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A39291 The Kingdom of God opened and proved to be a kingdom of grace and glory, the one thing necessary for all, and the saints everlasting happiness a discovery of the subjects of it by their qualification and conversation, scriptural evidences for every one to try his eternal state by : with motives and means for getting and keeping a comfortable assurance of this heavenly kingdom / by Tobias Ellys ... Ellis, Tobias. 1678 (1678) Wing E608; ESTC R31413 128,482 198

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fear of evil but then we are to seek it first that is early and principally or chiefly in the morning of our Age and in the morning in respect of time we must not dare to put off a Work of this weight worth and moment to the last moment as too many do with a Lord have Mercy upon us our first and best time the opportunity of time all our dayes is little enough to be spent in asking that we may have in seeking that we may find in knocking till an abundant entrance be ministred and opened unto us into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Seek we first the Kingdom of God above and before other things as that which is most necessary for us so to do That which is of the most and greatest consequence and necessity should be first done above and before other things which are less necessary things indifferent when they come in competition must give place to things Necessary and Indispensable It is not so necessary to our everlasting happiness whether we be rich or poor high or low as that we be holy which must be before we can be happy and there is an absolute and indispensible necessity of our being both holy and happy Grace and Glory are so far from things indifferent that they are the one thing needful and therefore first to be sought as not only necessary but most excellent wisdom which is Grace and Glory and much more even Christ himself is the principal thing happy is the Man that findeth Wisdom for the Merchandise of it is better than the Merchandise of Silver and the Gain thereof than fine Gold more precious than Rubies and all the things that can be desired are not to be compared to it length of dayes riches and honor peace plenty and pleasantness accompany wisdom which is a Tree of Life to them that lay hold thereof and happy is every one that retaineth Wisdom God and Godliness only is profitable to all persons and things having promise of the Life that now is and of that which is to come and are not things which are Spiritual and Eternal and so absolutely necessary yea infinitely necessary and profitable not only for this but the better life to be preferred and sought before things Temporal and the rather because we have a promise of Christ to assure us that if we seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousnes all these things shall be added unto us If my Soul followeth hard after God his Kingdom Holiness Righteousness Faith Charity Peace with them that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart surely then Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the dayes of my Life yea so sure as when I walk in the Sun my shadow followeth me The Lord God is my Sun the Lord hath given me Grace and Glory no good thing will he withhold from me while I walk uprightly with him Thus much by way of Exhortation and Excitation to Sinners A Word to Saints especially such as are Ministers by one that am the least that am not meet to be called a Minister or Saint be we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of us that we walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing who hath called us unto his Kingdom and Glory and called us also with an holy Calling according to his own purpose and Grace into so high and honorable and holy Calling as the Ministery which is both our General and Particular Calling as having no other Work to do save to make first our own calling and election sure least that by any means when we have Preached unto others we our selves should be Cast-awayes and then to help others herein Who is sufficient for these things We are or should be the Lights of the World sent by Christ the true Light to turn Men from darkness to light we are a Royal Priesthood called out of darkness into his marvellous Light God who commanded the Light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ if we be Ministers indeed for no Man taketh this honor to himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron for we are not to Preach our selves but Christ Jesus the Lord and our selves the Servants of all for Jesus sake handling the Word of God by Manifestation of the truth Commending our selves to every Mans Conscience in the sight of God which can never be so effectually done until it please God who separates us to the Work also to call us by his Grace to reveal his Son in us How needful is it that Christ be formed in them who are to travel in birth until Christ be formed in others It is the Gift of the Grace of God given unto us by the effectual working of his Power which makes us able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit for the Preaching among the Gentiles the unsearchable Riches of Christ and to make all Men see what is the fellowship of the Mystery which from the beginning of the World hath been hid in God that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs and of the same Body and partakers of his Promise in Christ by the Gos●el Moreover it is required in Stewards of the Mysteries of God who are to be accounted the Ministers of Christ that a Man be found faithful The faithful word is to be committed to faithful Men who shall be able and apt to Teach others also as they have been Taught of God that they may be able by sound Doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers The Glorious Gospel of the blessed God is committed to every Ministers trust who should be able to say with St. Paul I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the Ministery that the Ministery be not blamed no offence is to be given in any thing but in all things are we to approve our selves as the Ministers of God skilful in the Word of Righteousness having by reason of use our Senses exercised to discern both Good and Evil that we may be sound in the Faith in the Doctrine of it shewing uncorruptness not as many which corrupt or deal deceitfully with the Word of God carried about with divers and with strange Doctrines with every wind of Doctrine but as of sincerity consenting only to the Doctrine which is according to Godliness and sound also in the Grace of Faith Ministers by whom others believe ought themselves to be sound Believers fervent and faithful Lovers one of another perfectly joyned together in the same mind and in the same judgment Let us not therefore Judge one another any more but judge this rather that no Man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his Brothers way Let as many as be perfect be thus minded whereto they have already
God and the everlasting good of many a poor yet precious Soul so that all our contentions and mutual devourings shall end in a holy amicable contending earnestly for the Faith of the Gospel that we may stand fast in one Spirit with one mind and one mouth glorifying God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ receiving one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God than which what can be more pleasing to God honourable to our selves creditable to Religion profitable and comfortable to His Majesties Three Kingdoms If there be joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth what joy will there be in Heaven over all the Sinners in these Kingdoms that repent The Lord our God in the midst of us will be mighty to save us he will rejoyce over us with joy he will rest in his love he will joy over us with singing if as Brethren being called unto liberty we use not our liberty for an occasion to the flesh but by love serve one another for all the Law is fulfilled in one word even in this Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self but if we bite and devour one another let us take heed that we be not consumed one of another And it shall come to pass that as the Lord rejoyced over us to do us good so the Lord will rejoyce over us to destroy us and bring us to nought which will assuredly come to pass if we bless our selves in our hearts saying We shall have peace though we walk in the imagination or stubbornness of our hearts to add Iniquity to Iniquity the Lord will not spare but his anger and jealousie shall smoke against us and all the Curses written in his Book shall lie upon us and he will blot out our names from under Heaven Cursed also is every one that doth the Work of the Lord negligently or deceitfully But I am persuaded better Things of you and Things which accompany Salvation and that we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of our Souls Let us take heed lest there be in any of us an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God but exhort one another daily while it is called to day lest any of us be hardned through the deceitfulness of sin looking also diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble us and thereby many be defiled for we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end and also of his Kingdom of glory for the securing whereof these plain Directions are absolutely necessary to be put in practice I. That all Sins be avoided and hated especially Unbelief Pride Covetousness Carnality Lying and Hypocrisie II. That all the Duties of Holiness be rightly zealously and constantly performed both publick and private III. That all the Graces of the Holy Spirit be had and exercised They who would set themselves in earnest to seek the Kingdom of God must heartily set themselves against all sins stand in awe and sin not while you are seeking if you would find this Kingdom Seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near but then it follows Let the Wicked forsake his Way and the Unrighteous who is a man of Iniquity his Thoughts and let him return unto the Lord who will have mercy upon him but then he must have nothing to do with Sin who will have any thing to do with God and his kingdom otherwise God will have nothing to do with him the wages of Sin is not Heaven but hell every final impenitent unbelieving Sinner is to be shut out of Heaven and shut up in Hell to all eternity Sinners you must quit your state and course and way of sin before you can enter the state of Grace or walk in the way of Life Grace and Glory are inseparable so are Sin and Hell O have nothing to do with any the least yea the very appearance of evil as near as you can except to hate abhor leave and loath it and your selves for it as ever you hope to speed in this most important duty of seeking first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness more especially let Unbelief Pride Carnality Covetousness Lying and Hypocrisie be abandoned and abhorred as the root and source and spawn of all other abominations These are the Master evils that hinder men from being and doing good We must be negatively before we can be positively holy Wash ye make ●e clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes first cease to do evil then learn to do well c. If we would cease from evil we must take heed of the evil of Unbelief in the heart which is a sin that giveth every Truth of God the Lye Every one that believeth not goes about to make God a Lyar. The very Word of the Scripture is He that believeth not God hath made him a lyar because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son as Faith is a coming to God by Jesus Christ so Unbelief is a departing from the living God O take heed of it as also of the sin of Pride which is a lifting and setting up our Wisdom and Will against the Wisdom Will Word Way and Work of God preferring our own Honor before Gods Glory Pri●e was the first and worst sin that could be committed virtually and interpretatively it is all iniquity as all sinners were in one and came from one so all sins are summed up in this one namely Pride which is the Parent of all other abominations The onely sin that is so sinful This was the sin that made good Angels Devils and our first Parents and us evil like unto them yea only evil and that continually by it we have lost God our selves our knowledge of him all our righteousness and true holiness and all the happiness of Heaven it is so desperate a sin that it will not suffer any one to seek after God his Grace and Glory The wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God he will be happy without God In seeking first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness O seek first to be delivered from the pride of heart and life otherwise you may ask and not have seek and not find knock and it shall not be opened unto you Covetousness which is Adultery and Idolatry a loving and desiring after the World and the things of the World so inordinately and overcarefully as both to neglect and make light of the things of God which are above The Covetous whom the Lord abhorreth his prayer and practice is Lord Who will shew us any good his Labour is only for his mouth and therefore his laying up much Goods for many years is to take his ease eat drink and be merry he is one that layeth
being poor in Spirit that you may be rich in Faith and Heirs of a Kingdom the comfort and content of a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth The Kingdom of God is not meat and dri●k but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Let your Conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have that your Conversation may be in Heaven Heavenly-mindedness is your duty let it be your delight to seek those thing● which are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God in whose presence is fulness of joy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore for all thos● and onely those that have and exercise the Graces of the Spirit in truth and uprightness Labour therefore in the last place for the Grace of Sincerity which is not so much a Grace as that which makes Grace to be ●race If I may s●y so what is Faith but Fancy if it be not unfeigned Or Love but Lust except it be without dissimulation What is Obedience good for if it be not universal and constant Our hearts and lives are not sound if we have not respect unto all Gods Commandments to perform them alwayes unto the end Suppose our Gracious Majesty the King command nothing but what is holy just and good for His own Honour and Interest and the good of His Subjects will he judge those persons sincere to him that lives in open disobedience to any of his righteous Laws God and man would and should be served in sincerity and truth God is to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth he is rich in mercy but to whom to them that call upon him in Truth The good and the right way is only fear the Lord and serve him in Truth with all your heart God is for the heart and the whole heart man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart the heart and the sincerity of it is all in all with God Grace and Mercy is with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity with incorruption Sincerity is the Salt th●t keeps our Love and other Graces from corrupting and perishing it is the root of the matter which makes the h●art good and honest in bringing forth the fruit of right●●usness with patience unto perfection Whereas the seed sown in the heart where there is no root ●i●hers away the Word of the Truth of the Gospel bringeth forth fruit in them that hear it who kn●w the Grace of God in Truth Do not my words saith God do good to him that walketh upright God is good to those that be good and to them that are upright in their hearts which David intimates in his Prayer None are good indeed but the upright and sincere their hearts are good their lives are good they are like Saul and Jonathan lovely and pleasant in their lives and their death is precious in the sight of the Lord. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is Peace He shall enter into Peace that walketh before God in Truth and with a perfect heart doing that which is good in his sight uprightness integrity and sincerity in heart speech and behaviour is very pleasing to God Behold thou delightest in or desirest Truth in the inward parts They onely are the Sons of God who are blameless harmless or sincere speaking the Truth in love as being sincere which is all one speaking the Truth from the heart is a character of a Citizen of Zion and the property and duty of the true Ministers of the Gospel who are not as many which deal deceitfully with or corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak they in Christ his Doctrine shewing uncorruptness sincerity sound speech that cannot be condemned ordering also their Conversations in the World by the grace of God in simplicity and godly sincerity that they may approve things that are excellent that they may be sincere and without offence toward God and toward man till the day of Christ They who are allowed of God to be put in trust with the Gospel are even so to speak and live not as pleasing men but God which tryeth their hearts not at any time using flattering words for a cloak of covetousness whom St. Paul would have the Brethren to mark And I most humbly beseech His most peaceable Majesty for His own and His Kingdoms sake and safety He would also mark them who cause Divisions and Offences upon what pretences soever either in the State or Church or Families contrary to the Doctrine of Christ for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple walking in craftiness doing the work of the Lord deceitfully But such as would first seek the Kingdom of God with comfort must labour to be Israelites indeed in whom is no guile that they may grow in grace in every grace going from grace to grace from strength to strength for the pure in heart and he that hath clean hands and is sincere perfect and undefiled in the way shall be stronger and stronger till he be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus being strengthned with might by his Spirit in the inner man to exercise himself in all holy conversation and godliness in every condition in every relation for the truth and strength of grace lies much in relative religiousness None are really holy that are not relatively holy they who are not good loyal and sincere loving Subjects to His most Excellent Majesty the King are far from the true power of godliness and so in all other Relations which I leave to a fitter opportunity to handle What more plain in all the Word of God than that every Soul is to be subject unto the higher Powers How apt are men to forget it Put them in mind therefore saith St. Paul to be subject to Principalities and Powers to obey Magistrates What follows To be ready to every good Work Why for Rulers are not a Terror to good Works but to the evil He is a Minister of God to every one for good both to the good and to the evil to make evil men good and good men better The Supreme Power which is the Ordinance of God is not to be resisted upon pain of damnation but all Dues Duties Tribute Custom Fear Honour the rather to be rendered with all chearfulness and humble thankfulness for Magistrates are Gods Ministers attending continually on this very thing wherefore let every one of us as it is our bounden duty shew the truth and power of our godliness herein for we must needs be Subjects not only for Wrath but also for Conscience sake to our Superiours in the Lord And that they may rule for God and for good let Supplications Prayers Intercessions and
Communication The glory which the Father gave unto Christ he hath given to Christians that they may be one in glory even as the Father and the Son are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one A Mystery that cannot be seen otherwise than by the light of glory From this most intimate union there doth arise such a Communion between Father Son and the Holy Ghost and the Triumphant Christian Church as will yield infinite and uninterrupted satisfaction much of this Communion will be a mutual Commendation Behold thou art fair my Beloved behold thou art fair behold thou art fair my Love yea pleasant thou art all fair my Love there is no spot in thee saith Christ of his Church Militant When Christ presents to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish there will be no want of expressions for commendation of her nor will the Triumphant Church want triumphing matter and words to set forth the Praises of her altogether Lovely and dearly Beloved Head and Husband when he comes to be glorified in his Saints he will be admired in and by all them that believe then will the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in us and we in him according to the Grace of our God and the Lord Jesus he will rejoyce over us with Joy he will rest in his Love he will joy over us with singing when his Glory shall be revealed that we may be glad also with exceeding Joy When Solomon was anointed King the People rejoyced with great Joy so that the Earth rent with the sound of them When Saints are Anointed Kings by the King of Kings What shouting for Joy then will there be in Heaven There is Joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner that repenteth When all Sinners by Repentance have commenced Saints in Glory then not only the Angels of God but the God of Angels will rejoyce over them with Joy unconceivable and full of Glory Then will God supply all their needs according to his riches in Glory by Jesus Christ the riches of the glory of the Mysteries of Christ which now are unsearchable will then be laid open The Lord shall open unto his Heavenly Family his good Treasure where every one shall have full and free liberty to take his everlasting portion of glory not for himself only but for the Community the glorified have a partnership in each others happiness Every one in Heaven hath a full view of a share in and a right unto the glory of every blessed Angel and Saint which greatly adds to their glory therefore it is such a weight of glory In the Primitive Church they had all things common neither was there any among them that lacked 〈◊〉 the Church Triumphant where there is perfect Charity all things will be for ever common because they are of one heart and one Soul In this covetous World it is far otherwise every one stands much upon his own glory The Wise Man doth glory in his Wisdom the Mighty Man doth glory in his Might the Rich Man doth glory in his Riches but glorifieth not God with them in b●ing rich in good Works making others poor to make himself rich contr●ry to the Example and Pr●●●ise of our L rd Jesus Christ that though he was Rich yet for our sakes he became poor that we through his Poverty might be Rich with the Riches of his Grace and the Riches of the glory of his Inheritance being heirs of that Kingdom which G d the ●ather in his everlasting Decree purposed to them We have obtained an Inheritance according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself being Predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the Counsel of his own Will and not only purposed but prepared for them from the Foundation of the World In my Fathers house saith Christ are many Mansions I go to prepare a place for you which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of Man the things which God hath prepared what God hath prepared Christ hath purchased Our Inheritance is the purchased possession We lost not only our selves but all our right to the Kingdom of Glory All have sinned and come short of the glory of God By the grace of Redemption our Lord Jesus Christ hath recovered this forfeited Glory That Kingdom and Glory which Christ hath purchased God hath promised to the Poor in this World whom God hath chosen rich in Faith and heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him and because he is faithful that promised this Kingdom is preserved which is an Inheritance Incorruptible and Undefiled and that sadeth not away reserved in Heaven for them who are the called according to his purpose even the purpose of God according to Election not of Works but of him that calleth for as there is a Kingdom purposed so are there persons that are purposed to this Kingdom and prepared to it that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of Mercy which he hath afore prepared unto Glory even a pecu iar or purchased People the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood for we were not redeemed with corruptible things as Silver and Gold but with the precious Blood of Christ that we might be the heirs of the Promise of the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation for as there is an Inheritance in Heaven reserved for all that are called according to purpose prepared purchased and Children of the Promise and if Children then Heirs and Joynt-heirs with Christ in his Kingdom of Glory so these are kept by him that is able from falling and presented faultless before the presence of his Glory with exceeding Joy These are the persons unto whom it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God and to enjoy the Mercies Graces Comforts and the glorious Priviledges thereof both for time and eternity Thus have I through the gracious assistance of Gods Holy Spirit in some measure opened the Mysteries and Treasures of the Kingdom of God which as it is a Kingdom of Grace so also a Kingdom of Glory having finished the Doctrinal part the Application followeth 1. For Information of the Necessity Excellency and Utility of the Christian Religion There is an absolute and infinite necessity that every one should profess and practise the true Religion in the Doctrine and Duties of it which are according unto Godliness for the attainment of Grace and Glory which in conjunction with the Glory of God is the one thing necessary Such a thing there is as Pure Religion and undefiled whereby we bind our selves in a Solemn Covenant to be what God would have us to
deceive and destroy the Violent Man or Man of Violence is called the Proud or Evil Man It is the Violent Man that purposeth to overthrow the goings of the Upright by hiding Snares and Cords spreading Nets setting Gins for him while evil shall hunt the Violent Man to overthrow him God hath purposed to preserve the upright Man from this Man of violence though a Brother for a Brother offended especially without cause is harder to be won then a strong City and their Contentions are like the Bars of a Castle There is no going to Heaven or Hell without violence evil Men are more violent in serving Sin and Satan than good Men in serving God which is an aggravation of their Sin and a very great shame it is for such as are bound for such a place as Heaven is and going to God should be so slow and slothful in their pace thither while the ungodly are making such hast to Hell Is a corruptible triple Crown of Earthly Honors Pleasures and Riches in the way to Hell worth so much striving and running for and Is the Incorruptible Incomparable Crown of Life in the way to Heaven not worth much more Every one hath a Race to run a Prize to get the way to run in is Gods Commandments the Prize Eternal Life if thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commandments The great duty is so to run as to obtain In the Olympick Games the fighters and the Runners which were violent painful Exercises were to put forth all their strength they had therefore their honorable Encouragements to animate them The Apostle alludes to these to put Christians upon the like activity because they have many Duties to exercise which cannot be performed without painfulness and violence but one moments being in Heaven will more then recompence all their labor Let us get our hearts enlarged that with holy violence we may run the wayes of Gods Commandments unto the end that our reward may be great in the Kingdom of Glory which we must also seek valiantly We have violent valiant and potent enemies that stand in our way to this Kingdom to withstand and conquer before we can enter into it the Devil and all his Angels a flattering and a frowning World and worse than all these namely in-dwelling sin a home-born enemy that is more deceitful and dreadful than all our other adversaries which must be mortified before we can be saved We have all Gods holy just and good Laws to obey in every thought word and work in the greatest strictness and spirituality which requires much resolution and courage in us to perform alwayes even unto the end It is therefore very remarkable that when God enjoyns every one to observe to do according to all the Law turn not from it to the right hand or to the left he subjoyns this and repeats it three times be strong and very courageous be strong and of a good courage be strong and of a good courage to observe to do according to all the Law without erring on either hand It is the narrow way of life that leads to the strait Gate which whosoever walks therein shall enter in thereat This can never be done without constant courage and fixed resolution against sins of Omission and Commission and the lively performance of all holy Duties the means of getting Grace and growing therein which is our power to resist mortifie and overcome what God hath forbiden us and to do whatsoever he hath commanded us necessary hereunto is the putting on the keeping on the daily fighting in the whole Armor of God which that it may be done valiantly and successfully must be done in the name and strength of the Captain of our Salvation the Lord Jesus this way David vanquisht all his Enemies that compassed him about like Bees the Name of the Lord was the strong Tower he ran into for safety he made the Lord his strength and he became his Salvation our strength valour and prowess is from Christ which teacheth our hands to War and our fingers to fight that we wax valiant in fight turning to flight the Armies of the Aliens What is it that a Christian cannot do through Christ strengthening him with all might by his Spirit in the inner Man True Believers are the only valiant Men in the World none have so many and great enemies to contest with as they What wonderful exploits did those Worthies in the Hebrews do through the power of their Faith they turned not their back upon the World the Flesh or the Devil in all these things they were more than Conquerors Tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness peril sword death life Angels principalities powers things present things to come height depth nor any other creature can separate true Believers from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus through God they do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies that we may pass in season and safety through a Kingdom of Grace to a Kingdom of Glory which we must seek vigilantly be vig lant saith St. Peter because your Adversary the Devil walketh about seeking whom he may devour if we be not vigilant as well as valiant we may easily be devoured by Satan he stands Sentinel night and day watching that he may recover them who by Repentance to the acknowledging of the truth through the Mercy and Grace of God have recovered themselves out of his snares to take them captive or alive at his will When we have such a wakeful wrathful watchful and powerful Tempter so nigh us we had need to watch that we enter not into Temptation Saints have sinners their Tempters and their Enemies every way O how infinitely necessary is it that every Saint stand day and night upon his watch that he watch and keep his heart with all diligence that he Pray with David Set a watch O Lord before my mouth keep the door of my lips that I sin not with my Tongue that I may keep my mouth with a bridle while the wicked is before me for the Tongue is such an untameable evil that if any Man offend not in word the same is a perfect Man such ought all Saints to be even perfect having so many that watch for Iniquity that make a Man an offender for a Word and lay a Snare for him that reproveth in the Gate and turn aside the just for a thing of nought and because in wrath they hate them Cast Iniquity upon their Names their Calling c. Defaming their Persons by giving out or taking up evil Reports against them I heard the Defaming of many fear on every side Report say they and we will report it All my familiars everyone of my peace watched for my halting saying peradventure he will be enticed and we shall prevail against him and we shall take our revenge on him with such Men have many a poor persecuted Christian to deal with Should we not then watch unto Prayer yea watching
his Goodness is another Grace to be desired and laboured after towards the attainment of the Kingdom of God Reverential filial fear of God is the first beginning of true Wisdom which is the principal thing to be looked after The fear of the Lord is the instruction of Wisdom What man is he that feareth the Lord him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose None are wise but fearers of God Behold the fear of the Lord that is Wisdom and to depart from Evil is Understanding The fear of the Lord is to hate Evil and the evil way yea every false way which every prudent man is careful to do that he may walk in the way of Life which is above to the wise that he may depart from Hell beneath I know no greater or better wisdom than departing from Sin and Hell for fear of God to walk in wayes of holiness out of love to God for the obtaining a Kingdom of Glory whosoever would receive a Kingdom which cannot be moved let him have Grace whereby he may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear passing the time of his sojourning here in fear working out his own salvation with fear and trembling Above all put on Charity no Grace brings us more into favor with God and all good men yea even the worst of men sometimes than Charity A man that is truly charitable both to Body and Soul is a man almost by himself and that hath that Charity which suffereth long and is kind that envieth not that behaveth not it self unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh not evil with all the other properties is in a more excellent way to the Kingdom of Glory than any other and therefore my advice is that every one would strive to excel in this most excellent Gift Duty and Grace of Charity that he would follow after Charity till he be found in Charity an example in Charity fervent in Charity in that Charity that covereth a multitude of sins that the Charity of every one of us all towards each other abounding all our things may be done in Charity that so we may be in Charity one with another which is the end of the Commandments and the bond of our perfection O the unspeakable excellencies of Faith and Hope and other Graces but the greatest of them all is Charity Charity makes a man so good that when one will scarcely dye for a righteous or just man peradventure for a good or charitable man some would even dare to dye if not he dare dye for himself or for the Brethren which he ought to do when lawfully called thereunto None in so sure and safe a way to the Kingdom of Glory as a man of Charity Put on therefore as the Elect of God bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another as Christ forgave you but above all these things put on Charity which is the bond of perf●ction and besides being partakers of the Divine Nature and giving all diligence to add to faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness add Charity for so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 5. To Charity add also Chastity which is a virtue not only necessary and preparatory but essential to the Kingdom of God for there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lye Having therefore promises for this end let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God that we who according to promise look for new He●vens wherein dwelleth righteousness may be d●l●gent to be found of him in peace without spot and bl●meless that we may then be presented as a chaste Virgin to Christ 6. Get Self-denial Live in the daily practice of it if you would not have God deny you himself his Kingdom Grace and Glory if any man will come after Christ let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow him He must go the same way that Christ went that means to come to Heaven he hath led us the way for he is our way he himself went every step to Heaven in a way of Self-denial his wisdom will way and work was wholly subjected to the wisdom will and pleasure of his heavenly Father I seek not saith he mine own Will but the Will of the Father which hath sent me and I do alwayes those things that please him every one of us is to please his Neighbour for his good to edification and the reason is for even Christ pleased not himself leaving us an example that we should follow his steps Our own wisdom will and way standing either in competition with or opposition unto the wisdom of God which seems foolishness to us is to be denied the world by wisdom knows neither God nor his Son Jesus Christ The hidden wisdom which God ordained before the World unto our Glory is such a mystery that none of the Princes of this World knew and therefore they crucified the Lord of Glory Nor can any natural man receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Let no man therefore deceive himself if any man seem to be wise in this World let him deny himself become a Fool that he may be wise to deny his own Will as well as his own Wisdom that he may be willing in the day of Gods power to be what God would have him to be and to say not my Will but thine be done on Earth as it is in Heaven which is the highest Wisdom Self-love must also be denied Naturally men though they will not own it are Lovers of their own selves which makes them covetous and proud to be Lovers of Pleasure more than Lovers of God The love of God for himself and love to our Neighbours without dissimulation is the cure of Self-love which is false love and therefore true hatred Self-love is Self-hatred The Times are perilous when men are Lovers of their own selves covetous proud Lovers of Pleasures more than Lovers of God having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof Hold fast the form of sound words with a sound mind by the Spirit of Faith and of Power and of Love that instead of denying the power of Godliness you may exercise your selves unto all Godliness in denying Ungodliness and worldly Lusts that you may live soberly righteously and godly in this present evil World Learn in what state soever you are in therewith to be content Learn both how to be abased and know how to abound Be content to be poor in this World which is the true meaning of