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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16577 A frutefull treatise and ful of heauenly consolation against the feare of death Wherunto are annexed certeine sweet meditations of the kingdom of Christ, of life euerlasting, and of the blessed state & felicitie of the same. Gathered by that holy marter of God, Iohn Bradford. Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1564 (1564) STC 3481; ESTC S106823 29,063 104

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ioyful together If sinne the lawe the deuyll or any thinge would crepe into the bed and lie there then complaine to thy husband Christ and forth wyth thou sahlte see hym playe Phinees parte Thus my dearly beloued I haue geuen you in fewe wordes a summe of all the Diuinitie which a christian conscience can not want ¶ A Prayer whiche Ihon Bradford sayd a little before his death in Smithfelde MErcifull God and Father to whom our sauiour christ approched in hys feare and nede by reason of death founde comforte gracious God most bounteous Christe on whō Stephen called in hys extreame neede receiued strength moste beninge holy spirite which in the middest of all crosses death diddest comfort the apostle s Paule with more consolations in christ then he felt sorrowes terrours in the worlde haue mercy vppon me a most miserable vile wretched sinner which nowe drawe nere the gates of death deserued both in soule body eternally by reson of my manifold horrible old newe transgressions which to thine eyes O lorde god are opē and kuowen Oh be merciful vnto me and forgeue me for the bitter death and bloud sheddinge of thine onely sonne Iesus Christe And thoughe thy Iustice do require in respect of my sinns that nowe thou sholdest not heare me contemning thy dayly callinges yet let thy mercy which is aboue all thy works and wherwith the earthe is filled let thy mercy I say preuayle towardes me thorow the merites mediation of christ our sauiour for whose sake it pleaseth thee to bringe me forth now as one of his witnesses a record bearer of thy verity and trueth taught by him to geue my life therfore To which dignity I do acknowledge deare god that there was neuer anye so vnworthy and vnmeete no not the thefe that hāged with him on y e crosse I humbly therfore pray thee that thou wouldest accordingly ayde helpe assist me with the strēgth and heauenly grace y t with christ thy sonne I may finde comforte with Stephen I may see thy presence and gracious power wyth Paule and all others whych for thy names sake haue suffred afflictious and death I maye finde so present with me thy gracious cōsolation that I may by death glorify thy holy name set forth ratify thy verity comforte y e hartes of the heauy confirme thy church in thy truth cōuert some that are to be conuerted and so depart out of this miserable world wher I do nothing but dayly heape sinne vpon sinne and enter into the fruition of thy blessed mercy wherof now geue increase in me a liuely taste sense and felinge wherthrough the terrour of death the torments of fier the pains of sin y e darts of Sathan the dolours of hell may neuer ouercome mee but may be driuen away through the working of that most gracious spirite whych now plēteously endue me withal that through the same spirite I maye offer as nowe I desire am redye to do in christ by him my self wholy soule and body to be a liuely sacrifice holy acceptable in thy sight deare father whose I am alwaies haue ben euen frō my mothers wombe yea euen before y e world was made to whō I commende my selfe faith name familye frendes countrey and al the whole church yea euen my very ennemies accordinge to thy good pleasure besechinge thee entierly to geue once more to this realme of Englande the blessinge of thy worde againe with godly peace to the teaching and settinge forth of the same Oh deare Father now geue me to come vnto thee purge so purify me by this fier in Christes death and passiō thorowe thy spirite that I may be a burnte offeringe of swete smel in thy sight which liuest raygnest with the Sonne the holy ghost nowe and foreuermore worlde without ende Amen Ephe. v. ☞ Awake thou that slepest and arise from the Dead and Epriste shal shew light vnto thee Certein faults escaped In the 7. leafe first side reade in the margent thus By loking on our olde faulles In the 13. leafe and second syde adde to y e later note ī y e margēt Felicitie which we obtain by Death In the 43. leafe in y e title of the Introduction read Diuinitie And in the other titles for Instruction read Introduction iiij kindes of death Spiritual death what it is 2. Tim. 5 Temporal death Cols 3. Sinne is the cause of death By what meanes death came into the world Roma 8. Naturall death Death what it is to christians Philip. 1. Luke 2. This liffe is not to be loued in respect of the pleasures ther of beinge nothynge else but vanitie What this lyfe is marke here and learne This life is more to be loched for the myseries thē loued for the pleasures ther of The myseries of this life concernīg the body The miseries of this life concernīg the soule Bylokīg on our olde falts tēptatiōs and other mès falts we maye see what daunger we are al wais ready to fall into Great weighty causes for vs to be sadde and heauy lyttle to ioy in the pleasures of this lyfe An apte cōparison betwene a ship on the sea the lif of man for what daungers are so great what so like Beholde the greate miseries mischiefs that this life is in danger of on euerye syde 1. Cor. 2. Iob. 5. Iob 8. Iaco. 4. Iohn 8. Psal 91. How short transitory and misera The life of man is the scriptures doe euerie where declare The breuitie vanitie and miserie of this life shoulde cause vs little to regarde it 1. Pet. 7 Apoc. 7. The commodities wherto death bringeth vs shoulde make vs wylling to forsake this lyfe The commodities of this lyfe mixed with discommodities lest we should loue them to muche The pleasures of this life what they are in cōparison of the pleasure of the life to cōe The blessed state of the life to come 1. Co. 2. Psal 84. The vehement desire and lōging of Goodes sainctes to be dissolued and to be with god Psal 24. Psal 63. Roma 8. Apoc. 22. Philip. 1. Math. 24. 1. Thes 4. Math. 2● Apoc. 7. The glory and felicitie of Gods children in the kingdom● of God Death y e Hauen of eternall life The miseries and dangers we passe and the Phil. 3. Mat. 13. Dan. 12. Mat. 17. Cor. 15. Io. 3. 1. Cor. 15 Now folish sensles are thei which in respecte pect of so glorious a state will not gladly forsake so miserable a lyfe 1. Cor. 2. Apo. 44. The claritie and brightnes of Gods children in his kingedome aboue the seuen told brightnes of the sū● Apoc. 22. Apoc. 21. Lacke of fayth is y e cause whi we do so lyttle desire to be out of this synfull lyfe An obiection procedinge of the sense of synne reason whiche is an aduersary to fayth 1. Iohn 1 Iob. 25. Psal ●●● Psal 141 Thre thinges wher by the afflicted consciēce may be assured of pardon forgeuenes Esay 43. Esay 1. Ezech. 33 Iohn 3. Philip. 2. Math. 11 Iohn 3. Luke 5. Iohn 15. Heb. 5. 1. Tim. 1. Act. 16. Heb. 9. Act. 8. Mark 6. Luke 17. 1. Iohn 1 1. Iohn 2 Luke 1. Rom. 5 Rom. 8. Rom. 10. 1. Thes 4. 1. Cor. 15. The greatest dishonor to god is to dout of his mercy Luke 1. in y e word only wee beholde gods loue fauoure towardes vs therfore wee shold geue credit to it against al our sense reasō and iudgmēt * Iohn 12 Psal 130 Deathe what it is by y e word of god 2. Cor. 5 whi death oughte to be premeditate and thoughte often vpō Iob. 14. Luke 12. Luke 11. The .iiij. last Artycles of the fayth oftē to be meditate and thoughte vpon No synne or wante of anye thynge what so euer it bee shoulde cause vs to dispaire of Gods finall fauour and mercy That we are partakers of this communion felowship wee maye not doubt beinge receued ther vnto by baptysme None so greate or grenous a sinner but there is mercy for him wyth the Lord. Cantic 5 Philip. 3 1. Cor. 15 Exod. 34 1. Cor. 13 Roma 6. Iohn 18. Iohn 17 Rom. 8. Esay 12. Esay 11. Psal 44. Iohn 16. 2. Tim. 3 2. Thes 2 1. Peter 2 1. Dan. 7 Psal 45. Luke 17 Math. 13 Esay 53. Daniel 9 1. Cor. 16 Where this eternal life is 1 Iohn 4 1. Tim. 6 Act. 8. 7 What maner of thing this euerlastīg life is 1. Cor. 2. Iob. 19. 1. Cor. 13 Heb. 11 1. Iohn 3 1. Cor. 19 Psal 16. Psal 17. Apoca. 5. Apoc. 21 Rom. 7. Luke 2. Psal 142 1. Cor. 2. Apoca. 4 Apoca. 5. Psal 84. Psal 24. Psal 13. Roma 8. Apoc. 22. Philip. 3. Math 14 Math 25 Math. 12 Math. 13 Apoc. 7. Psal 77 ☞ 2. Pet. 1. ☞ Math. 26 Actes 7. 2. Cor. 1.