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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17239 The coronation of Dauid Wherein out of that part of the historie of David, that sheweth how he came to the kingdome, wee have set forth unto is what is like to be the end of these troubles that daylie arise for the Gospels sake. By Edm. Bunny. Bunny, Edmund, 1540-1619. 1588 (1588) STC 4090; ESTC S112832 104,706 122

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unto them they that looked upon me shaked their heads 25. Surely mine enemie did not defame me for I could have borne it neither did mine adversarie exalt himself agaynst me for I would haue hid me from him 55.12 But it was thou ô man even my companion my guide and familiar 13. Which delighteth in consulting together and went into the house of God as companions 14. He layd his hands upon such as bee at peace with him and he brake his covenant 20. Yet when they were sicke I was clothed with sack I humbled my 35.13 soule with fasting and my prayer was turned upon my bosome I behaved my self as to my friend or as to my brother I humbled my self mourning as one that bewayleth his mother 14. I have not haunted with vayne persons neither kept companie with the dissemblers 26.4 I have hated the assemblie of the evill and have not companied with the wicked 5. Lord mine heart is not haughtie neither are mine eyes loftie neither have I walked in great matters and hid from me 131.1 Surely I have behaved my self like one weaned from his mother and kept silence and I am in my self as one that is weaned 2. My soule hath too long dwelt with him that hateth peace 6. Wo is me that I remayne in so long an exile and still wander as those that dwell but only in tents 5. I seeke peace and when I speake thereof they are bent to warre 7. The Argument of those three Psalmes that are of the second sort Secondarily he praieth for help beseeching the Lord that he will consider the estate they are in and that himselfe will giue them help whereunto appertein these three Psalmes that follow The fyrst Psalme of the second sort The Argument In the first of these Psalmes he stirreth vp the Lord to heare and to regard his praier and to addresse himselfe to help Whereby we also may better see how in this case of ours we may powre forth such praiers also The Psalme The third Psalme O Lord I call upon thee hast thee unto me heare my voyce when I crie unto thee 141.1 O God heare my prayer hearken unto the words of my mouth 54.2 O Lord God of hostes heare my prayer hearken ô God of Iaakob 84.8 Behold ô God our shield and looke upon the face of thine annoynted 9. Giue care ô Lord unto my Prayer and hearken unto the voyce of my supplication 86.6 In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee for thou hearest me 7. Thou art my God heare ô Lord the voyce of my Prayers 146.6 Heare me when I call ô God of my righteousnesse thou hast set me at libertie when I was in distresse have mercie upon me and hearken unto my Prayer 4.1 Let my Prayer be directed in thy sight as incense and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice 141.2 Hold not my toung ô God of thy prayse 109.1 Arise ô Lord in thy wrath and lift up thy self agaynst the rage of mine enemies and awake for me according to the judgements that thou hast appoynted 7.6 O Lord God the avenger ô God the avenger shew thy self cleerely 94.1 Exalt thy self ô judge of the world and render a reward to the proud 2. Thou hast seene it o Lord keepe not silence be not farre from me ô Lord. 35.22 Pleade thou my cause ô Lord with them that striue with me fight thou agaynst them that fight agaynst me 34.1 Lay hand upon thy shield and buckler and stand up for my helpe 2. Save me ô God by thy name and by thy power judge me 54.1 Turne unto me and have mercie upon me give thy strength unto thy seruant and save the sonne of thy hand-mayd 86.16 Shew a token of thy goodnesse towards me that they which hate me may see it because thou ô Lord hast holpen me and comforted me 17. Exalt thy self ô God above the heavens and let thy glorie bee upon all the earth 57.5.11 Wilt not thou ô God which hadst cast us off and didst not go forth ô God with our armies 60.10 Giue us helpe agaynst trouble for vayne is the helpe of man 11. O God thou art my God earely will I seeke thee my soule thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth after thee in a barren and drie land without water 69.1 Bring out also thy speare and stop the way agaynst them that persecute me say unto my soule I am thy saluation 35.3 So shall the congregations of the people compasse thee about for their sakes therefore returne on high 7.7 The second Psalme of the second sort The Argument In this second Psalme ensuing he doth more specialy direct his praiers against the enimies desiring God to abate their force and to bring them downe This he doth verie earnestlie and by manie apt similitudes and other force of speach notably expressing how much he desireth on the behalfe of Gods glorie their vtter destruction And we likewise comming to these that are enimies to vs for the Gospels sake if so be that we firmely retaine an vnfeigned loue of their persons and of such good things as are in them and in that respect pray for them not only we may in such sort pray against them in respect of the glorie of God but also we ought so throughlie to be touched therewith that how deare so euer otherwise they are vnto vs yet in this respect we should spare them nothing at all to the impeachment of any part of his honour The Psalme The 4. Psalme LOrd how long shall the wicked how long shall the wicked triumph 94.3 Even thou ô Lord God of hostes ô God of Israel awake to visite all the heathen and be not mercifull unto those that transgresse maliciouslie 59.5 Let not the wicked have his desire ô Lord performe not his wicked thoughts least they be too proud 140.8 Let them not say in their hearts ô our soule reioyce neither let them say wee have devoured him 35.25 Break their teeth ô God in their mouthes break the jawes of the young lions ô Lord. 58.6 They think they shal escape by iniquitie ô God cast these people downe in thy anger 56.7 Destroy ô Lord and divide their tongues for I have seene crueltie and strife in the citie 55.9 Let death cease upon them let them go downe quicke into the grave for wickednesse is in their dwellings even in the mids of them 15. Let him consume like a snaile that melteth and like the vntimely fruit of a woman that hath not seene the Sunne 58.8 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seeke after my soule let them be turned back and brought to confusion that imagine mine hurt 35.4 Let them melt like the waters let them
vnto them as sometimes hauing vs in the cause that wee susteine at great aduantage hauing the Sea before vs our enimies behinde and such rockes on eyther side as doe yeelde no passage by them at al can they in no wise so much as think that in such case God knoweth howe to deliuer those that are his and hath yet left him wayes ynow beyond the deuise and reach of man If nowe they annoy vs as wee are in our way trauelling towardes the lande of promis what doe they else but as the Amalekites did before and if they take part with them in their sinne may wee not hope that they shall bee made partakers of their vengeance also Let Moses on the top of the hill in the sight of the hoast of the Lord and in the sight of all their enimies aduaunce the Lordes Standard if he bee olde and therefore somewhat weake and bee not able still to aduaunce it in such sort as hee shoulde let Aaron and Hur bee supporters vnto him that so the Lordes Standard may still be aduaunced and then it neede not to bee doubted of any but that our Amalekites also shall soone bee beaten backe and taught to giue more quiet passage to the children of Israel as they are at the Lordes appointment to passe by their borders And if these Amalekites of ours in this large space of repentaunce that God doth giue them will in no time turne to the Lorde why may we not looke but that on them the Lorde will at the length bring an vtter destruction euen before our eyes in sight vnlesse it please him of mercie to spare them or to reserue them to heauier iudgements against that day when he shall call to account all the vngodly of the earth for all their vngodly deedes which they haue vngodlie committed and for all their cruell speakings which vngodly sinners haue spoken against him That as yet wee are not so fully entered into the possession of our inheritance whome may we thanke so much as our selues For when God woulde haue brought vs in wee made light account of it and did not beleeue his goodnes towardes vs wee woulde needes haue searchers to goe and see whether it were so good a lande and whether we should bee able to get it God had already told vs both that it was a notable land and that hee woulde giue it vnto vs but that woulde not serue If men of our owne choyce did not tell vs so too wee thought it no wisedome so soone to yeelde vnto the bare worde of God alone and wee were not ashamed to put to his triall euen the trueth of God himselfe and to make him to stande at our barres and there to bee tried by the verdict of lying men What reason therefore but that hauing done so great dishonour or vilany rather to the God of all trueth and glorie wee should iustly hee excluded for a time from that comfortable fruition of this land of promis that nowe wee would so fayn enioy But seeing that wee the children of those our great auncestours haue so long beene kept out and borne the iniquitie of our parentes refusall what letteth but that nowe when wee see that God beginneth to perfourme his mercies towards vs wee may hope that the time of that wrath of his is almost expired and that nowe hee is willing and reedie to bring vs in and to put vs in full possession If wee also haue had our Moabites and Midianites that haue busily sought to infringe our peace and to make a breach into the good estate that God hath giuen vs and haue hiered their Balaams against vs if not once or twice but verie often they haue assayed by secrete practises to doe vs some mischiefe If they haue multiplied their masses against vs and neuer so often reiterated that sacrifice of theirs which they call vnbloodie but yet is bloddy and cruell in deede must wee therefore doubt that sometime or other they shall preuayle and that the Lorde will cast vs head-long downe into that insatiable gulfe of their blood-thirstinesse Or many wee not rather hope on behalfe of the quarrell that wee haue in hande that as at that time he confounded all their deuices and made frustrate all their attempts and turned the cruell and deadly cursing that they had intended into a ritche and speciall blessing so nowe likewise hee will in like sort accurse all their open attemptes and secrete counsels that neuer they shall bee able to preuayle against the cause that wee haue in hande but that euen by their owne endeuours they must come downe more and more Est 6.18 If not onely the wiser friendes of Haman but euē Zaresh his wife likewise espied that whereas they perceiued nowe that Mordecai whose destruction hee sought was founde to bee one of the people of God he should neuer preuaile against him but should certainly fall before him more and more howe much rather ought wee to bee assured and what dulnes were it not to perceiue that seeing they haue alreadie attempted the like crueltie against the people of God vtterly to destroy them all but now in these dayes haue begun to fall before them they shoulde not nowe bee neare to their end and dayly more and more come downe before those that they woulde haue deuoured the inuincible race that is borne a newe not of corruptible seede but of incorruptible the eternall trueth of the liuing God And if wee coulde open but the eares of our mindes by fayth no doubt wee might finde that euen in their secrete corners among themselues many of them haue such speaches one with another complaining of their own ruinous state and setting it downe for a verie truth and that themselues do looke for no other but that in this cause we are so blessed of God himself as that their cursings can take no place but that the cause we haue in hand must still preuaile and that their impugning of it can be of no force but against themselues Not long since we graunt that a few of them did verie often and very easily put to flight many of vs and if any stood against them they easily bereft them of their libertie lands and life But those were the daies of the heauie wrath of the Lord and the time as then was not come wherein God meant to shew forth his power on their behalf But as the Israelites did shortly after when the time of vengeance was ouerblowne notably preuaile against the Canaanites Amorites and Midianites cleane beyond all expectation so what letteth but that the Lord hauing alredie begun to worke so mightily for vs also in the quarell we haue in hand we may with good comfort lift vp our heads and confidently looke for the full performance of it at his good pleasure Iordan with vs also had filled the brinks and séemed at the first vtterly to deny all passage to any that would attempt to enter in earthly power they were