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A19239 Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers disposed in fourme of the alphabet of the Queene Her most excellent Maiesties name : whereunto are added comfortable consolations (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted mindes. Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1571 (1571) STC 5652; ESTC S4590 71,691 468

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deuouring Dragons with open mouth deliuer mee from their greedy gripes and free my feete from the paths of such venemous serpentes O Lord thou seest they haue stopped vp my well springes of truthe how they haue broken mee in peeces preferred their guiles and altogeather laide me waste I am made their marke to shoote at their strongest bowes haue they bente againste me out of their malicious quiuer they haue shot their sharp shaftes of eger enuie yea euen into my raines They laugh me to scorn in their dissembling hartes and yet bear me faire countenaunce No regarde is had of my truthe and vtter confusion is com vpon me thy guifts Lorde proper to my selfe are holden from mee and I perish in want hauing of mine owne The leauen of my Breade is made with cruell cares and my drink m●ngled with salt teares they haue ouerwhelmed mee with heaped stoanes and haue buried my innocencie in shamefull graue I am sequestred from all freedom and thou Lorde knowest I am not giltie Correcte mee not in my misdeedes towards thee Lorde but in the mildenesse of thy mercie for I acknowledge I haue don thinges vnlawfull againste thy Throne and am no more woorthy to be called thy Childe Yet Lord from the bottome of a broken harte I aske thy Pardon and my Spirite trusteth in thy mercie and requireth that mine enimies may no lenger triumph ouer mee Sweete Lorde loke downe and remedie my miserie and thraldome Remember how long I haue ben fedde with sorrowe and care how my Body wasteth and my Soule melteth away I feare Lorde thou hast forsaken mee and sette vp the horne of mine enimies that thou geuest them this longe Glory ouer mee O mercifull Father doo not so I beseech thee If my scourge be determined with thee for anie my contēptes of thy will yet deliuer mee from the handes of the malitious I acknowledge my faultes towardes thy Celestiall Seate and say my rightuousnesse all is stained I appeale to thy mercy for thy truth and Sonnes sake But Lorde if my breast euer harboured any vniust pretence or acte againste thy Seruaunte Elizabethe my gratious Queene and Gouernoure as a ioyfull praie bestowe me emongest mine eger enimies To this day from my birthe thou knowest Lord I haue honoured her with Loyall loue and serued her with true harte and innocent handes Now Lord if such discharge of dewtie hathe euer wonne victorye ouer any her woorthy thoughtes I beseeche thee not in my deserts to thee but for my truthe to her multiplie in secret brest such thoughtes to sure encrease of firm beliefe as through thee inspired with my large truthe which might neuer boast her selfe I may be saued from the snares of the malicious and my innocencie knowen to her Wake Lorde I beseche thee and renewe on mee thy mercies and helpe as euer thou hast don of olde My Soule saith within mee thou Lorde arte her onely portion and therefore shee will hope in thee And my body hast thou alwaies deliuered in greatest perill when so euer I haue put my trust in thee Arise most mightie helper and ayde thy seruaunt who only seeketh succour of thee Sure I am in mine enimies pittes thou wilte not mine Innocencie perish neither destroy mee vtterly in mine vnrightuousnesse towardes thee for that my contrite hart appealeth to thy mercie and thy condition is not to seeke the deathe of a sinner neither to be founde vntrue in thy promisses wherin my Spirite onely trusteth Amidst my sorowful plaints and scorchinge sighes Lorde poure out the comfortable dewes of thy compassion For in no other healpe will I truste but in thine thoughe the whole earthe would assure me Mine enimies swarme as Bees to the Hieue and spreade as flowers of the Spring my freendes walke in single number and hundreds that earst professed faithe denie their sentence suche as woulde my good want the mean therto and those that beste may with Fortunes threates are beaten downe and made lame Wherfore Lorde wash the vnderstandinge of my gratious Gouernesse with the flowing springs of my truthe Cause her with speedy hande to restoare my decaied partes Guide her minde still in thy loue and feare who with such perfite wisdome true iustice and pitieful compassion shewinge whose member shee is hathe thus woorthily preserued mee Yea further Lorde guide so her course on earthe that thou maist afterwards of right equal her ioyes with thy blessed Cherubins aboue the high heauens Continewe in her thy grace which geuest euery good guifte that as shee is thy chosen vessel no vsurpinge harte nor bloudy hande may euer haue power againste her But replenished with thy holy Spirite may execute thy will and walke in thy paths neuer wanting the strength of thy right hand to beat downe her enimies But found worthy of thy ritche goodnesse wee may longe enioy so matchlesse a Heade and Gouernour Graunt this Lord I beseeche thee with exchaunge of my hard state into better euen at thine owne will and my Spirte shall neuer cease to geue praise and thanks to thy holy name Amen To the Reader MY willinge minde sundrie waies annoyed in the purpose of my Pen is forced with other laboures not onely to estrange her Royall Maiestie the finall partes of this small peece but here to offer thee courtuous Reader in supplie of voyde paper these fewe selected Sentences in bothe tongues out of Holy Scripture and other Diuine and Ancient Writers whiche for their woorthinesse thy behoofe and lesse labour if thou accepte better placed then barraine paper and graunte theire once readinge I haue my desire For after deeme I if knowledge of Vertue may allure thee or viewe of vice abashe thee often wilte thou reade and vnreade them to imbrace the good and eschewe the ill Which the heauēly Father graunt vs al his grace to fulfill Sentences out of the holy Scripture THe fear of God is worship and triumph gladnesse and a ioyfull Crowne yea who so feareth the Lord shal be happy and when he hathe neede of comfort he shall be blessed The Seede of them whiche feare the Lorde shall be brought to Honour But the generation of the prowde disceiptefull and malitious shall perishe with the shame of their wickednesse Laboure to geate thee a good name for that shall continew by thee surer then a thousand greater treasures of Golde A good life hath a number of daies but a good name endureth for euer The vntruth of a lying tongue murdereth the Soule vpon the heade of the backbiter and blasphemour with terrour shall the Lorde sende the thunder of his wrath consume them hastily He that loueth Ritches shall not be iustified And who so foloweth corruption shal perish in the same Goulde and Siluer is the tree of falling to euery one that greedily seeketh the same blessed is the Ritch which is found without blemish Trauaile and carefulnesse for Ritches taketh away the sleepe and maketh the flesh to consume they help not in the day of iudgemente
as Iron cankreth so dooth his wickednesse though he humble him selfe greatlie yet locke vp thy minde and beware of him set him not by thee nor on thy right hande leaste he turne gette into thy place take thy roume and possesse thy Seate Prou. 16. The cheerefull countenaunce of the Kinge is life his louinge fauoure is as the Euening dew Duce Deo. HONI SOIT QV MAL Y PENSE E Encrese Knowledge L Let Vertue guide I In Praier perseuer Z Zelously aske A Acknowledge Sinne. B Beware of Presumption E Enuie no man. T Tender the helpelesse H Hope for Heauen R Remember thy Rule E Encline to Iustice G Graunte gyftes by Defert I In Mercy delight N No Flatterers preferre A Accepte the Wise ¶ Holy briefe and comfortable Meditations or Praiers disciferyng in Alphabet forme the Royal Name of our most Vertuous Soueraigne EXercise mercy set thy Bread and Drinke vpon the table of the poore and hungrie couer the Naked with thi Clothes and these shal deliuer thee from Sinne and Death not suffer thy Soule to com in Darkenesse Zechiel the prophet saith When the wicked tourneth from his vngodlynesse he hath donne he shall saue his Soule With thy Seruaunt Esaie therfore I say oh Lorde thou art a great and fearfull god Thou kepest couenaunt mercy with them which loue thee and keepe thy Commaundements And with thy Apostle Barnabie I acknowledge I haue sinned I haue offended I haue bin disobedient and gonne back yea I haue departed from all thy pathes and Iudgements Lorde to thee belongeth righteousnesse and Mercy to mee shame and destruction for mine Iniquity Yet Lord enter not into iudgment with thy Seruaunt for no fleash is righteous in thy sight neither correct me in thy wrath for then I shal not abide it Haue mercy vpon me oh Father from the deapth of thy mercie take pity vpon mee forgeue Lorde heare my Praier and blotte out mine offences Let thy louing face shine ouer the woorke of thy handes that lieth waste Lord for thine owne sake doo it Encline thine eare and heare me beholde how desolate I am stretch out thy hande and helpe me Lorde I desire to comme to thee and my weakenesse is such as without thy helpe I am not hable to raise my selfe vnto thee Therfore Lord remember thy sw●●●e promises tarry not ouer long strengthen me with thy holie Spirite heare my Prayers wash me in thy righteousnes I cast not these peticions before thee hoping in mine owne Merites which are none but trusting in thy great mercy and sweet promises Wherefore Lorde heare mee and forgeue mee and I shall liue for euer LEt Enimitie passe which seketh Death and Destruction and before thou Praiest forgeue els thou heapest vengeaunce of thy selfe LOrde make thy wayes knowen vnto mee that I may walke so perfectly that no kinde of Sinne ouercome me Thou leadest straight in iudgement and geuest sight to the blinde Thou arte neare vnto them that call vpon thee with faithful harte haue mercie vpon mee heare me and geue me a Hart to praie vnto thee Lay not against me my sinnes past but for thine owne sake forget them I vnderstand not al mine errours my sinnes haue taken holde on mee and of my selfe I am not hable to retourne Sende me therfore thy holy helpe to strengthen mine infirmitie Keepe my mouth and lippes and let the thought of my harte be acceptable in thy sight Permit not the worde of Truthe to departe my breaste suffer not Malice to dwel in my harte Deliuer mee from false surmises and accusacions of men rule me after thine owne will and pleasure Remooue from mee vanities and let not the foote of Pride take holde on me so shall I be free from the greatest sinne Stay and kepe me from euery euill way for in thee I trust it is thou only that canst helpe Looke vnto mee with thy mercies and graunt me grace in thy sight Amen IN Equitie Loue and Truth gather all thy Ritches in the handes of the Poore lay vp thy Almes and these shal defende thy euill fight for the against thine Enemies better then the strength of mightie men preserue thy fauour as the apple of an Eie and rise with thee in the day of Iudgement to pay thy revvarde on thy head IN hope of thy Mercy and Forgeuenesse most mightie and dreadful God whose truthe is vnspotted I am bold to com before thee My truste is good I shal be heard for that thou hast euer bene the true head of all Iustice and delightest in Truthe Denie thy self thou canst not for thou hast promised In what ●●●e soeuer a Sinner doth with a broken harte repent his wickednesse at that instant thou wilt cansell the recordes of thy remembraunce and the fowlenesse of his faulte shall remaine no blemish to his Soule Heare mee now therfore oh Maker of Heauen and Earthe I acknowledge I haue sinned and donne vnpleasaunt thinges in thy sight I confesse the misdeedes which rebel against my Soule with Saule saying I haue sinned I haue played the Foole and haue erred exceedingly And with like humble lowley and faithfull harte as did King Dauid who vnfainedly cried out his Sinne and became thy seruaunt So moste Holy in hope of the same hire with contrite hart I sighe and say I haue broken thy Lavves and not walked in thy Commaundementes If I should now recite and number the mountaines of my misdeedes which ouerwhelme my body and that are eger enemies to my pining Soule the day were to short Lord I neede not thy blisfull Seate is aboue the starry Firmament and thou sittest on high beholding what is donne amisse in the Earth belowe My wickednesse that I most secretly haue committed to thy Celestiall eies hath bene manifest Forgeue me good Lorde that my tongue may iustifie thy euerlasting Truthe that others beholding in mee thy manifolde mercies may likewise with mee be ashamed of their euill and seke after thy mercy Woe am I that my hart hath been so long vnacquainted with the Welsprings of thy Truth that my handes haue wrought vnrighteousnesse and heaped sinne vpon sinne Turne away from the sight therof the fulnesse of thy fury Exchaunge the roughnesse of thy rage into meeke mildenesse before thou correct mee most louing Sauiour I am not able to abide thy heauy displeasure if thou chastice mee with thy rodde of Iustice I perish I haue not one good deede to preferre mine offences beare number with the flowers and blossomes of the Spring my truthe is no whit and with vnrighteousnesse all is defiled Forgeue mee oh Heauenly King Forget thou that art the sweete spring of my Soule Geue me thy holy Spirite that it may be with mee and labour with mee to attaine thy blessed fauoure for mine ignorance cannot desire that I ought neither can my feeble force without thine ayde raise me to thy presence Thy Spirite will helpe my debility and make right intercession for all my necessities Thy spirite wil
EStablish my harte oh Heauenly Father in league and loue with thy lawes printe thy Precepts in the bowels of my breast sequestre my minde from all thoughtes studies and laboures that may drawe mee from thee My Soule consumeth in care to be with thee and my bodilie eyes tremble to beholde thee onely because thou hatest sinne and abhorrest iniquitie Alas there is nothing in mee but vnrightuousnesse the examples be dreadfull which declare how greeuously thou hast punnished sinne Thou diddest drowne the worlde for sinne Thou diddest sende fire vpon Sodome and Gomorrha Thou diddest cast forth Adam and his Ofspringe out of Paradice for sinne Thou diddest greeuously punnish thy seruaunte Dauid notwithstandinge his hartie repentaunce yea thou persecutedst Salomon in himself and his Posterity with many other to our example and all for shamefull sinne Lorde sith these examples are true and mine iniquity equall with theirs what should becom of my Soule if I had not a mediatour Christe whose bloudy Passion then appeased thy wrath when nothing els could By his Death I am once redeemed oh God therefore let mee now not be consumed bearing thy Image but graunt the paines of his pitiefull Passion may put out all mine offences With my voyce I will spread thy mercie ouer all Nations my Life shall glorifie thy name and all that thou geuest mee I will acknowledge to be thine with euerlasting praise Amen THe greater thou art the more humble thy selfe in all thinges and thou shalt finde fauour in the sight of God for greate povver belongeth onely vnto God and he is honoured of the lowly TVrne away thy face frō mine vnrighteousnesse Lorde no Creature is cleare in thy sighte If thou shouldest call thine Angelles to the Barre they might not abide the Sentence of thy iust Iudgement I come vnto thee for succour Lorde vnder the wynges of thy mercy receiue me Thou delightest not in any Sacrifice or burnt Offerynges but thy accustomed condition hath been euer to accepte a sorrowful spirite a broken harte Lorde if thy louinge kindenesse be suche I heare presente thee with a heauy hart a broken body a martyred minde and a sighing soule These all appeale to the● O Lorde for thy mercye and crie out with the Prodigall Sonne saying I haue sinned againste Heauen and before thee washe me therfore with thy ritche mercie not that any good in me doth deserue it but because thou arte God of all mercy and it declareth thy mightinesse to forgeue Thou diddest shew compassion vpon the woman of Canaan for her great Faithe and from the beginning thou hast not reiected the effectuall prayers of a single hart Lorde I geue glory to thy name with the highest thy mercy stretcheth aboue the Firmamentes the sure hope and truste I haue in thy vnspeakeable truthe and compassion is equall with the stronge Faithe of the Cananite woman I confesse my sinnes manifolde But Lorde I know thy mercy and sauinge healthe are infinite Lorde sith thou arte of power to forgeue aboue that I can offende for thy names sake release my sorrowe cutte the sacke of my sinnes make mee strong in thee So shall I liue and all my thoughtes acknowledge thy praise Amen HAppy is the man that hath not fallen with the Worde of his mouthe and is not pricked with the consciēce of sinne that hath no heauinesse in his minde and is not fallen from his Hope HOw mightie thou arte oh God of Hostes in thy precellynge power by Creatynge this Worlde of nothynge wee are taught to know Thou doest gouerne the same and puttest down with thy hand the prowde and traiterous Tiraunt therof Thou destroyest theyr deuises and keepest the raging Sea within her boundes These and suche like declare thy power ouer all The plenty of thy bountifull hand geueth not only of things but also of euery kind of things shewe forth thy louinge kindenesse Thou doest multiply yearely daily these kindes How many seedes good Lorde doest thou encrease of one seede Lorde what manifolde Springes cometh therof These cannot but keepe vs mindefull of thy exceeding Ritches and Mercy Lord if to thy enemies as to the greatest number of the world which loue thee not thy condition be to deale thus bountifully what shall I deeme resteth with thee for thy freendes Truly such blisfull ioyes and rest as maketh me only desire of thee to be desolued from this earthly and vncleane body when thy pleasure is I am the fresh Image of thy selfe the woorke of thine owne handes take mee therfore vnto thee burnish me a new free my Soule from the poisoned prison of sinne that it may geue equall thankes vnto so sweete a Lorde and guide Whilest I abide in this wretched body of Sinne I cannot see thee oh Lorde yea it is a heauy habitacion and depresseth downe sore my Spirite from the familiaritie whiche it els should haue with thee my louing Father Lorde this world and life is a doungeon of Darkenesse a Mountaine of miserable Martirdomes a lewde laborenth of of lothesome Lustes a cankred course of chokinge Calamities being voyde of all vertues to gaine eternall Life Make me therfore stronge to walke vpright in this wretched wildernesse and Arme mee with the guift of thy grace against the power of Sathan my Ghostly enimy Here is nothing where I am Lorde but daily assaultes of Temptations troubles torments carefull calamities contencion for thy woorde horrible hatred and worldly ambition against which Lorde perfect me in knowledge and strong faith and with thy righte hande beat downe mine enimies that thou maist be knowen to be my God Shielde REfuse not the Prayer of one that is in trouble turne not awaye thy face from the needy despise not the sely sewter nor grieue the harte of the helpelesse for if hee complaine in the bitternesse of his soule his prayer shal be hearde euen he that made him shall heare him REgarde in mee oh God the Image of thy selfe thoughe I looked backe from thy Lawes chastice me to amendment but suffer not the work of thy hands to perishe Thou hast created my harte and geuen me a will to order the same so Lorde I most meekely yelde the same againe into thy handes I pray thee by thy holy Spirite so direct my waies counsels and woorkes that they may be of chiefe regard with thee good God the geuer of all mercy suffer not my Soule to perishe through infirmity of my Flesh For thy Sonnes sake and thine owne glory set both nowe and euer his death and Passion betweene thy iuste iudgemente and the perill of my Soule I thirste after thee my God and sith thou feest my hartie desire is to serue thee and liue in thy rule and to dye in thy Faith and fauoure allowe of me and with thy mighty hand assist me Graunte that the Celestiall kingdome of thy grace and mercie euer occupie my harte and worthely purchase me the sweet participation of thy glorious Throne and Maiestie Deliuer
thy sake exercising iustice mercie and Truthe to all thy Creatures and neuer suffering me to doo that may mooue thy wrath but more and more assisted with thy grace may encrease thy loue and likinge and finally obtaine thy ioyes euerlasting Amen H HEare these my Prayers sweet Lord Iesu and for thy exceedinge Loue whiche broughte thee from the Sacred seate of thy Fathers breast into the wo●be of the blessed virgin to bannish Death and Sinne to redeeme mans nature whereby in thy astere Passion as thou haste restoared mee and with so blessed a Shielde defended mine eternall deathe by the self same Loue call mee that haue wandred home againe to thy Folde renewe me with thy Spirite cōfirme mee with stronge faithe nourish in me such thi abundant loue garnish mee with thy plentifull grace lade mee with infallible hope of thy mercie finally restore all partes in mee which are decaied and quicken in mee what so is dead should liue that my spirite set at libertie from Terrestriall thinges thou maist euer dwell in mee And my Soule and body assisted with thy ritche guifte of all these may fully purely safely and strongly settle them in thee To whom be praise both nowe and euer Amen R REnder mee thy grace O Lorde that from this day I neuer becomme enimies with thee againe but that I only rest in thee Guide me with the clere light of thy woorde thorowe the dark desertes of this wretched world where no misery nor trouble lacketh wher euery place is ful of snares of mortal enimies yea wheron trouble and temptations ouerpassed and other ensueth and the first enduringe a newe battaile suddainely assayleth wherby I neuer haue peace and wante wherwith to war. wherfore with contrite hart I crie Lorde Lorde assist me with the power of thy holy Spirite and as thou hast cōmaunded I come vnto thee prayinge the guifte of all these my requests and specially Lord I require the swoord of my Sau●●ur Christ true and firm faith that established in thy Truthe holding that for my defence may be safely armed against all mine enimies strong to cut downe the thornes which shal spring in my way of passage vnto thee in whom sweete sauiour aboue all honour glory triumphe sway rule power dignity make me settle al my ioyes yea aboue all healthe ritches bewtie fame and felicitie to desire thee loue thee and magnifie thee which geuest all and therfore of al to be beloued sought art most worthy Amen E EAse O Lorde the paines I suffer the troubles of my soule let the fountaines of thy grace ouerflow my barraine bodie and the floudes of thy mercie batten my feeble spirite let thy louing kindnesse couer mine infirmities and thy suffered drops of dewe vpon the Crosse drownde mine iniquitie Thy worde is Truthe and thou hast saide Thy delight is not in the death of a Sinner but wouldest he shoulde conuerte and liue Teache me therfore to number my dayes in the loue of thy Lawes that I alwayes thirste after thy Kingdome and neuer forgeat thee but in this that I haue here begonne may perseuer increase setting at naught all worldly pompe respect of persones and mans helpe and only cleaue to thy omnipotente power mercie strengthe and goodnesse wherin Lorde make mee so ritch as I neuer haue power to swerue from thee nor wante thy grace to resiste all temptations neither yet thy strengthe to treade downe mine enimies and so my harte shall ioyfully liue and geue thanckes to thee my God of all truth mercy and victory Amen G GOD merciful Father of my redeemer Christ which hast promised to heare the peticions of them that aske in thi Sonnes name geue downe thy feare into my harte conioyne thy holy spirite to the felowship of my soule poure vpō me the blessed dewes of thy grace enritche mee with thy high vnderstandinge and send wisdome in her glory from thy Sacred seate to dwel in me that shee may guide mee vphold mee and labour with mee to the end that in al my trauelles enterprises proceedinges and studies I may preuaile to thy glorie Do this deare Father for the triumphe of thy name Bow downe thine eares mercifullie heare and receiue the summe of all my requests and graunt that all thinges which I aske according to my necessity I may effectually obtaine to thy glorye and profite of my soule through Iesus Christe my Lorde Amē I I Geue and committe into thy hands deere Lorde my Spirite yea rather I may say thy Spirite seeing thou hast geuen it mee lincte it to my body for a season and seing it is thy image and Figure made after thine owne likenesse seeinge thy deere Sonne did clime the dyrefull steppes of death for redemption therof O most fauorable Father and meeke God of al mercy and compassion I eftsoones cōmende this my Spirite into thy hande I am thine what so euer I am receiue thine I beseeche thee preserue mee and comforte mee for no man can help me besides thee Onely thou arte the sureste resister of all mischiefe thou arte O God the readieste help in all trouble thou arte my hope and strength In thee do I put my trust lette mee not be confounded let mee neuer be rebuked thou art my strong rock and my Castell thou art my sauioure my portion is in thy hands Lighten thy face vpon thy Seruaunt and saue mee O Lorde in thy Mercie Amen N NO brickel nor corrupt gold or Siluer hath redeemed my soule O Heauenly Father but the precious bloud issuinge from Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spotte make mee therefore O Lorde for his sake to put on his humility patience vertu and vnspotted life rendring such accompt of this my Pilgrimage as beste may agree to his merite and thy mercie Let mee not be founde vnthankfull in so sweete a Lorde and sauiour what is most rightuous acceptable and pleasante in thy sight let mee alwayes O God preferre in faith works and what so euer is to approoue mee vnworthy of his tender and surmountinge loue that may alter his louing kindenesse or exchaunge his wonted compassion towards mee Lorde let me euer faile in strength to do it but assisted by thee I may euerlastingly be founde to liue in him Amen A ALmighty God which fliest with the winges of the Ayre ridest vpō the Cherubins hast Empyre aboue the starry Firmaments Thou thou that sittest in Sacred seate most hie beholdeynge the wretchednesse of man in this lowe Earthe attending through thine own loue his deserts when with any occasion thou may offer thy mercie Bowe downe thy pitifull eies and fauour in me the Image of thy selfe as thou diddest vouchsafe in Zache when thou calledst him out of the Figge thee enritche my eares with the same voyce of Remission and Gladnesse as thou diddest his incline thine eares heare these cries oh louing redeemer for though I am but Dust Earth and Asshes yet I am bolde strengthened
with thy truth and merites of Christes deathe and passion to lay my Prayers before thee requyringe mercy and forgeuenesse of all my sinnes and also the assistance of thy Grace to do thy will all the daies of my life and to obtaine all these my petitions through Iesus Christ thy deere Sonne and my only sauiour to whom with thee and the Holy Ghoste be all Honour power Dominion and Glory for euer and euer Amen A Meditation vpon the Lordes Prayer ¶ Our Father which art in Heauen TRuely thou O almighty father haste iuste cause to execute thy seuere iudgemente vpon vs sinners whiche so often and greeuously moue thy wrath and indignation againste vs but sithence by thy mercy thou dooste not onely pardon but also commaundeste and teacheste by thy Sonne Iesus Christe that wee should holde thee for a Father wee pray thee throughe him that thou wilt geue vs a full and sure truste in thy Fatherly clemency and that we may likewise feele some taste of that security whiche thy Children haue and with ioye call thee Father acknowledge thee loue thee and in all our troubles call vpon thee defende and guide vs that wee may perpetually abide thy children let vs not goe out of thy protection Though we be the children of wickednes yet let vs not holde thee in steede of a seuere Iudge whē thou wilt that wee shall not onely call thee Father but our Father and that wee pray not in our owne name alone but in the name of all thy Children Geue vs therefore an vniforme and brotherly loue that in deede wee may perceiue our selues to bee Brothers and Sisters and thee our generall Father Let vs pray for all the rest no otherwise then Fathers were wont to pray for their children neyther suffer any of vs to seeke his own and forget his brother but taking away what enuie hatred or discord so euer raigneth emonge vs that as becommeth Gods children wee may mutually loue one another and truely call thee not Father but our Father Of our carnall and earthely Father we receiue this brickle body and he is such a one as is subiect to death neither are wee sure how longe he shall remaine a father Furthermore if aduersity happen he can not chaunge that but thou arte a Heauenly Father truely farre better and more Nobler So much more righte is it then that we contempne for thee our Father Countrey Kindred Ritches Fleashe Bloude yea and what so euer is in this worlde vnder the scope of Heauen This also graunt to vs that we may be thy heauenly Children whom thou doest teache that we shall regarde nothinge but the soule healthe and that heauenly Heritage leaste in this carnall and earthly Countrey deceiued stirred vp or letted by ritches wee become heyres of sensuality but truly let vs say our heauenlie Father and that truely wee may be thy heauenly Children Halowed be thy name ALmighty God heauenly father thy holy name is miserably prophaned many wayes in this worlde scorned taunted and blasphemed when it is applied to those thinges in whiche is no glorye of thy Deitie yea many abuse it imployinge it to sinne and truly that vnwoorthy life in a Christian man deserueth to be called a prophanation of thy holy name graunt therefore to vs good Lorde through thy mercy that wee may beware of all those things by which the honoure and glory of thy name is diminished and purifie vs that the Artes of Magike may be abolished let people cease to enchaunt Diuels or other Creatures by thy name see that all distrust and supersticion perish Heresie and wicked Doctrine also whiche notwithstandinge they preferre thy name yet they deceiue many lette them perishe and be broughte to nothynge graunte that thy people be not deceyued through any outwarde shewe of truthe rightuousnesse or holynesse Suffer not any man to forsweare hym selfe lye or deceyue others by thy name Take from vs O Lorde all false aydes which take vpon thē a shewe of thy name remooue from vs that spyrite of Pryde and vaine glory and the study of prayse and glory Graunt that in all our troubles and euiles we may cal vpon thy holy name yea in the feare of our consciēce and euen when deathe assaileth let vs not be forgetful of thy holie name See that in al our successe both in wordes and deedes wee may praise and worship thee onely and not seeke out of these ours but the glory of thy name which alone possessest al things take from vs O Lorde that most foule vice of ingratitude Plant in vs such good woorkes and life that others may be allured to vs not to our but to thy praise and glory Lorde let not others be offended through the vices or euill workes which yet remaine in vs least thy name for our sinnes should be ill spoken of or not henceforth praised Suffer vs not to aske any thing of thee either momentary or eternall which agreeth not to the glory of thy holy name praise if wee do aske any suche thinge of thee in that heare vs not graunt vs so to liue as becommeth Gods Children that wee seeme not vnworthy of thy holy name Thy kingdome come IN this miserable and wretched life all kindes of sensuall apetide and wickednesse beare rule in vs and the euill spirite head and fountaine of all sinne hath gouernmente But in thy kingdome O Lorde grace and vertue guide the sway and Iesus Christe thy deere sonne true patrone of all grace and vertue holdeth Empyre Thou therefore deere Father fauoure vs with thy grace Geue vnto vs a true constant faith in Christe fortifie vs with a firme hope in thy mercie wherwith our weake and feble conscience may be raised vp from the feling of sinnes lade vs with an earnest loue both towardes thee and al other thy good Creatures Take frō vs distrust desperation and hatred remooue from vs the delightes of the fleash and plant in their steede an earnest studye of chastitie with perfect faith in thee which may worthely winne the reward of vndefiled battaile Make vs free O Lorde from discordes ambition warre and discention and let thy kingdome come and let vs leade a peaceable mutuall and quiet life Graunt that neither zeale anger or other vices with the whiche dissemblinge hatred are nourished raigne in vs but a milde simplicity brotherly loue al kinde of duties contentment and humility suffer vs not to be affected with immoderate sorrowe and heauinesse but let vs feele the pleasantnesse of thy grace and mercie and that in fine all my sinnes may be taken away wee abounding through grace and vertu in good works may be thy kingdome I say our minde our soule with al our strength whiche thou hast powred on vs may obey thy commaundementes and beare thy gouernment and neither folowe themselues the world the fleash nor the Diuell See Lord that this thy kingdome happely begonne in vs may so growe and be increased that wee be not
and I will not remember ought that he hath donne Haue I pleasure in the death of a sinner saith the Lorde God or rather woulde I not his conuersion from his euill waies that he might liue And againe he saith Returne and repente you of your faultes and your iniquitie shall not preuaile against you Caste awaie euil cogitations and take you a new Spirite And why wilte thou die O House of Israell I will not the deathe of a sinner returne and thou shalt liue O wretche why despairest thou sithe to this ende God sente his Sonne into the Earthe that thou mightest haue comforte This is the loue of God wherof Dauid speaketh saiyng Wee haue seene thy louinge kindenesse euen in the middest of thy Congregation Be early at the Chu●ch occupied in praier abide in the Apostolike faithe beware of Idolatry imbrace the louinge kindenesse of God who crieth vnceassantly I wil not the death of a Sinner but rather he conuert and liue Harke to this sweet Oracle shake of the drousinesse of errour and rise with Christ that thou maiste liue in him Marke how liberally he promiseth At what hower so euer a sinner shall repente I will put all his wickednesse oute of my remembraunce He hath no respecte to the nature of thy faultes he forceth not the greatnesse or number of thine offences repent but as thou oughtest he wil blotte thy wickednesse out of memorie That our prayer may be more acceptable to God the Prophet Osee telleth vs how wee shoulde pray Returne vnto the Lorde and say to him Lorde take away mine iniquitie receiue if I haue any my goodnesse and I will geue thee the batlinges and Sacrifice of my lippes Let vs reuerte that haue shamefully erred to him which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde and let vs say Take awaie from vs the euill which wee haue donne and accept this good what good Euen the Sacrifice of our lippes wee geue thee thanks mighty God to whom wee owe all that wee haue Take from vs which is ours accept of vs the which is thine owne Returne saith Ioell to your God because he is louing and gratious long suffring and of much mercy ready to pardon mischief Though the waight of sinne astonne thee yet let the mightinesse of Gods mercy vpholde thee which the Prophet doothe many waies exaggerat God saith he is gentle whiche he addeth that wee shoulde not dispaire of pardon God saith he is gratious that wee shoulde vnderstande how he not onely helpeth vs but that he pitieth oure miseries And thinking not this sufficient he adioyneth Long suffering And yet art thou doubtfull sinner Harken then what foloweth And of great mercie If thy faultes be many care not great is the goodnesse of God. What remaineth now but that thou turne and goe to him that inuiteth thee Thou wilte saie the horrible threatninges of punishmente feare mee Geue eare and mark And he is ready to pardon mischief that God which is so often stirred to anger of his owne accorde mooueth thee to repentaunce calleth thee to forgeuenesse forgetteth his threats denieth thee the tormente of hel in steede of punishmente geueth thee his blessing not onely turneth to thee that repentest but wilingly goeth to meet thee and embraceth thee This is it which was promised by Zacharie Turne vnto me saithe the Lorde of Hostes and I will be conuerted vnto you What meaneth he by Returne vnto mee that is acknowledge thy weakenesse and aske mercie And what is meant by this And I will be conuerted vnto you That is of a reuenger I will become a healper I will assist your indeuours and looke what throughe your owne strengthe you can not bringe to passe thou shalt attaine to by my fauoure No man can freely hate his owne sin vnlesse God mollifie his stoany harte geue him a fleashly hart vnlesse for a defiled conscience he make a cleane hart vnles for a corrupt soule he renewe a right spirite in him Peruse Reade vnreade the conuersation life of Christ there thou shalte finde nothinge but of his euerlasting mercy towardes all men He freely healed the sicke fedde the hungrie deliuered them that were in daunger cleansed the Leapers gaue sight to the Blinde restored the Lame cast out Diuels raised the deade to life and pardoned the wicked Search again the vniuersall discipline of God what other thinge conteineth it then the maruailous compassion of the Almightie Doth he not inculcate into our mindes by Parables to the intente wee shoulde not fall by any meanes To that ende serueth the parable of the lost sheepe which was brought againe on the Sheepeheardes shoulders the Parable of the lost and found groate of the hole men that wanted not a Phisition of the seruaunt to whom his debts were forgeuen of the Publicane and the Pharisey of the broken man whom the Samaritane cured of the good stewarde towards his dettours and of the crafty Stewarde towardes his Maister of the Prodigall Childe taken againe into fauoure As touchinge the bare name of the Gospell doth it not promise mercie Yes it geueth lighte to the Blinde libertie to the Captiue Health to the broken and laste of all a gratefull gaine to the Lorde who thirsteth nothing but the Saluation of sinners Likewise the name of Iesus that is of a sauiour what els doth it promise to the sinner but mercie and blisfulnesse If he had come representinge the Maiestie of a Iudge there had ben som cause why euery one mighte haue feared but knowinge him to come as a Sauioure dooste thou dispaire Saluation for the surer hope of Saluation the Sonne of God suffered death and offered vp him self a valiaunt Sacrifice for the sinnes of manne And hanginge on the Crosse praieth for his persecutoures and thinkeste thou that he will deny thee the forgeuenesse of thy sinnes that dooste acknowledge thy wretchednesse and craue remission Trust him that is mercifull and thou shalte finde compassion A sure hope obtaineth any thinge at Christes hande who so mistrusteth the Phisition hindreth his owne health The wooman of Canaan cried and her Daughter was cured The Centurian beleeued and his Seruaunte was made whole againe The Father praied and his Sonne was cleansed of the foole spirite The Apostles cried out Healpe Lorde for wee perishe and they were deliuered And wee see that in diuerse he hathe not respected the Prayers of the mouth but onely the Faith. He did but perceiue the faith of the people and saide to the sicke of the Palsie Be of good cheere my sonne thy sinnes are forgeuen thee The Mother and her companions do but weepe and her sonne is raised from deathe to life Martha and Mary did but mourn and Lazarus was reuiued Mary the sinner bewaileth he annointeth her kisseth her and saithe Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee He sufficiently asketh that confesseth his infirmitie he asketh effectually that lamenteth and beleeueth The woman troubled with superfluity of bloud secretly touched the vesture of Iesus
particularly it come into thy minde Sorrow not out of measure nor suffer suche imaginacions and fantasies take place as though I were so angry that I woulde not be pleased pardon nor receiue thee againe into fauoure for these are the suggestions of the wicked Serpente wherwith he indeuoreth to train thee to desperation whose custome is in the beginninge of his illusions to plucke the remembraunce of me from their harts to promisse my mercie to them that sinne and confirme the security boldnesse obstinacie of an vngodly will but afterwardes finding them declining and that they wil forsake him if by other meanes he cannot procure them to euil he setteth vpon the weak and fearefull mindes with the assault of desperatiō he perswadeth to vnbeliefe he telleth them that euill custome cannot be ouercom he feareth them with the greatnes of their sinnes cōmitted and like a liar telleth that I will not forgeue sinne But thou my Daughter beleeue him not whatsoeuer thou feelest fall not into desperation This contrition sufficeth that it pitieth thee of mine anger wishing thou haddest not transgressed and determinest not to sinne any more But if thou doo erre yet rise againe yea againe with harty repentaunce purpose to sinne no more if thou fall the third time yet rise againe if the fourthe or fift time yea lastly if thou fal seuenty times seuen times so oftē returne to mee and I will receiue thee Is it not better that I should receiue thee then lose thee together with all my labours and paines which for thy redemption I haue suffered let nothing O Daughter call thee away O Daughter let nothinge keepe thee from mee which arte redemed with my bloud though thou haue geuen thy selfe to the Diuell denied mee an hundreth times taken my name in vaine spitte at me slaundered my holy woorde onely be sorye from thy harte that thou hast donne this and I will forgeue thee Lette no offence be so greate in thine eies that it pluck away the hope of pardone no sinne so ponderous that it mai be able to ouercome my mercie I make no difference whether frō fewe or many sinnes I deliuer thee all haue neede of my mercie whiche floweth aboundauntly to euerie man faithfully askinge it Thy wickednesse cannot exceede my mercy the more thou hast sinned the more willingly I forgeue thee being per●tent for the greater the sinner is on whom I bestow my compassiō so much the greater is my glory I am not hard nor sparinge but liberall and bountifull to thee my Daughter if thou only haddest committed all the offences that be and I forgeue them my mercie is no whit the lesse There is peraduenture some other thinge that feareth thee yet when thou wert ouerpressed with sin that whiche thou diddest then willingly commit●e now against thy wil art compeiled to beare whatsoeuer vnwillingly thou sufferest shall not damne thee nor spoyle thee of my grace for sin muste be so voluntary that if it be not voluntary it is no sinne bridell therefore thy will from consentinge and then suffer the Fleashe and the Diuell to rage and though by thy former life and conuersation thou hast deserued yll yet because thou truely repentest therof and dooste studie to liue better thou shalte not be guiltie of that thou sufferest so thy will consent not And if at any time the diuel suggest thee with blasphemous or cursed thoughtes against me and my Holy ones be not therfore troubled or fainte harted For so long as thou hast not voluntarily erred or performed consente thou dooest rather suffer then do offence whē these things bring thee rather heauinesse and affliction thē delights they are no way to be feared but I suffer thee to feele them and they to molest thee that tho● mightest be rather therby de●●led Therfore truly the Diuel stirreth vp those thinges that whilest thou go aboute to resiste them thou mightest be hindered and letted from the taste of my loue and beinge so muche astonied fearest to come to mee For he reioyceth whē thou wallowest in doubts and troubles but thou Daughter feare no such thinge looke not towarde them answeare them not striue not against them nor take any heede to them But rather as one vntroubled goe forwarde in thy exercise passing by and contemning suche chaunces as the barking of dogs and hissinge of geese For if thou wouldest renewe dispute feare and descusse them thou dooste alwaies more printe them in thy minde and tangle thy selfe in greater trouble The penitent Soule after it hathe taken somme knowledge and taste of my goodnesse considering that I am so good and so mercifull and finally that I am so slow to impute sin that I do not onely pardō it but also receiue him into my fauour and freendshippe as though he had neuer sinned I comfort him and bestowe on him guiftes Thus whilest the afflicted conscience dooth meditate yea euen of his fall I say he getteth to him self a great occasion of feruentnesse and thankfulnesse towardes mee a farre greater occasion of hatred and displeasure towards him selfe whilest he rigorously accuseth his owne follie for despisinge mee a God so mercifull vnto him as whome iustly I mighte bothe condemne and destroye I spare comforte and deale bountifully with so that how much the more he perceiueth mi mercy to him so much the more is he moued with greater zeale of Iustice against him selfe and in a manner desireth to be reuenged on him felfe for the contempte of mee wherby it commeth to passe that he doothe not onely desire pardon and reconcilation for his sinnes but suffereth the dignity of my Iustice humbleth him self and punisheth him self because he hath wickedly lift vp him self against mee Whereof proceedeth that how mutche the more he perceiueth him selfe comforted of mee so mutch the more he abhorreth and detesteth his owne vnwoorthinesse and with sorrowe disdeigneth the enormitye of his sinnes marueiling how he could be so vngratefull to mee As a droppe of water on the burning fire so are the sinnes consumed of that Soule which is come to this zeale that it no lesse loueth my Iustice then mercy Therfore emongst al kindes of repentaunce there is not a better for man then continually to consider my greate loue and fidelity towardes him and contrarily his owne infidelity vngratitude and frowardnesse towardes me The Diuell is so enuious to my Seruaunts that he omitteth no time in tempting them and euen when they are aboute to repent bewaile their sinnes he chiefly casteth in doubts causinge them againe and againe to confesse their faultes that therby mighte neuer attaine to any quietnesse but distrust all their confessions when they finde any circumstāce or offence neglected whereof they haue not made mencion But beware O my Daughter thou fall not I am thy Confessour It is onely I that can ease thy burden cure thy wounded conscience and refreash thy hungrie Spirite O how it greeueth me to se thee alwaies conuersaunt in corruption be troubled in
and immediatly she felt the force of his mercie We Reade also of many others that weare healed by touching his garment so neuer vnprouided is his goodnesse and at all times he geueth comfort to the weake If thou be afraide to call vpon Iesus if thou canst not come vnto him yet at the least touch the edge of his garment Read the Scriptures folowe the doctrine of the Apostles for by them he often sheweth his vertue and telleth of thy sauing health O blinde and vnthankfull whiche despise the grace of God so ready to be obtained But oh thrise wretched whiche despaire in that whiche is willingly and freely offered he is easily pacified that is reuenged against his will. What other meaning hath this Phrase but that the Lord leaueth no way vnsoughte for to bringe vs to Saluation and wee wittingly forsake the hope of Saluation And why wilt thou die O house of Israel with teares he lamented Hierusalem which heaped vengeaunce vnto it selfe by their malicious erroures O Hierusalem saithe he howe often would I haue gathered thee togeather as the Hen gathereth her Chickins and thou wouldest not Our humble Sauiour weepeth bicause he may not saue vs miserable sinners and we despare in him as though he woulde not saue vs All the House reioysed where the Sonne whiche died was reuiued and receiued again that perished That good Father calleth the company of the Heauens to reioyce ouer the penitent sinner and thou wretche despairest enuiynge bothe thine owne safegard and the gladnesse of god Shall we beleeue that he wil not pardon malefactours who lamenteth the deathe of a sinner and reioyceth at the conuersion of the penitent He calleth al men to the marige Feast he would haue his house filled with straungers maketh the Blinde and the lame to com in And why staiest thou Caitiffe Why forsakest thou not thi swinish Soyle why striuest thou against the mercy of God there can be no greater folie then for vaine and variable thinges to forsake Eternity There is no greater wisedome then for a litle sufferaunce to gaine Immortality Great is their ignoraunce therefore which perseuer in their naughtinesse But greater is the wisdome of those that liue in newnesse of life O what coste wee bestowe what paines wee take in findinge corruptible mettalles and howe little wee care for the treasure of Goddes mercie whiche is laide open and freely offered to vs. The Lorde is ritche in mercy The treasure of worldly wealth may be wasted by profuse expence But the bounty of Gods goodnesse hath no bottome God hath assured his Faithe to man and as Paule writeth he can not denie himself He offereth to be chalenged and reprooued if he hath not perfourmed his promises For thus hee speaketh in Esau to a wicked generation Lift vp your selues and be cleane take awaie the thoughte of euill cease from mischiefe learn to doo good seeke Iudgement helpe the oppressed Iudge the Innocent defend the Widowe and com and reproue me saith the Lorde Hearest thou now wretched man what els requireth our gratious God of thee but amendemente of life And that the enormity of thy haynous crimes may not exanimate thee attend to the ready remission If thy sinnes saithe he were as red as Scarlet I will make them as white as Snowe and if you will harken to mee you shall eate the Fruites of the Earthe O cursed Progeny of Eue why dost thou yeeld to the disceiptful promisses of the Diuell that allureth thee to destruction And art deafe at the Sonne of God which would assoceate thee with euerlasting ioy Repent saith he for the Kingdom of God is at hand The Sonne of God promiseth the Father commaundeth thee the Holy Ghoste inuiteth thee and yet thou arte Scrupulous to receiue that which is offered The voyce of the Apostles is the voyce of God and they crie Repent be baptised in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of your sinnes and receiue the guifte of the Holy Ghoste Forsake your foule filthy and abhominable traditions and seeke the Kingdome of Heauen There runne vnto Christe Souldiers Publicanes Harlottes Idolaters Mansleares sorcerers bawdes Incestuous persons none are exempted all haue free course to the mercie of God their former life is not imputed to them if they repente and amende their liues Like as the grounde often moystened with Heauenly dewe and yet yeeldeth to his tiller nothinge but thornes and brambles is worthy to be had in contempt and to be geuen to the fire So God many times for the contempte of his goodnesse geueth sinners vp to their reprobate sense Wherefore it is beste to leaue of procrastination of amendment of life and when the Lord calleth vs to cast of the Olde man with his deedes and concupiscences least God which hath bene denied to be harde at the least refuse to heare our complaintes Horrible is the voyce wherewith he threateneth those which will not heare him that so graciously calleth Because saith he I haue called and you haue refused I haue stretched out my hand and there was no man that woulde looke because you haue despised my counsell and set at naughte my admonitions I will laughe at your destruction vvhen that shall com to passe whiche you feared when abortiue misery shal com vpon you and the stormes of destruction shal preuente you when sorowe and anger shall possesse and oppresse you then will you call vpon mee and I will not heare They wil rise betime in the morninge but they shal not find me because they haue hated my Discipline and haue bene voide of the feare of God haue not harkened vnto my counsell and haue defied my correction In this life there is hope of mercie Wherfore while thou liuest call for the grace of God and amend thy life The carefull God of our Saluation hathe suffered mighty and meruailous menne to erre that wee by their example might haue comfort and no● dispaire in hope of pardon In Holy Scripture who is more commended then Kinge Dauid who was bothe a Kinge and a Prophet a chosen man after the hartes delighte of God out of whose stocke came the Sauiour Christe But into howe many greeuous crimes fel so mighty a man Yet hearing Nathan pronounce the greeuous threatenings of God cried out Lorde I haue sinned And Nathan saide But the Lorde hath taken awaie thy sinnes thou shalt not die God suffered Peter to offende greeuously and yet when he had lamented he obteined mercie When he gaue him charge ouer the sheepe for which he shead his pretious bloud was it likely that he meant to remember the deniyng of him thrise No no he had so freely forgotten it that there remained no iote imprinted in the memory of our louing god Wee haue many examples of sinners and not a few of the penitent the example of none oughte to mooue vs to sinne let vs not to muche trie God if any man be encumbred with iniquity he hathe examples of repentance let
him not dispaire They doo euill which will not repent with them whome they haue transgressed withall After Dauid had willingly confessed his fault and acknowledged the iuste iudgement of God behold what great hope he conceiued of the mercie of God Sprinkle mee O Lorde saith he with Isope and I shall be cleane washe mee and I shall be whiter then Snowe By the sprinkling of the bloude of the immaculate Lambe he promiseth to himselfe clearenesse too though he acknowledge his conception to be sinfull yet by this washing he hopeth after the whitenesse of innocencie whiche passeth the white of the Snowe And he trusteth not onely in the Innocencie but looketh to see his doubtfull penitencie turned into Heauenly ioy Thou shalt make me heare ioye and gladnesse saith Dauid that the boanes which thou hast broken maie reioyce Geue me the comforte of thy healpe and stablish mee with thy free Spirite O singuler Faithe of a sinner what man hath at any time cried Iesu haue mercie on me but forthwith he hathe obteined grace Take pittie Lorde saithe the woman of Canaan and her Daughter was healed The blinde pore man cried out O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me and he receiued sight Let vs hartely zealously cōstantly cal on him in the middest of our miseries say Iesu thou Sonne of Dauid haue compassion vpon vs And of poore impotent beggers he will make vs felow heyres with him of the kingdom of heauen He hath opened the Sanctuary of his holinesse and thou runnest i●to the Dungeon of despaire he hathe stretched out his hande to thee and thou turneste away thy face he openeth the gates of Heauen and thou hastest to destruction beholde the bosome of his goodnesse and thou creepest into the Lake of vnhappinesse The Theefe that hunge on the crosse heard him saying This daie thou shalt be with mee in Paradise and thou offerest thy selfe to the Diuell The mercie of God came vnto vs when he sente his sonne into the Earth let vs therfore go to it Let vs incline to him as he did to vs The waie is first to leaue our life For firste the Phisitions vse to purge the bodie that they may minister holsomer Medecines Forsake O thou sinner thy wicked imaginations which fight againste God leaue to lust be not couetous refraine riot flie arrogancie that God may powre his blessinges vpon thee He that persisteth in his wickednes and calleth for grace is like to an enemie which being ready armed asketh peace of his Maister he that asketh receiueth he that seketh findeth and he that knocketh hathe it opened to him if thou wilt desire mercie craue it truly if thou seeke it seeke it in dede if thou knock at the gate of forgeuenesse knocke earnestly If thou require an example of one that faithfully craued the fauour of God Mark the prodigall Childe who leauinge his swine returned to his Father and saide Father I haue sinned againste Heauen and againste thee make mee as one of thy hired Seruauntes Marke the Publicane which for the giltines of his conscience dare not lifte vp his eyes to heauen dare not come to his redeemer but standinge a farre of knocketh his brest and saith Lorde be mercifull vnto mee a sinner S. Hierome affirmeth the offence of Iudas to be greater in despayringe the mercie of God then in betrayinge Christe as Cain stirred God to anger more through desperation of pardon then by the slaughter of his brother Abel Many whiche haue persecuted Christ being conuerted and beleeuinge in him haue obtained pardon and are made examples to man that he ought not to distrust the remission of his wickednesse seeing the death of our Sauiour is forgeuen to the penitente Wilte thou heare saithe Augustine the mercy of God leaue thy abomination and he will forgeue thee Wilt thou see the truth of God doo good and thou shalt be crowned with Iustice God is not so mercifull to vse vniustice nor so iust to be vnmercifull But som man will say men encrease their offences by to muche hope but how much do they enlarge their giltinesse by distrust of Remission If there were no forgeuenesse then thou wouldest rage and say I am wretched I am condemned why is not my luste lawe why shall I not fill my selfe with facietie if after this there be naughte but tormente this woulde be thy sayinge O woorse then despayre it selfe He dooth better therfore that correcteth thee with promise of forgetfulnesse and saithe I wil not the deathe of a Sinner but that he conuert and liue God by his promise woulde not haue sinners to presume but his will is they should not in any wise distrust and therfore he hath made them ignorant of the day of theire death if thou repent present pardon is prouided no day is prefixed Wherfore to conclude if thou haue liued wel till this day and still abidest in this life liue well amend thy life and beholde forgeuenesse and be sure that what he hath pardoned shall not be imputed to thee again which for his mercy he graunte that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Amen Consolatio NVlla meroris magnitudo nulla angustiarum acerbitas nulla defectuum multitudo nulla scelerum enormitas te ad desperationem nimiámne pusillanimitatem adducat Quantumcunque peccaueris semper Dei misericordia in infinitum excedit tuas iniquitates Quantumcunque infirmus sis semper illius benignitas adiuuare parata est tuam fragilitatem Vult potest Deus sanare ac liberare te si ad eum verè conuerteris atque humilis factus ipsum Piè inuocas speras in eo O quam homini salutaris Deo grata est spes atque confidentia illa quam Dei amor sanctaque humilitas parit quae hominem non ad negligentiam vel in curiam sese emendandi neque ad facilitatem peccandi pertrahit sed magis ad conatum proficiendi extimulat ¶ The Aucthours Praier IN the deapthe of thi mercy O Lorde bowe downe thine eies beholde encline thyne ears and heare stretch out thine Arme and helpe for I am thine vnwoorthy Creature and haplesse man that through thy rodde of wrath haue experiēce of most wretched misery Mine enemies pursue mee with gaping iawes and whetted teethe saying within them selues lette vs now deuoure him for the time that wee looked for is come wee do finde and see it They haue fortified round about me and haue inclosed me with torment and trauel My fleash and skinne are made olde my boanes are brused they haue hedged mee that I cannot geat out and haue laide heauie Linckes vpon me Healpe Lorde thy seruaunt whom thou neuer failedst I cry and call pitiously yet am I not heerde my innocencie is troden downe my life subdewed with false surmises My mourning they daily heare but comforte I finde farre of They haue stopped vp my waies with quartered stoanes and made my pathes crooked They lay waite for me as wild Beares and