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mercy_n call_v lord_n sinner_n 2,337 5 7.5568 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A21065 The Christian schoole-maister, or A dialogue betweene the maister and the scholler. By G.E. minister of Gods word G. E., minister of Gods word. 1613 (1613) STC 7433; ESTC S120491 22,781 63

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great comfort of my body I most entirely beséech thee O most mercifull father to shew the like kindnes towards me this day in preseruing my body and soule that as mine enemies may haue no power ouer me so I likewise may neither thinke breathe speake or doe any thing that may be displeasant to thy fatherly goodnesse dangerous to my selfe or hurtfull to my neighbour but that all my enterprises may be agréeable to thy most blessed will which is alway good and godly doing that that may aduance thy glorie answere to my vocation and profite of my neighbour whom I ought to loue as my selfe that whensoeuer thou callest me from this vale of miserie I may be found the childe not of darknes but of light and so for euer raigne with thée in glorie which art the true and euerlasting light to whom with thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our alone Sauiour and the holy Ghost that most swéete comforter be all honour and glorie Amen ¶ A prayer for the night O Lord God and my heauenly father for as much as by thy diuine ordinance the night approacheth and darkenes beginneth to ouerwhelme the earth and time requireth that we giue our selues to bodily rest and quietnes I render vnto thee most hartie thanks for thy louing kindnesse which hast vouchsafed to preserue me this day from the danger of mine enemies to giue me my health to féede me and to send me all things necessarie for the comfort of this my poore néedie life I most humbly beseech thée for Iesu Christs sake that thou wilt mercifully forgiue me all that I haue this day committed against thy Fatherly goodnes either in word deede or thought and that thou wilt vouchsafe to shadowe me this night vnder the comfortable wings of thy almightie power and defend me from Sathan and from all his craftie assaults that neither he nor any of his ministers haue power ouer either my body or my soule but that although my body through thy benefite enioyeth swéet and pleasant sléepe yet my soule may continually watch vnto thée thinke of thée delight in thée and euermore praise thée that when the ioyfull light of the day returneth according to thy godly appointment I may rise againe with a faithfull soule and vndefiled body and so afterward behaue my selfe all the time of my life according to thy blessed will and commandement by costing away the workes of darknesse and putting on the armour of light that men séeing my good workes may thereby be prouoked to glorifie thée our heauenly Father which with thy onely begotten Sonne Iesu Christ our alone Sauiour and the holy Ghost thy most sweet comforter liuest and raignest one true and euerlasting God world without ende Amen A prayer to be said for all such as lye at the poynt of death O Most louing Sauiour and gentle redeemer which camest into this world to call sinners vnto repentance and to seeke that which was lost thou seest in what case this our brother lyeth here visited with thy mercifull hand all weake feeble sicke and readie to yeeld vp his soule into thy holy hands O looke vpon him most gentle Sauiour with thy mercifull eye pittie him and be fauourable vnto him He is thy workemanship despise not therefore the worke of thine owne hands Thou sufferedst thy blessed bodie and thy precious blood to be shed for his sinnes and to bring him vnto the glorie of thy heauenly Father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shouldest suffer so great paines for him in vaine He was baptised in thy name and gaue himselfe wholy to be thy seruant forsaking the Diuell the World and the Flesh confesse him therefore before thy heauenly Father and his blessed Angels to be thy seruant His sinnes we confesse to be great for who is able to say my heart is cleane and I am free from sinne but thy mercies O Lord are much greater and thou camest not to call the righteous but sinners vnto repentance To them that are diseased and ouerladen with the burden of sinne doest thou promise ease Thou art that God which willest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turne and liue Thou art that Sauiour which willest all men to be saued to come to the knowledge of thy truth Withdrawe not therefore thy mercie from him because of his sinnes but rather laie vpon him thy sauing health that thou mayest shew thy selfe towards him to be a Sauiour What greater praise can there be to a Phisition then to heale the sicke Neither can there be a greater glorie to thee being a Sauiour then to saue sinners Saue him therefore O Lord for thy names sake Againe let the Law be no corsiue to his conscience but rather giue him grace euen in this extreame agony and conflict of death to be fully perswaded that thou by thy death hast taken away all his sinnes fulfilled the Lawe for him and by this meanes deliuered him from the curse of the Law and payed his ransome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quiet heart a free conscience and a glad will to forsake this wretched world and to goe vnto his Lord GOD. Moreouer thou hast conquered him that had rule ouer death euen Sathan Suffer him not therfore to exercise his tyrannie vpon this our sicke brother nor to disquiet his conscience with the terrors of sinne and paines of Hel. Let not Sathan nor his infernal armie tempt him further then he is able to beare but euermore giue him grace euen vnto his last breath valiantly to fight against the diuell with a strong faith in thy pretious blood that he may fight a good fight and finish his course with ioy vnto the glorie of thy name and the health of his soule O Lord so worke in him by thy holy spirit that he with all his heart may contemne and despise all worldly things and set his minde wholy vpon heauenly things hoping for them with a strong and vndoubted faith Againe let it not grieue him O sweet Sauiour to be losened from this vile and wretched carcasse which is now so full of sorrowe trouble and anguish sicknesse and paine but rather let him haue a bent and readie will through thy goodnesse to put it off yea and that with this faith that he at the last day shall receiue it againe in a much better state then it is now or euer was from the day of his birth euen as a body vncorruptible immortall and like to thy glorious body Let his whole heart and minde be set onely vpon thee Let the remembrance of the ioyes of heauen bee so seruent in his brest that he may both patiently and thankfully take his death and euer wish to bee with thee in glorie And when the time commeth that he shall giue ouer to nature and depart from this miserable world● vouchsafe we most humbly beseech thee O Lord Iesu to take his soule into thy hands and to place it among the glorions companie of thy holie Angels and blessed Saints and to keepe it vnto that ioyfull day of the generall Resurrection that both his body and soule through thine Almightie power being knitie againe together at that day hee may for euer and euer enioy that glorious kingdome and sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed Name Amen A Grace before meate WEe beseethe thee O heauenly Father to blesse vs and these thy meates and drinkes that we shall receiue from thée and make vs thankfull for all thy heauenly Creatures which wée daily receiue from thée through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen A Grace after meate FOr this thy bountifull goodnes in féeding vs at this time wée hartily thanke thee O most mercifull Father desiring thée so to feede our Soules likewise with that meate and drinke which perisheth not but abideth in Euerlasting life that we being fed both in bodie and soule at thy mercifull hands may alwayes doe that which is acceptable in thy sight through Iesus Christ Amen Grace before meate HEauenly Father graunt that our bodies being fed with these thy Creatures wee may serue thée in feare and reioyce before thée with trembling and in all things stand in awe of thy Maiestie lest thou be angrie and wee perish For the feare of the Lorde is the beginning of wisedome and blessed are they that walke therein through Iesus Christ our onely Lorde and Sauiour Amen Grace after meate FOr that wée haue receiued at thy hands O God thy most holie and euerlasting Name be blessed and praised from this time foorth and for euermore Amen