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mercy_n call_v lord_n sinner_n 2,337 5 7.5568 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19367 A supplication exhibited to the most mightie Prince Philip king of Spain &c. VVherin is contained the summe of our Christian religion, for theprofession whereof the Protestants in the lowe Countries of Flaunders, &c. doe suffer persecution, vvyth the meanes to acquiet and appease the troubles in those partes. There is annexed An epistle written to the ministers of Antwerpe, which are called of the confession of Auspurge, concerning the Supper of our sauiour Iesus Christ. VVritten in French and Latine, by Anthonie Corronus of Siuill, professor of Diuinitie. Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591.; Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591. Epistle or godlie admonition, to the pastoures of the Flemish Church in Antwerp. aut 1577 (1577) STC 5791; ESTC S116690 149,833 422

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that hath ●éemed rather to loue vertue godlinesse ●han followed them effectuously and in ●abouring to couer hys nakednesse and hide his abhominations hathe vsed no other couerture than the leaues of fig trées that is to say hath shadowed his moste mōstrous horrible offences against god with no other thing but only with a pretēce of wisedome discretion diligence hone●● merites and mortifications And this is moste gratious Princ● the confession which we learne out of t●● worde of God namely that whiche G● hymselfe doth force out of mans my●● by the vertue and efficacie of the law● as it were with certaine pricks and st●ges when man is compelled by the m●tion of Gods holy spirit to acknowledg● and confesse hymselfe to bée inwarde● corrupted and defiled with sinne A●● out of this confession lyke as oute of 〈◊〉 spring or head do issue diuers other sort● of confession Firste when a man calleth to mynd with howe greate and howe manifold● sinnes he is defiled and howe sore an aduersary the decrée and sentence pronou●ced in the lawe is vnto him wherevppo● he bewaileth his sinnes vnto God daily and brusteth out into these wordes of the holye Prophet O Lorde I was conceiued in iniquitie and in sin hathe my mother cōceiued me Creat in me O Lord a newe hearte and a right spirite within me ●●tified in thy sight And wyth the publi●ane humbleth hymselfe saying on thys ●ise Lord be mercifull vnto me a sinner ●nd with the prodigall childe O Lorde 〈◊〉 am not worthy to bée called thy sonne ●c And these be the confessions whyche ●he elect of God ought to make daily vn●o God both with hart and tongue who ●auing tasted the singuler mercy of God ●owarde them call vppon hym wythout ●eassing that they might euerye daye bée more and more purged frō the filth and ●tayne of sinne The seconde kinde of confession is very Christianlike when a man is so sore touched and stong in his conscience wyth the sense of sinne that hée perceiueth hys fayth to fainte and waxe weake by the terroure of the lawe as it were wyth a continuall assaulte and batterie wherby he is compelled for wante of sufficiencie in himselfe to praye aide of another into whose bosome he might poure all the secrete griefes of his hearte as to his most faithfull and assured friende to the ende that he might receiue some present remedie for his woūded conscience The w●●che kinde of confessing God hathe commaunded to bée obserued and kepte in hi● Churche to beate downe the prou● and arrogant opinion of learning an● wisedome in man that euery man might thinke humbly of himselfe forasmuch as they stande very many times in néede of the aide comforte and aduice of other And this confession or conference in hy● whose conscience is wounded or troubled may be very well had and vsed with the pastours doctours and preachers 〈◊〉 the Churche hauing assuraunce of they● faithfulnesse in their vocation and likelihoode that they are called to that function and ministerie by the holy spirite tha● they might cōfort and cherish the weaklings by their discrete language as th● prophet saith The thirde sorte of confession is when the faithfull disciple of the holy ghoste doth plainely confesse his offences before men of a certaine earneste and vehemēt zeale of humbling himselfe considering therewithall that God the sercher of mans secrets dothe know an● sée the same already and in this imagi●ation perswadeth himselfe that all the ●reatures of the worlde woulde conspire ●gainste him if he himselfe shoulde not ●penly confesse declare to al the world ●n such sorte as the posteritie that commeth after him might know them likewise And that Dauid vsed this kinde of ●onfession is manifest by the .32 and .51 psalme which séeme to be committed to writing to the ende that it bothe mighte be a president of publike confession vnto ●ll men that men might likewise therby vnderstand into how greate and heinous sinnes that beloued of the Lorde and specially elect to gouerne his people did fall and yéeld himselfe In like maner is that notable confession of Daniell and that of Paule wherby he is not ashamed to confesse of himself that he was a blasphemer of god a persecutor of hys church Austine likewise in a certaine little treatise reckneth vp al his offēces euē frō his very first cōming to mans estate And this kinde of cōfessing opēly of thēselues doth greatly declare the great modesty and lowlinesse of minde in the confessor worthye greate praise and commendations and partly it is a great comforte vnto others that are greuously loden with the heauy burthen of sinne to driue them from dispaire by hope in the mercies of god whiche they sée other in like case haue atteyned before them There is also a fourth kinde when euery one in the face of the congregation folowing the minister doth secretly confesse himselfe before God to be compassed rounde aboute wyth manifold sinnes and offences and wrapped in moste palpable mists of ignorance and blindnesse beséeching God from the bottome of hys heart to lighten his mind and vnderstanding by the preaching of his Gospel For so he perswadeth himselfe and firmelye beleueth that remission of sinnes is published and wrought by the preaching of the Gospell and that onely throughe the sheading of the moste precious bloud of the immaculate lambe There is yet also one other manner of confessing whiche we may call reconciling our selues vnto our neighbour whē●e both confesse our selues to haue offen●ed him by word and déede and pray par●●n and forgiuenesse of our trespas com●itted according to the prescripte com●aundement and direction of our Lorde ●nd sauiour Iesus Christe Math. and ●ames 5. but it wée committe any open ●ime so that the shame and slaūder therof ●oth redounde to the Churche and is of●ence vnto others the godlye doe not re●use in suche a case to make open confes●on the whiche custome both the olde ●athers in time past didde obserue them●elues and deliuered ouer to their posteri●ie as appeareth by the Cannons that ●reate of penaunce The obseruation ●nd execution whereof the Churche of Rome omitting and neglecting brought ●n a corrupt custome in place therof that some one Prieste or Chaplayne shoulde secretely shrine suche as had offended openly and heare their confession in corners for sauing of their honesty and their good name whereby did growe two most notorious and shamefull abuses for by means that priuate and auriculer confe●sion came in place of the open declaration of faultes bothe all good order a●● discipline went to wracke and most m●serable tiranny beganne to vsurpe in th● poore afflicted consciences Secondari●● in that there were certaine penitent●●ries appoynted at Rome or rather p●●lers of pardōs that retailed their Indulgences for mony to euery man that lif●●● to buy them whereby oure aduersaries muste néedes be driuen to confesse th●● causelesse they call vs heretiks and mo●● falsely