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mercy_n call_v lord_n sinner_n 2,337 5 7.5568 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16106 Ane co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie psalmes and spirit[uall sangis] collectit furthe of sindrie ... Scripture ... Wedderburn, John, ca. 1500-1556.; Wedderburn, James, ca. 1495-1553.; Wedderburn, Robert, ca. 1510-ca. 1557. 1578 (1578) STC 2996.7; ESTC S720 80,470 230

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blude of thy seruandis Mot cum into thy presence and thy sicht The greting of thy pure that ar in bandis In prisoun pynde of day wantand the licht The voyce of them that to the deid ar dicht Heir now gude Lord and help thē in yair neid And be thair strenth at all tymes and remeid Rewaird thy fais according to thair wrang Seu●● fald thair sin gude Lord mot puneist be For thay haue blasphemit all to lang Speikand contrair thy godly Maiestie Bot we thy pepill and scheip sall Magnifie And al 's exalt thy laude thy Name and gloir And sall the loue for now and euer moir FINIS ¶ Miserere mei Deus psal lj HAVE mercy on me God of micht Of mercy Lord and King For thy mercy is set full richt Aboue all eirdly thing Thairfoir I cry baith day and nicht And with my hart sall sing To thy mercy with the will I go Haue mercy on me O gude Lord Efter thy greit mercie My sinfull lyfe dois me remord Quhilk sair hes greuit the Bot thy greit grace hes me restord Throw Christ to libertie To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Et secundum multitudinem Bude Lord I knaw my wickitnes Contrair to thy command Rebell and ay with cruelnes And led me in ane band To Sathan quha is mercyles Ȝit Lord heir me cryand To thy mercy with the will I go Quhat toung can tell the multitude Lord of thy greit mercie Sen Sinners hes thy Celsitude Resistit cruellie Ȝit na Sinner will thow seclude That this will cry to the To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Amplius laua me Thow wushe me Lord quhen I was borne From all my wickitnes Bot ȝit I did throw sin forlorne Of heuin the richteousnes Wesche me againe and from thy borne Delyuer me in stres To thy mercy with the will I go And fra my sin thow mak me clene As thow maid Dauid King With Peter Paule and Magdalene Quha now dois with the reigne In heuinly Ioy fair and amene And I sall with thame sing ▪ To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Quoniam iniquitatem Full weill I knaw my wickitnes And sin contrarious Blasphemit hes thy gentilnes With sin maist dangerous And hes me led in heuynes Ȝit O God maist gracious To thy mercy with the will I go I grant my sinfull lyfe did vse In Sensualitie Ȝit thow gude Lord will nane refuse That will cum vnto the Heirfoir I schairply me accuse Cryand for thy mercie To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Tibi soli peccaui Only to the I did offend And mekill euill hes done Throw quhilk appeirandly defence To me is nane aboue Thus men will iudge thy iust vengeance Hes put me from thy throne Ȝit to thy mercy with the will I go Thocht thow gude Lord be iudgeit thus Full fals and wrangouslie O God sa gude and gracious Let thair iudgeing vincust be And schaw thy mercy plent●●ous Quhilk mot vs iustifie To thy mercy with the will I go Consauit into sin I am My wickitnes thocht thow behald Quhilk I contraceit of Adame Sinnand richt monyfald My Mother al 's did eik the same And I to Sin was said To thy mercy with the will I go Bot ȝit the Lord Omnipotent My cairfull cace did cure At Font quhen I was impotent Fragill vaine vyle and pure Than helpit me that King Potent In my misauenture To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Ecce enim veritatem Behald thow lufis treuth gude Lord Thow art the veritie This weili thy promeis can record Quhair thow dois it schaw to me The hid thingis of thy godly word That war vnsure to me To thy mercy with the will I go Thow hecht to Abraham anone Isaack his Eldest Sone Thow promeist al 's that Salomone Suld bruik King Dauids throne To sinners al 's that callis the one Grace cummis from aboue To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Asperges me With Isope Lord thow sprinkill me And then I sall be clene And clenar then maid sall I be Then euer snaw hes bene Ȝit of my clenes thy mercy The rute is euer sene To thy mercy with the will I go This Isope is humilitie Richt law in till assence The snaw sa quhyte in all degre Betakinnis innocence For and thir twa do gouerne me I sall do nane offence To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Auditui meo dabis Then ioy and and mirch thow sall me geue Thy mercy quhen I heir My banis law thow sall releue And be my scheild and speir Thy sword also richt soir sall grene My Enemeis with feir To thy mercy with the will I go My hope and traist hes bene to lang In mennis fals supplie Quhairfoir I grant I haue done wrang Not hope and help of the Bot now with steidfast faith I gang Unto thy Maiestie To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Aduerte faciem tuam Fra my sinnes aduert thy face My wickienes expell Sen I haue hoipit in thy grace Thow saue me fra ●●he hell Thy mercy is set in sicker place Na Sinner can repell To thy mercy with the will I go The theif that hang on the richt hand And sufferit with the deid In the last hour thy mercy fand For sin the haill remeid Siclyke gude Lord heir me cryand And help me in my neid To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Cor mundum Thow creat in me O God ane hart Baith clene and Innocent And let me not from the depart My God Omnipotent Sen vnto the I schaw my smart Richt pure and indigent To thy mercy with the will I go Renew me with thy haly Spreit To help my febilnes My teiris sall my cheikis weit For my greit sinfulnes Bot thow gude Lord my comfort sweit Expell my wickitnes To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Ne proijcias me O gude Lord cast me not away From thy perfite presence Sen that I grant my sinnes ay Hes done the greit offence And I sall prais baith nicht and day Thy greit Magnificence To thy mercy with the will I go Tak not from me thy godly Spreit In my aduersitie For till my Saull it is full sweit Quhen sin besettis me And thow sall mak my Saull full meit Unto thy Maiestie To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Redde mihi Giue me the blyithnes and the blis Of my sweit Sauiour For throw his bitter deid I mis Of hell the dyntis dour And in this mortall lyfe he is My strang defence and tour To thy mercy with the will I go Conforme thy Spreit maist principal Into me throw thy grace For sin richt lang held me in thrall And put me from thy face Ȝit vnto the my Lord I call Into my heuie case To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Docebo iniquos Then I sall teiche the wickit men Thy way is
iust and richt And thay that did the lang misken Sall knaw the God of micht Quhen thay sall ryse furth of the den Of sin and cum to licht To thy mercy with the will I go The sinfull then to the reuart Sall into gudlie ha●●st And rew thair sinnes with thair hart And thair auld lyfe detest And to them Lord thow sall conuart Quhen they thy mercy taist To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Libera me Delyuer me from blude schedding For blude betakinnis Sin For punishment I serue conding Ȝit efter the I rin Grant me that I may with the Reigne And at thy port get in To thy mercy with the will I go Than sall my toung thy richteousnes Ertoll and Magnifie Quhen gane is my greit sinfulnes And greit iniquitie God for thy grace and gentilnes Grant me thy greit mercie To thy mercy with the will I go My lippis Lord then louse thow sall Quhilk closit lang haue bene From thy louing sair bound in thrall Brekand thy swei●● biddene And keip me from ane suddand fall For greit paine I sustene To thy mercy with the will I go And then my mouth sall do furthschaw Thy louing glorious And I sall caus all sinners knaw Thy micht sa meruellous And frathine surth sall keip thy Law Quhilk is sa precious To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Quoniam si voluisses Gif the had plesit Sacrifice I suld them offerit the Bot thow will not sic auarice For thow art wonder fre And geuis vs thy benefites Throw Christis blude frelie To thy mercy with the will I go Brint Sacrifice is na delyte Unto thy Maiestie Thow curis nocht of it ane myte For Sin to satisfie For only Christ did mak vs quyte Of all ennormitie To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Sacrificium deo Ane Sacrifice to the plesand Is ane sweit humbill hart Unto the quhilk I vnderstand Thow dois the haill conuart Thairfoir gude Lord let thy command Na way from me depart To thy mercy with the will I go Ane contrite hart do not dispise God for thy greit mercie Sen for thy grace sa oft it cryis For succour and supplie And it sall thank ane thousand syse Thy godly Maiestie To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Benigne fac Domine To Sion Lord be gude againe Efter thy godly will And let thy louing thair remaine Thy promeis to fulfill For Mont Sion with greit disdaine In thrall is hiddertill To thy mercy with the will I go Ierusalem did get ane fall Hir wallis war maid full law For scho miskennit the God of all And daylie brak his Law Bot thow sall put hir out of thrall Quhen scho hir God dois knaw To thy mercy with the will I go ¶ Tunc acceptabis Then Sacrifice thow sall accept Of treuth and richteousnes Conforming to thy trew precept And to thy gentilnes For na man then sall thow except Into thair neid and stres To thy mercy with the will I go Then Calfis and brint Sacrifice Thy altar sall repleit Then greitar gloir and benefite Thow sall mak for vs meit Quhair day and nicht we sall not ceis Ay singand Sanctis sweit To thy mercy with the will I go FINIS ¶ Beati omnes qui timent psal cxxviij BLISSIT ar thay that sit in Goddis dreid And liue in his commandement alway Of thy hād labour thow sall eit be not feird And fair weill thow sall euerie day Thy wy●●e sall be as ane frutefull wyne And sall weill ay incres thy hous Thy barnis all sall to vertew inclyne As fair Oliue treis that be plenteous Quhen euer thow sittis at thy Tabill Thy barnis sall ●●and round about the Sa will the Lord mak the abill And fill thy hous with honestie Sa sall God him euer blis That d●●eidis him ay in his leuing Alway sall he be sicker of this That is neidfull to want na thing Fra Sion sall the Lord blis the That thow may ●●e to thy greit weill How prosperous Ierusalem sall be And thow ressa●●t to greit heill An●● profitabill lyfe sall be giuen the. And God alway sall be thy freind Thy Childeris Children thow sall se And peace in Israell sall thow find FINIS FOR lufe of one I mak my mone Richt secreitlie To Christ Iesu that Lord maist trew For his mercy Beseiking that fre grant grace to 〈◊〉 Or I be gone And to redres my heuines And all my mone Or I be deid send me remeid For thy pietie O Lord quhilk wrocht all thing of nocht Grant me thy mercy We the beseik with wordis meik O mercyfull Lord Thy humill word with ane accord Let be restord To sinneris all quhen they do call For thy mercy For quhilk on Rude thow sched thy blude Richt plenteouslie Sanct Iohne did tell thow heryit hell And schew mercie Ane thousand scoir thow did restoir To thy glorie O King of peace in quhome is grace Haboundantlie My miserabill life and sinnis ryfe Thow forgeue me Sen be na richt I haue na micht Me to defend Fra hellis pane bot giue thow plane Me sucour send Be thy sweit word to me o Lord In my distres Ane thousand syse than sall I pryse Thy halines Lat vs now sing and loue the King For his greit mercie And his greit grace schawin vs the space Sa plenteouslie With ane accord let vs thank the Lord Richt hartfullie With hart and Spreit sing Psalmes swe●●e Richt plesandlie As brether deir in this lyfe heir We may indure Baith nicht and day to Christ lat vs pray To mak vs sure FINIS QVHO is at my windo quho quho Go from my windo go go Quho callis thair sa lyke a strangair Go from my windo go Lord I am heir ane wretchit mortall That for thy mercy dois cry and call Unto the my Lord Celestiall Se quho is at my windo quho How dar thow for mercy cry Sa lang in Sin as thow dois ly Mercy to haue thow art not worthy Go from my windo go My gylt gude Lord I will refuse And the wickit lyfe that I did vse Traistand thy mercy sall be myne excuse Se quho is at thy windo quho To be excusit thow wald richt faine In spending of thy lyfe in vaine Hauing my Gospell in greit disdaine Go from my winde go O Lord I haue offendit the Excuse thairof thair can nane be I haue followit them that sa teichit me Se quho is at my windo quho Nay I call the nocht fra my dure I wis Lyke ane stranger that vnknawin is Thow art my brother and my will it is That in at my dure thow go With richt hombill hart Lord I the pray Thy comfort and grace obteine I may Schaw me the paith and reddy way In at thy dure for to go I am cheif gyde to riche and pure Schawand the paith way richt to my
micht Sauit to be I grant that I haue faultie soir To stok and stane geuand his gloir And heipand warkis into stoir for my remeid War not his mercy is the moir I had bene deid Thow lytill bill thy wayis thow wend And schaw my mynde from end to end Till them that will repent and mend thow schaw them till Beleue in Christ quhome God hes send and wirk his will FINIS RICHT soir opprest I am with panis smart Baith nicht and day makand my woful mone To God for my misdeid quhilk hes my hart Put in sa greit distres with wo begone Bot gif he send me sum remeid anone I list not lang my lyfe for till Indure Bot to the deid bowne cairfull Creature I can not do my detfull obseruance Till him that heuin all the warld suld dreid Auld Adame is the caus of this mischance And turnis oft my faith in wickit deid War not the deid of Christ wa●● my remeid I list not on my lyfe for till tak cure Bot to the deid bowne cairfull creature O God of gloir quhais micht is infinite Grant me thy grace quhome sin haldis in thrall To ●●echt aganis my fleshe quhilk hes the wyte Of all my wo and my appeirand fall Thow gaue command in neid on the to call And for thy Sonnis saik I suld be sure That thow suld saue all sinfull creature Remember Lord my greit fragilitie Remember Lord thy Sonnis passioun For I am borne with all iniqutie And can not help my awin Saluatioun Thairfoir is my Iustificatioun B●● Christ quhilk cled him with my nature To saue from schame all sinfull creature O Lord sen thow thy word to me hes send Thow let it neuer returne to the in vaine Bot let me perseueir vnto the end To my auld sin let me not turne againe For then bene far better into plaine Not till haue hard thy precept in Scripture Then knawand it die cairfull creature FINIS ALLACE that same sweit face That deit vpon ane tre To purches mankynde peace From sin to mak vs fre Allone to be our remedie To graith our place full meit He is ascendit hie And left with vs his Spreit To worship Spirituallie Onlie to be our remedie He had quhen he was gone Apply vs haillelie To serue our God alone In Spreit and veritie Alone to be our remedie Na kynde of outward deid How haly that euer it be May saif vs at our neid Nor ȝit vs Iustifie Nor ȝit can mak vs remedie Bot Christ we neid nathing Quhai●●throw saui●● we suld be He is ane potent King And will alanerlie Onlie be our remedie His testament maist perfyte Plainely dois testifie Quhilk his apostillis did wryte That nane may saif bot he Nor ȝit can mak vs remedie Bot now sen he is gone To ring Eternallie We worschip slo●●k and stone Can nouther heir nor se Nor ȝit can mak vs remedie We haue dwelt all to lang In fais Hypocrisie Trew faith Lord mak vs fang Wirkand be cheritie Only to be our remedie FINIS I CALL on the Lord Iesus Christ. I haue nane vther help bot the My hart is neuer set at rest Till thy sweit word comfort me Ane steidfast faith grant me thairfoir To hald be thy word euer moir Abufe all thing ▪ neuer resisting Bot to Incres in faith moir and moir Ȝit anis againe I call on the Heir my request O mercyfull Lord I wald faine hope in thy mercie And can not be thairto restoird Except thow illuminate with thy grace My blind and naturall waiknes Caus me thairfoir haue hope in stoir In thy mercie and sweit promeis Lord prent into my hart and mynde Thy haly Spreit with feruentnes That I to the be not vnkynde Bot lufe the without fenȝeitnes Lat nathing draw my mynde from the Bot euer to lufe the ernestlie Let not my hart vnkyndly depart From the richt lufe of thy mercie Giue me thy grace Lord I the pray To lufe my enemeis hartfullie Howbeit thay troubill me alway And for thy caus do sclander me ▪ Ȝit Iesus Christ for thy gudnes Fulfill my hart with forgiuenes That quhill I liue I them forgiue That do offend me mair and les I am chmpassit rounde about With soir and strang temptatioun Thairfoir gude Lord delyuer me out From all this wickit Natioun The Deuill the warld the fleshe also Dois follow me quhair euer I go Thairfoir wald I delyuerit be Thy help I seik Lord and no mo Now seis thow Lord quhat neid I haif Thair is none vther to plenȝe to Thairfoir thy haly Gaist I craif To be my gyde quhair euer I go That in all my aduersitie I forȝet not the lufe of the Bot as thow Lord hes geuin thy word Let me thairin baith liue and die FINIS OF mercy ȝit he passis all In quhome I traist and euer sall For to nane vther will I call ▪ To die thairfoir to die thairfoir For thair is nane vther Saluatioun Bot be that Lord that sufferit Passioun Upon our Saulis he hes compassioun And deit thairfoir and deit thairfoir That Lord sa far had vs in mynde He come from heuin and tuke mankynde He haillit the seik sair lamit and blinde And deit thairfoir and deit thairfoir To pray to Peter Iames or Iohne Our Saullis to saif power haue thay none For that belangis to Christ allone He deit thairfoir he deit thairfoir I Traist to God of suretie Be Christis blude saint to be In quhilk I hope sa faithfullie ▪ To die thairfoir to die thairfoir Thair is na deidis that can saue me Thocht they be neuer sa grit plentie Bot throw Christ and his grit mercy Quhilk deit thairfoir quhilk deit thairfoir Gif deidis micht saue our Saulis from paine Then Christis blude was sched in vaine As ȝe may reid in Scripture plaine To die thairfoir to die thairfoir Ȝit sum hes hope ▪ sauit to be For doing deidis of Cheritie Faith can not saue ▪ quhair na deidis be Thay lie thairfoir thay lie thairfoir The theif was saift be faith trewlie And not for deidis of Cheritie As wrytis Luk twentie and thre To die thairfoir to die thairfoir Fyre without heit ▪ can not be ▪ Faith will haue warkis of suretie Al 's fast as may conuenientlie Be done but moir Now Lord that deit vpon ane tre And sched thy blude sa plenteouslie Ressaue our Saullis to thy gloir We ask no moir we ask no moir FINIS WE suld into remembrance Of Iesus Christ our King Without ony dissimulance Be blyith and myrrie sing We war condampnit to the deid In hell for adamis mis Bot Iesus Christ the peice hes maid Betuix God and vs. Christ is our God and Sauiour Our help and our refuge Our brother and our Mediatour Our aduocate and Iudge Sen on our syde is God him sell Quha dar againe him pleid For
to Iudge baith quick and deid we trow in God the haly Spreit In all distres our comfort sweit we trow the Kirk Catholick be And faithfull Christin companie Throw all the warld with ane accord Remissioun of our Sin we trow And this same flesche that leuis now Sall stand vp at the latter day And bruik Eternall lyfe for ay FINIS OVR Father God Omnipotent Quhen Christ thy Sone was heir present He bad vs euer pray to the Becaus we knew not for to pray He leirnit vs quhat we suld say ▪ Syne hecht to heir vs mercyfullie Sen the to call is thy command Thyne awin wordis then vnderstand Quhilk thow hes promeist for till heir Behald not my vnrichteousnes Bot luke till Christis richteousnes And with thy faith my Spreit vp steir ▪ Lord thow will haue allanerlie worschip in Spreit and veritie And to ●●ane vther giue thy gloir Thy Name then let vs lufe and dreid And call on it in all our neid And thank and loue the euermoi●● Destroy the Deuill his Realme and Reigne Quhilk of this warld is Prince and King And let thy Gospell be our gyde Conforme our lyfe efter thy word That we may reigne for euer O Lord In thy Kinrik with the to byde God grant that we may wirk thy will In eird thy plesure to fulfill Siclyke as in the heuin Impyre And quhat that euer we tak on hand May be conforme to thy command And nathing efter our desyre Giue vs this day our daylie breid And all thing that thow hes maid For mennis sustenta●●ioun And all thing quhair of we haue neid Our saull and body for to feid But sleuth or solistatioun Forgiue our sinnis and our trespas For Christis saik quhilk geuin was To deid for our Redemptioun As we forgiue all Creature Offendand vs baith riche and pure Hartfully without exemptioun Defend vs from temptatioun The feind and his decatioun The warld sa fals the fragill flesche Saif vs from schame and from dispair 〈…〉 beleue and Lollaris lair And Deuillis doctrine mair or les Deliuer vs from euillis all Baith Spirituall and Corporall And grant vs grace quhen we sall die And fea this present lyfe we wend That we may mak ane blyssit end Syne reigne with the Eternallie Power nor gloir Impyre nor tryne Is nane in heuin ▪ nor eirth bot thyne And euer mair sall sa remaine Thairfoir thow may and wil releue All them that can in Christ beleue From deid the deuill ▪ and hellis paine FINIS ¶ The effect of the Sacrament of Baptisme and first institutioun thairof declaring alswa quhat singular comfort we obtene be the lamin CHRIST baptist was be Iohne in Iordan flude For to fulfil for vs all richteousnes And our Baptisme do tit with Sanctitude And greit vertew to wesche our sinfulnes To drowne the deid and hell for to oppres Quhen Goddis word with water Ioynit be Throw Faith to gif vs life Eternallie For our waiknes God of his mercy sweit To strenth our Faith ordand this Sacrament In Name of Father Sone and haly Spreit To welche our body and in our minde to prent That worde and water outward represent ▪ Throw wirking of the Spirit into our hart That Christis blude wes●●his away the sin In wart Our Baptisme is ane takin and ane signe That auld Adame suld drownit be and die And grauit in the deid of Christ our King To rise with him to life Eternallie That is we suld our sin ay mortifie Resistand vice leif haly Iust and trew And throw the Spirit daylie our life renew Be figure and be word Christ did vs teiche The Fatheris voyce was hard sayand full clei●● Iesus quhome I haue send my word to preiche He is my weilbelouit Sone sa deir In word ▪ in wark allone ȝe sall him heir In him is all my plesure and dely●●e To him I ȝow commit baith small and greit The haly Gaist come downe to testifie His doctrine and his Baptisme to declare In forme of dow sat on him soberlie In our Baptisme to dout not nor dispair Baith Father Sone and haly Gaist ar thair To be our gyde the Trinitie him sell Hes geuin in eird with vs to dwell Christ had his Apostillis preiche to all creature That thay with sin and hell war all forlorne Quha will beleue and traist my wordis sure And Bapteist is and new againe is borne And Sathan and his warkis hes forsworne Thay sall be saif and neuer mair sall die Bot ring in gloir perpetuall with me Quha will not this greit grace beleif to hell Sal be condempmt with Eternall deid Quhair Purgatorie and pardounis will not sell And gude Intent thair Pylate plie●●t and leid Dum ceremoneis ▪ the quhilk themself hes maid And vowis vaine quhilk thay did neuer keip Sall gar thame gnashe thair teith eyis weip Our eine seis outward bot the watter cauld Bot our pure faith the power spirituall Of Christis blude inwart it dois behauld Quhilk is ane leuand well Celestiall Ȝit for to purge the penitent with all Our natiue sin in Adame to expell And all trespas committit be our sell. Our Baptisme is not done all on ane day Bot all our lyfe it lestis Idenike Remissioun of our sin induris for ay For thocht we fall throw grit fragylitie The cunnand anis contract faithfullie Be our grit God at Font sall euer remaine Al 's oft as we repent and sin refraine We can not giue to God louing conding For sa greit grace and mercy Infinite Quhilk Institute this Sacrament and Sing ▪ Quhais greit vertew in veirs I can not dy●●e Bot mony cunning Clerk of it dois wryte Full Christianely al 's the Catechisme buke Declaris at lenth quha list to luke ¶ The Supper of the Lord and richt vse of it to be sung OVR Sauiour Christ King of grace With God the Father maid our peace And with his bludie woundis fell Hes vs redemit from the Hell And he that we suld not forȝet Gaue vs his body for to eit In forme of breid and gaue vs syne ▪ His blude to drink in forme of wyne Quha will ressaue this Sacrament Suld haue trew faith and sin repent Quha vsis it vnworthelie Ressauis deid Eternallie We suld to God giue praise and gloir That sched his blude vs to restoir Ci●● this in his remembrance In signe of thy delyuerance Thow suld not dout bot fast beleue That Christis body sall releue All them that ar in heuines Repentand sair thair sinfulnes Sic grace and mercy nane can craif Bot thay that troublit hartis haif Feill thow then sin abstene thy sell ▪ Or thy rewaird ●●all be in hell Christ sayis sinners cum vnto me Quhilk myster hes of my mercie Neidis thow nocht my Medicine I lois my paine and trauell tyne Giue thow thy self thy Saull culd win In vaine I deit for thy sin My Supper
it sall cum downe Be Christ Iesus quhilk is our Lord. Thow King of gloir grant vs thy blis Send vs support and comforting Aganis our fais that bissie is That schaipis till strop baith auld and ȝing In hour of deid grant vs thy strenth Glaidly to thoill thair crueltie And that we may with the at lenth Ressa●●e thy ioy Eternallie FINIS ¶ Magnificat anima mea MY Saule dois Magnifie the Lord My Spreit reioycis gretumlie In God my Sauiour and in his wor●● For he hes sene the law degre Of me his handmadin trewli●● Behald now efter this day All generations sall speik of me And call me blissit alway For he that is onlie of micht Hes done greit thingis vnto me And haly is his Name be rich●● As for his endles mercie It duris perpetuallie In euerie generatioun And thay that dreidis him vnfenȝeitlie Without dissimulatioun He schawis strenth with his arme potent Declaris him self to be of power He scatteris all men of proude Intent Euin for thair wickit behauiour Quhilk reignes in thair hartis euerie hou●● He puttis doun the michtie From thair hie estait and greit honour Excelling them of law degre The houngrie feidis he with gud●● And lettis the riche ga emptie Quhe●● his awin pepill wantis fude It thinkis vpon his greit mercie And helpis his seruandis ane and all Euin Israel he hes promysit And to our fatheris perpetuall Abraham and to his seid FINIS ¶ Christi qui lux CHRIST thow art the licht bot the day The mirknes of nicht thow puttis away We knaw thow art the verray licht That schynis to vs baith day and nicht O haly Lord we the beseik This nicht vs to defend and keip Thy rest and peace be with vs all Lat neuer na euill thing vs be fall Na heuy sleip nor deidly sin Lat not our Ennemeis vs ouercum Nor ȝit our fleshe giue na consent Grant vs our faultis for to repent Lord lat our eine sum sleip do tak Our hartis all tyme on the may waik Thy richt hand keip vs from all euill Thy awin seruand that luiffis the weill Our defender to the we pray All Ire and malice thow put vs fra Thy seruandis gouerne in the steid For quhais ransoun thow did sair bleid Haue mynde on vs thow Lord Iesu In this fals warld that is vntrew Thow art defendar of our Saule Lord heir vs quhen we on the call Gloir be to God Father of micht And to Christ Iesus his Sone sa bricht The haly Gaist that is sa fair Keip vs this nickt and euer mair FINIS CHRIST is the onlie Sone of God The Father Eternall We haue in Iesse found the rod God and man naturall He is the morning Star His bemis send he hes out far Beȝond vther sternis all He was for vs ane man borne In the last part of tyme. Ȝit keipit scho hir madinheid vnforlorne His Mother that bure him syne He hes hellis ȝettis brokin And heuin he hes maid oppin Bringand vs life againe Thow onlie maker of all thing Thow euerlastand licht From end to end all rewling Be thy awin godly micht Turne thow our hartis vnto the. And lichtin thame with the veritie That ar far from the richt Let vs incres in lufe of the And in knawledge also That we beleuing steidfastlie May in Spreit serue the so That we in hartis may sauour Thy mercy and thy fauour And traist efter no mo Awalk vs Lord we pray the The haly Spreit vs geue Quhilk may our auld man mortifie That our new man may leue Sa will we alway thank the That shawis vs sa greit mercy And our sinnis dois forgeue FINIS CHRIST Iesus is ane A. per C. And peirles Prince of all mercy For he fra me my Sin hes tane And is my Sauiour allane To saue bot he none is nor sall I out tak nane greit nor small To him is na comparisoun He is my Sauiour allone I sall him lufe with steidfast hart And for na cause fra him depart Bot him to serue I me dispone As to my Sauiour allone S●● on his grace I will depend Quhill Lachesis draw my lyfe till end Syne leue my Saule quhen I am gone To Regne with thrinfald God in one FINIS ALLONE I weip in greit distres We ar exilit remediles And wait nocht quhy Fra Goddis word allace allace Uncourteslie Quhair that we suld glaidlie behauld Our Sauiour baith ȝoung and auld Sa plesandlie Now ar we baneist monyfauld Uncourteslie Thay may our body fra the bind Sa can thay not our hartis and mynde Fixit on the. Howbeit we be with dolour pynde Maist cruellie O Antichrist we may the call From Goddis word wald gar vs fall Thy crueltie Wald baneis vs from plesouris all Uncourteslie Indurit Ignorance hes slaine Thy hart and put vs to greit paine Quhat remedie Sen we ar baneist from Christ allaine Uncourteslie FINIS THE Lord sayis I will schaw My will and eik my mynde Mark weill my Scripture and my Law Quhairin that thow sall find That with my faith I mak ane vow And knittis it with ane knot The treuth is sa ▪ I lufe the now Be war I hait the not It was my Fatheris will That I suld tak the cure For to cum downe in eirth the till And tak thy vyle nature To cleith my precious body pure Sa clene from sin and spot For lufe of the I mak the sure Be war I hait the not I fand the loist from blis Throw Adamis sin and pleid And quha sa euer wrocht the mis Was nane culd find remeid Quhill I my self did chose the deid To saue the from the pot I lufe the weill serue me in dreid Be war I hait the not For all the greuous sorrowis soir I sufferit and paine To my rewaird I ask no moir Bot thy trew lufe againe I am ane husband man but weir Quhilk labouris for my lot I lufe the weill I mak the sure Be war I hait the not My Ȝock is wounder sweit And al 's my burding licht All that be with my grace repleit Sall go the way full richt I am the rute of all mercy Quhilk neuer sall faid nor rot Sen nane the luiffit sa weill as I Be war I hait the not All ȝe that fair dois thrist Throuch brukilnes of the flesche Cum vnto me quhen that ȝe li●● ▪ I sall ȝour saulis refresche Call vpon me and I sall heir And saif the from the schot I lufe the weill I coft the deir Be war I hair the not Attend and tak gude keip To thame that cumis to the In to the habite of ane s●●heip with subtell Scrinonis slie For doutles than war inwartlie Fals wolfis vnder cot Renunce thair Lawis and cum to u●● Trewlie I hait the not Na man sall cum to me Except my Father him draw Nor se
say Allace allace Lat thir and vther at this day Be as thy glas Althocht Marcus Antonius was sene in Cosmographia Ȝit was his end maist dolorus Be that fals harlot Faustina Tak heid thairfoir of this be war Allace allace Be thow not snaird in Uenus snair In ony case Althocht Sextus Tarquinius Defylit chaist Lucresia He and his Father Superbus From Rome war banischit away A Iust rewaird for sic offence Allace allace Lyke punischement for lyke offence Oft cummis to pas Thocht subtill Sardanapalus A Prince was picht to rewle and reigne Ȝit war his factis sa licharus That euerie man micht se them plaine At Babylon he did desyre Allace allace To set the haill Castell on fyre Quhair brunt he was Ptholomeus Philopater The michtie King of Egypt land Being a michtie Conquerer His lust vnto a wenche did stand His weddit wyfe he put to deith Allace allace Thus Princes oft do spend thair braith As come to pas Phisco lykewise the Lychorus Quhilk Children be his Sisteris had That gat Heliogabalus Quhais lyfe in lust was spent to bad Defyling Mayd and wyfe also Allace allace Harlottis with him micht ryde and go Quhair he did pas Althocht Caius Caligula All his awin Sisteris did defyle And thocht him self in quyet stay Possessing plesure for ane quhyle Ȝit his men did his deith conspyre Allace allace This wretchit man he had his hyre As come to pas ¶ Exampillis takin out of the Bybill WITH Bybill materis to begin Historyis mony we may find How lusting lufe that laithsum sin The oppin eyis of sum do blind Thocht Sichem Dina had defylde Allace allace Baith he and Heymor war begylde As come to pas Did not daintie Dalilay The michtie Sampson bring to nocht Quhen he his secreit heid did wray In Uenus snair scho had him cauch●● Did not Apame in lyke case Allace allace Straik that greit King vpon the face As come to pas Thocht Ammon did his mynde fulfill Upon his Sister Thamar deir Ȝit Absolon his blude did spill Schortly efter as dois appeir Thocht Dauid was the Lordis Elect Allace allace with Bethsabe he was Infeet As come to pas Thocht Holofernes lu●●it lang To haue to do on Iudethis bed His lusting lyfe did happin wrang And scho did sone stryke of his heid Quhat wyne and women do ȝow se Allace allace wask and wander with modestie In ony case Thocht Iudas did with Thamarly Quhils was his dochter be the Law The Genesis dois testifie Iust Iosephis gude and godlie aw Quhen his Lordis wyfe wald him constraint Allace allace He maid hir purpois haillely vaine As come to pas Of him let vs exampill tak And neuer think on Cupides dart Uenus can nouther mar nor mak Gif vnto God we ioyne our hart And leif this airt of ●●anging lust Allace allace And in the Lord haue hope and trust Quhilk ●●s and was FINIS ALL my lufe leif me not Leif me not leif me not All my lufe leif me not Thus myne alone with ane burding on my bak I may not heir it I am sa waik Lufe this burding fra me tak Or ellis I am gone With sinnis I am ladin soir Leif me not leif me not With sinnis I am ladin soir Leif me not alone I pray the Lord thairfoir Keip not my sinnis in stoir Lowse me or I be forloir And heir my mone With thy handis thow hes me wrocht ▪ Leif me not leif me not With thy handis thow hes me wrocht ▪ Leif me not alone I was sauld and thow me bocht With thy blude thow hes me coft Now am I hidder socht To the Lord alone I cry and I call to the To leif me not to leif me not I cry and I call to the To leif me not alone All thay that ladin be Thow biddis them cum to the Than sall thay sauit be Throw thy mercy alone Thow saues all the penitent And leifis them not and leifis them not Thow saifis all the penitent And leifis thame not allone All that will thair Sinnis repent Nane of thame salbe schent Suppose thy bow be reddy bent Of thame thow killis none Faith hope ▪ and cheritie Leif me not leif me not Faith hope and cheritie Leif me not allone I pray the Lord grant me Thir godly giftis thre Than sall I saint be Dout haue I none To the Father be all gloi●● That leifis vs not that leifis vs not To the Father be all gloir That leuis vs not a●●lone Sone and haly Gaist euer moie As it was of befoir Throw Christ our Sauiour We ar saif euerie one FINIS ¶ Of the day of iudgement ALL Christin and faithfull in hart be ioyfull Reioyce and mak gude cheir Be merie and glaid and be no moir sad The day of the Lord drawis neir Under protestatioun with liue and correctie●● That nane be offendit heir I will speik planelie to rais ȝour hartis quiklie The day of the Lord drawis neir All Paipis and prelatis and spirituall estaitis That thinkis ȝe haue na peir Cast away ȝour wairis ȝour princelie effairis The day of the Lord drawis neir O hirdis of Israel heir ȝe the Lordis bell Knelland fast in ȝour eir Quhilk biddis in plaine ▪ leue ȝour triffillis vane The day of the Lord drawis neir Personis that hes cure to preiche vnto the pure Ȝe haue ȝour waigis to deir The layit ȝe will not teiche nor ȝit goddis word will preiche The day of the Lord drawis neir I will ȝow exhort in termis richt schort Baith Preist Channoun Monk and Freir To slaik of ȝour sleuth schaw furth the treuth The day of the Lord drawis neir And ȝe brethren all Ecclesiasticall Serue ȝour Lord God in feir Leue ȝour ceremonyis of ȝour awin fund gyis The day of the Lord drawis neir Ȝour coistlie reparationis ȝour offeringis and oblatiounis Ȝour curious notis in the queir On the day of dreid ▪ sall stand in litill steid Quhen the Lordis sentence drawis neir Princes and Kingis that sa Ryall Ringis That suld haue all rewle and steir Do Iustice equall ▪ baith to greit and small The day of the Lord drawis neir On the pure cōmounis suffer na oppressiounis Bot humblie thair plaintis heir With extreme Iustice trespassouris punische The day of the Lord drawis neir Syne with ȝour sword let furth Goddis word Our heuinly Mirrour cleir And anker ȝow sure on haly Scripture For the day of the Lord drawis neir Erlis Lordis and Barrounis hurt not ȝour cōmounis In body gudis nor geir Do ȝe the contrair ȝour housis will misfair The day of the Lord drawis neir Be trew to the Crowne defend ȝour Regioun That ȝour foirbearis coft sa deir And euer haue Eye vnto ȝour libertie The day of the Lord drawis neir I cry in generall on Spirituall Temporall This lectioun