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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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be geuē vnto god our father for hys excedynge greate mercye towardes me through Iesus Christ our lord But perchaunce ye wil say vnto me what is the cause for the which you are cōdemned we heare say that you deny al prefēce of Christ in his holy supper so make it a bare signe common bread nothing els My derely beloued what is said of me wil be I cannot tel It is told me that M. Pendleton is gone down to preach with you not as he hath recāted for ye al know how he hath preached contrary to that he was wont to preach afore I came amongs you but to recāt that which he hath recāted How he wil speake of me report before I come whē I am come when I am burned I much passe not for he the is so vncertain wil speake so oftē against him selfe I cannot thinke he wil speake wel of me except it make for his purpose profit But of this enough In dede the chiefe thing which I am condemned for as an heretyke is because I deny the sacrament of the altar whiche is not christes supper but a plaine peruertyng of it beyng vsed as the papists now vse it to be a real natural corporall presence of christes body blood vnder the formes accidents of bread and wine that is because I deny transubstantiatiō which is the derling of the deuil and doughter and heyre to Antichrists religion wherby the Masse is mainteyned christes supper peruerted his sacrifice crosse imperfected hys priesthode destroyed the ministery taken away repentance repelled and al true godlines abandoned In the supper of our lord or sacrament of christes body and blood I confesse beleue that there is a true very presence of whole Christe god man to the faith of the receauer but not of the stāder by or loker on as there is a very true presence of breade and wine to the senses of him that is pertaker therof This faith this doctrine which cōfenteth with the word of god with the true testimony of christes Churche whiche the popyshe church doth persecute will I not forsake and therefore am I cōdemned as an heretike shal be burned But my derely beloutd this truth which I haue taught ye haue receyued I beleued do beleue and therin geue my life I hope in god shall neuer be burned bound nor ouercome but shal tryumphe haue victory and be at liberty manger the heade of all gods aduersaries For there is no counsell against the lord nor no deuise of man can be hable to defeate the verity in any other then in such as be children of vnbeliefe which haue no loue to the truth and therefore are geuen vp to beleue lies From which plague the lorde of mercies delyuer you and all this realme my deare hartes in the Lorde I humblye beeseche hys mercye Amen And to the ende ye myght be delyuered from thys plague ryght deare to me in the Lorde I shall for my farewell wyth you for euer in thys presente lyfe hartely desyre you all in the bowels and bloode of oure moste mercifull Sauioure Iesus Christ to attende vnto these thynges whiche nowe I shall shortlye wryte vnto you out of the Holy scriptures of the Lorde Ye know an he ●aye plague or rather plagues of God is fallen vpon vs in takyng away our good kyng gods true religion Gods true prophetes and ministers c. and setting ouer vs suche as seeke not the Lorde after knowledge whose endeuoures GOD prospereth wonderfully● to the triall of manye that hys people maye bothe better knowe themselues and be knowen Nowe the cause hereof is oure iniquities and greuous synnes We did not know the tyme of our visitation we were vnthankefull vnto god we contemned the gospell and carnally abused it to serue our hypocrisie our vayne glory our viciousnes auarice ydlenes security c. Longe did the lord lynger tary to haue shewed mercye vppon vs but we were euer the longer the worse Therfore most iustly hathe God dealt with vs and dealeth with vs. Yea yet we may see that his iustice is tempered with much mercy wherto let vs attribute that we are not vtterly consumed for if the lord should deale with vs after oure deserts alas how could we abide it In his anger therfore seyng he doth remember hys mercy vndeserued yea vndesyred on our behalfe let vs take occasion the more spedelye to go out to mete him not with force and armes for we are not so able to withstand hym much lesse to preuaile against hym but to beseche hym to be mercifull vnto vs and according to his wāted mercy to deale with vs. Let vs arise with Dauyd and say Ne intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo c. Enter not into iudgement oh Lorde with thy seruant for in thy sight no flesh liuyng shall be iustifyed Let vs send ambassadors wyth the Centurion and say Lord we are not worthy to come our selues vnto thee speake the worde and we shal haue peace Let vs penitētly with the Publicane loke down on the earth knocke our hard hartes to burst them and cry out oh god be merciful vnto vs wretched synners Let vs with the lost sonne returne and say O father we haue synned against heauen and earth before thee we are vnworthy to be called thy children Let vs I say do on this sort that is hartely repente vs of our former euill lyfe and vnthankefull gospelling past conuert turne to god with our whole hartes hopyng in hys great mercy through Christ and hartelye calling vppon his holye name and then vndoubtedly we shall fynde and feele otherwyse then yet we fele both inwardly and outwardly Inwardly we shal fele peace of conscience betwene god and vs which peace passeth al vnderstādyng outwardly we shall feele much mitigation of these miseries yf not an outward taking of thē away Therfore my derely beloued in the lorde I your poorest brother now departyng to the Lord for my vale in aeternum for this present lyfe pray you beseche you and euen from the very bottome of my hart for al the mercies of god in Christ shewed vnto you most earnestly begge and craue of you out of prison as often out of your pulpittes I haue done that ye will repente you leaue your wycked and euil lyfe be sory for your offences and turne to the lorde whose armes are wyde open to receiue and embrace you whose stretched out hande to strike to death stayeth that he might shewe mercy vpon you for he is the lord of mercy and god of all comfort he wyll not the death of a synner but rather that he should returne conuert and amend he hath no pleasure in the destruction of men hys long suffryng draweth to repentaunce before the tyme of vengeaunce and the daye of wrathe which is at hande doth come Now is the axe layed to the roote of the tree vtterlye to
or Paule And yet further I think that occasion afterward may be geuen you and the consideration of the profite of your auditory may perchaūce moue you to doe otherwise Finallye determinately to saye what shal be beste I am not able but I truste he whose cause ye haue in hand shal put you in minde to do that which shal be most for hys glory the profite of his flocke and your owne saluation This letter must be common to you M. Hoper in whome and in hys prison fellowe good father Crome I blesse god euen from the bottome of my harte for I doubte not but they both doe to our mayster Christe true acceptable and honorable seruice and profitable to his flocke the one with hys penne and the other wyth hys fatherlye example of patience and constancye and all manner of true godlynes But what shall I nede to say to you let this be common amonge your brethren among whome I dare say it is with you as it is with vs to whome all thinges here are common meate money and what soeuer one of vs hath that can or may doe an other good Althoughe I sayde the baylifes our hostes straitly watch vs that we haue no conference or intelligence of any thynge abroade yet hath God prouided for euery one of vs in the stede of our seruants faythful fellowes which wil be content to heare and see and to do for vs what so euer they can it is Gods worke surely blessed be God for his vnspeakeable goodnes The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe and the loue of God and the communion of the holy goste be with you all Amen Amen As farre as London is from Oxford yet thence we haue receaued of late both meate money and shyrtes not onlye from such as are of our acquayntance but of some whom this bearer can tell with whome I had neuer to my knowledge any acquaintance I knowe for whose sake they do it to hym therfore be all honoure glorye and due thankes And yet I pray you do so much as to shew them that we haue receiued theyr beneuolence and god be blessed haue plentye of all such things This I desire you to do for I know they be of maister Hopers and your familier acquayntaunce Mayster Latimer was crased but I heare nowe thankes be to God that he amendeth agayne Yours in Christ N. R. To maister Bradford BRother Bradford I wish you and your companye in Christ yea al the holy brotherhode that nowe wyth you in diuerse prisonnes suffreth and beareth paciently Christs crosse for the mayntenance of his gospell grace mercy and peace from god the father and frō our Lord Iesus Christe Syr consideringe the state of this chiualrie and warfare wherein I doubte not but we be set to fight vnder Christes banner and his crosse against oure gostly enemy the deuill and the old serpent Satā me think I perceaue two thinges to be his most perilous and moste daungerous engines which he hath to impugne christs verity his gospel his faith and the same two also to be the most massye postes and most mighty pillers wherby he mainteyneth and vpholdeth his Satanical sinagoge These two sir are they in my iudgement the one his false doctrine and idolatry call vse of the Lords supper and the other the wicked and abhominable vsurpation of the primacye of the sea of Rome By these two Satan semeth to me principally to manteine and vphold his kingdom by these two he driueth down mightely alas I feare me Apo. 8. the third part of the starrs in heauen These two poysonfull rotten postes he hathe so painted ouer with such a pretence and colour of religion of vnitye in Christes church of the catholike fayth and suche like that the wily serpēt is hable to deceaue if it were possible euen the elect of god Wherfore Iohn sayd not wtout great cause Apoc. ij if any know not Satans subtilties and the doungeons thereof I will wishe him no other burden to be laden withal Sir because these be his principal and maine postes whervppon standeth all his falshode craft and trecherye therfore according to the pore power that God hath giuen me I haue bended mine artillary to shoote at the same I know it to be but little God knoweth that I can do and of my shote I know they passe not Yet wyll I not God willing cease to do the best that I can to shake those cankered and rotten postes The Lord graunt me good successe to the glory of hys name and the furtheraunce of Christes gospell I haue now alredy I thanke god for this present time spent a good part of my powder in these scryblyngs wherof thys bearer shall geue you knowledge Good brother Bradforde let the wicked surmise and saye what they liste know you for a certeynty by gods grace without al doubt that in Christes gospelles cause against and vpon the foresayd gods enemyes I am fully determined to liue and die Fare well deare brother and I beseche you and all the reste of our brethern to haue good remembrāce of the condemned heretikes as they call them of Oxforde in your prayers The bearer shall certifye you of our state Fare well in the Lorde From Bocardo Yours in Christ N.R. To maister Bradford DEarelye beloued brother blessed be God oure heauenlye father for hys manifolde and innumerable mercies towardes vs and blessed mighte he be that hath spared vs thus long together that eche one of vs maye blesse his mercye and clemencye in other vnto this daye aboue the expectation and hope of any worldlye appearance Where as you wryte of he outragious rule that Sathan our gostly enemy beareth abrode in the worlde wherbye he stirreth and rayseth so pestilente and heynous heresies as some to deny the blessed trinity some the diuinity of our sauiour Christ some the diuinity of the holy gost some the baptisme of infants some original sinne and to be infected with the errors of the pelagiās to rebaptise those that haue ben baptised with Christes baptisme alredy alas syr this doth declare this time and these dayes to be wicked in dede But what can we looke for els of Sathan here and of his ministers but to do the worste that they can so farre forth as god shal or wil suffer them And now me thincke he is lesse to be merueled at at this tyme if he bestirre him by al manner of meanes that the truth in deede doe take no place For he seeth now blessed be God that some goe aboute in deede and in truth not trifeling but with the losse of all that they are able to loose in thys worlde goodes landes name fame and life also to setforth Goddes woorde and hys truth and by Goddes grace shall do and abide in the same vnto the ende now therfore it is time to be stirre him I trowe And as for the diuersitye of erroures what careth he thoughe one be neuer so contrarye to
therof wyll be so pitifull withoute spedye repentaunce that I tremble and feare to haue it in remembraunce I woulde to God it lay vpon some earthly burden so that fredome of conscience mighte begenen vnto them I write as god knoweth not of presumption but onlye lamentinge they re state whome I thought nowe in thys daungerous time should haue geuen bothe you and me comfortable instructions But alas in stede therof we haue perswasions to follow I lament me to rehearse it superstitions idolatrye yea that worste of all is they will seeke to proue it by the scripture The Lord for his mercy turne theyr hartes Amen Yours N. R. A letter which he wrote as his last farewell to al his true and faythefull frendes in God a little before he suffred with a sharpe admoniton by by the way to the papists the enemies of the truth AT the name of Iesus let euery kne bow both of thyngs in heauen and things in earth and thinges vnder the earth and let euerye tonge confesse that Iesus Christ is the lord vnto the glory of God the father Amen As a man minding to take a farre iourney and to depart from his familiar frendes commenly and naturally hath a desire to byd his frendes farewell before hys departure so likewise now I loking dayly when I shoulde be called for to departe hence from you O al ye my dearely beloued brethren and sisters in oure Sauioure Christe that dwel here in this world hauing a like mind towardes you all also blessed be God of this such time leasure whereof I right hartely thank his heauenly goodnes do byd you all my deare brethren and sisters I say in Christ that dwel vp on the earth after such manner as I can Farewell Farewel my deare Brother George Shypside whome I haue euer found faythfull trusty and louinge in all state and condicions and now in the time of my crosse ouer all other to me most frendly and steadfast that which liked me best ouer all other thinges in Gods cause euer harty Farewell my deare sister Alice his wyfe I am gladde to beare of thee that thou doest take Christes crosse whiche is layed now blessed be God both on thy backe and mine in good parte Thanke thou GOD that hathe geuen thee a godly and a louing husband se thou honor him and obey hym according to Gods lawe Honour thy mother in lawe his mother and loue al those that perteyne vnto hym being ready to do them good as it shall lye in thy power As for thy chyldren I doubte not of thy husbande but that he whyche hathe geuen hym a hearte to loue and feare God and in God them that pertayne vnto hym shall also make hym frendely and benefyciall vnto thy children euen as yf they had bene gotten of hys owne body Farewell my welbeloued brother Iohn Rydley of the Waltowne and you my gentle and louyng Syster Elizabeth whome besydes the naturall league of amitye your tender loue whiche you were sayde euer to beare towardes me aboue the reste of youre brethren dothe bynde me to loue My mynde was to haue acknowledged this youre louyng affection and to haue acquyted it wyth dedes and not wyth woordes alone Youre daughter Elizabeth I byd farewell whom I loue for the meeke and gentle Spiryte that God hath geuen her which is a precious thyng in the syght of God Farewell my beloued Syster of Vnthancke wyth all youre chyldren my nephewes and nices Synce the departure of my Brother Hughe my mynde was to haue beene vnto them in the steade of theyr father but the Lorde god must and will be theyr father if they wil loue hym and feare him and lyue in the trade of hys law Farewell my welbeloued and worshipfull Cosyns maister Nicholas Ridley of Wyllimountswick and your wife and I thanke you for all youre kyndnesse shewed bothe to me and also to all youre owne kynsefolke and myne Good Cosyn as GOD hath sette you in that oure stocke and kyndred not for anye respecte of youre personne but of hys aboundaunte grace and goodnesse to bee as it were the Belweather to order and conducte the reaste and hathe also endued you wyth his manyfold gyftes of grace bothe heauenlye and worldlye aboue others so I praye you good Cosin as my truste and hope is in you continue and increase in the mayntenaunce of truthe honestye rightuousnesse and all true godlynesse and to the vttermost of your power to wythstande falsehode vntruthe vnryghteousnesse and all vngodlynesse whych is forbid and condempned by the word and lawes of God Farewel my yong Cosin Rafe Whitfield Oh your tyme was verye shorte wyth me my mynde was to haue done you good and yet you caughte in that little tyme a losse but I truste it shall bee recompenced as it shall please almighty god Farewell al my whole kyndred and countreymen farewell in Christ altogether The Lorde which is the searcher of secrets knoweth that accordyng to my hartes desire my hope was of late that I should haue come among you and to haue brought wyth me aboundaunce of Christes blessed Gospell accordyng to the duetye of that office and ministerye wherevnto among you I was chosen named and appoincted by the mouth of that our late piereles Prince king Edwarde and so also denounced openly in hys court by his priuye counsayle I warne you all my welbeloued kynsfolke and countreymen that ye be not amased or astonied at the kynde of my departure or dissolution for I ensure you I thynke it the most honour that euer I was called vnto in all my life and therfore I thanke my Lorde GOD hartely for it that it hath pleased hym to cal me of hys great mercye vnto this hyghe honour to suffer deathe wyllynglye for hys sake and in hys cause vnto the which honour he called the holy Prophets hys dearly beloued Apostels and hys blessed chosē martyrs For knowe ye that I doubte no more but that the causes wherefore I am put to deathe are gods causes and the causes of the truthe then I doubte that the Gospell whyche Iohn wrote is the Gospell of Christe or that Paules Epystles are the verye worde of GOD. And to haue a harte wyllyng to abyde and stande in gods cause in Christs quarell euen vnto death I ensure thee O man it is an inestimable and an honourable gyft of GOD geuen onely to the true electes and dearely beloued children of GOD and inheritoures of the kyngdome of heauen For the holye Apostle and also Martyr in Christes cause Sayncte Peter sayeth ● Pet. 4 yf ye suffer rebuke in the name of Chryste that is in Christes cause and for hys truthes sake then are ye happye and blessed for the glorye of the Spirite of God resteth vppon you If for rebukes sake suffered in Chrystes name a man is pronounced by the mouthe of that holye Apostle blessed and happye howe muche more happye and blessed is he that hathe
for I doe dailye twyse at the least in thys sorte remember you And I do not doubt deare wyfe but that bothe I and you as we be writen in the boke of lyfe so we shal together enioy the same euerlastingly through the grace mercy of god our deare father in his sonne our Christ And for thys present life let vs wholy apoynte our selues to the wil of our good god to glorify him either by life or by death and euen that same mercyfull Lord make vs worthye to honour hym eyther way as pleaseth him Amen I am mery I thanke my god and my Christ in whome and through whome I shall I knowe be hable to fyght a good fighte and fynyshe a good course then receyue the crowne which is layde vp in store for me and all the true souldiours of Christ 1. Timo. 4. Wherfore wyfe let vs in the name of our God fyght lustely to ouercome the flesh the deuyll and the world What our harnesse and weapons be in thys kynd of fyght looke the vi vnto the Ephesians and pray praye praye I would that you make no sute for me in any wyse Thanke you knowe whom for her moste swete and comfortable puttyng me in remembraunce of my iourney whether I am passyng God send vs al good spede and a ioyfull meetyng I haue to fewe suche frendes to further me in that iorney which is in dede the greatest frendeship The blessyng of god be wyth you all Amen A prisoner in the Lord. Laurence Saunders ¶ To hys VVyfe GRace mercye and peace c. Deare wyfe euen that our mercifull God and moste louyng father whom we call vpon daily and of whose mercies we daily taste ●nd who wyl be a most tender father vnto all thē which hartely turne vnto hym beleue in hym and cast theyr care vpon hym that our good god I say euen for hys sonne our swete Christs sake be your helper and keper Amen Amen And nowe you see hys goodnes towardes you by manye wayes prouokyng you to embrace him as your only god only comfort He is more redy mercifully to receiue you thē you can be readye to runne vnto hym for helpe He saith by hys prophet I wyll fauour them euen as a father doth fauour hys chyld that offendeth Esay 49. And in an other place is it possible that a mother can forget her childe which she hathe borne If she be forgetfull yet wyl not I forget thee Thus sayth he vnto al such as vnfaynedly seke hym You be in the Lordes bondes and in his blessed tuition I do not doubte Commend your selfe and that which he hath geuen you vnto his mercyfull and blessed wyll and so do I and shall doe by hys goodnes Exercise your selfe in the comfortable remembraunce of gods manyfold mercifull promises Put hym in remembraunce of the same by often prayer and put your whole trust in him who for hys names sake hys promyse sake and for hys Christes sake wyl do that is best for you Commend me to all the godly there Send me word in any wyfe if you lacke Take hede that you be no more chargeable vnto them at whose house you be then you shal fully content them in any wise God kepe you A letter wrytten to Steuen Gardiner Byshop of VVynchester and then Lord Chauncellour as an aunswer to some thyngs wherwith he had before charged hym TOuching the cause of myne imprisonment I doubt whether I haue broken any law either proclamatiō In my doctrine I did not forasmuch as at the time it was permitted by the proclamatiō to vse accordyng vnto our cōsciēces such seruice as was thē established My doctrine was thē agreable vnto my consciēce and the seruice then vsed He meaneth the publike preaching of gods word in hys owne paryshe This proclamatiō was to inhibite the preaching of gods holy word The acte which I dyd was such as beyng indifferently weighed sounded to no breaking of the proclamation or at leaste to no wylful breakyng of it for as muche as I caused no bell to bee ronge neyther occupied I any place in the pulpit after the order of Sermons or lectures But be it that I dyd breake the proclamation thys long tyme of continuance in prysō may be thought to be more then sufficient punishmente for such a faulte Touchyng the chargyng of me with my religion I say wyth S. Paule Confiteor hoc quod iuxta viani quā vocāt haeresim Actes 24 sic colo patriū deū credens omnibus quae in lege et prophetis scripta sunt spem habēs in deū c. Quin in hoc et ipse studeo sine offendiculo conscientiam habere erga deum et erga homines semper That is to saye this I confesse that after the waye whiche they call heresy so worshyp I the God of my forefathers beleuyng all thynges whyche are written in the law and prophets and haue hope towardes God c. And herein I endeuoure my selfe to haue alwaye a cleare conscience towardes God and towardes men So that GOD I call to witnes I haue a conscience And this my conscience is not grounded vppon vayne fantasye but vppon the infallible veritye of Gods woorde with the witnessyng of hys chosen churche agreable vnto the same It is an easye thynge for them whiche take Christe for their true pastour to discerne the voyce of their true shepeheard from the voyce of wolues hirelynges and straungers forasmuch as Christ saith Iohn 10 Oues meae vocem meam audiunt That is my shepe heare my voyce Yea and therby they shall haue the gifte to know the ryght voyce of the true shepehard and so to follow hym and to auoide the contrary as he also sayth Oues pastorem sequuntur quia nouerunt vocem eius altenum vero non sequuntur sed aufugiunt ab eo quia non noueruut vocem alienorum That is the shepe follow the shepeheard for they know hys voyce a straunger wyl they not follow but fly from him for they know not the voyce of a straūger Such inward inspiratiō doth the holy ghost put into the children of God beyng in deede taught of god but otherwyse vnhable to vnderstād the true way of theyr saluation And albeit that the wolfe as Christe sayth commeth in shepes clothyng yet he sayth ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos That is by their fruites ye shall know them For there be certaine fruites wherby the wolfe is bewraied notwithstandyng that otherwise in sundry sortes of deuout holines in outward shew he semeth neuer so simple a shepe That the Romish religion is rauenyng and woluishe it is apparant in three pryncipal pointes Fyrst it robbeth god of his due and only honour Secondly it taketh away the true comfort of consciēce in obscuring or rather burieng of Christ his office of saluation Thirdly it spoyleth god of hys true worship seruice in spirit truth apointed in his prescript cōmaundemēts
ye repente not if ye leaue not your Idolatry if ye tourne not spedely to the Lord if ye stil be ashamed of Christes truth whiche ye knowe Oh Perne repent Oh Thomson repente Oh ye Doctors Bachelors and Maisters repent Oh Maior Aldermen towne dwellers repente repente repente that ye maye escape the nere vengeaunce of the Lord. Rent your harts and come apace calling on the Lord. Let vs al say Peccauimus we haue synned we haue done wickedlye we haue not harkened to thy voyce O Lord. Deale not with vs after our deserts but be merciful to our iniquities for they are great Oh pardon vs our offences In thyne anger remember thy mercy Turne vs vnto thee O Lorde God of hostes for the glorye of thy names sake spare vs and be mercifull vnto vs. Let not the wicked people say wher is now their god Oh for thine own sake for thy names sake deale mercifully with vs. Turne thy self vnto vs and vs vnto thee and we shall prayse thy name for euer If in thys sort my dearly beloued in hart and mouth we come vnto oure father and prostrate oure selues before the throne of his grace then surely surely we shal find mercye then shal the Lord loke merely vpon vs for his mercye sake in Christ then shal we heare him speake peace vnto his people for he is gracious and mercifull of greate pitye and compassion he cā not be chiding for euer his anger can not last long to the penitent Though we wepe in the morning yet at night we shal haue our sorow to cease for he is exorable hath no pleasure in the death of a sinner he rather wold our conuersion and turning Oh turne you nowe and conuert yet once againe I humbly besech you then the kingdome of heauen shall draw nygh The eye hath not sene the eare hath not heard nor the harte of mā is able to conceaue the ioyes prepared for vs if we repente amende oure liues and hartely turne to the Lord. But if ye repente not but be as ye were and goe on forwardes with the wicked following the fashion of the world the Lord will lead you on with wicked doers ye shall peryshe in your wickednes youre blood will be vppon your owne heades your part shall be with hipocrites where shall be wepyng and gnashyng of teeth ye shall be caste from the face of the Lorde for euer and euer eternall shame sorrow woe and misery shall be both in body and soule to you worlde without end Oh therfore ryght deare to me in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you amend amend your liues departe from euill do good follow peace and pursue it Come out frō Babilon caste of the woorkes of darkenes put on Christ confesse hys truth be not ashamed of hys Gospel prepare your selues to the crosse drinke of Gods cuppe before it come to the dregges and then shall I with you and for you reioyce in the daye of iudgemente whiche is at hand and therfore prepare your selues therto I hartely besech you And thus I take my Vale in aeternum with you in thys presente lyfe myne owne deare hartes in the Lorde The Lorde of mercy bee with vs all and geue vs a ioyfull and sure meetyng in his kingdome Amen Amen Out of prison the .11 of February Anno. 1555. Your owne in the Lord for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To all those that professe the name and true religion of our Sauioure Iesus Christe in Lankeshyre and Chesshire and specially abyding in Manchester and theraboutes Iohn Bradford a moste vnworthy seruant of the Lord now not only in bondes but also cōdemned for the same true religion wisheth mercye and grace peace and encrease of all godlines frō god the father of all pietie throughe the desertes of our Lorde Iesus Christ by the workyng of the most mighty and liuely spirite the comforter for euer Amen I Heare it reported credibly my derely beloued in the lord that my heauēly father hath thought it good to prouyde that The enemies had apointed to burne hym at Māchester but the lord altered their purpose as I haue preached his true gospel and doctrine amonges you by worde so I shal testify and confyrme the same by deede that is I shall with you leaue my life which by his prouidence I firste receaued there for in Manchester was I borne for a seale to the doctrine I haue taught with you emonges you so that if from henceforth you wauer in the same you haue none excuse at all I know the enemies of Christ which exercise this crueltye vpon me I speake it in respect of mine offence which is none to thē wardes thinke by killyng of me amongs you to affray you and others lest they should attempt to teach Christ truly or beleeue hys doctryne hereafter but I doubte not but that heauenly father will by my death more confyrme you in his truth for euer And therfore I greatly reioyce to see Sathā and his souldiours supplanted in their own sapience which is playne folishnes emonges the wise in deede that is emonges such as haue heard gods worde and do followe it for they onely are accompted wyse of the wisedome of God our sauiour In dede if I shoulde simplye consider my lyfe wyth that which it ought to haue bene and as God in hys lawe requireth then could I not but crye as I do Iustus es domine omnia iudicia tua vera Righteous art thou O lord and all thy iudgements are true For I haue muche greued thee and transgressed thy holy precepts not onely before my professing the gospel but sythen also yea euen sithē my commyng into prison I do not excuse but accuse my selfe before god and all his church that I haue greuouslye offended my Lorde god I haue not lyued hys gospell as I shoulde haue done I haue sought my selfe not symply onely his glory and my brethernes commodity I haue ben to vnthākful secure carnal hypocritical vayn glorious c. Al which my euils the lorde of mercy pardon me for his christes sake as I hope certainly beleue he hath done for hys great mercy in Christ our redemer But whē I consider the cause of my cōdemnation I can not but lamēt the I do no more reioyce thē I do for it is gods verity and truth so that the condēnation is not a condemnation of Bradford simply but rather a condemnation of Christ and his truth Bradford is nothing els but an instrument in whom Christ and his doctrine is condemned And therfore my dearely beloued reioyce reioyce and geue thākes with me for me that euer god did vouchsafe so great a benefit to our countrey as to choose the most vnworthy I meane my selfe to be one in whom it woulde please him to suffer any kynde of affliction much more thys violent kynd of death which I perceiue is prepared for me emongs you for his sake Al glory praise
destroye the impenitent Now is the fyer gone out before the face of the Lorde and who is able to quench it Oh therefore repente you repente you It is enough to haue lyued as we haue done It is enough to haue played the wanton gospellers the proud protestantes hypocriticall false Christians as alas we haue done Now the lorde speaketh vnto vs in mercy and grace oh turne before he speake in wrath Yet is there mercy with the lorde and plenteous redemption yet hath he not forgotten to shew mercy to them that cal vpō hym oh then cal vpon him while he may be founde for he is rich in mercy and plentiful to al them that cal vpon him so that he that calleth vpon the name of the lord shal be saued If your sinnes be as red as skarlet the Lord saith he wil make them as white as snow He hath sworne and neuer will repente hym thereof that he wyll neuer remēber our iniquities but as he is god faithfull and true so will he be our God and we shal be his people Hys law wyll he wryte in oure hartes and engraft it in oure myndes and neuer wyll he haue in mynde oure vnryghteousnes Therfore my dere hartes in the Lord turne you turne you to the lorde your father to the lorde your Sauiour to the Lorde your comforter Oh why do you stop your eares and harden your hartes to day when you heare hys voyce by me your porest brother Oh forget not how that the lord hath shewed hym selfe true me hys true preacher by brynging to passe these plagues which at my mouth by my preaching ye oftē heard before they came specially whē I entreated of Noes flood and whē I preached of the 23. chap. of S. Math. gospel on S. Steuēs day the last that I was with you And now by me the same Lord sendeth you word dere cuntrey men that if ye will goe on forewardes in your impenitencie carnality hypocrisy idolatry couetuousnes swearing gluttony dronkennes whoredome c. wherewith alas alas our countrey floweth yf I saye ye wil not turne leaue of seyng me now burned emongs you to assure you on all sydes how god seketh you and is sory to do you hurt to plague you to destroy you to take vengeance vpon you oh your bloode wyll be vppon your owne heades Ye haue bene warned warned again by me in preaching by me in burnyng As I said therfore I say agayne my deare hartes and derlinges in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you cease from doyng euill study to do well awaye with idolatry flye the Romishe god seruice leaue of from swearing cut of carnality abandon auarice driue away drōkennes flye frō fornication flattery frō murther malice destroy disceitfulnes cast away al the workes of darknes put on piety godlines serue god after his word not after custome vse your tonges to glorify god by praier thankes geuing confessiō of his truth c. Be spiritual by the spirit mortify carnal affectiōs be sober holy true louing gentle merciful then shal the lords wrath cease not for this your doyngs sake but for hys mercies sake Go to therfore good cuntreymē take this coūsel of the lord by me now sent vnto you take it as the lords coūsel I say not as mine that in the day of iudgemēt I may reioyce with you and for you the which thing I hartely desyre and not to be a witnes against you My blood wil cry for vēgeance as against the papists gods enemies whom I besech god if it be his good wil hartelye to forgeue yea euen them which put me to death and are the causers therof for they know not what they doe so wyl my blood cry for vengeance against you my dearely beloued in the lord if ye repent not amend not and turne not vnto the Lorde Turne vnto the Lorde yet once more I hertely beseche thee thou Manchester thou Bolton Burye Wigyn Lierpole Ashton vnderlyne Mottrine Stepport Winsley Eccles Preste Middleton Radcliefe and thou Citye of Westchester where I haue truely taught and preached the worde of god Turne I say vnto you all and to al the inhabitauntes thereaboutes vnto the Lord our god and he wil turne vnto you He wyll say vnto his aungel it is enough put vp thy sword The which thyng that he wyl do I humbly besech his goodnes for the precious bloodes sake of his deare sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ Ah good brethrē take in good part these my laste wordes vnto euerye one of you Pardon me mine offences and negligence in behauiour amonges you The Lord of mercy pardon vs all our offēces for our sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen ¶ Out of prison readye to come to you The .11 of Februarye Anno. 1555. Iohn Bradford ¶ To the faythfull and such as professe the true doctrine of our Sauiour Iesus Christe dwellyng at VValden and thereaboutes Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruant of the Lorde nowe in bandes and condemned for the same true doctryne wisheth grace mercye and peace wyth the encrease of all godlines in knowledge and lyuyng from God the father of all comforte through the desertes of our alone and full redemer Iesus Christe by the mightye workyng of the most holy spirite the comforter for euer Amen WHen I remember how that by the prouidēce and grace of god I haue bene a man by whō it hath pleased hym through my ministery to call you to repentaunce and amendement of lyfe somethyng effectually as it seemed to so we emōgs you his true doctrine religiō left that by my affliction and the stormes now rysen to trye the faythful and to conforme them like to the Image of the sonne of GOD into whose companye we are called ye myghte be faynte harted I coulde not but out of prison secretly for my kepers may not know that I haue penne and ynke to write vnto you a signification of the desyre I haue that you should not only be more confirmed in the doctrine I haue taught emonges you which I take on my death as I shall aunswer at the daye of dome I am perswaded to be gods assured infallible and playne truth but also should after your vocation auouch the same by confession profession and lyuyng I haue not taught you my dearely beloued in the lord fables tales or vntruth but I haue taught you the verity as now by my blood gladly praysed therefore be god I shal seale vp the same In dede to cōfesse the truth vnto you and to all the church of Christ I do not thinke of my selfe but that I haue moste iustlye deserued not onelye this kinde but also all kyndes of deathe and that eternallye for myne hypocrisye vayne glory vncleannes selfe loue couetousnes ydlenes vnthankefulnes and carnal professing of gods holy gospell lyuyng therein not so purely louynglye and painfully as I shoulde haue done the lord of mercy
haue good cause If your welfare ioy and saluation hanged vpon any other thyng then only gods mercy and truth then might you wel be sad heauy and stand in a doubte But in that it hangeth only vpon these two tell Satan he lyeth when he would haue you to stand in a māmeryng by causyng you to cast your eyes which only in thys case should be set on Christ your sweete sauiour on your selfe in some parte In dede looke on your selfe on your fayth on your loue obediēce c. to awake you vp from securitie to styrre you vp to diligence in doyng the things apperteyning to your vocatiō but when you would be at peace wyth god and haue true consolation in your cōscience altogether loke vpon the goodnes of god in Christ Thynke on this commaundement which precedeth all others that you must haue no other gods but the Lorde Iehouah which is your Lord and god the which he could not be if that he dyd not pardon your synnes in very dede Remember that Christe commaundeth you to call hym father for the same entente And hereto call to mynde all the benefites of god hetherto shewed vpon you and so shal you fele in very dede that which I wyshe vnto you now and praye you to wyshe vnto me farewell or welfare in the Lord Iesus wyth whome he graunte vs shortlye to meete as hys chyldren for hys name and mercyes sake to oure eternall welfare Amen Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ An other letter to Mystres A.VV. ALmighty god our heauenly father for hys christes sake encrease in vs fayth by which we may more and more see what glory and honour is reposed and safely kept in heauen for all them that beleue wyth the hart and confesse Christe and hys truthe wyth the mouthe Amen My derely beloued I remember that once heretofore I wrote vnto you a Vale or a farewell vpon coniecture but now I wryte my farewell to you in thys lyfe in dede vpon certaine knowledge My staffe standeth at the dore I continually looke for the Shiriffe to come for me and I thank God I am ready for hym Now go I to practise that which I haue preached Now am I climing vp the hil it wil cause me to puffe and blow before I come to the cliffe The hill is stepe and high my breath is short and my strength is feble pray therfore to the lord for me that as I haue now through hys goodnes euen almost come to the toppe I may by hys grace be strengthned not to rest til I come where I should be Oh louing Lord put out thy hande and drawe me vnto thee for no man cōmeth but he whome the father draweth Se my derely beloued gods louing mercy he knoweth my short breath and great weakenes As he sent for Helias a f●ry chariote so sendeth he for me for by fyre my drosse muste be purifyed that I may be fine gold in hys syghte Oh vnthankefull wretche that I am Lorde do thou forgeue me myne vnthankfulnes In dede I confesse ryghte deare to me in the lord that my synnes haue deserued hell fyre much more then thys fyer But loe so louyng is my Lorde that he conuerteth the remedye for my synnes the punishmente for my transgressions into a testimoniall of hys truth and a testification of hys verity which the Prelates doe persecute in me and not my synnes therfore they persecute not me but Christ in me which I doubte not wyl take my part vnto the very ende Amen Oh that I had so open an harte as coulde so receiue as I should do this great benefite and vnspeakable dignitye which God my father offreth to me Now pray for me my derely beloued pray for me that I neuer shrinke I shal neuer shrynke I hope I trust in the Lorde I shal neuer shrinke for he that alwayes hath taken my parte I am assured wil not leaue me when I haue most nede for hys truth merties sake Oh Lord helpe me into thy handes I commende me wholy In the Lorde is my my truste I care not what man can do vnto me Amen My derely beloued say you Amen also and come after if so god call you Be not ashamed of the gospell of Christ but kepe company wyth hym stil He wyll neuer leaue you but in the myddest of temptation wil geue you an outscape to make you able to beare the brunte Vse harty prayer reuerently reade and heare gods worde put it in practise looke forthe crosse lift vp your heades for your redēption draweth nigh know that the death of gods saintes is precious in hys syght be mery in the Lorde pray for the mitigation of gods heauy displeasure vpon our countrey God kepe vs for euer God blesse vs wyth his spirituall blessynges in Christ And thus I bydde you farewell for euer in thys present lyfe Pray for me praye for me for gods sake pray for me God make perfecte hys good worke begonne in me Amen Out of prison this 7. of February Yours in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To certayne godlye men relieuers and helpers of hym and others in theyr imprisonmente THe peace of Christ which passeth all pleasure and worldly felicity be daily more and more felte in your hartes my right derely beloued in the Lord by the inwarde workyng of the holy spirite the earnest of our inheritaunce and guider of gods electe wyth the whyche god our dere father more more endue vs al vnto the ende for hys beloued sonnes sake our lord Iesus Christ Amen Praysed be god the father of our lord Iesus Christ which is a father of mercy a god of al consolation that hath blessed you with the knowlege loue of his truth not only to your own cōfortes but also the great ease cōfort of many which without the helpe of god by you hetherto had bene in much more misery By your releuing the lordes prisoners I am brought to see the rote wherof the worke doth spring euen the knowlege loue of gods truth wherfore we are in hādes The which knowledge loue in that it is a blessyng of all blessings the greatest for it is euen eternal life Ioh. 17 I cānot but praise god for you on this behalfe that it hath pleased hym to much you worthy so excellēt singuler a benefit which is more to be estemed desired cared for thē any thyng els The world for al that euer it hath cānot attayne by any meanes to this blessing which God our father hath geuē you freely of his own good wil through christ euē before ye were purposed to desire it Therfore I besech you al to be thankful with me to reioyce in the lord For if he haue geuē vs such a gift vnasked vndesired yea vnthought vpō how can it be the he wil deny vs any good thing now which may be necessary for vs Wil he trow ye sowe his sede in the ground of your hartes
thereof thankefully vsing their counsell and obeying theyr preceptes so for gods sake let vs for our soules being sicke thankefullye receaue the heauenlye Phisicions phisicke and dyet so shall we waxe stronge men in GOD and in hys Christe Which thyng I besech thee O holy spirite to worke in vs all Amen My dearly beloued thys haue I brieflye written vnto you Phil. 4. not as one that seketh any giftes as Paul sayth but as one that seeketh aboundaunt fruites on your behalfe and to your commoditye For it is better to geue then to receaue sayteh Christe by hys Apostle S. Paule who testifyeth that according to that we sowe so shal we reape He that soweth little 2. Cor. 9. shall reape little he that soweth muche shall reape much Neuer shoulde we forgette how that the Lorde Iesus being riche for our sakes became poore that we myght be made riche by hym Agayn neuer shoulde we forget that we are dead to sinne and aliue to ryghteousnesse Therefore shold we liue wholy vnto god for god not for our selues In al things therfore we must auoide the sekyng of our selues as wel in doing as in leuing things vndone If the crosse come vpon vs therfore then are we happy for the spirite of God and the glorye of God resteth vpon vs. Therefore reioyce saith christ for your reward is great in heauē Math. 5 In this we are made like to Christe here therefore we shal be so els where euē in eternal ioye endlesse glory The high way to heauē you know is afflicciō so that al that wil liue godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution If we were of the world the world wold loue vs Iohn 15 but we are not of the world but beare witnes against the world therfore the worlde doth hate vs. But let vs reioice our lord hath ouercome the world He suffred out of the Citie bearīg our rebuke saith the Apostle Let vs then go out of oure tentes beare hys rebuke that is let vs denye our selues Heb. 13 take vp our crosse which is his also followe him Let vs know esteme this more riches thē al the treasures of the world as Moses did Let vs know that he that saueth his life shal lose it Let vs know that the way to saluatiō is a strait waye and a waye wherein we can not carye oure bagges and chestes with vs. Let vs know that no excuse of wife farme house or childrē wil excuse vs. Let vs know that in this case we must be so far frō louing father mother Luke 14 ▪ wife children that we must hate thē our own selues also Though this be a hard saying yet we must not leaue our loades man for a litle foule way Yea rather we shoulde knowe in dede that it is but hard to the flesh which if she be hādled deintely will be imperious vnder muste she be kepte that the spirit which is a precious thing in gods sight may haue her cōmodities If we should follow the fansye of the fleshe we coulde not please god Against it we haue made a solemne professiō as also agaynst the deuil the world in oure baptisme And shal we now loke for easie thyngs of our enemies Shal we not loke rather to be hardly entreated of thē O that we considered oftē in dede what we haue professed in baptisme then the crosse we should be wel acquainted together For we are baptised into Christs death that is as to be pertakers of the benefite of his death which is remission of sinnes so to bee made like therunto cōtinually by dying to sinne O that we cōsidered what we be where we be whether we are going who calleth vs how he calleth vs to what felicitie he calleth vs wherby he calleth vs then my deare harts in the Lord we should say to al worldly persuasions persuaders follow me Sathan thou seuerest not those things that be of god but the things that be of men Shall we not drinke the cuppe which our heauenly father hath appoynted for vs O Lord god opē thou our eyes that we may see the hope wherunto thou haste called vs. Geue vs eyes of seing eares of hearing hartes of vnderstanding In the fauour thou bearest to thy people remember vs visite vs with thy sauing health that we maye see the good things thou hast prepared for thy elect childrē that we may haue some syght of thy heauenly Ierusalē and haue some tast of the swetenes of thy house O deare father kindle in vs an earneste desire to bee with thee in soule and body to prayse thy name for euer withall thy saintes in thy eternall glorye Amen Iohn Bradford To my deare fathers D. Cranmer D. Ridley and. D. Latimer IEsus Emanuell My deare fathers in the Lorde I beseche God oure sweete father throughe Christ to make perfecte the good he hath begonne in vs all Amen I had thought that euery of your staues had stande nexte the doore but nowe it is otherwise perceaued Our deare brother Rogers hath broken the Ise valiauntlye and as thys daye I thinke or to morrowe at the vttermoste hartye Hoper syncere Saunders and trustye Taylour ende theyr course and receaue their crowne The nexte am I whiche hourely looke for the porter to open me the gates after them to enter into the desyred reste God forgeue me myne vnthankefulnesse for thys exceedyng greate mercye that amonges so manye thousandes it pleaseth hys mercye to choose me to be one in whom he wyll suffer For althoughe it bee most true that luste patior for I haue beene a greate hypocrite and a greuous synner the Lorde pardon me yea he hath done it he hath done it in deede yet hic autem quid mali fecit Christe whom the Prelates persecute hys veritye whiche they hate in me This is a singuler mercye of God to haue death which is a due punyshmente for synne turned into a demonstratiō and ●es●fication of the Lordes truth hath done no euill nor desermeth death Therefore oughte I moste hartelye to reioyce of thys dignation and tender kindnesse of the Lorde towardes me whiche vseth the remedye for my synne as a testimoniall of hys testament to hys glorye to my euerlasting comforte to the edifying of hys Church and to the ouerthrowing of Antichriste and hys kyngdome O what am I Lord that thou shouldest thus magnifye me so vyle a man and myser as alwayes I haue bene Is this thy wonte to sende for suche a wretche and an hypocrite as I haue bene in a fierye chariot 4. Regū 2 as thou diddest for Helias Oh deare fathers be thankfull for me and praye for me that I styll maye bee founde worthie in whom the Lord would sanctifye hys holy name And for your parts make you readye for we are but your gentlemen hushers Nuptiae agni paratae sunt venite ad nuptias I now goe to leaue my flesh
I being so long so nere you did not enterpryse to stirre vp familiaritie comunicatiō betwene vs by writing to our mutual cōsolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherin to reioyce where al things are transitory vaine yea mā him self respecting this life but as Dauid saith Psal 16 the Saints that dwel vpon the earth such as excel in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowship loue ioy of faythful men and children of god being as we now be in double bondage the body within clay walles the soule wtin these frayle earthly bodies be so great and comfortable howe vnspeakeable wil those ioyes be when we shal be deliuered frō al corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of god Where we shal be present together continually in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his dere sonne christ our redemer brother and the blessed companye of Angels al faithful saued soules Oh the incomparable good things and heauenly treasures layd vp for vs in heauen by christ Iesu For the obteyning wherof we ought to set light by al tēporal grefes and transitory afflictions so much the more in that our good God is faythful wil not suffer vs to be tēpted aboue oure strength that namely in the end of our life Eccle. 11. whē the tree where it falleth lieth stil as the preacher sayeth when euerye one causa sua dormit causa sua resurget for els before the end he suffereth hys somtime to fal but not finally to perysh as Peter sincked vpon the sea but yet was not drowned and synned greuously vpon the lande throughe infirmitie denying his Maister but yet found mercye for the ryghteous falleth oftentymes And Christs holy Apostles are taught to say remitte nobis debita nostra Yea thoughe the righteous fall saieth Dauid he shal not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth hym wyth hys hande Oh the bottomlesse mercy of God toward vs miserable sinners He vouchsafe to plante in my harte true repentance and fayth to the obteyning of remission of al my synnes in the mercyes of God and merites of Christe hys sonne and therto I pray you say Amen Oh my hartely beloued it greueth me to see the spoyle hauocke the Saule maketh with the congregation of Christe but what remedye This is gods wil ordinance that his people shal here both be punished in the flesh tried in their fayth as it is writtē many are the troubles of the righteous but the lord deliuereth thē out of al for by a strait path narowe dore must we enter Whether Into the ioyful kingdome of heauē Therfore blessed are you other that suffer persecutiō for christs sake for the possessing of the same Pray for me my felowes good brother that we may fyght a good fyght that we may kepe the fayth and end our course with ioyful gladnes for now the tyme of our deliuerāce is at hand The lord guide defēd and kepe vs you al his people in our iourney that we may safely through a short death passe to that long lasting life Farewel my dere and louing brother fellow souldiour in Christ farewel I say in him who receaue our soules in peace when they shal depart frō these tabernacles and he graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection and a mery metyng at the last day and continuall dwelling together in hys eternall and heauenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Yours with my poore prayer other pleasure can I do you none Thomas Whittell minister To my deare brethren M. Filles and Cutbert MY dere and welbeloued brethren in Christ M. Filles and Cutbert I wish you al welfare of soule body Welfare to the soule is repentance of synne faythful affiance in christ Iesus a godly life Welfare to the body is the health of the same with al necessary things for this bodely life The soule of mā is immortal therfore ought to be wel kept lest immortalitie to ioy should turne to immortalitie of sorow As for the body be it neuer so wel kept much made of yet shortly by nature wil it perysh decay But those that are engraffed and incorporated into Christ by true fayth feeling the motion of Gods holy spirite as a pledge of their electition and enheritaunce excityng and stirring them not onelye to seke heauenly thyngs but also to hate vyce embrace vertue wyll not onely do those things but also if neede requyre wyll gladlye take vppe theyr crosse and followe theyr Captayne Mat. 26. Mar. 14 theyr Kynge and theyr Sauioure Iesus Christe as hys poore afflicted Churche of Englande nowe doth agaynste that false and Antichristian doctrine religiō nowe vsed and specially that blasphemous masse wherein christes supper and holy ordinaūce is altogether peruerted and abused contrary to his institution Luke 22. 2. Cor. 1● and to Paules procedinges so that that whiche they haue in their Masse is neyther sacramēt of christ nor yet sacrifice for sinne as the priestes falsely pretende It is a sacrament that is as S. Augustine saith a visible signe of inuisible grace when it is ministred to the communicantes accordyng to christes example and as it was of late yeares in thys realme And as for sacrifice there is none to be made now for sinne Heb. 9.10 for Chryste with one sacrifice hath perfited for euer those that are sāctified Beware of false religion and mens vaine traditiōs and serue god wyth reuerence and godly feare accordyng to the doctryne of hys Gospel Luke i1 whereto cleane ye that ye maye be blessed though of wycked men ye be hated accursed Rather drinke of the cup of Christ wyth his church Apo. 18. then of the cup of that rose coloured whore of Babylon which is ful of abhominatiōs Rather striue ye to go to heauē by that path which is strayte to fleshe and bloud wyth the little flocke then to go the wyde way followyng the enticements of the worlde and the flesh which leadeth to damnation Lyke as Christ suffered in the flesh saith S. Peter pet 4.3 so arme ye yourselues with the same minde for Christe suffered for vs leauyng vs example to follow hys footesteppes Blessed are they that suffer for hys sake great is their reward in heauē He that ouercommeth saith S. Iohn shal eate of the tree of lyfe he shal haue a crowne of life Apoca. 2.3 and not be hurt of the second death he shall be clothed with white aray not be put out of the booke of life yea I wil confesse hys name sayth Christ before my father and before hys aungels he shal be a piller in the house of God and sit with me on my seate And thus I bydde you farewel mine owne bretherne and deare fellowes in Christ whose grace and peace be alwaye
please it god neuer so much We read not the Iames Iohn Andrew and Simon when they were called put of the tyme tyl they had knowen their fathers frends pleasure but the scripture sayeth they forsoke all and by and by followed Christ Christe lykened the kyngdome of GOD to a precious pearle Mat. 13. the which whosoeuer fyndeth selleth all that he hath for to bye it Yea whosoeuer hath but a litle taste or glimmeryng how precious a treasure the kyngdome of heauen is wyll gladly forgoe both lyfe and goodes for the obtaynyng of it But the moste part now a dayes be lyke to Aesopes cocke which when he hadde founde a precious stone wyshed rather to haue founde a barelye corne So ignoraunte bee they howe precious a iewell the woorde of God is that they choose rather the thynges of thys worlde whiche being compared to it be lesse in value then a barlye corne If I woulde haue geuen place to worldlye reasons these myght haue moued me Fyrste the forgoing of you and my children the consideration of the state of my children being yet tender of age and younge apte and inclinable to vertue and learnyng and so hauynge the more neede of my assistance beinge not altogether destitute of gyftes to helpe them wythall possessions aboue the common sorte of men because I was neuer called to be a preacher or minister and because of my sickenesse feare of death in imprisonment before I shoulde come to my answere and so my death to bee vnprofitable But these and such lyke I thanke my heauenly father which of hys infinite mercy inspyred me wyth his holye ghost for hys sonnes sake my only Sauioure and redemer preuayled not in me but when I had by the wonderfull permission of GOD fallen into their handes at the first sight of the Sherife nature a little abashed yet or euer I came to the pryson by the working of god and through his goodnes feare departed I sayd to the Sherife at his cōmyng vnto me what matter haue you Maister Sherife to charge me withal He answered you shal know when you come before the Maisters And so takyng me with him I loked to haue bene brought before the Maisters to haue heard what they could haue burdened me withal But cōtrary to my expectatiō I was cōmitted fortwith to the Iayle not being called to my answere litle iustice being shewed therin But the lesse iustice a man findeth at their hands the more consolation in conscience shal he fynde from God for whosoeuer is of the world the world will loue hym After I came into prison had reposed my self there a whyle I wept for ioye and gladnesse my belly ful musing much of the great mercies of god and as it were saying to my selfe after thys sorte O Lorde who am I on whom thou shouldest bestowe thus thy great mercy to be numbred among the Saintes that suffer for thy Gospels sake And so beholding and considering on the one side my imperfection vnablenesse sinnefull misery and vnworthynesse and on the other side the greatnesse of Gods mercy to be called to so hygh a promotion was as it were amased and ouercome for a whyle with ioye and gladnesse concluding thus with my self in my hart O Lord thou shewest power in weakenesse wysedome in folishenesse mercye in sinnefulnesse who shall let thee to choose where and whom thou wilte As I haue zelouslye loued the confession of thy worde so euer thoughte I my self to be most vnworthy to be pertaker of the affliction for the same Not long after came vnto me Maister W. Brasbryge Maister C. Phinees Maister N. Hopkins trauelynge wyth me to bee dysmissed vppon bondes to whom my answeare was to my remembraunce after thys sorte For as muche as the Maisters haue imprysonned me hauyng nothynge to burdeine me with all if I shoulde enter into bondes I shoulde in so doinge accuse my selfe And seing they haue no matter to laye to my charge they maye aswell lette me passe wythoute bondes as with bondes Secondarelye if I shall enter bondes couenaunte and promyse to appeare I shall doe nothyng but excuse coloure and cloke theyr wickednesse and endaunger my selfe neuerthelesse beinge bounde by my promyse to appeare They alledged manye worldlye persuasions vnto me to auoyde the presente peryll and also how to auoyd the forfiture if I brake my promyse I sayde vnto them I hadde caste my penyworthe by Gods helpe They vndertoke also to make the bonde easie And when they were somewhat importune I sayd to Maister Hopkins that libertye of conscience was a precious thyng and tooke as it were a pause lifting vppe my harte to God earnestlye for hys ayde and helpe that I mighte doe the thing that mighte please hym And so when they had let their sute fall my harte me thoughte was wonderfullye comforted Maister Dudlye commoned wyth me in lyke manner whom I aunsweared in effecte as I dyd before Afterwarde debatinge the matter with my selfe these considerations came to my head I haue frō tyme to tyme with good cōscience God I take to recorde moued all suche as I hadde conference with all to be no daliers in Gods matters but to shewe them selues after so greate a lyghte and knowledge hartye earnest constante and stable in so manifest a truth and not to geue place one iote contrarye to the same Nowe thoughte I if I shall withdrawe my selfe and make anye shiftes to pull my own necke out of the collor I shall geue great offence to my weake brethren in Christe and aduantage to the enemyes to slaunder Gods woorde It will be sayd he hath bene a greate boldner of others to be earnest feruent to feare no worldly perills or daungers but he him self wil geue no suche example Wherefore I thoughte it my bounden dutye both to God and man being as it were by the greate goodnesse of GOD. maruelouslye called and appoynted hereunto to sette asyde all feare perilles and daungers all worldlye respectes and considerations and lyke as I hadde heretofore accordyng to the measure of my small gifte wythin the cōpasse of my vocation callyng frō the bottome of my hart vnfaynedly moued exhorted persuaded al that professed gods word manfully to persiste in the defence of the same not wyth sword vyolence but wyth sufferyng and losse of life rather then to defyle themselues agayne with the whoryshe abhomination of the Romysh Antichrist so the houre being come wyth my facte and example to ratifye confyrme and proteste the same to the hartes of all true beleuers to this end by the myghtye assistance of Gods holy spirite I resolued my self wyth much peace of conscience willingly to sustayne what soeuer the Romyshe Antichrist should doe agaynste me and the rather because I vnderstoode the Byshoppes comming to be at hande and considered that poore mens consciences shoulde be then sharpely assaulted So remayned I prysoner in Couentrye by the space of .10 or .11 daies being neuer called to
with pacience in the feare of god that ye others our brethren through our example may be so encouraged and strengthened to followe vs that ye also may leaue example to your weake brethren in the world to followe you Amen Consider what I say the Lord geue vs vnderstandyng in all thinges 2. Tim. 2 3. Cor. 7 1. Iohn 2. Brethren the time is short it remayneth that ye vse this world as though ye vsed it not for the fashion of this world vanysheth away Se that ye loue not the world neither the things that are in the world But set your affectiō on heauēly things where Christ sitteth on the right hand of god Be meke long sufferīg serue edisy one an other with the gift that god hath geuē you Beware of straūge doctrine lay aside the old cōuersatiō of gredy lustes walke in a new lyfe Beware of al vncleannes couetousnes folish talking false doctrine dronkennes reioyce be thankful towards god submit your selues one to an other Cease frō synne spend no more time in vice be sober apt to pray be pacient in trouble loue ech other let the glorye of god profite of your neyghbours be the only marke you shote at in al your doings Repent ye of the life that is past take better hede to your doings hereafter And aboue al things cleaue ye fast to hym who was deliuered to death for our sinnes rose agayne for our iustification To whom with the father the holy ghost be al honour rule for euer more Amen Salute frō me in Christ al others whiche loue vs in the fayth and at your discretion make them partakers of these letters and praye ye all for me and other in bondes for the gospel that the same god which by his grace hath called vs from wicked papistrye vnto true christianitie and nowe of loue proueth our patience by persecution will of his mercy fauour in the end gloriously deliuer vs eyther by death or by lyfe to hys glory Amē At Lancaster the .30 of Aug. 1554. By me an vnprofitable seruaunt and prisoner of Christ George Marshe The copy of a letter wrytten by Steuen Cotton to his brother Iohn cotton declaryng how he was beaten of Bonner BRother in the name of the Lord Iesus I commend me vnto you and I do hartely thanke you for your godlye exhortatiō and counsel in your last letter declared to me And albeit I do perceiue by your letter you are informed that as we are diuers persons in number so are we of contrary sectes conditions and opiniōs contrary to that good opinion you had of vs at your last being with vs in Newgate be you most assured good brother in the Lord Iesus the we are al of one mind one raith one assured hope in our lord Iesus whome I trust we altogether wyth one spirite one brotherly loue do daily call vpon for mercy and forgeuenes of our sinnes wyth earnest repentance of our former lyues and by whose precious blood hedyng we truste to be saued onely and by no other meanes Wherefore good brother in the name of the lord seyng these impudent people whose mindes are altogether bent to wickednes enuy vncharitablenes euill speakyng doe go aboute to slaunder vs wyth vntruth beleue them not neither let their wycked sayings once enter into your minde And I trust one day to see you again although now I am in gods pryson which is a ioyful schole to them that loue their lord and god and to me beyng a simple scholer most ioyful of al. Good brother once again I do in the name of our lord Iesus exhort you to pray for me that I may fight strongly in the lordes battail to be a good souldiour to my captaine Iesus Christ our lord and desire my Sister also to do the same and do not ye mourne or lamente for me but bee ye glad and ioyfull of thys my trouble For I trust to be losed out of this dongeon shortly and to go to euerlasting ioy which neuer shal haue ende I heard howe ye were wyth the commissioners for me and how ye were suspected to be one of our company I praye you sue no more for me good brother But one thing I shal desire you to be at my departing out of thys lyfe that you may beare witnes with me that I shal die I trust in god a true christian I hope all my cōpanions in the lord our God therefore beleue not these euil disposed people who are the authors of all vntruth I praye you prouide for me a longe shirt against the day of our deliuerāce for the shirt you gaue me last I haue geuē it to one of my cōpaniōs who had more neede then I and as for the money and meate you sent vs the bishops seruantes deliuered none to vs neither he whō you had so great trust in Brother there is none of them to trust to for qualis magister talis ser●us I haue ben twise beatē and threatened to be beaten againe by the bishop hymselfe I suppose we shal go into the countrey to Fulham to the bishops house and there be araigned I would haue you to harken as much as you can for when we shal go it shal be sodainly done Thus fare ye wel From the Colehouse thys present Friday Your brother Steuen Cotton A letter of Richard Rothe burnte at Islington to certayne condemned at Colchester ready to die for the lordes cause writen with his own blood O Deare brethren and Sisters how much haue you to reioyce in god that he hath geuen you suche fayth to preuail against these bloudthirsty tyrannes thus farre and no doubt he that hath begon that good worke in you will fulfil it vnto the ende O deare hartes in Christ what a crown of glorye shal ye receyue wyth Christe in the kingdome of god Oh that it had bene the good wil of god that I had ben redy to haue gone with you for I lye in my lordes litle ease in the day and in the night I lie in the Colehouse frō Rafe Allerton or any other And we loke euery day whē we shal be condēned for he sayd that I shold be burned wythin .x. dais before Easter but I lie styl at the pooles brynke and euery man goeth in before me but we abyde patiently the Lords laysure with many bandes in fetters stockes by the which we haue receyued great ioy in god And now fare you wel dere brethrē and Sisters in this world but I trust to see you in the heauen face to face O brother Munt with your wyfe my deare Sister Rose oh how blessed are you in the Lord that god hath found you worthy to suffer for hys sake with all the rest of my dere brethern Sisters knowen vnknowen O be ioyful euen vnto death feare it not saith Christ for I haue ouercommen death Oh dere hartes seyng that Iesus Christ
boke the testamēt of Iesus Christ in these woful wretched dais what you shold thinke and what you should stay vpon for a certayne truth and whatsoeuer you heare taught trie it by your boke whether it be true or false The dayes be daungerous and ful of perill not only for the world and worldly thinges but for heauen and heauenly thinges It is a trouble to loose the treasures of this life but yet a verye paine if they be kepte with the offence of god Cry call praye and in Christ daily requyre helpe succour mercy wisdome grace and defence that the wickednes of this world preuaile not againste vs. We began well god preserue vs vntill the ende I woulde wryte more often vnto you but I do perceyue you be at so much charges with me that I feare you would thinke whē I write I craue Send me nothyng tyll I send to you for it and so tell the good men your partners and whē I nede I will be bold of you .3 Decem. 1554. Yours with my prayer I. Hoper A report of hys miserable imprisonment and most cruell handlyng by Babington that enemye of god and of hys truthe then Warden of the Fleete THe fyrst of Semptember 1553. I was committed vnto the Flete from Richmont to haue the liberty of the prison and within vi dais after I payed for my liberty fyue poundes sterling to the Warden for fees who immediatly vpon the paymente therof complained vnto Steven Gardiner bishop of Winchester and so was I committed to close pryson one quarter of a yeare in the Tower chāber of the Fleete vsed very extremely Then by the meanes of a good gentlewoman I had libertye to come downe to dinner and supper and not to speake wyth any of my frendes but as soone as dinner and supper was done to repayre to my chamber againe Notwithstanding whiles I came downe thus to dinner and supper the Warden and hys wyfe pyked quarels with me and complained vntruly of me to their great frend the bishop of winchester After one quarter of a yeare and somewhat more the Warden and hys wyfe fell out with me for the wicked masse and thereupon the warden resorted to the byshop of Winchester obteined to put me into the wardes where I haue continued a long time hauing nothing appoynted to me for my bedde but a little pad of straw a rotten couerynge with a tike and a few fethers therin the chamber beyng vile and stynckynge vntill by Gods meanes good people sente me bedding to lye in of the one side of which prison is the synke filth of all the house on the other syde the towne ditch so that the stinche of the house hath infected me wythe sundrye diseases During which tyme I haue bene sicke the dores barres haspes and chaynes beinge all closed and made faste vpon me I haue mourned called and cryed for helpe But the warden when he hath knowen me many tymes redy to dye and when the poore men of the wardes haue called to helpe me hath commaunded the doores to be kepte fast and charged that none of hys men should come at me sayenge lette hym alone it were a good riddaunce of hym And amonge manye other tymes he did thus the 18. of October 1553. as many can witnes I payd alwayes like a Baron to the sayd warden aswell in fees as for my boord whych was xx shyllinges a weke besides my mans table vntil I was wrongfullye depriued of my bishoprycke And sithens that time I haue payde hym as the beste gentleman doth in hys house yet hath he vsed me worse and more vylye then the veriest slaue that euer came to the hall commons The sayde warden hath also emprisoned my man Wylliam Downton and strypped him out of his clothes to search for letters and could finde none but onelye a little remembraunce of good people names that gaue me theyr almes to relieue me in prisonne And to vndoe them also the Warden deliuered the same bill vnto the sayd Steuen Gardiner Gods enemy and myne I haue suffred emprisonmente almost eighten monethes my goods lyuyng frendes and comfort taken from me the Quene owyng me by iuste accompte foure score poundes or more She hath putte me in pryson and geueth nothynge to fynde me neyther is there suffred any to come at me wherby I myght haue relief I am with a wicked man and woman so that I see no remedy sauyng Gods help but I shal be cast away in prison before I can come to iudgement But I commit my iuste cause to God whose will be doone whether it be by life or death Iohn Hoper ¶ A letter concerning the vayne and false reportes whiche were spreade abrode of him that he had recanted and abiured that doctrine whiche he before had preached THe grace and peace of God be wyth al them that vnfeinedly loke for the coming of our sauiour Christ Amē Deare brethren and sisters in our lord and my fellow prisoners for the cause of Gods gospell I do reioyce and geue thankes vnto God for your constancy and perseuerance in affliction wyshing and praying vnto him for your continuance therin to the end And as I do reioyce in your faythfull and constant affliction that be in prisō euen so do I mourne and lament to heare of our deare brethren abroade that yet haue not suffred nor felt such daūgers for Gods truth as we haue and do fele are like dayly to suffer more yea the very extreme death of the fier Yet suche is the reporte abroade as I am crediblye informed that I Iohn Hoper a condemned man for the cause of Christ now after sentence of death being in Newgate prisonner lokinge daylye for execution shoulde recante and abiure that heretofore I haue preached And thys talke riseth of this that the byshoppe of London and his chapleines resort vnto me Doubtles if our brethren were as godly as I could wish them to be thei would think that in case I did refuse to talke wyth them they might haue iust occasiō to say that I were vnlerned disdained to speak with them Therfore to auoyd iust suspition of both I haue and doe daylye speake wythe them when they come not doubtinge but they will reporte that I am neyther proude nor vnlearned And I would wysh all men to do as I doe in thys poynte for I feare not theyr argumentes neyther is death terrible vnto me wherfore I pray you to make true export of the same as occasiō shal serue also that I am more confyrmed in the truthe that heretofore I haue preached by theyr cōmunication and ye that may send to the weake bretherne abroad prayinge thē that they trouble me not with such reports of recātation as they do For I haue hetherto left all thinges of this world suffred great paynes long imprisonment I thanke God I am ready euen as gladly to suffer deathe for the truthe I haue preached as a
to wryte somthyng for your comfort spirituly My dearely beloued looke not vpon these dayes and the afflictions of the same here with vs simply as they seme vnto you that is as dismall dayes and dayes of gods vengeance but rather as lucky dayes and daies of gods fatherlye kindnes towardes you and such as ye be that is towardes such as repent their synnes and euyll lyfe past and earnestly purpose to amēd walking not after the wil of the world as the most part of men do for the preseruation of theyr pelfe which wyl they nyll they they shal leaue sooner or later to whome or how it shall be vsed they know not In deede to suche as walke in their wickednes and wynde on wyth the world this time is a tyme of wrath and vengeance and their begynnyng of sorrowe is but nowe because they contempne the phisike of theyr father which by these purgyng tyme and cleansing dayes would worke their weale which they wil not and because they will not haue gods blessynge which both wayes he hath offred vnto them by prosperity and aduersity therfore it shall bee kept farre enoughe from them as when the sycke man wil no kynd of phisike at the handes of the phisicion he is left alone and so the malady encreaseth and destroieth him at the length To suche men in dede these dayes are and shoulde bee doleful daies daies of woe and weepyng because their damnation draweth nigh But vnto such as be penitent and are desirous to liue after the Lordes wyll amongs whom I doe not onely compte you but as farre as man may iudge I knowe ye are vnto such I say this tyme is and should be comfortable For first nowe youre father chastiseth you and me for our synnes for the whiche yf he would haue destroyed vs then woulde he haue letten vs alone left vs to our selues in nothing to take to harte his fatherly visitation whiche here it pleaseth hym to woorke presentlye because elsewhere he wyll not remember oure transgressions as Paule writeth he chastiseth vs in the world least with the worlde we shoulde perishe Therefore my deare hartes call to mynd youre sinnes to lamente them and to aske mercye for them in hys syghte and wythall vndoubtedlye beeleue to obteine pardon and assured forgeuenes of the same for twise the Lorde punisheth not for one thynge So that I saye firste we haue cause to reioyce for these dayes because our father suffereth vs not to lye in Iesabels bedde slepyng in oure synnes and securitye but as myndefull on vs dothe correcte vs as his children whereby we maye bee certayne that we be no bastardes but children for he chastiseth euery childe whome he receyueth So that they whyche are not pertakers of hys chastising or that contempne it declare themselues to bee bastardes and not chyldren as I knowe ye are which as ye are chastised so doe ye take it to harte accordingly and therefore bee gladde my deare hartes as folkes knowynge certainlye euen by this visitation of the Lorde that ye are his deare electe children whose faultes your father dothe visite with the rodde of correction but hys mercy wil he neuer take away from you Psal 89. Amen Secondlye ye haue cause to reioyce for these dayes because they are dayes of triall wherein not onely ye your selues shall better knowe your selues but also the worlde shall knowe that ye bee none of hys but the Lordes derlynges Before these dayes came Lorde GOD howe manye thoughte of themselues they had bene in Gods bosome and so were taken and would be taken of the worlde but nowe we see whose they are for to whome we obeye hys seruauntes we are If we obey the world whiche god forbidde and hetherto ye haue not done it then are we the worldes but yf we obey GOD then are we gods Which thynge I meane that ye are Gods these dayes haue declared bothe to you to me and to all other that knowe you better then euer we knewe it Therefore ye haue no cause to sorrowe but rather to syng in seyng your selues to bee Gods babes and in seeyng that all Gods children doe so counte you What thoughe the worlde repyne thereat What thoughe he kycke what thoughe he seeke to trouble and moleste you My deare hartes he doth but hys kynde he cannot loue the Lorde which lyue not the Lorde he cannot brooke the chylde that hateth the father he cannot mynde the seruaunte that careth not for the ma●●er If ye were of the world the world would loue you ye should dwell quietlye there woulde be no griefe no molestation If the deuill dwelte in you whiche the lorde forbydde he woulde not styrre vp hys knyghtes to besiege your house to snatche at your goodes or suffer hys frendes to enter into your hogges But because Christ dwelleth in you as he dothe by faythe therefore styrreth he vppe his fyrste begotten sonne the worlde to seeke how to disquiet you to robbe you to spoyle you to destroye you And perchaunce your deare father to trye and to make knowen vnto you and to the worlde that ye are destinate to an other dwellyng then here on earthe to an other citye then mans eyes hathe sene at any tyme hathe geuen or wyll geue power to Sathan and to the world to take from you the thynges whiche he hathe lente you and by takyng them awaye to trye youre fidelitie obedience and loue towardes hym for ye may not loue them aboue hym as by geuynge that ye haue and keepyng it he hathe declared hys loue towardes you Sathan perchaunce telleth GOD as he dydde of Iob that ye loue GOD for youre goodes sake What nowe then yf the Lorde to trye you wyth Iob shall geue hym power on youre goodes and bodye accordynglye shoulde ye bee dismayed Should ye dispayre Should ye bee faynte harted Shoulde ye not rather reioyce as dyd the Apostels that they were compted worthye to suffer anye thynge for the Lordes sake Oh forgette not the ende that happened to Iob for as it happened to him so shal it happen vnto you for god is the same god and can not longe forgette to shewe mercye to them that looke and longe for it as I knowe ye do and I praye you so to do styll for the Lorde loueth you and neuer can nor wyll forgette to shewe and powre out hys mercye vppon you After a little whyle that he hath afflycted and tryed you saieth Peter he will visite comforte and confyrme you As to Iacob wrestlyng with the aungel at the lengthe mornyng came and the sonne arose so deare harts doutles it wil happen vnto you Howbeit doe ye as Iob and Iacob did that is order and dispose your thynges that god hath lente you as ye may and whyles ye haue tyme. Who knoweth whether god hath geuen you power this long euen to that end Go to therfore dispose your goods prepare your selues to tryall that eyther ye may stande to it like gods
the hart of any creature can conceaue to your eternall ioye Amē Amen Amē The good spirite of god alwayes kepe vs as hys deare children he comfort you as I desyre to be comforted my derely beloued for euermore Amen I breake vp thus abruptly because our common prayer tyme calleth me The peace of Christe dwell in both our hartes for euer Amen ❧ As for the report of W. P. if it be as you heare you must prepare to beare it It is written on heauens dore do wel and heare euill Be content therfore to heare whatsoeuer the ennemye shall imagine to blotte you withal Gods holye spirite alwayes comfort and kepe you Amen Amen This 8. of August by hym that in the Lorde desireth to you as well and as much felicity as to his owne harte Iohn Bradford ¶ To my louyng brethren B. and C. wyth their wyues and whole families I Besech the euerliuing god to geue to you al my good bretherne and systers the comfort of his holy spirite and the continuall feelyng of his mercye in Christe oure Lord nowe and for euer Amen The world my brethern at this presente seemeth to haue the vpperhande iniquity ouerfloweth the truth and veritie seemeth to be suppressed and they whiche take part therwith are vniustly entreated The cause of all this is gods anger and mercy his anger because we haue greuously sinned against him his mercy because he here punisheth vs as a father nurtereth vs. We haue ben vnthākful for his word we haue contemned his kindnes we haue ben negligent in praier we haue ben to carnal couetous licētious c. we haue not hastened to heauēward but rather to helward we were fallen almost into an open cōtempt of god and all his good ordinaunces so that of hys iustice he could not long forbeare but make vs to feele hys anger as now he hath done in taking his word and true seruice from vs and permittyng Sathan to serue vs with Antichristian religion and that in such sorte that if we wil not yelde to it and seme to allow it in dede and outwarde fact our bodies are like to be laide in prison and our goodes geuen we cannot tell to whome This should we looke vppon as a sygne of gods anger procured by our synnes which my good brethern euery one of vs should now cal to our memories often tymes so perticulerly as we can that we might hartely lament them repent them hare them aske earnestly mercye for them and submitte our selues to beare in this lyfe anye kind of punishment which god wil lay vppon vs for them Thus should we do in consideration of gods anger in thys time Now his mercy in this time of wrath is sene should be sene of vs my derely beloued in this the god doth vouchsafe to punish vs in this present life If he should not haue punished vs do not ye thinke that we would haue continuin the euils we were in Yea verely we would haue ben worse and haue gone forwards in hardning our harts by impenitency negligence towardes God true godlines then yf death had come should not we haue perished bothe soule and bodye into eternall fyre and perdition Alas what misery should we haue fallen into if god shoulde haue suffered vs to haue gone forward in our euils No greater a signe of damnation there is then to lye in euill synne vnpunished of god as nowe the papists my derely beloued are cast into Iezabels bed of security Apoc. 3 Hebr. 12 which of all plagues is the most greuous plague that can be They are bastardes and not sonnes for they are not vnder Gods rodde of correction A great mercy it is therfore that god dothe punishe vs for yf he loued vs not he wuld not punish vs. Now doth he chastice vs that we shuld not be damned with the world 1. Cor. 2 Now doth he nurture vs because he fauoureth vs. Now may we thynke our selues to be Gods householde and children 1. pet 4 because he beginneth his chastising at vs. Nowe calleth he vs to remēber our synnes past Wherfore That we myght repent and and aske mercy And why That he might forgeue vs pardon vs iustify vs and make vs his chyldren and so begin to make vs here lyke vnto Christ Rom. 8 that we myght bee like vnto hym elsewhere euen in heauen where already we are set by faith with Christe and at hys commyng in verye dede shall enioye his presence when our synfull and vile bodies shal be made lyke to christes glorious body phil 3. accordyng to the power whereby he is able to make al thynges subiect to hymselfe Therfore my brethren let vs in respect hereof not lament but laude god not be sory but be mercy not wepe but reioyce and be glad that god doth vouchsafe to offer vs hys crosse Rom. 8 2. Timo. 3. Math. 10. therby to come to him to endles ioyes and comforts For if we suffer we shall raigne If we confesse hym before men he wil confesse vs before hys father in heauen If we be not ashamed of his Gospell nowe he wyll not bee ashamed of vs in the last day Math. 5. 1. pet 4 1. pet 5 but wyl be glorifyed in vs crownyng vs with crownes of glory and endeles felicity For blessed are they that suffer persecutiō for rightuousnes sake for their is the kingdom of heauē Be glad sayth Peter for the spirit of God resteth vpō you After that ye are a litle while afflicted god will comfort strengthen confyrme you And therfore my good bretherne be not discouraged for crosse for prison or losse of goodes for the confession of Christes gospell and truth whiche ye haue beleued and lyuely was taught emongs you in the days of our late good most holy prince Kyng Edwarde This is most certayne if ye lose any thyng for Christes sake Math. 19 and for contemnyng the Antichristian seruice set vp agayne amonge vs as ye for youre partes euen in prison shall find gods greate and riche mercies farre passing all worldly wealth so shall your wyues children in thys present lyfe fynd and feele gods prouidēce more plentifully then tounge can tell for he wyl shew merciful kindnes on thousāds of them that loue him The good mans sede shal not go a begging his bread Ye are good mē so many as suffer for christes sake Psalm 27 I trust ye all my dearely beloued wil cōsider this geare with your selues and in the crosse see gods mercy which is more swete and more to bee set by then life it self much more thē then any mucke or pelfe of thys world Rom. 8. This mercy of god should make you merye and chearefull for the afflictions of this lyfe are not to bee cōpared to the ioyes of the lyfe prepared for you Ye know the way to heauen is not the wyde way of the world which wyndeth to the deuil but it is a strayt
ioyfull and couragious confessing of his Christ Amen I pray you continue as I trust you do to kepe both soule and body pure in gods seruice Striue to enter in at that narrowe gate thoughe you leaue your landes and goodes behinde you It is not loste which for Christes sake we leaue but lent to a great vsurye Remēber that this time is come but to trye vs. God make vs faythfull to the end God kepe vs alwayes as his children Amen I pray you cōmende me to Maister Osburne to al our good brethren in the Lord. The peace of Christ be with vs all Amen Amen Yours in Christ Iohn Bradford To a frend of hys instructyng hym howe he shoulde aunsweare hys aduersaryes MY good brother our mercifull God and deare father through Christ open your eyes effectually to see and your harte ardentlye to desire the euerlasting ioy which he hath prepared for his slaughter sheepe that is for suche as shrinke not frō his truth for any stormes sake Amen When you shall come before the Magestrates to geue an answere of the hope which is in you do it with al reuerence simplicitye And because you maye be somthyng afrayd by the power of the Magestrates cruelty which they wil threaten against you I wold you set before you the good father Moses to followe his example for he set the inuisible God before his eyes of fayth and with them loked vpon God his glorious maiestie and power as with his corporal eyes he saw Pharao and al hys fearefull terrors So do you my dearely beloued let your inward eyes geue such light vnto you that as you know you are before the magistrates so much more you and they also are presente before the face of god whiche will geue such wisedome to you fearing him and sekyng his prayse as the enemies shal wonder at and further he wil so order their hartes and doings that they shal will they nyll they serue gods prouidence towards you which you cā not auoyde though you would as shal be most to his glory and your euerlasting cōfort Therfore my good brother let your whole studie be only to please God put hym alwaies before your eyes for he is on your right hand least you shoulde be moued he is faythfull and neuer will suffer you to be tempted aboue that he wil make you able to beare Yea euery heare of your head he hath numbred so that one of them shall not perishe without his good will which can not bee but good vnto you in that he is become your father through Christ therfore as he hath geuē you to beleue in him God encrease this be liefe in vs all so doth he nowe graciously geue vnto you to suffer for his names sake the which you ought with all thankefulnes to receaue in that you are made worthy to drinke of the self same cuppe which not only the very sōnes of god haue dronke of before you but euen the very natural sonne of God him selfe hath brought you good lucke Oh he of his mercy make vs thankeful to pledge hym agayn Amen Because the chiefest matter they will trouble you go about to deceaue you withal is the Sacrament not of Christs body and blod but of the alter as they cal it therby destroying the sacrament which Christ instituted I would you noted these 2. things First that the sacrament of the alter which the priest offreth in the Masse eateth priuately with hym selfe is not the Sacrament of Christes body and blood instituted by hym as Christes institution plainly written setforth in the Scriptures being compared to their vsing of it playnly doth declare Agayne if they talke wyth you of Christes sacrament instituted by hym whether it be christes body or no aunswer them that as to the eyes of your reason to your taste and corporall senses it is bread and wyne and therfore the scripture calleth it after the cōsecration so euē so to the eyes tast and senses of your fayth which ascendeth to the ryght hand of God in heauen where Christe sitteth it is in verye deede Christes body and bloud which spritually your soule fedeth on to euerlastyng lyfe in fayth and by fayth euē as your bodye presently feedeth on the sacramentall breade and sacramentall wyne By this meanes as you shal not allow transubstantiation nor none of their popish opinions so shal you declare the sacrament to be a matter of faythe and not of reason as the papistes make it For they deny gods omnipotencye in that they say Christ is not there if bread be there but faythe loketh on the omnipotency of god ioyned with his promise and doubteth not but that Christ is able to geue that he promyseth vs spiritually by faith the bread still remaynyng in substance as well as yf the substaunce of bread were taken away for Christ saith not in any place this is no bread But of thys geare god shal instruct you if you hang on hys promise and praye for the power and wisedome of hys spyryt which vndoubtedly as you are bounde to loke for prayeng for it so he hath bound hymselfe by hys promyse to geue it the which thyng he graunt vnto vs both and to al hys people for his names sake through Christ our lord Amen Iohn Bradford ¶ A letter writen to a deare frende of hys wherein he entreateth as briefely so moste perfectlye godly soundly and pithely of gods holy election free grace and mercy in Iesus Christ FAythe of gods election I meane to beleue that we be in very dede the chyldren of god through Chryst and shal be for euer inheritours of euerlastyng lyfe throughe the onely grace of God our father in the same Christ is of all thynges which god requireth of vs ▪ not only most principall but also the whole summe Rom 14 Heb. 11. Exod. 20 so that wtout this faith there is nothyng we do that can please god And therfore as god first requyreth it in saying I am the Lord thy God c. that is I remit thee thy synnes and geue thee my holy spirite and for euer wyll I kepe thee Math. 6. so our Sauiour would haue vs to be perswaded when we come to praye and therfore teacheth yea he commaundeth vs to call God our father whose power were not infinite as we professe in the fyrst article of our beliefe where we call him expressely our almighty father if we shall doubt of his finall fauour And therfore I cannot but much meruell at some men which seme godlye and yet are in thys behalfe too malicious both to God and man For what is more seemely to God then mercy whiche is moste magnifyed of the electe chyldren of God And what is more seemelye to man then humilitye the which is not nor cannot bee in dede but in the electe of god for they alone attribute nothyng at all to themselues continuallye but dampnation Ieremy 9. that in God only
shall be able by the worde of God euer to impugne it muche lesse to confute it In the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians Ephesi 1. the Apostle sayeth thus Blessed be god the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs wyth all maner of blessynges in heauenly thinges by Christ accordyng as he hath elect or chosen vs in hym before the foundation of the world was layed that we should be holy and without blame before hym through loue and hath predestinate vs or ordeyned vs thorough Iesus Christ to bee heyres vnto hymselfe accordyng to the good pleasure of hys wyll to the prayse of the glory of hys grace wherwyth he hath made vs accepted in the beloued by whom we haue receyued redēption thorough hys bloud and the forgeuenes of our sinnes accordyng to the riches of hys grace which grace he hath shed on vs aboundauntly in all wisedome and vnderstandyng and hath opened vnto vs the mysterye of hys wyll accordyng to hys good pleasure which he purposed in hymselfe to haue it declared when the tyme was full come that he myght gather together all thynges by or in Christe as well the thynges that be in heauen as the thynges that be in earth euen in or by hym by or in whome we are made heyres beyng thereto predestinate accordyng to the purpose of hym whiche worketh all thynges accordynge to the decree or counsayle of hys owne wyll that we which hoped before you in Christe shoulde bee vnto the prayse of hys glory in whome ye also hoped after that ye heard the word of truth the gospell of your saluation wherein ye also beleuyng were sealed wyth the holy spirite of promyse whyche is the earnest of our inheritaunce vntyll the redēption or full fruition of the purchased possession vnto the prayse of hys glory These be the wordes of Paule which I haue faithfullye translated accordyng to the very texte in the Greeke as by the iudgement of all that be learned I desyre herein to bee tried Out of the which wordes of Paule we may wel perceiue euerye thing affirmed in my propositiō as I wil geue occasion plainly to them that wil to see it The cause of gods election is his grace good will First that the cause of gods election is of hys good wyll the Apostle sheweth in saying that it is throughe hys loue wherby we are holy and wythout blame also accordyng to the good pleasure of his will according to his good pleasure purposed in hymselfe accordyng to hys purpose which worketh all thynges after the counsel of his owne wyll The tyme of gods election was from the beginning Secondly that election was before the beginnyng of the world the apostle plainely sheweth in sayeng that we were chosen before the foundation of the world was laid and afterwardes in callyng it the mysterye of hys wyll purposed wyth hymselfe in tyme to be declared Election is in Christ Thirdly that election is in Christ the Apostle doth so flatly and plainly set it forth that I nede not here to repete it We sayeth he are chosen in him we are heyres by hym wt are accepted by him we are gathered together in him c. Electionis not of all men Fourthly that election is of some of Adams posteritye and not of al we may plainly see it if we cōsider that he maketh the true demonstration of it beleuing hoping and hauing the earnest of the spirite In whom yea hoped saith he after ye heard the word c. In whom ye beleued wer sealed vp c. Agayne in attributyng to the electe forgeuenes of synnes holynes blameles liuyng being in Christ c. That we shold be holy saieth he c. we haue receyued forgeuenes of sinnes c. Who seeth not that these are not common to al men 2. Thess 3 Act. 13. 1 Iohn 1 Math. 13 Al men haue not faithe saieth Paule elsewhere None beleued saith Luke but suche as were ordained to eternall life None beleue but such as be borne of god None beleue truly but such as haue good hartes and kepe gods seede to bring forth frute by patience Fayth is a demonstratiō of election to such as be of yeres of discretion Psal 125. So that it is plain faith being a demonstration of gods election to them that be of yeres of discretion that all men are not elect because all men beleue not For he that beleueth in the lord shal be as mount Sion that is he shal neuer be remoued for if he bee remoued that is finally perish surely he neuer truely beleued But what go I about to lighten a cādell in the cleare sonne light whē our sauiour plainly saith that all be not chosen but few Many be called saith he but few be chosen Mat. 20. And in the 2. chap. to the Ephes the Apostle plainly saith that the greate riches of gods mercy through hys exceding great loue hath saued thē before their parentes many other Gentiles whiche were excluded from Christ and straūgers from the promise hopeles godles c. Rom. 11. Psal 144. Wherthrough we may be occasioned to cry oh the depth of the iudgements of god which is iuste in all hys doynges and holy in al hys workes extendyng his mercy after hys good pleasure wyll aboue al his workes Fyftly that god hath predestinate these Election is to eternal life thus elect vnto euerlastyng lyfe in Christe the apostle dothe also in the wordes before writen declare in saying and hath predestinate vs through Iesus Christe to be heyres vnto hymselfe Agayne by hym sayth he yeare made heyres and predestinate to the prayse of hys glorye Rom. 8 So sayeth the Apostle elsewhere whom he hathe predestinate them hath he predestinate to be lyke fashioned vnto the shape of hys sonne Luke 10 And therfore Christ sayeth reioyce in thys that your names are writen in heauen Syxtlye The ende of election is to the prayse and glory of god that the ende of election is to the prayse of gods glory and grace the Apostle sheweth here in saying we are predestinate to be holye without blame before god c. In saying we are predestinate to the glory of hys grace And in saying also vnto the prayse of hys glory so that nothing can be more manifest Seuenthly Election is not without vocation and iustificatiō in time that predestination is not without vocation in gods tyme and iustification the Apostle here dothe teach in bringyng vs to the consideration of hearing the word of truthe beleuing receiuing the holye spirite remission of synnes c. In whom saith he ye haue hoped after that ye heard the word of truth c. Againe by whome ye haue redemption that is remission of synnes thorough the sheding of hys blood c. Also he hath in hys full tyme declared the mystery of hys wyl c. Vnto the Rom. the apostle sheweth it moste
19 Say wyth the poore man I beleue Lord helpe my vnbelief Say with the Apostels Lord encrease oure fayth This myne owne hartes in the Lorde I wryte not that you shoulde lyue more securely and carnally doing as the Spiders doe whiche gather poyson where bees gather honye but that as the electe of god you mighte liue in all puritie godlines and peace which god encrease in vs all for his Christes sake Amen I pray you hartelie pray for vs that to the verie ende we may as I hope we shall goe lustelie and cherefullie whether soeuer our heauenly father shal bring and lead vs. His will whiche is alwaies good bee done in earthe as it is in heauen Amen Your brother in bondes for the testimonye of Iesus Christ Iohn Bradforde To my good Syster M. H. THe peace of God wyth encrease of fayth and feeling of his mercy to your cōfort in Christ the holy ghost worke in your hart now and for euer Amen As it is much to my comfort that God hath geuen you such a loue and zeale to hys truth so I exhort you my good Syster diligētly to labour as by cōtinual readyng and meditation of gods holy word so by earnest prayer and other godly exercises to maintayne and encrease the same that by the feelyng of gods gratious spirite workyng in you suche good fruites as wytnesses of your fayth you may growe in strength therof and certayntie of gods fauour and good wyl towardes you For aboue all thyngs of thys I woulde haue you to be moste assured that you are beloued of god that you are hys dere chylde and shall bee for euermore throughe Christe in whome you are by fayth and he in you Out of thys certeintie the cause wherof is gods owne goodnes grace and truth spryngeth true loue and louyng feare and obedience to god continually and in all thynges Where it is I meane thys fayth certaintie and persuasion of gods eternall goodnes to you in Christe there no synnes are imputed to you or layd to your charge to condēnation nor shal be though for correctiō sake now thē your heauenly father visit them fatherly or rather you for them Where it is not there is nothyng be it neuer so well done that pleaseth God Labour therfore for this certainty of faith through Christ Whēsoeuer you dout you heape sinne vpō sinne If Satan your cōsciēce or gods law do accuse you confesse your fault hide it not before the lord But whē they woulde inferre that because of your synne you are condemned you are cast away then aunswer them that it is but their office to accuse and witnes not to geue sentence iudge it onely apperteyneth to god to geue iudgement Paule sayth it is god that absolueth who then shall condemne vs God hymselfe promiseth before he demaund any thyng of vs that he is our Lord and our god and are not they happy which haue the lord for their god Is he god to any whose sinnes he remitteth not Through Christ he is our father and therfore we are commaunded so to call him and can there want any fatherly kyndnes in hym towardes vs which be hys children No verely Therfore be sure and wauer not of gods loue fauour towardes you in Christ The cause of hys loue is his owne goodnes and mercy this lasting for euer hys loue loseth for euer How can you then but be quiete happy Vse this geare to comforte the weake conscience and not to vnbridle the mighty affections of the fleshe or olde Adam which must haue other meate Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ An exhortation to the patient sufferyng of trouble and afflictions for Christes cause wrytten to all the vnfayned professours of the gospell thoroughout the realme of England at the beginning of hys imprisonmente and here placed as it came to our handes THe holy spirite of God whiche is the earnest and pledge of God geuen to hys people for theyr comfort and consolation be powred into our hartes by the mighty power merites of our alone Sauiour Iesus Christ now and for euer Amen Because I perceiue plainly that to the euils fallen vpō vs which professe Christes gospell greater are most like to ensue and after them greater Gene. 15. Luke 9. Genes 19 tyl the measure of iniquity be vp heaped except we shrynke hauyng put our handes to the plough do loke back and so wyth Lothes wyfe and the Israelits desiryng to returne into Egipt fal into gods heauy displeasure vncurably al which god forbidde and because I am persuaded of you my derely beloued brethern and Systers throughe out the realme of Englande which haue professed vnfainedly the gospell of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for vnto such do I wryte this epistle that as ye haue begonne to take parte wyth gods gospell and truth so throughe his grace ye will perseuer and goe on forwardes notwithstandyng the stormes risen and to arise I cannot but wryte something vnto you lustely to goe on forwardes in the way of the Lord and not to become faynte harted or fearefull Apoca. 25. whose place S. Iohn appointeth with the vnbeleuers murtherers and Idolaters in eternall perdicion but cherefully to take the Lordes cuppe and drynke of it afore it drawe towardes the dregges and bottom Psal 75 wherof at the length they shall drynke with the wycked to eternal destruction 1. pet 4 which wil not receiue it at the first with gods children with whome god beginneth hys iudgemente that as the wicked world reioyceth when they lament Iohn 16. so they may reioyce when the wycked world shall mourne and without ende fynde woe intollerable First therfore my dearely beloued in the Lord I besech you to consider Iohn 14 Psal 17 2. Cor. 4. Apoc. 12 Heb. 11 1. pet 2 Heb. 13 Psalm 119 Heb. 12 Mat. 28 Rom. 9 1. Ioh. 5 Apo. 13 Luke 6. EZech. 9. Math. 5. Esay 22 1. Cor. 15 that thoughe ye be in the worlde yet ye are not of the world Ye are not of them whiche looke for their porciō in this lyfe whose Captain is the god of this world euen Sathan who now ruffleth it apace as he were woode because his tyme on earthe is not long But ye are of them that loke for a Citye of gods owne blessing Ye are of them that know your selues to be here but pylgrimes and straūgers for here ye haue no dwellyng place Ye are of them whose porcion is the lorde and whiche haue their hope in heauen whose captayn is Christ Iesus the Sonne of God and gouernour of heauen and earth Vnto him is geuen all power yea he is god almighty with the father and the holy ghost prayse worthy for euer Ye are not of them which receyue the beastes marke which here reioyce laugh and haue their hartes ease ioye paradise and pleasure but ye are of them whiche haue receyued the Aungels marke yea Gods marke which here
father for as for the fansie of fortune it is wicked Amos. 3 Thren 3 Math. 10 Esaye 45. as many places of the scripture do teach we must nedes to the cōmendation of gods iustice for in al his doings he is iuste ackdowledge in our selues that we haue deserued at the hands of our heauenly father this hys crosse or rodde fallen vpon vs. We haue deserued it if not by our vnthankfulnesse slouthfulnesse negligence intemperancie vncleannes and other sinnes cōmitted often by vs wherof our consciences can wil accuse vs if we cal thē to counsell with the examination of our former lyfe yet at least by our originall byrth sinne as by doubting of the greatnes of gods anger and mercy by self loue cōcupiscence Psal 51 Heb. 12 Gala. 5. and such like sinnes which as we brought with vs into this worlde so doe the same alwaye abyde in vs and euen as a spring doe alwayes bring somthyng forth in acte with vs notwithstanding the continual fighte of Gods spirite in vs agaynst it The fyrst commoditie therfore that the crosse bringeth is knowledge and that double of God and of our selues Psalm 51. Genesi 8. Ierem. 17. Ephesi 17. 1. Regū 8. Genes 42. Of God that he is iust pure hateth synne Of our selues that we are borne in synne are from toppe to toe defyled wyth concupiscence and corruptiō out of the which hath spronge all the euils that euer at any tyme we haue spokē done The greatest and most speciall wherof by the crosse we are occasioned to cal to minde as did the brethren of Ioseph theyr euill facte against him when the crosse once came vpon thē And so by it we come to the fyrst steppe to get health for our soules that is we are driuen to knowe our sinnes originall and actuall by Gods iustice declared in the crosse Secondly the ende wherfore God declareth hys iustice against our synne original and actual woulde by hys crosse haue vs to consider the same and to cal to minde our former euill deedes the end hereof I saye is thys that we myghte lament be sory sygh and pray for pardon that so doing we myghte obtayne the same by the meanes of fayth in the merites of Iesus Christ hys deare Sonne and further that we being humbled because of the euill that dwelleth in vs might become thankefull for Gods goodnes and loue in continual watchyng and warynes to suppresse the euill which lyeth in vs Iacob 1. that it bring not forth fruites to death at any time This second commoditie of the crosse therfore must we not count to be a simple knowledge onlye but a great gayne of Gods mercy with wonderful riche and precious vertues of fayth repentaunce remission of sinnes humilitie thankefulnesse mortification and diligence in doing good Not that properly the crosse worketh these thinges of it selfe but because the crosse is the meane and way by the which God worketh the knowledge and felyng of these thynges in his children as many both testimonyes and examples in Scriptures are easely found of them that diligentlye waye what therein they read To these too commodities of the crosse ioyne the thyrd of Gods singuler wisedome that it may be coupled with hys iustice and mercye On thys sorte therfore let vs conceaue when we see the Gospell of God and hys Churche persecuted and troubled as now with vs it is that because the greate learned and wise men of the worlde vse not their wisedome to loue and ferue God as to naturall wisedome and reason he openeth hym selfe manifestlye by hys visible creatures Rom. 1. therefore doth God iustlye infatuate and make them folysh geuyng them vppe to vnsensiblenes especially herein For on thys maner reason they concerning the affliction whiche commeth for the Gospell If saye they thys were Gods woorde if these people were Gods children surelye God woulde then blesse and prosper them their doctrine But nowe in that there is no doctrine so much hated no people so muche persecuted as they bee therefore it can not bee of GOD. Rather this is of God whiche our Queene olde Byshops haue professed For how hath God preserued thē and kept them what a notable victorye hath GOD geuen vnto her where it was impossible that thynges shoulde so haue come to passe as they haue done And dyd not the greate Captayne confesse hys faulte that he was oute of the way and not of the fayth which these gospellers professe How many are come agayne from that which they professed to be gods word The most part of thys realme notwithstanding the diligence of preachers to persuade them concerning this new learnyng which nowe is persecuted neuer consented to it in harte as experience teacheth And what plagues haue come vpon this realme sythen this gospel as they cal it came in amongest vs Afore we had plentye but now there is nothing like as it was Moreouer al the houses of the Parliamente haue ouerthrowne the lawes made for the stablishyng of thys gospell and religion and newe lawes are erected for the continuance of the contrary How miraculously dothe God confounde their doctrine and confyrme oures For how was wyat ouerthrowne How prosperously came in our Kyng Howe hathe God blessed our Quene wyth fruite of wombe How is the Popes holines restored agayne to hys ryght All these do teache plainelye that thys their doctrine is not gods word Thus reason the worldly wyse whiche see not gods wisdome For els yf they considered that there was wyth vs vnthankefulnes for the gospell no amendment of lyfe but all kynde of contempt of God all kynde of shameles sinnyng ensued the preachyng of the Gospel they must nedes see that God coulde not but chastice and correct and as he let Sathan loose Apoc. 20. after he had bounde hym a certaine time for vnthankefulnes of men so to let these Champions of Sathan runne abroade by them to plague vs for oure vnthankefulnes Greate was gods anger against Achab because he saued Benadad kyng of Siria after he had geuen hym into his handes 3. Reg. 20. and afterwarde it turned to hys owne destruction God would that double sorrow should haue bene repayde to them by cause of the sorowe they dyd to the sayntes of God Read the .18 of the reuelation As for the victory geuen to the Quenes hyghnes if men had any godly witte they myght see many thyngs in it First god hath done it to wynne her harte to the Gospel Agayne he hathe done it aswel because they that wente agaynst her put their trust in horses and power of men and not in God as because in their doyng they soughte not the propagation of gods gospell which thyng is now plainlye sene Therfore no maruayle why god fought against them would they were hypocrites and vnder the cloke of the Gospel would haue debarred the Quenes highnes of her right but god would not so cloke them Now for the relentyng
write Fyrst wil my man William to make all thinges readye for me for I am persuaded I shall into Lankeshire there to be burnt howbeit first they say I must to the Fleete Then will him to harken earelye in the morning whether I be not conueyed away before men beware Also I pray you will Robert Harrington who I hope wil go with me to looke for that iourney Visit often my deare sister and although I can not nowe write vnto her as I would for al things are more straunge here cases more more perelous yet tell her that I am carefull for her desire her to be of good comforte God shall geue vs to meete in hys kingdome In the meane season I will praye for her as my dearest sister Of truth I neuer did loue her halfe so well as I now do and yet I loue her not halfe so well as I woulde doe shee is the very daughter of Abraham I pray thee hartelye bee merye my good brother and desire all my frendes so to be for I thanke god I feele a greater benefite then all the Byshops in England can take from me Praise God and praye for me mine owne deare harte in the Lord whom I hope I shall neuer forget Your poore brother in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To certaine men not ryghtly persuaded in the most true comfortable and necessarye doctrine of Gods holy election and predestination GRace mercye and peace wyth encreace of all godly knowlege and liuing from god the eternal father of al consolation through the bloudy death of our alone and full redemer Iesus Christ by the mighty and liuely workyng and power of the holy spirit the comforter I wish vnto you now and for euer Amen Although I loke hourely for officers to come and haue me to execution yet can I not but attēpt to write somthing vnto you my dearely beloued as alwayes you haue bene how soeuer you haue taken me to occasion you the more to wey the things wherin some controuersy hath bene emongest vs especially the article and doctrine of predestination Wherof I haue writē a little treatise therin as briefly shewing my faith so answering the enormities gathered of some to slaūder the same necessary comfortable doctryne That litle piece of worke I commend vnto you as a thing wherof I doute not to answer to my comfort before the trubual seat of Iesus Christ and therfore I hartely pray you and euery of you for the tender mercies of God in Christe that you woulde not be rashe to condemne thinges vnknowen lest gods woe should fall vpon you for callyng good euyll and euyll good For the greate loue of god in Christe cauil not at things that be wel spoken nor construe not things to the euil part when ye haue occasion otherwise Do not suppose that any man by affirmyng predestination as in that boke I haue truly set it forth accordyng to gods worde and the consent of christes church either to seke carnalitie or to set forth matter of desperation Only by the doctrine of it I haue taught as to my selfe so to others a certaintie of saluation a setting vp of Christ only an exaltatiō of gods grace mercye righteousnes truth wisdom power and glory and a casting downe of man and al hys power that he that glorieth may glory onelye and altogether and continuallye in the Lorde Man consisteth on .ij. partes the soule and the body euery man of god hath as a man wold say ij men an outward or old man and an inward or new man The Deuils drifte is to bryng the one into a carnalitie and the other into a doubt and so to dispayre and hatred of god but god for remedy hereof hath ordeined hys word which is deuided into ij partes the one is a doctrine which demaundeth of vs our duety but geueth no power thereto the other is a doctrine which not so much demaundeth as geueth The former is called the law which hath hys promises cōditionals and comminations or threates accordinglye The other is called the gospel or rather the free promises hanging not on conditiōs on our behalfe but simply on gods verity mercy although they requyre conditions but not as hangyng theron of which promyses the gospell may well be called a puplication The former that is the law wyth her promyses and comminations tell man what he is and shew hym what he can do The later that is the gospell and free promises tell and set forth Christ and what mercy at Gods hand throughe Christ we haue offred and geuen vnto vs. The former parte serueth to keepe the olde man from carnalitie and security and to stirre hym vp to diligence and sollicitude The later parte serueth howe to kepe the newe and inwarde man from doubtyng and dispayre to bryng vs in to an assured certayntye and quietenes wyth God through Chryste The olde man and the fielde he resteth in maye not be sowen with any other seede then is agreable to the former doctrine The newe man and the fielde he resteth in maye not be sowen wyth anye other then is agreeynge to the later doctryne By thys meanes man shall be kepte from carnalitie and from desperation also and broughte into diligence and godlye peace of conscience It is forbydden in the olde law Deut. 22. to sowe .ij. kyndes of seedes in one fielde to weare lynsey wolsey perticotes or to eate beastes that dyd not cleaue the hofes Deut. 14. God graunte vs to be wyse husbandmen to sowe accordyng as I haue sayd God graunte vs to bee wyse tayloures to cutte oure coates for two men of one whole clothe as is declared GOD graunt vs to be cleane beasts to cleaue the hofes accordinglye that is to geue the olde man meate meete for the mowers that is the lawe wyth hys appurtenaunces conditionals promises and comminations and to geue to the newe man the gospel and sweete free promises as appertayneth and then doutles we shall walke in the ryghte hyghe waye vnto eternal lyfe that is in Chryste Iesu the ende of the lawe and the fulfyllyng of the promises in whome they be yea and Amen If thys my poore aduise bee obserued my deare bretherne in the Lorde I doubte not but all controuersies for predestination originall synne freewyll c shall so cease that there shall be no breache of loue nor suspicion emonges vs which GOD graunte for hys mercies sake I am persuaded of you that you feare the Lord and therfore I loue you and haue loued you in hym my deare hartes thoughe otherwyse you haue taken it wythout cause on my parte geuen so farre as I know For hetherto I haue not suffred any copye of the treatise aboue specified to goe abroade because I woulde suppresse all occasions so farre as myghte bee Nowe am I goyng before you to my God and your God to my father and your father to my Christ and your Christe to my home and your home I goe
letters to nor fro I coniectured that when the bishop and the Chauncellour had sene them it moued them the rather to haue me away being more desirous as I suppose to haue had me dispatched priuily in pryson thē to come opēly to my answer The maner of entreating vsing me at my first cōming to prison dyd partly declare the same Certayne sergeauntes Constables of Couentry beyng appointed to haue the conueying of vs to Lichfield to be deliuered there to one Iephcot the Chaūcellours man sent frō Couentry wyth vs for the same purpose we were commaunded to horsebacke aboute 11. or .12 of the clocke on Friday beyng market day that we myght be the more gased and wondred at And to kindle the peoples hartes more against vs they did proclayme a letter concerning a proclamation made for calling in and disanulling of al such bokes as truly expound interprete the scriptures We came to Lichfield about 4. of the clocke at nyght had leaue to repose our selues our supper tyme. We Inned at the signe of the Swanne where we were enterteyned frendly and gently After supper Iephcot repayred to vs whome we intreated that vpon sureties we myght rest our selues that nighte beyng vnprouided of any thyng to helpe our selues withal in the pryson at that present He was content at the fyrst as he semed but afterwards whether it was by persuasiō or rather as it semed to me he did but of pollicy put of the tyme till he had gathered a multitude to stare and wonder vpō vs and also that we should prouyde nothyng to ease our selues wythall he reuoked hys promise and so by consente we were hadde to the pryson the the multitude wonderyng at vs. I wylled Iephcot before to execute hys offyce wyth mercy tellyng hym that they shoulde haue iudgement wythout mercy that shewed no mercy And this mercy I founde at hys hand He put me into a pryson the same nyght where I continued vntyll I was condemned a place next to the doungel narrow of roumes strong of buildyng and very cold wyth small lyght and there alloweth he me a bundel of straw in stead of my bed wythout chaire forme or any thyng els to ease my selfe wythall God of his mercy gaue me great patience through prayer that nyghte so that if it had bene hys pleasure I could haue bene cōtented to haue ended my life But Iephcot and one Persey the bishops man whyche afterwardes was my continuall keper for the most part came to me in the mornyng to whome I said this is great extremity god send vs patience and no more Then they were content that I should haue a bedde of myne owne procurement But I was allowed no helpe neyther night nor day nor company of any man notwythstanding my great sicknesse nor yet paper penne or ynke or bookes sauing my new testament in Latine a prayer boke which I priuily stole in Within two daies after M. Chauncellour and one Temsey a prebendary there came to me into my prison M. Chauncellor exhorted me to conforme my selfe to my Lord and to the church He wished to my soule no more hurt thē to his owne belike because I had laid to hys charge at Couentry the sekyng of my bloode vniustly and wrongfully Now thus the second tyme I aunswered M. Chauncellour to hys exhortation that I refused not to be ruled by that church that was content to be ordered and gouerned by the worde of GOD. He asked me how I knewe the worde of God but by the churche The churche sheweth whiche is the word of god therfore the church is aboue the word of God This is no good reason in learnyng sayd I to Mayster Chaūcellor For it is like vnto this Iohn shewed the people who was Christ Ergo Iohn was aboue Christe Or els I haue a man that knoweth not the king and I tel him who is the kyng am I therfore aboue the kyng M. Chaūcellour said he came not to reason with me and so departed So remained I without any further conference of any man by the space of .8 dayes and tyll the bishops commyng in in the which tyme I gaue my self continually to prayer and meditation of the mercifull promises of god made vnto al wythout exception of person that cal vpon the name of his deare sonne Iesus Christ I found in my selfe daily amendment of health of body increase of peace in conscience and many consolatiōs from god by the help of his holy spirit sometymes as it were a tast and glymmering of the lyfe to come all for hys only sonne Iesus Christes sake to hym be all prayse for euer and euer Amen The enemy ceased not many tymes sundry waies to assault me oftētimes obiectyng to my consciēce mine own vnworthines through the greatnes of the benefite to be coūted among the number of them that should suffer for christ or his gospels sake Against hym I replyed wyth the word of God in thys sort what were all those whome God had chosen from the begynnyng to be hys witnesses and carye his name before the worlde Were they not men Act. 14. as Paule Barnabas said similiter obnoxii peccato aswel subiect to wickednes sinne imperfections as other men be Euen such were Noe Abraham Dauid and all the rest Rom. 11 Roma 4. Quis prior dedit illi as S Paule sayth Who gaue firste vnto him And also speaking to euery mā What hast thou that thou receiuedst not Likewise Iohn al haue receiued of his fulnes Iohn ● they wer no bringers of any goodnes to god but altogether receyuers They chose not god first but he chose them They loued not god first but he loued thē first Yea he bothe loued and chose them when they were his enemies Roma 10. full of sinne and corruption and voyde of all goodnes Est dominus omniū diues in omnes super omnes inuocātes eū He is and wyl be stil the same god as riche in mercy as mighty as hable as redy as wyllyng to forgeue the synnes wythout respect of person to the worldes ende of all them that call vpon hym Prope est dominus omnibus inuocantibus eum God is nere he is at hād Psal 145. he is wyth all wyth al I say and refuseth none excepteth none that faithfully in true repentaunce cal vpon hym in what houre what place or what tyme soeuer it be It is no arrogancy nor presumption in any man to burthen god as it were wyth hys promise of duty to clayme and chalēge hys aide helpe and assistance in all our perils daungers and dystresse calling vpon him not in the confidence of our owne godlines but in the truste of hys promises made in Christ in whom and by whome and for whose sake whosoeuer boldly approcheth to the mercye seate of the father is sure to receyue whatsoeuer is expedient or necessary either for body or soule in more ample wayes and large manner
loueth me vnto the ende and wyll not lose me but wyll rayse me vnto lyfe at the last day psalm 27. The lord is my lyght and my defence of whom then should I be afrayde The lorde is the preseruer of my lyfe what can man then do vnto me I am one of the lordes elect who shal lay ought thē to my charge The lord hymselfe doth iustifye me Rom. 8. who shall then condempne me Sith Christ is myne and I am hys what shal make me carefull or who shal separate me from his swete loue which as Salomon saith in his sweete songes is mightier then the deathe No no let the Tyrannes come when they wyll I trust they shall fynd me ready and wyllyng to goe home to my heauenly father whether my good brethern be gone before me wyth ioy tryumphe and victorye ouer the bloodye Beast and her Babilonicall broode blessed be god therfore Your swete examples of Helias Daniel and the Israelites doe muche confirme my faith in Christ although I be farre inferiour to any of them But as you say full well god himself is my father doth loue me his prodigal sonne wyth an euerlastyng loue sure I am therfore he wil not see me lacke eyther for body or soule for he fedeth the birdes brute beastes yea and men that he much worse then they as you ful wel haue sayd And further my deare hart where as you say that your heauines and sorowe is when you call to remēbrance my crosse and double crosse c ah my good louing sister let not my crosses make your good tender harte heuie but rather be glad reioyce with me that God of hys great mercye will repute me worthye to beare them for his sake Sing psalmes with me of prayse thankesgeuing for God hath made me able to beare them paciently if they wer a thousande times so many moe as they bee as in deede my sinnes haue iustly deserued Wel is me the euer I was born that he woulde vouch me worthy to suffer at al hands or al sorts of men for hys sake or rather that it would please his goodnes to choose me poore caitiffe in whom him self would suffer For the enemies doe not punishe me for my sinnes as they might iustely doe but they do persecute swete Christe in me whose truth I do professe And now as concerning the most comfortable doctrine of our eternall election in him before the foundation of the world was laid I do protest before God man that if euery heare of my head were a mans lyfe I would willingly geue them all in the defence therof Full litle wotteth our free wil men what they do whē they go about so rashely to condēne that doctrine The Lord illuminate their mindes with the light of his holy spirit that they may once see the truth therof and leaue their kicking against the pricke In dede deare frend in the respect of thē and the peril which they be in you and I both haue good cause to mourne lament and be sory to pray for them day night that the Lord if it be his wil would conuert them And whether their blindnes be of simplicitye as I hope it is or of wilful obstinacie which thing is greatly to be feared yet haue I no cause to be angry with them for it is their own harme where as mine should haue bene the like if god had left me to my self as he myght most iustly haue done and for that I am as I am his name only haue the prayse and for hys sake I will alwayes seeke to do them good as much as lyeth in me And what soeuer they haue sayd or shall saye or do againste me I doe and will as hartely forgeue them al as I would be forgeuen of god my great sinnes trespasses For sure I am that what soeuer he be that hath any true tast or liuely felyng of the great mercye loue and kyndnesse of God towardes hym in Christe he can not beare hate or displeasure agaynste anye thynge but synne Sathā the only author therof Therfore in that they doe talke so muche of loue and let so little appeare in their dedes it doth euidently appeare how litle taste and liuelye feelyng of the free mercye of God in Christe they haue A weake fayth hath euer a colde charitie annexed vnto it which is quenched with euery vnkinde worde Yours vnfaynedly Iohn Careles To my deare Sister M. C. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the cōtinuall ayde strength comfort of hys most pure holy and mightye spirite with the increase of faith and liuely feling of hys eternall mercyes be moste effectuouslye wrought in your hart my deare and faithfull Syster to the full accomplishing of that good worke which the Lorde hath so graciously begonne in you that it may be to the setting forth of his glory the comfort of hys poore afflicted church and to your owne eternall consolation in hym Amen I thanke God most hartely for you my deare hart in the Lord with all remēbrance of you in my prayers as of duty I am bound not douting but you do the same for me to my great ioy comfort in the middest of my crosses which daily do increase yea and that in such sort that if the faythful god by your hartye prayer and others gods deare children dyd not put to hys helpyng hand I should surely syncke downe vnder thē Ah good sister begge hard of our deare father for me that he would shortly tread Sathan vnder my feete and that I may play the man in the Lordes battel as you bydde me be ioyfull in my Christ what payne or peril soeuer I suffer And reioyce wyth me good sister in the Lord and let vs be mery in him not only to chere the good harts of al our faythfull frends but also to anger the cankered hart of Sathā that croked Serpent our ancient enemy For I know that there is nothyng that can greue his malicious mind more thē the myrth gladnes and hartye reioysyng of the childrē of God in their good Christ Ah my faythfull frend if your good hart be heuye who cā make mine light If you be sory who cā make me glad But if you be mery and reioyce in the Lord there shal no trouble make me sad or sorowful Be of good cheare therfore my good sister comfort my swete brother V. Oh that I mighte once heare that he and his bridegrome were in bedde both together and that he had taken a swete slepe in hys louers armes as Iohn dyd vpon hys lappe on the Maundie night Iohn 13 Commend me vnto him most hartelye and desyre hym for the Lords sake to fulfyl my ioye increase my crowne Bid hym be mindefull of me in hys harty prayers as I neyther wyll nor can forget hym in myne Full deare is he vnto my soule So are you my good sister the Lord he knoweth
might be the better by them if he returne not agayne Euen so dearly beloued and ryght worshipfull my good frendes I hauing shortlye to passe vnto my heauenly inheritaunce whiche is hidden with Christ to our common countrey and eternal dwelling place which we shal haue ● god neuer to returne before the latter day in the whiche our soules shall come to iudgement and receaue their bodyes to be glorifyed according to their doings haue thought it my dutye to cōmunicate vnto you somthing with whō I haue foūd great humanitie of the fewe heauenly treasures with the whiche God among others hath endued me in Christe whereby he hath made me his childe and assuredly the enheritour of the kingdome of heauen wich all those which vnfaynedly loue him and constantly cleaue to his holy gospell and that is by the renouation of his Image whereunto man was first created lyke vnto god which is to be in the fauour of God to know God truly to liue iustely to delight feruently in the contēpplacion of God to bee continually happye to be immortall voyde of al corruption and sinne the which blessed Image through synne is deformed in vs and in maner loste sauing that it hath pleased GOD of his mercye who willeth not the death of a sinner to restore that Image by grace throughe knowledge and beliefe of the Gospell whiche otherwyse in our nature is cleane suppressed extinguished Therefore we knowing the greate and lamentable losse whiche we doe sustaine in Adam ought moste earnestly to seeke the recouerye thereof that we mighte eternallye liue like vnto God in immortalitie and felicitie the whiche we shall neuer recouer vnlesse we goe aboute to mortifye our outwarde man all the dayes of our life more and more and bee renewed in spirite according to the true knowledge of GOD the whiche if we bee then may we bee assured that we haue found that ioye felicitie and eternall life whiche Adam had in paradise yea and more then that tenne thousand folde for that it is suche as the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither the hart cā cōceaue which christ hath prepared for vs. This image of god whosoeuer by faith doth fynd he hath found the most precious treasure that any man can finde for he is euen here a citizen of heauen and in possession of eternal life Therefore I cōmit vnto you principally a dailye care of the renouation of this image as the chiefest iewel you can desire in this world And hereof now I am the more moued to put you in remembraunce because I loue you entierly in the lord and desyre your fellowshyp which the iniquity of our tyme will not permit me to enioy here And for asmuche as we haue a better life to come then this present is an eternall societie with Christ whiche neyther the malice of tyme neither the distance of place can dissolue or separate I exhort you now as one that hath obtained mercy of god in the reparacion of hys image in me to embrace the care therof with earnest desyre to attayn the same wherby we shal al haue a perfect fruition of our loue frendship which alreadye we haue here begon with god in heauen shal bee wythout all doute made ioyfully perfect Let this be a perpetual remembrance of your poore afflicted frend which daily loketh through fire to enter into that eternal life where he trusteth assuredly to enioy your fellowship if the image of god be renued in you through the knowledge of Christ which you haue receyued do know Loke whose image the coyne beareth his it is Semblably if your conuersation be after the gospell verely you are the elect of Christ but if it be according to the world his seruants you are whom your lyfe doth expresse We haue all in Baptisme put on Christ whom if we endeuour to represēt we are in dede the sonnes of God and inheritours wyth Christ One good rule S. Paule to the Rom. in the xij chap. doth appoint for the restauration of this our image of God Fashion not your selues saith he vnto thys world but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renewyng of your mynde that ye maye proue what is the will of god which thing is good acceptable perfect God graūt that this rule may take place with you then doutles our companye shall be inseparable wyth all the saynts of God in eternall blesse Be you not deceyued by the vayne possessions and vncertayne pleasures of this worlde whiche serue to none other purpose then to blynde your eyes that they mighte not behold the things which be glorious and permanent for euer The thynges whiche we see are mortall but the thynges which we see not but certainly hope for be immortall For all flesh as the Prophete Esay saythe is but grasse and the glory therof as the flower of the fielde Oh that you whiche haue the possessions of thys world would so accompt thē not sel your eternal inheritance for a messe of porrige as Esau dyd God open your eyes that you may see the glory of Christ in the mount wyth Peter Iohn and Iames. Then I doubte not you would say with Peter Lord it is good for vs to abyde here let vs here make our dwelling places We haue in this world no fyrme mansion but we seke after that which is to come the which yf we seke nowe where it maye be found we shal surely finde it If we mortify the image of Adam which through synne raigneth in our flesh then shal the image of Christ reuiue in vs to our eternall glorye We are all baptised to die wyth Christe to the ende we shoulde walke in newnes of lyfe as persons dead to the world and liuyng to God And if we dye with hym by crucifieng our concupiscence and lustes we shall eternally lyue Infidelitie is the cause of all our misery which causeth vs to feare mā more then GOD and to esteme the thynges presence more then the thynges to come God illighten our eyes that we may vnderstand how precious an inheritaunce Christ hath prepared for suche as hunger and thurst therafter Then I doubte not we would say wyth Sayncte Paule I am surely persuaded that neyther deathe nor lyfe neyther Aungels nor rule neyther power neyther thynges present neyther thynges to come neyther anye other treasure or creature shall separate vs from the loue whych is in Christe Iesus The Lorde encrease our fayth and geue vs hys holy spirite to discerne wyth our selues howe muche we are growen in hys image and are lyke vnto hym for howe muche we are vnlyke to the worlde so muche more are we like vnto god and so much the more do we approche vnto hym The lord drawe you by hys holye spirite and fashion you vnto hys lykenes that we may eternally lyue together The meanes to come therevnto is diligent exercise in gods worde continuall and faithfull prayer a desyre and loue to
receiued thorough faith mē are made sauory vnto god which themselues lose not their saltnes now when they be proued wyth the boisterous stormes of aduersity persecution or others being that vnsauory salt which hath lost his saltnes that is to wit those vngodly ministers which do fal frō the word of god vnto the dreames traditiōs of Antichrist whether of these I say be more to be credited and beleued let all men iudge Wherfore my derely beloued Iames. 1. receiue the word of god with mekenes that is graffed in you whiche is able to saue your soules and see that ye be not forgetfull hearers deceyuyng your selues with Sophistry but doers of the worde whom Christ doth likē to a wise man which buildeth hys house on a rocke that whē the great raine descēdeth Math. 7. the floudes come and beat vppon that house it fal not because it is grounded vpon a rocke that is to wit that when Satan al hys legiō of deuils with al their subtile suggestiōs the world and al the mighty princes therof with their crafty coūcels Psalm 2 do furiously rage againste vs we faint not but abyde constant in the truth being groūded vpō a most sure rocke which is Christ the doctryne of the gospel against which the gates of hel that is the power of Satan cannot preuaile Math. 16 And be ye folowers of Christ and the apostles and receiue the worde in much afflictiō as the godly Thessalonians dyd 1. Thess ● for the true followers of Christ the apostles be they which receiue the worde of god They onely receyue the worde of God which both beleue it and also frame theyr lyues after it and be ready to suffer all maner of aduersity for the name of the Lorde as Christ and all hys Apostles dyd and as all that wil liue godly in christ Iesu must do 2. Tim. ● Actes ● Math. ● Math. 7 Marke ● for there is none other way vnto the kingdome of heauen but throughe much tribulation And if we suffer any thing for the kingdome of heauen and for rightuousnes sake we haue the prophets Christ the Apostels Martyrs for an ensample to cōfort vs for they did al enter into the kingdom of heauen at the straite gate narrow way the leadeth vnto life which few do find And vnlesse we wil be cōtēnt to deny our owne selues take vp the crosse of Christ follow hym we cannot be his disciples for if we deny to suffer with Christ his saints it is an euidēt argument 2. Tim. 2 that we shal neuer raign ● him And again if we cā find in our harts patiently to suffer persecutions and afflictiōs it is a sure token of the righteous iudgement of God that we are counted worthy of the kingdome of God for whiche we also suffer 2. Thess ● It is verely saieth the Apostle a ryghteous thing wyth God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble vs and rest to vs that bee troubled For after this lyfe the godly being deliuered from their tribulations and paynes shall haue a most quiet and ioyfull rest wheras the wicked and vngodly contrarywise shal be tormented for euermore wyth intollerable vnspeakable paynes Luke 16. as christ by the parable of the riche glutton and wretched Lazarus doth plainely declare and teach These ought we to haue before our eyes alwayes that in tyme of aduersitie and persecution wherof all that wyll be the chyldren of god shall be pertakers Heb. 12 and wherwyth it hath pleased God to put some of vs in vre already we may stand stedfast in the Lord and endure euen vnto the ende 2. Tim. 2. that we may be saued For vnles we like good warriours of Iesus Christ will endeuour our selues to please hym who hath chosē vs to be his souldiours fyght the good fyght of fayth euen vnto the ende we shal not obtaine that crowne of righteousnes which the Lord that is a ryghteous iudge shall geue to all them that loue hys comming Let vs therfore receiue with mekenes the word that is graffed in vs Iames. 1. which is able to saue our soules and groūd our selues on the lure rock Christ For as the Apostle saith other foundation can no man lay besides that which is laid already which is Iesus Christ If any man build on thys foūdation gold 1. Cor. 3. syluer precious stones timber hay stubble euery mans worke shal appeare for the day shall declare it and it shal be shewed in the fyre and the fyre shall try euery mans worke what it is If any mans worke that he hathe builded vpon abyde he shall receyue a rewarde if any mās worke burne he shall suffer losse but he shal be safe hymselfe neuerthelesse yet as it were through fyre By fyre here doth the Apostle vnderstand persecution and trouble For they which do truly preach and professe the worde of god which is called the worde of the crosse shal be rayled vpon abhorred hated thrust out of company persecuted and tried in the fornace of aduersitie as gold and syluer are tried in the fire By gold siluer and precious stones 1. Cor. 1. Math. 5 Luke 6. Math. 3 Psalme 1 he vnderstandeth them that in the middes of persecution abide stedfast in the word by tymber hay and stubble are ment such as in tyme of persecucion do fall away from the truthe and when Christ doth purge his flore with the winde of aduersity these scatter away from the face of the earth like light chaffe which shal be burned wyth vnquencheable fire If they then which do beleue do in tyme of persecution stande stedfastly in the truth the builder I meane the preacher of the word shal receiue a reward and the work shal be preserued and saued but if so be that they go backe and swarue when persecution aryseth the builder shall suffer losse that is to say shall loose hys labour coste but yet he shal be saued if he beyng tried in the fire of persecution do abide fast in the faith Wherefore my beloued geue diligent hede that ye as liuing stones be builded vpō this sure rocke 1. Peter 2. 2. Cor. 3 and be made a spiritual house a holye priesthode for to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable vnto god by Iesus Christ For we are the true tēple of god and the spirit of god dwelleth in vs if so be that we continue in the doctrine of the gospel We are also an holy and royal priesthode for to offer vp spirituall sacrifices and oblations 1. Pet. 2 for the sacrifices of the new testamēt are spiritual and of three maners The first is the sacrifyce of prayse and thankesgeuyng which S. Paule doth call the fruites of those lippes which confesse the name of god The second is mercy towards our neighboures Heb. 13 Osee 6 Rom. 12 as the prophet Osee saith I wil haue
if you will not speake then I besech you let these my letters speake vnto M. Gates to M. Wrothe to M. Cicill whom all I doe take for men that doe feare God It was sayd here constantly my Lord Chamberlaine to haue bene departed Syr though the day be delayed yet he hath no pardon of long life therfore I do besech his good Lordship so many as shall read these letters if they feare God to helpe that neither horse neither yet dogge be suffered to deuour the poore liuings appointed founded by godly ordinance to the ministers of gods worde The causes of consciēce which do moue me to speake write thus are not only those whiche I declared once in the cause of this Prebend before the Kings Maiesties Counsell which now I let passe but also now the man M. Grindal vnto whō I would geue this Prebend doth moue me verye muche for he is a man knowen to be both of vertue honestie discretion wisedome learning And besides al this I haue a better opinion of the Kings Maiesties ▪ honourable Counsel thē although some of them haue subscribed at this their Clarkes craf●ie vngodly sute to such a letter then I say they wil let not suffer after request made vnto them the liuing appoynted founded for a preacher to bee bestowed vppon so honest and well a learned man Wherfore for gods sake I besech you al helpe that with the fauour of the Counsel I may haue knowledge of the kings maiesties good pleasure to geue thys preachers liuing vnto M. Grindall Of late there haue bene letters directed from the Kinges Maiestie and his honourable Counsell vnto all the bishops wherby we be charged commaūded both in our own persons and also to cause our preachers ministers especially to crie out against the insatiable serpēt of couetousnesse whereby is sayd to be suche a gredynes amonges the people that eche one goeth about to deuour other and to threaten thē with Gods greuous plagues both now presently throwē vpon them and that shal be likewise in the worlde to come Syr what preachers shall I gette to open and set forth suche matters and so as the Kings Maiestie and the Counsel do commaunde them to be set forth if either vngodlye men or vnreasonable beastes bee suffered to pull awaye deuoure the good and godlye learned preachers liuings Thus I wyshe you in god euer wel to fare to helpe Christes cause as you would haue helpe of him at your most nede From Fulham this present the 23. of Iulie 1551. Yours in Christe Nicholas London A letter of Cutbert Symson to certayne of hys frendes concernyng hys Rackyng and other cruell tormentes which he suffred in the Tower THe .13 daye of December I was sente to the Tower and on the Thursdaye after I was called into the warehouse before the Constable of the Tower and the Recorder of London Maister Cholmeley They commaunded me to tel them whom I dyd wil to come to the Englyshe seruice I aunswered I woulde declare nothyng Thys Engine is called Skenyngtons Giues wherin the body standeth double the head being drawē towardes the seete The forme maner of these Gyues and of his Rackyng you may see in the booke of Martyrs Folio 1631. Then was I set in an engine of Yron for the space of .iij. houres as I iudged After that they asked me if I woulde tell them I aunsweared as before Then was I losed and caryed to my lodging agayne On the Sundaye after I was broughte into the same place agayne before the Lieutenant being also Constable and the Recorder of London and they examined me As before I hadde sayd I aunsweared Then the Lieutenaunt sware by god I shoulde tell Then dyd they bynde my two forefyngers together and putte a small arrowe betwixt them and drew it through so faste that the bloode followed and the arrowe brake Then they racked me twyse After that was I caryed to my lodging agayne and tenne dayes after the Lieuetenaunt asked me if I woulde not confesse that whi●he before they had asked me I sayde I had sayde as muche as I woulde Then fyue weekes after he sent me vnto the hyghe priest where I was greatlye assaulted and at whose hande I receaued the Popes curse for hearyng witnesse of the resurrection of Iesus Christe And thus I commend you vnto God and to the woorde of his grace with all them that vnfaynedly call vppon the name of Iesus desiring GOD of his endles mercy through the merites of hys deare sonne Iesus Christ to bryng vs al to his euerlastyng kingdome Amen I prayse God for hys great mercy shewed vpon vs. Syng Osanna vnto the hyghest with me Cutbert Symsō God forgeue me my sinnes I aske al the world forgeuenes I do forgeue al the world and thus I leaue this worlde in hope of a ioyfull resurrection Cutbert Symson A briefe admonition wrytten by M. Bradford in a newe testament of a frend of hys THis boke is called sermo crucis the word of the crosse 1. Cor. 2 because the crosse doth alwais accompany it so that if you wil be a student hereof you must nedes prepare your self to the crosse which you began to learne before you learned your Alphabet and Christ requireth it of euery one that wyll be his disciple therin not swaruing from the common trade of callings or vocations for no profession or kind of life wanteth hys crosse So that they are farre ouerseene whyche thynke that the profession of the gospel whiche the deuyll most enuieth the world most hateth the flesh most repineth at can be without a crosse Lette vs therfore pray that god would enable vs to take vp our crosse by denying our selues E carcere 18. Februarij 155● Iohn Bradford A letter of Maister Thomas Leauer beyng then in exile for the testimonye of gods gospell to M. Bradford prisoner in the tower of London THe grace of god be vnto you wyth my harty commendations I haue sene the places noted the doctrine and discipline and talked wyth the learned men of Argentine Basyll Zurich Berne Lausan and Geneua and I haue had experience in all these places of syncere doctryne godly order and great learnyng and especially of suche vertuous learning diligence and charitie in Bullinger at Zurich and in Caluine at Geneua as doth much aduaunce gods glory vnto the edifying of Christes church with the same religiō for the which you be now in prison And as I dout not but you in readyng of their bookes haue foūd much godly and comfortable knowledge so I am sure that they in hearyng of your constancy patiēce take occasiō greatly to reioyce wyth thankes geuing vnto God whiche doth testifye his truth vnto the worlde not onely by their writyng but also by your suffering The lord therefore which vseth thys your suffering ioyned wyth godly learnyng to set forth his glory not onely vnto the comfort of simple soules in
continuallye woorke in fayth labour in loue perseuer in hope and be pacient in all your tribulations and persecutions euen vnto the ende and gloryous comming of Christ Coloss 2. Phil 2. 1. Pet. 3 Mat. 10 Luk. 11. these shall be earnestly to exhort and besech you in Christ that as ye haue receaued the Lord Iesus euen so to walke rooted in hym and not to be afrayde of anye terrour of your aduersaryes be they neuer so many and mighty and you on the other side neuer so fewe and weake for the battaile is the Lordes And as in tymes paste God was with Abraham Moses Isaac Dauid the Machabees and other and fought for them and deliuered all their enemyes into their hands euen so hath he promised to be with vs also vnto the worldes ende and so to assist strengthen and helpe vs that no man shall bee able to withstande vs. Math. 28. Iosua 1. For as I was with Moses so will I bee with thee sayeth God and neither leaue thee nor forsake thee Be stronge and bolde neither feare nor dread for the Lorde thy God is with thee whether so euer thou goest Nowe if God be on our side who cā be agaynst vs Rom. 8. In thys our spirituall warfare is no man ouercome vnlesse he trayterouslye leaue forsake his Captaine either cowardly caste awaye his weapons or willingly yeld him self to hys enemies either fearfully turne his backe and flye Be strong therfore in the Lord deare brethren and in the power of hys myght and put on all the armour of god Eph. 6. that ye may be able to stand stedfast against the craftye assaultes of the deuill Now what weapons ye muste fight with all 2. Cor 11.12 Act. 21. learne of S. Paule a champion both much exercised and also most valiaunt and inuincible For we muste thinke none other but that the lyfe of man is a perpetuall warfare vpon earth as the examples of all godly men throughout al ages do declare The valiaunt warriour S. Paule being deliuered frō the hands of the vngodly and that so many tymes from so many extreme perils and daungers of death as he him selfe doth witnesse is fayne to cōmitte hym selfe in the end to the rough waters of the sea where he was in greate perill and ieoperdie of his own life Act. 12. yet was god alwayes to the greate comforte of all that heare of it moste readye to comfort and succour hym gloriously deliuered hym out of al hys troubles so that no man that did inuade him could do hym any harme in the end he was cōpelled to say I haue fynyshed my course 2. Tim. 4. Phil. 1. Rom. 15. the time of my departyng is at hand I long to be losed to be wyth christ which thing is best of al most hartely desiring death These things be wryttē for our learning cōfort be to vs a sure obligatiō that if we submit our selues to god his holy word no mā shal be able to hurt vs that he will deliuer vs from al troubles yea euē frō death also vntyll such tyme as we couet desyre to dye Heb. 12. Let vs therfore runne with pacience vnto the battel that is set before vs loke vnto Iesus the captayn fynysher of our fayth after his example for the rewards sake that is set out vnto vs paciently beare the crosse despise the shame for all that will liue godly in Christ Iesu shall suffer persecution 2. Tim. 3. Math. 3.4 Christ is no soner baptised declared to the world to be the sonne of god but Sathā is by by ready to tēpt him Which thyng we must loke for also yea the more we shal encrease in fayth and vertuous liuing the more strongly will Sathā assault vs whō we muste learne after the example of Christ to fyght agaynst ouercome wyth the holy sacred scriptures Eph. 6. Math. 4 word of God which is our heauenly armour sword of the spirit And let the fasting of christ while he was tempted in the wildernesse be vnto vs an example of sober liuing not for the space of fortye dayes as the papistes doe fondly fansye of their owne braynes but as long as we are in the wildernes of this wretched lyfe assaulted of Sathan who like a roaring Lyō walketh about ceaseth not seking our vtter destruction 1. Pet. 5. neither cā the seruauntes of god at any time come stand before god that is lead a godly lyfe walke innocently before god but Sathan commeth also among thē Iob. 1.3 that is he dayly accuseth fyndeth faulte vexeth persecuteth troubleth the godly for it is the nature propertie of the deuil alwayes to do harme to hurt vnlesse he be forbidden of god for vnlesse god do permit him he can do nothyng at al Math. 8 no not so much as enter into a fylthy hogge but we are more of price them many hogges before God if we cleaue vnto hys sonne by fayth Let vs therfore knowing Sathans deceites and rancour Eph. 6. walke the more warely and take vnto vs the shielde of fayth wherwith we maye bee able to quenche and ouercome all the fierye and deadlye dartes of the wicked Let vs take to vs the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirite which is the word of god learne to vse the same according to the exāple of our graūd Captain Christ Let vs fast pray continually Mat. 4. Math. ●7 for this frantike kynde of deuills goeth not out otherwise as Christe doth teathe vs but by faithfull prayers fasting which his true abstinence sobernes of liuing if we vse the same according to the doctrine of the gospell word of God Fasting is acceptable to god if it be done withoute hypocrisie that is to say if we vse it to this entent that therby this mortal body disobedient carcase may be tamed broughte vnder the subiectiō of the spirit and againe if we fast to this intent that we may spare wherwith to helpe succour oure poore nedy brethren This fast do the true christians vse al the daies of their life although among the common sort of people remaineth yet stil that supersticious kind of fasting which god so earnestly reproueth by his Prophet Esay Esay 58 For as for true chastening of the body abstayning frō vice with shewing mercy towardes our nedy neighbours we wil neither vnderstand nor heare of but still thinke with the Iewes that we do god a great pleasure whē we fast that we then faste whē we abstaine frō one thing fill our bellies with an other And verely in this poynt doth our superstition muche excede the superstition of the Iewes for we neuer read that they euer toke it for a fast to abstayne frō fleshe and to eate either fyshe or whyte meate as they cal it To fastyng
prayer must be ioyned almes and mercy towards the poore nedy And that our almes may be acceptable vnto god three things are chiefly requyred First 2. Cor. 9. that we geue with a cherefull ioyful hart for the lord loueth a cherefull geuer Secondly that we geue liberally putting a syde al nigardship knowing that he the soweth litle shal reap little and he that soweth plentifully shal reape plentifully Let euery mā therfore do according as he is able The porest caitife in the world may geue as great acceptable an almes in the syght of god as the rychest man in the world can do The poore wydowe that did offer but two mytes Marke 12 whiche make a farthing did hyghly please Christ in so much that he affyrmed wyth an othe that she of her penury had added more to the offrings of god then al the rych mē which of their superfluitie had cast in very much For if there be first a willing minde it is accepted according to the a man hath not according to that a mā hath not Thirdly we must geue wtout hypocrisie ostentatiō not seking the prayse of mē or our own glory or profite And althoughe the scriptures in some places ake mentiō of a reward to our almes other good works yet ought we not to think that we do merite or deserue any thīg but rather we ought to acknowledge that god of his meere mercy rewardeth in vs his own giftes For what hath he that geueth almes that he hath not receaued He than the geueth vnto a poore mā any maner of thing geueth not of his own but of those goods which he hath receaued of god What hast thou saith the Apostle that thou hast not receaued If thou hast receaued it ● Cor. 4 why reioycest thou as though thou haddest not receaued it This sentence ought to be had in remēbrance of al mē for if we haue nothing but that which we haue receaued what can we deserue or what nede we to dispute reasō of oure own merites It cōmeth of the free gift of God that we liue that we loue god that we walke in his feare where is our deseruing them ▪ We must also in this our spirituall warfare arme our selues with continual prayer a very necessary strong inuincible weapon Math. 26. Heb. 4. ● Mach. 4 after the exāple of Christ al other godly men cry hartely vnto god in fayth in all our distresses anguyshes Let vs goe boldely to the seate of grace where we shal be sure to receaue mercy and fynde grace to helpe in time of nede For now is pryde and persecution encreased now is the time of destruction and wrathfull displeasure Wherfore my dere brethren he ye feruent in the law of god ieoperd ye your liues if nede shal so require for the testament of the fathers so shall ye receaue great honour an euerlasting name Remēber Abrahā was not he foūd faythful in temptation Gene. 22. Gene. 41. Num. 25. it was reckned vnto him for ryghteousnesse Ioseph in time of his trouble kept the cōmaūdemēt was made a Lord of Egipt Phinees was so feruent for the honour of god that he obtayned the couenaunt of an euerlasting priesthod Iosua 1 Num. 14 1. Regū 24 Iosua for fulfilling the word of God was made the captayne of Israell Caleb bare recorde before the congregation and receaued an heritage Dauid also in hys merciful kindnes obtained the throne of an euerlasting kingdome 4. Regū 2 Elias being zelous and feruent in the law was takē vp into heauen Annias Azarias Dan. 3. Misaell remayned stedfast in the fayth and were deliuered out of the fyre In lyke maner Daniell being vngiltie Dan. 6. was saued frō the mouth of the Lyons And thus ye maye consyder throughout al ages synce the world began that whosoeuer put their trust in god were not ouercome Feare not ye then the words of vngodly men for their glory is but donge wormes Psal 38. To day are they set vp to morrowe are they gone for they are turned into earth their memorial cōmeth to nought Wherfore let vs take good hartes vnto vs quyte our selues like mē in the law for if we do the things that are cōmaunded vs in the law of the lord our god we shal obteyn great honour therin Beloued in Christe let vs not faynt because of affliction wherwith God tryeth al thē that are sealed vnto life euerlasting for the only way into the kyngdome of god Act. 14. 4. Esdr 7. is through much tribulation For the kingdome of heauen as god teacheth vs by his Prophet Esdras is lyke a citie builded and set vpō a broad field full of all good things but the enteraunce is narrow sodayne ful of sorow trauaile perils labours like as if there were a fyre at the right hand a depe water at the left and as it were one strayte pathe betwene thē both so small that there could but one man go there If thys citie nowe were geuen to an heyre and he neuer went through the perilous way how would he receaue his enheritance Wherfore seing we are in this narowe strayt way which leadeth vnto the most ioyful pleasant citie of euerlasting life let vs not stagger either turne back being afraid of the daūgerous perillous way but folow our Captayn Iesus Christ in the narow strayt way be affrayd of nothyng no not euen of death it selfe for it is he that must lead vs to our iourneyes end open vs the dore vnto euerlastīg lyfe Cōsider also the course of thys world how many there be which for their Maisters sake or for a litle promotions sake would aduēture their liues in worldly affayres as cōmonly in warres yet is their reward but light transitorye ours is vnspeakeable great and euerlasting They suffer paines to be made Lordes on the earth for a shorte season howe muche more oughte wee to endure lyke paynes yea peraduenture muche lesse to bee made kinges in heauen for euer more Consider also the wycked of this world which for a litle pleasures sake or to be auenged on their enemies wil fyght with sword weapons putte thē selues in daunger of imprisonment hanging So much as vertue is better then vyce god myghtyer thē the deuil so much ought we to excel thē in this our spirituall battell And seing brethrē it hath pleased God to set me that most worthy minister of Christ ▪ Iohn Bradford your countreymē in the forefront of this battel where for the time is most daunger I beseche you all in the bowels of Christ to helpe vs al others our felow souldiers stāding in like perilous place with your prayers to god for vs that we maye quite our selues like men in the Lord geue some exāple of boldnesse constancie mingled