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A19257 An exposition of the hymne commonly called Benedictus with an ample & comfortable application of the same, to our age and people. By A. Anderson preacher. Anderson, Anthony, d. 1593. 1574 (1574) STC 567; ESTC S100136 70,199 176

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their shadowed hell conspiring against him and his elect and hath geuen them the light of his saluation turned their raging race to warr with his Church into the most happie tracke of pacient sufferings and precious persecution for his names sake Wherfore let vs pray for all persecutors of his gospel for neither we or yet themselues do know whether the Lord hath predestinate thē to life Did the church of the Apostles expect Pauls cōming to their felowship who was the most cruel enemie that the Romaine power the Pharisaicall Jewes sent forth to their persecution did not the lord lead this Liō to lie vnder the féet as it were of those holy lābes euen then when he came with raging roaring hūger to deuour thē Did the famous prince most noble Monarch of the worlde king Henry the Eyght purpose to foster the Lordes people in Englande when he sat himselfe in iudgement agaynst the Godly Martir of Christ Lamhert and yet dyd the Lorde visit his Princely harte so that by the light of his Christ the spirite of God opening his harte he was made the Lordes instrument vtterly to thrust out that horrible Pope wyth all his power which no king before him could bring to passe albeit they eftsoones attempted sundry times to cut him short Which argueth Gods good lyke of his ministery with him of all such Bishops and ministers as did by doctrine stirre vp his hart her to themselues or most of them before being sworne to the Romishe obedience The noble Father and Martir of Christ M. Cranmer late the Archbishop of Canterburie shall we not accompt him amongest the lawfull ministers of God a trust none will be so wilfull as once to ●●inke him vnworthie most reuerence 〈◊〉 Catalogie of Gods true and fayth● ministers in his time And yet my 〈◊〉 bretherne in his persno and actions 〈◊〉 found apparant such a blemishes as for the same all of his lyke institution are of some vouched vmméete for the ministerie of the Church of god I speake not this to iniurie the fame of that holy man whom the heauens haue receiued but to offer such comfort to others as I haue I trust rightly receiued my selfe being in the dayes of Quéene Mary hatched vp in Popery and made an Idolatrous Priest often committing most horrible sacrileage to God by the sacrifising that Idolatrous Cake and counterfeyted Christ to God the Father against the glory of Christ his sonne But I dayly praise the Lord my God who hath taken mercy vpon me and called me from that power of darknes and hath translated me vnto the kingdome of his dear sonne Iesus and of from an Idolatrous Priest being ignorantly caryed into error hath chosen me wyth many others my Godly Bretherne to be a faythfull minister and true Preacher of his holy Gospell and that I craue for restes to the world the congregatiōs which haue tasted of the swéet gyltes of his holy spirite by his mercifulnesse and riche goodnesse powred into their harts by my ministrie though a sinner But through christ called by grace to the preaching of the word of truth through whose good gifts by the portion of his sacred spirit giuē vnto me for their good and my continual comfort they are to confesse his grace apparant in my ministry with others our godly brethren called to the office This I say not bostingly after the fleshe but witnessing Gods great graces in me vnworthy the least after his calling me with many others from idolatry to his seruice And not to yéeld my self such like whose hartes be truly turned to the Lord to subscribe to such sharp censure as passeth to the offence of many a soule But Saul as he is not ashamed to confesse his error blasphemies So being by the Lorde in mercy changed to Paule warrāteth vs with him good courage comfort to procede in our offices daring to say of himself erst a persecuter as of his fellow ministers which neuer were such séeing we haue this ministery c. He doth hereby the more embolden vs with humblenes of hart to chalenge the like authority to preach to administer the sacraments of the lord with and aswel as such others our brethren by the singular grace of god either preserued from such idolatry or since that time called to the function ecclesiasticall These spéeches therfore Q. Maries priestes K. Henries priestes c. are not so warely set downe as becommeth the place of such which séeme sufficient to supply the wants of this ecclesiasticall gouernment But the lord assist in his mercy the state present with his holy spirit grant to this our mighty monarch a zelous spirite in him yet more more to remoue reteine as the worde of God the honor of this his holy church in England the condition of our age time shall approue for truth most conuenient The places of Josias and EZechiel are not to beat vs down or to bear the contrary opinion from lacke in my iudgmēt Omitting the priuat example of the godly Iosias which can not in good diuinitie be drawne to a publique commandement I will onely note of the other place which séemeth to sundrye to stande for a law preceptorie as well to vs now as to the Leuits then First I say that Idolatrie is an horrible sin but not estranged is the Idolater from grace if the Lorde vouchsafe him repentance And where as the Lord there cutteth those Leuits frō his Alter at Ierusalem and the office of the Priest which fell to Idolatry he doth not say this shall be a perpetuall lawe to my house Church for euer Neyther did the Leuits alwais so deale to fore in the time of Moises law Did not Aaron fal to Idolatrie when he made with a grauen toole the molten image proclaimed a solempne feast day therfore attributing that selfe Idolatrous worship to the lord made an Aulter before the Idoll and if wel we weigh whose office it was in that congregatiō to offer vp sacrifice we shall further touch Aaron his person as also Moises séemeth to lay the whole crime vppō him Yet behold the great mercy of God in the time of the law Nor is Aaron by god the lord or by his magistrate Moises depriued of his dignitie remoued from his ministery nor slaine with the slaughter of the sword at Moises his hands whē .3000 of the Isralits were thē slaine for the same horrible Idolatrous fact This example may not moue such whom it doth cōcerne to boldnes of sinne neither is the place of EZech. written to tye al times to that Iudiciall law But so hath gods wisdome enriched his written scriptures with Iustice in seuerity mercy in his christ that sin may be condemned the penitent sinner find fauor in the sight of God. It might be asked whether all the whole Chapter be of
then to vse rightly my loned penie in dutifull sort to the holy Church of God here in this our state and Realme by his great mercie firmely set vpon the foundation stone Christ Iesus This Ancker is to me a staye and frayeth all feare from me so that I as I can seeke to helpe forwardes the Lords labours though wants in me do force the wish of learned frame and eloquēt phraise to help my willing mind and godly purpose But I accept with thankfulnes that which God hath vouched safe to giue being because of my many sinnes vnworthy of that in him I haue I onely desire of God in Christ that his spirit of truth may guide my ragged rowes and simple stile and that the lesse learned for whom chiefely I presume these presents may something herewith be profited The matter that I exhibit to your L. is An Exposition with an ample true applicatiō of that Hymne which by order of the constituted Lawes of England is now appoynted to be vsed at Morning prayer which Hymne cōmonly is called BENEDICTVS Not at all purposed to controll much lesse to condemne the minds of some of our bretherne whose Censure hath exiled his vse at the Common praier Or yet to lend my like to phantasies lust where sound warrant hath no place And waighing with my selfe that neither they may by their priuate power or can with the quietnes of Gods Church in England which ought necessarilie of all Christians to be had in most regard to take from her that and those thinges which by Law she hath established Furthermore reuoluing my cogitations that this Hymne howesoeuer of some it be disliked to his appoynted vse is tho a part of holy scripture I thought it better to that I could to open some of the hidden treasures layd vp in the same for the Church of God then to feede some forren phantasie or to pollute my pen in contending to pull downe that which may well enough stand and nothing abate the beautie of Gods house Yet do I not thinke this Hymne so necessarily set in the order of prayer as without the same it were blemished for that were more than friuolous but because the matter therin cōtained indifferently looked into and well weighed doth enstruct comfort and also administreth light to our spirituall sences and vnderstanding of Gods mercies in his promised Christ to vs geuen and long sith commen in the Flesh which matter in time of prayer is expedient I can not yet learne or be of other minde then that the said Psalme as it is appointed is both tollerable and profitable to all godly heartes And were these my weake labors worthy by their valor to force the fauor of christian frend to refell the fury of Popish foe to your good L. of right I ought to dedicate the same not only because you are my lerned godly Ordinary who can with good iudgment discerne the doctrine therin contained if either sounde or contrary that so in stead of milke the meate for babes I powre not out poyson to infect the well growne vp children in Christ for that God graunt euer to be farre from me but also for that in respect that I should not loyter but labor in the vineyard of the Lorde your goodnesse at the request of the right honorable my singuler good L. and Master as you know did commit vnto me a speciall flock with in your Diocese to foster vp in Christ their soules which he hath purchased with his most blessed bloud Let this little booke beare witnesse of my diligent care therfore my good L. that I beare both to the same my peculiar charge amongst whom and of whose labors I reape my portion and liuelyhode and to the whole church of God elsewhere where these my low lines with others godly woorkes may fructify by his holy grace and spirit in the apt soyle of their poore harts had they store of godly teachers Finally I beseech your L. that my poore pen may passe the raging Seas of curious censure vnder the harbor of your protection So shall it with much more quietnes arriue in the port of the poore mans hart desirous not to cauill but to catch earnest holde of such plaine doctrine as truly though simply teacheth him the way to life This if I may of your good nature obtaine it will encourage me the further aduenture of godly study in the sacred Scriptures if so it may please the almightie in his Sonne Christ to bestow a greater porcion of me that I may still bring foode into the church of God. The Lord God of mercy loue and peace send to this our church her maiestrate our godly Queene state and people the peace of Christ vnfainedly in our hartes for his names sake and to your L. encrease of godly knowledge like zeale and perfect strength to cōtinue with godly care euer more and more profitable to his Church by the power of his spirite whose defence be euer yours and you with all vs that inuocate truely the name of God for euer his in Christ our Lord. Your L. euer in Christ. A. Anderson From Medborne this 15. of Ianuary 1573. The argument of the Propheticall Hymne THe author of this song was the holy maried Priest of the Lord Zacharias who had to wife Elizabeth the cosen of the virgin Mary the mother of Iesus Christ in whose old age the Lord by his Angell promised him of his saide wife a Sonne and called his name Iohn which Iohn the Lord had appointed to be the same Prophet and fore runner of the Messiath that the prophetes Malachy and Esay had prophesied to precede Christ At the birth of this babe Zacharie his toung was miraculously lowsed which before for a season was dumbe for his harde beliefes sake and he with exceading ioy then in the sight of all the company made and sung this Song Blessed be the Lord God of Israell c. In this hymne is commended vnto vs 1 First the constant truth of God to his beloued Church 2 Then his inestimable mercies powred vpon the same 3 Thirdly the office of Iohn and of the preaching of the word All which are more at large in the woorke following amply set forth to gods glory and thy profite ¶ An exposition of the Hymne commonly called Benedictus Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited redeemed his people THe holy ghost more earnestly now then before prouoketh forceth his Prophete Zacharie to soūd forth his praise as in this Hymne is apparant his harte béeing set downe in the Chaire of déepe consideration of Gods mercie to Jsraell beginneth wyth laude and prayse to God for their and our Saluatiō in Christ Iesus Blessed be the Lord God of Israell sayth he hée calleth God the God of Israell not because he reigneth onely ouer Israell for he is also the God of all the Worlde and in him sayth the Scripture shall the Gentilles trust
victorie Adde vnto the holy Scriptures testes our own experimented testymony in the late persecuting time of Queene Marie and therewith well consider the encrease of hys Church number of her children which by the persecuted Preachers then with others their brethren since through their ministerie in the Gospell are begot in Christ and in thys Churche of Englande fostered to the praise and in the profession of the same our lord To conclude let euery faithfull man assure himselfe of the same continuall worke of God in his church to the end of the world For his eyes with remembrance of his promise are euer ouer the righteous to performe to all perpetuity that which by so many holy witnesses as his patriarks prophets he hath to the same promised frō time to time so assuredly Now let vs repaire again to our prophet Zachary who proceding doth set forth at large the performed promise of God and the effectes of the same to his beloued Church saying as followeth Vers 4 That he would send vs deliueraunce from our ennemies and from the hands of all that hate vs. Vers 5 That he would shew mercie towardes our Fathers and remember his holy couenant Vers 6 And the othe which he sware to our Father Abraham Vers 7 Which was that he would graunt to vs that we being deliuered out of the handes of our enemies should serue him with out feare Vers 8 All the daies of our life in holines and righteousnes before him This whole text dependeth vppon the former expounded verse As he promised to our fore c. And declareth by manifest proofe the faithfulnes of God which hath fulfilled his promises and oth not by the Prophets alone but long before made to the Patriarkes that was to Abraham saying I will blesse them that blesse thée and I wil curse them that curse thée And also thy séede shall possesse the gates of their enemies and in thy séede shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed and this promis he confirmed with an oth which Zacherie here repeateth saying I haue sworne by my selfe I will blesse thée and multiplie thy seede His liuing couenant also with Abraham was this Moreouer I will stablish my loue betwéene me and thée and thy séede after thée in their generations for an euerlasting couenant to be god vnto thée and to thy séede after thée And I will geue thée and thy séede after thée the land wherein thou art a straunger euen all the land of Canaan for an euerlasting possession I wil be their god And with our Father Dauid he made a couenant also which by oth eke he established that it might be euery way most firme and now in sending his Christ saith Zachary he hath performed the same which erst thus spake I haue made a couenant with my chosē I haue sworne to Dauid my seruant thy séed wil I stablish for euer and set vp thy throne from generation to generations Againe I haue found Dauid my seruant with my holy oyle haue I anointed him Therefore mine hand shal be established with him and my arme shall strengthen him The enemy shall not oppresse him neither shal the wicked hurt him But I will destroy his foes before his face and plague them that hate him My truth and my mercy shal be with him and in my name shall his horne be exalted And albeit that these and such other couenants by GOD with the Fathers made for and to them and the rest of his Churche may séeme to sound temporall thinges yet beside that this Psalme sheweth them to be spirituall our Prophet here as a moste true Paraphrast expoundeth the same couenantes and promises by othe of the LORDE also confirmed to their infallible stabilitie to be vnderstanded of vs spiritually and in Christ to possesse them by him likewyse as victorius men and more then conqueroures to triumph ouer and against our spirituall ennemies sinne Sathan the worlde and the flesh Principalities powers worldly gouernoures that is to say such as gouerne by and for the worldes luste Princes of darknes of this world spirituall wickednesses which are in high places and whatsoeuer openeth it selfe to the worke of our Saluation Neither did Christ deliuer the Iewes from the tirranny and bondage of the Romaines but yéelding himselfe to that authoritye paid the tribute thither due Teachinge vs thereby to looke for a further a more blessed deliuerance of which as before Paule speaketh to the Ephesians And the Angelles from Heauen preached the same to Ioseph saying he shal be called Iesus For he shall saue his people not from temporall gouernment of Straungers but from the spiritual captiuity of their sinnes That being so from feare of sin sathan hell world and flesh spiritually and safely deliuered they may serue the Lord not with Iewish rites or popish deuotion but with sinceritie of hart purenes of handes in euery place in true holynesse and like righteousnesse by him accepted and in his sight frée from hipocrisy al the daies of their life Lo this is the fruite of the blessed promises othe and couenantes which our Prophet here speaketh of This is the victory which God geueth to his faithfull fighting souldiers and sanctified people On this sorte shall they possesse the gates of their ennemies they shal through Christ their head remaine and dwell as Lordes ouer all thinges And shall treade Satan vnder their féete notwithstanding his dayly assaltes and subtil fight The battel is betwixt Sathan and the soule of man it beginneth wyth mans lyfe and is fought in the fielde of a good conscience enduring by fayth till death for both partes sound the retyre But the a victory by Gods spirite is euer assured to the faythfull and shall be perfected wyth b Christ in his kingdome to our endles happie and most blessed state Now hauing the text thus opened by Gods mercies and grace of his spirit let vs according to our former rule obserue some such profitable notes as the same doth reache apparantly to our considerations And first in this seconde verse of this section for of the first we shall speake more herafter Christ so willing let vs vpon the wordes note that the Fathers Patriarkes and Prophets albeit they are of the prophet here called and that truly holy yet did not their holinesse demerit such great treasures and heauenly fruitfulnesse eyther for their selues or their posterity as by his words he here expresseth But sayth the prophet well instructed in the doctrine of truth the Lorde was there vnto brought towardes our Fathers by his mere mercy that wyth them he should make so Solempne and Honorable a couenaunt And if the Fathers whose holinesse the sacred Scriptures so much recounteth had not wherwyth to meritte the couenaunt of peace wyth God Where shall theyr Chyldren obteyne suche pryce Naye such as haue sought by theyr worthynesse and Obedience to the Lawe set
the same right the instrumentes of destruction of what nature or condition so euer they bee are together with the author of them to be punnished and condemned Hereto he alleadgeth certaine examples of scriptures as of Achan of Corah and his companie In end he thus concludeth If to condemne the organ with the wicked spirit the author it be Iniquum So by the same reason must it be wicked that the bodies of the faithfull together with their soules be made partakers of eternall life and heauenly felicitie But farre be such thoughts from the minds of the godly c. Thus farre Musculus That old father and great learned Doctor Chrisostome vppon the same place of Genesis geueth in effect the same censure whose wordes vpon the Serpents iudgement are as they are reported also by Peter Martir that famous man thus God in this action delt like vnto a man that is a most naturall louing Father who when he séeth his deare sonne slaine doth not only couet the death of the murtherer but the sword Speare euery the instrument wherewith he perished will he likewise séeke to destroy Should I stand to speake of al lets rubbish in this nation I should frō my self to al flesh without great search see such matter aboūd as no reasonable volume could cōtaine their descriptiō Idolatrous papists Atheistes Carnalites Hipocrites Adulterers Drunkardes and sundry wicked vices else in many places many times are lesse loked vpon with iustice censure then such as many wayes els are profitable mēbers in the church of god This is a perilous shrub it would be stubbed vp by the rootes The Lord graunt better regard lest the maiestie on hye take the matter into his owne hand from such as be ouer negligent Gods in earth The Preachers of God must cry out in Sion and tell Ierusalem and Iuda of her faults from the hiest to the lowest to one and other for agaynst this that euill In paine of damnation must the preacher cry out that the desert may be tracked and the hils the valleyes the ragged the croked the old and rotten for age may be altered or quite remoued that in England his prophets may so exhibit to the lord at his comming a prepared people and well instructed whose soules by his spirit being gouerned their bodies by his force shall walke in all holines in his sight as the dayes of their lyfe Then will the Lord yet more delight in our Church state and people he will take pleasure to walke into the garden of our harts there to receiue the redolent smell of the swete fruites spreading themselues far abroad all a long the beds of fayth he will blesse her with beautie and builde hir with precious stones of great price he wil teach this nation himselfe by his worde and will giue thée the more abounding spirit to walke in his statutes he wil be for thée agaynst thy forren foes domesticall enemies a tower of strēgth to assist thée and bruse thē in myerie streates before thy eyes he will destroy the smyth and all his instrumentes the Pope and his pelfe all diuelishe deuises agaynst thée of what force so euer To his faythfull ministers and Teachers will he graunt his ayde and power to be for them a well fenced cytie wyth walles of Brase agaynst all Popishe practises bent to their destruction Finally to some all from thy vertuous Quéene to the faythfull Plowman sowing his séede will he poure forth his grace and spirit his christ and heauen to be thine for euer Vers 11.12 Through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day spring from an high hath visited vs To giue light to them that sit in darkenesse and in the shadow of death and to guide our feet into the way of peace This knowledge of Saluation where by man is brought to the forgiuenesse of sinnes in christ commeth not to vs by purchase of gold and siluer or any other mans merit but by the inward mercy of our God sayth Zachary euen as a naturall mother séeing her child wounded in her armes or taken violently from her to be slaine all the partes of her body and soule are therewith moued with singuler compassion so hast thou O God saith he beholding our most miserable blindnes bandage vnder sinne taken most mercifull pitie in the bowels of thy Fatherly mercies hast sēt to vs this branch thy Christ day spring as the beautie of thy flesh to visit our darkenesse with the light of his trueth and by his lyfe to deliuer vs from the gloming darke death of ignorance sinne to set our conscience quiet in the Iustification by his bloud to embolden vs to approch thy presence as Children to their best beloued Father without terror of death for Sinne or feare of any worldly want For through the comfort of this bright shining sunne of righteousnesse and virident braunche of Jesse his roote the anoynted Christ we shall ouercome whatsoeuer shall set it selfe against vs. To our instruction further comforts let vs as before so in these two verses obserue some such pith as lieth within the vertue of these happy words By this maner of speach the Prophet would haue vs to consider déeply the chiefe and aboundant loue of the ineffable God whose studye and care as it were is onely bent to doe vs the best good though we in no part demerit the same Thrée speciall thinges I obserue to thée gentle reeder in these last verses whereof the first followeth The first is that by the only mercy of God without the merit of man Christ our Sauiour is giuen to vs as himselfe testifieth in the third of Iohn saying So dearely God loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne c. Without our merit gaue the heauenly Father his sauing Christ for when we were his ennemies he saued vs Vpon the which most mercifull acte he perswadeth vs that now much more sence we belong to him will he deliuer vs frō wrath The second note is that albeit God in his great mercy hath so copiously enritched vs with the hidden treasure of ful remission from al our sinnes yet hath he therwith nothing impared his iustice but hath by the merit of another himselfe Christ Iesus our Lord which the Prophet here calleth the day spring from an high fully answered the same In whose person mercy iustice haue met together mercy peace haue kyssed each other for in that Christ Iesus tooke vpon him our nature sanctifiing the same by his conception and ioined it to his god head He tooke that person of sinne vppon him which could be subiecte to the crosse and aptly receiued the curse due thereto for our iniquitie and accept to the ful the fury of his fathers iust conceiued wrath In which body he did fully beare the same vpon the
is on our side and therfore we feare not what the Pope or any other Carnalite can doe against vs. Fourthly where and when is this horne erected Euen there then where and in what place the worlds force is to represse the same euen in the house of his seruant Dauid When did Israel féele most the presence of the horne Whē Pharao entred with greatest rage to destroy the Lordes heritage When did Daniel perceiue his might and where Euen when his friend the Kyng wanted strength to helpe him and in the place prouided for his destruction Where did Helias the good Prophet beholde this wonderfull horne erected But where idolatrie had preuayled ouer all and then also when not one séemed to stand with the lord And did not Israell now decay and the heathen enter into their possessions Was not Dauids house aboue al persecuted Then there did the Lord send his promised horne Christ our Lorde by whose sapience the wisedome of all flesh is proued foolishnesse and through whose strength the strong armed mā is spoyled of his treasure Be of good comfort O thou little flock afflicted for the Lord hath and wil haue his Christ to haue the victorie Yea death is the instrument of life and he maketh persecution to bee the séede time of his Gospel and the bloud of Martirs the budding time of the same Wherfore alwayes with this other such places of the holy Scripture take comfort thou that trustest in the Lord And let the experiment of the last persecution in England assure thée that the power of this horne is eftsones encreased Where and when did this Christ shewe forth to our age his might But when the bloud of his saintes in our English bloudy Church became as riuers of water and in the time of their greatest pride and ripenes of their Butchers actes Then and there hath the Lord againe in this nation erected his Christ and Gospell and from the prison of the Tower hath to the Throne and diademe of this land raysed his more then halfe dead Elizabeth our godly and gracious Quéene vnder whom the ruines of the decayed walles of true Religion are greatly repayred once againe God make vs mindfull of his mercies thankfull for his benefites And giue her Maiestie such encrease of his zealous spirite that the remnant of the Hydra and seuen headed beast may be banished this nation that in her gracious raigne and by her godly hand with the state of her ecclesiastical and ciuil gouernment in God as Gods holy instruments Christ alone may be erected as he is set downe by the Psalmist to be our strength our light So shal her daies be many her throne established and her and our enemies vtterly ashamed And in the meane space graunt vs O Lord for Christes sake true and perfect obedience to her Maiestie with pacient abyding in humble peace till the time which thou hast set to frame her heroical heart further to those things which shall most sound forth thy glory her Maiesties honour and the profite of thy Church that so we may depend vppon Christ our horne of saluation God of strength The Prophet not contented to staye with this summary spéech dilateth the same more amplie sayth as followeth in the next verse Vers 3 As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which haue ben since the world began Least the saluation by him now preached in Christ should séeme to the world a new noueltie fréeed from vtilitie and truth he voucheth the same to be long sith determined of God and the same open to all ages before by the holy Prophets in their times Euē from the voice omnipotent to Satan at the fal of Adam vntill the houre of this ioyful song so sending as to our certaine stay the written word of god As if he had sayd other sauing health to looke for at the handes of God then hée hath promised and to refuse the same by him set and geuen according to his promise is mere wickednes To geue credite to his word and to subscribe therto is true godlines Wherfore come hither ye sonnes of God this is the promised séed the little stone the virgins sonne Jesse his braunch the Messias and the anoynted Sauiour of the Lord promised by al the prophets since the beginning of the world This verse exhibiteth as by hand to our sences excellent matter First that to the whole world aswell before Christ as since and till the last day and houre of the same world there is no saluatiō to be looked for by that perishing world els where then in Dauids house in and by the horne Christ Iesus alone by God and not men erected vp in all sight in that house not set with or vnder other helpes but alone and aboue all other séeking their helpe at him Of saintes the virgin Mary is of most worthy fame yet is she farre of frō hauing power to helpe in earth the sonnes of men Therefore she in her life for a lesson till the end of death to all Dauids house in the Gospell being called vpon of the seruitors at the mariage sayth Whatsoeuer he biddeth you do speaking of her sonne Christ se that ye do it And when Elizabeth this holy priestes wife had saluted her she acknowledged Gods mercie to be the cause and sayd My soule doth magnifie the lord c. And my spirite eke reioyceth in God my Sonne which is my Sauiour for els had I wyth the rest of the sinfull world both soule and bodie perished into eternall fire had not this Christ by the spirite of God my Lord bene conceited and borne not of me alone but to and nor me also Secōdly he hath promised by al his Prophets to deliuer vs from error that this Christ is not to be found els where then in Dauids house by the which as all false Christes are descried so also the true Church is hereby approuedly knowne For as after the flesh Christ is of the line of Dauid so spiritually Dauids house signifieth his new Church and in the same wise Christ is by the Prophets called sundrie times Dauid aswell by Jeremie as Ezechiel where the church is prophesied to serue God and Dauid their king vz. christ the sonne of Dauid For Dauid was now long sith departed to the Lord and again sayth the Lord I will set vp a shepherd ouer them euen my seruaunt Dauid c. And my seruaunt Dauid that is Christ shal be the Prince among them I the lord haue spoken it Therefore good Reader of force it must be so The house wherin this Princely Dauid raigneth and this priestly Prophet teacheth is the church of true Israelites the vnfayned house of Jacob to the which and for the which the Angels discend and ascend dayly by the commaundement of our King to the ministring comfort of his
concerning the purpose of God in this Baptist Thus he saith And thou little babe shalt be called the Prophet of the highest c. By these words we are put in mind stil of Gods aboundant mercy in his Christ who not only maketh Zacharie an old comfortable father but openeth also vnto him the arcane counsel of his diuine disposition And by the spirit of prophecy assureth him and the Church committed to him of the heauenly benefite their spirituall deliuerance in this Christ their true Messias of whom this little babe that yet can nothing say shal be the most noble preacher and Prophet When hée calleth him the Lords Prophet he acknowledgeth him to be the interpreter of the lords Law and Oracles the Doctor and preacher in to the Church of God by whose mouth the Lord him selfe speaketh to the same opening to them his secretes and manifesting his holy will as appeareth by that which followeth To geue knowledge of Saluation c. Which prophecie of the father was fulfilled in his sonne the Baptist in the the first yeare of Tiberius at which time Christ was about thirtie yeres of age And John began to preach publiquely saying Repent for the kingdome of God is at hand Two notable thinges in the wordes of this his text he promiseth to his sonne by his warrant receiued frō god First that albeit he be in respect of natures worke and the worldes reputation but a small child and of lowe degrée yet hath the lord chosen appointed him from his cradell nay before his creation to be the instrument most apt to the Lordes labour The second is the nature of his office which is to prepare make straight the way of the Lord as the Angel before had sayd to Zacharie in the vision Who being corrected for his doutfulnes assured him selfe and others most constantly of the Lordes promise which was that this holy Prophet the Baptist should be great in the sight of God and should not geue him selfe with the wicked Priestes of the earth or the false prophets of Israel to gorge their crawes with bibbing cheare but should lead an austere temperate diet hauing his hart wholy set vpon his office which the spirit of God selected him to from his mothers wombe that he should turne the children of Israel to their Lord God by that heroicall spirite which God erst gaue to Helias to turne the harts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisedome of the iust men to make ready a people prepared for the lord This was the most excellent office of the Baptist in consideration wherof this Zachary song this Psalme to the lords praise Now let vs note here good reader that not by chāce but by gods prouidēce al things are guided to his glory the churches profite Not any mā is by chāce set into place autoritie or any office but are appointed of god in his wisdome yea before they are to be men beyond his search sute or expectatiō to the seruice of his god As Moyses Aarō Saul Dauid Samuel Amos Jeremie Esay Christ him selfe Paule the Apostles els and all others before and since The very wicked Magistrates their office and authoritie is of the Lord by him kinges doe raigne good or euil In that they are kinges of his good wisedome it is but as they are euill it is of their owne frowardnes Satans malice from which persons neyther may the action of Gods iustice in any wise be seperate Pharao his hart the Lord hardened Nabuchadnezar hée stirred vp against the children of Israel Pilate and Herode with the Gentiles and cruel Jewes were in their malicious harts furiously bent and did in déede gather them selues together against Christ the annoynted of the lord But it was to do whatsoeuer the hand and the counsell of the Lord had before determined to be done All which emphatically Zacharie voucheth vnder this word Thou shalt c. Wherefore let vs depend vpon our heauenly fathers prouidence and what gouernement raigne pollicie or order so euer we sée prayse God for the good pray God to amend rectifie or remoue the euill at his good pleasure and for his spirit to direct our steppes knowing that as a sparowe falleth not to the ground without the heauenly fathers prouidēce So shall nothing come to passe without his good pleasure to his elect And the euent shall euer be to them because they feare the Lord good and prosperous Oh that ye Papistes Atheists and other the Macheuils of this our age could consider this then would ye not so range at the Gospell or so enuie the professors therof or yet contēne so gracious gouernmēt as is set ouer you vs by the which not by casualitie but by diuine destinie gods word is so amplie preached forcibly beaten into your eares that were you not appointed to the slaughter in the day of wrath impossible should it be for you to remayne rebellious But so is it Gods good pleasure to rayse vp little Baptists and lowly babes to possesse that grace which you wise and mightie Giants of the world despise and persecute All prayse be to thée O heauenly father therefore and continually vouchsafe thy blessing to this our nation graunt our Dauid to consider thy choyse of her Maiestie which was not from the fold of simple shepe but out of the Lions téeth the Papists clawes out of the Towers prison and tirans death to féede thy people of England in the sinceritie of her harte and the porcion of her gracious giftes bestowed vppon her Moreouer I note to thée good reader the yet more mercie of our good GOD who spilleth not but spareth the worlde for the electes sake and before he sendeth destruction for sinne he exhibiteth to that people his Prophetes to call them to repentance that he in lyke sort may torne from the euil which he hath determined agaynst them As to Adam in Paradise he appeared by him selfe To Cain by his voyce from heauen To Pharao by Mosses To Achab his age by Hely To the Iewes before the destruction by Esay Je. sundry others To Ierusalem by Iohn Baptist Christ Iesus and his Apostles forty and od yeares after his death and all to call these to repentance and true turning to the Lorde by the warning of the Trumpe of God the mouthes of the Preachers But alas these ages as they are past before vs so haue they left to their posteritie as yet their former vices of securitie and contempt of the preachers voyce So that Esay may well say at this houre Lorde who beleueth our saying or to whom is the arme of the Lord knowne But woe ouertooke them and so shall it all such as despising the light of the worde wallow still in the myre of mans deuises agaynst god Where God offereth his worde therewyth
But because he chose them from among the nations not for their worthynes but in his mercie to be a peculiar people to him selfe from heauen by his presence he guided them to them he gaue his statutes ordinances his Priestes and Prophets wyth them he made his speciall couenant and gaue vnto their Tribes the Sacramentes seales of his faythfulnesse to them he promised that of the kindred of Israell he would rayse vp his holy Child Iesus which should be and before all times was of the same our eternall God determined to be the sauiour of al the true Israelites These be the causes why he termeth him the God of Israell Because he hath visited and redeemed c. Thrée principall causes mouing forth such prayses the Prophete here declareth first that our God notwythstanding that the sinnes of his Church seperateth his presence from her and in stead thereof draweth his vengeance vpon her as it were with cordes yet the malice of her sinnes cannot break the faythfulnes of him her god But according to his worde by othe also warranted he would vouchsafe in her most miserie so louingly to visit the same his Church and people Secondly he visiteth his chosen Church with inestimable loue moued wyth compassion vpon the vewe of her great miserie who for her sinnes was by his iustice Captiued into seruitude not onely to Caesar but also to Sathan and so holden of him in thrall that no way could she auoyde Sathans force or at the tribunall seat of Gods iudgement escape the iust sentence of condemnation necessarily following her wickednes as a méete merit to the same At his appoynted time according to his good pleasure he wyth his apparant fauor so visiteth the same perplexed Church that from her Captiuitie in sinne and sathans bondes and also from the iust sentence of his great wrath he by his sonne Christ hath perfectly raunsomed so redéemed her not by violēt force taking hir from her bondage as erst frō Pharao nor mouing the hartes of her Conquerors to pitie her miserie and fauor her deliuerance as somtime he did when she was in Babilons captiuitie but aunswering his iustice wyth the bloud and death of his immaculate and iust sonne Iesus hath payed there by the due price of her sinne and deliuerance from his wrath and from Sathans malice to the end that she so redéemed should leade a purchased life voyd of sinne and by his holy spirite redéeme hereafter such ill time as erst they wasted with gréedinesse to iniquitie and by newnesse of life walke as children which in the dungeon of darknes haue séene so great light that as by their former actions his holines was blasphemed so now by their good woorkes his name may be glorified Thirdly when he sayth He hath redemed his people he sturreth all Israell to a double ioy First that their gouernour and Lorde is no lesse then the Lord God who hath made all things that be the Lord of Aungelles of Men and Deuilles and hath al at his becke ruleth al at his pleasure staieth the rage of Lyons and defendeth the innocencie of Doues and the simplicitie of his beloued shéepe As also that he is a visiting God doth not onely create but dayly direct by gouernements from an hye the steps rhodes of all thinges and in his ielousie ouer the wicked for their crueltie to his people visiteth their sinnes wyth scourges and wyth the sworde of his plagues But his people he in visiting finding in them like corruption of nature the mountains of sinne the lyke little regarde of dutie to God and remorse of themselues doth not wyth the wicked destroy them but as a most mercifull Father regarding for his names sake not their deserued plague but the enemies rage against them doth acknowledge them for his and from the shadow of death the Lyons denne the burning Ouen the manifolde captiuities and fierie cheynes of sinne because they are by his owne worke his people he redéemeth them and translateth them into the kingdome of his deare sonne our sauing health Christ Iesus Now let vs good readers applie the wordes of this verse to our selues which not onely in the morning but at all times of prayer finding the lyke causes working in vs we ought wyth ioyfull hartes to the Lorde vnfainedly to say and sing Blessed be the Lorde c. First this Lorde and God belongeth to vs now as to Israell of olde For as they were after the fleshe the sonnes of Abraham So many of them not hauing the fayth of their father lost the promise to him and his séed and we now are in their stéede grafted into Christ by whose spirite and worde preached we are made the children of Abraham not by birth in fleshe for we are of another stocke Gentilles but by the gyft of fayth whereby our heauenly father maketh vs the members of his son Christ who is the true séede of Abraham wyth the rest of the true Israellites Therfore as many as are the children of faith may they and ought they as sonnes of Abraham in déede to sing wyth thankefulnes vnto god Blessed be the lord c. The visitation of our Lord then had and now continually of him vsed chalengeth alwayes ioy of vs For in visiting the wicked wyth his sworde he cutteth the occasion of euill from his people In visiting his people with his rod he deserueth great prayse for to the same his people whensoeuer he sendeth his Rodde to correct their sinnes his stafe of diuine prouidence is also by his mercie therewyth exhibited to be to them a staye of comfort and defence All which most wisely he guideth wyth his merciful hād oftentims not taking from his seruants the smarting salue of his correction vntill the itching sore of their iniquitie by the power of his spirite be taken from them As a most louing Father he visiteth vs for in the middest of his anger he is euer mindful of his mercies He striketh vs but for a season but he consumeth the wicked in his wrath he beateth vs to our good to bring vs vnder his yoke But with his visiting plagues he breaketh in sunder and beateth into morsels the children of iniquitie for the which his holy workes sake we ought euer thankfully to say wyth harte and tongue to the Lorde our god Blessed be the lord c. Thirdly haue not wée manifest cause wyth Zachary dayly to prayse God when wyth him féeling our deserued death readie to deuoure vs and our sinnes prouoking Gods iustice to condemne vs to perpetuall captiuitie to imprison vs in eternall cheynes of darkenesse wyth Sathan he by his spirite doth assure vs that we are his children and enboldeneth vs not whisperingly for feare bringing painefulnesse But to crye out wyth courage enriched wyth his loue that he is