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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19179 The true history of the ciuill vvarres of France, betweene the French King Henry the 4. and the Leaguers Gathered from the yere of our Lord 1585. vntill this present October. 1591. By Antony Colynet. Colynet, Antony. 1591 (1591) STC 5590; ESTC S108519 543,000 564

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of instructions We haue inserted by digression the iudgements which God hath executed vpon the rebels before Seulis First how they were conuicted of treason and felony vpon the walles of Seulis and there their cheefest Captains hanged Neither was that a play of boies but the worke of God which by that fearefull picture would haue admonished both the headlings and vnderlinges of that rebellion of their offence of his iudgements executed vppon rebels in all ages and put them in remembrance of their duty Secondly wee haue seene a blow geuen of God vnto such vnfaithfull Traitors despisers of Gods Ordinance in earnest of heauier plagues if through repentance they do not returne to their dutifull obedience Now wee will returne to shew the effectes of the meeting and interuiew of the two Kinges at Tours the 30. of Aprill It is sayd how the Duke de Mayne tooke a fright as soon as he heard of this interuiew returned to Vendosme where soiorning a few dayes hee ordered his army placed part of them in garrisons in diuers townes and holdes as is said It is said also how he had sent to the Duke Aumale to send him some supply of horsemen out of Picardy that he might be the better able to geue the blow so long intended The King of Nauarre taking for some dayes counsell with the King about the publike affaires made some light roads in the Countrey about which was leagued expecting to haue al his forces in a readines to do some exploit At length the said King of Nauarre vnderstanding how that the Duke de Mayne fled with parte of his army about the thirteenth day of May followed him so neere vppon the heeles that he put all straglers which were left behind to the sword and did so scoure the countrey of Beausse that not one of the enemyes durst shew themselues abroad out of their holdes Whilest the King expected certayne regiments of Suissers and other forces which did dayly prepare to come to hi● th● King of Nauarre soiorning in Beausse about Boysgency had sent the Lord Lorges to scoure the countrey toward Chasteaudune and Bonaual and retyred to his house of Lorges nigh Marchesnoyre The Duke d' Aumale had sent the Lord Saueinze with some companies of Picardy but specially the Lords of Brosses with sixe or seuen score gentlemen al the choise of the Nobility in Picardy that were fauouring that side and soiorned at Chartres This Saueinze tooke with him his companies of Picardy and Arcleinuile for the Duke de Mayne gouernour at Chartres accompanied with fifty horses intending to haue surprised the Lord Lorges Arcleinuile went before to view the countrey and to know who stirred in the fieldes The 18. of May the King of Nauarre sent the Lord Chastilion accompani●d with the Lords Fouqueroles Charboniere Harambure Mony Resny Saint Sere Fresillon and Chambalame and other gentlemen to make warre with two hundred horsemen and as many harquebuziers and by Boysgency vnderstood that these troupes of Picary sent by the Duke d' Aumale came that way to haue met the Lord Lorg●s the Lord Chastilion therefore with his companies directed his way toward Bonaual and tooke with him the Lord Fonquerantes with twenty of his gentlemen for scoute they met Arcleinuile with fifty horses with him The Lord Chastilion maketh towards him to charge him and so vsed the matter that they killed sixe men of the enemy Arcleinuile hauing no great lyking of that play retired and gaue the alarum to the rest of the troupes a quarter of a mile comming orderly vnder the leading of Saueinze he had 30. Harquebuziers of the Lord Forceuille and many other Gentlemen of name making in all the number of sixe hundred men The Lord Chastilion changed his pace with a trot for to entertaine them Charboniere and Harambure with their companies of light horsemen were on his left wing on the other side Saueuze setting forth before his Harquebuziers set his company of Launciers in rankes and commeth a great pace without breaking ranke for the space of a quarter of a mile The Trompets sound the charge on both sides The Lord Chastilion casteth about a little to stay for his Harquebuziers he deuideth his horsmen into two companies and hauing placed his footmen goeth to the skirmish Saueuze commeth forth very brauely and couragiously galloping for thirty paces his Harquebuziers on horsebacke gaue the onset neere ynough The Lord Chastilion his footmen receaued them who after the first Harquebuziers were discharged euen during the fight rushed in among the horsmen killed many horses with their swords of the Lord Chastilion his men were slayne one that had beene of the King of Nauarre his guardes and two souldiers of the garrison of Boysgency and no more Saueuze who on a sudden had bent him selfe against the light horsemen charged so furiously the Lord Chastilion that the first rankes were broken which hee vnhorsed and layed along and eight or ten of his gentlemen incurred the like misfortune among whom was the Lord Mony Rosny Saint Sere Freslon Chamberlan and among them three were hurt with Launces twenty or thirty of their horses slaine The Brosses set vppon the rereward of the Lord Chastilion which were greatly distressed At length the Lord Chastilion and others that were ouerthrowen recouered themselues and fell a fighting with their swordes on foot and he aduaunced so far that he was hurt in the face In the meane while the Lords Harambure Charboniere and Fonquerules with their companies set vpon Saueuze and his troupes so furiously that they entred and brake a ray put the enemies to flight in such sort that they could not gather together agayne There were slayne some of their Captayns all the gentlemen of Picardy and aboue threescore in the flight so that there were aboue two hundered of the enemies slayne but specially all the Harquebuziers two cornets were taken and the bearers slayne forty Gentlemen were taken and among them Saueuze and Forceuile Many of account were hurt The Lord Chastilion lost but thrée men as is aforesayd this execution was done nigh Bonaual about foure a clocke in the after noone Here Christian Reader may wee see the great goodnes and mercy of God which calleth sinners and transgressors to repentance sending them messengers and tokens of his wrath denouncing them assured destruction for first at Seulis the Lord represented vnto the heads of the league the greatnes of their trespasse by the painted punishment deserued Secondly the Lord prospered the Kings armies with three noble victoryes in two dayes in the sig●t in a maner and hearing of three great and mighty rebeiled citiyes to wit at Seulis nigh Paris and at Rions in Auuergne and at Bonaual not far from Orleans Furthermore the Lord hath executed yet most terrible iudgements since because they despysed these gracious war●●●gs by consuming them with a long and continuall disease as if it were with a phisike carrying with them the worme of the conscience
thanksgiuing to God for his safe returne ●aluted him with this acclamation God saue the King Two thousand horsemen in all of Princes noble men and gentlemen did defeat al this huge army of fiue thousand horsemen and eight thousand footmen the rest of the Kings forces neuer s●irring from their places Thus the Horsemen béeing scattered there remained yet Swissers Lanceknights and French footmen The Launceknights and French footmen were charged and about two thousand and foure hundred remained on the place as it were in a moment The rest were taken prisoners and some of them fled into the woods whereof a great number wandering abroad were slaine by the Pesants The Swissers notwithstanding they had lost their Horsemen which were at their wings part beeing slaine and part fled set a good countenance on the matter The King once was minded to set the French companies on them to disaray them and had sent the Baron Biron to that effect but calling to mind the ancient aliance betweene that nation and the crowne of France called him back againe with his companies and offered them grace and mercy so much he did to those companies of Frenchmen who were with them who refused not his gracious fauour but comming and passing by him rendered vnto his Maiesty their Colonels Captains Souldiers and Ensignes The King staying to pardon the Swissers gaue the enemy leasure to auoid by flight And whilest he stayed to do this Princelike act iudging that he was not called to that high degree of Maiesty ad interitum but ad beneficentiam generis humani The Marshall Aumont with a great company which he had assembled from the pursute in like manner the grand Prior and the Marshall Biron who by reason of his great experience for that hee had béen at so many stormes of battails and skirmishes with his horsemen and companies of French footmen was reserued to the last on●et if need had béen relyed themselues to the King The companies also of the Lord Humiers Mony and other gentlemen of Picardy came in the middle of the battell and after the victory came to the King The Duke de Maine seeing that the mishap which he wished to others fel vpon him tooke his way with great terrour toward Iury leauing behind his ordinance bagge and baggage and as many beside as could not runne away so swiftly as he did the great kill Deuils Don Pedro Moreo and Don Iuan de Cordoua two Spanish Moores with such as could follow them ran after him Great companies of the enemie had gotten before some followed after and as feare made them hast to presse ouer the bridge of Iury to runne a second course toward Mante it is reported that he killed some with his owne hand to make him a way ouer least he should be the hindermost and when he had passed ouer he caused the bridge to be broken leauing his friendes to shift for themselues and by that occasion many through feare beeing out of their wits cast themselues into the riuer where were drowned aboue fifteene hundred persons Others fearing to be taken by them who followed in the chase killed their Horses to stop the wayes and many supposing to haue saued themselues in the woods fell into the hands of the Pesants and countrey people which vsed them more cruelly then the Souldiers would haue done The Duke de Mayne hauing passed Iurye broken the bridge tooke his way to Mante there to passe ouer the bridge and to retire to Pontoise The inhabitants once had determined not to let him in whereupon some do report that beeing before Mante he swore with great othes that hee had discomfited the Kings forces and had killed the King with his owne hand but when they would not be mooued therewith knowing the contrary hee began to intreat them shewing them the danger wherein hee was they mooued with his prayers to compassion of his estate let him in with condition that his retinue should passe by ten and ten that night ouer the Bridge The Duke of Nemours Bassampierre the Vicount Tauaine Rosne and many others fled to Dreux and the day after to Chartres many who could not follow them went astray and knowing not whither they went were taken prisoners The King hauing played the great Captaine and lusty Souldier in getting the victory now sheweth himselfe a right Generall of an army in pursuing the sayd victory for which well to doe he deuideth his forces as followeth The grand Prior with a great company hee sent to chase the enemy on the left hand toward Eureux The Baron of Biron and with him the residue of horsemen who were gathered together and the companies which were arriued out of Picardie at the instant of the battel he sent at the right hand toward Dreux The King himselfe accompanied with the Princes Countie and Montpensier the Marshals of Aumont and Trimouille with a great company of other Lords and Captayns of the same army followed on the victory and continued the chase fiue howers The King vnderstanding how the Duke de Mayne had entred into Mante tooke vp his lodging at Rosnye two miles from Mante where he was as meanly lodged as the enemy Many were slaine in the pursute many were taken prisoners The King with two thousand horses killed aboue two thousand horsemen and many of them Commanders fiftéene hundred and aboue were drowned at the riuer Iury in the flight The most part of the footemen were cut off in peeces fewe ranne away who were either slayne in the chase or by the people of the country aboue 4. hundred of the enemies were takē prisoners The Swissers and the Frenchmen ioyned with them yeelded themselues to the Kings clemencie So that of three and twentie thousand of y e enemie there returned neuer home aboue eight thousand Their bagge baggage artillerie and munition was stayed in the Kings hand There were aboue twentie Cornets of horsemen taken and among them the white Cornet and the bearer thereof to wit the Lord Boysdaul phine taken prisoner by the King The great Ensigne of the Generall of the Spanyards and Flemmings the Colonell Cornets of the Rutters were taken aboue threescore Ensignes of footmen as Flemmings French men and Launce-knights and foure and twentie of the Swiffers that yeelded themselues all these ●ame into the Kings hands Among them that were slayne were chiefest of all the Countie Egmond the Duke Brunswicke Captaine Colin a Spanyard the Lord Chastaigueray and many others Of prisoners taken were the Earle Austfrist who was with the Rutters many Lords Spanyards Italians Frenchmen and Flemmings Of Frenchmen the Lord Boysdaulphine Cigoigne who bare the white Cornet of the Duke de Mayne This is the third time that this Rebell had fallen into the Kings hands within foure moneths and had alwayes found fauour at his hands There were also prisoners Mesdauid Fouteyne Martil Lechant Lodon Huguesan Falandre Tenisay Chasteliere Descuueaux with many others Of the Kings side were slayne the