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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16407 A boke of prayers called ye ordynary faschyon of good lyuynge 1546 (1546) STC 3326.5; ESTC S120454 10,216 37

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as ye haue done wronge dispose the resydue of your gooddes lyberaly to the pore ☞ Contrary to swerynge vse rather scilens lerne to vse sobernes and pa cyens Contrary to malyce wrathe vse pacyens shewe loue gentylnes bothe in worde dede forgyue remēbrynge y t chryst dyd forgyue suffered pacyently the wordes of the Jewes yea he suffred death wrongfully amonge them ❧ And thus in euery degre of synne vse and practyse y t vertu whiche is cō trary to y e synne wherin ye arre moste corruptdd And so by vertue ye shall ouercome vyce synne for it is the best meanes that can be deuysed to brynge a man to perfyte lyuynge ¶ Here folowith a prayer to be sayde at nyght after confession made and true xepentaunce had ❧ The prayer of the penytent O Heuenly father y t creatour and maker of all thynges to whom bothe heuen earth is obedient And to whom the algels do seruyce do synge with a contynuall voyce Holy holy most holy lorde god of power callynge the euyn so for thy great power almyghtynes whose excellente maiestye no thought nor tongue of men or angels cā expresse Now whē I haue sinned agaynst the do remēber with my selfe what a lorde of power I do offende with my great and innumerable synnes then I abhorre mine owne folisshenes And also whē I consyder howe gentyll louynge a father I haue forsaken I vtterly dis pyse my madnes great vnkyndnes And whan I beholde se frō what howe blessed a lyberte my spryte is banysshed from which is the ioy y t I was wonte to haue In the my lorde god and nowe in what a myserabte case bondage of sinne the deuyll I haue wrapped my selfe in then am I al togyther myscontented w t my selfe and sore troubled in my cōsciens And haue nothynge els before myne eyes but hell desperacyon for then my cōscyence trembeleth feareth much the greate Justice of god whiche in deade is ineuitable and no man can escape it But yet cōtrary wyse on the other side when I beholde lorde thy vnmesurable loue goodnes toward mākynde And thy mercy wherin as the ꝓphetꝭ do testifie thou dost passe excelle Which sadyst I wyll nat the deathe of a synner but rather that he shulde lyue be conuerted I therfore remēbryng thy greate kyndenes alwayes shewed vnto vs and these thy most gentyl wordes do saye vnto my selfe A wreche that I am why haue I offended so mercyfull a lorde and therat I am halfe astoned agayne discūforte i my selfe But thē cōmeth into my mynde a nother swete saynge of thy mouth which saydest That in what houre so euer the synner dothe repente I wyll no more remember hys vnkyndnes And therwith I am so muche conforted agayne that I am compelled euen to meruayle and lay with my selfe O the wonderfull loue of god towarde vs for his mercy is without ende And then I saye vnto my selfe why shulde I be in dispayre to haue remyssyone of my synnes at his handes whiche in the tyme of my noughty lyuynge hathe preserued me that I myght lyue lerne to knowe him And nowe of his owne mere mocyon calleth me to repētance bycause he delyteth in me and wolde haue me saued sor truly he hathe great delyte and comforth In a repentant synner that cōmeth vnto hym as he hath declared vnto vs by manye parables As in the .x. Chapter of Luke by the parable of the woman hauynge ten groses whiche yf she lose one then she lygh tethe a candell and swepethe the house and sekethe dylygently tyll she haue founde it And when she hathe founde it she calleth in her neyhgbours and lo uers saynge my frendes reioce with me For I haue foūde the grote agayne that I lost euen so lykewyse more ioye and reioysynge shal be in heuen ouer one synner y t repēteth then ouer nynety nyne iuste psons y t haue nat offēded And sykewyse it is let furth in the parable of the hundereth shepe y t were lette vpō the hyll for to go to seke one shepe y t was lost with dyuers other parables but it is most expresly sette forthe in the parable of the prodygall ionne whose Image I vtterly recognyce konwlege in my selfe for vnhappely lefte I So louynge a father buthryftely myspēding his substaūce and gyftes And whyles I do folowe styll the carnall desyres of my owne wyll vtterly forgetyng lorde thy pre ceptes I do tomble my selfe all to gy ther in the seruytude of vyce And so I beyng blynde voyde of all bertu brought to extreme pouerte can nat se whether to fle But vnto hi agayne that I dyd forsake for he is the lorde of power father of mercye Yes truly I am vnworthy lorde to be receyued of the. Or to lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the or y t I shulde call the by the name of a father but I most humbly beleche the to loke gently towardes me with the eye of thy mercy for thy gentyl loke the inspyracyon of thy spryte is of suche strength y t it reuyueth a synner beyng deade And it restoreth a sike mā to his helth againe For truly in y t I am dyspleased nowe with my selfe and do perceyue myne owne faute I must nedes referre it vnto the for it cōmeth of the grace And nat of my selfe for I beyng long blynde wanderynge farre out of the ryght way thou hast wytsafe to loke towardes me and to restore me my ryght agayne that I may se nowe ꝑceyue in what case I am And what daūger I have escaped And w t what myscheffes trobles I was laden cūbred withal I therfore lord beyng an vnthryfty seruant and worthy of muche punysshement Am nothynge worthy to be honored regarded lyke a sonne nor I wyl nat desyre it but it shal be suffycyent for me Yf it wolde please the of thy goodnes but to admytte me into thy seruyce And to accepte me amongest the sympleste and lowest sore of thy seruauntes that I may attayne to Saluacyon through thy mercy for in thy holy place there be many mencyon places or seates And it shall be suffycyent for me yf I may but syt at the feete of thy blessed seruaūtes haue merci therfore on me my lorde and father for I do vtterly abhorre myne olde corrupte lyfe And am come nowe for to dwell with the. And wyll neuer forsake the agayne But wyll contynue in thy seruyce all the dayes of my lyfe And I wyl forsake all the pompes and pleasures of this worlde a● the desceytful wayes that I haue vsed And wyl nat be afshamed here in this worlde to liue aster a pore sorte and to be acumpted a mongest y e most abiecte symplew so that I may wynne euerlastynge honour with the to whom be al prayse glory nowe foreuer more Amen ¶ The prayer of Salomon O
lorde wyl saue me at nyght and in the mornynge at mydday shal I pray hertely vnto him that he maye here my voyce Lo here Dauyd doth prescrybe thre solempne tymes whan a man ought to praye As at nyght whā he goeth to bedde in y e mornynge when he ryseth at mydday when he goeth to meate Danyell also the prophete vsed to pray thre tymes in the day at whose example the churche dyd ordayne the thre houres which be songe or sayd at this present daye in the churche after pryme And therof the thre houres toke they re begynnyg with diuers other examples which were to long to reherse but let vs take an example at thē for to serue god in prayer twyse a day at y e least y e is at euenyng mornyng al busynes layde a syde accordyng as I haue exhorted you before And it were conuenyent that we shulde also gyue thankes vnto hym at our meale tymes tor who wyll gyue a man his dyner And wyl nat loke to be thanked of him for it or who wyl gyue a chylde but anapple and loke nat to haue thankes for it muche more arre we bounde to thanke and magnyfie our lorde god that fedeth vs dayly and asketh none of our goodes for it who dar therfore sytte downe at his table excepte he be worse then a best and eate of the meate that god hath sente nat giue him thankes for it or who dare ryse in the mornynge and loke vpon the bryght sone whiche god hath created for to gyue lyght vnto vs wyll nat thanke hym for it or who darre go abrode in the worlde amongest his enemyes and amonge the temptacyons of the deuyl And wyl nat call fyrste vpō god for helpe or who dare go to bedde at nyght lyke a beast without thankes gyuynge to god for suche be nefytes as he hath receyued that day and for suche dangers as he hath escaped yea and also knoweth nat whether he shall lyue tyl the next morowe or no let vs therfore repēt euery houre call vpon god for mercy truste onely in hym And let vs take an example at these holy fathers to vse an ordynary fasshyon of prayeng because we shall nat forget our dutye And chefely let vs folowe the example of our mayster chryst VVhiche prayed vnto god his father dyuers tymes in the mounte olyuete and also when he made he last soper dyd institute y e sacramente of his moste blessed body he bothe prayed and gaue thankes to his father in heuen And also he commaunded his discyples and apostels to pray contynually lest they shuld be led into temptacion let vs therfore to lowe both his example cōmaundementes yf we wyl be called his discyples or crysten men And let vs nat leade oure lyfe lyke beastes but lyke men and remember as I sayde fyrst the cause of our creacyon and vse an ordynary fasshyon of prayenge And although that I haue appointed thre tymes in the day for prayer as in the mornynge at mydday and at nyghte as tymes most cōuenyent and approbated by Dauyd other holy fathers yet wolde I that euery man shulde pray as ofte as he is moued in spryte nat to deferre it to these thre tymes onely nor agayne I wolde nat that any man shulde thynke that I wolde bynde him of necessyte to these thre tymes a day as to a thynge which may nat be lefte vndone vpō payne of vtter damnacyon nay truely I wolde nat haue any man so scrupulous but yet I wolde nat haue them leaue it vndone specyally at nyght and in the mornynge And although y t I oughte nat to teache other mē but haue more nede to lerne my selfe yet I maye exhorte them as one cristen man shulde do an other for as this ordynary fasshyon of prayenge And suche other trustynge that by my exortacyon they wyl nat do y e worse but rather amēde and procede by lytel and lytel to most parfyte perfeccyō to which he brynge vs all that lyueth reygneth worlde without ende Amen ¶ In the mornynge blesse the and say thus BLessed be the name of the father the sōue y e holy gost nowe for euer more And blessed be the father of heuen that made me blessed be his sonne Jesu Chryst that redemed me and blessed be the holy gost that preserueth me to thē thre as to one god and one power which is my lorde and god in whom I truste be all honor and prayse worlde without ende Amen Our father whiche arte in heuen c. ¶ And then saye this prayer folowynge O Lorde I thanke the for all thy benefites for that thou haste preserued me alyue this nyght and brought me forthe to the begynnyng of this day beholde therfore lorde I enter into it all thynges to do accordynge to thy wyll pleasure kepe me lorde and defēde me and sēde downe thy holy spryte for to istructe me that I may lyue this day in thy seruyce ¶ An other prayer for mornynge O Lorde my god most mighti and mercyfull haue mercy on me wreched liner lorde I say which art the most hiest power to whome al powere be subiecte bothe in heuen and in earth and knoweth the secretes of our hertes to the O lorde do I cal vpon for helpe dsyrynge y e to strenght me this day agaynst al y e teptacions and assaultes of the deuyll and the worlde and to confyrme me with thy pryncypal spryte that I may cōtinue thys day in thy seruice gyue me therfore lorde these gyftes Gyue me the herte that may repente the wyll and desyre to haue knowlege of thy lawe and cōmaundementes the eares that wyl be redy to here the nat the worlde the eyes that shall beholde ryghtwysenes and regarde the poore man the handes I say that shal worke no euyl the mouth in which shal be foūde no deceyte y e tonge y t maye euer shewe forth thy prayse to whō be all honour and glory by the mouthes of all men worlde withoute ende Amen ¶ Also say this prayer LOrde behold me y t am thy handy worke put forth thy helpynge hande vnto me ❧ And when ye haue sayd thus thē go aboute youre wordly busynes remembrynge alwayes this great and special cōmaūdmēt of god which is ☞ Thou shalte nat do nor go about to do y e thyng to an other which thou woldest nat haue done to thy selfe ❧ Remember this well yf thou desyre to be saued ¶ At nyght say these prayer folowynge AT nyght knele downe on thy kneys make thy confession to god and aske hym mercy and repent truly in thy herte ¶ Repentaunce TRue repētaūce is to lament be sory for thy synnes vtterly to forsake thē neuer to vse thē agayne ☞ But to vse and practyse y t vertue which is contrary to the vyce wherin ye arre most corrupted ☞ As cōtrary to couetousnes make restitucyon agayne out of hāde wher