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A17967 The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 4626; ESTC S107499 318,133 586

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gaue the priestes their tenthes agayne And because these are true feates of good princes therfore hath God geuen hym noble victories For when the kynge of the Assyrians besyeged Hierusalē he called vpon God for aide the citie was deliuered of the syege by the angel slaing the enemies Esaye the prophete was in the time of this kynge in great worshyp by whome the kynge was instructed in suche thinges as pertayne to the feare of God But in the syxte yeare of Ezechias gat the king of the Assyrians the citye of Samaria and led awaye the ten tribes of Israel in bondage The moost parte of thys were the people of God that were fallen from Iuda and had set vp a propre kyngdome But whan the kynges of Samaria were afrayed lest the people shoulde fall agayne to the kyngdome of Iuda the which was ordeined of God yf they shuld somtyme resorte to Hierusalem feastly to do theyr sacrifyce and to heare the word of God accordinge to the ordinaunce of the lawe they set vp a certayne peculiar or propre Gods seruice a propre doctrine and a sacrifice agaynst Gods worde and so haue they abused all thinges against the worde of God vnder pretence of Gods name to entertayne the priuate power of their kyngdome Agaynste this worship of God are sometyme sent prophetes to the sauegarde and conseruation of many in the meane season haue the mighty with al stubbernes kept their false gods seruice Wherfore God hath greuously punished these kinges wyth warres and vproures neither lasted the raigne of this empyre longe by any kyndred in so much also that at the last God suffred the kynges and people to be led away Duely oughte this example make vs afrayde that we learne to feare God For if god spared not the posterite of Abraham vnto the which happened so manifest promises and so great but hath sodenlye ouerthrowen theyr kingedome and cast them out who is so sure minded which can beleue that we shall escape fre But in myne opiniō that part of Samaria ▪ semeth to beare the figure of the churche of the East and of the Grekes for lyke as Israel caried away by the Assyrians into Samaria came neuer agayne euen so also the churche or congregacion of the East is vtterly destroied by the Saracens and Turkes And as it happened to the tribe of Iuda afterwarde I feare me lest it chaunce lykewyse also to the West parte It is to be feared truely that God shal handle vs more rygorously because of the greatnesse of our mysdedes Houbeit God woulde in the meane season blesse the sede of Abraham before all natiōs Wherfore ought the godly reader consider this example by hymselfe and pray God that he wyll chasten vs with mercy and not to cast vs vtterly away This kyngdom dured only two hundreth and foure and fourty yeares That tyme verely was very shorte specially seyng thys people had soo excellent promises euen of outwarde goodes also and in the meane season had they warre also and vproures So litle doth God suffre the wicked seruice of God vnpunished The wastyng of the kyngdom of Samaria was done the thre thousande two hundreth and fourtieth yere after the creation of the world Manasse the sonne of Ezechias succeded his father in the kyngdom of Iuda and reigned fyue and fifty yeres The same restored the false Gods seruice for false zele of godlinesse he burned in sacrifice his own childrē He persecuted the prophetes Esay y ● most holy prophet hath he caused to be cut asunder with a sawe and slayne at the last was he taken o● his enemies and caryed awaye Howbeit whan he knowledged his trespasse and called hartyly vpon the Lorde he was taken frely to mercye and God hath set him for an example to synners that they doute not but that God shall haue mercy and asswage hys wrath vengeaunce if they turne from their wyckednesse Amon raigned two yeare he was a wycked kynge wherefore he dyed with the swearde of hys seruauntes Iosias raigned thyrty one yere he toke away the wicked worship of God He ouerthrew the chappels and Idols he cōmaunded to burne the bones of false prophetes In his tyme were the bokes of Moses found again which had many yeres be lost That truely is a notable example that wickednesse mens traditions doth grow so excedingly preuayle that holy scripture is so greatly despysed y ● euen the very bokes be lost But God so prouiding for seynge she is neuerthelesse at the last restored and brought to lyght This history no doute doth shewe the figure of the last times in the church to y ● which the true and sincere knowledge of the word shalbe opened euen before the ende of the worlde But though Iosias was a verye godly kynge yet wanted not he finally his errour For whan he had now liued in good peace a great whyle had done many noble actes beyng waxen hardy he thought he might haue no misfortune by reason of his godlynesse Wherfore he warred vpon the kyng of the Egiptians the whiche neuerthelesse demaunded condicions of peace But because he toke that warr by trust of mans power he dyed of a gre●● wounde that he had gotten in y ● battayll Ioachas raigned thre monethes and was caried awaye into Egipt Ioakim raigned two yeares In his time inuaded Nabuchodonosor kyng of Babylon all Iewry whose tributary he became many men were led away among the which was also Dauiel yet yonge Afterward whan Ioakim kepte not the bonde or treaty Nabuchodonosor came againe and takyng Ioakim caused him to be slayne at Hierusalem his body to be cast amongs y ● other dead carcases without the citie according to y ● prophesye of Ieremy which prophesyed that he shuld be buried as an asse Ioachim or Ieconias was kyng thre monethes Nabuchodonosor about this tyme beynge come agayn beseged the city Ieconias yelded him selfe frely through the counsel of Ieremy the prophet vnto whom God had reueled that Hierusalē shuld be destroyed the people caried away howbeit he shuld not wholy be destroied but y ● he shulde once come agayn Hierusalem shuld be buylded agayn Ieconias was kept in Babilō by god because he had obeied y ● voice of the prophet the which we shall note hereafter The best of the people were led in captiuite at Babilon with ▪ Ieconias and also all the moost costlye vessels and ornamentes that were in the temple at Hierusalem Sedechias raygned eleuen yeres he fell from the kyng of Babilon whome he wolde not geue tribute for which cause Nabuchodonosor came again besieged the citie And though Ieremy counseled hym that he shuld yelde him self for it were so foreseen of god y ● the people ▪ shuld be led away and Iuda punyshed ye● would not he obey ●oldened and trustynge too Gods promyse that the people of Iuda should not perishe
iii. M. ix C. lxxxvii The yeare of Rome vii C. lxix The yeare of Christe .xliij. CLaudius the fyft Emperour reigned thyrtene yeare and nyne monethes he was poysoned The secōd yeare of Claudius came Peter the Apostle to Rome who had preached before certayn yeares at Antiochia and here begynneth the Romyshe churche The yeare .xliiij. After Christes natiuite The yeare .iii. M. ix C. lxxxviij after the worldes creation The yeare .vii. C. xcvii after the buyldynge of Rome The yeare of the worlde iiii M. The yeare of Rome .viii. C. ix The yeare of Christe lvi NEro the syxt Emperour reigned fourten yeare At the begynnyng lyued he honestly fyue yeares afterwarde was he moste vngratious by reason of hys intemperancy of maners and tyranny He put to death his own mother his wyfe and also many noble men amōg whom was also Seneca Finally whan his officers was gone from hym whan he was sought to be put to deaht by the Senate of Rome he fleing slew himselfe before he was founde out by the souldiours and this was done the two and thirtyeth yeare of his age But the kyngdom of the Romanes is now wholy remoued from the posteritie and kynsmen of Augustus and Leuia In the tyme of Nero was saint Peter crucifyed at Rome After hym was Linus made byshop and afterwarde was Paule the Apostle beheaded also And yf ye counte the yeares of Paule hee preached the Gospell about foure and thyrty yeares In the tyme of Nero appeared a comete syxe monethes contrary too all cometes whiche are not wont to be sene so longe There was also a comete sene before in the tyme of Claudius and three sonnes whiche sygnyfyeth doutlesse that three princes shoulde shortely striue for the empire In lyke maner do I suppose that their great Comete dyd sygnifye not onely the sedicion and vproure but also the mutacion and chaunge in the Romane empire and specially the lamentable decaye of the Iewysh kyngdom Sergius Galba Otho and Vitellius AMong these thre was a stryfe for the empyre after Neroes death As for Galba was slayn in y e marketplace of Rome by y ● layenge wayte of Otho Afterward was Vitellius chosen Emperoure in Germany of the hoost and sent some men of armes into Italy The whiche metyng Otho he fought foure feldes with them thre tymes dyd he ouercome them but in the fourth was his hoost ouerthrowen And though the souyldiours drue frely to hym yet would hee warre no more For it is reported that he shoulde haue said that he set more by the comon peace then by his owne lyfe or priuate glory and the fourth moneth after Galbas death slew he hymselfe with a daggar In the meane season was Vespasianus chosen Emperoure in the Easte by the souldiours thesame sent an hoost into Italy the whiche ouerthrewe Vitellius men of armes Of that rose vproures at Rome and Vitellius was taken his handes bound vpō his backe and with a halter cast about his neck he was drawen through the myer in the stretes and fynally was he slayne as he had deserued For he was suche one that deserued rather to bee called a cruell beaste than a man This was the fyrst vproure that was in the Empyre for the election or chosyng after Augustus The yeare of the worlde .iiii. M. xvi The yeare of Rome .viii. C. xxv The yeare of Christ .lxxij. VEspasianus the Seuenth Emperoure reigned nyne yeares It was a man renowmed in wysedome and honesty and a prince moste worthy of the Empyre For where Caligula Claudius and Nero dyd nott onely suffre all intemperancy out of measure in other but dyd it themselues also this man contrarywyse restored at Rome the nourture of modestie and honest lawes He augmented also the Empyre with all maner of victuals and in the prouinces ordeined he necessary aydes Besides this ordeined he also at Rome common pensions for professers of phisyck and other sciences Of the last destruction of Ierusalem IN the seconde yeare of Vespasianus began Titus the sonne of Vespasian to besyege the cytie Ierusalem whan Easter began to be kept in the moneth of Apryll and afterwarde in the moneth September dyd he spoyle and burne it But in the meane tyme was so great mysery in the cytie for hunger vproure and inwarde manslaughter as neuer was red to haue bene in any cytie The mothers dyghted their owne chyldren to satisfye their hunger but inuayne For the souldyours tooke them awaye from them par force and deuoured them and the mothers dyed with hunger the whyles Many slew themselues Iosephus wryteth that in the cyty were about ten hundreth thousand persons For because it was Easter a very great multitude came together into the cytie Besydes this they that dwelt here and there in villages in all Iewry drue all together to Hierusalem for none other cause but that they trusted to bee in saue garde by the defence of so well afortified citie In so great nōber of people the moste parte nere hande dyed with hunger pestilence and sworde Titus sent syxtene thousand to Alexandria to do seruice none other wyse then slaues He brought twoo thousand with hym whiche hee shewed in a triumphe and caste them to wylde beastes in common games to be toren in peces But what shall I saie muche nomans oraciō can be sufficient to expresse so great a mysery For God woulde propose to men a new and syngular example wherein myght be sene the greatnesse of Gods wrath against despisers of Godlynesse For it must be a very stony and harde harte whiche shoulde not be sore afrayed at so dredefull an example And it is aboue all thynges to be ouerloked in this hystorye that yf God vsed no mercy towarde thys people in punyshynge them for their wyckednesse whome he called hys peculiar people whyche also was come of so holy fathers He shall muche lesse spare the Heythen And God in threatenynge thys declareth also in the same example the shewe of mercy and Godly beneuolence namely that we do not doubt that after that the Iewysh kyngdom is ouerthrowen we that are Gentyls are truely the chosen people and Gods chyldren yf we do truly beleue in Christe This destruction of Ierusalem befell in the secōd yeare of Vespastanus and it was the threscore and fortene yeare after Christes natiuite the fortieth yere after that Christ had suffered his passion But from the creation of the worlde the foure thousand and eightenth yere And this temple dyd stande after the second yere of Longunanus fyue hundreth and syx and twenty yeares Many dredefull tokens signifyed this destructiō afore which for shortnesse we can not here reherse A burnyng sworde was sene aboue the temple nearehande a whole yeare I haue added thys therfore lest no man do rashly despyse the tokens which pretende the euidēces of Gods indignacion by the which we are called to repentaunce that the wrath of God maye be ether auoyded
quene Valens wedowe geuynge them large mony refrayned them from the destructyon of it Whan Liberius was dead Damasus was made the xxxix byshoppe of Rome By this man was S. Hierome in his youth lyke a notarye After Damasus was Siricius bysh the xl The yeare of Christe CCC lxxxiii GRatyanus the xlii Emperoure raygned after the deathe of Valens syxe yeares This same was the eldest sonne of Valentynianus and taken in the felowshype of the empyre by hys fathers lyfe But whan the father was deade he toke for hys companyon into the empyre hys yonger brother Valentinianus But seynge the empyre was here and there troubled by reason of many vproures nether couldbe gouerned without some sage and fortunable prince he chose Theodosyus for a companion in the empyre and sente hym into the Easte where he ouercame the Gotthyes by Constantynople and droue them out of Thracya Gratyanus was slayne by intrappe in Fraunce of hys gouernoure Maximus who made hymselfe Emperour by tyranny Gratyanus was a prince excellente both in honestye and learnynge and a true maynteyner of Christen relygyon he sent the knowledge of his fayth in wrytyng to S. Ambrose Valentinianus hys brother was also slayne by a trayne of hys gouernoure Arbogastes but Theodosyus gatheryng a greate army ouerthrew both Maximus and Arbogastes Maximus beynge taken was put to execucyon Arbogastes slew hymselfe Wherfore Theodosius had the Empyre alone The yeare of Christe CCC lxxxviij THeodosyus the xliij Emperour raygned after that Gratianus was slayn by Maximus xi yeares He was a spanyarde and set all the Empyre in quyet from Germany vntil Egipt He was fyrst in Germany but beynge called into Thracya by Gracyanus afterwarde was Styllico sent in to Germany by Theodosyus who compelled the Frankes and Saxons to kepe peace Besides this restored he peace also to the church He gathered commune conuencyous and willed the doctrine of relygyon to be publyshed in all contryes S. Ambrose bewayled his death amonge other wordes he sayeth I loued the man whan he dyed for he was more combred for the state of the churches than for hys owne daungers To be combred so greatly wyth cares for the relygyon that be verily true vertues worthy for goode princes Anastasius the fyrst of that name the .xli. bysh of Rome succeded Syric●us Innocentius the fyrst of that name the xlii bysh of Rome succeded Anastasius Of Pelagius the heretike IN the tyme of thys byshop of Rome one Pelagius liued in Britanne The same taughte that we are not iustyfyed and saued by the mercy of God for Christes sake wythout our deseruynge but by oure owne workes and naturall vertues is true and sounde ryghteousnesse purchased by God and remyssyon ofsynnes optayned not by the fayth of Christe but by oure workes and procuracyons Agaynste thys man hath S. Augustine wrytten moost substancially and hath bickered fearcely wyth this sentence and hath defended it agaynst hym that we are saued by fayth wythout oure deseruynge and that we optayne remyssyon ofsynnes by the mercy of God only yf we do truste to it For yf remyssyon or forgeuenesse of synnes came by oure workes the conscience should neuer be in qu●er and assured but should alwaye be in doubte For mans endeuoure is to weake than that God beynge displeased can be apeased therewyth and the drede of death taken awaye Neuerthelesse God requyreth of vs obedience and good worckes and that the conscyences be sure we doo please God that he wyll heare them that call vpon hym and saue vs. Howbeit that thys doth not stande in the worthynesse of oure worckes but in the promyse and mercy of God Thys mynde of S. Augustyne whan it is knowen doth brynge greate comfort to the consciences of the godlye and teacheth what the true fayth is and that God in the meane season requireth good workes of vs. The same veryly doth he requyre of vs but by fayeth onely wyll he haue vs to receaue the forgeuenesse ofsynne without regarde of oure deseruynges The doctryne of Pelagius is condempned in some councels of our tyme. The spoylyng of the fourth Monarchy The yeare of Christ CCC x●viij ARcadius the sonne of Theodosius raigned thyrtene yeare in the East at Constantinople Honorius hys brother raygned in the Weste wyth lyke authoritie nyne and twenty yeares ▪ both whyle hys brother was alyue and whan he was deade for whan Arcadius was deade Honorius was yet alyue Of the Gotthies The yeare of Christe CCCC v. The yeare of Rome M. C. lvii The yeare of the worlde MMMM CCC xlix ABout thys tyme came the Gotthy fyrste into Italy wyth a greate and dredeful army But for asmuche as euerye where is made muche mencyon of the Gotthyes ▪ we shall here summarely draw the histories of theyr of spryng and actes The Gotthi Vandali Rugiani and Hunni be not estimed to be one people but the Gotthi are Dutchmen out of the Ile Godtlande which dwelt in a parte of Lislande and Littowe For ether of these contryes lyeth ouer against Godtland by the seasyde And therefore doth Procopius call them aryght Cimme●ij and Gethe These than in the time of the Romanes were gone into Thracia and Hungary and the Romysh Emperours assayed to dryue them out agayne but all was in vayne In the rehearsall of Decius haue we touched the begynnyng of their history For the fyrst great battail of the Romanes agaynst them was vnder Decius wherein also Decius was slayne But afterwarde though the Romane Emperours made the Gotthies haue much ado yet remayned they in Thracia and Hungary and in Asia about Constantynople they toke in certayn contryes It is sayde that yet now adayes dwell Gotthy in the half Ile Taurica which speake Dutche and call themselus Gotthi Howbeit they lefte Hungarye and also Thracia so at the laste that of theyr free wyll they went fyrst into Italy and afterward into Spayn Afterwarde were the rest of the Gotthies destroyed by the Vandalyes and Hunmes commyng out of Scythya The Hunny made theyr dwellinge place in Hungary But the contryes that lye partly vnder partly aboute Hungary haue the Vandaly taken in But in the tyme of Arcadius and Honorius are the Gotthy come into Italy The mooste noble Emperoure Theodosius ordeined to his sonnes two capitaines Rufinus and Stillico and wylled them to care for the Emperours yong sonnes but the one was disloyal to hys lorde Rufinus was of Gallia the same enticed the Gotthies against Arcadius and hoped to optayne the kyngdome by that meane but he was frustrated of his purpose for he was slaine by Stillico As for Stillico was a Vandale and whan some of the Gotthi were come agaynst Arcadius Stillico broughte to passe that the Gotthi which Theodosius hadde taken in wages were letten go Beside that did Stillico sett the Vandalies against the Gotthies and so whan the Gotthies were fyrste angered thorough Rufinus and than
or mitigated which thynge of mercy happened to the Niniuites The yeare of the worlde iiii M. xxv The yeare of Rome viij C. xxxii The yeare of Christe lxxxi TItus the eyght Emperoure reigned two yeare He was the sonne of Vespasianus endued wyth all kynde of princely vertues wherefore he was praysed of euery man and called The loue and delite of man kynde But when he perceaued that some went about to optayne the Emperyall dignitie agaynst hym he commaunded to admonyshe them frendly to abstayne from suche enterpryses For all theyr labour was inuayne in suche thinges and that the gouernaunce is a gyft of God whiche befalleth to hym whome it pleaseth hym to geue He dyd nothynge more rygorously to them Titus as some suppose dyed of poyson After that Linus was deade was Anacletus made the third byshop of Rome The yeare of the worlde .iiij. M. xxvij The yeare of Rome viii C. xxxvj The yeare of Christe .lxxxiij. DOmitianus the nynth Emperoure the brother of Titus reigned fyftene yeares He had warres in Germany and ce●sely agaynst the Catti that now a daies are called the Hesses He vsed incredible intemperancy and great tyranny at Rome wherfore he was fynally slayne He droue out of Rome the Mathematicos that is teachers by demonstracion and Philosophers He persecuted the Christen and put them to death lyke as Nero dyd Whan Anacletus was deade Clemens the fyrst of that name was made Byshop of Rome The yeare of the worlde .iiij. M. xliij The yeare of Rome .viij. C. lij The yeare of Christe .xcix. NErua the tenth Emperoure reigned one yeare and foure monethes He adopted and made heyre apparant Traianus who was as then capitaine in Germany about Collen Nerua dyed being olde .lxviij. yeare The yeare of the worlde .iiij. M. xliiij The yeare of Rome .viij. C. liij The yeare of Christe C. TRaianus the Emperoure reigned nynetene yeares and syxe monethes This same was the fyrste of the straunge Emperours For he was no Italian but a Spanyarde by kynred He was of suche notable honestie that euer afterward as oft as an Emperoure was electe he dyd wyshe with open requeste that he might be lyke to Traianus in honestie Augustus in happenesse When he had made the principall officers of his court he gaue hym a sworde in hys hande sayeng these wordes Vse this sworde agaynst myne enemies in iuste causes If I do not iustly then drawe it vpon myselfe The Romane empyre was neuer so large as in the tyme of Traianus and aboue the examples of other Emperours possessed he the realmes of the East most largely He had very great warres in Hungary and Germany Ihon the euangelist that was driuen out by Domitian returned agayne to Ephesus out of the yle Pathmos If ye wyll reken the nōbre of the yeres it shalbe founde that Sainct Ihon hath preached aboue thre score yeares Good Lorde howe many myseries hath Sainct Ihon sene in so longe space among the whiche was euen the greatest the destruction of Hierusalem hys countrey I wyll passe ouer how greueously hee hath stryuen wyth many and euen peruerset heretikes For we reade that vpon a tyme Sainct Ihon came into a bath and founde Cherinthus the Heretike sittyng with hys company and disputynge earnestly amonge them and the vnshamefast blasphemer denyed Christe to be man But Sainct Ihon rysynge bad hys frendes that were set wyth hym to departe with hym from thence For God woulde not suffre any lenger so vnshamefast blasphemies But strayghtwaye as he was gone out the house fallyng downe slewe Cherinthus wyth hys company It is a dredefull example of Gods wrath agaynst them whiche blaspheme the name of GOD wyth open and manifest vngodlynesse howe litle he wyl suffre them to be vnpunished at length Euaristus the fift B. of Rome succeded Clemēs After Euaristus death succeded the .vi. B. of Rome Alexander the first of that name Vnder Traianus were many Christen men tormented But afterwarde was a sentence ordeined that they shoulde not be brought into iudgement without they were fyrst openly accused and then shuld they be punyshed and this was gotten by the benefite of Plinius Traianus died of a flyxe in the belly The yeare of the worlde .iiij. M. lxiiij The yeare of Rome .viii. C. lxxiij The yeare of Christe C. xx ADrianus the .xii. Emperoure reigned twenty yeares He was adopted of Traianus He was a prince of greate wysdome he was not geuen too warre after the example of Traianus but was geuen to common peace by al maner of meanes and of this wise restored he the Empyre in moste best fashion wherfore he also deserued moste hygh prayse with euery man Ther was neuer a more profytable Emperour to the Romysh kyngdome sence Augustus then this Adrianus He was excellently learned in astronomy and composed euery yeare a pronostication for hymself Vnlearned readers of sciences put he out of wages howbeit he prouided of hys own coste for thē that they had no nede in the meane season and set other learned and profitable mē to teache in their steade He furnished also excellent libraries for he was reakened to be very well learned in Greke and Latin In the tyme of Adrianus began the Iewes to restore their kyngdom fyndyng also out one Messias among thē But Adrianus ouercame them though it was not without great busynesse Afterwarde commaunded he to repayre Ierusalem and called her Elia after his name Elius At the fyrst was he sore against the Christians and commaunded to torment them but afterward when some learned Christen men wrote bokes to the Emperoure the whiche are yet now adayes a brode he chaunged his mynde and commaunded that from thence foreward no man should be attached for his religion Xystus the fyrst of that name and seuenth B. of Rome succeded Alexander After Xystus succeded Thelesphorus the eyght B. of Rome He is reported to haue ben the instituter of Lent The yeare of Christe .i. C. xl ANtonius the Godly the .xiii. Emperour was adopted by Adrianus He reigned xxiij yeres that with so great modesty and endeuoure of peace that he shoulde oft haue sayed that it were more honest to saue one citesyn by an Emperoure than to slaye a thousand enemies Hyginius the nyneth B. of Rome succeded Thelesphorus Pius the .x. succeded Hyginius Anicetus the xi B. of Rome succeded Pius The yeare of Christe .c. lxiij MAr●●s Anthonius the philosopher the xilij Emperoure reigned .xix. yeares The same gouerned the Empyre by good ryght with hys brother Lucius Verus and these two were the first that ruled the Empyre together But Verus liued not lōg in the gouernaūce Marcus was lyke excellent both in vertue and learnynge He had also warre in Germany agaynste them that dwelt in Morauia and Slesia and also against the Vandali He wrote many excellent lawes the whiche are yet to be red in