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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17171 The golde[n] boke of christen matrimonye moost necessary [and] profitable for all the[m], that entend to liue quietly and godlye in the Christen state of holy wedlock newly set forthe in English by Theodore Basille.; Christlich Eestand. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1543 (1543) STC 4047; ESTC S110661 97,888 204

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And to the Galathians he saythe Walke ye in the spirite so are ye not vnder the lawe Therfore for asmuche as aduouterers do walke in y e flesh and not in the spirite they are vnder the law ne ther hath the Lorde taken the lawe and punyshe ment from them Moreouer as touching the story Ioh. viii we must considre that the Lord sayd vnto the wife woman hath no man cōdemned the And whan she had sayd no man he answered Nether do I condemne the. For wyth this answere layed he before her the sentence of the Iudges And for as muche as he was not come now to gyue sentence as a Iudge but to saue he wolde not condemne her and so medled nether wyth the lawe nor the acte The Lord was come nowe to haue mercy vpon synners and to call them to repentaunce Therfore sayd he also vnto this womā Go thy waye and synne no more And wythe these wordes doth the Lorde warne all suche as are tangled wyth aduoutry to cease from hensforth and to amende God happely maye haue mercy vpon them take from them the shame dishonour payne and punyshment whiche they haue greatly deserued For God hath no delyte in the destruccion of a poore synner but wyl rather that they cōuerte lyue But yfye wyl not turne yf ye wyll nedes be styffenecked and styll set forth youre shamelles foreheades then verely doth God watche ouer youer wyckednes saith Hieremy v. In the desyre of vnclenly lust they are becomel yke olde stallādes euery one neyeth at his neyghboures wyfe Shulde not I punysh this Wherfore ye aduouterers looke for none other but God wyll plage you for shamelesse actes of wickednes whoredome For abhominacion vice periury and shameful matters are they that ye go about wythall ¶ The. xii Chapter ●…ow one that entēdeth to mary shulde chose a mete honest and vertuous mate ANd hytherto haue I declared whence wed locke cōmethe who dyd institute it what it is how it ought orderly to be contracted what be the occasions end and vertue therof Item howe holy profitable and good it is Agayne howe horrible noysome and shamefull whoredome and aduoutry is But forasmuche as in the occasions of wedlocke it is mencioned how y ● wedlocke was ordined of God to the intent that maryed folkes shulde spend theyr lyfe in y ● mutuall participaciō of al such thinges as God sendeth y ● they may bryng forth chyldrē or they maye auoyd whordome or for the eschew●…ynge of perellous solenes that the one maye be a conforte and helpe to the other accordyng to y ● wyll of GOD And for asmuche also as in the meane season there lyethe great importaunce wayght vpon it what manner of companion mate thou chosest how thou mayest lyue wythe hym and yf God gyue the chyldren howe thou mayest bryng them vp Therfore in thys parte of ●…y boke followyng I wyl treate how a mete honest and vertuous spouse ought to be chosen Afterwarde howe they ought on both the sydes to lyue well and ryght togyther to hepe and increace the mutuall loue and trouth of mariage and fynally howe they muste well vertuously bryng vp theyr chyldren For who so coupleth hymselfe wyth braul●…g folkes cōmeth to disquietnes maye not complayne therof Why lefce he not such cōtencious persons wythout his house Who so nowe wyll haue a peaceable mariage must not chose him a restlesse mate He that wyll plante any thynge doth fyrst considre the nature of the ground in the whiche he entendeth to plante Muche more shuldest thou haue respecte to the condicions of thy spouse oute of whome thou desyrest to plant chyldren the frute of honeste and welfare And lyke as plantynge and carefulnesse hathe great power in al growyng thinges so hath it greater vertue and strength yea and better frute in the diligent bryngynge vp of chyldren Where as mariages and chyldrē do sometyme prosper euel the greatest cause therof is the faulte in chosyng the partie and in the chyldrens bryngynge vp Nowe where as we fayle in this behalf it commeth either of our owne fonde affeccion whiche we folow and are seduced therby or els cōmeth it of ignoraūce as whan folkes wotte not wher vnto they ought to haue respecte or howe to do in the cause And seyng that in these poyntes stō deth the makyng and marrynge of wedlocke I wyll fyrst note in fewe wordes the moost necessary thyng that maye be spokē hereof And fyrst wyll I speake of the chosyng of a spouse The chosynge is a receauyng or acceptynge of suche thynges as we thynke are mete for our ende and purpose Therfore euery election hath a finall respecte that it is directed vnto For as much now as our talkynge here is of the elecciō of a spouse we must reduce to our remembrāce the ende of wedlocke that is to saye the causes why and wherfore it is contracted Nowe haue we heard afore that the causes why it was orde ned ▪ and wherfore it is to be receaued of y e two parsonnes are these euen to the intent that they shall cōtinually dwell togyther and spende theyr lyfe in the mutuall participaciō of all such thyn ges as God sendeth that they maye bryng forth chyldren or that they maye auoyde whoredome for the eschewyng of per●…llous solitarines that the one maye be a conforte a●…d healpe to y e other accordyng to the wyll of God Therfore thou that wylte chose muste haue respecte vnto these aforesayde poyntes as to the finall ende marke set before the must proue wheth●…r the parsonne whome thou thynkest to ●…oyne vnto thy selfe haue these poyntes whyche thou hast heard now recyted And the same shalt thou well proue if thou note diligently the rytches that are in man of the whych I wyll nowe speake Thre manner of rytch●…●…re therin man the rytches of the mynde of the body and of temporall substaunce The best moost precious are the ritches of the mynde as they without which the other two are more hurteful then profitable The rytches of the mynde are the feare of God faythe gods glory gods seruyce vnderstandyng or knowlege prudēce trueth sobernes righteous nes liberalite chastite humblenesse honesty and nourtoure synglenesse and diligence and suche lyke vertues These lye not styll neyther hyde them selues wher so euer they be but breake out diuerse wayes so that they maye well be spyed but specially in talkynge For our Lorde Christ dyd say Out of the abundance of the harte spea keth the mouth They of the olde tyme sayd that a mannes talkyng is the myrrour messanger of the mynd in the whiche it maye be sene without in what case the man is wythin Therfore who so wyll knowe and haue experience howe a mans mynde standethe let hym diligently note his communicacion whether it be ioyned w t the feare of God manerly true earnest honest sted fast and reasonable or whether