and weaknesses to them and so got no deliverance Yea though many times filled with horrour yet was there a secret desire cherished to hide and hold fast deceite a refusing to return Therefore that God was righteous in all and gracious in thus judging she oft fully abundantly and freely acknowledged and did very much abhor her self as more vile then we could immagine and did willingly accept of the punishment of her iniquity in the shame brought upon her and that because she saw by faith that there was yet help for her in the name of the Lord though she had destroyed her self And indeed she was much helped by it and being through a deep fence of her need engaged to a more earnest giving heed to the things she had heard and that she might now know them as she ought to know them more seriously then ever giving attention to reading to exhortation and doctrine she profited much in the time of her imprisonment and grew to a more clear and right understanding of the Gospel of Christ and of the great things therein belonging to her peace and God did create the fruit of his lips in that gracious word peace to her which led her with great desire and delight to exercise her self therein day and right she much longed after the company of her faithful friends and bewailed her neglect and slighting such opportunities as now her soul thirsted after She was much conversant in a little Book lent her Intituled Instructions to the Living from the consideration of the future state of the Dead in which Gods imputing righteousness with out works and justifying the ungodly and things pertaining thereto is treated of so that it became her own in reading and searching the Scripturns whether those things were so and was much affected with it and appeared to have met with much help to her understanding increase and strengthening to her faith and hope through so weak a means which yet to her was not weak she could not but commend it to others and desire them to read it After which I gave her my Papers that are now made publick Intituled Fornication Cendemned which she oft red and seriously pondred both in the Manuscript and after they came out in Print and desired many others to read and consider the same as that in whith she met with great help and mercy and others might in reading be helped with that which would preserve and deliver them from such sins and snares as she had fallen into She was much exercised in reading the Parable of the Prodigal Son in the Gospel and seemed to have much right understanding in it and help by it and met with such refreshing from the consideration of his Fathers receiving him with so great joy and in such manner as is there expressed as would not let go but pleaded for and stil rejoyced in though she met with some repulses something like the woman of Canaan There was in her whole carriage a mixture of passionate sorrow and tears in the remembrance of her sinnes and consideration of the shame brought on herself and frinds and occasion given to the adversary to blaspheme that worthy name called upon her yet never without hope in the mercy of God through Jesus Christ which indeed truly melted and broke her heart A mixture of this I say with chearfulness of spirit and face in which though she had more true rejoyceing in the Lord then it may be many did think or then some more pure then their maker could brook that such a sinner should so soon have in the joy of his salvation restored yet there was also a mixture no doubt of flesh as also to her sorrowings I say a mixture of flesh appearing in too much lightness of spirit by fits unbeseeming her condition but it was her natural infirmity augmented by evil communications and customes some remainders of which were yet to be seen upon her to the last and oft bewailed by her and though some were offended and straightned towards her on sight of it sometimes yet without good reason for was she not even a brand pluck●t out of the fire and i● it strange to see the smell and blemishes of the smoak and fire still to remain on such a brand And are not we also our selves compassed about with infirmity and liable to remptations yea have we not sin dwelling lusting and warring in us And can we not then have pi● bowels and compassion even towards the ignorant and them that are out of the way Yea on our poor broken Brethren and seek to restore and heal such with the spirit of meekness considering our selves least we also be tempted Oh how short are we of like mindedness to that servant of the Lord who is Lord of all that seeing many things that might provoke and straighten his hand and heart towards us yet doth not so observe them against us who blind as the Lords servant See Isa 42.19 She had some injury by being put in hopes of saveing this life by some that it may be might have done more then they did had they had a favour for her in order to the saveing it yet the most that I perceived her cherishing such a hope was from a mistake of her own through which she perceived that which was right I had it from her self I cannot said she be without hope of Gods mercy in delivering me from this further judgement that I have deserved at his hand and sparing this life to me a little longer that I may recover more strength before I go hence to know him and glorify him as I have dishonoured him and to endeavour the bringing up my children and the reason of my hope is only in the mercy of God that is so exceeding and abundant And hath so abounded towards me a vile wretch which encourages me to hope for more I answered that did give her ground of encouragement still to look for his mercy
great joy and composure and after earnestly praying to God for the people and that he would graciously receive her soul which she freely and cheerfully committed to him she yeilded her body to the Executioner to whom she said alas poor man come do thy office shall I go higher or lower which caused some that stood by to change their minds for they had said a while before that she lengthned out her discourse to spin out time because she was loath to come at it but now observing this free proffer of her self to the Executioner without any hastening her they on the other hand admired to see her so willing to dye when the rope was fitted to her neck she again protested her great peace and joy in the view of the blessedness she was going to and it was thought by many the body scarce retained the soul or life after it was turned off for she was not seen to struggle nor scarce if at all move in any part as they said that was neer blessed be God for his mercy in giving such a proof of the truth and faithfulness of that saying that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Her Speech SInners come hither you to me I call That you may warned be by this my fall Which for your sakes the just Lord ordered To appear so publickly admonished That you thereby might be and so prevent Your suffering such like or worse punishment For such like punishments or worse will be Thi●● lot that won't henceforth be warn●d by me Had I been warn'd before by others I Had not come hither in this wise to dye But since his mercies I therein d●d slight And turned not to him so as I might In justice he permitted such a fall Mercy to sh●w to me and to you all Take heed of sins deceits the wayès thereto Take heed how you do venture on to go For Sin more sub ile then a Serpent is Happy the souls that its inchantments m●ss I thought my self once strong enough to stand Against its charms and that I had command So of my self that I from it could keep Me safe but since alas for grief to weep It ●ft hath bronght me so it will do you If you by me will not he warned now The vitious courses which I see possest The minds of many I did once detest I loathed to think to wrong the marriage bed Or walk in such bad wayes as thereto led But oh alas while some smooth company Pretendi●g love and friendship cheerfuly I entertain'd and sorted with no harm Thinking in them their fair pretence did charme My foolish heart into so pl●asing sleep That under shows of love lust gan to ●reep Slily into my breast to laugh and play And jest and sport with them while I gave way Such was sins first in windings and the wayes That sinners used heapes of woes to raise Upon my person while some snares did lay To catch me and their mates did me betray Who being nought themselves did seek that I Might be so too as if my company In badness would their badness mittigate Or their litentiousness extenuate And I alas too ready was to close With sins and their sweet charms till I did loose Of vertue all the savour then I felt● The pangs of hell within me but I dealt Deceitfuly and hid my sins and grew From worse to worse which now I sa●ly rue Woe worth such false acquaintance wh● pretences Of love and friendship gave to my offences The spring rise oh then be warn'd by me And shun all foolish wanton company All merry junkettings and gossipings For much iniquity from such things springs Who walkes with wise men wisdome shall attain But a companion unto persons vaine For such vile sinners who their faults confess And heartily therein do seek redress Had I not mercy now therein ob●ain'd Oh how my soul had stain'd been my heart pain'd With fears of after woe sinners behold Take heed of sin never therewith be bold For it will-misery to you procure Either while here or that that will indure Eternally be warned then by my fall Let me Rose Warne a warning be to all And yet an instance of such mercy to● As may perswade you whatsoere you do Not to despair of mercy but submit To bear Gods chastisement and turning yet To hope and seek for pardon of him who His only son sent that he might undoe The devils works of sin and death for all Who gave his life and unto all doth call To look to him and saved be since this A faithful saying worth acceptance is That he into the world did come that he Might Saviour of the cheifest sinners be And such hath saved yea since God d●th swear That of the truth of what he saith no fear Might us possesse that he hath no de● light In death of wicked men but that the right They rather turne to and their sins forsake That of life in his love they may partake To sin is bad but to despair is worse For that 's the certain way to death and curse Who sins not shan● be tempted to despair Therefore of sin and its deceits beware But having sinn'd repent for God will give Mercy to those that turne and they shall live Through Jesus Christ our Lord so farewell all And see ye warned bee by this my fall Qui ante non cavet post ●ol●bit Who so doth not of sin beware before His doleful state shall afterward deplore Et qui ante dolet post gaudebit Who penitently here their sins bewaile Hereafter shall have joys that nere shall faile Upon R. W. She that was lost we hope is found Shee that was dead doth live again She that in lust and sin was drown'd We hope with Christ doth now remain Oh pretious blood that washt her so Free grace that did her so redress That by the ladder she might go To endless and eternal bliss Lord send us to that fountain too And throughly wash our souls therein Without which all that we can do Cannot deliver us from sin And keep us from such sins and shame As blurd and shortn'd here her daies That we may glorifie thy name And go to heaven by better wayes Rofe Warne EPIGRAM Rose Warne thy name was oh that thou hadst been Rose Warned thou such mischeifs hadst not seen But being not Rose Warned by thy fall Thou art Rose Warne a warning unto all SHe left by her speech and demeanour a very great admiration of it and affectedness with it in the auditory which was very great and numerous from the Town and Country though the fewer from the Country because it was not the market day who generally so far as they heard her at least returned with abundance of compunction and seriousness upon their spirits glorifying God for and in her diverse saying they never saw any executed that dyed in that manner and with that cheerfulness and hope in God and with such
and unprofitable and righteousness cannot be attained by them no nor by any of yours said she the best of you must acknowledge you have sinned and are sinners and that in your best righteousness therefore by the deeds of the law can no flesh be justifyed in the sight of God but now the righteousness of God is manifested without the law c. she earnestly pressed that that though they had not all sinned as she whose sins was manifest yet so unclean was their best works that if God should enter into judgement with them they could not stand nor escape the wrath of God it was said that was true according to the old covenant But now we are considering our selves under another covenant As intimating that according to the covenant given us in Christ men might be accepted and stand just before God in their own works not considering that God hath made him that knew no sin to be sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him but still in him she glorifyed nor would be beaten off from it nor moved to rejoyce in any thing else nor to seek after any other thing to rejoyce in but stood fixed like him God forbid that I should glory in any thing save in the cross of Christ by whom the world is crucyfied unto me and I unto it This I observed in her reasoning with divers that though somtimes she would to commend that grace in Christ tell them how it had taught her and had and did work upon her such humiliation willingness to take shame c. And to satisfie them did tell some that she had confessed her sins and declared her wayes so farre a● she knew them to her faithful friends and they had prayed for her and God heard them yet when she was urged to try the truth of her faith and repentance that way and from the truth of such things to gather or make to her self a ground and foundation for her faith and ●ope she would not plead them at all but relinquisht them as empty weak and unprofitable to that purpose and would glory in nothing as the ground of her faith and hope but the cross of Christ the grace in him to man ward who was delivered for our offences and raised again for our justification that only through faith in it had healed and put strength in her soul and did strengthen her to plead for her hope of eternal life to good purpose against all that would have moved her from it I perceived also the too usual way that men walk in with sinners to urge repentance confession and sorrow for sin and that it i● such as doth not bring forth any such fruit in truth it worketh not the righteousness of God it is even such as in which they are teachers of the law nd know not what they say nor whereof they affirm urging Gospel precepts and duties on the terms of the covenant of works the man that doth them shall live in them and cursed is every one that comes short that is first telling them it is their duty to repent to believe c. without testifying to them any certain ground of repentance and faith in what Christ hath done and is become for them as true for them in Christ whether they bel●ive of no yea before they dare assure them of any truth in the Gospel declarations for and towards them and then to provoke to it tell them if once they can find such a frme and that their graces are true according to such signes as they give they may thence conclude God loves them and Christ dyed for them c. In this they understand not what they say nor where of they affirme for as without opening a door of repentance in the redemption wrought and obtained from the curse of the law and preparation of forgiveness of sins in Christ through his blood and preaching it in his name there could have been no repentance towards God nor could it have been equally required and so had been nor mans duty having on●● sinned and being sinners they must have been utterly and for ever shut out from God and from his mercy so neither is there any arme or power of God put forth to work repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ but in the testyfying or preaching the cross of Christ or in that which is equivalent the discoveries of Gods goodness and propitiousnesse to sinners that is in and through our Saviour so that as the Apostle saith Herein is not love that we have loved God but that he hath loved us first sent his Son the propri●iation for our sins so may I say herein is not repentance unto life that men first repent and beleive before they know weather God hath had love of pitty and compassion towards them in Christ wheather Christ have by the grace of God tasted death for them or no and then ground their knowledge and assurance of that upon the truth of their repentance and graces What I observed b●● bring to my mind a former passage that I shall now relate I went to visit a woman cond●mned to death for killing her husband and met with one in the Prison coming from her that told me she feared i● was in vain for two godly Ministers had been with her and taken great pains and could not bring her to any plain confession nor perceive any such true contrition as mightgive them any hope concerning her and they had given over yet I desired I might see her and was permitted the woman being very 〈◊〉 on her bed spake frowardly to her that led me in what said she have you brou●ht me in another torm n●or to which I replyed that I came not to judge or torment or trouble her nor to ask or require any thing of her but to tell her good news the best for her that ever she heard and it was certain and true upon whichshe lift up her head and asked what it was I told her that Jesus Christ came into the world to save her from her sins even her by name for he came into the world to save lawless and disobedient sinners ungodly and prophane sinners even such as were Murtherers of Fathers of Mothers Man-slayers Whore mongers Adulterers c. Yea even Blasphemers of the name of Christ and Persecutors of the Church of God and such as were disobediently and rebelliously against light coming to them such such he came to save from their sins she said that was good news indeed but could I indeed shew it her in the word of the Lord that expresly for such Iesus Christ came into the world to save them I told her yea it was plain and fully there testyfied and did shew it her in that 1 Tim. comparing the verses and that with other Scriptures I shall not enlarge this discourse to shew how I did evidence and shew it by that and other Scriptures and apply
THE EFFICACY Of the true BALME BEING A true Relation of Mrs. Rose Warnes carriage Confession of her Sins and profession of her hope in the mercy of God so far as it was known to an Eye and Ear witness of much of it after she was apprehended and to the time of her death to which she was adjudged April 1667. At Lin Regis in the County of Norfolke upon strong presumption of her murther of her infant and suffered April 14. With some means used for her help in her imprisonment As also an inperfect yet pretty full Relation of what she spake to the People at her execution Published by John Horn of Lin Regis with his Epistle and some verses on her Printed for T. Passenger at the three Bibles on London Bridge 166● Reader HAving lately put to the Press a discourse upon the Parable of the Prodigal cheifly the two last verses of it and therein treats much of the merciful compassion of God toward sinners and readyness to receive the cheif of them upon their return to him yea to give by Jesus Christ repentance and remission I have thought it very agreable with that discourse to make publick also this ensuing Relation of God's gracions dealing with a woman in our town of Lin a woman of good parentage and that sometime lived in good fashion but through decay and poverty partly fell into temptation and so into sin ●ter she had some understanding of the truth and goodness of God and had made thereof somtime some profession and surely as sins against knowledg and after mercy extended are very provoking of God's displeasure so it was a token of his displeasure against her so sinning to permit her after many convincements warnings and reproofs given her and still sinned against by her to fall into so gross sin as to pull upon her open shame and punishment in the veiw of men falling with child adulterously and being delivered in secret she caused it to be cast forth which God in severity against her so hainious sinning yet in mercy to her soul would have come to light and there by her brought to shame and suffering during the time of whose imprisonment he yet magnifyed his grace and mercy toward her in giving her repentance and filling her with good lively hope of her salvation as ensuing this Relation will inform thee being the summe of diverse passages and observations noted by a relation to her by Marriage viz. Thomas Moor junior since that alass deceased and now with God and for the use of Friends written by him who as he was indued with great understanding and wisdome in the knowledge of the holy Scriptures and of the grace of God and therethrough made a very skilful able and expert spiritual Physitian to poor sinful and aflicted souls so was it her mercy to have much converse with him and helpfulnesse from him in the time of her imprisonment whose endeavours for her as his abundant charity through the grace of God led him to undertake them so through the blessing of God were a very good means of her repentance and of the comforts encouragements that her soul met with she was it seems much exercised about the Parable of the Prodigal and I was much exercised about what I have thereupon published by occasion of her with whom I also conversed in the time of her restraint though she speaking to me but once about it I knew not that she was so much exercised in it till I had neer finished what I thereon writ but when I understood it it made me the willinger to publish it And the publishing of that moved me also to publish this being an instance of mercy so agreable to it I had noted something my self about her and of her speech at her suffering but finding those passages of my Friends and Brothers more large and full then mine own mine own also as to the main of them being inserted into the Treatise or discourse before mentioned as to what might be without mention of her name her speech being also here remembred and set down much fuller then my memory retained thereof or was related by me I chose rather to publish this of he● then any thing of my own this also being full of very useful observations profitable to be known which ●udged great pity should be wrapt up in a napkin and be only in the hands of some fewer Persons I have only aded some brief answers to some things objected by some against her with a few homely verses and now it is publick do thou read and make good use of it and the Lord give his blessing with it Thine to serve thee in the Gospel of Christ J. H. Books sold by Tho. Passenger at the three Bibles on London Bridge● MArkhaw's Master p●ice in 4 to newly Printed corrected and amended Dod on the commandements Doc-litls spiritual Antedote Pichard on sanctification The wife Virgin The penitent prodigal by John Horn somtimes Minister of Lin Alhallowes Halls sussurium cum D●o● or his Divine Soliloquies Pilgrims port Pathway to health Mariners compass rectified Academy of complements the first and best sort far surpassing any other book of that nature Book of Palmistry Book of Knowledge Valentine and Orson large History of Palmering of England Destruction of Troy in three parts History of Paladine of England History of Amadis d'Gaule 5th part Scarborough spaw The jovial Garland The loyal Garland FINIS The Efficacy of the true Balm or Medicine for Restoring and healing the Soul A true Relation of Mistriss Rose Warnes Carriage Confessian of her sins and Profession of hope in the mercy of God so far as it was known to an eye and ear witness of much of it after she was apprehended and to the time of her death with sou●e mention by the way of the means used for her help AFter the Justices had been with her and taken her examination I went with my wife to see her and found some women with her and her self full of sorrow and shame I told her whatever she had done and however grievously she had sinned against the Lord and against her own soul and against his name and people of which though I knew nothing particularly of what procured this shame and sorrow to her nor desired at this time any perticular confession from her yet I doubted not but there was somewhat of shameful iniquity and long stubbornness in hiding it that procured this shame and sharp correction And that which made made me so judge was the infinite mercy of God and his slowness to anger who is not easily provoked to such severity and sharpness in rebukes yet whatever it was I desired she should not adde this to all to say there is no hope But know there was yet forgiveness and mercy with him that he might be feared and hoped in by her for still this saying remains faithful and true that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners even
her and tend most to his praise I endeavoured then and in my several visits before the Sessions to open and apply that gracious instruction encouragement and warning in Isa 50.10.11 Both shewing who is the Lords servant there spoken off whose voice is to be obeyed in all things and why called Gods servant what his voice is and why called the voice of the Lords servant and how to be obeyed in all things in all it saith or testifieth instructeth reproveth requireth and how therein God is truly feared and worshipped by us and likewise that such true fearers and worshippers of God may sometime walk in darkness and have no light and in what fence that is to be understood and lastly that when so yet they are not left wholly comfortless or as Orphans but bave the name of the Lord to trust in their God to stay upon to lean and depend on and wait for though they know not what to pray for as they ought in such cases not knowing what manner of deliverance may be best for them and tend most to his praise nor see any way of escape looking on the right hand or on the left or which way deliverance should come yet he that knows how to deliver doth also make intercession with God according to his will and hath the tongue of the learned and so knows how to speak a word in due season to him that is weary and is made perfect and infinitely fitted to all his work and office through sufferings this the rest this the refreshing But when we will be in such dayes of darkness kindling a fire and compassing our selves about with sparks we must expect this at the hands of the Lord to lye down in sorrow from them She much rejoyced in the word of the Lord which as she found she did eat and it was to her the joy and rejoycing of her heart yet was she not without some unsettlement and confusion or discomposure upon her spirit between fears and hopes as to this life being encouraged by many to hope for the saving of it and seek't to pervert the hope and perswasion given her in the mercy of God through Christ to an expectation and looking for it in saving her from this judgement and on the other hand by all the instruction and encouragement she met withal from the Name of the Lord and his grace in Christ led to rest and rejoyce in that which gave her hope in Death and therein willingly to resign and give up the hopes and desires of this life and to leave the matter to him quietly as accounting the hope of eternal life which God had given her in Christs infinite mercy and enough to sati-fie The Sessions being past and she condemned to death being found Guilty by the Jury upon little or no certain evidence of her guilt of the fact of which they found her guilty yet without any frowardness or prejudice I could perceive against the instruments she did acquaint herself with the Lord in it and accepted it as from his hand as a righteous and gracious punishment of her iniquity and was much more setled and composed in her spirits than before and so more fit to hear and receive the encouragements and instructions of his name as I found at my first visit of her immediately on her return from the Sessions when she had received her sentence When first I applyed my self to some reminding and further opening of the name of the Lord and particularly of that great instruction and encouragement in it that through and by the means of his death by which peace and atonement is made for sin and he impowered to forgive sins on earth he hath power to save from wrath to redeem from all iniquity to restore and bring back from all their wandrings to God to receive and make accepted on their turning to him in his gracious drawings even such as have sold themselves for their iniquities and for their transgressions are put away from suc● nighness fellowship mercy and good things as otherwise they might have enjoyed here and to this purpose be is Annoynted and consecrated for evermore having on his Ascention on high received gifts in the man not only for men as they are sinners in themselves and from their first natural root but from the rebellions also though rebellion be as the sin of witchcraft in which men make a new and personal compliance and confederacy with Satan as if the compliance made with him in their first natural root were not enough and sell themselves for their iniquities as if their being carnal and sold to their hand under sin through the disobedience of one were not sufficient they sin after the similitude of Adams transgression yet though they have so done to him belongs mercy forgive ness even for towards them see Dar 9.8.9 with Isa 50.1.3 There is help in him for such as have destroyed themselves Hos 13.9 'T is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners even such sinners as are lawless and disobedient sinners that will not be reformed or reclaimed by the law of grace but prophanely go on hideing and holding fast and allowing themselves in their sins and are murtherers of Fathers murtherers of Mothers Man-slayers Whore-mongers Adulters Abusers of themselves with mankind and if there be any thing contrary to sound Doctrine they are lawless and disobedient in going on in the trade and way of their own iniquities till the laws of God and men say hold on them yet such Christ came into the world to save and not for such only but for blasphemers of the Name of Christ and Persecutors of the Ch●rch of God which are mentioned by the Apostle there as his sins and greater then the former as to matter of fect and as in the sight of God yet such Christ Jesus Came into the world to save not to save them in their sins but from them And God hath exalted him a Prince ' and a Saviour for to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to such He is the propitiation now with God for sins of that nature that might have been prevented and might have been kept from by the Grace of God and that not only for those to whom he hath given an understanding to know him that is true and that are in him but also for the world for them who yet lye under the power of the wicked one that judgement may not be speedily executed but a door of mercy and life may be held open while yet he is by any means calling them that in turning their sins which yet are detain'd in heaven against them while they continue in them may be bloted out c through this man therefore is preached to you the forgiveness of your sins for he came because of that truth to forgive such sins as men cannot righteouslly forgive as in that Jer 3.1 c And can have
in medling more then they needed or in not affording me what mercy and priviledge by the law of the land I might have had in my sad case the Lord forgive them and graciously set home convincement upon their hearts of their evil and wrong I forgive them I blesse God I have not the least prejudice against any I take it out of his hand that is righteous and infinitely merciful in punishing me with less then Hell fire for ever and be you all warned in time to flee from sin as from the Devil for it will lead you captive to the Devil flee to Christ for help and strength against it for sin brings shame it must be owned and acknowledged and Gods Judgement submitted too the sooner and the more voluntary the better for Whore-mongers and Adulterers God will judge Oh that such as have sinned as I have done would make hast to confess their sins and take shame turn at his reproofs in time that you may escape the damnation of Hell that is infinitely worse then this Therefore to day while it is called to day the Holy Ghost saith harden not your hearts if ye would hear his gracious voice harden not your hearts against the reproofs of his instruction to day even to day off that this spectacle may be a warning to you all and that God would set home to your hearts these broken words of a dying woman oh that they may be laid to heart now in time Take heed especially all ye that name the name of Christ depart from iniquity flee it as from a Serpent void evil lascivious wanton company chamring wantoness provoke lust lead into further snares I had thought I had been strong enough to withstand dally not with him take heed of dallying with the temptation it will get dominion at last it bites like a Serpent make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof for he that soweth to his flesh shall of it reap corruption and God will more severely judge them on whom his name is called that all may know he cannot endure iniquity he will least of all eudure it in them that come nigh him he will magnify his name and will be sanctifyed of all that come near him Take heed all of you that none of you harden your harts against him and his voice by his pretious people because of me but hear and attend to the Gospel know them that call on the name of the Lord in truth God is in and with them of a truth though I have sinned against God and them and therefore am thus corrected with the rods of men and they are permitted to use extremity upon me I have sinned the Lord is righteous let others take heed of despising the grace of God or hardning their hearts against it and against the way of truth because of what I have done for even that Grace of God bringing salvation to all men is the true grace of God and doth truly teach and powerfully work It doth in its appearing to us teach that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world it did teach me but I wanted a Ioseph like spirit to have reasoned from all the Grace appearing in Christ how then shall I commit so great wickedness and sin against God oh that I had harkned but I rebelled and hardned my heart therefore he was fain to bring down my heart withall this labour and in all love to my soul and to warn and admonish others not to harden their hearts be not mockers or despisers least your bands be made strong do not for lying vanities for sake your own mercies for there is eternal mercies life redemption in Christ prepared for you whether you beleive it or beleive it not it is prepared in him for every one of you given with him that you might know and beleive and 〈◊〉 made pertaker of it in and with him ●he King the God of glory hath made a marriage for his Son the marriage is made the feast prepared and ready for you all the servants are sent to the bidden guests and they make excuses some their Farmes Oxen Wives and such things for lying vanities for sake their own mercies and some complement themselves out they say I have sinned and am so vile a sinner so unclean and so polluted I am not fit I must first wash my self or make my self clean or be washed by my tears or works of the law before I may come to him to eat of his bread and drink of the wine that he hath mingled take heed of this let none complement themselves out here c●me as ye are 'T is a faithful saying worthy of all acceptation that Iesus Christ came into the world to save sinners sinners as sinners he came to save but not to save them in their sins but to save from them to redeem us from all iniquity and unless he save and wash us we cannot be clean he knew what we were before he called us and he called and gave himself for us that he might wash us and unless he wash us we can have no part with him come therefore in his calls and drawings come as thou art he will in no wise cast thee away how sinful and vile soever but he will wash thee with the washing of water by his word for consider how great things he hath done for thee while thou wast dead in sins and trespasses and altogether filthy and polluted in thy blood and while such he calls thee and such were some of those that are now made accepted in the beloved even such as I have been Whoremongers Adulterers c. But they were washed in their coming to him washed in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God they did not wash themselves first or were washed by any other means before they came oh come therefore to the waters he that hath no money come ye and do not complement your selves out well but the bidden guests refused and the King was forced to look for guests where he could he sent out to the high wayes and hedges and that once and again to call draw into the house that the house might be filled and when many were come in the King looking among those come into the house finds one without a wedding garment and said to him friend he calls him friend for Christ had been a real friend to him But how camest thou in hither not having on a wedding garment loe he was speechless he had not that to say for excuse that there was none prepared for him or he had no way on means offered to come at it he was speechless nothing to say for himself There is certainly a wedding garment provided for you all in and by Christ t is made ready loe all things are ready and with him tendred a perfect righteousness to cover you and make you acceptable in
the sight of God despise it not it s for every poor sinful wretch in the world prepared in Christ given with him to be put on in coming into his house and so unto him For he that knew no sin was made to be sin for us that we might be made the vighteousness of God in him and to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ●ngodly his faith is counted for righteousness and to him God imputeth righteousness without works I hope you will excuse my weakness I had almost forgot what I was saying the man w● speechless and so the judgement following was according to truth as we are sure it is in all the revelations of his wrath present and eternal against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness Go take the unprofitable servant bind him hand and foot and cast him into utter darknes● where there shall be weeping wayling and gnashing of tee●h Go ye cursed into ever lasting fi●● prepared for the Devil and his Angels depart from me al● ye workers of iniquity O● most dreadful sentence most dreadful sentence and yet this the certain doom and judgement of all those that are incensed against him yea of all that are not found in him whether they have sinned grosly as I have done or no or whatever righteousness according to the law or other garments they be found in not being found in this they cannot be accepted with God and so not stand in that day nor escape that dreadful sentence it shall come upon all that ●anctifie themselves that purifie themselves behind one tree c. That feed not on the flesh of Christ that was given for the li●e of the world but eat swines flesh c. Oh this that I now suffer is nothing to that dreadful sentence which yet is the portion of all the ungodly that dye in their sins and it is his infinite grace not my deserving that I did not fall under it for ever all less that to me is infinite mercy but that also he should by these means graciously recal me to that resting place from which I had wandered and heal my backslidings love me freely own and call me by a new name in Heaven sprinkle my heart and conscience with that blood that speaks better things then that of Abel more powerfully for mercy and forgiveness and healing then that for vengeance which he hath done and doth abundantly I may truly say whence is this to me Behold what manner of love is this And this hath made me willing to accept of the punishment of my iniquity since my shame was discovered and heart brought down she oft said she never had any temptations since she was apprehended and in Prison such the mercy of God which she acknowledged in it to escape or use any means to get from under it either by making away her self or life privately as many had charged her with such enterprizes but there was sufficient evidence to the contrary or by getting out in which she much and often in the Prison magnifyed the mercy of God to her yea she admired at his mercy in thus judging her And that by this means she that had so procured these things in her self and blemished the name of God should so soon be delivered from all her trangressions and from the reproach of the foolish and from that mercy encouraged her friends to hope that though they must remain to bear the reproach of it longer then she yet not to be discouraged he that had found out a way to deliver her such as in which Righteousness and Mercy both was magnifyed would deliver them and his name and magnifie it by that which to outward appearance might seem to blemish i● he knows how to bring good out of evil to make grace abound where sin hath abounded but shall we therefore sin that grace may abound God forbid but when he hath magnifyed his grace in such forgiveness and heal●ng such sinners and therein commended his righteousness and glorifyed his name oh sure said she she loved much to whom much was forgiven she often protested her great peace and joy of spi●it in the veiw of what she was hasting too and that all sorrow and shame would presently be at an end to her and God would wipe away all tears for his sons sake the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the w●rld and yet said that she was filled with shame and blushing for her own iniquity there called to remembrance but withal with great rejoycing in the Lord and in him only by means of whom her sin should be no more remembred and therefore did relinquish all confidence in the flesh in any works of her own according to the law or in any arguments or gracious frames of brokenness sorrow for sin meetings desires after his name which though she doubted not of his gracious acceptance of them pardoning the iniquities and mixtures in them through the mediator that lives to present them and take away those iniquities and mixtures and so make them accepted in himself yet did she not know or allow them at all in the ground of her hope and rejoy●ing in God nor needed them having enough in the flesh of Christ that was given for the life of the world to nourish her to eternal life nor in particular words of scripture brought to her mind and applyed by her to such her needs and conditions as she thought they answered too and though from such things she had conceived hopes of longer life here partly by reason of her desire of it for her childrens sake and cheifly as she thought that she might live to walk more close with God and with his people and glorifie his name as she had brought dishonour to it And those hopes were disappointed yet that did not move her at all from her hope and rejoycing in the hope of eternal life because that was begotten ●●d she strengthned and quickned to it through the resurrection of Christ that foundation stands sure and hath this seal for confirming the goodness and sureness of it The Lord knoweth owneth approveth them that are his namely that are built and abide on this foundation yea though they have wandred from Mount to Hill forgot their resting place yet turn again hither and have their hearts and minds stayed here and though from all her sparks that she had bin kindling and composing her self withall she must lye down yet she had the name of the Lord to trust in and her God to stay upon and he was wonderfully a present help to her in the time of trouble and did through his name and the excellent knowledge of himself so sprinkle her heart and conscience and deliver her from blood guiltiness that her tongue did sing aloud of his righteousness did open her lips shut by her own iniquities and her mouth did shew forth his praise she appointed the 25 Psalm and sung with
God 〈◊〉 thank thee that I am not as other me● not so or so but doe thus and thus but their leaven is to be taken hee● off by us and yet she also spake o● Gods giving her new life and strengt● and reviving her spirits when she came from receiving her sentance as she also gave particular reproof to one and pittied another c. But I shall say no more about her God grant others may be warned by her fall and such as have fallen may be encouraged to look towards Christ to raise them up again by his mercy to her that they continue not in sin till they perish and let us bless God for his goodness to her and give glory to him Amen THere be some that the truth profess and walk With those that love it and of God can talke Who are I fear close sinners some of whom Who were of my acquaintance wish me dumb Or dead least I disclose them and when I Am gone perhaps will bear them selves more high Thinking themselves secure for non● beside They fear that know their fau'ts but thei 'l them hide But let such now repent and trust not to Such vain delusions as will them undoe Take heed of hardning still your hearts had I Turned at reproofs after I wickedly Had once offended surely I had not Been left of God to incurre such a blo● As now 's upon me nor have come to this To which i 'me justly brought if you amiss Therefore at any time doe act b● sure You persevere not therein but the cure Thereof seek speedily to some confess it That may be faithful if you can't redress it By your endeavours that is very evil When sinners keep the counsails of the Devil And yet behold Gods mercy unto me In midst of wrath and judgement you ●ay see At once how bad it is to sin how vile Mans nature and how subtile to beguile Sin and the Serpent are and yet how good God is who hath a fountain in the blood Of his dear Son so opened that theirin Is washing from uncleanness and from sin For such as Davids house which bloody was And Jerusalem which in sin did pass All other Citties in that blood have I Fleeing to it and hee●ing it me 〈◊〉 Obtained of the Lord so that I fear No other punishment but what I here Do justly suffer Oh that pretious blood Of my dear Saviour which speaks so much good Will be destroyed Sinners be warned by me Learn to be sober and all wildness flee But chiefly O all ye that Christ dore name ●ee from all sin for it will wo● your shame That was my great offence that who us'd Oft times to her what 's good it 〈◊〉 abus'd And other company did so affect Cheifly if but pretending some respect To those and that was good that for their sake I quencht good motions and did shipwrack make Of faith and conscience and my heart made hard Against reproofs untill I was quite mard Above all sinners God will least indure Such as do sin against what sin would cure That take his name into their mouths in vain While from iniquity they wont refrain By all the motives it presents unto them But will that practice which will quite undoe them God will not such hold guiltless if they still ●●rsist in sin and take thereof their fill ●hey shall not scape his anger yea ●●ch he ●ill bring to light when others hidden he ●nd fill their souls with wounds their face with shame ●ecause their wickedness bespots his name ●ware beware by me then all that take Gods name into your mouths and mention make Of his love and his laws think not to hide ●our secret deeds of darkness they 'r espyed ●y his all seeing eye who doth detest ●n most in them by whom his name 's profest ●am a warning made to you beware ●yet you sin be sure God wont you spare ●our Sins doe not your selves sirs only wrong ●ut doe one God and all that doth belong Peculiarly to him his people name Reflect and fill his pretious ones with shame And grief and therefore your offenthings he Will punish if you wont be worn'd b● me FINIS