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A34262 The Confessions of the faith of all the Christian and Reformed churches which purely profess the holy doctrine of the gospel in all the kingdoms, nations, and provinces of Europe, with the order of time when they were written, and an exact table of the principal articles of faith, which in every confession is debated : wherein the obsure and difficult places are explained, and those things which may in shew seem to contradict each other, are plainly and modestly reconciled, and such points as yet hang in suspence, are sincerely pointed at : freely submitted to all Reformed Churches, as a means to knit and unite all the churches of Christ in one bond of love, for the avoiding of hereafter, discords and schismes in these dangerous time. 1656 (1656) Wing C5803; ESTC R16415 482,755 587

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THE EIGHT SECTION OF REPENTANCE AND THE CONVERSION OF MAN The latter Confession of HELVETIA CHAP. 14. THe Gospel hath the doctrine of repentance joyned with it for so said the Lord in the Gospel In my name must repentance and remission of sinnes be preached Luke 24 among all nations By repentance we understand the change of the minde in a sinfull man stirred up by the preaching of the Gospel and by the holy spirit received by a true faith by which a sinfull man dothest soones acknowledge his naturall corruption and all his sinnes seeing them convinced by the word of God and is heartily grieved for them and doth not onely be waile and freely confesse them before God with shame but also doth loath and abhorre them with indignation thinketh seriously of present amendment and of a continuall care of innocencie and vertues wherein to exercise himselfe holily all the rest of his life And surely this is true repentance namely an unfeigned turning unto God and to all goodnesse and a serious returne from the devill and from all evill Now we doe expresly say that this repentance is the meere gift of God and not the worke of our owne strength For the Apostle doth will the faithfull Minister diligently to Instruct those which withstand the truth if that at any time the Lord will give them repentance that 2 Tim. 2. they may acknowledge the truth Also the sinnefull woman in the Gospel which washed Christs feet with her teares and Peter which bitterly wept and be wailed his deniall of his Master doe manifestly shew what minde the penitent man should have to wit very earnestly lamenting his sins committed Moreover the Prodigall sonne and the Publican in the Gospel that is compared with the Pharisie doth set forth unto us a most fit patteme of confessing our sinnes to God The Prodigall sonne said Father I have sinned against heaven and against thee I am not worthy to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hiped servants The Publican also not daring to lift up his eyes to heaven but knocking his brest he cryed God be mercifull unto me a sinner And we doubt not but the Lord received them to mercy For Iohn the Apostle 1 Iohn 2. saith If we confesse our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgive us our sinnes and to purge us from all iniquitie If we say we have not sinned we make him a lyar and his word is not in us We beleeve that this sincere confession which is made to God alone either privately betweene God and the sinner or openly in the Church where that generall confession of sinnes is rehearsed is sufficient and that it is not necessary for the obteining of remission of sinnes that any man should confesse his sinnes unto the Priest whispering them into his cares that the Priest laying his hands on his head he might receive absolution because that we finde no commandement nor example thereof in the holy Scripture David protesteth and saith I made my fault knowne to thee Psal 32. and my unrighteousnesse did I not hide from thee I said I will confesse my wickednesse to the Lord against my selfe and thou hast forgiven the hainousnesse of my sinne Yea and the Lord teaching us to pray and also to confesse our sinnes said So shall you pray Our Father Matth. 6. which art in heaven forgive us our debts even as we forgive our debters It is requisite therefore that we should confesse our sins unto God and be reconciled with our neighbour if we have offended him And the Apostle James speaking generally of confession saith Confesse each of you your sinnes one to another If so Iames 5. be that any man being overwhelmed with the burthen of his sins and trouble some temptations will privately aske counsell instruction or comfort either of a Minister of the Church or of any other brother that is learned in the law of God we doe not mislike it Like as also we doe fully allow that generall and publike confession which is wont to be reheatsed in the Church and in holy meetings whereof we spake before being as it is agreeable with the Scripture As concerning the keies of the kingdome of heaven which the All these things which are spoken of the keies doe properly pertaine to the 10. Sect. Lord committed to his Apostles they prate many strange things and of these keies they make swords spears scepters and crowns and full power over mightie kingdomes yea and over mens souls and bodies But we judging uprightly according to the word of God doe say that all Ministers truely called have and exercise the keies or the use of them when as they preach the Gospel that is to say when they doe teach exhort reprove and keepe in order the people committed to their charge For so doe they open the kingdome of God to the obedient and shut it against the disobedient These keies did the Lord promise to the Apostles in the 16. Chapter of Matthew and delivered them in John 20. Chapter Marke 16. Luke the 24. when as he sent forth his disciples and commanded them To preach the Gospel in all the world and to forgive sinnes The Apostle in the Epistle to the Corinthians saith That the Lord gave to his Ministers the ministery of reconciliaiton 2 Cor. 5. And what this was he straight way maketh plaine and saith The word or doctrine of reconciliation And yet more plainly expounding his words he addeth that the Ministers of Christ Do as it were goe an embassage in Christ name as if God himselfe should by his Ministers exhort the people to be reconciled to God to wit by faithfull obedience They use the keies therefore when as they perswade to faith and repentance Thus doe they reconcile men to God thus they forgive sinnes thus doe they open the kingdomne of heaven and bring in the beleevers much differing herein from those of whom the Lord spake in the Gospel Wo be unto you Lawyers for ye have taken away the key of knowledge You have not entred in your selves and those that would have entered ye forbad Rightly therefore and effectually doe Ministers absolve when as they preach the Gospel of Christ and thereby remission of sinnes which is promised to every one that beleeveth even as every one is baptized and doe testifie of it that it doth particularly appertain to all Neither doe we imagine that this absolution is made any whit more effectuall for that which is mumbled into some priests care or upon some mans head particularly yet we judge that men must be taught diligently to seek remission of sinnes in the bloud of Christ and that every one is to be put in minde that forgivenesse of sinnes doth belong unto him But how diligent and carefull every penitent man ought to be in the endevour of a new life and in slaying the old man and raising up the new man the examples in the Gospel doe teach
come into condemnation but by making a way through Joan. 5. it they shall passe from death into life The Epistle to the Hebrews to stirre us up to use such exhortations saith Exhort your selves among your selves exhort ye one Heb. 4. another daily so long as it is said to day Let no man among you be hardned by the deceit of sin For we enter into the rest which have beleeved that is which have obeyed the voice of God while we had time given us On the other side we must also hold this most assuredly that if any man being polluted with sins and filthy deeds manifestly contrary to vertue doe in dying depart out of this world without true repentance and faith that his soule shall certainly goe into hell as did the soule of that rich man who wanted faith in the bottomlesse pit whereof there is no drop of grace and that in the day of judgement that most terrible voice of the Son of God sounding in his eares shall be heard wherein he shall say Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire which is prepared Matth. 29. Joh. 5. for the Devill and his Angels for they which have done evill shall come forth to the resurrection of judgement Therefore in teaching they doe continually urge this that no man deferre repentance and turning unto God till he come to be old or till he lyeth sicke in his bed and in the meane time doe boldly practise his wantonnesse in sinnes and in the desires of the flesh and the world because it is written Doe not say The aboundant mercie of the Lord will purgo my sins for mercie and wrath do basten with him and his indignation shall lye upon the sinners Make no tarrying to turn unto the Lord put not off from day to day For suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord brea●e forth and in thy securitie thou shalt be destroyed and thou shalt perish in time of vengeance But that especially is a most dangerous thing if any man after he hath received the gift of the grace of God and that in the testimonie of a good conscience doth of set purpose and wantonly sinne and contemne and make no account of all those exhortations and allurements proceeding out of a loving heart and that to this end that he may in time think on that which is for his health and repent and moreover doth persist in a bold and blind perswasion of the mercie of God and trusting thereto doth sinne and doth confidently abuse it and goeth forward in that sort without repentance even unto the last pinch and then beginneth being forced thereunto by the terrours of death and the feare of infernall punishments so late to convert himselfe and to call for the mercie of the Lord as when the severe and intollerable anger of the Lord waxeth hot and punishments rush and breake forth as doth the great violence of floods which cannot be resisted Therefore of such a man which thing we speake with sorrow it is hard to beleeve that he can truly repent and therefore it is to be doubted lest that be fulfilled in him which the Lord doth threaten by the Prophet Micheas That instead of grace he shall feele the wrath of God and that it will come to passe that the wrath of God shall slay him For in a fearefull speech doth he say thus Then shall they cry unto the Lord but Mich. 3. he will not heare them but he will hide his face from them at that time because they have continually lived wickedly Yea the Lord himselfe saith Although they cry in mine eares with a loude Ezech. 8. Ier. 7. and 11. Isa 65. and 66. voyce yet will I not heare them seeing they would not heare my voyce when as all the day long I spread out my hands unto them and gave them large time and space for grace For the which cause the holy Ghost cryeth out and saith To day if ye will heare his Psal 95. Heb. 3. voyce harden not your hearts as in the grieving in the day of that tentation in the wildernesse Therefore according to all these things our men doe diligently and out of the grounds of the Scripture exhort that every man doe in time use and follow this faithfull counsell and necessary doctrine that so he may turne away the feare of this most heavie danger yea that he doe not betray the health of his own soule For undoubtedly this horrible danger is greatly to be feared lest whatsoever he be that doth rashly or stubbornly condemne or neglect this time of grace so lovingly granted of the Lord he doe receive and that worthily that reward of eternall punishment which is due thereunto even as Saint Ambrose also amongst many other things which he handleth diversly to this Lib 3. de poenit qui Augustini esse putatur purpose doth thus write and in these words If any man at the very point of death shall repent and be absolved fo this could not be denied unto him and so departing out of this life dieth I dare not say that he departeth hence in good case I doe not affirme it neither dare I affirme or promise it to any man because I would deceive no man seeing I have no certaintie of him Doe I therefore say that he shall be damned neither doe I say that he shall be delivered For what other thing I should say I know not Let him be commended to God Wilt thou then O brother be freed from doubting repent whiles thou art in health If thou wilt repent when thou canst not sin thy sins have left thee and not thou thy sins Yet that no man may despaire they teach this also that if any man in the last houre of his life shew our signs of true repentance which thing doth fall out very seldome for that is certainly true which is written in the Epistle to the Hebrews And this will we also doe so that God Heb. 6. give us leave to doe it that such a one is not to be deprived of instruction comfort absolution or remission of sins For the time of grace doth last so long as this life doth last wherefore so long as we live here it is meet that we should thinke of that Propheticall and Apostolicall sentence To day seeing ye have heard his Heb 3. voyce harden not your hearts Now herein doe our men labour and endeavour themselves most earnestly that all men may obey this loving commandement and counsell and that they speedily repent before the Sunne be darkened after a strange manner and the hils be overwhelmed with darknesse and that laying sinne aside they would turne themselves to God by flying unto him in true confidence and with a constant invocation from the bottome of the heart and that they doe their faithfull indeavour that they be not repelled from the glory of eternall life but that they may live with Christ and his Church in this life
George conquests as of Mars of Sebastian and Paul freedome from the Plague of Anthony savegard for swine although the adversaries say they like not these things yet they keepe them still for gaine sake as plainly appeareth Now let us adde the third reason it is expressely written there is one Mediatour betweene God and men the man Christ Iesus on him ought we in all prayer to cast our eyes and to know the doctrine of the Gospel concerning him that no man can come unto God but by confidence in the Mediatour who together maketh request for us as himselfe saith No man cometh to the Father but by the Sonne And he biddeth us flie unto himselfe saying Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy loaden and I will refresh you and he himselfe teacheth the manner of Invocation when he saith Whatsoever ye shall aske the Father in my name he will give it you He nameth the Father that thou mayest distinguish thy invocation from heathenish and consider what thou speakest unto that thou maist consider him to be the true God who by sending his Sonne hath revealed himselfe that thy minde may not wander as the heathenish woman in the tragedy speaketh I pray un-unto thee O God whatsoever thou art c. But that thou maist know him to be the true God who by the sending crucifying and and raising up again of his Son hath revealed himselfe and maiest know him to be such a one as he hath revealed himselfe Secondly that thou mayest know that he doth so for a certaintie receive and heare us making our prayers when we flie to his Sonne the Mediatour crucified and raised up againe for us and desire that for his sake we may be received heard helped and saved neither is any man received or heard of God by any other meanes Neither is the praying uncertaine but he biddeth those that pray on this sort to be resolved through a strong faith that this worship pleaseth God and that they who pray on this manner are assuredly received and heard therefore he saith Whatsoever ye shall aske in my name that is acknowledging and naming or calling upon me as the Redeemer high Priest and Intercessour this high Priest alone goeth into the holiest place that is into the secret counsell of the Deitie and seeth the minde of the eternall Father and maketh request for us and searching our hearts presenteth our sorrowes sighes and prayers unto him It is plaine that this doctrine of the Mediatour was obscured and corrupted when men went to the Mother Virgin as more mercifull and others sought other Mediatours And it is plaine that there is no example to be seen in the Prophets or Apostles where prayer is made unto men heare me Abraham or heare me O God for Abrahams sake but prayer is made unto God who hath revealed himselfe to wit to the eternall Father to the Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and to the holy Ghost that he would receive heare and save us for the Sonnes sake It is also expressely made to the Son as 2 Thess 2 Our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe and God and our Father who hath loved us strengthen you c. And Gen. 48. Iacob nameth God and the Sonne the Mediatour when he saith God before whom my fathers walked and the Angel that delivered me out of all troubles that is the promised Saviour blesse these children Therefore we use these formes of Invocation I call upon thee O Almighty God eternall Father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of heaven an earth together with thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and thy holy Spirit O wise true good righteous most free chaste and mercifull God have mercy upon me and for Iesus Christs sake thy Sonne crucified for us and raised up againe heare and sanctifie me with thy holy Spirit I call upon thee O Iesus Christ the sonne of God crucified for us and raised up againe have mercy on me pray for me unto the everlasting Father and sanctifie me with thy holy Spirit In these formes we know what we pray unto And seeing there are testimonies of Gods word to be seene which shew that this praying pleaseth God and is heard such praying may be made in faith These things are not to be found in that invocation which is made unto men Some gather testimonies out of Augustine and others to shew that the Saints in heaven have care of humane affaires This may more plainly be shewed by Moses and Elias talking with Christ And there is no doubt but that such as are in happinesse pray for the Church but yet it followeth not thereupon that they are to be prayed unto And albeit we teach that men are not to be prayed unto yet we propound the histories of those that are in blessed state unto the people Because it is necessary that the history of the Church be by some meanes known unto all by what testimonies the Church is called together and founded and how it is preserved and what kinde of doctrine hath beene published by the fathers Prophets Apostles and Martyrs In these histories we command all to give thankes unto God for that he hath revealed himselfe that he hath gathered together his Church by his Son that he hath delivered this doctrine unto us and hath sent teachers and hath shewed in them the witnesses of himselfe we command all to consider of this doctrine and to strengthen their faith by those testimonies which God hath shewed in them That they like wise consider the examples of judgement and punishments that the feare of God may be stirred up in them we command them to follow their faith patience and other vertues that they learne that in God is no respect of persons and desire to have themselves also received heard governed saved and helped as God received David Manasses Magdalene the thiefe on the Crosse We also teach how these examples are to be followed of every man in his vocation because error in imitation and preposterous zeale is oft times the cause of great evils We also commend the diligence of the Saints themselves who took heed of * De essusione S p sancti vide observat 1. ad hanc Confess Sect. 4. wasting Gods gifts in vaine And to conclude they that are most fooles may gather great store of doctrine out of these histories which doctrine is profitable to be published to the people so that superstition be set aside Out of the Confession of WITTEMBERGE CHAP. 1. VVE beleeve and confesse that there is one onely God true eternall and infinite almightie maker of all things visible and invisible and that in this one and eternall Godhead there are three properties or persons of themselves subsisting the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost As the Propheticall and Apostolicall Scriptures teach and the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius declare Of the Sonne of God CHAP. 2. VVE beleeve and confesse that the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ was
Churches to be expounded most plainly and set out most clearely Christ faith that the Angels in heaven doe reioyce whensoever they see a sinner repem And therefore the Churches and the Angels themselves doe rejoyce at the pure doctrine of repentance thus set down Out of the Confession of SAXONIE Hitherto pertaine the first two last clauses of the third Article Of the remission of sinnes c. Which are thus set downe IT is most certaine that the preaching of Repentance doth pertaine to all men and accuse all men So also the promise is generall and offereth remission of sins to all according to those generall speeches Matth. 11. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavie loaden and I will refresh you Also Ioh. 3. That every one which beleeveth in him should not perish Rom. 10. Every one that beleeveth in him shall not be confounded Againe He that is Lord over all is rich unto all that call on him Rom. 11. The Lord hath shut up all under disobedience that he might have mercie on all Let every one comprise himselfe in this generall promise and not give himselfe to distrust but let them strive that they may assent to the word of God and obey the holy Ghost and desire that they may be helped as it is said Luk. 11. How much more will he give the holy Ghost to them that aske it Of Repentance Artic. 16. BY the mercie of God this part of Doctrine specially is declared in our Churches with great perspicuitie whereas the Sententiaries have wrapped it in most intricate Labyrinthes First we doe openly condemne the catharans and the Novatians who feigned that neither the elect could fall into sins against their conscience neither that they who had fallen after their amendment were to be received againe and our confutations of these furies are extant Neither doe we goe about to make brawlings about the word Repentance if any man like it better let him use the word Conversion which word the Prophets also have often used Moreover we doe willingly retaine the word Contrition and we say that the first part of Repentance or Conversion is Contrition which is truely to tremble through the knowledge of the wrath of God against sins and to be sorry that we have offended God and we say that there must needs be some such great feare and griefs in those that are converted and that they doe not repent which remaine secure and without griefe as it is said 2 Cor. 7. Ye sorrowed to repentance And Ezech. 20. And ye shall mislike your selves in your own sight and acknowledge your selves to be worthy of punishment and destruction And these true griefes are a feeling of the wrath of God as is declared more at large in another place But here we reproove our adversaries who feigne that Contrition doth deserve Remission of sinnes and that Contrition must be sufficient In either errour there be great mysts For remission is given freely for the Mediatours sake and what contrition can be sufficient Yea rather the more the sorrow increaseth without assurance of mercie so much the more mens hearts doe flie from God and no creature is able to sustaine the greatnesse of this sorrow whereof Esay speaketh Chap. 38. He brake all my bones like a Lion But those idle dreames of the Writers doe declare that they lead a carelesse life and that they are unskilfull in the Gospel Now these true sorrows doe arise when the sinne of the contempt of the Son of God as is declared in the Gospel is reprooved The spirit shall reproove the world of sin because they beleeve not in me Ioh. 16. And by the voice of the Morall law other sins are reprooved as Paul saith Rom. 3. By the law came the knowledge of sin As touching private confession to be made unto the Pastours we affirme that the ceremonie of * Looke the first observat upon this confession private absolution is to be retained in the Church and we doe constantly retaine it for many weightie causes yet withall we doe teach that men must neither command nor require the recitall of offences in that private talke because that recitall of offences is neither commanded of God nor a thing possible and it maketh godly mindes to doubt and it maketh faith faint And this we doe much more reprehend that in the doctrine of Repentance or Conversion our adversaries doe no where make mention of justifying faith whereof we have spoken before by which alone Remission of sins is truely received the heart is lifted up even when it hath a feeling of the wrath of God and we are freed from the sorrows of hell as it is written Rom. 5. Being iustified by faith we have peace Without this faith sorrows are no better then the repentance of Saul Judas Orestes and such like as are mentioned in Tragedies Neither doe our adversaries teach the Gospel but the Law and humane traditions either omitting this faith else fighting against it But seeing that in a true Conversion there must be these changes a mortification and a quickning as it is said Rom. 6. and in divers other places for doctrines sake we doe divide conversion or repentance into three parts into contrition faith and new obedience these things doth true conversion comprehend as the voice of God and the true experience of the Church doe declare Yet doe we not make contention either about the manner of speaking or about the number of the parts but we wish that all men may see those things which are necessary And it is most necessary for the Church that there should be a true plaine and most cleare doctrine touching the whole conversion which also is very often repeated in those Sermons which are set down in the Scriptures and that with great perspicuitie and without any intricate labyrinthes as the Baptist and Christ say Matth. 3. Repent and beleeve the Gospel Againe Repent Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world And Paul saith Rom. 3. All men are deprived of the glory of God Here he speaketh of contrition afterward of remission But we are iustified freely by his grace through redemption that is in Christ Iesus by faith Therefore it is necessary that in the doctrine of conversion or repentance there should mention be made of faith Neither is it sufficient that our adversaries say that they also doe speake of faith and that faith doth goe before repentance For they speake of the doctrine of knowledge I beleeve the forgivenesse of sinnes to wit that they be forgiven to others even as the devils doe know the Creed but the Gospel doth require this true faith which is an assurance of the mercie of God promised for the Sonne of God his sake and resting in the Sonne of God which faith I beleeve that remission of sins is given unto me also and that freely not for any Contrition not for any my merits but for the Sonne of God who
many disputations in Saint Augustine And these are his words Forsomuch as by the law God sheweth to man his infirmitie that flying unto his mercy by faith he might be saved For it is said that he carrieth both the law and mercy in his mouth The law to convict the proud and mercy to iustifie those that are humbled Therefore the righteousnesse of God through faith in Christ is revealed upon all that beleeve And the Milevitan Synole writeth Is not this suficiently declared that the law worketh this that sinne should be knowne and so against the victory of sinne men should flie to the mercy of God which is set forth in his promises that the promises of God that is the grace of God might be sought unto for deliverance and man might begin to have a righteousnesse howbeit not his owne but Gods Of good workes VVHen as we doe teach in our Churches the most necessarie doctrine and comfort of faith we joyne there with the doctrine of good workes to wit that obedience unto the law of God is requisite in them that be reconciled For the Gospel preacheth newnesse of life according to that saying I will put my lawes in their hearts This new life therefore must be an obedience towards God The Gospel also preacheth repentance and faith cannot be but onely in them that doe repent because that faith doth comfort the hearts in contrition and in the feares of sinne as Paul saith Being iustified by faith we have peace And of repentance he saith Rom. 6. Our old man is crucified that the body of sinne might be abolished that we might no more serve sinne And Isaiah saith Where will the Lord dwell In a contrite and humbled spirit c. Secondly among good workes the chiefest and that which is the chiefest worship of God is faith which doth bring forth many other vertues which could never be in men except their hearts had first received to beleeve How shall they call on him in whom they doe not beleeve So long as mens mindes are in doubt whether God heareth them or not so long as ever they thinke that God hath rejected them they doe never truely call upon God But when as once we doe acknowledge his mercy through faith then we flie unto God we love him we call upon him hope in him looke for his helpe obey him in afflictions because we doe now know our selves to be the sonnes of God and that this our sacrifice that is our afflictions doth please God These services doth Faith bring forth Very well therefore said Ambrose Faith is the mother of a good will and of iust dealing Our Adversaries will seem very honourably to set out the doctrine of good works and yet concerning these spirituall workes to wit faith and the exercises of faith in prayer and in all matters counsels and dangers of this life they speake never a word And indeed none can ever speake well of these exercises if the consciences be left in doubt and if they know not that God requireth faith as a speciall worship of his And when as that huge shew of outward workes is cast as a myst before mens eyes the mindes especially such as be not well instructed are led away from beholding these inward exercises Now it is very requisite that men should be taught and instructed concerning these inward workes and fruits of the spirit For these they be that make a difference betweene the godly and hypocrites As for exernall worship externall ceremonies and other outward workes the very hypocrites can performe them But these services and duties belong onely to the true Church true repentance feare faith prayer c. These kindes of worship are especially required and commended in the Scripture Psal 49. Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise and Call on me in the day of trouble c. Thirdly by this faith which doth comfort the heart in repentance we doe receive the Spirit of God who is given us to be our governour and helper that we should resist sinne and the devill and more and more acknowledge our owne weakenesse and that the knowledge and feare of God and faith may increase in us wherefore our obedience to God and a new life ought to increase in us as Saint Paul saith We must be renewed to the knowledge of God that the new law may be wrought in us and his Image which hath created us be renewed c. Fourthly we teach also how this obedience which is but begunne onely and not perfect doth please God For in this so great infirmitie and uncleannesse of nature the Saints doe not satisfie the law of God The faithfull therefore have need of comfort that they may know how their slender and imperfect obedience doth please God It doth not please him as satisfying his law but because the persons themselves are reconciled and made righteous through Christ and doe beleeve that their weaknesse is forgiven them as Paul teacheth There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ c. Albeit then that this new obedience is farre from the perfection of the law yet it is righteousnesse and is worthy of a reward even because that the persons are reconciled And thus we must judge of those workes which are indeed highly to be commended namely * Looke the 7. Observation that they be necessarie that they be the service of God and spirituall sacrifices and do deserve a reward Neverthelesse this confolation is first to be held touching the person which is very necessary in the conflict of the confcience to wit that we have remission of sinnes freely by faith and that the person is just that is reconciled and an heire of eternall life through Christ and then our obedience doth please God according to that saying Now ye are not under the Law but under grace For our workes may not be set against the wrath and judgement of God But the terrours of sinne and death must be overcome by faith and trust in the Mediatour Christ as it is written O death I will be thy death And Iohn 6. Christ saith This is the will of the Father which sent me that every one which seeth the Sonne and beleeveth in him should have life everlasting And Saint Paul Being iustified by faith we have peace with God And the Church alwaies prayed for give us our trespasses And thus do the Fathers teach concerning the weaknesse of the Saints and concerning Faith Augustine in his exposition of the 30. Psalme saith Deliver me in thy righteousnesse For there is a righteousnesse of God which is made ours when it is given unto us But therefore it is called the righteousnesse of God lest man should thinke that he had a righteousnesse of himselfe For as the Apostle Paul saith To him that beleeveth in him that iustifieth the wicked that is that of a wicked maketh a righteous man If God should deale by the rule of the law which is set forth unto us
and doth not teach that faith which beleeveth that grace is freely given us for Christs sake is necessarie in the use of the Sacraments but imagineth that men are just for the very use of the Sacraments even by the worke done and that without any good affection of him that useth it This Article we finde thus in another Edition COncerning the use of the Sacraments they teach that they were ordained not so much to be markes and badges of profession amongst men as that they should be signes or testimonies of the will of God towards us set forth unto us to stirre up and confirme faith in such as use them Whereupon they condemne those that teach that the Sacraments do justifie by the worke done and doe not teach that faith to beleeve remission of sinnes is requisite in the use of Sacraments Out of the Confession of SAXONIE Of the Sacraments THe Church also is discerned from other Gentiles by certaine Artic. 12. rites and ceremonies instituted of God and usually called Sacraments as are Baptisme and the Lords Supper which notwithstanding are not onely signes of a profession but much more as the ancient Fathers said signes of grace that is they be ceremonies added to the promise of the Gospel touching grace that is touching the free remission of sinnes and touching reconciliation and the whole benefit of our redemption the which are so instituted that every man may use them because they be pledges and testimonies which declare that the benefits promised in the Gospel doe appertaine to every one For the voice of the Gospel is generall this use doth beare witnesse that this voyce doth appertaine to every one which useth the Sacraments Out of the Confession of WIRTEMBERGE Of the Sacraments THe word Sacrament as also the word Mysterie which interpreters Artic. 9. doe expound Sacrament is very large But because some have thought it good to restraine it to the number of seven Sacraments we will briefly runne over every one that we may shew what we finde wanting in the doctrine that some have broached and what may seeme to be repugnant to the meaning of that Church which is indeed Catholique or Orthodoxe Out of the Confession of SUEVELAND Of the Sacraments SEeing that the Church of Christ doth live here in the flesh Artic. 16. howbeit not according to the flesh it pleased the Lord also to teach admonish and exhort it by the outward word And that this might be done the more commodiously he would also have his to make much of an externall societie among themselves For which cause he gave unto them holy signes among which these are the chiefest Baptisme and the Lords Supper the which we doe not onely thinke therefore to have had the name of Sacraments among the Fathers because they are visible signes of invisible grace as Saint Augustine doth define them but also for that purpose because that by them we doe consecrate our selves unto Christ and doe binde our selves as it were by the oath or Sacrament of faith THE THIRTEENTH SECTION OF THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISME The latter Confession of HELVETIA Of holy Baptisme CHAP. 20. BAptisme was instituted and consecrated by God and the first that baptized was John who dipped Christ in the water in Jorden From him it came to the Apostles who also did baptize with water The Lord in plaine words commanded them To Matth. 28. preach the Gospel and to baptize in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And Peter also when divers demanded of him what they ought to doe said to them in the Acts Act. 8. Let every one of you be baptized in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and you shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost Whereupon Baptisme is called of some a signe of initiation of Gods people as that whereby the elected of God are consecrated unto God There is but one Baptisme in the Church of God for it is sufficient to be once baptized or consecrated unto God For baptisme once received doth continue all a mans life and is a perpetuall fealing of our adoption unto us For to be baptized in the name of Christ is to be enrolled entered and received into the covenant and family and so into the inheritance of the sonnes of God yea and in this life to be called after the name of God that is to say to be called the sonne of God to be purged also from the flchinesse of sinnes and to be indued with the manifold grace of God for to leade a new and innocent life Baptisme therefore doth call to minde and keepe in remembrance the great benefit of God performed to mankinde for we are all borne in the pollution of sinne and are the sonnes of wrath But God who is rich in mercy doth freely purge us from our sinnes by the bloud of his Sonne and in him doth adopt us to be his sonnes and by an holy covenant doth joyne us to himselfe and doth inrich us with divers gifts that we might live a new life All these things are sealed up unto us in Baptisme For inwardly we are regenerated purified and renewed of God through the holy Spirit and outwardly we receive the sealing of most notable gifts by the water by which also those great benefits are represented and as it were set before our eyes to be looked upon And therefore are we baptized that is washed and sprinckled with visible water For the water maketh cleane that which is filthy refresheth things that faile and faint and cooleth the bodies And the grace of God dealeth in like manner with the soule and that invisibly and spiritually Moreover by the Sacrament of Baptisme God doth separate us from all other Religions of people and doth consecrate us a peculiar people to himselfe We therefore by being baptized doe confesse our faith and are bound to give unto God obedience mortification of the flesh and newnesse of life yea and we are billed souldiers for the holy warfare of Christ that all our life long wee should fight against the world Satan and our owne flesh Moreover we are baptized into one body of the Church that we might well agree with all the members of the Church in the same religion and mutuall duties We beleeve that * Looke the 1. observation upon this confession that of all other is the most perfect manner of baptisme where in Christ was baptised and which the rest of the Apostles did use in baptisme Those things therefore which by mans device were added afterwards and used in the Church * 2. Observation we thinke them nothing necessary to the perfection of Baptisme Of which kind is exorcisme and the use of lights oyle salt spattle and such other things as namely that baptisme is twise every yeer consecrated with divers ceremonies For we beleeve that the baptisme of the Church which is but one was sanctified in Gods first institution of it