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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22095 The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist, with the Elucydacyon of Iohan Bale. Askew, Anne, 1521-1546.; Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1547 (1547) STC 850; ESTC S109052 47,906 146

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21 The lawe is turned to wormewood Amos 6. And there cāno ryght iudgement go forth Esaie 59. Iohan Bale Marke here how gracyouslye the lorde kepeth promyse with thys poor serua●nt of hys He that beleueth on me sayth Christ out of hys bellye shall ●owe ryuers of lyuynge water Ioan. 7. Neyther lasheth thys woman out in her extreme troubles language of dispayre nor yet blasphemouse wordes agaynst God with the vnbeleuynge but vttereth the scriptures in wonderfull habundaunce to hys lawde and prayse She rebuketh here the most pestylent vyce of ydolatrye Not by olde narracyons and fables but by the most pare worde of God as ded Daniel Steuen And in the ende she sheweth the stronge stomacke of a most Christen martyr in that she is neyther desyerouse of the deathe neyther yet standeth in feare of the vyolēce or extremyte therof What a constancye was thys of a womā frayle tēdre yonge and most delycyouslye brought vp But th●● Christes sprete was myghtye in her who bad her be of good chere For though the tyrauntes of thys worlde haue power to slee the bodye yet haue they nopower ouer the sowle Mathei 20. Neyther haue they power in the ende to demynysh one heare of the heade Luce 21. She faynteth not in the myddes of the battayle 1. Cor. 9. But perseuereth stronge and stedefast to the verye ende Math. 10. Not doubtynge but to haue for her faythfull perseueraūce the crowne of eternall lyfe Apoc. 2. So merye am I sayth she good creature in the myddes of Newgate as one that is bowne towardes heauen A voyce was thys of a most worthye and valcaunt witnesse in the paynefull kyngedome of pacyence Apoca. 1. She faythfullye reckened of her lorde God that he is not as men are fyckle Numeri 23. But most sure of worde and promyse Psalme 144. And that he wolde most faythfullye kepe couenaunt with her whan tyme shuld come Apoca. 2. She had it most grounded lye planted in her hart that though heauen and earthe ded passe yet coulde not hys wordes and promes passe by vnfulfylled Luc. 21. Ashamed maye these carnall Helchesytesbe whych haue not onlye denyed the veryte of their lorde God but also most shamefullye blasphemed dishonoured both it and themselues for the pleasure of a yeare or ij to dwell styll in thys fleshe They cōsydre not that he with whome they mocke hath power to sende them to helle for their blasphemye Luce 12. They shall nor fynde it a matter lyght for their inconstancye to be ●ometed out of the mouthe of God as vnsauerye morsels Apoca. 3. Neyther shall they proue it a Christmas game to be denyed of Christ before hys heauenlye father and hys angels for denyenge here hys veryte Math. 10. Anne Askewe Oh forgeue vs all our synnes receyue vs gracyouslye As for the workes of our handes we wyll nomore call vpon thē For it is thu lorde that arte our God Thu shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse Oh if they wolde do thys sayth the lorde I shuld heale theyr sores yea withall my harte wolde I loue them O Ephraim what haue I to do with ydolles anye more Who so is wyse shall vnderstāde thys And he that is ryghlye enstructed wyll regarde it For the wayes of the lorde are ryghteouse Soch as are godlye wyll walke in them And as for the wycked they wyll stomble at them Osee 14. Iohan Bale All these wordes alleged she out of the last chaptre of Useas the prophete where as he prophecyed the destruccyon of Samaria for the onlye vyce of ydolatrye In the worde of the lorde she declareth her selfe therin to detest and abhorre that vyce aboue all and to repent frō the hart that she hath at anye tyme worshypped the workes of mennys handes eyther stone wode breade wyne or anye soch lyke for the eternall lyuynge God Consequentlye she confessyth hym to be her onlye God and that she had at that tyme trust in non other els neyther for the remyssyon of her synnes nor yet sowles cōfort at her nede And lyke soch a wone as is vnfaynedlye cōuerted vnto the lorde she axeth of the spirytuall Ephraimytes in hys worde what she hath anye more to do with ydolles or whye they shuld so tyrannouslye enforce her to the worshypynge of them consyderynge that he so ernestlye abhorreth them Fynallye ij sortes of people she reckeneth to be in the worlde and sheweth the dyuerse maner of them The one in the sprete of Christ obeyeth the worde the other in the sprete of errour cōtempneth it And lyke as S Paule doth saye To the one part is it the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe and to the other the sauour of deathe vnto deathe 2. Corinth 2. Anne Askewe Salomon sayth S. Steuen buylded an howse for the God of Iacob Howbeyt the hyest of all dwelleth not in tēples made with hādes As sayth the prophete Esa. 66. heauē is my seate the earthe is my fote stole What howse wyll ye buylde for me sayth the lorde or what place is it that I shall rest in hath not my hande made all these thynges Acto 7. Woman beleue me sayth Christ to the Samarytane the tyme is at hande that ye shall neyther in thys mountayne nor yet at Hierusalem worshypp the father Ye worshypp ye wote not what but we knowe what we worshypp For saluacyon commeth of the Iewes But the houre cōmeth and now is wherin the true worshyppers shall worshypp the father in sprete veryte Ioan. 4. Laboure not sayth Christ for the meate that perysheth but for that endureth into the lyfe euerlastynge whych the sōne of mā shall geue yow For hymgod the father hath sealed Ioan. 6. Iohan Bale Here bringe she iii. stronge restymdnyes of the newe testament to confirme her owne Christen beleue therwith and also both to confute and condempne the most execrabyle heresye and false fylthye beleue of the papystes The first of them proueth that the eternall God of heauē wyll neyther be wrapped vp in a clow●e nor yet shutte vp in a boxe The seconde declareth that in no place of the earthe is he to be sought neyther yet to be worshypped ▪ but within vs in sprete and veryte The thirde of them concludeth that Christ is a feadynge for the sowle and not for the bodye More ouer he is soch a meate as neyther corrupteth mouldeth nor perysheth neyther yet consumeth or wasteth awaye in the bellye Lete not the Romysh popes remnaunt in Englāde thynke but in condempnynge the faythe of thys godlye woma● they also condempne the veryte of the lorde vnlesse they can discharge these iij. textes of the scripture with other iij. more effectuall As I thynke they shall not nisi ad Calendas Grecas If they allege for their part the saynge of Christ Math. 24. Lo here is Christ or there is Christ. They are confounded
that in doynge their false feates they sytt in Gods stede Thys poynt folowed the bludderynge Byshopp of London here whych for their olde fantasyed superstycyon laboured in thys woman to dysplace the syncere veryte of the lorde But so surelye was she buylded vpon the harde rocke that neyther for enmyte nor fryndeshypp w●lde she ones remoue her fo●e Mathei 7. Neyther anguyshe trouble torment nor fyre coulde separate her from that loue of her lorde God Roma 8. Though she were for hys sake rebuked and vexed and also appoynted as a shepe to be slayne Psal. 43. Yet ded she strongelye through hym ouercome and haue I doubt it not obtayned the crowne of lyfe Apoca. 2. Anne Askewe Then the Byshopp beynge in great dyspleasure with me bycause I made doubtes in my writynge commaunded me to pryson Where I was a whyle But afterwardes by the meanes of fryndes I came out agayne Here is the truthe of that matter And as concernynge the thynge that ye couere most to knowe Resort to the vj. of Iohan be ruled alwayes therby Thus fare ye wele Quoth Anne Askewe Iohan Bale In all the scriptures we reade not that eyther Christ or yet hys Apostles commaunded anye man or woman to pryson for their faythe as thys tyraunt Byshopp ded here But in dede we fynde that Christes holye Apostles were ofttymes cruellye commaunded to pryson of the same spyghtfullye spirytuall generacyon Acto 4. 5. 12. 16. Christ wylled hys true beleuers to loke for non other at their spirytuall handes than enprysonmentes and deathe Mathei 10. Ioan. 16. And therfor sayd Peter vnto hym I am redye to go with the lorde both into pryson and to deathe Luce 22. Paule greatlye complayneth of hys enprysonmentes and scourgynges by them 2. Corinth 11. Dyuerse in the congregacyon of Smyrna were enprysoned by that fearce synagoge of Sathan Apoca. 2. Esaye prophecyenge the condycyons of the spirytuall Antichrist sayth amonge other that he shulde holde men captyue in preson Esaie 14. Ezechiel reporteth that he shuld churlyshlye checke and in cruelte rule Ezechie 34. Zacharye sheweth that he shuld eate vp the fleshe of the fattest Zacharie 11. Daniel declareth that he shuld persecute with swerde and fyre Daniel 11. And saynt Iohan verefyeth that he shuld be all dronke with the bloude of the witnesses of Iesu Apoca. 17. And therfor in these feates hys Byshoppes do but their kyndes Thus endeth the lattre examynacyon The confessyon of her faythe whych Anne Askewe made in Newgate afore she suffered I Anne Askewe of good me morye although my mercyfull father hath geuen me the breade of aduersyte the water of trouble yet not so moch as my synnes hath deserued confesse my selfe here a synner before the trone of hys heauenlye mageste desyerynge hys eternall mercye And for so moch as I am by the lawe vnryghtouslye condēpned for an euyll doer cōcernynge opynyōs I take the same most mercyfull God of myn whych hath made hoth heauen and earthe to recorde that I holde no opynyons contrarye to hys most holye worde Iohan Bale What man of sober dyscressyon can iudge thys woman yll indyfferentlye but markynge thys her last confessyon Nor a fewe of most euydent argumentes are therin to proue her the true seruaunt of God Her wyttes were not ones dystracted for all her most tyrānouse handelynges She was styll of a perfyght memorye accountynge her emprysonmentes re●ylynges rackynges and other tormentes but the breade of aduersyte and the water of trouble as ded Dauid afore her Psalm 79. As the louynge chylde of God she receyued them without grudge and thought them deserued on her partye She toke them for hys hande of mercye and gaue most hygh thankes for them She mekelye confessed her selfe in hys syght a synner but not an haynouse heretyke as she was falselye iudged of the world In that matter she toke hym most stronglye to witnesse that though in faythe she were not agreable to the worldes wylde opynyon yet was she not therin contrarye to hys heauenlye truthe She had afore that proued their spretes conferrynge both their iudgementes 1. Ioan. 4. and perceyued them farre vnlyke Esaie 55. Anne Askewe And I trust in my mercyfull lorde whych is the geuer of all grace that he wyll gracyouslye assyst me agaynst all euyll opynyons whych are contrarye to hys blessyd veryte For I take hym to witnesse that I haue do and wyll do vnto my lyues ende vtterlye abhorre them to the vttermost of my power But thys is the heresye whych they report me to holde that after the prest hath spoken the wordes of consecracyon there remayneth breade styll Iohan Bale Consydre without frowarde parcyall or wylfull affeccyon the poyntes herin contayned and than iudge of what harte or conscyence they haue rysen The hope of thys woman was onlye in God Hym she confessed to be of all grace the geuer Alone in hys mercye she trusted She instauntlye desyred hym to defende her from all errours She abhorred all heresyes She detested mennys superstycyouse inuencyons And most firmelye clea●ed to hys eternall worde If these with those that went afore be not frutes of true christyanyte or of a perfyght membre of Gods eleccyon what frutes wyll we demaūde S. Paule fayth No man can confesse that Iesus is the lorde as she hath done here but in the holye Ghost 1. Corinth 12. Dauid also specifyeth that the lordeneuer forsaketh them whych call vpon hys name put their trust in hym Psal. 9. And as touchynge the prestes consecracyō whych is soch a charme of inchauntemēt as maye no● be d●ne but by an oyled offycer of the popes generacyon she ded godlye to reiect it in that clow●ynge kynde For in all the Byble is it not that anye mā can make of a drye waffer cake a newe sauer a newe redemer a newe Christ or a newe God No though he shuld vtter all the wordes and scriptures therin Anne Askewe But they both saye and also reache it for a necessarye artycle of faythe that after those wordes be ones spoken there remayneth no breade but euen the selfe same bodye that hynge vpon the crosse on good frydaye both fleshe bloude and bone To thys beleue of theirs saye I naye For then were our commen Crede false whych sayth that he sytteth on the ryght hande of God the father almyghtye and from thens shall come to iudge the quyck the dead Loo thys is the heresye that I holde and for it must suffer the deathe Iohan Bale Of Antichrist reade we in the scriptures that he hysoyled Apostles shuld do false myracles Math. 24. 2. Thes. 2. Apoca. 13. We fynde also in the same selfe places that he shuld exalte hymselfe aboue all that is called God or that is worshypped as God Who euer hearde of so great a wondre ▪ that a drye cake myght